tconditiOmtsepplied 'her.with moans to reach the town in which Isabel resided.:' She lived but ajeW weeks after her.arriir'aPat the hos ! pitabfkmansion . of Dr: Dillingham . but her - • deatli4ibd was soothed' by thel kindness of her friend, and by_ her assurances of contin ued protection to her Orphan daughter. • Tliis \ promise Isabel, most faithfully. per, ml-whet, in after ilays,-6.-grinip of smiling (Aildren gathered round , .her .knee, no One . , could hare told that one of those • children was the daughter of • these who had 4butraged.and insulted the gentle being, whoSe llnatelta'il•lii-tidtunS was mrlended equally °to. • THE. i'DWER . OF FORETELLING DEAT I. . , Some persons have an idiosyncrasy-to be : ,i;allected hyonanations which have °no per 'eeptible effect on thankintlitlarge: 'Some have catarrh and asthma when• certain .irrasseit in filiwe - r - ; some ',Oen near a hare, . dead or alive; someliavelndcSeribable•sen iations of a most •-distressing kind 'when near'a eat. Elittabeth Okey -has' a sense Of grent.•oppression„..sickness,nnd. misery when within -a..-te?taitrAliaance•ofpertions . whose -franie 'is - sinking: The•etnanation . . which .are constantly ;proeetiling :from ' trts•• 'all 'ire 'So iltered• in - their composjiiinr,l 4 ritesirtr °erne odehility,qhat a high . Isteseepi my stiffer 'front' them.- -' Vhene rect•tition her. lies been :if 'certain inketisity, 4 °understand that' tlie• Pa- ° :tient; who prottuced :it has dietl: : - The . .;plieniditellon has been knoWti to thenurse; utid;thvariably verified b,,i her for 4 long .paiiiint before, I heard of it; 'qui Elizabet h okdy only by elinnee communicated it to -I- me in INTOveniber...dering her delirium.— When not in a inestneriet state, that 'is.; wherr j eot creliriints, nor somnambulist,. she has. not this idioryncrasy, and is perfectly itllieratit that she..eVer has it. In-her soin'- ---nlinitudism_shellas_it simply; but, in her ' d'Alirium, it' is - ettentred - Jifiiii allusien--that .. Slie'sees a figure, sotnethit4 like the rep 'resentation of death, wrapped l ip. a,white . ' rebe. - The more . intense the,.cppressioe . ;\ from. the emanations, the -toliOr the figurer - - ,the stroi/gel - , -rbervfgtre, nril.tilf: • emanations; . - n nil - th 6 nen ii4ifj.1.X0,10,10.;;-4,, 4 0,..i.0„1,1 -J - -1 - z17 1 : - . 1 11.j14 . 6d4:attlnit: - ... 1 iatiticeiLio ' b - fi.:..thi: tielirinm. , 'lr we, hare. an inflammation of . . . ' the foetctlie heat 'of this is t'ery likely, hi, our drerflni, to Make us fancy the part is' .•._ roasitieg on•the hairs of a gratev it We have , . -tll6 rhetimatism, we may dream .that some One is giving- tis,theltastinadoi --in oppres-' -sion - ofAbe .breath,. we' may dream that We sop It demon sitting-',upon 'us-in short, hair(' Ole, night . mare, and •it is very eon-- ceivable that,.the -more distressing the-op: . pression, the larger might the figure . beim-. agined:. Thus,. the sensation, -winch -she _ knows to arise from the influence of a-per son' hurryiria-te 'the gravq, gives he "a . faneyAltot•-altotsees , theligurei when in her delirium; but, Waite is near a Sinking per=, .... „ son..wlien.iii a. tattt...of_sn m rta auhul is in, ill. which Pier reson is _sound, she' not only 'has ,eot the sensation merely----sees , no • • -figtfre, but tells you that the idea ;of the , • 'figure in her delirium is delusion—the pro- I , duet dedeliriutn. . . • . ' , Ott .frarningAitis ,wonderful fact, I ex amined carefully into it, and.ascertained its reality. - But having had, among li few- of ,' the students who have signalized them , solves,. some •by !scribbling and some, by talking, e"xperielee of the -falsehoods and absurd-Ohjeetictits-toxwhich all:the, mesme ric phenomena cif my. patients were _expos ' *etl,.l resolved to remove her into my other ward, in which she was unacquainted with . the diseases of tile' patients ,and with the • patients themselves. and to conduct her 'There at die close of the day when she 4 ...could not see the patients. Aecorditigly, - -Shout five,;o l eloek, December, I leg- . -- ged_Atre_turse_:_of-the-xtvard-to'-secont--- !pally us. :I enjoined the little girl not . s it' utter a word,. and I led her, not to ' the bedside of patients, but up one 'a de of the' Ward .and -doiv.n ,the other,' with - ,----,out--stoppingrand - no - one•• - knew the object I had in view. I felt . her shudder as she :pissed 'the foot of two beds, and after !env-' ;„;-int;th'e . War s tl', she-told me that she had felt - the- sensation and -seen.•thettre which she leriv , 'Tr' ter °delirium, !bin, 'it her delirium -- fi ontrealle, JEA, at two of the beds. The nurse siliforftis the that in passing•orie bed she. lisdrd her Whisper, X: There% '•Jack,"- ' . while she shuddered, but I did not,-atthough' I katl,hold of her hand the whole , time...- . Sl'he - patient - ,'Wlfit *as then in. a-state of --leffeettinsansibility,lsoon died; the dtlier,' . I h . eo, is still alive; Wallis disease will be, 'trout its Jnattrreoiceessarily PIA. I • - ert-i, ,sidered 'troy ' dotty- , to iinquire . into this , in teresting .fact. There was nothing 'in 'it contrary to physiological and pathological ' -truths; but it was-an unusual modification, .. - -.and - lia& I not • inquired into it i I should :hive ,been_devoid of all spirit of profession al-inquiry, , stnd inoreoirer,Should hive ex , - Posedthe t,i'llfeent attilX.pelletit little girl • -to another totiOnd haoo s ..46,Ougation of kn .: _poiture. .' , • ' • 'LADY'SI.QPINION O 1 THE !OPgRA,.!-TliF, Quanisr.- 7 )Vei had. the ballet of '"l,a Gilari" after die singing, and Tagli -01,. No praise of her grace is exagger- - 'filed. There is much in every movement Of, her arms, -and, if she- would‘restrice her e& within Alic.liinits of decency, there not'be-a more exquisite spectacle of . its land Than her dancing. I would give in .to the-ratings — of her admirers, snd allow that' her grace is God's beautiful gift, and -that it-is fitting it should be so used. But ilotthis - gracehe equally demonstra, tin verith a skit a few inches longer and-rath er transparent? To my crude notions her PoSitions are °ten disgusting; and when she raised...her leg to 41 right angle with' het' Fiould. exclaimed. is Carlyle Heaven! wbetiewill it, erinr Xamillaritranust 'dull thisenee to these bad •ipviro of,theexhibition. for Illts.qtnifeti Woman, who said of , Taglivt; "One , intist be'virtuouslo dance like-that .'‘ 4811001 rather have said differentlyt and t wntiltteriside the' worki; not; as 'our witty Z into , :merii: em) Vair,Woltionerafte,but:into men‘winnen and ,ballet "dencerek , for,' surely wOman in net have'forgetttlittlne.ACtinctsAirlieftieit before can dankeftf*lteiViiklindi does; om IMM run'a;tilt against puhlto cmusements,,lmt . .k hold this to bean eiccraftle one: and,:lf,my . voice could have any influencer. i would. pray every thodeifivoman atid•Modest men;` for. why should this virtue be graduated by A ditlereut.sOle for the .different eexes?— every.modeet man and woman, then, in land, tO discountenance allvaneetrient, 'there. If we have not: yet , the perfection of a.nino tired ciiilization;God save us from the corruptions that prelude :lid intimate its deeline!—M iss Sedgwia'o Neje Work. Lord. 'Chatham. The following, tluil•conOlosion of an able andeloquerit'reviewolthe "Cor iespOndence of W Whim Pitt,•:Ettrl of chat al4teiTiondonQuarterly.: . We are now arrived aeilie.closing scene of this 'On'tber7th of April, 1118; the Duke of 'Richmond, hitherto the ally and supporter•of all Lord Chatham's American policy, , moi/ed an. address to the Crown. recapitulating in .detail the eaipeti ses,dosses, and misconduct of the Aver, en= treating his Majesty to dismiss. his' Minis; 'tern, and to wi.:lldrawhis - forces, by sea and land, from: 'the revolted , provinces. ..There was hnitlly a topic in this motion which Lard Chatham had not repeatedly. urged; and it was, no doubt, so framed with a view to secure his concurreve; .but he saw that it involved, though: -not in di-. re t - terkis, ) the acknowledgment of Amen eat; Independence; 'DO on the motion he ;. ing communicated to him the clay before it was• to be made, he apprised the. Duke; "with unspeakable concern, that the differ ence between them on the point of the hi defiendence 'and sovereignty of. America, was- So ; very wide that, he despaired„ of bringinp,,about any reasonable issue. ; He was still but .hoped - to ho in town td;.. morrow." On ; that morrow he appeared in the House ofl.ords for the - last time. ' +' Lord Chatham cane into. the House of Lords, leaning upon .two'lriendrivrap ped tipn flannel,'pale and '•ernaciate(l.-•-• IWithin 'his large wig little more was-tó be i seen than' his aquiline .noie :and his pe'ne .trating,Pye;- ti4lying ; man; s . peeies. 'lre rope' froni•his. seat with' slow ness and 'dilTiculty; leaning on hia crutches; and supported 'under..:each_ - ariu 'by hie .frikds. H e took one arm .froorbiscruteh _and : raUed ,i.t i paiting .11 Is eye to Wards tea-_ thank- . ,,G0d that:l ,have - been - enabled - to come here , thifri - day;;Rt; perforni my duty,.anttio . speitr, on a 'sub ject Which has -so deeply impressed my mind.. 7, I am old and infirm--have one foot; , more' than .. one 'foot in tthe. grave—l am risen from my bed to stand up in'the cause of •my .country—perhaps never again 'to speiik in this House.' - 'Phe 'reverence— the attention-- , the stillness of the House *was_post affecting: if any one - had dropped a handkerchief, the, noise would \ have !rem heard vfirst•ie.spolte w-a.very %rim& feeble'tnne;• he grew Swarm, his voice . rose, was as harmpnious as',-ever; oratorical and affecting, and perhaps more thrn at any former period; both from 'his own sit uation; and from the importance of the subject on which he .spake.. * * ' "He' rejoiced that he'was yet alive to give his. vote against so. impolitic, so high), rious ,a theastire as the acknowledgment of the independeno of America;' and declared he would much rather be in his grave than seethe lustre of the British throne tarnish digtiity or the empire disgrace:l, the glory of the nation sunk to such a de gree as it must be . when the dependency of America on the sovereigntr,of Great Brit ain was given up." • ' After spealting for some time with great enthusiasm, he sat down exhausted, and: -the - bakeii(l2 ichm on d - Trusil — to - e - xplui While he - was speaking, lord 'Chatham listened . to him with attention and compo sure, and, when his grace had'ended, rose to reply; but his 'strength failed him, aid he fell biekivard in convulsions. HQ was immediately supported by the peers around him, and by his. youngest sons, who hap pened to be present as spectators. He was conveyed first to the house of Mr. Sargent, in Dowding street, and then , to Hayes, where he lingered for three days, and Mon day,,the llth.of May, terminated a glorious. life•hy a death, it may be said, in the' ser, vice of: his ~e ouniFy,..a and •on 'the veryfield of battle. • . 'That same evening—on the motion of Colonel Barre, formerly the bitterest of his enemies, but lately become a elostally—• the:House of Comm Ons voted him a pub lie. funeral and a monument in Westminster :Abbey, ti tribute in. which men of all:par ' ties;generously 'and. coidiallp joined. We have solully expressed,-asme 'Pro ceeded, our .opinion •on the •several points of Lord Chatham's policy, and the•varying features .of his characterohat we. have little more to add. • I That he was the most' powerful orator that ever illustrated and ruled the Senate of this empire—that for nearly half a century. he was not merely the arbiter of the desti nies of his own country, but "The fore. most-man in the world" — that he,,, had , an unparalleled grandeur and. affluence. of in tellectual powers, softened and brightened by, all.the minor accomplishmentathat his anibition watreoble--Ais-views instinctively elevsited---his patriotism all excessive—that in all the .. domestic 'relations cif 'life he was exemplary slid amiable-;-a -fine .sehrilar, a finished gentleman, and sincere 'Christian --one whom his 'private friends turcl - se, vents loved as ?a:gooil man, and . 611 Atte 'world adiniredas :great one=--these are Ihe praises which his "contemporaries "a warded, and which -posterity'has, with lit tie diminution, confirmed.' But, on the other handithere were 'se rious defects which'decreased his splendor, unpaired ,his authority,'end rendered his great abilities 'rather-inglorinus to ,himself than, for any practical•purposes;henaficial to his country. ,Theie‘ticrects,. though of course welt. known to =the, polititull oirOtes to which he mOved, d eplored and can: stied-by'the ,sobar'feir, wore so much ~ " in , the fashion",of the `itnes,:and were,soglos-„ his ,oWn wonderful ' - powersi ae to'elceite ,ciatuparatively litite 2 ,cutiOnepeya:;, neouti,,pitiseryition—'-but`, since his life ',him, .heeOemilitstory, end; been eitiCicleteil by ram= 1L )-ir-ir tr . -. It in tr.: - o contemporaneous lettera nd memoirs, they hate #ppeareilivvery Aafincitrr 'and map' and 4e presentlrriblication brolfghltheWoiltin sillthillder prominence: In Ole first placb, it would not belrasy to specify' any . positive .advantage (except, perhaps, the possessien---ntilear . luirrii,m , 7-,-of''Cittiadalw.hich 'the co u n try . fropi Chathain. The very existence rtf. so great. a: man,,. no : ,doubt, a nadonal glory, and 'therefore a national good.; *and influence may have 'been highly nseful: Can ve•calculate the 'extent la e . which his lect'uies, so 'tit' call Ithenr i milay have educated'and improved the 'public mind ie. both the science , and art of goiernmeral How many statesmen may his example have formed ? Haw Many hut6rOvetnents may his •precept. hfitte..:pro duped? How many errors and:o** , ll6,y his a uthority' have repressed?, But of-di rect, permanent; prfietical ameliorations of our Social and political - condition, few 'of our statesmen--even those who: had not* a thousandeth Part oftis abilities- 7 have,. we believe, left such scanty :traces. . • • Tkough 'so tiagacious-apd_so.accompli§h etta ,mi.rid•could not . be Insensible 'to, and .did 'in fact 'highly appreciate, the. .value of 'mental cultivation, - socialLimproVernents. commercial enterprize. and' all the ;fair and : fruitful arts of :peace,. 'yet he - did little for them. Hia :genius and his voice---- 0. quo nonTyrestentoir ,alter----./Ere ciere vivos, Martginqurf acandere ciatu"---‘ Were still fearftil' lottery: in which one or two brilliant prizes are dearly mantled by the misery of individuals and the cal mity of nations.' ...We* believe the world is by:, this time pretty well thsiinsed to 8.0 7 _ scribe to Sir Samuel Rpmuiilv's opinion, that the 'glories, as: they are called, of Lord Chatham's Administration,* produced no solid advantage to his country---.-and 'how short a spice Of hisoCareer was . that epoch: of doubtful glory." Gentlenian, True . gentlemen are tO be fenntl in every' grade of society; :T h e 'Ploughman,. with' Ills hro9 (ta n nhp rtit,hand,-,his,-lioitelyi(kOli liildeireiTirtifeit7dee 4/3- 7 ' often Yeal,'Wr butes:.-df Sa-gentleman ; than -- the enervated marl milliiter, . tnticliAtore i:areibr of, his- gloves thAn of his honer; whose shiri Bosom must be,as, pure . .as virgin'sfame •_and - whoW one' cull of .his • glossy . ' wool were displaced, wonld be-thrown.- strong - c oniFu which .11narsin a rich and generous stream. through theheart of -a - Russian serf, is as purein the eyes of God - afi the life current wille) eddies round the princely fountain of the highest of England'S nobleinen. is a false - , ;illiberal idea; that because a man cannot claim alliance With the proud and wealthy, his-name should be .stricken from the list of tgentlemen. W. are all•ereated alikeour moibers-sufferthe same-pangs; and - shalr - the ---- one . -Who - ie , usliefitl'into life upon a Silken ecieh-spurn•him Whose limbs were;first laid on a truss of straw ? class, ;from time Ammemoriali has 'shed hemor.atid glory on the earth—the proud aristocrat or the poor peasant? Whose names are enrolled in the dazzling pages of history—the gentleman of fashion or, the gentleman of nature ? Who voices are most heard, and to most effect, through. . rout the world ? Why, those of men born in poverty, but clothed by truth with the jewelledrobe of honor. Does the.mere fact of a man's being-able to make a bow .with scrupulous exactness constitute; him a gen tleman Shall the. Children of one mother be diVided, because one portion are gifted With gracefulness of 'action and coxaombi.v of. demeanor, while the others , w ill not stoup to• cringe at flattery's fawn, or waste the hours given . them by [leaven to .improVe; iii - tlictisclesestudy - of - th - e puerilefoires of fashion'? Oh, how glad it makes one's heart to see--the "painted. izards" trodden under foot by 'the gentleman of nature? . to see them shill* away at the approach `of 'honest men, fearing that they may be called upon to acknowledge their own inferiority ! • 'Who is the gentleman? he - Who .can boast of nothing buCaltame, upon which dishonor haS tiever`thrown its leprous poi son. Ile who can lie down upon. his pil low at night knowing thal he has done his neighbor no injury; whose heart is never locked to pity,.and whose arm is always nerved to redress theinjeries of the oppres sed. Who stnile.s not' at misfortune, and ;Who mocks not the afilictibn of hie fellows. 'HO who looks upon all-men as ennala..and whci fears notto stand inAhe presence of a king. The man who is guided by moral honor, and not obliged -to. have laws made for his observance. Be who has true de mocracy ,in 'his soul—,-who desires and gives; to every Man the enjoyment of his , own oriinionsv provided those opinions do , not infringe the decrees of Justice !hilts most rigid sense. Such-a man and onl • such a one, should dare lay •claim:to.the proud - aPpelation of a "gentlemai:"Ll.- Thank God ! _we- are in p country whe • the 'field of honor and renown is open to all. The lowest freeman in the land is in' part the governorof its proudest oflicer.- , His who tills the 'earth 'walks 'erect in the proud. dignity Of -natural right, knowing ,that . he cannot be oppressed While-he re- Spects lihnself.. there is no distinction of classes here-.-the blacksmith and the semi tor-the B*i:tinker, , and the, President all haileach other as."gentlemen."-Crescent. OUTOBE'R.' October has, come, the sweetest, saddest month of all the year. Its sunsets and its gorgeous forest, , how, beautiful. and brief as their gorgeous, dyes. • ' There, is a peßsive. beauty. in October days; - Autumn is no* clothed ,in'her loveli est drapery; thl si lorestjeaves are, not yet dry rind crisp; ' "eture,his not yet put on her frigie'aspect, but-ythe 'sighing. of the breeze and the 'falling tea, .are"-Nature's knell for her fallen glories- ' 'soon all' these beautiful 'things will have ,lost their beauty, all these brightAings:.theti.`brightness;— These changefnl,;though ' It vely sceneries, lend tribuching. interest Autumnldeys. Go into the thicli.'-tleap,, wood; listen, to the hirshed; deep murmur the'eifenini breeze as it'gently undulates the glorious ly colored- foliage; look away into tvlet. • • , • . vault; AdAiiiiirOttilitithil sunset; hhur; Ilol:':thitlty. hiliklief.o--41iatlye, had presented At) Otire*lenclenOineit ; oftopitz,,lffid tinethist,'ltiffi'. : * letie!. of Intit'Oduhtion - from you, and 4thil . ,gOld;lbeintlfullytletid witttetiteli other,',4liatf;-:isked.kfor klii, in :",lof . intiofiey, buthat MO Atretini li nliir in glig h t acrosethe ether - "-G &•leial • .1-ta in ilfon ;I h ti:!: a gintster from the:: •sky. It kihe very gate..of Heaven---and Republic of TeXas, having,heard something that lone star seems to bo:s . beacon-light, 'of this, wrote to:Cord Brougham to say that huing ont from her golden portals to . guide • this Edwards had been convicted' and tint -1 hs, .erring - wand*isThome.. We:can also prisoned for'Texas, and•ltad, gt 37 bear .. their blest viiieeS, as'=. they; 'mingle :eloped frOMjail; that he; General ' Hamilton, around-the- throne • orthe. MOM High:— had told .him that he itnew.all-.about him; W host:, soul °will not kindle within him, and, and -that - Edwards .had made no reply. to 'Whose-hpirit will not thrill ivitlrectiticy on !•this.lettet.'. tin. 611 - Sequence . ..or thii . infoel, contemplating scenes like these? ~, Who:motion 1-had communication with General, does •not. feel that he is holding converse HOmilfon; . i.nd titty . ••Solleititir 'shoWeditint with riyre.beings—thitt he'is : • • . , the enclosed letter, which he says .he is .. '. "Just on the boundary - Orthe spirit and, ' %coufildeittiiralorpry:: • - . '•, ' • Close to, the realm . wheyouttgeht have their birth . . . P 1 'As .. lO .r•tii4 , 4oe_overing the £259, that . iif . .. . . , , How-eloquent is;naturel—who is-not pu-. -course•is out of ;the :,question ;it . 1.9,..a150. rer anditetterl , when'lle listens:to+i)i ! 'voitet e hardly . -1)1e to do any thing toiardit the . Il 1,1? p - ta •owint - God speak to - us, !legal .- c trvl ion -tif Edwards for, this 'for at this-sweet, sad .season. He • makes all! fiery, ut• it . may be possible,. by exposing nature , beautiful; .anti gives: lus•fachlties to ; him . o prevenriat from defrauding Other 'enjoy . its,beauties.l.rSweet flowers . ,ye too, ! peop e. I fear, therefore,.you may, think in your ever varying, hues • and' delicious . ' lam giving you a great deal of unnecessary odors, whisper, the.parne of your Creator:. trouble in sending you thislong detail, but Ye , wear the rieheit dyes, *slid send forth 'as your, name had been so much mentioned the sweetesCfragratice,, as you are,obout to, inthe transaction, I think 'it is as . ivel) that .. ~ . •fado and die. ..A ritmbleorts : of life. . . you should be aware - of what has -taken The autumn of 'oiur days is coining, dui place... Ainths*Seldom act without some ;if ,Ave are.lready,: like 'the " glorious • .forests ; selfish in fl uence, operating - upon us, i --must and'beatitiful. ;flowers, ve .may 'Wrap our. also admitohat it •am- not sorry ito'bo able garments about!, us, and wait in holy peace,l to lay_ before you this •proitf that . I ant and till we are.called to•bloom in ."beauty •iin-lalviays shall . . be most- happy . to attend to mortal,'' in'the gardens of God. • -- !yaw wishes, and detail 'I can to shOw . hos pitality . to any friend .Of- yours whom ! , you may wish tn eommend•to me.: . • Believe me, my dear sir, • . • ' Youtoo l it truly, • . .. • . .. . . ! • WSPENcER. , Bon:Daniel IVAster, &c 2 &c. &c. • ' d-1 MORE EXPLOITS OF EDWARDS, • THE .FORGER. . . •We . fnal the folloWing correspondence in the Boston Daily Advertiser of yesterday, Ediffii'dif; t Ire — fo'rgeic - Philailelphia, - has practised his forgeirt& with as much adroitnessin . 'England as he hasin'this Country.;„ . . MARSiIPIELD, Oct. ,8, 184-1. Hale---I know not how I may bet ter guard .the - public• against further prac tices of an- impokor, than by publishing the following .letter friina Earl Spenecii-re ceived ky_ the Acadia, -- The accompatlytug intiei , putpertitik,:to.' -,writien' by me l• is. • Wgt f i g* 7 o4. 3 l 6i6 tl l 7,, ' f:#t ll 7 .knowledge; as' ni - sometime ppit - the late •President• of tie United P,titto,:and itty- - .pretleccssor in the Department of §tat - e. • •4-k ••• .Yours, whit - much regard, • . -DANIFJ, WEBSTER:—' Sept; 41y , Dear . Siri I have thought it right to let yotYkdow ofitome transactions in •w hich. I have .been engaged, and . in which, as I' now believe,' your name 'has been most. improperly Made use of,.and your writing forged. ,I enclose you.n letter-With:, when I first saw 4;1 believed to lii-your hand writing, and whielitl now bdlieve . :to •be •a. forgery. ' _ _ ~.: .Some tinte'laht -spring,: while 'I . w as liv.: - log at AhLorp, I . receiltod a lette r from a person :who signed himself- Monroe Ed wards,enclosing ClO letter which I here with transmit to yon.: He stated that you had given him d letter of introduction to Lord Broughatnyas well as this one to my self, that he made use of the letter to Lord Brougham when he. first arrived in Eng 7 land, and that Lord Broughamitaving done for him every thing he wished; helm& not thought it ,necessary to trouble me with this letter. . But -that now, he was in a great difficulty, - Lotil --- ,Brottgliam was. a broad, which I knew 'to be the case, that neither , the '• American . Minister, Mr.. Ste- . venson, nor , any other of his fellow coun trymen, wield assist 'him,. because they were sn'hostile to his objects about the ne-_ groes„to which allusion is made in the ,enclosed letter, and • that 'he was. actually Twithont - ,e - farthing-to-pay-for-his - ledginget; - : or to carry him and a . son of his he had witl• i New , Orlectos. -fle;there . fore sent me your letter, and/asked-me to IMO him two hundred and fifty pounds, of fering' 'ai.: a heeiirity ceithiii &nide . atr-re:. ceipts•upon some bank in the United States. these 'securities .I thought" very Mlle! , about them, but I. concluded they were good, as they were Offered by '.a. friend of yours. -Now this story ivas:6 very:plau sible one, witn ° the exception of the fisher-. tion that Colonel Edward's fellow-country men would not assist him.' • . • ' But I thoughtit very probable that you Would give any, .friend. ofyours about whom you were interested, a letter of-introduction to Lord Brougham, Moll hoped it'pas•not very improbable that you might also give 'him a letter of introduction to me. 'I ac cordingly referred Colonel Edwards to my solicitor in London, and sent up this letter' purpOrting to'be from you. My Solicitor took the letter to Messrs. Baring, who said 'they knew your lMnd-writing' perfectly' well, indswere;tkure the letter was a genu 'Me- one. CI have-haidtl cared-very little a bout 'Colonel, Edwards ' s ' -securities, .6144 felt thet4-sheidil behave - veryill•to yen; if t.tit9.led 4 , L '..o:•yalued friend" of'yotrrs to be*Ested ..wiien 1 * could avert , it lririhe 'loan of £250. 'I accordingly advanced the money.. ' • - ,•: ~. Colonel Edw ards promised to repay me during . this -month. of. September, saying that he tookeo:lorig„it period. in order to be quite eertain•that he should have arrived at New, Orleans and been able to transmit the money to the day: lkfelt myselignite. ) secure Of repayritent till about 3 weelte . ..or - a month ago, when. my Solicitor. received a letter _front ' Colonel • Edwarde, at:'Phila delphia, not written in . his, own hend but only' eigned by him, saying that hating 'hid business .to transact - hatitiden, - he , had eni- Moyed e person of .the•tiume , er.l4tip, an' Englishman, to !transact it for that with this iiew.he hail putLhitt -- pOtinitt into the Iti . _ .. ttAt. r of--thiii - ,Sititin, and '. sending my. 1--80 . 1 totter .a copy of °letter pitiporting to b o op m ,:Jitstin to.. him, Colonel Edwards, in which lie - tells -'him , he had abstracted ,e,i4telie - ,,:seein•Wee from thette papers, - anti I I hatl',,uo(oll , oeinibeiroveo . X2,lTPO':froin my Solieitorbitt:.tnaking„`no . mention ,Of 'the letter littrperoeor:be'yitios at all;',,Tuatin saying -,titattvitli.tbia fraudulent 004' he had perponnt4...ColonelEdwerdh.' . 'lids,: v . I.oll,fese;.qtip4ied to 40.0.0* . ilifigiii0, 18 : It tieporiiikirooltii..o Bicioghiinoy oil found 0 014 - thiiihiiiry:Eitt* v ia . a. ic'-Plire'in°o64-01.M'C' --Jiaa Mi s trtstrOF,to, (near Boston ) 0et.'9.9,1E49. My, Lord—l have taken the liberty to introduce to the honor of your acquaintance my valued. friend, Colonel M. Edwards,'U highly respectable and ••:.wealthy farmer •rif Louisiana; who visite England-ivith.a.View Of conferring with H. M.. .Gov't. th.e• subject of 200 African eartivei,snowille giii Ey held ae.staves in Texas. §:lid' A fri- . !-0#14440,110-setLifti:hirttus. , boriaViden . sYavea.'Sui;isetru AiFlVAraiitr craitn ; to freeilOni, lie, 'Viitk,OttagliaUiinity'. before A uuk nown, attempted their restoration to' freedrim, by sending thetri io an 'English .colony, but. was prevented frrim so doing by the direct interposition the Govern ment of 'Texas. _.,' these pnnrA . friaa , hs haue elaims on 1-1•.• •it•is,i,viih 'the . viewof representifor - those claims .in .their proper light that Colonel''' Edwards visits England. ••'• ' -* • • ' Any service it may be in yriur Lord- . Ship's power to render Colonel Edwards in promotion. of his most praiseworthy rib jeet-,4i11,be properly 14)ot - elated.' - irliave! . the honor to be - •• Arourlordship's most oli't. • • DAN'L. WEBSTER. • Rt. - Hon. Earl Spencer, London. CONFLICTING irinletriff."—The . loigh (North parolina) egister makes the follonitng sensible remarks on the subject of-the " conActing . interests of the Nortjh and South," about which much_ is said - a-days : • " We demand to know what these con flicting inierests are? Is the interest of the North distinct from that of the Sonth?—',, There is - not a 'spear of Rice, or 'Wheat; or Tobacco, - or a Clitton plant, that springs on the remotest part of otirSouthern terri tory,' that does not contribute to the -eup port of the Northern Merchant,. Manufac turer'and•Farmer. 'There 'is not a -veesel that sails. from a Northern port which doee not, directly or ilfdirectly, bring wealth to, the Southern Planter. The God of Ne tem., if Areregard- T onlY — The geographical Sittiqgqn.pfiotie country - and product itnis - of its. aiiii; as the creature of sordid ,interi rest,-seemsfui have ordaineitthis mi4hty Republic to be forever 'one and in divisible. No part of the inhabitable globe is more intmaiely, more indissolubly con nected.. 41140 ",conflictinginfereati," we kn - ncnot"Where to find them. Our inter ests are the same, our manners the same, our language, the same. - Springing from one common stock, we are bound together by every tie,.of endearment that can oper ate on a people: . Who is the_ man 'that woultreow discord among us ?" , • Temperance Department PLEDGE OF THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO AGREE, THAT WE WILL NOT USE ANT INTOXICATING LIQUORS NOR TRAFFIC IN THEM AS A BEVERAGE; THAT WE WILL NOT PROVIDE THEM AS AN ARTICLE or ENTERTAINMENT, OR FOR PERSONS IN OUR EMPLOYMENT; AND THAT, 11l ALL SUITABLE WAYS, WE WILL DISCOUNTENANCE THEIR USE THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITT. s es... - For the Herald Ed' EXPOSiiO7`. Tolke Temperance Societiee, auxiliary •to"the Cumberland County 2mperance Society. The 'Executive-Committee of the Cum berland County Temperance Society, deem the quiet that always succeeds a public election, a favorable opportunity to call - the attention of the friends of temperance, and of out auxiliaries in particular, anew to the consideration of the high claims of the temperance cause upon our zealous and constant support.-. Our comparative silence on this subject for the last two or three mantbs, has, been . the result of' circum stances which .we could not control. We are now ready, again .to co-operate , - with you— . .firit,• by sending iyou-such aid from to time. .may ,want,. and as the tatettrofzur society tim•eu pply. And we take, this Occasion rto say,- that we •hope ' each auxiliary - Willosometime,between:this and Christmas, arrange a -imitable occasion fur :the reception of a delegation from oe; and • give to our, chairmao seasonable. notice of •the; appointment. '•We are tinxious to hold a.public meeting . with each Of our auxilieries at as-earlya period tie ihcy shall see fit tof appoint.: , We' are' ready c o with ypu". secondly y, units ung , you,, roug the touas agency of our. g papers, far us we ma Y be Peribittedk such fienee'lle , COMinandt for. your en: _couragement. together with such moral • . 'coneideratiaiiiconneeted with this and gookeabee'vs; we JmaY ibe •ablo. from tinier 10 time (o,,Present.'% • . con tinuance of. your Co-Operation,, in• carrying forward this wonderful enterprin of . bene volence; and 'to, urge on you the necessity' -4*.addino.:toyoar Toot ..efibroi. • Who,, our day, ha severeein so great a 'work ef fected in a : single year, as has been effected in this coußtry...dOring the past - year, by the sole agency of the principle of Total Sbstinence from all that can 'intoxicate,. the' only 'temperance "principle whicli we recognize as having any-power for good.; _and.if we have not shared the ef forts of this greatvetrienWit - is:- not. our, fault.!- . , • • We have in our hand•s all the means of efficient action o.n'this 'subject,- and , all the Motives to impel us . to it.. The use of in toicicatirig drinks is yet working desolation all. around us—carrying• the drunkard to his gravng drunkards' of the drinkers; anti sowing the seeds , of future rpoi, the chililr4of our rising populotiot4l - :> Nothing !but...freOnent• meet ing44liicli every. men, Werner', and chiki sheuld . be. invited and'Urget.l . • aitend, and iiowbieli• - : every friend of .teinperance can teke . A.part; berfontid sufficient to meet the 'We* Of our case, Apathy and.neglect are Wha.t•liaiwbereioroic 'retarded the wotk in our, county:- ' There are Scores of men all around (6 : Whom-the_ pledge has never been offered. '.:-Let us•harness ourselves tip for the. work; prepare ourselves for some little personal sacrifices, if necessary, for the - public good; orgapize..mi . r . cOmmittees, 'Sze., for efficiency of 'a . ctieni, - an • ee . what, by the blessing. of Heaven, infe,?t - z ,ii effect lbefore the close Of. 1842., this' a rlatly•time . for ti to begin to prepareloranotheryear's operatione. • • • • - 141: CALDWELL• • • - 11 - .7 - AURAND,. 'L.. G. --- BRA - NDEBURY,- !HENRY' D'UtFIELD, . Executioe committee. ~ i- d Lnitsto - etvaFPiitifelitr.i. - ThriCapii t irt Alert:Alta° autl:VasAltele• offerallitlivo to bring home a cargo of:Yu tri., but refused, preterring to return' in ballast. . -.-Jourpal of .coninierce. • From the Ulive'Lea(• — TUEEFFECTS Op MUNKENNp3B.—TIie . aeat Loyd (ManceHeir Bacon's opinion of drunkenness was, that."Al . l the. crimes on - earth do tiof deSiroycr s.many of the human. race,, s not"' alienate ,so much • *may, as drunkenness.", • - 77 1 : • lillts:L•111a1s11 - 111itts17.! Jusfr received,Tnallionable .Ripsia,l3over and Silk Hata, andfor•sale,by Carlisle, October 6,1841 Men's Rod-Boys '.Boots and Shoes. I have just received for winter sale a full stock o Men's.and Boys'. Boots, Shoes and Biogans. •. • which are offered cheaper than any ever offered be fore, in this pm. . ' CHAS. BARNITZ. Carlisle, Oct. 6, 1841. • ' Caps !. Caps ! ! Caps ! ! ! Just received and : added to my former stock n beautiful and seasonable stock of Mewl'. and Boys Glaziei., Fur, Cloth, Selet, Hair and Seal Caps, of the latest fashion isiul at the' lowest Prices. CHAS. BARNII'Z. . • Carlisle, Oct. 6,1841: Ii AR It Bid R.G --erteLezat ma.vrciakaathuac, - THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Dauphin; Cumberland, Franklin and other neighboring counties,- that • he, has now on - band large stock of timber of the very best quality, both oak and pine, and is prepared to furnish any quanti ty of lumber for building s and machinery, on the shortest notice. The following is the price for stuff of ordinary length: At the mill, per thousand feet $ll 00 The lumber will be delivered, is requested, at the canal and rail road depots, so that it can be transport ed in any direction with great convenience. . WM. 11. KEPN&R. Harrisburg Steam Mill,? September 22,1841. S • Eftgoo.TOOL Zilarerga#4l4ll l (barir-Ce ' The subscriber hereby Worms the citisens-oeCitr lisle, and the public generally, that he has taken the shop nearly opposite the Jail, where he will lie'pre pared-to manufacture to, order, on the most restsona terms,any article iii his line of business, such as Axes, Mill Picks, &c. He will also attend to Steeling:and 'Grinding Axes He solicits a shake of public patronage. JOHN HARRIS. Carlisle, Nov. 5,1840 Lures. Cometaxrcr.—Xliis disease often terminates in another aft morelierichis nature; it' proper reme dies are net resorted to in time. In all forms of this disease,Dr. liarlich's Compbnnd Strengthening and German 4perient Pills, will 'performs. perfect cure; ifirst, by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus re qnoving all diseasespans the Liver, by the use of the German Aperient Pills, after which the Compound Strengthening Pills are taken, to give strength and tone to thoie tenderorgans which require such treat ment only to effect a permanent cure. These pills arc neatly put up in small packages, with full direc tions. Principal office, 19 North Zighth Street • - For sale by John J. Myers* Co,,,Enrlislel sind Via. Peal, Shippensburg, Pa. oct. 13--St Consumption•and illeedi ng at the Lungs aired. by the use of Dr. Duncan e. Expectorant Remedy. MISS` EMEILINE YEAGEIIi aged: seventeen years, 'was taken idieit it the age "si.f. sixteen with a slight Cold, which she neglected Alma the LUNGS fell a prey. to that seakisig-desiroyer„CONSUAlP. TION, .when application. toa plsysiotan was:made, but toco effect. • Heennsidered lierVesige if hopeless oneouid,tiretitribedhut little iiedictifie for 'her: In the meantime shellisobarged great quantities Of blood, with Much. expectoration of thick phlegm and Cough. Herbinilly Tmmesit,length.beoarne, reduced to a liv ing skeleton,. Her histwas anxiously looked f9r by lier(rlenda' that her selreiiogs might end by thettanqs of ilealliit . Ouring. the Optician . frequently ealled;ind int the kit recourse, deternilned to testthe virtues:of teDe.' I,)UNCAN* I 3 • EXPECTORANT REMEDY," hiving indeed ,serneextritordionri , cure performed by the medicine in sithilaVeases.. he at once obtained two bettlei aid edmittiatered it toiler. The iburth day, he found' some'change,- 'gave, hopes:: _He continued giving the' medicine ', t: ; teen 'din; 'tlittt time she Nvipi rentlet•ed wofficitigin.heri bed,claainber, to the astonishment'of her friends . antf•relatiVei:•. She continued uSingthe medicine for eight weeks; `vilien"sho declaeadherself entirely free' fro n disettm.aid, pain, and pow purities hee'dailv occupation lu potibet 'health: • , • otr Pelheiple 9fllop, No.lB North Erghtli . street: Philadelphia. 'For qille ift thc Drug giote cif A, J. 114e . rs & Co Carlialc; and 'WM. Peo.l„ , Rog: 2$ •. ‘104.1e0 4a2,10.4 'vamp. atiOtne . 04 wad 'Has met 011 goIgM Jo Hu gspoolt.taino Jo Alppitt lua.i3ll tinm ion 'MOMS csap, pin) ampatsiclano • `OS'lir • • • ••0100 $ 1 2p•soolig uoucum - 2s) igipedrl i • ,kuaappqb pue ,suetuom.,.etioN,— • 'SJOAI,U.I([ pun , slams °upon getwoqin ‘smaypay %glory pp •sapq -woo .eaouri '9:lull' : pa '..Ctapion ‘,sanoie `Supapis acg oUtp .2.la2an •stauuula • aria* , inoia 'onip Aailiq pun 2upunoui puoaan• nauitrj ap asnow, Jo ppue segutisa A aiSis Mau %nautilus , saaautputo sgloj Jain° pun nouig atipl'Aoupi Jadns jo2untusuco qi . pooo aeiutAi pus llud . • . • • • . J O piatu•posmi atuos -pun pun mou K pauado Buy aagpasqns SOOO3 NON. 31101 AI Remaining in the Post - OlTice. at Carlisle , Octoi , • ber 1,1841.,. , . • ' . • ". ayEnquirers Wi ll please say advertiScd.. •' Anderson Benjanian 8 Lyne.J P Cal:. Armstrong Joseph Lockhard..lane • Black Sarah A Lechler Peter ' . . • • Black Thomas ' Low.Catliarine Barlet Sarah • , ..Linclellachael • * &enema!' Me'choir McMillen Michael 2 Bracht David Marais Jane Brown Wm . • ' McKean Samuel jr 2 Barley John ••• :AMoMantle Terrence Beidier Jacolk ' Martin John Mor ' • Baughman Thomas , 'Nicholas'Ulrich Bury John Davis • . Mackall Bazel 'Boyer Peter';: , • .-.Mordcirfr Cosirod Burns Elizabeth • MoorwJohn (Dickinson) Bally Rosanna • Morrow Hannah -Brown John • Miller John . Bleck Robert • McCabe Sarah BrOwn 'Hubert • - Myers Abrahad Cart William • McManus Margeret .V Cross Samuel W Miller William Comings Alexander • . Neidig Jonathan • Cart William S Netro Margaret Clarke Daniel . Nevel Jacob Carry Joseph Noel Cecilia • Culbertson Joseph - • Negley Peter Croy& Augustus J Outman Antirot77 - 2 — '— .. Crabb'Plunket Pechart Daniel bale Rev James W • Paull William Esq. 1 Dixon or Dickinson John Putsoli A • • ' Deitz John Park William Elliott James- Itussel Mason W . : - • Ebersole Barbara • Reed.George' Pohl-Red John . , _ Randolph Susanna_ Fry Martin 2 - Ralston Jamei M Granger Thortiaa. Roberts A-F, - Griffith . , ~ • ltieliesini Mary • ' .Coodman.4cob lk.Co - - . ..„ ' `: 7 • • ; Geist/all ,Jaelib 1 ~Smith - Eli -•-• • ; • • , ...StotlerElitabeth or Barbi Hollinann Gebrge Philip ra Ann.' Ilortynati•Christimi, Slusher Henry: Hoover David • . Sterrettjt C • •• Hat tzley Abrahamsen. Shetron Parr.' Boater Saml . ' .. Sly.tler Jacob . •Harmer Justice • Steinmitz Jolut•" - -•' Hinadshuo Geofge • Shtek - Hcnry v - Hoffer John-ban Stoner Christian • Hall Owens • • • " Sort! David Hathaway Mr or Thomas John . ,• Mr- Bobertson - Vatitlergrifl Archibald , Irvine •- - Waterbury Ann ' Koughenour John Welcome Catharine — = Ketch John • . . Welin John • Kiehl George Sr - Wallace Mr - , - Karr Alexander • - Woodard Leonard Lauck John - - Welsh - John NV - - Line Emanuel • . ZenringJobial • '• CARLISLE BARRACKS. Ackerman Otto P. W.. Townsend John E. Sergt. Dayton Berkly . Thompson Charles C.- ' Keller Geo. B Turnbull 13 Moulton Larkin B. • Gage Ed rd Ryerson-Peter • -- Green illiam • ' W. M. PORTER,. P,, CHAS. 'BARNITZ . _ JUST received a few:pieces of new lolled goods,t xpressly for.the ladies—Black and figur ed Retorines, blue black.. Crape, dress Mor neno; also black Silk Warp, for sale by: . CHAS. BARNITZ. . Carlisle, October 6, 1841. , . PROCLAMATION. . - wHEREAS, the Hon. SAINUXL flErirnn, Prt sident Judge of the Court of Common Pin in the.9th District, composed ofthe counties of Cum berland, Petry and Juointa ; and the Hon. John • Stuart and John Lefevre, Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas of the county of Cumbetland; have issued their precept, bent Mg date the 14th dry cf ' August, 1841, and to me directed, for holding Courtof.oyer and Teiminer nod General Jail - livery r and General Sitlielet — Sisidotis of the Piiet; at Carlisle, on the , Secnnd Monday, of November, 1841, • (beiiig.the ,Otit day) at ten o'clock in tbe : •Noricx It hereby given to the. Coroner; Justly:. s . r t "the Petiee,lind Cdnitabh.ti i,f the will coui.l 3 quit, berland, that they be then and there in their prep r , persons, with their item ds, irquisitincs, xrrnit tions and other ..remembrances, to do those thief g which to their offices respectfully . appertain. Ai d these who are bound by recognizance to prosecute. against the prisoners that are, or,tht 11117 t he, ill Jail of Cumberland county. to bethen and there to prosecute against them as :ball Le.just. Wed at Carlisle, the 20tli day of September, IP , II- ; and the sixty-sixth year of American Intl: pettlet.i.e. • PAUL VARTIN, no ir virtue of a writ from the Hon. Assort V. , JUJI 'PIaISONS, President Judge of the 12th Judicial, 'District of Pennsylvania, bearing date at Harrisburg, :the 17th day of july A. D. 1841: 'NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN • • that a. Special Court will be held by the said Hon. Anson V. Parsons and the Associate Judges .of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland ccunty, at the Court House in the borough of Cailisle, corn. mencing ,on .711onday the 29th day of November, A, D. 1941, to continue one week, for the trial of mud* causes depending in the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, hi which the Hon. Samuel Hep. burn was concerned as counsel for" one of the parties prior to his appointment as President Judge of the 9th Jillicial ,Distrist—said causes being embraced [within the.proilsionsof thernilriectien of an Act of the General Assembly, passed the 14th April 1194, relative to the organization of Courts of Justice. Of said'Special Court, Jurorrand all persons con, earned 'will take,neticei ---- , _ PAUL MARTIN, Shetifr. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, ) - October 6, 1841. S LIFE SA Ear • By:the extraordinary virtues of that unrivalled medicine, the., is BALSAM OF WILLD CHER RY," the . well-known. famous remedy lbr CON SUMPTION AND LIVER , COMPLAINT, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CROUP, :WHOOPING COUGH, &o. • • • „ • • Williartissurg, Sept. 40841.. „ To Dr. WISTAR—Dear sir, it gives me great pleasure to say, I have round much relief .from your Ilalsam that I have to send to yturfor more. I bare.. only.used. three.bottles.out of-tbe.half_ doeeti'l p ar nged, yet it leis 'done me.more good than all the medicine I have ever taken before. A neighbour-•e& mine whose*ife Was very. low .vvith' Consumption; pyrsuaded,riie`to let him have Some 'eh, and bought'. three bottles; which she luni taken also.. r sew her a few days ago and she toltflne she believed ,it was the only thing that had' saved her life.. She had tri ed-every thingbefoee,,but nofhinK did her any . good,' sind whemahe commenced taking it *as sick in bed,' but is naurup and •loeks better than Lever Battler • before:' As for . ..Myself I am sure it . will Ogre tne, 'entirely, , forl-feeltetter every day. ; Send:sue. shy. ,bettLetototely the bearer, as ; . ;160 .:war' YOur sincere friend, ter The genuine - Balsam sal •• 'SAiVIUE , 7Pyiee Pne.Dckllar, ,to: :: Sept. 22, 11144:7;76nf,''., "71 • : oy . I , ` • •(1 , s • 4 —. 9 al°11•113 LIST OF LETTERS SPECIAL COURT. ANOTHER El trtle