Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 06, 1841, Image 2

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    • Wfreca4=4 - vrat p .....
bills biiwtwit f.:4oltets ittil for
ttij_n A • ••
Tlip President said he was then tiMitm.t-
, etood. lie requested Mr.• 'Webster partl6-
ularly to communicate with the gentlemmt
who hail waited neon him Allot morning,
and to let them (mom, the comiusions to
which he had corne also requested
Ewing-to-aid itVgetting.:thc—subjeck
properly before. Congress., • lle requested
that they, would take Care net to .conitnit
him by what-they said to members of (Yon
'tress to any. intention to dietatetn . Congres.s:
They uthglitexpross their conlilti , ce end
beliel,,that 'such a bill as had just been a 7
:greed upon Would receive, his sanction;
but it should be . as 'Tatter of inference froin
_his Veto Messa4e. acid hit general views:
pe . thoughthe might request Chaf .the mda ,
'isdre should be r 44, imothe bands of some
friend of his own upon whom hexould- re-
Mr.• Sergeant was named, and he ex-
Ipressed, hiMSelf satisfied tluit he should
ihaOsharge of. it. „He als6 expressed a
-Avisii-m-see tire bill - before it - was presenied
..tto The House, if it could be so Maluazed.
then. aid, addressing myself to 'lesSrs.-
Webster and Ewing, that no time was to be
list in coin:rim - tinting with gentlemen. of
Congress ;I s hat there was danger that Mr.
would bejaketi-np and report
. ed to the. House .ititmediatelys,after the hill
sent hack to the Senate with the President's
,oNeetions was disposed of.
..01s the' members of -the cabinet rose. to
- ilepart, or just before, the President ye
(lncited Messs. Webster and Ewing., - as
they had , turned their atteUfhin more, pan•tic=
ularly tu the_subject; to.fUrnisit, him with
written. •argumeNts upon the_ points they
had been - discussing.. He' wanted them to
fortify his .own opinion, and to,lay. tip'for
future a•eferenee. JOIIY 1.3E1,
.WdshingtOrk, Sept. 20,
. Front The.snri isGiir g ell i g cc r
• fr
'4ll e
;4 'ffie , `li . eivieetitTf -747 r 4 10 64 "-:',:vf-la I
I 1(
Ui SOLIMI mor4s, good principles
goveriment. lifie people •
P sanction CUR=
'e ;sIP l2 unit LULL
° r • !-•
it. will lie -deadly blow to .eput.-
lican government. Before giving his
every man should ask himself, to tt hem (lid
• Georgii fltind3r, the ban!: agent, pay the
U_JIT DR.ED 1)0 I. -
to some one. • Did any one wlitia.siss the
suirrlyres of ;I•free people lor Siovernor gt
-rang •tif the money"? Let this quet:,tion be
a mt. .by every voter tit his conseilliiT on
- i!'eining up to the. polls. The• right.' of
,choosing'our own rulers is a great ii.lid_glo
riot's privilege—a privilege:put...based by
the blood of the lievoluti,l:l. :Wfin dares
thiow it away, by voting in patty niadim , s
for melt, who as high otlireis of the govern
- anent receive pay for signing and withhold
tug .their signatures to bills whieli pass the
• legislature ?
,We copy the followinr.Por-entan lirthe
Gbibmontvealth read it and then vote aecor
41ing to the dictates of ednseienee„-
:\lr Penniman s re q imption ,hi I pas Set
ill v 1 00 S oq i f l i pal i ty se l %
scut - lit tip Senate for Coecurrenee. .17 .`
cause then Certain that - tinleSs'soine extra
Ordinary "means' were resorted - t0 . ,-.'tli a t i
,beettine a law. At this period .i
wasthat the Governor steppeiLin betweei
the banks oe . theone side,...anithaparty - m
the miler, and by a most high handed ant
extraordinary interference, preveiited the
passage of. tho • resumption reseltuinnS
usurping . the proVinve of • the legislature
and die,taling the ceurse to btrpoisued.
This was done by a message, .dated Feb
Ist, IT - 40, a portion - of which we subjoin
Observe the sudden - Selicitude or the Go
rernor,l'or, the credit or the state :
_. . .
" , I trust I-- may be excused" in this emit
inunication for saying hi the representative •
or the people in the legislature, that whils
they owe a,,watim4v;leirHs
ptilramount duty to the conintonWealth a
large, to maintain its credit to meet its en'
gagemetim, and to prevent iM.Cliaracter for from being sullied. No man
were he concerned alone as an individua!
would . ge farther to fix an early day for"th
resumption of specie payments by th
banks, than I would, if by so doing th '
desirable result could be. produced. flu
placed . as Pam, as the exceptive of &
commonwealth, to preside- oecr . her inter
gists, 1 . feel bound to stay, regardless of any
- •
Astounding Develop m ,
ents! ' denunciation which • may be' peered forth
from any quarter, that I believe if too ri
"Most of the readers of the public papers gorous a system of measures be adopted t
are aware that a number of the - Whig jour- : coerce the payment of the liabilities of the
nals o_ - the - state, some time, "since, called bank, immediately, the credit of the star:
the attention of the people to the singular must and' twill he seriously and disastrousl
'connexion subsisting „between David R. affected." •
-Porter, his relations and friends, and . the .
The effect of this message was that no
ll e i c i n te .d d isc S o ti v t .e te r s ed ß J a i n o l n t ;
w'llititisitichteiolseilnTl.,tes resumption hill passed until the third o
April following, and then a bill postponin .
'offence.of the bribery-of . the- first Exsou- the resumption, until the 15th of January
nive•offieer in this eommonWealth, has beenlB4l upwards of a year from the delivery
inferred, and hi fact -the ,rat, a
charges hasyet,
t bseere_ni lof the; first message, in which the .Governor
directly .made. We G ave l spoie with so . much warmth of
. an cad!
the filets and charges met in the proper resumption-. . .
manner, nor has
s tile Governor resorted to We now call attention to certain remar
his. favorite means of vindication—a libel kable facts which will throw some nigh
uit„ .' • . upon these transactions, facts which hay
-facts have recently come to our been communicated•to us from the first au
knoivledge, which, together witlt
will otler thorityomd which cannot be denied..
well 'known !labile transactions, we
At the
. 9ine the suspension resolutions
lay before our readers,leavimr every one to -
I - Were under diScussion, and at' the mes
form his - Own opinion, - atido the inferences' .
•- critiCapyriod, James Madison Porter, bra
which must be drawnlfrona diem.
titer to' he Governor, visited Philadelphia;
The session' of our sta - ire,
and. passed an evening with . T. Dunlap, the
whiCh commenced on the 7t an-.
1840, was one of Peet
Ist. ' President Of the United States Bank.' 01
The banks of the state were
of , the next nay, lie,. togeth e r.with Georg,
• • :IHandit-a Director of the U. States 'Batik
suspension, and the Van lit m ). Handy "
. Ovid V. Johnson, - Attorney General; an
:anus against them.. They hi
; L I Z! Daniel Brodhead, (Governor Porter's ()om
it) both branehes'of the, Lei
much anxiety was felt :IS to :ter inissfoner of Loans,) returned to - Harris
),burg, and on the 3d day Of April, the reso
:of .heir proceedings: 'The' universal am- '
postponing , the suspension to the
.pression %vas:that the Bank of the United :/""
15th day of January, 1841, was passed am
would be ,at 'once, wound u . p, and
signed by. the Govereer." •
,measures,measures:- to,' -coinliel an immediate .
,or i tieoy, resum o o n :i on the , part. of the , •On Ilie_3 . lst of March; 1840; as appears
._ ifrom ;the bOoks of the Bank. of the United
dither institutioes. ~:. -.-. : ' -
States, and four days.before_. the : bill, was
. Profit the.,eharaeter of the Govergeee , - • -• .
passed; Mid signed by the 'Governor, the
niessage., :Measures: of the Most decided +
2eharacter In -regard ;to the- banks, „; ere an tis= 01$15;700 was placed in the hands
of a'c ommittee of irectors ofqthe United
'Aieipated. The . " message was: a 'lengthy* '
States Bank, consiat D ing of George Handy,
: document. In refereneelo the suspension,
Richard Price and Lawrence Lewis: Mr.
the folloWing passage. will be found, show
ink the natur e i of his views at that time : '
Itewis and Mr. Price dally having received'
,:any portion of this money •otr'; any know
'," ThelkiSt object to'gainCd - by any ;sledge of its disposikion.. . • - -
1 - neentmetidaiion r may ;make,. or by ati_o - in: consummation d' the arrangement,
treasures Tolp . May. adopt, no doubt is „to
anti 'n I mitten four , weeke after the pay.
see:we:, n ‘early: 7 restimptien of specie pay- - it• -
ir went ot- the last sum of $15,700 to Bandy,
. .
meritii. b .:44;e. ibauitsis - end to, guard against 1 - and me signing of • the bill by Porter, the
:01ile•.s . v ., S ., "tefi ;. 4 . i . r il i'iti_ .;._.. . ) fu . t , pro; . l . . ,
further sum of 053,090 was paid to the
7 411(t ‘tra,ot. '- - . • ,-, :
~. . same Geo.. Hantly,.viz : April 23d, 682,-•
40 1;1.0E1040V sitgaestlic_, propriety Of , s_ o 9,,_ald.Apiii,27th .1.1411 - 00...r__This_m t zt„.
vitioetluate yjnquiring into tha condition oft ncy all passed through The' hands of Mr.
.ilt:fi„ .. ,banit's . ;: or this - COmemnivealtli;'ind of l Handy. -As before' stated,- Messrs, Lewfi
. ing.thOurlit# piniudloi Ole reetiniption 1 and 'Price deny any ~ kneWledge of, the
manner-in- which :these ems'. amounting'
'...orepecie,; paYnietita;,itha,i,Aheir iiffeirS thiti
to. 899400, : were .disposekof, or; that. any
Ithelltiblie,'.!Waniii , :"Mid expectations Justify. .
It Would, :perhaps, be,expedientio:gradtiate Part of the Money was `received; by thern.
' thiS'Ostini - ption,eitherby the 'denomination it :Ner hae.-the' Money ' .ever-' been : accounted
. for - by Nit. - Handy; trent:
-- 4 - :!, TPnle,a.Rr tmtiMitin:.te be paid,. so is: to Onyi'...thing , thaf ap
• . 'Ae. - .fiii. i,.'l ,- ~ -:' ',- ' : - .44 ;w4 h. pears hrionAhe' books ^f ~ iho.64jA,t , • . Th e
.. " iy).". 4: '.4'114: tiOesOit.s : :4i. Such yespeetiv9 ,sums. are ;Charged in the;:hooka4 the bank
iic.tiOdi:Difin,lbti ikladOM nf ifiel4istattire ' to . the Contingent Or diglatirisementimid, - and
Frona.the Berks County Journal.
Governor Porter and the
IA“II,Ni Nlates
a" ,
t iitihlit
si•tnn In 1.? t; ndyisal)l6, pro,,ciaid the
time be at()/ ion!;.proi'ructetl." • '
The (4overnoi concludes his renthrlis in'
nlgaril to bank reform, 'the follo.,r'ing
1 . 11 - 4,tiage
".And. I accoTdingly trust, the legi . slature
will proceed at Once, and 6iurtigeou:3ly, to
the accomplishment of salutary,
anintitig. epecte4
. •..
The views of the (-Iroverilrir itn this salt
jltet wert', it' appears, well understood, by
011 the day the.massage was „sent to the
legislature, a set of resolutimss,
Clog as follows, were offered by Mr,
'niman, a prominent 'leader - of the party,
'from Philadelphia county :
": Resid ..k.e..That _the hawks 'of this
Gem m 'weal th be, and they are:- Ilere by
ordered and 'required, to 'resume specie
payments for all their obligations; whether
in 'notes, depoSites or other liabilities, on or
before the, tirst_day of , Febrtiary;eighteen:
'llundre - d miiheorty, and continue the pay
ment of the, aforesaid, obligations. in gold
.or silyey.'', •
n 'connexion widi this, Thomas
Elwee, als'o a prominent friend of the Go
vernor, gave noliee"that Jio would,-en the
iiext thy; ask leave to bring in a hill to re
peal the charter of thq%UniWdstates - Bank.
This he ace( llingly did on , the Oth Jan-,
nery, - and leave was granted 'by a vote 'of
81 ayes-5 naps.,t On .the 13tIclie. report-.
ed.a.bill , for. this purpose. A short time
afterwards, and While the bill. was 'pending,
the •Governor apyointed.this same 'Thomas
B. McElwee an'agent to obtain a loan front
thb Rank of-the United States, to meet. the
payment of ipterest - duef on - tlie Ist Febrn
ait. MeElwr.o" Proceeded to Phila 7 .
delphia on his mission, and obtained Ilk
the Uni an k - $050,0001
hat tetween MeElwee.,aad
the ollic (Mite(' States Rank, (fur
ther)than kis obtajtring_the loan) or, What
overteres Were. Made the G overnor
throngli , hint, are nfitible say'.. Thd
)42-1-,' 110V:every- re 11 61*-a! : (1- Mc-El ‘vrtr.-
. .
: Mr.-Handy. will disclose, nothing,' the'
tnatimr in . Which the monevIWUS spent. , •
What prOducedthis :Sudden change Of
feeling on the ' .. part . 'Of 'Uovernor
which look place efiiAlhe meeting of the
Legislature ? Lan Nr.'GeOree H andy
swor ? DOes he not owe it to the commu
nity and his own eharacier, tt> say wiot
luNcorne 'of the . $09,200,. placed in. his
h0w15?....A11 , we ask kfull deyelopement
of these.mysteiious and. suspicioustrans.
actions: (as is but too evident.) there .
has betin gross cothiption- in quartdrs Where
there 'should be honesty and patrioliStn, let
the •pcorde know it. -•
The Connexion '-or the brotheys, Porter;
Johnson, and Daniel .13rodhead, With vie,-
9'lovB banks inithis comMonwealth,. is 'well
known,. It has been over and over, : again.
stated, that Johnsen, Porter's-right hand
man, owes the; United States Dank $25,-
090, nor has the assertion been'contradieted
—James . Madison .Porter, we are informed,
momem, a largeAebtiirtii.the
,States. Bank. For %Vita con.thleralidns.
-were thise Secommodittions l granted? Dow
were the loans and how the bribes divided?
We beiieve'iliraly that thre.greafbody.of
the voters of Pennsylvania are honeSt,
they. will not knowingly countenance ni
nthly, support frauds, or • eneonrage;thei
prostituihm.of uncial influenCe, for private
To every - hor.est onui—every one
who prefers his cOmitry to his partN, the
foregoing facts preSent -matte: 4'or §4i.rious
. his is an unvarnished hiiic7f - i -- ot
the lumesi Locofocos have been deiMuncing
as an attempt ! to impose a• tax .oaf tea and
coffee! It Will `be seen that
. their clamor
On this subject.has an origin and object just
about as - commendable as the " thief" who
• 1 bawls out "stop thief," to the'great dan
.. •
. .
. i ger of Ins lungs. .
Tfix - -. on' Te.ri and Cuff - act' 1 . =,
~ It will he seen, also, from the' extracts
We find the following, in one of
_bar lt : 1 above, that Van Bitren'S .Secretary of the'
4c.,itfjeo exchange papers„dated die 23d just'. vp,..,„„,:y- was the, lirstio. recommend a
and,-of.course, rublish - o.ot'r 0 10 adi""'"' I ditty on tea 'and coffee—and it is •intlispu :
mem of Congress, and after the editor '"7 kable that it was his 'Partizans . thai brought
{bat he as giving. curreneyto an unmiti
gated falsehood.---Clumtberburg• / . 4116 .
:i- the nieaSure forward at the late:session of
Congress.. On the other hand, '
tort. ' , the fact that a whig 'majority voted , dOWn !
.•" limonlEß. --- bel.PverY m" 117 7- 1 " 6 " - .
the proposition, and; further; that ourCtill-
ry-man's wife—let every - m'ain's - chiki—re- ld h i att , r br G,,,,,i.„5,y, Judge Ilan'ksi oppns-
Member that ono of' the fir.t..„.ts.of the'ed - a - - Siinjlar inetitrre, in • 1823, •as shown.
Federal party .itty , nngres,...__
" * ' 11 k, 1 "•-V-;-A 11 - 4 ,-bv:thrtiTret - frintr ifirliliTk44ly•en.,,v,,!:
ZATOTiIs-iaX:74.-ttVett ty„w..:ff.t.yiarAgqi,:,',..N.,kti,.,...,:„,.......-,;,..„,;„?ff:T.V;7.,::...7,•,.-1-,5,l
IllOtiO4WRiP,4 l ? - .A)q.:Tt_qjr.!,! , .4i.v.7 - arriii-,. - 6-j r ;:, - ;.Nli,:a k - A. , ,:: 4 7 '"AfTra)c. , Zolai
/or vent. , tc:i• - •-dnd-•Cotfee 2 -; • PrittiC.: --- Ct'r' -- ; --, . - i h'eA'''.6h - till'eAi t itVie'V.
._......,--- -,--- ,- .-; .1 ,--1,, - ,;4•4544.. ,p 4, ,, , ,',,, 47,..1(.„.11Ry1-,111.C!!,,.,5.- .., !..
epTtr,.f.or.:Y.,okir'.p?l4y . s - A1r1:.,,_ t ; 1 .7 1 1.. 13 7-, Zirt4Mft(ifit klagerfilititto l lirrePadir
italliiis; - tkiy'ytlitriliii:kWileut Cakes.
thein bear This well. it) mind. as they stir !
. lII ' .of having favored - the ineaspre: riteentribut-d
, mg to thiLuatinalrevenue__.b.Y:ltly ing..a *the,
lhe „„ sngittr. , 4Alleiilca- 11 .i i "jil'eP ,4 v;hi•"'f,lw - 7 - - Aerate duty; on tea- and dritree? Vs
, - tr. ours
s t a l l , t h y i r . eggs and - potatoes, and wnen tutty . setTes we don't. feet
,al. - a wr . :i a i st i e d that
inolassestiteir buekivlient cakes for break- .
Congress '(we mean - the . Whig majerity) did
' f ast! Let thMO also' remember that every nee shrink 'refry folibwing• their convic-
Democrat in the llodei7f Representatives: bo n g,
of duty .on j il t s
_subject, lu consu..,
voted against this odious law, and e - Y e SY-nflence - h - firs*: . fpprelretided - poinilar: eget,
Tedertil.vcrted - for it:7 4d - when - they thus- wielded,.as it . .would be, by an 'unScrupu
reinember, let them ask themselves - which loos opliosition vs e‘eaiumt thi n k that p
patty is in favor of measures tending to do
WC - greatest good tothe o . ekte,st tiutidier. -
revenue of two os three millions ; at a time:
—New Era—C'arliefe• roluhteer..
%viten iris Avinired -Ar the legitimate purpo
se of governments should be thydwn aside,
Liars, they say, have shoit memories.— •when it might be obtiined in.a - Way scared'-.
The remark i4eculiarly applicable to this, iy perceptible to the people, as the rise in
' and all tiries; To the locolocos. • They have the price of coffee and 4ea, ( consequent upen
been recently raising a•, cry against the the duty; would have been very•trifling, ff
'whigs for imposing a duty on tea and cof-_ any thing. Wit have a pretty distinct rc
Ice, imported - into this country, while arti- collection that very-soon after the duty on 1
'cies intended for the rich are permitted . to coffee ceased, some years since, the article
enter dilly free, forgetting thatch stiispoift-.... ~.O Q , ‘,...,......:•.,............-............:
. ..,!..r........
c'olocd origin. Yesr - L.eti-Woodlniry=:- -- - ; ---- ,A.TTENTION ! -
fronest Levi—Van Buren's Secretary Of
the Treasury, recommended last winter a ' Carlisle Light Artillery !
duty to be laid on coffee, tea, and sugar, for You are"ordered to parade at the Armory .
the purpose of raising a revenue for a phut- on Saturday thcl6th instant, at 9 o'clock,
tiered trosiity. - - Verilyote locofocos have A.m., i n ' sl i mmer u n if or m.
's;tlort memories.—Aliner's Journal. . • By order of. the Captain.
1 - 1/710 first proposed the to on . Tea ..S. . . • .1. U. KERNAN,'O., S
Cope ?-31r. Woodbury !
L a t e se e r b iary' of thovTreasury, 11l a re
port' to the Ilt.use, on the 18th of January,
1840., • The repoi-t, unerspealting of: 9 ther
modes of revenue, says :
"Another mode of caning the same er
mount of revenue_ would therefor•,4 be pre
ferable, if it could he accomplished with
(Mt including those .articles. Suppose:
then, that there should be selected froni the
free articles those which may be regarded
most as luxtiries,Ahough net in every re
spectbelungings.exelusively to that class,
such as , TEA, COFFEE, and strits," &c.
"a dirty of twenty per cent. on those, af—
ter paying the expenses of collection, would
yield about the same amount of five mil
lions." •
Now heap' Honest John Bunksl!
In the Ilouse of Representatives,. Jan
uary 31, 103, when he spoke on the Ta"-
FifT Question, he said:
"These' articles (Tea and Coffee,) are
used in every family in my district, by the
rieh-and.poor alike. Go into the country,
-and you will find tea or coffee once, if. not
twice a day, 0,1) the tables of the poor, as
well as on those of the rich.. Why, then,
I ask, impose this duty on Abase articles ?
It ;is a tax ogThe poor, without 'conferring
a benelit on air portion of our people:—
No duty should be laid on those articles.
Let the poor have them -aswell as the
rich. The duty will tend, to keep the hest
quality from our market. lAVANT THE
flee rich who do not," •
• It is--well known tb. all - acquainted With .
the facts; that: the attempt to have tea and
eatiee placed amongst the importations that
should pay • duty, was, purely ai,..locofoco
proceeding in Congress. The Whigs %vent
to Abe capitol for the purpose .0 perfqctiiig
measures called for by the imperative wants
of the 'country. - 'They. found the nation
involved in serious fluancial.. embarrass-.
monis by .the extravagance and mismartige
qint of those who had just been driven
froM their places by` the ': people=--they
&unite floating national debt of many mil
lions already ,in •existenca,4hieh the Lo
cofoca4dministration.had created and kept
moat by the contrivance of issuing,...and
:'Sitting—freasu ry--Neteii-sOes- to- meet - the
'most pressing demands upon the Treastiry,
but having matiy . WOrthy though powerl ss
public 'creditors: to call in vain for 'their
just'duesi - : The. Whigs'disapProyed of this
state of things, aml,Set_ to' work . to apply
remedy ';.providing, in the first place, for
. a
loan , 0 - 01112,009,000, the 'delltta ; of
the . Loatifoco Ad in inistration„ instead . ! .of
tittnini the ' ; •
itektibviets'dtity and" aint secure'
some'peitnanent scrqice additiot)6l rc,
e - 7_4 Tv:of X - 4 - #•..31ti. : -,air'"#,Jp gij,t co ti+
-venue tat meet the expendittires.of the go-,
verrent, and in time tp again relieve the •i
country. frOm the• National -Debt, left as •,_`a;l
revoy by Van Buren. To effect at -1
tendon iV;aB 'at once turned to the imposi
lionof duties upon shelf arlieles •of foreign
T roduction as - could - most - properly :
: he
jected . tai them,; and in this laudable Under
taking the Locofoco division of Congress,'
whose partizan• • rancor complettily over
; witelthed any' feeble struggles-of-patriothim
' : they may have felt,,instead of. aiding itt the
• perfecting ea Measure-a-such lasting int
. portance t were content, as on all other
queslidus, 4o 'direct„their 'efforts to einbar.
,rase and thwart their
, political adversaries.
It ware in pursuance ql , this system, that the
proposition to includes tea and 'coffee a
„the 'ailieles to pay 2CI per cent.'
ditty was temporarily carried.. It was
carried on the motion of a 'Lqcofocp, who
offered 'as air amendment' to - the , bill;
expecting thereby . to
_make it; so nbjection
abl-e• to - its frieritlS• as -to - cause its defeat, in
whlchi-however, he and his. i
wore ass the amendment is.
carried.with- the bill through -some' of the.
earlier 'stages of :.its passage; bu 4 finally
stricken out on- the inbtiOn of a whig mem
boand carried try Whig vote - s. • .
October 5, 1841
f'mwitureuf, Onclicia.
On Thursday the 7th of October, .nt 10 o'clock,
will he said at the residence of- C B,Penrose, the
Hou;sehold Si kitchen Furniture,
iitahogany - Sideboard.
Do. Sofas, •
• Do. and Windsor Chairs,
1)o. . Pier Tables,
1)o. Dining do. •
• . . Breakfast do.
- . -77---- Ctfilltre 77-77 d
o u r,
..ChArnber and Stair
China, Glass and Crockery; LoPking-Gtasses,parlor
Stoves and Andirons; Chamber aril Kitchen Fund
turd; Gleason, Franklin, Cooking wid other.
CARRIAGE for one or two horses; Oil Chith
for 1101:
, .
TERMS or SALE.—On ill sums under Twenty Dol
lars cash, on• all over that amount, a credit of two
and four monthi, for approved endorsed notes, before
delivery. ,- .
Carl isle,`Sept.. 2'2, 1841. ' .
Military Encampment.
The Ist Battalion Cumberland Volunteers having
resolved to field a three days encampment, viz:-- on
Thursday tlie-14*,-Priday the 15th and Saturday
the 16th days of Octoher next, at the "Carlisle
Springs" about five miles north of this place, and
having appointed the undersigned a committee to
p ive invitations to others to attend said encampment.
The undersigned therefore most respectfully invite
all and every military individual and Volunteer
Company in this and the counties in the neighbor
hood to intend as above, but should it be not-possible
for them to attend all the time, they are earnestly,
requested to attend on Friday the 2il slay of the en
campment, from 8 iq the forenoon to d. in _the after
noon;that being the time appointed for Grand Re
iien7,-to'wbich the Commander-in-Chief, D. R. Por
ter, and many other distinguished individuals have
been invited and are eipeeted will attend. The un,
dersigned deentit only necessary to say that the spot
selected forlhe enelimpment is a' delightful one, in
the midst of an abundant settlement where' every!
thing Accessary for a camp - can be had, and it is only
necessary for any Compaq determined 'to attend, to
give a few days notice of their 2deternaination, and
,they can be abundantly 'supplied. The railroad will
afford a speedy transportation tolhis place Irons the
East and:West nod the road to the Springs is one of
the best; we have only to add that all who - may at
tend Alin receive a soldier's hearty welcome, and we
firmly believe none, will go away dissatisfied. • .
„ W..FOIVLKE, Lt. Vol.:
A. LAMPERTON, Capt..'. •
M.. WISF)„. do.
S. CROP„ . • do.: Cory.
•W, M. PORTER; do.. • ,
'GOO NEAR, de.- -
Carlisle, Cumb. co. Z •
Sept. 22, 1.841. Sa, -•
P. S. Tents, wood anti , straw, will be furnished
inAundance, and the camp Will be conducted on.
.the strictest military pripciples by an experienced
_ .•• •
• , • NO -•
_ •
ALL ipersene indelnedp the- aubaeriber - , are - re !
quested tcrrall imnuldintely and settle,theie re
-8 e11t.14.0 . ;• 11 . c • 1 s •
t Ie booko,nlll be Ogee( in the
,bands of William
Irvine, Etig, for collection, - •
carlisle, Sept, 9,53, iti447-90
. .
• .'; . ROBINSON-8z "CO. ~ ' • •_
.hkve located - ir o n
-Carlisle for the purpose of mai t i f p /ami n o- an d se lli ng •
Hathaway's Patent "Hot Air Cooking Stotes." . '
•--- And being aware that the people in this place and
vicinity; have been much miposcd upon by the in
”oductuni_oLnew and highly reebinniended artfeles
Thick they have been induced to -purchase, - Mid
which have been so, slightly made, and Gl• such btul
material, that in a short time they have .thiled nod
icconte useless. We, therefttivolo not intend offer
ng stoves for Sale until theyere thirty tried in this
:ommunity•and prodothiced•inorc t itable in their
innsfruction, better adopted tb tlits, epOses of boil 7.
ng, baking and all the varietieno ' •ooking than any
aber stove; also, that thtrynre d rent saving of fuel
is well as labour. 1 • , . .
. .
fO -. We earnestly, invite formers ns -well :is reel=
lents of this. place and ile neighboring villages,:to
tall On us at S. Wouderlields hotel', or notify us by
letter (postage unpaid) that they arc willing to try
tarante—and the stove shall be ;placed in the
.itches of every person givliigith ‘ucb' notice, and
ak - en away after trial, without any expense to per
10115'making the trial.. • .
The stoves trill be kept for sole at tlic Tin Shop
if Mr. .1 :mob Veit:fey, And at die If_oundrrof Messrs.
Layton! Monne, in Carlisle.
• Having contracted - for One- Hundred Tons of
Castings,..we will, in,t few days; supply st o ne deal- -
'es with all tin:-different sites, on the most liberal
/t'e'nts. ,
. . .
EI:BAWD - it ROBINSON, of CSrlisle, is agent for sellikilthfirght•to Make tuid vend the • 110T„.AIII;
STOVE, nil Will diSpose of Counties in this and the adjoinnio States. '• ' ' •• - '
We fi'ublish the following rcettlittelidations from some'of tiose - Ivho are-fiSing; OM stove; to 'encourage`
others to . try-II: -,• ... • .. .., •
• . . oirlich,, s e pL 1?., 1841. : but I timeonvinced•upon trial-that it can tie:done as
.. .
well in your'atove.asbrick oven. - •
• I have in use in iu:y kitchen one of IlatloWays pat
f believe that •the general imrodsiction of your.
cut llot Air Cooking •Sto3•es, and can recommend it
. stove into lose will be very beneficial to the -public,
as d very superior article. The one.l haye is No 3
therefore I shalltake pleasure in - .recommending it
It bas 5 boilers and . itif , oveit sufficiently large to bake
six ionvei of bread. 4 l'he baking, roasting and broil-
-to my friends. yours-respectfully,
ing ens all be done at the same time find with much • . • •
less wood than required for - any stove•which we hive • • gar/istc,•Sept. 10,1841. .
.31::stris". E. itfthinsent Ls' Co.—Gentkine 1 I • ‘
, have
. . •
• This size apta ars to be peettliarlY calculated for
Farmers, and for their benefit I invite them to call I
nod see this stove in use, es I shall take 'plcastnr in j
• showing the stove to all whom interest or curiosity
may-induce to .
• • 'Carlisle; Sept. 11 , 184.1.
• ri. — E% — lliib hay,: ',.c.9' . C0;- , --C ENTLEM-EN ,1 have
thlrinr• .thd.rew days I have had - Your I rathaway's
ot 'Ai r Stove .ill use, become - convinced of its
gra sukrierity ver MU ether stoves I have used or
, seen: 1 find by the trial .that boiling, roasting, link
' ing and broiling may all be done at the some time;
in a atiost pert, et manner, nod' with less than , obe 1
fourth Al t o (fief I hire ordinarily} used 'Tor the -same 1
:purposes.' I have Iteretotore • heqi orne opinion . '
VlNWv.K . PiiithvgfriV:lttqUao l 1 1 M - XTVOCllrrghTe';''
.`!1.: . 1 1 7 .4- 4V,"•ss'inkr.";: ; • r /144,- . '',;!.=-' ;•:&::,-- ',-
--- -------- '-• ..` , ' 4 ' , '..-:-4.i..,1.-::,1,,:q.-'ll4.litt4l-;
BIG SP ILLVG 4:3:11.11-TLVE — G U3R7)S,
yoit arc of lvrcil to ' 'the_borougli of r
pensbnrg on Friday the Ist (lay of Oetober,And ui
Sprit:Odd ou Tuesday the I Otli . or October, precise,-iv :it 10••O`eloCk- each - thiv completely equipped,fcr
In tho Court of Comnion Pleas of
Cu ntherland county.
9th _Angina, 1841 L7pmt tha•petition of Jacob
Stough, odic of the AVXigneess Davia filean, the
court dvan( a rale to show (mum. why he should not,
be dismissed limn the trust confided to him under a
voluntary Deed of Assignmen!-to be arkued. at next
November term, or Which all persons interested will
take notice. 13y the court,
Sept. ‘2.'2., - •
PISOIOC3/ b erAYNI I f/ NV.O b •
county, to make distribution to the tired itors Of A, ill
lam IL Nlilligan, of the assets in the hands of Scott
Coyle, Alexander M. .Kerr anti Jacob Myet s, his
trustees, under a.Dontcstic Altachtnent, will attend
to the duties of his appoildnimit at his office in Cal.-
lisle, out
,M outlay the 18th day of October I.BM, when
and where this said creditors mny-make resMitation
of their respective claims.
Carlisle, Sept. 15, 1841.
1 - 3• Y order of Orphans' Court of Coup:l:Man:l
D county, the subscriber will expose to Public
sale, on the premises. on Wednesday theti. , lth day
of October next, at 11 o'clock,' A. M. the following.
described reaLestate, to 'wit •
• _
A Tract of part Limestone and
Side land, situate in North Middleton township,
Cumberland county', bounded by the Conodoguinet
creek, lands of Abraham Lamberion, Zeigler's heirs
and others, containing
239 .4cres and 27 Perches,
strict measure, thereon erected a two story
r - l ar t a u - s , u ai zi o, tw
ou • • .1110 PUS
A new ,Frame Barn & Stable,. &c:
-There is a never, failing spring, of water on the
premises, and . a.good well of wafer With a pump.—
• About 80 acres of this farm are covered with young
thriving! timber,
.•,.TcalifS=TWo hundred &Allays of the purchase
money •to be paid on the confirmation of the sale,
and the balance to three canal instalments, to 'wit:
! One third thelyof to be paid on the Ist of April,
1842 when possession of said property'. will be given;
one-third thereof on the Ist of April 1843, anti one
third.thereof on the Ist of April 1844. The whole
to he secured by
o reco . gnizances in the Orphans' Court
with approved secuty. 'The fall grain that shall be
growing. on the preniises at the time of. sale to go to
the purchaser,exuepting the share. of the tenant which
is expressly reserved to him. No part of the corn
crop now growing on& land is to go to the mirchasei.
Adm'r. of Jos. Shroud, tir: cicu'd.
Carlisle, Sept 22,1841.—t5.
Orphans' Court Sale:
AGREEABLY to a decree of the Orphans" Court
of Cumberland county, I will expose to sale by
Pnhlic v en d u e . . on the premises , on the fi rst (lay of
Xoremlp). . next, at 2 o'clock P. M., all that rot of
ground, situate Mechanicsburg, Cuinberlaild
county, known as Lbts No: 53, 54, 55 and 56 and
bounded by Eberly and others. •
_ ..„
September, 15th„184.1
•TheSubieribers offer at private sale a first rate
late the property of Neal, Esq. deed., •situate in
Dickinson township, Cumberland county, hounded
by lands of 'Andrew :Carothers,' John Woodburn,
.9atnuel Iltiiton,' and Otheri, containing
.240 Acres,
More or lessabout two, thirds of which is cleared,
I and in excellent cultivation and nder good fence,
' the retnaining third is fine timb a 'he IRV,
provements thereon are a large ; 1
„• . . '
• Two` •Story': . .Dwelling- ' • . 'tr.-.:4. -
• ..' -. 41 , 5' : ~
.:3; Vl4 `4i a ?”' • . ''.!. - : , 1. fit
- AND KITCHEN', • ': -- "" . 7 7 .- --
. .
a large BRICK BARN; Wagon Slied,ind otherOut
buildiagsi and a ivell ofgood water, . , r
, •
.::.--Tliertitaloittlie..premtses.a:,*eed : AP - •;-,/ ' 'ili.' '.
PLE OREFIA, RD, and other fruit trees, .:;1 *.it,
also a large POOL of water Abet has i ., ;;'31 `
scarcely ever.bech known to,go dry: • ': '' • I
Mite aboVe protiertY is not 'acild - hefore; ..
SATURDAY, the 93(1 of October, tither notice will
then be given of hi- disposal.. The terniS:,will then.'
be 'made known.' "
• • ROW'. 8140SINIONS;- . -
• • , - , • M. BOYD. . • -
•N. B. 'Any information respeiniiig the erty
• 11.110.1 nul.of,Ma.:Einkearanitt'e I " •
'M—Biclolle, Bag: Of Carlisle or 'of . Simnel
ire p f the owners) near Cofumbiti,Liinensior
A taditoes Notice.
fairly tested the "Ilot Air Stove" which you put no
at my house, and can recommend it as possessing
principles of economy and 'convenience thr surpas
sing oily other 'sto; e which] have ever seen.
The boilers coniing in immediate contact with the
fire.gii es it great facilities for boi ling, and VA!' oven
is heated' on such a principle that bread' is baked hi
as fine n manner as on o brick oven. •1 find it also a
great - Saving or fuel-and labour,-and Ft(iiig.ti nil
to adopt it.
--- • ' - Ckambeisbnr,B4;t. fr,.11341..
.1 do certify that,' am now Using one of Ifittliaway's
Patent 110 (Look'-Stoves, No: 13, and do recorn 7
superio'r to ritiv stove 1 havb seen; the
-f;relit saving-of fuel; and die variety th a tcook- '1
tv at the sani . :,iinie j jmilmilt,tinAtict,iu,tl i 4 4 .....n..l 4 .6„.l
I"it . tititutlte.ihe.operatiolui of the - -
• -,-- •
; Those valuable pills are c - eryi;•eotle it) their opel-a
tions; causing neitiier pnim'grlpltig• nor-an - TiatiSeOUß
stckniws .41/,t,"-CX7ertii-ngircO.M.fatiiißfilTeLFlrgnidir
the ,S0111:t4111-Pillt WCls,lllld_Cielllillg-411(.!--Siglit-ileitP
ill," :mil memory of nivil persons, 1)y-carrying oti
phlegms, watery !natter, putrid gros..) and thick lin
11101'8 coin 'O4 stomach, bowels nuirblood,' which
makes them so eelebratetl•jor iemoring. eonglis,
rlicimMtistus; paiits froni the Lolly Mid linil)s,grovel,
piles, sick. stomach, disordered bowels .and worms.
This'inethente is also cure for fe,ver. mid
• .
Davies PanacoA . Blood Pills,
For the cure of coniSmaption, diseased wintl-pipe,
- ulcerated sore thriad, lungs an& - liver Complaint,
night Sweats,tlti - shes of heat, burning in the stomach,
tightness across •the chest, pains in the breast and
sitle,in ward ea otters, piles, sore eyes,sore legs, ulcers
of every description ' swellings, rheumatisms; they
stop the spilling of b lond and heal the part tillected.
The Panacea Blood pills are prepared expressly for
the strengthening of every part or the system and
healing all tile, rs and sores, purifying and removing
all bad humors from the. blood, which is often brought
sitre Irmo sudden heat to ,eold. Weakly,debilitated.
persons are particulay advised to use them, as they
strengthen the body in a superior mknner; they are
not intended to operate on the bowels so much its on
the blood, as too much purging- will destrdy tiny weak
ly constitution, anti has vst tried oil' its thousanda t,
world unknown to us. Take the advice of one to
studies to sate lili: and not to kill; weakly and debili
tated persons should not - pnrge more than once a year
as it often times brings on ecstiveness..
....______. &V in yl county, Va. Sep. 7. 1840,
Dent''.l 7 —rn'i lie to let you know, that the Lord
US' done great things'for me, whereof l' am glad.—
When I saw von in Fredericksburg,l - . think l'said
I.liad been atlicted With a very acid (sour) stomach,
and subject to-n violent pain in my head for more than
twenty years, for which I took rhubarb and soda three
or roue times every day' for this' many years, with
little 'or - ta relief, and my legs and ankles were so
much swelled that--I was utiable'm times, to attend to
my) business. ,• But shice'you Made me a
,present of
'a box of your Family; Pills I hate taken one or two
of them at night in going to bed,and now my acid
'stomach is relieved, the swelling in thy legs has nesr
ly disaPpeared, and I do not think that I have been day. With the pain in my head since I
began to take : yOur valuable medicine. I think the
Lord directed you to Fredericksburg, to administer
tansy relief. (Blessed be his holymame,l am greatly
relieved.) 'I here is 'living in my neighborhood a
posit , old woman who bad been sick a long time and
could get no 'relief, at length I purchased a box of
your pills and gave them to her, after a while I saw
her out and about her business, and she said that the
1 one box had cured het. I have spread the fame of
ybur valuable medicine amongst my acquaintances,
and many have purchased. Now, as it respects my
•self, my, Meals tell me when I go to town, that they -
havOmt seen me look so well for many years, and I
say to them, 'I will tell you the secret'why ; n short
time ago I met with at Di . Davies in town, and he gave
me a box of pills, anti they have made the look ns
you now WC me,' And now,my friend, I hope that
the Lord will enntimut to be with you; and make you
useful to your fellow-creatures, as he has hitherto '
done. , I remain with respect,
Several Females have been cured of th Billing of
~the, womb, by taking very small doses at interials.
fimpor's Perry, arikuat .11, 1840.
•. Dit. Wit D.IVIES.—Dem , Sir:—trim happy : to in
form you and . the public, that I have been cured of '
that dreadful disease-the Rheumatism, by takingyour
Family Pills. I have been laboring under that dis-'
ease for more than a year, during which time-I tried
the skill of the best physicumwithonteffect; at length
I was induced to try, your medicine; I found relief
after taking half a box, I continued to take them until
I had taken five boxes; my age is 71 years, and I con
siderCthat 'none but the old -mid i'lleumatic. persons
know how grateful I feel to the medicine that has
restores! me to he:tlth. . .
. _
Yours,.vespt ctfully, = Jourr
'WE, thQ ersigue'd,ale agents at Harpgr's Ferry
for the stilti'Of Dr. Davies' Family Pills, Ave know
our neighbour, Mr. Dye; sold him the pills of whirl
he speaks so highly, and, believe his statement to be
substantlally true. • •
qtespeetfolly, \V. & S. - B. Attuensert:
'Mrs. C. Iltivtoit, near Locust street, was diseased
tor seven years with a' lump in the left Side, bumps
all over her &ikin , Pains ardutul the small of her hack
running into her — s — finnach, which lirevented her (to
use her own words - ,1 from eating one paoiele of meat;
the first-dose removed the lumfi; and tWoA axes' set
her at liberty.
I was severely diseased with the blind piles for
twenty months; and proStrated from the loss of blond;,
and one and a half boies'of DAies Family Pills has,
foltde an entire vire of me. • .J. Jot,NSON.
Washington, D. C., May. 7, 1841..
Mannthottired and . sold Wholesale and retail, at
No. f.,'65 South third street Philadelphia ' and, b'' Mr.
Jonsr GRAY, Cal lisle, general 'agent for Cumberland
co:mm.l , Penna. • . . r • . .•
Also, for sale by ,Kingstown -J-1
lEckels gt:Fircovitl,llOguebtowo, G:!Rupp, Shire-
MonstOwn,3:. Lo»guecker, Worroleyshurg; li. Wen.. I
eman, New 'Cuinberland. • ' "
, • •• •
ittrPersints wishing; hccOme agents holm villa
ges m are . 'not sold In Cumberland
county; Will bo supplied With them hy,Colling on Mr
John pinyCarlitle, pa., who is , etopouered'to;ap
point agents. Family pills to thoSe who purchase,
tigoin will be charged $2 per doxen.:cash.; or
$2,25 to sell , on commission; anti the .Ponacetvillood
o'. 44 ; k0 on—cs , :earnission.::„4.l4,lail
price ,for family pills' 25; eta.. per •box ; Panacea
blood' pills ' , 5(1. cents 'per box. FultedireetiellS for
tieing them acOoitiptiny
. xch box.
Chiliale, Sept; 15, 15.11.-=-om, . • • •
It A RRI 81111 R G • •
tkukaat apiwiNmat.bic,
ni vE sultscriber.respectfully informs the citizens
st of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin aid other
'neighboring 'counties, that he has now on haull a
large stock of timber of I hesert best, quality, both
oak and pine, - owl is prepared to furnish any quantt4
.ty of lumber.for buildings and machinery, on the
shortest notice. • •
The following is the price foe stuff . of ordinery
:It the mill, per thousand feet .„; $ll
. The lumber will be delivered, is requhsted, atthe
canal and rail road. depots, la that it cant e transport
cilia any.direetion )vith greaCeoniPenienee. •
WM, if.
September 22,184.1.
.14.. 4N01011111 7
That distressing disease " Consump4
tion",,cured - al last-- . - -- 46quizekery!!
No deception !!!
(Viilinnitts'l . ti - t . , - A'efit. - 4, fi4 .
• Ttyl)l.. WISTAW , - - Dtiar sir, it gives me. great
pleasure to say,l have found much relief from your-.
Bitlkim that I have to seiul to 'you're'. more. I have
only-used. three bottles out of Me-half dozen-I pur- -
chased, 3-et it has done me more good than all the,
medicine l have ever taken before. A neighbour
mine whose - wife wins` very IoW with Comiumfition, ,
petsuaded 'me to let him have'some of it, and bought
three bottles, which she has taken also. [ saw hey:
a few dasys ago and •she told me She believed It was
the only thing that had saved her life. — She had tri.
ed every tiling before, bttf nothing did her any goOd;
and when she commenced taking
. was - sick in bed,
but is now up and looks better than I ever saw hi-r
before. As for ; myself IMO sure it will cure me
entirely, for I feel better every day. Send me ‘ six
bottles more by the bearer, as my neighbor
• Your sincere Mend,
• SAMUEL . cot.ES
ta^.Tlie genuine Balsam sold in Carlisle by
Price One ,Dollar a Bottle.- • , •
sew. 2 , 2,0841
. .
• oEol6:lsis' ; Co
nAirtue. of an order' of the "Or'pTians' Court o • -
Cumlrerland collate, •ajll be sold on the:premioes by
public yetalue, njo_Friulay..tike.filutetith -day of October.
.4444 u-at 1 . 2 0.:106k noon id_tlitit clay, the.
property, late -the' property' of Alartinlirtir.tildir, of
AU that Mlll...fratt - of Lati(l . •sitiF •
Itte•on die -yellow BrOcelies ereek,)n'Alosoo town :
Brook •Christian Leiner ; unl Itrandt'p lours, and
containing " .
1.0,7 - Xeres and. 23 Pereles . • .
SfitleTiifOTsCfre,.-44 - finTlipro"VercienliaWe a—
Cl:Over imuid Choplog Mill,.
I, •
. • MEELLE p: ica--, •
• 3 . (Go • Story Dwelling
;10Nt...) 1 TQ,
H •
"aa 111111 . " C double LOG BARN,. a
Two Story Tenant House,.
a - Stable and several other Out buildings. Thereftw....
au Orchard of choice - fruit on the premises, 011(1
well of excellent water at the door of each house. •
The water power is very strong and is suryai!sed by
none on the Yellow lireeches creek being muck
more than sufficient for the millsnow on the property. •
It hi Situated on the road ltaiding from York to Car
lisle, inhere the same crosses the creek.:
- Also: A Tract of :fountain land
pearl s adjoining the 0)6%0 mentioned mill tract, situ
ate in, Monroe township, bounded by lands of Adam
ocanot -i.iid•mt.oosointreonianitng
, 42 ct es and 3,t Perches
and allowance. .Thisland is well covered with Ches
nut; Pine and Oak timber. •
The terms of sale will be made ktiown on the day
thereof by
Miters of A •in antlt, Jr
September I I , I S4l.—ts.
-Sheri s Saks.
Y virtue, of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas,
to me-directed, issued out of the Court of Cot-11-
11On Pleas of Cumberland county, will be-exposed
to public sale'at the Court House in the borough of
Carlisle, on Saturday thet.'dd day of October, 1841,
at 10 o'el AI, the following described real
estate, Viz:
A. Tract' of Land Situate . in .
Mthlin township, Cumberland county, containing
155 acres more or less, (called the Dublin Gap
Springs) about twenty acres of cleared land, and the
balance good timber land, adjoining lands of John
Harper, Ileike'Wheirs, and the heirs ofja IMCB Wood
burn,deed., having thereon erected a large two story
log'and frame bottle,
and a log barn. Seized and
taken in the property . of. William 131 can.
Also- •All the interest of George
Trimble, being the ono-fifth part in a tract of land,
situate in the township . of Silver Spying. containing'
166 acres more or less bounded by the North Moun
tain on lbe North, Gaimon on the'East,Adam
Kunkle on the south; and John Faught on the West,.
about eighty acres are cleared, having thereon erect—
ed a log house bud an old log barn. Seized and taken.
in execution as the property of George• Trimble. • '•\
• Al4o—A Tract of:: Land situate
in the:township of North Middleton . , Cumberland
county, containing 160 nem s more or less, bounded
. by lands of Jacob Weaver, William ,Heirismod',„
David Wolf and others, having thereon erected a two.
story Log House, log kitchen, and a large stone and.
frame Barn. Seined nod token into execution as the
properly iif derchun Sanderson,
Also-A Lot of Ground situate in the. (
township of Southampton, Lees Cross Roads,oon
tslning _fifty three feet in breadth, and three hundred
feet in depth, more: or less, adjoining the 'Walnut
Bottom road on the north, an Ailey Cattle south, and
lands or William !Maxwell on the east and ,west,.
having thereon erected a double - twoqtorY frame
mid log House, plastered, and a log Stables„..:-
Also--A. lot of ground in said township, •
adjoining the Walnut Bottom road op the south, an,
alley on the north, Adam Reese on the east, and
Lees'cross roads on the west, having thereon erected
a double two story log and frame House and a wag.;
gon maker shop. Seized takenio.executionm 9 .
the proper y of Havid,Clever..
• Also—A Lot of Grouittl, situattr in the
borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, containing , •
sixty feet in breadth, and two hundred andfortyleet
in depth, more or less, adjoining a lot of John ... Mos
Carter on the south, Henry A: Doty on the northi
Hanover street on the west, andithe heirs of ---
Neal on tilin east, havitr;thereon erected a large two
story stone House, anti' frame stable. Seized• and
taken in execution as the property of John Traugli:
And to be sold by me,
I'AUL M.AATIN 3 Sheriff':
Smentreac t r i rec,
Ctirliale, Sept. 41.—8 t:
MOREIEW .600D5..
The Subscriber' NIS just 00110' a new and !mutt
some assortment of . ' '
Fall and Winter Goods,
consisting or super black, blue black tMdcabeiCiOtiii4,
Cassi rams, Sattinette, new style Vestige, a variety:
'of Mouse itiKraiiies, - stoond - mourning, end black
ditto v Tiiiliet cloth, Welsh dittci ,
`for skirting loves, fiosien.„-,Ediings, faces, eam4
'Wes, Oil.Glothe , Artifieials, Ilibbane,ll.stitts Shirts
and Drawers. . . , • ,-, 7 • •,!,
Also Mens, Women? SO M 14101169
Leather .Bt,MorOcco, Shims SG ,
Queetisweifre gold: p*Oceriek 4 :'
„ •
spjaw; e .tvlth a great variety of other good
all af,wlficli hu will; sail at a - small profit to aunt the
times.' Don't call en
Qirli t:29, 1 841 v