Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 15, 1841, Image 2

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    no. such -augnientation• of , die taxes-should
take piece as tvuuldAtave the etfeet of tn
nulling- the hind 'proceeds digtributiou - aei
of the last sea ion, which act is declared , to
be inoperative the moment , the duties'are
;,iincreased beyond.'2o
_per cent., thchiaxi
muin rate established by 11 . Comproinise
. mict. Some of the proiisiens if the .Cos•
. pronsisa act, which will go in .cifect'on ,
atlio 3:11.11 day of.done next, ma , however,
be .found exceedingly in-convenient'in prae,
tiCe, under any regulations: that Congress
may adopt. I refer more particularly to
that relatin:;to . the homo valuation. A'diff
-erence hiAZloe,of ..he same articles to some
• extenhi aviill 'necessarily exist it . interim':
Torts- 7 -but that as altogether insignifteant,
when.compared with the conflict. in.varoa 7
ti4n,.which are likely :to,lartse, from the
differences of Opinion among thenninereus
appraisers of mere:haft:hie: . In • many in=
...stanceethe•esitnates of value masthe con
lectural„'and thus as many different rates of
value may be established • as there are ap-.
:Traisers. These.differenees in valuation
may also
. be - inuietilea by the , inclivatien.
mhich.without the slightest imputation oil
'their honeey, may arise on the part cif the
appraisers in favor of their fespeeffife ports
of entry.' ' I reecemmend . this Whole sub
t to the cimsiderutiim of Congress; with
a Single additional remark:• .Certainty and
,Terinaricnoy in any system of governmental
ipi'dicy are, in' all.respects, eminently deal
,rable; but More particularly is this trite in
. all that affects trade and commerce, the-op
.orations of whndi depeinl much more on
the certainty of their returns, and calcula-
Wins - with:4 embrace—distant
. periods of
time. than. on high. bounties, or ditties,
which are constant-fluctuations.
At your last session - Lin vitediyour atten
tion to the condition of the currency and
, exchanges; and urged the necessity - of adopt-
Aug such measures as were consismot with
i — ithe constitutional competeney of the Goy
, ernment, in order to correct the ittisounditesi
of the one, and as, far as ..prati•titiable the
inequalities of the other. -N
• be io.the'etileyntent hi' its fi
..:- t .pr.q.peri!,y,: e him 'to he
ilium, etiejt:alfige 4Asus,,ti og,
iforrnity of, ya lilt .IS , necessary , as,,
between the different -natinits of the 'earth,
. is also . kinportant between the inhahitants of
• -differctit'•parts of the same. country; with
the first the pretiodi metals
edinni of
- -Would be the ease its to-the last, but -for'in- 1
. • wentions.comparatively modern, which have
:Turnislted,' in . _ place of. gold and silver,
,paper circulation. 'do nut-propose to 'en
ter into a comparative analysis'of the mei:-
.-ita of Ate two.
,syStems;' • Sitoli belonged
,=more properly to the period of the intro-
Auction of the 'papePsystem. The specu
.. Antive philosopher might 'find inducements prosecule the
_inquiry, but his researches
-could-only lead hint to -- conclude, Wet the
,paper system had probably betti•rfieVer have
.• been introduced, and that society might
_, , have'been'initchhappierTwithout it. Thu
,statestuan haS a i'eryiliffeienfiaSk
to.perform. has to look at -things as
they are-;--to take them as he finds them
-twat] p y deficiencies, and to prune excess
--,es as far az in him lies. The task of fur
.wishing a corrective for derangeinents 4 of
the paper medium with M. is almost Mex
. pressibly 'great. The power. exerted , by
- the States to.charter banking corporations,
and winch, having been -carried to 'a - great
bas'filled the country with in most .
- . States, an irredeemable papar medium, is
an evil which in some way or other re
quites a corrective: rates at which
bills of exchange are negotiated .between
~.dilTerent parts -of the -country, furnish an
index of the value of the local substitutee
for gold and silver which is, in many parts
so tar depreciated, as not to be received,
„except at 'a large discount, payment
of debts,. or id the purchase of produce.—
It -earnestly be desired that every
bank, not possessing-the means of restiinp
" titan, should -follow the-example of the late
United States Bank , t4ll"entisy vada i and
go into.liquidation; rather, than by refusing
. -to du so to continue onbarrassinents in the
way of solvent institutions", thereby aug
menting the difficulties the pres
. ent condition •of things.' AVltether this
,!government, with due regard to the rights
.of the States, bas any power to constrain
dhe b.anks either to resume specie payments,
or too - force them into liquidation is an in
quiry which will not fail to claim your cod
- .sideration. In view of the great nib/lotu
ses which are allowed the corporal rs, not
---- among-the least ot which is, the ; uthorityl
contained in most of their charier , to Make'
ktans to three.times the amount of the eapi
tel, thereby often deriving three tirrics as
• much interest on the same amount of money
as any individual is permitted by law to re-
calve, no:suffiCient apology, , can be urged
- - --for , continued suspension Of- specie
• payments. Such suspeneion ise productive
of the greatest-detriment to the public, by
expelling from Circulation. the precious
metals, and seriously hazarding.the'success
-of any effort _that, this government can'
Make, to.increase commercial facilities, and
• to advancethe publicintereste.
:This is the more. to be regretted, and the
indispensable necessity for a sotind.ourren._
ty becomes 'the more manifest, when we
• .reflect on the, vast amount of the internal
commerce of the country. Of thin .we
have im - ,statistics, norjust daia fur-forming
• ~adequate; f iginiuns.
.But there, can be no
thotibtitiOt•-titat - Alie-mmittnit of Artinsporta
.. :Ori .. l.ointl, by rail roads and .canala„.and
• tentubTiattranit - othi tnuite~f -convey
`;once,eatite surface ; -of our vast - rivers and
itritnense-kes,:and....the value of property
‘ and.4Qeichanged .by -.these means
:form 4geneyai 4gregate, .itltsick,tlie for.;
eign commerce of the country, lbige .as
.48,,mak'es but .a distant apprinielt.!
- ..'.ln the. absende of eny.controlling pOwer
overthie,.,subjent,4 Ch by forcing ,a
suMption:tif ,Specie - . paymanta, ivotil4 sit'
once :have the. effect , of restoring a - sound
tyieiiiutn-Or,exchatigeend , - ivould leave to
.:11wciuntry kut -little to desire; hat_ni
.stire, o ol-retief,4lling. On: limits' Of
"'oni:cion'stiturtionai'..coMpetency.dose -if be=
Coite. this'. government to - adopt'? -It was
my,'Fiainfolt:nty,:at-yonr last seseion,'noder •
'thiEntostioletnit tibligatiOne,"
`:,ttr; Bidet with' Congress,on ,the,meaewicii
which it - proposed fur MY - .ticipro4l, and
. I whialt it 'donbtless correetiveot
Ptibsequenkrefiectiem; and
events since occurring, hilve only 'Served' to
confirm mein the opinions then "entertained,
mid firmly, expressed. •
I must be ~permilted to y 'add, that no
scherhe of geVerinental policy, unaided by
Individual exertions, can .be_ available .for_
ameliorating the Present coilditioritif thingS.'
Commercial. modes of exchange and a good
currency, are.but the necessary means of
commerce .atid intercourse,. not the ,direct.
productive sources of wealth.:7Wealth can
' only be accumulated by the earnings of in
dustry and the stivings of frugality.; and
°o him , . can be more illjnilged than to look
to' faeilltieswing,,or to a • redundant
eircelation, , for . the power. of discharging
-pecuniary obligationa. The country is full
of 'resources and the 'people full of energy,
-and the great and permanent remedy foe
present .embarrassments must be sought -in
industry, eton'iimy,. the. observance or good
faith, -and thefavorable influence of time.
• In pursuance of a pledge given to yntvin
my_last message to Congress, 'which plecV
-1 -urge as- an apology -TO
..adventuring to.
present to yen the details of any. plan, the:
Secretary. bi- the - Treasury,Arill be• ready to
submit to•youi should you re,quireit, aplan
of finance which, while it throws, around
the •publie treasure reasonable guards for ,
its protection, and rests on powers acknow
ledged in exist fromAe , origin.
,of-the-Government will, at the•sarrie time,
furnish -to'the country a stitind paper me
dinin, and afilird all reasonable facilities for
reenlating the Exchanges. • When . slit) ,
Mined, you-will perceive-in 'it a plan am
endatory of the existing laws . - in relation
to the Treasury Department- 7 -,subordinate
in alt, respects to the will , of Congress di
reedy. and the will of the people indirectly
—self-sustaining, should- it be found in"
prakiee to realize its- promisee in theory,
:and repealable at' the pleasure of Congress.
It proposes by effectual restraints, and by
in volt i n gAhe true spirii of .ou r Institutions,
to, spearate : the n purse
..frem the_ sword ; ; : or
more properly ; to,ripeak, fletties -any ,other
. eoi4 - eol. o ilttt- kles . Ottftt:;:over--:the -
,a , gents
trati r he'selOre'd to
dution, but what may be indispeneably-ne-
Tessary to ',secure they fidelity 'of such
gents ; and, by wise legulations, .peeps
public Ttuids. It cimtedirplates the estab
lishment of a ILard of - Contrel, at the'seat
of Government, with agencle.s at prominent
comOtercial "points, o r wherever else Con
gress shall difect, for the safe-keeping and
disbursement of. the public moneys, and a the opt-kn of—tlie public
creditor, of 'Treasury note in lieu of gold.
.silver, 'lt proposes to limit.thei issues
to - an amount-not to-exceed $15,000;000---
without the ex-press sanction of -the , Legis- .
lathe power: •It also authorizes the receipt
of indiv,idual deposTtes of 'gold and silver
to a. limited amount, and the granting -cer—
tificates of deposit divided into such sums
as may be called for depositors. It
Proceeds a-step farther, and authorizes the
purchase and sale . of Domestic Bills'-and
drafts, resting on a real and • substantial
basis, payible at sight, or having but a
short time to •run, and drawn on places nut
leis than one hundred
. miles apart-which
anthority, : except , in so far as may he ne
cessary for 'Government purposes ,exclu
sively, is only. to be exerted upon the ex
press condition, that its exercise shall not
Ibe prohibited 'by the State in which the
agency issituated,.. . • .
In order to cover the expenses. incident
to the plan, it will be authotized to receive
moderate premiums .for -certificates -issued
Oil deposits, and On bills bouilitldtt sold,
and thus, as Tar as its.dealings extend, to
, furnish facilities to commercial intercourse
at the lowest possible rates, and to subduct
from the earnings of industry, the least
poisible sum. it uses the State Banks at
a distance from the agencies, , as auxiliaries,
without'imparting any, power to trade in
its name. att is -subjected 'to -such guards
.and.restraints as have appeared to be ne
cessary. -It-is the creature of law, 'and ex
ists only at the pleasure of the legislature.
It:is• made to rest on an actual specie baiis,
in order to redeem the notes at the places
of issue--produce no dangerous redundan
cy of rircul,tion—affords, no temptation to
speculation- A —is attended by. no-inflation of
prices—is equable in its operation—makes
the Treasury Notes; which it may use a
long with the certificates of , : deposit, aid
the notes of specie-paying banks . conver;
tible - at the =place where - collected; ceiva
ble in payment of Government due and..
without violating any principle Of•th -con
stitution, a ff ords the. , Government . at d the
People such facilities as are called for by
the wants of both. Sueli,at has appeared
to me. are its recommendations, and in view
of them it will be submitted, henever you
may require it, to your consideration.
1 am not able : to perceive: that - -any -fair
and candid object* can be urged against
the plan, the. principaLoutlines- of . which .1,,
have thus, presented. -I-cannot doubt but
that the notes purposes to-furnish,
at the voluntary option of the public•-cre
ditor, issued. in lieu "of ,the revenue and ite
Lcertilie'ates of deposit, will he maintained
at an equality with gold and •silyer, -every
where. They are redeemable in gold and
'-silver oil demand, at the place' of-issue.,.—
They are:receivable every where in pay,
anent of Government dues: The Treasury'
notes , are limited to an amountof one4ourtli ,
les ej.k a n tilet atitrutivaniikitaLi*eipt*-61:
The Treasury ; and. in atidi . titiikithi'*' , retit
upon the faith 'cf the Governnietiffei their
redemption. lic.4 these assurances are not
sufficient-to inaixe. thorn' available, then the
itle.a,.as `it seems to me, of ..furnishing a
sound 'paper mediutrieif eiehtinges, - thitY hi -
entirely abandoned.- -`, • . '
-.: . ' . 'l
• If azfear bd indulged that :ihe: Govern
,men t maybe tempted to. rurvinto . excess. in
its issues. , at., atiyAtture' day,. it'seents to
nee that no such apprehension cansreason
ably be entertained, until•all confidence • in
thdrepresentatives 91 the:Stated ar.d.,of the
peolil6, - us - yeline of the.peopldilieniseived,
shall . : be lest.... considers.
Lions`of : rioliak 2 require that :the.-restraints
now proposed 'to be throvin :around the
meatiure , should- 'ncit4tr' light ;tenses.. .6e
removed, '.l'o argue. against' any proposed.
.V.A.vt1ip,11,.e..7L4) v:
Olen itsliabiltly toliqesible abuse, ,
feet every 'expedient; since' every thine de-
pendent inditimaWaCtiOn is liable tii.obtse.,:
' : : Fifteen millions:of Tritasury nines may be :
lisued asthemaximuM, but a discretionary
poweris to be : giiien-to; : the. Boord of Con
try!, .sunder, that sud, and, every .eiinsidera
tion./will feel heir
way-with Caution. For the eight first years .
• 61,the - existence o 7 =the 'Bank' •Of iite
...United'"States, its. :circulation ;barely , ex 7
ceeded4l,4,ooo;o6o; and forlive of its fist
. ,prosperous- years, -it---Was.. : about eqoaluo,
$0,000,000.;• furthermore, 'the' authority .
given to receive private deposits to:alimif
ed amount; and: to issue certifictes:in stich•
' sums as-maybe called for by the - tiejisi- - .. .
tors, may so - far fill up: the channels of eir
-•eulation- as
_greatly to diminish the neces
sity-of any considerable issuepiTreasury
notes. .A restraint upon the amount of
private deposits hati seemed-to be' indis
pensably necessary, from an apprehension.
thought to be 'well founded, that in any.
emergency of trade, confidence might be so
far shakoiOnthe batiks as to induce a-with
dratial froth
-.them. of private deposits, with
a view-to-ensure their unquestionable safe
ty' when, deposited With this Government,
which might prove eminently disastrous to
the State Banks. , •
. .
Is it objected that it is pro'posed. to au
thorize the agencies to deal in. Bills of Ex
change? It is answered,' that such dealings
are to bq carried on at the lowest, possible
)I . oi - li - um—are made to rest on an unques
tionably sound baSisare' designed to re
imburse. merely the expenses which•would
otherwise devolve upon the Treasury,-and
are , in strict Subordination to the 'decision
:tir tii:e Supiemo-court,sin' the' case - of the
Bank 'of - Augusta offairist Earle, and other .
reported eases; and thereby avoids all don
flick with State jurisdiction' which I hold to
be hidispensably ( „requisite.—A-t—leavesHthe
banking privile ges of :the States without
interference looks to the . Treasury and
the-.Union—=and, While furnishing"emery
faeility, to the•first, is careful of the interests
•tl'fthe last.:, But above.all, - -it.isiereatedliy
law is aiwetioble:hY la v.:- ..s'.l'.4ettlithie
4 ';'. , ,A*l*4.`t,.e-P4 : • .'i.'ol7i 0, 110 :ktiOr,i ) :, '
wyki ) alit!4
'but' lOokirigim ' to': thi3,''irdA'a nee di mint' - .
the public good, I. shall' be amongst the very
first to . urge.its repeal, if it,lnifound not to •
subserve the purposes and objects for. tyhich
-it -rn ay-be --c [LAI
submitted in any overweening - , comfidende
in the sufficiency of ity , owiLjtidgment; but
with I . n.uch grellter relia nce On - the
and patriotism of Congress. :I cannot it-
,this-subjeet-without 'urging • upon :
yot, , in the • most' emphatic manner, what
niskbe your au,tion on the suggestions.
which Uhave felt it to - he my duty to sub.
'nit, to - relieve the - Chief Executive-I%l:los
tryte by any and all constitutional means,
from a controffing power over the public
Treasury. • If,*Mthe plan proposed, shotild
you deem it worthy of your•consideration,
„that separation is, as complete ae•you
may desire, EMI, will,.._.dotibtless,,,aluend it
in th - Siparticular.. For Myself,l disclaim
all desire to have any cont r ol over the pub
lic moneyti,-other titan what is, indispen - i'a-:
bly necessary, to execute the laws Nvhich
you may pass. _
Nor'ean I fail to advert, in this. connec-
tioii, to the-debts which many of the States
of the Union have-contracted abroad, and
under which they continue to labor.' That
indebtedness amounts to a sum not less
than $200,000,000, and which has been
reiributed them, for the most part, in
works of internal improVement; which are
destined to.prove of vast importance in ul
timately advancing their prosperity and
wealth.. For the debts thus contracted; the
States -are along responsible. I can do
no more than express the , belief that •each
State will feel itself - bound by everYconsk
deration of honor; as well as of interest,
to. meet engagements' will punctuality
—:.:Flte• failure, however, ()flty one State
to do so, should in no degree affect the .ere
dit of the rest, and the foreign capital's
will have no just cause to experience alarn
as to all other State stocks, because all)
one or more of the Stata — may neglect
to provide with punctuality the means
of redeeming their-engagements. .Eveh
such States, should there be any, • chn
sidering the great rapidity 'with which
their resources are developing themselves,
will not fail to have the means, at no very
distant day, to redeem their obligations .to
the uttermost farthing; nor will I doubt-but
that in view of that honorable' condUct
. has eVerniore governed the 'States,
and the . people of ibis Union, they will
each and • all resort to every legitimate ex
pedient. before they will forego a faithful
compliance with their obligations.
:From ,the Report of the Secretary of
'War, and other 'reports accompanying it;
you will be informed Of the progress which
has been made hr die! fortifications design
ed for' he protection cif - our principle cities,
roadsteads and inland frontier, during the
present year ; together with their true-state
and condition. .They will be prosecuted
to completion with all the expedition which
the means placed by Congress at the dis
posal of the - Exechtive will alloiv.
recornmend ruirtieularly to your consi
deration •that portion ef , the‘SecretarY!s,
RepUrt which proposes :the establishment
.. a chain of military posts, from Counci
Bluffs to some point ,on the-Pacific Ocean,
within our limits. The -2benefit thereby
destined to . accrue to Our .citizens engag
ed in theEfur t i rade, over that wilderness re-,
gign tided to po via ace -o f-cts I t ivat
ing friendly refatiens ‘vitti savage tribes in
habiting it, and at the iaine time of: giving
'protection to, our frontier settlements, and
of establishing a means Of safe intercourse
between the American settlements • at the
mouth of the Columbia river, an'd . those on
this side of tlfe Rocky Minititains,;woitld
seem to suggest the' inipOrtance Of catry
ing into etTet •the reetiniMentlation upon
this head with 'us little delay:as_practiCa-
The report of thc Secretary of the Navy,
will;place you in possesiion of the present:
condition of:, that important arm of
timial defence•'Every ifllnt will be made,
to add toile ' effiCieney, and. cannot too'
strongly ,urgo upon you, liberal apprOpria
tiOnii (o that hianch of the public service.--- Itulueentelittl'ofjheweightiest cbarticter 'ex-
ist for the adoptint of thili cOurse,.of
Our 'extentletl'anl otherwise exposed flbar
r ititne frontier,..,C9s for - protection, to the
furnishing.of . efficient naval fore
is trlispeniablei We look, to no foreign
conquests, norqo •we propose to-enter into
competition witfi any• other nation for the
, supremacy Ociqi,'—Unt: it', is due 'nof
Only to the honor, but to the - security of - the.
=People-Of-the-Uil l teilStateS,. that no nation'
should be perm4c(l--,to iovaclf• ottr.Faters
at ti ensurevaturstibject our, towns and'
higes:to , vonflagr4imi-and
in all brain:l, 1 - Of the. public-serilictOti
ilue frotriall•the agents' thiTeople,
but parsmiony done 'would . suggest the
witlthOlding•Of necessary Means ;tor the
piotectiOwer onikliimestie firesides •froni
:invasion, and oul: national honor 'from ylis ,
grace:. Would lintel earnestlyreeconimend
to Congress, to 4bstain from all'approprie:
tions, for objects nut absolutely necessary;
but take it open - myself, vithout qi • mu-
Meets hesitanCyc all. the .responSibility of
reccouimending the increase . and. 'prompt
equipment olthat gallant Na vy, which has
'lighted up every,sea with its yietories and:
spregil, an '.imperishable glory oven - -the
. .
The'leport of the 'Post Master General
Your . particutar attention, not
only beeanse .f the. valuable suggestions
which.ltcotitains, but because of the great
importanCe which,, at all times, attach( s to
that interesting branch of the politic ser
vice. 'The increased expense of-transport
ing - the mail alona '' the, principal routes, ne
cessarily chiiclaim'sthe public attention, and
has awakened a .corresponding
ow the part of the Government. The trans
mission of the must keep PaCe - With
those facilities_ of inter-communication
which are. every day bacmning greater
.the building of rail-roads, awl the
application of steam • pewer.--but it cannot
be disguised that, order to do so, the
PosO - 011ice Department is
,Subjected to
hea'y exactions. - The lines' of communi
cation between dtstnnt parts of thellnion,
are,, to, great ext.tol, o cep pi ed by rail-.,
roads,.,whieh n'atereofil.hin,o4 o sr,
sea complete, rittibority, 7 -d•
,:therefore liable -to 'heavy - and
unreasonable charges. This - evil - is
iimed'to giV_increase in. future,, and soMe.
timely ineasore may become neccessary to
I feel it -my duty to bring iiriiler.your
consideration a practice - which has grown
u in the atroinistratiOn - of the4overn inept,
and whichl . am' 'deeply convinced ought to.
•be corrected. 1 allude to the exercise of
the power which usage - rather than - reason
has vested jp-the Presidents, of..remoViiig
ineunibents froni office -in-order to substi
tute others more iii favor - with the domi
nant party. My own - conduct, in this re
spect, - has been governed by"a-:conscienti
purpose to. exerciie .the removing pow
er only iM.cascs of unfaithfulness-or inabi
lity, or in 'those in Which its exercise ap- r
,peared . necessary, in order. to discounte
nance-'-and suppresti that active:
partianship on - Ow part of the -holders of
office, which not only withdrawi.them from
the•stemly and impartial discharge of their
official duties; but exerts an undue, andin
jorious influence over elections, and de
grades the character'of the government it
self, inasmuch as it exhibits the Chief Ma
gistrate. as. being a party, through his a
gents, in the secret plots or open workinzs
of political parties.
In respect to tire exercis ce_.,4__ffihe.power,
nothing should be left to discretion which
may safely be regulated by law; and it is
of high , itnpintanco to restrain, as far as
possible, the stimulas , of personal- interests
in public elections.' • Considering the great
increase which has been-made . in public
,offices in the last.quarter of a century , and
the probability OP-farther increase, we in
cur the. hazord of witnessing violent:poli 7
tical contests, directed too often to th'e sin
gle object of retaining office by those who
are, in, or obtaining it by those who are
out. - Under the influence of these convic
tions,l shall cordially concur in any con
stitutional measures for regulating, and by
regulating, restraining the power of re
I suggest, for your. consideration, the
propriety of-making, without further delay,
some specific application of'the funds de
rived,under the will :of Mr:•Smithson, of
England, for the diffusion of 'knowledge;
and which have, heretofore,*been , Vested in
public-stocks, until such time as 'Congress
should think proper toxive them a specific
direction. - Nor wilt you, I feel Confident,
,permit .any Oatemeni of
.the prindipal of
the legacy to be made, should. it turn Out
that the stocks, in which. the investments
have been made, have undergone. a dere
„Io conclusion, I commend' toy; our care
the interests of this District, for which you
are the'inclusire,legislators.. .Csinsidering
. that tllieseity . .is the residence of Govern
went, andlor. a large part of the year,. of
Congress, and, , considering also; the great
cost iii-the'Public 'Buildings,'and the pro
priety -
priety of tiffordiut them •at-all times careful
protection, it.seems :not unreasonable that'
Congress should'contribute towards the ex- -
pease of aniefficient police.
' , Washingtou,lieember'7, 1841.
UiDDD OLD- MAP.----WOD63 before -us a-
Map of Pennsylvania, engraved in 1770,
done by Mi. - Scull, and humbly dedicated
ard 'Penn, true and absolute Proprietors
and Governors, &e. 'The map, is not so re-
niarltable for its age, as for, the excellcncy'
Of the engraving; and then *too, ivhat a 04.
fe:rence .in the, faCe of things:_, fn those
4aye, Northampton county included all the
northeastern "section' of tile' State east of
Berke; . and"Buelts,Onnties: . . `, - Berke extend
ed northwest trOmyPliilndelphia•county to
th&New Toi!ltline,; -.`Cliester then included
,Laricatiternitended - frum Berks
to York. , and . CuMberland . all
Area' or Lancaster.` Things itaie changed
since thaftirite. Men. have increased, mul
tiplied,' and :iepleniehed,lhe land..,,,We en
tice that cool - is marked ttponlthe map, in
the neighhothocid of what noW ;Pone
and Indian:,pailic Wheie. railroads
.have since been
.A , , kJW,:ltt.lvo.
Mr.. Barnet, the British Consul General,
has had a war in discussion wits' the Pacha
at Cairo,.. on account of the news from
Abyssinia; Mehemet Ali being very sus
ceptible on, that subject. Mr. Stoddard,
,the commercial' Consul, had protested a
gainst an atiso issued on the 12th ult.., by
which the Pasha permits private individ
uals to build boats for the navigation of the
Nile and candls, 'on condition that they sail
under the Ottoinan 'flag.. • ; ; ;:i
Mr. Stoddard refers to the treaties con
cluded-with ,Russia and Austria which. de
clares that the-Ottotnan PorteAtall permit .
Lthe .free -navigation. of .alt rivers; whilst
•Bey siyi,that those, treaties only
WO to 'the „Danube, where those •States
possess provinces, and'concludes by•ask:
ng-w hat•-w ; eithkGreat—Britian,say.4l 7 boats
under the Ottoman ; llog were to_ascentl. the
Thames: This discussion concluded hys
protest on ihe part . 'of Mi. Stoddart, who
maiintains thet \ Europeran boaisitavealiglat
to carrytheir.fiige. • • ..
• on the .23d,4 ease ,of p - lague appeared
at 4‘yxand i tii., ' .•
Our. correspondence from Constantino
ple is to - the 24th ult, inclusive,
Tewlskitßey, private Secretary to,' the
Suttee ; returned to Constantinople. on „the
'26th; in the Nile steamei,,Which r biought
it additional 'sum 'of 6,000,00 . 0 :piastres,
on account of the.Pasha'of
. .Letterti from
,Tabriz; Of the . 2Bth. Sep
tembr; announce that the British Misaion .
in Persia, -had_arriietl'ip that city, and was
preparing to leave Telierau c Wheie it was.
impatiently' visited,
0';: - .,c,'..t..',Iin .
oi Noe - Alientlia:
— Cuniirtl'a Pielet "Aeairia,: -- after "ulits
.sualltlong,.voyoge,,ayrived at BOstoti on
l'usstla}—tlie'lth instant, having left Liver;
pool on.the'l9th of N9venAb,er..
The Queen ot Great Britain, on the 9111
ipf " N qvcplgir,gaye birth' to 'a son; and pa
rentsJ:itl.,inl'ant'are all. well. •
Birth rf Prince.—The long and'anx--
Thusly expeeted. event hinic:eccurred at laSt,
tlie.lioglish nation is rejoicing over the .
birth of a Prince of iWales. , Thiti'event
ocCurred on• ult. As soon A's it be
came lincinvn, the Tower •guna : .thundered
forth the . prociatoalion - of the:rOyal - birth;,
with a hundred guns, the' belle the
inetropufitan churc hes. were set ringing,
and the union-jacic was -'hoisted on -the
— The Privy - Council asSembled. es
sennii fpossible.thereupoo, at the_ too nail
Chamber, Whitehall, it was ordered that a
furin'or thanksgiving for the iQueen?s 'de
livery of i-Pritrce,.he prepare'' his'G race
the Archbishop orCanterimry, to be used
in-all the churches and chapels throughout
Englandland Males, and-the town of Ber 7
.Avielt%;upotWr weed, okSuntlay - the - 14th - of
November, on the Sunday — after their re!
spectiVe Ministers shall have.reecived the
. .
filer Majesty and the infant' Pripet% are
both doing well. ,
'l'he^aifant Prince, as eldest son of the
Moper,ell,, eueeeeds to the title of Duke- of
Cornwall; and !t . 011 Ge enters 4pon the .en
;jut:tent of the ducal reyetiner(for his stile
p . .;feyr: days : he,
~he 'preated,,
7Astnse•:.of:N,Valcil.;, ecirge ihe.FOurOf!*as
ereated4il6n' he Nra4.sevendaysold, , 7 -:
The -old titles usually conferred-on trie•io
fashiliii. the Earldom .of Chester' in Eng-
land,lluf Dukedom of Itatlisa3:,, Earldom
1-of—CAfric - ki -- mtd*Ltardily--of--iten-fre-w—ity
I SFtTITiMiI. .eob;.
stituent part of the2Grder of the Garter;
hence he becomes a Knight of the Garter
-as soon - as he is created Prince of. Wales.
. Whereser the news was received: - the
bells were seti - rinaing, and cannon tired,
and at the theatres-tlie audience - rose and
.gave "-three times three," with cries of
"God save the Queen.. 4 '
The person fortunate enough tohave-oh
tained the situation of a wet nurse is the
wife of Brought an under servant at Clare
mont, and was herselcbefore her Marriage,
a housemaid in the. establishment:
is,innterstsod that 'the Jest rs •
-reeerved £5OO, and, Ms ',Mid that on .the
present neertsion . all the gratuities aro-to be
doubled in beans..of the birth• of an heir; to
the throne. •
The'Queen an Prim) 'Albert' both:saw
the child of 'Mrs. 'Brough, and expressed
`their anxiety thatoit should be tokeh•care
of. The expense of placing it with a wet
nurse is liberally proyided for by . her Ma=
ksty. 7 -- Globe.
• The Lord Mayor of Dublin handed in
the sum of .2100 as a contribution from-the
Repeal Association of Pittsburgh, U. S.
The Exchequer Bill Fraud.—The final
examination took place on the 17th inst.
iii•the • matter of the 'Exchequer fraud.—
Ernest Rapalb, the prisoner, charged with
being concelned in the affair, was com
mitted for trial.
• A madman has been arrested for attempt
ing to enter Buckingham Palace.. He
played off various "fantastic tricks." ' •
-The misery and destitution at Paisley,
:so far frond suffering any • diminution, con
tinues to increase. The Glasgow ''Argos
states that there are now 7,708 persons in
that Unhappy town subsisting on obaiity
'Parliament has 'been further prorogued
until Thursday, the 23(1 ,1 0f December.
We .have received letters. and , ' journals
from,Syria, Egypt, Turkey, 'Greece, and
•Our,private•correspondence, dated Alex
andria, the 25th ult., announceslive arrival
Of General Ventnra, Wife and'six
children, on his return to Europe.. He
was received with every mark'of respect
by the Paella, who placed hories, and car
riages at his disposal. , ,
'The familyof Niluatapha Paelia,•Gever•
nor••••':oc,qa!olici, had been ',loaded
vo ! ef tik - ihe'Sult.:iii.•• • ':•••:
. he Smyrna journals of the 29th ult.
state that the. French Levant squadion,
tler Admiral Lassussei was lying at Smy . rna
on the .20,111.
• Anstrainl..3inidiera,:. was at
Ourlue ..with .the'lrigate Arenerci and , two .
Other vessels of his division. '
T @neon o • itg an had -sent to M.
Dumont, Captain in thmAustriatt Arrny,-a
'splendid pair 'pistols, adorned with her
cijibers, as . a
testimony of Her Majesty's
approbation of the services he rendered
duritig . die . ; Campail,r,n, as Aid-de-.
Camp to Gen. Smith. • • •
Teuipc, rli e*Leparl,ne»t.
see it •annoutwed that a State• Temperance
onvetiob will be held in Harrisburg . on the
second Wednesday of January next.. Lbt
every society of Cumberland 'county be
well represented. — •
MR. FM . ITOIL :--The following tible
show why the consistant friendA of Ton
perance exclude from their drinks fermenl
ed as .well as distilled liquors. • The
strongestßrandy and Scotch Whiskey do.
not contain twice as much. of Vic inioxicat-
Ang principle, as dO•tho strongest Wines,
not six times as. much as does:cider, - And
only about thirteen times as .much as the
weakest , Ale aqd Porter.
A Table
t S'llowing the :qitantity of
ferent intbxicatin fr beeerages.
• . Pet '.cent.
-;• 53;d8
13 u in
Holland Gin
'Whiskey, (Scotch)
Port SVine, average -
lowest—do do:
do. do.
Nlalaga do. do.. . *
Buigiintly Wine, 11;55•to
Maliusley do.
Palm do. • -• .
Toby do. •
Red Champagne Wine,
do. . -
[lock , do. 8,88 to
Roussillion S do. -- • -47,26
. (:ape Madeira 'do. • - 18,11
Sherry :dó., highest '10,84
do. . do. lowest
c)bret • . _do. - -,-average•—• ••-• •- • •
4 kinds
.Currant do.
.Elder Aline, Cider and• Perry
Alo: •
Porter •
. 41Iered front a Soup •
Ain Rosin the Bow."
Come,join in our cold water army,
And put on theTempelaince badge;
I'm sure that it net er will,
To give in your name to the pledge !
We 've broken the charm of the,glasses,
And mended thej,ys of our home;
• Our wives' a n d our little ones". faces,
• N'k ear gladness instead of a gloom. •
We've done With our days of carousing, ,
Our nights too of frolicksorne glee;
For now with our solier minds choosing,
We've pledged ourselveanever to spree!
They call us old broken down topers,
The now may say just what they will ;
But once we were hailed as good loafers,
When our money went into their till !
Our garmenis are whole now and decent
Our pockets withmoney are lin'd !
Our friends when they meet, us are pleasant,
Aud even the Ladies look kind !
We've launcli'd out a Cold Water Frigate,
And call'd it a Temperance Ship;
And ask yon to help us to rig it,
And joie in our tetotal trip !
She's fully insured in her cruising,
From p iracy, sh pw reek 'and fire;
And you may be sure of not loosing
Your wages or character by her.
licrlereatare-mele honest and hearty ;
.. Her cargo is plenty and peace;
Come join then our tetotal party;
And all your old surrowa will cease.
We're hound.for a haven of gladness,
And all the world's joining our crew ;
sure then 'tis fully and :nit:fleas,
For you . not to go with us too !
Hurrah for the Cold Water banaer,
That floats o'er our Temperance Ship'!
Come on then, ye Hartics and man her,
And take,a long tetotal trip!-!
•" And•the Lord spako unto Aaron, say
ing, :"Do not-drink wine, nor strong drink;
thou nor thy sons with thee..when ye go
into the tabernacles of the congregation,
least ye die ;" that ye may ptirdifference
between holy 'and unholy, clean and nu
cleon." • ,
In Sweden they deprive a. man of a. right
to'yote , ivho gete drunk - a third "time. ' We
•-":04- 4 R0011,E88 - 01 1,-- TiiMpSRAVON -,-- Ail — exterr.
sive sale of choice wines, s the stock of Mr.
JohnlVaughan, in Philadelphia, took place
iwthat city last Week. : The National Ga ,
,i e ite r .'says,;the gross sale did not quite reach
$10,00*; the cost of the wines when ;Put
initiztore,.(exclusive:of . ev s aporation since,
and .interest,) amounted to near $30,000,
showing a:positive loss..of nearly $14,000.
The very -finest .of, the,. wines, including
mast of. the privatmetock, were 'taken iira
Wealthy Philadelphian. '"
F.norm TIMPEANCE.-»Tile beneficial
`results of the, temperance„,inoveinent. were
never mere strikingly dis9layed that at our
late city.eleCtion.. Though a large crowd
was : on the ground the whole. day, .but, one
man Was , observed
,t 9 be,under,the influence
of liquor,—Delatcaie' Ilyrnat.
. •
..,O.Craatining in the Post Office at Carl i sle, Novenv•
ber 80,1841.
a::rFatquirars will Please saradvertised;
Arnold Robert Lymph Robert W • .
Alter John Leib Mary •
,Angney 1V Z - • Love John Almr.d(Jolkp
Adams 'William. . Love. dec'd
Armstrong Dr John • Mefaster William
.Alsbach George • Miller John '
Askuc W MillerSaMuel . •
Berrykill Andiew • • 'Miller T C Genl.
- Bra - tly - fl rga er / IC tie •
Brichtbill William, • ' lames . .
1311C111.11C11 Nathan ' Miller David,
'Beattie Mary. •
-11;aldwiirSaanuel Moore J C - -
Boswell Jhnp• • . Wm B .
Tic alley '• Matson Peter '
flrhmet Noah McKeehan Sarah Ants
Frederick McManus Terence
13enderSemnel ' McManus Francis
Crrall•Samuel MClCCehan'Deborah
Carothers Stephen •
_McFarlane James
Mile Garrett .7 - Alaskan Rev Mizell ,
Coromisiioners of Cum.MaWthers' Elias S •
Co. . - • Mouton /3 •
Crawford omexatider s Men
Carsonl''D • Martin Ann
Culbertson William 'Morrison William
Comer Soloman Mason H. 6. & Co. •
Defendoll Abraham 110tialy Abraham.
Darr Peter 'Nagle Daniel •
Elliott Christiana' Neff) C • • .
Eshelmam Abraham . Noels Daniel K ' .
Flrager•Charles% • Noge . John' • - •
Fisher Elizer • Parkinson John 2
.G W Samuel •
Pry' Geortre • • Reelimilson'C3'rus.
Guthrie Eliza . Itilrr William.
Garrard Louis . Robinson- Jane ' •
Gramber Peter . Smith Mary Ann
Gill finrnh • Smith James P
Gill William T Sonerbech slohn.
Gutschall Adam . -Smith Nickless
Giagerigh Catharine Shapley Susan
Gorza 51 John 1) . Stacey Catharine •
Grebiel Christian Stoller John
Gallehet Jatines Slaetron Peter .2 •
Gibbs William Swfinger Peter of-George
Graham S. A. Esq 2 Sawyer Dr Jacob •
linden Eliza •Shafrer MichaeJ•
' Sontheimer Bc.Lindaur X
flow:it'd-John K • Shirk. Isaac 2
Hood Josiah . Snoilgrass Jesse • • •
Herter Martin W , Shirk Henry 2
Mess Jacob . • ' Thompson Walter
Ilarwooii Henry - . Thomas John
Flastings Frances Mrs '2 Tripner John • ' • .
Irwin ScDimly ~ Worst Mrs • :
Knox Mary B Whitflield Robert
KM2 Samuel. 4- Wynekoop Col John -
Leney . .lolin II '2
Wollet George' .
Low* - Wolf John
Stoiiffri , ' NVliitiner .14ceb : ' '
Lerkerlbittirt • , WOriimi Ruth .
• - Nybnit Mary.. '
Line :I.llg,iistosA: • : ' Walton 1 . :f
Line,Sarah or Anna :.'Zeigler SP -
Bayard Clark '2 Samna P'Elmettdorff
Cant dt. S l)Ix . 11111
ew.- Dong-William-J-Warner
' lass
. - " Notice. i.
All personsitlebted to the subscriber are hereby
notified to settle up their respective accounts by the
Ist of January next. . .
Carlisle, Dee: , 4s, 1841
mirth Vegetable Pills.
Just reeeiyeil a' fresh lot of the genuine Indisin
Pills. • • 'CHAS. OGILBY.
Carlisle, Dec.-1,1841
. : Caps! Caps -
Vavet. Tabby Velvet, Celett, Hair.
Seal, Piid.Far.Ca pa ofall sizes and shapes, jpst open
ea antl , selling, off at reduced' prises. "
Dee. 1, 1841. .
Groceries ! Groceries ! !
A fresh lot of Brown and Leaf Sugar, prime Cof
fee, Molasses, Cheese, Chocolate; also all kind, of
Spices, &c., Re.. Just received and for sale by
Carlible,peo. I. tB4l
• Gum Shoes,
lust received 150 pair of Gum Shoes, anti for
sale cheap by
Carlisle, Dec. 1, 1841
Water Proof Boots! • - - Just received for Men & Bois wear and selling
o suit the times at hif cheap more.
Mee.l 'lBll. CUAS. OGILBY.
.Nronic • s •
• EJtale of Michael Brandt, deed..
estate of Michael Brandt, late of Dial:trots
township, Cumberland county, dee'cl,, have beeli is
sued to the subsember residing in Newton township :
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted to said
estate to make iinmediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate to present them for settle
ment. •
Deceriiber 1,1841,-6t.
A large
24° i
or ig I goo
two large cellars ado a Brick work
Shop, Barn an -excellent garden Atachcd ; situate
in North Hanover street, a few doorZi north of the
Public Square—all in good order
Apply to
Cavil:4e, Dec. 1, 1841.—St ‘!.
NOTICE,.. . ,1 .
s hereby given-that letter s o f Administra ti on,
1. with the will-annexed, on the last will a;nd tes
tament of • Johd , 4l illiamson, late of the cety of
Charleston, State of South Carolina, deccased,xwere
issued on the 10th utimo by the , Register of Clgo.
herhmd c,ounty, Pu. to the , subscriber,
who resi , i
in Shippensburg in the said county of Cumberlan It
all persons having claims or demands against the es
tale of the. said - decedent; are requested to make
known the same without delay, and those indebted
to make payment to .
- Adrier with will annexed.
Dec. 1,181,1.---6 t..
Temperance :Almanacs
JUST received and for sale by
Elegant Embroidered Tbibet Shawls from $T to
$2O, also Broehl, Blanket, Merino, and other shawls
in great variety, and , very cheap. ' .
Deo..lst 180 . CHAS. OGILBY.
Collating) ton ..and Death •
neglect:Ott:twelves when afflicted with the pramoni
tory, symen
ptos of contininption,' such as cold, One),
bronchitis, or soarness of the t hroat, hoarseness, dit.
flank expectoration, *asthma, Spitting: of blood, _
Dr. Duncan's expectorant remedy is expressly pro. .
ptired for the removal end Otire of thooe, derigeroue
and troublesome diseases . 'Therefore, you-ho are -
labOringunder the in fl uence or-these com p laists,
prdeure this medicine before it be ,too
late. One bottle may be the means; of prolonging
your life. Alweya ask for Dr. Duncan's .xpectorant
Remedy, tind: See that you set it, end - not be ;pert
&untied by some - iiho sell different medicines to take
some 'of iheir metlici In preference. Ritese.per
sons obtain some Cheap' thing; and peltO;it. on the:
public at full , price.: It - is. therefore iimportant4oe
purchasers to be nit their guard. „ : • .
?;; Dr.Dincen'ti P‘xpeetorant- Remetly.te, put up in.
largo,oized bottles, - and' enveloped Mile paper.
The outer; form contains it fine steel plate engraving.
'e resenting ", Hopein
Principal office 19 North — A:lga atieeti
hip:- ' '
For the Drug Stdre of J. J. Myer!! & Co.
Cerliele, - auti Wm. Peal Shippensberg.• ,Dee.
NI .
Shawls! . Shawls!