_,x - ' 7 , 5 1 .).12 1- IDI2I allaal4---avoQ, 3c),Q .., • lii the •Coutt .of Com rnOnTleas . of . . . . .. . ' (100.1utla.nd. county. ... I.9.4loiugiiit, 0341.6 Upon the petition of wiII in m Bleliff,'lotte 'pf . the 'assignees of David 'Blean, the 'court grant-a rule to' show cause' why he should not be discharged from the trust confided to him under a voluntary Deed of Assignment, to he argued at nest November term, of wide!' all porSons interested. 'kvill take notice. '' By the Court, ' '• , '. '' ' CEO: SANDPIRSON,'ProtIey. • sept, 2 . 2, 1 . 841,- 7 .p . t. ..- . NOTICE. • Estate rif Dr. .1. P. Linn, deed.. • •- ElrEns Toitittn6w.:lry hn the-last• Will• IA _Testament of Dr: A. I'. Linn, late of the borough, of Shlppenshurg, dee'd., have .been liasaell sulrsi;ritrci No rtcl:, is - hereby given twitql persons havilig claims against said estate; to present thorn properly authenticated . • for settletneutolnfl all:persons indehted'are request ed to make itltyttient to tht3 gubsdribers. WILLIAM' LINN, . Sloppensh'it. • ROBERT courniAN-,5 7 - • 7 JOIIN BOUVIIR, Philadelphia. Septetnher, Executors. BAßGAlNS . ,‘ BARGAINS. • C LIPPI N GER.& C ARE' Ilave,jost iTeji -at their 'old stand 'near the rail. road, and directly okthsite Mi . .. It. Co'clitim's lluter, a very Cull and rich assortMent of . . •• ' Fall & Wintpr.Goods, _ utnong..wliielv.are are both superfine and. enthrann . I)alilia, and :finale Green— ' Vyliol dyed blue black, London 13ro rn, Olive mixed - • . a 11141 4 4 4 .14111 na:enc - " add s;iNoe,les. A via 7 Wife ashorinient. Qrsaiiii,ets and eassibiereS.; Ill'ernin;•broehe,-Ta A liona, 'AipCi rigor, clieric silk and . . . . . - 'eothiti Mmtvls lital handkerchiefs. - •Coiton; worsted, - -iiierino, - laitilis-wool Mal. silk liiii - tiervolek,beticel'; — lit.Trliri, woolim awl' iTrirsteif - liiii.d atnT iiiiTeili - gto.. - S,. Kid, moliale, silk, client. and eittionglovehand Mitts. A very Jarge and spltintlfil assortment of • - • • i • Feel! 0. 'lVlalqi.l• 141/FAbons, . of the very latest stile, TlMeal [ices tad edgings of - -all widths:and prices—Meek. Iltiliati,- Lutestring, ^ Cro-de-ltliine, Cro-de-Sap, Geo-dc , Swoi - mid llept - • Silks—Client. rilted and plaid (lro-de.,,Afrigne for lionnetstegliOrm Plormice ' braid :malli:Eog_litit — lionnets; Seal; 2 : tin! Scict car; a lull assortment of .. . • a ~.:1 . 1 (E) (Si 2f ...LI VI {ll 0 9 ilt 1 , 111 , 1.1 q, . ' .. ~--. . _ , . .1, • .!! al • a.. , gliosa, Glass, ased - , -A‘• I . '• : """.' q, u r E E N'SSW A It- EE. ~ r asl,ortniettt is ItOW' very fiill , comprising hourly every at tide *tinily kept in a Airy Goods Store, and have been bought no the vivy best terms; couSequently, they are prepared 'to oiler gomls at stud; prices as cannot fail to give - satisfaction'. :They' most respectfully ask, those wishing to purchase, to give them a 'rail. They feel satisfied they can :make it .their' interest to purchase rrom them. • Shippensbur , Sept. 15,1841.—tit. l'•afillabee - rartrae - itroz - sat c. Will be sold on Friday the 15th day of October 1841, on tie mesnases, in Silver Spring township, Cu niberland tummy ,adjoining lands of J scot; Verney, 'William Waugh, and the litursof Nathaniel Irvine, dec'd., it valuable tract of first rate I,imesteee Land, in a high state of cultivation, containiog'Bo acres Morc.or less,-ahont 55 acres of tt HMI are ch•ared and the residue covered with thriving youngtimher, with tt coo siderable quantity of locust. The im provements are a new two story • , .. Flt AM 11:41 Lll O.ONa" ..i - `, , and . a .Vitv Frame Barn, vat, Wagon Shed mid Corn crib anfached, and all necessary out buildings . : A good %veil of .water with a new, pump inn it is near to door; there is a stream Of running water on the frm, and thriving young orchard. , . ' Possession will be given on tine first day of April . nr next. ' . . .. The salebe made on payments. Conditions will bc•matle fully known on the day of sale. DAVID LEIIN,' • ' DAVID ORRIS • Assignees of George Forney. September 15,1841.—t5., Nelv Cooking Stove. JACOB FIiII4,EY, North Hanover street, oppo site- dOrninans' llotel, is agent for the sale of !lathe ways' rat'ent , 'Hot Cooking Stoves, , .. -which be.warrants,to be 100 per mit better than any -other stove heretofore known.. , 'Faimers, Cavern keepers bud others are invited to take those Stoves on trial, and if they are not pleased , with the:opliration of the stove, or the price, they inay be returned . J. I.'. still. continues to `:• 1 -'• 7 keep on L a ud Wir! . e .• uuiccrsallp apirPOVell; SLOre luriature, cline a Skeet iron nod Copper , Ware, which he will . dispose • 'of 'on reasonable - terins. _ . . . • !Qeders in Town ontrequidry; for (louse Spouting fi or' other work promptlymttended tb.'• , Carlin e. Sept. 15, 15.1.1.—1 y. Mary—inn' Sinriiiley, by her next friend .vecirr,elionz,vs.'3obn Suavest y. 214 01:January .Term, 18;10 in the Court of ,Common , Pleas . of CuMberla • nd county. Libel for , • '.Divorce. ,. • • , -Nov?: to' Wit r -Au*ust term 1841, the said Court ordertinthlirect the Enid Sheriff'to cause notice to e uhlished in one or more newspapers printed and ;pultlfslteo - nn un orntlWititrof - 7 - crnmhin . littal forlorn. Inecesit'illty,inlor to. the first 'day of next 'term; irequirfilg the stud Jelin, Sithveley to appear on answer to the complainfof.the said, li .lfollant. • . ~ • the. Court. ' PAUL 'lllARTlN„Slieriff fl..lllllarlsellels . The,suportority-,,0f pills over any: other medicine that has ever litiei) offered to-the pub lic, isthnt they cleanse pitrify itnd.strengthen. Thege. • are. important items, and their importance should hot be overfooke . ol:, The system.is liable, froni imprcivi . den9e,i9itgieglect,•to acninulate bile, and • a yariety ,To . litu , ge ,systein ()kite ' ititpuritice, eliOnlir be early ` :mended to: be •- • neglectedolie patient my be subjected tn . painful dts 'ease and P . OlVaege4 salfeiing;; Theperinan 'Aperi . • 'cut pills arg acimirsihly stilted,to this purpose-4d. , n cleanse:Atte system: tileY itit:lfyllo kilitiod,:andniniist-iiliture kindly her line ' t'aticitta.'"The,•ctimpnunil strengthettiiig . pills give , •Acitile , tO tlie:StOinaeli;.while they •Inap?rt- vigor to 4 the sYsfutd lienee' they area 'desideratum, and tio •. fatiiiiiihould ;remain - Without them.',, ilict they are .a,sprtel n. Family Plivsinian," hut itillikethe sehool • .rf. , ei...., 1 ,17-foti they ,satelycimpulted ,in nil • caties— . ..gey li f tay be''taken . Without. while th PniitiVe OAR& in'inttny Vit•.only • ask fors fan• trial of thelr`Merits, and are willing to -7-Itb , l „g•F,4 l l ° ' , 4l . • .L.:t7ii •• • .o.,'N''ouitty, 'Burlington N...d , „••••• 1 4 1:TeniNell'AVOPICII, 1461 - 19 Nortit•F.ightli may ...lin • ..'' 'Myers;Co.,Cludisk;: , :tral Pcail, Shippensbuigiphy t • • • • • • • • ~• ' • , . • . • . , • . •• • - .• • c )11. t - " .- • , or all descriptions, among which 'are the improved Rotavy Cookhig stoves so ,Liicia A FAIVIILY NEWSPAPER: -- DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, LITERATURE; THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, AMUSEMENT, C.C.i&C. RE. l llr. ES 71'.4 TE • VOW SALE. !The Silbsepiber offers Tor sale a splendid , LIME— ' STONE FARM; it contains a b out 165 ACRES, is close to the edie of the borougli of Carlisle, in the, heart of the-Cumberland . Valley—that magnificent expanse than which the satin heaven shineth not on its superior. The title indisputable and the land, patchted. • • kiiiroVentents-anti-Local dvantiws - . - .4 GOOD .q.MD LARGE ofir - OG' L IifOUSEJ , I4 -A I Ne'iyi 'Rat k Oa ins 1 (firat rate,)...a . Well o never failing pure water—prox. i inlay to gnsliin, 'ring water—an Orchard of tbotn 10l)ybung Apple•trees. —About 50 acres or the land entries a crop or timber word' a.hirge suin s of inoiwy •,•—a good portion is well set ip closer and timothy . gross—fencing good. The limestone is the' t3lab or sbelving, easily ptbc . ured, takes le - ss fuel to make li me, and of Mil:ll4s is the most valuable; the north or slate land side of the valley will give u constant cleinand for this — stone forever. - It is closd.to "the groat•Cu,nberland-Vallcyllail-r0ad..... ~ . 1 - Ir not sold before, Friday 15th ii the 15tf October it will out that day' e exposed to Public Salt, on The premises, at 111 o'clock,- A. Al. , - • , . . For trims apply to ' r. ,- • A. APDOWF.T.I... Sept. j-, t•841.---fs"• . . ,Carlisle, Pa; r,•, - LelnYnon Cowler'insert it and send bill to this 'ollicefor eoilectkon., • ..,.. k y le - VV o7 IEL bd sold in poystlailed.of . .all' order of the Orphans' Cowl. 'of-Ctiorbet,.- laifermoty, 01 Fri day J lie 15th dityof octidicr...ext, 0 wellivk o A. M. of sltid !lay, the fhltowiie , ; rle seribed real Atate, late the . prolierty 'of .rCiirol;flig . .Ti deo'tl., to ivit : .- • • No. 1.. "fillet of .. .1; AN DP' situate in Miffirn township, Cuttiherlanti comity, lands.of Isaac Christleil);'Geo. North's Heirs-„John and bull of the heirs or Paid ilece (h•nthgrein after described :as No: 3, containing t . 7 - 2 - 2 - - A el!_e -..4 . i ; uul 81:derelleS tent till'l'Coll eructed a IMINIIIII ~...., ____ ,A , , . Iwo "Story Lo .. n , c,v,•l; a t; ~ . . ..."-• It ii U Z i t .... ' t- I fill) S E • 4 .' i".",:n;., 1 ~,,....• -.-- Kitchen, Don ble . Log 13arn - , Wa gott•Slie.d, Corn-Crib, and Citler-1, a xvell .of t 5Wt.,..?7,1t.t, never . 110 l ing• water - _eonvenient to - the ill" 14 !loose, and ail excellent 5,... .IPPLE OlifilLlß.D. _ About 70 acres or the above l'arin are first, rate timber land, and tho residue in a good state of dote, the greater In.trt ol Much is stank tle loplil a,,,re. No. 2. A. Tract of Lana ad joinipg the above described farm nod local .of than,. Miller, Alm). Whinier, Moses. Whinier, Daniel Mc- Laughlin, Jacob Kitner, George How and others, containing IS4 Acres am id 13 Perches., neat tneasur6 having thereon erected a .Two Store Lod • W-.517'; S . E, Kitchen, llOuble Log Barn, Wagott-Shia) :old. Corn- Crib, an Apple Ovulated and a never failing: well of water near the door ; about -50 acres of the •above Berm are first rate timber land, and the residue. in a gobd stati: of cnitit ation, of which about 40 acres are good •inyadow. The :Move Tracts will be sold separately or to gether, to•soit purchasers, on'the following terms:— the costs of sale -to be paid by the purchaser or pur chaser SouSou the confirmation of the sale by the Court, which time boor they w ill he required to enter into recognizance in (lie Orphans' Court with ap proved security,to secure the residtie of the purchase (Ct lie paid as follows—one third to remain in the hands 'Oldie purchaser doping the life of the widow of said decedent, the. interest to be paid tier annually, commencing oil the Ist or April next, dur iiig,ber life, and at. her death the principal Lo be paid to the heirs of said decedent, one _other third to be paid-on the lit of April' next, when poskession will be gh:'en and a deed made to the purchaser, the re mainingaldril to be paid in two equal animal pay ments thereafter without interest. - The landlords share of the grain growing at the time of sale will pass to the purchasers. Any per son wishing to view said farms before the day of hale at•e requested to call on David nigh residing on the premises, T)1• on the subscriber mho lives one Mild west of Newville. JACOB HIGH, . . Atlin'r. of ineob lligli, sr. itec'd. &it. 8, 1841.---tilS. " .1 •r . . . . _ . Er...." Lancaster Olii -Guard publish the abo . ve to the amount of $5 and charge this office.. • - Farm and - House - for - Sale. undersi g ned otters for • sale . the FAIINI oh which he resides, two miles west of Shippensbucg; being ih Southampton township,Franklin county, l'a. • containing - • : • • • 106 Acre's • of fit'...a•rate Limestone Land, Hot tis,tio, to any in the neighborhood; the improve ments ared w ti a • 1 . 1 OTT 'S "ft 10' 1 II I Ban!, Tenant House- int stulioihcp buildings - aaitre.necessary-to-ea , 'r 2 -011 liirming; azood. Orchard alai well of water... • • • Also, a two story Brick - House walca int And a balt*.or ground thereto attached, in the borough of Shippensburg, qumherland county— this pro cit y is in good repair, and is situated iii the kusiness-partof-tlte-toang_the_troprovomeitts_tuitit. ,STAB!ahl trontil . 4 two. :smoke house and other lieCessary ont buildings. 'flie undersigned deems it unnecesary minfit6 descriptinn of the above property, :A persons wishin- to purchase can View the premises . by citi Ile. Pi Artz,'Shippensburg, or on '• • , • • • • JOAN It:BF:RUN . . „ ,•• • • , living on the 111.1 . !/1. ShipPensburg,sept. 8,134 , L;-At . • .5 - ... r.t:ancaster Old Quoill..publish Et rind ,chntie Tilt 1E! ,„. ..L'state , olAdansa.,JVininidn; JL'I'TERS . .A.1)M1NI.S1:)1ATI0N s tlu A, form bf law 'llion ille e - state: of; Adaths deoNl.oatttly of Sltippeasilto*have been grant rd to John fikitinet'itotl James Walkoiri 'allpettolis baviitg olai i present tltetim till aettleineOt; twat thosti iatltibtOtl 'Wit! mike payment to imioitrAtor fi tliO; rpoi doocoof dreTtlocedsoil , on took R; tO, .1 *the-- Itith!of September`!o - uttc,oil - to - builioness -- pf • • •jOIIN SKINNIAIti _ . . • • ',IA AIES Sept. - 8, - • • • , • • .Prilited'und Published. for !he Proprietors, 14 ift an S. eresap s .Curlisle,.etiai berlUnd CoUnly,.Pa. Orphans' Court Sale.. In pursuanee dark order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will,he sold by - Publie Vendue, on the premises, on Friday the: Bth of Oc/Ther next, at le,o!clock, Ai. of that day, the-Mllowi ig real es tate, late the property._ of. David Wolf, of Monroe township in said county, deed., to AILS Mat Pita vatAtlon - - 111 TRAOT . :O7 LAVI),-... • situate in Motteog,„twnshifi : aforesaid; Itotided . by heals of Michabl G.,Beltzhoover, Grossi,loita Bricker; -- SIAM lid, - Bricker, - Sathuel Ifolibrant! the Yellow Breeches creek, containing De acres .ond- 34 Perches, . stiiet - TaTasare., 'mid, in ex eelletit eulttvation and under first rate fences. The improvements are a Two Story Stone II 0 U S E A LARGE BANK BARN, • 'Wagon-Shed and other• out buildings; also . . a never failing spring of tvatur • dose to • the !muse; a, good Orcharßof.Avell selected fruit is on tlw "prenilses, and also a large quantity of; locust timber: The wholemf this tract:is cleared hold. -- Also; rt Tract -of 'Woodland, sitmite iu the said tow,uship of • Alom•oe, licitmtleil Melehoir Beemtematt, lt. Ege'tt heirs, betes , tmil-othersomtbeotttitittitig• el-acres . 111111 30 s iterches strict Mi easure.. picce• ofiand ebt.c:retl eliestiMAßtlotkiimbei., • _ . . .0.., loons will _ . • ca. Lancaster Old Gujall ',fit and :lend.bill • collection: , • • • MCI _ . . . , • NV•11.1)e sold ntprivate"sale, • • . ' . . . . - • . .' A. Lot •of__Grotind • ' • . ~ en 3 ainingTArvet infrontoind ‘2:lk) feet in depth, sitn at • in Locust .k 'ley; in the liorongli olCarlisle;lnninfl -Irs 1.. 011 the enst by Jacob \Yeavci.,..und on din west 6y C. I Inmerieb, having alwreein -- crectelLa story :unl.a liiilc -1-..0G-WPATIII.7 . ._IiIiO,VILIII.:I)-11(7U - S4E::- - ,1011 N KELLER. . Carlisle, Sept. 15, 1811. , .. . . . Election 11.'roclamatiora. . •Wil ER EAS in mid by ati act ol thy CI co eral Assemble of tint Contnionwealtli of Penn sylvania, entitled "Au yet relating. to the elections tit this Commonwealth," passed the 2d Jay of July Ann() Donth&ne (Iliac:and eight Inc , t 1 and thirty- is nonde the'dtity of the Slterill . of ..e‘c6' wanly within this Commonwealth, to give•pliblie notice ar Ekctio,,s aild in such notice to ,eninnerate. 1. The officers to lie elected. I)esignate the place at which the election is to 11 1 I'illll 31:1111a, night miierni ...... beldam!, do her'eby make known such give this Public I!`oEicc to the electors of the county of Cumberland, that on the Second Tuenlay rf October next (being the 14111 day of the montli,) a Genet at Election will bt held itt the several-electiolfdistriets established hy said emnity, at. which lime . they will vote by ballot foyse the end of fi cers hereinafter !mined, NI% ONE PERSON for Governor of the State of Pennsylvania. • Two PERSONS' to represent the. emmties of Cumberland, Pranklin and Adams in the State Senate. •• -• TWO PERSONS to.rvyk , svnt thou e.,,untv of (;noihtlllatid ho the Ilouse of ll.epresentativjii of: , oNg COMMISSIONER for the eounty_of_Coakherl.pnl. • ONP. .of the Poo• and of the 14iuse of,Eniploy went of §ahl county. • for the county of Cumberlam!. . . .. ONE A L'DITOIC to stilly the public accounts of the county Commis sioners &v. . k . __ _ - • „ , f o r the county ot•Cumberiann. • Tho said election ,w ill beheld throughout the coun ty as follows: The election in the electioli district composed of the bo'rough of Carlisle, and townships of North Xfidireton, South Aliddletini, Lower Dickinson, Lower Frankford; and Lanier Westpoinsboro' will. .be held at the Court House, in the borough - of Car -1 lisle. The .eleetion in the district composed of Silver Siring ton tiship, wilrbe held at the public nausea Joseph Grier, in 1:: ogebtown, in said township. . Th, oiezlion hi the disti ict composed of st pennshOrough township, will be hidd at the house of Aodeow lircitzer, in said Aowtitibip. The election hi the district compose of New Cum berland nial n . part of 'Allen' township, will be held at the public Ithinin or John Sonrheck in New Cum berland. . The election in the district composed of Lisloirn and a part of Allen township.wi II be held at the pub lic house iii vo.w. .meemin, in Lisburn. • . Theneloction in the district compacd of that- part of Allen township, not int:huh:am the New Cum berhihd and List/mot election diA.riept, will be heldnt tht•public house Of -David B'hetifer, iii Shopin_rd-a town m said township. The electiMi• in the district composed of the bor ough of Mechanicsburg, will be held at the public house of John Hoover, m said borough. 'the election in the district -composed Of Monroe township l will be held at the public house of Wit,- •o'w Paul in Churchtown in sat dtownship. , The election in• the Aistriet (multi - wed of Upper Dickinson township;' will be build Itt-• , -Weakley's c morthiusei , he election in the district composed of the bor t:nlt of New Ville, ond•townships_of Mifflin, Upper l!roukford, Upper Westpenttsboro', Mid that port -of Newton township,not included in the Leesburg elec tion district herein after mentioned, will be held at the Brick School House, in the boroUgh • Of Nev eouiposi.ral orTifirtlitifirz ship of. Dryttwell, betel lathe school.home, in. Newburg in saidtottmship. . . , The election hi- ibe 'district 'composed 'Of the hor ough of Shippensburg,Shippensburg township, nett. that part of •Southainitton township,,not ,locluded. in • the Leesburg - election' district, will- be: held it the , Ccluneilborough•of Shippettsborg. i And.pi nod d by an net of the:General AsseMbly of this comMonwcalth, visSed the fbl July-1839 . , a is Btu% provided, "'That Oki qualified electors of mos of NeWtvin Miti,SOntlitunittott toWrishipsiustlie•eounty of Cumbet.l9lll;bountlCil by the !lint:it/log lines' and • disfilacea; ~11•4 atthe•Ailamacounty line, •tbenee along tiktli*,llividiligthetowtialiiiis of Diek- : •, InsoMand Newlihi tie theltiropike'ronil,thettee-td,ong, turivplic,q",t9 the ; gelato: •selte9hhonse, on kold ' tiiinpike,AnSentletnipttin,towilshiP;theucc , M ti Point on the Wriltilit,Bottontr•roial talloylaitik's;ineluding lleylitick>aftirM,'lltettee Straight dhoti:don' tor:the 'saw-mill bellotgong . tho heira of George 'Clever; thence alon g g ryslites-rontCrthe Adams somity.line, ; thence alobg of - Aflame county to the' place "of 1 )40 1161 K, be OW IS' beVeltY •clecht red a,ncw,clec i I . v . idlit'iSictrtiv“lett•lotrto7l* -- hettllte --•- piihr boost or Wi IllMn lllax ,ell, iii Lccshuth;Southuptii-' 1.9 a r itOieusialp ' . under•rny'latial,nt garliqe,'tlll6 fAst : day Attgost4 AAL - .184y; • -• • . • •' , VA.La.•,• %athO' shoir waplaitlemaz ACOMITIMeo VVVQ/BMUI C3O aada..4 'mire ONE 'TREASURER ONE CORONERt 1 . - • • Valuable Farms For Sale: ••• • • The suliseriber•intending to remove., to the 'gat, offers for sale the thrtmon which he now residea;ait tinted on the line between rtubberland and Franklin counties, Pa., (2 miles north weal of Newburg - and about 7 miles from Shippensburg, - • :Containing 1745 -- AtirO• - • of firBrratorslateliiiid4i6 paalo:it paitof cleared and in a high state of cultivation. The im- provements arc, • . t 1 Ltirge :Two. Story • ; 1 4' 1'9 LOG HOUSE 4 1k, • with a well of,tvati!raf thy nor, and a 'never failing. streitin of 'Nvater„iiviih a V nip in it, in tit& baseineid; a lii - rgeBANK 13A1IN;. a stone spring house and other neeesSaq nulbuil lingo, alid an' ex tiellent Orchard of 'choice fruit,' There are also a 'comfortable TENANT nousp and Stable on' an other part of slid farm, and an extensive snot' and MACHINERY for ,efitting ; Eic. With V RRY VALU ABLE WATER POWER. • .1 7,f S - • A tract of land in Ctimberland tottoty, within One milt of.the farm above clese:eibed,• • • Containing, I 52,y 7 ( 2 cress iihnitt '2O iiejes:nre ef6ril'il 4 anti the ensidtie covera with thriving Thu improvements sire - •.d L.IROL!` Tll 7 O STORY LOG lIOUST._:, 1,0:(4 STABLE, and well of w:der. - The' land is fi t- eittedotod dear_otall win bu sold ,separate n: together, as rony In.St suit to ytew the land et:li )1 - 4. Feerirt!ertyy other ofitrtret-' -- V11.1 . 11 atab -. PO) p iu tffirsnaAce the .last Will 'Hurl testament .of James.th , ahant, Into itfAllcn ti)wsiship; citinberland camly, I gill 51 . 11.11 . 1 . 1'111/11 - C tliejiremises, nu Vittrstlay thctThth Way - f - Octob,7l'n F :it-10-o'--' ork , .k . Al. the lolltmiilg described ,tdm,ble'prop erty, 10 Nyit: . 100 Acres- of Prime timestone hounded by lands of William Harkness, I)aniel mile south of NI erhaitiehburg---about one half cleat , rd; iniMi• good Imam and in a high stale of cultiva- : tion,the residua COVVI , II with 11161 mg. young. 'Fitif her. altereis uo buildings on tIM - 1:0111. A clear and indisputible litic sill bL given, and terms mode known on the day,of sale. • Persons svislilng to siew the premises Previous to the day of sole, can call the_ ate rrsiQcnee of Jas., Gralutin, adjoining the same, or on the btiMerther. • 'II. 'G. YOUNG, Executor. Sept. 1, 1.8 , 11.--tils. • - Valuable. Slate Land at Pricide f.‘eale. - Subsepiller mill si , ll at private Eate Ti (REF, 1 . -I.IOIS, . upwards ui / k.PIY lal7 - 17t- ••••' • sittede foliewell township,: Ctamberland county, and Ltirgan township,Franklin enmity. The :We well improved, 11 11 (1 inn high state or together with suitable dwellings and barns, on each or them, thereon erected. Any person wishing to Tart examioe tin' 1:11.11I f'll. themselves. Terms' will,be 'made 10'8114-41w purchaser. •,' 1..1l:G111.1N; Sept. 1,1 R;;, --tit • 11. Il th mve fnny:me not •sohl herlre the. 1.4 of loreniher, ho.) still In:. 'rented or leased for a term of years. , • I R VIII, Oilire and thve:ling in Iligh street, next door•to Itev..l. V. E. Thorn. • Esaablihrstetn The Herald & Expositor" is offered for °lt is the only Wjiig paper-in this eounty, has a larg6 subscription list, a fair anmunt of advertising, and job'eustoin, with ample and good materials for publishing a _weekly._paper. Letters (post paid) addressed to the Edi tor, will meet with ptrnpt attention. GOLDEN lAALL HOTEL • WiEST !LICIT 5'117.4 . CARLISLE. 'a'l.e subSeeiher, thankful , for past 1116 , e5, hereby notifies the public generally. that tic still-Colitilitws at the old snind,twarly oppositdt the College'Campus, where lie will at 31 It tinws he found ready arol wil ling to neecionnodatc in . !'list possible those ‘i IM may favor Iliiu wit 4 ,a call. The House is located in-the most business !part of the toNill, and is near the stopping . plans of She Cars on the Hair Road. The ItOONIS are huge toil airy—the TA BLE will be supplied 'with the very hest themgii:kets eau fiirilish- 7 anilthe 1.1,k11, with the elloieebtl Atmoi:s. 1119 eharges are reasrmahle, and' lie will endeavor to merit bt assiduity and attention a continuative of - pttli lie pauvitct c.' • _ 110 ARDEIZS taken by the toveli.,',lnolitlt, or vear. DItOVIRILS and" RAVELEITS 1110 intereatto_stop.witlt orstalding, and a careful OSTLEIt alien} hand. - AN 1101.11::11TS. Carlisle; Sept. 8, 18 , 11.---tf . . .I)%IPI'IE.I.V. ' • E3l(de of David .Deader, deed.. ortrars TESI.'.AMEN' rATrY - 4111 Me' estote 14 of David lientler r inte of Allen U 16‘tillip,f.;i101- I)evland comity, have benn.grat ,, 4t to the son: sCwilme: yesidinh ••• toomOtipi---NopmE-io liel'ebY.gi vet/ to,ldl perionis indebted to Me pulite to mike immediate payment, unt) hating claims against said estate to present'tni•ot tim. settlement. Ex'e. Sept, 110 NOTKTh . Estate of SamLHStur . o . eotf.:dec'd: B'I'TERS 91! APMINISiiiATION 'the LA `Estate of : 4'm - 11'10'841;7(MM late of 'the borough at' ShipitetiOturg, 'have, beell'Nsueil in due form of .laty to the liultrictilt4t ''NOTIO: in lint'ebj , given to nit Itersotts haVingplllstigaintt said estate,. to. presentlitt:m' Judy .tnitbent eateditie settlement; and all matsons isidebted to said estatemre requested to, make - tintynutuLtu_the. substiiiltee 'enSiding in the , horotigh• WiLtES,..M:'PEA!L; Adin'r.• Septemlierl;,lB4l **VC 'A" ' '• • • ••• • ate ..of Jo.hit ETTEIRS -1:KSTA1111 . 1f VARY ow, the entitle, of John johosoni hire NelVvill: Curnbee fitott hat* betty, vitt!ted to the sole:it:a. hers: is IteethigliAt trfttli . periotts intleht 7 ; ett to the.tthotO"estate to j.nitle 'ittiniediutelthstiteitt, tin& those ' httkin ;•t• " them thy titittlo matt. 11081% , "1.,Alti) - . rcl!t p. 341 NIES ll.' 411,V I NE; bf Fc'rsiof 3of Johnson,i tlos'4l Sept. TT ' is 44. 4 4. itt. Land, I= :1? OIA IT C ALI . MR: BELL' 'EXPLANAI`ION- I , V.Astin;arroN,.September. 2,0,1841.. ' To the Editors of 14e Ettelligencer: . - • Gentlemen:—Doubts have been attempt ed to . be cast upon .the eorreetuess of Mr.. Ewing's statement., ih'relathip to the part taken by. the Prel,Sident in tetting . up the -Fiscal Corporation Bill, .by arguing that there was. an impropriety in making it which ought to deprive it oleredit. • Thbro are circumstances in this case . . thstingufsh- Li nn -it- from- a I (-et Ito rs- th a t-1.- re col I ect-of-t he, i kind. It grows out of a mayor of. official business, transacted betw - eeh high public functionaries; and is of general and public coneerit. The public and open .conduct of Lone orthese high flactionaries is in direct opposition to what the other had, by his I express direction . and authority, , a (II rMed I as' to his .intentions and purposes.. ';'herb `can, I hurnltlptstarriit, be no:Serious ques tion in such 'a case upon the point'of per- . soma. ploptiety; when. the injured party• seeks to. vindicate ,liiS honor by disclosing, lite truth. - The-obligations . arising . out 'of cOnfidential relations,_ in _..p rivate. or - public .. ; :iffairS, are bonded in_niutnal - trust. Vv. Itlititdisregarils his own-etmildentialpledges jirmLengagemen. ~:cann tit - : - ..alfep..'4lh4:'.'.6l;ligaz. - 'lVlCiitifiiyilbliinXiii flkiff . §*ntY : : It a ii - i c.- - ttiii4': 1:44'43;RT01#4 - A rzi tOit7-76'1**If 1 -4fiiii : g674it --fOligng.:' ,. -zfri',:ilit'' . 'll,:jitri4 iciriff.--.17V3-f-ii4y 'thitig-that can ever ;bo';*.ktMwn to tlie-cOn trary, it may' haVe. beca• . tlij (ibjeet of the original pledtge br eng:gemencto sacrifice' .those Vi.-ho - trustetrand were misled .hy,.4. For theserea:"ms,l 'tl( not hesitate to fur nish' fur publication the aconipauying state; ment f which:containS all the fails and cir cumstances within my. knowleAc, that oc- Qur to me as being material, 'con 11 or Ml') with .. the subject of di fference..:7l - do This as .an ac,t of. justice not only to MI% kiting, who requested it, but to Myself* and :the public ..... .. .. . • Lavail 'myself of this • occasion to.. Say thati have at no time regarded-a difference cif opinionbetween the Pr6ident.iind my self in relation to a ittink,.however-im por tact the Subject, as sufficient of , itself to justify a resignation of the ollitie which I lately held iwthe Executive Administration of the C4overnment. Nor was it because the President thought properto trifle with . :or mislead his :cabinet, as there is but too ;• l uch reason ; o believe he intended to do, that I resigned my -place. 'I here. It ele other, and some of them pre;existing . ranses, for such a course, which many will regard as sufficient of themselves; and which could not have been overlooked.. BM it was'poti-' sible GS explain of remove ihem, and there fore they were mot prOmpdy acted upon. The last act 'of .the President, .hoWever, was conclusive of the' true character of all the other occurrences or circumstances. which had previously awakened curiosity or excited distrust. • ' I shall; at - my leisure, state the reasons more at large whiclrimpollel me to the course Iliave thought pro per to adopt, and at the same time furnish a' narrative of all the causes, so far as they fell under my oh servhtion, which have resulted in the sepa ration of •Alr. Tyler from the party which brought him into power, and the breaking' up of the Whig Administration. • . • I' am, respectfully, your obedient ser vant, JOll N BELL. , Messrs. this & SEATON: • • STAIrEIM E N' r. I galled , to see the President -en official business on the morning. (Monday, Ititlrof August,) hefore the (list Veto Message was I sent in. I found him reading the message to the Secretary of the Treasury. lie did . me the hondr to read the material passae-cs to 'inc. Upon reading that part of it wide!' treats of the superior iinportanee and ,value of the business done by:the late Bank ,of the United States in furnishing,. exchanges between ;he different ,states and sections of the Uiiic ,-I Was strongly impressed • with the idea that be meant to intiniatethat he would have no objection to -a bank ‘vhich i thould be restricted to dealings in exCluni-- ges, that . 1 interrupted him in. the-reading, ' inithaSkettif I was• to understand; by .tyliitv he had just read, that he was prepared- to give his assent to a hank in the District of 'Colimibia, with ofliees or agencies in the states, .having the privilege, without-their assent, to- deal in exchanges between Orin, and in foreign bills. Ile, premptly'replied,, that he the / ughtexperienee had siniivit the necessitv_of smelt a, ower,in the.-(.34.ertn, Leonid Rot restrain exPr4:Vi9ll of 'my, • gratilleation upon hilar ing this , .ayowal, 1 .said to. the.l ) rosideut at,ore9,.titat what ; l had feared Would lead to .fatal AliSsentiona ,ainong our. friends, 1 now . yegartiod as rathey form nate.than other-' ti tsql-Altt.ltis Nem tb,o- bill. then before ,hinc•itioltl;lead to ;tll . 6,:itiOmion of a touch: better oitq.. I aktio,.coligratubited hitn upon. the, happy eiretplistaiu9.of the in . setirticg is his ..Veto Alessagp,. heat-and , : violenro havO.livelt expected if 1119 Veto, had been sent in iimoolkoi s tiy AtiMit,-tne pafisage, .of, Mg ; would: pow beravonled.•i - Ttnte had:h,e9n , •giyon : for contLye . flpttion,:op,ll.os tliepsatige i kljO:not,,.c , M 411 Ne9,idea, : c.i . n. batik, 'M ,qui.inpp . s'fAirtnid. be (kikoy , i to ,ex:prt'Pod ~.hi,s;..,gre4 3 1 4 P rjS gig!. 9, alioald,: : he a onV.l.j,ii . .qq,f,t l o). matlij.n Mm. ili . .c hi ,tronflthd. fir,qt,,],b9t, 11;01 tlclayccl, lii.srikgsßage, tlo4,wrg, shq;!l!.lbe excik(kilc;koo, , *( ltir,, o la: ;, ippre„..q4y l kiny ; to liana " - "a bill 7bicli-irould uustiv ufl, nu .cessary•liurpotes ; that it could: he doite:in three -days.-' , The next •day, hAing baea 7 . sion. to seethe President again, he request ed me,to furnish him .with such information as . the• War .Department afforded of the mit ' bartasSments attending the trapsfer-and dis -bursement-of- the-public-revehne-to , distant points on the frontier,' in Florida, &e.- He .at the same time requested Me to draw up a . brief statement of illy . views ..upon the • subject, shoWing the pr_itetipal advantages and necessity, of such it fiscal institution as 'he had thought of proposing: 'Such infor-: hastily collect from; the heads-of- the principal 'disbursing- bure.ausil of the Department I handed to him on the evening of the smite day, .kinowing that time was of the utmost int perfance in the state in which the question then was. lie received the statement I then gave him with' manifest indifference, and. chinned me by remarking that he bygan to doubt. whether he would give his assent (as .1 understood. 'Jim) to any The next day (Wedimsday;.lBth of Am gust,) was the :stated time . for the; -weekly meeting of the Cabitiet with: the' President. •Alr. NV ebster, Mr.l;wiiig and myiell, went at.lo . o!elock forrned:thaj the President wlis engzip . :ed with Messrs:. Berrien, SO4ant,, and, 'I - think, 111311.MAQ11-04;Kititist'git),--„- - :-.) , Y.:6 7 1A1ai t r i,lll - 4!..-i l -' - ' s ' 1 4410gtit,tiattlf - AfTlV l Argi i atlt t ,-„1i i .ip=4M.,(.... albatit,thrya.q.aqi ters..lif .azr,l; mill .--afttii , ffiiii' - d-s -- ::'.'Al:r:-*la'd-gei',:iG -- r4-:4ii'i-n-rrrir - Ptr;i?i-' tho-Presidentjenfed its. Messrs. Critter- deo and Gtanger did not attend., The con - facile? whiblt. ensiled !_Was_ a "long, one- AF , - lasting ,wo hoursat least according to:11,k , recollection. 'h cannot - pretend to thltailir . that Was said ; neither can I . undertake , to giie . .thelangerage employed by the Presi dent upon every point, nor of the in - em b er: , of the, cabinet. I can only .state the sob -:----s-tiiniie olivliitwaas said upon those points,. ' which Most attracted my aitention. The President - conintenved:-b-y---fmning that ic- ad - been - waitedupon , that:morning by ti - t omittee• of members of congress, who deE4red to know his v i ews — u pen the ' subject of a bank—such a one as lie could sanction.. lie litid givr - qi them no satisfac tion upon that subject, but Auld informed theni that he would firsi.consult with his. 'constitutiOnal advisM.s—his .cabinet—thro' whom he thouglrLitmpst iegulat that Ilk v if! WS' s tin old he co:114)U nicated. ',He asked ' the opinion of Iris cabinet up:m Cho correct ticg:s.t,C..th.-:...urstund he had taken; retn:.rk resting his views to members of Congress upon subjects of so much interest, subjeci ed him to great-embarrassment and much misrepresentation. • That question being ' dispoSed of, the President adverted briefly; but without much conne - ±ion, to .the -rela tion in which he stood .to the bank ques =tion, andhis disposition to go as far as he' could to comply- with the wishes of his . friends. • He spoke of the relatioolhat ex isled between himi and his Cabillei,Zlnd how necessary it was 01:1t he should have their support: . Would they sttind by him? Ile . much • preferred that the. whole subject slitnild -be.. poStponed . Amid „the-next: ses sion;. but if it was necess;o.y to act now, he thought it plan might be devised which, with their co-operation, miakit be carried ' throng!). Ile ,wt ndered "iv hy the Senate continued to postptie acting upon his veto x message, which wit." .t to be disposed of. ~ \,.....1..„_, Ile supposed it might he to hold it As a roil. over his head; and - had seine doubts wile,- ther it was propcx that he should consider further upon-the subject until the Senate! had -decided what they would do with a bill then before them - . Some, one presept assured hint that the postponement of the question pending, in the Senate was to give time for reflection,- andrto prevent an intern- , perate debnte. -, • - 'l7t6 President then gave the inaline - of such a bank Or fiscal instito tionDs he thought he could sanction.. It was to be in the pis trict.tif Colombia, to have the' privilege of issuing its own, motes, receiAi inonpyg . tin depssite, and to detkin bills of exchange . between the states and.between the I,4oted States and foreigM.stiy,es, . but wished ' to_ hive the iii4initil l - nthis cabinet upon it:— flis.own consisniney and reputation intfst - ht.4)olted, to.-- He -.considered his c-abinet fiis friends, who must stand by and defend whatever tie did upon the subject. -- He,ap pealed particularly to Mr. Webster for his opinion upon the point of consistency; . and -whether there' its not a clear distinction between the, old Rank orthe United.fitates -,--a bank ,if discount gild' deini,iii6-;rand ,tla+.one lie. now drought of propoSi4i,and -- lritethor—the----,oonsiiititioital--qiicsatin-,-Twits, r_ :not tlifferent. lie. reminded us that; in-till' hiS laner. Speeches :and: reports, he had taken the ground that Congress had no con stitutional poWer to ,cliarter, - a • bank. ithi.th had tl!e..powe .44 local . kli.wount..- Air. AVehstor pointed - out the ~distinction,,,be-. , ,tWeen the , two plans in a manner which zippeared, to be satisfitetory..to him. The substance, of . what he said ,was, as 1 Wider= ps.f.olltiws had a. Occidtpl referypee fpr . a. hplik, ;yap the (lieb pr . ppihstpl. over: 01 . )er .of illoSS , ,w !deli lthd, „heon prSvitpfSly,sP4pp. of , HS reniinded ,t!ic,'l,)rpSitlep( cmpTsktl. his : Ikelsre,pcpjor :be re %s:!cti;jadi ip jks,tieaPPgS;C , KlV:of , exeikaugii, whgli sertOp atpillspalw i frorp:tha. oity v f -New. tort; were, presenpaer'srpl weeks h e .: 41.19 p, 0ppg.1.4;, pp dio w,- Pl,4,4woplci,apPwqr PP useful, parps. l Opt.grotitid prvferrrence • was" •incl-it jiact,.gyest. wejglA,witli,„'him.-010,;A43. pliant - too ”'of; lb, F:0'14091040 conga{ T. ny, ,w ay 03 q,(,sny' t ileoes r bay;.to, : its e2 h i0..n.0 egkicieney" e 01 4 000'3 1110 •Oa n 11E011 ; 0 s' 6(1 01, di° • 00n1-• .`. a.'4,lit, tt)..m.L.L.OpoE . ) vqoac.:_46t-.71ci,-'-',424. ~,,.. .. generally ..-„ mencemetacf tbeees.ston; tpow as Mr., Ewiree. bill,' an incorigrauS and ,objectionable on:this:gronnd. ' His generni ' course of thinking on. such subjeeticled him to prefer that; Whatevrpower this ga: vertu - I . mm assetted,'„ or was-"authorized td : assert; Skold& be - exereised-itidePendentlt - of state - authority, and of `the interference. of ,the states. - ..,- He' 'thought, there •Coultf be no doubt.'of the Constitutional - pOtierid • charter-such a- bank as was then propoSedi. accordjng to the', P . resident's - Owe smodeti:ot . thinking' ,ttpon. tharsubjecf; - if he . tinder; - . stand them. Certainly there teas a e,leati: lis l tinclilart:, be„tAire,en . s eel,- 4- 1 1.:14tai--'and-Ifie . -- la te Bank of the United States...Y . The one pow-proposed was - to be limiV • ed io its operations.tu swell objects tiS were clearly within some of the general provi , - sions of the Constitution, or stick as were' clehrly necessary in the execution of others: The privilege of is . suing.its own mites, of .doaljngi.o. exchanges, pid orreveiving nfo-'. netts on deposite4l appeared to liiive let- . Mediate reference to, or conncluif With' ' the. poWer 'given in the constitution oVer-. , cow [nerve. hetwiten the states, over the cnr-: yency , t and l L the necessary liseal operations A ...of_the Government in tlic__coll.4!etion, - ,..afe;. kkeepi•eg, :and disbursement. Of the pnblic . remind. . These: 7 %vere'_ all -- Sobjects of 'na . - , : .p... 00 9..iL1n:. 1 2 1 1- 11 . 0 f to eill o -U104.-414.V.Weiti..;,-..1j1tni..,., I t thiiiitizi!:.=:Lci., 3 ot* , ! . f - - laitts3;:C. jr?iiiMirgit..Ci , lt- e zi ;: ,. 1 7 11A l d •j 4 -ii,: ' M . 7 . ,...111•&, . ,-; -- ---- -,---,—,- - !.".-: ~ : r.. , - .*+7, • ' ',; 41:4141- i4M - Milt. - # :-, itr : ili:(CI r irdrWrrillii'l'ir — WhatiCT ing in. !oral Taper; of discoirOrtig, - ttitittis, I:having no tireulption, as it Might he,:but. - • between the differentAq;ctS - er confMercial : tn - iilits of. the saini.Fil - trif - retsiiiii - irc with the trade- or. comioeree between the' states.or: remote seetions of the Union, ilor kvirly the transfer of the' Potille Money froth': one,point to . another; iiiiti It - If:id. therefore, . no necessary eromexion with' any OT The I great taffOnal - old - ects - rd - r Which -. .tlii" batik was nartored ; low could - it he claimed aS' - anineident lo arty of - the : powers given tii•- i Congress 11.: ,. .t1ie constitution. Th a t privi: liege, lic,-appr6liended, %vas conferred upon tli.e late•bank froth the belief that without: . it the- stock oldie bank could not be made : • . profitable; and-it Was therefore cocsitlered . . - as -11 - _ necessary incident to en institution • which was itself but the Offspring of an incidental poivcr..Experienee, lie thought,: had shown eljarly that such. a Privilege - was no longer importani or necessary.—: By confinitu. the discounting privilegeof the proposed bitch to hilh ; of, es - c h a ng e .be menu_this country.and foreigh States, - and -this- ohjec4on . would ifot:he agamst - m- - T . • The President expressed his regret:that" - • !te had Mu used the words "hank of dis count and deoOsite", in liis:bite message, . so that the distinction he now took might be clearly inferred from, that message, and' lie could not the'ni be charged with incon: . si:•iteney.. : igr. Badger said he --thought nothing: would have ‘, bins ,ia o - . ined by of the terms "bank of . discount and depo: site" in his IDUSSOore ; for,. as t o th e c h arge • of. inconsistency, it Might, and probably. would, be witde apiust hint forvarty ef- I ,•• feet, if he sanctioned the bill then_proposeff by hint, i»asnmehas, dealing iii or buying. hills. of exchange %%uilt' he'disccutttipv and to that .extent make, it a bank of dis: count, ' When all rho Inaterial7points • appeare': to he disposed of, and Ole members of th 6 cabinet present had expressed their decided qpprobation of the P latt the President , had; suggested, he said . tliat, after al, he Weill& not sanction a !milli -in the' form just agreed quo; if he supposed that it would be made the ground-work or basis of a b an k Av i l h. of the late . Bank of the States.. Ile never would give his sanction . to the power of, local discounts, lie reM.L— ed that, .at the net.or - succeeding sessions' of Congress, the Whigs would Ge bringing . forward amendments engrafting this'riwer: upon any charter might noW . appriVe ;*. and he appealed to .his cabinet to if_ they trunk] stand by him and Use their in fltience iii ptc.ventin , r anY such Movenients: .while i.is Admininration lasted. .I.lr. Webster and Othins gave him,_all,:prope?, lisStirences upon titiuoint. The President.thought a Capital of fifteen millions dohirs-wouid . . . . . . , •' .A tipme, he said, wasimi)oriziorl ‘Vhat t should it be ? Fiscal institute ‘ifetild (kV. It was objected to, and, the nante of Eigcat Bank preferred' by - a tnenibt.ir4ifjhe cabr; net. Ile re.plie4 itr