Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 08, 1841, Image 3

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icy° MR. JOHN EARLY,' our agent, is 110 W
Irivelling . "the enmity' making collections.
,Nye ~Want mpriey,,and hope our' friends will
not withhold - their dues. - •
Under the presint adnipitra,ion of
"Herald" suits shall be brought ?gainst:no
subscriber. We- have none 'Nflt)o require
'resort to such means. It is' but necessary
ktb ask and % . ve shall reeeive..
Newspaper Law.
• .
• ' . - terThelaw isond-so-the - courts tlecule,That the
- person to'whom a paper is sent is responsible for the
• ityment, if he-receive 'the Inver or make use of it,
- • ;even though he never ElithseribedTor it....flis . duty in
Web' case notlo'take the .paper , from the office or
Iplace where itiis lett,intt to notify the publisher.thaf
'tire does not' wish it. If papers are - sent 101 l post of
. liceotore, tavern, or other place, and are nut taken
by Me-iffirsoe - to:whatlithey - are - sent, the postmaster,
store or tavern keeper, Sic., is responsible for the
;"pnyment, unless he. immediately gives notice to the
'.publisher-that-they are-not taken-from the office or
• 'piace where they are ;sent. , .
• • FAtract froth the Post Office Regplatious,pages6,
• .
section 118: . • : , -
_" In every instance in Which•papers that tome to
your office are not taken out by the person to whom
they ore sent, you, will give immediate hake of it to
publisher, adding the reasons, if known, why the
• F rom the Postmaster General.
'" A Postmaster . n ay eticloie money in a letter to
The publisher of a newspaper, to pay the subscrip
tion of n third person, and frank the letter if written
•by himself." • . - •
" KrNoTE.-- . -Sorie subscribers may not be aware of
The above regulation. It will be, seen that, by re-•
• questing. any postmaster to frank - their letters con- -
taining nioney,Wwill do soujmil being satisfied that
the letters contain nothing but what refers to the
• subscriptio .
o:73'The Lancaster "Gld Guard" tells
us that Mr. ORVILLE TAYLOR, Secretary
of the American Coin Mon School Society,
will lecture in Carlisle On the evenings of
the.flth and,:l3th instant.
_Let Mr. Taylor
.- mon, 'SChools; -bop \Ali coin ro pods it
. .
self to „
the notice of - every:rational soul. ".”
the saloon of "Fluaation . Hall," in Church
Mei Bliatbnians have given•
hallio — the Prince de Joinville: And in:4
that thb Prinee-bas left •ottr' shores for his
. ,
own "sonny France," we -suppose there
• -cannot be Much harm in "our saying that,
'as We look at it, some of-the-plain=Repub
_ Beans of these United - States ,have been
- Making =great- rook of themselves aboui
this . Royal Scion.
,That-great respeCt was
due .the Prince by reason . orhiS birth and
--station, may be granted. indeet:\a little
ixtra - attention may have been pardonable,
seeing that this Union owes something of
. .
gretude to his country, and that his papa
w\s once a wanderer over. her mountains
; and valleys; but to ourmind the diiplay
made for his Royalty had in_ it a little of
sycophantic adulation.
France is much indebted -to the Bosto-
nians and New Yorkers for wines, confec
tions, velvets,_rouge, and laces, destroyed
on account of the commander of "L'a Belle
Poule," and we kti . ow not hOw they can
be repaid other Wise than .by sending over
"John Priimte and Confiden- .
Secretary to;his.Excellency John. Ty-.
ler-President of Mc United Stales," to
i.peratc le on .the soups and wines . of
Louis Philippe.
DIxoN 11. LEwts.—This gen
tleman it appears is not dead. The rumor
of h is deathoriginated in a-Georgia paper.
He is no doubt at this moment at his , post
in Congress
rpThe Hon. C. P. Mitchell, some
thin of whose exploits in finantiering our
readers will remember, has been convicted
of ' forgery.' • So the law has clutched one
4:EericiiiviLE rogue. - NoW let ii beim a•lot
of Unites: States Bank officers . , and then
-Bill Wiley.:
MetEoo.—This notorious, individual is
again ir. in prison. It is stated' that. he has
been arrested on a capias, at Niagara„for
dpfaleations in Canada.. Ile will not prob
ably fare so sumptuously in a British pri
son as'lm did in his Yankee one.
01:4yrispitirg 'Papers.
'Messrs. FENN & WALLACE, editors of
*he Pennsylvania Telegraph, propose to
p, • o•
Olisht thoir paper daily and,semi-weekly
during. the 'sessioe :of the hedislature.—
. .
Terms, $3 far the daily during the session,
.and .$4 the
,year—s 2. for the, semi
) - :Weekly during the .session; and $3 for :the
year '`!'lie "Telegraph" was a warm sup
.:riotter. of General Harrisoni r pml it is now a
• valuable and able ' .'•• • .
.rbe ' IntelligeiKer;l% a
souncy'atiajou Whlg- - € . llilea by
.. ..,
. '
......-__ .- • .
ELLIOTT & MeCiinny, • will.:be published
„ein • . .• ,•
-,, Seckly. during :the setision . .., • Terms
' 'for' the. $2, for the . year $3. Vie .
. -"lntelligenier" has 'always been a-censis-.
1 ) .
i ,tefit, indeperide it and feafless ennie!, and
is' well :,worthy he - .patronage•ot•the'Whig
fiarty. - , '... •:, - 2 . ~..,•••• . ''•. ''••,:. '..
, Ile - " karrisv - wzr Chvoilicle;" - edited
' .• bY: 'HENRY •i'MONTaiii.Wiri - ES(1•,: will. be ''
. :.. piibliii64. e ' .tir ii:. vv e e kt - 1- ,
.„.,,,90 . :!#,elity,for the 'remainder, of the v "
for e 3. Semi-weekly. for the. session,S2.
Since the "ChroriielO”ltaa,passed into the
li,ands .. of Mr. Montgomery it has not only
inaprOvetl - , in qppearoo, but its, editorials
and selections evince that its piesent editor.
is, eeterminee. that..his Patrons Shall have
, the full worth of 'their Money; - It warmly
supports General Scott for the .W ; hig me
mination for the Presidency. • -
• The "Pennsylvania
.Reporter;" a' very
respectable Van 'Buren paper, will he 'intb'-
fished daily. and semi-Weekly during . the
sitting. at .the' Legislature. Price, for the
daily., two. cents per single copy, or S 2
during, the session. Semi-weekly for the
session, $2.- The "Reporter," _under the
control of BOAS & PATTERSON, is conducted
in rather a dignified and gentlemanly-,man
net. • . •
The Prospectuses o(thc "Koslone" and
the " - St ate - Cqpitol Guzetic,." - w creinseyted
entire in our paper of the 24th ult. .
ta''NVe learn from the ,Hagerstown
" - TorelttLigh
Troielkwas; on Thursday the 25th ult.,
convicted in the Courtot Washington . cOun. ,
ty - oLsQllagOwigg.:l4..Agnccisk_PkWicl,..,
Maryland, it the election of October, .1840,
and..wassentenced to 'undergo an impri
sonmentoffiee daJjs and pay•a fine OM
teen dollars. Rather'a light punishment
for such a crime. The Chief ,Justice, how
eyei, in passing_ sentence remarked, that
this being, the first offence. which had been
brought before the Court, within 'hia'recol;
lectimi, he' was - ' disposed 'to treat it with
lenity,but, if it shoMd . ever ,be repeated,.
he would, so far as was in his power, 'in-
Mot the full, penalty of the jaw—which is
forty days imprisonment and $4O fine. '
late higfierOat'io reaelit'irefeni's 'of
Boston," Both su/ked, and v Id SnOt. run.
- truth in
chooses; and sb• can - the Whigs.,--Rich
1 11Ir. Proffit.-11 meeting was hold, 4
short tune since, in Gibson counly,-Inds.
ln which the
_course taken by Mr Profit
e 7-t Ile • rikos eTri I fried
terms. The Evansvilteiournal thuispeaks
lof hini:--- . - -
"Our representative has .repeatedly de
clared in the halls of Congress that in pur
suing-hiss singular erratie . courie•hewas on
ly representing his constituents, and would
be . snstainad Now• we venture
to assert that there cannot be found in' t h e
whole district fifty persons who have here
tofore voted for Mr P. who will do so again,
or who will not join with their brother
Whigs of Gibson in saying. that he has
';utterly failed to represent the interests
and wishes of the people of this district."
In fa»zous Sentences.—Aman for having
two.wives in North Carolina has peen sen
tenced to 6e branded, with the letter B. on
his check, to be confined three years in
prison, and receive 117 lashes. A woman
for having two htishands, in Pennsylvania,
has been sentenced to thirty day's impris
onment. Both these sentences are infa
moOs•in their character; the first for its
barbarous severity;•the latter for its mild
ness. The punishment of whiliping and
branding is part of the cruel system' adopt
"ed in.rude and . times, when the
mass of human beings were held in scarce
ly higher estimation thail beasts of burden.
The toleration of such punishments among
any people at this day proves:Ali:it the
march . of :humanity and of civilization has
greatly - outstripped .their progress. . The
crime of bigamy is one 'Which ought to be
severely punished. - Scoundrels who will
take advantage - of =the confidence reposed
in their professions, to deceive and betray,
ought to be shut out from the society they
injure and disgrace. But if the punish
ment in the first instance be disgraceful for
its cruelty, that in the second instance is
equally so for
. its mockery. The woman
was either guilty of the net charged against
her or not guilty; il guilty, is thirty days'
imprisonment a punishment adequate to the:
enormity of the crime ? '.l'he - 'most venial
ofrende that is cottimixted,by destitute
wretches, whose misfortunes are their great
est crimes, 'is punished as severely.. Guilt,
to be checked, 'should be properly punish- .
ed. .11 been so in either of these cases?
Philadelphia Ledger.
- T he Petersburg (Va.) - Statesman of the
Bth instant, informs na that the John Ran
dolph •Will case is to (mute off •at the next
term of the Superior Court in that tovii,iii
the discussion of which much legal talent
will be enlisted. By. one of Mr. Randolph's
Wills, which was established, as between
the various' legatees daiming under .the
willh found, Mr. pandolph emancipated all
his slaves, some three or• Nur hundred,
*hose' - sai.d to be `worth. 510,000 a
year.' It is said that the execution of this
Will is suspended, because Judge Beverly'
Tucker, who-was- con,
tract, - now comes ftimard as Ole. hp i r-at-la w
to Oversefall the wills, and -he is, now en - ,
gaged : in endelvoring to. efftict his object
by 6 suit' in ,Chancery-4the slaveiremainw
ing the melin time in Servitude r and in ens-'
':tody - Of the - lov: ---- TI i e — StateSrria n'ire Marks
-"St.,EdVvard. C . oke, thk.very.embodi
ment.,,of the', Comtumi Law , --the great
'grandfather of lativit Is related,-ifter 'all,
,made - a will: which the lawyers never Could
-unravel., : -So the' Roanoke Orator, in .the
ii : Oter,:Of hii:WilT, has:displayeil leiis prac-
tical wisdom
. tlian."belongi: to many . .a .. plain'
farmer. Ikat„wkistles ilf.his.ftirrow.", , ,‘;
••Jointlienniek, of_Middiebtirg,-Verinont;
hOs stied Lewis MyeifO . ,,for, kje . liing. his
'•Prenticeilays, it the etnirt utile any;
dati6ges; they ought to, order the amount
o he paid hi a/ill:Tiffs/4,8i
41•i0 . 4 .. i. - .1',v,*:4, -
W .
~...,..Wn m
otisA,Buatnies,—Sonita' six I - 1 ore )11:onty e 'e • earn. that
months ago - thd Rochester papers publish- the GOVernor. of Peinnaylvenia
.haa *made,
ed an account - of a ilaahint feniale, 'calling:another requisition upor-ceitaitt hanks'lia
herself. Miss Jones, tvhoplayed preity.ex- ble to such .a for 'n loan 0.11 per
tensivelk.apon the credulity - of the -nativis I.cent .ron theirrespeeqvetapitals. - The time
thereabouts, and Anslir succeeded, in mar- is limited to the let of 'PebrUary, and, the
tying - a
-Worthy young man named •Hnnterd object,, as we presemeis to provide for
She sitceteded - ni playing her card - so well, , the, payment, of the state , interest Men 'due'
that no one suspected that she Was,netWhat Our banks haVe already 'been ; :bled pretty
she prete - nded,' -„respeotably,cone..eted,: freeiy* , .too freely, indeed;. for the 10001
and - a Worthy Weman.'.. Two Or diree.dayi of the stockholders and the community.—
after her
.. Marriage,, however, the
p . .van
using, and nothing was Inewn
herlocation. It•was ascertained, however,
that she had in that short time plundered
her husband of a considerable amount of
money; and contracted debts to the amount
of several, hundred-dollars, whidh AS left
him to pay. Sincithen she has played 'a
similar game at Toranto, in Canada, where
She married tnannamed Lanesbro; fleeced
him, and cleared out. We last heard 'of
herat Alhanyi where she Was again marri
ed. She left there in something of a hurry, -
leaving ,her husband in jail :for passing
counterfeit • money 'Which she had given
him. Where she twill show herself next
remains 'to be seen ; .and the mean, time
it' 7 t - Yetild be well enough for bachelors, who
ara easy caught, to keep a bright.look i o;i
and not_cressiter path,,Balt. Suns
, Wellington - the bigamist, it. appeare by - a
letter from Hartford, in the Richmond Star,
is an olti offender ,'The writey of the letter
asserts tat Wellington's real flame IS
Hamilton W Smith. He has served two
years in the State Prison at - New 'York for
bigartiy", and has also served 'two years in
klassaelfusetts State, Prisbn; at Charlgton
for.. counterfeiting. He-has three, or four
wives living besides the one. at Richmond.
In 'Hartford, he is' well known as a seoun-,
drel of the first water."
THE WINNEBACIOES.—k. corresponuent.
of the GalenaOtizette,.writing from Prurie
du 'Chien, under of Nov, 4, says,
" that the CommisSioners • 'appointed to
treat with the Wienebagoes, to induce them.
to remove farther North. will not be. able to
accomplish their . object. - ' Spine of the
,chiefswilt:not: meet theM.'
. :'Those • - who .
it'aye - lietl:: a pillo,Saoii ; , pain-' - . 4rinii,..oey.
:Will - •Itirtli - er, iitlipoSitioris . , : aS they
. v 'do - riot wan to move. again." :: • • . ..
________—, - •
The Philadelphia Sentinel says:..-The
cx.p_eri en en Leif _reduci ng-the- rates' , of-fares
and freights on some of the principal rail
road routes has been tried, and--the result
lias been_ a_vast lincrease.-iti-the---ainount of
transportation of . passengers and merchan-,
The. same course, there is no doubt,
:Beneficial - 5f Iliy) - 116
the Pennsylvania improvements. The
cheaper transportation on the New York
canals is rapidly drawing the Western trade
in -that direction, notwithstanding the ad- .
vantages of the
CONVIC'T'ED.—The twerfelloWs, who
were-some tiree.since committed to - jailin
this place for robbing a sick gentleman on
board of one of the steamboats plying to
this city, were tried in the Circuit Court,
tkrore Judge. MorroW,- last. week, and one
sentenced to three years', the other tWo
years' confinement, in the penitentiary
One d{` them is named Ligget—the other
Buchanan. Two more .preciens villians
than these, we are inclined to think,, have
seldom been put upon trial.. As a.sample
of their utter recklessness, we understand
that they took a game of cards, the night
after .their sentence, with the bantering
wager that the winner should go, free, •and
the other should serve the terms. assigned
to both.—Boonville (Mo.) Register,
Hanger of straining too much for.the
4 - ight-,-In the Dietrict Court of Philadel
phia, Young, Smith & Williams,. of this
city ; tieeovered . a verdict last Monday,
against the •Bank of, the. United - States; of
12 per cent,•interest on $7OOO of the'notes
of the Bank, held by this'firm. The. ver
dict is all right, but unluckily, in: striving
foi it, the substance has been sacrificed
the original sum of• $7OOO having been
paid into . the hands' of the plaintiff, before
the. Bank failed, and was sent back be
cause the Bank .would not add the inter
est.—N. .dmer.
Impcacliment rf aJetage. 7 --At the meet
ing of the 'Legislature of South Carolina,
on the 24th instant, Mr Mlley, member.
from..Marlborotieb, introduced.a resolution
impeanhinglinlg,e H. S. 'Gannett of incom
petekc to discharge the high duties of his
office. • After muchlisaussion, the matter
was laid over to the 'following day. In . -
temperance is said
. to be the cause of the
Judges incompetency.„.
curksirg.—The greatest curiosity in
the world ismow exhibiting . in this town,
in the person of James Washburn, the
wonderful Dwarf, decidedly the smallest
man in creation! He is in his 17th year,
weighs but 23 ,lbs, and is onlY36.inches in
heighti—He, is in good health, has line
sparkling eyes, is active, intelligent, in
short a perfect man in' miniature. He•is
raid to have been • born- in ° Vermont, and
ceased growing at an early period without
any assignatle - cause.—Blass. Spy.
- Moumoss,—The St. Lous Rdpublican
of the 20th ul. says 'that two hundred and
fifty Mormons arrived there on the previ-.
:ous .day. in, the stentriboat.General
Thy were from EnOand, and were - bOund
to Nauvoo, thetity of the Latter-day' Saints.
. .
. . .
' . DEATH OF GOVERNOR 131:1611 . 411%4N'..-4 1 111e -
GlOucestor,- Mass., Telegraph says: "We
learrilik4' I ate ri received IWO wif iiii3t even=
ing,•that his Event...v . Tlioipailhichanan;
Glovernio orLilieria,Aied et:Basia.on:the
3i1;; very :such lamented.'_'_ ''' .• ' ' • • ;
A' Certain Irishman . received for his laPor
n One ilollar bill on,. one the Ohio #niini:On
which he •was •obliged lose 4en_cents.dis
cotmi. 'flip next day as, he, - .w,a's - passing'
.doWO I,llliiii-iti'ee't he Ban? n denim Willy 411 g
on the side -walk, on .the :same bank,, and
gazing; on it hi,
,exclainied; "bad luek to
the likes 'of you ; Acre
finger will I ptifon:ye,f,iii,l, lost ten cents
brothgc. • of 'yours: yeSterdiiy;". •
be more nearly allied by 'a line of steamers.
The aCiurier des Etats :Unix says that.M.
D'Aubigny, captain in the French navy,
recently arrived at New York,. had ,blen
sent hither by the Minister; of Marine, for
AM special purpose of investigating the ac
tual coriditien' of steam navigation in the
United,States, and of studying the improve
ments that have been made. •
• M. •D'Aubigny is of opinion that the
close.of 1842 may be assigned as. the time
at which a (irk line of four steam packets,
between. Havre .and New York, may ."be
pit in operation. VesselS, it is said, are
alrerdy in a : forward state,, of. "progress, •of
the war model, but so :constructed as to
serve admirably in
,titrie of: peace, for the
,cif goods and. the conveyance of
passengers. They will be commanded„by
officers of the iiavy,. as the English vessels
are.. Their capacity is to •be about 1200
tons 4-their power 200 horses. • , •
M. :D'Aubigny will set out in a few days
fdr the South, whose principal rivers , and
seaport he will mu ine. He has given
minute attention to t 1 steam frigates Miss
soini.and Mississippi, t the navy yard . on
Longisland.---N. Y..-- xpress.
/ MA ' -MED, _ .
. On the ' 18th
,ult„,. by the • Rev. J. Ulrich,
Mr. Isaac Kuhn, to Miss Siirah Webb, ail
of Monroe township. • •
On the 2d instant, by the same; Mr.
Michael 4loi•rpt, of Monroe township, to
Miss Juliann Wolf, of 'Smith Middleton
township. • • . , -` ... -• .
6 '. On the same. day, by the same, Mr. Join
Iloover,?.tOMOLEAra Yesler,,lll of , g9rt
Ton .to.Witglii . P..,l' ' -
,1'':77 , 77'.7 • • .
day. the:29th Dr."JOLIN FRAZER,
inrttio -- roOth - ye - a of" his agd. . .
V1W15M1C1, 411,1 01 1 Nrr111t . "1 , 19117,711MPM2 , 2103[7111 •
- -Take dotiee (lint I • have applied to - the .1 udgecof
ti e.Court of Common Pleas of Cutnherland county,
for the benefit oldie 111501%1v Laws of this Commou
wealth , _and Ulm,. har_e_appointed:lllonday-tbe-tifilli
day f January next; for the hearing of inc and niy
creditors; - at the Court House, in theborongh of Car
lisle; when and where you may attend, if you think
-December 8, 1841. :
- -Vor Sale or lOW.
The two story plastered houseand ground attach
ed thereto, 38 feet front, anif 7 24-0 feet deep on the east
end of Main sheet ; ( smith side) now in the tenure of
Muj:_Theinas Craighead, is offered for sale if appli
cation be *made immediately; otherwise it will be
rented. Apply to
Casa 3 4c, Dee. 80 Mt
Dry goods at Cost.
The 'SubsetHier is now offering his entire stock of
dry goods at costforeash, consisting in part of
NETTS, :it from
. 34 cis. to $1,". 5 .0.
.11EIIINOES froncirts cents to $1,25:
A good assortment of Thibet, firoclm,
Merino & Blanket Shawls.
Moms de laincs, Chintzes and Calicoes; a 'variety of
. .
Cambric Edgings",sz Insertmgs ;
also Cotton Edgings and Quislings, "silk and cotton
Thule, Bonnet And Dress Silks, - Cliene../ind Phi
Bonnetond Neck Ribbons; Gloves and hosiery of
various kinds. .
Decenthe 8, 1841
All persons idebtell tor the subscriber are hereby
notified to settle uf) their respective accounts by the
Ist of January next. 4
Carlisle, Dee. 8, 1,841
Petition for Tavern License..
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Cumberland county,
at January sessions, A. D. ifiAg, The petition of
William S. Allen, respectfqll;) reNTsents, that your
petitioner is provided with the necessary requisites
for keeping a House of Public Entertainment in the
house he at present occupies in the borough of Car
lisle as a tavern. Your' petitione . r, therelore, prays
your Holton to grant bins a license for the same, the
ensuing year commencing on the first day of April
next, and as in duty bound be will ever pray, &c...
We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough of
Carlisle in the county of Cumberlaml,do certify that
we are veil acquainted with the above named Wil
liam KAllen,and that he is ofgOod report for honesty
and• temperance, and is well provideil with house
room-and conveniences for the lodging and accom
modation of Strangers and Travellers; and 'do there
fore recommend him to your I tonors as well deserv
ing of a license ; and further say, that a Tavel 0 at
the stand is an aceonunodation to the public.'
I'. F. Ege, John Irwin,
.3. Rehrar, Mich: G. E"c,' •
Paul Martin,: John M. Woodburn, .
Samh 410Keehan, , • Porter, . .
S. Moore, - Geo. . F • ,
Chas. Darnitz, ' 'Etlwart Show oulke,
M. tiolcomb, .
December 8,1842.-3 t
Petition for Tavern 'License.
TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court Of Com
mon Pleas of Cumberland county, now coMPosing
and holdin a Cdurt of General Quarter Sessionsret
the Pence, in and for said county, of January Term,
184'2. The pet:tion of Jacob hoist, of the borough
of New Cumberland, in the county of Cumberland,
respectfully showed:: That your petitioner is desir
uuS-ttilkep7a-Publiellouse-or Tavern', in the beaker
where he• new resides, and has kept as a tavern fOr
the last seven years, situated in the borough of *i-ty
Cumberland. The house is large and commodiona,,
that lie has provided himself with necessaries for the
coVveniences and acaommodation of Travellers and
Strangers. He therefore,, prayi your Honors, to
-gnt - him alicense-t6 keep.a house of pablidenter
taintuent in said house, and lie will eier pray,
We, the •Subierihers; 'do certify that Jacob Poist,
the, alnA.e nanied.applicant, is of good, repote for
'honesty and .temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conve,.ionees for the I,odging mad
accommodation .oft•StrangOti and 'Travellers, and
that a Ronde of entertaininent is neeessliry kept
Where he now resides. ' • •
P. l .ll:Bu'ent;` • -
Stuntini Hines;'H
• ;
tharles`W'.'Heltn;: •
Peter • '
'peter Hitting;
'John Stoner, . •
Joieph Messer,
'Chin.les Oysteri,
JiteOb Csrp' .;
.George Crist; • '
John tliekernell,
Adam Veenian
. •
,Lewka Now*.
&coin! week- commencing on the 17M :J . annary,lSl2,
MeGhtughlin .- vs Wolf
Brady &Co vs Hallman • •
Shank lor''use • vs Alexander
SleClay for-use ' ‘s Croft et al
Brindle . _ vs Driesbaugh et al
Houser • 'is Same.
Millert 'vs Mahon
;Wye' set al —-- vs Barr et al
I luglies' udtu'r . vs M bore et al
Myers • • 't s Noble & Co.
Squire et of . - vs' . Underwood ct al
Ramsey vs, Craighead
Noble's Ex'rs so harper
Wilson " - . vs Alexander
O'llennel . . . N'S Craighead'
Cake vs McClure •
Schlosser vs Wenner -
Same . .
Mateer's ad an'y . vs Thompson
Brandt , vs (Avler
Same • ' . vs Same
Wilson assig'n lke
Same .
Gorgas et ill . • vs Alexander
Kennedy for use '''-vs Me Feely
Harris 1, • t vs Church
MeGargan's ex'r V.s Will (8
0 EO. SANDERSON, Proth'y
December 8 . , 1.841
J. W. 1113 Y
.GEO...W. liIT'NGIi
. .
Estate of William Logan, deed.
LETFER.S. Testamentary on the Estate of Win
Logan, late of Prankford toWnship, dec'd.,lnave
been issued in due r forumclaw to the bilbseriber re
siding in the same m,
township. NOIiCC, is hereby
given to all persons hating claims against said estate,
to present them properly authenticated •liir settle.
ment, and all persons indebted are requested to 'liaise
payment to the subscriber.
Deeember . li, 184
LE'T'TERS" of Adniinistriitinit on the
• estate of James Wilson, late of North Middle
ton township; county, dtWil., have been
issued in due form of law to the. subscriber residing
in said township. Notice is hereby given to all per
sons having claims against said estate, to present them
properly authenticated for . scull:111E41% and all persons
indebted arc requested to make payment to the .
Lithe Cowl. of Co2oinod Pleas of Cum
Skiles -Woodburn, surviving •Trustee of Samuel
Caldwell; presented•te the court an account of the
execution of his trust, and Dfoutlay the 10th day Of
Jane:try, A. D. 1842, is appointed for its soldirinti
tion.and allowance by the court, if no objections lie
iunde 7 —of which all persons interested will take
notice, _ •
GEE. SAM)EIt SON, f'roth'y
The undersigned, the auditor appointed by the
Court-of- Common .Pleits of (Motherland county to
marshal the assets in the hands of Win. !AL l'Orter
and W. F. Line, Esfirs. assigtirei of Jesse
soil; mend among . the creditors , will attend for Mat
-puriinse Tuesilaj; the '2Bth hist. nt i 0 o'clock in the
forenoon, ut his office in Curlisle, of whiAd ull con
cerned wilt take notice'. " •i k ,
Deceinhee a; 1 ' •". • •
- 14'10,70 .
'ARNtLD.& AI3IiAMS have reeetvill at
their new attire, an adtlitionaliumtlY
Fl9l St; Whiter . Grtiodi -
to which they invite the attention of the public.
Great 4rlgainB' ,he givett;,
§hrypenahiirgi'Dee..B, 18411.-4 t:" ' _
AR\QI,D'& AIIiZAMS . have jiu,d 4 feceiVcd" di
rent' frcan pluvopn largd itasortment'Of 'Ploths and
,Cas iniqrea; . .Whysh Ihey are .deteeinindd to 401110 W.
ShiPOenaulrgi Pep; 8 1.841,--4t. '
Petition fOr
TO the Honorable the 'Judges of_ the Court,.cif
General 'Quarter Seasions of the Peace of Ctuber,
land County, 'at the Jiinuar'Y Sessions, ' .1842;. :
The petition Of Clemens Masfarlane 't et:Aridly
represents that yotfr Petitioner is provided with the
'lcecaps'' , requisites for keeping a .IlOwse'of Publie
Entertainment, in. the Heuse likely kept* him as a in the borough; Of Carlisle. , Your re , .
titioner, therefore, prays your, Honcirs to. grant him- '
a lieeiiiie-for the same, the.ensuingyear ocuntneacitig
on the first day of April 1842, and us iiit dutY bound
he will ever prity„lice. .. . -
"We, the undersigned,.eitizen s of . the boroUgh of
Carlisle inuri - rininity; in 'the' county of Cumberland,
do certify that we . are well acquainted with the above
named Clemens Macfarlane, and that he is of good
report for honesty and temperance, and is well pro
vided with house room 'and conveniences for the,
lodging and aceom notlation of Strangers and Trav=
ellers, and do therefore recommend him to your
Honors as well deserving 'of 'a license ; and further
Say that a tavern at the stand is an accommodation to .
the public. • . • •
J. W. - EBY • C. INHOFF. . '. • •
J. S. FAUST. f , R. NOBLE.' •••
BEETEM. ' • ; •
Deeeinbfy 8,1841.-3 E
Petition for Tavern License.
Public notice is hereby given, that I intend - to ap
ply at the next term of the Court of quarter S,es
mons OT Cumberland , comitY, for a License to keep a
Tavern or Public 'louse, in the borough ot • New
yille, in the Rouse which I ncriv keep:
• WM.
Depeniber 8; rB4l.—'
of-the , borough of-New,
ville, in the county of Cumberland, hereby certify
that the Tavern above proved for is necessary to ac
commodate the public and entertain Strsu and
Travellers ; and that the above mtmed 'petitioner is
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of - Strangers nod Travellers:.
Barr, - Jacob Negley; ' '
Jamison John H. Reed,
Thos. A. McKinney, Kennedy,
James Gilmor, ' Jacob Zeigler,
lames Ithover, Swoyer, •
Thos: Wallace, - Jos. M,'Darinoint
. ,
' • . Teas, Teas, - •
Yeang Ityson, Inperinl,'Guapowder,.and Black
ajust receivell Vin 7 flue and fresh. -
. • CHAS.
,•Ligroin, yemitian, t
. u . lO • cotioq-.Cwiepting,
itAptteccivett andfcut Kery
.N6.; • •.=
. • ,
- . ? : tflov s es! . 6, oyes !.!,
--41-ust-recoivoll-tatllozeu-pair uo!;..skianlor_gs-w1...:4
will be . sold• at prices to spit the times, by
'- --CIUXILLES--11-XltNrrz:---'
Carlisle!, Dec: 1, 1841
- - '141.51i7 or 4,,iiitousiEs,
For. Trial at the l'aii!ietr i 'Perm, 18.0.,
First vet , * comm nci ikon the 10th :Thlitiary, 18W
• vs -Clark et-al-
Moak. & Brothey
Pursel for use , _ • t 3 M'Clore et al
Wise for asp • va Snow
Reigle vs Alil
Grubb et al `" vs Croft et al •
Sating Fun& _ -•vs • Iklo - ore
Same , - vs Moore & Riddle
• • vs Reislier
lige • • • 111
ex , ri
vs Siuuc
Estate of Tamei Tlilson, (Iced.
Trustee Aecount.
berlamlcowity, November '22:1841.
Auditors' Notic-C.
. . . •
FOR Rcrirr.
..,. .
' The ernallgwo story BRICK, HOU SE
adigininir, Mr. AVettkley , s, 110 W occumeyorge
rffreing, Mg., foi; three . moeths only from let of
January,peit. '.
. ' -- ' :. : - .. • J. lIAMIL O.N.:' ,
Carlsle, De017,184,1.-3t. ' ~. ,-, . -- • . '
- - .
11 - 7 -I.IEREAS,th IlikBIIIIN,Prs
-V 1r &At. ndge of..the Coartt,of • GOffilifoirPleatr
in'the 9th
.11iatrict, composed ofilie"eduittles of Cuin
berTand., Perry and ,Juniata;, and the, Xlein. John
Stuart and
,jahn Lefevre, Judges of the safdtourt of
Common Pleas of the county of. Cuenberlatid; 'have
issued their precept, Waring date • the 19th day of
November;lB4t ,-atl- to the directed, for holding,a
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General:JailPe- '
livery, and General Quarter Sessions'of the Peace,
at.Carlisle, on the .
Secoild Monday of January, 1842,
(being; the 10th day) at ten o'elock in the forenoon:
N,artcs is hereby wept . tO ° the Coroner, Justices el
the Peace; and Coastal)lea df th,q said county of Cum
berland, that they be then :and there in their proper
persons, with them records, inquisitions, eiamina
lipnaand other remembrances, to 'do those thing
.14hiclilo-thelioffiectr respectfully appertain. And
.those who are bound by recognizance to, prosecute'
against the prisonets that are, or 'maY'be, in the.
Jail of Cumberland county, to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall beejutt..
Dated at Carlisle, the 2d day of December, 184; ,
and the sikty-sixtb year of American Independence.
PAUL MARTIN; Sheriff;-
Consumption and Death
. .
'Will most astiureffly be the. ally fate of those who
negleet yeti 'when afflicted with the Tfromitatl
tory svinjitomi ne consumption, such aff cold, moth,
bronchitis; or soarness of the - throat,.hbarseness, dif
flunk expectoration, asthma, spitting of blood; &c.
Dr. Duncan's expectorant remedy is 'expressly pre
-welt ibritre - re - minrol - aud - cure of - those - dangerous
And troublesome disease's. Therefore, yon who Are
laboring under the influence of • these coinplalsts,
'mecum unrnedifttely this•medicine before it be too
late. One brittle may be the means of prolonging
your life. Always ask for Dr.Duncan'sExpesioraut
Remedy, and see that your get it, and not be per
suaded be some who sell different medicines to tike
some of their MedieMe in prererence. These per
sons obtain some cheap thing, and palm if on the
public at full price. It is therefore important for
purchasers to be on their guard.
' Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy Is pitt np in
large sizeil bottles, and • enveloped in blue paper.—
The outer firm contains a fine steel plate engraving
representing " llolle in a Storm." '
Principal- office 19 North Eight street, Model
For sale at the Drug Store of -J. J. Myers & Co.
Carlisle, and - Wm. Peal Shippeusburg. Dee:
Dyspepsia-of ten years standing.
1 -1 I am truly happy to state .to the atilii4ml;;e6mmi
-0-iity that,n tn,epilier 'of•lny fairiilvvnirdllicted, tin. tcn,
oetyiel ye .y(faiic*.ii!,. the ',aluive .4,ll,stiTising . ','lliiiii'ase.
riii! sy'mptoviik,•vve-N ., grikit :oppressiim liiltii , ea ling,
acidity at-the stonniChin severe paiii in ilie side'imil
'breast, sick lwadaidie, mental despondency - , with oth
er syinotoins (hiring which time iiilinifrous rentediei
ire re procure( withont OM:doling much rel'iel'' - "''llwv - L
-ing I)earit of the-good-efilvt-s-orI)nAI-Autitett's-Goin ,
pound and StVengthening and German Aperient Pills
I wits induced to'give theta a trial, which -I anv hap
py to stale that by using one box or the elerman Ap
eriMit Pills, accompanied by the St rengiliening Ton
-0 Pills, that they have nearly eradicated the disease.
I consider it due to those afffitited that' I',lnake this
acknowleil. , eni cid'', that thiry 'may - likewise procu're
-the-amour---iiivaluable_tnei 111111L , _ and_ be_ inceil_ froni
' os , disires'iiiirP diseases. Kith gratitude and re-
- ,
SPEAR, N 9. 125 Old York Rand.
PeCaFt pal Office, N 0.19 -North Eighth strCe
-Philadelphia. •-
EOl . gAlle at the Deng Store of J. 3—Aryers. Sr. Co
Carlisle :rind Wm: PenV,SlkliaMalitirg. , 1111 . g. '2 5
Remainhig iii the Post Office at Carlisle, Novem.
ber ° 3o, I fill. •
01:7•Z iquirars will please say advertised. -
Arnold Hobert Lynch - Bobert \V .
A Rio. 3 iihn - Cell) Mary
Angney -W Z • -.° : Lose John Mint% of J ohu
Adams William have, deed
A rmstrong,•Dt• John Mt-luster William
ish:ldt 3: cOrge • 111 il ler-3 elm •
A skne \V Mille - r Samuel )
Berrybill A mlrcic ' Miller T C Geol. 2
Brady Margaret
.. - Miller Michael •-•
Brichtbill William -. Miller James
Bachrach Nathan. Miller David
Beattie Mary Mont Jacob ,
Baldwin Saniind . Moore VI C
Boswell John D • Alurray Win fl
Bell Nancy Matson Petvq'
Bramet Noah ' - • McKeehan Sarah Jane
Brechbill Frederick - • McManus Terence
Bender Samuel McManns - Francis ------ -
Cron Samuel 'McKeehan Deborah Stephen , - McFarlane .Inmes - .
C l fiark Garrett • Makall Rev BaZell. -
Commissioners •of Cum:Mawtliers Elias.S
Co: Topton Dr D
Crawford Alexander S Mell John'
Carion l' I) - •
Culbertson William MOrrison William •
Conser Soloman Mason IT. G. & Co..
Mendell Abraham Mnudy Abraham ' ' • .
Darr Peter - Nagle Daniel
Elliott Clwistiana NetTJ C - ,
Eshelinam Abraham Noels Dnniel•K
Meager Charles Noge'John .
Fisher Elizer Parkinson John:2
Felix G W ' Pea . Samuel '
Fry George • Rechardson Cyrus ,
Guthrie Ellin : lbiley William
Gfirrard Louis . Rohiniinn Jane
Camber Peter Smith Mary Ann
Gill Sarah . Smith James P
Gill 'William T - Sonerbech John ' • •
Gntschall Adam Smith Ni - ckless ~,,
Gingerigll Catharine Shepley Susan
florg,as John 13"; - Slices Cntlowine • . -
Grebiel Christian ' Stoller JAW e
Galleber .larnes , tilictrou'Peter 2. ,
CAMS William , • Swring - er Peter of rlenttge
Graham S. A. tail 2 - Sawyer Dr Jacob ,
HailthiTliza -. ~ r Shaffer Michael
amines Elizabeth - Sontheimm• & Lintlailr 2
Howard John K Shirk Isami 2
Hood Josiah • ' Snodgrass Jesse
Herter Mtirtin \V Shirk Henry 2' '
f }less Jacob Thompson
Ilorwooa Henry • Thomas John
f Hastings FIIIIICeR Mrs 2 Tripner John
Trwin & McCurdy Worst Mrs
Knox Ma ry' 13 Whitffield Robert
1411.7. Samuel' 4 . 'Wynekoop,Col John
i Laney John H. 2 , 'Wood J S
Leiby Jacob Wallet George
Long Daniel ' • Wolf John .
Lay & Stouffer • Whitiner Jacob
Leary Daniel ... ' - Wierman Ruth
Low- John . Wood Mary
I.ine Augustus A ' • Veaden Thomas -
Line Sarah or Anon It 2eigler-S-P
m 3 - fir ,' Clark ..z . , • Samuel P ElmernierfT
Copt, It $ Dix •-' • .1 Hill
IVilliatri -Andre* Doug-William J Warner
INr‘ Mt.. PORTER, r.- Au
Indian Vegetable PiUs. • •
Just received a feet& lot of the genuine m ni lin u
Carlisle, Dee, I 841;•
Caps 1 ,Ca t • • -
Velvet, Tabby Velvet, Celett, air
S6sl,lnud Fui• Cips ofall sizes and shapes, ust '9peek
ed and selling off at reolneedAmices.
' ' " CHAS:CGII:I3i.
...A/6(LT" •, - 1 841:
• - .
tiroceries !.. Groceries ! ! .•
-- - --A-.fromi•lot of- Brown and.Loaf_Sugar, prime / Cot,.
fee, Mal twos, Cheese; phoeolate alpo all, kind of -
Spices, Ike.; kO.,..jtist received and for sale
. . „ qiNS..OGILBY:
Carlisle; De . 0.,'1.. 1841.; . . • , "
. .
. • -; GIIIII 1411064.. . • .
Just received 150 pair o( Curti S!lima;itildfni•
dale. the ip by,
, : . • cumuit "0-ARNItz.:
Wftfer Proof Roots!• .
nal' Oce"rieit' for Aten Br.Bilys Wear iiTl selling
to.suit tho.titoes 114 etteop stot4.• ' • ,
` 'Dece.lst,:lB.lll ' '
For Bent
. .
The house and lot of ground lately occupied 1i
the Rev. Mr. Greenleaf, situate in Last Maio slreel4
the, property is in good order;amf is -one of the-Mon
comfortable in the borer,, , h. ••,. • .
' • For terms 444 . to Miss Sarah or
' -' • • • • EDWARD , ARMCIR.
Carlisle, Dec. 1,1841.-3 t: . . •..
palate of Illichael,Prandt, dec'd.
,estate _of Aliclatet_Brandt, late of Diekhisnii..
township, Connaberland county, deed., have , been is
sued to the 'subscriber residing , in,Xer ton towaShipi.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persinis indebted t,,.)said
estate to make uarnediate•mnient, and these haying
claims against Said estate, to present.thenf for settle-,
meet. • '
• • - :11VVID BRA NDT,
.December 1; 1.811
. .
._ .
Nor ilitturti). .
_. . ......
....„.„:---------A' large TWO - STORY
- ,t 4 1, I s 1,1- ■ STONE HOUSE,. .with - 4, I
- !, di m" !,,, !:, goo 1 STORE ROOM, 11 0 .''
^-- ‘,- —...
• ' . two.larg'e cellaiFiliifily - -111iek . work
Shop, Barn. O.a:1 ex4llen'i gitrden.,aftnelied f Sluaie
in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the
Public Square- ell in good order:
• Apply_''to .- •
Carlisle, Dee.:l ,•1841.----3t- , -
.. '• Tad V CO irt -•.-- • ',...
-••-• -
T i l g alli..,gm% scriber, residing In North Middleton
h 6 I ' towlisliip,,Seyeral 'days h'so,li .
r' .
IV hi I. ', .Av bite.. bellr-und inilf . die...toil_
will e, no other•Maa,,reeollecied.: Tlie:bwner 'is
requested to Come, tbrlt•nzil, prove property, psy
charges and take her away, or she will be dispose'd
of according to laW, . .
.. _ _
Dee. 1, 1841.---St
• . NOTIL.F.;• .... .
. .. . .•
S heieliy given tliai Leiters of A trministrathini
with the will annexed, ofi the Imt-will and tes- • •
tnment of ',John \\ illiainson, lute of the city of
CharleSton, State of South Carolina, deceased, it ere
issued on the 10th ultimo b) the, Register of Citid r
berland county, Pa. to the subscilber, iho i.esitles
'in Shippensburg in the said , county of CUmberlandi
all persons having-tit:tints of &Mends against the es; ; .
tate of the said xleeettcht, are renmeated to oak
known the same - .without 'delay, and those indelicit. ----
to make penitent in
' ; • AIIM'h . tritk w A
ill 'annexe • ---
. '
Dee. 1,-1 ql.---Cf. - -
, -... .
. .
, . .
r . Silet.dt• , q..- \‘'
' ll - I V'
virtue or s,..rdei wcifi of
:VD -nosh') Inc dia:etch, iasuch out of tree Court of
.Poottion Of 4;tiinherland comity, will be ei
-Tough ehe 31i-1
ber i A, I 10:.o'cluck or, buid day, the fol.::
lowing deocribq Veal eatiile, ii:
iatere - st of Jetaima Sar:
Berson in a-Tract of sitinite iti the township.
ofNortli Middleton, Cumberlanaimindy,contaiiii• g
I 0) acres, more ne less, boutuled It, lam hi of Jacob
Nyeart.,W idiom lenivonil,o4oll AKolf
lin eing thereon . erected a tom 'story img floune, log
kiteliem-and ono , and MOI . Earn. Seized and
lsten _Oxeruzion as Ilie - propei•ty of .16nitlist
•ICISO a I C .(1 (1T si (la e
Franktord.. eltrlllll . lllflld - 'Catijity,
eadtiiiiintt-19 acres:more or 1..85, bonntlifd by lani,B
of Ilenry 11acke, on the east, lands of Cie;rge.gorlit
and 1.1.01181.(1 I\linieli on the small, George. Kedieon
the nortb,and Leonard and George Korb(
on the west, having theevon reeetetbri two story Lr S
I tome, awl log Etahle. Seized and taken in taccia
(ion as the propeety of osiait
And to he iolil I y mn.. . .
Carl , Nov: '29, 184 1.-,^;t
Sch(litc's for
Virginia 'Monongalia Lottery,
Class 0, for 1841.--To ho druwii at A le*andrio,
Va. on Saturday', btaannher 11th 1841.
t;1241D SCHEME
$30,0e0--,$ 1 e oeq—ct,ofto.4
s4,ooo.s3.492___lo r rizcsoi . sl,7so--40
01$400---lac est,jtilze, $l2.
Tickets only $lO Halves $5 Quarters $2,50
Certificates of Packages of 25 %Vliolle Tlcketssl2o
Do s it 2511u1f , 1.0
, ,
1.107 - 126 Quarter do 50.
Virginia Wellsburg Lofthry:
• .
Class M, for 1841. . . •
To he drawn la Alex rndria, VII. on Sattihday,ll.6
18th of Deeen,ber, 1841. • • -
$. 55 , 294 . -- 4 10 ,0007 .-- $4,00131 64
$1,603-50 prizes of $l,OOO-- . 50,10f s4l4
' 50 of S3UO--132-of $2OO bze.
Tickets. onl y $lO 0---Halves $5;---Quarters $2-51:11 -
Certilientesol packages of% whole tickett $.130
Do U do 26 half do 65
Do -do 2 6 quarter
.do . 32 50
$30,000 Capital !
15 drawn,norabers QUI or 75. -
Grand Consolidalrd Cotta.k.
Class A, for 1841.
To be drawn at Wilmington, Del. Tlitlrsilay,‘23.l
_ _ - —December; 1341. •
.. - . G R.II•I'D ion . .AZE,is , 4. . •
Splendid prize of ' 513,00 114
do •do ' ' 10,000 flb
- do' dd • .7,000 ,do •
• prize of -.5',000 do
•do ' ' • 2,810 do
. dO 2;250 de • .
• de , 4.000 . dd
do . 1,750 MI j
' '
- do 1,600 ' do'
• do • . 1,500 do , .
.do 1,400 do '..
. ilci ' 1,300 do . '
do 1,750 thi
dO ' 1,200 do '
50 do. 1;000 do &iii
Tickets $lO--lialves $5 - -“Quarttra $2 sa,
Certificates of Parkagea Of 25 *hole Ti eketp $1 sil
Do ' do • - 25 Half do
..‘ • . 65
Do po 25 Quarter dO . 32 50
40,000 Doitar.s. '
Grand,ConsolidateA Lotteky:
. .. .
'Class B, for 1841.
... •
TO be drawn at. Wilmington, Gel.' on Tlitlridsj. 30th
~ ,
~.,, , December, 1841. • -
:' -;•••,.; .• • ' GRAND CALBTAI.d. ;,, , • , • .
$" 15 . 0004i0406" 4 "
4 10 9 000 '"' 1
. . - .
$6,000-40413,0005-$2,820-:-SO prizes of
SI,OOO--60 of $5OO, --.5 1 ! of $301)7r-., ;, •• •
129.,0f $200,&i..... ..'.`' : • '
T'i'ckets $,lO--=Halves t 5 -- - iiiiisrfrere,s . 2..ll.•:.,
CertifivatOs of peokeges of '213 whole tickets:4llQ
• ito `-,' - (16 - ' pi hair A O . 65 '
......L _do._ '••' . , d0,...-------416-iiitimercro
. .
itlrOtadra foe 0ek„(...1s inchphares kind eerti fi tateit
of vaokaket la ille above, ,pl . emlid Fiheniet 4 1 4 W -r
oeive,the.iiioat Orpriipt atientubm acid the draiviil of,ft"
each loitery will be AMA ittiiPtAllitefiy iffier it is cm mei. •
Ailalll who order from 1I s. AddecaP •
J. GREGORY &CO.. .ManagM. '
•' Washingtoo i D, • .
• •
. ,
r.iekint raitAiit6mit • -
tillawlti •
hi great variety", and eery •
pea: la 18311:: • 'r '•
il o
fC. }