II II . ..-......,i___ 7: ...: T .. -.— . -....;:- ;• .. ..-., .1: ..... T,;:. raltrabim . Toren- propcil y intact , out Loh: - - :::,.:‘ T s'Vt , '' oods .1 • ..,I 'IC 'A' li" 177 itt ff. KIC . h" 1 1.1r, IR •, • • •. , ~` '.-'.S T I L . IL 4r,', HE &RP E . E.:?.. r: - ' • 7 .: . IN NENiTyllGtll. ' , ' ' 1 10:d ft . ARNOLD ,hi A11.11A•NIS- have just ied - Th..: slibseriber. seeing x . '-' , (9 1 1 ;31 ' of Dri bit l Lied- • gretitvari,ty of Clatirt.,..3tissimerrN; Slittilklii, &i.e. &i.e. Aiiditfeafied, w_ill.off.r at Poblic sale oil tho-iprtinfi— -wi t icluthe)-aii...th:termin,d - (0 AO! I elle:4)er than erci cis , onThitrliaay the 111stof Octobeenext;fivlo o'cineh fiethee offered if: this place iie eist4laere. ..: ' •-' • • ./V/M;, - all-lhe real estate; ofsaidthli , ' , :"e'Nto' 1 The ruble are his ited tb 'coll . :m(l ' Oxtualtio for v it . t. throtNelees • ~,,.... .. .1:„ .. Ist The [ °llse , •anli "tlu 1 . siii i .i.a . s . tin r ., A . . 1 3 ,1Ht. .4:1711 ~ , p , T# p, * in Neviyille erupted by void ilveras (A. 3.r.,:t li E.,1 . ; : ell during I:s ll' flat, iv ith ihe brick ; v-:-- "T... "i4= , Avvelling ilti It hal ' lot adj•iiittii,t—tlit; lots are 911teet Olt Maili streellfand CXlVikti Wtek 180 feet oh-Cove alley., The jovprovellicots. in titbit - filo 1 to the dwellings are, a double log barb with it thresh, log- thou., staldiug, wagofi" shed and irtrtt crib; also, ,uveisterd, wash and_ wood houses. This liroperty krill:lie Sold together, or divided- into two lots -as ----- bestLiiiit purchasers. . • • r' •-'i. ' ' • -.....___ . .. 2. A House: - - mut - --bot—on_ 11371 t ' street, itt , iiewril le, now occupied hr John Grit ler. ` The'ahovelots ace all free of grouoil vow: 3' .beventy seven Acres of - land . . . • ,f,l j oining the. borough of IC:row:vine; and extending -- uoittlt In the Co nonflogninctereat the State road from - NeWville to DulditiOtip runs ilt rough•ddi lalid-: , -i t. iS ' djYided into elchen tots of different sizes, cont . :titling from fotr to twelv;e acres, nail will be sold its divided. -- -tir altogether, as, may be most atly:dageo ifs. to • tlie estate 4. Cot, -of ground, containing nine acres and 49,perches, lying 'about a qua'rter of a Tulle froin the borough of Newrille oil the road. to ll;hr de Square Hollow. Tour of the above lots are 111:.:111 , 1a , grlllllll. four tiro iu.cloVer ' one will liic-s'intin wheat. his fill and two Alitot of the Ibts, with the, tpiantiY in each, can 'be seen by callin on MI. NVin: 'Wood burii in New vine, wlio wilTshow all the'peoperty to any person wishing. to view it.. The above described property or end part 'of it. •can lie purchased at priNare firm - ions to the dal bf public vale, otvapplicati on the arting•execntu - .. Perfect Aides will be 'nde Ti the purchasers of the property, efear.4 ineumbrances: • • 1'K11314 Or; S.t.Lt.:--FM . sinus wider WO, oae orrThe Tst of April'nest, the other half on the lot ctl, . April 1813., Ou purcbases•of - 's3 o o or ahovO. ..twlr ou the 15 . 1. or April tie'st - , and Tile win . ..half in two equal annual payments,. without. intereq. par - tnenis to be secured bY a Wu) on the latal sold: - • - nour.rur ESce'r of pi, oho Geoilis-dycd. • Novvine ' 7 4 1841 --eow,ts. . ' ,11.1 pt. , r§ruis indebtiql pi the.el.l,oe f 1)'... (,ii Cietlipi,.i....etT:i - .4e11 - ,l:t - - Ii Ote gl Vl4l - 14 .rl 1,, ;.:I'.e6f - I,is - '. ers'mal properiy„m: J till ng his i i fel 1 , 1 re.. a re,,iot i fie.l., ...-.,:.,.,„„t..., jjl.os!.j;3,ifi4.ritlif:--Norininirmree mil I ;f1..... ~.-;: %.,..,! i Vili: 011! ~ , ., :. ,..Iz. I.llF,l*4rg; 7 l: ' " 7 - 7 • z,_-_---4 • •.: Will be...c'ol:l - at •Pttl , lie'S!ile; llo . l `rin (lay ,of Oanlier.n,:xt,•o6 the'pri•misrs. town, Cmhlu•i•laml comily,•the Intl:Owe oftht• rept msistiok‘ of - ' .r 9 i LtOi •• - • . • on._scvcrid of them' ere build i thiro•eni-teepo ' sett. ..Algo'the'well Icootvii 477% • .. thlt.E l 3i r tg l , -_•itia all the appuitenaoces belont. , ,iht; (,)jtt , (! . - .Leci4 3 thereto. ' , Sule tb'coraineoce-at-1 , &clock, wh,o te . rotp will be imole kt.m'o by f !MN', 10.1()Ii1:1•1 jr. Shircilian Sep'. - Orphans'. Court - In pursuance often order of the fh•piratis' Court 91* Cumberland county, will•be oxp , Feil to pulic. sale, on the preini„ , t l i , .§,Mii Satuth ! y.tike Crt:,ber, at • 11 9'eleck iu the fertammi of 'Fa;(iday; the f: den ing deieribed:t.i.;;;;i of land, part of thr eoate of Eli zabeth Cernitian, dce'd., situate aail i ; trA.ia for township 'fit Never Mi.l,lletea, e are! (lifiresaill, hamuled by lands oft teary Crall. Geer re !i.e . ., b 1,1) t- and thiP • Cmiodu.4iiirei e..erk, remaining 145 Acres and 90 Perches, /measure, Thu imprinements are a . . Two story lalricEi `H.0.0 S E-4.1 . 0 1 - 45° Ifftottrile 911 1/ .. l an d is a ll c leared, except abont 40 neves There are about i 6 acres of first rate meadow. There is a good Appje Orchard, and a first tiro well of water. Said land is of the.juntst quality of slate land; mil is itbout '2l miles from Carlisle, • The terms' of sale are as rollOWS:•One half of the purchase money to be'paid on the o.C.April• nevi, when pos , :ossinn will be giyen• to Bic ini.:ellas•r, Is ii n i ce Of Vie - jintaliasenfiney CO. he paid in two equal annintj payments tiiiikeJettaXith'.ut interest,- the purchaser to.give approved security in the 01.- . ,phan4' Court by•recognizance on the confirmation of . the sale foe the payment of said purchn‘e• money. - . JACOB 'Mill:CI:1R, Trusfee. Sept. 15, 1541.---tds. - , Valuable. Tan-Yard Property at • , „ PELOJLEC __Will be sold of public sale, onWediMsdAy the 10111 -ollsiovembey n xt, at 10 o'clock, A. Al., on the pre - sniffii,lh the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland coun 7 iy; that large 4111 commodious T IT YARD: aitontC on the nortb-east corner of 11 ; onther r and r.est .streets;bounded•on Abe east by the Letart 'spring, and on the north by lot of It. C. [tall, Esti:, contain ing twn,hundred and - Sixty feet in front, and one hun dred And twenty in •,deptit, 'Vlore or less, beliniging 'to the estate 'of David S. Forney, dee'd.,_ having thereon erected a large TWO STORY STONE Dwelling House I'4' l ' 4 ' , - . .. . .. , , 9 T,w.o;.Story .Stone Finishing 'Shop, it large Two 'Story Brick .Beans House, a large Frame Bsrk and Mill...House,' with a Bat w Mill in it. There are forty-four lay-arrays and one pool in the yard, live. handlers, three limes and one bate in thelivain house, and a good well of water at the kitchen door: , The propertyis in good order, and in a very dash:able situation' forz"rannery, or a private A welling,— Terms will be made known on - the - day-of---•sale; _ and nay inforniatiow will . be given about the prop erty before,the day of sale by • CHW.-,W.. SHEAFEIt. , . • ? E,x're 3 ACOI.I 511120.1., . Ci'rlisk, Aug. '25,184,---tils. - ca., Lancaster,) lerald, Charnbersburg 'Whig ' and Hanover Herald,' will publish the till hit Nov. and send billsio.this office for collection. ' ' ultioracE: All persons wishing to be supplied mid; the earli est city news, may feel thamsolves• much, gratified •by calling on Om subscriber, ‘vitere. they can have a selection of the . following daily and weekly papers, ~vizt-I.'lliladW. j dlia:..daily, Chronicle,' Lthiger.. and 'Spirit of Owl ;Ines ; • New :York Herald daily and 'weekly; New World,TlrothcryJo;iathan,l3ostw;No tion,, yankce.Nutinn, Magazines ; 4e.'Sce, • Any per _ bon: \ ,apbseribera foe nny''of this above Work S . ' or Claude& • •9 9 41 1 1;11ley',:na ylenaea : f . .• ~. • - 1..6 a.in s Thetautieriberb;intentlhtg,to."wind up tbeirliusi ness off& thetr'Stoak of Broad Clotba,-Cassimeres, CassiartaMouf Nferinoes, chintzee bed Calid' Fit itsT• •Coslti, aeeuriax gootl bargains dird ; ,, requested to Call as early 'as possible; and they mar 4rependlupqniet.tiair, , all ibe - tartAulue aboie eintnita•-i " atetloyi the actual The:tering.; are. . • . . , ~ CeetteleMitguattl,;ll34t.,'.=. -:, ',''-'.• - ''; • X; •IP-,1 - "Elie entirskiekvilllMsolti agreat'bar.' gain, to'ony t•Me'vh `'wishes rg engage in the I)tiaih , :teas, withrtite itrivi ie'of the room until the Ist gf . .eltpril.:--c . ._,.;' • .. • ' .. . . • ", ,- ' ‘ •-'0 f l i) s'• • • • ' ,•, ~.. ' .•• 7 4 ,E,7) ',.IT ,77.1.1 S : Orneß- " LNG t fare t•eiitOrt;il to the WareliouSe recently occupied by-11 ecch &," Co. at the nortltcwestcornet or Cherry antfLtroUll street., Frain' the flitilities Which the lowktion ari•angentent of this depo,t afford, 50 . 'to 40" Burtheit Cuts can be accommodated to inithed and-load:at the •ti;lillIC tithe with sufficient room to store,qo,ooolntkrcils of Flour; and 400 io 600 toll of Grain exchisive atilt forwarding departinent. • • Produce or every ttescription will .he'reecived as usual on consigaments, am) liberal :Armlets made on receipt (if required) mail sales r.re effected. , , • CRAIG; BELLAS. 84. Co. :77 Nortilw est corner of Cherry kflroad tit. ."• .:'' - ItrIPERENCF.:F . :. ' .• , V. S. rCalienni Cashier. -) . . I!elitteesull St:Parker '. , car i ng ,.. • . 11i.A . 1 th (Ids,' • .' lerson'k llosserman, j . . • . . ,Fritnli .'n•nyer„kiramitie. ' ,- ~ • • . 1)861 Nevin, ,Shippens•lnnv.. ' •• • j• IJogitillSinitli, Esq. Cadfie'' Cha vuersti lilts' Itobent Fleming, ..,-..; 1 Catlierwoncl &Craig, . • I ,,phiad e ipnii i . AV'm. It. Thompson & Cip.• f . • IVliitnil & firown, ' ; J ' . . „ . .Vefl , rd I► vare z ' . 47 eery; IP E"P.I,RIET3I ° .STOR E subscriber has jnst, rettirn6it Ja- the Cities of New York, Philadelphia 511(1 Hal timore, :nal is ,now opening - at his store room S. E. si;whot Square. and Slain Streets ( for " Melly oce!'l'ph. , tl 'by Coo.. W. llitmer,): a general as sortment of ' liortlitiore;. tone TT fare; Cedar •Trore r Brittooia 'll 7 (tre,: OrOieriel; - ' Glass; Cop.es,:l.lllps. for for furnish:tag and keeping a house. • tle•hasalSOsand 4111 'eonstantl• heip uiijard•—.:- • .• Certa)Pgai e ' ,(D I 7 • • a• idiesp and•efegatit sal.stitine for spurn) oil. and having I), , en aiiiioiated the agoiit of Messrs, Daekers aioldirotherof , Newark for thesalepfJond's .. he isprepareil to for ui 00, ai a very yeasonalifiTeatFlT3iili •who may wish to tar this - nod eininotnitail !laving selected Isis g ooils hiniselfottul ipirehases for cash, lie•is•able, and is determined to. sell , ow, - . - . . . Allow to lay oilt will find it t 6 their ago to gicchint.a coll.' HENRY DUFFIELD. Carlisle. July 8, I 8'40..---tf. N G VV-- U A!IL-M-A NUF.A7C TOR Y IV M. • T-- it OIJ PIGS leave to inform the citizens of Carlislenotl itv vieinity, that helots rotomeoeed'omoufaz tdritq' hats, of the latest fashioos, nod of the' very best orit.,!rialseotoproilog Russia, Brush, Beavir,,Nutria, and all kinds of FUR ILI TS, • • . , „ . . of whirl% a general a ssortownt will Always be kept on hand, or wade to suit according to order;' which he will 'sell on the most accommodating terms line cash Ql' Country i'ruduce: Ills slip will be found in Lowlier street, in the tense farinerly kept by Lindsey Spotswood as, a Ilatters''Slw. . Carlisle, 'lay 45, I 8.11 .--fon. Bar Iron, Wass, &c. Sim received at the New Store of the subscribers• A 'Cons BA It 11 Ittji:%; . , of first rate qualiq•;nad Ltr_salc_vory:low for con,ignmetii, 90 half Iloxt:s 3 by.lo and It) half !loves to by 13 ia good qolvi., for sale to . : , Icrebants Pittsburg andDimennann hest • NAULS, - BR :IDS — AND -SPIKE'S, nt manulitctw•irs p ricey,alcn,onhand %Vitherow's Celebratedtatoot-PLOUGHS,ThAX-SEEDOH., by the gallon, or Itnt•rel,' 011. MEAL, ‘VAheri'l Bra's. ['ore wurrE. LEAD, MAHOGANY VAN ElillS., EsPi. Sze. BOSSERMAN & MOT'I'ON.' Carlisle, May 5, 1841. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. • rjw, FIRP, EsZSUICANCE COM- ---iz—pitai:s4p.appraidia.t—...kadeszr.,TP.P.f a A rt ONTIN UL Co make Insurance, Perthaneut and. Limited, on every description or Property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, 011 the usual tiworaDle terms. OFFICE,AG3i Chesnut street, near Fifth street CILIA I 1 ES ,N. UANCKER, President. DIIIRCTORS. • CIIARLES N. BANCKER, SAMIEL GRANT, JA:PIES SCHOTT, FREDERICK U fIVN, TIIO3 . IAS iAltTjo. TIMM AS I. NVILIETON, GEO. W. RICHAEES, TOBIAS WAGNEE, • MonnEcm D. Lrwis CHARLES C. B ANCKER, Scerctstry itl - The subscriber, Ag,ent for the nliove CoMptiny for the borough of Cnrlisleimd vieiaity,will prompt ly. attend to all applications .for InsurMoie, whelhar made, personblly or latter. Itesidenro Main street, nearly opposite the Cur Office. . . • WM. D.' SEYMOUR. ll:u•el 31, 184E-:=lp DR. S.-L. STEWART, Thoinsonian Botanic Practitioner . of 'Medicine anfl Obstetric, No. 2 Alexander's Row, flear• the Road llotcl ,•• • , 71-1 ESPECTPULt Y informs his friends and the public'geneeally, that (through solicitation) he has removed lrotrySlitremanfitosvn to Carlisle, where he may.' be found at 'all. times, unless professionally engaged. The'afflicted shall at at 'all' Unica be-treat-, ed with Pneely Vegetable.Wdieinei,"NO Poisons," and in strict rtessordance. with' 'the, principles 'laid down by that great yeformer in medical science, Dr. Samuel. Thomson. • .• _Chronic oases,-such as,ConatimptionsAiver CORI, pinints,.Dropsies, Itheumatisms, and': Cancers, are more' . ienlarly informed' that:the - New ,System'i admirablyratiapted to their cases: • •,.. • Invalids, 'from nAlistunee can be , aembmniodated withßonrdink while under medical treatment, on .reasonable terms. • . ..• . • .C; • LOOMIS":DeniiO IS pemanently loOafed-in Cull*, and will perform tili , opeiations,that pre required in Dental - Surgery, such as . Filing, Plugging and Fa treating Teeth,ned.inserting - Artificial Teeth, from n Single tooth,to a whole set..- - He will also attend to. nll diseasei of the nientli;getni,lte4itad:direet and' regulate the first aintsunonddentitiohnolv to"Oender . the teeth of children, sidl,young personaregular and 116 1{010: , ' ~ LfitlMlSrinay i at' lie found at his r- Ree, on High Street; Oposite Made rlanti'a Hotel.' , 1-1 Cur. une . ,t2,9; 1.844,—y; , ; • r• • '''l--'lll'ivittilretles• • • br 16'4 ife tlikrit l'eGeiVe4 11404 Oeen obtained-4 4 44th, 6.om...lk:iii.andretti'a Office r theyare fri(44R.4)II I T.ED P.E.YULN.E. prr,„ . . . Western Gl;lss, =I .JACOD SMTTII, Fr , il 1 1 ., ... 6ch a't I i 6 . .46 r . ... 0 ' ' . Line;. . , : wag) . E - 45Vilm,_, ~,i: ) ,,a,i . ,: ~.• ~.•_.....„,,,,... ~ .. , ~..„,, . . •.• . • . , illelvaceivaleckaufesborg toed , . ..„. .., .... . . . .. ... ., :it , - - Ifilodelphiirt, or.7ll,3ldrimore.. . .. . ' . [kr WAIL 110:1D oil C.1.A.1.E] .:., 7IIIE stibscribbOlkiferytf6 Clink favox's, c' beg leacci tainfOrm their friends'and theviiblie generally; that they }}(ill confillUO 19. run 'nhi,'•', Of Kurtiten Car's regularly between .Meehaili6sbdrle and Philadelphia, or:Baltilnore i •by Which gooo atd:pro ili!eir. of all dem:4 , ll4lons will be forwSrded. with care anthleapatelvat the iotedst iatesOffMght.' ,' ' ' ' Produce will be received WV their; Wipe • IlouSes in Mechauleslinrg,'and forwarded to either Phila 7 lielphia.orsl3altintore;aecoNling to the direction 'df the owner. . • . - .: '. ' ( .1 7 The •higliet: price NViii . he' ily(t ‘ ll for Wheat tend Flour. . .: - • , : ' • ' - .... . 1 / 1 1,Si3Adll, St. MBILY. N. 11.. Plaster.of Pariiinfiti Salt iihynya' kept 'on h an d ; and for sale. at the lowest prices. .Judy 29,18:1131.- . --1y.. • ' ._..L--- , - . !resh Medicthesi '''' '''- : 41. j 0.- n 4 'f' . , ~ ..c- , 4 l'i, -. 1 111 .... . \t 110,..,.,t ;-L- . ' • ''.l)Z`• i z' . - ' ' l ' . '4....- ia4 ,'11,1,.1 f.., -A s t . : ~ gy . . --,;, , 44‘,,, .^ :co • ', I iii 4,., AFI 17•Nlil l !i ' lilli'; k b2 , --..=..i-s-- . , r,c4.111;,,i i , tyrotr4R._nvp4ifiolA l)iii,: ~,,- 4 . 011-- - 4 4 ) , ..M 1 -1 1-4,11 1 , 11... : , t y r „. t. ,—... :7_ - A4 1.,4,.... „ 4: , ) ,:,,,,a g ,,, 4 ,:., *4- --,,. ....,, c- , • • . &,.....1...,-11,02- 4153, '" t‘.l A . . _ tins :recently yecOifecl Itugc Achl tiouul sopplieti of: ' • • Hod ute o o .ED Sig 8.- -i.'urpentine, - Copal rarnish, , Painters' • 131118105,, t=arnish Brushes, Hair .11pushe's, Spermaceti-Oil, (eery line) 'Vero, 'Candles, Soaps in great rariet .I . ',44nps, Cap 'caul Letter Papp',..Frulf, 'Spices, BerftrUker,y, LS. h'inisis-41.oseltairt .tftr.!.slll44*fiiijesraLr. .41.1;.44 . the ji ; .” , 04,431,0 . ..,_-.loj.iiil4p.ipi;hase mitirely for (.0/ Sillier!bar4ains, o those svlio . ‘i!ish to 'pupil:lse wholeStw e. • ,• • ,•• • S. -- 11.1AIVIT. Ainrch,24, 1811.,' • •.. . • is the bthieSt - crime . . 111 . e not arnottir thus c'hort of Editors a ho for n'‘, ) V 'H i )" Will ' 0" 31W and "1".'" " Ci:‘lek 1111 " 911 . :1111Cle and 111.1118 it-1111.0111111d S:111.;; :WU we willing to rptinlin bileni, after lotv,ing tested the utility of no insprovemeut discovery in science or :rt. Our- rt.:naves, n ill recollect we told them we were unwell with It slre throntittoLyi3Oleot cold solar few--neek4trgo,--‘1 1 4.11...we purthns_e(_ ll lWP. bottles of NVINSI.ONV'S 11.1LSANI :OF 11()IIE- !MUNI) and so taalohle AV:IS care, that wv forg . of, -we. eve'. had a cold: -Thoso. who are allleled, luny =I grapA., For sale by S. 1:11,1,11) 1 I „ Carhsb., _A. .I.'NOIITI,I, Ni.w‘ille. . • Also, by lb•tigibts f . .; , !ii,( 7 1.:411s Ihroughotittbe coon li....lb•iv6 50 vvill 6 p:7 bottb:. . . , .. Pet. ‘.25,• 18 : 10, • ... , , . Dental' Surgery; 7V1111: S1313S(;Il11lErt respectrully .traders hi it ',T.:0,1 - o] ;2kttowkd a ittritts to the public for till: very liberal share of pa.tronage he has received dm.- I tug the past year,mnd tVould still continue to olVer than hi s.processional st evicts in their carious bran dies at his residence, No. 7, Harper's Itosv-Ile electuses. and pings teeth, :nal. inserts incorruptible tarter metalic artificial teeth in the tno i, Ht approved manner. Charges always modetrate. . • -.1. C. M. 1). Carlisle, - )1farch..25,1840. • Fentittes"Belvore of CoitAm/Idiom—And not sulli•r the early seals to knit its Mud threads he our sys tem, but gourd diem as you would the thief at night. When yoirlind eneniy.seeking to destroy yourqtealth hr imbibing the' ell', seeds or a serious diSt;ase,REMEMBER - DR: DIJ - NCAN'S I.IXPEC lOR ANT REMEDY still immediately destroy -nod rrtunye Thousands-- or-your. scx_die_unr. oath rroarilie Want or proper trentinent. !lad those knoWn tin' %minivanl errets orthis medicine, and. used it in time, 1111111. y could hav i e,, prolonged their days, and vet be dtcrlling amongst their (lowest friends. who - are 1;1)1.14 tinder the. influ ence of this-disease, lose na time in procurin l / 4 !„ Dinican'icEspeetorant remedy, it is safe and eflectu al, and always gives relieriii the most hopeless, eases. It Steengthens . the wedkittol debilitated ; relieves the pain. in the hreaSt, ; suppresses the distressing cough; stopping the hectic rever and night sweats, mid ...final- Knit' the castrhe not tooAitv 'advanced) restoring per fect health. , Principal office,l9 North Eighth street Philadel phia. s•For sale by JAW Myers & Co., Carlisle; and Peal,Shippenhhurg, Pa; cv.wrwit',Al ES OF. 'AGENCY , FOR SALE or 11.6rialielrefhs.li t 'eAreittble Univer- Are . held by the 10110 wing agents in their respec tive counties. As Munerous counterfelta of these pills - teT.Mtempted to be palmed upon the comMuni, ty, the propriety of purrhasing only froin the eeeog limed meats, will be apparent. • Cumberland Cnunly—,George NV, Winer, Carlisle; A.ltiegel, .Meelianicsbark; Gilmore St :McKinney, Newville; •S. Culbertson, Shippenslan;g; Mike gt 'Brenneman. New Cumberland; Isaac Barton ' burn; I. C. Rupp, Shirenutustown• G. Itiorrelllt Co, Churchtown. Cathay Alexander hfagee, Mooinfiel • LElllrg lIIIE.U.MATIC LINIMENT recommended' and a truly efljeacions ap Of:alio)) foe Rheumatism, Beni se . s,, Sprahis, Stiff ness, and Weakness of the Linibstind Joints, Psi, along the Back, Sides and across the Loins. RE COALEA.N.D.HT/0 - • :Extract of a letter , from Ey. Johns it, dated: • Philadelphia, ay: 7thi1.839.' The Rheumatic Liitimont an been employed 'by myself, and finilinilhem elfiea clotts,l have since recommended them' to ratiy; 'eureirig ,n lumbago, slifiliess of the joints, numbness of the 1'1111m:10S, limbs, &c. , • Extracts of a letter from Dr. Jennison, - dated Baltimore; May 19, 1841. • Your Rheuhiatic Liniment possesses properties which t have never • tbund liCany Liniment I have heretofore employed. Extract:of a letter from •Dr: C. H. Gonibich, da ted • „ Pittsburg, June 21st, 1839. • ...Of numerous Liniments. nd 111edicines heretofore employed 'for Itheitmatic affeetionii, none' have been so sueeciasful as the. Linimetit an& Ilload Pills inati ufactured by you. , '1 hey' [neve in, this place won the golden' opinion of all Who have itsey• them, To any ow n•knowledgethey have cared several' that ; Were: .by myself and other men prOnounced incurable.,. It May not be amiss to remark, that lioth tbeLini: meat:and Blood are prepared bv , Dr, N., B, , regnlar Druggist Physician; attestedby ,Ers. Phy ilia, Chapman; Jackson, Hor ner; pewees, Janina, Gibson, Coxe; 6tc, of Philadel .•;Nhia7Lininieid: i 'prepared only -ml_for ' sale; wholean"e and retiti,lat NI: IC LEIIIOIY.IS HEALTH EMPORIUM, Nq' ;19C:Ntirth Second Street, (sign of the . GOlden Eitle'atid - Serpents,) Philadelphia. .1 gei;uluie is .accompanied bythe writ ten signature of Dr; 11; W,Leidy, tlie •• Price 31--Cont a _bailie . or three. ottleslbr.sl;',.,,ll •Alse; for sale by STEVENSON.i Bc, *DINKLE •Druggista,Carliale, Pa. . • • • • May 19;1841.-6m. • • . ..• , 1110,Lvases,._of' thO lEyp. 'DItI....'BOSTOCK'S • • *Celebrated - Foe. Water, . For the cure of Ireale,‘ltrizteiljor Illdod Shot Eyek, Viers, humours, and Influniationof the t.ve-licli; Phh»cee . of SisTht., Este.. •- . . Persons- subject to any . of these unpleasant disor ders; will find this the most effeetmil remedy in use, as it seldom tails.to remove any of these dffectimi,§ . a few applications, witicont tlntleast inconvenience or pain. Those who are troubled with a DIMNESS OF SIGHT will 815(1 lindit a valuable remedy for strengthening the eyes, imProvhig the sight f and pi e veking the dimness that arises from straining them: It will also lie found particularly useful son wash for . the eyes of young children, to 'remove inflamation; nad subdue the limpoursjo which they are'so . liable. Price .50' Cenbs,a .Botile.thith -Oirce.- lions for us ' • -• - Sold in'Carlisle by • SAMUEL. ELLIOTT. •-. . Apr0. , 280184:1....y • : a~oo $ioo: Will be form ted by. Dr. LEIDy, for n prep ratioit of Sarhaporil4 . equO , to hio , --- Medicated Ektract of Sarsaparilla, The.efileaey of Snrsapw•iflit is'Well.knoqc'n in Scro fula, or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Lin er, AlThetino's or •the Skin and Bones,.Ulcers•of the Nose, Throat :m o d Body, as well as all Ailtidntl. to Mercury 411111 the Mide . rahi, Dowslipitional Diseases and a general Purifier of the • Blood tiid Anilnal' , ' 1)r. Lei ily-would ritferto the most respectable:idly siebtesin Philadelphia, as w . ell atitlroughtitit time U. Shites for the character of l,mis prilatration, as well also to the winierousee,rtilleates from physicians and others, that here twee from time to tima published, imw deemed tointicesidire ns the,character ofilis pre paration is ljnillyestablislied. Throughout the Situ tlwrii States it is used altogether, and throlighout.the North takes lll,precedence over all others; particii larly.antong physicians, wild, for the Of their patients;.aLways recomineiiil lt. • • The reatkr is rtlferreil to tho thrill ions accoinpa : o t y Me; each bottle, foryeconimendattoils, certificates ) and' fitolier. particulars. - i - ltinneniker, - One liiitthe (li ill n pod;) is equal to . 51X.: iirfriffl7:lll .11i r by" STEVE SOTZY • tS.. 1) 1 N Kb-E Dr?' g rrtst s.• • • • 7sTay_l:2,lS4 t .1)1E. OF . Y."l.i/IR Is COMING.. ' 'llt• Aior II alit will SIRSIfI VOU. Life nj • thellt'vls ia in the Blood."' . . c. xvir: v. XI. Vl(,l\ IS E 111.0()D PUR11111.11)!. Tlloll.qtl . lllh can ibis qt0:Si1011 Who kllol{.. that - 1)11. 11Lo 1 , 11.1.,5,:. • Cl6ll'o:St:s.l' 'VAST lII—WHICH IS • 11',.1.111L A ry 11K.-sak.4 3 -I}est, aud known, iLas`ekry 4115` Vairiffier. Thousands, n ho have. for several years past used the'm thiritpr Spring and Fall (as svell as - al other times) will' never Ilse any others'. Ilmidreds arc already daily procuring them, who have heretoloee employed thou. - The object of this advertisement 'is to inform the thoiTsands who know not yet of them, !wry they limy procure them .genuine, that they may try diem; 'being. Foley satisfied that having, tried thetii, they will neier I;e..per.4 . ualled to itse any 'othef: for several reasons. • . : First—Dß. LE1PV:3,131.001) PILLS ARE ANTI QUACR, prvintiTil by Dr. N. B. Leidy hi niqvlr,:t regal: r Druggist, as well as _ attested by Drs. Physick, bewee,l/2 .I:teksritt, Fm. • Seeolol--,1)11. LEI DVS BLOOD PILL S . A RE. A NTI-M BBCUItIAI liwing an A ntitlote platitst Mercury and the \ s, 3.1 deleterious and Ilan gevolls; and mum the ell'eets which Quacks, de pentl, IM. ":killing or ettritig,".4lllll therefum mks' them with trick. nostrums. LE11)1"S 131.001) I'll ,I,S FElt 1111.‘N,ANY OTlll.' as in using them, t hey 11 require 0 restraint timitt , liv,ing ocettpa anti may he taken ,hr the most delicate and . feeble, old and young, malt: utitl female at all tittles- . • . . . a mil l i n d uc till eircutOstauces. . Foorth.-1)11.. 1.1.:11)1"S (11,0011 •l' 1 1.1.$ Alt E ---- lalll'Ett ANIS :1i()R1?; - 1 7 .1 7 1'1',C11./All, THAN A NY 0111- US, %viten used accor;ling to the di --zrettions--soti 410-oot-retptire to-he_takim_in_large trtmthies ss•is required of carious other., Nkeili ciorsonaking' a Drop Shop , or the Stomach; de • r i v i ng it o r its accustomed uourisitmentolestroy- . tog its Inactions, and theruliy causing It rapid de- cline 'tithe human system.. lu all CllSeti.where a purgation nine he necessari', these Pills svill_be tbund both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no natfsea, or sickness of the stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sem:l ib-ins. Further comment is • deemedCututecessary—the numerals certificates published from time to time from Physieians and .other intlisithaili must have convinced the inerinlulons, and for the further in formation of all others, I)r. Leidy refers them to the directions which 'accompany each box. They ore prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, -at Dr. Llll)Y'S IiP.ALTII MIPORIUM., No. 191 North . Second street, below Vine -street,,(sigu of Golden Faighiand Serpents.) - • • . Price '25 cents a Box., , Also, for sale by. STEVENSON.. 84 . . - DINKLD; Druggists, Carlisle; Pa Dl2. • LEI pI"S Sarsaparilla, or. Blood - Palls. " The Life of the Flesh is In the Blood." LEViTiCUS, e. XVii,VCXio Iffillasarest‘bestand efficacious Pith/ . non , 11 . is existence, are Vv. Leidy's' Blood , Pills, a compelled( part of which is Sarsaparilla: It is Use- less here to name the good qualities, er commend upon the medical virtues of these Pills, as the public are fully aware cirthein. Stiflice it to say, they are tut effectual purifier of the b:obd and renovator o f the system. • • ; Phi adelphia City, as.' [l.. a.] ,Persoimpy,apperi vet) Wore, line, one of the 'Aldermen 'of the city of ,PltiladelPhia, Dr. N If. Leidy; wit0,.,,0n his solemn loath !dot!) - declare and swear, that in the composition of kite •Sarsaparilla; Illnod•Pills, manufactured by him tali; the're 'not Contained, Meroury . .or the ,Mineral;; or any Drug ; •whateveri unfriendly; •dangerouS,;•or: deleterious to the litircian,system, C. BIIAZEII, Alderman. • , . . TYPrice 25 cents a Box. They are prepared taut bold, wholesale :ad retail, ak.lle.Lejily's Health .liiMporium, No.j 191 North' Second street below Vine street. • el Also, for salt. STEIy . F.NSON & DINKLE, Druggists, Larlisle-,'Pn. '• ' • ••.:, . • MV. l9 i 48 41 -r -6 0 1 4 : ;! "! , .', Tetterq, ~.1111.61i,!!'. ,• - ' R. L'EfEII."B"OELLIBRATED T EtrE it AND 'ITCH OINTMENV ih'ilaily lieiminine . tricire pepular. .. Daily,..da ,numerous .ind ividuals stop and tulorin the. proprietor dritsgreiit'sneeess iii remcir lug and ; Curing Alto Tetter ;anti fteb. : ' •.: .:'". ~ i ' '-. ; , ! • Numerous testimoniats Ariglit bopuldislird.of its :efficacy; but for Ib'eileliettit y felt • by indiViduilli litri , 7 ` ing 0'01. 3 - nap - mt. publifil t icd.., ill . / no PllOOO . Oll Vijtlif %Po! loathsome and disagireea We alert ions. . It may:be .useillcritt!..t 'terra& Safety by young' , and :old, "even; upOh: infantli, . Ti ittaining lio..meraurr-eir. OtheritibMral sillistitutes: Dr. N, 11. Leidy- prepares it,liinitie4ll64,;lt.nahiugliteAeruposition; most dentially, .r,ee,Orniiiiis it as superior to any' oilier remedy for ti otter and heti: • Prepardd and Sold' :at Dr. L.eid Health Emparium,(sign oplie Golden' .Eagle tin&SerlientS,) No. i9l North. Seco n d street, below Vino ' -., • -,, . . ,- .. . ,:' .Also { To t . Bala ;by STEVI3I•ISON , IIt.'-.DlNtitit, 1 Dri . pits arlisle, Pa.-. —.., .. -. ,' ''' t ; !'.:; .;. ' .... 4 , :: :,11v . e preParatirine lira sold 'kr, all arliblegale Di. $ .i k „- i. ,..qu s :Pliilachillthin A11a , ,b3i,..011 !respeotablii. A' . ' "" 1 Druggists - ' lhrally,bout - die•• Lltated - v.i.„ : 0 •,!,;- .1 v !t , + 9 ,.1841.— t ; . • ''''' . , . .171 , 0.fixey am . I.4tit. . • Office in., Iligh'street feW .- doorS' west of the POst 01fiCe::- (3:;rii;dp., April ‘2B, 1811.--t f - -• • • • 1 I.JBI',IIECEIVED some very fine SHAD. saj HERRINGS & CHEEHEN. the Store of , • •A. 11,1UHARDS. . Al ay 12,-18 , 11. • NUMEROUS remedit;s have been offered and pulled into notice Or diseases of the Lungs, some of which has undoubtedly been found very use ful. but of all that have, hitherto been known, it must b e tioi - vroilyackitowledged there is none that has ever pro% ed -as, successful as the RALSOAI OF WILL) ornmcv." - Ilft,hindecdlire the; astonishing, rest or iffiv v l n d BalS:1111;"lluft even in the worst thrms of ConsuMptiop,,when the patient. has' su Mired with the most di stressmsr• cough. violent pains in the chest,difficulty ofbreatiting, night 4weiits IdAnttling of the lungs. &c. and when the . M.st et:reign ed remedies ninny Ph..rmacopias had failed to tifibrd any reliefond even when Botanic, .Ilomemathic. and numerous, other remedies.lind been used for 111:1My inouthsiit vain, this invaluable remedy has checked, every symptom. mul teen producti - A e of the must as tonishing t eller In the early stages - of the disease, proceeding- from' neglected colds. termed Catarrhal' Consumption, it has been used with undeviating'Suc eess, and in Malt,' Whrll thitcdisease seem: eti to have marked its iictim for an early grave, the use of this medicine lintinenoted every sytn ptom, and restored the lunge to tt Mate of perfecthealt .. • • In that form of f;onstimption. so preval eat amongst deliCate'yottng females. commonly ti:l•lned debilith.nr into tvlerline.” n crimplaint with whitl, Ihnti sfnds.are liniering, it has also been used with sitrpri sing success, lind nett onlv.posses.es the power of checking-the-Frngress 0r niaerniog. disrast ,tut .the mime time strengthens and invigorates the. wholt:system mire .effeetinilly than nti;y reniedy we have ever pnshessed. Oj LIVI.III. qrstases of,thc With gestiou or wanderiog rtior, iu thi• side, it I r is also pro iT(l.very 4,Alleaciims, and cored iquoy rases or this . iiiod;tftc.r tht. mOctia(cl.ful rtnnOlies ....... sitrimttliiiiit it bro.; nii.ict !welt • t•11.01,,r t 0 51\'C ;term:inept • „ . . . . 1111 - . 4,..)NC1 I ITI:•;:—As a rein,dx ;111.611/- .' e l k ial nlli ctitlns of tb titrost, with . n liont•se ites, I f vvi efrouttisl will inflisily lifllllll 1111- • • mediate relief Jr' usetlltt. tllo ronitileucctnent . 01 . its ~----- aTZT . - COU(V.I . S, S. t'ol.l)S:r'r-lii cot:mina - rnughs i tinil .coliti,;lliiit pret ail so .extetisivel throughout t c he trinter,it will be found 111 Dell IDOet! CM:liked ,thell any Il i , l'elileit . 111 k', :Dill 14110114 , 0111 H Nellie DpOli the hingg, 1 Cale:lllpr all 11111:1111111:111ADh l ii itelhlEi 1111 the III . C . 11St,1111.• 1 lieelly or shoetiyh'i ahreathilliV-e•, the use' Di this 11:11S.IDI will ' suppress - sitell.•symptoilis immediately, ' and :it tlw . sitini: time present the lungs trout hecum ine: more serimisiv diseased. . . • , lE3' ijittlliP AND NVI 1()OPING, CMICII.—Iii these con:311:0ms. so coinmon .10 %ming. children, this 'lliiisiiiii - Witriiiiiiimilintrrirs - n - pe . :+n - in - the - -Parego ric 1 7 .1ixir Syrup' of Squills, aittl_the Narirms cough , mixtures in common use,' as it is entirely free h'imi I any thing the least injurious. and. may at all times be 1, given to children with perfect sall.ty,mill with the cer taintyof its affording Mein speedy relief. I C'f. AS A. 1',11111.1' SI iF:DICINE for Many nth ' er : oniplaiiits, this Italsant will iitso be found panic= Mindy useful. li:- ides having proved all invaluable remedy in all' Pulmonary affections, it exerts a piitv ' eritil influence freer Wa11 . % likeVSeS depending! on a: : i tei, t . :1 ,•, ; ,1 i .6 1 ,ii1110 ~' of the cySteni, unit these who have stiffereil from the tmliscriininate use of Alercury, or other deleterious drugs, that are often, compounded in different quack nostrums; v ill find it a reined,' of great value, possessing the power Or strengthening and invigorating the Whole system more effectually thamany other medicine we paSSeSS. ‘,. ' CA till ON 'l'o . PUB.() I I ASEI , I,S.--:\ . A thi s mo l_ ichie hasalready acquired great celebrity. there may probably be sonio attempt: .to imitate it, and deceile the public will spurious mixture, to prevent which I would wish all ptirchasers to - observe the thllowii.g' marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put up in bottles - of tWil sues' tlicli, ralN'heg* the — W7iW4ll' IS'l7All '8 I 'SALSA 1. (}F 1111,1) CIII.:1? I', I'l I ILAbl'.l.- 11 II A , blown in the glass.anlYalabel OD the ' . front with the signature of I I 11Ni '1" wisTAit, M. ]). ~iihoo t ,,,ilitli nine isl;elleille. • ' . l'l'l ' llill .. eli roe the proprietor •by W 11.1,1 AMS F.:. - 00: - ;Cfmmists, - No.' 4 2‘2,4:;ornmerce styeetTPltiladOl; i phia, and sold by the most respectahle lbmg:; ' ists•and other., appointed agents in all (lie tirinciptd towns thrMiglinitt ills Toiled States. ~ - • , Zr - j. The Oennine• Balsam sold in Car 'lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, . aiipoint ed,Agpnt.- . This extraordinary chemical composition, the sult of 4 science and the invention of a celebrated my.d ical man, thim iiitroducti on of which to the politic NC:is invested n•ith the solemnity of a Oenth-bed be quest, has 'since gained a reputation unparalleled; Sully-sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr. Grimllley's last commiciission, that "he ilared not die ivithout giving to posterity the benefit of. his knowl edgC,mt this subject," mid lie therefore beyivaihed to friend mind attendant, Solomon Hays, the secret of his diScOvery. • It is 'lbw timid in the prineinal linspitals, and the private prartice in our country, first ittni most eera thinly for the cure oldie extensive- ly and effectually as to baffle ertil lily, unless where its effects are witnessed. Eileritally In the folio tr . - .For Dropsy--4.!reating nxii:torditiary absorption at once: „ them in n few, hotrra;. , or chronic witc4 . , „. [Alay 19, 1841-:-"pn - . . Sore ThroatL—By cancers. ulcers, or colds. • Croup and Whotving-Cough---Externally and , over the chest. All Bruhies,Sprainsoual Burns--441Ured iii a few . hours?, ti . , oetotand. Lileers—Wketlier fresh or long siand u.O fever, sores: , _ Itsioperation upon adults and redileing ,rheunnuie mid loosening cougfistind tight nesi of the eln,.st hr relsAation of the parts, l e ts been, suriirising beyond eoneetition.. The; 'eotruiinn• mark of those who have used 'it in.the lilies is "Jt acts like': • , . . TH.B is ,refunded to any. person who will use a bottle at Ilitysi Li - Tann:mi. for . the Piles, and return the empty bottle without hying cured. These ire the positive - orders !Wale propiie ; for to the agetits,nittl out of many. thousands sold, not _mie bits been unsuceeSsful. • • ..- • .• - We miblitansert.bertificntes to nny;lenggth,.-but prefer that thoie niluv sel I the article, sholtliteXhibit the original-$o ptirchaScrs it • • ;- 0 Plzysic(ans and .Patients. Ti k e Blind Tiles, said'to be Neolithic by external applictitions;— .l -Solometc I fays,wariants the contrary.: His Liniment will cure Blind Piles. - ,..Pacts are more stubborii than thedaes. Ile. solicits all reipectable Aytii clans to try it .upon 'their, patients, It. will do 'them - no Wirth, and "it is known that: ct:hry fihysiCian •who holiestv to mako the ,trialitillli ditlly atindßed that it has, • succeeded in.'ever.rc"e they ' Then Avliy - notiittle?: - At ittfiG ,rOIPO of clue, bit Ile i rinost tnembt:rs; noir, deceased:' refiise to use it Because it is soli!: 'as a proprietary. me4ljoinn.? k blise for, sufferitioheir, hottest ,Inttients.,tolinger in Bistreits ? We thuret is no t humbug . , ot•qttiicicery itlaaitt this article --Why then ,not not alleyinte hUtritin .sultt'lrr try'it' before; VA' thetas' Otter till' other - preseriptionefiiil'..,l?liyirciaiiii are reOpecifully; Oque'steil' to ilotheinselies anddpatients the ustice to glee this article. It shall be taken from the, ;bottles Arid donti uji its theipp,i4iaHoiou if they &isle& .;; 'Sbld 'hiecinitdoOk St . Ole WltitifusabOryggi,st,si, Nei •'Foir - ',14t1e;. - als9 by s'reNgrisoN i3s6 , -- • • • December_ 23i.1840:---l.y • .:,:,:d,HAR : 4::I,I*!::,L . ut3,E . , DEL WESTAR'S BUM OF WILIKIERRY THE'CELEIRLATED REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE LUNGS, Prtre $1:00 a bottle Decemlwr, 111„1840.---Iy Hays' Liniment. 0 FICTION: ipsfolfAs atiom of :-‘ . . Air unparalleledyemedyfoy common Colds,CoughS Asthma, Influenza, ;Wha-;;ping Cciugh,Bronchiticl e and all diseases of th e Breast and Lungs, leading. to Consumption; composed 'of the-concentrated virtues of Horehound,l3oneset, Blood Root, erwort and: Several othee,vegetable substances:— Prepared only by J. M. WINSLOW, Rochester, N: .. • . . . Theintiocenci: nod univeratdfrndmitted pedortil virtues, of the Herbs from N% hicli the BALSAM OF' DORM' lOUND :is lunde, arc too generally known' to require recommendation; .it is therefore only net . nessary to obserYe that ,this 'imetineice, contains; the ' whole of theirMedienl properties, highly concentrat ed, and. so Alai:101y combined wlth several other ye-% getable . stibsa , nneesois.to render it the most spe 4, mild and certain remedy, nbw in use, fel. the om. --. plaint s above mentioned.. . • . ! For Children, this Balsam.; sof inestimable v, e.. ' It is a speedy remedy for: the Whooping ,Con jkiin Croup, and sllltrils certain rellenn Bowel Complaints. Cholit', Teething. 'kr.. ' It isplea sant to,the taste,and,', .tonvite,safely given to the tenderest infant :Ind should be kept at all-times-in every family, ns. it is moat _ better for. the complaint's incident to Children, than . Pare•vorin.Godfreys Cordial. or.thn Cordials an cow 'motil'Y used; a s - htmdreds in thirelly - lilive tea:riga.. • ,I . Vent - the ,folloainh.. - •bereirr eertifY "that early ' : lit the. Bp:4 og. of 1838, 1 pontracted n severe COLD' 'which sell led norm my lungs. and , threatelted•a hattf Cousumptihri. I used several pre'scriptims, hut oh= tamed little or.. nOi 7 eliel; 1 was much alarmedi.,-7- , blappenins• to be inytichester. I was advised by my friend, Me. Whist ow. ft ry it bottle of his BATILIM or liontuouND:: I did so.: il to my surprise . A . .. 'tallied relief tit' mice—and' hy l' ' use of that single • hotle was nnefectly restated to ieldth. To those, afflicted - with .Colda or Conglis, .. this inclement season, I say "gi. and do . 1 ikowi se.",. . .. ,• ' . ' LEANDiEIt CIIIPMAN. .. • ~ . ..-4' ' ~ • 0 . 'Pittsford, Aim - trot. c0.,,N, tiv.• Or, 1:1338. .' . Mr. John Al:Winslow, Druggist. „ ..._.. - ' Denr - SiriT ItaXelieen:fot• a series n'f years afflict - ed with an affection of the Lungs, and a bard cough, and baVYN.l.oany titue.'s nrose. in the Mording as com pletely t'xltausted by excessive roughing during the night ns a person would be by a hard dayslahor., ' I have tried most of the popular remedies of the clay, • but !lever found relief liiilli I met will your Balsam of Horehound. All the other.remMies or palativeS, that I have .used.leavn the . hoe els in a congested - stitte;•while yOurs leaves them soluble and free. 'Phis .I.consider n great desideratum. On taking n dose of your Billsam when goio . g , to lied. I ' rest Auieylybliro' the . night. and ihy sleep IS - refreshing.. I take great • - , pleWsime itCrecommeoiling tour Balsam of Hore, Minna .trY.all Altos(' -dflliet.eil"with-pulmoord•Y eom- .01ni 0 s.nr.nty yliscas appertniniMr: to,the. lungs, and. •rlV,fiikiinin - Oppqt•MuitYlp•,tlntok:y - 01-Erpr giy gl:e4 rdt- - ::::" _l i ef - gekilioth4 l .lv 4,4 o l7 . - -lquit4n4z-;- - - 74;;Timatariv/ ..x. qupsi,iwitlim , !ll7l , :rvstict - ,:,- , :÷-v,:i...... tWitiMqffettnnt7:"',VAC:.coosAykLL..:.:;:4 .• ;' ; • • , A .F.l •Al!in. by Driiggisl throu t , ,, h'etit the eputt— T'rirt..so runts Ocv bottle• • . April 15;1840.r-ly. 1-1173ALTF. .mLExna., Toot•is tot.oncC:l6o of reVel . in 'a tlionsaini, lint I may be elrecamilly Impketi., up' and remdyed byl the ul It bilums imitter mall constipation front the s-tonittely and bwels. It. operates gently :mil .etfeetually - .on the howelSandiimierfullyim primvesl.ll:ntipluisaot r dt; il igs:if!AT:i litlu tv meal, :111(1 promotrt , it good appetite. It= needs .to give perfect satisfaction. 16lillg beconic.a gent . Vlll — with many to use this - article in all cases of coldsi-pains iti the honk:Nor hea‘y disagreeable feel ng, tinitkring tolwitlache or 'Milli tiess. PM hoarse-. nest., i ftakeit througlythe day, it completelY restores the voice without producing sickness. AVllooping eMigli, mid ill .einiglis or children are enroll by it.— The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, and it ie qui iminmossible that aiil.•disvare should commence . while a persottlit vain } ; It taken ilitily it produces a rudy, healthy, and young appearance, by driving mR till' the humors of the system. Sold genuine at t 2 Pletcher street, one door below Pearl stroll; N. Y. by Comstock & Co., and by all respectable Dr : llLrtrifitg: . For sale also by S'I'EVENSON & % DIN liLE, l'a. • • • Balm •of - Cohlmbia, British Consul's-Office, . Philadelphia. T NOIV - A1:1 I'ELZSONS to whom theft! pres ents shall conle. that . 1, GILBERT lionmYrsoN, Msg. his llrit'anic Alide'st . ; 'fi COUSIII for the City of Phifadglphia, do heyeby certify, That IfohertWltnr td lidatiesti; to the roYegoing Utirtilicates, itt Mayor of 'the City of. Philadelphia ; and that Mat thew liatithill,Estf.; is Prothimotary. of the Court Colyinion Pleas for thecity :Mil county tif Thillidel phin, to both whom, .4ignitttres, Seals ol their respective offices. ain faith eiTtlit is due. I further certify, that I am personally acquamted with Joseph L. Inlis,one of the signers cif.the.certi ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy of the Balm of I . :y . 41111)in, mid that he is a person of great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre dit; mid But' I have beard him express his unqualifi ed approbation.of the effects of the said I alm of Co lombia, in - restoring his hair. .Ciren Oiler ms hand and'seal of office, at the city of ISiiiladelphia, in the SUM:: of Penosylvania, the United States of America. .11LBERT HOBERtSOL Read the followinz: 110111117 1111 AUTON, Esq., late Mayor of Philnclelphin,lms certified, as may be seen below, to the high.charneter of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used the Bikini of *ColuMbin .discovered by J. Old •ridge;and live fauttl it Highly servict, aide not 'onty as n preventive against the falliog oh' ollair,but also ' U certain,restoratit • • WM. THA'ICHEII, senior, • • Methodist Minister in St. George .charFe' N0..86 North Fifth st. JOHN 'P. INGLIS, 331. Arch st. • , • .30H N. 1). THOMAS, M. 163 Race et. 'JOHN S...FURtIy, 101 Spruce st.. HUGH Sruth 7th ~ JOHN YARD, jr:, P 23 Arch st. The aged, and those who 'persist in wearing may not always experietual Ps.restorstive yet t it will certainly rnistt itsvirtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three 'of the n: .bove.signers lure more than 50 years of 'age t und the others not less than* . . , • -..----- - ---------r---[Pretti the arapor.] . . • CO3IIIIO.7 4 ;WEALTIF or 1 .Etisri.v.ira4, - .... City: of Philadelphia, , 1, ROLITIRI' WHARTON, Mayor of sold city of . ,Pitiltittelphia, do lieCetiv certify that I tint well Re-, , guninted-with Messrs. sr:. P. Inglis ; John S. Furey; 's mitt HugirAloCtirily.lrliost names are signed to. the above certificate, that they are ~getitierocu of chorale •ter auttrespeetabiliiy,U6tl as but:taut; eredit should . 1 be p 'vett to the said . certificate. . " . . ._ InAvitnesr whereof, I hnve )iereunto act any band,' . r L: S., nod nnlc:tsc:tlclfte l; cizto lei ; ntfied, thtsixth:n,ofveenrie •.:- 1 / 0 1 3 ERT . .WOARTON,Mnynr. : .... . . -, ,•• • .• 'ArILDRUI GES BALM OF •.00LUMBIA FOR i , Tilt ILAIIL•r-Bi positive qunlitilia six'" , ,i , kfol- , , . - ME ` l . Ist. For ittfaat's.cepjag the head free (turd scar and caltilogn • 9.(1. For,latliesartfr restoring,the Otio :to, its usonisteengthaad .f m n'e,ss; itriventing,tW Orthelitir. :L . ' ef':'"?- • • sa, - 4.7i - .. r..lAk'f!draPpt recOitc:riag, from any I.leltility.... ; ' ; . .!.)te''satie effect • .psed ininfancy growth it 'lair pre'servetl by,attentibn to the litteatit'Oloa''' frees the:head 1 . 1„;orn,, dniwirtiff,' , ,streatt lean ,7 the iobts, imports heitlth'ntal vigor to-the natl . prevents the hair &oat tiny ' ' ' tith. • causes tha..ltnjr t o • thin'e; th) it 'min , 4 a (Cf. No ludies'.toilet shoulticierlie tanda, ipit lv7otottt it.,, , ' Vertitinltithe heittl,•pre. immediately ;tad,. perfectly ,C:u'red. orifice-1 hy, use.;.; „It , Tor Stile nt the droe• stoic • Cistaitarl Co,; Fletcher street near '.Pearl, iota iii Carlisle hy. Ste. .iveataitiSt. , [Dec. Itl., 1,§40 BEEBE