Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 13, 1841, Image 4

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•••• milt...S:4e., of..lVciodlatid:
witi be se:tt nn I:3attar4lnl‘ the '2:311 tiaj• of October
xi, at the thejiulilie house of ,litegh Trego, in Dielin
au townAip - , Cumbeauni county, tzbout .
(4' Plil.lE • V l ' i ;
___ , lttiots-orfromactie2..._ The land is ,situate
South ,mountain, adjoining, .(siiiiawuiir
..rurnuee lands on the west, Pine Grove lands on the
south ; Holly lands on the east, and lands a Emanuel
Line; John Convey, Phiilio Spangler, (cargo lit,.
tem and others, on ttni north. The above diiscrilied
land is well covered with Gliesinit, Pine and duller
titribral, and would lie well the all ,„ ,6„,, o r th ,,
Pat meet; in the »eighltorhood. The conditions ti ill
be moderate, and an indisputable title giveii.
A. C. , EG
Sept.Carlisle, 29, 1841.---tils
Valuable Town property and out bola
OT vtardc saz.E;
The subscriber, acting executor 'of Dr. John (lei
dis deceased, will offer at public:sale WI the premi
ses, on Thursday the 21st of October next,at 10 o'clock
A. M. all the - real estate of said deceased, to, wit :••••
Ist) The House 11.11 i.
0:1 -ituLtiewsilLe_occuptestby Old deceas
:,ed iluring his life time,4itlithe brick
• dwelling and half lot adjoining- , -•the
'lots are 00 feet on Main street ; anil extend back 180
'feet on Cave alley. The improyements, in addition
, to the dwellings tie,sl,-doublelog barn with a thresh
stabling,, wagon shed and corn crib; also,
a cistern, Wash . and wood houses. This properjy;
will be sold together, or divided into, two lots' as
may, best suit purchasers, . •
House and Lqt. on High
street, in Newiille, now occupied by John Givler.
The above lots are all free of gonna rent.
3. Sevenfy seven Acres of land
adjoining -the borough of Newvillc, and estendieg
north lo the Conondognial creek; the State rood from
Newsille to Dublin (lap runs through the is
divided into elmon lots of different sizes. contrtininn
from four tot wel ye acres, and will hs, soli) as divided
or altogether, as may he iriSt advantageo,usfk) the
4: ,A Lot of ground.; containing
hine acres and 49_ iicridie's . lying about, a qiiihrikr of
n mile frorn . the borough onilw vow! to
•ThrecSqlllll , t I/0116W. • • •
• 'Four of the aboveltits aro fneaddiv }';round', four
....,.4treio.c!over - , one wilthe - sown iti wheat-this
•;.•,: .L AT3 iherlots;:n'ith the ginning, in
"I 47 " 4 "3 10.11 1 . --'4. V Ici.
:;44i - ttoieVion wlthing o littcyr
• TtiO übov4(fea - crilied property or any pail of it;
cridbeliurehloeil itt prisate sale,peevintis to the tlac
of public stele, On application to the' acting encentor.
reelect tiiltis will he mailegto the purchasers of the
propeet, clear of. neumbrances. .
:.(",nstg; tip S ets,--For sone: limier 5300, one heir
on the Ist of April next, The wher half oit the Ist of
011 purchases of $3OO- or shave, one
4 half on the Ist of April next, mid, the other half in.
two ewiat annual, 'm5.0101115; Witboutintereit ; pay;
metits to be Seeueed by a lieu on the laud sold. .
A eting*Exce'r
AAP* . ,
rj - "AJI persons ilidelited to the estate of' Dr..l ohn
Ceddis decessed,•hy note givf 7 ll :4 t . ill(' sale cif his .
personal property, nv during hi slitittime ' 711 . 0 notified
to,..mukulinyinenf. . indulgence will be giv . en idler
the 21st of October nest.
. •
Will he sold nt Public S:ile; on rvitlny tbr. 13th
(lay of October next, on the premises, in .shiremans
town, Cumberlandcounty,the.lialance atilt! real (,;s
-tate of Daniel Shiremam (kelt'. (Insisting of
19 Building Lots.
On seveilil of them sine buildings for ilinrent purpo-
ses. Also the well known .
'4 a &VERINI StAOOl • pi- u
With nil the appurtenances belonz,ing
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock,P.ll.;wlien'terms
will be made known by
JOHN RUH', and
• .
, .
. . Ex'i.s. of said 1). Sldrentat
^tdreniatistown, Sep'. 15, 1841.---ts. .
Orphans' Court-Sale
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cmirt of
. Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale,
on the Premises, on Saturday the .9th of Octriber, at .
11 o'clock in the forenoon of said Aly, the following
described tract of land; part of the real estate of Eli
zabeth Co r ona, deed., situate and lying in The
township of North Middleton, county afbre:olid,
bounded by lands of Henry Craft, George Keilil, Da
vid Brocht and the Conodoguinet creek, containing
145 Acres and 90. Perches,
strict measure. The improvements arc a
Two Stoi,y Brick. • ItCari.
?A.!' 0.:4
dfripsaifille Log .
Tile land Will clerired,except‘about Oncres. There
are about 12 acres of first rate meadow. Thereis a
. good Apple Orchard, nd a first rate well of water.
.. Said land is of the finest quality of slate land; Midis
about 2.6 tulles from Carlisle.
The terms of sale are as follows : One half of the
purchase money to be paid on the first.of April next,
when possession will be given to the finichaser, the
balance of ,the purchase money to be paid in two
equal annual payments thereafter Wifticmt interest,
the' purchaser to give approved security in the Or..
- --- phans' Court by reconce on the confirmation of
iu_ payment o sail pure lase money.
SePt.:ls, 1841.-4EI s.
. .
The sukset iber, having Sold his stock.,of Drtucs;
Sec. intend ; settling-up his bustness, and ViTuld hereby
nodfjt those indented to call and settle their accounts
before the first of •Jantuiry next, when his 'books will
be left with J. It. Irvine, Esq ;for collection.
Newville, Sept. 29,184.1.r-3m*
All 'persOns wishing to be supplied with the earli
est city. news, may feel thercalves much gratified
by calling on the subscriber, where they can have
seleption of the following dailyand weekly papers,
viz:--Philadrdplitia daily Chronicle, Ledger and
Spirit of , the Times ; New York Herald daily and
weekly; New World, Brother Jonathan, Boston No
_tinnaankee Nation, Magazines, &c. &c. Any per-
On - wishing to Become - subSe - ribers:air any ofAlits'
above - workSi and nil BMpopular,works of Charlee
O'MalleY;as fat"as, published, bound in boardii, wi I
,' please tall " "
'Dr.'lllarlichls Pills.
° Tbe'suporiority of Dr. Ilanlich's pills over any
other medicine that has everbeen offered to the pub
lic, is that they cleanse purify- and strengthen. These
are important iteras,and their importance should not
• - be overlooked:, The system is liable , from impinvi
s, ..tleiiie and neglect, to . actudulste bile v and>a, variety
, • •oC4ip e ased humors. • To purge the system of the
. ljtolittrities, should 'be early attended to. lf it, be
:neglected, the patient my he subjeated to.painfuris
ease•and protracted 'suffering.,. _The German Aperi
aulPills are admirably suited to this purpose but
• snore. then thiti-•-while they cleanse . the system they
purify the blood, and assist nature kindiy in her elle
"rations, --The , conipound -stren . gthening ,pills give
' - ,ttine to the stortiaoh, while they impart:vigor to, the'
. --Whole system:. hence they area desideratum,and no
4 1
family should . ernßi 11 *4ll44E:them,: -.fin ' filet they are
, ti•tiOrt, tit 0 . Fit ily,Physichin,',.' hut eel ike the 'School
• ,Oieiii.', 7 7-fer.tbe , Aiills)n - ay tiv,,EiaMy. , const4ltgd In all
easea-.7theyfini . lie. taken ; without lninrY7 in _any-- .
..,,ociw . il l ey, nirti,,,i positive relief, inlynany. - VeinnlY
''• ask:kik - a (*Air trjal , of-theirateriti,-.tied:are willing to .
- ' .' - ..': ..-• ~ -' F. Wootstiat, •Ilutdington;-$. J..,
. , • Agr.I I IIINcIPAI, 0:1 0 FICE,No.,11) North Eighth'
.Streetc", j?; ti 1 lidelpitia, w here • , testimonials 'may be :
- •
.- • - •Z•e . ii. - stile; hf ..TOIM - ,r. 7 lllYerait.. - Eo;,parPsle; and 1
leirsti:-PialiShippensburgiEs, •:. ''. '. ,
. . .
. .
• Peilposect AnianntlaintaN o
tel l . thi•
. .-• Conseig‘atioac_ •-. ,
• •
• "Resolit.ion'relative to. the .Imendnlent .
' . - of.the.Sbile ClOtitution.
.11) , ..Esoix El) by the Se , ate and house of 11e
;.., p reSP it t:iti s'v S iii general ASiiellth/3: met, Tint
theConstitation OlthiS Cononon wealth bb,arnended
' - the. iliiril section of the 'second - m.ode; BO' that it
.shallTead as follOws. , ,
"That the Governor shall bold his office during
three vent's, feriiii the third' • Tnesaby of January,
nett ensuitiv his electignond shall 'not be capable
of koidit !g - it inn j er 01. a einsite term of three y.ors;
in any term of lone years." .
Spcakir of the Molise of Repoeoentativeo.
. • • . .•
,-• .IN. B. EWINIP,
- ••'.l. % •-,, Speaker of .the Senate.
Petwxy"vaniti, 0n.. •
'• Senn iIITA Il VS OFFICE. '... ' 1 do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution
proposing an amendment of the ConStination, which
teas agreed to at the last session of the Legislature,
b., a - Majority of the members elected to each house,
Ithe original of which remains filed in this office; and
in compliance with the tenth article of the Constitu
tion of .the Commonwealth, I do hereby close the,
same to be published, as directed by the said ' article:
4 x ,, - IN' TESTIMONY whereof, I hive
t : 0 . '. o hereunto lrice ii t' 11l r?.is . b 1 ::::: 1 thisl ' I 17111 of
y m o d f
1 ~,01 P.. Jutie, 1841, '
-- 4 ....
-4 TIv -
June 50 1541.---Im
Coppersmith, Sheet Iron anti
Tin-plate lirorker, •
itesPectruPY informs the public generally that be
still coot ones his business at the Old Stand, North
Hanover gtreet, .itext door to the Cabinet Shop :of
William C. Gibson, IA here he has now ,on timid, and
is still manuf,tcturing,, every article in the line of
his trade ; consisting of
KETT 14. - 10 S
Tea Kettles, Tin-ware of every
'description, Sttive Pipe, Drip
- . ping Pans, Drums, &c. •.
He has also for wAle the best assortment of Con-
ever offered - in this place.. His coramon wood stoves
and cooking stoves are of every size and variety;
aud•his parlour ,shoves (for wood or coal) are of 'the
newest patterns. Ile has in addition the Rotary
cooking stoves, the Aladiator stoves and Radiator
drums for parlours, which are unsurpassed for com
fort and economy in the use of fuel.
All of which ho offers on the lowest terms for
Carlisle, Aug. 18, 1841.—y. . •
N. n. Old Lend, Pewter, Copper and Leather ta
ken in exchange for stoves, tin or copper ware. "`
ThO Grand Union Lottery,
Chas 9 • To be drown at Alexandria, D. C., on Sat
. urday, Oct, 23,1841., .._
- - -- --". - " 16 drawn ballots. ' ' • •
MAGNIFICENT - s - critmEr------ -
I Grand Capital prize. f, , - 50,000 Doll.
1 Splendid prize of ' '3OOOO do
1 . do . do.. • 25,000 do
1. d6-_--do .. 10 000 do
1 prize of ' • _
__ 8,000 o
' • 1 do - . - 7,0007 - do--
1 do • • • 6,000 do '
1 do • . ' 5,000 do
1' 'tin • . ' 4,000 do . .
' '°l:_ do 2 ; 500' do
1 do ''. . -.. '•°. 2,31-1 do
4 do ' • 2,000 ilo • ''.
5 do • 1,750 do •
• 10 do - .....: • , 1,500 do'
10 Jo 1,250 sdo •
50.. do .' ' . 1,000 _ do ' .
50 do' , ' • - 500 ,do
50 do' , •-•- ~ '4OO do
1.00 do , . ' ~.• .::. 300. do •
100 do ~ • :' ; ' 210 do
170 do • •- " •'• 'l , ., 200. do
16 drain nurnbera out of 78. , ..
Tielietss2o; lialyea,3loi, Quarterass;lFlighta $250.
Certificateeof packages of:20:whole tiEketa $260,,
.. - dn, :do. - •,26 half '. do ISO •
do, : di) , ", -., ~26.‘uarter, do ' '65 ', '
''' do' - ' ',do ' '' es nightly' do : - 32-50
Ca - Ordere - for - tickettranii etuireirondTetailinciii
of.pnekagne in the; ®hove . eplendicl :schemes Ai:ill
efi;ve The mast prompt Intention) nod the'
eaohlottery,villik sent imniediatekinfter it j'e over;
who order from mi„ Addreem, ; "- •
• GRAGORYVVCCMiiinigire. •
• ' _ , Witshinlion D.
. „ . .
New. Goods!
ARNOLD & ABRA-NS' 'have just !received a
KiTat variety of ClothS,Cassinieres;Sattinets,ke.&c.
whiclrthe) are de termined to sell cheaper than ever
before offered Oda place'or elsewhere.
" The pnblic are invited to, can and, examine for
I themselves. . •
! ,Shippenslon,26l;ins - 4, 1741.-
, I.UiillivtiET itiAKIING,
riots branelies;at his old stand in North Hanover
street, two doors above the store-of Wm . .. Leonard ;
where he is now manufacturing, and intendskeeping
:on hand,a great variety of
Dining nllli.liit thtlist 'Tables, th
wist all 'Ol which he will dis ose
or on the most reasonahle terms. Hels also prePa
red to 1111.011 orders for St'RING.SI
and I , ),INCY Cliti.ll2.-i, warranted to be of snperioi
quality. . . . .
,Ile.will also furnish corms at-the shortest no
tice, and tidying recently procured a New lisAitse,
he is to attend lunerals in • •
• Carlisle, August 4, 1841.---ly . .
Jacob Dundore, •
It:•speetrully informs the eitfiep's of Carlisle an
its vicinity; that he ;hag etumfienced the
tistd liaine. 'Raking
• • -17.asiness,
mull ils raids:us branehes r in Main strcet,.one door
cast or the store of Niesirs. Ang.ley u Antlerson,tool
.n.tew, doors Wtist of Mr. NVuoderlich's tavern, where
he will kee'y movingly 017 hand, and totionfheturg to
order at the shortest notice aod_og_the_mbst-reasona
hle terms, . • :
Saddles, Collars, liar
ness Trunks iSzc.
. ,
~ • .
1- I::{M}i74 - 4).',..4.tit.V.tivi1ii...5.1',319:-31 1 ig.iMd an aP . .:..
„1: 9 31T.'11,1. , :ti ‘. ..i41:1At'4e-,-to kirke.cliiti ,, i';'6'et.svit jiliao;
'... l .o.ikta,ilißiliklwi - tifik 2 41,i .1 , ;i1 . 0.411[Mai111)111 1 47tR6i4r....
Men eni pi ny (atolls emstomer.% rflay s ariMat,tlimr:laMi4;
1.9 be done in and inpst 'avlAtaMial man-
Carlihje, 'N,tay . I 9.,1341,n,'
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
A.P. MI. I
Patios', Alters' and' fiitsh
Splendid Lotteries.
AwricE: Meaanicsbuig
All per Sons indebted to the late firm of BARNUM. . •
Sr. PEPPER, - ure requested and settle thelrac-
ur roreerns.
counts on or before the 20th October next, as after - ac o .
.that time they will be reft in
,the hands of n'Justice
for collection.
Between. Meehaniestitii* mid
Carlisle Sept: 28. ISbl. • ~
or _Baltimore.
[firii4m, ROAD . OR aMIL] -
• .
THE subscribers grateful for past favors,
-- -ic - ,711eg - leave to itiforatitheiFfriendsand thd public
generally, that . they,still continue' to tuna . lane of
burthen Cars regularly between - ' Mechanicsburg aud
Baltifiiare;:by -- whieligoods - and - pro ,- :
duce alai deteriptions be forwarded with cpre
1 and despatch at the lowest rates pf freight.
Produce will be received at their Ware' Mame
initlechanicsburg, and . forwarded to either Phila
delphia or Baltimore, according to. the direction ,pf
the 'owner. - - ,
The highest - price will be givon, for Wheat
and 'Flour. - '
"N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always. kept on .
hand, and I'm , sale nt the lowest pa-ices.
July - 29, 1840.---ly. ,
The 'subscribers; intending. to wind up their
?less over their Cassimeres,
Cassinetts; iSious de Laines, Merinoes, Chintzes and
Calleoes at •
'Persons dcsirous\of s . icuring .good bargains 'arc
requested to call as early as possible, and they may
'thYpeod tipon getting-all the Julicles alMve enamel.-
t ated•at .the actual.
M cost'in 'the .
.city.. The terms are
bash: - ,
-,:l . _. N
Carllle, August 11,184.1. ' . •
N. B. The entire stock will be sold aii4i..-
gain, to any one who wishes to engage' in the busi
ness, with die privileged the room until the Ist' of
April., , . .
1 7 70 - 111 - ce — a ± fetr - litmrs — Wes t- of—t-hO
I _Po s_tr_flfric .
Have removed to the emissions Warehett.e recently
occupied by D: Leech & Co. at the norile,westeorner
of Cherry mid - Broad street, Philadelphia. • . -
From thefacilitiei ,AV1)1C11 the ideation and internal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 40 llut•dien
Cars can be accommodated to unload and Wad at the
same ti me with aullieient room to store '20,000 barrels
of Flour, and 400 to 600 ton of Grain exclusive of the
•forwarding . department- • . •
Produce of every description will be received 'as
usual on consignments, and libtirrrl advances made on
t•eceipt(ifrequired) until sales iti•e effected.
• • CRAIG, HELLAS -k Co. •
Nurtli-west - ttorner• of Cherry 87. - Broad
. 2 \ • ' , 11111 , 111tEXCES.
.W . S. Col,ertil Cashier.:'
')!ender 'n- & Colman ,
- 7 ' , . ' -: • •
.: livnii litlinnari f r •'. • -. .; _Car no , . .. •,
r ...;'...f B/itni&iiniiViinksn • rynnii.j ------:-,---,---- . .- . '
.1. Logan Sinitli,V.sq• Crieder
f i ,
_nyster, Butz-A co, • .. : " u " ers . 61113- * '•
C R :t i li e L t si l :n l o e i m l _k in (,% g; i 2 ll . ifir ' I Ph . a u . d ) el ;h :0 ' ; '
, Wm. It . &Thompson Co.. 3•
Mandl & Brown, _ , •J ' . , . - ''' I
e rdavaiv., Grotery. , •4"
VIM 1 ETV 821`011E. - •
PHE subscriber has just returned'
. - 2 - - itiet ties of New York; Philadelphia and.l3al
- more, and is-now Opening , - at-tris-store-room - S7E?
Corner of Market Square and Main SWects - (for
-therlk oeiMpied 'by l'Ico:AY. Ilitner,) n generalmi ,
sortment of
fiardware,- lone Trare, Cedar Mire;
Br'illania Ware, Groe s eries,
I'ainls, VarfliShes, Glass, Brush
,Whip . s, ,Canes,_ Lamps for:-
hurnipg CaMPhiize
. .
aud a great Vaviety of articles useful and itecessary•
-for furnishing and keeping a house. He hasalso,and
will constantly keep on hand
C:itasphi!le Oil,-
a cheap and elegant substitute for sperm oil, and
haviiig been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers
and Brother of Newark N.J., for•tite sale of Jone's,
Patent Lamps:in this.county, he is prepared to fur
'ash lamps and a very reasonable rate to ali
trho may wish to use this new and economical light.
Having selected his -goods himself, and tirade his
purchases for cash,-he is able, and is determined to
sent ow. • ,
Those hissing cash to lay out will find itto thrir
advantage to•give him a call.
CarliSle,July 8, 1840.---tf.
I!FY . e
- EGS,leave to Worm tIM citiz ens of Carlislennd
its' vicinity, that he has commenced Manufac-,
tutting Ilats, of the latest fashions, and of the very
best materials—comprising
• •
. .
Russia, I rush, Beaver,, Nutria, and all
kinAs of VI? IMTS,
of wide goneral assortment will always be, kept
on hand, or made to suit according to.order; which
he will sell on - the most accommodating terms for
cash or Country Produce. ' . • .
• . His shop will be found. in Loather street, in the
house formerly kept 'by Lindsey Spotswood as a
Hatters' Shop. . t
Carlisle, May 26,.184- -
Bar Iron Glass, &c.
JuSt received at the New Store of the. subscribers.
4' Tons BAR IROIV, of first rate quality, and
or sale very low for css 1, per consignment, 90 half
Boxes 8 by 10 and 10 half:Boxes 10 by 12
• WesAeris
. good order,for sale to Merchants at Pittsburg
prices, and Duncannon Vest
itt,Manufacturers prices, also ; on hand •Witherow's
Celebrated patent 'PLOUGHS, FLAX-SEED OIL,
by the gallon, or lititTlii > OIL MEAL, Wetherill
Bro's. Pure wurrt LEAD,, MAHOGANY
VANEERS, &a. Sta.
Carlisle,.May 5, lot:- •
a pital $400,000 paid s . /tarter Per petu al,
ONTINUE to make Insurance, Pertnanent and
Limited; on every description of Property, in
TOWN AND COUNTRY, on the usual favorable
OFFICE, lasi Chesnut street, near Fifth street.
JAMES SCIVITT, Faansnsex. BROWN,-' -
T1101,1A13 HART, JACOB H. .
CHARLES G. - 13ANCEER, Secretary.
irr 'The subscriber, Agent for the-above Company,
for the borough of Carlisle and viciiiityovill prompt.
ly attend to all applications for Insuranee,,whether
nun c pwaortally - o - riTletter: -. Residence-Mainatreet,_
nearly opposite the Car Office. -
- •
.11/11:oh 31; 1841—ly
I •
'Thomaonian Botanic -Practitioner
- of Medicine and. Obstetrics .N 9
, .; .•
2 Alexander'Ev Row, near the
' Rail . Road Hotel • •
ESPECTFPLI Y informs hia•triends and the
tt . pOlic generally, that (thron e ) soilcitation) he
has removed from•Sharernansiown to Carl isle, where
he'inay - be found at Jill timea;unless, professionally
engaged: shall tit at all times be treat.
ed.with purely Yegetablehledicines,'"No Pinsons,"
,strict, aocordanee With Ike,•principlea' had
.dOwn by that great reformer in medical 'Ciente,
•Sainoel Thomann. • „
Chraiiiiininiei;stichmiContaninptio - ns, Liven COM-
11 alp IS,' mama an c e c a •
mere nartictilaily infn , med 11iut th 4, Ne v i System ie
admirably' adapted to their eases: • ..-
Zribe .terms
tlids from a distance. can be accommodated,
witt ichile%tinder medical treatment, on,.
on. • .
r' Carliele~ July,'l4y 1841 .1 .."
• ••
F .4 . 1 v- c . .. 4 . : •tt.4.1„.104,ir:H:::t0):: - ,*,:v . ( 1(4. : -... - ';,. 4,:.1.0 7... :X.T_P_Ailf"lT' +
Great Bargains.
K N 0•X
Craig, Belilts .A• Co.
I'M. iP
Presh Medicines.
The 'subse . riber has recently vcceiv6t
tiomil supplies of .
V2etlkhyes, Colors,
. ,
Lin - seed • Oil, ...SPts.• V i ui'fientine, Copal
Varnish, Painters' Brushp, Warnish
Brushes, Hair. Brashes, Spermaceti Oil,
(vow fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in ; peat
~eari.efyz Lanips,'" Cap and Letter
:1?-41)0, Fruit; .SpiCes , PPTW-Al4 - 4*47P.-
Av bleb he mill sell. t.6.physi,cians, Me.fehapis.
Cdr cajh;
who wish at - wltole4e.----
. •
• ',Wich 23, I $ T•
is the': basest • crime. in 7/aii.
A We are not among-that class orEditors who foi' n
fll•sv dollars Will, (nt the expense of tenth Rodin:lmes
ty).!•fcraick.:up'!•an nutielea n d-brinFit Worm - tit! Sale;
oidtlier ittv,we willing to re - MUM mica, atter having
.tested the utility of an improvement or dis€oveiyin
.scienee.or net. Out. readers will.recolject.we told
them we_ were unwell with a sore throat and violent
cold some few weeks ago. well, we purchased two
1101;ND and so - sudden was the core ; -that ire forgot
weever had a cold. Those who ore afficted, may
try it upon our recommentlation.-.—Lerristmen Tele
For 'sale by
_ • Sr - FlLLTO9'T7Citrlittle,
A. NORTH, Newrille.
Also, by Droggists gonerally tlti•oughout the doun-
Price 50 cents per bottle.
Oct. 28, 184 Q. •
. -Dental Surgery.
riviE SUBSCRIBER respectfully tender' his
grateful acknowledgments to the public for the
very liberal' share of patronage he has received dur
ing the past year, and would still continue to offer'
them his professional services'in their-various bran
ches nt his residence, No. 7, Harper's Row. lle files,
dowses, and plugs teeth, and inserts incorruptible
farrer metalic artificial teeth in the most approved
manner. Charges always -modet•ate.
Carlisle, March 25,1840.--tf
DR. T. - LOOMIS, _berths',
••••permanentlylo6itedin Carlisle, and
will perform all operations that are required in
Dental St r,, ,, ery s such as Piling ; Plugging and Ex.,
tracting Tee th, and inserting Artificial Teeth from
a single tooth toil whole set. Ibt will also attend to
all diseases of the minith,,gunts,•&.c., and direct and
regulate the first and second dentition so as to render
the teeth of children and young persons regular and
• I)i. LOO.MIS may at all times beTomul at his of
fice, ou High street,opposituMacfiiilaue's Hotel.
Carlisle, June '23, 1841.—y. •
A supply of the above Pillsjust received; having
been obtained directly from Dr. Brandrelleo Office;
July 21,1/41.
Etrandreths _Pcgetable
Rat Pill,
Are held by the following agents in their respec
tive counties. 'As numerous counterfeits of tires
pills are attempted to be palmed upon the communi
ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the recog
nized agents, will be apparent.
Cumberland County—George W. If Rner, Carlisle;
MeChanicsburg; Gilmore &CM:Kinney,
.Newville; S. Culbertson, Shippensburg; • Boke
Brenneman, New Cumberland; Isaac Barton ,
burn;' M. G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. "Riegel tr. Co.
Churchtown. ,
Perry County—ftleisuder M , pgee, mfiel
J. lk S.A. Coyle,LUOisbin.•
August 26,1841) . •
• RhOugnatism Rheumatism.
—Highly recommended, and isArulrefficacious ap
plication for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff
ness, and Weakness of, the Limbs and Joints, Pain
along the Back, Sides and across the Loins. ,
Extract of a letter from Dr. Johnson, dated
• Philadelpida, May 7fit, 1 R 39.
The Rheumatic Liniment aim Blood Pills. have
been employed by myself, and finding them effica
cious, have since recommended' them to many,
that have been entirely cured of 'Rheumatic pains,
lumbago, stiffness ,of the joints, numbness
s or the
Extract of a letter from Dr. Jennison, dated •
Baltimore, May 19, 1841.,
Your Rheumatic • Liniment possesses properties
which I .have never found in any Liniment I have
, .
heretofore. employed.. • . .
' Extract of a letter from Dr. C. 11. Goolrieh,
ted ' Pittsburg, June 21st, 1889.
Of numerous Liniments and Medicines heretofore
employed for Ithetimatio affections, Mule Imre been
so successful as the LiniirtentondAlood Pills man you. They haye in this place won the.
golden opinion of all who hove used them.' To any
own knowledge they have cured several, that were
by myself and other men pronounced incurable:
lernay,not be amiss to remark, that botirilieLini
iment,and, Blood Pills ate prepared' •bv. Or, N: B.
Leidy, Iktricrielf; a regidsr Druggist ask Physician;
attested' by Drs. Physick,,Chtipman, Jackson, Hon.ner, Dewees, James, Gibson, Ccixe,..Bzo. of Philidel.
This Liniment.. 1,8 • prepare only, and for sale,
wholesale oriel retail
,ENIPORIIIMiNo. 191 North Second Street ( "sign
Mlle Golden Eagle.and..Serpetits4.PitilaiTelpb.
The 4gitTen Eagle and Serpenta,).PhOadelphia.
ia neeronpitnied by,the avrit.
ten siknahlre of Pr' N•l3•LeidS on the.lobel• •••
Price 07.6 cents n bottle, or three battles for st. , . ,••1
• . Alto, fbr sale by TEVENSQN & DINKLE,,
Dr - og96,o'oWe, Pa: — •• ;
May•,l9, 1841.-6na.
Diseases of the Eye.
- •
Celebrated E e Wttter,
For- the-cure-or-Ifeak, ~Trateryor _Biood'Shot
Ulcera, Ifiimoura, suVI litfloniation of the Eye = lids,
• Dininesa of Skht &c. • - ^
. - • . ..
• Persons'aubject to anY * -of these unpleasant disor
ders, will find this the most eifectnal remedy in use,
'aTit seldotirfails to remove any otthese_alrectiems
by,o few applications, without the least inconvenience
or pain. I hose who are troubledwith a DIMNESS
OF SIGHT will alsri find it a .valuable remtMyfor
strengthening the eye's, improvingthe sight, and pre
venting the dimness that arises from straining them.
It will also be limn(' particularly useful as a wash for
the eyes of young children, to remove inflamation,
And subdue the humours to which they nre-so, liable.
Price .50 'Cents a BOttleivithfull 'diree 7
idns for using. • •
Sold in Carlisle by..
„Apgil •
. • - sx.oo ;—s!.oo •
Will be forfeited by Dr. N. B. LEIDY, for a prepa
ration of Sarsaparilla etkual to his • '
Medicated Exliactof Sarsitparilla:
.• The efficacy of Sarsaparilla is wellicnown in Scro
fula or Ding's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Liv
.er, Affections of the Skin and Bones, Ulcers of the
Nose, Throat and .Body, :Is well as an Antidote. to
Mercury and the Minerals, Constitutional .DiseaSeS
and age:ler:it 'Purifier of the • Blood, and Animal
Dr. Leidy would referto the most respectable phy
sicians in Philadelphia, as well as throughout„ the U.
States fur the cluirluiter of his preparation, as well
'also to the numerous certificates from physicians and
others, that have been from time to time published,
now deemed Minedessary as he character olbis pre
paration is firMly established. Throughout the Sou
thern Stateii it is used altogethea, and throughout the
'North tari . .es the precedence (IV= all others, partici',
'HOY. among physicians; who,for the :benefit. of their
patients, always recommend it.
. The reader is rill - erred to the directions siccompa: ,
ny Mg each bottle; for recommendations, 'certificates,
And further. particulars. •
L- - -”lt'eliiiilliber;fitrbottle,;(lltdf a pint,) is equal tilaix
pints at - 4mi; and is equally'fileAieifittiTtpke. -- '-•
f ire Of t VA*
May 12, 1 . 841:-,6nt. • , •
—• • •
•_•'• LiL BLOODIt '...- ....
~ -.r...sviii.. TIME.OF YEAR IS . COMING. 37
- ' ' 'Be ye purified in your Blood, •".
~ .
And licattli will attend you.
" Thoi l lio of the Flesh is in the Mood:"
. .
LEvryrcus -- c..Xvir. XI.- -
tiOw is :nit 13LOOP-TOI3P, PURIPIP.D!
, Thousands cull answer thii question who Ithow
from actual Cxperience that.: •
Ave the safest, best, and most effeetual.P4lS known
ns a
Spring or Fall Purifier:,
Thousands, who have for several years past used
theniAtiring the Spring and Fall (as well, as at other
times) will never usi any others. Hundreds arc
'already daily procuring them, who have heretofore
employed-them. The object of this advertisement
is to inform the thousands who know not yet of them,
where they nmvproeuee them genuine., that they
may' try them; be i ng fully satis fi ed that having tried
them, they will never be persuaded to use any other .
for several reasons.
QUACR, being prepared by Dr. N. 11. Leidy
Idinselr, a regular Druggist, as well as Physician,
attested by Drs. Physiek, James, Horner, bewees,
Jackson, Gibson, Come, &c.
1 ! ANTI-MERCURIAL, heing an Antidote against
Mercury and the-Minerals, so deleterious and dan
gerous• and npon the effects of which Quacks de
pend, for "killing or curing," and therefore mix
them with their nostrums.
. FER THAN ANY oil' }: us, ne in using them,
they require no-restraint from living or occupa
tion, and may he taken by the most delicate and
feeble, old and young; male and female at all times
• and underall circumstances. • .
. ANY. OTHERS, when' used according to the di-
revtions—and do not require to be taken in -large
quantities as is required'of yarions other Medi
• ' cites, making a Drug Shop of the Stomach; de
priving it of its accustomed nourishment,destroy-
mg its functions, and thereby causing a rapid de. 1
cline of the human system.. .
In all cases where a purgation may lie necessary;
these Pills will be found both effectual and. easy in
their operation, producing no nausea, or sickness of
the stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensa
. a .
Further, comment is deemed nunecessary—lhe
numerous certificated*published from time to time
from Physicians and. other
must %have
convinced the incredulous, for the' further in
formation anti others, Dr. Leidy refers them to
directions which accompany each box.
They are prepared tuxl soldovholesitle . and retail,
North Second street, Wow, Vine, street, (sign of
the Golden Eagle and, Serpents.)
Price 95 cents a Box.
Also, for sale by STEVENSON &
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa
. _
This extraordinary chemical composition, the re
sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med
ical man , the introduction or which to the public
was invested with the. solemnity of a death-bed be
quest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled,
folk' sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr.
Grililley.'s last confession, that" he dared not die
without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl
edge on this subject," and he therefore bequeathed
to his friend and attendant, Solomon' Hays i the secret
of hls discovery.
' It is now used in the principal - hospitals, and the
private practice in our country, first and most cer
tainly for the cure - of the PILES, mid also extensive-
DR. LEIDY'S ,ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless. where
• its effects are witnessed.. Extertiiiky in the follow-
Sarsaparilla, or BlOOd Pills.‘hi g complaints: . <
.it The Life of the Flesh is in theßlood." ' • I-- . For. Dropsy—Creating extraordinary abstirption
',,'" '.'
LEvintos, C. XVII. V. XL r t once .
l,velling!—R . educing them in a few hours.
1 1 '
TIME safest, best and most efficacious Pills now
Rheumatism----Acute or chronic, giving quick in existence, arc Dr. Leidy's - Blood Pills, a,
component part of which is Sarsaparilla. It is use ease:
Throat cancers. ulcers, or
less here to name the good qualities, or commend ' ,
Croup and Whooping-Cough-4--Externally and
upon the medical virtues of these Pills, as the public- 1 ' •
! over the chest -
are fully aware of them: Suffice it to say, they are I • • All Britises . Snrains and Burns---Cored in a felt''
an effectual purifier.of Me Mood and . renaocuor of boors. ' ' ' • '
the system. • - •
Sores and Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand
[L.PMia City, se. .
ing and fever sores. ..
s.) Personally appeared before me, one of the ; •
I; . . • lion upon adults and children in reducing
8 open a
Aldermen of the, city 'of Thiladelphla, Dr. N B. ' •
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight
on his solemn oath cloth declare and ess oldie chest by relaxation of the parts has been
swear, that in the composition of AP - Sarsaparilla n.„„„”;‘,;„,,, beyond" conception. The coLin g. ionre-
Blood Pills, manufactured by him only, there is not 1 — '''''''''b
mark of those who have used it in the Piles ,. is "It
contained Mercury or the Alinerals, or any Drug ,
whatever, unfriendly, dangerous, Or deleterious to
acts like a charm."
the human system. THE Pllk .
• , 'S -- -nein:lce, $l, is refunded to ady
.. C. BRAZER, Alderman. person who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for
0 - 11 1 rice '25 cents a Box. the Piles,. and return the empty bottle withclut being
cured. These arc thelnisi tire orders of the proprie , .
They are prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, tor to the agents,andemt . of many thousands sold, not .
at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, No: 191 North '
Second street; below Vine street. - 1 one luta been unsuccessful.
Also, for.ottle by_ STEVENSON` 4 HINKLE - —We might insert certificates to any. length., but
Dtaiggisttri - tarlislei-Pa.
. , prefer that those.vvho sell the article, should exhibit
p' May 19, 18 , 11.- 7 -6 m. . The—origioatio-purehasers.—
1. • Tetter! Itch!!
'Duipmsprgt - gm.Pyib . eEcTomTiEnr i tAmNoren
popular. Daily do niiiincrons individuals:stop and
I inform the proprietor'of its great success in xemov
itig and curing the Tenter and Hob. ' •••
Numeroul testimonialsjmi_
glit bepuOislied of its
efficacy, but for the delicacy felt by individuals hay-,
ing their names publisiV .connection wittr so
loathsome anti 'disagreeable affections. ; •
At may be used with . perfect safety by young and
old,; even upon infants; containing no mereury or
ether mineral substances.' . Dr.).:11. Leidy prepares
It himseli - and knowing - its Optimosition, most confi ! .
dentitillyrecOmmend it; 148 superior '.,to any
remedyfertlie - Tetter and Itch. Prepared and sold
at Dr. Leidy's Health FaunoA*, (sign of the Golden
r:agle• and Serpents,) No. 191 .14ortivSeiiond- ateeet,
below Vine. ; ' "
Hler side — by STDVFrI - SON—&—DINIKI4EL
Driiggista;Carliiile, Pa. •, . ' - ' •••
• The abore preparaiiiinaaro sold, by all wholesale
Druggists in PlilladelOin; and by:all resreetable
Merchants and 'Druggists throughout* the 'United
• Maw 19;1841.-6m,, - •
Such indeed are the• astonishing restorative and
healing propertiesOf this' 1 5 Balsami"that even in the
Worst forms of Consumption, when the patient has
freli . elV - With t . lie mast distressing - cough,' ent
pains in the chest,difficulty Of brenthi ng,nig,lit sweats,
-bleeding ofthelungs.lite. and when the most esteem
ed remedies of our Pliirmaeopias had failed to afford'
any relief,and even when Botanic, Ilomtepathic, and
numerous other rernedies,liad , beed , used for many'
monthaiq'yain, this invaluable remedy has checked
every symptom,and been productive of the most as
tonishing In the early stages of the disease,
proceeding trod' neglected colds, termed Catarrhal
Consumption, it has been used with undeviating sac .
eras, and in many instances; when this diseitie seem
ed to have marked its victim for' an early grave, the
use of this medicine has arrested every symptom ,and
Vetoredilie litturktO a slate of . erfect health.
that form of Consumption. sopreynlent amongst
delicate young females, commonly termed qebitity,ov •
•"going into a decline,'?n complaint with which thou
sands ape lingering, it has also:been used with surpri
sing imecess,,nnd not only possesses the power_of
cliecking•the progress of this iilarmlifedißease,but
at the' same time . strengthens and invigorates the'
whele'system more effectually titan any remedy we
have ever posseilsed.
sr_r LIVVIII:COMPLAINT.---In diseases of the
Liver, pailicularly when attentlelwith a cough, dndi
- gestion or ,wander,ing,W sin die side, It has - also pro
ved very efficacious, 'mid .ured many cases
kind after the most power dremedieshad failed. ,
this complaint itlins also been'
- used in nntrierousliii,tances_with, the, most singlie.
saccesa.-Hzlt :opejathe - iffiest, rrudefilltill breatiting_
M - 4;:ftillyifree4.4.xtsts IheAntigli. - ..intlYX•ateldipm
ri - rilllol%, CBlTlS:=Arirreme
Alai of icipsOf the:throat; attencled,with a hoarse- -
ness, cough or'sifre in the throat, it Will alio - be Gioia
a very effectual remed' mil Will mostly afford im
me-like relief - if - used- te,contrataKetuent.of_its,_
attack. • :
COUGHS & - common coughs
and colds, dial pro nil so extensively throughout the
winter, it ‘vil I he fousid much more alienist than lII,I' -
rernedy in use, and wheel Coldi settle upon the lungs,
-eatisitig an inflammation with pains in the hreast,dif
ficulty or shortness of hreathing,'&c.;the use of this
Balsam w ill suppress such symptoms inriediatelyi,
and at the same time prevent the lipigs frail beCom
ing-,-more seriously:diseased. , . •
these eoinpla hits, so common to yondg ebildren,lhis
Balsam will be found muchsuperitir to the Parego
ric Elixir Syrup of Squills, and the vavionsimough
mixtures in common use, as it is entirely free from
any thing the leasainitteions, and.may_at, antes be_
gi ve» to' children With -perfect safelyymil frith the cer
tainty of its affording them speedy relief. ,
c 0". AS A FAMILY MEDICINE foe many Oth
i Cr complailits, this Balsam will also helium& pantie
! ularlY merit!. Besides having:proved an invalliable
remedy - in nll Pulmonary affections,
it exerts pbov
erfut influence over man) diseases depending on
I depraved conditio of the system, and those.who have
1 suflimed fronFthelbdiscriminate use of Mercury, or
I' other deleterious drugs, That are often compoundud
I in different quack nostrums, will find it a remedy of
great value, possessing the power of strengthening
and invigoratingthe-whole systeth more effectually
than tinvother medicii.e we possesii.
icine hnsalready acquired great celebrity. there mat
probably lie some attempts to imitate it, and deceive
the public with a . spuninus mixture, to prevent which
11 would wish all purchasers to observe the following
marks a thegenuine Balsam. It is put up in bottles
of two RiZeR. each, having tbe words NVISTAR'S
FHIA, blown in the glass; and a label on die 114nt
with the signature of HENRY WISTAR, M. D:
without which none h genuine.
Prepared for the prop . rietor by WILLIAMS' Sr.
CO., Chemists, No. 22. Commence'street, Philadel
phia, and sold by the most respectable Druggists and
other appointed agents in all the principal towns
throughout the United States.
rcr. .The, Genuine Balsam sold in Car
lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint
ed Agent.
[May 19, 1841.—Gm
7o Physicians and Patients .
The Blind Pilecsaid to be incurliblerby external
applications.-Solomon - Hays warrants the contrary.
His Liniment willeure Blind Piles. > . Facts are more
stubborn than theories. He, !solicits all ,respeotable
physicians to try it upon their patients. It will do
them IM'hisrm_, and it is known that every physician
'who has had the honesty to make the trial, has can
didly - admitted that it has succeeded in every ease
they haye known. Then why not use it t It is the
recipe of one of theirmost respectable mothbertcnow
.deceased. • Why refuse to use it ?..Bernese it is sold
as a proprietary medicine t 'Obis -a sufficient Ca=
Buse for sufferiiik , their honest p?tien,ts to linger
distress :We think not . Physicians shrill be con=
vinced that there is no htimbutt or'qunckery about
thiStirtiele..-;--Whv then notalleviiite human suffer
ing. ?_..lrthey wonittrylt before; let them after. all
other prescriptions fail. Physicians are respeetfully
requested to dothemselies and patients the Justice to
use this article. 'VBIIOI be. taken from the bottles
rind done titurestisintinii if they desire .
• . t • .. SOLOMON HAYS.
SOld hp ibinnototik 7 ttr'to. Wholesale Hengelo;
No. 2;PletidieFotreot,NeW York.
Occeintler 23, 184q e .-1
I • *
,• _Lwfron.whir AT 4..8W; • •
Oitceiti high' slreet . a 'ie.* doors
west of jthe Post O ffi ce,___,
Chrlisle, April 2p1,184,1.--tf
J UST RECEIVED. some very film SHAD..
4 1 ,j/t. the
Store or, . • .. ' ~. . 1.1 L: LARDS.'
•May 1.2;1841.,
DROUS .remediee 'have been offered end
puffed into notice for diseases (A the Lungs,
some of which has undoubtedly been found very use
ful, but Of all that have hitherto been known; it must
be universally acknowledged there is nonb that. has
ever prored as - successful ps the "BALSOM OF
Prtce $1:00 a' bottle:
December 16,18,10.---ly
Hays' Liniment.
.frinsiotels Balsam of
___.-1 - 10REHOITND.. •
An unparalleled . reniedyfor common Colds;Coughs-.
4 1' Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Erotichall
s 1
and all diseasei of the Breast and Lungs, leading
to Consumption ; composed'. of the. concentrated
virtues of Horehound, Bonelet, Blood. Root, Liv
erwort and. Several other vegetable substance /L .: 7 .
Prepared only by J.. M.'WINBLOW, Rochester',.
N •
The innocence and universally admitted pectoral
virtues, of the Herbs-from which the BALSAM OF
HOREHOUND 'made, are too generally known
to rettimrecoramerulatien;.it. is therefore. Only ne
eessary to observe that this - Medecine.contaitie the
whole of their medical propertiesibighlyconeentrat-,
ed., and so happily combined with Several re
getable substances', 58 to render it the most • speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in use,for the Com-,
" ; plaints shove mentioned.
Poi: Children, this Bal shin is of inestimable value.
It is a speedy remedy for the Whooping Cough'and
Croup pnda ffordscertainreliefiu ßowel.Complaints,.
Choke, reeihing,S(O. It is pleasant to the taste,and
may be safely given to the tenderest infant and 51101111 X
be kept at all times in• every family; it ifk much
better for the . eompinints - incident to Children; than
Paregoric,GOdfreys Cordial,hr the Cordials so cam"
monly used, as hundreds in this City have testified.
dead the, following.—l hereby certify that early
in the spring 0f,1838, i contracted a severe COLD, •
rittieh, settled upon.myltings. - and threatened a hasty -
Consumption. I used several prescriptions, but oh
tatned_little.or HO relief; I was much , alarmed,-. ,
Happening; to - be in Rochester, I. was advised by my
friend, Mr. Winslo.W. to try a bottle - a his P.A1.8831 •
or Honenntrstri I did so, and to my surprise oh-
mined relief at •onee—and by the Use or that single
bottle was perfectly restored to health. To those
afflicted with" Colds or Conglis,• at this inclement
season,,l say"go and do likewise, ,,
. •
. • Pittsford, Nfonroe co., Nov. 9, 1838.
Mr. John M. Winslow, Druggist,
Dear Sir: 1 have been for a series of years afflict
ed with awafject on of the Lungs, and Otani cough,
and, nyri mes arose in the 'morning as com
pletely exhausted,' by excessive coughing during the •
night as a person would be by a bard days labor.
have tried most (tithe:popular remedies Of the day,
but never found rillieruntill met with. your Balsam
ofllorehound. All the Other remedies or palatives, •
that I have used, leave the bowCis in n • nongestng_ .
state, while yours leaves them soluble and free.- Tills •
I consider a great slesideramm. On taking:a dose of •
your Balsam when gni& to bed, 1 rest quietly thro'
the-night, and my_slectfilii_refreshing..--Utake, great
pleasure in reeemmending your Balsain of Dore
hound to all those afflicted with' pulmonary COM
• Onints I%y ilisVase appertaining,to,the longs• t and •
liefae~T- benefit-JP eXperlenceil•thitifig)i•
,Steurneuittli*.l - .AOttrxi , ity j;estige4, w;,„, •
-•••••• •- • •.•: • '• 7 1 .1:001:41,• iz••.
, • • • , 1 . -S. ELLTOJ'T.
Al" 3 • •
Also. hy.Druggistxgenerally throughout the youn 7
•trt,--1-leitse-5•0 cents,per,httitat.w.,,c,cArr.--7-4-
April 1531,1340.-.-ly-: • .
$1? OttN'S
There is not . one case of Fever in is thousand, but
'may be ell . rotiadV broken :up stud removed by the
use of this Elixir. Itremoves all acidity indigestion,
bilious matter and constipation from the stomach
and bowels: It operates gqiitlyiniit - eniutuklly on
the bowels, and powerfully on the kidneysond skin.
It removes allvtapleasant.feelingsaftera beartymeal,
andupromotes a good appetite—lt-needs only ktrio
to give perfect , sfitiifitction. 'lt has become a general
practice with many to use this article in all eases of
colds,Tains in the boneS, or heavy disagreeable feel
ing, tendering to headache or chilliness. :Vor hoarse
ness, if taken through the day,it completely restores
the voice e ,without producing, sickness. Whooping
cough, and all coughs of children are cured by ut.—.
The stomach is kept in perfect Order by it,qnd it is
quite impossible that any disease should cohnnence
while n person is usingthis Syrup.
It taken daily it produces a rudy, healthy, and„
young appearance, by driving off all the humors of
the system. Sold genuine at Q. Pletcher 'street, one
door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock St.. Co.,
and by all respectable Druggists. ,
For sale also by STEVENSON Br.DlN
kLE,Oarlislei Par
BalM •of Columbia.:
" British Consul's Wee,
NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pres r
cots shall come, that I, . GimiEnT Routimmt,
Esq. , hish3ritanie.'Majesty's: Collin! for the City of .
Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Robert Whar
ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates; is
Mayor of the City of 'Philadelphia ; and that Mat
thew Randall, Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court o
Common Pleas for the city and Bounty of Philailel-
OM, to both whose signittwes, with the Seals of their
respective offices, full faith and credit is due.
I further cemitY, that I am 'personally acquainted
with Joseph L. Inglis;iiiie Of the signers of the certi
ficates hereunto affixed, which expressei the of
of the Balm of Columbia, and' that he is a person o I
great respectability,
and Worthy of full faith and ere- •
dit; and that I have heard him express his unqualifi- •
ed approbation of the e ff ects of the said Balm of'Co- '
lumbia, in restorimt• ' his hair. . •
Given under invlland and sealcf eiffice at the city—,
ofPhiladelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the.
United States-of A MCOCR.
Read. th.e.,follouliaz.
ROBERT WHARTON, Esq., late Mayor of
Philadelphia, has certified , as may he seen below, to
the high character of the following gentlemen..
The undersigned do hereby certify thiit we have
used the Balm of Columbia disemered by J. Old
ridge, and have found it highly set.% iceable not only
'as a preventive against the falling off of hair,but
a certain restorative.
WM. THATCHER, senior,
-. Methodist Minister in St. George 'Atirgis, •• .
'No. 86 North - riflhAtt.
JOHN.P. INGLIss 381 Arch st.
• JOHN D. THOMAS, M, Raceit f
JOHN S. FUREY., 101 Spruee st..
• • HUGH MCCURDY, VS South 7th'
• , JOHN YARD,jr,, 123 Arch st.
The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs,
mai , not okays experience its restorative qualities,
yektit will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
of the public, when it is known that three of *boa
bove signers are more than 50 years of age, mid ON ;
others not less than 80..
i f [Froin'the Mayor.]
• City of Philadelphia.. :
I, ROBERT WHARTON, ltfayor of said. oily
hereby, certify that I am well ac
quainted with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Furey,
and Hugh MeCtirdy,.whose names are signed to the
above certificate, that they are gentleinen of aurae.
ter and respectability, sand as such full credit Should'
be given to the said certificate. •
In witness whereof, I have hereunto' set my hank
anti caused theses] of the city to be affixed',
.day of December, &c. , •
- ROBERT witAirrox, Mayer:,
Ur THE HAIR.-43 . poeitiveqiialitie_s are iie fol-
Ist. For infant's keeping the
. head free from seur
and causing a luxuriant growth oflisir. •
2d. For ladies alter child-birth, restoring the iskin
to its usual.strength and firmness, andpreventhigthe •
falling out ofthe •
Sd,.For,spy person recovering from ,any.debility
the same effect tei produced. • • •
4th. If used in infan.cylill good groiytli . 4 started,'
it may be preserVed by attention to the latest period
of life.. ,
Ith. It frces ieknt from, t andrt treng en
the roots, imports health And vigor to 'the circulation
and prevents the hair from changing eolonr.6 l , se t.
6th. It entities die hojr to curl, heflutifully when 1
Jone n in it over higlit,_
o !les 01 e
r o iadire'toilet _ ic•r7l-Wrt,
ttli ;
,Chilibren wholni+e Iti• any ineenerenntiveted.,
vermin inthe, beadore )7Aniediately and polectlY4
'cured of them by he use;
.Itle infallible. • • t
'For, tale - atthe drug' store" of "
Fletcher etteetnear- Fearl i mid in ;-Cniliale—bY,Stc".:ll
rennon El) co , 16.-,4 , 7 • -,t.• •