Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 13, 1841, Image 1

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- `Z
7.0 - .L I OIWa makaaa.---..waQ da4
'ln •the Court of . .Common Pleas of
, 'Cum4erlanfl county:
12th August, 1841 : 'Upon the . etition of William
Blean one of the nssignees. of David Blean, the
court trant. a rule - to 'thew cause why he should not
be discharged from the trust confided toliitn under
a voluntary Deed of Assignnient, to be argued at
next Novembellerin of which all persons-interested
S ANDERSON,P votley.
Sept. 22, r •
• • •
' Palateof Dr. A'. P.' Llizn,:dec'd.
LETTER Testamentary on the - last Will and
Testament .of Dr. A. P. Linn', late of the
borough of Shippensburg, dee'd., have been issued
in due form of law to..the subsdribers. • NOTICE, is
hereby given to 'all 'persons having claims against
said estate t 't.o present them --properly authenticated
for settlement, and 'all pdrsons indebted, are request-,
ed to make payment to the sultserih t les:-
• -
. ,' • JOHN BOUVIER, Philadelphia. .
...September, 2'4.1841z-6 w.', - Executors.,
Have just receiver at their old stand, neat. the rail
road, and directly ol.posite CoAran't , Hotel,
a,very full and rich assortment of ,
• • Fall & Wbiter Goods, .
among wliieliare 'are' both superfine Mid common
Pine, Black; DahliiicliiviSijile and Bottle Green
wool .dyed blue - blaek„Lontlon.,Brown, Olive Mid
• •
CYS-11 : %• •
WMll)intond terXi6tlis,..llsl6l:el:6ilfs:Airte
cry. mi•gc-iissoyttnent...of-tejttilatt „
alatias and handkereh Cotton, worsted,
' . IneriTto, lob - liosiery-'-hifekrheaVor,
. - 15e - eliiiTwtioleil avid wut,tttl lifted afol
mohair, silk, idietre and cotton gloyes Wad - Mitts:
• , A re:ry large and splendid 'assortMent of
-Fall titi• 68/lasisei7,ltibbolis
of - the rJry latest style. Thread Licesand ddgie4sof
- • all widths and prices-.-Black, !Whin, Lute-string,
Gro-de-Rhine ; Gro-de-Nap, Grd-de-Sami and Rept
: . ;Silks-Chene- jibed and plaid Gro-de-Afrique for
. •bmincis.--Leghorn, Floreneti - baid and English
- __Boultplat-Sealf Fur and,SaliScapsf a lull tissartunettlf
I mp 6 ILI 1) V
vim III" -..
China, Ma's's, rnn d
ll : 1 :.• 6 . uE EN s.W_AIt..E.
eTheir assortment is now very full, comprisinil
_ ..neatly_myer,y_twticle usually kept hi ii Dry G•mils
_ Store, and have . GeOiTholifilii - iiii- - trie - iei , . l7 . .Tiiiir i
consequently, they are prepared to offer sili m
' • prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. They most
.respectfully ask thoSe wishing An purchase, to give
them a call. They fed satisfied (114 can make it
their interest to pnrchase frmn them.
.-' •
SlLippensburg, :Sept. IS. f841.—Gt... -.
.. . • .
A ‘Thlivable Farm.Aor Sage.
win be sold
.011 Friday the 15th day of October
1841, on the premises, in Silver Spring - lowdship,
.Cumberland et,u any, adjoitiing lands of Jacob Forney,
William Waugh, and the heirs of Nathaniel Irvine,
' deed., a valuable tract of first rate Limestone Land,
. in a high state of cultivation, containing 80 acres
. more or less,about 55 acres of which are deof•ed
and the resi due covered with thriving young. timber
with a considerable quantity of loellst. The inr
provements are a newtivostory-
• FRArd nJ - I • - 11[0u.q
.11Ind a.. l Q"tw ~Franze.- Barn,
with Wagon Shed and Corn crib attached, 'aid all
necessary out buildings. A good well of water with
a new pump in it is near to door f there is a stream
of running water on the' farni; and thriving young
Possession will be given on the first day of April
The sale will be made on liniments: Conditions
will be made, fully - known - on the - rim-of salt , .
Assignees of George Forney.
September 15, 1841.—ts.
'-JACOB ritIDLEY; - Ntistli - liannwer - streel v oppo
site Commas' !Intel, is agent foe the sale lintlau
ways' Patent .
• Dot • .41.- • Cool'cing Stoves,
'Which he warrants to be 100 per cent better than any
other stove heretoibre known.
Farmers,Tavern keepers and others are invited to
take those Stoves on trial, and if they are not pleased
with the operation of the stove, or the price, they 'may
be returned.
Sheet iron and Copper ware, which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms.
.• Orders in Town and Country, for House Spouting
or other-work. promptly-attended to, -
Carlisle, Sept. 15; 1841.—V.
. .
. .A . 61 7 1 r eit.
Estate of Pavid Bender, deed. •
jitk of David Bender, late of Allen township, Cum
berland county, dec'd., have been grated to the sub
scriber residing in the same township :' NOTICE is
heieby . given to all persons indebted.. to the estate to
batlike, mmediate payment, and thoge having claims
against said estate W.-present them for settlement.
Sept. 15 joi.--qt.
. _ .
:Estate -- qf john. Johnson,'d.•
t ir
ETTERS .1. ESTAMENTARY on the estate
orjolilt Johnson, late of Newville, Cumber
tinnty,.dee'd., have been Oanted to the subseri
eris Notice is heiehy given to all persona ilidebt
" the. above estate to:: make, immediate paynient,
:: t irid those having claims to present them'for settle
, ,-. , - ROBT. LAIRD, of Frankfort) tp.,'
•'' ..' . - • JAMES IL IRVINE, of . Newville,,
•: -•- .' ,• , .-- -. LePs,,ofJohnJohnson;dee'd:
•F)Sent,',l,lB4l - ::-4t • . ..- , : 1 - . •
Office - and dweHitiOn High street, oest dodr to
'Rea. J. lt,'Ek Thorn:-'
August '" - •
Printing - EstabliShataent.
• FoR SaL
Expositor" is otrered
' the,only Whig . Paperiii tins
cOUrity; has a large subseriptionlist, a fair,
.n,rwritrit'oradOrlising arid job custom; With!
materials - for. publishing a;
• - *eekli,papere
Letters,(po\ett paid) addressed,to the EAi
or, wilLtoeetArtth prompt attention.
. .
... . . . . . . . . .
. .
Lr. . . . e .
. .'.
._. .
, ,
. t . .
,r ....
r .
J. F. still continues to
!op on hand
if all descriptions, among
idol; are the improved
totary Cooking stoves so
Ili versa) ly approved; stove
.irniture t stove pipe, and a
general assortment of Tin,
$ 6# 6 -I I. I #6 •I - R4t. TIT ; a ." Fe
F 0 it E •
The Subscriber offers for sale a splenti LIME
STONE FARM; it contains 'icta
165 ACRES,
is close to the edge of the, borciugh Of Carlisle, iti.the
heart ortlieT,CtinilierlaarViilley—that magniffeelit
expanse than which the sun in heave!) shined' ndf on
its superior. The title indisputable and the land
patented. ' _
s and Local ddvantakes
q. GOOD -4ND LARGE • •
L0G1.4. •
HOUSE, :!:6 1 •
1, •
New Bank Barn, -
Prat ratc;) a.well of never fitiling pure water—prox
imity to"gushing spring water—an Orchard of about
100 young Apple trees: About 50 acres of the land
carries a crop of timber worthO large stim of money
—a goad portion is well set In% clover and timothy
,grass—lOncing good. The limestone is the slab or
shelving, easily procured, takes Jess fuelto Imake
lime, and of all kinds is the most ,valuable; the north
or slatii land side'of the valley will yiveti constant
demand for, this stone •forever. It 19 chise to the
great Ctimberland Valley Rail-road.'
- If not sold before Friday the 16th of October, it
will no that day be exposed to Public Sale, On the
iiremisesot 10 - o'clock, A. M. ' • -
• -• For terms apply-to
. • • . A. APPOIVELL.
Sept. 8, • Carlisle, Pa.
Lebanon Courie'r inhert 3f and'send bill to
ofllecfoi• collection. -
L7-7z.711411-114:114,i,-'::',4111 41,AX10,14"4,
.ltU s ti . " .4. l. l 'luT"'gale pnrsuance of
n , •
1 .70 order of t 1101phone' Court ufCtluill.)extz
land cotudy, on-Friday the 15th day-of O ctob er
10.0.'el0rk, A.M.: or day,,the
sexibeareatt-state, lute-the proiierty. oCJncob 1111„11,
dee'd., to wit: - .
1- . No. - L
- A, - Tract of •LAN-Dl
- 111 7.l[lllliii tbwnship, Cumberland county,
bounded by hinds of Isaac, Christleib, deo: - Nortles
heirs,JOlin High. '
anti land of the heirs of said.deee
dent herein 'after described as No. 2, eontaiiiing
-.•22' 7 Aere s • '
and 14:,erchestient measure,having, thereon erected a
Two Story Log— . •
d xsi
Do,OhlaLog Barn, Wa
gon-Shed, Corn-Crib, and 'Cid4:-Press, a well of
„, never- fatting -water convenient `to the
• house, and an excellent
•• • 0 ' APPLE ORCHARD..
. About 70 acres of the above farm are first
rate umber laud, and In, rel.idue in a good state of
cultivation, or which about :30 acres are good mea
dow, the'greater part of which is suitable for tillage.
: -
No. 2. A. Tract Of Land ad
joining the aboi;e described (lino and land - of- Henry
Miller, Abin. Whisks., Moses Whirler, Daniel Mc-
Laughlin, Jacob )tither,• George loon and others,
IS4 Acres and I 13 Perches,
neat measure, Lacing thereon erected a
Two story Loo.
Kitchen, Double Log Barn, Wagon-Shed and Corn-
Crib, an Apple Orchard and a never failing well of
'water near the door ; about 50 acres of the above
farm are first rate timber land, and the residue in a
good state of cultivation, of which about '2O acres are
good meadow. ,
The above Tracts will be sold .separately or to
gether, to suit purchasers,- our the lollowing terms:
the costs of sale to be paid by the. purchaser or pur
chasers on the confirmation of the sale by the Court,
nt which time he or they n ill be required to enter'
into recognitance in the Orphans' Court with ap
proved security,to secure the residue of the purchase
money, to be paid as follows—one third to remain in
the hands of the purchaser during the life of the I
widow of taid-decedent, the_interest to be paid her
annually, commencing cm thelst of 'April next, dur-I
ing her, life, and at her death the principal to be paid
to the heirs of said decedent, one edict; third to be
paid on the Ist of April next, iaheu possession will
be given nail a deed made to+tbe purchaserohe ro t
maining third to be paid in two equal annual pay
ments thereafter without interest.
The landlords share of the grain growing at. the
time of sale will pass t 6 the purcinniers. Any per
son wishing to view said limns before the day of sale
are requested to cull on . Havid High residing on the
premises, or on the subscriber iho lives' one 'mile
west of Newville. . .
• . - : JACOB !BOIL:
• . .
- • . . Adm'r. of Jacob Iligh,Er. deed.
, Sept. 8, 1841.--tds: :
D I.llllCll6ter OM Guard publish the above to
the amount of $5 and charge .t h is office,
Farm •
. Farm and - House for Sale..
The undersigned offers for sale the FARM 'oh
which heresides; two miles west of Shippensburg;
being .in Southampton ton nship,Frankli eonntyi
containing • . .
106 Acres
• •
of 'first rate,Limestone Land,
not.b.feri or to any in the neighborhood; the improve=
raents are u dwelling
• ©ITt3 M • 4,4 v..
Barn, Tenant Houle •
sue)) other 'buildings as are necessary to 'carry on
tiaenting,; also a good Orchard and well of water;
• .•
Also, a two story Brick House,
wtth a lot and a half of ground thereto attached,,in
the horoUgh of ShippensbUrg,Cupberland county
this property is in good repturond is , situated in the
business,part of the • town; dm - iiniwovennents area
STONE STABLE fronting two alleys, SMOke
house and other necessary out buildingii.
deems it unnecessary: to give' a
minute deseription - Ortlie - itblite - propertyinipersone
wishing to pureiinse can view the 'premises by call
ink on Mr. P. 8: Artz; Sliippetisburg,:or on
-'" ' . EILIERLP.Y; •
living on the farm:
• .
Shippensburg, Sept. 8,1841.- 7 At
('Lancaster Old Guard publish 6Clitl charge
this office: • •
.Estate of .Bdwns-Nimmon, deed.
. . ,
.La form or lao estate of 'Aditms;Nim
monolee'd.;lately.of Shippenshitrg, have bt!en
ed to John Skinner and James Nirnik9rt ' , AK Persons•
having claims against the eidate present them fur
settlement, and 'those indebted will make payment to'
The. administrators, wilt.attenAtit the late, reel
denee of ,the deceased on Friday and Satnrday the
and 18tli 'of September tcinttend to' linsiabsi of
Sept. 8 •
Printed and .Piablished
° for the kroposietOrs, - b#7lll,n-..-s..CreSqp, cartist,
__ I aril' of .a -r-sot:mited_for_vigOr-Of-farie-y
-.and ardor Of passion. Pyrros is my name;, Men 'hie &tilled' rite mad;" hut the , qoestion
is not yet Settled '.whether madness be or
`be: not 'the loftier ' intelligence--whether
much that is glorious-'—w
1 111 1 1111111111111111111 l
protritifid - 4416 not spring ' from disease of
thought, from moods of•mincl'exiffted alike
expense of - the general ' intellect. .'.They,
*ho dream by day. are cognizant of many
'things which escape the dreamers by night:
In their gray visions the . y. obtain glimpses
of eternity, - arid thrill,iu awaltinz, to find
that flo, hate. been upon the verge.os,The
- great secret. - :In stutteliei, they learn some
thing of the Wisdom which is - of ,good,"'and
more of that mere , Ipowledge which is of ,
evil... 'limy penetrate, howeVer, rudderless I
or compassless, irrto the-vast ocean•ofthe 1
"light--ineffable," and, again i . like the ad
_._T •Aflt
-- • - ,
venttrers of•th . e NubiktigeOgraphe - r;I"I'lley
I are straight in,
,nii oceait of diffictitties tie
. .. • - • • conic in that' they would adventure a' dis
._ .. Carlisl e, ,s'ept. 1 9., 1 . 641. , but lam convinced upon trial thatit c an be..done as ! I ~ ,••• . ,••, - -, . , .
.•,.... , . •
.I have in use in My. kiiciten aite 'of ilittint t ytivs pat- well ii" Ygur stow "-"lill!)i'ickciven• ; . / eover_y. . --,
1 . . believe that the general irlti.OcIlle(1011 .of "foltr l' 'We will saw,. then; that:. r . am - mail. I
mit llot'Aft•.•Cooking...Stn'es . , and can. t'reeoinniend it - -:
5 51:) ,,,,,.. t:iltpt;tierzn . isiorc , 1.4 ,, m ,, :i1 „,,: bi1tc..0 - .: . 1;. -
. i_i . ty ; sjii : t . o . ...tir)l'ill,, -_'‘ . ..e l , 7 „Apear .. flel, , ,nl,,_.m :. ,:th,e . • IT bI i c ~-' gra!iti 4. ,. ) 11 - 41, say;
. / ji c , ta ,-
. .*,,d_i i ,,,,,,:_ ( 11, 1 -,4 t _l
Ti-hit.4474iiiit , (4;iliittif l it) , Tiiseir'imittri6itis , trlige!rotitike- 11 ". , .. L'P.'".`7'4 l a ll - 414 : 1 , 1 ''"!IA.' , u'7".!1.,'?...°,9,P1.9!, 1 .T9 1 ,g:IV,e t indi,i i i ns ,, o p. i i no it,,7„inefijiii,,:,,oil,ii f ,feti s ' • tial,'
. siX l PllVl l kaill4l4.-c - ' 4r Aiir1i(4 , 44'.. 6 .444 1 44 444 0k 0 i 2 4 411 fWit1k , ::;"* . nTniallgg s ilsinti,A., , :' "--:::,,,, ,1 ,-',i , „;3.1 -, ',,i',,,, 0 ,',,.„,' 115. t 7 4i...'7..r.7, 7 .7,,- -- ;.,:,,,,-.•„,....-,_,11
,•-,•••••- .-- Til •.-. 1° .•,, t , tb .•,,, A . • , t . ii ,..,, A - o . w . tirwitiv 4. .5.... - , ,,, ,q. , .!.. , ...?t , f.'e- , 1 4, .74.1.... 6 .i.t..A55rir.5a ,roi3x , iirorcycat , pse -, ." - smuntectrmeir,ll-itreft/rreaSo — OO --t0 i• "
..Ingn . tnlll , MI We. • e' me ti 0 . it . i • t . _• :, . . .._. . . , .
lieFivw oottlitrin yeti It i red fey at iy bun tilitaiel I Ilif, 114 i e- . -', ' ,', • ~ -. , •
." ''clziliale, .Vpr..iii,lB4l. I !pled, ' and' belonging- to' 'the ' memory -of '
_,.. ,
.."11esers. iR Robinson c? cp.,-Centlemeti, I have " clients form in ; ihe 1i r4i 'e ))I . f toy - life i .
~.. t.„ - . .1, t e I 0
. 'l' his size appdirs to he peculiarly calculated Tim' fairly tested the "II ot A it'Stove'' aide!' you put 'oft - , • •
possessing. n11(1 ..4 : c9ndition .Of" shadow. and doubt,' tip-
Fai•niers and tor their benefit i invite them to eau at toy house, nutlcitti reCOMITiCII(I it .as
and See this'sloveln use, tts I shall take pleasure ins Principles of e c onomy and conveniemie tar surpa's- pertaininff• to the present; old to. the ieCOl
- the stove lo all whom in terest. or curiosity I slop; titty, other, stove which I Islo'e ever seen. .
ors l et! ti o l/ f lli n O l fl y_ what elmstittiles the •ecottil great
~ . • - . -
may induce to examine it. ' .• ' . • rhe boilei•s com i ng; in iminedintaontact with the
- be in g.t_,.L: l l l ALE'Aitrs.i._33! Ilitll.slialL
- siliox WUNDERLICH: fire g4, - cs-it grcurfitettities fm• boiling, - atalfre live n
e arl i de ,.,v, ht. i I , 1 it,',li. ,'lOwma on such . a principle tl i aLpret t il is baked in tiirri - if - the .earlier period, believe; and to
, jig. ).8. F. Robinson c o .,.....(i r , ri i' LLMEN ; l'h ave 115'fin9 a manner 115 in ii. brick oven- I find it also it. what I may relate: of the' latet"iime., give
d0ri0,.,.- the few days I bate had vonr Hathaway's` g to re a l ti l o V l t' i i t i . g of fuel ant i% l i l i al i t! c itti n fl ,,
i hy
, A U;( c )
it. . , n 1 1 ( , , 1 1 1 1 1 :' A i' N e . all , on l y s „v . !) erc!.(lit as 9,py eetil duc;.
lie doubt
Hot Air Stove; lit • ((Si , become' - convinced' of its . • i
great superiority over•all oilier- stoves I have used or -•-: . Chamber bury', .Sept. 6,101.: /It at!ogittlt'er ; or L if lliittlit it ye, dare.. not,
- ..
seen. 1 find b}^ the trinl dint latiling,ronSting,bak=
.) do eerlify that lam (low itsifi g one o f Ilathavval:'s Welt play' unto l its viddle the•Sphynx. '
The subscriber, -- th%ikful for past favors, hereby
notifies the public generally. that he still continues
at the old stand, nearly oppniiit4 the College Campus,
where he Will at all times Ise"wind ready and Wil
ling to accom modate 'in the best possible manner,
those who may faire him with a call. The Douse
is located in the most business part of the toss n, and
is near the stopping place of the Cars on the Rail
120a11. The ROOMS are large and airy—the TA
BLE will lie supplied with the very best the markets
can furbish--and the BAR with the choicest Liquors.
!Ds charges are reasomtble, and he will endeavor to,
merit by assiduity and audition a continuance of pub
lic patrOnage.
BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year.
'DROVERS and TR A V ELERS will find it to their
interest to stop with him,as he has plenty ofstabling,
and a careful OSTLER always at hand.
Carlisle, Sept. 8, 18D.---tf
Mut suliscriher intending - to ti•emore 0; the West,
Offers for sale the fartn on which he now resides, sit-
otted ou the.linelmtWeen Motherland and Franklin
counties, Pa., 2 miles north west of Newburg and
uhotitl.miles from Shippensburg,
of first rat ,slate land, the-principal part of which is
cleared and in a high state of cultivation. The
A. Large Two - Story
t L H U-S E
4 "Pr
with a well of water at the door, and a
never failing stream of. water, with a pump in it in
the basement; a large BANK .BA RN; a stone spring
house and other necessary outbuildings, and an ex
cellent Orc'ird of choice fruit. There are also a
comfortable T.NANT HOUSE and Stable on ilia
other part of said farm; and an extensice .5110 P and
ZACIIINERY for adui%&c t with VERY VALLI- .
• .A tract of land in Cumberland county, within one
mile of the film . above described,
Coutiajnipg 1152. crew;
about, '2O acres are ,cleared, and the residue covered
with thriving timber. The impriiverrients are
and a never failing. well of. waier: The land is pat
ented,and clear ofall,incumbrances. ,
The farms will be sold separate or together, ns
y bettsuit purchaser.% 'Persoils wishing to - tiew
laud can do 89, and receive every other iiiforma_
on by calling on the subscriber, residing as above.
August 4, 1841.---tf.
ton decree of the Orphans' Court
of Cumberland county, 1 willexpoCe to sale by
Public vendue, on the premist's, on the first ddy at
Xovember next, at 2 o'clock P. 31., all that lot of
ground, situate In MechanieshurCumberland
county, known as Lots No. 58, 54, 55 itsd 56 and
hounded by Eberly and others.' • '
- September;lsth i OW. • _ _
These valuable pills are very gentle their opera
tions. causing neither pain, grlpmgmor any nauseous
liAres - s:TTliefexceedingly-comtot4=witd-strengthe
the stomach and bowels, and clearin the sight hest ,
ing, and memory of aged, persons, 1y carrying MY
phlegm's, watery Aitter; putrid gi•os3 until think lin
mors'from. the stomach bowels mai blood, which
makes ,them go,. celebrated for removing coughs.
rheu mati sots, pains from tlie bodi and linibs,grnael,
piles, sick stomach, disordered bowels mid norms:
Tlis Medicine - is alsci - ltirinfalible - eure for fever and
• • -
Davies, Panacea . Blood Pills,`
' For the cure of .iansuniption, diseased wind-pip,
Ulcerated sore Altront,:'ltutga•Aiid Complaint,
night` sweats, flashes of hentiburning in, the ,stomael
tlghtness. across the eliest;paiiii the breast and
de,inAvicrdea imers, pi les, sori`fey&cfm`9licgs, ulcers
of e.veri , description 'sniellings; rhemnatisms f . thee
titop.the Spitting of, blond. nuditeal thh part Wetted.
The:Panacea Blood Olin 1411 prepared cmtreasly ; for
the eta n omening Ot etreiy Apwt. Pf,,th 9l system,and
healing aft uleivra and soresA ntrifllog.uil:remoyi
all had humors from the. blood, wlttellis oftetibrimght
on from too .411'101sitting na' Mandl olgi:or.',hy - expo-
Sere from auddeti lirat, to cold: Weakly debilitated
var=venziomaz woursfause uuteaunata: a aiaa. ac,
V. , R . OBINgON . tfic CO;
HaiiC .located in• Carlisle for, the purpose of manufacturing and selling
Hathaway.'s Patent "Hot Air COoking Stoves." . . • .
•And being aware that the people in this place and
have been much imputed upon by the in
(action 'of new and hilimy Recommended articles
sh they' intro. been Induced to purchase,and.'
dilhave been so ma de,
and of such bad
riSliortlithe they have failed
imeuseless?' We, therefore,do hot intend offee .
;loves for sale until they ore
.fiiitly•tried',in this
imunity, and pronounced more durable in their
atruCtion, better adatited to the purposes of boil
, baking and all the varieties of cooking than - a
- nit
it stove; - also,•that they are - a — g - fealSityttig of fuel
ell aelbour. •
We earnestly invite farmers as well as resi-,
N of this place and the neig,hhoring villages, to
on us at S. Wonderlich's hotel, or notify us by
n• (postage unpaid) that they are willing to try•
stove—and the store shall be placed in the
len °f ever); person giving us such notice, and
n away alter irial;•without any &pense•tia pet•-.
making the trial. •
lie stoves *ill be kept for sale at the Tin 'Shop
fr..lacob Fridley,and at the Foundry of Messrs.
and Stouffer, in
living 'Contracted for One Ihindred Tons of
logs, we will; in a few days, supply stove deal
with all Btu-Trent sizes, on the most liberal
.ELEAZOIL ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agent for selling the right to make slid vend the' HOT -AIR
STOVE; and will dispose of Ccuntics in this and the:adjoiningt.itcs.
We publish the following recommendations from some of .those Who are using the stove,: to encourage
others to try it. - • •
. .
lig and broiling. nuiy_alr be done at the mmie time,
n n most. perfect manner, and with less flint' .one
mirth the fuel 1 have ordinarily used The the . same
imposes:. I have heretofore been of the opinion
areal could not Lc well baked in a cooking stove,
Carlisle, September 15. 1-8.11.---f
Valuable Flirni s For Sale.
Containing i 75 Acres,
orements are, So,
. . .
Patent Dot Air Cook stoics, Ni . i. 3, and do recoup. ! - She whom I loved. in youthoind of whom
mend itlis superior to.any stove 1 have seen, -the -1 nm i, pee
, ea i m i ran d di
stinctly• these :re
volt saving of fuel, and the Variety that can In cook
ing at the same limeonsakes it an object to.those n ho inembrances, was the sole daughter 'of the
wish to facilitate the operations of the kitchen. _ only sister of. my, mother- long,. departed.
• 1 Elettnora Was the name of my cousin. ' We . -
1 - - h 'Awns dwelled together, beneath - . 8
persons are partici' lary advised to use , them; asiney. • a d --_.
strengthen the body iii - "ii superior Manner; they are" tropical see, in the " Yallef of Many-Go
-not-inieutled-to .orter4oe-on,,the.howel.,_SO. much as on 10 . red . (4 rass.'! No unguided footstep ever
the titoodoiStoo.inuelipurgiiig will desti-us soliWeak: - '-. . ~- f - --, - .: -,- --- y----- , ,--,-- ----- ----- , ~
for tt-la v• singularly
ly eonstitution;Ond has carried oll' its thousad:, tun- canto upon Lia, Pale;
world unknown to us. 'fake the add ice of one who far away up among, a- range•ot giant • hills
studies to save life mai not totill; weakly and dcbili- that hung beetling around about it, shuttin
toted persons should not purge more than onyea year , ,-
as it often tones bringi on cdstiveness. ' • out tne sumight.from its sweetest rece:Sse, .
_ , Ntlyatit. was 'trodden in its vicinity; add
, .
r .
ApN'AiS .
BEAU THESE IN MIND. ' 'to reach our happy , home there was need ,
Stoffird c6unty, ra. Sept. 7..1840. i of tinning,. back Vitt, force the foliage of
'Dear-Sim-1 s%' ite to let you know that the Lord many thOusands of forest trees, and of
has (lane great things rot• me, whereof 1 am glad.—
' crushing to death the glories of many mil-
When l• saw •. ou in Fredericksburg, I think I Said
1 had heen lie feted with a very acid (sonar) stomach, - lions of fragrant ilowtlrs.. Thus it was that
and subject to a violent pail, in my head for more than' we lived, all alone, knowing lathing of the
twenty years, for which I tank rhubarb and soda aired woad without th e vi y
lle-- 7 1, and my cou
nt. Amy times every day' for this ninny y•eao3, %%all . •
little Or no rel, , ef,imd my legs and alikleS'lVerC 110 S ., i n n: s aqd her •Inolher.' .i_
. . .
much swelled that I was imable,tit times, to attend to • . From the dim regions beyond the moon
my filminess. But since sou made me, a present . of ~ • 1 at t h e upper en d a nut enc i rc l e d d e ,
a box of yoiir Family Pills I have taken one or two
of them at night in gping to bed, and now my acid main, there crept out a narrow, and deep
stomach is relieved, the swellieg is, my legs has near- riVci',',brigliter than all save Elermora's eyes;
iy (Ns:lime:we:l,AM Ido not think that 1 •have been um " , wim ) ing ocahhily im
courses, 1
• t s..
hindered one day with the' pain in my head since I
began to take your valuable medicine. I think the passed away at length through a shadowy
Lord directed yon to Fredericksburg, to administer gorge among hills still dimmer than these
to my relief. ( ineBsell be i '"' 11 ' 4 Y " m e ,/ h ot"g eelli kr from which it had issued. We called. ti
re 'evtul.) 'I here is !king in my neighrood.a
pno -,-- old Wiiiiiiiii - who bal been sick 11 long time and .the - "River of St ; far there seethed
con) get no relief, at length I purchased qt box of to be a hushing influence in its flow. -.;NTo
your iills and gave them to her, after 11 while I saw
tell on or arose from its bed, Mul so. gently
her out and about her business, and she. said that the.
one box - had cured her. 1 have spread the fame of II wandered along that the pearly pebbles
your valuable medicine amongst iny,..aequnintances, upon which wit loved to gaze, far down
and many have purchased. Now, as it respects my
• within its bosom, stirred not at all, but lay
selr, inYlriends tell me when Igo to town, that they . . .. ,
- have not seen me look so well for many years, midi in a motionless content, each in its old sta
say to them, .1 wiljtell you the secret why; a short lien, shilitin'g . glotiously and for ever.
time ago I met with a Di. Davies in town, nad licgave
me a box of pills, and they have made Me look as And the margin of Mlle river, and 'of the
you now See me.' And now, my friend; I hope that many dazzling) ivuleta that glided through
the Lord will continue to lie with you,mottilike you d ev i ous ways into it s c h anne l ., an d , t h e .
useful to your fellow-ereaturesos he has hitherto ~
done. . ' I remain with respect, .., spaces that extended' from' the brinks away
CHARLES 1111L,CE. ' down into the depths of the streams, until
Several Fethales lon-e been cured of the flitting of they reached the bed of pebbles at the hot
the womb, hi , takinb , Ivry small dosei at intervals. 1 l
Harper's Ferry,Avirat 11, IM. , loin—these spots, not less than the whole
• Dn. Wm. DAvls.s.—Dear Si,':—! an harpy to ip- surface of the valley, from. the river to the
form you an d the...publie, that Halve been cured OP-- mountains that girded it in, were car pe ted
that dreatlfid tlisease the Rheumatism, by taking your n - -
• Family Pills. • I have beep 'laboring under that dis- all by a soft green grass, thielt,.short, per-
CRSC for more than a-year, during which time i tried fectly even, and vanilla-perfumed, but so
the skill of the hest physician without ellicti Ut le'ngth besprinkled throughout with the 'yellow
,l was induced to try your medicine; I (Mind relief . •
ii(ter taking half a box,l continued to lake them until 'butter ... cup, the white daisy, the - purple .vio-
I had taken live boxes; iny, , 7l .ears, and Icon- .let, and the ruby-red ` asphodet.that its ex
sitter that none but the old and rhemuutio
p ersons • (Ileetling - beaitty opp u
lie to or loud
know how grateful I feel 1.0 die medicine that
• •
restored me to heath. ••••• -has . , tones iif the love and of the. glory a God.
Yours, iTspt ctfulk, • 3 "" N. . n .. /E " ] And_here .and there, in groves about this
-: Ws, the tindersigneknietigentB 01'1 tprpers r'erry , - - ,• . •. .
for the,. rale of 'Dr. DiiVies' Family Pills, „e. know , grass, lute w ild ernesses of ti'earns, sprang
our neighbour, Mr. Dye, sold him the pills of 'Which ' tip fantastic trees, whose taill-u)ender stems
be speaks so highly, mid believe hiS statement to. he
substantjally true.' : • . j
' ,Stood not upright, - but ..6 11111 la gracefully
R t orty , . . w.;, S. B . A,i,, 1 , 5 „,„„ 1 toward the light thatliterellqittioutularintot
Mrs. C. Burton, near Locust street, was' diseased,, ; the - centre of .the valley. 'Fbeit bark was
for seeds-yea's with a Jump in the left side, bimips speckled with the vivid ,alternate splendors
all ''''''' her skin P ains mu " the ' sman of h er 1 ' 0 ' ; ~of ebony' silver, and Woe eilleetitut than'
running into her , stomach, which prevented .her (to , . • •
use her own wokls,)froeatiugone pat tic
nJk of Meat; ail save the 'cheeks . of Eleopora—so that
the first dose removed the lump, and two b nes. set but for tie. brilliant green of the - huge leaves
her ajliberty.' ' that spread from tletriir summits ,in Auto*
• . .
• F was' severely •diseased with the blind - piles for Irentulous lines, dallying wills the. zephyrs,
twentrmonths, mat prostrated 1 - rom thcIQSEi of blond; .
t lave ancie t Kim giant,serpents
and one and a halt .. .boxes of Dinies 'Family : Pills has one Hugh,. I f 'd' I ' - -' .
made Rh entire mire of me. I - .I..hunsitos.; of Syria, doing_litimage.le their ,soVereivi
wast4gton, D. D., - '1%10 0 7,18.41. ' • . • -,' .-' --'
tiie sun.t.
Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail,- at-
No. 265 South third street Philadelphia, and by, Mr •..
.. ' .
:ii and, inland about this .vtilley v ftir .ei r.
JO/IN Gnat, Cal lisle, general agent lot' Ctinalijrlatitl - •' teen years -roamed I t . vitli "Elmmora,....be7
county Penult. " • ,- .
. .
Alen, f " 1. sa;liv TV St T. L "‘ ; ' / ""; Kiri g it6w " ; .oaeevetiitta-at . the ' close : of the third kis -
Eekels St Firm:Aid, c' 4l Tg . tieT.r.gltupt - tTSlfire . - • ,-- - ~. ' - '.•,:•' • . .. , . r I`. ~ .
manstown,J. Longneckor, Wormleysburg; Dairen- RUT 0 ! ) 1,01.11 . 10(1 . 1 ! 1 li te I"urtri o f , 19r
em 4 ail, New Cumberhuml. ; 1 . • own - i' that' we. sat, locked. in
,eaeh other's
. • ... .
it) - Persoas wishing to beCome agents'iti triMla- .. 1 embrace, beneath the serpent;lilte trees,, and
gds in wiiisb tlie.pilts are not sold-in - Cumberlaiid l ee i te a l iew t ,
.. w i t hi n , the waters a t h e iii;
e,iltadv...tiiii be Stipplied.with them liy calling on'Mr • • . S ilence
- . '
'W . '
itilm Gray Earl isle; Pa:, who' is emmvered to i np- yet of lal at our . imogetj, 'I Iterein... , e
point' trgiiits.,„ Family'; pilla toltiTise. Whlipiiiihase spoke no: words
Alti ring:. Om . - rest -,oil,tini.. .Of dim
to sell again clite:ol. $2 per dozen' cask, or '
.$2,26 comm salon; god the PantivaA , tyeetday ;
llood al/fYotir .„..
cc orris „uP
4feN. :. ous 0 „ . . .
pilltrat.sli' eash;or7o, so,o P colum -400 row were tremulous:. i99iplo• . - • ' • • • ' • ..,'. -.: • -
press for faipily- pills, 25 ctsa per boXv. Panacea , .W.e,liect.drayvp, the ,0.14; .11.t,rus.frent 'flit! t
;loot' Afts''Sn'eenteper link.: l'ulPilirectiosis for,
. 3 `,,, ave .. arl d f i tt i w:wft tlik t. o tot botati.A, a h i n,
tiiia ill seebmaimr,easiviisi., ,- . . , : •y- , -
Carlin . Sept,l4,lB7 4 aL .• --
dled . ,willtiu us . ;tli.e . fini•y : sonlo.44:9llT,Finiters:
. - The nessOlisyyltich;bad,:foll:isiitttrisiir_tlis
finguisibeti:;;Oitrjoce,, ctlt!ni.thriMigiAlg',..,it!i,
itheloncies ter . ..Which they! !tett beektivally
4 1 0.0 *:: PAO .:',t0.g90 ET{ brpath ea ,'4Adeltt'itins
_bl . iss. over the . -2
.Valipk.l o (t.bp, , :Mphyrj.i!Plored..
otass - : , .1- - ketiange .fell ~4)llllWpgrir.
„ , . ~ .
Strangelyilitarit flOwnrs, sta.r!OinpedOmro
out nout, time tree.; %;ite r e:,no-rilottefs 'liad"
A' "
'''perons indebted to subseiiber -nros re..
Inesteti to . eallirmodietely And gettlelbeir ro
spectivoneeoenti,-ris, die)... the Itit Octolnii. , Tlext;
the hooks *ill 'be; }laced in , thin. hands Of •Will
Carlisle ; Sept. 2.2; 1841.-31' A‘u-
iCtet4berlalail Connik3,,,Po,
From !‘ The Gift" for 11842
12 - 1
. . . .
, ..
. . .
been'known before.. The' tints of the green I
carpet • deepened, 41: When, one by ope,
the white daises shrank away, there sprang
up in place of them ten by,fen of the ruby
red asphodel. .And life arose in our paths;
for the tall flamingo, hitherto unseen, with
all gay, gleWing. birds, flaunted , his,.searlel
1 - lo' - bet • ,- d Tit • •
illtfrOaXe ;ore us; , add goTifen anif silver
fish haunted the river,.and out of.'the bow
som of bylitile, a mar=
mur that swelled at length into a, lulling
melody more divine
_then_that of the Harp
than'alViliathe .voiee
of Eleonora. And. now, too, - a vast anil
voluthinbus - cloud,,, which we had long
wetehed in the regions of Hesper, floated
out thence all gorgeouSin crimson and
and settling in peace above us, sank day by
day lower and lower, until its edges . rested
upon .the tops Tif the mountains; turning all
their dimness-into magniticence,,and-shut
ting Os up, as if ,frit ,ever, within ,a magic
prison-houtfe of grandeur and of glory.
The loveliness 'of Eleonora was that of
the seraphim—and here; as in, alf..things
referring to this epoch, my memory is
.vividly distinct.. In stature she was tall,
and "sleader even to fragility; the'excerdiii - g
delicacy of her as well _es of the
, hues of her 'cheek, speaking' paihfully of
the feeble tenure-by which:she held-exis
tence'. The lilies 'of the valley were not
oFfretTiir; *.l l Vmth'
slsoSealMitliMU. 7 44d4te.4b7WE'i
;forehead, the riattirallywaVjng auburn heir,
and the large linnific,ius dyes of her kindred.
Her beauty, neverthefess, was of that na-'
thre which leads 'the heart to wonder not_
less than 'Tie grace of her Motion'
- was surely- ethereal. Her •fantnitic. step
=lelEn o , i Irdd
could not but .dream as ,I 'gazed; enrapt,
upon her alternate "moods of melancholy
and or mirth, that two -separate semiS, wer - e
enshrined' 'within her. ___:i radical wf re._
Her changes of,coulitenance, that at one hi
st:nit I fancied her possessed by shine
tit of smiles;, at another by some demon•of'
tears.. -
She was a maiden. artless and innocent
as the brief . life - -she had led among.. the
flowers.; No guile disguised the fervor of
love-. which' 'animated her heart--and she
examined with me its inmost recesses, as
We walked together :hi the Valley — of the -
Many-Colored Grass, and discoursed of the
mighty changes which had lately taken
place. At length, having spoken, one day,
in tears, of the last sad change, „ Which niiist
befall humanity, she tfieneeforward 'dwelt
only upon this one sorrowful theme, inter
weaving it into a l our converse—as in 'the
songs of the Bard of . Shiraz the same images
are found occurring again and again in every .
impressive variation of phrase. ,
She hadeett that the finger of death
was upim her bosom-that, like the ephem
era, she had been made perfect in...loveli
ness only• to die: but ! ,the terrors of the
grave, to her, lay solely in a considerationnch she. revealed M one still evening
at IWilight, by the banks of the Riv6r of
Silence.- She grieved to ,think that, hav ,
ing entomed Iler in the Valley of the Many
-Colored. Grass, I -would quit for ever its
happy recesses, transferring the love which
was nowso passionately her own,.to some
maiden ()film outer and every-day world.
And then and there I threw Joyself hur
riedly at the feet of F.leonora, and offered
up a vow to herself and-to Heaven that I
Won't! never bind myself in Marrinoe to
any daughter Of - earth—that I would in no
manner prove recreant to herrdealrmeortwv.
or to the memory of the devil - tit affection
with which she had blessed me. And 4\
called the mighty Ruler 41 - tite universe to I
witness- the' ,solemnity of my . vow.
And the curse which I invoked- of
and of her, a ,saint in Elyslumo.sbould
prove traiterous , to that promise; involved a
penalty the exeeeding groat horror of which
Will trot pertnii, me to make record of it
here. And . tine bright• 'eyes' of: Elennora
grew brighter at mr words; but she made
aeceptrlnce thevow.-L-for what was she
but a child and it made 'easy to her the
bed of her death. And site said to are, not
many days afterward, tranquilly dying, that
because of- whin-I'llnd 'done-for-the emir
fort of her spirit; she 'would watch over
ore in that spirit When she departed, 214(1,9
if 'so it were l ierrnitted. her, return -to me
visibly in the watches of the night; but if
this thing were indeed beyond the pntl;er
of the souls in Paradise; that she 'would at
least give me *frequent indications of her
presenee l • 'sighing upon m in' thiTeTe - iiing_..
winds, or filling the' air which I brettthek,
with perfume from-the censers of the
angels. And with these words ',upon her
lips . she yi&jdal up her' innoeent•life, 'put,
Ling end to the'first epoch of toy Own,
Thus far have I ftithfully said; but; as
'pass the barrier of Time's path, formed by
-the death of tax .beloved, and 'proceed, into
the 'second ex 'of My e'xiatence,l "I'll' . that
'vague 'shadow gathers over "my brain, and
f' niistrust:theperfeet sanitY,of the record.
''Yenii , dragged themselves
elengleaVilY;aild still, with the aged . Mo
ther 'of-• Eleannre,: I dWeit ssitliin tire Valley
of' the second
eimpge-*il''corrie, upon u't thittgi.:
Star-shaped Slitrank' into the Ste_Ms
of no "more.' The
tints of 'AO:grebe - carpet
,fided,',', and only -
one by' one the euby%lredunsphodeli
there-repro:it?tili,.iit 160. of
`there; ten iOy ten, ,dark :eye-like that
ivereil nnettifill::% And , fe deported ;frOin,:
otir W
Tonged his 7 scarlet P U
fleti , - , saMk - frorii "the. vale the hills sr sits
vcr sh • d'eWit throfigh'tlic , gorge at
• ,." • • . .
--www owm,owtecb d'Ervz,a ed.c.
half. said-, they_ ; _ ype, edvertised '
2°l (1'600.... We did,.'saiti:the.:eaptain,'• fat:
week days, Linville „ billSisp3 . frAbaildkea..e
ceptedi w mil '
the leeks. of fhelehfers7..esl..iiiey'"itte
The following eloqueutgpecelvttati
not long ainee,-by a yount„Thub 'of
atone, to a ;court . antlqutv' e . in one , the.-
eastern counties of; ,11 is ~ g tate
court plenae,'getitininen qPiliequrSr4 the,
fentlant,in this cause,,rtviiW
, a=fiOntl, etnergied,fiinn the =tviltletileo.,illio , L
a rpfiri Bono; ni!q(iTi:hria.giggit t tic7.,sitengthar
lte .seised; uiy nlieutr lay; 1.1u140110,•%attt1,,,Y . :"
[die 1.5 A
- ntl; howescer' !-
does,,ifot: require - smile arrlic'attou valiceee' •
the lower end of mir — deinam, and bedecked
the sheet river never again. And the lut
ling melody Alta had been softer.than the
•wind-harp of /Eoluti; and more divine than
411 save the voice Eleonore-':-it diedOW
tie' by little, away, in murmurs growing
loWer and lower, until,the stream returned
atlength utterly
,into The, solemnity of kit
Original silence. And then,lastlY,. the vo:
-luminous cloud- uprose, and - abandoning the:
tops of the mountain to the dimness of old;
fell back into:the regions of Iles'per, and
took away all its manifold golden and gor=
geons glories froth the Valley ot.trie Many:
Colored Grass.
Yet the promises of Eleonora were not
forgotten ; for VlVard the sound 4 of the.
swinging of the censers of the angels; and
streams of a holy perfume floated eierand
ever about_ the. valley:; and:'-at lone hour 6
when my heart beat heavily, the Winds - that
bathed my brow came unto me laden with
soft sighs ; and' inilitinet murmurs filled
often the night, air; and . once—=oh, but once
only'--I was awakened from a
.slumber of
death, by the pressing . of spiritual, lips upon
mince own.: -
1314 the void ivithin my heart rectiSed
even thus to he filled.' • longed—l madly •
pined for the lore which bed before Tilled
it -to overflotvint*.-, At length 'the val,ley• ..
pained me through ils memories•of.Eleo- -
, .•
iota; iii&l"fiff"it=
if;F:.-7.-7. -:'
1 fou,u.d myself within a strange
• E'est'ern
city; ,where thingsmight.:haie 'served , td
'brofroin recalleetion The sirtiet . dreams
had dreamt : in the Valley Of. the Many-Co:
loreil Grass, The' ponms and pagearttries_
a a s6fely cOnrt, and.the mad clangor of
- arms, and the-tadiani loveliness of Woman;
beWildered and intoxicated my brain. But
as yet my soul had proi'ed true to her. vows;
the-indications-of the preseifee
nOr4...wercitill given Inc in the hours
of 'the night. Suddenly 'these ManifeSta
'tips's ceased, and die world
.grew dark- be ,
fore. my eyes; and - I — stood- aghast at
;Arnim; thoughts which possessed, at the
terrible - temptations - which beset me—for.
there came, from Some far. distant ard Un
known land, into the gay court of the hint
I served, a - fair-ltaired and slender maiden,' .
0-whose-beauty' my'-whole- recreant--heart--
yielded at onec , ---at . w hose flnustool. 1 how-":
ed down, without a struggle, in the- Most.
ardent, 'in the molt abject worship a 1 . 6 ve.,
'What, indeed, was the passion I had'
once. felt for the young girl of the
in comparison with,--dte madness, and the
glow, andthe fervor, an the•spirit-stirring .. -
,ecstaey of adoration . with chich I poured
out my soul in tears at the feet of the IrdY
ElMengarde ! Ilookud down into the blue .
depths of her meaning eyes, and I thought
only of them and of her. Oh, lively was
the lady Ermengarde ! and in that know
ledge I had room fur none other. Oh, glo
rious was the tvaxy flow of her auburn
nessesl and I clasped them in'a•tranSpore .
of joy to my bosom. And I found eapriut:-
hathe fantastic grace dyer step--and there—
was a 'wild -delirium in the love I
,bore her
when .1 started to see upon her countenance
the I.:laical transition from tears to smilesi
that I had wondered at in the long-lost- •
Eleonom„ I forgot—l despised -. the her- .
rots alit curse I had so blindly invokedi
and I‘v d cd the lady Ermetigarde..
I we ded, nor dreaded the curse I had
invoke( , and its. bitierhess was not lisitedj
upon'inc.... And in the silence of the night
there, came once again through . my lattice,
he soft sighs which had
_forsaken me, and:
hey Modeled themselves into a sweet
snying—" Sleep in pence ; fur the
spirit of Love reigneth and ruleth; and. in
taking to thy 'passionate heart her who is'
Ermengarde, thou art absolved, for Jeasons'
which shall I.e made knowti''.•to .thbe in'
Heaven, of thy vow unto glebnora:"
l'. 7 vocst: Tructr.-A-, correspondent at
..New Ilaveh writes 'that an ingenious trick
has been played off upon the passengers irr'
one of the steamboats,. that plies Between
that port and New York. It. will be recol
lected that in consequence of an oppoSition'' i tt on the. line, the fare. in : the
steamboat-Nett' York was reduced to twelve
'and'. z h,all coats. Tim consequence, es'
mi,glattrxpected, wa's that- the tt
crowded-with all sorts and ranks of peoPle,
from a•snuill jug,of Day & Martin, up to a
four story_ dit'key. Our correspondent
tho ftilloWing incident:' " Our
j:iry is flooded with luatufs from Newyork,
as they come now fora-shilling ahead:
- pretty wick was played on. them last' Sun=
day.' As - Saturday was rainy the heat did
not start till §entlay . mOrning . „,, l when she
had five.or.six IttindredpastringeVs4:„. A
miles out they were called tittforjlteir,pas , . -
sage :niono-;' and they begao.'4o:l . l.o
their shillings. But 'the , captain-?Said, it
was no go. .'•The fareAtiai.4:dellai:anttz.