veto IlleSSar' denririk'S . -with approbation,. and wbielt trßof papyrspeedi,:ally s - by rcti;rnce to the dealings in the ex changes '.,of the Baok.or tl‘e United States in 1333, which the iPresident . affirms "a; • mounted to upwards Of one hundred mil;. • lions of dollars'" Yet this plan, wheta it , was sUbmitteU to hifit,7. 7 :ANobjecte(l to on a new.groond.-. Th.; last veto had 'narrow ed -the question of aDank doWn to the ba .• • • •sis lir , the Sub-Treasury Isclieifie, awl it, is • obViUtig from then,inl oos - that ine.:Nage, 'that' the country . is not to'expeet any thing.. belterthan the exploded. Sob-'Treasury', ur some measure of the same.character,-from Mr. Tyler: - , • • . • !In the midst of all. these' Varieties of opi. 'Man, an impenetrable mystery "seemed to . 'hang overthe whole question, There was ito-sUch frank ;interchange" of sentiment es . ought to:characterize the iuterco rse of a 'President and'his'friends, and the - last Per ironSlin,the GovernMent adio oultdseem`; to have been entrusted wi h 1 's cant - lance t "-on those ,etobarraSsing 1( es,' were the .constitutional advisers wi the la irs had provided-for him. • - • - In this review 'oft position'-into which . . the late- events hayet trowirtlie Whig party,l 'it is withprofotpul sorrow- we look-to -thel . • (Murree pursued by the 'President. Ile has . ; -wrested from: us one of the best fruits, of . it long and • painful struggle and the consent- t • • .mation of -a gloriOurr. victor.* ;he has 61 , 00 -perhaps 'thrown . us once more upon., the field of political st.rife; not weakenCtl. in • • •numbers, nor_suorn_nt the support, or_tne._ country;but snipped of tire arms which success had placed in of hamls, and left again to rely upon that high potrimisin which ., for twelve years sustained us in a - conflict of Unequalled asperity, aml which finally brought Us•to the futtilmvntorthose brilliant hopes Whichi he Ltas bone so Much • • to destroy.-,. In this •state of things, the Whigs will . naturally look With 'anxiety to'ilie . futitr,- and inquire what are the actual relatto between the into ad h n those wo. .____......brought-him into power; at,ul what, in the opinion of theirfriends in Qougress, should -• • be their . coarse _ Of these questions ttieleel it •to be our dniy to a roa9 you 'I L : 11(T , (d. •-saulo,. AI , - • liVie(racTio-dte-first ice-arc-coast, ainvW =u:r:'lcl gay - that, thei-P - residetti •liv, the •cOurse lie ~.has adoptell in - reSpeet•to•the aptai,,,niin, or the .veto.. poWer •to two - S I/ ceeFsi ye bank ,- • . - ; charters each,iirwhieVilie - re (vas just•rea • , son lb believe _would. M'ect-leis-approbation; • .by hisLwitbdrairal cotidonce-from-Atis• ~ real friends in Congress - and from themeni-- .bers "of his Cabinet; by Jii:sbe , towal of it • upon others eowitiistanding Lt oir te4orious opppytion of - t is ad . ministration, has.voltonarily seporiqed,bint • self from ,those- - by _exertiots__aed he was elevate,: to that - office -through which he-reached his ,present cx • , alted station. The..existen . ce rif this• . imaL. - relatn is as extraordinary as the-an . -nunciation of it is painful and mortifying, Whatorethe consequences:m(l ((mks wttich .grow out of it.? • The first consequence:is thnt those :who 'brought the President into,.oower ,enp- Iv or matneo tee atonnus .. tration or the ExecutiVelw.ineh of the Coy; eminent ; and 'that the President and , •his. advisees should be exclusively- hereafter deemed accountable. But, as by, the joint acts of Providence and:the- people ,he 6- constitutionally -invested with the powers ,of Chief Magistrate, whilst he. remains in office he should be -treated• with perfect re . spect 'by all. And it will be . the duty of the Whigs, in and out of Congress, to give to his official acts and measures - fair and full ..consideration, approving them and co-•oper- - ating in tat - 64 support where they can, and dilTering from-and opposing any of diem only from a high' sense of public duty. The mere iMportant•question remains to . t 'be touched. • What ought tO-tre the .future !line, of condne(of the :Whig -party - in the extraordinary emergency 'Which now ex ists ? They came into accomplish great and patriotic objects. By the zeal -and perseveraftee of -the majorities in Con gress, some-of the most important of these , objects have been carried at the extra ses -• e'ion. Others yet remain to be .effected; .• The conduct of the President has OecaSion • • ed bitter mortification and deep reg ret.— Shall the party therefore, yielding to 'senti • ments of despair abandon - its duty, and sub- 10 to defeat and disgrace.? ' • • Ear from sn (Tering such dishoneiable con -2.,•,:----tettiien6es, the very disappointment which it has unfortunately experienced should • serve Only to redouble its exertion, and to inspire:lt - with fresh courage to persevere with a spirit uithubdued and a 'resolution un •shaken, until flip prosperity of the country re,established, and its liberties firm . dy-secured against all danger 'frogs the abu - tses, encroachment / or usurpations of. the Executive departMent of the Covernment.l .At the-bend of the duties which- remail tor the Whigs to perform - to•wards . , their country stands conspicuously and pre - cm - ; inently above all others. First. A`-;deduction of the Executive power, by : a -farther limitation Of-the Veto, so as ; to secure obedience to the public will, '. - as that shell be expressed by the•immcdiate Representatives of the People•and the States, with no other control than that wiri6 is in ,4ispensihleto avert hasty or unconstitution-- al legislation. •• By the adoption ff a single term +for the • incumbent of the Presidential.ofEee _ By a separation of the Purse . from: the Sword, and with-that view to place the'ap pointment of the ['lead , of the Treasury in '3ongress.; and :By subjecting the -power •ortlismissal from office to just restrictions, so os to rett7. the 'Presideneptenahle for its 'exerpiee. „, • Second. The eStablishinpittity ' Gun gross of a fiscal agent,, , coinpetentiOrtirtteT; safely keep - ; and disburse. the public mon- . ftw;• to 'restore thettirrefiOy pi:1810 equalize ihe,exchanges of the country ; and • The introduction of econotiiiin • idniinistration'efAhp - GOverninent and the discontinuance 'of all sinecures anti titte leas WHOA. _ . . ''icethe - effictuation-of theses objects ought , . . . . the exQrtionsof. the Whigs heretiftsr to be , directed. Whose. only should be ~c lin.sen , members of Uo gress who are willing cor , tlially to co ate in the litnent ; t of them. Insteo4 of. striking our flag, let it be reared still higher, with a firmer hand bearinguitow•its 'fithis:in conspicuous Jo tters: • '• The Will of ,the Nation! uncontrolled by 'the 11.13 N; one PrPsiden term„ a frugal Government, and no Sub "Treasury ; open or covert, in sub-; -stance or , iiifact, no . Gonernment Bank, obut ara instiiution.cupable Qf guarding,the People's Treasury andadMinisteiing to• :Wm people's wants." '• • • • around that banner,:let apz . peal Co that : People whose patriotic r'exer ,, dons led' to victory in the late glOriOus I•struggle. • Let us invoke :the actionlifthe Logitilati,rovonnells of the SovJteign States of , this;UMOM justructed hy - their itrne•- (hate . constituents,. let them ascertain and express the•Ohlic will in relation to these great •questions; and especially let them, within their res pective constitutional sphere exert. theta telves .to give effect. . Anim; t4tse•..principles, and guided by ProVidenste,itefeailis:ittipossible,and-tri-,- nmphant. 4t.tess inevitable. We ma con fi dentially' hope thafvost Un bers'of en r fellow ,eiti7,enS, who' have been hitherto separated from us, will unite with us tfmkr .such a glorious standard, antl•that major ities in both Houses oteongress sufficient ly larre may be .seettreiLto4tarry_tmY-in ea ure demanded by the welfare of the nation, in•spite of the interposition .of.•the power with which any one Man may hare been accidedially inx.esied. Disappointed in that, if-such hope•shouhl be our lot, there will remain the hope of an amendment of the Constitution, curtailing the EXecutive power,. And...irtht-afshottlii fail, we have only to :Tent: to the, noble example tifour ancestors, to_recolleet the duty we olive to ourselves. and posterity, and to betty . With - manly fortiMde shires: years - longer' the sec erings i m tote: ctiring,the lastAAiPelve years . liy thl tmd-aditiiitistrati(m of the Exe'etitiye :deP"illtNtit (Ole _UuKertinte.nt.:-...1V.e-sh:'tll Toye !tie - I , onsolation 'of teflee.ting, . ' 41 ?...41.1P0i.) tiiie.ifl.Ao44;sitletrt-44*.prpr.emt: of"irthWt,iralrii , fitt;ll•:o-011-. 4 rfs - s - rs - ,.(7 . rzypf't -iies . l:7s7iTiTll4::.qorigress t ('f'• .1 te ' f mojoy ues- the might have the ,poiver 16 : tn)pose. • J. ATAQPJFERSON 13F,R13..1EN., • I'. TAI - LiVIA , Dic-;r; - • 1.1-.-S.VTII I II-,. • - . • • Voinniitte of the- smite. 1 •.„ - KE&NEDS7, S..MNSON; .• " . . IfOItRA.C'ETVE ; ItEII7 " U. CLARK, • - - Committee of - the Homey' Ihresentptires. THEIX.'I"I'ERS of IW§ICINAtIO,N. WASHING-I'i*, Sein. 41,_1841. Sin :---,,airtittinstances• have' occurred i-n the course of . yonr Administration, and chiefly in flip exercise by you of-the veto as a mem hcr of your cabinet be neither agreea ble to you, useful 'to the country, nor ho norable to myself. Do me the Justice, Mr. President, to lie lieVe that this conclusion has been adopted neither , capriciously, nor- in any spirit of party fuelling or personal hostility, but from a 'sense of duty, which, Mistaken thoogif it may he, is . yet so sincerely entertained, that I cheerfully .sacrifice to it the adran tmies and distinctions' of 'office. Be .pleased, therefore, to accept this -as my resignation of the - . Wilco of .Atturney General : iti :the 'United*States. Wry respectfully., yours, &e., • J. J. CRITTENDEN. 'J'ne NESIDENT. : • TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Svoternbrr 11, 1841. SIR ':—After•the most calm and careful consideration., and viewing the subjectin all the aspects 11 if presents itself to my mind, I have come to , the•conclusion that I, ought no longer to-remain a member a your eabinet. I therefore rtsign the, : office of Secretary if the Treasury,,and egilm,t o accept this as my letter ofTesignation." • To a-void misunderstanding, I distinctly declare, that I do not consider a difference of opinion - a)§ to the charter of a National Bank, a supicieut reason for „dissolving the ties whiclohave existed between us. TIM' I look' upon that 'measure as one of vast im portance to the prosperity , of the country, and though I should have deeply depl'ored your inability or unwillinumesi to accord it to the Wishes of the peel& and the states, so unequivocally expressed through 'their Representatives, still, upon this and this alone, unconnected with other controlling circumstance's, I should mot 'havelfelt bound to resign , the place l urlach I hold in your Atlmliustration. - tot those 'controlling cir= cumstancea do exist, and I will, in mpown justification, place them in connexion be fore You. It' is but just to you to say, that•the:bill which first passed the two Houses of Con: gress, and which was returned ivith, your objections on the 16th of August,- did ne* ver; in its progress, as far as 1-knoti or be lieve, receive at any time either your ex press or implied assent. 'So far as that bill Was linown-to'me, or as-I was Consulted upon it, I endeavored to bring its provisions as nearly. as possible in' accordance with what I understood to be your views, and rather hoped than. expected your approval. I hnew the extent to which you weresom:- milted on the .qtrsgtion... I knew, the. per tinacity with; which you adhered to' yOUr expressed opinions, and-I dreaded from the first the most, disastrous conaeguences, w the project' Of - compromise, which I presented - A an early 63:7, was rejected: =lt-is equally a;matter - ofjOstieb - te you and te.mYself, -to say that the bill which I re ported to the two lipllses' of 'Congress at the commencement of the session, in oho -disnce to their sill, Was'inedified So' as to meet yqur approbation:. you 'may not, it ,is true; have read the bill throughout, and exarefited ~ .ever:y, part of- it; but,, Abe 16th fundamental article,Whickbeeame the.con tested question of Principle, was freely dis cussed between us, and it was understood and unequivocally sanctioned by yourself. The last clause in The bill, also, which con tained a reservation of power in`Vongress, was ihsertedon .the'Oth June, in your Pre sence, and with.,your _approbation; 'though you at one time told me that, i,n :giving your sanction tollrs.till, you would accom pany it with an explanation of ycititunder -standing of that first clause. tln this condition of things, though -I greatly regretted your veto:on the bill passed the two Houses Of Congress,-anti though•l foresaw the excitement nod aglia : . thin which •it would produce•amongilie people, yet, considering the changes which the bill had undergone in its passage,. and its variance fromthe one you hail agreed . to -sanction; - I could not find in• that act .e -nough to disturb the*cenfidential relations ,which'existed between us. I was disposed to attribtite . This act,lratighi, with infseltiof as it •was,•to pure and 'honorable motive S,• and to conscientious eonOction on- your, part that the bill, in's:dine - of:its provisions, conflicted with the constitution. .•-11.ut that opinion of yourcotirse on the flit wldefr iris just been 'returned to C (Ingress with your-sccond veto,,i Aid not !ind.cannot en tertain. Recur to What has- possM between us-with respect to it - ,'atid you Will at once perceive that such 1,0 opibioo is iinpossiblo. . Owthes morning . .of• the I eith i of,,A uguSt, I. galied_atjour..ellamlier,_and:roumi—you:- preparing the first vetntriesstur ' e; to he des patched] to , the &Mate - . ' IheSycretary 'of War came , in alsh,, and yuu read a portion of the message .to us. lie observed - that„ though the veto would create a krea t sen sation in° Gongre.?s,...yet 'lie thought the !minds of our . friends Were, better repared, i for it than they were some _days ago, and he hoped it would be calmly received, es pecially'as it did not shut out all•hope.a it i bank. iTo ,thiS'yon. replies', tivit_y_an_really _thought there ought to ije; no iliactilly a ! litfutit-r- that - yowliad'siffiteiruntylitilifftr* in your veto /pus Ige what kind ot'a-Aptk 1 1 you . would- apprOve, anfLtbat' C.:imes grs ; isiiiiVi'lf-if iffey:saw -fit; pass• such a one In. l Once 4:ivs. —,--- , t--- Trlre r irWrTr) stireir --- r - : ~ u ar i4ileitWlinteetinfri. , ;!Wern - rmbtrit,7lot)gea t i4 iM..eSOSTP.:tif_fiEltqroyffifitfoigmilikk:lsrpl(fi.i. 1- tal:a:ik,ii2iVil, l :]ifid- ; hod *.a keg. CC)I1 Cie usA:. Cfliii:-.N . Otk ; Mt:. Berrien mid. A r. Scr,t-ant, who, professed to.,eoute on behalf . of the Whigs of, the _two - Rouses, to ende avor Jo' Strike_out , —some—Moasaie—Whieli would ire genera 4 aep_ptable._l_Thn.t__you_had__your :4o'oiqsaboot the propriety of eimitersing_ •wit h them yoursCe and thought:it more proper that yolfshould commune with. them through your constiltaional advisers. You `expressed a wish that tire -whale stibjeet should be postponed_ till , the next session .of xleloy / in the. Senate of. the consideration ol your vetir -thessagn,...a nt.l 7 -expressedutrsiety — ashe tone and temper which. - the debate would ..- assume.• • Mr2Badger said dun on , itiquirrhe was. 'happy to find that the best temper prevailed in the two'houses. Ile believedhey were mes ce e d s 7 rn./f1y,:i4n.../ 4.1-.. -.los els - tit • Vlllll.l 1)10 it at once. You replied, , '"J'al z not to me of Mr. Ewing's bill; it contains that odious feature of local discounts which I have re pudiated in my message." I then said to .you, •" I have no doubt, sir, that the llouse, having ascertained your views, .will pass a . bill in conformity-10 them, provided' they can be •satisfied.that it would answer the purposes of , the treasury, and relieve the country." You : then said, "Cannot my cabinet.sec that this is brought about? You ,must stand by me in this emergency. Can that a bill passes Congress, such as I can approve without inconsisten-, ,cy?" • I declared again my belief that such a bill might be passed.. And youtt then paid to ine,:: What do you tinderskiiid to be I my opinions?' State them, so that I may _see that there is no misapprehension - abent them." . I then said that I ninterstood you to of opinion that Congress 'might charter' bank in the District of Columbia,' giving it its location here. To thin volt "assented. That they might authorize such' a bank to ofliee,4 of discount and deposit in the several states, with the Assent of the states.- To this you reviled, "Don't name discounts: they have been the source of the-most abominable • corruptions, and are Obolly"unnecessary to enabl,e the bank to 'discharge its•duties 'to the country and the •Government." ' 1 observed' in reply. that lA%las proposing •nothing,' !pt simply, endeavoring 'to state what 1 bad understood tolie your opinion as to the powers which Congress might constitutionally confer on .a hank; that on that point stood corrected. I then pro ceeded to stly,lhat I understood you to be of opinion that Congress might authorize such bank establish agencies in the se-, Toral states, With power to deal in bills of exchange, without the asseht•of the states, to which you replied, Yes, if they be foreign bills, or bills &aim !in one state and payable 'in another. This is all th e power necessary fortransmitting the.public funds and regulating exchanges and the currency."' Mr. Webster then expressed, id 'strong terms, his 'opinion that such a charter wotild •answer all just purposes of goVernment and he, satisfactory to the people;, and de clared his preference for it over any which had been propoied, especially as it. dis pensed with the .assent•of de• states tO—C-r& , .. ate an institution necessary 'for carrying-rin the • fiscal operations of government. He examinediit at . Sortie length,Thoth as to its , constitutionality and its influence on the currency.antl exchanges, in all which views you .expressed your - concurrence, desired that,such a . bill should he inficiduced, and espeettilly.that it should go into the hands of some of your friends. To my inquiry whether Mr. Sergeant would be agreeable to you; you:replied that he would. You especially requested 11 1 1 r. Webster and Imy self to comniodi ate With Messrs, Berrien an Sergeant.on 1 the subject, to whom yeti said you had' pro . hied to • address a , note, ~butyou doubted no that this persotiiii corn:. min/cation would, be equally ,satisfactory. You desired' us, also,' in 'communicating ett' with fihose gentlemen; not to intent ,you personally, lest, ttlisbeiti g ognised as youi;m s easure,:it'might . .be e; . a subject of 'comparison to • your pr dice, IQ. the course of discnssion.„ You d Mr: 'Web ster then conversed 'about/ e particular wording,of the 16th fundP. emal article, containing the giant of pot r to deal in .ex changes, and of the eciniPtion Whic h that grant • shoulti,be intronced ;' you alsbl spoke of tha•name of thebstitniinn , desini Mg that that should be./ionged. To this, objected,asjt•hould iobably be made a subieet of i s uUtile, btOreli insisted t hat there was much iii ' n 'imne, and'this insti7 intion , otight.not to b/ Called a"bank. Mr. Webster tinderloOlt 1. adapt it in this par-. •ticular to vour Mr. Bell then ob served to, ilfr.McFter and myself 'that wel had no time, to toe; That if Lill& were .not iMmediately attopcd to; another bill; less acceptable:might:le - got up and rdpOrteit W replied thatwe would lose no . time. Mr. Websieracprdinigealledon ibleSs s i'S!!. • Berrien and . &team immediately, and" I ' muted on tkee by his appointment at 5 o'clock on the s'imo day, aid egreeil 'upon] the principles of Ile iaill in accordance with' yonr,e-x pressekk is hes -- -A nd • atn — ap= prised c i f the foci though it dia.not occur in *my Prese . net th'at .after . the bill was drawn up, and before it was reported, it was seen and, eappined by yontself; that, your attention: vas speCially called to the 10th fundament) article ;'that in full ex;-1 '.*.,:*- IV** ai anri - unturtrymi - cmcurred in its provisioni ; thfd - 4 the santetime its mime was so mu to meeiyour approbation; and the bill was reported .and passed, in all essen tial 'particulars, SE . 4 was. when. it 'came throu2:h your hauls. You asked Mr,Webster and myself each to-prepare add .present you an argument touching. the . ,cotstitutionalify of the bill ;- and-before those arguments could be "pre pared and read by you, you declared ; as 1 h e rd - n d - be ill - Till:o — v. of the :House, tha.' you would rut oil' a hand rig. ratheriban approve it. ---7 _ Nrie - r] . this'oew reselkho was taken, you asked --a n i ken rn es tly-n4v d Alte'rticAnirers,--or-tyotir calti net , to Iles trinu the bill . ; bu t yeti 'Avonti),. , __.. . itiMMo.L I ... I -9-: *,q.„6-iiiir‘t-pit.,.J,oni:J.n)pre:;OnArsG '44l,.-.e"l-'l-9r4-st'l e ) .:1i. 7 9 1 1t - 0,0 1 4Z.7J1Y:' , 0: 146 .., aiirt - i - 4Z.:Ttict 3:-y - Set I' , ow 1 iiii. =6 frOrt:'*ii - s 7 ' niftiltoo. 4ratify• yeitv:Oshes; in the ontY way . in which -it•iainld .be, donaswith pro,- , priety:;' that is,',.ki• -'obtaining - tilie : . general concurrence of the Whig.tnembers of_tbe_l two - tr - ouses iii - flie postponement. It railed,' -as 4.-Int Ve-rCasim- to - believe - luielimSc y tin )volultl--6 - iive, - ni lissurance that the delay was., not swig!): as a me . pus and occasion fia hos .fija,_nwiyetnents._ '. Duiing. this season of, deep feeling Undprnest_exertiob upon our' part, %rid& we wererealotaly 4evoting our - talents and influence to serve and .to sostaht ,you, the very-secrets-sof our- c;ibinet- coon ,- ells made their appearance infamous _—_ paper. printed .ina neighboring. city, the ciiltituns7nr Which-were daily chara with flattery of yourself and (Mil ab 4 o your cabinet. All this-I bore.; for I' It that my services, so long as...they could avail, were due to the naci on , - ...1.A Al I.a t. :mg L.poll. on nftx your predecessor to the station ‘vhich - you now fill,- and whilse united voices approved his act when he'surnmoned'us around him, to be his counsellors; and I felt that what was due to his memory, to like injunctions which he left us it, his last .dying_words,' 'and to the people, whose servants we were, had not all- been performed 'Until. every means was tried, and every hope had failed of carrying out the true principles upon. which the miglity.inovemcnt was founded that elevated him and you to power. This'bill, framed and fashioned according to your own suggestions, -in the initiation of which . I and another Member of youi cabinet Were - tmale by - you The agents and the negotiators, was TasSed by large rit jorities -through the ,tWoilotises of Con gress, and sent to_you, and you rejected it; Important as was the part which I had taken, at your' request, in the origination of this bill, and deeply as I was committed for your action upon it, you never consult , ?dine on dn.( subject of the veto message. ' You did not even refercto it in the conver sation, and- the first notice I had of its con tents was 'from rumor. • And to me, at least, you, have :done no thing to wipe the personal indignity arising out of the act. I gathered, it is true; from your conversation, shortly after the . bill' 114, passed the House, that you had a strong purpose to.reject it; but nothing was• said like softening or apology to inci either in reference to myself, or to those with whom I had communicated at your 'request, and who had acted themselves and included the two Houses to act upon the fitith of tha communication. And, strange as it may seem, the Veto Message attacks in. an espe dial manner the very provisions whieli were inserted at your request; and even the name of the corporation, which was not only agreed to by you, but especially changed to meet your expressed wishes, is made the subject of your criticism. Different men might view this transaction in different points of light, but, under these circumstands, As a 'Mayer of personal honor', it wotild be hard for me to remain of your counsel, to seal my lip's, and leave unexplained and undiSeloSed where lies in this transaction the departure from .straightforwardness and 'candor. - So far indeed .from admitting the. encouragement which you gave to this bill in its inception, and..explaining and excuSing"s , 44:_.Sudden and violent hostility towards .it,.you., throw into Jour Veto" Message an interrogatory equivalent 'to an assertion that it was 'such a bill as you liad'already declared 'could not ' receive yoursanction. Such is the obvious 'effect of the first interrogatory clause on the second page. . It has 'all the force of an as sertion without its open 'fairness:. I have met and refuted , this,lhe necessary inference .frona your language,s'in triy.preedding state meat, the correctness.of..which you, I am sure; ; will not call in question.. • Your' veto to the first' bill you rested oh constitutional ground and the..high convic tiona' of conscience; and no - man, my Opinion, had. a tight. to ,question your since.; rity. so said, and I so acted-4or, through all the contest and collision that 'arose out of that act, you had my adherence and'support. But how is . it with respect to this? The .g.. a :U . V . )) tritiki - vi ' . 4 + subject . ef'a• bank is not .new to you; it is more than twenty Years that you have•ntadc it an object of consideration and of study; its connexion with the etinsti tutional•powers of the General Government. You, therefore, could not be, and you • were not, taken unprepared on this gpeAtion. The bill which I reported to Congress, with your approbation, .at the commencement of the •session, had the clause relating to ages ower—toAeal — in — ex strotrly developed as the one you have now rejected, had equally, without the assent of the States: 'You referred specially and with approbation to that clause, many days after, in a conversation held:in the Department of State.. You,sanetioned it in this' particular bill as detailed above.. And no doubt was thrown out. on the . suliject .by you in my. hearing,_ or within my..krtowledge, until the letter of Mr. Botts acme to your hands.. Soon after the reading Of 'that letter, you threw gait strong intimations that you would veto the bill if It Were not postponed. That I letter I did and do most unequivocally con 7, demn, but it did not affect the constitutien ality of the bill, or jt(eficy yOlf iu rejecting it on that 0)04 it could. afThet; only the expediency of your action; autt„ whatever von may now belief& ash) the seruples ex isting in your, mind, iuthis and in a' kindred. source there is strong ground to beher,C,they have their origin. If I be_ right in this, and I doubt not 1 am, here is a great public measure' demanded by, thr_ceohiitiWVii - s - Serl 'upon U a pp ro i'ed: by the representatives of the-States and the peo ple, rejected by you as President, on grounds having no origin in 'conscience, and no re ference to the public. good. The rejeetion of this' measure r , too, continues the purse with the sword rn tire hands of the Eseee- Live - , front witi ire strove t - o, wrest it in the' contest which elevated your precessor and you to power. 7 I cannot concur in this yetir course. of policy. In or out of Office - rrry - npl - nlons — FrAttain n n ell angel]. cannot ahanclott the principles for which, during ti especially I cannot he one' of the instru- . 4n+-nits4)-yvhielr-the-Fixer.utivtr-syielits-tlurst t9nthitic(l,. 'accjirnulayt),.,n4tl rP LIS ;sir& - take . .addl fiin it staina- am, very respe:etftilly;, yours:, • - 1 T. - Et:WING ' To-Tjij,,:.I.3REsIDEN:r e:ss:lry to oiler -a public ..e.Nplanation 'of sortie of my'reasons which lead to - my, res ignation, on the 11th instant, of the office of Secretary. of the Navy, and, for that Hr.. pose . ; ask a small Space intim National-In telligeneer. - At • • the:Caliiiiettileeting - held on Pm) Bth of August last, - (the Attorney' General and 'the . Postmaster General being absent,) the subject °fan Exchange Bank, or institution, was brought frward by the President him self, and was fully considered. into the particulars of what passed, I do not pr0,APp2.7211%. ,APp2.7211%. ißPliftril in9'h(fc~jy stated and IPll= derstvod tludsuch an institution met the ap probation of the President, and was &Oil ed by him free of Constitutional.objections; that he desired (if Congress should deem it necessary to actupon the subject during; the session) that such an institution should be. adcipted by that body, and that the mem bers of his Cabp-u4 ShOuld aid in bringing aboul that result; tt‘ul Messrs. Webster and Ewing wore especially requested by the President . to have a cointnuoication- upon the 'subject with certain members of Con gress. The institution then spoken of was tO be located in the District of ColuMbia; to be authorized to. establish - agencies in the States and. Territories, with power to deal in bills of exchange between the 'United States and foreign countries, and in bills of exchange drawn in one State or Territory, and payable, in another State or Territory; and the exercise tif this power was not to depend on any assent,•expressed or impli ed, of the States within which such agen 'cies might be established. In conseqUenee of what passed at this meeting, I saw such friends in'Congress as - I deemed it proper to, approach, and urged upon them tae passage of a bill to establish such an , institution, assuring, them that I. did not doubt it yould'reeeive•the approba tion of the President. The' bill was passed, as. the public know, and was met by the veto. Now, if, the President, after the meeting of ilrelT3th Au gust,' had changed, his mind as to the con stitutional Power of Congress, and hail come to doubt or deny what he had ad mitted in that meeting, (which is the most favorable interpretation that can be put upon his conduct,) it was, in my opinion, a plain duty onThis . part to have made known to the gentlemen •concerned this change - of sentiment—to have - offered' theM an apelogyl4-the unpleasant situation in Which they were placed by his age»ey---or, at least;Ao,liave,:toftened, by a fulLaxple nation of his motivea, his intended veto of a measure in promoting the success of which they, at his request, had . rendred, their as- sistance. But this the President did nqt .Never, from the moment of my leav-1 ing his house 'on - the 18th', did he open his lips Iso ine •on the' subject It Was , only' from the newspapers, from rumor, from hearsay, I learned that - he'had denied the constitutionality 'of the proposedinstitutiou and had 'Made the most solemn asservatiOns that.he would 'never. approve a measure which ..1.46w was suggested by bithself, and which had heen,.ur his own instance, introduced into Congress. It . was still in the President's power, by a proper stateE ment in the message „containing hii objec tions to the, bill, to have supplied these omissions, and in some degree at least:to have,, repaired .former, neglect; • but when that, phier came to .be read, it was found that so fur from saying .frankly that' he .once favored end had been to sanction the 'bill, but had : _been led (if such was the fact ). by subsequent 'reflection. to adopt different.vieWs upon the subject; he treatedlhe. measure as one. evidently hiCon . - siitent with his - previouslY . expressed:opin-- ions, and Which it might net to have been supposed for a moment he -could aperoim: Whdther this tonduct the President is susceptible - of . just defence 'or reasonable excuse nbtAiecessary now to inquire. I.hore not 'heard,- nor can I imagine any gratin! for either.. Whether an explana tion of it has been' . offered to any . one of the gentlemen n .concerned I know ot,.but none was at any time offered to me and while I - forbear to MAO the remarka, obvi da the the victien that this conduct of 'the President, standing without inown ..defence,; excuse .or explanation,. constituted (if no oilker , . : reasons had existed, ample • ground for a withdre - Wal froth his cabinet without delay.{ It is scarcely necessary lo say that I have. not supposed and do not now suppose,that a difference merely betWeeti the President and his eabinet,'either "as to the . ConStitu timidity or the expediency ofa hank, neces sarily interposes anynbstaeles to a full and cordial cooperationbetween them in the' general condnetfif 'his : Administration; and therefore; deeply•as I-regretted the veto of the firstdid not feel myself at liberty to . retire 'that account from my . situation. But. the ,facts-attintiling- 7 1111Hiniti;itiewraml diSapprorni : of the last bill 'made totally diarimt fropilamt—one ii. is heliev ed withotit a parallel in the, history of -Mir' Cabindts3 presenting, to,say nothing Morel a measure embraced and repudiated—el . - I forts prompted and then,:disowned,--seryi ces-renderetl-mid-tlterrtreated-wiltrsenrinW neglect.. • ; Sticli.•a'• case -required, in • My judgment, Upon ronshlerations, private and public; that the official relations .subsisting. 'between-the -President and ~ m yself Should be immediately dissolved. Gi;o. E. . BADGER ' _ Washington, Sept.-18;. 1841: . • . . RIIIGAINB, BARGAINS'. C Li PPIN G E It ‘ S. - CAB L E. TtitFSFiit received ad their old stand imir the rail mind, and directly 'opposite JII•. It. Cochr at. very full:mail rich tissai•tro(Jd or . • Fit:lF& Winter Good's; _.. . duoirg i!olnynoo tifue,7ftlaek, yotfle citriet.y.Oe too; 'o I iTios. • : Ver' CI in ;65'011- oii•iit Of merinoo...-c- saxonim A vori• ho'gO o'ssio;lmont of hoyinels ahl 'osaiiineres. lievo;o.,*liroclio, ',rag I i mot , Ma; vigoi t• I tono•si I it - ottoo SjItINVIS, Stitt .. Worbted, ioopioo, /and's-wool hi* 11(16:1;Y-41111;_bpa liiiTliii, woolen atur.wrnisteil.litird niiil.Unliiied glove:. Kid, luoliair, sincodienuLautLeunomglovra-tmihniliti,-- A rer v y large ntill sph•litkliassortinviit or relit 4V:. CD"i):Cer. Ribfrons-, - • of chi.:..L . . ry,,latest stile.. . Thrrail Lier'iiariq edglugs of MI 'widths awl prices—Black, Italian, Lute-siring, l'lro-dc-Ititiiie, (It o-i11..-NUI), flrii-ilii,.Swoi and dept Silks-411,ne ritieil awl plaid. Pro,ile-Alrique C. , I . 1011110 S—A 414110111, 1 . 11/11.11Vit e .14Y:111,1 .:1114. Iltiglildi lionuels; Seal, Fur and Selo. e x po:; ilulkawyliutial. M. xxgr•R..l t) I) alit TIM . '91110.4: ;!I 1 .AP :11 n Chin, I,;goss, :hoed 1 Sv. j!1 , • il virin,,r. , _ QuEENS Av A ILE, Their ..assortment is tam very , full, comprising rwaris ev(*l.). usually kept 1 l! 1 / 1 . .Y (; 00,1 §' Stan:, and Itave.bcen bought on lite very best terms; colt sequetitly,he , y re.prejnn'el• t offer g0.13,11W- 1 1;;;;la Itniria(l7lllV'tisli those wishing to ptu•chast., fo gist them ji call. They feel satisfied thly can mak e it their interest to purvfiltst• from them. • filtippviislmr g , Sept. IS, 1 8-it.—Co. • • • Pills. The sttportority nil pr. I kimlich's pills over , any other methciee Ihal has ever bee» offerrd to the pub lie, ;stied they eleale.e purify and strengthen. !rhos, 1111: import:ur( itiius , and theirloll rrtanccshouldnot I be overlooked. The system is liable, front impent ileum: and neglect, to actuntilate bile, and at sanity of diseased humors. mow: the system 01 the impurities, should be early attended to. If it he neglected, the-patient »1V he subit•etell to painful di a ra case and,prottted stay - ring,. The. (lertnatt Aperi ent pills:we ntletirably suited to this pnrpose--hut m ore than this—a hile they cle:inse the 'sy !dein they pitrifytho • blood, and assist owe kimny ililWe 0/W -1'111:IOUS. The compound streogthening• pills give tone to the - stomach, while they impart Signal' to, the whole system • •Itence they are a desideratuni, and no Hastily should remain w•itttollt them • lit fact the tine :t sort of " Family Physician," hut unlike the 'school nicti . "—forthesepills may be sandy consulted in all cases---,they•may by taken withemt injury in any-- white they atrord .positive relief in many. \\ r, only ask for a fair trial. of their merits, and are willing to abide, the issue. . i. . . , 1.7. 11 . 110.31 VN, Moiling-too, N. J. (30 - PIIINCIPAL OI'ERIE,No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, NI here testimonials may he SeCII. , For sale by John .T. , Alyurs Go., Carlisle; nud Wm. Peal, Sldps mnsbmg, Pa. . 1 41 - ROBINSON tip • • „ Have located in Carlisle for—the impose of manly'aduring < l nd - se ll ing Hathaway's Patent "Hot Air Cookince Stoves." • And lWiwr aware that the people in (Ids place and vicinity, have Won much itaposcd ninny by the (reduction 'of new and highly recommi•ndeil articles which they have beet, Ituluetl. to purchase; and - which have been su slightly made, and of such bad • material, that ie a short time thev have tidied and become uselt•ss. 11 . 7 y, therefore, ti° not intend °Met.- ing stoves for salemml they are fairly tried in this.. community„and pronounced Ill Ore durable in their-- • constenction; better adapted to the purPosea of boil.; hug, - baking and all the varieties of cogklog than nny • • other stove; also, that the.N are n great barn of fuel • as well its labour. We earnestly invite farmers as well nnresi dents of this place and the neighboring villages, to _can on us at S. Wonderlich's hotel, or notify us by • letter (postage unpaid) that they are Willing . to try' our stove—and the stove shall be placed in the latclien of every person giving us such notice, and taken away alter trial, without any expense to per sons making the - The stoves will be kept for sale nt the Tin Shops' of Mr,:lacoliFridley,nall at the Voundry °Messrs. • , Lay and Stouffer, in Carlisle. having •centracted for One llinnieed Parr oC Castings, - we will, in a few days,'-supply store•ileal ers with all the different sizes, on the Most Mend terms., ELBAZOR. ROBINSON, of Carlisle, isagent for. selling the right to make and vend the' ROT AIR • STOW., and 'will dispose of Counties in this and the adjonung Stales. We publish the following recommendations from some of those who are using 'the stove, to - eneoningo others to try it. , , . . • . • - Carlisle, Sept. 12, Hal.: but I urn convinced iron trial that it can be done'as ' • 'Well in your stove aB4ll a brick oven. . ~ . Idiave in nie in my kitchen -one of Hathaways pat- I believe that the general introduction of your I entHot.Air Looking Stoves, and can recommend it stove into use will be very beneficial to. the public, as a very seperiOr article. , The one I have is No. 3. therefore I shall take:pleasure in recommending it It has 5 boilers and am oven sufficiently , large to, bake six loaves of breath. ',The baking; roahing and broil- to my friends. Yours resPectftdivi ing can all be (format the mine time and with much WILCIAM AIOUDY. Jess wood thafi required for any stovewhiChwe have. . • ~:-. . C a r l is l e, Sept; 10,180. , lused, . . . • . . d Messrs. E. Robinson Ed Ca--Gentlemen, I bare .' This size appears to be peculiarly calculated .for WOy tested the "Hot Air Stove" which you put up {farmers, and for their benefit I invite theta. to call at my house,and can "recominend it fiS pOssessing and see this store in use, as! shall take pleasure in principles of economy and convenience far surpas-- , showing the stove to all whom : - nterest .or. curiosity, ;singanyother:store 'which T have ever Seen. ' ' may induce to examine it. • ,• , The boilers coming in immediate contact With the SIMON IVUNDEIZLICR: fire gives it Oeilt fimilities for boiling; end the, ovin Carlisle, Nept.ll,lB4l. is heated on such a prineiple that bread is bake4_lll, , Alei..sre. E. Robinsbri eg Co,--Gisurtextriv, I have . 103. fine a manner as in a brick oven. I find it 'also a , during. the few days I have bad ,your Ilathawny's great Saving of fuel and labour, and,woold Arise:all ' Hot Sore in use, become convinced of its' ,to adopt it. . „ ' MITCHEL NIGLELLAN. .. . „ . . •great superiority over all other stovealihaye used-or' •-: . - Chambeabarg., Sept. 5,1541. . seen. I find by the trial that boiling, roasting;bak- Bdo certify that lam now using one OfkrathawaY's ing and broiling may all he : done at the same time, Patent Hot. Air cook:toVes, No. 3, and dd•reaora : - in a most perfect ,wanner, and with less than one mendlt as Superior to any :stove :I ; have seen,lMia fourth the fuel I have - ordinarily used for the 'smug great saving of fuel,.aad the variety that can by Cook.. -. purposes. I have heretolbre been of the opinioit ing at the same time, makes ifruaohject to thdse who well a cooking:stove, ;wish tO facilitate die.operations'oftne kitchen.. : ' Carlisle, September 15, 1541,1 , ' • . ... ~.- . . , . . • ( A,V E S • • . • Pawing. fl se valitahle pills are verrgentle in (heir opera lions. causing neither pain, griping nor any nauseoub sickness.. They exzeedingly comfort and strengthen the stomach and bowels, and.cleariog the sight !lean?' ing and meinory of aged persons, by carrying of phlegm, watery matter, putrid grosa and. thick hu mors fronr the stomach bowels and blood, :which ' ,makes them so 'celebrated for t Temoving coughs, rheimiatisins rains fronr the.) ode-and-tim.bsTgravell— pi es, sic - stomach, disordered liowele' and worms, 'this inedkine.lralso an hdlilible curb for fever and . ague. tCr A LSO,w__ --- A. . 41);tvies Panacea - Blood the cure of comsumption s diseased wind-pipe', • ulcerated *sore threat, Itings and liver, complaint, night sweats, flushes alicat,buriting in the stomach-, • :tightness tier(lsS the chest, pains iu the breast and sule i hrivArd cancers, piles, sore cyes, sore legs, ulcers' of every description, swellings,4heinnatisms; they stop the 'spitting orlilooll' and heal the part affected. The Pattactstlllood pills are prepared expressly for ' ti, strengtlieniog Of every part of the system and healing all tile.'rs and sores, purifying ittal till had humors from I lw.hiood, otte : o 1,114104 on iron's too notch sitting Or Sttilldillg, 01.• by expo, sure front sudden heat to cold. Weakly'debilitateP personS ate partitadary advised to' use tluem, asidlex strengthen the hfuly in . a sriDerior manner; they:4l..o tki3tll4:eiuled to operate 'on the :bowels So mock its.pik • the blow I„ as too tllt/ChVirgiug_willtlest pora flyweak— ly - emmittition, and .has rarried, onts;thonsanild to a-'- world unknown to us. Take the :airiera• of onewho studies to sevedile liell'oot to kill ;:ireakly and debili tted persons should not purge woreAluto once a year as it cpften'times brings On reness: . ALWAYS BEAR Tit Esp., IN MIND. • • •Sto,ford county, ru. Sept. 7, 1840. , Dear Sir:—l write to let you know •that the_Loril_\ •-••• 71tas - tloni - grtratillitigniir tne,whi.l` . l am glail.— 'hen I saw you in Vredericksbint, I think I said '. I liail . heen .allicted with a very acid (sonr) stomach, and subject to .a violent pain in my head for more than tacitly years, for whi chi tOok rlitiliarb and soda three . or four times every day . fot . this many yekrs, with litile or no relict; amt. my legs and anklet were so much'swelled that I was unniiltioit times, to attend to my business. 1311.1, since you lintile me a present of. • a box of your Finnily„ . Villa I have taken one or two , of them at night, in going to lied, and now my acid' stomach is reli6vtid, ille filvelliiq; in my legs haS ne•it , ly disappeared, and I do not think-that I have 'been - hindered one day with the pain in • niy head since I Levi to take vim. vaJuable-meilicine,—lithinkt-the --- - Lord directed you to Fredericksburg', to. administer to my relief. ( his holy inone;l am exe tly relievell.) there. is living in. my neigliyalie d a OM' io tir ‘ , O-,l,:isti-icri-o.liiiitl i een sick - ii - intigitini6 - iii-a-- . could get no relief, at'length I purchased:a Ith.___,of _._•ii :vour Trills•antrgitcirtliCini liiiii_i;;r4ir.. -- iiileont nuil_about lierhusinesE T ,onl l'-tffifirkiitrialk — iii4ei‘Siiiiiii.4.l.l . l! 14101,1110itaitrc.;.'WOla0.!,,',fir' latti, - 111rivriffirtiiWritt_ibrim - ',93:,44 1 , :4eliViiiLi ! Olp atpt . ::- iffiriii: M.p. ' II V 4*:IO . .Sei.V4ZTIA....SO., II : 01 i,:9k. , 17 7 . s:l'' to illi . 01;',' IVlll ' it:ii"'Vcill fill!,Se' .. . time ago I met ' Mlii atilt: Davies in m'e alum (it* pills Mid' they hate it You now . see.ine.! Amil ,now, niyll the toil will'colitinne to be withy . useful . to 'your fellow-creaturcs,m dusts --- "rn.einaiii Ai ith'res,pect, 4%4-nth: maiflaver. ------ ; Several Pt•inalos have been cured•of the Piing of the tvonth, by taking very small doses at intervals.. Miiper't• ,Peri Atigitst 13, 840. . Sir:--I, ruin hapm to thrin von a n d the pullie,that 1 _have been cored of that dreadful ilisetist the lthiattnatism, by takingyour. Vamilv Rills .1 have - been laboring under that dia. 'rase tot' nore.than a year_duritlg Which ft Meitried of the best physiniari tvilhotn clli ct; at length , Was induced to try your medicine; I found relief • :Ifter taking half p bth, I continued to take them I had taken live bows; to age is it y ears, and Icon „sbler that none but the old'and rheumatic persons knowliow grateful I feel to- the medicine that has restore l me to lietlth: Yours, respcetfully, Dyr.. • ( AVE, the undersigned,ate agents at larper's Ferry for the sale of Dr. 1/•l'vies! Purmibr ..1):1L7c wt. k now t-tt.-tgitinotr t MT. lip:, sold him the pills of which he speaks so highly, and believe his statement to he sulistanitally tree, • Respectfully, • - St - S. B. AN•mittitotc. Mrs. C.• Burton, near Locust street,. was diseased years with a lump in, the left side, humpi • all over her skin Nina:trout:a the small of lice back • running' into her stomach, which prevented her (ta • use her own words,) front eatingcine particle or meat; the fir 4 dose removed the lump, and two I .IXeS set her atlibertr. \ • I was se%erely diseased with We Wind piles for t wenty nionihs, and prostrated from We loss of Wood; and one and a hall boxes of Davies Fatally Pills has made an entire core of me. Jonkor.r. Washington, D. C.; illay 7, I 01. • i r ktantarlured and. mild N‘liolesale and retail, at No. 12155 South third street Philadelphia, and by Mr. 3013 N Gn aw, Cal lisle, general agent for.Cutohei.lanti comity Penna. • Also, We sale by W. St' T. Loudon, Kingstown ; Eckels Fireovid,llognestown;M. G. Hopp, Shire rwurstown,.l. I.cingneeker, Worwleyshorg ; H. Drew. enian, New Cumberlanil. • irrPersons wishing to breome agents in.the villa ges in Which the pills are not sold in •Ctitnberland county, Oil! he supplied with them by.calling on Mr John - Cray Carlisle, Pa., who is empowered to 9p point agents. Family pills to those who purchase (Cl Sell 0,011-liVill he • Cliat7,ell !•,;!! per dozen C.lOll, or $2,‘25 to sell on commission; and the Panacea Blood pills at $l. COSI), or 4.4,50 connoksion. Retail price for family pill's 23 - its. 'pry box ; Panacea. Mood :pills 50 cents per box. Pull d' •ections for using them accompany each box. Carlisle, Sept, 15; i •