Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 29, 1841, Image 3

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IP• -•.)
,14? t
Democratic Wittig Ticket.
Thomasl;. Mc illoh,
Atiekael C. 01,ar 'son.
Major Samuel ivin,.
,Christopher A 1. '
James Hoffer. ,
Ja,cob Zu
Col. John Wynkoop.-
William Culbertson.
Standing Committee:
Appointed .by the County ConvetitiOn
for the ensuing year.
. ,
.12116- 7 11enry ' • .'
Pelinsboro'Dairid Coble:
Silver S irino , -;—Jblin M. Martin. .
Mecharucsburg—Lewis Zbaring; Chs.
Baker., • • • • • •
Carlisle-LGen. S. Alexander. Col. John.
preiz t „
"• - .N lifigilpyt—Tbti'm as '1). Urie.
• -
•••• - •11. - 17 , 2Vefolmti-..T?'porgella•traiii• ; •--
. IVlct!'andlfsh ,
• Randall. - , --- • . ' .
. .
Miflii,i--beob "Wagoner.. . :.
-- opewell—D. S. Rinsl.ta,.. 11.
Shippensbu . -r - g-:;-C4t.. AV-in.---MoClure,
~..-. . • ,S'outhani)Von•; 7 ::Wm.Kebd.. ,• .
~. -
.11.Ionroe—S to wart McGowan.
• • S. I . l.lidi'llelon—Jacoli. Mtner. • '-• --
- TYLER Too.•:—To-day's Herald contains 1
th• manifesto of the Whig members — cir l
4 5
C n nand the letters of ex-secretaries
Crittehden,- Ewing and •flatlier, written
upon the resignation of theirollices. Doubt
less these, papers have been alretidy read
by most of our siibseribers, but by-some
they have not, and we invite the attention
Or these to 4heir perusal. Next week We
shall give a place to the statement of ex
secretary Bell, Which is fay eonfirmator.y
of that Mr. Ewing. If theile
veloPements of these gentlemen be true—
and that they are .is undisputed and indis
. potable—as high minded, honorable men
they'could do nothing else than abandons .
their places. 13ut,strange• and .vacillating
• as has been the. conduct of President Ty
lelC, all, doubt not, will yet be well:.
The approaching session of Congress wil
disclose to• us 'his scheme for• , a Fiscal
Agent, and the repose of the congressional
vacation May:divest him • of some of his
abstractions. Congress
: has' given being
to every Whig, measure for which we con ,
.tended, except the one lost by the interpo
sition of the omnipotent-veto., and we shall
assuredly yet,have some/Mpg in the place
of the hated and defunct sub-treasury. .in
the meantime let the whips remain hulls
sOilbly knit together in the 'cause of their
common country.
Mr. Webster's letter, on retaining his
place, has been already published in the
Herald. We are glad that • Mr. Webster
has Mi'",conscientious'scruples" to induce
his resignation, now• that the critical posi
tiot► of our relations with her Majesty's
Government demand his _services at the
. post which .he occupies. Daniel Webster
• will not permit his country's honor to be
tarnished, nor will he heedlessly. hurrY'her
•Into a war. •
O - PEortzes noox.--=We have
'the firstirther of this periodical, Rublish
.eil by gorstut.MeMichael, under the edi
torial supervisiiip of Professor Frost.. "The
Young People's book s " . .being especially
designed for the instruction of youth, fills
•n'uticuum in• our periodical-literathre. Its
contents,• entirely original, are chaste, in,
+knifing and instructive; its typographical
eineution .neat and :beautiful . , and its en
.gravings, the, principal of which is a rnez
zolinto by §arfain, are in .the best style of
art.' 'We commend this work to the notice
s lof parents; and the lestruefors and directors
of our common schoOlir . • ,
' lf such. a 'worit Were introuced among
'the sChoiars, for 'reereatiVe study, we think
filkitild tend mtick4o . smooth the p'ath to
— Wo"otiSeri6
. notices of the ," 800k,"..A yery
laudetorrietter 'from ChieflepticeGibSOo,
The pubjicatimi office is at No. s'f South
. ,Thii4 . ,§"treet,'Philadelphia—rthe'.iiiice two
"'dollarS tier, annum;: • . •
AN ISRAELITE' ftratAtirin.—Philip Ar
nold advertises in .the C hambersburg
i;Ository, that hp NVill ~ Itte4eitorth 'traneant
c oo business on Saturday. Ile' alleges -that
3al, away by the .erroneous sehisnis- and,
opinions that characterize the innovations
of the present; century,,:' he : ceased. to live
"after the straightest sect" an Israelite, but
that matured reflection has determined him
again , to embrace the faith of his Tethers,
terea ter seep yan sacred all
,the 'war
which ii . , - Oopprehended tha't,Sat
urday is the • only authorized scriptural
WAR PERIIAP.—TIIO : 'Caledonia, it-is
.said, brought despatches fo . r.lllr. Fox, and
a special messenger to . Lard Sydenham,
'Who by the way has since deceased.
vessel,Whieh.was to be
sent over the falls of Niagara. would 'IA
"go - it."` She plunked lost her mast
grounded on:. Goat - ; lidand: . Sad mishap
-that. -•
Congress ti 1838 used
!pen bai•ras'of"i n k which cost $528, • and
ftrr making -pans for the members
$476,25, •
lIE DECLINES.-WM. B. Reed "declines
the nomination to Congress; to fill the un
exp.ired.tern.of the 'Hon. John Sergeant
resigned Mr. Reed has also resigned his
- seat in
. 11 : State Senate.' . . " -
.:LOGIC OF E STATESMAN.—.—.I will be
long -to' no political arty - WhiCh is cori
trelled•by one bi• a few - individuals: ••
7Bfft - IWtwo existing political parties are .
thus controlled: - • •
Therefoie:l will . ; form 'a
-Mira -and con
i,.' ' ' • •—•-• , ; , •;'''- . 7-- - , --.. fii:: , 4 -- -- -- •- `4:f.
';'" : 1 ,. .!,"?:%4 1 *—Vigi•AN . 1.4.-Wi u g- ( !
IVWS4-'7-iii"ilttetilTOrV-VG wa fie:
setting (ilk .. agaiti Within our dOor: . tei.we
shall.cer.taitily detect the-villain in hiseoitn;
.tenance and.ejee.t him -from- our'. threshold.
. • , ... . • • • - •
!rhe.•_sfolen article-- we-noW leave tiiip9h-,
dished, as 'the - pilfeter - has — antieipatetr us by'
chattering.abroad some- portion of its Con•; .
tents. We have, a good . • mind, to otter a_
reward for his detection,. that we. may be
able to' expose the scamp o• ille contempt
of the community. The man who' would
steal brains would commit murder. - -
Caution. the Volunteer against con
fiding too much in the sayings of the States-
Mali. The allegation that the Herald is en
cumbered by a judgment of three thousand
dollars is rather a stretch of veracity.
There is no judgment against the Herald
of any amount,•and the Statesman's . editor
knows this. As tO its debts, the establish
ment itself will furnish abundant means for
'their payment, andlinve enough left to buy
and keep his noisome but hurtless ephem
era. Tire Herald " totter !" It tvill
live and flourish when the Statesman shall
have been forgOtte'n, and its editor remem ,
bere.d.• only for his ingratitude in'turning
about' and stinging, like the adder in the
fable, those by whom lie has been warmed
and fed. • . •
While. on this subject we may as well
adVert • to 'another error of the States
min's--its oft repeated assertion, that
the Herald is cnntrollecrsby - what,- in-the
editor's vocabulary of polit - elifcifature, is
designated "the Stevens faction." Confi
dence—once inisplacchas alwSYs been
put in its that they would give utter
ance to the sentiptents of the whole %Vhig
Party of Cumberlaiacountylr What "fac
tion" controlled the " Herald" When he
of the Statesman ruled its editorial co
, •
lumn'S„ and in his , own self-constituted
oronisdience declared that four fifth of the
people of Pennsylvania Were boStile to Mr.
SteVens's.tippointment in Harrieon's•cabi
net ?'• Was it the "Stevens faction"? Who
controlled it when its fate editor, who aban
doned it but with its last number, took it in
charge? - The ." Stevens faction"? If so,
. were its . columns desecrated by
fanatic ravings against 'Mr.' Stevens, sub
scribed with, the omnipotent and terrifying
sign manual .of the now editorof the States
man ? Ah ! how hard his-for the States
man's editor to'find an honest mid disinter
ested motive for his po c lf9 , Cal Wanderings.'
, The,Volutiteet denies that Mr, BARR is
an abolitionist: Well, we are not disposed
to qtiarrel about it, for'-although,"Rumot'.,
who now that'.COOdess .
,haie. dispersed,
has left the portals , of the capitol, and blabs
her goisip.hereabouts does asseverate, mau
gre the Volunteer's .denial, that,Mr..Barr,
mttertains opinie t tnis,on,the- subject of slave
ry not:- Wholly -inoffensive to a:seuthern
planter; yet the truth of,the:aflirmation,
,were it nib - Bitted,- would; weigh nothing
with tis. - The embracement of abolition
iloctrines,.canaot atthie, day, -so' faras-,our
short vision carilienetrate, either fit oruM ,
fit a„man foi Pennsylvimia .legislator ;
besides, we are averse -to the agitatiOn in
thisi .continunityOf a
.topic so , excitirig'and
Oalculatett;Witlial to divert the attention of_
the -peoPle'Werit the great' question S' Of state`
with: Which . they ought ,te :, 116. far*
liar; ifiat - at the,Comi ng - .election; .may
be enabled , understandingly to ',exereisethe
riglll, of sulTrage - . Whether or.not then Mr.
Bitrr began aholitiPlll# l , tfke.:Pre nat.:
. a» ttsaiti
know , him to ~ boa man of honor and of,
honesty,. possessing every essential•of ..a
gentleman,—a man from - whose heart flows
an uninterrupted stream of- ghodneSs, and'
if' his intellect be 'measured by the stan
lard which -h abl h cd-
,lard which Ins part auve,,es , tain.— t
- their - past sele,gions of, legislative. candi ,
dates; he may in this . claim vast- su
periority.) Bu then Wo regard him as
11 - eterodox in national. and itate Polities.
Ile i's •i - ea t , ed . . With' 'those whoSe 'public
measure] we look upon as destructive of
the ge6ral good, and . ... this, preponderating
over all other considerations, muSt ;attar
against him the unbroken oppOsition of the
''Whig. Party, • •
. .
' About • Mr. cULVER we ltrrow little and
care less. Ile
e eeeeeee to be rather. a•
entity. Atnough it is for Whigs to him
that - he is mit"of diem. lliwing 44 their
priticiiiles of the Whig party, and who in
all other things are at least equal to their.
Opponcnts, the choice is, easily made.
desire the ensuing election in'ermiberland
veiny to express fairly theTolitical opinions
oilier freemen, and if the Whigs dally_not
at hopie on the day °film:battle, burpesh
forward to the field of contest, we arc con=
fident that rotind their banner victory shall
wreath her•laurels. • ' .•
LAMENTABLE.—An old man of - sonic. 80
Years, a county Pauper, by name Henry
Stinemitz,'lostilis life,.last Sunday morn
ing, on the railroad, a little way east of
our borough. - The .old man,. it mins, was'
wailting, the track in the AlirAction - id
- tlie porirli - Ou - pk, wiledthe_trath.of cars.from 1
4; r 5 *... N , f,fii; , w ,, 11
it4 1 .4i . 44 . 4aS jam e
''i*%•E:*."-!l9ie:_6 • CAW 6ll ;:-'
kfaftolt - 11546rc - rc - crifie. , - , eiiiiiiii-dr; , li.g.
hear4 l -by him:" :The cars . ii;ere Permitted'
to-come so Licari° the,unfortutiptrereature
that they mild ~nor..bp .arrested; : and: the
Whale—troth. passed- overt his boily-le'ngth
wige: TOpeafrh‘ and one lcg were cut off,
'die. 6ody
.' completely eviscerated and the
head eriiilied . piecemeal. .A conduces
inquest was held over the: collected frog- .
meats of flieliOdy,. and we understand that
. .
by the verdict,-sOme censure is 'cast upon
the engineer.. -If the bfamc-bc deserved, it
. 4.5 . ' - the community that the•afrair be
;judicially investig Ted. Int be Unde . serVed,
the individual im icated 'ought by 'some
means. to exculpato. intself: •
1 `ruin lize Publa• Ledger.
Gie"nt it on', the
A transaction took phial at Alburgh on
the night of the 19th, which has produced
'an unparalleled' excitement on the Frontier.
james Grogan, who formerly resided in
Canada, but a natural born citizen of the
United States, while returning from M ichi
gan to Alburgh, was captured by a detach
ment of British 'dragoons, under Captain
Jones. Giogan was sleeping at the house
of his brother,in-law—the soldiers surroun
ded the house, forced it open, and entereil
Grogan'sbedroom, who defended himself
against his assailants until severely , wound
ed in the legs and thighs by bajiiCtfetS...His
face was literally- flayed; and his clothes
torn off. :He .was wrapped in a buffalo
robe, thrown into a wagon, carried across
the lines and sent to .Montreal in irons.—
When this affair became known .at St. Al
balls,,a public meeting was held, sbd a cbill
wittee was appointed to examine into the
traosection,Und . report at a Subsequent
meeting• to be held.
The correspondent of the New York A
' merican, .writing froM Nia g ara Falls, says
that since the removal of time U. S. army
from Buffalo, 'attempts are being made by
the "Patriots'.' to embroil the two catintfies
in a war.
.-The recent attempt to blow Up,
two of Her Majesty's steamboats, lying at
anchorin the Niagara river, at Chippewa,'
is attributed to Lot, the incendiary, who .
boasted to Gov. Seward of his attempts to
. produce mischief. The writer describes
the nefarious attempts' as follows: .
The machine consisted. of two caskir,
containing 150 pounds of powder ;.they
were each placed on a frame 'one hundred:
yards apart (but connected by'a rope) with
a leaden pipe and Jose therein inserted,
and thus towed . from Grand Island, and
sent drifting towards the vessel. One-Only
o f th e casks exploded, but, most fortunate=
lv, prematurely, being $OO yards short of
the maild otherwise, - every,soul - on board,
with the vessels, must have been destroy
ed.' .
It was .about 3 P. M. e Those on board
at first supposed the report was, that Of a
canilloli. The men were speedily mtister
ed, -and the machine was seen floating. A
boat with six men was lowered, and -whilst
proceeding to secure it; alfroni Grand
but without ~ injury. .• .. These
things, have•thsturbed the public mid and
the. canal andfrontier is now patrolled night
and day by the British troops. is, my
firm conviction, that unless a strong
detachment of U.' States troops forthwith•Bultalo and strong enough.and• suf.;
ficient to show , these gentry -that , the GeV- .
erninent'of the•United - StateS is determined
to pfeserVe peace, acti, of . th is . obaraetet
will be dette,_whielvoitiat have the effeacor
breaking up the'peace existing•betweettboth
. ,
Countries." .
In connection ivitlrAtese transactions,
comes:. the ;'.welt titned Proclamation. of
President Nyler; admoniShing all citizens
from particiAtion in any. of the sepret„
meetings or any-other. illegal transactions
tending to interriiptlllic 'harmony :which
exists between the two, countries..; 'Against
such .Ite shall 69 : rigoroitily.
executed. . •
. ,
.11 Proelainatio?z
_4/he President- of
ilte'U. Sidles of dme,:iect.
Whorea's it has coma to , the -Ittraylo'clge
of the ,Government of, the ihdted States
that sundry•seeret Lodges, 'Clubs or Associ
ations wag on the Northern Frontier; that
the. members of these ; Lodge's eke bound
together by Secret oaths;' - that . they It'aye and otker_materials' -and.
^.reted — thi ---741har
secreted — thenyn 'sundry places . ; Mik
is their purpose to violate , the laws, of
their country by malting-military and laW
less incursions, when opportuniq% Shall of
into -the Territeries.df . 'pow& ..with
which the United.Statesarent peace; and
whereas it is known . that 'travelling agita
tors, from both, sides of the line visit these
lodges, and_ harrangne the members in
secret meeting, stimulating them to' illegal
acts ; and • whereas •the sane perking are
known, to levy contributions on the . •igno - - .
'rant and credulous for their own benefit;
thus supporting and, enriching; . themselves
by the basest means;.and whereas the un- .
lawful intentions, of the members of .these,
Lodges have alrpady'heen manifested in an
,attempt-to destroy the:lives -and ,-- property
of the inhabitants of Chippewa, in Canada,
atid_the-public - p rope rty - e - the ritish - 0 ov
eminent there being : Now therefore, I,
John- Tyler, President, of • -the , United
States,. do-Issue this .My proclamation, ad
monishing all such evil minded persons of
the condign . uishment which is• certain to
over to
laws of .the-United be rigorous
. „
ly executed against their illegal' acts; and
thatif in anylawless incursion into Canada
they fall into' the hands of the British au"
thorities, they . will not be reclaimed its
American citizens, nor any interfereitee
Made by thrs GOvernment in their behalf.
And I exhort all well-meaning but Ulm!.
ed Tersons- who - may lidve joined these
bodges abandon them,•and
. have nothing more to do with their se-_
eret_ meetings, or ,unlaivful. oathsifas• they
tvonll.l void serious.conseqttenees to them
seive-5..• And T. expect- the ittelligetit\and
ell:fli fitiS e d -mem
t' ll 4l, tqltra FMK nOMAV
e*in tit ry7 , 4ini 1,4144 - in'sali cm-s--efn
eilicencos of • the' acts.of e violators.ol
under.niy hand; at the city of Wdsh
• ington; the twenty-fifth dey of Sep.-
• tenther, ALO.; one'Jiietsend eight
,[-L.,sjinind red-fan d'for.ty=ntiertinil ''rof ie
Indepelideitee..or:the United States
• thd sixty-fifth
1.3 y the. President: ,
DAICIEL WEIsTER; Se'eretary -of 'Slate.
MARRIED, • - •
--- On Thursday evening .0d inst, by Rev.
N. T. McGill, Lieut. Richard H. \Vest. of
the fist. Regiment U. S. Dragoons, .to Anna
E. Hays, daughter
. of - Mr. John Hays, of
Carlisle. •
DI ED..,
in this luirough ai,ll,ar"sidenee of - his, A. (4. Ege,' on Saturday
the 25.t1t' inst. ,' H.ta NicK Apicn ,
only son of Maj. John MeKalelrof Taney
tOwit Md., in the 37th year of his age.
.10 Ti C E.
The stibei having soli, his Mock of I) . ItCGS,
aco. ' iotemlsWig. up Ills business, nod would hereby
nolify 'how iodelituil .to will tuid sOttle their ticeounbi
lieforo tl“• lir,t of .11kno:iry no\ t„vbeo his boOks will
he left. with .1. It, foe tel
• A.. 1.. NC/Will.
S, pt. i.19,15•11.---1to"
Gicat Sale . of Woodland.
Will be soh) 011 Saturday the !Mil day of October
!text, at the public house of . Jacob .Trego, Di Alm
sou township, Cumberland county, about
PTA , 2000 legi%
-- • .Acres
W l Golltb AMIN
in lots or rrnin 50 to 100-acres. The land is situate
alon g the South mountain, adloiniog Cumberland
Purnacti lands on the west, Pine (rove hods an the
south, Holly lands on The east, tund lands of Emanuel
Lino, John Coover, Phillip- Spangler, George Bee.
tem mid others on the mirth. Übe :ime described
l au d is will coveted rust other
timber, :old would he well worth thc attention Or this
nfanners in the neighborhood. The 'conditions As . ill
liemoderate, indisputable title gds' n.
• A. G. EGE.,
Sept."D; It.---1l
Fol. Sale.
Tile slibsyriher • intending to remove' to thti west,
will dispose at public sale, on the premises, oil Sat
urday the dulls of ()ember next, at 10 o'clock, .t. M„
a tirstr rate farm or prime I.•t u d ; situate in South
townbitip r about MO iuilcs south of C:u lisle,
cons iuiu Illu acres of
• Pa 711N1'L.:1) L1..111.151'0.11'11 .11.4.217),
hid, is clearcioVol the t•esldue c o vere d
with thriving, young timber•.. flit improvements arc
a two story
STON.t.: Eao 1T.,: - 11% K 2 2i%,
and a DOUBLE LOG BARN', weatherhoarded.—'
Tien e is alsun thriving young' a choice
, 'het
The, Bonny Brook Spring risOini this farm a few
rods from the house, which ensures 'a Mn•er failing
supply of water to the !Muse, and Also tb the enure
from every field on the farm. ' •
The whole is under good fence ilild hi a high state
of cultivation. A. elear,und indisptinthle title will be
given; and the payments made tit suit-the purchaser.
Sept. - 6, 1911. •
Public Sale,
A:first rate Farm of 'Limestone
. .
- - Landwell - improycd;. ..
'.. 1 will expose to Public Sale, oil ,Staurriag etti flit 4
(i 0.4 of October, 1341, at' 10 o'clock; A. NI., on We'
premises, in Silver Spring towaship, Clunberland
county 7 ,4llat beautiful
. • -•,' li II IILKST T 110741. ' • -
which' lies oil bOth sites or the turnpils/e rand leading
11;ont Harrisburg to Carlisle, about One mile west of
floguestown, containing about . ' / l • . '
• . .: • •147 ACRES. .- '
or fifisf rate Lintehtoile imid; ndjuiuing loads of Wm.,
Adll6ms;John Rillehnno;peorupyorney's hoiPs nod
I,Vro..lrvinO., • ''''' Lik&illuot; con
sistilig of a hinge t,tto stoyy,' - ' .• • .
STONg - HOUSE, -, ' •
antl i a two toy Plenteted Tenana About: wci
acas of the load are eledrctl ancUl nailer gnodpostand
rail face, the 'residue covered with fine thpb c i..,—
'her,e is, an orchard on thelant4 and a well of water
that never Nile.. ie one of the inkst desirable fa nos
In the county. An indisputnblu title wilihe &vent!)
the purchaser. Terme 'made. . known the: day of
sale by '
Ag . c4 for tile boyitieOs'of Matthew-Irvine; dro'd.
Solt, , . - • :
l)tr Laneaster Estintioirr.nad York Iteptshlian,la
sert till day of salp, nod• forward bills:to this Offfse for
collection,. : - , :
nearly new, Wagon Shed, Corn cribii, Craurtry,. and
Carriage - house, a well and pump near thedOor, and
•an excellent apple Orchim), with 'other fruit. trees.
Also,A Tenant house,
Stable and Work shop; one
of the' Public-School Holmes is built on tbit' tract.
Alma '260 jecres are clear/Amid in a high state of
cultivation i the remainder is covered with thriving,
young timber. - , • .' . .
1---The,7o.acres.lving-mi-ihe-tiorth'--side -of -the-rail
, road will he sold separately or. together with 'that
lying 011 the souilt side as the. purchasers may wish.
The land isc,,patented and the title indisputable,
Possession will be . girgli on theist of April. 1842.
Anc person W1141ill"' to. view the. property-, will call
on .facolel.ehnian r on the prenaises, or John AleKee
e ban adjoiding, or on the subscriber in Carlisle. '
L-- ---Porturto-P,rroly-tri
The subscriber will sell positively and without
reserve or ad jouramebt by Public Auction at: the
late residence of „l\lr. Joseph Hays, dec'd; otte half
mile west :or Carlisle, on Saturday the Vdal till . ). of
Obtober 1841., thelidlo wing property,4o wit:
The protierty on which the late Mr. Joseph !lays
resided, one hall mile west of 'Carlisle, containing
10 Acres, 72 Perches
The improvements on lII'S/land are
• TNir_o Houses,•
a Batla a!al vating*cliard a n d a gclottwell oElyalci
• Lan3 1 ) .
4 ,. 11
011-- •
Als'n- , 411nt white Vrame :House. And
half lot of ground, situate in "street ui the
librougli of Carliple, adjoining 01( of-Joloi
1.14 a toil G'corge Brown, captainin g. 30 feet Trout (.otet:pt the - jivikge of' ,ti!fuut.- fi.ot . Iriiey;
Jo Owtiliduijig._prDpi•rt.)...4.ll4l..j2.-10.-let!Vback-,--witli
-01...-a 10 rout alley ronoing to 0711111 , 11
The terms of sale will be one-fuurth of the pur.
chase motley to he paid im thetst or April next,ato
tbe.i.esidtiq in three regular annual payments, with.
out interest; to he - seemeil - by Mortgage and Judg ,
.meat Bonds. •
first des
'ossession .con ie given to tis
property-iturnerliately•after the-sale: -
The subscriber will sell_ either of the above prof
erties at priVate sale previous to the flay of Sale.
.I OLIN HAYS, Executor.
Carlisle, Sept. 1841.—ts. •
. • •
Allpe'rsOos indebted to tbQ late firm of IIAnNITZ
Es: PEPJ'Ini, - are rCiluesteirto call noil-settiellieiraw
'counts on or before tlie 20th or October next, us after
that time they will be left in the bantls of a Justice
roi• collection.
Carlisle Sept. 2S. 131. • '
Andrew frielnirds
Itos just returned from tbe city, and is now °pet
ing a new and splendid assortment or
,11 and VVinter Goods,
which he olli n •s on reasonable terms.
Carlisle,,Sept. 'L'9, 1811.
The Subscriber
just opened nu,u- mut Inuul
mote it ssoturnent of
Fall and Winter Goods
eons'slin g o - rsiii)er black, blue black and other Cloths,
Cassintere Saltinetts, nets Style: Vcstings,a variety
or Nloose de Lanes, second - nionenilig and black'
ditto Thihvt eldth,.Welsh Flannels, Rogers ditto
for !arling, Chives, liosicey . , Edgings, Laces, coin
beies, Oil Cloths, Artificials, Ribbons, Merino Shirts
and D r awers. . •
Also Moos, Woolens' and , Childrens'
-Leather & Morocco Shoos & Bouts.
gifeengiref re a;i' Groceries„
VPIC ; with a gvcae. variety of other goods,
of•whiell he oilt sell at a stoalj profit to suit the
Thies. Don't forget to call go
Owlish. Sept. '.29 1811,—b•
Orplia ns'. Court Sale. •.
n .v. virtue of :nt order. of the Orphans' Court o
.) Cumberland tmmy/ will hi! sold by hue sub
Iry Public lendupono the pretniseSoon i
thy the I.sth day of October inAt ? the follow log. Pen, ,
estate, the property of Ithrtin be.
• •
• Two .unchvnied sixth parts o'
nu that Phintni ion or Tract or Laud, sitlede in 31Ion
roe township in said Goulds; bounth.4l by lands of
Robert Cook's heirs. Joseph . Brandt, Jtigeph Latshaw
and others, containing - •
more Or which oiont. ‘.?.0 curl's Zlre good
hind, and the residue cleared, nailer milomoitial
lenecs a n d iu exeelleht cultivation. This 1:11411 bounds
air the Yellow flreeelics creek, mid has a large yam
lily or Imeitst timber growing oil
1110 81110 8111 take plare On the same flay lhal the
11(1 . 11.1illitiiratOrS Or Alartiii Brandt, jr,, sell , the ills
of sa id Nr ar it,, w hi c h adjoin Ibis property, Mal the
other lima heirs of said ,Nlartitt will at the same (iliac
sell their li t teuests in the above vlanta n tion, so that the
imehaser Can procure a good title to gie whole
' 11111MTE
The SithOribers offer al private vale a first i rate
late the property of J. Neal, l'asq. dce'd., situate in
Dia:hwn township, Cmitherlaind .countv, bounded
by latids of Andrew Carothers, John 'AVondburn,
Samna, Boston, and Others, Containing
0: - , •
• . -, X4O :Acres- : • '
more'or.less—about twn.thirde of whiiih ii 61m:0,
and in excellent' anitlyation and under good fence,
the remaining third is, fine timberland.. The im
ptrements thereon are a large,.
.T W 0 tory .Dwell mg -
"1 0 1 .1 ral , ; ,
n larbniAg Iv
e MUCK.' ll.A.ltN r Wagoo SliedondAteerold-'
and n'e : ll'ot Food' water, '• '
...There mon We' premISCBW 6"0011'
PLE ORCH Mar; and ether:fruit trees '
also a.- WO' 'POOL. or water .that lots •v i .';"/ •
statcely ever been known to opy. , . •
If the above property is not sold before • . -
SA:TETUAN, tlie,otl of 001°400, other 'notice will
then bekiyen of ItS disposal.;. 'Die, terms
be-made l6o'ol
1.i0B'r:;81.1.1:111Q13S; : '
.11i; • ; -
• "Y., 8..%ny informs Boo', vapour.; itg the property
can he itad'hrlße..Fiekes, on the pi.etuiee, of Wm..
NI; 'B&W!, Baq. ,of CM •of Serene': Boyd;
One 0.1 the owners) near Colurah_la,l....:rumMder- gum-.
t , :,..8430;15,10!..,-..Gt.'
, 0.. ',l2lc.v.ti oli:tati
allst ,rate Farm., at
• Public Sale.
• - The subscriber lyill expose to Public Sale on
Thisrgday the. esti' Of October next, thelollowing
valuable - - - .
. .
situate in West Poinisborough township; _Cumber
land county, lying op,both .sides of the Cumberland
‘•alley mil road, 9, mike "ivost of Carlisle, and two
cast of Newville•, codtainink
. -
2' 7 0 Acrps
more or less,lllollOded by laujs • of John MeiCeohnn;
John Myers, AVillitim. Leh nn
rid nn nod. . About
0.00 neres lies on the soul side of tine u l road', to
gether Nv:ith . the folloiving improvements; Viz
A Two .stoiry •.tlitotte ii[onsie &
kitchen /
Large rraine & Ltig Para/
Carlisle, Sept; 29,--1841:—ts. - -
Essinincv, publish 3 limes !
Vain:11101c Propilrty • ;
a I V - 1. - 1 MILLI-J-3Q
MORE. Pif.E.W GOOD -b.
150 Acres,
Cu:lll4m allenry Bram!! and.
Sarah Ann Brandt. .
On WaincEsnAir Sept.. 2901, I will 8(l at auction
to thellighest bidder, a quantity of
. • „
HIYHSCIIOId :kitchen Furt,ure,
ai house in East High street ' Said trniture
consists in part of , • .
steads, CarOets, Dining & Tea -
. Setts,.. and a• variety of .
China and Glass ware. •
complete—nearly new,dnd a gnantity of cooking , and
kitchen utensils. •
• Also-r All the Hickory wood,, cut and ready for
like, now in the cellar br said house.
Terms of sale—On all sums under $l5 cash, oil
'all over that artiount a credit of three months on sat
isfactory security.
Sctit..‘,2tz, 1 hi
On - Thursday the 7111 .of October at-10--o'clock,
will be solthitthe residence of O. l'enrose, the
following , r, . •• , .
. • ,
&i itched
rOttltilrH; OF
Inahngany,..SidebOard. •
Do, • Sofas ;
• Do. and Windsor Chairs,
Do: • •
Po.. ;Dining do.
• Do. treakfast'do. •
j .. ; Do. CentrO• .
Parlour, Charnbet.. and Stair
• 0.11.,MPZT5,.„ '• •
Chitin f Croil..Tv; Looking-(aasses,parlor
Stovits and iiiiirbils ; .ol;iniber Ftwiti
turerCh;asotii Frairkliti, cookipv, and ?the'. •
. • 'S TO VE S. •
CAIU2.I,IGE for one or rivo iitii!ges. (MI, Cloth
for 1411. .
. . .
TERMS a• S. ti simiFini s itleiTirciity 1 /01.
larp, etph, on all _overilmt amount, c•redituf two
and four months, to r sippro voi end prsea uoteN,
detive,y. -
',ltagerafe.: [...ov.mtciwiri,Twf2v
tl. 11 ivon ShippeislmgOl'Fr
trie lst day 'of Oetoli6r ii( it, ik
completely equipped tin-drill iiittummur deem
ISy_grder of trio Col:
'3OiiN.R. RCLSO,
,Sept. 33. 1841.,
AttentiOil! 7 •
„TUG SP!? LAW .i/D.93/./LV7/..1'7P, ET7 R s
yo 6 are ordered to - parade iii the boi:ongli of Ski it?
pialabnrg on Friday 1 - 4e...l'st day of OetolaT, and tn -
Springfield on I:nyadity the 10th of Otttsiber,:ptiecise
ly at 10 o'aloal:,conTletely equipped
drill: . -
Y order rif Orphans' Court of Connibeeland
Jr comity, the subscribe' will expomno — Pahlre
sale, nn the preMises. on 'cline:o:ly the .‘2. l tlf (lay
of October oext, al o' ick, A. M. the, follo - wing
ilescrilieTreaL-eqtate- o-Wit-:-
- A Tract o Nut Limestone and
Slate land, 'situate in North Middleton township,
Cumberland county,'hontided by-the Comulogninef
creek , lands of A Imaham La uffierton, Zeigler's heirs
and offices, containing
239 acres anet.2l Perches,
stri c t m9sure," baring- thereon erected a two story
M -
A. new Franie & Stable, &c.
'Chore is a never failing spring of water on the
premises, and a good well of water with a pump.—
About 80 aerea of thjs film a r c covered with young
thriviM; timber.
Tt:1131:5 —TWO hundred, 11011:11'S of the purehase
'nonce to be paid on the confirmation of the . sale,
and the halance equal instalments:to
One third thereof to he paid on the Ist of April,
„184‘2 when possession of. said property will he given;
one-tliird thereof oh (lie Ist of April 1.843, and One
third thereof on the Ist of April 1844. The 'tvliole
to be Secured by ree.)guizatices in the Orphans' Court
with approved security. The fall grain that shall be
growing nit the prenoses at the thin. of sale to•go - to
The pureliaser,extiepting the•sliare of the tenant which
is expressly reserved to hint. . No part of the
crop now growing on the laud is to go to the purchaser.
. JOSEPH :AMON], jr,
• •• Atlin'r. of Jos. Sh vont, sr, deed.
Carlishi, Sept L 3, Is4'l.—ts.
In the. Court of .C,oinnion . Ple"as of
• • - Ctiinberland county.
9th Angnst, 1841: Upon the petition of Jaen!)
Sough, one of the ssigneess of David Mean ' the
court to -ant rule to show eause why he should not
he dismissed front the trust conftled to him tinder
voltintary Deed' of Asskoonem to he mooed at next
November term, of n bleb all persons interestcd will
take notice. ' ' By the Como,•
s: m. umulls
Ul.O. S.kNDEILSON, 1. 3 m1.10,y
Sept. '22;1341.-r-3i-
In the Court of CollthlQll Pleas of
Cumberlathl county.' • •
I'2lll August, I 8.11: Upon the petition or; William
Mean, one 'of the hssigtiees of . I).tvi4l 111v.:11, the,
collet graatii role to she w eallkit why he should t
he discharged rrom the trust eiollideil to him millet'.
voluntaCy Deed of A ss'iglintent, to he argued at
next IS:member tcrio, of•which all persons autcrested
leaf take notice: -Ile the Goort,•
CEO: iiNNI)EIISON, Vrotla'y:
Sept. '22, 184.1.-;-31
..Estate of Pr. A. P. ~1;i1:11; deed.
LErvEns TestUrnentary on the last Wiltnulid
'rest uncut' of Dr. A. I'. Linn, late of tiie
borough of Shippensburg,, decAl., hare been. issued
in due lorm of law to tlut; subscriber", .11t1T.TeE, is
hereby given .to all 'persons haVing rTaiuis agithist
said draw . , to present anon An'opt:rlv autlkiiticated
.seqlement,loul -all ifet;s'onsintiChfctl at•e repuist
ed to take payment-to tho subscribers. •
'ROBERT COGII it AN, Sili PP e " sh 'g'.
' . ...JOHN • BOUVIER, rliilatielphia. 1:
September, it4l.-6w. Executors.
Au. per Sous ladchtea to lbe subarribel.
'quested to call immediately :lad settle th
speetlve, accounts, 'as after the Ist of Octobei
the books will be. phieed' in 'the hands, of Ni
EAq.'foP, collection.
Sept. p 2, 184t.-3t:* '
.' OefiWats' . C.Ourt Sltle.''' : ...
t•glitiEABLY to a decree of the Ortilniniiveotirt
• /IL of e 1 county, I will expose to sale by
,Ptiblie velidue, on theyreiniseii, on the first day or
. .I)"ovember.,nart, at 2 o'clock P. AL, all that lot of
grOiliiil; — .Siltiatif - in: Ateelianicsborg, Ctilidirilitnif
tinindv,l known as. Lots No. 53, 54, 55 and 56 and
boittiired by y,b'ecly and others..
. ‘.! ,:' .' ~. , • DANIEL ,C9IIEL. 'T
:,Seriteniber; 150 i, 1-84;1,
, _.- ~., . ~..,
• ; —., • ...4‘ or's t)tice.....s;
. . . .
,rpila.substtritiOr witp4 . was ppufitt6tl -by.
the Ontirt-sf timninn
'county; toriirdti;distributitin
iam-11:1%.1illigult,pf the. assets in !Tic Sontt
•Coylei'Atexatpilor-Iti ICeri hot Jain!) Myers;
. his
trustees; initt - er!ti' Dottlestid - AttitchmUut, will •Mtemi
to the dutieshik,nottnittftnent nt . his office in . Cat'..
liste, ; (nt •:11.6tulttyr tad; dnygf, pit:ober:OW, 10101
and where tlie'saidlCiediencs triny maltu'protchttiticli
. - :5*.D l - 1 /O"k I4 :I L P.IV#
CurliDie Sept.:'l`s
riii•itittn;e: at - judion.
B'et)•lt2Ltt9•c'ai ✓ltecliOat.
-taemava 6311WciTLIa/L14..
TlE'subsoriber;resnectfully inforins'the citizens
Of 'Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin and other
neighboring counties, that he has now pn •hand
large stock of timber .of the very best quality, both
oak and pine; and isirepared to 'furnish any quanti
ty of lumber for buildings hod nuichinery, on the
• I • •
tiler e• k!
‘ The, folloWing the price forstuiriiT
- ' i • .-
' -At the ilia!, per tjottsand feet_ . .$(100
luraber will he delivered, is requested, at the
canal and rail red dt , 'pots, so that it can be transport
ed iit nnyrdieeetion vittJ, great eeovenienee:• ,
, 11. KEPNEM.
thrrisburg S team Mir ,?;d t
September 22, Int.. S.,
. S- teriff's Sale,:. , - ...
BY virtue 'a writ of Irenditioni••Exponas,fo me
o (lii , etitett, sued out of the' Cour t o f 7 Comi upp
Pleas WTl:it:be dand county,yrill be inpobetl to put l .-
lie sale , at the ,p blie house of John Itiluieli, inAlsb
borough of siiii emshurg, on 'Ye:ln:is:lay the 13th
day of October, I 8 Id, nt 10 o'tilock, A. M. of said
dnyi - the followifig (leseribed real estate, viz: .
A certain [louse and. lAA of.; Ground
situate in the borough of frillippensborp, , , GumbOrlao,
county . ; coatainifm about. holy Tub. acre, ionic pr tesiv,
lowing thereon elTeled 11 0110 S!.ooy Log :noose, and
n'innnber or 'choice fruit .fifes,, bounded 'northlnil
west Ili lands tilli'llOrnas Deliart, 'Wiling . ' by . ink .91 ey
1'001111.4 east and' wrist, add east by eon:mons belong
ing to said borough. • .
• - Seized stud taken in execution as the property of
And ti: be sold by me,
. .. .PAUL MARTJN, Sherif': • '
.' Sherift?s _Office,. 2_ ..
" CArlisle, Sept. f.1‘.." , , 18-11 S •• ..
. .
77wt distressing disease' " - Consiimp.
lion" cured a! lasl-NortiaelterlgN
,No deceptionrn . •
- Triiliatip;sl4,'St;:pt. 4,1841.
To given nie &cal
pleasure to say, I !ma (omitl muck t clief,lrom ytitir
Ilalsam,that I have la send to Elm fOr nutty,' Planvp___
Only nspl Owen bottles out of triliitlrilozeli - r-I pur
A iiC.V.% VAgg
111.A...1 . ...401t1C.E;C_ - IV.) 0 Lj.i. 410: I is fit . late
a rey tylo slw believiul 'it mito
ti emury thin, flea luoi. Saved lwr lieinitl trt- '
- tiVeyneyltling'helore, but mulling- did lien any good, , .
and niwil nt.. COM Melivcil mi . ;.ing it was "sick in bed,'
biu is now' up and looLs laitt-r than.] evi-r, saw her
fiefore. ;Ns.. rot. myself:l 100 801 . 0 it-will cure me------
.entiri•ly-,-for.4-feei-better — evni7 - ilayt --- Siaill me — di --
bottles more . bearer, as my neigftlunr .
• -Your sincere Friend,
• • S 1 NTUF - 1 C OLES.
The gennini Tialsam snidio
SAi I Uli'L
Price One Do a Bottle.
Orpktans 7 Court Sa e.
Rv v . irtt . ij of au Or(bw of the * Orphans': court 0
Cboiliertibol c(init% T- s will lie sold 'oil the premises by
public Cenilne, on Friday the fifteenth (lay of October
next-at-1•l-O'clock tomb of.thitt. ilayo be following . nall
the propel"ty. Nlailin liracilt,J . r.,
\10..)6 toblishiji etonberliiiid county deed,
. All that Mill - tract of I.4anttslttf
ate on the Yellow Breeches criltk, in,Atiniroe towv :
ship, bounded by lands or Joseph 11..7itshaw, Adam,
Branch . , Christian 12iner, and Branilt's heirs, and
10 Acres and-23` Perches
. .
sliiet measure. ilic itafirol . vinentsat;. l :l •
Chiller :ind Chopping' 1T ill
A .0 1 A. 74. TalEat /ilia
te l ,
4 Two Sioi . w'Dwenitt:g
. 1' ii - t p i; 6 110 US E, ''
..,0 ,: 44 ,1, , , , , z 9
&,,,,„.*- '''s a largt• doelb . lo,oo 13 A UN, a
Two Story Tom n t 1-I.oin'e 3
Stahle otul several «they out There iR
1111 01 . 011114 i 111 . 1 . 111,11 . 1 fn u t on the premises, and's'
well of excellent 'trater at die t door , of . t. , ach house.
Elie water power is very strong and is surpitssetrby
none Oil Oil . lhl ,Vellow Ilrtleclies creek bring much
more thnn 'sufficient foe the tnills now on the property.
It is situated on the'road ICilllhtg from‘York to
lisle, where thittsirm; crosses khe' creek.
Also: A. Tract of NI on otairi land
nearly adjoinimi, , the alio% e mentioned mill tract, Plan
ate iii Monroe township, bounded . by lands of Mane
Ilvandt am) others, mid sontainiug
42 Acres and 32 Perches
and allowance. Thisland is well covered with Cheri:
nut, l'ine.atul Oak timber. • •
The kilns of sale Will be node known On the ti4l
thereof by
. .
a.‘con crrotT,
Ad io'rs 3rartio
SeptytnlitT 18:11.—ts.
Sheriff's Sales.
IrDF virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas,
to me directed, isalloll OIIt of thee:Hart of Coin-
Mott l'lras of Cumberland 'county, will be exposed.,
16 public sale ,tit the,Court I louse in the
.borough of •
Carlisle, on Saturday. the '23d day of October, 1141,
at 10 o'clock, A. 11., the following described real!)
estate, viz: -
A' lira.' et of . Siittate itts'
liiliiin township, Cumberland count ' couUliililig
153 :tyres more or. less, (called tlue I)utblin 'Gni)
Sprin g s lu tuuuprridy acres of cleared land, and the
halanbe gtUal timber land, nitioining lands of John
ftirper; I letke'S the ohs of Wood=
burn,dee'd., having thi2rron erected a large two story
hug and framit hobSe; and , log 10'0. Sejte4 WO •
taken in execution as the uroperty of
Also-- Ail the interestof Gtoig6 - .
Trhaiii . ,loeht f i the 'one-Illth part in 4.. tract pilaw, •
situate in'tlae, tut . rito'll3t of Silver, Sprung
166 acres more it*'S bdinded liy thblOrth Atonn
t:iiii but the North, - Colman on the East, Xdatir
Kunkle•on.the 'south, and Jblitt Fought on the Npsti
about eighty malts are cleared„having thereon erect- -
Tit n logimuse and an old log barn. Seized a n d taken
in 'At:tuition - as the property of Ceorge Trimble. •
Also---A..Tract of I";.and situate
in the township of North CtifidArlenit
• Indy, conthining 100 nem htoro of less, heitudell
by lands of :larch IVencer, Willintn
path! Welland ethers, having thereon erected w two
story. home, log kitchen, and a large stone and;.,
rruino nava. - Set:led aunt taken in execution nithe •
property of. Jentiinit Sanderson. •
Also-- . -A Lot or Grew' d situate. Iff
ton usbip 'al Soutliampurn; Le CI•ol(s, Ito' 44, iotp:
tnipiag tiny- theeoWect in Itt halt , told ItiViFit.
reef in deptiv,_ &ore .or less ? artjoiningfith Whlitit£
Bottom road on thirtiortit, um Alley onthe, Soittlt, and •
hinds of iltiata ittaiwcl) on the. east and west,
'having thereon e'ii , efed double two story friue,
and log 11..canZe, prastered, and tt log ,Stable.
A I 50,4,16t-prground : eilitt : lowmilfiNs:f
thijninitti the Whtnitt linikont read iiii-Ati`e' , scintli,
silky on Ate: hOrth, Adam : nee-Set on the'Jesist.,': and'
Lees' cross roads on the West,Llotring theeenteereete&
a dent& ; story lag tied livime, Ilohie'mia a •
ton milker shop:. Seized' hot" faketi in. 6iiettilotritt•
the proper y of DavidCiever...; . •
Aidd••;—A br 13Pound;
borough of Carlisle, Clunherland cetinty, - tenthinlitir
sixty feet in hreattili, and tWo ttkindOd itad`4l4tir fkkik ;
iti•iie.,, Woe' or lesS; - utijoinitArttlattir.Apbtii,Mr.. ,
et.' on , the - South, Henry Jl)otigti , ',Biti:
lianovcr sWeetott - theiweiV, tool the ; lietri.;4f
Nent:ini the. east, to ittrain ei , 4l,ed a liiNk!v,W!
story • ;ante House; tottt:!frinne' Stehle.
taken •eiectition as the prioperts. , '.6l jettin
soldireinc;,- „, •
".TU• liXtrI111(.