Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 15, 1841, Image 3

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-* On our third ke is a epoeli 3 Oal
enigma., Will some pretty girl solve it?
list Saturday evening in Edpeation Hall,
'and on list Monday evening in the Meth
tlisr'EpieOpal Church, on the subject of
.'Common Schools. We: Were present at
00 . first lecture; but on Monday evening,•
inucli•to our regret, a severe cold kePt us
, 'within doors, and thus deprived us of what,
others tell us, :was a rich treat. . •
Mr...Tay.lor- has an Rgreeable .enunchi
ition—speaks'lluently and forcibly—abou4s ,
in humor, and what is most -importanr6f
All in. a public lecturer,
s understands his
- subject. , We__ hope Mr.,,_Tayloes_lectures_,
• may have the effect of opening the eyes of
;soine of the blind with_ regard to the-inn,
, pertanee oldie Common'Scheol System,:
We have on our table the that number
• •of a periodical. named the "Inquirer,"' and
published :at -Albany. !Phe Inquirer .is
".."devoted to a free. discpssion as to the kind
'of wine proper to be used at , the .Lord's
• • Supper, &c.," and the number before us
Contains, a series of letters on the "Com
" • munion - Question," Written by
- van,• the publisher, and
. to 'pro;.
• leasing Christians. • We are Of those who
believe the, agitation of. this question at least
"dmpro,per, if not somewhat 'impious, but
'there is so little of,the rant ir4 deituvprue
•-about Mr. Delevan, That the•:•labfre of his ,
pen recommend themselVes to an iii*.es7
• • .. iigatioa: Mina. • -„ •
i•to•be publisited•ittlarter 7
e receive as
the - Miinberg - Will - diffei in siz - e:Mfd
The present 'hu,mber has forty. eight gnaw)
• pake . s. —Fottitht-fr-pireliECl"Tra
the (setters, and the remaining •ones con
stitnie atrapp - endix; -- ernhodyineuttelrthat
• ' -is interesting on . thcsubjectortesnperance,
. including Pathoktgy of Drunkenfiess, by .
-. Thomas Sewall, - with drawings •of the
• drunkard's stomach." -The price-with the
- 7: - plates is $l., ivitho.ut them '.'25 cents. - -
Our examination of the work has been
_ , curgortVe will bandit to anrgentletaan'
who will take the pains to scrutinize it. .: .
'Congress has, as yet done nothing
. that any body cares about'. ' Our paper of
'to-day .contains the President's Message.
• We submit it to - our readers without cell . -
, ?lure \ or.praise. They may form their own
, opinion.of it. .
prpHow we despise a nonconformity..
•to syntactical . rules in lofticompositioaa.
"Nor will I doubt but that they 'viii each
. and all resort," &e., isLvery bad. "For
the eight first years of the existence
of the United States Bank" is Worse, end.
%"The paper currency had bkter never have
• bma produced," is absolutely shocking.
tcy."Nr. Senator BENTON fiercely de
flounces the'financial scheme of President
'flrtflit. He says it is dangerous and .un
constitutional, and attributes its authorship
DUELLINO.-A duel wits recently fought
at Johnsonsburg, Ky. ; between a Dr. Not
• tie, and a lawyer, V I name . I~radwich.
Thereovas woman in the case." The
parties fought with rifles, at twelvelrces,
. and both shots ph'ved fatal. •
• That accursed • • Jitggernant, •the code of
• .lionor,: has crushed two more voluntary
, • victims, and each : has gone, like,Judas, "to
his place." le there no possible way to
abolish this barbarous and irrational ntan.!
ner'of sqtlitig, private quarrels.? : . Some of 1
best' htond in. the, country •bas been
• d t 4 the altar of the infernal . Moloch
4 1ing, and it is high time -that •the
moral world raise its denunciatory
6 against the damnable practice of sac
. icing human life at the shrine of. this hell-
,orn Divinity. s
But a little while ago, in encounters be
tween four gentlemen of high respectability
, in - New Qtleaus,' whO fought With small
•swords, two. were slain, and now the an
nals of iniquity preseni,ns with another in
stance of auicide and reciprocal mprdoe.
(rein the - S,putheid.pakie that the
was`, - on The 24th ultimo,
eleeted'Uoited States Sinatoefrom
.ma, to fill the vacancy occasioted, by the
resienation of Governor. Clay. - Mr. pagliY
is a, Igeofaeo of the first water.
.0:72° James' Reeside,llle 'extensive mail
•riontracttr, has recovered S: OirL
chit COuit at Philadelphia, a verdict against
14 . United 'Stateii for iillBB,lo6..—lluite a
- David Culver, a etieViVOr'pr the
-aged 76 1 ' years ? ' "*ati- married.' recently at
;Urbana, Ohio: ", , •
.val , E- 2 Pmmolt - i - ectta ,
igto., Four, ibottiand aid twenty' shares
o 1 Cumberland Valley; Rail Road. Stock,
part, of :the aesets Ole' U. S. Bank, were
sold - at minion in Philadelphia, week before
lastlcir 000. A iiharinful sacrifice. • •
Pt The "Apprentices' Libraiy" of this
borough, has been tranSfe'ired to, and is no iv
under the control: of . tho" - -School: Directors.
The Library will he open at Hducation Hall,
on the afternoons Of ths:first and ; third Sa
turdays in every- thontli. Teachers of
ther•Cornmon Schools, Apprentices . under
ttienty-one years of age, residing in Car
islel4-and-the • Seliolars uttinritightor
Department, shall have access to dig • Li
brary_free of, cliarge ! .'..any,individutil , can
have the benefit of it by paying inadvanci.
one dollar perannurn,. and signing an agree
ment in the: penalty - of ten dollars for the
return of all books loaned. ' • -
Ic?-.•The news by the Apadia; will be
found in another .ColUmn; hate . the
Liiferpool'Statitlard of ' the'l96, and Bell's
-Weekly Messenger of the 14th' ult. The
former contains a report of tvLecture on the
Character 'and ?Life of Dr. Franklin, deli-
vered : by 'the , Rev. Hugh O'Neil, in the
Royal A m iihitheatre,'Llverpool, for the ben l .
eft of the Printer's Pension. Society. 'We
have read the lecture with mut% interest.
The identical printing press upon width
I.Franklln worked in LontlOn, As a journey
man, in 1725, was placed upon the stage
by the right of the,_ Speaker,, and excited
• general attention. It was worked Tor some
tune before the Lecture commenced and
'impressions of a letter, written in 1756, by
to-the : Rev. Mr.-Whitefield, were
sitriplied!to the audience-. -
'At the.,cleic of the - lecture, a newspaper
published at BoSton, et an early -day, was
exhibited and contrasted with 4_popy of
the - " Boston Notion" of the date of 15th
July, 180.. Vile great difference' in ap
pearance Created much merriment.
• . ~ , ,
sorts,: rpon ifile.-alithdrity.of • another,' .that
. the eijagerstown Bar gave to Pennsylva-.
nia her presen't Justice. We step
up to t le and deify .it
Chief Justice Gussox wastorWin that por
t riTtlf --- Com - lieria - iitl7doitiftr - vii Web - is - fly
Perry—was educated at Dickinson college
read'latf . in. Carlwith Tiiinifis
CAN,. Esq. (afterwards a Supreme Judge,.)
and was a practising- member of - this bar
when appointed .a Cornm'on,,Pleas 'Judge,
from which iituation he was eleVated to the
Supreme Bench. We believe tkiit after his
adMission to the-bar, he did for a little time
'hank oat his shingle.' in' Dagerstoivn, hut
we cannot -- admit that This temporary so
journ there, worked a forfeiture of his
birthright. Pennsylvania is too proud of her
Chief Justice to allo.w the denial, by a sis
ter State, that he . is not of.her own rearing,
and 'Cumberland county is too proud of
her son , to pasi over sub silently the claim by
any'Bar 'other •than her own, the is ,
tcrThe Albany Argus—it seems, "by
authority"--has announced Van Buren as
a eandidate for - the Presidency„in 1844.
Van has got tired- raising cabbage at Kin
derhuok, and would fain cabbage a fe.w ad
ditional- thoUsands 'from •Uncle . Sam. ,
to-The . Volunteer, in .'speahing of the
anticieathd primeedoup of Congress, says.:
"The democratte members will, for the
present, be anxious to legislate odyfor , the
interest of the country." -
. The editor no doubt Means that when
his loeofotiO friends shall have again secured
a majority in both branches of the National
Legislature, that they 'wol then, as hereto,
fore, : be anxious to legislate only for ~the
. . "
benefit of their party. ", •
HENRY A. Wisc.—he friends of Mr.
~Visc deny that he has 4 eXptessed himsel
nehosiile to the Administration an&re-elec-
Lion . of President'Tyler. It is a matter Of
perfeet ; indifference to the Whig, party as to
whom Mr. Wise supports or opposes, as .
he is now without a, particle of : influence.
In the event of Mr. Tyler's being a cantli
date'for thezPresidency in 1844, if we.may
judge from . the "signs of the times," ho
will be compelled .to goit , on his own,
it:77s' Why does not jolts.; TYLER. dis•
miss his enemies and-appoint his friends to
office?". asked one . Whig Of 'another.—
"Don't know," was the reply,:“ miles's - it
is because he has no friends to 'rip.
putt,. • • -
• , D.Cr.The §lavehofciers of Mary antFeen-;
on the ISt Monday of January next. The
great object ol this Conventien. will 'be' to
adopt "such measures as may mere effec
tually secure 'to them the preservation of
their-.rights -to ,slave property." , They say,
that the condition 'of this species of proper:
ty ; 'throngii the ',intervention of A bolition
•ists, add other' Mischievous iniiividuals, is
becoming highly precarious:,
V .4•:v.::. ..I.., fit!
. : ! i_ v:4_,J,,10:4,:-Ti:‘::::M:T:.-1c7.:-.44-...:-.i
The_ follow ing, which we
.coh fromka
Virginia met', ahows that etier . the,people
of the' o 4neient'Dominioth are , disposed to
imitate the lawless example set them by
,their elith-weatern brethren. Anaore fiend
jai'and flagrant violation of law, decency,
and oidnr, has rarely-been perpelrAte'd even
on: the, shores of—the Misshisipp,i— The
tarring an eat ering o a man.
enough, too bad; but when. females, how 7
ever degradek are subleetedlo such tuber
barous. punishment by a brutal.. mob, we
may well blush fOr the hunor•of our coun
try; ..Wit trust the Reuel' WILL be judi
cially investigated,. and, the Lynchers -st6,
verely'ounishek .
Imicn LAW.-41 scene of. a very alias ,
ual occurrence,••We - understand, took place
about , six . o •seven' miles easttof this plebe,
orrSaturcla night last: was the act•Of
a number• oc itizens, being incensed at the
conduct of tw • of their neighbors, who
had gone off some dine sine() together, (as
our readers will recollect from an advertise
ment. which appeared in our columns)•hat
ing: returned - and - settled - themselves' again
with their respective families. After the
stripping the female they applied a• coat
of tar and feathers, withholding, the /. 'tar
froth hei.head—not so; however, with the
man, as, after stripping him, it was plied
indiscriminately over him; with a due quail ,
tity of featheks. They also rode the fe-
Male upon a rail—the man, from •some
cause; escaped this punishment, 'Our rea-.
tiers must not understand us - ab, approving
of this.act, I No - doubt the matter will iv_
taken, hefore a judicial' tribunal.=Rontney
(Pa.") Intelligeneer.
For the Herald &\Expositor
The Revenue-Bill.
The London Post of the Bth October, in
speaking of the Revenue Bill passed at the
late Extra Session of Congress, highly ap
proves pf some , of Its provisions. It par-',
•ticularly'approves, of •thet--portiotr-0, f•ttbe
now attte ep•tt a( tianiti pr
'l6s" ettrtiv .- in a rc -4
rein rate,patiOnAtieuitiClCOMtiate& This
is a great improvement on the tariff taws,.
and goes at once to the root - of msnufac-.
turing abilterstion,Lene-of-tbe-iirtost4ormi.
dablb.;:vices of the age; 1t• must effect a
total revolution_ in._the • numerous tribe •of
iinitations-;_nor_eatLit_weillappenimt th
:the consumers of this country,;'as well as
the : commerce_ and revenue will be largely
betiefitted . by the circumstance. The Post
awards much praise to,the discoverer of an
expedient at- once so simple, - and:so effica
cious for checking imposition ; and hopes
that: the British •Goyernment will adopt
something_of tile same kind.- It is with
great pleasure . that wo,are. enabled to an-
MiunceCharlett..ll. Penrose, Esq. the, pre,
sent - Solicitor of the Treasury, ati•thel'"dis , .
coverer," The Amtrican Sentinel of the
3rd of Dec.' contains au extract of a getter
from this gentleman to a friettil in Phila
delphia, in which he states, that at his sug
gestion,.Mr. Ewing had the provision in-
irbduced in the bill. It will without doubt
give much pleasure to 'the friends of Mr.
PenroSe, in this, county, that the merit-o
tile judicious amendment belongs to him.
And we need not say, that all his views. on
the greCt question connected' with the
'are .-sound and practical. He 'is well
known :is .the able advocate , of -domestic
industry,. and •the Ainerican 'System. As
long as he continued a member of the Le
gislature of this State, he was on all occa
sions, found foremost as the champion
of• those interests so dear' to every true
hearted PennsylvaniS. We aro glad to see
that, in his present situation,. he is consult
ed in'inatters so •important•to his country.
The present . 7
sessio.u. i)fCongress .will act
on numeraus•important subjects connected
with domeitic interests—let the opinions
of such men as Mr.:Peurose and Mr. For
ward be consulted and we are sure the
country will.Oot suffer from their advice.
The . Washington Letter Writers.are now
on the ground. Some of their epietles_are
interesting already, as:,they "shadoniforth
coining events." Touching the Secretaries,
the correspondent of the New York Ame
rican writes: ' -
"There i n
s prospect of a very gay. ses
sion in the city this winter. An unusual
ly largo number of members have made
arrangements to bring their families with
them ; and provision is oinking for.numer
ous entertainments. Mr. :Legare has taken
Mr. Bell's house, (late Count Demenou's)
with its'fiae furniture, "all'standing;" and
dill keepThouse.on-a great scale, though a
bachelor. Mr. Gales has, taken the lease
of the half Of St. Clair,clake's housa -- off,
from Mr. Granger's hands,- and will-play
his part in the'entertainments of the win
ter.--;Mr. Webster's new house (close by)
has been fitted up in a style welt suited to
the same purpose: . .
, .
,Ft has been 'extensively remarked in the
papersthat all of the'new Caliinet: except
M 1 7
eiirS. A ebster and.:,Ppencer, Were. un
married. Itis-a great mistake. Mrs. Up
-sltur an 'Wickliffe are not widowers asie
pone( hurhave both„wives and children . .
Mr orward . ,.is,,the...ontYThvidOwer. --He
_... . .
-a •in quite a Antall -slid , plain C . :
street near 41 street: - He' and Mi. Wiek*i
liTre seem to .have - taken kivise•Wartiing b l y I
thctuillitnetY Cate.oliheit.predeeessors,...and.
have loiliornirto to•largelrintolinuie 'ex
ponies..with latch-on cieertain" tenure, The
Postmaster 'Genet:al has, taken a mery
Ordinary -houie, next 3o 'the 'intelligence!'
()Kee, in,7th street.
-- Poen AT CrivcrstATi;-;—Sii eetirely `flat,
says, the Cincinnati . the great
.staple,of the Miami Valley. at Cincinnati,
t at,
,hogs, command no price. ,No con,
tracts arc made for them. Even Ohio
funds are not considered cheap enough .to
invest in Pork at , living_inipeth
Thee MORMONS are increasing at the
West, by converts to .their:cloctrineas well
as by emigration. Large number's , of per
sen have arrived froni.Great Britain also tbjt
seasen, wild he joined the. Mortifons:
STATE: CREDIT...—The 'language , of Mr.
Tyler,' in his Message;louching •the faith
of:the States, strikes us as opper
tube and correct, and ,we .chink it will be
responded to by the'State Executives.. We
believe that we, may safely vouch for the .
Governoi of Pennsylvania; that not only
will heiay that themoney is ready for the
creditor the first day on . which• it becomes
due, but that the honor of - the Co
1 - wealth shalt i • w ue -he has -the
power to gather from anyi itiarter the means
-of meeting her reepomsihilitteir.• . .Pennsyl=
vania ,itot-tt=k to evade the .'principal
ot,. her debt; and sliiiWilifierreadY ' , at any
hour to, pay the interes4 tint:l44l4 too, at,
the counter of the PennSylyania3llatik.--
qnoed. .S'littis• Gazette. ' • -
'CoNottEss.--Mci repeat the expresaion,
sayi the Alexandria Gazette, "of our great
desire•that this session may be - a
-short one
—that dig members of 'Congress - Inv 'de
liberate and act for the good of their coun
try.and not for the interests of party—that
electioneering be,voted a bore and eschewed
altogether-,that kind
,and ,friendly feel
ings-may:prevail- to the. ex - elusion Of pas
sion and prejudice—and that the theories
of two-penny politicians and'-demagogues
may be made to give place to. the mea
bures of practical statesmen and true pa
IN THE PrEr,o..-The Albany Regenpy,
flushed with. their 'success iii.l-11olate:elec
tione. have at length, though with . much
seeming caution, brought Mr. ,Van .13uren'a .
ndme,before . the public, inihecolumns of
the Arguq, .as" a. candidate for re=election to
the Office'of - PresidentOlthetUnited States.
Judging from what we saw and beard a fesv,
days recently passed in Albany, we had
thought that the old 'Bourbons had troubles'
enough on their. hands • for one season,
without thus early casting another, ingre
dient into the bitter waters of political
strife. But. not so, the ex-President may .
be considered again in the . political field, anti
Abe consequence, .w,e fear, will be, that the
nation. will again be otterwhelmed • with.
~449 A kilASVAjmot#0. 4 9. .
,sosi7a - pol iticarrepael 0 'whet! ? 7 --1V:: Yy
Cominercial. " •
SENATOR PRF,STON . :-A correspondent 6
the Charleston Mercury. repents from Co
lumbia, the rumor of Senator Pres
totesiniended resignation, and says it-is
hinted that,Goirernor .McDuffie will accept
th 6 seat fur , the unexpired term or_a_longer
period. Mr. Preston waits to see' the
Prciiident'S message before he decides on
tiffs course.
Thefeharleston Courier .notices
that SA-1. Butler ] M. C. from South'Car
olina, intends resigning his seat as repre
sentative in Congress, hi consequence of
a determination to remove - to the Western
country. Messrs. Charles R. Carroll and
S. W. Trotti, of Barnwell District; Will be
cindidatas for thc Vacancy.
Spargere voces ambiguas
# There is a word,l tiot'say.;
4°' Then guess it if you cam:
Thine things 111 answer, ail may,
• •By which my thoughts you'll scan
What my thought'S like, I first will tell,
Listen, prepend, and trace it ; •
Next how i like it you shall know ;
And lastly, where I'd place it.
The thing I wot of '8 like a man,
It's also like a'ghost,-
It's like the inside of a can,
An image and a post.-
It's like the gayest of the gay,
The wittiest of' the witty ;
Ye 'tis a thorough bore, they
In court, in camp, or city.
Pis like a 'doll; like mothei"s. milk,
Like - praise to the vain-glericrus;
!Like Sall - 1801 strong (tkough soft us silk)
' settle the uproarious;
Like the dead kink's, it's heavy"'een
Are void of . speculation ;
Yet can it penetrate, I mem',
What's hardest in the nation.
Like grief, lire apt to make you weep,
Liko mirth, 'twill raise you crowing;
Like opium it will make you sleep,
Though sharp as th' east wind blowing
It's solid as theliardest block,
It's watery, and 'it's airy, ,
Like fate, the stout mar dread its shock,'
Though spirited In tarr y . -
Next, ask me how klike it beat,
My secret to disubver;
And thus.l answer your behest,
Obedient u 9 '' T oyer:
I like It hot,:flike it cold, . .
Sometimes, pike it ioy-r
I like it impudentand bold,
I:Usurious, racyispicy.
I like it crooked, like it straight,
• I like it wit h -its right cap ;
I like It on my footman's pate,
-And yet for my own night-cap.
I like . it when I droop with care,
like it when I'm merry;
In theatre,—in my elbow-chair,—
In lieu of sack or sherry.
When every trace IF-leaves is holy , .
When ii;cry tle'eills a sad tine I •
When, sinner -like, it Makes us jolly;
Or,, floor the had one.
it's,•-brit . ,
auroi you're up to muff,
How ean . you be 1..9 slows, _
- Haver - dor
Then, where I'd place it, know': . •
it in the rascal's eye,
'Who'd shove tie from the wall ;•
placoit, wisest my friends were by; ' • '
••Where the; might-share it all. '.•
;t in did workman's' hand,
_Between the Alps of beauty; .• f '
lii the maiiked4nilla, •
Or where I'd wish my ahoe4ie.
Where iihildren . "Olio in ,theistreet,=-
Where milliwieflOiiktolfiWit,;
Where mirth anOirmony would Meet,-
Where'nalla are' in'too tight:.
l'th` riba of, 'ail ;riot" 61 1 /11 .
I'd give it not'to knaies" orfable,. •
~,I'd send it to the devil. • • " •
Thus I have Made in
. meaning
merit; if You i gueal it,
The thing in questiontci obtain,. ."
Still more if you Omni('
.4 . ,..# i i,Hg , ,:1e op p 0 . :: 4i a T• 4
z ' • ,MARRIEW
Washington City, on_ the:l stlinti,tailt;
JOHN fr% SHAnRETTB, Esti_.2 Of 'Penns, iva-
that City: .
, l On Thursday evening last, , by the:Bev.
'Henry Slicer] Mr. JOSEPH. C. 'l"HonlPsoN,
(Printer,) to Miss JANE, youngest daughter
of Mr: fiitnon;Sitith;=-:al of his4mrougt
ti••• tura ay' eieninvilie .12c1 instant,.
I)y.theeßey.Mr.litrattil;SOgnant Chicitza
HAnbtr; ell the Ist Reginient Drd
-gOonsc; to! Miss Minx. ANN twouit, cif thii
On Tuesday the 30th ult., 'by .the .Rev;
James Latta, FERSIFOR F. MYERS, Esq.,. to.
Miss.EmmonA. W. DE SANNO, all of Parks- .
b . frrgh,'Oltester county. . • . •
• 'On Thuredarthe 25th 'ult., by the Rev.
O. P. Cummings, JOHN ' MODONALO,
to Miss MARY ANN VANKIRK, both Of West
• PSIIIISbOrOIiaIi township.
. V oOSatuiday last,. the 4th instant, after an
.illness of three weeks,- . .l3annAnn, wife of
Jacob-TLongneolteriq`., -- of 7 Wormleys ,
• biltrg, in this county,; aged. 32; ytars.. •
On Mondatthe- - 15tli•ult;, - in - Jefferson
City Missouri, Miss CA'/HARlNE:M., ' eldest
daughter of, William Lusk, Esq., editor of
the "Missouri Inquirtir," and formerly of
' tl is borough, in the 19th year of her age.
7At Mount Rock, on l'uesdiy the.7th
instant, JOSEPH, infant son of Mr.• Joseph
Digroft, of West' Pennsburough•township.•
Great Temperance Meeting..
By the agreement of the seven Temperance Socie
ties below the Ridge, Cumberland county, a
• • -
GreatTinicitiTeinpaiance Meeting'
of the above Societies will be held'at MECHANICS
BURG iu the Methodist church on Saturday the 25 th .
inst:;beir% Christmas day, at 11 o!cli.cic,A. M. At
this meeting it is expeted- some of the best speakers
both of Carlisle and flarriahtirg,4ill addresa the
pcople,andgive to the ship Temperance, a fine kale
to waft her ou towards the general Temperance
harbor. ,
By orcletror the .I.litinn COmmittee.
. - • .:JACOB. WEAVER, Seey
• •
delniitll, l of
hurt; Pit. ' ~ e ntirelyreUred• Ofllie 'above' distressing,
disease. His symptoms were . tmiti:atill weight in the
left-side, loss of appetite, vomiting acrid eructations,
a distentimit of , the stomach, sick headache, furred
tungue; count enanceeltatigedio_a_oit.eon-colue;3lin.-
-- dulry — Orhicelitlitiig, disturbed rest, attended with a
cough,great debility, with other symptoms.indicating
great der angetnentof the functions of the liver. Mr.
Richards had the advice of several plisielans,but
eine, which terminated in eflecting.a perfect cure.
PRINCI PA L OFFICE, Nth-19 North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia, where _testimonials' may be
For-sale byllohn ..I:3lyers & Co.,Carlisle;-ati(
Wm. Piml,Shippensiiiirg,, Pa. 7. ' ^ dee. 15.
cur Rent
IHE Brick Dwelling, Lot, Stable
and cafriage House,, nu West : , ,4 tit
High street. Carlisle,' Adjoining the
dwelling.of John Brown Parker, now
occupied by John J. Myers, M.D.
Possession will be given on the first day-of - April
oust. For terms apply to
Dcceroliet. 15,1841.-A. • ,
. - •
. .
For Sale . or.
That valuable and commodious'propel ty now in
the tewire'of Saunter - McKeehan, Esq., situte on the
south side of East nigh str.cet. . Possession will he
given on die first of April:nest. Apply to
Agent for the owner.
Carlisle, Dec. 15, 1841.—St
• Notice.
. Estate of Dr: John Frazer, deed..
•estateNoule.Jolin Frazer, late of South Mid
dleton township, dee'd., hare been granted to the
subscriber residing in said township: Notme is
hereby given to all persons having claims against said
estate to to present thein fordettlementrand dmile in
debted to make payment on'or before
.the first 'Ol
February next, to •
• Deiiember; 15, •1841.-=6t
'its for Sale:
'On Saturday next, (the 18th inst.) at 11 o'clock A.
M., at the Court House, will he oftlired for mile the
following properties, viz
The out' Lot on the Baltimore
Turnpike, adjoining John Agnew on the North mid
Judge Hepburn on the South, containing about two
and one halt acres.
Also---The out:Lot.on , khe \Val.
nutl3otton road and Pitt street;radjoining.lota of
Arthur Ilueliannoti;PatrielePrillipa, lito.,eontaining
nearly three Acres. .
Ternis—Ceats.--Thetrin on the Ara lot being
J. r 4. EBY,'
Trustee of Bridget Carney's heirs,
The subscriber Will. also offer at the same time
I not previously . disposed o 1) the .
floutie and ILOt- • .
on• East Main street in the occapaie - r :otMaj. Thoi
`Craighead, on the same terms-tir if preferred, one
half In hand, and the balance in one year with in
. A1w)....-ThO out . Lot
West corner of South and West streets, near the
Seceder Church, composed of four additional town
Carlisle, Dec. 15. t 841
. • Valuable IPropert).'
• For Sale.
The .subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the
premises on Saturday the, first day ofJamiary next,a'
• . Tract - of Mountain Land; -- •
situate lii - Hieitinion township. Cumberland .county,
four miles from Mount Holly, and .enfrcira
' on the road leadingfrom Carlisle to Gettysburg, con
taining oitelu tared and Amoy acrec.' This land is
well covered with ' •
• ,
.thik, -- Whitn-pine and Chesnut .•
.• Timber,.
and is 9xtenshielv watered: Tide land wil:1 be dis
posed olio Lots of . 11 . ive, l'en add I'i fleen :+4cres, to
suit purchaiers. • •
The above 'property will be surveyed on, the 20th
of Hecernber. (instant,) and the lots 'numbered ; 'and.
lersonsWishing view it Can - do so by calling en
saart..onißprru; who resides an•the tilace.•
' . ' • JACOB: RNISH.
December, . • .
• iiry (oohs:
.1 have received, and will open thisdsyot .fresb
mipplY:of dry goods, and several pieces Of,osrpetiog,...
In South • IfaturvOr street, in which !groat; harpies
era al*sys . offered , by . . „ .
December 15,1881; •
Just received 40 buses RAISINS,,end ror salle by
he box crib , . • ' CHAS. BARNITZ;
Deceinber 11,1841; •
.• - STR4r . STELNIS..
Came to the plantation, late of Wm•
o Ureakly, nowinthe occiipancy
f _
the subscriber, Dickinson town,
* ship, one mile West of Cumberland
Hall,.on the Bth of. November last,
Two - Red Steers,. ,
supposed -to he about four years old each. One is
marked on the -right horn with - Abe letters B. C„ and.
the other'one on the left with 'B. G. The owner ie
-regitesteil-to-oome-focwac4l,-procaLliroperly_ s _p_ay_
Charges and take them away, or they will bsdisposed
of according to law. •
. Dee. 15 1841. , -- se . •
. .
-In the matter of The application
by Thomas 'Wharton for a Tavern Limited on the
t oat! !elding front Sterretts Gap to. Harrieburg f in
Eastpenrisboroqowtiship,cuniberland bounty.
. .
We, the undersigned, citizens of Eastpennshoro'
township, in the county' of Cumberland, do certify
that we are well acquainted with the nbcve named
Thomas What ton, and !lathe is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the lodging and ac
commodation of Strangers and Travellers, and do
therefore rccummerd him to your Honors as well
.deserving' of a License; and further say, that a
Tavern at the stand is an accoffiniodation to the pub-,
Peter Lesher; • John.P..Quittley, -
Samuel Bretz, , • • Abrahant Wheltnier,
A bm. Dietz; " • Samuel . Hall, .
Jacob- Bretz „• Ada m. Sel
M ,
ime .Isaac Longenecker;
Daniel Reesor, ' Andrew Kreilzer,
John 'EL Zearing, John Holtz.
December 15, 1.1341.-50
Petition fo'r Tavern Licnse
Public notice is hereby given that I intend to ap
ply at the next term of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of 'Cumberland county, for a License to keep
aTavern or Public House, in•Leesburg,Sonthamp..
ton townibip; in the'ilooseuldeh I now keep, --- ;
The undersigned citizens of
.Leesburg* and yield...,
ty in the county abdve named, hereby certity that the
Tavern above prayed for-is-necessary -to- acepinmo- ,
date the public and entertain strangers
lers, and that the above named Petitioner Fs of gond'
repute for honesty and temperance and is well pro
vided r iVitli house-room and conveniences fur theac.
cummoiliationitif strangers and travellers. •
Christopher Pelse, .Joliii:Clippinger; •
Abraham Hock, ' Michael .
Henry 11. Hebuck; Johnston Williamson,
'John IFlalejr., , • -*beet NlcCune,
4ohn Pilgrim, Situundjcelso,
Himes, -James Willis,
Dee.• 15,041
1 P . ..41 , . 7. , : ir.;5pV44 - #: 7 „
~ ,7 )
': t , 111e7r,'4 1 %
••';!'-',',. ~. g:a:' , ' '`,;• N1K` ,31 471k1, ' FiV . %,( 7 4 . Z'S:i.7o)li;4l: .
- ,
Y , virtue of a writ Of Leo Pacial:in'tne dirette 4 I
issued out-of the Court of Cotninon Pleas of 1
Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale
at the Catirt .Houpe in the borough of Carlisle, op
I Saturdaythe-iitlrilarof-danturry3tV/Tiit 10 oiTt 44 . 3=;;"
IA. M., the followibg described real csnite;viz:_ _ 1
A - certain Ground situate
on the North East side of the public square in the
borouglrol — Carlisle; - boundeilmiftlio - West •By fhe
public square;on the North by Mulberry Alley, on
the Enst by a lot in the occupancy of Dr. John
Creigh, and oir the, South by the Mien street, (said
lot_being numbered in the general Om of Carlisle,
171.);ornitaining sixty' feet In • timnt, moil two
hundred and forty feetomore or less in depth, having
thereon erected three two Story stone Houses on
Main street, and five two story Brick dwelling_
houses fronting the Public square, with - other itu
pros ements.• • . _ •
Also—A: Tract of ,Land •sitnate
in Nlifflin township s in the -county aforesaid, adjoin ,
ing. lands of George Christlieb, Jacob Christlieb,
Daniel McDonnell's heirs; John Harpers' Mansion
_tract artd.othern; containing one-hundred-and - forty
acres, more or less, having thereon erected, a two
story Log House, a large Barn and other iinproee
ments Seized and taken in execution as the prop,
erty of John Harper, Esq.
. And tq be sold be me
SnEtures Os'riet,
Carlisle, Dec. 14, 1841.-3 t. •
Goods at Cost: •
life subscriber is now offering'his entire stock of
dry goods at cost for cash, consisting in part of
CLOTHS, 4. Cd 2 SSDIERL'S..C./2857 . -
NETTS, nt from 3.1 cts. to 81,20.
• • NIERINoES from 25 cents to $1,25. ,
A good assortment of Thibet,
& Blanket Shaivls..
Mons de Nines, Chintzes and CalicoCs; a vaviety of
Camt)rie.,Edi-inn.s & liisertings;
6 6
also Cotton Edgings and QedHinge, silk and cotton
Thole; .Bonnet null Dress Silks, Chore and Plaid
Bonnet and Neck ltibbonsi Cloves and Hosiery or
various kinds.
Deeernlk' 8, 4841
Petition for Tavern
To the .Honorable the Judges of the 'Court of
Quarter Sessionsof the Peace of Cumberland coutlty,
at January 'sessions,' A. I). 1842. _The- petitiOn of
William. S. Allen,
.re p
respectfullyresents, thatyour
petitioner is provided with the necessary requ isites
for keeping a House of Public Entertainment in the
househe at present occupies in the borofigh'of 'Cur
lisle us a tavern. Your petitioner, theretdre, prays
your llonoto to grunt him a license for the same, the
ensuing year commencing on the first day 'of April
next, and as iu duty bound he will ever vay,B:44.
We, the undersigned, citizens of_the borough of
thecotinty of Cumbcrland;do certify that
we are well.acquainted with the above narnedWil
lia in S. Allen, and that he is nf good report for honesty
and teroperanceond •is well provided with house
room and convenience's for the lodging aCCo
11/othltiOil of Strangers an'd TravellerS; and it 111..
o there
fore reeoinmend him to your Honors as well deserv
ing of a license; and further say, that a Tavern at
the Mild ism; accommodation to the public.
P. F. Ege, John Irwin,
J. Detour, Mich. G. Ege '
Paul Martin, • JOhn Woodbitrn
: Saint. McKeehan, Wm. M. Porter,
S. Moore, Geo. D. Foulke,
Chats. 13arnitz, Edward' Shower,
M. Holcomb.
J. W. EBY. I December 3,18.412.-.3t
Pitition tor Tavern License:
• To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Corti
mon Pleas of Cumberland county, now composing
and holding'a 'Court of General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, in and for said County, IV January Terni,
1842. The peCtion of •Jtibob Poist,of the borotigh
of -New. Cumberlantl,ht the County_of _Cumberland;-
sheweth : That your petitioner is desir
ous to keeps Publia House or Tavern, in the house
where he now resides, and hail kept as a tavern - for
theiait.iiven years, situated in the borough of New
Cumberland. The hi:r4ile is large'and commodious, -thalie-hatpfevided•hporself - witit•necesssirieiforih
Convenience:l4mi] -accorainoilition ot.Travelleresin
Stradgere. tie therefore, prays your'. lionitrs„
grant him a license to keepa house of path' enter..
'ailment in said house, and he will ever pray, &o.
4A.cou pow.—
We,the subicribers, db certify:that Jacob Poist;
the shove namml applicant, is orkood repot° for
11004 arid temperance, and Is well prOsided with
houseroom and cotive , lencfs for the lodging and
accommodation of Strangrilt Sid Travellers, and.
that Scheuse of entertainment is necessary to hmicept
where bellow resides. • • ,
inseph Mnasei.,
H.' Breneman;
Jacob CAPtienter,
Geofge - Critit,
Adam PeemaTil
December 8, t1341.-I.3te.
' , receividl freeheuiMl7 Of GRDICERIES,ami
for aale by • • CHAS. BitRNITZ.' •
December I 5,'1841. -
Samuel 1-fainer3,
_4_7E. Wise,
11001iit; - '
John Storier;
...... , - 4 . i
etWon for Tavern .License.
• /To the Honorable the 'Judges of thelCpurt of
General Quarter Sessions of:the Peace of Cumber..
I land county, at the,January Sessions, A: D. Ma.
The petition of Clemens Macfarlane respectfully
represents, that your PetitiOncr is provided with the
necessary requisites for keeping a: House , of+ Publiu.
Eptertnelment, hi the tletise. bow kept by him ati:a
public house in'the borough. of Carlisle. YOU , ' pe
titioner, therefore,prays your • lion.oh to grant
a lieenbefor the same, the
,enittit4year commeneitig
on the first day of April 1842 end as ill duty bawd
he - will-ever-Imay r lko....._. •
.We, The Utulersignetboitizeni of the boroVia
Cuilisle and•yiemity, ni.the county of Cumberland, -
do certify tha Vim are well acquainted with the above
nanized. ClemensSaefarlane, and thatteis of good
report for honestyiuur tetnperancei atidl £1 well pro
vided with house 'rpqm and conveniences for the
lodging and acuom nedation of 'Strangers and Trayer
ellers, and , do theretbre recommend hint to your
Honors as well deteHing-of n,license and furth4•
say that a tavern at the stnnitts an accommodation to
the public.: . • - , • •
J. W. EBY . p.11 ,1 / 1 0FF,' •
.1011 N, OFFICER.• •••y.I. • lIIDDLEI. •
.1. S. FAUST: • •
'Deeember 8, 1841,--3t
Public notice is hereby given, that I intend tcketit.
ply .m nt, s tleu next- tem' of. the . f.jqs:t of Qtnlrter ,fief
shins of Cuinberland entity, or it License t.elt.cep
Tavern or ,Publie House in - the borough . of New.
Fine, in the House which Y now 'kern, --
December 8,1841.-3 u
The untlersigliedOilizeits orthe borough oftsteti.
ville, in the .county, eumberlaticl, hereby certlfy'•
1 that the Tavern above pray d for ismecessitry to au.
enromodatd the publiumml EntestalieStmingers 'And
Travellers; and that the above nutted petitioner is
of gtod.,repute for honesty and frinperance, and is
well prided with Knew teem andconVeniences for
the acominnorlation of 9V:otters end Travellers._ ,
William ' • Jueob Negler,
Jairmson flaninin •, 'John H. Wed,
Thos. A. McKinney, Jas. Kennedy, •
James Gilnior, • - . Jacob Zeigler.
inmes•Hoover, J. Sworer, •
Thos. Wallace, - Jos. M'Darmotiii.
• 'Teas, Teas
• Young Ilyii?n - ,lnperitd, Guntiowder%; and Blank
Tea,jast received very. fine arid . , .
I c i l, e age - ts! • —--4,,412a,
Rogit l 4,4P7A • --
•Gloves , ! Glov,esA
Just hecelyed 10 doyen pair Buckskin Blormythick____.:. -
" - uviiillt.. — old at prictisdo suit the tilijs, liv
caArtLes .
-rot. 'ste 0. Ihre)a.
ThetwoOry (tfestered house Mid groMitriCtilia : 7.
ed,thereto, - 88 let frodt, and 240 feet deep on'the east •
end of Alttin street, t south &de) now in the tenure of
.N1aj..T1101689 Craighead, is otfered.for sale if nppli=
tuition be made iiniveibuteri•btlierwiseAt will be
reused. 9(ip'lr to
Carlisle, Dcc. 8, 1841
IirLIE lt EAS, the SamtraClizrnrart, Pre-sident Judge.ortlie Court of Comition Pleas
in the 9th District, composed of the counties ul turn- • •
berland, Perry Mid -Juniata; aid the lion. Mtn
Stuart and John . - Lefrure, J tikes of the said Court of
Common Pleas of the county of Cumberland; have
issued their precept, bearing date the 19111 day of
November, 1841 . , aml• to me directed, for holding a
Court of Over and Terminer and General B. .
livery, and General Quarter Session's of the Peace,.
at Carlisle, on the •
&Via • 211ohdatrof Jaiitta y, 18 42, • •
. .
o)eing the 10th day)nt ten o'clock in. the forenoon r Norton in hereby given to the Coroner,Justicca of
the Peace, and Constables of the said 'county of Cum..
berland, that they be then and there in them: proper
persons, with their records, imiuisitinns,.examina-----
tions and other remembrances, to 'do those things
'which to their offices respectfully appertain. And
those•who rams bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are, or then may be, in the
Jail of Cumberland county. to be . nets and there to
ptosecutc against them as shall be . ,llltt. . .
bated at Carlisle, the 2nl slay at .December, 1641;
end the silty-siith sear of American Independence,
:I'AUL MARTIN, Sheriff.
. 1 0 0 Erlr .
The stnntl two story BRICK II'OVSE
ailjnining Weakley's, wry oesuliteci by Georg,
E q., ivr three months
.enly ,from, Ist of
hat:arrow. • - -
Carlisle, Dee. 7,1811.—.. it
NOTII.C .. C. •
Estate Zogan, deed:
r , r atE restamenial‘y, 6n the. Estate of tViti
Log/m.l kite n't• Frankiord 'town ship,,deed.,havet
been issued in due form of !ai r y to ihe subscriher
_sitting itt the .same . toansitift. NOTICE, is hereby
given to all persons having claims against said estate.
'to present them
.property 'authenticated for. settle,
ment,.and all persons indebted arerequestcd to malty,
paytrient to the subscriber.
December 8,1841.-6.4
. NoTice.
Estate James Wilson, deed.
LE TTERS ,of .Adthinistration on tife‘,
pstEqg of JinneislYitson - ; Ism . , of Itorth
ton towiiihip,CL.Mherland coainty, : dee'4l., have heed
isitietlin dues form of law to the subscriber residing
in said township. Notice is hereby given to all 1 3 er,
ions having claims i hist said estate, to present Mem
properly anthem icated , for lettlenamit, id all persons
Indebtedare requested to make payment to the sub.
semi ber.
December 8, I 841.—tt.•
Trustee Account.
In the Court of Contnion Pled., of Cute:
bertancl courtly. Ncivember 122,1841.
Skiles Wood •etirviving Trustee of Satinet
Caldwell, presented to the court an account of thO
execution d lnatraist, and•Atonday the 10di day
January, A. D. l8d$; ie apPointed for its aonarttta
and allowanca by tio6 court, if no oldeitioni b
made—of -which all persons imerusted will Lake
notice. ' •
Gi 7 .o. SANDERSON, Frothy.
Criisle, M.o. 8,1841.-6 t.
- •
Auditoti'Notjce: • -
The antlernignedothe auditor eppqintcd by thiir
Capri of Common 'Fleas al Cumberland couitty
.martthartho niviete in• the handl"
.eon, to and among the-oreditors t will attend 'fat that
pqrpose on Ttieschvy the gBth•te o'clotk .
footman, nt .hitotileck whist= ell cipoi,
cornett will Witt tvotioe., • • - •. •
' . . : • J AS-' DEVOlit. 4ltd!tor.t..
Decomher •
.. TO 'AY CREDITORS;' ~-.-'',' '. ,
. ~ ,
TokenOice that I have appljea tO 'tivi)4oll Pr:
the,t . trt orPetenten Pleas ofCifuebeilind epeety„
far the behatit at the Ineelve tiasva of this CepatttPts•
tvealth;'and 'they have pointed I.lttancktv Plf 10M
itevipanewry . tters;f the litattas t?t iitte and 1117.:
eredatora,at the Coh, Heap, in'the Peril Of Can. :
Its l 9Mitenliod wher94 l34 ,they )01 414 !i: 0 404 1 k
p ---.-. A. utttNA - MrPf...:
• Ikaember,B, 1841. • ' ' • ... ; .- :•-' " •
• '
- Clo 's
C 1,911 ts
A- 111461 40 , k,4 1 3R4Z4 8 , bATP Jost noolied4l ;
rebt from Eur lirg4l. l AMMlMeot of ClOthil
Cis linensarhte, or h
they ore dBurinided m•
;ieli low.
- shiapensburs,Pco. a, zgatm=4, 4:-; • '
3. W: EBY
ROBERT 7.411:D