Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 13, 1841, Image 3

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.. - •- ~ *
. .
- earliz tp.
. .
Persdhs indebted to the Herald for sub- .
'seriptioni or fo job"-work are requested to
make payment to S. Dunlqp Idair Esq.,
who is authorized - to,colleutthe out-standing
debts. • . .
'Our thanks are .due to the Phila'clelphia
Public - La er for ailvisinClii - 3 y
..gxtral of the progress of .11 , 1cLeod's trial;
We havd'been tivist essentially used up
in this county. .Our returns 'from Al the
districts-but-three,--give _to , -
Porter • 09 . 8 maj.
• .The Logo Senators -•••• ' • 703 maj.
The returns yet, to come in, will inerease,
the average .majority against us probably
•', to 800. _All ibis comes ofi Whig_apathy.
The chances Eire, thaiwe are defeated in the
• Senatarial.distrirt . . If so, The
,Locos will
have a . majority, iu the'Benate next Session
We-ere astounded' atthe result in this
Co,roberlancl. Itioi Set down 400 as-the
•w. n r ji is L.
. 1 . - 1 - 4 ,4
is ,a6ifa.4,.;
• of - Salt' River to tvritt• •more.
Fraßltlin 'couhty
:Ips,gorr,., for tlte, Lthios..'lf true, an'cl we
fe4r it ; tho.B(fecsms "of"the LOco Senators 18
-eleetiun. being flow.. over, we
shall hfiiie a-respite - froartbings political ;
it stizin be our. eare - - aaithe aniu§e-
IneoCand instruction 'of our rea!iors_will
more profitable inenVl aliment'than 4116 eb.:
cilitions of party strife..- Whilst the 11 (quid,
:under its dale and pi'esent
.the acquittal, of givifug publicity' tolte; bur
of exceptlonvide matter with which the
columns of party sheets are too aipt to he
loaded, yet we are ready to admit , that in
the - heat-Of pariyleding it may have been
made the coilduit of some 'little. Which. in
the estimation of the inipartial reader, was
•repreheoslble, although at the time, its of
fensiveness was imperceptible to the more
• biased editor.
Under the influence of such a.conscious
.ness, it is to us a delight that we have
emerged from the vortex of political War
fare; where -the passions are inflamed and
reasons runs wanton •
Francis ThonOis, the L'oeofoeo can,
ernor of Mary
land. Thu H ouse of Delegates is loce 4: bn
• the Senate whig..
The trial ; of this faithful subject of her
Majesty leas been by this' time eoneluded.
The result, how,evei.,' has not yet reached
us. The New York Herald thinks that
the Jury will not be able to agree because
of the contradictory evidence. There is
enough on the part of the prosecution to
hang a .dozen men, and as' much. on the
other side as would acquit a score. :The
trial has been very produetive l of perjuries.
.We think the probiMilities are that the
ipriiimer will be acquitted and knighted:
From Me army and .Navy. chropick t
Adjutant General's Office,
tFtphZngton Oct. 2,1841
The sth
,regiment of infantry will pro
toAlte Detroit frontier and Upper Lakes
without delay; and take post as folows: .
At Fort Brady, one •
Fort Mackinac, .two Companies.
Fort Qrati - two
_Detroit & Dependencies. five
- 11. As soon_ as relieved by, the sth infan
-,-try the five companies of the 4th regiment
':.of Artillery on.the Upper• Lakes, (ibcludlng
'leapt. Munroe's) .willr.proceed, to Buffalo,
INeW-:York, and will be stationed as fol
. Two,at the ,head quarters, Buffalo. •
• , One it Fort Niagara. • • .
• One at• Fort Oswego, and • . • .
' Two at Madison liarrocks:
' eompaniSh of the 2d regiment of
•dragnons. - .with the Major, will he with.
,drawn frow.Florida, 'and under, tht,, Colonel
-,_proceed withoui de)ay.:to - th o u th-wes le rn
:frontier, and take' post as.follows:
Tour cornpaniewat Fort l'Ourson, and
Two al. Fort Jesup:
-Col. 'Worth will .xlireet the six comport
'-..:0e, oh leaving Florida ! to prneeed literal
' ' a aisee to Mount 'Vernon Arsintid, 'Alaha
:;;Tna' , , ere 'tlejr will ibe r.oneentrated.—
. Pour Cam zanies of the regiment will emi
,;tintie'hir th :regent on duty .with the Mono
Ada army, unt e . ,the. Lieut. polonel, who
1 , :will join the
. °qua on without delay.
-f)t <joIV:,, T 4, corn path 'Of the 4th ;infantry !
: how,',.statlithedlat;Forta oWnson and Jes
, -op, , pn • 6eing 143.thwet1 hy lite dragoons, 31./ ill
talleinists at such ststionias the ComMand
itig General of the second militaiy depayt-,
ment may : direct.' z7BY , CONNAND OF MAJOR
GEN. SCOTT. IL JONES,: sldjulant
THE • GROGIN CASE.---,The , Montreal
( L .
journals,' ‘ e tiee'' see, put ,forth
mare Tat' ial opinions than
. they 41id at
first,- touch' 'the gross . impropriety of
— ~ .---- . - o - uture,----EtitiostAp_tie;_the Her- ,
- 7-
4ong, all the • :ma
pape - cs, since the dealt of Mr. -Palvm, fop
its' Yankee-phOhia—now condescends to
say . that " the; individuals
_who were the
- iaiiiralkl abettors of -it ( Th e arresi, j deserve
the. severest censure for their imprudent
conduct!" and .that Grogan "will assuredly
be given up to the American authorities.'
- 'The other - Montreal papers use similar
We observe;
,however, that a parallel is
drawn between the case of Gtogan, and that
of Mci,eod. No: girth parallel can exist
untillirogan - shall voluntarily go,into Ca
.natia rrid be-there-arreked---Then'the-two
cases will be identical, so far as theAues
tion of arrest is eOneerned ; and then; if
oor. Government demand his release, the
precedent,olthe 'case may fairly' be set up
against it..-H 7 New York - Com. • ' •
BEI.A.pIDR STN'S Vegasitle and Universal
Medicine, royed - by the experience of thousands
M - beywheo -- properly persevered with, a certain
cure in every torn of the only one tlisease, all having
the smite- origin and invariably arise from the uni
versal coot of nil disease, namely impurity or im
perfect cicoulmion of•the blood:
period of little more- than five 'years in the
United States, they haVe restored to. perfect lealt
and enjoyment, over four hunditd thousand persons
who weire given over as l - ncuratble by -Physicians of
the first rank and standing, and in many-cases when,
every other remed.i . had been resorted
The great secret is to have'-the medicine by vou
when you are fast Ittacked with siekness; one (lose
then will have more good effect than twenty, if put
off until d cease has enfet.,b`ed -the bodily powers;
therefore' every, individual ivlto` considers,,healdi
blessing:, shouldtilwa);,; ( keep a box 'of* Brow/reties_
ffs .re f t o /Ws W /kw dire essulm_sllytatr:
'saved; or ii loiig fit of siekn64 pre
'yented . , •
Solt! in at tny , own - office; 8
Eiglitit.strcete, • . , .
' - it-A.SPHETILFM: D.: '' -
FO!' sale in Carliele by
.GEO._ \V. ft ITNER,
Sid iu Cum4erland boiiiity by .Agents publislred in
wither part of this paper.. •,
• • lavEn GorikArvi• —This disease often terinitintes
iwanoilier-.Of move- - serinits nature, It proper
-di es are- oht reSarteirto it) time. In all forms of this
sease, Dr. Hari i C.'ompound Strengthening ancl
Gering!z.,, , ffipplent Pilli„wi,ll:-petTorni Tell'et• cure;
fir t, by cleansing the 'mons:telt and bowels,- tints .re
moving all di!•Zases from the Liver,:hy the tine of the
German Apt•rieof Pills. after which the. Componittl
Streogiit6oing l'ills are taken, to gi% e. strength and
tone to those tender organs w bielrrequire such treat-
Inept: only. to t4ti , ela pe'rmanenteure - . -- These Pills
see neatly put up in Slllllll packages, vith full three
f'riuui )(l1 qfficte, t T.Nortli Eighth street nib(lel
For sale by John Myers & Co., CaPlisle; are
Pm.'Pcal,,Shippcusburg, Pa. oct.
111 A RR IE
"On Thorsclay . the 2;iil ultimo, ,by the
Rev. Alt:. Slimly, Mr. JOHN SIVORD,
to Miss NIA MA .11ART, all •cit this place.
On •Thursday last;'by the Reit: Henry
i fraud. Mr.'Havto BRUBA'OBER, of York
county, to Miss EJLIZARETII ERR, of this
On the same-day, by the same, Mr:
MER, all of Adams .county. • ,
PLED: - , •
40n Thursday-the 7th iiist„ pt the resi
denee'of 'his brother-in-la i r- Oai , id Cook,
Ati. Robert Shannon, aged 53 years.
-_ _. _ .~
........_,..,.......,_........__...,_, , _
Electirin, of IThirPclors.
October 13, 1841. ..
'k - TOINCE is hereby given to the Stoekholdevsin
ill this Institution that an erection will' be
the Banking House on the third Monday of Novetiq
her next, being the 151 h day of the month) for thirteen
Dir4etors to serve the ensuing year.
\VM. S. COBEAN, Cashier.
"Ole saint:Mei% have jtist received at the stor z r
room lately occupied. by Mr. C. • Foster, in Nardi
Hanover street, Carlisle, a large and general assort=
a l co ( - 0 1 - 2 , awo o
China, Glass add
Oct, 'I
which they will sell on the most liberal terms. They
invite the-publie to call 'awl examine :
. October 13, 1841
Assigneeship Account.
In the• Coda of Common Pleas of Cumberlantli,
county: 9th August 1841, Samuel N. Suiley , as
siguee of Dorsh.eMer and Cromlich , pr rated to
the Court au account of the •execution of his trust
under a %minimal. Died of assigument, and Monday
the Bth day or November' next is appointed for the
confirmation of the same, by the Court of which all
persons interested •wil I take notice.- •
October 13, 1841.
Assigueeship Account.
Ll the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland
county sth October 1881, William M. Puller, Esq.
Assignee of Jacob Wetzel, presented to .the Court
an account of the execution of his trust middy a volun
tary deed of dssi„ttinent,•und Monday the Bth day of
euNovpralwr- next- iwappoilitCd-forille.' ColliatlUlt/011 - 0f
the same by the .Conet r of which till persons hater
rated will nOtiee r .„ . • . . ' •
• - GEO. SANDERSON, Protb'y
October 13; 1841. • •
• In the Court of Common . Pleas of Cumberland
.county: sth October 1841, Jacob Kirk jr:, Assignee
of David Reichart, presented to the Covet an. account
of the execution , of.his trust under a voluntary deed
of assigninent, nod Tuesday the pith day of Decein
her. next is a ppointed for the confirmation of the
same by the C curt; of which all perstins 'interested
will take netiee. .
October 13, 1 841. . •
• • •
7.9., our Grcd.l. ors.
• Take notice that we have applied to the Judges of
the Court of Common Pleas. of Cumberland:County,
for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws ofihia Common--
.wealth, amlthey have appointed 'A/outlay the Eith.ilait•
of'Xoveanbee ?text, for the hearing 'of us ;and one
creditors, at the Court Dense, in ihelnorough of Car—
lisle, wheal and where you may attend, if yvu.titink
WM: E. -oIoTzER;
D.] •
oat. 13, 1841.-,-31
- • Farming and Chesnut Land.
~.,..The.stubscriber will attend at the office of L.'G
llrandebury., Esq., in Carlisle on Tuesday the qGtli
of the present Month' of October,4ind the day fol
lowing to make sale of about .
„ SOO Acres
OF PRIME • • .'-tc
tbegnite Timber
_______ •
part of theAlaut idofy estate ..situate in the valley
north of t 6 South Mountain, ;bout liVe miles trim
the borough of Carlisle; Also--
WO Acres or Rich •
intersected by Mountain- creek,, below the Laurel
The alitiVe lands are surveyed in lotsirom ten to
one hundred acres, and 'will be sold on terms tinned
:illy liberal, in - order to enable persons. to become the
owners of cheap farmS, Without the delay and expense
of a distantjourner to the west.
Previously collie day of sale, Mr. Brandebury,or
the subscriber will give any information that may be
Harrisburg, Octr 7 7, 1841. '
The Trustees cif.,;ttlie Carlisle Fenadc Seminal:3 , i"
have placed, this department:under the mire of Miss
Gal; She was instructedin Prance, and- reads, writes
and speaks, the language with, ease 'end licotracy.
Shc may he conSnited at Mr. Jathesinells'.
As soon as a class isprganized, she tvill meet.Wilit
the popilS' for.' instruction •in the, Sunday Seir m l
'room in the ,baienent of the Episcopal
,church, on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 'ln every wee*,
at 'lO risolock A. Al.; till otherwise arranged: ;
The"Truitees tvould.urge upon all who are , desi
inns of instruction, in this ;department, to emitrace
the ptcsent occasion, as. they will ,rarely have it in
their. power to afford so good nu oportunity •,
' • JOAN I 2 ED,
President of the board of Trustees,:
" • „ and' Principal of the Seminary.
Oet.tidi 1.841.—5 t.!.• •
. .
S.' DUNLAP , AD Al it
nag renioveditis -otitco. t0.,N0, ilocteto?s Row,
on, the public silunre. . ,
qnplisle, Oct, 13 2 .1841. • . ...)
4tt).1,-11 , 101Lr.:Xl-t.t.i . 411,:ti. , Alt0 ~•°P*'.o'..ti.ltilli,9,t4
. •
Valuable Real ''Estate in - Ship-.
_ . „..
•penshurg; for Sale. - .
By yirtue 'elan .order, Of the Orphan's' Court of
Cumberland nOnnty;to.George MeGinnes guardian
of the minor,shildren of Dr..3olin Bak', dee'd., and
by authority % , esteil - in.the' said George AleGinnes as
Attorney in fitct for :the liche that are not minors,
there will be - . exposed .to sale by Public Veinlue or
Outcry, on.the premises, on Saturday the 6th day of
Ncoveraberhext at' eleven o'clock A. V. the.follow
ingdescribed,:property, to •, • ' •
. An that certain •
t-P T WlO . ST.O it 7
" 4 44 • Brick 'Mouse .
and Tot of 'grunt}, situate on King ,strilefh they or-
Pugh' sluppensburg, bounded by lots of Ge••ge
Smith, Stephen, Culbertson and others; containing
sixty four.feOt. 4 inches in front on King street and
two hundred and fifty seven feet 4 inches in deptlito
to an alley:. The house is a handsome well built
edifice two stories high with a back building attached.,
.f )
Also-- —ln out Lot .o Ground
in said borough of Shippensbdrg bounded by lands
of David McClurc!ti tithes, Robert ,Cochrandohn
McKee nud others, containing • - : *
2 Acres .40d 10 Perches.'
• Termsof Stile.--=Oneliundred dollars on the.hoiese
and lot, Mat twenty;flve,cicillsirs-on--the-4.Wci •atre:Ant
td be paid on the confirmation of the sale. tine.
half• the-residue of. the purchase—money Oreach
property sin the Ist day of April next, when posses—
sion will he given, and lhe remainder,in•two equal
annual instalments thereafter without interest. Pay-
Mentslo he secured by judgments or ree'oguizatice.
Guardian, and Attorney in ftet for. Lher l
• ' '
children of Dr. Ealr deed.
October 13,1841.--4ds. •
Valuable Real Prb fierty at
W ILL sold az:PA-lie Sale, on the
• • Keintses, I, on Friday the Mt day of
Novernher next, at., to o'clock, A,. M. in—Paradititt
6wnship; York county, on the road lending from the
Spring, yorge to .Yoi'k Flaxen, mid about 201.) yards
tivn the lending. from York to East Berlin, the'
following property,
No. .1
A Tract, of First-rate Lard,
adjoining hinds ()Incur,' Stouffer, Henry X.,eitigatigh
and others, equtainhig about - • -
nirfeep,* leres •
rTiCl;:fitl;lll4l7 l W'Q' 1f1n49. 5
56 fee( )11 fi•oot war 52 feeCtlmp f
-noil; ,- bpilt find oily nbcnit 3 years
iu operatinti ' .witli'qvo pair of Burs and phi:. 01,
Chopping Stinws,' it SMUT -NI ACM NI.1; anti n
double set of elevatortii The mill is it iittj opera
lion for the intumlitettwing of flour, it is situated near
the iwad of the little Conewag o — a strWiin.ot' tenter
Which never tkils, atiil Las 25 lest lull. The otter
wheels are 20 feet in diameter—ill short it is the be s t .
established mill in the coutityof Yurk . ,,pctitaps iii
the SK.le, 111111 what makes - Otis 111.0-pertY'inore'valtia
ble' is that thetre is no other milk south 01. west twat.-
et. tllan about 6 miles, and it its a great run circus
tutu. The gears in .the . mil arc all cast atuhniade of
the' a ntaterialsevery .dung. in it is new and
finished in the best wee)) mica! manner. lt is deem
ed umweessary to shy incre, on-this subject; an pui:: -
eltasers.will view tlw same liethre purchasing.'
otherlinprocements are a t\vo story brik
• ;'),.
wrAlt a large two story back building, all well finish:.
ed. There is a well with never failing water:a:die
Kitchen door,. with a inunn to ,it, Hank Barn, Brick
Still House, 49 by 23 feet, a stable wfitettvill eat ) -
win 60 !toad of cable, large Wagon shed t .tind other
flere6hHry but buildings,'
situate in West Manchester nntl Dover - township
York county, adjoining lands of Mose illlll.Stovel
Jatc..oh Emig, sem Al iclanol—Yessler and others,•con
mining • • ; '
Two . Hu nil rad and Ten Acres,
❑tore or less, of which there is about GO acres under
first rate timber, and about tlt) acres Meadow and
more can be made. The residue . is in a good stale
of cultivatiOn—ilhere is Water iipearly itll the Gelds,
and a 'stream of water passes . through this plantation
which _also has the advantage of bei4. convenient
for the ertetion of almost any' kind of machinery.
The impf•uvemcnts mac ti large tivo story birck
Du'viniag ;House,
wills a two story back building attached thereto, a
large Bank Ban, and a large two story stone Still
house, two meverlailing_sitruigs...ol-good-uatee h ear
Apple Orchards.
This plantation is divided into 'convenient fields,
and all under good fenees; it can conveniently be
divided into separate tracts, and will be sold sepa
rate or together to snit purchasers.
Persons desirous of purchasing will do well to call
and examine for themselves, and may call on Peter
Smyser residing mi No. 1, who will point - out that
property, while' those wishing to view No. 4 2, will
call on John Smysee residing thereon, Nos. 3,4,
5 and 6 are tour lots of first-rate timber land, lying
'allow_ a half mile from No. mljoining .linds ol•
Steuffer, Henry flamer, Ileory Jacobs and
0111tq'S, each lot cont.•uning &tout six acres. These
lots will be sold with No. 1, or separate to suit pur
chasers. A clear title will lie made, and•possession
give') oil the first day of April n e xt. D ue attendance
will be.given and terms made known on the day of
sale by
ADAM HOT 1 . , •
Assigne(ii of-Peter Smysel
October 13, 1841,:—•tils: •
Tke,Prepph Laaaggiage.
..1...:, LIST. OF LETTERS..:.::____ -
Retraining in the Post Office at Carlisle, Ocie
.l.ter 14 1841. . .
. . ,
oEnguivars will
,please say advertised. • . . .
Anderson Benjanmu El . ' Lytle J P'Col ,
Armstrong Joseph' . ' Lockharil Jane''. . '
Black Barah A Lechler Peter ' ' •
Black Thomas . • • Low Catharine .
Ballet Sarah ,_ . " Lituckilachael
- .l3reneman MelChoE MaMilieu Michael 2
Bracht David -Marias lace
'Brown WM •.. McKean Samuel jr 2
Barley John McManus Terrence •.._ _
.Beidler Jacob - - --- -- --- - 7Martiti:johii Mor
Balighman Thomas .)-------- - 2- 'Nicholas Ulrich- -
Bury John Davis . • - -Mackall Hazel ' '
Buyer Peter • . MO'irtlorff Conrod - •
Burns Elizabeth ' Moore John (Dickinson)
Baily Rosanna 'Morrow Hannah • '
Brown2ohn;, . Miller John . .• '' -•
Bleckliobert I McCabe Sarah
Brown Robert Myers Abrabain
Cart William. ' . . MeManns Margeret V
Cross Samuel W' . - Miller William -
Comings Alexander _ Neidig :Jonathan'. _ ,
Cart William 3 . ••. ''' Netro Margaret '.. '
Clarke Daniel 7 .: Nevel Jacob
Carry Joseph •., . Noel, Cecilia . ..
.Culbertson Joseph Negley Peter-, :.
Craver Augustus J Pittman Andrew 2 - •
Crabb. PlunketA. - ;'Pechart Daniel,. •
, flak Rev JaMes W , 'Paull William Esti .
• • ----- .
Heitz John 'Park William' -
Elliott James. ' . • • Russel Mason W •••
Ebersole Barbara •..' ' • Reed George - . ' . •
-Fold. Red. John . . , Itrodolph Susanna ' '. .
Fry Martin* 2' .. - . Ralston James M ••
Grarger Thomas •: -- . 'Roberts A•F • .
~. • •
Griffith It --.-. Itichesow,Mary •- .• - •
Coodmao Jacob. 2. , , - Robinson t & Co
Gerhart Benjamin Robinson E. : • •
Galleher J. . Rankin James ,
Gotshall Jacob j • • Smith Eli . •
Itill Peter : • Stotler Elizalia2) or,Barba
Hainan') George Philip ' • .ra And -.•"' , .. .
normal) Christian , . Slasher Henry ;
I Hoover David• ' • Sterrett it C ..--- -- .
1.1.1 a tzler*Abraham Ben. Shetron Peter-'
Ilunter • Saml ' , , Slyder Jacob . • . . .
ilarmer,Justiec. ' Steinmhz John
Handshue George Shirk Henry - ~ • :
Hoffer Join) han, .• . . Stoner Christian '
Hall Owens • • -• Sord David •• • . •
Ilittletvay Mr or i _ . _Thomas (John
• '., Mi. Wotn:lsm . ..• Vandergrift•Archibald
Irvine Philip ' Waterbury Ann
Koughenour John: - • Welcome 'Catharine
Retch John ' . Wolin John . . .:
Kiehl 'George_ Sr 0 . - Wallace Mr • 7 . •
'Mit:l:Alexander Worabird Leonard
a .
Laud: John ----4--- --, --; Welsh' JahrelV,`,"".: — '
.LinO.L'Unihild - ': , ' - :''''.?" , '?'iWlT; . :: , :::_..,,:.„
.:-.....,—• r ' --, - • •
' ' :.: ... e A InAl WS t A 414C - RS.' •. ..
Aeternepi Otto R . N., • Toivii66d..wm.F..Ser g t.
Daytell'llerkly --• Thmpsimc-Charies:C.
Keeler,.Geo. B • - • .Ternbull--Thomae
N s loultoa Larkin 13. Gage Elwatil - •...:,
liicrsou l'eter • Green William .
POUTER,, P. m.
'JUST receiveil'a fe %.%, p s i e f new stil ed
Knrls:t xpreSsl) for the jaclie ask and 61011 , ..
eft I;eforioes,blue . bla4•Crape; do 9_ qoaoliNia , - ,
mono; also black Si l ly Warp, tbr sale by
~Carlisb!,,Oct. o b. o 6, 18.11....
! ! illa V ••
UST received, Fasitionalde Russia, Bearer and
ga Silk IlLts , and fur sale - by . • ' • .
Oet4er 8; 1841
_Alta's_an (I_l3oys' i lloOts and-Shoe
Mell's 1111(1 Boys'
Btipts,. Shoos, and- Brtgans,
vltieli are offered cheaper than any ever ()Pro! Le
lire in tltis place .
Carlisle, Oct. 6, I S-i!
Caps 1 .Caps r Caps f ! !
Just ree - cived and added, to my former stock . a
beautiful and 'seam - amble stol2k of 31 ens' apd Hays
Glazier, Fur, CI oth, flair and Seal Caps,. of
the hit,st fashion awFat the lowest priers. '
Carlisle, Oct. 6,.1841
Is / Re g , / Cunzberland Volunteers,•
l'ou - arc ordered to parade in Springfield on Topic ,
day the 19th inst., at. - 10 o'clock, A. M. completely
equipped for drill in mounter dress. ' •
By order of the Col...commanding.
JO/1N 11; Adjt.
— OcTolier Cu, 1841. -
Y• virtue of a writ from the lion. Assoc V
l'Ansorts, ['resident' Judge of the 12th Judicial
bi strict orl'emimmay I valmia, ' , cavil% date at Harrisburg
time 17th day of : July A. 1). 1841: • •
that a Special Court will be held by the said Hon.
Anson Parsonsand the Associate, Judges of the
Court orCommoa Pleas, of Cumberland county,
the Court flousein the orough of Carlisle- com
mencing-illoilday.the 99 th -day of Xovender, A.
0..1841,,t0 cosititiue one week,for the trial of eirta iis
causes drpeinlicri in the Court of Common Pleas of
Cuoiberlauti county, in which the !lon. Samuel Heti
barn was concerned as counsel for one of the parties.
prior to !kis . appojornent as President Judge of the
9th Judicial Distriet—saidcauses being entbraii . ed
within the proilsions Of the 39th section of,iiit Act of
the General Assembly, passed the 14th April 1834,
relgttive to the orgaurcation of 'Courts of Justice.
Of said Special Court, Jurors and all persons con
cerned will take'notits:
• PA UL MARTIN, Sheriff.
Shc' 'October 6, 1841. .6 - , - ,
sident J udgo of the Court of •Continon Pleas
in the 9th Distritt, composed oftheootinties of Cum-;
bcrland, Perry and Juniata; and the Hon. ,John
Stuart and John Lefevre, Judges of the said Court of
Common Pleas of the county of Climb - m.l;inch- have
issued Omit , precept, hearing 'datethe 14th day of
August, .1.841, and to me directed; for holding a
Court of Wer-aml-Teriniaer and. General Jail De
-liveryTinil General Quarter Sessions of the' Peace,
at Carlisle,- on the
,Second Moodily.. of. November, 1841,
(bein( the 9th /lay) at ten o'clock in the forenoon:
No - rtes is hereby given to the iCoroner, Justices of
the. Peace, Mid Cronstables of the said county of Cum
berlanditat thiiybe then. aud therein their proper
persons, with their records, inquisitions, examina
tions and other ' remembrances, to do those things
which to their ollices,respeclif tllymmertain— And_
those who are bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prim:Mere that are; or then •may he, in the
Jail of Cumberland county, to be then and there •to •
prosecute against them as 8111111 be just.
Dated at Carlisle, the 29th day of September, 18 41, ,
and the sixty-sixth year of American Independence.'
PA Ma' %lARTIN, Sheriff.
'l'he Ventlna Notes of •Frii/itpn, Gibson,
formerly,' of WeetTennsborongh iriwnOtip,
doe on. the 13th of Seitternher; 1841,"are
in the bawls of the isultserilaitr. If not paid
,the 10th November; 184,1, they,Mll
be left "with protier•oftuiers.fersconeetion..
N. money recei - v)ttl‘ondeposjie
in the (..larliele Bank' will be taltert;in :pay:
,nteriforaidltotes, and none 41.1ter. •
•:* ' JOHN' LEFEVER.:..
.r:-October 0,
,all2 l ,llaiina,atv and Itersane interestecl.
Nethie is lierehy giVen, that writs 'of %lire Vinfiiis
Nil's. AK tint) . 99, November Teitna,',ll44; have heen
ksiued 'to the Court. Of COninionPleas of, Cumberland
county; on the; fol)onitig AleOlinnicks' Pens',"
tared , lind recorded in the'CuirCol`comnian
aforesaid, 'viz 'John Drlrvs.,_.Castier Sheik, and
John Sonsenion: . vi. - Choer Sheriti with' notice' . to
Jacob '
, •
Sheriff's Office, Carlisic
'o44Jher 6, t 6.11.; • • - `. • -•
The subsoihers continue •to sell :their stook of
Cloths,. Cassiweres, Cassine4s,
.14erinOes, Calicos and
Cliintzeirat . • • •
-11*T - VOS
Bargains may yet be had inibese-articles of mercbati
diie by:Calling soon.
N. (Ik - An excellent Cannon Stoke with a large
cast iron dish, for aale at . the Store._._ .
Carlisle, Oct. 6,-1841; •
Private Sale.
THE Subscriber offers at Britiate Sale,
situate in West Pennsborougli township,
Cumberland •county, on Mt. Rock 'Spring;
one mile .. from Mount Rock, hounded by
'lands ufSamnel and Robert McKeehan, And
-the heirs of William Davidson, containing
FO 11{TY . AC IC lES',
strict measure. . The irnprovemeuti are, a
-- 0 - --?, , ,...1, _TWP, Star y liogliciuse—
i%, u =,. - • and KITCHEN . '•
e kbp: , 11 t t
...-z,='-•,..--%.- with a well'of good water,. an
Apple .Orchard of phoice- fruit; a-: BANK
SHED. Also,,a good Tenant- .House and
Smith" .Shoji, and Stable with 'a`. good lot
and` garden.'This property will. be sold
separate or together, as may suit - purchas
ers. On application the terms iiji,l-be made
known. by - the subscriber. ' • • . •
_ _' _
October-6, 1841.-61. -
For Sale.
' The subscriber intending -to remove to the west,
will dispose at public sale, on the premises, nu, Sat
tirday the 30th of October next, at 10-o'clock, A. M.,
it- first rate farm of pvitrie WO, situate in South Mid
dleton township, about-two miles south , of Carlisle,
cotit4)i ming 100Rcfres .
Wad “ai'.o;,44 . ypting . ti ni6er. :The itnl n •uveibpilts are
a two story. •.. .. .
. .. .
- . .
STON EE.:114 0111 S IF,i`.&: xi IT c lIIEN
, . ~
'tiliti a -1)0U1ILE-L6P.: BARN; - licathevboardeo:=- - =
'Theiti is also a thch;invi young , Orchartrof choice
trait ti.ees. .-
The. Bonny Brook Spring rises on this 'farm a few
rddsfrOm till, house, Whina ensures a never failing
supply of wilier to the house, and iiis6-tu the cattle
from every field oft the fatm.•
-The 't hole is tinder good fence and in n'high state
of cultivation. _ and indisputable title will he
given, and the payments muds to suit ihe - Purehasel'.
A_NDU.E.W _o<vrm AN.
41 first i ate Farmat
Public Side.
subscriber will e'xpose to Public Sale on
Thursday the '2Bth of October next, the
- • - .l :2ll,ialiatell'il'El(Dll- 0
situate, in 'Wt st . l'ennsborougli townsiiip,• Cumber
laud county, lying oil both. sides of tlw Cumberland
valley rail road, 9 miles west ol: Carlisle, and two
east ~ -ontaining •
bn •' 7.0 Acres
more or less, boutaled ht. lands of John NlcKeelnin,
Joint Myers, I....eliman and other s . About
WO acres lies on the south side of the rail road, to
gkher with the fulle wing improvements, viz:
A. TWO store; stone Biome
Laq..,T, Frame SL-Ling Barn, •
nearly tien•, Wagn»-Siced, Corn cribs, Granary and
Carriage Imuse, it welland,pump near the.door, and
an 6rell6t apide Orchartl,.with other• fruit trees.
Also - ;:t Tenant house, Stable and Work mop; use
'M . the Public SchOol houses is built . on this .tract.
Almut 200 acres are cleared andin high gate of
cultivation, the remainder is emoted with thriving
young timber..
The.7o acres lying no the north side of the rail
road will be sold sep:u•ately or togethett:tt ith that
lying, on the sloth side as the• pitr•chasers may wish.
The land is patented mid the title intlilintable.,
Possession will be given on the Ist of April 1842.
Any person wishing to .view the property, will call
mt Jacob Lehman, on the premises, or John McKee
han adjoining, or•on the 'Subscriber in Carlisle. •
For term's apply to. • - !
. Cat lisle, Sept. '29,104.-0;
1j Lancaster Exatniil, - pkiblisb 3.times. •
• lira hut hie... Properly •• •
- D14,4 - 11
The SubsceiliCr will sell positively and without
reserve or adjournment .by Piddle Auction at the
_late residence - of Mr..loseplolays, deed, one
mile west of Chrliale, on. Sattirday ,Abe -23 d day of
October 1841., the following propsrtr, to wit: '
The property-on which the late Mr. Joseph flays
resided, one half mile west of Carlisle, comaining
0 Acres iii;' 72 Perches, .
The improvements on this hind are '
Two Dwelling Housqs,
a Barn and young Orchard and arjll..welt - iirivater.
Also—A .Tract )I::,.Lforil It ing near, Mr.
Libys' Mill, in tlte-tiorough of Carlisle, containing
• 5,116 res and 8 Percliea.
There is on this property Two dwelling !louses and
-other improvements. '
Also—That white Frame House and
half lot of ground, situate in Hanovet. 'street in the
borough-of Cvlistic # Julhining the property of J ohn
Hays .and GeorgeHrown, containing 80 feet front
(except the privilege of a four feet alley, conveyed
to, the:adjoining property) and 240 feet back, with
the 'privilege.of a 10 lbot alley running to Pomfert
The terms of sale will be one-fourth of the par-.
chase he paid on the tat of April next,,and
the residue in three regular annual payments, with
out interust,to be secured. by Mortgage -find Judg
ment Bonds.
-:-Tossession-can-be - . given- to-- the - first - described
pi , operty-linmediately afterAhe sale. . .1
The subscriber Will sell either ofthe akinic.prep
erticsifdprivate saleiprevious to-the clay of Sale.
JOHN HAYS, Eiiccutor.
- CM lisle, Sept. 29;1841.-4.
- 1141 7 virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
noi Cumberland enunty, will be sold. by,the slaw
scriber; by Prildle Ventlueonlite premises,
day the 15th day, 01.0etober next, the following real
estate, the property,of Martin I.tratltAtoi. heirs, viz:
TwAy.m,ncl vided 'sixth -parts :.of
all that Plantaljoitor Tract of Land, Baton: in:Mon
roetownsitip in- said county, bounded bY landa of
Itubert , Cook's beirs,..loseph Brandt,Juseph liatAaw ,
Mud "others; ponta i ing ' '
150 A6l-1,
more oriessi' t Ofivlcie:l - 1,nb0ut.2.0 '6106.•5 at'e-good.tim
bel• land; residue elimred, substantial
fences and in '‘xnczlient . otiltivation. xhis land bolilds
mi the'l44l'l6w I:llTre.)ies cr'c'ek,' and lins`A,lste (rait-;
tity,Of Lopusetiniher growing on
7.116 - sale .take Tilse - on,the-.4initie .41:4 that the;
nainiiiistysterSOf Martin nitwit; atilt, 11101111 a
of said 11101;kit. r lik,h. ndjoin this pro:pcMyr, And :
Other four hePs of said Martin will nt the same.iltne
sell tliehr,intet•eit,s ahnve . phintittioni, so that
Otfrehnser can ti good. - title', , Ogle
thereof." : "- ,
Giiardian lltinry;Brund4„itnit
Sept. ,15;`1&11:
Pu ,
...- bli6 SA ~P ! /
• •
A' firit rate - Farm :of Li thestmre
• Land,well aimpioved. ..
• I will expose - to Public Side, on Satur iheikOtis
' qay. 9f October,'l.B4l, at IEO o'clock, A. M., nit the
ppm lees, in Si I vem•S pri ng-tothishi-pumberland
county—that beautiful! .. ..
--.- - PIA KNT ATI OTC: ' • '••
whiehliee on both sides of the turnpike. road' leading
from Harrisburg to Carlisle, - about one. mile west pi
lOguestown, eontaining about . •
. '•
147 ACRES,. -..-•
of first rate Limestone Land, adjoining lands of Wm.
Addants,.John Eshelman, George Forney!iheirs•and
Wm..lrvitie. • The improvements are excellent, con
sisting of a hinge two story
•• • . _.. , •
. ' STONE HOUSE, -•-
: STONE RANI: 13A.11, I
and a two story Plastered Tenant Moose. A bout 100
acres of the - land are cleared and under good pvinfnd
rsiil fence. 'the residue covered with fine tiniber.-:-•
There is an orcluird on the land, and 11 well of water
that riev'er fills. !Via one of themost desirable farms
-in the county. Atvintlispina hie title Will be given lii
'the purchaser. Terms made, known on -- the - dirof
stile by
. . • ; , --ROBERT BRYSON., _.._._.1
Agent for the - Devisees of Mattliewdevin'e,dec'd.,
Sept. ,Cll, - 1341 - tils'. - .. • - .••
-._.•• i*"....Latteastef, EX lii)g/1111: anti 37:ark*hdillean7iir-,
lkViArteti , ,, frAMAIVARitaO 401#42fiiii J
, emieetn.n),l,7, :•;... 0 !:% , ,.. , „,.., a ,1,......._,,, i2 i, ; Ai,,,...„
._ 40 'prizes of 2,000 •
I.: 2 etaviori; Lottery.
Class 0; for 1.84 - 1.:-:-To at A lexaadvin
- ^ Va. on Siaorday, OctObeViCali Is4l.
p ze-of-S 0,600, - =l=ot - 5 - ,000, -- r-Or-.V1367
t.t. of 3,537 v of 3poo, lof
.-2.500, 41) of 2,003, &e.
Tickets SlO.--11alves S5--,Quarters 5.2 50.
Certificates of l'acliagesof '26 -NV bole:rickets $l3O
Do. • _ 65
Do. • (lo ' '23 gitai•ter (16., 3`s St
$50,000-4 000• - ••=. 0 .4 9 5
. 430 .i.• , ~. COO.- 1
Grand Illniola !Lot &cry. -.
Class No. 9.—To be drawn at A lezandlia ,I).. C
On Saturday, October '23, 1841. '
; • 16 drawn ballots.
1 Grand Capital prize of 50,01.1 , dullars
1 Splendid prize of 30,000 dollars
1 do do ....13,000 do
1 do do .10,040 do
' 1 prize of • • • • 8,000 do
1 do 0f7,000 do
. 1 do of , - 6,000 - do
1 do' 0f5,000 do •
1 do • of 4,000 do .
1 lit) of 2,500 do
1 do of.
4 do of . ' • ' 2,000 411 •
. 5' do of 1,750 • .do
.ici tta of z. . 1,500 do
.10 do' •of ' • . 1,250 do
stl do 0f44000 • do .
. .
50 do cf •• • 500 do
•50 do of • 400. s do
160 do of • . , 3(1) . do
100 do of . . ,• : ~ 2 50 do
170 tit) -or . 200 doll(
16 drawn bundlers out of 75. ' •
__.Tickets 420---Halves slo—Quarters - ss—
$2 50.
Certificates of Packages of 26.W1i01c Tickets $260
Do • du 2611iaf
.. 'do. • 130 '
• Do • • po 26 Quarter do -65
Do (10 9 26 Eighth do , - 32 50
$35,®00 Capital.
Virginia Monougalia
Class AI. fur 8 , 11.---To be drawn at',AlCNAtiria,
Vat:, on Saturday, October 30, !Vt. „
11 drawn numbers out ,of 75.
Making nearly as ninny prizes as blinks.
75 do • YOO do.
Tickvls3lo-41:11‘ . 055--QO:Ol4Ts V. 2 50.
Certilleatet,tiClhtekagesoNs WltoleTkket.slYo
Do. do 26 HOF do • 60
Po. '• •do 2.5 Quarter do • • SU
.ror Tiaras amt Shares or Ceilificatee of Pack
ages in the above Splendid Lotteries,—address • •
NVll5ll'llOOll City, D. C.
Dralings sent inttriediateV alter ti n y are °vet• to
all •virho order as :those..
Syheri ll s Sale.
Y yitfde of a writ ofVenditioniExponas,to,me
directed, issued out.ol the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland county., will he exposed to pub
lic sale, at the public house of John Rebuck, in iii
borough of Sluppensburg..on Wednesday the 13th
day of October, 1.841, nt 10. o'clock, A. Al, ofsaid
day,'the following described real estate, viz:
A certain — Mouse and
situate in :the hnecnigh of Shippensburg, Cumberland
county, containing abonthalf an Ilene, amp or less,
having thereon erected a (ie 'story Log !louse, and
is number of : choir: fruit trees, bounded north and
west by lauds of - Tplutx_r: Dehart,--south'-by-an - alley - i
ruin ' iff.eastiliarWeßt, and east by emu:nous belong- '
hug to said borough..
Seized rind .taltioi in execution ns tile propet'ty of
Anil to be shill by mi..;
Shrift's Office, ~ ?
,•. , .
Cuctile, Supt. '2'2; I Sit 5 . " ' ' -
Tile Sotiseliber has just-opened . ioc‘i: and Min&
somc stssorttOcilt of
Fall and Winter Gopds, 3
consisting or !miler black, bliie Mark und . otbei• Cloths.
Cassimeres, Sat ti aaetni; ugw style V estings, x Nu riti
Of Minnie de Luines . , seeptul ° mourning, Mul blue
ditto, Tk
lit Welsh, Flannels: Itogem dktto
tor elairtiirg, tbives,
- Edgiugi, Laces, miiit;.
brigs. Oil Olotbs,'Nrlifielul Ribbons MeriOa'Sibirts
and Drsivers: , •
Ahao -- Mena. Wo'inetis'apd eltiltlfeas!
Leather & Mermen .sh ,. oes'A Boots.
ALSO, ;. • •
Qireestsivare anti Grocerie,q;
spians,e.,4O' t 'witli a great`vaiietiof ot1 . !ergoolls,
li h
all of whiee will aell at m
sall 'profit to atut the ,
ti DOWIL forget to eaki on
• - S. Nr. nAunis. -
C:01 - 41e,sept - . , "
• 'Andrew - R .
returned from the eity,and is now open
ing a new and splendid assortment of
Fill and Winier:Gooda,
which 'he offers on•rensonnble terms.
Carlisle, Sept. 29;1841. - o '
• I' eta ogo 04.0.
I have just received from the city and am now
opening a large.and splendid assortment ot winter
-Vary .
consisting in part or Cloths; Casiineres, Sattinetts,
Bangup and
_Pena Cords.; black and fancy Silks for
ladies drcsies; Moue de Laines; Meeinnes—a.large
assortment of British and Domestic prints; Shawls
and Handkerchiefs ;• all of which have been selected
with care and will be sold at the lowest pnisible prices.
Carlisle, Oct. 6,1841. •
,SpplCeuli4 ,3ckt~,ze .
.:30,900.:P . 011ii15..1-- : : . :.
30,000 (lulls.
prize of
t do
I do
11 do .'
I do
I do
10" do '
lU dd
12 do
25 do
Enquire at the Store of• .. • BRAS.I
- Carlisle, October 6, Mt. , ,
I . .
Valuable. Pputiefty. for 'Sale,
..,.,..: ~ .
In Ursua nee of i • ast Williiiul_itestardent_of._,_
ames Gr. ham, late of . lien teWiiship, Uumberhoid - .
county, Iwi ell at Public Sate, on the premises,:
on Thursday e.2Bth day of actohcr..neal,a, to ce- •
clock, A: M. the follbwing descrihed 1 / 2 , :ilnable - EntiP- .
' erty, to wit: 7,
100 Acres - . of - ul
Pile -- laluiegtine
• . Lan (1,., • : ' .
bounded thy lands of ;,W illiam - ' Harkness, 'Daniel .
Molter and Others, on the public . road, 'alloUt -citiU .
mile south of Al ecludesburg--:about one half. eleari.
'ea; under good 'tense and: in, a high state of cullimt;
thin; the residue covered with thriving young:Tim.
her. There, is no buildings on the land. '
~. ~
A clear and indisputible title will be givet:, and
terms made known on the day of-sale. - . .
Persons wishing to view the premises previous to
the day of sale, can call at the late residence of .1a5. , ,,.
Graham, adjoining the same; or on theisuliscribei'.:
• •:
R. G. YOUNG, Executor.
'. Sept-1,184.1.i --.. . .... ...
llCorder of-Orphans'. Cburt . of Coumberland .
county, the subscriber will. expose to Public
salgoir-thelireraises'.`on Wednesday:the 2.411 day
Of October . neat, at Webtch, A. I\l. the following
described real estate, to
Tract of part Limestone , artil.
Slate -land; situate hi North Middleton townsbip,p
Cumberland county, linumleit by the Conodogninet
cieek,lands of Abraham Lamberton Zeioler's - heirs
and others, containing. , .
. . •
,232 .Beres. and 27 Prches,
strict measure„havlng thereon erected o two story
PUS E l - - •
Anew Frame Ram & &c.:
Thgre is a never failing spring, of Water on. the.
.premises, and a good well of water with a pnmp..-- 7
- About to acres of thisforin age covered with Young. , _
thriving- timber. - -
TFRMS-TwO hundred * dollars of the purchase
_monry• to be pobboti the confirmation of the-side;
and the balance m three, equalinstalments : - to wit.:
One third Abel-cot' t r o. be paiti OH ,the - I@t. of April.,
to be seemed II) chi - fees 91i'tlic Pr'fihn - na' •
seciwity....The that'allui,ll:l7o- •
grtyvlng on the premises at the time of toilets vgo ft . ) •
the pnrchaSer. /Ali] g.,4lM:h.harclif die te nq nt Welt ,
ilt,expremly_reserved_to_itint:--No-part -of 'the -corn .
crop now growing, on die st , , go to the purchaseit.
• - JOSV.Pft RON!, jr... •
tifirer. or - sr.
Carlisle, Sept '22,
The Selieriherefree zolegvete 1,r.1e a first rote
-late-the poricri yor .1: Es+ jlec!it.,_,sitinife_iil
INekluison to rn4iip , Ctinibdr , hind ,
1;y hods of. A. ritir t , w John 7 1Voonbaii,-
Samuel Ihistimoimi others, containing' - .
acre oc_ls!ss—sboot twrilhicas of which is clawed,
mi in excellent culthation and tinder gootrfeneei.
remiiiiiimx thirtt.i's line timber 116,(1 7
....The Am-
)1 . 011:111CIltS 111C1'42011 are n large
Two , - Story DV clUn • • • .4
i 416.
u v
• .0:-.41e6-
a large 11111(7.1C Sheil, awl other out:-
161,1111 g% awl to well orgood'water.
There is ou the preniises •t good Al'- 65'
I'LEORUIIARb),toId other frnit trecs....,Aol l ;
also a large POOL of Water. that 11:15
setweery ever Lein Itilown to go drv.•
If dwahore property is not sOld betbre •
SATURDAY, the `?;id of October, (alio notice will
then In given of its disposal. The terms will 'diet,
he •inutle known.'
, N. 'II. Any hilmnation reqpretiog the property
run I. hod 0f Mr. Fielies, on the pryinises, of Wm.
M. Ilithlk, P.N. of Cr rlisie Or of Snel 'Boyd,
(mit. of the.utruer s) near Cui osti umbia,Laneaster coon.
ty, Pa..
. .
5ept..1 . 5:1F.11.---ftt.. .
~ .
(tipha . lasl emir; Sale.'
. ,
By virtue of an order 'cif the Orphans' Court e
7;.tenberland ceentr, will he sold on the,premises hp
jiiihlie•Yrodne; on Friday the fifteenth Or of.Oetober
o'clock noon of that dy.
uthe following mill -
property, Into th.e property, of Brandt, Jr., of
Alonror township .Conibet trod row.t . y.tteetl, to Wit:
All that Mill tract iif Landisitti
zap on the Yellow Breerbes creek., in Monroe town
ship, bonlided by binds of..irsepb Adnin
Bruinlt, Christian Lerner, nod 'Brantins and
eotitaitting • •
10 Acres and' 23 Perches
let measure. lie imprarcnieMs are u •
Chapr and'CluppOing,
' Mal/1w
35,000 dollars
12,500 do
5,000 •do
4,000 do
3,111)0 do
2,000 do '
- 1,615 do •
2,000 do
1,000. do
500 do
.300 do •
.;' . U@3
i i
. N . -
~41, I.y.
1i. , ...;-et- ..3 -
Tao Story Tenitht Hodsk,
Sethle and severol other o u t boildiokit. There is
;to Orchard of :choice fruit on the .premot . ea, nod
well of exet , lleid lttiter Sft the door or each 116USe:
'he widen power is very strong rind is surpaSsed'hy
cute on. the Yellow Breeches creek being *Much.
lore tlutn sufficient for the mills ii - nw on the property.
is skinned Oil theyosil leading from York to Car
inle, ti here the sanie crosses the erect:.
-Also: A Tractoftlintintath land
early adjoining the :More mentioned mill trart,,situ r
te in Monroe township, hounded by lands of Adam
ninth and others, and containing' '
42 Acres and 3 2 Perche.s
nd allowance. Thisland is wellettrered
Pine and Oak timber.
The terms of sale will he made known on the tiny
a Aeon GROFF;
(" - -1)A - VO)
rt ,tembeo i; 1.44 „
Vlll_ol4l +"
That thstressing zscase - onsump-'
•" lion" cured ,at last-41 7 6.4uackeryil:
deeep - tioni" •
• s”r, Yzj t. 4,ls 4l . °iii
To lh‘. WISTAII.-I)ear sir, it . , Veit . : •
pleasure - te*iy ; (ha hare lonia ninth relief 'Vein
13a1siitifthat l have tii , send to you for Slime. 'llOOO
only•used three bottles out of the L3rl f dozeitllitirJ.- -
chased; yet,' it has done Me mare good
anedieilie have everlakeO befoi'6. 'A neighbour Of
rtilne*hose..wife wits very low r ft' s int tio n
lik.rsuntled mu to have sOttie./if bought
direelitittles; uldelt she lois (Aro' also. • t ,
it few days:Ago:tool .the told. roe she believed it, was
the only w iliiiig tlrii4h ail'sitied.-iier'life .` - She
ed 'every -t liiiisebethre; but '
nothing. did bee' ttity,.good;,
and'wheri•ihe'entniiientiedlakillglt wits; sic in bed,
berm*. rev intiiil4l.4ll7l", red t wili'en tits
feel betieh"etery .. da - 7;` . & Sem vie ale
bottle. Incere
threen one.
•• - yopr 13inetre,1064(1,, F .
• ~ • .
.• ,• • :•.• • sAlttrtil'.finOtg.A
01." ;•
• , 5.44,t1 Er„,
'240 -'Arree-s,
.1 7'wo Story Dwelling
a large (ir;ttble LOG • 13A 111 , i, a