Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 06, 1841, Image 3
E I= RALD & , EXPOSITOR, n'lt tt. ‘A? ED ES DAY,' OCTOBER 6,.1841 FOR GOVERNOR, J - 111ff N • B LicN K S . • OP BERK& COUNTY. • • The Election: Locafpeoi beifel'llie - certainty of their success in Curribtirlandoonnty upon a mor 7 . bid stillness' of, the .Whig. Party..• They know . well that if- both parties turn out, Manfully to the polls, they are doomed to defeat. -That none of ttpir. own- will:lin gor idly at home, past experience demon 'strates; and they expect theViCtory'Only as , a triumph over our lethargy. - Let this re-. .alization of ilkeir hOpei,,be vetotdbyi unani 7 mime . poil of :the W,hig vole. Etetywhig in the county should lend his eforts•to.the overtliroW of a party whose mainspring • of action is the spoils Of office. Ye indomitable Whigs, of 'lO4O / 1 you • 'areexpected at your "posts, to .teach your political eneiniesthat your quietude,' upon Which their hopes ate built,• has reitilted, not froth the consciousness, of your weSk , ness, but kom confidence in your strength. . If you value the ascendancy of" correct principles and the well being•of your state,` you will be at the election window rain of • • • No. Sei.atchiOg. "..Itumor," who. prates. falsebood and truthindiscritninately,is_.busy*rassaxlitig. . , . . . . ...__.4}}iat some of opl, Wilk. ft:Lead's 4e?igt). Bprqtplii_z2g . ' „ theirtickels..on , the day or the : ----- eiCtllblf - iiiit - Attrig - T - ridrtiinrbr thelbooforir tair r ei' «`Ei,ope 1111 a'' iii 6y hotii . :Bd. )** • - rnotive'of - personal regard ought induce a true-hearted Whim to erase a naruelrorn his - tfa r 6t lute .1 opponeni. NVe fight for " priticiples_not -nien,"-.ancl-itsis:therefore oui duty to -vote • the whole ticket, sacrificing all private: yig to the . common goot4 - •• • _ Someiwo or.three insignificant bipeds we knoW there are, who, claiming to 1 . ). -Whigs, avow their determination to -split the ticket; - but these at best were never else than white-washed locos, and_ for naught but a' Pull at - the publio udder did they shout "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." - Their hopeS have been dissappointed, • and .now, irritated at - their misfortune,still calling themselves Whigs, they declare themselves • unwilling to give their support to the whole ' We disown them. Thek a . re rank • rabidi locofocos. Their tielet is the loco-. foco ticket from top to bottom, and like the wolf in sheep'S clothing, they seek to min gle,in our flock, that they ma 3- put us off our watch and execute their plottc , ll schemes Of iniquity. We - warn • our fri..nds pi be wary of the :dealers in such hypocritical managepient. Hold no communion. with . • 19 them. They will endeiYor to prevail upon you, by reason of stint° frivolity, toistrike. . -a - ifine i -for they will thankfully receive the smallest favors—bud then laugh atthe dupes of their' trickery. Watch and rE'pudiate them. - Obr ticket is one which commends it self to the support of patriotism, intelli.; gence,and morality. • Skilled as our ene mies are in traducement; apfas they are in -.discovering spots. upon the -characters of opppeing candidates for office, where none exigt, they have not dared to whisper • a "railing accusation" against the integrity, ,moral worth or capacity of a single indi vidual " nemed - upOn - the ticket placed before us for•our Support: , • 4. 0 !, • We hope that when Cumbekland county ' renders her annual account on the 10.tly to , W•higs of the Union, she will subject ',lmrsql,f,to . tio charge, of, delinquency. Examine your, Ack'ets, and see that 'no straggling Locos' 'have found their way 'upon them. 'head ev ery name ram John -Banks to Wm. Cul be'rtspn, before you pass your vote to. the = • • ndow. tok well to the !narn s of your:Steno :torialcandidates". To defeat- them, y our, erne. , mies ,will employ fair - means and. foul. Take vare- befOre you vote' that. the nam es of T. IVi ctupoh and Mi aloof C. Clfirksen are `upon y9ur ti6ketv NM Whigs; tio tihte Vote the following__ ';DEMOCRATIC. W14116.-TICIET... - ---.- - - - - -2- ~ -,-------c cimmissioNEll, 3 :.• • . • • - . , . •,. . • •„„,,,,—.,..,,„•—••••.,.,,,,..„., Mik, It ~SSn, •pa, AO - .. — 7l' ” , :" ,- - , ' , "4 , ': " .•' ..- 7 --.,-- ;:.• , .. , • ''''' . .''!:":' ,, v , " : 1:4i";:Yol' ' ""' •,. . ,.., .. , AIa; ,, IfftREWAS. ORE Rv- - ---- -' " " ' '' . . .. .. . ~ . . ~ ~ar~rvrr.xr: , i;;~~ ~,. ME tib MI week's' Herald shall have. left the press, the Sovereign People of.this great Commonwealth will have de termined by the silent but irrevocable . ballot, who for the next three .years . shall have the rule over their common public in terests. Whigs of Cumberland, you are a portion of the Free 7 men by whom - the .decision is to be made. You have the prosperity of Your beloved Commonwealth. at heart; but pat rioticleelingitlone will not do ; .you must go to the polls and there, deposit in the ballot box the . expression of you'r will Reniember, too, that more devolveS upon YOU at the coining election than the choice of a.Governor; the political' complex ion of_ _your Senate and House of Representatives may rest upon your eiThrts, alidifyou by supineness permit the re-elec tion. of .a Chief Magistrate who has so shamefully mismanaged the affairs of the people and disgraced himself and his .tate: by petty political intrigue,'vile hypocricy _and chicanery, and at.thdsame time giVe.him a legislature whose measures he can fashion at his own discretion,.the ruin of Penrtsylvauia's weal will be consummated. • David R. Porter has added to the debt of the state Allow him - to be, re-elected, with Legislature .whichwill yield obedience to his nod, and in three more years your debt,.inekeising, as it has . increased.. :for the: last.three, will arhatirit to . • Do;:you_.wisfi to avert this calamity? Do you„ wish tp, save your .State - from bankruptcy,? Do' you wish 'again to elevate the Keystone State to that proud eminence .among her sister :state's, .from which, by the . mismanagement orincoMpetent, _dishonest -- gild'foracious public servants, she: has fallen? Do you'wish - to.re2e:Stablish the impartial . administration;ofjustice, —the faithful execution of the . . laws :of the 14nd -word,, 'do -y . 04 this great-people . to' become Once More -pros-, PerOus and happy? If you do, cons** 'to public welfare the 12th of The of Cumberland have the power .(:).;:annihilate. in this county the designs of their Opponents ! • Will they dolt?: They have the. majority ! Shall its voice: not be heard? Remeniber :the:'Presi ,dential, election of 1840; 'and that with • like energy and unanimity; of UetiOn, 'the ,like victory awaits you:.. Tour : , opponents know your strength',:aUd 'Oead It is lfiron r ,ol .your 'apathy and drowsiness alone that they 'expee(in,Cumberland . eo - reCOVer.the,--tioWer, ors:_yilibh : _tbey-liaie, :been, shorn. :If any' gum bet then, let them lvake . ::: . -There with the independence and firmness );'.and' - with. the liehest purity of tottooteilet them execute the, :wi • of rin4ought Pennsylvanians ~through the : timnipAlnce , of the :Fariners,(Meehanice,• Working - men, let to* , the. sun of the 12th : go 'down .00pn sloth. March - to the - 4nifisk,and snatehing,froin 'the' Control:of tho'spoilet;iyOur .beloved buOottering; COrninooNValth..' no man dream of the iliii!nliOrianOle:Of - 4'417k vote, act as LihOngh. upon ballot: alone dependedthe resul • Wings, of Cninheihniki; . hear ,:!'anit4.hee4 'duty, , dine, through tle,:length . .and bretrdtlx4 ,cOonty0O4 :: • dale -beard, and 'from' . every . .be echoed 06. jp9, shouts; loud;and bog, of ' honest, add,. VictOrioUOreein eh, •••••:. / • ; • • • , • • • . ••.. •• • ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ l~' For Governor; JOHN OA.NKS., Thomas G. McCulloh, Michael C. Clarkson. Samuel Givin ChriSOPher AIL Jacob Zug. DIRF,OTOR 'OF THE POOR, :Jr4l-11±-"-Wynko.opi7. ---_ • AuDram. Thomas B. Bryson. .. CORONER, William Culbertson. WHIGS, TO YOUR DUTY ! Fifteen Millions or Dollars Seventy Millions - ,.0f Dollars ! 4 - ..: . ,i0 , t.:,..-V . ',.(4 - ..t.'":--1 7 : . (.'"'L,.4.'t...10. -- *. - . - v - 4: 1 1,!‘ ' co, ~....V. : ,* . rv . 11.1,1: i 5..,1.t . v . v -'4--;-:. _ --. -----4e--7-- - ..,7- - _ -m 4- ~_ , -z - - - .__ - -7 - - - . - z_ - ---: --:27,1.--m--.-.= =-----7---.=-. ---.----p.,_:-'-`----- • —,--.-_-_- .- ,. . - -- -- 7 - -s: r - _.-:—.-': --,-...-z----- -_ - . E-:---.:-.2--"--_'---_:- t - ';-•-,' - ~..q . 1 ...-z . b, ---- ....1-- - F --- t- -- , -, 4 1P.:,..7:47-' ,h-;-.);;Tiii".t•c.-__-...: .;:---. -, ;:' :,tg;F: 5)..--- -:,:, - ', t! .V _... -'s' SENATE, ASSEMBLY. We ha idea• whcnr we last 'Week took 'occasion to : rebut the' charges against the Herald and itsjiroirieters; issued from 'that reservoir bf all that'. is abominable, " The Statesman," that , the .elongtited spe cimen of..rnortality crazed, die-flood gate,)vould become , crazed. 'at our etposi don of his nientlacitY.l: But it is ,he's mad as a March hare.". Well, Geo le, we ea your forgiveness, and own that 't - whs alittle - wrong - te-distutb-the - viet ol a mind, that sits' in its best state, uneasy on its seat,: Remember, however, the advice of old Toth Stapleton in every difficulty "take it dooliY, ° . But hark'ee. "Volta; do say that we spoke. truth when .W.e called you ungrateful and now that you have pleaded not guilty open your arraignment, it is' but fair to tell you that the indictment -by--public-opinion .contains. a count for re , pealed acts ofingratiluda: We trust you .may be able tolprove your :innocence; but we ..forewatn you that you , will require bet-, ter eirideOCe..than your own denial. 'ln- . deed, by'S'ome your denial islooked upon as conclusive 'of your guilt, for they say that the tontrflikof what you prink)is al ways true. M ELM ~: With.yon we never sought a. controversy, and-are determined to . nvoid. it, for the same . reason that we wotiktakifillifiiitietiilTiiiirtli the sweep who had just deseended from a kitchen chimney. The Herald,Alten, this week takesitslave of-you and your sheet. , The latter has committed suicide, and it would be • inhuman - to- trample .upon the body of the dead. As for yourself, ydu may- continue to labor in your vocation, scolding like a . figliTwoman, and scattering, abroad • - yonr:Vidgaris,rnS'witly]hivirstr:re.M. aats=t . , harmful ',than yourself,, " Getnee ;t •gone, poor devil, - 'there room enough in the world_for.tliee and - for vs.!' ' • ,•,• ECG' We : - have' somewhere: re . ad or, a MM=U=2 paragraph and when, in bed, dertated with himself whether he should rise all at once, onsentence . by scaitlice. The mono . - mania of the editor of the- Statesman is of a different char:icier, but no more easily . discoverable: .IJe fancies that he is a poet, witlLthe,trne fire of poesy, not by drinking of the pure waters of Castalia, but by inhaling the fuipes of Locofoca matches. - But while he thinks himself a poet, .10 • • His neighbgi•s think hint but a .o 7 ar: • ~. The refusal by the U. S. Senate to confirm the appointment of .toreph Rimer, Esq. as Treasurer of the Mint, was .occa sioned by the impression that he Was in capacitated for the duties of his office by blindness. The--following letter from his attending surgeon, ripe s t:Fs that imposition by some means - iv - 3S' practiced upon the Senate, and conseqbent injustice done to a worthy than. • • • To the Editor of the Pa. - Enquirer : - • Sin—=The - refusal by the 1-3etiate of the U. S. to confirm the nomination-of Ex-Go vernor Rimer to the office of Treasurer of the Mint, at Philadelphia, on the alleged ground of incurable loss •of sight, compels ine as his medicaratteudant, to trouble you with the following hrief statement. Eigh teen months ago, I was called on to exam ine the Gevernor's eyes, and found them both to exhibit all the symptoms-- Of grow ing cataracts,,but not- shfiiciently matured to justify, in my opinion, the necessary operatio& — flie eyes were then otherwise sound and unaffected by disease, • In Fob. ruary last, I operated on the right eye, suc cessfully at the - Aline ; but owing to a visit loWashington• by the patient at too early' a period after•the operation, secondary or membraneous cataract occurred:. To re-. move this, .a number of operations.became necessary, and . five have since • been per formed. • The eye is now nealiyfree from all appearance olopacity, and the sight al most as good as ever. 1 have no doubt but, that in a few wetiks,;(owing to the vigor ous condition of his system and general. health) it will he perfectly restored. - • Lonly,,operated once on theleftTeye,bu( owing to the unsettled state of the patient's' life and feelings ai that-time, inflaiiiMation followed,-and the situation • of the eye has been such as to render it,- in my opiilion, imprudent to touch • it--its condition is, however, rapidly improving. ••• • I feel fully justified by an examination made this day, in saying that the Gover-, nor'ilisight is. saffieimitly good to enable him, to fulfil the. duties of any voice if walking the streets without assistance, and writing readily and legibly, with a ' certainty of still b further iinprovement, be sufficient for that purpose. . • ,• •• Yours respectfully,, •, • - FRANCIS. S. , BURRONVES. Lancaster, Sept, 18,1841, Consumption and illeeding at, the Lungi Ctireu4 , 49 the nee of Dr: Duncan 'a 'Erpectorant liteMetly:" - YEAGER, aged seventeen yarn; ivns talsen ,when nt the age of sixteen tritlia Wight. cold, which she neglected until the LUNGS fell a prey to , that' seeking-destroyer,CONSUME:, TION, when ripplication to a physiclaii 'Was made, but to DO effect. He considered . her cliaeh hopeless one, and preserlbed Mediclite for her. ' In the meannthe she diseliarged great:quantities of bloOd; with muclVexpeotoratioitof thick phlegm nulcough. Her bodily frame iit'letigtithrenine rediMed to a, liv.; ing'skeleton.•: Her. last Was - anxiously looked for by . herfriende, that her sefferi no' might end by the pangs 'of 'death. During. the, time her 'physician ' frequently. Called, and as the last recouvai, determined to test the 'virtues of" D r . DUNCAN'S "EXPEcTORANT. REMEDY," haviiig innne'Mctraordlnary cure' the' medicine:Alf sirntlar,iitiiMsie once obtained two betties-and ndnunisterudit I .That - fourth day he found some 'Cliant4:;;;:irldett gave .coutinued givingA,lip:Jitedud teen days thertinte,she was rendered iible :to be walkintin her , bed ,citittnber; to the "antiniiSliment of filen& 'end :relatives, ',-She .oputinued ising.the fur - eight iretdta,*iebee.sbe'deeliirerilierself. I . (i Irnciou .Boots, Shoes and Brogans • which are offered cheaper than any ever offered be. fore in this place, Just received 'nod added to my forriter• stoat a beautiful And seasonable stock of Hens' and Boys Glazier, Fur, Cloth, Selet,'Hair and Seal . Caps, of the latest fashioultud at the lowest prices. ' CHAS. BAIINITZ: • • • Attention ! • Ist Reg' t C.umberland Volunteers, You are ordered to parade in Springfield On Tues day the 19th inst., nt 10 o'clock, A. M. completely equipped for drill hi summor dress. By order.of tut! Col. commanding. ' JOHN H. KELSO, .141jt., • October 6, 1.841. - ' SPECIAL COURT. nit iirtuc of a writ from the lion. Amor V. P•answas, President Judgo of the 12th Judicial District or Pomdkylvania, glide at Harribbtitg l the 17th day of July A, O. 18411 • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Court will he held by the said Host. Anson V., Portions and the Associate Judgro 'of the Court of Common Pleits'ot Cumberlintil'eraditY, at the Court [louse in the borough of Carlisle, com mencing on'Alonday the .29th desk of Alvember, A. 18,41 . , to continue one week, for thetrial of certain cauocli depending in the Court of Common Pleas of an Cumberld county, in which the lion. Samuel H'ep burnwas concerned us counsel fur one of the pairties prior to his appointment as President Judge of the 9th Judicial District—said causes being embraced within the provisions of the 39th section aim Act of the ct encral Assembly, passed the 14th April 1134, relative to the organization of Courts of- Justice. Of said Special Court, Jurors and all , persons con cerned will take notice.. , • • • p PA UL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Onus, Carlisle, 2 • October 6, 1841 .. 5 Vti n tne ß n E t 26 1. lei9o SAMU EL urt . of 1 0 OM IT ; Common ' 1 Pleas r e " hi the 9th District, composed oldie counties of CuM- Leyland, Perry and-Juniata; and the Hon: John Smart and joins Lefevre, Judges atilt) said COurt of Common Pleas of the county of 'Cumberland; have issued theit , lpreeept, h earing date the 14th day of Angifst, 1841 , and to me - ilireoted, for holding a Court'of Oyer _and Terminer and General Jail De-' , livery, and Generul.Qunrter. Sessions of, the Peace, at Carlisle, on the . Second'MondayNovember, 1841,. 6 .f (tieing the 9th doll at ten o'clock in the forenoon: Noilee is hereby given to -the Ciironer, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cum heeland, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with Melr records, inquisitions, examina tions and other remembrances, to do : thMie'thiiigs whiclrto their offices respectfully appertain. And Moir:l;4 , llo.l're _.bound_brrecognizance _to . prosecute against thelirlsoners that are; or then may be, in the Jail - of Cumberland eounty, to be Men andtbere to proilecute.against them as shall be-.inst. •• Dated at Carlisle, the 49th day of September, ND, and the sixty-Sixth yeasiof American Independence. ,' • • PAULiSMARTIN,:Shriiiff. NOTICE. TO ML .CONCERNED: The' Vendee Notes - pi son, foraierly,of Wisi:Pe:ensborough township, 'doe on : the ;13th' of September; 1841', ere in . the hands of.tbe eubscAiher,, ,11 not paid before. the.l . pth Nevember,:lB4l, they .trip be left with proper_ oflieprirStir eolleetioM ytioeeyr4teeiV.!l4 ott.'ileposite in the c , arliela be,iplce j A in , pup `tnent Said' tiotei,Nend nolie,inther. 1,, JOHN'TitrEVPitt.' October'B;llB44.—:tv .• entirely, free from ilisMuuund pam, and now 'pursues h • t tidy occupation in perfect health:. • - .principle Office; No. 19. , North Eight street, • hiludelphia. • . • . • For sale at the Drug Store of J. J. Myers •13r. Co , Carlisle, and Wm. Peal, Shi ppeneburg. , aug. 25. LIST OF LETTERS -. Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle, Coto !Jeri, lap. . , . ayEriquirerS Will pleaiaaity advertised. Anderson Benjarnan S . Lyne J P Col Armstrong Joseph . Lockhard Jane • ~„•,._ Black Sarah A Lechler Patel' .. - . Black Thomas,. •.- • Low Catharine, Barlet 'Sarah .• ' .Lauck Itachael .: Bretieman Melthoir , McMillen Michael 2 Bracht David '. " Maritts Jane Brown WM. - McKean Samuel jr 2, • . Barley John' .McManus Terrence ... • Beidler Jacob ': Martin John Mor Baughman Thomas J. ' Nichoqis Ulrich Bury John Davis Mackallßaz,al Boyer Peter * -• . ' Mordurff Conrad . Burns Elizabeth Bally Rosanna ' Morrow Hannah Brown John . - '' ' Miller John Bleck Robert - . '- McCalie Sarah . Brown Robert , • Myers Abrahath - :Cart William McManus Margaret Y, , Cross Samuel W :. . Miller. William .• . • Coininge Alexander . - . Neidig Jonathan_ • Cart William S Netro Margaret • Clarke Daniel ~. ' Novel Jacob : . : .. Carry. J °sap!' ' ' Noel. Cecilia • • Culbertson Joseph - Negley Pater ' Craver„ Augustus J , Outman Andrew C. , , ..Ciabb Plunket A. Peehart Daniel • Dale Rev James W . • Paull William Eaq Dixon or Dickinson John Putison A DeitiJohn . . ' Park. Williiint .El i f:pnes • '__ltussal_MasonW._•_„ _ Eberso arbara Reed George . . . F eddohn • Randolph Susanna ' • Fr/Martin 2 ' Ralston James M . Granger-Thomas - Roberts A F. Griffith It . • ' Richeson Mary - Coodman Jacob '2. ' ..' Robinson E& Co ' erbart,Benjarnin-L-- Robinson E.- . Gallaher J.. ' Rankin Jaines GoeshalkJ nook Smith Eli ”' • - . .„ . . . Hill Peter Stotler Elizabeth or Barbli Hoffmann Gem* Philip . ra Ann . .. Hortnatit Christian Shaer fient7 . . Hoover David ' Sterreti R. C ' • ' Hartzlet Abraham ion: Shetron Poet.' Hunter Semi . . •-• .Slytler - Jticob • HaiMer,Justice_ .... ' : Steminitz John •-. . Handsbue George • Shirk Henry . .. '' , Hoffer Johalum . Stoner Christian Hall Owens ' - 'Sort! David . -Hathaway Mr or • . - ..; Vitomas John . - Mr Robertson '. • - Vandergrift',Archibald • • ilin I•4rOnePliilim?• - •:-4— ,: -.-Watertntry:Arr -.- KOVlelliilll. • 1:• .- , C.', Weietiffle , CiltilllVillc -;"„ 0 4 "; ,1 )".4t1N.ii. P7:777:71-13Z1101Plie;``;''",:'-`,.:.::; - :: 4 . 0 r - - i.409?,: - .'' . 7. , ' . ' 4 , 1 1 1 1 14.141'AT utrotikil;:it , Z.J, Azhoilaiii , Eibtli4o? --- - L'aunle'jUliti. , ......' " ; 7::. Welsft - John W: .. , ,Line.Kmarittel ' ''• • .Zeiti , i ii fij Olin It '...'"r. , ' . -; - - - : ' . !'• • CAALISLE . BAItRAQICR. .. . .AukermanP-W,. 7 ---..Tow-usend-.1.0hnX.-Sergt r - Dayton Berkly III6MI/8011Chill'iln C. Keeler Geo.:11 - ,• . • Turnbull Thomas • • , Moulton Larkin D. - '2Gage.Edward • ' tyersunTeter ..- ..._Gree. it..W.i Wain' , W. M: 'PORTER P; M. - ' e, , 'ArUST . received few piee,euif new ' stiled. -' goods; t xpi , e:ssly for the ladies-411mA and figur ed ltetorines, blue black Crape, sires French Mor nenos' also black Silk Warp, for - CHAS..BARNITZ.. Carlisle, October f., 1841. . _ fiats! IIII:its!! .JUST rectiveth Fashionable. Russia, Beaver and Silk Ilats, and for sale, by ' • (MA'S. BARNUZ. Parlisle,Octobet. 6,15#1 ..I,ireiv Carl for Sale, Enquire at the Store of ,Carlisle, Oetabo. 6,184 h Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes. I have just received for winter iale'n full stock of Men's and Boys' Oct. 6, iB4l CapS! Caps ! ! CapS !il Carflare, Oct. f, 1841 PROCLAMATION. • • '..ftettl . Co-otro.. I have just 'received from the city and am now opening a large ord splendid assortment of winter_ • 7)11 (- L P' &insisting , id part Of Cloths, Cashmeres, Sattinetts, Bangup and Gene Cdrds 3 black and fancy Silks for ladies dreiisest,Mout de Laines, Meritioes- - -a large asithrtment. of British and Bomestie prints Shawls andiiiiindkerehiefali all of which lave been selected Wiith - eare ang will be bold fit the lowest possilile'prices. .6Antsrtrz..• Carlisle, Oct. 6, 1841'. 'Private Sale. •:. • - THE Subscriber offers at Private Sale, a FARM OP LEVIESTONE LAND, situate in . West.. PennSborough .toWnililp, Cumberland, county, .on hit. Ruck Spring, one mile from • Minim. Rock, bounded, by lands of Samuel and Robert McKeehan, and .the heirs of William : Davidson; containing ! - FORTY •A.CIRES I '. Strict measure. - .The - improveinetits are,'.a • .., : ,, , , ,t . 473,ti .. TIVG, Story, 1,..4g 1-fohge. - iqi• ~'-',.---:- an tl- K 114311 ENr.-f : Ft , ..dLig-oPCNiter.-;:141- . .4pige.r.ateitg-( 1 Mf41 1 ,.,4P.t 1 / 4 1-. 4 4-4. lFr' :. i 'llitit - , ,7•.'V1i12.- - Vifik , iiii.a. lv.YtioNs:: 7 • 1 4 ..!1 : q .e .,9,- . ;ii ar ms"),, 7 ._ 'pod' Meat Ito cae. um I, -, 4iilt/i - .,.Shup; and, Stuac -with -a goniliot and.. garden. T_liii . ProPerty ' will °be,. sold .parato - oritypther; as . may - suit - Trureims='• ers . . 'Ow application the terms *ill be Made kiown,by the subscriber. -,• •' _'_ . ,• - GEORG E—D-i-A-VIDSON:--: _._... _ -•- OMober 6,1841.-3 t.. , '..:- • •••••• . - , • AND , . 40 prizes of 2,000 Dollars'. Leesburg, Lotreo7._ Clan d, tor 1841.---To be ilra*li pt A lexnodria, Vn. on Saturclay r Octribur 16111 1841 1 prize of 510,000, 1 of 5,000, 1 of 3,500,1 of 3,000, 1 , of 3,537,-1 0f , 5,000, 1 of 2,500, 49• of 2,000, Ism. 'Pickets ss.,_qu a rt e r s $2 50. Cei•titicntesof l'aelogesof 26.WholeTia.ets $l6O Do; do ‘2sllalf do 65 do . t 5 Qmirter do . 52 50 CIIAS: N CHAS. BARNITZ Tickets 6'20---lialves $lO---Quarters 65 . Eighths $9 50. • Cortific:de's of Packages of 96 Whole l'itkets $260 1)0 • do . 26 Hid(' do 130 . ,po F 26 'amulet. do •65 Do ' do 96 Eighth do 59 50 • Virginia itlionongatia Lottery. Class M. for 1841.---To be dra um. at Alexandria, l'a7,on'Saturday, October 30, 1841. ' • 74 draw wnumbers out of 73. .- Making'nearly as many prizes us blanks. • • • sbopmr. —/, 1 ' pritelff . 35,0n0 dollars. 1' do . 1.2,500 do 1. do • . 5;0017 ,do 1 ' do 4,000 ;. 1 , do 1 dol' .• . 3,00. do ' • 1 dor . . . 2,003 do 1 do •, . ---- 1,615 do ' 10 'do ' , - '— • V,OM do 1,0 10 do 00 do -- 12 , do . - 503 . do 25 do 30,1 do 75 do . 200 do. , Tickets $l.O--Ilalvess--gimrlers $2 50. to: , m.06041mi of Paolcages of, 25 Whole Tickets $123 ',' ' Do. do . ~, - 4 2..5 Half ' do 60 V , '"' 'DO: ' :do -25 Quarter do ' ,qo . • , . •' - Por Pickeix and Shares at.' Cerlificatet of Pack ivresifi thenburtrSiitentitil Lotteries,—address . . J. O. GRF.( & CO. Managers , . .. . . WuOtingtint City', D. C. • lirawingS sent immediatety alter they are over to all. iv tin order as abort.. ,• - , The'subsei hitting:sold his stock 0r bit IIIS, &to., intends settling op his business, alikwould licrehy those indebted, to call and scale their'itetotinta bailee the first of Ja nuary next, Abet% bit .bookt;ivill be Ica with:J.l2.ll.omi, lsxq , for Collection. A. jrNol . ll'll. • - ' Newville; Sept ‘20,1841.---310 titsplit Sttirthty the .'2311 day of October ti'ext, at the Out Alp .laeoh Oimberlatml comity,-I.bout,- . . . 'e4s t 200 . 0 Acres • OF PRIME • '4 WQ4DAL AN4 - • , - —; • 1 . in lotsef trent 50' to INatire, The land-,,is: sitnattE along the .South , Inoiintalif adjoining' Cumberland Purnaud.lands on the nest, Pine Grid'e hinds on'the smith; holly landso , n the east; mid 'lands or..Poniniel Line, John Gootr, Phillip Spangler; George Bee tein" and ,otharsitiOtp.north, , ..- rhe „Move described, land is weldeoveredOdth :Chesnut; Pine, and other timber, and ; ) 4 , 04,41:0*, er,l I worth the, attention ' of the, fat -114c.t...iu.41)60.11001. The' voiitlitions will be moderate, • : •• • . To, - alrcicrintanig and persons - inter est,tcl -Notice Is hereby given, that writs of Sid re raciati . No's. 88 and 89, November Term, 1841,hav e been issued to the Collet-of Common-Pleas of Cumber hind county . ; op the. following " Mtchanicks' Liens,"- en tered and recorded in the Court of Common Pleas aforesaid, viz: John Bell 'de. Casper Sherk and John Sensenian vs. Casper Sherk, with notice to Jaimbaupp, PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlicle,? . October 6,1841. ' 'LOOK HERE • • • : The subscribers continue to sell' their stock of . Cloths, Oaasimeres,'Ca' ssinetts ) . M.erincies;Calicos:axid, Chintzes at . . . . . FIRST COST. • • Bargaini may yet be had in these articles of tnerchtUP dizc by calling soon. • • - • , • 111ThE.Ii. & MULVANEY& N: B. - An excellent. Cannon Stove with a large cast ire') dish, for sale atthe Store. • Catliale; Oct.'6, 1841 . : • • • • Splendid Schemes.: 30,000 Dollars. CP.AND 30,000 dolls „ 0 . 00--6304000-.425,000. Gratad Iltaitoik Lottery. • Class No. 9.—To be drawn at Alex:m(10:1,D. C. on Saturday, October 123, 1841.' 16 16 drawn ballots. • . GRAND SCHEME. 1 Grilud Capital prize of . 1 Splendid prize of Ido do '” • do do ME 1 pvize •of 1 do of '1 do of 1 , do . of __ _ .do of (la . of 1 'do of 4 do of 5 do •of •10. do of 10 . of 50 do of 50 do, of 50 do of 160 do.. of 100 do of 170 do of 16 &awn nombers,oid of 78 $35,000 Capital. .11"0 TICE. Great Sale of WOo&and. Salei A first rate Farm of Limestone . . ' Land—well improved: . I will expose to Public Sale, on Saturcia# theio,th. day of Octo6er;184l; nt 10 o'clock, A. M., oi. tl premises, hi Silver Spring toviluillip,.Curnberlsinil county—that beautiful h,r 1E 6 16 &NT ANION. • which lies onboth sitles'of the turnpike tog!' ledtilkg from Harrisburg to Carlisle, about One Mlle 'it eil bf Hogucstpwn, containing about of first'rate Liniestone Land, adjoining lands of Wm. Addams,Aohn„.Eslielman; George Forn_ey!aheirtiand *Of:lrvine._ The iroproietnetits nre excellent, con sisting ofa large t Iwo story STONE °HOUSE . .. STONE BANK BARNJ' . find a two story Plastered Tenant house. About 100 acfes &the land are cleared and under goodpostand rail fenpe, die residue covered with lute firnbef. There is an orchard on the land, and'al4o that never fai l It l 5 one of the 610 st-desirable raft!. in the county. Au inilibliedfible title *III .be given to the purchaser. Terra ulna knoirn frn the day of sale by . ROMP= BAY SON',,, • , / Agent for . fftePevitices or Matthew trvine,dec'd. Sept: '29, 1841.. , ,—td5. or Lancaster L'xinitiersand York Reublican, in sell- t il l day of sale, and forward bills to t his. ffice for collection. ' . '• . ' . • ' .1 firs . , rate Baran tit • -- Pu - blie --- Salei -L • The•subsc o be,: µ•ill expose to Ptilolio Sale oil Thursday th 6 28th oPOctober next, the (allowing ialuaWo '• 4 1 .P 1' l' l l. l l l Pea. "a (0 la 60 • satiate in West PeenSborough. township, Cumber land homily, lying on both ,sides or the Citinberlaud valley rail road, 9 miles west of Carlislei and two . east et lVewville; fteittaittii4 . . . • .2 7CI Alot.Eol • . , more or les9; boundeitby lands -of-..101ut McKeehan, Ji"thn Myers i Lehman and "(Alters. About . 900 acres lies on the south side of the ,gether with the following imprdverhents, viz: TWO - "stor" Stoile 1111 . 0wie 4 • --- - 9 . fre MUM Lom-13tUrnir • - nauly,),t!w„),Nrigori: , si A cti,Toil.) tii.;ll],s t Pratiaiy Doti '!..:7 W 05.1:1ipOSP,;:ri74.11:iiIi:ilp,lityiSriiii4kIliiiTgrii5r, ar.77.1 to.nitht Imous6 Stablei and NVork`tuorroue of . -Ahoitt 200 itereS nl e Medved iinditi '6' high state, et, ' cultivation the 'remainder is em cred' With thriving 'ming timber. . - The-r-p-stermi-lyleg 7 rut-thendittliLsitle:. or road will be sold-Separately or toOther with that • • lyinr, on the south side as the - jiiirchaSers r he hind hLp_atented and-the titiC Any person view the propbrty, will call on J oeobl - xlituan, on the, ink:mist:B,ov John McKie-' Eau adjoiniug, or on the eabseriber in Carlisle. For terms appl3 , to SAMUEL •,NIeKVAIAN, .1. • Cat lisle, Sept.-29, 191 t .—ts. ....7.l..atteaster Examiner, publish 5 times. - • Vataivihie Properly • IPCterri Mattal2% The subserant will selrpositivelY and without •eherve. or adjournment by-. Public Auetioa at the ate residence-of Mr. Joseph hays, dee'll, one Wilt Idle West of Carlisle, on Saturday the tsd Ay of .kitther,ls4l, ihe following property, td wit: The property oti which the late Mn: aorph 111 1 d. ended, cue half tulle welt of 'Carlitle;contaluing . 10 Ace •& 72 PercheO, Thedmprovements on this laud arc • r ' Two Dwelling houses, a Barn and young {Orchard and a good well of water . Also—,A. Tract of Land 13 ing near Mr. Libys' Mill, in tlic borouzli of carlisle, containing 5 Acres slid 8 'Perches, • There is on this property Two d welling 'Houser+ and other lraprovernents., N.-- 4' Als'o—Tht white Frame dlaus,l a n 4, half lot of grounch.situate in Ift novtr street in the' boroughml Carlisle, adjoining the property of John trays nail George Brown, containing SO feet front (except the g r it ilege of a four feet alley. conveyed to the adjoining property)and t 240 feet back, with the privilege.of. a 10 fuor alley running to Pomfert street.- _ The tams orsale be one-fourth of the 0111- 1 1 e chase money to lat . paid on the lag April 'nekt . tand the residue in three regular annual 'payments, With , out interest, to be secured by Mortgage and Judg- , ment 'Bonds. Possession c a n he given to the first• described property immedintel Y after the Ole. , • • The subscriber- will sell either of the above prop cams at priVate sale previous to the tlay.of Sale. JOHN HAYS, Elsectttorl v • Cui lisle, Sept. 49, 18.11.—ts. . • 50,033 dolla'rs 311,000 dollaVs. 25,000 do 10,000 do 5,000 do 7,0110 do , 6,000 -do 5,000 do 4,000 do 2,500 do 2,311. do 2,000 do 1,750 do 1,500 do 1,150 •do 1,000 do . -500 do -- 400 ' do 31'0 do 250 do ~.. Orphans' Court Sale. BY .virtue of aii order of the Orphans' Court. ot Cumberland county, Will he ti 01 (i by the sub- , scriber, be Public Ventlue, on the premises, on nil- , daythe 13th day or Oetfiber:nrxtolit-followitag real estate, the property of litrti nib itodt, jr's. heirs, iizl 200 do & u • Two , undivi&il sixth pitrts•or all that Phntation or Tract of Land, situate in Mon roe township in said county, bounded by lands of holler Cook's heirs. Joseph Brandt, Join!, Latshow and others, containing • 150 - Acres, more or less; of whieli about go acres aPet Soli Utz her hwd, and the residue cleared, under' bilbli*lthit foie( s and in excellent cultivation. ThialLd bountla on the Yellow Breeches creek, and husorlime quan tity.of,lfocust timherfgrowing on it., I'he sari will takeillute on the anme day diet the' , administrators of :Martin Brandt, jr., sell. the Milk' of said Martin whieh 'adjoin this taroßetyiami the other erne heirs of said Mirth' trill nt the' Bathe time sell their interests in the aboveldatttation,„s . p thatthe purchaser ern' proeure a gong title to the Whehis thereof, JAClatik T3FlJrznoovEQ, Guardian of lienry Brande.ftrri Sarhit Ann- Brandt Sept. 15, 1841.---tas: • lisid,prev Ridirairds ihis 4 ;itist rettivnid from the ...AV, and is now Nom lig a low and slitendid assoitwent of Mil iincl 'Winter Goods, Algidi lie offers'on reSsonoirlo terms/ • • • Carlisle, Sept. ‘.:9, 184 h . ••'• • _ A VALUABLE FARM •, .` • '••••' • The eubsci i6eh It 4 etolior„‘ iotTeloofo Co. dia.:llrettf j c. w a ill div': .it( Ott,,,olt,thO itrotitist; bit tii to.tltty the 30th of 0(101)0 u4l,' at 10 ,black A' 1 rp Ives farm of pritit land; *sit tittle 'io t6too tow 1014, about two toilestiti(ttls bf Ctitlittle cootaiolog sk ems of . P.l7 4 E.rltD ,L-I.3IBSTOXIE - - • . . • • 4 r • r • r . r Bt) :re • b of which Oeitfotl; . itiottilO , Yesiilh§ abutt ed ithAtt rivi rig tititig,kiroltert :The ituproyqtroola S'OdiliE Si 0 tINC ins! a I )QuiILY. LoG:,ilAgiv, .*.atherbptitliitiV.-- • '),'here isalsop thriying.Joang OrcliatlV9Col.Foice' Ina was. - • • . • . ' Thq ,)kook 40ai,iisesjilitit, i fityra a m 'reds fro t hit; fiqpic, neve r :4;l4 v ;. supply or water wilie - lioese, and also,;to Iponi evqq;fleltar,;iii,ci faysq.', •' !•!••• • • The nholq, ss "under gootl Sou* hod or oilliivation..`; !tailsi)!ltikkke ' , , 0,10 Zwilikb , a" , ; 4 - t'ivki 400 the mauemi.soit, the ourahaser...., , ` ,,, c: S. , • , 24;'1911. t. :• , , .„ , 147,-ACp,E$ ; 0 Di 1 Gin MI