Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 08, 1841, Image 4

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    ••. . .
' .R 0 ire s ters' ,No t lee; . .
. . . .: • . -' . . REGISTERS' OFFICE,
• , ' .• •
Carlisle, Nov. 13,•1841.--4t. ,
NOTICE is hereby given to all pergola interest
ed; that the follow,ing accounts have been. filed
la this office for explination, by the accountants
therein bathed; and will be presented tothe Orphans'
Court' of Cumberland iloulity, for confirmation , and
11,11Owance;on'TuesilaY:tfie 14th dui a ,Pecitinber,
A. 1). Mil, vii;
- The:act:Must of .JamOs . ll,. Jimeson; administrator
'of Pe;tl Guhr,,late of Lis - burn, deceased. .. , •- ,
The atiebuilt of Jacob Ilickernell,adriiiiiistrator of
Henry,Gelii;Aate of Allen township, deceased. ' ' '
• The account of Peter 'WeaVer, administrator of
John lleffiedinger, late of Main , township, deceas
ed. . ,
The 'account. of Robert Laird, adtaillistrator. .of
Robert: of the 4oruuLli of Carlisle;
deceased. ,
_The account of:Robert Laird, adniinistrator tie
tiaidenon - with thewill annexed, of James 'MaFar-
lane, late.of Westpennsborough township, deceased.
Theaccouni of William • M. Nevin, administrator
r de bonis non, of Elizabeth Hunter,late of Southamp
ton township, deceased. .
The supplemental and :final account of JOhn W.
, Nevin, administrator of John Nevitipdeceased,4ho
was qiurinving Execufor of 'Elizabeth Header, de
/The account ofJosiab Carothers one of the exec
utors of Armstrong Carothers, late of ‘Vestpeunsbo
' rough township, eceased.
Tite account of Int Stoug h, jr.,.administrator of
- Cot. William-Stow late ot Stoughstown, deceased.
• The account of I my Znaring, • adthinistriitor of
'Gustavus Miller, - late of Allen township, deceased:
The account of Isaac Lefever, adinipistrator Of Jo
natilltich waiter, late of Westpennstiorough town
ship, deceased. r •
The supplemental and finaLtiecount of John Shee
ly and Andrew Sheely, executors of Andrew Sheely,
late of Eastpeonsborotigh toWnslas, deceased. -
• The account of George Rea '
• administrator of Ja
of—Wesipannsborough -township;de—'
The 'account of George Hamill, executor of John
Rippry, late of the borough of Shippenisburg, de
The accqunt of George Hamill, administrator of
11Inry liippey, late of the bprough of Shippensburg,
deceased .
The account of Robert Laird and Daniel Leckey,
administrators of John Davidson,,Esq. late of the
borough of New ville, deceased.
The account of John oltz, administrator of Bar- -
barafond, late of Eastpennshorough - township, de.:
. Theiteenunt of Jacob. Eiehelberger, excentOr
Jacob Eithelberger,• senior, !tag. of Eastptplusbo
rough township, deceased.
The Guardianship account of Henry HeiT,'Guar
dial) of John Neidig, minor son of Jacob Neidig, de
'Fite Guardianship" account of Thomas McCune,
Guardian of Robert McCune • minor son of -Jdltn
-MoCtitie;alecensed, ,:.- . 1 ' ,
'The Guardianship gmmuntal Thomas ,11.1.eGune,
duardian :of, Suinting
• AloGunc, minor dankfiarr . of
•J'ollitiVeCti,pe, ilequlised..; , ; , ~,,
• f: , " ..t- - IAXIC - . kii4l - ;:stlM iiegistri.,
_:Estite_of FranciailerraiLdee d
rarrtms4OP ATUINLon Al •
estate of Francis flerron, late of, the borough
of Shippensburg, deed., have brem•granted to the
• subscriber residing in said borough: NOTICE is
gisen'to all persons indebted to said estate to
make ifriniediaie payment, and those having claims
to present them for settlement;
Vt. M. Mot...U.NK-AdnOr.
E4tate of -Josepkilais,deed
'La est:4_ol;l(3B4d! thg.s,line of the_.boiough_of.
Carlisle,dee'd., - Itave been issued. in due form of law
to the stiserilMi• residing in said horough: Non CE
is given to all persons having - claims against
said estate to present them for settlemm.t, and those
. indebted are requested toinake payment on or before
the first of Jamooviext, to
.Carlisie,.Nov. 10, 1841.-6 t
E. IZOBINSON & £O. ---
Hale. located-in Carlisle for the purpose
of - manufacturing and,selling
Hathaway's Nent Hof Air
Cooking '4l.oves."
And being asioire that the people in this place and
vicinity, have been much imposed-upon by the in•
troika:thin of new and highly recommended articles
which they have been induced to pareliage . , and which
have been so slightly made, and of such bad materi
al, that in a short time they, have failed and become
useless. We, therefore, lo not intend offering stoves
for sale until they are fairly tried in this community,
and pronounced more duritble in their construction,
better adipted to the purposes of boiling., baking and
all the varieties of cooking than any other stove; also,
that they are a great saving of fuel ns well as labour.
We earnestly invite farmers as well he- resi
de.ds of this plnce_tuaLthe neighboring villages, to
call on us at S. Wonderlich's hotel, or notify us by
letters (postage unpaid) that they are willing to try
our stove—and the stove shall be placed in the
kitchen of every person giving us such botice, and
'taken away idler trial, without any expense to per
sons making the trial.
'lime stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shop
of Mr. Jacob Fridley,and at the Foundry of Messrs.
..Lar nod Stoulfer r in-earlisle.
HaVing contracted f6r One Hupdred Tons of
Castings, we will, inn few days, supply stove deal
ers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal
ELEAZOR ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agent
i for selling the right to make and vend the HOT-AIR
STOVE, and will diSpose of counties in this and the
adjoinMg States.
We publish the following remmendations from
some of those who are using the stove, to encourage
others to try it.
Car Male Sept. 12, 1841.
I have in use in my kitchen one of Ilathawayspat
- • ent Hot AWC4Ctirihk Stoves, and can r• commend it
as a very superior article. The one I have is No. 3.
It has 5 boilers and an oven Sufficiently large to bake
six. loves of bread. The baking, roasting and broil
ing can'all be done at the same time and with meuh
ts-wood than is required for any stove which we
have used.
This size appears to lie peculiarly calculated for
Farmers, and for their benefit I invite them to call
and see this stove in use, as I shall take pleasure In
showing this stove to all whom interest or curiosity
May induce to examine it.
Carlisle Sept. 11,1841.
Messrs. E. Pobiason'El CO.—GENTLEMEN, I have
during-the few days i have had your Hathaway's
Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced of its
'.great superiority over another stoves I have used or
. seen. I find by the trial that boiling, roasting, bak;
ing and broiling may all be done at the same time,
in u.most perfect manner, and with less than one
fourth the fuel I have ordinarily used for the same
purposes. I have heretofore been of the opinion-that
bread could not be well baked in a cooking stove,
but I am-con vinced upon trial that it can be-done, as
4 virell in your stove as in a brick oven. . .
I. believe that the general introduction of your
' stoveinto use will be very beneficial to thepublic,
therefere 1 - shall , take preasurelacirecommendinvit
to my friends: Yours respectfully, .
.-Carlisle, Sept. 103841.
Messrs. E. halation 0 Co.—Centleine*, 1 have
fairly tested the "Hot Air Stbve" which you, put up
at toy house, mid can recommend it as - posscsiiing
principles of economy and convenience far swims
: --sing-any.other-shave which I have.ever.seen.... _
• "The boilers coming in immediate contact with the
fire gives it great facilities for.boiling, and t'-e oven
isleated en such a prieciple that bread is baked in
,'fittijine a manner as in a brick eveb.:l find . it also a
-great:saving of. fuel ; end labour, and would advise all.
;to adopt it,: . MITCHEL McLELLAN.
• Chambera6Urg,„ppi. 6,1841.. I
-I doltertify, that Lam now using one of Hathaway's
Patent Hot Air Cook Stoves, No. .9, and do recent/.
mend it as . viper* to any stove "I' have seen, the
great savineif fuel, and the varietrthat.con he. cook-,
his at the same time, =Twilit, an object to thpse who
ilehto facilitate the`operations of Oelsitehen. , :,
_earliale;Septemher 1114.--4 ,
Temperance Alminacs
IrUST: received and for eale'by
t. , ,
:take notice that we have applied to theJudget of
the Court of Cornmon Pleas of. Cumberland county,
for the benefit of the Insnlient.Laws of this Common
wealth, and the have appointed Theadoy the 144
'daziof December next, for. the hearing. of us and our
ereditorsott the Court House, in'the borough of Car
lisle, when.and where yen may (Mete!, if 'you think
.1014,,FKELLY.* - •
• .FREDERI(}K ors COT r.•
--N v. 106841..---9 t
13cgSlearn to return his thanks to the public for
the patronage hitherto extended to him ; and respect
fully informs his customersand thorteeple generally,
that he still continues : the busitiess of
tTtib fuer Making
in all.ita branches, at his. oh stand in Main' street,
where he is always realyto attend to orders in his
Carlisle, Nov. 17, 184 L 3m ' •
7. Pease's Clarified Essence •of
Horehound. Candy.'
The subscriber hiving been appointed General
Agent for the above celebrated article, respectfully
offers it to,the public either wholesale or retlil. •
"Purchasers are requested to beware of coun
The Subscriber has just opened new and hand
somelssortmeat of.
Fall and Winter Grooils, -
consistin gg f super black, blue black andother Cloth's,
Cass' meres, Satti netts, new style Vestings,a variety
of Moose de Laines, second mdurning and. black
ditto, Thib'it cloth, Welsh Flannels. Rogers ditto
for Shirtilig, Gloves, hosiery - , Edgings, Laces, Cam
bries, Oil Dl4ths,'Artifici tie, Ribbons,Merino.Shirts
and Drawers.. '
Also— Metis, Womens' and Childrens'
Leather & Morocco Shoes &.Boots.
'Qtreansware aiid Groceries,
SPIOES',&c; with n great variety of Other goods
all of which he will sell at n small profit to suit the
•Doa'tforgct to call on • •
tar;litile.Sept. 29;1141.-1y: --, • • •
. .
OO'H'S Si:BI . IOIESAiAm4, - * - k,714 . 4r.
n - p. deapriveimoittat'receivO(l,,atid for saLe very ,
16w at the store of ".
,'Ott. 2.7,1831,-.
--Q-A c L - NION just - receivedatid-for . sale by J. &-E.
aCI{EItI;I:bnd Codfish for stile by. J..15t E
INlCoruniam. • . ,
r" of bleached Sperm and Whale Oil for
laic by J. Si-E. Common.
yICKLING Vinegar for sale by J. & E. Corn.;
UG A R Hooke awl New Orleans Molasses of the
0 best quitlity foe sale by J. Bc-E. Commun.
gOAF and Lump Sugar. The subscribers have
A received a large supply of -Loaf and Lump
Sugar, which they offer for sahr, wholesole.or retail;
at reduced prices. " • J. & E. Coruman.
0 PERM' Candles 191 sale by J. 84-E. Comma')
.Carlitile, 0ct..20, 1841.
JoIIN lI.IYS , Eir
• JUst received at the store of ANDREW RICH
ARDS, a general assortment of.
consisting ill part of Wool and Cloth dyed Black,
Illue,invisible Green, Adelaide, Olive and Green
Black, Brown, Invisible Green, Olive, Diamond,
Beaver and Pilot Cloths; Black, Blue, Brown mixed
plain andligured Cassimcres, new style.
Sattinetts of assorted colors,from 30 cents to $2,00,
beaverteens, jeno cords, canton flannels, retl, white,
Yellow and green flannels:—ticks, and. mts.,-
6-4 3-4 merinnes, moslain-de-laine and Saxony.cloth ;
figured and plain. Figured, plain, striped, barred
jaekinett and swiss matins. Fawn, mouse, black,
blue black, slate, figured and plain silks. Bonnet
silkss anll?ribbons, new style. Shawls, glokes,
hosiery and shoes, Cloth and fur caps _Carpeting ;
health rugs, floor cloth, baizes, and blankets. Color
ed and w hit e 'carpet yarn. Fresh Altakerel,
er with n general assortment of Queensware and
Groceries, which will be sold at moderate prices at
his store. •
Carlisle, October 20, 1841.--tf.
-- The- subscribers - have - just - received - at - thesture
room lately occupied by Mr. C. Foster, in North-
Hanover street, Carlisle, a large and general assort
meat of
Ilia WO 0
Chilli • Glass and . 7! -
whichthiq:vill sell on the most liberal terms. They,
invite the public to call and examine.
October 13, 18.11
The subscribers continue to sell their stook of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts,
Merinoes, Calicos:and
- Chintzes at
Bargains may yet be had in these articles of merchan
'dize by calling soon.
N. B.- An excellent Cannon Stove with a large
cast iron dish, for sale at the Store. • '.
Carlisle, Oct, 6, 1841.
RESPECTFULLY informs the ladies
of Carlile4and. its vicinity, that site has com#
menced the
Mi!Unary & Illantuamaking l ,
in all_theii• yarious - .branches,_at..her residence in.
Clinch Alley, opposite „ Education- Hall." All
work entrusted to he - Fracarewill be done in the latest.
fashion and on the most reasonable terms.
- , --Earlieei-Noveniber 3, 1841.
•• .• attorney at Lati;
Ms removed his'offiee to No: 3. Beetem's Row.
oil the public idjunre. . . '
Carliolo,.oet.-13, 1841: ' •
Piles timed by the tree . of Dr. Harliih'e Compound
.StrengOentog E? German Aperient Pill..
DR: 11/Lauch,-;•DeanSiri—Shortly_titter treceiv
-edflie-Ageney-friniqeu-lbelhe sale of your nal=
nine; I forniedlan acquaintance with a lady of -this
place, who was severely.afflided with the Piles.-:-
! . 'or eight or ten years this' lady 'was subject to fre
quent painful stinckS, and her physician considered
het' case scr.complicated,' that he very seldom pre
scribed medicine for her... Through my persuasion,
she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly
cured. YOnra, ' - .
V, Chambersburg;Pa..-
• October 3,1.840.. • • . , - „ ;
0 ::)*PRINCIPAL OFFICEiNo."I9 North Eighth
Street; Philadelphia, .where tesllm9u 1a ,may. be
For:sale-by...lan J. Myers & Cp.,Carlislei- and
Wm. Peal,§hippensburgiPa.
7o our:Creditors.
Carlisle, Nov. 10, 1841
& WinteC Goods,
23 0 T S.:
NOW Goods! New Goods•!!.'
The . • arrest and cheapest Stock R y.
GOODS , i3yer brought , to Carlisle, just received
anti now opening at the .store Air , the subscriber, in.
Maki strett, opposite Simon WohderlicleaHotel: •
Purchatiera will:. do well to, 'call, they marde-;
pend - On'finding the largest'stock, the best assortment
and the cheapest goods in the county. '
Oct. 27, 1841
- ;A r g;' •
Have removed to,the capacious Warehouse recently
occupied by D. Leech & Co. at the north-westuorner
01C:berry and Broad street, Pbilailelphia. -
. From the facilities which the location and internal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 4.0
Cars can be accommadated- to amload=andloa&at-the-'
sameime with sufficient room to store 2,0,600 barrels
of Flour, and 400 to 600 ton of Grain exclusive of the
forwarding department..
Produce of every • description will be:received as
usual on consignments, and liberal afitances made on
receipt (if required) until sales are pfreeted.
North-west Corner of Cberry & Broad at.
. • Philadelphia.
W. S. Cobean,
& I . . • .
Henderson Parker, w ar i„„',
Henry Meads, •• •
. •
Sounderson Si Bossermsn, j .
Relit) 'Swoyer, JV'eurville. ' •
David Nevin, Shippenabir7.
Pa !Mel- Chamtersourg
.r. Logan Smith ,Esq:
Eyster, Hutz: ilv Co,
Robert Fleming,
CatlterwimiliDraig,; Phi/cideOhla. .
IVin. R. Thompson bc. Co.
Whitall Ri'Browni . J . .
• •
Mechanicsburg Line
• Flz.=
•fi i etween alechanictiburg , and
subscribers grateful for past favors.,
beg leave to inform their (Mends and the public
generally, that they still continue to' run a line 'of
bUrthen Cars regularly between - ilfeclttucsburg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore, by-whieh goods and pro
duce of all descriptions will be forwarded' with care
and despatch. at the lowest ratra of freight.
Produce Will be received at their Ware,, [louse,
.111cidiatii0burg, and' torwardet4 to,.either , Phila
delphia-Or Baltimore', scsordilig 'to .tha•directinn tlf
cj•l"49 price will be giyttii, for Wheat
and Flour:
N. B. Plaster of. Paris and Salt always kept on
hand, and for sakrafthitlowest,lt , faces.,
July 2r9i 1940,-4y.
• . •
.• °pita/1,400,000 paid in.—harter Pespetu al,-
Ar 4 ONTINUE to,make Insurance, Permanent.and
Limited, on every description of 'Prop'erty, in
TOWN AND.COUNTRY, on the usual favorable
terms. •
OFFICE, 16:4 - Chesnut street, near Fifth street:
JANES SCHOTT, FR; Dented linower,
THOM AS I. WHARTON, GEO. -W. Iticuenns,
0:7-The subscriber, Agent for the above Company
for the borough of Carlisle and vieipity,will pronipt
rrattend to nil applicatiods for Insurance, whether
made personally or by letter. Residence Maintitreet,
nearly opposite the Car Office..
• Wards M, 1811.—ly
Bar Iron, Glass, &c.
Just received at the New Store of die subscribers.
4 Tons BA R 1R0N,.01 first rate quality, and
for sale very low (or pei• consignment, 00 half
Boxes 8 by 10 and 10 half Boxes 10 by'l2
Western 4Alass, •
in good order,for sale to Merchants at -Pittsburg
prices, and Duncantion best
at Manufacturer's priceS,-alsb.„ on hand Witherow's
Celebrated,patent 14.01J0115, FLAX.-SEED OIL,
by the gllon, or Harrel; OIL MEAL, We.therill
VANEERS, &c. tae.
Carlisle, May 5, 1841.'
.____The_sphscriber,--thankful-for past floPlrs, hereby
notifies the public generally. that be still continues
at the old stand,nearly opposite the College Campus - ,
where he will at all times be found ready and wil
ling to accommodate in the best possible manner,
those who May favor him with a call. The House
is located in the most business part of the town, and
is near the stopping place of the Cars on the Rail
cl 0
flant The ROOMS are large and airy—the TA
BLE • 1-be supplied with the : very best the markets
can fur s
sh--and the BAR with theelmicest Liquors.
His charges' re reasonable, and he will endeavor to
merit by assiduity and attention a continuance of pub-.
lie patronage.. ,A, l " -
BOARDERS talietthy the week, month, or year.
DROVERS and TRAVELERS will find it to their
interest M stop with him, a s he has plenty 'ofstabling,
and a careful OSTLER always-at hand.
'Carlisle, Scut. R. 1 Rat ---tf
All persons wishing to be supplied with theearlie
est .city news, may feellhemselves much gratifie
by calling : on the subscriber, where they can hnvd
a selection of the following daily and weekly papers,
viz:--Philadklphia daily '.Chronicle, Ledger and
Spirit,,of the Times ; New . York Herald tinily and
weekly; New Worlil,llrcither Jonathan, Boston No
tion, Yankee Nation, Magazihes, &o. &c. 'Anyper
ion wishing to become subscribers for any of this
above• iiorks,.and all theimPularl_swyka — OrCharlee
O'Mnlley, as far as published, bqund in boards, wil
please call with
New Goocis !
,ARNOLD & ABRAMS littye just received a
great.varietypfCloths,Cassimeres,Sattinets,&.c.B t c :
which they aredeter - mined to Sell cheaper than ever
before offered in this place or elseivhere.
The public arc invited to call and examine for
Ai pike nilin
ATTORNEY ✓i7' 1-4 W.
Office in High etroet feit dents
. west of the 'Post Office.
_ ..z ,
Dental Surgery.,
He, SUBSCRIBER respectfully: tenders his
gratefUl acknowledgments to the publio for the
very liberal share of patronage he'hitureceived dim
ing.thepast year, and would .still +continue to titer
Mk isthe professional services in .their Variou,s bron
chee real deuce, No. 7 14 HaR er'sßow. He files,
olesnses; and pluqs.. teeth; and . tuserti incorruptible
terer metalic artificial teeth in the most approved
manner. Charges always moderate. -
Carlisle, March 95,1840.:--1f
7 i . . ,. .),: . _,JF.,:*:...0.4 : ,1,. ; - f .:4..,30). : .. - *, : Wle-_a) .:
Craig, Itelias eii;
• .eq914,11'
, ;;JACOW.PRIDLET,I4ordk Fliindvci sitr'ek; oppo
eit4:Cii6mikrs' Hotel, lis•agepttol• the'shle of lint.lni=
ways's:Patent: •• • - • • ; •.. . •
Rot elir Cooking , ' .Stotts,, '
willeh he warrants to. be Igo tier elnt better than
other _stove heieterfore known. . • -
- - .
PartnertilraVerii keepers and others are invited to
take those Stoves on trml,Mid)l they are not . pleatied
Iva' the operation of the stave, or the price; they may
be returned. . .
Sheet irorignd Copper.ware,,wlikli he will dispose
el on reasonable terms.
Orders in Town arid CoUidry,for House Spouting
or other work promptly attended to.
Cnidisle, Sept.'ls,l.B4l.—ly.
Thomsonian .Botanic Practitioner
of Medicine and Obstetrics, No.
2 Alexander's Row,- near the
Rail Road Hotel,
ESPECTFULf inforins his friends and the
ra. public generally, that (through sot icitation) he
haeremoved from Shircmaostowu to Carlisle, where
he may be found at all time4,uolessionalli•
engaged. The afflicted sbtill at at all times be treal
-th with purely Vegetable Menlicines,4No PoLsons,
and in strict accordance with the principles laid
down by that great reformer in medicarseiencr, Dr..
Samuel Thomson.
Chronic cases, such as Dinsumptions, Liver Com
plaints, Dropsies, Rhewmatisms, and Cancers, are
more particularly informed that the New S) stein is
'admirably adapted to their cases. •
Invalids from , a distance can he accommodated.
with Boarding while under medical trcattnept, op
reason Ole terms.
Carlisle, July 14,1 BD.—tr. •
aouraais b.-,• ooze z,
ns these'complaintrare usually considered, no one
can'deny their being the most common cause of this
1M:11 .am] distressing dinenie. •It - iS indeedrn inelau
choly truth, that thousands tall victims to Consumer
tion evdry year from no other cause than neglected
colds, Yet. le find' hundreds, navy thousands °lto
4 1 1.
Arent "such eoropl tints-with the greatest Anditterence,
nitd.l,cttheMion n.for-wcekinnefesen InontlAwith.:
otie think iikorl i 'tlangei l 7 7, Xi7fl;st. yntlAiny4e , to,o 7
you ma yo u itsidey a sli g ht cough 0t.c01it,..; 'youl'll°W
Buse ies<pleasiire or carelessness to Itrelcuty-ifu limn"
giving it any, attention; IV theft settles - ilium - your
breast, you become hoarse, hair, paint ID the side or
mixed 'with blood, a difficulty of breathing eti
-tuesTactthen:yOu-find-yonr-unturfuolish neglect_litrs .
brought on this distressing complaint. If - then you
.dalue Jiro or . health, be wnrned:in_ iilne, and. don't•
trifle with your COLD, or trust to, any quack 11061F071
"to cure you, but-immediately procure u botticur two
of thnt . famous remedy, the • '' Bui.sust pr WILD
CatErtny,"_which is well-known to be the most s'predy .
mire ever known, ns 'thousands will- testify whose
lives have-been saved by it, ,„„ i
IteThrery particular a hen j ou, hurgL use to ask
therels also a SYRUP of thitointue iii use.. -
'Prepared, wholesale and retail, by Wn.l.l,steti lk."
Cd4-Chennists,..N:o43 South Fourth btriA,. Phila
del phin._ n, .
. .
. Sold in Carlisle by •
, Price. One Dollar a Dottie
October 20, 1841.-Iy, - •
Dy.the extraordinary virtues oT that - unrivalled
medicine, the "BALSAM OF WILkD CHER
RY," the ustiltVliown famous remedy for CON
ClloUl', WHOOPING COUGH, 81. e.
. Williamsburg, Sept. 4,1841.
• To Dr. MST AR—Dear sir, it gives me. great
pleasure to say, I have found much relief from your
Balsam that I have to send to you for More. I have
only used three bottles out of the half doien I pnr-
Chased, yet it has done - sloe more good: than all the
medicine I have ever taken before. A neighbour, Of
mine whose wife was very low with Consumption,
persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought
three bottles;which she has taken also. I saw her
a few days ago, and she told me she believed it was
the only thing that had'saved her life. She had tri
ed every thing before,but notning did her any good,
- and wten she commenced taking it was sick in bed,
but is now up, and looks better thanl ever saw her
before; As for myself I am - sure it will cure me
, mitirely, for I feel better every day. Send me .six
bottles more by the. bearer, as my neighbor wants
three more..
. They- sincere friend,
1):7-The genuine Balsam sold in Carlisle by
Price One Dollar a Bottle.
Sept. 22, 1841.-6 m. •
Read what it has Done:
And if you have a friend, a relation, or know any
one that- is. afflicted with that distressing disease,
"CONSUMPTION," persuade them Without de
kw to try 'that famous and unraveled medicine, the
cured thousands of -this complaint after every thing
else hind failed. • Read the following undoubted.
proofs of its efficacy.
Roxmonouott, Sept, 10 1841.
DEAR SlR:—Please send me two bottles more of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like_that you sent me
before. - I have taken nearly all of the first two, and,
confidently believed this medicine will cure me. I
have used a great many , remedies within the last
year, but have neverfound any thing that has relieved
,so much. •It has stopped my•cough entirely;
- checked my night sweats, and I sleep betterat night
and feel better in every way than I have for many
months. Yours,-respectfully, • ' •
- . • JAMES KELLY. "
HoutEe'ettto, Sept. 12.1841.
Fnivsn.Wisran :—lmust again trouble thee to
send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam.
I have now taken,three bottles in all, and can assure.
thee that it haitdone memoregood than all the medi
cine I have ever taken before. Send by the stage as
soon as possible, and oblige tliv,friend,
.4con HoLiciwiv.
Batirrop, Sept. S 1841.
Desa DocrOn:—Dearing so manypeople talk - of
TheTwonderful - enres your Balsam of Wild Cherry,
has Inattirlit Consumption, I 'lent to one of your
Agents the oiher day_for a bottle, 'and ,have found it
to have relieved me ticimucli, that twant - three - bot--
mere sent soon, as I believe it will cure me too. 1
have used Jayne's Expectorant and other medicines
besides buttt9thiug..h toever done me as much good
as yours has.; 'Send by the steamboat Bolivar.
Yours . truly, • WILLIAM TIIRMAIL
12:7"BesIdes its astonishing efficacy in Consump
lion,-itis also the roost effectual remedy eser discov
ING COUGH, Ste.; as ItundAds 'will' testify who
have been cured
.by it after all other remedies had
_ _
.dicine valuable addition to their stock,'aud should
alway keep it on hand, as is universally acknow
ledgedlobe one of the inost useful , family medicines
now in use.. ; • •
0 - Yl3e very ± particular to ask for Dr. WISTAIPS.
BA.L.SAM. OF WILD CI lERRY. Sold wholesale
and retail by WILLIAMT & Co., Chemists, No. 33,
South Fourth itreet Philadelphia. ',, '
sold . iii Car-
'ecr.Agent. ' , I
Price 411011 a Bottle, '
October 20, •
J. F. still continues to
Rich ore. tlie. improved
;Mary Cookiligyhtoves so
militure r steve.pipx, nd a
general assortvatot.ol
such as Sideboartls i parentts,Secr'etaries, Eard, Pier;
Dining mid Broakfast. Tables, Dedsfeadl, of the'
most flishi Linable kind; all of which he will dispose
-vf-on the-most-ressona ble-terms,—H e also-preps-.
reOlo till all orders for SPRING SEATED SOFAS
andif,ANEY CHAIR', warranted to be of superior
The subscriber has mewl; received large - addi
tional supplies of , .
fffeditines, Colors . , Dye-Stuffs,
Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentlne, _Capa
Varnish, Painters' Brushes, Varnish
Brushes, Hair Brushes, Spermaceti
(very fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in great
variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and, Letter
Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, 4-c. 4-c.
which.he will sell to Physicians, Merchants
and others, WHOLESALE• or by RETAIL, at,
the lowest rates, having purchased entirely
for cash; he will offer bargains to those
who wish to purchase at wholesale.
-March 24, 1841.
Orme Hardware, Grocery, A'
-FrinE- subscriber has just returned from
the Cities of New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore, and is now opening at his store room S. E.
Corner of Market Square and Main Streets (for
merly occupied by Ceo. W. Ilitner,) a general as
sortment of
Hardivare, lone Ware, Cedar Ware,
Briltania Ware, Groceries, Oils,
. Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Brush
es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for •
- Camphine Oi l, •-
and n great variety of articles:tiseful and necessary
for furnishing and keeping a house, .He-hasalso.ind
will constantly keep offhand
a cheap and elegant substitute for sperm oil, and
baling been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers
and Brother of Newark N.. 1., for the sale of Jone's
Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur
' nish Lamps and Oil,nt a very reasonable rate to all
i who may wish to use this new and economical light.
Having selected his goods himself, and made his
for cash, he is able, and is determined-to
•selll ow. • •
Those having the cash to layout will find itto their
,advantage to give him a call.
Carlisleduly 8, 1840.---tf. - • •
is the season when this destructive complaint attacks.
• your interesting little children, , often robs you of
those you,Tondly doat cn,and carrieshundreds to the
grave. Every mother should therefore; know its
symptoms, watch them closely,•and always be pre
pared *Rh a ivniedy - to - cure Was Many are 'daily;
sacrificed by such neglect. At first the little patient
is seizedwith a shivering; It grOws restless, has
flushes of heat, the eyes become red and swollen, it
-breaths-with- difficulty,and then comes_that.fearful
cation that will: surely terminate in., convulsions or
death unless something . is immediately given to
check it. In this complaint the*" Balsam - of
ITin w speedy cure
ever discovered. _lt is indeed a peecious remedi—
ruild,lafe and innocent, and is su d ito give the little
'sufferer immeditite relief,•and q kly . .restore -it to
safety and health. 'Families real gin the country
and., indeed every motlmr who loves her children,
should always keep this medicine in thefioase and
give it to them early, by doing 140 you may often
save the life of one you fondly love. Remember
this lathe famous remedy of this distiguished 'phy
sician, Dr. Wistar, which hag Cured thousands of
;CONSUIVIPTION,fitc., after every other medicine
~ Ape - Be . particular when- you purchase to Ask for
"Ur. WISTAR'S BALSAM Air WILD Cumiavi" fle there
'a £1 SvairP'of this idlllo advertised that is entirely a
different medicine.: • • ,
, Priparettonly by Wrzt.u.tatslit Co:, Chemists, No
34 South' Fourth street, Philadelphia,. .• •
• Sold in:garlisle'bk • •
_SAMUEL' Ettlol l T:' •
?rice One 'Dollar a Bottle:.
October 20, 1841.-IY.
Copiiektonilki ',Sheet . froa and
. Tint IPoricer, " .• •
. .
Respectfully informs the Onlinekenerally. that fie
still cent nines WS - Witness at the And Sturid,.Nortli-
Hanorer Street, neat door to die ': C a binet . of
hasjielv_onlanil; and
is still ma nufacturing., every article in the line of
ariTTrifirit - 777 7-
E •
Tea ICettles, Tiii-ware of every
description,,Stove Pipty, 11)rip
Drums;,, &C.
He has also for sale the best assortment o f Coin-.
ma i Cookin g and ['allow'. .
*- 11)13 r-xi
evcr offered in this place. Ills common wood stoves
andeigikiiiifstuves are 'of emery size and yariety;
avid his p:u•logr stivves (for wood or coal) arc of the
newest patterns. Ile hiss in, addition 'the Rotary
cooking *oyes, the Radiatur stoves and' Radiator
droves for p:u•tours; which are tuisivrpassed for -com
fort and economy in the tvve of incl.
All which-ha,otries-oa-the lowest terms fur .
Carlisle, lug. IS, 18-11.;--v.
N. B. Old Lend, PeNrter,Oopper and Leather ta
ken in exeliadge for stoves, till or copper ware. •
W.M. C
. G
Still conthiliesthe Cabinet Maliiag in all its va
rious branches, at his ' old Sialicl in North klanover
streid,iivo :doors above the store of N . Vm.: l.eoiiard ;
where fie . is now manidlietaritt,aiid inteadskeelling
on haad r a great
`'CA - 93,114E - TI.VIIRNITORE;
Ile will alsoturnisk COFFINS at the slimiest:4lo.
flee, and hiving recently procared a NEW - Ill:Ansa,
he is peeparid to , attend funerals in the country;
Carlisle. August 4, t
Camphipe Oil,
The:, lierilinvins sold his stock of DRUGS;
intends se, p his busuteiss,and would hereby
notify those indetted o holt settle their accounts
before the Erbt of JunintrY next, when his books Will.
Ile left with.t. R. Irvine Es(' - .for collection.
Nen vie e ; ter: .1'.9
DR. I. Co LOOMIS, Denlzst, ,
ISpermanently located in Carlile, and
will perform all operations Ont are required in,
Dental Surgery, such as Filing;.Plugging t and Ex
tracting 'reedi t and inkrtitig Artificial Teeth, from
csinglc tooth to a whole set. Id , , will also attend to
nll diseases of the mouth, gums, &o:, and direct and
regulate the first and second dentition do as to - render
the teeth Olchildre.rrand young persons regular and
LOOMI§ may at all times tie found at his °f
ee, on igh itteot;opposite-Maefarlaut_ls Hotel._
Carlisle, June 43, '
• .
.t th e
Diseases o f , Eye; \ •
. -
• ' • 40' ) ;A:''' -,,, • .
• .
. ,
. .
, ~ ..4 41' r, . .": '.,:_ f .t ,, ,:./)) 'it' • - ._:
• - V„ . •. 11. , ' - • ~.,.,
. . .
• -
- • ,
Celebrated Eye Water,
For the. cure of Weak. Wateryor"Atood Shot Eyes,
Ulcers. Huinotirs and hylarnation of the Eye=tids,
Dimness 'of Sight, &c. .
Persons sadject to any of these unpleasint'disor
- dersovill-finththis:the-most-effectual use,
milt seldom fails to remote any of these affections
by a few applications, without the least inconvenience
or pain. Those who are troubled with a DIMNESS
OF SIGHT will also find it a Valuable remedy for
strengthening the eyes, iniproving, the sight, and pre
venting the,dimnessthat anises from straining them.
'lt will also be fouild particularly useful as a wash for
the eyes of young children,' to Tatneye inflaination;
mid subdue the humours to which.they are , so liable.
• Price 50 .Cents d Bottle with full direc
iionsl'or using. - • -
Sold in Carlisle by
• . • .- S. ELLIOTT'. ••
A priP213,1841.--- ly . ( .
. • •
111001 y illiftbdailiQUig- fills.
Me se valuable pills arc very gentlein theiropera-.
tions..catipMg grmnig nor anymanseMM
They :mizeedingly -Om tort and' sifelsg“faiY ,
the akitinich anil.boWels,aud clrarini..the sight
ing and memory of aged persons, n bt"carryiag
phlegnis, watery matter, putrid grtaii and thickllu
mors from the stomach:bowels .and blood, which
makes them ,celebrated.for. _removing coughs,
rlieumatisms, wails from dm - Imq andlimhs, gravel,
piles, sick stomacholisordereit bowels and . worms.
Thiamedicitiels_alm . an infulible.:euLc_fo.feveriin
- - c:p ALS 0,,L:71
Davies . .Pknacea Bloodi Pills,
For the cure of. Com stun pti on, diseased wind-pipe,
ulcerated. sore thrind; - 'lUngs and liver •complatnt,
night sweats, thistles of heat, burniiig in the sitoin;telt
tightness across the chest, pains in the breast and
side,in ward cancers, piles,
sore eyes,sere ls.gsodeers
of every description, tswellings, rheumatisms,• they.
stop,the spitting of blond and heal the part effected.
The Pinacea Blood-pills are-prepared expressly' for.
•the • strengthening- of every Tart of: the • system and,
healing all and sores, purifying and removing
all had humors from the blood, which is often brought
on from too. much sitthig or standing, or by expo
sure from. sudden heat-to cold.— Weakly debilitated
persons arc particulary advised to use them, as they
strengthen the body in a superior - manner; diey•are
not intended to operate on the. bowels so much as on
the blood, as too much purging will destroy any weak
ly constitution, and has corned off thousandi to a
world unknown to us. Take the advice of . one who
studies to save life and not to kill ;.weakly and debili
tated persons should no purge more thou once a'year
as it often times brings on costiveness. • - '
&Orem/ county, Va. Sept. 7. 1840.
Dear write to let you know that the Lord
has done great things for me, whereof I am glad.—
I saw you in Frederickiburg, I think I said
-I had been afficted With a very acid (sour) stomach,
and subject to n violent pain in my head for more than
twenty years, fon which I tookrhubarb and soda three
or four times every' day fur this many years, with
little or no relief, and , my legs and ankles were' so
Much swelled that I was miable,at times, to attend to
my business. But since von made me a present of
a box of your Family, Pills I have taken on'e or two
of them at night in going to bed, and now my acid
stomach is relieved, the swelling in my legs has near:-
ly disappeared, and I do not think that 1 have been
hi n d ere d one day with the pain in. my head since
began to take your valuable medicine. I think. the
Lord directed von to Fredericksburg, to administer
to my relief, (Blessed be hie holy name,ll mit greatly
relieved.) 1 here is living in my neighborhood a
poor old wonum.who had been sick a long time and
could get no relief, at length. I purchased a box of
your pills and gave them to her, after a while.! saw
her out and about her businearyand•she said that the
one box had cured her. I have spread the fame of
your valuable medicine amongst my acquaintances,
and many have purchased. Now, as it respectsmy
self, my friends tell me whorl go to town, that they
have notneen me look so well for many years,
say to telrvoiftliFsecret why., a short
time ago I met with a Di:Davies in town, and he gave
'Me a box of pills, and they have made time look as_
you, now see me:' And now, my friend, I hofie that
-the Lord will continue to be with you, mid make-you
useful to your fellow-creatures, as he, has hitherto
done. ' I remain with respect,
Cu.itairs BRUCE.
se,yeral Females have been cured of the falling of
the womb, by taking very small doses at intervals.
Harper's Ferry, August 11,1840.
Dn. WM. DAVMS.—Dear am happy to in
form you and the public, dual have been cured of
1 that dreadful disease Ihe Rheumatism, by taking your.
Family Pills. I have been laboring under that dis
ease for mare than a year t .during which time I tried
the;skillcif the best physician without effect; at lefigtir
I was induced to try your medicine; I found relief
after taking half a box, I continued to take diem until
1 I 1111046 five•boxes; my age is 71 I ears, and Icon
eider that none but the old and rheumatic persons
kilo* how grateful I feel to • the medicine that. has
restored me to health. •
. Yours4espectfully, Joint DIE:
WE, the undersigned t ate agents at Harper'a Ferry .
for the sale of Dr. Davies' Family Pills . Iwo knoW
our.neigbbour, Mr. Dye, sold,him the pills of which
lie speaks's° highly, and believe his statement to be
substantially true.
Respectfully, . . W.' S. B. ANDERSON.
Mn.M C. : Burton, near Locust street, was diseased
or seven years with a lump in the left side, bumps.l
all over beriskitt..paina aroundhe small (Cher hack,
running into her stomach, which prevented, tier (to
use her own words,) from eatingone partible of meat;
the first dose removed the lump; and two bac' set
her at liberty; '
I was severely 'diseased with the blind piles foy.
twenty months, and prostrated from the loss of blood;
and one and a half boxes of Davies FaMily Pills has,
--Made an entire-cure-of-me.-----3.
Washington,D. C;; May 7, 1841.
Manufactured and. sold wholesale , and retail, at
N 9. 265 South third street Philadelphia, and by Mr.
JoiiitHieliygeflisley general agent for CUmberland
county Penna..
•• Also, for sale by.W..-8a T. Loudon, Kingstown s•
Eckels & Fireovid,HognestoWn, M. G. Hupp,Shire,
manstown,J. Longnecker ; Wormleyehurg; Brew.
.eemlia, New Cumberland; Stephen Culbertson,Ship,
pensburgi :Wm, Barr; Newville James ,Leeby,
Newburg; Henry,-Let . :ll, Meihanicsburg ; Josiah
Hood, Springfield ; ; John Hood, Stougfistown:
• gzyPersons wishing to lieCOMe agents in the villa
ges In which the pills are not sold In, Cumberland
county, will be supplied with them by calling on. Mr.
John. Gray, Carlisle, Pa. .who is empowered to ap
point agents .,, Family.-phis to those who purchaae•
to sell 'again l!! be *charged $2 per dezet
$2•25. to sell on•commission 1: and the Panacea Blood -
pills at $4 cash, or • $4 ( 50,, on commission,: 'Retail :
price for family pills 25• els. per box; Panaceabloojtai
pills SO cents pet box:'. Full directions foe eidFs
them accompany each. box. • •
Carliale, Sept. 15,
Hays' .14iitim,eni.
,;( 0 4CTION.
This extraordinary chemical compositio n, the re
suit of science and the invention of a celebrated med.
introduction of' which to the publici
was invested with the
- ,solemnity of a' death-bed be
qtteSt; has .since gained a reputation unparalleled,
fully sustaining theiorrectness of the li)mented
Gridiley's last ccinfeision; that' 'the dared not die
without giving' oposterity.the benefit:of . his knowl..
edge on this subject," and he therefore , bequeathed
wide friend and attendant, Solanton Hays,the secret
of his discovery., •
It ii'now used in the principal liespitals,' and - the
private practice in our country, first, and most cer
tainly. for the cure of d
ie PILES, and also 'extensive
ly and effectually 1121 to baffle credulity, unless where
its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow
ing complaints: • o
• For_Dropsy--:•Creating extraordinary absorption
at once. .
Swellings -T-Reducing them in a few hours. •
.; Hiteurnatisin---..tente or Chronic, giving quick
7 -1 56F0 - T - Itront===ity - concers,ulcers,.or_colsls.
.Croup and Whoooing-Cough--ExternallY
over the chest. - • •
• Ail-Bruisei, Sprains, and Du rns-*--Cured in alew
Sores and Uleers--' , Whether fresh or long Stand. ,
and fever sores:
• Its operation upon allultaand children. in reducing •••
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughsand
ness of the chest by relaxition.of the parts, has been
surprising beyond conception: The' common
mark of those who have used it• in the Piles,is "It
acts liken charm.'„ . • •
THE PILES.--The price, $l, is refunded to any
person who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for • ,
the Piles; and return the empty bottle without being
cured: Th . * are the posit' ve orders of the proprie
tor to the ngents,andout of many thottsnnds sold,not
one lips been unsuccessful.
We might insert icrtificates to nay letigth,_bh I
prefel•tliat those Who sell the article; ihould exhibit
the original to purchasers.
. • • 7o Physicians and Patients:' t•=uk--, •
The, Blind Piles; saidlo be - incurable by external - '
appliCationl.--"-Soloinen Hays warrants the contrary.
His Liniment will cure Blind Piles.. Facts areinere
Stubborn than theories. Ile..solicits alLrespectabla -
physicians to. try it upon their patients.will do .
i lhem no harm, and it is knawn that every physician
who has had the honesty to make the dual, has can- 3
didly admitted that it has succeeded- in every . wale
they have known. Thep ‘AbyAga...use it? It-lathe
recipe of one of theirmostrespectahle members,now
deceased. Why refuse to use it ? Because it is sold
as a proprietary medicine? Is this a sufficient cr.
cuse.for suffering - their honeSt patients to linger in
distress?, We think not.. Physicians shall be con
vinced that there is no humbug or quackery-about
this artiele.---W lay thioa not alleviate human suffer-
ing ? .Ilf they,,Nvon't trY it before, let ihem after 'all -
Other preicriptionsfail..Thysicians arereipectftilly:
requested to dotitemselres and patients the justice to
4rshall'be taken - frem the boffl4i ;'
andlione Up as trieir - PreierThfibiilrtlie . V7ilislre.'" , - ••
". • . - • • SOLOMON FLAYS.
Sold .i)y Comstock .Fc. Co. Wholesale Druggists,
No. 4 2, Fletcher street, NeW York . •
DlNKLE,liarlisle, Pa. •
• There, is not one case of-Fever in a ' thousand, but
may be effeetually broken up and removed by the
use of thiiElixir. It removes all acidity indigestion ,
bilious Matter-and constipation from the stomach
and bowels. It operates gently and etTectutilly..oll.
the bowels, and powerfully on the kidneys and skin.
It removes all unpleasant feelingsafter a heath' meal., -
ant promotes a goo( appetite. ft neeits,truirrtrial—
to give perfect satisfaction. •It has become a genersl...
practice_ with many to use this article in all estee-of
- eolds, pains in thehones, or heavy disagreeable feel- -
log, tendering to headache or Chilliness. Fpeboarst.-„
ness, s if taken through the day,it completely restores
the voice without producing sickness. Whoeping•
cough, and nll coughs of children are cured by it.-.
:The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, and it is
quite impossible that any disease should ,commence
while a person is using this Syrup. .
(Cy. Iftaken daily it produces a rudy, healthy, and
young appearance, by driving off nll the humors of
the system. Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street, one
door below Pearl .street,N,Y.. by Comstock St Co.,
and by all respectable Druggists.
For 6ale also by.STEVENSON - de DIN
KLE, Carligle,•Pa.
calm of Columbia.
British Consul's Office, ')
Philadelphia. • S
IT NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pres
-1.1. ents shall come, that I, GatnEn - pßouptisort,
Etsq. his - Britanic - Majesty's Consul for the. City of
Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Robert Whar
ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is
Mayer 01 the City of Philadelphia ;
.and that-Mat
thew Randall, Esq., is. Prothonotary of the Court•o
Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadel
phia, to both whose signitures, with the Seals of their .
respective offices, full &111 and credit is due.
, I further •certify, that T -am personally acquatriied :
with Joseph L. Inglis,one of the signdrs of the %.,erti
ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy
of the Balm of Cniumbia, and that he in a person o f
great respectability, and worthy Of Mil faith and cre
dit; mid that I have heard him express his unqualifi
ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co
lumbia, in' restoring his hair.
Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city
of .. . Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the
United States of America.
• Read the folldwing. •
' ROBERT WHARTON,. Esq., late Mayor of
Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen below, t o.
the bigh clutraetsr of the following gentlemen'.
The Undersigned - if° hereby certify that we Lave
used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J ..Old
ridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only
as a preventive 44441516 e fulling off othair,but alas -
a certain restorative. • • ,
WM; THATCHER, senior;,
' Methodist Minister in St. George charge,
N 0.86 Nqrth Fifth at.
JOHN P. INGLIS, 581 Arch tit. •
JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 01.5 Race at.:
JOHN, S. FUREY, 101,,Spruce s
HUGH .McCURDY, 243 South 7t.'h
JOHN YARD,,jr., 123 Arch st.
The aged,and those who persist in wearin '
May not alw,ays experience its restorative qu
yet'it will certainly raise itsvirtues in the estimr"
of the public, when it is known that three of th.
Bove signers are more than 50 years of age,and t.
others not less than so.
• - [iron the Mayor.)
• City of Philadelphia. S•
ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city or
Philadelphia, do . hereby certify that ram well so
with Messrs.,J. P. Inglis, Joho S. rurey,
and Hhugh MtiCurtly, whose names arc signed to tho .
aboVcertifficate, that they are gentlemen of charms
te.t a ntlrespeOttiiPty.. end am. auchfull credit sttould____:.
be given to-the stud certificate.
lu witness.whereof, I have hereunto set my hand,.
rf "
Q. ,- and caused the seal of the city to be a ffi xed
0 "
the sixth day of. December, &o.
• ROD ItT Wll AUTON , Mayor.
i) psi BIT- loqi litiezrare fol= —
lit. For infirfit's keeping the bead free from scurf.
and causing , a leaturient growth ofdittir.
. 2d For Indies-after child-birth, restoring the skin
to its usual strength and firmness, mid preventingthe
fallingeut of the hair..
• 3d. For anyperson recovering from any debility
the sante' end' is produced: •
4th. If used in infancy tillugood gravy:this started,
it may be preserved
,by attention to the latest period
of life.
Sth. It frees the head from 'dandruff, 'strengthens •
the roots, imparts health and 'vigor to the eirctilatlon
and prevents the hair from cliangingeolor or getting at
. . . .
• Gilt,. It, causes the . .. hair io„curl beautifully When .
done•up init ever niglit.'.c •'- . - - • • '
Iry-No ladies , toilet should ever be` made without it. - 4,
' 7thrThirarie9 'w,itiZelhave .hy:any meaus' contracted • •
.v . crnaigla % " d. are, immediately and:perfeetly
t ii, its use; ' It ia infallible. • ..
. fo — r . sale at the drug store of C'ometack 8c,C0., •
Pletcher street' near reaylomd in Carlisle by Ste.
vetison & Dinkle. '-. - [Dee . ; IN 1840.—1 i. ,