Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 29, 1841, Image 2
. . . . . , ~ . . . A ' • ' •• :.; r : - z,,7,..-,r,,,.4,,,,\-,,,,,.....,;;;4.,-„47,: ~.,..v.rF,f,-4::-,....:‘,....,':,...-,,,c,,,;,,,,,kfct.,,,,,,MV.6'.,;?,M,P.11/2.Ne`.10;,,.,'.:2MItril-Vrthv..*";10t:,,,:4-Fr„-p,',Zoplfq‘v:,.9k•#wkirtA,Is.;,..,vit..:ve,vMpt:i•:,;::.,;;.t,".??,,T.Z.47kil,;?51--,..e.:k.,;,,,,tmt:t-";,---....t tr-- - Jti...7p,%:r...,.i, i ii, ..04:15 ~: k . . , ,t.;.ii5t:3:iir.qii, , ; :.,7107,0f,kft.. , ..,t1: , _ . ... ..._ .... i.,.... - -- -'• -.- - .. --- --- 4...-i ,..4.. . -,4, 1 -4..... - . -.. 7.:4:;- - .:-;,-,•..... 2 , -" " ...-..; - . . . El TIIE DEAF, DtUlll2 AN 1 4:111,INI) [AIRES. ' Meeting of La . ur.y lii idb rnun apif Julia Bowe. tte'eplk pontlence, respectiig the:two most remsr- ...peettrg me.... _ kable _deaf int 'lies in the • world, is from Me ••Neyv . _lrof j .it Commercial Advertiser: . • ° Hartford,- Noventher,--184 was at the•sehool for-the deaf and dumb, ifhis when that, interesting'. little, vreAttire,LanraAridgmaii, (t to liar Gtit . one, sense—that. of- touch,): arrived from Boston, and Made her visit. She Wait • accompanied •by - De. nolie - ,'Airs. ney, and some other persons, and' bervurn seemed .to he quite unerpeeted., It is probable that there ; is- hardly another ,1 ' the United Stateectviiisse appear mice qt the schnolArnuld °create stwli a sen . ration among the hundred and fifty inmates. Iler name was fainiliar to, all the pupils, who had dotrbtles,4' marvelled oineit how. a ;Ittinh'eltibt, deprived alto of the sense of sight s by which they themselves lesrn• - every thing, shourd - Wahle to Jaarti,to read, , write and talk... •• • ••• • When- the - newS - passed . fronri hand band that.f.anra Bridgman was in the of- . . fice, the teachers and pupils 'canto throng . ing mud her, and filled the rt i ttnit and.pes . sagetiy, while all. the way upthe stair ' case stood scores of little girls, with Spark . ling eves and ,animated fact : s ; eagerly.ges ' ticulating to each other, and conversing •rapidly in dumb , show. It was a beautiful sight to see so mueltH - life and happineas among Jimme unfortu nates; butt the principal antractionvas little - I f atara; who ; haring -taken: off: her - bonnet • and chiak,'appeared one'of the most intev. estinrchildten you ever saw. -- Slendrr and lac:Hely formed, with beautiful features and-fair-complexion,so—g-raceitti-Were—lter motions, so animated-her -gesticulation, and so foil of life was her; countenance, that but for the, green ribbon boUn4 over her ' sightless orbs, you would. have called, her. one of nature's most =rifted children" . ...Suck - T - tic.fe stood this eltiltl in opt one ray of liglit to piereo her ever-dor- .ing•d ' arkoess without a sound to break the `dreary stotneeg, without an odour even - to show the presence et - others, -yet jeyoue as a hird,yet -eonscions of every thing that wcth all, aunt to learn - the - natnes - of - allr •• • lighted to find that every one could-talk in her fingerlangie , ge,-- and evidently ing de fume of existence, and speaking in -dumb 'but expressive lanaitage• the -praise willeth ..the 7 - 7 1,npidnes9 • whom he ereateth. ' - . •- She was•-very impatient to meet Julia -Mfrs-^e, the onlyperson in The world. per haps, whose privation or eense approaches in any 6gree to hers; ad about whom it • seems much had - hem told her; . •• At last.Jutia was brought &wit, and the - two met, and felt of each other! But what a differenee between the two ! Julia is a • woman ecowe, and unprepossessing in her appearance,' because she is without „anima ' thm, without vivaeity r Without any expres -sinn of face. She was made to understand, by placing her fingers on Lthra's eyes and. on. her ears, that eke was - blind and deaf like herself, hut . her countenance . .changed . not; she manifested little interest, and in a monent er two began to withdraw from tho child, who clung to her, put around her neck a chain of her own braiding, dnil kisied her ! Vain impulse of affectioc ! Julia coolly put into her pocket the present .which'Laura had brought Iter,>and was making off from the child, whose distress now became evident, and who eagerly asked. the Miters, ." Why -dues she push me, Why does- she not•love me!" IVhat a contrast . in 'their' charactere I— 1 Lava wanted her affection and sympathy, and would not besatislied. without them.; Julia; having got her present, was desirous of terminating the interview, and carrying* off her possession ! uch,, is the effect of education; such the consequence of evolving the moral and so cial !mime, as. has been done in the ease of Laura ;' or. of exercising only the lower propensities, and allowing -human be ing-to live as do the brutes, within himself, and for himself alone . The kthil and good'Peeple who have the • charge of J ulia Brace seem to do. for her all they ,ctin do . ; but this, is little, for they have no - mints of communicating with her. I • learn that they think of sending herio,the sehoet for the Blind 'in Boston, in hope: that the method 'bY*leicli - Laura ha's been taught may he successful with her; and al though it seems to nie almost a hopeless ense,lor . sheds 35 years old, and herfile Ulties'haVer se long lain inactive, Oat ,they • , can hardly:he reevedto 'perform - their func tions, • tieverthelesti • the chance should be given to' her."..., •-• " ' •• • *twould tell you more about the nilmir.t. ?Me institution; where' I ,beheld the' scene -which I :have . deecribed, did I net know that it isfaniiliar to you and to most peo but,neitherflou,. nor ,I, nor any one, can ever 'become too_ familiar. with the' re.. tleettons:which the eight of _the - deaf and' dumb, or of any ,unforturmiel, 'naturally .. suggests. Nature *never utterly abandeus her children.; she furnishis the' some compensation for every _privation; ! i she places means af enjoyment. within the reach, - of the most desolate ; existenee is 'ever a boon to the innkeni; these is ne deipair, but.tliat of guilt l\ :'.** ' '• .., Row glen should', '*9; upon whom oho absolutely . shoWers "down: .her 4ifta—to • whom she lays open all hermyriad sources of iMigY:4Vift'irl .69, ,Worfitia44lli, and sound, fili4 7 ::titioys, an44tidte4 l 7l6vy . 'ilitlotil we see*ehbie s i_peteelieiltiai.and, :iv, )dicing in our existence,z,'t!a most'to Prairie its. Aver I ~''' '**!.,,- ",,, .., .., Fort , THE tatmorrto . "....4YVE , ',SOWERS. 'Thri:We'sieriiVerider Soya:that the lov era: of o wBo l.floivemirtjaydbrive ..adiantage. ~;fioni thiilknowledge, that.sandy-ei'irav4l - *o4p,,,rep!opyi, The***,sierction , of aroma. /71i4e,illtivii 4 r 1 of. Oa richest Peirailidjfe'l f K r. iitieeff,iif .00 , Plile*PerOai A 11 14 44 14 andikiiii .1014. :„,liKrsisms : -4,4,***lios, be's*. pliectivith .-01414-44,.#2:64'iii.gisifril:..‘''' sight f' : ROG Efi4 ERVIN '66lllng than that Of a - • ' lyenng *robs Of 'Argus %id,. 'e xc i temen t et tl et e in. B n o nn white, led upirembling to Mit alter. Millen laden to' the *deatit,otti young wernan-riam-, - . 0 .! , P 4-411 O lt l , e.. 100 Y:Eir0 1 1.0 1 efte 0410 ..;:ed.-AntilleAllister, , whoseberdy,tvaislound. , of he r years, forsaking - the household of In: the e a ' nu l on !I'lletofay nnder ei,r;• fathers and, the .11onte:yp4rher,--01041110-0-6711 lead with-the ,implicit - confidence, : and sweet: s!,e had been murdered:" • The-facts-of the istflf,nbatrdnnttteWtTwhicbabeiiMir4awmnal4'Jiiffiiir•;-iftiiutlieiiiiti— giting-tip all the world for the Men of her j 'A native, of Ellswarth, Maine, ,a fete ; when I hear her, in, the good n " i .e i. n ante ty A nt oeAiintee:yoni t gunge. the,,rittp4;,:ief4,„te7t. ; , ~,11i9 ey oat i, lte44y: , : - #7 ,- eui t , . ''for better for worse. for richer or poerer,_.l friend t ► come to Boston, where she would iweititnetie and 7in 'health, to hive, honor, be4 ,l sisted in learning , a Wade. and obey till ikath loth us part",—it brings. repaired Boston. There she. re; to Mind' .the - %beautiful - tintlifffecting mihted rot; a yeo,' Whiff" by- the Atath' - of Lions of Ruth Whither thou goest.l. .ham friendi,ehn- Was cast upoti•her•own , re go, and where thou lodge's will.lotige.; •sources. , . ..• thy people shall be my people and try God hr the my meantime she had becotne'knoivn ("I° ` l. • • • • anti eelebritted for her - great' bettutY; Torher tall, graceful form, frerlong raven - COIN - and, her 'Obeenly atop. She delighted to drees in Moe _Turkish robes and green velvet, and 'Wei marked' in every, halkotim, . by thi l'argegainet gem which - shone - up:4i • her .attreeted - to a . Bain; of - - She was. the. Matit.of every club,.and the belle . . of for more thin- threeyears. : ,... ' But a' change came over the. smooth couree,Olher life.. Alone and inexperienc ed, she fell a victim .to the .arts of an tin piincipled 'scoundrel; and she . was next known as his4nituress.' She lost herstand ing in society, and Atm pasting from one step in degratlition to another, With fearful celerity, we et length find her in the third tier of a theatre, resorting to theintoxicat ing bowl to still the harrowing of remorse, and living upon the wages'of shame and prostitution.. -• . . 'On ,Tuesday night she attended thea tre hi Boston. Refey'etilleslietl,_her looks were wild, and. her .whole manner'etrange -and-unnatural. She-told .one-of-the• police officerethat she had- a difficulty with her seducer on that evening. When she left the theatre, she begged the officer to go .w ith , lier.tolsl,-calt r which. he did• not . do. Presently' there, was a disturbance at the.. 416 . 61 4 1Asitier • IliftliVilfit01418:Wp,, seen;. 44111g-I(l4Si the very setlecer'it- is - saidand-the -CO drove_violently away.. . . A short time afterwards, a. boy standing upon the borders - Of the Poston Canal, ob . : served al map holding a woman over the ivateist'_by_ the - wrists. The. female, shriek etl,-,-"Let-ine go ! -- lernte - gotmercy! - tiTe. cy! for God's , saker , The boy heard an oath, and then a violent plugs into the wa ter, and both man and woman disappeared. The. watch were called, and the dead body of Ann McAllister watifoomfitiThw - ater... A' wellknown individual is suspected of the murder.. The-matter is undergoing- a searching investigation. Caoae Msenee: few days , since, a person in,.engaged: hotelier to come the nett niorniOtand,hill a hog fur loin. :.•:: i fite butcher telling him to have. the water boiled earlhianithe : would attend: In the Morning lie - attended; asked if the water was :boiled:, and ;being nliOver!' e!I '6l4onative;Y::killetrthe• hog : :and lied . him brougkt up to-ilis scalcling.portition.-- 'rhen ordered the good man 'of the house to• bribg nut the water, which he' dent: by bringing nut s etiltl:vitater: This surprised the butcher. "W there," said ho. "is your &-'Why. here, Molly and the hi:iled a t last night?" , • 4 0, ,now I know. you cant scald bogs without, the, water is' hot." Exit, the trials Of the knife in a rage. ---Milton iatt. -. • . A man bawd Stone exclaimed •in n bar room 4 'l'll bet I have the hardest name in the coThpany.'- "Done,"- said one .or the company, "what's your mune?" "Stone," ried -- the - fire; --- "iland — melke wane gin said the other,"my name is 'Ruder!" . . "liava ' you-dotedi" Relied 41 political drOmmet ( of a loafer, whciwne hugging a rotintlJlo,pollts..-tta lie .11ir9at a. ticket into i r ii*.litiVW!:: .4; * l 4:% 4 W l. l44;ll.4(aitut tai,;thit?.*:,'-e0ire.,44i41 the rinriaf, c . ,lii - y,.. a boa .aundown.:„Ntibiryilifiliea haildi'Willi 7 me. or treats o f fier I have voted. Yolk don't catch me.'-'—Louisiana aronicle.. • Which is the most deserving of commis aoration, the man =who has .an appetite-for hicainier. or fie who. had na dinar forltis appetite friend ! are you -a-Washingto Mau?" " NO, I am - a •ThOmpsoman." "Yes, 1--sae -you have pee n steaming it," • • • IIEIVRY (LA:Y. A number of citizens . at Dayton, purchased a plough exhibited at the Agri cultural Fair recently held in that city, and presentcd,it,t ice.n, tualty,accompauiedwith a handsome cum= plimentary hitter, to • which lie replied as below ASHLAND. Nov. 0, 1841. GENTLEMEN: I have received your oblig ing favor of the 3d iti - stant,And the plough which you have done the the himor to'send. I request your aceeptance, and that of the gentlemen by whom it is offered, of my cordial thanks for a .present, so congenial with my most agreeable occupation, and indicative of the best and -the most inno cent pursuit of man. It is a magnificent specimen . of the ,kind, and Uglily credita ble to the skill and taste of Mr. Miming "ton, who made it. If our law-makers would worleas well , and as. true, as I am sure this plough will, their laws would be as good.As the crops which I am persuaded. it may be made to produce. I am, 'gentlemen, inexpressibly thankful and grateful for the confidence you have so kindly conveyed in my public career.= It is perfectly true that it has. beerfone full* of difficulties ; resulting sometimes from political opponents, and-redently from both -profesied friends and open foes.. Whether proceeding, hoWevei, from . one or the oth er, or from both, my rule of 'coquet - has beerwand, .durind the• shorflithe I expeot to-retnain in the public councils, will be, to.discharge my duty, firmly - And faithfully, regardless of all personal consequencee..= Your testimony is highly gratifying. com ingi-sts -it does. from a .respeetable, portion of Ohio, to which I have been always un der the greatest 'obligations:, ll:tender a -heartfelt ackpowledgment of these to you and to those whom on this. occasion you represent. . . . •.- YOU friend; and obedient servant. _ • , •,• ,' H. CLAY. ,filirinan. and , .the , New 'Orleans Orescent,,,City gives . us an account-of a . ymingladk, who, having Said her prayers, (y . iing ladies :then do say their prayers in that read, over her loverie, hoitletter,. - and'ivet it with her tears for 'the 'fiftietrtlitie,'beeatisei cruel,' hard hearted maul, the : Secretary of the Navy, or the Commodore, would net lilloW ;. him to 1eave 14444 and i py on the wings Of love and stoarn to her arms —;-Warrited .her , pretty feet ; and wrapped, them up . nicely in , flannel, 'turned deWnithe Clothes, when lot there lay • nieely.coiled 'up - the arch 'away of woman The 00 11 Y7Oulig. Isely.screamed,' ; as she . :,Fss in, duty bound to do. which the serpent lOt 'hie, life fothis,preisureptidit A Tun was made last weeltupon the old Oswego Bank; but without crippling , her in. the:' least. , The only parties not eatis +bed with this result, says the Oswego Her . Irk noticing the fippaintment of a Lord :aidl are those who fear the biirift will riot Bishop of Jeri:Salem by the =English Go„, brialr. . There is a Mal Mont of this mo vernment,, a Loriddn: paper 'states that 18 lignant feeling t . this, levelling down princi. Years ago•hjkloidshlo was the oil:tinting) ph? in -existence: It is the very qufutes. rabbi of ii - 11 . 0 Pee:of‘destructicenisa, and, it , is .doin area haptiied Plymouth, and _received , Ifs work rapidly, to the' great iniury of every orders atthe handed' thb late Archbishop' chin the. community.—U. aY, Gazette. ofTuam, in the:church - Of fceland,a church I• • - • claiming. the percsufinosidic descent, un- , , TOtrolteeztteThe..-FOOekiott 01 , the Wilted by ftoperY.%;'llh: lefilehii of pure two , Minse• 0040 T ennessee - ' egieletUret• Hebrew:fletigoft4 titer tribe'ofJudaht; his not being able, by Yealleft-'4 ihetrietion. losiety, and f-4 - ,41‘11W esteemed : nerttier; , Mee; lists absenting ;.themselves,,, to storm ; a'Auo- Alexandetili cfk,thelnirest : . rnm, have adjourned sine die, without elect blond, slid of, the tribe unitv,:ng. Senators. Of Course this , 'Stale, will int A one the•royal and the priestly tribes. not; be represented in the Senate,Of the IL, Their, ldest bny,whosit' home is MieWel, Slittelret the present eissiOn; if it , is, at the siOde4ii - Ohilattti Hospital; but whe4'fistit. , This ;conduct. on ,the part. of ,ihe ther.haritto'unittrittnintneke to nest and recusa nt: members is, revfiluti9nargr -v1 XiNr, is not stated. ,000‘c . ' .„ N„ , .;;" ; , . • - __________ -___ .... . . . . . • .. „ ~ . , e . , „ a $ 1 c ct.a-li • Jo . _ • .., ...,,,,..,,,, . ~. ~..„. . ~ -',..‘ . 4 ,''' ' • v . .' -, , '''':••• '',, ' ' X... , i -,..* • ' 4,. , .t, ' - ''.........' ' - ' ''''''' .' ''''' ''' ' " ''''' ' '' ' ' ' '4, "A? l ' , , ' ' . l . '. ' ' :414 .' , 1: , . ' .' 4 ';' • tel . ' , ' r, ' , ' ~ • , .- . --, The. Boundaty . Businees.--A letter from. Hancock Barrackis.-Maine, to ilte - N. York TribOne, says: "We have English. troops stationed at the north and east of tis, but they are not the finest regiments. I have seen several Of their service, and believe that should we h a ve a Rua, it will not be with our equals. As to that, however, we -have-little or no, apptehension. Should - we have a brush thii winter, it will be in consequence of some inal-administration on the part of the 'Authorities either on one side of the line or the other. Our citizens ire not wanting in high toned feeling, nor ;washer Majesty's subjects on the opposite side. The slight est faux pa. would produce immense re sults. A war with England, in my opi- nion, cannot be,• parried off mucttlenger.' A singular and fatal circumstance is re corded by the Marshall (Va.) Beacon. It appears that a Mrs. Anne Pettinger, daugh ter of Robert Milk, of Jefferson county, Ohio, whilst riding on horseback on the 26th ult., was seized With an epileptic fit, which caused her. immediate death. Mrs. '. had only been married the day previous, in Mr. N. Pettinger of Brooke county, Va.. and the bride and groom, in company with 'nutritier of their Mende, when this die tressing event occurred, were returning to the home . of My. P. in the height of hilar ity and merriment. In the spring time f life, the flowers that adorned the path of the bride; were gathered to strew upon her un timely grave, and the gay bridal vesture en cases her cold form as the , sad and mourn ful winding sheet. Who can calculate the chances of existence? In the Stale of Illinois the newspapers are discussing the proprietrof amending the State Constitution, so as to permit the introduction of slavery, with a ilia! to.the cultivation of hemp and tobacco. Many persons seem at a loss to know why Mr. Botts dubbed the President "Cap. tain' Tyler." Some suppose 'that it was in derision---others that it merely referred . to hinkes a leadef.. The Charlestown Free Preie says, that Mr. Tyler'during the last war commanded •a .company of volunteers in New Kent, or Charles City, was iwthe service on the seaboard, and made a. pretty good as "well• is popular officer. At home he wile generally known as "Captain Ty. ler," an& was rather proud of-the tide. • 4, 1 !;1 . f • _ • fieipele4ytifrorn Flotitla;e-..460 St: jr 1 i"lO,l3aYB taken in piiteuitiee „oil an (Wei. * . Of the House of Hepresentatifes. clearly' and un aquivecaliy,proves,Havid LesrAe ,be-an alien, and thetefore-ineligibie to a seat in *liiie T,Tkle.intelligent editors - of.the,Xerk,. re.. itePublican; in 'thelipaper of the' Bih . inst., .ffine;roapor,de4e-titeT , epporle. , Pwhich,chave heel) made to the :friends of American_ id 'citiOrkiio ;tlivilili4iiiii iniaior Orthe,HOinti. League.BoltintoreAriericert. ' _ 6 The' i'roieitiilti lit iffiiiit . ' liidtistry. We have- devoted a !good' deal' of Vile/pace to-day to. the feblibationiif 'articles hatlng a bearing,- inorkoriess . direct, 'on the 'great' subject. ,of theTrotection - -Of Domestic-.ln= . dustry.'. We :have been indebted' for them chiefly, as usual, : to that able and intelligent ativoCateof the true 'intereits of this Couna try; the Baltimore' AmeriCan; from . which we have adapted -to this 'Meridian.. the rir- - tide fleadeti - ”TheqllentOteague,". Which' was written..viith en lamellate vietitothe position of-Marylinkbutin-its-argurnents and- ezliortattcms is admirably adapted to the • Condition •of Pennayffnitniai- It being admitted on all hands that the Tariff must come Jiefore_ Congress for adjustment at the present session, in' consequence of the term ,dtiring which the• Compromise, Act . , was to run having expired, it becomes all .who de , concerned in this great matter to make themselyealheard at the Capitol in no• uncertain tones. -Thmechanics,the emer gency is • meet ;pressing. Already do our dandies, in their - contemptible aping-of fe r reign fishioni and ridiculous fondness .fife wearing. foreign 'goods and - manufactures, begin to send ,orders. abroad' to .uropean shoemakers_and-tailors for articles of dress, - • and when the .last reduction on our current , . rates of 'duties on imported articles shall be made hi . July nest, and: every-thing iff beonght down to the unvarying standard of 20'pereeitt. adhlo rem, our meghanice of £'/qry :kind .ii'ili find.,ltiteritsefvea : tunleiscild ' at:theit . otin hi:ineeValietts. - :•Vhis result ie . aneititablefroth - the 'fait that. the differ ence between the4price of labor in. Europe and the United States is-quiet sufficient to counterbalance all the operations of such a duty. in our favor..•__Look at the operative* in England, France and Germany—their miserable._ wagesitutileq -- tel - .sttbaistenee- and social degardatiob, and ou cannot-a void thinking that we must either be Le- ducedld their 'own condition, or "be-sup planted by the fabrics which they make. ' tint* our 'Tariff be' raised: :Considerw• -I ion s -- such - a - s * tlicee - iiiight - tii Ofielt - iiiiiey et; of all our productive. classes-410 Farmers. Mechanics, and Laborers especially,to the deep interest which they-have in this ques tion; and we hope . that an. effort will .be. i filmed iatelyin tide .t i n organize a- liia n c !i- of the "Home League in York,.and make the' voice of our Mechanic.a heard in Congress. Locofoco C President.—=A ' . idiute r Prestdent.— correspondent of, thit. New York Tribune writes as follows:-="On one subject I was under a misapprehension prior to coming here. - I supposed-the-larger portion of the Loco Foco party impaled to support Mr. Van Duren for President' in 1844. It is not so. Unless lam greatly mistaken, the Recluse of Aindcrhook has now very few advocates South or West of the Delaware. The tide may turn in season; but just at present it sets very strong!, against him, and his look is a sorry one. "The party" will probably take its heat candidate for President from the Senate, and perhaps Air Vice President also. Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, is certainly looking to the first post, and Mr. King, of Alabama, is esteemed eligible for the se cond. But ("olonel Benton's star.appears to bein the ascendant, at least at the Globe office. His blusterin# voice, was'in . stantly raised in vehement opposition trt4he Mes sage. in order'tci forestall 'the judgment of the party, and huh thi approbation which it was feared its moderate tone and, concil- iatory doctrines would extort. It is his' ruffian spirit which dictates the brutal it melts on Mr., Webster, which defile the oluMns . of that sheet, if' its defilement be possible. Last . eveming's leading article violently assails that portion of the Mes sage which treats of the Right of Search on the Slave. Coast,viv bleb it attributes to Mr. Webster, insinuating broadly and repeated ly that he is in the. puy . ofEngland., and engaged in selling our eights and interests to . her for sordid gnidl Such is the spirit of master and_ man---Bepton _and: Shall they,etTr again beihe rulers of the AmericanleoPler We trust not. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. It seems that we have ' ay length . one at _the head of this Department who is dispos ed to ferret onfiqd,:coirici its abuse s. We beg leaveto celthia att,ehikan le the'ehame ful impositions skikpractieed upon the De p'artment by the., proprietors of the Globe newspaper. Recently they have addressed to almost every postmaiter. in the West a lithOgraph.pircular, _referring to and accom panied ,b3k'Pack!igen ' Congressional Globes andAF:ipe! l 4,i4ii r e' large . pack-_ age of dime _ recentl y ie.* to the , beeterille post office, and the tionitineeter promptly returned them to Washington: About the siinni time, the ,rmiile 'throlgh this place were` oaded 'downwith the, IMMO doo u . ments, addressed to post masters. During the lot canvass, at an, obscure-post ,effice in,Shelby, county, a bushel of Amos ;Ken. dalPs, Extra Globei were received a single mail,. addressed ~to the postmaste4 and it is presumed that ~ t her Were 0. 10 1 , in like,quantities to all the post'offices in the Union.. It is_ monstrous that' OlesliAbinill: should be longer tolerated, Every post inester convicted,, . of "receiving such filocu. withoet !ending haelg;ied _Prizing the Peet Office ;De partment .of, the frond, ought to be, piapjly rem4ed; and ae ought ; . every officer ,convicted ,Of, using his franli for ,eleationeerini mpg,- 10,(frale - Robert TYIM .Privute ,SWetary, to the PrPonin. Yp nt, kpoim in - proire in 'Neiv , 'rit, It should 60 eatitio4:!erho Tiacal Along'. or, Boit; to Keep a Becioo mip.Atirigict , GAVATlN. I be err . etter Jr.. T. Abbott, i:,""of Tfeitinti';' , N. 3. On' ttii subject of a resumptiOnlof specie payments by, h e, flanks .of New Jersey. „..„ 'The folloviing is apartd • the letter: order resume_Spepie,pept a • • • • , 'eLtilove suipentled meet havomade.thonicesearipreparetions.. It, is not ,a aletter . of opinion, , !Mt this , 'Citi' 'ffeetiii in ,no other. Fr111Wer3,.t4,13.. ky u PA' the of bank s, and a Ctirree . POnding curtailing of their , own loans and, discounts.' This list Measure is , always .inconvenient twthe- , borrowers, who call it , an injury to =the ~ c ommunity. : =The con tinued suspension 'of specie 'payments, and circulation of u deprinated - currency, are the general evil and the true to the com munity at large. , The , reduction: in ; thit a mount of.disiounti is a. pititial evil Which falls precisely on those who• ought to bear it, since it was the excess of loans, which was the cause 'of the suspension." Two years hive elaiised since thilitUtlik4ibielor the second lime. if apy of the' Banks not, during: a period- = so- amply : -sufficient 1 for the, purpese, gradually , lessened their , discounts and liabilities, so' as in be pre- 1 pared for an immediate resumption, it is their own fault; . and .it ie fir . better that some of them should, if: necessary, wind up their business; rather than those which are sound and prepared, should continue to suspend their payments, ind.that the gene ral interest should still be sacrificed for the benefit of the few. The interest of diose borrowers who oppose, a resumption may be combined with that ofsome of the bankr, either on account of their own embarrass- 1 mend as was the United. States Bank of Pennsylvania, or because' they make larger profits, so long as they are not compelled to curtail their disiounts. In either case, plausible pretences for further delay are never wanted; And of this we' hail sufficient evidence prior to .the resumption of ,specie paydents by the banks of this city. Mil Arkansas 'is. probably 'about .to the lead of het LocoFoeo sister Mississippi, and. repudiate .a portion . of het Debt! It seems that the State loaned her bonds to a large am o unt to create and sustain her Real . Estate Bank, like true Divoice of Bank and'ttate Loco-Fdcos, 88 most of her Pen- Weed Legislatortrare;:i_DlA,hese - Boods_ 8500,000 were regularly and fully endors ed over to the North American Banking and Trust Company of this city, to 'raise funds upon: The N. Am. Trust Co. pledged Messrs.. Belford & Co. London Bruke - rs. - Th - us they - stand; the N. Am.' Trust has gone. out;_the, Real Estate - Bank and the State of Arkansas refuse to pay either principal or interest, alleging in bar the frauds of their agent, the N. Am. Trust! Of-course; - -if‘ thie-grOund be --tenable. --no paper security can ever be considered safe or negotiable. His excellency Gov.. A. Yell, in communicating the determination Of the State to the unfortunate holders',of her bonds, is ad abusive and insulting as a scoundrel who-believes he has the advan- . tage of his victim.would be likely to show himself.—N. r: Tribune. Real men and women never sneer at me chanics and operatives. " ,But. self-styled gentlemei•and ladies not unfrequently do. We have hearll of a lady who once4eft the ball room „because a mechanic entired., She married . a basket-maker, and died a waelftymnan. Teniperance Departbnent. PLEDGE OP THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO AGREE, THAT WE WILL NOT USE ANY INTOXICATING LIQUORS NOR TRAFFIC IN tam AS A„1/EVER/WE; THAT WE WILL NOT PROVIDE THEM AS AN ARTICLE OF ENTERTAINMENT, OR 31 . 01 PERSONS IN OUR EMPLOTMENT; AND THAT, IN ALL SUITABLEWAVS, WE WILL, DISRIONTENANCR THEIR USE THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITY. -...•.w-- STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION ! This Coniention meets in 'Harrisburg *on the second Wednesday•of January, ISO. it is expected 'Oat the 'various 'meiotic' throughout the State fully repre sented, as subjects of Veit is pertanee are to be presented for its consideratiOn.. RESPECTED FRIESID:—..About two mouths has elapsed since I visited my old acquain tances In a districCof,,this cit.*. where. ,A used to call every tel days.' During my absence,.a young lady called , on me and very, earnestly requested that I would go or send some one to invite the intemperate to attend the , temperance . meetings. I - called on our brother. McKim, and , he went to the ,pot immediately, and succeeded in gaining he attendance of some. Yesterday I called at the house tenanted by six or eight fami lies. An old lady was the _first to say she was glad I hiltsome, for a,great „change, the said, had been•madein the house. , ''he man overhead, had joined the temperance society a few weeks ago, and was sober ever since. I went up stairs into his room, and his, wife,seemed overjoyed. 0, said she, that man, pointing to her husband,. has been tk‘ great dninkard twenty yew, until.three or four weeks ago, McKim come here and got bins to awn the pillage, and behaenetdrank a drop of liquorsince, and he is determined not,tedrink.any. more. ~ Her, "laughter, about twelve or thirteen yeant.of age c neatly clad, sat near her, and seemed delighted. She•had come front the Sunday eehooli and intended Logo with her father to the temperance meetingithis even- QI g. • , • - Pelehi - c into the Ifeet room, there - i Its 4nalhetr, feetilYlejeteiet also in the ellelfr- Jug .refnrmatiou of the huabind'And father. too, hadiong, been a driiehard.;:hat,ll4 same_invitation 4 0 , rie the temPPIVFu ) SiegY , 41 10,hb! *ire'. %valiance! Ivo* happy , • ," , Nowldi ;this re ulted Troia' ilia ,attention and-intereet . cnfi-thatiffrontlatly,=Shelkful , visited, the ' old lady alreiuly,. mentioned; when very sick in this "houe'et,and at.theee tehLrv_iett't er charity, she discovered , the iheoe Her tendeirrei gard.ror them has wrought Out, a deliacy anceirom the dog , redation of drimkenness. i l afer Red ef' 1 1 1 0 e - ite:PereY greet thai Other ytin.g ladies meY CO,a lid ilkew,hie• m,==3====ummmos - , • A. TEETOTALLER'S SIGN, ..'As. a neivly pledged Washingtonian' was - passing passinff- through the street last week, he wad thus' hailed by 'an old runt companion; "I say,..Tom,.,they tell me you"ve. become teetotaller." "Yes," was the reply, "and I am proud of it, and wish you would - too. I have been a drunkard; a loafer, and most every thing else for the, last.. three years, and thank Goa 'it has made me a .man a gain!". The companion hardly knew, what. to say to this, it length he added in a jocu lar manner,. " VV.ell,Votn,.they any you tee ittinw .caelt other 34u:telt-an what it is ?',. 'Certelnly; we'have a .rilost excellent sit, T added Tom , - pulling out a • double - handful of half-dollars. and shaking them.-in,..the "face of his' former companion; 'this-is the teetotaller's sign.!'lChis proied a knock down argument,.and the other promised to .-ccinie---iiPliet-Itlonday-night-and-alsoinin the teetotallers,-for he liked - theirsign-N. Y. Orsct. .. • r-- 'The unfortunate_ Menwho perished at Ilbgara_Falls. a tear—days--Since; -were en gaged in smugglint*hiskey. In their flight from a Canadian custom house ()goer, they were driven by a gale into the•rapids; Milk.iaaaid lioattansidoie,to that burn ing and' apparently . unquenchable thirst whicli afflicts men who,bave been confirm ed dninkards, when they atteMpt to break off from their habits. • STIMIP . STEL-ItS. • Came to the plantation. lateof Wm. , Weakly, deed, now In the occupancy of the subscriber, in Dickinson town -011”1111.t shipp, one mile West of Cumberland on,the Bth of November last, .• Two Red Steers, supposed to be about four years old each. One is marked on the right-horn with the letters B. C.,nnd c othir one on the left with B. G. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay' charges and take them away, or they wall be disposed of according to law.' — BARNHART GARDNER., 1841.-40 • NOTIC E . . To Constables, Retailers, ckc. IN and by an act, of the °emeriti Assembly of . Pennsylvania, entitled " An act graduating the duties upon wholesale dealers and retailers of bier &lndite, and prescribing the Mode of issuinglicen ses and collecting said duties," and its several sup plements, it_ isinade the, duty of the Constables of of the - levet:Si townships and boroughs within' the 'county of Cumberland, and they are hereby regain. ed to make out, on• oath or affirmation, and deliver to the Clerk of the . Court of Quarter Sessions; a separite list of" all persons engaged in the selling or vending of goods, wares, merchandise, of what soever kind or nature," on or before the first day of the next January sessions, being the 10th day. .The following is the classification underthe act of thelith of May,ll4l: Those. whose sales amount to $900,000 .and up wards shall constitute the lst class, and pay 6200. 200,000 and less.than 100,000 241 class, $l5O 100,000 •do 200,000 9d " 100 85,000 do, 100,000 4th . q . 80 75,000 do 85,000 ' sth " 60 .60,000 • •- do • • ..75,000 • 6th .-;" 50 somo , do 60,000 7th " 40 • 40,000 do 86,000 Bth , g .30 30,000' do . 40,000 ° 9th 25 20,000 do 30000 10th 's -20 15,000. do 90;000 I Ith - 15 10,0001 do .. 15,000 12th " 12,50 5,000 do 10,000 19th 10,00 ,Less than . 5,000 .14th " 7,00 Pitovsarm, That where such wholesale or retail deiders confine their purchases'and sales to buying and vending goods, wares and merchandize, the States, product, and manufacture of the Unitid States, lie or they' shall patron!). one half the amount of ,the license required by 1 140iprOvtikbul ig above *bitted. • • • " And every seller or vender of winecor olialilled liquors. either with or without °the-00W wares, merchandize, commodities, or effects, as• aforesaid, shall pay for his license rim crier. in addition' to the rates above specified far the respective Glasses." sMerdiants Dealers, • and others'interested in the wad act, at a also notifi ed, that the AssOciate lodges and Commissioners of said county, wi/lattend at t4e Com iniultmers' Office; on hiday the 14th day. of January, 1842 at one o'clock P. N. for the purpose of helring,and deal. fying all retailers , w slid county, agreeably te said set, where all such asshink Proper www Weed - . • • Arresp—JOHN IRWIN, .• eke*. to Cenunksisnere.'" Commissioners' 0 Mee, Zor .Cartnle, . • . • . itSt,hs4l. , • s - fly: virtu. , off writ or wo - ditroof Expo*. •to la tie direeted. souped out of the .Court , of gitm , mosi Mai orComlierland county, wilt baexpoied to siobtle Wei et the "CoOrt Howlett th'e'lo'reugh . of ••ftniiele,' SatUreat the.etkdai,ofJaintiu74B.l2. .141106 1 oloelt;.!%. dee , follOwhit'de#titied:'reat A,.faFt or .11 'L9t or orowid situate ' in the boroughale, Cunalierlendeounti, eoutelnink BO feet in breadth on eh AO, end 4 25 feet iitibreadts ,mororkirs i , oh Porofectscreet, (the Afrieon' church soulgroood belOrigtht- th 6 came.' excepted 4gto ,todirt o 4l94l 4 Pirrol in'gOPth Moro or klOOlorißt Wore ciA *`oted *Au* I•4g House: . • . , Seisell.and taiterritt exelottion SA the proper . ' 't7 of :John reeir.'• , And to be sold by me, ''- ,• • ,• • PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff: • Dec. eit • - TPmppratice - Altnaitacs JUST received itiid for silo bv • 8 , atiorT. , jil'A oN it SIDE . ' Often-`,eatiptireil op*ho,, m the,emt bite otthe Cincinnati Withingtou'rem perance Society are, and who are the friends efTemperanettio the'Queett City ? Who are on our side 1 Mel!. it is not .hard to answer :such -questionsati/Ilweei for: we -miglit-sathat dill on - the et tire population are on'our side: , . ;, -- But if our friends wish us to partiCulli, ige, we may say us to members—we have' l ihe iilh SliefiftsCour ,city,anil:, contity, the Posttnaster,the Marshall and nearly all the-Constables of the city, the Coroner of the city and county; we have on our side the 'majoritv..of , the.Cincinnati,llan--uany, of them being meinbers , of the SoCiety; we have the influence•of every pulpit . and every church in-ihe city in' our, favor; .we have on our • side the' good will and hearty coi , operation of nearly'aLl the thinking; sober,' respectable men among, us t'and last, not Wet. we hove all ,the ladiee of "the city on W our side.' ho are there left? who oppos ed-1 Welnaw-not-wbo.--Oui-opposers,-1 if we have any,'must answer. Now with snob helPers, ond*ilb _the bid' of thi3 — poweinbove us, is it not , to be ex. , pected that we shalt- sueceed ? ' What do we :toted more than we have 1. —we-need•more harmony' f views and ac tion. 'We neerrmore.of the spirit of con cession to the . views and feelings . of others. We need more of the kind and benevolent spirit of this great and glorious .rtform. INIE RE BEM ME • 4 - ;' , DIS;tifALOrTIO.74 ' •..,. , The plirtnerehip'existing between .1:"H. k W G. ititail;" . llas been • dissolved by ,eon Sent of parties. The booklet.° in the ; hands - ola Ilk Reed. Per sons' indebted will , please call and • setae , their si° .1: H.& W. G. Reed. The subscriber will be blessed• to •accommodate • e o aan 'n w o ee him and invitee them Weal! Newville:Dee: 22. 1841.—St. Cure your Cough before it be too late. • 'Dcmpan'a'Expectorisist -Remedy is -the only medicine that perfect confidence can be relied upon for the immediate removal of this troublesome atom plaint. This medicine • relievei: a . cough'in a few days, and when the disease is seated ors the lunta it causeeltto be discharged by ExpeCtoradon, thus restoring soundluralth-,A6 the happiness and 'enjoyment of those who have long been afflicted. , erinespal Office N 0.19 North Eighth street Philadelphia. • For sale at the Drug toreof J:J. Myers Is Co Carlisle.andAlfra. Peal,Shippensburg. deo. 22 •• -.Naluable' Property The subseriber will offer - it Pnblic Sale, Cu the premises onSaturdaylhefirst.dal ofJanitirt next, a —. Tract Of Mountain Land; situate in - Dieltinsnn township, Cumberland county, four Miles from Mount Holly, and tenfrom Carlislei— , on the road leadingfrom Carlisle to Gettysburg, eon, •• taining one hiThdred and twisty acre:. This land is well covered with Oak, White-pine - and Chesnut and is extensively watered. This land will be dis posed of in Lots of Pipe, 7''en and Fifteen Acres. to suit purchasers. - The above property-will be surveyed on the 40th. .of December, (instant,) and the lots numbered ; and!_- personswislung to view it can do so by calling - on ISRAEL GRIFFITH who resides on the'plke. JACOB' HA RD1.1813.' _ December, 15, F , or. Ren t. • • rviHE Brick Dwelling, Lot, Stable ' and Carriage flouse o on. West I I High street. Carlisle, adjoining the • dwelling of John, Drown Parker, now - occupied by John J. Myers, M. - Possession the first thy 'of Akira -n=4. , 'for...terms apply to UHN. BROW .P.AOKEIL ' December 15; - . • -For Sale or _. ~ . R en t. ... That valtilible *d commodious property now' in the tenure of-Samuel McKeehan, Esq., situte on the south side of East High street. Vossession will be given_nnAlid firefof-April-nest.:--Appl i tto.--,----- -- JAS. H. DEVO , • - __ - --- - • '' Agent for the wner, D arnel°, Dec.Deo. 14_, 1841.—St • ,4 •••- - . . JuifFeceived SO bozei RAISINS,-and for sale by the box only. - • CHAS. 'BARNITZ. December. IS, - - • ---- •• An persons idebtea to\ the subseriber are hereby notified to settle up their respective Accounts by the Ist:of-January next. Carlisle. Deb,..B b .1841 • • • Indian . - Vegetable Pills. Just received a fresh lot of the genuine Indian Pills. , - CHAS. OGILBY. Carlisle, Dec. 1,1841. , . .. • . • Caps Cnipil • • ClothiSilk- Velvet. Tabby Velvet, Celett, Nair Seal, and Fur Caps ofall sizes and shapes,just open , . ed and selling off at reduced prices. Oe• CHAS. OGILBY. c.I, 18 , 41: .. • .(iroceries.! .Groceries ! ! Afresh lot of Brown and Loaf Sugar, prime Cof fee, Molasses, Cheese, Chocolate; also all kind' of Spices, Stc., &0.. just received and for sale by • CHAS. OGILBY. Carlisle, Deo. 1.1841 Gimp! Shoes. - . Juit; received 150 _pair of Gum Shoea,and for sale chap by - CHARLES . DARNITZ. Carlisle. Dec. 1.1841. . , Water Proof Booii! Juk'reeeived for Men & Boys wear and wilily* o suit the , times at his cheap store. Dece:lst; 1841.0. - CIIAB. rwolnrcE. Estate of John::Sanderson, deed.. LETTERS RS of Administration de bonis non cum testamento annexe, on the will of John Sanderson, late of North Middleton township,dec'd, hive ,been issued in dUe form 6f liw to the subsea hew residing In the borough of Carlisle.. Norms is hereby given, to all per ) ben a having claims against said "estate,to present them prokperly authenticated for set tlement, and 'all persons iklebeed arc requested to make payment to the subscribqc • . • - JOHN'H. WEAVER; Aden . December ft', 1841.-6 t. • Asgigneeship Account. In the'Court 'of common 'Pleas of Cum berland county, Decernberl.4. 4841. The account of Moses Eby and Me cher Brenne man, Assignees of Maj. John _Cmigh Atl, has been presented to the Couriby Melaoir Bre 'neman; and the 2tl Monday of January. court (loci • the 17th day) wpPointed . for• its eonfintbition ind llowaticei if no objections be made—of. whioh.all menu!' will takeytotiee: _ • GEO. SANDERSON, 'lt'''. Carlisle, Deo:22, 18414--4 - 11163 4 2a311121t011111,141111aa THE 'fillibecriheriestiiicifuily infertile his friends and thompublic .general yl , that he has commenced the CHANDLING BUSINESS In West Louther street, Carlisle, near the German formed church. Having employed an experienced hand at the business, he - hopes to merit' a share of public patronage. • ",• ' '" TALLOW will be taken in exchange 'for candles, or the cash it all Ilmoikken tilt - • o:) , Orders hi kiln _ dr country be promptly attended ' Mgrehints In the neighboring totter by mewling word by tnall - or otherwise, Can be accom modated with any quantity, which will be delivered: oti the shortest node's.; • WILLIAM MILS. December 111 ,.1 841 - - St• • • 'Shiny's!' Shawls! Zlegiat Embriiiiiered Thlhet Shavfilis7, ter I;al.6,lliftha, other shawls , • Ise 1041 • • • Justreoeived lOdoseo pairattekskiii Glories whilst will old itt , , , ptco suit the Semi. by Ul l AnitT4 l / 4 W7 1.184*. 4 TO -OUR CREDITORS. Take notice that erettaiiiiiiilitietrta'theV= 4... the:Court of Common P leas e t C Ita for, the loietlit4 thelcuolvell mada* u e loth will, and, they hays, beano of 1 „, Old our day , 10111010TOUSh OICiiIN; d 7° ll, thfak proper..- • tREDEtttCt- A.:, KENNEDY. • rtleir ftitELACHER, ' - 'JOHN' soußnEct W . '" 4DEL UNDERODD. • • q3 . 2tl==== illgidli Notice. --GEO.-W. HITNER NEW- CUANDLING CHAS. Orillal. 7 : . .010 —! . -Glovoitit I gma to patronize , W.- REED,