Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 29, 1841, Image 4

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    Ori)lian,i' Court :!:t.tle.
' In pursuance of an °Mer of the Orphans' Court or
Cumberland county, will he expoSed 40 vqhlie, sale.
on the prendses,!on S:4[11114 the or. Ovt,ber, at ,
11 o' the ferennon said flay, the 'following
„described trpirt dr land, rt:irt of the real estate (sr El i-
Corndinu, dee'd., hiunde and 101114 in the
'township of North Middleton, c•sunty: sfoesidd,
lyiuutled by lands of Ilenry Crall, George Keild,Da;
vid BrOcht bud the Cinnutoguinel , creel:, containing ,
'.1.115 Acres 1 PO...Perches;
'r ry• 'Uric
Rif if i; •
•• U
• j IU . S it t al '9 '
. 1 41;C
I§"Double Log 'Elam,
The land is all cleared, exCept abont 40 acres There.
taro about IS acres of first rate meadow. There is a
good Apple Orchard, and a first rate well of water.
Said land lar of the_linest quality of slate 1:111d, allti is
411)011t 'Mlles from Carlisle. -
• Theternis of sald aro . follows:, One half .of- the
, purchase Money to he paid on the first of Aiwa. next . ,
When possession will be given to the pit •chaser, the
balance of, the purchaSe nioneY to be paid in twn
, equal annual payments thereafter widimit inteeerAt,
. • Cie [malmsey, to give• approved security in . the Or"
Conot by vecognizame on the (Midi emation of
. vthe sale for the.payoonq of said purcluota Money: ,
_ • . :JACOB; ZEIG TrusVee.
Sept. 15 1.531.---tds.: • ••, , - •
Vabiahl3 a'a.n-Yar:(l . .Pl ; olie.rty at
Will he sold at 1)10)14: sale, on Wednesday the 10111
'—of,'N'oretit!)er-n-xtrat-t 040e.lnek,
toises, in the. boyough orearliale, Cumberland boun
ty, that Itirge awl errannnli on§ -
'situate on the north-east corner or 1 .ifirtlier - ood -
•street4,hotinded on the east by Ow Lotart spying,
and on the 'north bylot of It. C. I I:lll, l Esiil., - •000mi
ing two hinulepil and sixty foot in front, and one low
dyed and tiventy in depth, rove or less. belonging
to - the estate of 'David S. Fdron, dee'il., has big
'lltereon.ereeied a largo '
Dwelling HouselliFlL
R TWO . Story Stone Finkhing Sh•v, a Targe Two --------.....- - ---- .--... t-=-.,==-----
• storr Brie!: Brant I loile,:t. I org • Fratne 11:.1.4 and p. „„„, A 1 ~,, D . a a sit , n a i ,g,,,. fl it ,.
._ Mil house, wi(h a Bat K Milt in it [lllOO are ". " . "‘"''" s " - '''' "::'-'""',“•-•.- `" -,""'•
...1 .„= . . .
' forty-lour htv-awai s'an4l 0110 1)60141 all! Vai , .l;live.• . :• 4 " : . .'
rt.if.).11 . .!.A 1 31:7 30 . e) ; •. •‘, .-: - • I
, .. . .
itmiler-S.l,l,os)ntirs,uiqt! one Nit ,,llJl.ltiNy; •• , ~.. n o 0 ,Vi i ~,•0 0 ,d,-, Iht if 4 . l)fr, ;1, '1)
~ o f ag%,;.:,. a ~ --,1 1, 11, A r-i- e -A t iii , ,:rwa ,, ifri , i -.......c. i i- ~..4.f....i5e,y, -_,..iL,..,.2: , ..:A.v. 4 .4 4 .
_,,,,,-.. -/--,,d , ,...-1....]
4xyrii/Ao4.:^jatE*.'os9%UapiitgrArk4W-:',o •,:t..-AtM-fft,a•-•-f-,444V04,(1,..4•LPi':---c,.."'':"7•;'
- 27 - 4 * 444 '„, s i . i 3 P*,, „ , :„. 9ftva:gateceArl,*iii.,;, W,AOO4IRA. i . „4i 4 cigi r g i gi r , ‘ - 1
„.,..,t, m ,...,....,...„......rm.-..p: .„„,,,, i4u ,_,.. ic :.,,:,..y_.:„1_,..„,,t, 4 ,.
~..1 1, •,,..: _ ri...,,...r.s ..r ....,„,,„-. :.., ..:"r .., ~... .. .
sinil any Inlin•tnation :wit I - he I.c.yen "aira - d"iiii - &op: Trie'OfintAltiti , i'Fiirifirsi: mint , inwelibi Li.....iiinelided
city belorttt th'e ad :,.d.• Itl • • . • ,it't the third soction of the' e.....0ni) hetiele,;;j that it:
. ,
"( . ;iP,U). W..SI 11.;.‘ 1 , 1'.'.p,? . . ..' shall-n.. 41. as folloTs: • . . •
.. , ,lAmlp, - Sitip.,M... '• • ' . ,S •• ,
~, • 1 . 11:11.11Itt' (i,nyt:t . llol' .11:111 . 1101 , 1 IIN Ofllo dill'ilig
em,elisk , ,.Ang. 9_.5, 1 , Y,1 I .--0.15..*. '. ~. .., threi, years . , 11:0111 . I.llethird Tne- , day T ttf:Jattteirr.
_ .
~_„ c f .- La neAstm. I I ejahl.,...UhairilK:rlaix„;.__NV 1 ti,7.-11111...,!!!.6111::b. 151 ...V.Iti: 110 - 1 ...; 1 W.):... , 611 11 41 1 1 1 . P, X.A_Pillar:
1111110%Cl . I leralli,-WI II inthli,h_titeitivive til i I .it.. Nov.. or h. ,l,l ing it 1 "T : r . 11,, "" . " 7,0, ('. I v 4” of flit , .l
'', " 63 .
. .
and send hills to this atileeroy colleei inn. . in any teem ni:dee Vents,'' ,, •
Allrkersmns wishing I'Lhe
;cst city news, inay feel' thentwisns ine,h ratil"i `d
- on the !oil:scriber, tln-y cin hare
A - stleetiorrnf , the roller:hr..; ;Lilly
Tizt---PitilailtApltet- - - - tied
Spirit of tile Tii*ers New York . I kyal,l lailc and
weekly; Nen , Werlil,itreiher .1 ii•et 111 No-
Rion; i'an!cee Natinn, .% per
tr,i,lieenrce subscribers [VII' :11IV ttf 011•-
fibtrVe M'Ork!i; ' :11141 :tit ti 11,110:1i . s rks ne-Clue. l l - ey
O'Yralrey, :is the as published, Itrund in honrds,lt
please call t.hlt
la , &.
Coppersmith, Sheet Iron and
Tin pirate
'Respectfully informs the public generally dint he
still cont ones his bnsinesS a the (0 Stand, North
Hanover street, lICN t door to the Cabinet Slum of
William C. Clbson, where he has nay on hand, and
is still manoraettwitig,' eery article iu the line of
:his trade; consisting of
Hallos', Fullers' and !Tilsit' ,
lli + I r r Y •
Tea Kettles, ,Tin-ware, of every
description; Stove Pipe, Drip
ping Pans, Drums, &c. •
He has also for sale the best assortment of Com
.nion, Cooking and-Parlour
lever offered in this place. Ills common wood stoves
And cooking stovos , o v o or every size Ali v:ii•icty;
and his parlour stoves (for wood or. t o nal) of e of the
newest patterns. Ile Icel in addrtiOn the Itinney
cooking 'stoves, the Radiator sto% vs • and Radiator
drums for ruirlourS, which nre unsurpassed for mil - 11-
feet and economy in the use'of fuel.
All of which ho °fees on the lowest terms for
Cat lisle, Atig..113',184.1.-- - -y. •
N. B. Old Lead, Pewter, Copper and Leather ta
ken in exchange for stoves, tin ()et:op:ie.'. ware- .
Great Bargitios:
The sAhscribers, intendin g to• wind up their busi
liesS °Wet' their stock of Broad Cloths Cituimeres,
Cassinetti, Nfou4 do Lines, Aferi noes, iitzeii and
Calicoes at
Persons desirous of spturing good bargains me
reqUested to call as early as possible, and they may
depend upon getting all the articles above enumer
ated at the' actual cost in the_ city.. The terms arc
cosh. •
' MTNEII & MUL . •
' CaOislei • Anguit It, lasiA.
,N., 8.. Ile entire mock will lie sold a great bar- 1 ,
kain,to any one who„ wishes to enkage in the Nisi.'
nese, with the privilege of the room until the Ist or
April. . 44 , ...4i , - ,
. 'New GOodsl
AIi.);TOLD . -AI3I4,ANIS have just received. a
great variety of Lambs, Cassi mores; Satti ndt s, &e. &o.
which they non determined to sell cheaper thariever
before'oPrnl in this place or eisentete:
Tlu public are invited to call and examine for
themselves. •
Shippensburg, August a, 1741. •
T Ik2llll
- DR. 'I. C. LOOMfS Den Itst
JS permanently locatain Carlisle;and.
_ill perform all k operations tßat are required in
' 4 Dental 13.urgery, 'Filing; Plugging and Ex
ti aetirig and inserting:Artificial Teeth, from
•a Single tooth to a whole st.t.- lle also attend to
alLtliseases,ofthe-Mouth, gin . tii.lice.:, and dims and
rogitlate the first and Reantadtintitionso ea to reinter::
'the tAtti,..of OA:Wren and,-young persons,regular And
LOOMI§ : May: at all times he found:at his of
. . - •
- - ,
street„ opposite Npiefarl.l‘l6's
Juqe - 13; 1141,—y. 7 . ,
, .
...,.Itratar(rOt s.
,Aiiiptiltof tlic alllov ~ c Pills justr,ittkeived; Lm ins
tilloiliw.lldiretik frig/I , pr. firm mile!, qilic . ep
thelpid'llOßl44:NTEl) . ."
',N1,1.1111.411111E14 IDANT4,II
Stilt epettiities,the Cabinet 111:11ting it: till its ,vs
-o:,:ts brand:es, :It his 01:1 stand" Ntivtli lispolvc
-41444.:t.;_b0 .doors shove the Wire 'of Leonard ;
" %%pyre lie isni . Thw
pu hanilot great variety of
such as Sideboards,Bureaus,Seeretai4eS;Card, Pier,
Oin y log i and Breakrast 'fables, Bedsteads, &e:, of the
.most tagitionable kind, all or which he will dispose
of on the most reasonattle terms. lie is also prepa
red to fill all orders I'orSiIItiNG.SBAKED SOFAS
and RiNCY CI I A I It 4 , w a rranted to he of superior
Ile will also furnish 'COFFINS at the shortest no
tice, and having recently procured a New ilk.tast,,
lie is peeper: d Co attend funerals in the country..
Carlisle, AngusITV,TS-8.---ty
. . .
. .
1111( 01 •
1 . re
It-cpeafiinyinr.prins the citizens of Cailisle aril
its vitiinit, that lic.lkas,compeileei: the -. .
_;:talllier:a . ad Uflartoetss
niafl itSi•ari - Otis hilMettes,
tast - of:the.stare of licsNt•s. Am.; rdFi Andm•soft, sod
keel) ennstantly•ntt bawl, and mantilactore to
ordet• at 'tie shortest notit:QMol nn the most
- -
Ile h ipes by strict attention to liminess, anal an anx
routs tidsire to pleasert to merit anti receive B.libecal
shave pittrogage. - the best of-work
`men ethployetl, his tinstoniers may expeet their work
tri-lie thine in the neatest ain.l.•rniist substantial an
Alny 19,1811. •
, MI; •
JS'peaker - of OR:, se If I. in..:N , iwitir'es.
• • - .IN.. EAVINCI,
• Sim/if, el , of the S'e;oate.' •
Penl . s
e, :I r's 5 T do hereby :rertily
that the foregoing is a lett.• copi- of n-11...sollitiot
-proirsirtg-att-ant,-rttitnent-of -- the.eanstittitirnr - sritiTh
was:a..:sts!e , l V) at do.
,last_-s,ssiott f,lhc Logislatitt..,
I) aut ti.trity of-the in,!,,11)...ri elected ta'eneli hutt y se
he "ori:itml of which retriaiw; in this rdTiet. , ; Jnd
lI e . )lll;diltne.. with the,tentlf artielo or the co.Lioi
the--Orninnitwilohlti I ,I" lier(•hy - cause the
.;:tilw to In, vildished, directed by the slid article.
• - IN - "I'Es'l - 1)IONV witercol, I hare
horcando set or hand end seal of said
011181., al I larrishin'f4, this I.lth day oT
841. •
xietary of the Go:down:l , mill'.
.111118 30, 181 •
-,-z-7_7 -il
-:•-&----- ,
, ,- , -- g -iLff - .., -
Niik - ÷: -. ..'"...Ftr
• '.Q.1.10 - q•: -- - -4 .4,,, ,
,giii Ikik-- - -:- - A9 4
.34.2.11t4 ,Migiiii '
:.,,....-• ._ . . 4 ,,,- i. .. , t ,
i l - 1.,:7---:.4\:',--
clasi'S. Ty be drawn at. Alexandria ; 1). C, on Sal—
imlay, Sept. 'Li ;
25,000 ..DOHlrq
• 14 drawn en - others out of 78. •
Ticket's $l5-71.1alres $7 50—quarters $3 75 .
Eighths $1 87.
Certificate of packages of 211 whole tickets, 1200
do tbn 2fihalC do ~ .100
• ' do • a do - (pewter , do -SO
do • do • 211, eighth- do • 25
The Gra - nd Union Lottery,
Class 0- To tie . drawa at Alexfindria; I). C., on Slit
urday,' Oct. 23, 1841. •
16 drawn ballots.
ICl•and Capital prize of . . 50,011)011.
- VI Splendid , prize of ' 30,00
v I do : dLo . 25,000 do 1
I do do 10,000 do •
1. prize of . - .8,000 do . •
1 do' • 7,000' do
, .
' 1 da 6,000 .do
''''' 1. - do . -- • - 5,000 d "'
I do 4,000 .t 0
- I 'do '' - - '2 500 do
1 do . ' '2,311 do
- ', 4. do ~ ' 2,000 do '
5 do . ' , 1,750 - do •
- - 10 . do. . • , 1,500 do
10, do " "—.- ' . 1;250-. do" • '
50 do 1,000 do 1 ,
50 do • . • ' . - 500 ,do ..
' 50' do, - ' - , . , 400 do
100 :do - _ 300 'do , '
, 100 'oi/
.250 do
-,170 ,do .. - ' 200 do •
•'.,'.• - I . l3olAwn numbers oilt-of 78. ' '
'Pickets $2O; halves $10; Quarters $5; Eights $250.
Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets $260
, do • . -• do 20 half. : do 1130
~ do . t do - 2(3 quarter do 65
do ' tlo 20 eighth do 32 50
. ,
• Ctr Orders Cm• tickets and Shares and certificates
of piickages in the 'above slilendid schelnes will re
ceive'llie most prompt attention; andthd Avowing of
each lottery will he sent immedintely after it is over,
to all who order fro Mus. Address
DR. S. L.. -- STEWART .--:
.Thowsonoin Botalijr„,l 3 yactit,ioner
, ,
of - ,,Mcd icifie.luidjilistetrics l . No.
' - 2 Atexanikr's ''ltiily, near ' the
1 , ' Rail , ' ..
' -- itbad , Hotel 3 -
1111.F:$ P gcl! F
. 1.1 EA Y informs his' friendi and hie
1 ft p ublic. enerally, thatithrough solicitation) he
has removed from Shiremanstown - to Carlisle, where
1 . 0 may be found at'all 'times, Unless professionally'
ngaged.: • The afflicted shall at at all times be trent
ed. w ith purely-Vegetable Medicines,•yNo Poi Snits;”
and, in . strict. ticeordance with the ;principles laid
down by ihat,great.refortner,,in neediest science, Dr.'
. Thomcnii. • • -. .
~ . • ..:,....., ,:, ,
.' . .Cheonio,csses, such ' s Constnuptions;'Liver;Oom,
Osiati , Vropsiets;lthetinulli B T.ll . and Cancers, : are,
.:MOretiardcalarly informe&tha t the New Systeut is
-.. 'admirahly:fitdapted to their. cases.'. - ' . . ,::'.
- .lnvalids, frog' .',ll disynace,. can be 'accommodated,
with ;116Firdinkwh4e . under medical kreitrneilf:'oo
- terms. ,'-. 7 '!.-;,. ; ; ' :"7:.t..
',.Oftiiisle,,,ltily 0 . , I 8ii,,,..ii: 7 ;:, :.,,,,_:,',.:, -.....i , ':„:,: .:.;.;;..•
CA ER I:fisi.E ' . 1. 1 N'g . ,, ‘ 2k Mil NG.:
• '.\ \
.-: ~••'':• . .
, e • '.
"5 , • 1 —, . ,,,, ..
~•. ..!,.,T'. . . 3' . 1 .. ..__.-_„-.7f._- .._.±v=_.,••._c.. ... V, ... 4.•-.
-.2_•M_ (_•
..,!-... ..„,..':.,--.. ._.2 lz
, .f;=,t7-•,•e• .
_) 1i ,il,,Ln liiiii,ilii,,.l, i(!1,
, f.,171 12+. iii
vv- DI. :C. G113.5.0.N:
IiAD;DE. AT TriillSl
SaddleA, Collars, flar•
Tranks . ,.&t. &c. •
6'3) e 2 14otickies.
prizes of s2s,ooo . amounting to 6'100,000
$59,00 . 0'430,000"525,000,
• 10,000 1)oll
8,000 • do
1},')00 do'
5,15:3 do
4,000 , do
12,000 do
1,000 do
500 do
250- do ,
• 200, Co.
I prize of
I. do
I. do
I do
4 do •
50 do
50 do
. 50. do
100 do
J. G. GitE.G . _olll:lLCll4Lanag'ars—
• Washington, 1). C
c ,
W KN OX., ••
• . T . . 77 0I? N Y IF;
CARIA9I.I-1, •
Ogee . .a few dehrs Wesi of the
'May 1.9, • . .
Craig, lathas to.
• •
• ,sl-1-7A T . :1,11F '
O rW P ) V__
liave removed to the capacious . .4tousalecentiv
cieimpied by li'Lettch S. Co. st the north-wetitcortier
of Clterrytuul Broad street, Philadelphia.
, l't•ontthe facilities which the location and ii tot utal•
rrangentem of this depot afford, 30 to .10 Iltirthen
Caracan be accommodated to unload m111_10:01 at
same time with sufficient rooin to store '_'0,0(111 barrel s
or Flour, and 109 to 600 toil of Gild!' exclusive of thtt
forwarding. department.
Produce of every 'tleseription will he veeeived as
115110 Oil liberal 'advances nettle 011
receipt (if required) until sales are effeeted. •
• Ittl.l.AS S. Co.
15Nortli- west corner of Clierry k Broad st.
• .
IrE11 , 1• - •RENCE. • _ . •
W.-S. Cohen n,
Pettilersott & Pucker, . ( . 7 a ,,N IL , - '..,,'
Henry Ithowls, . ., ~ .
~ ,
Smuttier : soil tk. , l3nsserisistn, J. .
.Jecoit 8 woyer, .A Int . mille.
'Davill Nitvitt, .59ihpetahni7.• —,, - -..-• . - !.:
.1. Lo—nn Smith, Esq. Cashiev•Z (7 1 - -
111.12ky11 . _
Eyslur, - 1 - Intre - SITeoT -- . ------ 5 -
Robert Fleming., 1 • -—' •- • •.
Calierwmia ..c.s.,Crixl7, , Irj,th it h' ' it,hi, •
IVm. U. 'rimnipsotilz. -Co. ; . . I
. .
Whihtll.&" Brown, J 7 , . •
ffitfrilavitrv, roe e ebo,
T 11 „
TUE suhs'eribee has just returned from
the:Cities t ,f New York, Philadelphia- and MI.:
ti11101! . :111Iii is now Opening at Ids store l'ooin S. E.
Corner of Market lt i tt.tre Streets (IlM
therlfotteopiecl by Ceo. W. Hitler,) ti general as
sorttheitit. at - •
Hariheare, tone Trare ,•• (Jadar Irare,
• Briltfinht. - -frare, 'Groceries, Oild,
- Vezina, f7arni,sitex,„Glas,:l3ras.ll: l.-
es, .71,•7iips,. Canes ; Lamps for
• •
mill AAlrkiWAi44aki*liiAtik;*ieot4A*
tphin CHI • - .
a Ari l ) and, ele g :MM stitstiltite- for tperin. oiJ, nod
41tivil e e, liven tip i Minted.the 6 . 1 ; 1.0 of M,.sses. lackeys
and Ilrother-of Ntite'iMk N..1.,-for-the sale of .tone's
lie 19 preimr.tqrtirfiii
'nisi' T.:lmpsand' Oil, at it.vm.y•rett4onlible rate tit all
io lf l wish 1 , / ito this new and eeminareal
Havi ng seleeu4l his. g ood , : Itimotelf, and 111:111(2 his
purchases fm• eash, h.., is alde,a n d is determined to
self ow
• .. ... __... _.
- ThOsvhavint; thoo4hli . I O toy oot Alin fold it to (boil
othantorr6 :3e to , '"ive Limn cull.
. .
_ _..... . . I I ENIZY DUFFIELD.
.1 tay-S _
• •
• • N q T . 1 43 •
I'h , • Subset has opened new and hand
someasso - routetrol •
sui.N.A_ to the 'settion, iu Nottli Ilatinver street, he
t'Weett the 11.titk and cortintan's I tool, consisting' in
part or Cl Alia. Caaapaka..a, Settiuetl u, VestingS,
Cords, Stripe's, Shitainv;s; Sl•-etings, Cambrics,Ja
concts,llllings, Latrus, \ louse. de Laittes,St - .0.
. 7
gaftelzsavare ospit Groceries,; CIIE, ESE, oc. &e. Also,
/110.A:VE'1 . 8, 1..":1; /fin?..”\•
IL VIW, togrther With ft great variety of othinlggoolls
which he will sell low upon accommodating terms.
Please give him a call'. •
. ' S. M. HARRIS.
May 11, 1811.-Iy.
T 1I OUT ,
FIGS knee. to illform the citizens of Carlisle awl
Wits Vicinity, dint he has commenced mutate
luring I lots, of the latest •14sItionsomd of the very
'hest matitrials—comprising
Eras/?, .11eay.e)•, ?'atria, and all
kinds of 477/1)•//.//'/W,.. - . • ,
of ol;k:h a general assortment will always he kept
on Wail, or made to suit according to order; which .
lie will sell oil the most accommodating terips 'for
cash er Country Produce.
IliS'shop will be found in Lontlwr street, iir the
lifinse formerly kept by. Lindsey Spotswood as a
I Jotters' Shop: •
Carlisle, !Way '25,1841.-41m.
Bar Iron, Glass, Sic.
,Inst received at the New Store of the snhscribers.
I-Tonal - 3AR "IRON, of licst rate !rarity, and
1 . 4;1.'0e very low for c , sh, per cobsignment,-00 half
Boxes 8 by 10 and ID halt 10 by 11,
;Western Glass, •
in good order, for sale to Merchants ta Pittsburg,
prices, and Dunennnon best -
at Alannlheturers prices, also..on kind WitherowN
Celebrated patent PLOUGHS, FLAX-SEED OIL,
by the gallon, or Barrel, OIL MEAL, Waherill
- - I •Carlisle,May 5, 1841. - • .
a pita/ s4oo,oooPaidin.—harter Per peta al, •
AriON'ICINUE to make . Insurance, Permanent and
Limited, on every description of Property, in
TOWN AND COUNTRY ; on the usual fitvorable
OFFICE, 163 i Chesnut street, near Fifth street,'
CifAnui'N . .llANentat, SAMUEL GRANT,
• CHARLES 0. DANCKEIt, Secretary.
. .
t''l'lre subscriber, Agent for the above Company
for the borough of Carlisle and ricinity,Will prompt
ly attend to all , applieatiens for Inattrance, whether
made personally or by letter. Residenee Main street,
nearly opposite the Car (Ace. .
. Murat 31, „ ' ' • •
EDGE T00L. ..
• ,
The suhscrilier hereby infiirms the citizens ofCar
lisle, public geberally, that he has taken the
shop nearlyappositcihe,lail, where be willho:piv
pareti to ontnedacture to order, on the mold reasona
ble terms any article in.his line or businesa,such as
" •
xes&c . • • "
7 •
He Will also attend to . St9eling and Grinding Axes
He solitiits a share ofpubliti patronage. • •.
datliole, Nov. 5;1840
Glazing and, Pape,r
,• : The subserlber espeetfailrinforns the -Citizens
of Carlisle uttd !Ito vicinity, that 4,, has 'commenced
thettboyc,basineitsin'4ll.,lts 'vdrions,branehes. 'ma
shop ; in iri:thtt square immediately. in. rear :of . the
f.Ntcrket Boase,"two tltiovs east of, A - ;,ltiebards - sto..
ale,atiention td; buliness . ,ap“ridderate
`charges, to recelye'a share of•istronage.•":
" • ' *".1011.N ROTH.
9 7 4) . * - T '44 P'' A1 1 ... - lt b -.1.2, - le V ,1ti...0-,ti itiLt'+‘
Meehallitsbtirg Line
Jr- 4,
Betwe en atechanieshiceg ?gm
Philadelphia or Baltimore.
110.11) 01? C.1.M.,71:1
. .
THE'substribers' giatefu l. for past'favors,
lieb- Ira to inftir'oulkeir friends and the public
generalle, that they still continue to run a , line 44f
burthen . Cars regularly between Merhanie§hurg and
Philadelphia or Miltrinore, by ,vbieb goods and pro
duce of all di criptions will be 11)m:tilled with cure
and &Neat:ll.Bl6e lowest r:ltes of freight. .
PrOthice-will-hent their' Ware Houses
in Sliwiliaiiicsburg, and forwarded to . either Phiht
tielphia,or.lbdtintore, acco'etling r 1.9 tthedirectinn of
the owner: .
' ~ . • ,
_ _
(: - .: ' .. ) , -The highest price• will be given for•NV heat
and — • F . , leur .
1)11FISII ACI Etz.
. N. Tl. Plasterof Paris - awl Salt always kept
lanaloutil for sale at the lowest pritea: ,
July '2U, 1 840.---ly.
.n :'%
.1 - ,
J A , oi,
,__, f ~e4. . ..4094 ”,,, t;
.--- . - ' , 7- - • - -''' l:JlVd 4 --.L -7 _ _.-
1 , 14,'.1; -1 1 , ~,, ' ,-,41 , 1, , ,- - -....v.w - i
tklli,al: l'a l P.PY , r 4l i,,
.... _ ', , d;or : - A , .-..T,..A, ~_,%_, _
Kv ---
fdir'-t---'jaf - - . .j..--,
„,_,-.7 41 , ,
-.4.4-t , l !le,iffrirViW
fr'--42-44‘,44-!"5-s 1-
efficacy of Sarsaparilla is nlittii
Fula or•Ringts Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of. the Liv
er, Affevi ions of.lhe Skin - the-
Nose, Throat :mil Body, as well as an Atilidott.. to
Mercury and the Minerals„ Conslitetinnal Diseases.
multi general Purifier of the 'mood and Ani mal
Dr.i.elify would refer to tln most re
n speidaide phy
sicians 111 as throughout the U.
The , 0 11 ) , .. 11 " . e has r'' . •(' l,l 1 3' i'vecived Ixl gc'arldl- States for tie character of his p . rcparation, ns
supplies rP _ - .also Air the iiiiinerninceurtificatys froin physicians shit
ip yc „: :. ,l,„f i T s. 001(21.51,th:it hart hem' from time to time ptilaisheil,
• • • now deemed minecescary as the' cliaraider'of his pre
yt ti . rpent i ne, copal
firmly t..sta i btisheil i .
7 1 ? n i s h. , painrcrs, t rut ._tates it is use d a ltogether,and t iroughont . the
I I. t ttttit:Y/t 'North takes the precedence over allL others, pitmen-
Hrusters, lintAhes, ,S'pernittecti larly amongr, plTysieians, Sylio,for the betielit of their
it 110(1 tits, alai is S(ICl Urine oil rt ,
V,Cry- • fitIV • )JV/te.t!tit Can:
,-(111(1-1,ei fer_ - cut '
. Paper , -Fruit , ;C:pi crs(Ppi) orery, a;),i p ! trtioihirs...-- •
T ili t h i tf.x,i t f tr;
' ' •oots. or syrop
• , ot.east-. 1 - s;
ttrIMP,V4rI.4ISIIS;rI,:I I PATKPAMPV 4I I O IW.4,,AO4 : 47% 4 M - IMMM 4-'
ca,vb treE 1)
who to ritii clinse-- 'svltrrivsali,. rs.ti.--6m.
. _
March 21;_l_F 11,
' l. • li ''.; * O. 1 ;yl 7 2..'n?Eril'E - El ? Fel ' :, •
i (the ilase.s7; ePiine in—tarrn±.-
NVe are not etas Ur. Etrlit/I'STial tin
Il"TV . 11011:6F Mill, ' Olt!
hric, g ii into rapid sale;
twit], ”111 . 11'..4 t:ll . vmain.!..llcnt.:lller.havirrg
te'oted the utility of as iliipt.ovey:it•at or (Ihro try in
doer - 1 ,- ,rrnim-TrAvill . rvuollect w 4, told
them we were naw, 7 ll with a sf.,ro throat atiO - viohlit
e purchased Ih
1")"1" NVINSI.OI%':S . I3.II.HAA I OV - 110Itt -
II()UNI) nod so snddt t w:o: the , tire, that %, o forgot
Wl! eccr bail 11 mild. ,Afilered, may
try if opriii oar yeemoimetolat ion,—/xlridown
• •
• l'ot• sale In- • •
s. c.i.i,,uvr . r.railisiv,
N •
A... 1. OICIII,
!'s 4,nerntly throughout the coati
AI by Driv,-
try. I'rior 54)
Oct: '2l, I S4l;
.' :Pieilial •51.4"..1.9e)-y. •
Im , . sunscumEll respre,fiffly ipiithrs.hi
gratefol 3 ickpowledgments to the public ror the
very.liberal ..11:tre'orm,iroonge he has received 4lttr,
log the mist 'year, awl would dill comitmelo ulcer
them his professional si nicer. in 'their various, brtt
theti nt his residence, No. 7, I larper's How. !lefties,
( ses. and plugs (eetlt, and inserts iocorroptihle
lirrer metalie artificial teeth in the most approved
manner. Charges nl ‘s nys moderate. .
J. C. NEFF, M. I).
• Carlisle, March 95,1510. --if . '
_ FornithT 11, , r of ColviumptioN.-- , Auel not slam.
the early seeds to knit its fatal' threads in sour sys
tem, but weird them as snu WOlll4l the thief at night.
When you find dm fatal enemy - seeking. fo dcstt•by
your• health by italuhing the evil seeds of a serions
disease, lICNIUNI 111 , .1t Dlt. DUNCAN'S EX:PEG.
.1 (MANI' . AVM .1111111ediaitly destroy
and remove them. l'honsamls of your SVX die-an
tidily front the ivant'of proper treatment. I those
known the wonderful effects of this medicine, and
used it in time, many could have .01, - mgeil
days, and 'yet be dwrlling amongst dearest
friends. . who ace laboring under• the' influ
ence of this disease, lose no time in procuring. I)1•.
Duncan's Expectorant remedy', it is 'Safe anti effectu
al. and al way s gives relief in the toast hopeless cases.
It strengthens the weak and debilitated ; relieves the
pain in the breast; suppresses the itistressing cough;
stopping the hectic lever and night sweats, ;mil final
ly (if the case be not too tar yanced) restoring per
fect health.
Principal office, 19 North Eighth street Phil:oh:l 7 _ ,
. ,
For sale lir John J. Myers Sc. Co., Carlisle; and
Wio. Peal, Shipi;eiislittrg, Pa. sep, 13---3 t
ctirmicArrEs OF AGENCY
Bralida•WlS Pe - getable Unl'ilea
sal Pills, '
Are held by the follmwing agents in their respec
tive comities. As numerous counterfeits of these
pills are latent - pied to' be palmed upon' the communi
ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the recog
nized agents, will be apparent.
Cumberland County—George W. Hitner,Carlisle;
A Hegel, Mechanicsburg; Gilmore & McKinney,
Newville; S. Culbertson, Shippensburc,•; Boke &
Brenneman, New Cumberland ; [saute Barton
'burn; M. G. Bupp, Shiremanstown; L. Biegeelk
- ,
Perry County—Alexander Magee, Bloamliel
J. & S. A: Cayle,Landisburg.
August (26; i 810
ja keit ma I 'lt he vinaatislH.
—Highly r ecommended and a truly efficacious ap
plication for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff
ness and Weakness of the LiMbs and Joints, Rain
a onCtliullta7Siites and - acrosi - dre - Loins.
11 C 0011.31E.N DA'PIaN
Extract of mica& from Dr. Johnson, dated
Philadelphia, May 7th,1830.
The Rheumatic Liniment anti Blood Pils have
been employed by myself; and finding them eflica
cious,l have since recommended them to many,
that have been entii'ely cured - of—Riten'tnaiic-puins,-,
lumbap3 lies tee joints, aumbness of the
ice es, limbs, &c.' .
' Extract of a letter from Dr.'Jennison, dated
, . Baltimore, May 19,1841.
Your Rhenrnatic Liniment Possesses properties
which I have never found in- any, Liniment 1 have
heretofore employed. •,.,
Extract of a letter from Dr. C. 11. Comlrich,:da
ted • • ' Pittsburg June 21st , 1839. •
Of numerous Liniments and Medieineslte'retermm
employed , forAlhetunntic affections, none. have been
so successful as the. Liniment and BlOod Pills man
ufactured by you. 'I hey have in this . place won the
golden opinion of all who, have used, them. TO my'
own knowledgethey have „cured several that 'were
by myself. and other Men pronounced incurable/ 'N \
It may not be amisi to remark, that both Metall'.
'ment and,Blood Pills are prepared, .by Dr. N. B.
Leidy, himself; a regnlar', Druggist and 'Physician,
attested by Orli.'
,Pliy sick; Chapman, Jackson ,:-Ho •
Der, Dearces, James ; G Pm% Coxe;Ege:' of Phila d
lds' Liniment is .prepared only, and for sale,
wholiside and retail at Dr.N.B.,LEIWPS HEALTH
EMPORIUM, No: lOU North Second Street; (sign
of the Golden Engle end Serpenfa,).Philadelphia- '
N...4--Thy . is accompanied by the writ
ten sigilatare"of Dr. N. D. Leidy on the label. -. .
. Price 11l cents a bOttle t or three !mules tbr St. . f
Alio, for Sale,4:s3i. STEVENSON - &-. ‘DINKLE,I
OrnggistS,Garlisle; Pa; . . • 1.. ' . - : ; - , 1:, :.
i11ay,191.841.- 7 -Mo., I:.• '. ?: : . •' .;. '.4',:';:.,,]
. •
Diseases of the • Eye. •
• •
• •
) •
Celebrated Eve 'Water • .•
For the cure of. Weak, Tliaery, or' Mood 'Shot Eyes,.
Ulcers,, Ihtmourn, and kflamation of the ltvo-lids
.Dininess ,nf • •
Persons subject to any of these-unpleasant disor
ders, will find this the most effectual remedy in use,
as it seldom thuds to remove Our of these affections
by a few applications, wil:bout the least inconvenience
or•pain. nose who fIIT troubled with l DININESS.
-pi' 'SIGHT will also find it a valuable, remedy for
strengthening the eyes, imProving the sight, lAti,d pre
vetitmg the tlininess that arises Icons straining thent.
It will also be found particularly useful ass .wash Ibr
the eyes of young childreci, 'to remove inflamittion,
and subdue the humours to which they are so liable.
Price 50 Cents a Bottle withfull diree
lions for usin g. • •
•Sohl•-•-in Carlisle by
.Anil 18, 18-11.---y-
Rtool"T"8.i00 •
11111 lie forfeited In- D. N.• 11: LEIDY, for a prep
to his •'
Medicated Extractpl
4 1)11: TINE. fi.FNEAR.'O
Iko yo porilied iii your illon11,,;: . ..
And 11,a1(1i %, ill :Liti'n.o - (ii'': • ' ' ; -‘,
" 7 . 7r0 ./,:p q . .1 : 4; . . , ./..yeth.;,,in• ilic Ittoo.d.'t
__.... . - 1,41 - .L.ricus_c.._ , ;.v.ii—y. sl._-
P a n ()v. IS TM:, ilimoi.) •I'l.i 111'1 l'Ultllll-11).1
Thousan:ls e:vi',.iiv;w , ..l. tlik (viestion who know
;rani actual expyri,•nee. that' ' ' • ' ...
. .
- 1)11: 1::.1-1.1114 7 . 2 ;-;- 1•11,0 0_1) .1711_..1_ - _,5.,.,_ _
.- - ,A. cOAPONI.Nt.P.I.IIT .01' ' \WHICH IS;' a,
. _ . ,S . . 7/IS. I P. LA' !Lb 1.
Arc the saft:t, hest ; :mil most i.drectlial Pills known,
as a
. • d.,
. •
..40i . e;iitg or IPBII. -- Purifirr. -
Thutisids• trlco 6atu f;w so vend years 1111S1 used
them dnrin the Spring. and.rall (It's wellyiiiat other
times) will never me any mdito.s. 1 Inudrcils are
iilready daily procuring- Ulm have heretofore
employed them.- 'The °Meet of this advertisement
is to infirm the thousands win) kdow not et of them,
o leru they may procni•e them genuine', that they
li my try them; fully Aari,liell that Lavin;; tried'
them, (hey o In, net er be persuaded to use any titioie
fir set era' rcasims..
QUALK,• prepared by Dr. N. IS.. Leidy
liiinsetf, a re , mtar DVllggiSt, its iVt`ll as Physician,
• attested by Phy sick, James, lloimiir,.oeivecii i
..lack win, Gibson, Come, ke. lc.
ANTI-MP:IWD RI AI being an Antidote egainst
I)fercury and the NI inei.als, so deleterious and dim
' gerons; and upon the effects of which Quacks de
pend, for " killing or," and therefore mix
them with their nostrums.
PER TITAN ANY OTIIE 4S, as in using Them,
they require tin restrahil front living or occupa
tion, and may be taken' by the Most. delicate and
• fechle,old aintl yoling,male and female at all ti toes
and miderall circumstances. •
ANY OTI F. 115, when used according to the di
rettions—and do not i.eqiiire to betaken in large,
quantities as is required of- various other
chmsonaking a Drat Shop of the Stomach, de
priving it of its accustomed nourish
tng its functionsond thereby causing a rapid de
(line of the liinitan system.
In all cases there a per anon may he necessary,
these Pills will be found both effectual and easy io
• their operatioM'producing no nausea, or 'sickness of
the stomach, griping or any other unpleasant scp,sif
Further comment is . deemed unnecessary—the
numerous certificates published front time to time
from Physiehms•and other individuals must have
convinced - tlitt - inetedidotts, and. for the further in-
formation of.all others, Dr. Leidy refei.s them to the
directions which accompany each box.
They . 111 , ! prepared and-sold, wholesale and retail,
North Second Street, below Vine 'street, (sign of
the Golden Eagle omit Serpents.)
Price 9,5 cents a Box. • • •
AlsO, for sale by STEVENSON' & DINELE,
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa.
[:ray 1.0, 1841.-om.
Sarsaparilla, .or .Blood
i t E safest , bestaiul most
AT,existeneearc,e, i vsioo,l ; Ba
mponent part of
which is Sarsaparilla. It is use
less here to name the good qualities r or coalmen&
upowthe medical virtues of these Miaow the public
are fully aware of them. Suffice it to say,-they are
'an effectual purifier of the blood and renovator V'
I'M adelphia City, es. ..
[L.8.1 Personalltappeared before um, one of the
Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr. 11 B.
Leidy, wlf, oil. his solemn oath loth declare and
swear, th rilithe c'ompiisition of the Sarsaparilla
contained Mercury or the 'Alineralsor any Drug '
whatever, unfriendly, dangerous, or deleterious to
the human system..
C. MAZER, Alderman,
‘,. TyPrice 2 r =s cents a Box. .
, They arclirepitred and sold, wholesale and retail,
Att_Dr..Leitlyillealth_timporium,_NO.:ll9LlSiorth •
Second street, below Vine street. _- ' '.
A 1.0; for Gala by sTr.vENsoisr & DINKLE,
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa. '' - ,
May 19, 1131.1.6 in. ,
• '
JUF - ITC D.CIINTM ENT is daily, becoming, more
popular. Daily do numerous Individuals' stop and
.inforM the proprietor of its great success in remov
ing and curing the Tetter and . ,
NUMerous testimonials might be publish of its
efficacy, but for the delicacy i
felt by ndividuars
ing their names published in .connection , 4vitb,. so
loathsome and disagreeable affections.
1e May be 'ttsed:with perfect safety by. young and
.old, even
.upon lulled% containing no mercury or
othermineral sub Stances. Dr. N. li. Leidy prepares
it liitriselt and knovin its iostcoofi
demially recommends It as'aimeriqr" to any other,
remedy for thelTetterand:ltch. Prepared and'Sold
at Dr. Lcidy's Health Empciehmt,(sign - of the Golden
Eagle and Serpents,) No. 19t North SeCond street,
belm,y Vlne.. .• . , •
Alan, for sale .STEVENSON :EL - DECKLE,-
Diniggist s,Carlisle, Pa:
, The above preparation ii are sold 7>y all Whelesfile
Druggists ' in Philadelphia, and by all 'i.ovnonble
Merchants mat: Druggists - thi•oithOutlbe Uuited
\ Lu _• •,
1)R." LEI DY'S
"The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood."
'Teller! Itch!!
Office in- nigh street a few doors
• west of the Post Office.
• drlialc ; April 28,180.-4 C •
usT.itmemivED some very. fine - § VAD.
CHEE,4 , ttt the
Store ot. A. I{ilillAktllo.
Mhy,l2, 1841.
OllEßOUS:retnedies have
,been offered and
LI _puffed into 'Mlle& for -fliseases ni the Lungs,
sonic of which has mulonbtedly• been found very use
ful,but of all that .have hitherto been it must
he universally acknowledged there is none that has
ever proved as, - successful as the "BALSOM OF
Such indeed :alit! the-astonishing resto);ative and
- .healing ptfoin't•ties of this." Balsa:ill'? that e yen halm'
worst forms of coiismoplion,.o hen Ilid patient has
_sofferedWith tho,•Mpsi distressim , ,chugli.„ viofent
'pains ion the cluest,dithilittit,if,hrtfatt;ingm
bleedingolilue lutn7s, t5:.&.-littllluen.dhe most.esteem
ed remedies of ourPharmacopiaS had failed to afford
any relief, and even when Botanic, Honuepathic, and
!numerous other remedies, bad been' used for many
' - months in yalmfbis-invaluable_rc-medv bas checked
every symptom, and been productive - of the inos,„t as
- -tonialting-relief,—lii-due7early--shiges-of-the-di seasey
proceeding from neglected colds, termed Catarrlduf
• -COnsumptioit,.it has..b.clil used„with:ottdrYialiug..spc.x.
eess; and in many iiistances ' when this ilkease seam •
. ed to have marked its 'victiliitfor an early grave, the _
re of this medicine has arrested eyery.symptom,and . • Pittsford, Nfonrne c 0.., Nov.-9,-1838,
restored the
m s to a slate of perfifet health.
.. AI r. John AL.:Winslow, Drugoist
.. .
In that for of Consumplion, so prevalent amongst Dear Sir: 4 have been for a series Of years a Oct
del lino,
young f l,,,,,,h, s,comnin „t y t erme d drbitit h , m . -Cll with an affection of tlue„Lungs, and a hard cough;
"going into 4deeliuw." it:complaint with which thou-. an iliive• many times arose. in the morning as com- .
sfunds are lingering, it has also been used with surpri- fifieielY f'xiffiff , tefi by exeessi TO COlighlitgduringlhe
suing Success, and not only possessea the power of i as a person would.b6 by-a hard.nlaVslabor. A
checking the progress of this alarming di sease,but have tried most of the popular remedies-of the dayi .
at. Ihe same time girenglluens and invigorates the butt never found relief until 1 nWt with your Bali Sam
whole system mores effectually Allan any moody il;e , i n i f th i t to i r i e i l n i , o , tin i t i f s .. ud A .l l e l :i t , li l e ., o l t h l e wl i f i l o ft n ! i in ,l e s df i e i s i o f f .
e p o a n l g at e l s i t •c e s j s
have ever poSsessed. ,
ai -- • LIVER.
c li o lf;: s T a i:! l ie n .i g 'f i n i f . l : * , ..s t f , ;:a .s iie d s e l i. l , : t e n t i n ni s . olu o ub t l t u; l a nk n i : , l ig rr s e l 7 d . o T ne h o is f 4 .
going . to'hyd.:l- reAt quietly thro'_.
Idtf/T, particularly when atti•nded Al it,thl &nigh i 111111-
I.',' estion or iu:Mdering pains in tlw sie-rtdras-idso.peo_vy7:.T.l:osim, uh,..,,
~',.0 1 6, t v_0n,..t.i0i.5, :ilid 6n,it ma-fly ,:inn, (q . this the Inght•""(1 ins °PP P' reire'l'i"fr• 1 Mice great
k-i-mfaft . er the 'thost:power - taren:RiefliiidTaili4. -7 . - t i :rj r t ( o '.i : f irt .i i:::,-,7 ii . ,. " 1 411 1 ( 7,1 -v ,, i i i f f : l l l ,': i t,',l n ni ,,,, c ; r v i c i , C) o r in e : .
• ---
• . ii,14).....:K•11-1,•0r5'i.F . 4. 1 .!,..4 , •q t P,.,..A". 1 , 1 4;‘, - ,.. ii , jmi5 , 4 „1, 1- ` 1 .J., ) -- 1, ,,,-.'.1. - '-i),lidutiiir i1h,t,..a. , -- 0,-,. .au1dv1i10141 , A....041,d•J' - . L
I" ) •:<Fl'". o6 ,'"OjaV 4 ` .66 '" 4 '" ' "''''''''''''"'"lA”'"' a "'" ‘ l,""'" .- 94M-011174. - "L It VOirriiik'.flriti:iiik - i ; ri,; foe t • I . 'l- '
p**,,,: l -:4;-:7;;;;a45 ,0 i7. 7, •±=41.MelliP/Ati . iii(Wvalaii40.0,,itarafle ' 40* ( 0 41.. .4,.
V-r,i`r7.l-o,,Mtg-,,a1v,":73r,V4i1tr:,,,a,#1--`„-,- ..... , u ~ ~,,Mitil:,, 1it1ir....,..,:„.f
....,4 r ‘ - mr. -,-.. .. . . .
.. . , franrinflqt#s. 4 V7.l4reraWele , wyritTitl ,- r l4,. !m'w
i ' To gire•pertna ITV 1 iiTVII 0 . . - ^ , •:, .- -..-" ''''"'"' ' ':. . -- e" • -":-'::. . - 7 - ''' --- ---'. " - '7H:'''' —, -v.r.-t - ox.sir i.ity: , --”-
-.;1--.TiltoNciirris.—,\ , N.11 reinvtly.ip ail , ll e0 ,d:.•
ellial alfeethins of ilue'lluront, - autended 'With a, liinurse,
ness, cough el' , 501:e iatlielfireat, it'ivill mils., bel,leid,
' io47.,ll.l.e.ttiaLteuntily_,Bual'Acill mushy afford inu-
it' itsed at the i;oft‘iywilet:W.
aitttek. •
riOlUt - ;1 Sz. CIOT.I)S.---Tn crtorpon
Itit;l4olds, that pre') ail, so . - exn2nsix th•rottgliont 'lll6
winter, it n ill he Totcnd much more elleottal than arty,
nolds settin-fi pow tl te-Imuzs,
eatising :0111111:101111:11i00 Wllll 1M11104111.1.110 1111'104,14-
ti't•idtt' tit dirirtm. , ,,.olllrvittltiag; ;v(., the itoe of this
hill stipprcs-stteli syuiptstoss
andat tin-same time present- tho•linkg-s-frourhe,vont
iag tito're-wrimisl V. disenell,
(r . ) - Clttn r l' A - NI) NVI 100
7..ohlid;Chhq, sn cohhhoh ) rltiflyen, this!
Ihdsain n ill he round 111111'11 snprriur to tin I':iis-
Ermir Syrup - ix and ILr. ‘ari6o4 rough
mixtures in common 0 ,, , as it is entirely rrri. , frosit
:iny thing the bast injurious, and may at all times la.
given to Cllllllll'll Witil saioty,andu it,li the i.'er
taintv of itin alThriling theta sPeedy:r(lit.f.
alt . f . AS • A 1'A:1111-X 1.:1)1GINK fortnany nth . -
er complaints, this ilalxuu w ill also Ile round partic
ularly tisertil. having'proved an invaluable
reined(' in all l'ultuonary afr 'et ions. it exerts a pow
erful inchtenee over nem) 'diseases 111•111.11ifillg 011 a
llelllllVell entalilio of the systvinottul thou who have,
-still'ered front the ittlisiTiminate tole of Alen:111w, or
°they dcleteriott drugs, littlt • are alien compottittled
iil difrerettt quark nostrums, v. ill find it a remedy or
. groat value, possessing ,the power or stroo g thoobi g ,
'411(11 invigorating the whole system vitOre elreetually
ill:11171115 0111e1. 1111,111:111e . 11(0,1•FiS.
CAUI . I().X . I'URCILASELIS.—.Is this meti-:
icitte has Arcady acquired great celebrity: there may
probably be -some attemptE to imitate it, and deceive
the public with a spurious mixture, to prevent which
I would wish 1)11 ittirchttst.trs to observe the Ibllowing
marks-ortlte-gentlitteilalsant..-It-is-put_up in bottles
of two sizes each,the words NVISTAIt'S
11{1.1.SA s 1 OP. W 11,1) F.;iMintAr,
nil A , in the glass; and a lahel on the front
with the signature of .111:Nli.Y NVISTAIt,
without Which none is genuine,..
• Prepared lot the proprietor 'hy WILLIAMS fl
CO., Chemists, No. '2 Commerce street,
and sold by the most respectable Druggists and
other appointed agents in all- the' principal -towns
throughout the United States.
...ALE' The - Pennine ‘l3alfiam sold in Car
lisle, by by SAMUEL .E LLIO'1"1', appoint
ed - Aunt. • . • '
Prtec $1:00 a bottle. '
• I)ecembel-.16;1840----1 y
Hay Liniment.
This extraordinary chemical composition, the re
sultotscience and Ike invention of a celebrated Hied-
'cal man, the introduction of which to; the, putilie
Was invested with the solemnity of a death- tied be
quest, hits since gained a reputation unparalleled,
fully sustaining the correctness of tlito lamented Dr..
Gridlley's last confession, • that-"he dared not die
i-vithout giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl
edge on this subject," and he therefore begneathed
to his friend and attendant, Solomon Days, the secret
Of his discovery.
It is now used in the principalhospitals, nod the
private practice in our - conntry, first and moSteer
thinly for the cure dale PILES, and also extensive
ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless where
its effects are ;witnessed. Externally in 'the follow
ing Complaints:
For Dropsy---Creating. extraordintiq *
at once.
gwellinn , S---Retltiding them in a few hours. - `"
Rheumatism---Acute or chronic, giving quick
• .
Sore Throat=—By cancers. ulcers, or colds.
Croup -and -Whooping-Cough---Externally and
over the chest. .
A.ll.llruiies, Sprains, and Burns—Cured in - a. few
Sores and Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand
ing, and fever sore's.
Its operation upon ndults and childrenin reducing
rheumatic swellings,.and loosening coughs and tight
ness,of the phest hy:relaxatinn of the parts, has 'been
surprßtne beyond conception. The common' re
m-iffirotth-o %, trjravirpt
Acts charm." '
. . .
' TII,P. PILES.--The price, $l, is refunded:to any
person who will use a bottle of, Hays' OM ment for'
the Piles, and return
. the empty bottle without being
cured. T,hesettre the positive orders of the p ro p r i c ...
ter to the agents,rind out of many thousande sold, not
-enelmi-heenmnsuccessfiik' . . . •• „...
We -might insert . certificatefi to any length, but
prefer And those- who, sell the article, should exhibit
the original' to purchasers. ~ . . .
. ,
. •.. <. . o Physicians . and Pati e nts.
The Blind Piles, said to he incurable by external
applications.--Solomen Hays warrants the contrary.
His Liniment will core Blind Piles. Facts are more
stubborn Than theories..., He solicits all:respectable
physicians toVy it upon their patients.' It Bill do
.them on harm; ntii,it is known .that every physician
who has bad the honesty to Make ; the trial, has can
didly admitted. that it ha 'succeeded in every case,
they. have known. Then` - why not use it ? ,-It,,is.the.
recipe of one of theirmost respectable members, now.
deceased. Why n refuse to use it ? Because,it is sold,
as a proprietary, medicine?.. Is this a sulßeieut ex..'
cuse foe suffering their honest' patients to linger' in':
distress? • : We think not.. Physicians '4llOl be con- .
vineedthafthere is no humbug or quackery a b o u t
this article.-:-.Why theh, not alleviate bewail suffer
ing ? - Iftliey.won't try, it herore,let them after all
other presCriptions fail— ' P4sieimiaare respectfully'
requested,tolothemselves and patientathejostieetO
'use thisAirtiaile.,. !Cabal) be taken from - the. bottles
.tindiliatie-up'ltalheie_preSeription iftheY &Sire: '.',!..:. :
.. .; ' ' • : . .4 • , :%..80000N,HA.Y.B. ;
-. Sold hyeoiristoekti;ciiMheleside 'Detiggista,s
Nu. 2,r. F,I _tAtcpitreet;Nw Xiirk:•', • ,' :, ' •. r : • -.; ,
' For ; sato ' iilseo..,*. : 'EyENsGN:. -, :zr;s7
DiNicrips ,CarliMe l ‘ Pa:: ..' : ' - • -•- --,-•:. , •
HeCembiir 23, 1840:1741Y' , :.:',,,. - ~- 7' ,' • ' ' ,
Irinslow's Ralsam, of
An utiparalleleAremedy for common Colds,Couglos . , •
Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Couglt, Bronchitis,
... and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading.
to, Consumption ; composed of the concentrated
• virtues of Horehound,lloneset i Blood Root, Lir. •
crwort and several other vegetable substances.— •
Prepared only by J. M. WINSLOW, Rochester, •
The innocence and universally admitted pectoral .
'virtues of the Herbs (rim which the BALSAM •OF.,
TIOREHOUM) is,made, are too generally known
'to require recommendation; it is therefore only ne- .
cessat•y to observe that - this inedecine contains .the•
whole Of their medical properties, highly coneentrat- -
et!, and so 'happily combined with several other yd.. '
getable substances, as to rendyllt. the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, nowqn use, for the .Corn
plaints abov - e mentioned. . .
For Cbildren,th is Balsam; in ,of inestimable valu'e: v
It i, a sketiv remedy for the Whooping Coke; „mil
Croup; and a - frords certain relief inflow!! Complai 18,
Mohr, Teething, f.ze., It is pleasant to the taste,. ntl
may be Safely given to the tenderest intlint and s tild
be kept at all times in . every ftnnily, ris it, is much
better for the complaints ineldent-to Children, than -
Baregot•ic. .otlfreys Cordial. or the cordialsso corn- -
monly.o 41`;•as hundreds in this City have testified;
Real the folloWing.--1 hereby certify - tint early
in the spring Of, - 18:113, r c .• 6 - g&vere. COLD,
which settled upon' my' lungs. aftd-threatened
Consumption. I need severa I. presrriptions, lila ob.:
lamed little or no relief . ; I was much a
Happening. to be .in Rochester. I w as a d v i se d by m y.
,friend, Mr. Winslow, to try. a bottle of ilis•BArtuvr
dr HonstrotyNn . : I did so, and to ins, surprise oh
tallied relief at once—mid by the use nf . ,flint single
bottle was perfectly restored .to health. To those
'nflbcted - wifir - ColtlA -- nr - Cough - sil
season, - 1 - say "go and' do - likewise." .
- ....,, - • . LEANDER. CHIPMAN-.
T r()T.T.
k.'.l N )llTll.Nov%ille
Iv .— . I'vier 3(1 (;(•hts prig - Foul
yr; I 13, 18 1(1.--- Iy.
22113 A .e.M.2A
There is not oro• ea , .(t Fever hi thciisanil, but
may Le ( 1 1:111) 111,1, II 111) :111111
- rme - of tirrs
(ht. ; ,tomach
sudhoti;, Is. ts.r.opvilii,, gently and (4114:Wally on
the bowels, and piiwcrrnily on the kidneY's and skin..
It removes all unpleasant ti_4;liirgsafter hearty:then%
and promitirs a goal appetite.. It needs only a trial-.
to give perfect satiifaction. It has become it general
practice'with tiiiitiy lei me this 'article in all cases.ol
colds, pains in the. bone,. in: . henry dis t rerabli feel-.
Mg, tendering tri headache or chillines.s. Forhiattse= s.
neios if taken through the day,it completely restores
the voice without produeinr- Whooping' .
cough, add all coughs ofchildren ' tire cured . by
The titomach is kept in petit-ct order by itond it is' •
quite impossible that any disease should commoner
while a person is thing this Syrup.
It taken daily it produces - a rack, healthy, and
young appearance, by driving on' all the humors of
the system. Sold genuine at 4 Florin:l- street carte
door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co.,
and 113' all respectable Druggists.
..Fur sale also by STE :VENSON At DIN
KLE, Carlisle, Pa. -•
Bain?, of -Cohtnibia.
BrillBl, Consul's Ofice;' - . ?
NQl\‘lf n Pil ? N Sto‘l'o" l: e i ros ; ilrrßl7wsoN
Esq. his Britanic Majesty's Colima for the. City of Philadelphia, do hereby certilY, That Robert Whar
ton, Esq., a ho attest~ to the foregoing Certificates, is
Mayor of the' City of Philadelphia ; and that.Mat
tionvitandall, Esq., is -Prothinotary of the Court o „
Coalman Pleas for the city nditeounty of Philadel
phia, to both whose 'signitnresi with the Seals of their .
respective offices, full faith and credit is due.
I further certify, that .l ain personally acquainted • ,
with Joseph L. luglis,one of the signe r s of the certi-.
ficates:hereunto affixed; which expresses the 'efficacy
of the Bala) of Columbia; and that he is a person o
great respectability; and worthy of full faith and cre
tin; and that I have beard him express his unqualifi-'
ed apiii'obation attic effects of the said Baran of Co-.
lumhia,iu restorino• his hair.
Civeu tinder my'lland and seal of °Hike, at the city
of Philadelphia, in the State• of Peintsylvanimile -
United States of Am - erica.
Read the -- follawin g.
nonEirr r rimrr QN., • Esti; late; Alavor-ti -
Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen below, to
the high character of the following gentirmen.
The undersigned do hereby certify 'that 'ave. have
used the Balm of Colutubia discovered, by J. Old
ridge; and have fo'imil-it highlyservitaadc not only
as it preventive against the falling off of halr,but also
a certain restorative.
W'M. TiIATCHER, senior,'
Methodist Alitli4ter in'St. George charge
No. 86 North Fifth st.
.TOIIN P. INGLIS, 331 Arch st..
• JOHN I). THOMAS, M. H. 163 !Incest. '
' . JOHN S. FURRY, 101 Spruce st.•
• HUGH MeCU1111Y,.243 Si uth,ith st. •
• JOHN YARD, jr., 123 Arch st..
Thenged, and those who persist in wearing .
may not always 'experience its restorative qualities_ _
yet,it Will ear Minty raise its virtues in the estimation
of "tire public, n lien it is known that three of the a-
hove signers 'are' more than SU years of age, and t
others not-less-than 30.
from the .lfo!/or.] •
City of Philadelphia.
tOBERT AVHARTON, Mayor of said city of
Philo&lida, do hereby 'certify that I am well ac
quainted with Messrs. J.• P. Inglis, 'John S.. Furey,.
and Hugh Mc dully, whose names are signed to the
above certificate, that they are gentlemen of eluirac
ter and reSpectabilityond as such full credit *old
lii witness. whereof, I. have hereunto set my hand ?
, and caused the seal of the city to he Wised,
i t " the siNtli dai of Dee:luber. &c.
Nvilawrorr, May,or,
lur I'l E BAIII.- p2sifii:e. qualitieS ttre as fol
. . ,
lows: ,• ^ , , , ,r
Ist. Pot infant's Iccejiing the.hend free, &aril scar
and causi g a luxprinut growth of hair. - '. •
2d. For ladies itfter'ehild•hirth, * rest ming the skin
to its esuatstrenth and firmness, nth] preventMg the ;
.fulling out elthe • '•
3d._ For any person reenvering from any debility.
the'same effect is produced; ' •-• ';
Atli: If used in infancy till gooftgroiith is started, , •
it may be preserved by attc,diou to•the latest peried
Stlt.' It :trees the bead..h , brit ' dandruff, stretipthens
i niParts health and vitterto
and preyents the' haierrom'cliatiging . velour or, g e t.
fith• t causes' to beautifully lien
thmett -in it tiVO'nFght.'
fr. 1.1.9" ladleittollet shoulthlyer nititle',:itlieut it • -
r - 1
ba by any means'. contracted' -
'CormliviwtllO' bend, at . .e.,l;inquydiately-'and perfectly'
tittretteftherithy its nse. •It is - •
Vor. sale at the drug store of Comstock,k-Co., • 7 -1
Fletcher stieet near l'airt, Mid in' Carlisle - ,14 .Steor
.vettson If, 1840,="1Y . ' •
ihrou•,honj tiut