Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 24, 1841, Image 4

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A hands:mne,,sett of chairs, and a -Roston
Hocking Uhair will be sold - vei..y reasona
ble. Eoquire this office. • "
4. 2 03111i11g tiNitriditsle melt I
• run' s.l 1, E. • •
• " Herald & Expoßitor" is I) ire red.
is•the catty 11'lli"g•
c.itnity - , has a large subscrlptiot) Ho, a 'fair
atii - Ormt of, atlybrtisiog :),mijob custom,wi th
ample an I g'Mnl ianterials for ptiblishilig
iveeltl,y . , • . '
Letters (post poi:;l):kildresseil to the nil
or,, will inktet.ttit!t proAtitt attention. •
Meta's awl lloys' Utiot4.and
have just - reoci-veil fot ...littct••*sale a full stoocot
aiid Boys' '
Boots, Shoes and Brogaos,
".which are. oirrrial.e . licap - rr thaw nay eyer Oifcrell la
, "'ore hi tti place
Carlisle; (lA. 1841
' Casps'! ! ; 01118 ! 1 .. '
tr.):tvw I,rttler
bealltiftll WA . SOitAlliable stock of
Glizier, "SMN, Unit. nml Sirsnl - Caps, of
fa:llion and. at qic lowt,t print a. • .
Carlisle,4ovt. 6,1141
. . .
Cloths, Cits . sim.e.r . es47 . : CiAssinetts,
M immiim 1,,,,,, in.-at-atity fri..,lt. jtp-Ifi*,ce., ut
tile "utori• - of ,CiIAIZI,E 0611‘,11Y,
Out. 27,1 44:1. - - • . •
, jUST received a supply i(utrlL
uP And'ilorst , 1611;sh. J. St
Carlisle, o"sit.:ill, l£4l.
Lilt SAVED. .
• - ray ihe'extraordiniiry virtues of the cithrivallril
. mediehie, the "BALSAM OF' \\ILL!)
HY," the wiAluovvii rOl . CON.
COLDS," A/STIIMA, lotoNciirris,
Tour. \' IS l'' 1i.; 2 -Ilet.r sir, hl,it;ts. me I.;rcat•
1)1 - 0,surt: - to 'sjiy; :I. liaise netted mititli.rdieT trothrout, :
:11Olsent that 1
0:11j, used thr'tte bottles oalof We, half dozen l'lter'
chatted, yet it has Aunt!, inkt.triril'e good Iloot all
• medicine I have ever taken before A i‘i•ighltotir r I
mine whose wife wag very low with e•msnliii,tion
. pJ•rsuatled me to let hint have some of it, and bough!
[few bottlea, she has taken b•t. l htafifei'
few thryswan and alte'mlit use stn. ladietett 'it We's: j
lent aaved -- tibe find ti
ca.sVery thin before , hot nothii.gttill het sic
And, when she collo-leveed taking it ii os sick
• bat is now ty and It'e.ks better. than I i:var s ; .‘t: het
(Rom: , ae difFliTtfelf - 1 11111 so notit-- - trid i—ette-att-•-
. entirely, for I f, - .!el . biAti• every-day.. Send me sip
boltics more - IV - the bcorer, as- my neittl,or wattu
three more.
^ • _ a.l ,NI UFA, COLES.
The genuine INlimn snl4 iu t:n'i11:::11 7 1;:i." --
- Price One Dollar a Dottie.
.Sept. 1341.---6 m -
I.hmsumption , and freeding al the Lungs Cured, hy
the use of Dr. Duncan a - Exliectuscnt Reinedg.
hll S. %MUNE E 1( , aged sc% c..trec
y ars, Wal . taken when at the
sligt•itt cold,•atitich she neglected until thr laJNCS
prey to that seeking tiestroyer,s;UNSUM
whet' application to a pli3 siciao .rt made.
'but to no effect. Ire, considered lit•it ca . ..e a hopelesi;
one, aid prescribed but little inedieit,e for her. to
the mental ITIQ shWilischargettgreat tpot.Mtio
with snitch-exp,tatoration of thick pl.legm and 'cough.
Her bodily feame ai length became reduced to-a 1:v
-og lice last 4'an anxiously looked f rby
her friends, that her sufniongs might end by Me pang&
of death. Daring the time lilt 013 - s:chin feriptettli)
called, and as the last I'eCnIVRE!, deitTllll:/(tO to test the
virtues of" Dr. I)UNG.I.`II'S EXPECTOII NT
RE VIED V," having ti •ticed some extra tottlittorc cure
performed by the mud:eine iu similar eases. Ale at
once obtained two bottles and admin'stered it to her.
The fourth day lie 'found some cluttoze. which.. gave
'hopes. lie co: inuatitgiving the uv , iittit,e sigh=
teen l daxs; at that time she wos rook-rt.& aisle (oho
walking. in her 1.. d chamber, to the astonishment of
her friends and relatives. She contittard using the
mediciite'for eight weeks, alien she, det•lared herself
entit•C'lT free from disease and pain, and new "tonnes
"her "daily occupation in perfect' health. •
Tr)" Principle Oflize, N 0.19 street
-Philadelphia. • .
For sale at the Drug Store of .1.J. - .olyt. rs
torlisle,and Wm. Ptal,Shippet mfg. '25.
Rea(t what fans litme.
And if you have a friend, n relation, ar kiina any
•one dile.' is afflicted with that distressing, disease,
"r tONSUMPTION,'? persuade it m- without
lay to try that famous and unriveled medieine, 'be
"BALSAM OF %VII D• CHERRY," which 'lra
cured thousands of this complah t idler CA ery thing
..else had failed. !lead the fullowdng undoubted
Irrocifs of its efficacy. •• •
Rosnonornu, Sept. 10 1. g4t,
13EsliSkad—Please send Medwo bottles more 01
'your Bulsaa Cherry, like that you sent tne
'before. i have'takeii nearly all of the•first two, and
.c on - Heady-believed this Medicine will cure me. 1.
lave need:a e,reat .many reutffilia within the, last
sear, but have neverfntind any thing that hat relieved
'tee so much. It, has stopped my cough entirely.
checked my. night sweats, and I sleep better at MO I
and reel better in every way than 1 have f..r many
-ImoutltS. • Yours, respectfully,
. •
• HOLMES nut a, Sept. 1:?.. 1841.
*rtitvo 'Warm :—I must again trouble thee to
send rue two bottles more of thy invaluable Balcam.
I have now taken three bottli:a in all, and can assure
thee that it has done me Incire good di:mall the medi
ainet have over taken before. Stud by the stage as
soon as posslble,4ind oblige thy friend, '
• 4COI/ 110"1.0W.I.V.
Damn, Sept. 8 1341.
Braa riocron.—Hearin' so many people talk of
The wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cherry •
has made in Consumption, I seat to 'fine or.yolu.
Agents the other day for a bottle;and lure found It
To Lave relieved toe so much, that I WWII three bet
-more sent soon, nal believe it will cure me too.'
have used Jayne% Expectorant and other medicines
besides, Litt nothing has ever done me we much good
'lts yours has. Send by the stettniboat Beliver.
.Yourstruly, Wltut at THOMAS.-
Besides its astonishing:efficacy in Consump
- lion, it hlailso the most effectual remedy ever discov-.
sING- COUGH,- ke.; as hundreds •wilelestity who
have been.-cured byil.afier all other remedies had
-Sailed., _
-DRUGGISTS and DEAL RS will find this ITIC.-
. dieine a valuable addition to their stock, and should
always keep it on hund, ns it is universally auknow
ledgedto,he one of the most useful tinnily medicines'* /muse. .
01713e - ask fr;rDr..AV,ILSTAR'S
BALSAM OF. WILD CHERRY: Sold wholesale
end retail by WILLIAMS & Co., Chemists, No. 33
South, Fourth street Philadelphia. .
---11Cr-The.Genuiqe.BaL3am said
by SAMUELELLiorr,. appbint
Agent. •
Price $1:00 a bottle
October 20, 1841.--4 - y -77
Ha* 1: hats!! Bahl !!,
received, Poshionablq Rusoin, Beaver and
fir 'Bilk.gats, nod for sa:le
Carlisle; GetOber 6; tII 1I
(art for Saler
Varl!ole, October O u t 841.
New Goods !-
;51'0.1,/, CEI E.l
ARNOLD Ss: ALMA NIS have just repeiyell
great varicty of Cloth s, Cass; meres;Satti nets t &c. aze..
‘shic:,.thet are determined to sell cheapeiqlfait 'ever'
I)(4We:6K:red iu this-place or elsewhere. '.,
I.e pub lire, invited .to call \and examine for
' Shippensburg, August 4,11411.
. .
• TI C E.
The sulutet tber, burn% sold his stock of DRUGS,
Sce..inteutls so tiling up It hihstuessAud would hereby
notify those Whet led: o call and Selre their accounts
before the fest of January next, when his books, will
be hell with .1. R. Irvine r Esci , for collection.
•. ' A. J. NORTH.
Neu 'vine, ler; 21.1 8,14,*.--3ni•
The subscriber, thankful fur pastlavnes, hereby
.notifies the_publiegeneraliy. that lie still co:alumni
at the old stand; nearly opposit et the College Campus,
where he will at all times be found ready and wiI
!MOD accommodate in the best :possible manner,
those who maylitvor him with a callr„ The . Mamie the most business part of the town, and
ianear the -stopping .place of the Curs 'on the Rail
Road.,-The ROOMS are large - and airy- , - , IIMTA-'
BLE will be"sapplied with the very best themarkets
can furnish—and the BAR with theelioiceSeLiquors.
His charges are 'reasonable, and he will endeavor to
merit by assiduity and attention a continuatite of pub
lie patronage.,
'BOARDERS taken by the week, mouthoAr. year.
DROVERS and TRAVELERS will find it to their stop with him,as he has plenty ofstabling,
ind 'a . Careful OSTLER always at hand.
. ' " • - ..."ANDREW-ROBERTS..
Sent.:ll.l M. -"tr. ..
I have just received from . the city and am naw
- opening-a large.and splendid assortment of winter
consisting in part of Cloths, Caiimeres,'Sattinetts,
-Bangui) and Geno Cords black and fancy Silks for
ladies drew's; Mous iterlaines,llferinocs—a large
assortment of British and Domestic prints; Shawls
and Handkerchiefs; all of which haye been selected
with care andwill be sold tattle hiwest possible prices.
4arliale, Clot: 11,1841. -
receivO4.,a folly pieA.:es of newlitiled
gootla,x xprosl3-for
ed Retorines, blue black Crape, divas .I?rencl; Mar
. ;. also, black.Silk_Wgbp r for,lisile by
-• CHAS. B4RNITt.' '
-CorlisleiOttobor.6;4B44.' , .. ••• • .
. . .
lluve located in Carlisle Arlhe purpose - of manufacluring,und selling
' ' IhithartraVs Ai r Bto vqs,"
inr the right ti?
• die• LIOT • Allt
anti uP.I dis?o'se of Ccuoties.iu this and the adjoin ii States.
\l'e Dula the following veeeinmendotions from some of.d. x iiho ore 11. e stove, to .empournge
other s to try it. • •
Carlisle., S. 12, 1841. but 1 anteonvineed Num tidal ihat it cam be doneos
1 - 111(‘‘e in attic iii-fri,y I:ileheii „meat' Ilailtawsyspni- 'ell in voorgtave es in a brick ov, n
• '
(tit I lot Air Cookiog' Stoves. aotletteeee'r.mmetidit- - . 114 ' 1.4- ' 6, - that: l 4 -g(Zsi!') l o " 1. ( 1 1 1 h , of Your
•s aver . .t.i'Y idperico article. , The duel have 1it...N0..3. ' st°'" into 1550 wki Ibv vary I.l".fici , d "dto' tit linblic::
it bus 5 411 ,, 1 , R
Rnd at, oven s „ fmently hirge to bake ithevefiieei shall twke rileasure• id' reeornthenditt .i.
six Idaves of bread. 'rite Caking, roastiog.anda.:oll- Ito me rPic""" 1. "r 6- re'l"'"f" ll 3 .., •':
' --
leg call all lie dote at the tunic tune nod with ratiil.l ~ . Vili t l,lAM AIOUDY.
less n ood than regtiir,ed tot any au% e %%hush m e hate _ . Curlide, &pt. 10,1g4 t.._
155 d. .lk,4er.r. E. Robinson Co --:Gentlethen, 1 have - - - .
• Th:s Cizr a'rs to be pc•ettlintir,ctilettlitted for
Pnynters. cor 'their bettuFtol Weill to call
sre this F..tovei iu use, tts . i shall take , pi•ea,itte ill
sholvii,g - the stove to :AI 3 , 110111 hat:vest. epricsity
3)1.35 incluve to t.x:anink it. . • •
C.N Lae .
• 'eir/i.i/e,...Yept. I I , 1841. . 44 1
.lleasi•s. llobincoi , Ee cO.—t:ENTLE3IEN, I have j
chirilig the few clays. I have j haul yew; Ilittliiturity'sJ
Ilof .fir Stirte - in II f•l', beCOlile -convinced. of its
Gnat siiiirriority over all other stoves I Iwle need or j
wen. I firti 1.1) the irial that Lollic g. roaming, i
ing aril broiling may ail tlore i.t the Fame tit e;,
a• inceJt nerf..ct 111. ti :WM' lose (111111 one
1 . 0.11111 the rtlt : l I, have artlirarily.riz-eil • -for-the tinnie r
liege herr tolorer•hreit of the
11.44 . 1. ei•Jtilii..lll:( shat
(24.1'1114 , •••Sti iit;nite'r , I .i, j • I ,h 4.• I •
--r- • -'.' ' ' '
1 '
,1.1.(;011 1 , 1111)1X.Y, North Iliutos'er bli•Cet, °Trio
si I c ori:rmins' !I utut -- ,-isi. ~1t for,tlke.satu of I laillq
• :
m :I'‘ s' Niet.t - ' - • .
4:(11 COOLi),"; StareSs
%%!I{l,ll Ile NV:UT:M(S to lle 109 'al. e:tit bLttec than any
ke,p(e; and other . s.ttei invited to
St:eg on re nl,kind ii they are not pleased'
ith the , uperatico 01 the :tt,ve, or the they niay
Ile reluzucil-1 '
J. 1 , :, still ccitainucs . .to
--_keep (. limit)
~... _
..,....- 4 . 7 , t r. e.. 71 1 0
~ ....: „ .....7 ..i.v
~ I 0 Or Alt LleEer + n
iptioos. Me
~...I ' Ma ' ••: V: WiliCil lire the improved- v
— .s., ' : 3 4 i...? Rotary n
Coakim , hitAes so
0 ,, . noivers.7lly opproved; stove
"t -7--- - - ..- - ---. 16roduve,SiON e pipe, and w
;V:•••: . !'•••
.•encrnl as ortmc It of 1
Sheet iron :mil copper ware', tlispote
uL net reas'nuilde
Ortiel . g ill TUillt and Country ' fur Spouting
or -flirt. work promptly atteialed to. " •
Carli.oe; Sept. 15, 1,541.—1 y.
7rIVLIAIE 1?..7111 1 :
°Moo nail clwto.litzg street; nest door to
1?cv..1. V. H. -
Allglitit I , 1811.7.—tr.
All inn tons wishing to be supplied with the earli
est city sten is, may feel tlininselsea 1114 tell gratified ,
callingby on the sithseriltrr, qhere they ran have
a selection of the following daily and weekly papers.
viz::---14111:idnlphia daily Chronicle, Ledger and
Spirit of the TllllOl Ns w Ydrk Herald daily and
weekly; New World, Brother otinthan,,postoo
tion, Yankee Nation, Magnzines,tm.'&e. Any per
son wishing to Weennte subseribas for any of this
aboye wo. ks, and all the popular 'Works bf Chalice'
O'Malley. as far as ht. tunbin hoards, w it
please eabl
T 1 'ORNEY .17' 1 .111. .
OMIT la. nigh street a few doors
west of the Post Ofice...
Carlisle, ilpril 28,18.11.-7tf
UST ICECEIVED snme very fine sit AD,
®7 ER 11,JIN GS CHEESIE: 'at the
store " A. 1111:11ARI)S.
May 12.1841. ' - - • .
t 13'
.?1 . ,'*•. : &i. : - y4 oxmo.,
- ';.CI - 10.i,e . : s C :A.Tlic 0
fairly tested the "lint `love" AA filch you pot ,pp
at :my house, anti can rt. commend it as possessing
iiAciples of economy unit convenience fhr ttrittis
sing. any 'h• oe!. stove which I hone ever seen.
The'boilers 'coining in:inunediiite coutnet with the.
fire giws it grentifixilitieS fOr bi iliug,nud e oven
is heated on such a principle that bread is baked in
as lire a manner as lira brick oven. I find it also a
great saving of fuel acd labour, and would ads he
to adopt it. - 31111;11V.I.
aambersburg, Sefi. 6,1841.
. Ido certify that I ani now using one of llathaway's
Patent Ilot - ,Nir Cook Stoves, No. 3: and do reentn
tagad it mob superior to say stov - e, I have seen, the
great saving of fuel, and tic vi ay that can In.:cook
ing,at time mnie time, makes it an oldeet t ‘ o those vs hq
u Islito.facilliate , the, op, rations of the kits hen. •
•• Pil!s.:
valt.nilikpills are very gerytle in theiroportt
tions causing neither ptiin, gripto4 nor any-nnusenos
sie . kness. - , They ex.:et dinghy omulort 4111(fLtrut),, , rtliet.
the stomach and -bowels, and chliring the sight hear
•ftergonc-hreni ryin - 'olf
phlegnis; watery matter. putrid gross anti (hick !m
-inors . from the stonutch howels 'and blood, which
makes, them, so -celebrated for remoiing coughs,
rhntibuitisms, 11111115 limn the !M it) . :OA 11,0 5 1 1 5,grava t
- piles, sick-- stoomebra i -1101 Vela --awl worms.
This niMlicinc is id So c for fever :,pltl
For the cure of coinsiinipt4m,diSensed
itlecrated sore threat; Inii s II liver Complaint,
night swthtts,-iltisltes of heat ; burring iu therstonnieli
tightness aepoSs the clibre - tist and
side,hrwavd emitters, piles. sot e eyes, sore legs, ulcers
of every description swellings, rheumatisinN they
stop the Slitting of 1:lood stud heal the partalfected.
The Panacea Blood Pills are prepared expressly - for
the strengthening of tleryt• . part of the system mid
Imding all ate is , t - { - d-sores, purqing mid - removing
all had humors front:llw ldocal, w Inch is often brought
on from too much.sittiiii or standing, or by expo
sure from stithien"hetit to cold.'. Weakly debilitated
persons are lartieulary advised to use them,as they
I-strengthen the body in a superior manner; they are
not imetided to operate on the'howels so much as out
die blood, is too touch purging will destroy. shy' weak
ly constitution, and has ct,vried - 01l its thousands to a
world unknown to us. Tyke the notice of one who
studies to EM! life and not to kill; weakly and debili
tated persons should not purge more than once a year
as It, ellen holes brings on c,sticettess. .
Seaford county, Pit: &pt. 7. 1840. •
Dear Sir:-1 wt ice to let ytat know that the
lets done great things f:' the, a hereof 1 ath glad.—
.When I saw you iii Fredericksburg, I think I Stild,
I had been allicted with a very acid (sour) stomach,
mid subject to a violet:tie:it:in thy•bead for no than
to city years, for which‘f took rhubarb and sqdt: three
or fonr tithes every day fur this sunny yeas•s; with
little or no t.el et; and my legs dull ankles were so
much swelled (butt was Imable,attimes. to attend to
ink business. But since von made Me. a present of
a box el your Family Pills I have taken one or two
of them at night in going to bed, and now my acid
stomach is relieved, the swelling it. my legs has new
ly disappeared, mid I do not think that 1 have •been
hindered one day with the pain in Pay head since I
began to take your valnable medicine. I . think. the
Lord directed you to Frederickshurg„ to administer
to my relief. (Messed be his holy name,l am greatly
relieved.) . 1 here is thing in my neighborhood a
poop old
.woman who had been sick a long time and
could get no reliefOtt length 1 purchased a .box of
your pills and gave them to her, after a while I saw
her nut and aboubusiuess, and she said that the
one , box lituteur. • I have spread the fame of
your valuable medicine amongst my acquaintances,
and many have purchased. Now,p itrespects my
sell; my trieads tell me a hen I go to town, that 'Ow
41m pot seethme look so well for many years, and
tai`ttfthem, Twill tell you the secret why t n short
time ;TO Ilmet.witlta Di :Davies in town, and he gave
me thbo*...Orpills,':and they have made the 'look as
you meo lt now, my friend, I hope that
the Lord will contidue to he
. with you,andqr ak.e you
useful to your fellow-creatures, as he has hitherto
done. I remain a ith respect, •
• Several Femideiliavebeen•Cured of the falling of
the womb, by taking very small doses at intervals.
- • •, Harpers „Perry, .luguat 11, 1840.
Du. Wm. Thx,trs.--ticar'Sirt---1 psnliappy lo'in
form you mid the public, that I have been cured' of
dint dreadful disease the Rhetimatism, bytakingyour
Family Pills. I have been laboring under that dis
ease for more titan a year, during which time I tried
the skill of the beat pity Bien' II without.effkct; at length
I was induced to try your medicine; I found relief
tidetier taking half a box, I continued to take them until
ad taken live boxes; ;wage is 713 ears; and Icon
er that none but the' bid and rheumatic persons
ow how grateful I- feelsto the •medicine, that has
restored mob !mild'. ... , _ _ 1
'Yours, respectfully, - 'Jini Drs.
WE, the undersigned : ate agents at Harper's Ferry
for the sale of Dr Davies' Family , Pills, we know
our neighbour, Dye., sold him the pills of which
he speaks so highly, and believe his statement to be
substantially true..
' ItL s. C. Burton, rim Locust street, was diseased
for seven, years with a lump in the:l4 side:bumps
all over her skin pain's around the small of - her back
running intolter stomach, which prevented her (to
useher Own:Workls;) from eatingope pat tide of meat;
the first .dose removed the lump, and two b ',cos set
her at liberty, -
I , was severely diseased -with• the blind piles for
twenty mouth siatid prostratedrrom less of bloodi
and-one-and.a half-boxes-of Davies Family-Hills has.
made an entire 'cure of me. 1 . 30//tillON.
Washington, D. C., May 7, Mit.
' 'Manufactured and sold` wholesale and retail, at
No,26s,sbuth third. street Philadelphis,•and by Mr.
JOHN G tux, Cat l isle, general
. agent for Cutiberland
cbiltty Penna.
'Also,- for • sale by W. & T. Loudon, Kingstown';
'Eckel, & Fireovitl,lioguestown, M. G. Rupp, Shire
mandown Loognecker, Wormley Aura H. Been,'
email, New Citruberlunth. .4,
. Kr-Persons wishing to becime n pYs in the
ges in' which the.pills 'art MA , sold in Cumberland
county, will be supplied withibem by calling on Mr
John Gray Caalisie,Pa., Bobo is empowered to ap-•
point agents. Family , pills tolhose who purchase
to sell again will be charged $2 per dozen„ cash', or'
-$2,25 to sell 011 commission; •andthe.Panacea Blood
pills at.. cash,.or $4,50 on commission. :Retail
price for Canny 'pills 25' ctsNper 'box ; Panacea
Woo , p bo x!. - lullo l rePtiqile for
uSingtheinficcompany cacti box.• -
•• . • '
Anil huhu , ' aware that the people-in, this, place
have been inch Inipostlif upon by the in
froduetuni of new and bilitilyTeebnunendetl'articiles
which they have been induced to purehaseount
which have been so sliOftly nuitle, and of suck , butl
buiterial, thuf ibis short time itt-y have failol surd
become useless:, Ve,thereforeolomet intend offer
stoves toe sale until they. arelairly fried in this
fonfaunaity, suit pronounced more . durable in their
foUStrnetion, better :tam:tell to the purposes of bail
inz;baking and all the %a - I'4 , 6es of cooking than au.
Alm• stove; also, that they are a f;reat saving of friel
well,as labour.
Cr:r \\recur/Jest!). incite farmers as Well as med
usas of this place and ihe villagescio
'all on us ut S. Worideilii:lt'iltotel, or notify..tis by
leiter (postage-unpaid) that. are-willing to try
our stove—and the 41oru Shull be placed tit:. the
.11 ehen of•e,very perstin giving its such notiec,and
alien se ay, after trial, a idiom mt.). exPeitSe to per
sons nistkin . g .
The stoics will be kept - fOr _sale at tlie• I•in Shop
of Mr-Jacob Pridley,and at the 1-,loutalry . of nesrs.
'my and Stouffer,- in - •
flaring coustertetcd . for
we will, in a
i.s with MI the s:z.":F, on the 11105fIibejol I
• • -
Davies 'Pan.acea• Blood
W. 8L S. S. ArmEneox
• :~~. :.
Niechatlic'sbur 6 . Line
• k.d.. 4 , , 11,2.94 p i r
7 1 4.
_Between, iltileelinitlesburg and
"l: Etddeipl.i~r Eir - Baltimore. •
[By: RAIL .1104 - •011 CA N13.1.]
oil HE. subscribers giateful for past favors,
beg leave to inthrin their friends ants public
generally; that they still pentinute to run a' line of
burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg nnd
l'ltiladelpliiiio'r_B.altintut;e; by .whiclt . goods and pro
duce of all descriptions will be fcirwortted with care
and despatch at the InWest rates Of .fivight.
... .
Produce will be redeived at their %%rare' [louses
hi Mechanicsburg, and forwarded to eith . cr mina
tle!pliin or lialtimore,according -. to the direction of
the owner.
. cy•The his , haat price will he given for NVheat .
and Flour:
N. B. Matey of Ruda and Salt always kept on
hand;and for sale at the lom c%t•priees.
.'29, .
Craig, Bella - 1.4 .
• qv-. tiaAr7-1,
tie . !Andred• 11.-us
'NG 'ME It ()ILA 11. 1 k34
flare removed to the capacious Warehouse' recently: D. Lerch Est , Co. at the nortli-westroriire
of Cherry and Broad t.erct,.Phillidelphia.
From the facilities which the location and internal
arrungemert cf this depot Abed, 30 to 40 - 3urthen
Cams calf be:aecommodateil to mdoad and-load at the
-citne time with sufficient room to store '20,000 barrels
of Flour, mid 400 to 600 ton cit Grain exclusive Cilihe'
lbewitedik department. do
Producel of Carry description will be ercriced as,
'usual on consignments, and liberal ailcances made on
receipt (if required) until sales are effected.
• .••
..‘furtli-west corner of Cherer& 13coad st.
. Philadelphia.
' • itiWgick - .Ncr..s. , .
W.'S..cobenti Cashier*. 1 . - • - .
l!eotterann &i'arker, " c a o„, c.
1 . . ...
Satoidersourbe ttomermro, I , ... . .
Jecob S woyer;A'entville.
David Nevi'', Shippeligbiti; . ,t , . _ . . ..
,T. Logoo.Sini tb, Esq. Co,squri_ chamt;crourg,
.llotz Sc Co,
Robert Fleming,
.Cittherwopti Se.Croi. -.
NVIn..R. TlinlTOnti IS: Co,,
:. Whlisill Se...liroiro„ -1,
. . ... _
$' .:NgOirelf
I• . , ' • . •
E subscriVer ,just returned, from
- -a . - rite Citicsuf New.liork, Bal
timore,And is now opening ant his gore robin S. E.
Comer of Mai•ket'Spiare Stretts . (foi.-
ierlypeeopird liy . Geo. W. Ilither,hl
general as,
sortmenof .
Iffirriu!are,- - . lelue fritre o -attar Irar,e,
-13rittania 6roceries, Oils,
Paints; VahlishrB,'Gkis,9, Brush-. -
es,, Whips, Canes, Lamps for_
burning. Camphine au, •
awl a great variety of iirtyle'ii useful and accessary
Tor and keeping a lioase. lie kaiilso,aad
will Oraistantiy, keep 'moil -
• . CainuiglitLe CM., •
a cheap and elegant tuthstitute for sperm and
having been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers
and Brother of NeWark N. 1., for the sale of 3 one's
Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur
nish Lamps and Oil, at a ry reasonable rate to all
who may use this 'new and economical light.
Ili ing seleefed his goods himself, and Made-ids
purchases for cash, he is able, and is determined to
sellt ow.' •
Those having the cash to lay out will find it to their
advantage to.glre him a call.
1840. 1 -tf.
Bt G s S v l i t_ e zt;
v t t h h i e ,, c!t o i ffi z e m t .s e '
t o ,
e f e T Is t l i e u * d
wring trats, of the latest faAtions; and of the very
best tuatorials—comprising
Russia, Brush', Beaver, Nutria, and all
kibds of FUR ILI TS ,
of which a general assortment will alwals be kept
'on hand, or made to suit according to order; which
he will sell on the most . accoMmodating terms for ;
cash or Country Produce.
Ilia shomill he found in ',anther street, ill' the
house formerly by Lindsey Spotsvvood as a
lifitteni' Shop. . •
Carlisle, May 26, t•
Bar Iron, Glass, &c.
Jost received at the New Store of the subscribers,
4 Tons BAR IROti, of,fivst rate qualifyl, and
for sale very low for ens , per - consigatntnloo half
Boxes S h y 10 and 1.0 half Closes 111 by 12
- 'Western Glass, •
in -good ;order, for sale to Merchants at Pittsburg
prices, and Duncannon best '
at Manufiteturers prices, also. on hatid Wiiherow's
Celebrated patent PLOUGHS, FLAX-SEED OIL,
by the gallon, or Barrel, (ML MEAL, WAlierill
8055E..61.4.N HUTTONL •
Carlisle, May 5, 1841. •
a pita! $400,000 paid in:—harter Pei petit al,
ONTINUE to make Insure - lice, Permanent and
Limited, on every description of Property, in
TOWN AND COUNTRY, on the usual favorablef
terms. •
OFFICEOG4 Clmseut street, near Fifth street.
subscriber, Agent for the. above Company
for the borough of Carlisle and vieinity,will prompt.
ly attend to all applications for Insurance, whether•
made personally or by letter. Residence Main street,
nearly . opposite the Cur Oftice.•
March 3t, 1841,-.4ze . .
Thoinsdniair Bo tanic Practitioner
. .
of Medicine and Obstettics, No
• •
• 2 :Alexander's Row, near - the
Rail: Road Hotel ..,:.• -'-'. . 1
it "Pf..CTFULI 'lr informs his friends and the
public generally, that (through adlicitiltion)' he
has removed trom-Shiremanstownto Carlisle, where
he may be found at all dines, unless professionally
engaged. The afflictediiliallit at all times be treat
ed with purely Vegetable Modiciees,"sn Poisons,"
and :in . strict _accordance with the principles, laid
down by that great reformer in with.
scieneu,' Dr.
Samuel Thomson. - .; • . i ' . •
Urania cases, such as Censumptions, Liver Com
plaints, Bronsies, Itheuinatisins, and Cancers, are'
more particularly inibrtned .that the New System is
admirablyadapted:to their cases. • •
Invalids from a distance 'can 'be accornmodatiid ,
with Boarding while under medical treatt.' n '
reasonable germs. •
Carlisle, July 14, 1 841,-,:tr.
, -
• A atipply, of the above Pills just received; having
'been obtained directly from Dr. It randrethia Office],
they are
J uly :, • '
W M. H - 11 - TROUT,
..p. i . Wi . oki..cits
•A. 1131100 4
CoPpersinith, anti
licspectftillY informs' the public krenerully tliatlie
still coot noes his business at the ON Stand,Nokh
llanmier street; n e st door to the Cabinet. Shop of
NVlllium Gibson, where he has now on hand, and
ig'still inauntictilring, eVery 'article in the line of
Itiutrade; consistiag of- .
. Mate? Pullers' and trash '
K 19ai „"P - YU - IA E. S
'Pea .Kettle~,, Tin-ware, of -every
'description Stove Pipe, Drip-,___
-ping :Pans,' Drums, Ste,-
•flu Iris also (Or sale the best arsortment of Colo
rnoNtoolcing 'awl Parlour ' . •
ever offered in this place. • Ilts common wood stoves
and cooking stores are of• every size 'anti variety;
And his riariour stoves (fin woodcoal)"are of the
'newest patterns... Ile has in addition The Itotitry
cooking 'stoves, the -liadintor-:Stoves. - .and Andiatot.
drums for parlours, which are onsurpassetl (in' com
fort and economy in the use of fuel. '
n. All of •which ,Ito offers on the lowest terms for
N. B. old Lend, Pewier,Copiter and Leather• ta
ken in exchange for stoves, tin or copper it are,
Jac° Dundore,
11...;sketfully informs tne citizens of Carlisle and
ifs vicinity, that he has contreettied the
S'aildleiy and Harm* Making
• Business • - •
in nil it syiiiioils hrancliesoo Main - street; one door
east thin! store of 11C531 4 9. Angary"Ei AntlersnoJatill
it few doors west of Mr. Wunderlich:a tavernoitere
"lie will keep tninstantly hantiond manpllictuve to
order at the. shortest notice anti on the most rensotin
. • .• •
lie hopes by strict attention to business, and an aoz
ipu -please, to merit rettei re a liberal
stare ofpn b patrogage, latingthe bestOf work
then employed, ris entittnners may expect their Work
.to Ate done,in_themeatesLantLAnost_subshtntial_map 7 ._
• -
Carlisle, Mar 19,1841: •
!.C,9 Ili viT Hit NCit
Stilt colitinues the Cabinet Making- in all its .va-
Onus branches, nt, his old - stand in North Hanover
street, two doors above the sture'of Wm: Leonard ;
where he is•now. manufacturing, and intends keeping
on bawl, a great variety, of '
such as — Sitlehoar . as,Bureaus,Seerettu:ies,Card,Pier,
Diniug and Breakfitst Tables; Bedsteads, Sze., of the
most Ihshionable kind, all of whicia he. will dispose
of on the most itasunable let-1114. Ile is idso-prepa
red to fill tdl orders for S MING sEATED SOFAS
and FANCY CHAIIV 4 , wftrranteifto be of superior
He will also furnish COFFINS at the_shOrtekno - - -
tice, and Ewing recently procured a New Hesuse,
he is prepay& d to attend funerals in the country - .
Carlisle, August 4,1841.--1 y
rresh Medicines.
The sub:T.l4er has recently received large addi
tional supplies of .
.illiedicines, Colors, -Dye-Muillis,
Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal
Varnish, Painters' Brushes, Varnish
Brushes, flair .Brushes, Spernzaceti
(very fine) Sperm Candles Soaps in ? Treat
variety, Glass Lamps, .Cap and Letter
Paper, Fruit, 'Spices,.4)erfumery, 4.6.
which lie will sell to Physicians, Merchants
and others, WHOLESALE or brnETAia., at
the lowest rates, having purchased entirely'
for cash; he will offer bargains to those
who wish to putchase at.wholesile
March 24, 1841
Diseases of the Eyre .
~ .1 7 t .- '''' . . 7.- .
N 0 7 ...,,, N
0. O'f,.' , 1 • ;7--
Celebrated Eye Water,
For die' ure of Weak. Iliatery, or Blood Shot Eyei;
Utcer . e..llOmouiv and hylamation of the Eye-tide,
- .Dironeea of Sight, - •
Versons audjeet to any of these unpleasant disor
ders, will find this the most effectual remedy in use,
as it seldom fads to' remove any of these affections
by a few applications, without the least inconvenience
or pain. 'Those who are thubled with a DIMNESS
OF SIGHT will also find it a valuable remedydor
strengthening the ey,es,improiing the sight;
ng. and pre
venti the dimnesiiihOt nrrises from straining them.
-It-will also befound particularly,useful aita,washfor
the eyes of young children,, to remove hdlamation,
and %subdue .the.buinours to which they areso - jiable.
..PAceM Cenls a Bottle raithfulfdiiec-.
Lions for using.
Sold in Carlisle,by.
April 128,1.844.--Ay
Dental Surgery'.
-p r inE SUIISCRIIIRI2 resp&tildly lenders his
I grateful acknowledgnienfs to the public -forike
Very share of patronage he has received dnr.
ing,thepast rear, and would 'still continue to offer?:
them h is professional services in: their various bran.'
alms at itiaresidence;No. 7, flarper'S Row. lie files, I
cleanses, and-plu a gs teeth,and inserts incorruptible
'hirer mntic alifiCial teeth in the !nest approved
manner, - Charges always 'moderate.
J..C. NEFF',
CtrrlisterMareh4.s.4.4l4o; • tf .
'C~i►lli~" II
I e
s. Kramorr.
D E P I SVArill*,.
.DR. I. C. LOOMIS, Denitht,
IS permanently located in Carlisle, and
will perform all 'operations that are 'required- in
Dental Surgery, such as .. . Piling, Plugging and F. -
•tracting Teeth,attd' inserting Artificial Teeth, from
a - single:tooth to a whole set. Hit will also attend to
ali dtseastis ofthe mouth, gunts; - /cce,-, and direct mid
regulate the first and second dentrn sO as to reader
the teeth of children and young 4 (magas regular and
Or:LOOMIS may at alltimes: be found at his of. ,
fiee;fligh street,opposite aellirlatie.'s Hotel:
, 'Be ye purified in your Bloutl,_ •
And Health will attend you.
" The :Life ,Irthe Flesh is in the Blood."
Thousands can answer this question who know
Lenin actual experience that , •
• S 3 /1.9.4P.4 R1LL.
Are the sat'est,keit, and most effeetualPills knova,
ma a • •
Spring, - or - yali Purifier.-
Thousands who have frit. ieveral years. past used
them &ring:he Spring and Fall (as welras at other
times) . will never use . ally others', Hundreds .are
already daily procuring them, Who have heretofore
employed them. The object of', this advertisement
is to inform the thousands Who know hot yet of theM,
where they may ,procure them genuine, that they
mitylry them;-being-fully - satisfied thaL having tried
them, they will . never be persuaded to use any other
lbr several reasons. .
QCTACK, bring prepared by Dr. N. R. Leidy
himself, a,regular Druggist; as well as Physician,
attested! by Drs. Physick, James; Itolmer, Oewces,
Jackson, Gthson,Siocce, &c. &c.
ANTI-MERCURIAL, being au Antidote agruust
Mercury andthe Minerals; sa deleterious and - dan
gerous; and upon the Oleos of which Quacks de
pend, for " killing or cnting,".and therefore mix
them with their. nostrums.
TER THAN ANY QTI I k:RS, as in using theM;
- they require no restraint from living or occupa
. tion;miii May le taken ,by the most delicate and
feeble, old•st nd pung, male and female at al) times
aud'underall circumstance's. _ - .
ANY OTlP•ltkulteri useAlaecording to the
, rektidits--,ati4 do, nut require to be t.: m in large,
:: - ;()ti.inlitieti ax, tsreipti red. Of , ear lons et Slelli,
v,.„..maki„,,„,--nr:,.,„ pill: 4 i .of- the Mal' 4, de:,'
1 1 Uicing -if of its ace.tistUmtul ,rucuirishinrui,:destrity
ing ifi thitctions,ttinf thereby.causing lt rapid de
(dice of die human:system. ; . - ' ' • -
. In all cases where a purgation may be- necessary,
these Pills will be found both effectual antl easy in
their operktion, producing no tuttoca„pe stckness of
tions. . ... .
.Further comment is deemed itimeressary--1 he
Mitmerhis certificates published ,from time to tine
from, and other
imist have
ionvinceil t he incredulous, and .fin' ilie - Thrtlier
hrination of all - others, Dr. Leidy refers them to the
lireetions - whichtecrimpaay-each-hox,
They are prep; and sold, wholesale and retail,
at Dr. LEIDI"S lIFIA1;111 No. 191
North Second street. below Vine - .street, (sign of
he' ( 7 :Wert-Eagle and'
Price '25 ceAts n'Box.
fir sale by STEVENSON & D1NK.1 . 4 7 .
Dragesfi,Cailisle, PA
Will-be forfeltetlbr Dr. N. D. DEWY, for a prrpa
riltion of Sarsaparilla equal to his •
M - 6..dicated Extrattor Sarsaparilla.
The efficacy of Sarsaparilla is welfknown in Scro
fula or King's Esil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Liv
er, Affections of the. Skin and Bones, Ulcers of the
Nose, Throat and BOdy,,aB Well as an Antidote to
Mercury and the Minerals, Comlitntional Diseases
Zinc! a general Purifier of ttie Blood and Animal
Dr, Leidy would refer to the nostrespectable phy
81CiaTIS in Pliilaiklphia,ns well as throughout- the U.
States for tl e character of his preparation, as well
also tc the nn merous certificates from phyiciatis and
others, that have been from time:to 'time published,
now deemed unnecessary as the character antis pre
paration is firmly established. .Throughout the Sou
thern States it is used altogether, and throughout the
North takes-the precedence over all others, particu
larly among physicians, who, for the benefit of their
patients, always i•ecnfitmettil . it. •
The reader is rilferred to the directions accompa
nyhte; each bottle, for recommendations, certificates,
and further particulars.
ReMember, one bottle,(haff pint,) is equal to six
pints of syrup, and is equally pleasant to take.
r' - Pi'ice Me Dollar per Bottle.
For sale in Carlisle by 5 'PE VENSO.S .
4.. DIN ATE, Druggists..
May , • ' : .
Hays' Liniment.,
This extraordinary chemical cointensition, the re
sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med
ical man, the introduttion of "which to the peddle
was invested with the solemnity of a death-bed be
quest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled,
'fully. sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr.
Gridlley 'Oast confession, that "he dared not
. die
without giving to posterity (lie benefit of his knowl
edge on this subject," and lei 'therefore bequeathed
to his friend and attendmioOlomon Hays,the secret
of his diicovery. j --
It is now used in the principal hospitals, itturthe
private practice in our country, first and mcist,cer-
Minty for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive
ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless where
its.effeets are witnessed. Externally in the follow
lug complaints:
For Dropsy—f Creating. extraordinary absorptiM
at once. ,
S wellings—Reducing them in fafew hours.
Itheumatism---Acute- OP chronic, giving quick
Bore Throat---By cancers. ulcers, or colds.
roue and Whoooing--Cough--Externally and
over the chest. • . ,
All Bruises, Sprairis, and Burns---Cu• a few
Lours. •
Soresiind Uleci•s---Whether fresh or long stand
ing, and•fever sores.
Its operation Upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings; and loosening cuughsand tight
ness ofthe chest by relaxation of the parts, has been
surprising beyond conception. The common re
mark of those who'hare used it in the Piles, is "It
aetslike a charm."
THE PILES.--Tge price, SI, is refunded to any
perstm who' will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for
the Piles, and return the empty bottle without being
curell. These are the positive orders of the protirie
tor to the agents,and out of many thousands sold, not
one has been unsuccessful. •
.We might insert certificates to any length; hill
prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit
the original to purchasers.
.7o Physicians and Patients.
• The Blind Piles, said to be external
, applications.-,—Solornon flays Warrants the contrary.
' His Liniinent will cure Blind'Piles. Pacts are more
stubborn thatillieories. He-solicits all.respectable
ithysiehnurto-tryit upon-their. patients. _lt will _tin
dierdiqltarm, end it is known that every Musician
•who-has had th&honesty-to.nitike trial, has-caii
didly admitted:Bie it has succeeded in
'therhave known. Then - why not use it? -It is the
recipe of one. ofiliei most respectable members,notv
- Oeceaseit.- - .Why 'refuse to use it ? .Because it is sold
as a proprietary medicine -a suffielent .ex
cuse. for suffering their 'honest mitients ko 'linger in
distress? •We think not. Physicians. shall 'be con
vineed that there is' no' humbug .6r qiciikery about
-this article;--Whv then not alleviate human suffer
ing? , If they. woilit try it beforedet . - them after all
Other prescriptions fail. Physicians are respectfully
reqUested to dothemselvee and-patients thejustice to
utie:this article.• (It shall be taken from the bottles
and.gotte up as their prescription if they-desire.
Spld Comitook & CO. Wholesale Druggists;
No. 2, Fletcher streets New York. •
'For - iiale . abio i by. STEVENSON - Ar
,Deeetnber VI, I 8.40.--.1.y, •
Tettcrl itch: 1 '
ITCH OINTMENT is daily becoming more
popular.' Daily.tlo numerous individuals stop and
Worm the proprietor of its great success in remoy.
lug and:miring theTetterand
Numerous testimonials might be published of its
efficacy, but for the delicacy felt by individuals hav
ing their names published in connection with so
loathsome and dis fig ree able - a Ife ctiona.
It maybe used with perfect safety by young ant(
old, even upon infants,_containing no mercury or
other mineral subetances: Dr. N. B. Leidy prepares ,
ii himself and knowing; composition,.mest'corifr
dentitilty'recoMnfends 'it as, superior to any other
T O:nay for the 'Vetter and Itch. Prepared And sold
at Di.. Leidy's Health Emporium;( sigtroftlie-Goldeh---
Engles stud Serpents ; ) No. 191 North Seel:did - street, —
below Vine. •
Also,' for sale,,by STEVENSON •& DINKLE',
Dpaggista,Carlisli;, . • • .
• The above preparations are sold' by all wliolesa* ° ‘
Druggists in Philadelphia, and. by all respectable
111erchantkand Drti,g-gists tbr:oligholit the ilititltY,
slay 19,11141.—G.m.
. •
Rheninatigml Rlietulnatit3nto
=Highly recommended mid 4 truly efficacious aP
plication for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, sox.
netts, and Weakness of the Limbs and-Jnints,Palh
:along - the Back; Shies and across the Loins.:
• • ' /2.EC0X.3/1-..NDAT/0. i S.•
Extract of ti letter from Dr. Johnson, dated
Phi delp h ia, May 7th , 1839.
The 'Rheumatic Liniment atm - Blood ' Pills hrivc
been employed by myself, mid findilag them effica
cious, I have since recommended them to many,
that litive•been entirely cured of Rheumat c pains,*
lumbago, stiffness of the joints, numl3ne s of the
muschts, '
Extract of a letterfrom Qr. JCllllll5Otl, dated
" '• Baltimore, Maly 19, 18-11.
Your Rheumatic Liniment IMssesses propertie's
which I have never found - in any- Liniment I have
heretofore employed.
'Extract of a letter 116 n Dr. E. 11. C o n ; : r i c h, da
ted , rituibur , - June 21st, 1839.
. .
Of numerou s -Liniments and Nledichtes lwretofore
employed for ltlienmatic Hone have been
so successful as the Liniment and Mond Pills man-,
ntitctured by, you.- 1 hey bard in this- place won the
golden opinion of all .)rho hove - unett them To my
own knowledge they.hate cured several that were
by myself and otherauen pronounced incurable.
It may not he amiss to remark, that both thelinl
meld and Blood Pills arc •-prepared be Dr. N. D.
Lobby, hi msel f; • a i•eg•nlar - Druggist and Physician,
attested ,by Physielt; Clutpoan,'.lack sonjlor
nor, Dewees, James, DilisaW;Coxe, &t. of Philadel-'
phis. • . •
Aid s Liniment is prepared only, and tot...We,
wholesnle d'uld retail dt Dr. N. B. LEIDY'S I MA LT I
gmptaillIINI;1•01::-191 -North secOnd Street, (sign
of FfigW
rA): -71 . 3m!keotii atria oeFiwy ariled by' theAt•ril.-
ten signarture ‘ orDr: N. B. Leidy, the:label.
• Price 374 cents a bottle', or three,bottht for .
Also, for sale by s'PENENSON'.& DINKLE,
OrligA-iits,Carlisle, Pa. . • I,' •
May 19, 18 , 11.,-ftm; ' •
There is not onetase of Fever in - a thiattsamt,lint
may be ellectually liroken np Mid renamed, by the
use adds Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion,
-bilious-unmet—and constipation—from_the.,statmuli
sod bowels. It.operates gen'tly . and etrectitllll(ou
the bowels, and...powerfully nil the.kidneys and skin.
It removes all unpleasant feelings after ii 110111. Y MCA
and - PrOMMeS a good appetite., It needs only a tria I
to give perfect satishmtion. It hawbet orne_st.getrercl
practice with manyto-use this article in; tiff cases of
coldti, pains in the hones,,or heavy disagreeable ft el=
log, tendering Co headaehe or tdaillittess. For hoarse
ness,- if taken-thruogh the day, it completely' restot t s
the voice without produeing-sickness. Whooping
cough, and all coughs of children are cured by it. - -
The stomach is kept in - perfect Order by it, anti it is'
quite impossible that any disease should comn err
while a person Is using this Syrup. -
C)'• If taken daily it produces a rutty, healthy, nod
young appearance, by driving off all the htfrobrs i.f
the system. Sold genuine at '2 Fletcher street; (me.
door below-Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock2x Co.,
and by all respectable Druggists..
pray 19;1841.76m
For sale also by STEVENSON Sr, DIN
KLE, Carlisle, Pa. .
Balm, of .Columbia.
Codstil's Wit e,
Ir NOW ALL PERSONS to Whom these EV CMS shall come, that 1, G11.111:11T RontersoNv
Esq.'his,Beitanie Miijesty Consul for the City ul
do hen by certify, That Robert W hi r
ton, Esq., who attests to tl.e.foregoing•Certifivatei s
Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; and that 1%11 t •
thew Randall, Esq., is Prothonotary cf the Crum 0'
Common Pleas for the eity . and minty if Philndei
phia, to both whose signitores, with tile SelllF of tit
respective effikkS. full filial arid credit is
I further edify, that 1' auto personally acquyintt
with Joseph L.lukhis,oue of the signers cf tie; eeeli
ficatesliereuitto affixed, expresses t rife: ty
of the Balm of Columbia, and that he is tv periot: 0.1
greatTespeetability; and worthy of full faith and cre
dit; mil that 1 have beard him expreSs his unqualiti -
ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Cu
in restoring his hair.
Given under my hand anal seal of office„ni thc city
of Philadelphia. in the State of Penns, bailie, the
United States of America.
- Read Ifie fallowing. •
ROBERT WHARTON, 'Esq.; late 'Mayor of
Ploiladelphia,bavetlifictl;as may he
.seen t o
itefirgliebaractler oftheTollu
• The undersigned do hereb,
used the Balm of Columbia t
ridge, and have found it highly
as a preventive.againitthe faith
a certain restorative.
Methodist Minister in St. 1. . •
' No. b
•• • JOHN -YARD, jr., 123 Arch.t
The aged, and thou, who peesist in w.
may not always experience its restorativ
yet Tit will certainly raise itsvirtues in the e
of the public, when it it known that three .e
hove signers are more than 50 years of age, t;
others not less than 30..
City Of Philndelphin.
1, ROBERT WHARTQN, Mayor of said city e
Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I UM well ac-::
;painted witiiMessrs. J; P. Inglis, John S. .Furei
and Hugh McCurdy, whose names nre signed to the -
abovveertitictite t tha(they are gentlemen of eh arac-:
ter and respectability, and as,such full -credit should
be given to the said certificate. . . .
In witnesP whereof . , I have hereunto eet my band,
E si and caused the seal of the city to be affixed,
the the sottivtley of lleiwnber. &e.
O 3 •
THE HAIR.—Its positive qualities arc as fol-
- -Ist: rolinfant's keeping. tke_hend fric Rem stur
and 'causing a Ityturiant growth.of hair.
2tl Fot indiernftereh t t hyrestoringi br-nil
to its usual strength and-firmness, and preventing 11 r
fulling out of the hair. ;,
' 3d. For any_persou reenveri ftorn any debility
'the saute ctTect , -
'Atli. If Used inlnfaney till a gootigren;th is started, .
iimay:be,,,preserved by nttentioritto the Inter period
of life. . •
free's . the head frOm dandruff ettengt hell E
• the roots, rinparts health and vigor to , the circulation'
and preienta the hair from changing colour cr get
• "Gth. it Canape the hair to curl, beautifully 6 hen ,
dime up in it neer night.• ' . •
1:0 - • Naladicetollet should ever be'ratide
7th. Childr6 who have by any means contracted
vermin in the- headiere, immediately and perfectly
cured of them by its use'. it is infallible.
For sale'at, the drug store of Comidook & Co.,
Fletcher stacet near Pearl; and'in Carlisle. by SW..
, v enson • :
.11OHN_S;_FUREY : yit Spr
[From the Mayor.]