Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 15, 1841, Image 4
Brilliant Sehtints for -DM, Virginia Miniongalia 1444471' tlaae 0, for 1841 . .---To be drawn at Alexandria, • Va. on SattArday, December 11th 1841. GRAND SCGEMEa ' • • .' $30,000-$1 2,000- . 46,000.- . $4,000---$9.492---10 prizes of $1,70--10 of $1,250- 10 of $17,000.--10 of s4oo—loweit prize $l2. - ' - Tickets only $lO Halves $5 `Quarters $2,50 • Ceitificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $l2O .- lo: ''' ''. -:,-41a.____: . alf , ~.. -do-. • . - 60 • - Do.. '_ . d0‘.2 1 1 -- vtut er-do---------,Sfl.— Virginia Wellsburg Lottery. . • :. Class NI, for 1841. Td be drawnhi Alearndria, Va. 'On Saturday, the 18th of December, 1841.. - .. CAPITALS. ' _ .. ' .. $55,294. 1 ....510,0110 -- 44, 000- •• •st,6-5.6 prizes of $l,OOO-- 50/of s4o0 -..A 50 of $3OO-132 of $2OO &c. Tickets cmi t y slo—Halves $5---Quarters s'2 50 ' Certificates o packages 0f.26 whole tickets $l3O Do '.' . do 26 half ' . do . 65 Do . do .. 26 Tiarter do. , 32 50 1:Elil $30,000 Capital t ' • .. .. _. 15 drawn number -' out of .75. ~. _ . . . ' Grand Consolidated' Lottery. • Class--A-ifor 13.11. - ----=---- ----.-- • . To he drawn at Wilmington, ; Del.. Thursday, 23d . December, 1841. .' ' ; • • • . 011.1. VD PRIZES, 1 Splendid prize of . 30,000 'do 2 do do , . 10,1)00 do 1 do do 7,000 do - .. 1 prize of . • 3,000 do • • ' 1 , do . ..._ 2,810 do 1 do ' - • • - 0,250 do 1 do - .. • 2,000 do ~ I do ' ' 1,750 do '-- 1 do -..-- --1,600 _do__ ... _ I do • 1,500 do__ 1 do - : • i : Jim. do. _ k do °- . . . . _ --- 1,300-do—__ . “ • •1: - do:-: -•-• -- ' ---:• --- ; 3-• : .. - . 1,250'.. du:. _. 1 do V • 1,200 do Y ' SO do - - • 1,000 do. &e. 1 ielcksslll--11alves $5--Quarters $2 50. 'Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $1.30 . Do . do _25 Half do • . 65 bo . • po- ' - 25 Quarter do _* '32 50 .. • . . • • ' 411 ilfifi Ili 1 1 0 :': 4 4".ki 'IV " V :^ '..,z ,, got f9:•Ffrit; . F.i . i....: ~--.: , ‘!..'(.31. Li; tin. - 11141: . - to be drawn at Wihningtnn,l)cl.Mt Thursday 30th December, 1841, . . . . • iI*ND-3*PlT . irk.3. • ~ . • • 4140,000-•- 10 4 - $1.5:1,000-$,900. -- ! _. . $6,000—55,000--$3,0905-$2,320- 30 prizes of .. . $l - ,000-40 of $5 0 130---liti of $.300-,- - _ -' 12 . 9 of $2OO, Sm. - , • Tickets $lO--Halvcs $5---Quarters $2 5. Ceitifitiates of packages of '26 whole tickets $1 . 30 - - do 26'half. . do 1, 65 . dtt - 26 quarter do 3250 Wry' Ordeerfor tickets apd shares and 'certificates _of packages hi - the above • splendid schemes will most prompt attention; and the drawing of esith lottery will be sent immediately after it is over; who order from us. Address - ' - J. G. GREGORteg CO. Managers. • Washington: I ritteritc. _ Estate of Joseph Hays; dec'd. TESTAMENTA Yon the ..-41 estate of Joseph Flays,iate of the borough of dec'd., have been issued in due form'oflai tb thz: subscriber residing in said borough: Isloricr, is hereby given hi all persons having claims against said estate to present them fon settlement, and those indebted are requested to make payment on or before the first.of January nest,-to . . Carlisle, No v. 0,1/M.-6t E. 110111111 SON & CO. Save located'iU Carlisle for. the purpose of manufacturing and selling thaway's Patent "Hot Air Cooking- Stoves." A. 4 tid'being auttire that the people in this place and vicinity, have been much imposed upon by the in. ti-oduction of new and highly recommended articles, which they havebeeninduceilto purchase, and which have been so slightly made, and of such. bad materi al, that in a short time they have failed and become treeless. We, therefore,do not intend offering stoves far 'sale until they are fairly tried in thiseominunity, and'prOnounced more durable in their construction, Vetter adapted to . the purposes of boilineibakimr, and all the varieties of cooking than any other stoveoilso, that they:are a great saying of fuel as well aalabour. .oi.We earnestly Invite farmers as well as resi, (Yeats of this place and the neighboring villages, to eall.on us at S. Wonderlich's hotel, or notify us by letters (postage unpaid) that they are willing to try our stove—and the stove shall be placed in "th e kitchen of every person giving us such notice, knd tiiken away after trial, without any expense to per abbe making the trial. The stoves wilt be kept for sale at the Tin Shop of Mr. Jacob Fridley,and at the Foundry of Messrs. apd Stouffer, in Carlisle. , Having contracted for One Hundred Tons of Castings, we will, ink few days, 'supply stove deal ers waive* the. different sizes on the most liberal ELEAZOR ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agent 56r selling the right to make and vend the HOT AIR STOVE, and. will dispose of counties in this and the adjoining States. We publish the following remmendations, from some of those who are using the stove, to encourage others to try it. • Carlisle Sept: IS, 1841. • Tlhavein'use in my kitchen one of Hathaways pat- Ott Hot Air Cooking- Stoves, and can recommend it RSA very superior article. The one I have is No. S. It has s..hoilers and an oven sufficiently large to bake silt loves of bread. Thefiaking, roasting_and broil itig can nil be . done at the same time and with mcub less wood than is required for any stove, which we Ave used. „ , This die appears to be peceliarly calculated for Farmers, and for their benefit I invite them to . call . and see this stove in nse • Sal shall take pleasure in • showing this stove to all whom interest or . curiosity may inducato•examineit. SIMON wuNpEnucH. • catqfsfe, Sept. 11',1841. • ,KreStirlt. E. RObittioti Ed' CO.—GENTLRMEN, I have siring the fewdays I have had' your Ilathaway , a . Hot Air Stove in use,..becotne 'eonviticed of ha great superiority over al lothbr stoves I have used or, seen.' find by thetrial that boiling, roasting, halt= ingand bralling may all be done -at the same time, in a. most perfect meaner, and - whit less than one Iburth the fuel have ordinarily used fo r the. same purposes: 'I have heretofore been of the opinips that btead could not be well baked in . a Cooking titoveyi ' coavinced upon trial that it can be dime:as' well ipYour,stove nein a brick oven: .. .I believe that tlit:gealetatFilittOdtiotion 'of '"ptir stove into use will be very'benefichal to. the. pu therefore I T Isbell take pleasure in recommending it • tt, my friends.. Yours respectfully, - , . • • WILLIAM - , MOUDY. — .Car/iste; Sett:lo,l93l? . ,htfiateki.o.4l 4,4itsolt . Erect.;-qetit eten; rhitve flirty tested the "Hot Air Stove" which put up att. my house, and can recommend - . Was 'pOssessing printiplee of eamwsny and , eonVealence far surptot.• .. sing any other stove Which Ihave ever seen, • • The tioilers coming -in immediate COntact'Svitb the Itte'giVes it great facilities:for the oven' ' 4is'beatted 'on web aprinciplethid titead is baked in al:fine a manner as m a:brick :oven: • I find it also ', . great r'tertsing of ftietand labour,enti 'would advise - , all I_ . SIFFCIIFk•MtLELLAN: . -.; , :"'' ' Ciattniberitit*, 1841: • risuenow using one of, Hathaway's Mint: Hint Air Cook SUIT/mg:No. 3, recom. , mend it sts , stiperine to any, stOve lillsteo,..tlie . Feat sails* of feel; atui .the variety that tan took • mg at - tht,mme time, mallet icaniobjectio - those who wl/4'o.raailiMte the , operations of tlhe kitchen. • - .JOS.' : ,CHLUERTSON, 1,5 . the fio ise .and lot .of ground lately 'obbnpied by' the Rev. Mr. Greenleaf, situateln East Mainatreet; the property is in gdod Order;and is oneof the most comfortable to the h h • - For terms apply, to miss Sarah or EDWARD ARMOR. . . ' Carlisle, Dee. 1 4 1841,-3t. . • Begs leave to return his thanks to the- public for he pl!trdnitge hitherto extended to him, and.respeet-' ully Informs his customers and the people generally,, hat he still owitinnes the business of - • __Cabinet, .7Plaking, in all its branches, at his old stand in Main - street, Where he is always ready to attend to in his line. • Carlisle, Nov., 17, 1841.-9 m Pease's Clarified Essence of Horehound. Candy. . -The subscriber having been appointed Genera' Agent for the above celebrated article, respectfulll offers it to the public either wholesale or retail. . Purchasers are requested to beware : of coon. terleits. ' . . • ' Carlisl t e, Nov:1.0;1841 'MORE , NEW— GOODS. - The . Subscriber has-- just opened_a_newAnd_hand , ratirkettasortnonnt-or . • • Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of super black, blue black and other Cloths, Cassimeres, Satti netts - , new sty le V estings, a variety of Mouse de Laines, second incoming and black ditto, Thibet cloth, Weld's Flannels. Rogers ditto flit shirting. Gloves, Hosiery, Kdgings, Laces, cam brics. Oil ClOths;Artificials, Ribbons, Merino Shirts and Drawers. Also Mess, Worinensnd Childress' -Leather & Morocto Shoes & Boots.• . • • ALSO, • iittesitSivetrc'and -. Groceries, SPICES, &c ;,witli a great variety 'or other goods fill of whiclnc~ will-sell-at a small profit tn..suat the drones: "Don't forgerta call- on •• • •-- S. NI.• iIARRIS:_ Carlisle:Sept..29, - ROOTS. Sc S lIOES--A verY Jorge lot of ,all descriptions just received, and forsale very low at the store of - CHAS. OGILBY. Oct. 27,18 - 41,. . ~ • • • - Q . :A!..NO:Nju . st received and far : 2 , by J. &E. Corunin. • 114 lest of bleached Sperm and Whale Oil for iIIICKLING Vinegar for sale by J. Sr, E. Corn man., • - - - • "E - GATiltiiie — onilike - iiDiliiitill%FolAiiierairitie beEil - quality for sale by J. & E. Coroman. .OAF - andncM Lu,Sligar: Tlte . subicribers - have 14 received a large supply of Loaf and - Lump Sugar, which.they offer for sale, whnlesole or retail, at reduced prices. J. & caiMman. SPERM . Candles. for Eck by J. &E. Emmen CarUde, Oct. 20,1841. . - Just received at the store of ANDItEW RICH AIMS, a general assortment of Fall $t Winter Ppods, consisting 'in part, of Wool and Clot h dyed Black, Blue, Tensible Green, AdUlaide, Olive and Green • all O f 2sES• Black,.Brown, :Invisible Green, Olive, Diamond, Beaver and Pilot Cloths; Black, Blue, Brown mixed plain and figured Cassimeres, new style. Sattinetts of assorted .colors,from 50 cents to $2,00; beaverteens ; jeno cords, canton flannels, red, white, yellow and green flannels:—ticks, and muslins.— 6-4 5-41nerinoeii, moslain-de-laine al Saxony cloth, figured and plain. Figured, plain, striped,barred jackinett and swiss muslins. Fawn, mouse, black, blue black; slate, figured and plain silks. . Bonnet silkss and ribbons, new style. Shawls, gloves, hosiery and shoes. Cloth and fur caps Carpeting, hearth rugs, floor cloth,baizes,and blankets. Color ed and *tine carpet yarn. .Fresh Maokcrel,togedi dr. with a general assortment of • Once - us - sure and 'Groceries, which will be sold at moderate prices at his store. • Carlisle, October 20, 1841.--tf. • JOHN 11.4Y5, Exr The subscribers have just received at the store room lately occupied by Mr. C. Foster, in North Himover street, Carlisle, i'large and general assort went of 111 ZOO al Ili rila 0 • China. Glass and' . 1:511111111 a QUEENS WARE. which they will sell-on the most liberal terms. They invite the public to call and eicamine. J. & E. CORNMAN. October 13, 18i1. ' • . • MRS. 4 1.1 Cal IT R i nd r; , 1131 ESPECTFULLYinforms • the ladies •Aii,.of Carlisle and, its vicinity, that she has com menced the . & Mantuainaking, in Or their variousAranches,, at her residence in Church Alley, opposite "Ethication Hall." All work entrusted to her core will be done in the latest fashion andoon the most reasonable terms. Carliee,November 3, 1841. S. DUNLAP..ADAIR, attorney at Law, • , Ras • removed his office to No. 3. Beetem's Row on the public square. • Carlisle, Oct. 13,1841. I am truly happy to state to the afflicted commu nity that a member of-my family wasafflicted for ten or twelve years with the,aboie distressing disease. The symptoms were'great oppression after eating, acidity at the stomach, a severe pain in.the side and breast, sick headache, mental despondency, with oth er symptoms during which time numerous remedies wereprocured without obtaining much relief. Hav ing heard of the.good effects of Da. Henuca's Com pound and Strengthening and 'German Aperient Pills '1" was induced to give them a trial, which I am py . to state that by 'using one box o fthe German Ap erient Pills, accompanied by the Strengthening Ton is Pills, that they bave nearly eradicated the disease. I consider it due toiliosb afflicted that I make this solinowlidgement, that-tbeyimwlikewise-Piniure. .the same invaluable' medicine ! and he freed from those distressing diseases. With grat.ttude and re sped. ' 171rM. M. SPEAR, No. 125 did' York-Rciae7 . . . PrineiPalDificeiNo.l9 North Eighth street Philadelphia. . , For sale at thettrut Store'of J. J. Myers & Co I Carliale.tind. Win. Peal,Shippensburg, aug..25 Piles cured kegs sae Harlirh's .Com . 4ounil Strengtheningtf German aperient D. Hastiteur-Dear Sir:--Shortly after I ready .Aiency from'yoa for sale of , your medi: olli„e41 formed an acquaintance with a lady of this place,. who was lieverelratilicted with the Piles ''For ekghinr ten years this lady was subject ,to., fre quent painful attacks, and her 'physician considered her case so nomplicated, tbat he very seldom pre adribed medioine for her. Through my persuasion, a h e cc i mmene or mini" your Pills, and was perfectly' Mired. Yours, &e. • 4/iMES' R. KIRBY, Cluanbersburg,,Pa, i • Octolier .9,180. • • , , - O:,PRINCIPAL OFFICE,No.,I9.IsTorth Rightli Street,"Philadelphiii, where, testimodkala may ,be • For sale'hiJohni. nyeri iic cti g garliske; and WmoPealiShilipetialair6Par ~ - • tor Beni: r • JACOB FETTER N GOODS. FRESH GROCERIES. Dyspipsia of,len years Blanding. Ittiiiii-r. - . Iste — w 7 G — dilo ! . , . The largest and .titteapest stock oh 'D..K GOODS ' , ever brought to Carlislejtist received and now , opening at the eitere' -Of the subscriber, in Main street, Oppoisitefilliiien•Wonderlieles Hotel. Ptirchasers wilt do well , to,, call; as .they nisiy de peed,"on,Anding.,the largest stock, die best aapartittent 'and the cheapest goods in the county. - • CIIARLPS "OGIIIIY. Oct, 27, 1831 : • •. tlistL , 27 • 241 a. COMMISSION & VORWARD. , - ING - MERCHANTS, •-• Have removed:to the capacious Warehouse rebel* occupied by D. Leech & Co'. at the northAvteatcorner , of Cherry mid Broad street, Philadelphia. From the facilities whith the location and internal arrangenomit of ,this depot. afford, 90 to 40 Ilurthen Cars can beiccomniodated to utitoattand haul at the same time with sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels of Flour, and 400 to 011 ten of Grain exClusi ye of the. forwarding department. . ' Produce of every description. will be received as usual on consignments,and liberal advances made on receipt (if . require'd) until sales areeffeeted. CRAIG; BELLAS & Co., . North-west corner of Cherry & Broad st. S. ELLIOTT. W. Sr, - Cobean - ' Cashier. :__________ ..._- --.....-Benderson.7- - . - &- , Parke - F - i ----- earTisn.. '• -- Henry Rhoads, . . Saunderson & Bosserman, J • . Jacob S woyer, Neroville. • .- David Nevin, Shippensburg.., . J. Logan Smith,Esq. Caa!tie .. r 1 Chaber:burg. & Byster, HutzCo, - Robert Fleming, - _ --- 7_ . Catherwood acCrtilg.,. Philadelphia. • Wm. R. Thompson Br, Co. Whitall & Brown, • J Mechanicsburg Line T. 4•14. 2.13 etween::.lleehanicsbierg-and Philadelphia or ilatiiMOre. (BY RAIL RO.4D OR C.9.11,19L) -THE subseribeid grateful for past favors, beg leave to inform their friends and the kmblic generally, that they still run a line of "burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and pro duce of all descyqptit.e.,Catwv.,..tvledlkitit care r l ' tiP,i4c,l, at oe,:klYiesP.F.P# B ,firfrOglif - .,:„,f.,_: , *--.40 , .,10* (- ,r*';V::)TS - N, ,, W4,i , olticki-Op;' . Ifilre'cliinisliiiiefiterefivaiiireetcitliei' litititt;;' delphie or Baltimore,acoording to the direction of the owner. • . , . • . • soirThe highest price will be 'given for Wheat uno _ . . ' • DRESBACIH & MEILY.. N. D. Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept on hand,and for sale atthe lowestpriees. -* July 29, 840a4m1y..—...__ - - INDEMNITY AGAINST- LOSS • BY. FIRE. . • THE. FRANKLIN FIRE • INSURANCEtoM 7-PANY OF iPHILADELPHIA,. • afiita/ $400,000 paid it i.—hailer Perpetti al,, CONTINUE to make Insurance, Permanent and Limited, on every deibription of Property, in TOWN_ AND COUNTRY, on the, usual favorable terms. - - • 0FF1CE,.16.3i Chesnut street, near Fifth street:' - CHAILLE& N. RANCKElt;.President, -- DIRECTORS. _ CHARLES N. BANCKER, SAMUEL GRANT, JATIEIESCHOTTi: --- FREDERICK BROWN, THOMAS HART, JACOB R. SMITH, THOMAS I. WHARTON, Geo. W. RICHARDS, TODIAS WAGNER, MORDECAI D.•LEWIS. CHARLES G..BANCKER, Secretary. tin - The subscriber, Agent for the above Company for the borough of Carlisle and vicinity,will prompt ly attend to all applications for Insurance, whether made or by letter. Residence. Main street, nearly opposite the Car Office. WSL-El.. SEYMOUR. March 31, Bar Iron, Glass,.&c . . • Just received at the New Store of the subscribers. 4 Tons BAR IRON , of first rate quality, and for sale very' ow or cas per consignnient, 90 half Bqxes Bby 10 and 10 half Boxes 10 by 12 . Western. Glass,. in good order,for sale to Merchants at Pittsburg prices, and Duncannon best NAILS, BRADS AND SPIKES, at Manufacturers prices, also. on hand Witherow's Celebrated patent 'PLOUGHS, FLAX-SEED OIL; by the gallon, or Barrel, OIL, MEAL, Waherill St Tiro s. Pure• WHITE LEAD, MAHOGANY VANEERS, E./c. BOSSERMAN.& HUTTON. Carlisle, May 5; 1841. GOLDEN BALL HOTEL WEST HIGH ST., CARLISLE. The subscriber, thankful for past favArs, hereby notifies the public generally. that • he still continues at the old standotearly opposite the College Campus, where he will at all times be found ready and wil ling to accommodate in the beat possible manner, those who may favor him with a call. The Houle is located in the most business part of the town, and is near the stopping place of the Cars on the Rail Road. The ROOMS are large and .airy --the TA BLE will be'suptilied with the very best the Markets can furnish—and the BAR with thethoicest Liquors. Hischarges are reasonable, and he will endeavor to merit by assiduity and attention a continuance of pub lic, patronage. BOARDERS taketrhy.the week, month, or year. DROVERS and TRAVELERS will find it to their interest to stop with him, as he has plenty of Alibi ing, and a careful OSTLER always at hand. ANDREW ROBERTS. Carlisle, Sent. R. 110.1 All persons wishing to be supplied with the earlie eat city newe,may feel themselves much gratifie bY calling on the subscriber, where they can havd a selection of the following daily and weekly papers, viii---Philadelphia daily Chronicle, Ledger and Spirit of the Times; New York Herald daily and weekly; New Wnrld,Brother Jonathan, Boston No tion, Yankee Nation, Magazines, &c. Bcc. Any per son wishing to become subscribers for any of this above works,.and all the popular works of Charlee O'Malley, as far as published, bound in boards, ill please call with . • 4 JOHN GRAY, Agt. . , New aoOds! A• STILL. CHE4PER,' , ARNOLD ABRAMS , have just received a grealiVariety_of Cloths,Cassirneree,Sattinets,Ste.Bm. which they are 4etermined to sell cheaper than ever i before offered n , this place or_elsewhere— The publie-are melted to call and examine for themselves.. Shippensburg, August 1741. - . • . , CHARLES M'CLURE ATTORNBY AT LAW. Office in High street a few doors west of the Post Office. Carlisle, April 28,1841.-4 Dental Surgery.. THE BTifiSCRIBER teUderi his grateful acknowledgments le the publiO for the very liberal 'share of patronage he has received dur ing the past year, and would. still ticintinue to oiler them his professional serviced in their various bran elk' at his residence, No. 7; Harper's Row. }UM., eleanses,,ugs teeth, and' inserts incorruptible tamer.. raetalle artificial teeth in .the 'most approved mafineN Chargee.always moderate., _ C. NEFF; M . D. Carlisle, Mareirg, 5, 1840.•Tatf • 4 Craig', Bellas IP Co. REFERENCES. NOTICE. New ,COoking Stowe. • JACOB FAIDLE t North Hanniei street, oppo site ‘Cornmans'HoleJ e ts agent for.the sale of Hatha way's' Patent HQ 4ir Matra; 7 which he warranti to be 100 per cent better than 'any other stove,heretofore knoten. . ; Fartilers; lie . epris and others arc invited to 'take those Staves on (Oaten(' if they are not pleased with the opeliglioil al' the state, or the price;they may be returned. , • s • c*tobro . . Orders in Town ani'Conntry, for House Spouting. or other work promptly attended to. • .. Carlisle, Sept. 15, 1841.-Iy.. - . DR. L STEWART, . Thomsonian Botanic Practitioner of Medicine and Obstetrics _No. exam. er s - Row, near the Rail-Road Hotel, , . inkESPECTFULI Y..informs his frienditand the public generally, that (through solicitation) lie has removed from Shiremanstown to Carlisle, where he may be found at all times,unless professionally engaged, The afflicted shall at afull times be treat ed with purely Vegetable Niedicines,"No Poisons," and in strict , accordance with the prinCiples laid down by that great reformer in medical science, Dr. Samuel Thomson. Chronic cases, such as Consumptions, Liver Com plaints, Dropsies, Itheumatisms, and Cancers, are more particularly informed that the New System is . • . invalids from distance can be'accommodated with Boarding while under medical treatment, on reasonable terms. •' • Carlisle, July 14, 1 841.---tf. 001.70115 Br, OVIMS, TIIWOAUSF OF CONSUNIFTIOR.—SimpIe as these complaints are usually considered, no one can deny their being the most common pause-of this fatal and distressing disease. It is indeed 'a melait vlicilflaffi;*ribmiattntia,fidl:Victitni to ti coa mit. ': - ,Oit'o4 - 11010 i ?.T i, :qi , ‘ o 4!.,.ooteAd i ft- 1 -r- cte4l. ~,...:.,i,;:k0,,, tregusuefil iOrinilitinfir. Wilto r greatewhionteilince andiet them ;runon for - Weeks andeven months with- . out thinking of the danger. At first you have-what •ou ma • consider a slight cough or cold; you allow msiness;Pleasure or careViisnesiiWiMiityou h . giving it any attention; it then settles upon your breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the' side or chest, expectorate large quantities of matter, per- I haps Mixed with blood, a difficulty of breathing en sues, and then y ' ou finil.your.owilboliSh neglect has brought on thiq/distressing complaint. If then you value life or health, be warned in thnroind don't.' trifle -withyour-CototortrustioLany-ouacknaste to cure you, but immediately procure a bottle oriwo of that famous remedy, the "Was/in or WILD CHERRY,", Willeli is well known to be the Most speedy cure--ever known;.as.thoumnds will 'testify whose lives have been saved by it.. 1. • - • . . .. - 131:1'e very particular when you purchase to ask for "-Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," as there is also a.turatm of this name in use. - • Prepare4wliolesale T and , retailrhy.. Wu:Lames Co., Chemists, No. '33 • South Fourth street, Phila delphia. - • Sold in Carlisle by • . , SAMUEL ELLIOTT. . • Price aiie Dollar's Bottle. October 20,1841.-11. ANOT LIFE SAVED. the extraordinary virtues of that 'unrivalled Medicine, die " BALSAM OF WILLD . CHER,- RY," the well-known famous remedy for CON SUMPTION AND LIVER COMPLAINT, COUGHS, COLDS,v.ASTHMA, CROUr,..WIIDDPING COUGII,&c.. Williama.surg, Sept. 4,1841. To Dr..-WlSTAli—Dearsir,-4t-gives me_gromt pleasure to say, I have found much relief from your Balsam that 1 have to send to yoti for more. 'I have only used three bottles out of the half 'dozen I pur chased, yet it has done mu more good than all the medicine I have ever taken before. A neighbour of mine whose ffife was very:low with Consumption, persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought three bottles, which she. has taken also. I saw her. a few days ago i and she told me she' believed it was the only thing that had saved her life. She had tri ed every:thing before,but nothing did her any good; and when she commenced taking it was sick in bed, but is now up, and looks better than I ever saw her before.. As for myself I am sure it will cure me entirely, for I feel better every day. Send Me' six battles more by the hearer, es my neighbor wants three more.. • They sincere friend, SAMUEL COLES py-The genuine Balsam sold in Carlisle by • ' - - SAMUEL ELLIOTT. Price Ode Dollar a Bottle. Sept. 22,1541.-36 m. •„; , Read what it has Done. And if you have a friend, a relation, or know any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease, "CONSUMPTION," persuade them without de lay •to try that famous and unriveled medicine, the' " BALSAM OF - WILD - CHERRY,"-which has cured thousands of this complaint after ,every thing else had fluted. Read the following undoubted proofs of its efficacy. ROXDOROVOII, Sept. 101841. DEAD. Sint—Please send me two bottles snore of your Balsam pf Wild Cherry, like that you. sent me before. • I have taken nearly a ll of the first two, and confidently libiieved this medicine will cure me. • I have used a t eat many • rerue#4 witldn the last year, but haveneverfound any tittihal. has relieved me so much. It has stopped y cough entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep better at night and feel better in every way than I have for many mouths. Yours,.respectfully, . JAMES KELLY. Hommel:lna, Sept. 12.1841. FRIEND WiirrEa must again trouble thee to send inc two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam. 1 have now taken three bottles in all, and can assure thee that it has done memore good than all the medi- ' eine have ever-taken before..-Send by_the:tdage ad soon as,iossible, and oblige (by friend, , ' JACOB HOLLOWAY. BILIOTOL, Sept. 8 1841. DEAR Docrox.—Hearing so many people talk or the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cherry has. made in Consumption, I sent to one -of your Agent6 - tliri:dtliec day - foe a bottle, and have found it to have xeliev,ed me so much; that I want three hot more sent me too. 1 have used Jayne's Expectorant and other medielues besides, ; but nothing has ever done me as much good as yours has. Send by the steamboat Boliver. Yours truly, WILLIAM THOMAS. (0' Besides its , astonishing efficacy in Consump.! Lion, it is also the most effectual rent edy ever discov ered for LIVER ; COMPLAINTS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS; CROUP," WHOOP ING COUGH, &0., as hundred will testify who have been cured by it after all other remedies had DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will find this me dicine a valuable addition to tileir stock, and should always keep it oh hand, as it 14 universally acknow ledged lobe one 'of the most,Oeful fiunily medicines now in use; • ':• -.-T?' r "0 - )3e verypartienhirtif f or Dr. WISTAR'S: DALSAM-OPIVILDCII !CRY. Sold wholesale a 9d-tetsill by WILLIAMT . C. 0.", Chemists, No. 33 ;South Fourth street•Philtid phia. • . . rTber genuine alsam sold it 7 Car lisle by,SAMUEL ' LLIOTT, appoiut -4 . , .. Ad . Agent • ,- . I ` 'Price $l.OO Bottle: • - - tfier4iber 0, 1841.-1* ' ' • ' ecintinuesi Lo !e'Tou hand , .•• 2 4 614P1ate Worker, 'Respectfully informs the pabllC generally that he still coat noes his business at the Old Stand, North Hanover street, best door to the Cabinet Shop of William C. Oilison, where he has flow on hand, and is still manufacturing, every article VI the line •of -his trade consisting of Fullers'. and, .F 1 ash ~ E TT L.E . S • . Tea Kettles, Tin-warp:of ,every description, Stove Pipe, Drip ping- Pans, 'Drums, - &c. • He has also for sale the liest assortment of Pow. - moo, Cooking and. Parlour • all ddieriptions, among Is l..he hid, are alto imp • s ett otary Cooking it yes so dyersally approved stove rniture, stove pipe, 51141 a mttitl assortment o Tin, •e, which he wia dispose 'ever offered in this-place. Ills Commodwood stoves and cookingsttives al•e of every size and variety; inid his parlour 'stoves (for wood or coal) are of the newest patterns. lie lens in addition the 'Rotary cooking stoves, the ltadiator stoves and Radiator t;ums for parlours, which are unstwPassed for com fort and economy in the use of Nei. - All of which •ita offei:s on the lowest terms for cash. -W . M.. • C,- .G I B.S 0 N ~ Still cOntinues the Cabinet. Making in all its .va _l • . : D t 1• VI E $ --- - ~ ,rlOps ;branches at his old. stand in .NOrth'HUnover . ' , 1-.itiebt - ROptiXtl , ;s:stutle of ,W m. l.,tiOtjurd,, • 7 F0)1111,y: 4•01-11itiotis,..- - P110.:, - '•,•soere.;*.Voerra '-1!..-4...1.•4•••::1,•,;q.,&•i0w.ft,,:;4;&3,.;2.?P:4fiti1ie;;',:5.444,-,5i- •••••4?--... "•iKik idieV, ,thie44o.4 4.; .e,-,-'-; , :1,-,•;•:;,,f;•,:,*c l ...rirr - " il":.' .:-L .'''''.4 .- -.." 4 1- ' ' , 4 , ..e' '' .0., .. '' : !'--o . ',?,: q' -4 ''., .. -:.. '- "Itiotit Ci fi silig; neither ilatfqgef.pag i ltol'Utiftiftirktfilis .. CABINET - FURNITURE ~ sickness. They' e'xzeetlingly-comlort and strengthen 1 I ;the stomach and bowels, and clearing the sigh! hear • • suchititSitlehonits,..B.ureaus,_Secretaries,Card,Pie__,r ! ing and memory of aged .persons, by carrying off Ir • g and Breakfas t 'I fleilitiiitas; ficc.:Corilie-15t"gillitrfttr;-putriti g ns.rrirod-thick - liu , i most fitshionable kind, all of Which he will dispose. more .froin the stomach bt3Wels and blood, which . of on the most reasonable terms. - He is also preps- makes. them so celebrated for remo4ing coughs, red to fill altorders for SPRIN•G' SEATED SOFAS rheumatisrus,.pains , frontthe body and limbs, gpevel, lnod-FANOY--OHAIHA,-warratited-10-he-of-superior_:Piles, sick .stomach, disordered bowels and .worms. quality. .- N. .- . . j This medicitiiris al 40 an infallible curelor fever slid , He will also furniSh-XOFFINS nt the shortest no- ague'ticetud liAving -receiltly. peocured a Haw HE/10E, - 4(7 . Is prepart it to'nt tend funerals iiftbe - cotrutry. — . _. CSHilile. August 4, I 841.--ly • - Fresh: Medicinbs. 14810.16 IMERNIEVi ftiabriti Carlisle, Aug. 4,1841.---y. N. B. Old Lead, Powter,Npi;eralldtesktbe r , ta" keu,in - exclaange.for stoves,:du or copper ware. CABINVIELMAKING. The subscriber has recently received large`• addi tional supplies of Medicines, Cohn's, Dye-Stuffs, Linseed • Oil, 'Spy.. Turpentine, .Copal Varnish, Painters' Brushes,• Varnish Brushes, Hair - Brushes, Spermaceti Oil, (very fine)_Sperm _Candles, SoaPsin great. variety; Glass Lamps,. Cap and -Letter Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, 4.c; which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants an& others, WHOLESALE or by RETAIL, at the lowest rates, haiting purchased entirely for cash; he will offer bargains to those who wish to purchaSe at' wholesale. - S. ELLIOTT. • March 24,1841. At iv Hardivare, Grocery, 4 PARZETP STORE. THE subscriber has just returned from the Cities of New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore, and is now operildg at his store room S. E. Corner of, Market Square and Main Streets (for merly Oecupied"by Hitner,) a general as sortment of • Hardware, tone • Ware, Cedar Ware, Britlania Ware,, Groceries, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Brush- es, Whips,, Canes, Lamps for burning Caniphine Oil, and a great variety olartieles useful and necessary . for furnishing and keeping a hOuse. He has also,and will constantly keep on hand •- Camphine Oil, a cheap and elegant substitute for .sperm oil, - and having been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers and Brother. of Newark N.. 1., for the sale of Jone's Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur nish Lamps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate 'to all who may wish to use this. now and economical light. Having selected his . goods himself, and made his purchases for-cash, he is abhl, and is determined to sell% ow. Those having the cash to lay out will find it to their' advantage to gtve him a call. 4 HENRY DUFFIELD. Carliile,July 8, 1840.--t1; L tllitlbilmw4i.wj jia.A MOTHERS, BE ON YOUR GUARD.—This is the season wherttlis destructive complaint attacks your - interesting little children, often robe you of those you fondly doat tm,and carrieshundreds to the grave. Every mother should therefore, know its symptoms, wateh. them closely, and always be pre pared with a remedy to cure it, as many are daily sacrificed by such neglect. At first thelittle patient is seized with a -shivering, it - grows .restless, has flushes of heat,the yes 'become red and swollen, it breaths with dilliculty,and then comes that fearful COMM that will surely terminate in convulsions , ilestli unless something . is immediately given to check it.. In this complaint the t' Baraam of Wild Cherry," is well known to be •the most speedy - cure ever discovered. It is indeed a precious.remedy— mild, safe andinnocent, and is' sure to give the little 'sufferer immediate relief, and Ikuickly . restore it id? safety and health. • •Pamilleiresiding in the country and indeed every mother who loves her children, should always keep this medicine in the house and glee it 'to them early, by doing so you may often save the life of one you fondly love. Itemembeil this is the famous remedy of this distiguished phy sician, De. Wistar, which has cured thousands of CROUP,' WHOOPING. COUGH, ASTHMA, . CONSUMPTION, &c., after every other medicine .hawfailed. ' ~Crßeparticular when you purchase to ask for wyrrAjesTlALsitaf or Wan Cituitsv," as there is a Sump of this name advertised that is entirely a different medicine. , • Prepared only by Wat.maiss & Co., Chemists, No 53 South Fourth street Philadplphia; Sold in Carlisle by SAMUEL ELLIOTT. Price One Dollar a Bottle.. October go, 18411.—1 y. ANOTICE: The subser, ilier, !urging. sold his stack of DRUGS, Etc. intends settling up his business, and would hereby notify ted o call and atittle their accounts before the frst of January next, when his -bboks will be left with JAL:4Om, Esq , for collection. A. J. NORTH. Ncti 1".1 1841.--3m5 DE.II I TISTILir. . . • DR. C. LOOMIS, Dentist, - IS permanently lotaied in Carlisle, and will.perform all- operations .thatare. regtilred. in, Dental Surgery, such as riling, Plugging and Ex tracting Teeth, and inserting ArtifiCial:Teeth, front a. single tooth to a whole set. H. will alsO attend to all disease's of the'irouth, guns, &c., tunkilirebt and regulate the first and second dentition so es tn . render the teetlicif Children end young persons regular and . beautiful. Dr. LOONHS tinny at all times be found at his of fice, on lliGh strect,oppoSite Macfarlane's Hotel., Carlisle, June 23,1841.—y.-- ---- Diseases .ot the Eye . . . . - 7 . ~ . .11111 N . . • . ," '; W5,01)1 i!lt,-,.'// / • ••-. . - ___,.-- . \ ...,...,.... .. ~ . DR. BOSTOCK'S • '' Celebrated Eye. Water, For the onm:of Weak. Waiery,or. Blood Slot Eyes, ' Ulcers. Ilumoitrs, and InflamatiOn of the Eye-lids, Dimness of Sight, c. 'Persons suiljectlo any of. these unpleasant disor ders, 4111 find this die most effectual remedy in use, as it seldom fails to re'mo% e any of these affections' by it few applications, without the least inconvenience or pain. Those who are troubled with a DIMNESS OF SIGHT will also find it .a Valuable remedy for strengthening the eyes - improving the sight, and pre venting the dimnessthat arrises from straining them. It will also be found particularly useful AS 41 wash for the eyetrof young children, to-remote anti subdue the humours' to which they are so liable. Price 50 Cents a Bottle with full direc tions for using. Sold i n Carlisle by . • • • S• ELLIOTT. April 213,1.841.--!ly: . , ECT . A ‘ LS 0 , .01 ifeeit - - - 131 obit - Pilk 7 , 7-- ; For the cure of enisimption, diseased wind-pipe, ulcerated sore throat, lungs and liver &bill:ill - ilia, night sweats, flushes of heat,burning in the stomach tightness across: the Chest, pains in the breast and ,Side,inward cancers, piles sore eyes, sore legi t ulcers of every_ description, swellings, rheumatisms; they stop the spilling of , blood. and heal the part affected. Paint - cm iII care'preli tired'e pram y - for ' the strengthening of every part of the system - and healing all ulcers and sores, purifying and removing all bad humors-from the blood, winch is - often brought on from too much sitting or standing, arAy_expo.•! sure from sudden heat/Wt.cold. Weakly dehilitated persons are Tiartic u,ll r y advised to use themois they strengthen the body in a superior manner; they are not intended to operate on the bowels so much as, on the blood, as too much ptirging will destroy any weak ly constitution, and has earrirdolf•its thonsanda to a world unknown'to us. Tijte the advice df one who studies to save life and not To kill; weakly and debili -tated persons should not purge more than once a year as it often times brings on costiveness. • ALWAYS BEAR THESE IN MIND, Staiford county, Va. 2 Sept. 7, 1840, Dear Sim-1 write td let you know that the Lord has done great things for me, whereof I am glad.— When I saw you .in Fredericksburg, I think,l said I bad been aflicted with a very acid (sour) stomach, and subject to a violent pain in my head for more,than twenty years, for which I took rhubarb and soda three or four times every day for this many years, with little or no 'relief, and my legs and ankles were so much swelled that I was unable,at times: to attend to my busineis. But since you made-me a present ed a box of your Family Pills I have , taken one or two of them at night in going to lied; and now my. acid stomach is relieved, the swelling ii, my legs has nvir ly disappeared, and 1 do not think that I have been hindered one day with, the pain in my head since 1 began to'tnke your valuable medicine. I think the Lord directed you to Fredericksburg, to administer to my relief. (Blessed be his holy anime,l ani greatly relieved.). 3 here is living in my' neighborhood a poor old Woman who had been sick a long time and could get no relief, at length I. purchased a box of your pills and gave them to her, after a while I saw her out and about her business, and she said that the one box hail cured he; • I have xpread the fame of your valuable . medicine amongst my acquaintances, and many have purchased.. Now, as it respects my self, my friends tell me when 1 town„that they have not seen me look so well for many years, and I - .-.,= say to them, '1 will tell you the secret why; a short Read the Allowing. time ago I met with a Di. IDavies in town, and he gave me a box of. pills, and they have made. me rook as ROBERT WHARTON' Esq., late Mayor ci! you now see me.' And now, my friend, I hope that Philadelphia,,hus certified, a may be seen below, tin the Lord will continue alit-with:you, and make you the high character of the folio -ing gentlemen. useful to your fellow-creatures,"ris he has hitherto The undersigned do hereb certify that we have done. I remain with respect, - • • used the Balm of .Colurnbia scovered by J. Old cuitazzs BRUCE. ridge, and have foundit highly ervicealde not only .• Several Females have been cured of the falling:of as a preventive againsfthe faliii of .ofhair,but also the womb, by taking very small doses at intervals.,- akeertain restorative. - Harper's Ferry, auguat 11,1840. , WM. THATCHER , s Da.. Wm. DAY/EB.—Dear Siri—l am happy to in- Methodist Minister in St. form you and,the -public, that I have been cured of - • No. 'that dreadful disease the Rheumatism, by takingyour , . , JOHN P. INGLIS,33I Family Pills. nave been laboring under that die- . JOHN D. THOMAS; Alt ease for, more than a year; during' which time I "tried ' JOHN'S. FUREY, 101 Sp the skill Of the best physician without effect; at length HUGH McCURDY, 245 So h I was induced to try your medicine; I found relief 1 . - JOHN YARD,jr.,I23 Arch st.' after taking half a box,l continued to take them until ; The aged, and those who -persist in wear, I had taken five boxes; my age is 71 years, and Icon- may not always. experience its restorative qt. eider that none but , the old and rheumatic persons yeeit will certainly raise its virtues in the main: know how' grateful I feel to the medicine that has of the public, when it is known that three of ti. restored me to health. . bove signers are more than 50 years of age;and Yours, respectfully, Jour; DYE. - others.not less than 30. . WE, the undersigned t ate agents at Harper's-Ferry • • [Front the Mayor.] for the saleMf Dr. Davies' Family Pills, we know ! a COMMONWEALTH or- Pasisrrevetria;? our nelghbonr, Mr. Dye, sold him the pills of which City of Philadelphia. 5 I he speaks so highly, and believe hit statement to be I, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said cityo f' I.'Ph • substantially true. . - . • „B. ... . . Respectfully, • - - :W. Bt.a. ANDERSON. iladelphia, do hereby certify that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. J. 'P. Inglis, John S. Fdrey, . Mrs.-C. Burton, near Locust street, was diseased and illiugh McCurdy; whose names are signed to the or seven years with a lump in the left' side; bumps' above certiffbate, that they are gentlemen of charge all over her skin pains around the small of her back: ter and respectability, and as such full creditshould -, 'running into her stomach, which prevented her (to be given to the said certificate. ' ' use her own words,) from eatingone particle of meat; ..I.n witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, the firptidase removed the lump, and two b mei ,set r , . Q . , and causedthe seal of the city to'be affixed.. her at liS'erty. ' . . 1-, 1: L'"•,'" -I the sixtliday of December, &a . ... 7 i - - . . ---,- - I was severely' diseased with the blind piles for ' - ' ROBRT WHARTON, Mayor. twenty monthicand piostrated from the loss nf blood F-- - and one and a halt' boxes of Davies Family Pills has_ iriLDRIDGES BALM OF COLUMBIA FOR made an entire cure of Me. J.Jomtesoir. l_p THE HAIR.—Its positive qualities are as fol• Washington, D. C., May 7,1841." • lows: Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail, at Ist. For inflint's keeping the bead free from scurf No. 265 South third street Philadelphia, and by Mr. and causing a luxurieat g,rowth of hair. - - - ',"• - ' -.lomte GRAY, Cat lisle, general agent for Cumberland' • 2d For ladies-after child-birth, restoring the skim County Penna. • • to its usual strength and firmness, and preventingthe Also, for sale by. W. & T. Limdriii, Kingstown; falling out of the hair. Eckels, It Fireovid,floguestown, M. G . . Rupp, Shire- '3d. For tiny perion recovering, from ant' debility manstown,j. Longnecker, Wormleyeburg; H. Bien- the same effect is produced. ' -- ' -: carotin, New Cumberland; Stephen Culbertson_ Ship- • _ ' ,4th. If used in infailey,till a goqd growth is started,' pensburg; Wm, Barr,' New ville ; -James Leeby; - it may be preserved by attention to the latest period , Newburg; 'Henry 'Less, Meclutiiicsburg; Josiah or life.' .•„ -.: _ 1-lood,.Springfield; John Hood,Stoughstown. • i '6th. ItlreeS the head from dand ruff , strengthens . pipPeriatiiiiiiiihingrto teatime - Wilts in the villa- the roOts,imparts health and vigor to the tire:elation-- gee hi which The pills • are• not sold in Ciumberlaild -and prevents the hair front 'changing eolor or getting , county, will be supplied with theMby,Calling oh Mrs gray ' • ' - • • • John Gray, Carlisle; Pa. who is empowered to ap- : 6th. It causes the heir to purl beautifully whe w point-agents. 'Fluidly pills .to those•who purchas Slone tip hilt over night..: ' . .to sell again will be charged, $2 per dozen yeah, ei 01-Noladies'Joilet should ever be made without it. $2 25 to sell ee conitnission fond the Panacettßlcio • ' 7th: Children who hive 'by any means contracted. Olivet $4 cash, Or $4 50 .on 'commission. Retail vermin.idthe hqed. are immqdiately and perfectly price for family . pills 25 eta pei-hox; 'Panacea blood cured of there by .its use. It ie infallible. pills 50 -ceida per Full directimirforritaing 1 F,or sale' at the drug _store of. Comsteck r Is Co., . .them'aecompany each' box: . IFlettaier street near Peat•l; and in Carlide by Ste e' - , Carlisle, Sept. 150841...4m, ,' -- . penson . N. , Dinkle, [Dee.,16,1840.--I,r. _ • Hays Ltntmen FICTION,,, 1. Thitexti:aciidinaiy chetnicat composition, sult of science and the in vention•of a celebrated med ical aim', the• introduLtion of which,. to the public was invested with the , solemnity of a death-bed be: qquesThas since gained a 'reputation unparalleled, fully auStaining the correctness of the lamented 'Dr. Gri . dlley's last confession, that "he dared not die without giving to Posterity the benefit of his knowl edge on this subject," and he therefore bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Solomoi, Days,the'secret ' °this discovery. It , is now used in die. principal hospitals, and the . priiate,practice . our•country, first. and-most-cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive ly and effectuallras to baffle credulity , unless where Its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow, ing comlaints: For Dropsy ---Creating extraordinary absorption at once. Swellingh-:-Reducing them in aceabbours.---'- libeumatistmr--Acute or chronic, giving quick ease. Sore Threat—By cancers:ulcers, or colds. • ,4 Croup mid Wh oo oing- Cough --Externally and over the chest. • All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns—Curedin a few hours. . • . Soresinid- Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand.: • ing, and fever sores. -- * -- Itsoperatiownivon adultsnd children in reducing - • rheumatic swellings a mtionsening-cougha mid tightz' nestroftlie - cliearby,relaxation of t heparts,,has „keen. • surprising beyond •conception. The: common re mark 'of thoie whn have used it in the Pitesis "It • acts like a charm." , -• THE PILES.---The price, $l, is reiundeirlo any • person who will uses bottle of Hays' Liniment for. • the Piles, mid return the empty bottleAvithout being cured. These are the pbsitive orders Ofthe proprie 'ter to the agents,and out of many thousands sold,not one has been unsuccessful. We might insert certificates to any length, but , prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit • the original to purchasers. • ,7o Physicians and Patients.• . • The Blind Piles, said to be incurable by external applications.---Solomon Hays warrants the contrary. His Liniment will cureßlind Piles. ,Paetsare more .stukorn_thati Alieoriesr-He- solicits , all - respectable physicians to try it upon their patients. It. will do them noiiiirm, and it is known that every physician _ who has had the honesty_ to-make the trial, has cati - • didlyadmiited that it has succeeded in every case -- they have known. Then why not use it? -It is the recipe of one of theirmost respectable members, - tiow .deceased. - - Why refuse to use it? Bei:anise it is sold as a proprietary medicine . ? Is this a sufficient ex- .; cuse for suffiTing their -honest patients to linger in , distress? NVe !kink not. Physicians shall be con vinced that there is no. humbug • or quackery..abbut thisnrtiele.- 7 1VA then- npitßi WittgAriman- 4014. 7 . Itiltev,wonit tyyJi-liOtirki, let , kiiiiioe - _ - :."4,4441,1 olierp f 4Bl.t.i&l. - etai • use this article. It shall be -taken from the bottles bud done up as their prescription if they desires SOLOMON HAYS. --Sold-by Corn stOCk-Bt-Co-Wholesxdy--bruggists, No..2,Fletcher street, New York. . • Ter sale also by STEVENSON & 7 . DINKLE, Carlisle, Pa.- • . _ DR. SPORN'S HEALTH ELIXIR. There is not One case of Fever in l a thousitod, LK* may be effectually broken up and removed by the use of this - Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion, bilious matter' and constipation from the' stomach and bowels... It operateS gently and effectually on she bowels, and powerfully on the kidneys and.skiri,. h removesull:unpleilsant feelingsafter a hearty meal, and promotes a good appetite.' It needs only a•ti is 1 to give perfect satisfaction - . - lithos breonicit genera' practice with.many to use this article in all rates ef colds, pains lathe bones, or heavy disagreeable feet. ing, tendering to headache or chilliimss. Forlmarst !fess, if taken through the day, it completely restores the voice without producing sickness. "Whorping cough, and all Coughs of children are 6ured hv it : stomach is kept in perfect order by it, md- it is quite impoSsible that any disease should commence while a - personis using, this Syrup. .(Cf. If taken daily itproduces a rudy, healthy , and . 'young appearance, by driving off all the humors of the system. Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street. one door below Pearl t street, N. Y. by Comstock ISt C 0.,. and by, all respectable Druggists. , For - sale:also by STEVENSON & DIN KLE, Carlisle, Pa. Balm. pof .Columbia. - • Britieh cenartl'a Office, Philadelphia. - 5 KN e O nt I s VAI, shall i c ' om P e El t t l7l l Pt . f. t .i o it. ‘4 ll . E ll ll ° T ni ' 11 1 0% 8 E31 I TE. r o e .f, Esq. his Britainic Majesty's Conan) for the City Philadelphia, do hereby cerfify;That Robert WVar ton,Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificattls, is Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; and tint Mat thew Randall,Esq., l Prothonotary of the Court o Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadel phia, to both whose signitures, with the Seals of their respective offices, full faith and credit is due. • I further certify, that I am personally acquiitnted with Joseph L. Inglis,one of the signers of.the certi ficates hereunto affixed, which, expresses the efficacy of the Balm of Columbia, and that lie„is a person o great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre dit; and dial I have heard him express his angina ifi ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co lumbia, in restoring his hair. • Given under my liand.and seal of office, at the city of Philadelphia, In, the State of rennsylvania, the United States or Ameriii. FILBERT ROBERTSON. tor, -orge charge, :North Fifth :ii at. 16311^ .*!. it. •.