Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 29, 1841, Image 1
II \'.l' AL o ,ao4 raltrble . Toaia iiropeily and. out ,hots U C.. IN Nnwvn.f.b The subscribar, acting executor of Dr. John Ded cdis deceased, will offer at public sale on.the mend, •ses,ouThursday the2lstot Dctobernext,tit 10 o'clock A. M., all 016. real estate of said deceased, to • • ist Tie hpuse and Lot 4 Newvillettkupied by said &Teas.; ed during his lifetime,witlithe brick ".! dwelling and hall. lot adjoining—the lots are 90 feet on Alain street, and extend back ISO fleet on Gave alley. The improvements, im,aUldition to tint dwellings are, :t dotible:log harn,with thresh llomt,stabling,..wagno. sliedtand corn crib;.also, a cistern, wash :old wood . houses. - This property will be sold,together, or tivided into two lots as may best suit punlisisers. • 2. A. - House and Lot viiifliolf street, in NrCAVViIk, now occupied by Givler. The,above hits are all. free of ground rent. • 3. 'Seventy seven Acres of land adjoining -the borough or Nee'ville, 111141• of • 1101'111W the Golionilogninet creek; the State road ti•om, • Newvi Ile to Duliliii•Cap runs:through the land-Lit is divitleit„intoelceen lots of*N-lilll7rrvit sizes, containing frourtotti-to tvVedve acres, mel will be sold as divided or altogether, ay. linty be 'most advantageous ta• the • • estate.' r • • ' 4. A'Ldt of - gro . onil, containing , - nine sexes and 45 perches, lying 'about a quarter or ----a-rnile-frnrn7thmlirirou g h`Of:Newville-otrlie-road-to Three Square . . _ • Pont. el the above lots time 111 . 1qt(10W ground. four •°. elover;one Nvill. It sawn in wheat this citriiuml tan iti•rye. • A plot Of tilO lots, Nlllll the ifinudity in estelt, .be seen_ hr callilg on Col. -Wood barn inNelV till!, who will show iiitmlie•properfy to , . STC i? . .1117•17 . t --:.--.l' titles wii(l.•':iieehn:te. the peir - atts;T:l4l-tlie* 7;'.7 - Tiroll , l4.i::;l , li , 4 l.-iyir . ti. I.!viv . , • . Satu:s uniceriT;r;'-e`ee eil th e Ist of April ee , .1,110.011ey ithe Ist of A pr il • s of, , ' ; ,. lilil Oliost. OHO • half; 011-41-ess-l-st priLne.vca of I .111eaher h:df in tvio ,equa I , onto ed pay ineias,•” how ; pay . - • tneids to lie seVareit be it lien = .noiwiri. LAIRD, .Avting.lf,s,•Ci• Ceddis theca. • . . •rfAll.porsoils ihilehtesl to the )Go , s:do or ins pi•operly, or Olivint his lirotwit., art. riotilh•il to 'mike No.iiiiiiiigefice will lie-giveii alier the 21,st or 0ut010.i.,..0.. itoisEirt . ex'r. A. ira9ia:ll)l4., IF:ul•naa - 11()a• wiir ht. sail' on:Friday the :15t11 'lay of fit:lobe'. 1841, on the .prenitses, in Sih et. Spring town , ltip, Ctitnlivrlittitt,eminty,ailjnininglatills or Jacob Forney', William Waugh, alai the •Iwies of N . :all:init.! Irvine, tlee,'ll., a vain:lllle tract of first rate Linit. , :latio ill a high state, of ettithatioti, 80 acres more or less, tiliont 55 :WPCs of a llit 6 1117 CIC`IIII.II lint] I he 1'551111w t, i with a considerable tilt:unity of locust. 'Klic on provemcnts are a new two story FRAME nat_TSl:4l, atilt a .l'etv Fratite Nvith Wagon Shed :(11(1 - t1orn crib attached, 1111(1 all necessary out buildings. A good well of waive witli new Twin) ill it is near to door ; there is_a stream of !Tinning water on the farin, and thriving young orchard. • Possession will be given on the tir;t day of April next. • The sale will be made on phyments. Conditions will be tmple fully knowmon the day of sale. • 'DAVID GEIIN, DAVID GRIDS, • Assignees of George Forney.' September 15 f 1841.,-ts. Publie Sale. Will be sold at _Public sale, on Friday) the 15th' day of October next, mi the pretnises,ln Shirentans ' town, Cumberland-county,-the Itl:nice of the'real es tate o(Dan'eltiretuatt, sr., dee'd. consisting 19 Building Lots., . • Ott several of them are buildings for different porpo-, sea. Also the;well known TAVV33 - h STAND) v • • AL L 11 • with nit the appurtenances belonging , - thereto. • Sale to comtilence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when- terms will be made known by .111 TIN 111_111'T nod E 0 IL P Ex'rs. of said IVSIliV0111:111. PItlx,"111:111SiOWII, Sop , . 15, I ti•iI: MAI" Cool hig !§(tove. A(011 PRIDLVX, North I tanovor street, rmpo-, site Commons' llotel,is agentfor the stile of Ilutha ways' Patent 11761, Jir Conf.:hog Moves, which he warrants to he 100 per erint fiettel' than any other stove heretothre known. Parmers,Tavern keep: T:1 and others are invited to take those Stoves on trial,'und if they ate not pleased with the operation al the stove, or the price, they may be returned - ' l ' • J. V. still cmitiitticol ..,to lteep oil bawl .. —.- - 7 .. ....-......,..._,„„ ..... ' l;•, r 7 -. - i...— . ` . .; `:- .? ,' -(51 oi tiro I ;,, liairm .. a all descriptions, among C:f•!.. .7.n...:7P!' • Odell are. the inipeOved ~:t::- C .aaMita.- Rotary Cooking- stoves so • ,; . - ' universally approved; stove - -'----'--. "" -- --- ' - ' ---- 7=' --.:-:-_.--.' -lownitiirc go% e pipe- and a Sheet iron and Copper mire, which he will dispose cif reasonable tering. • „Orders in Town Mid Country, foesllottsc Spoutipg be:other work promptly mt • eml i etl lo.• Carlisle., Sept. 15, 1841.-Iy. • - Mary Ann Snaveldy, by her s next friend, itcorge Moltz s irs. John Snavel4. , ' • No. 214. of jannary Term, 1840 Jo the court of Common Pleas of lJumberlaud county. Libel for 'Divorce. , Now• to wit; . August term 184 7 j, the said Court order and direct the said 'Sheriff to cause notice to be published in one or more newspapers ffrinted and published within said county of' Cumberland for four weeks successively, prior to diti first day of next tkrm, mini 1: . I I 1 g the said John'appear ,on . said day, to answer to the complaint of the said li bellant . . . • By the Court. - • I'ABL MARTIN, Sheriff: Sept: 15,18 11.-4. .• ett , 60 1 3 1 40 C 'the Subscriber resjpettltlly 'informs his friends and the public genet , ally, that he: has just yetnt:ned froli,the city and is now .oinuting a tar*: and splen= did'assortment of 4 , • :" ' ,D0*V...:.01.vm1 . _ . airito4ll - &'ftheet,osivare. Alt . ikyAil li he' very cheap for cash ; : thC ImblkOrel'ilyitcil to call awl. exloniac. his sI.WA., next Hoot to MaC►tllti id's Hotel.- • - • .101 IN • A: I'I:IFFER. .Cor'isle,scill. . . , . . . . . . . . . ... . . . S. .. . ' „ . . . . , . • I . . .. . . . . . . . .. . • . , . .. - . . . , —___. _____--_-_. ....._ ._ . . . . - , • —__—__— , . • ... - , .. .: , • , .. . .• . . . ...... ... . . , • •. .. (I V - . .. . ..,. .. . _ _ . ~ . . . . . .„,.... . . . . .. _ , . ~ 4 . ~ . • . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , v . lb.• . . .... . . ... . . . . , . . 1 .._. ~..... . .. .4 , 4: : . . . , . p• gi: . .. i . e ..... . . . . .. It _ . _ . LATII I y It II r ••, ...., . . , a . . . . . S. . ..... ' • . . . . , _ - -, . . . tvitlet• coovettirlit to the ..tiC5Vf . .93:' , t 4 4 house, :11,11 :o; tArtrlieq K1q1,, , t4.7lr*Aw 0/20.11:4RD. Aboot 70 :WITS Of the 1:11.111111 rt. first . ...tiil.,sidoe iult good slate or dote; the greater.payt of Natt:h fsnsttitlilire! , • . No. 2. ~A. Tract. of :Lail& ad jniiting tin s above l'v a am nd lana of I lenry Whisier, Mose% Whislee,Danic,l Me. Laughlin; Jacob Kitner, George Iloon and 9thers, containing./ 11. S 1 Acres and iI2 PerchcS, nett measure, hm:ing thereon erected a . Kitchen, Double D , . Barn, Wagon-Shed and Corn- Crib, Crib, an Apple Ocruted and 0 never railing \Veil of water near the.door; about 50 acres of the abox,e, farm are livst rate timber land, and the residue' in a ghod state of cultivation, of which about St.) acres are good meadow. The above Tracts will he sold separately or to gether, to suit purchaserS, on the hollowing the.costs of,paid by the purchaser or pur chasers 00 the confirmation of the sale by the Court, at, which time he or they will he rthinired to enter into recognizance in the Orphans? uoirpt with ap proved security,to seettre tile residue of the purchasy money, to he paid as follow s—pite third to remain ill ., the handsof the - purchaser - 11 Wring the life of the widow of decedent, the interest to be paid her annually, commencing On the Ist of April next, dur ing lieu life, and at her death the prioci pal to be paid to the heirs o,f said decedtOtt, one other third to be paid oil the Ist of April 'rat a when possession Will be given and a deed made to the purchaser, the re- »mining be.paid in two equal ,annual hay v 'Molts thereafter without interest. Ininliords skarn , of Ilin grain growing. at the time of sale trill pass to t h e purchasers. Any per son wishing to vies said i . arnts helitrethe dad• of sale are requested to call on David High re'siding, On the premises, or on the subscriber• r, ho lives one uiile west of Newville, • Sept. 8, 1.84t.--ttls. ' ItAtiie:oter Old Guard pt 11,1611 the above- to the entoutdor . ss anti charge this oiiiee.; The undersigned offers for sale the FAIL T on Which laJviEgilles-jwo voiles west of Shippeakhoem, being . in South:ll4ton toivaship,Fraoklin comity, l's. eootaming . . . . . 106 Acres - - • of ftrit rate I,intestone Land, not ii.ferior to any in the neighborhood. the Prove pleats area - dweiling .E 0 IT Barn, Tenant House and 'assortment o /MEM such other 'huiltlingq Ile are ileOesaarv, tO' fai•tning;'also a good Orchard and well of water. Also, a LSVO story Brick Badge, will a lot and a - half of ground thereto attached, in the borough-or ShiPpensburg, CUmherland county, this prol city is iii good repair, teml is' situated in the business part of the towt; the ilnprovementware STONI.I STALILF. Irontiiig two alleys, smoke house an d other .11VCCSS,1111 out buildings. • . The 'undersigned deems it unnecessary to give a mitinte:tlescriptioti.ol the shove property., as persons wishing' to purchase can view the premises 'by call ing on Mr. P. S. Ariz, Shippensluirg, or on JOAN EBEIVEYX, • . - living on the Ihrim.• l.aiocaster Uld Guard publish 6t and ehtfige this ofiie4. • • L ETTERS Or • An.)IINISTRAI'ION hi due „form of lMe upon the estate o(l,i,tlaita Nim moo, ileo'4l., lotely,.of Shippenshnrg, hale; tweo gram 'ell ti ; John Skinner Mid Jollies Walker ;'oll•purions htivimr, plait*);agniust'tl n e vishittt . seill pi•eteat them tie . seitlointoit,nos.l those indebted will make mqment to them— - - •'• '• ' . • - - : ''' ' , 'rho administrators will attend at Minato yetti &nee of. Ilk deceased on Friday And 'Saturday the .17th and Ifillt.of Septembec to attend to business of . • A FAMILY , NEWSPAPER:—DEVOTED To NEWS, pciMTICS, LITE4.TURE, TTIE ARTS A*DSCiENCES, AGAICULTURE; Alyl.lllElV . .r9 &C. &C: IcE4! Ls ES.TeITE - P-0 it SALE. offek for sale a splendid LIME. STONE FAR. 111;• it contains about 165 ACR)ES, is close to the-edge of the !Trough de Carlisle, in the heart of the Cmnberland Valley-L-that.niugni/icent expanso than which the snn in hea'ren shineth not on Its superior. The title• indisputable and the land patented. - . • InqmOvenkents, and Local ddvaniages. A GOOD .1,1'7). LA It GD G - - • --- is If I I LO 1-1414ETSE 'l - ' ... ' . 4. 1 1 ,i a . lI^V New Bpook - linen, ~ - '4', -:,„.. (first rate, , ), a well of nexer-thilitig..pure water—iirox imity to gushing spring water—an Orelnird of aboht 100 yoinig Apple trees. About 50 acres or the iand Carrii•S - a crop of timber u'orth a large stint of mon ey - 7 :t good portion is yell set in clover and timothy gm5 ,..2..11,,,,,i ng good. The limestone is the slab 'Or shelving ' easily jiroeured, takes less fuel' ri make lame, and itlail the most vuluable the north 6e shoe hula shit:. of ' the valley will "give a constant den - land lbr this ustone forever.. it' is close to the great Cumberland Valley RH I 1-11'0:111. • . If not sold fie Core Friday the 15th- of October, it -will on Una day he exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. • - • 'For terms ap'ply to __ „. .A. -Sept.-8, Pa. (7' Lebnimi,(;otirkii• insert 31 mid semi bill to this . . 1 . - :— .)Pailifele -7 61:. - • '-----: . i' ': -. .. 6 ! 1-:-. V-*Ml l .,Tirig , r7r. - 7 - 11311t9 - - - . ---.- liftv. l 4-1-a.1.4-- 111.•, - J ' J . . INlff --IzL-.7 liiii - 47 - 7 1' W - i --- : __ .. , J 1U;SO -1 -.4. U 1 IU, U 1.., - .11- pill StUlliel•pl , . - .:11, - 111 . 1111. ~r. , lie )... i ii,i,,,,5% . 0,,,,,.t. -ill' :Ctiiill,Esi , t' .11110'enio:ipit Fr i (1a . )7.t.fy. , .. j.isii,.' ' fAsi-?,,:•,:,,,;:‘,.:,' lititi - , o0c70,_,14:11. ~i. ..,:ad . th. tbilmi ivg.",./t:-. .-., . . . Nerilictl rval estato, late,tliewup ' .flithililD+ • ” (Itte.'ll., t0 . wi1..: -(.?, • .—NOT. 4.,. . 9. l ract.- LAN-D 111 - 01;i4" - Tiiti licirs,..l(llll; I liglt, latur,c , am. Iteirsif 22 A re s ilia 81 niensan4.ll:lYing thereon meted Two . Story To o a ti 111 MPS El • Kitchen, Double Lodi Barn,- \lra- Two : Story Log ftit H. 0 IT • S E .JACOB 1111:11, Adm'r. ofjneob WO, sr. dee'd Farm and Hpu,se for Sale • • Estate, of deed; JOHN STUI,NIPIR; ;TAMES WALKER, Sept. 8,1841.74 t," . . . . Printed-and • Puhlished (ok:the' Proprietor:,* irna. S.. er2sicp,. C mrZisle, Cztutherlun4 County, ra. . , :_, . . . . . . • Or kati§''Cou .t - Sale, . , In pursn anc ord6r of th Orphans' Court of embeds' c t itty, will lie sold kyr Public Vendee, on the premises, on 'Min) , the Bth of October next, at I'3 o'clock, M. of that day, the fanowing: real es tate, late the property of David Welf, of . Monroe township in said county, dee'd., to wit: '. situate in Afonnoe township aforesaid, .bounded.lT laidls of:Michael o.lleltzlionver, widow Cemni,.l,ohn Brieken; 'Samuel Brinker,. Samuel Ifolren and , SIM YelloWßreeeliesereek, containing ' , • • -• J 9 d'cres awl 341.Perrhes, • strict ntensnre. - This land is limestone land,, iii ex cellent enltivnti en and under first rite fencer. .1:lie nnprovenißnts . • - . . Teo' Story Stone • if f-Tiv. 7. , JuLt4f HOUSE 1,011 • sf.. ) A LARGE - BANIC BARN; Wagon-Shed, and other out Intlhlingst also a never ftiliog spring of water dose to the house, a Rood Orchard of 4'ol .e.eleeted fruit is on the pakvises, and also a large quantity of locust - timber. , The whole ofthis tract Is cleared land. Also, a .Tract of of Woodland, ii_orAjtmr.o.t, Winded by John Bricker, Alelelio . • Ilvennernatr Ege's heirs, I. Leiili 's heirs 4in Alici : s, and. containing 21 .acres 30 perches strict tpcssitre. ' This. piece of land is well covr•retl with eheslint initl oak limber. r• .The conifitieits will be made. kiiewit . : ll. :Ole thee - - ritl-pinee.uf salt; by . - • • :- - Sept. ,B, 1 84.1. 'lO tfiis coirectioti. • - he sqlll at Itl'arttv . „ .. „ . . ~• , • —• -.--• -- Lot. 0 r. 1., ro 0 n.k.:: -,. r ., , „0„,„„,,„„ ~. ,„ „„I:yri,-1.,,,, ii, (kik'', ~.,,,.,'_ k in I „ „4,:i „, m i ,, ~ , y,,„ d„, ,„ , br.r.w...;11 4 (arlisle„bminill. i.... 1 ! - Itylitt, tio . f)y I.Vt..,y , T;aild tm (lie,,wi•ni by C. I Iltmerit•li, Isaiikg ili . . , re..a . ..retied a 4iry nod a NiIri;OCTIVMATI Ilili.l-34)All1)1 , ,I1 -11(.11.15F.,_ . K1•11.1,1•:If. - 1 _ . . Carlislt , , Silt. LI, I S 11. . • ... . , . • 14reii7)1 0 11 ) rbeillndef: I it; . byan iwt of thjfien, oral A sseinblv of tlie.Coin moms valth et' Penn sylvania, entitled " A it act rel , itiog• trr the :of !Ids Coinnionwealih," passed the, '241. da'y of .Pulp Amin Domini-ono thaiistknd eight hundred and thirty nine, -it is made the duly of the Sherill . of every coludy %%Willi this Coninionweallti,,io thel;oneral Elections and in such iintice cannier:de. ,t. The °nicer , : to lie eleetod. 2. 11)esignate the place at which the election is in make witt - give MIS' • to the electors of the county or Cumberland, that on the Second Tuesday qf October next (being the 12th, day df the month,) a 'General Election will be held at the several elfetio» districts established by law in said, crusty, ad which time they Will vote by 'ballot for the several officers hereinafter named, viz: ONE, PERSON fop Governor of the Stale of Pennsylvania. ' - TWO PERSONS .tal , reptesent the counties of Cumberland, Franklin and Adams in the State Senate. TWO PERSONS to represent the count• or Cumberland im the !louse of Itepreseitt.•ttives of l'ennsylvanivi. ONE COMMISSIONER Or the county of Cumberland. of the Poor Viol of the llotisti of l'lmployment of said county. - • ONg TREASURER tin• the county of coomooood. : , ONE AUDITOR' . to settle the public ttecowits of the emmty.Conintis sioners Sec. *or the county of Co ndierlad. The saidelection will be . held throughout the Won't c as follows : the horo . iigh or (_avil , .le, and townships or North Alithlhim), Smith Alithilcion, Lowor Dickinson; Lturcr Frankford, kuul Lout!' 1V'Sipe11110)01'0' will audit! Court Douse, in the borough o 1 • TIM election in •tile district composed of Silver Spring township, will in held at . the public I loose of Joseph Grier, in I ng . estoW 11;ln - said township. ele:tion in the di,striet composed • pf' Rot pemishorougit township, will beheld at the public house of Andrew lilrettier, ill said tcwitithip. .• • The election itt the district compose of New Corn lierhind witfit part-of Allen towitshiporill lie lull nt the fluidic. house of John Som•heck in New Cum- . herlattd.' The election ip the district romrsed of Lisburn and a part of Alreti tOwnship'tvillW- held , at the pub lic house of Peter Alt:Conn, in .Lisburn. The election in the district composed or that part or Allen township, not included in the New Cum berland and Lisburn election disfricts; Will be held at the public house of David Shearer, in Shepherds = town m said township. The election in the district coMposedh of the bor• ouglc or Medninieslairri, will .fie held at the public house of John Ilium:L m said borough. The election in the ;fistrict composed or mooroo 'township, will be held at the public house of IVid -orPti;ul m'Cburchtown in slut, township.' Tho election, in the :listriet composed of Upper Dickinson' totithip, will 'be held-at WeakleyN School House, in sold township. The election in the district composed of the boe ongh of Newtille, and townships of Jl'itlliu, Upper Prankford,, tipper Westpentishoro', 11111 i that pallor Newton - tow nship,not included in the Leesburg eke lion district herein after nientionvil, will he held' at the prick - School I louse; in the'borough of Newville. The election in the district eninposed of the town ship or Dioyewell, will be held at the school house, in Newburg in said township. • , ' ' A 01 g )! I ,2141311, ,••••t.,r•to• • s The election in the district composed of the "boe ougli of :Shippensburg, Sldppensburg townildp, and that part of Southampton township, not included in the Leeching election district, will be held. it 'dpi. Council House, in the borough. tif Shippensburg..• Anil in and by an sterol the Ceneral,Assembly of this' commonwealth, passed the ttd July 1.80; it is thus provided, " that the qualified electors of parts of Newton and Southampton townships in the county of Cumberland, bounded by. the billowing lines and distances, tint--fleginniag at the A damio comity line, theiictelong the-line diiiding the townships of Dick inson and NeWton to the tarapike road, thence along Said turnpike -Centre -schnolAmiese„ on said turnpike, in Southampton township, thencp,td - ri-iinint nn the Walnut Dettont road at' Veybuck's, joidading lleybuck's' farm, thence a ''straight - diMetion to the' 'saw-mill licking-mg to beim' of George Gloria., thence along Kryslur,'s ran to theAdiumi'poutitiAine, thence: along Site line of Mauls-enmity 1.64,10 placeof beginning; be.and is herein declartltin' nw eke -001). district, the. election to, held at" the piddle house' Of William Maxwell,m Leeslimg;Sondurinp . tonw tonship: . • . Given'under my hand at Carliale, this 81st day of August, A. D, 1841. - F/tUL MARTIN,Sherar wa_oawzmaz =Wald All Unit Plantanon and . 1 17,A07., . GEOFICY.•IIItINDLI; . t..,1/4.10,1-,--631.1.141.444X-4:11,-. Pathlie Arotice ONI'. DIRFICTOR ON cbitox nit i(aa OTATUZArintaIiTZ $OO azaa4 ' Valualil Fates For Sale... • The subscriber utendino,to retodvo to the-West. ; . ofiers for salt: the trio on irielt lie bowyesities; sa tiated on the . line I ctween ()lbw:land and Franklin counties, t ‘2 tiles north yest Newbur y t about 7 - miles fro' i SliippeitArg, • - : Conihiligaing 0 , R 3 ACATS of first ' , ate slate land, the pridipal part of whiph is Cleared and in a high, slate of hltiv 4 ti e e, ' Th e irt t . . 'provetoetits are,. , . ' ,-. ... . A LH* Two Story' , ..444figo_ • . 4,, LOG HOUSE, - • .:,,. - i • ---=' .- - ' 7 with-a well of Ist( tat the - door, aikil a never fitilin ,, stream of U afer../1111 a pump in. it in the basetnei7t; a large BANK tAltNi.a 'hi:one spring house and other- heeessary ottfoiri.ingsooll an ('N cellont ,t)re'oird of rhoiejt Frill. - Tliel'e are also it eonifortableTP,NlANT . 110. UT, sited Stable on 1-m -other illy( of saiii:Trot, and al 7. - -:CretiSlt'e sti; ikiiii mAcut IV.Eny for .vittoing olittiitzrqr. with v ERY VA1.17- Almr. WATER VONVEIi. )1 4 S.l), • - - A tract of land in Omitted:it& county, within one mile of the - farm above described, • t,'4)-volairtfB6t.7 152 Acres; 'about '2O acres are cleat-v(1,841 the residue covered with thidring thither. The I;ltteovements lire .12 .I...dRG L' NO' S' TO R Y. 1,0 G lIOUSE, A I,oo' STABLE, ented, and clear of all incittalrances.. The firms Will he _spa taparate or tagetller, mac beet tat lenTliasct;. tires the land can di? so; . t ry lion by calling Ott the subsetkr, r. , sitlitr,r,a4altove. • , : . \ Vll ESLER: is.) .••••--tr: • tta kr . lif -- } er)litity, - 1 10H - -Al mt 1.7111-r ., ?ittlYltl+ . l Stirt ot•oip:,..,,,,:rl;;,ilit'h t•lock, .1., Al, the tolloniii g .ili.,cributl-laThaitle prop-. erty, to Nt • • • • l'tSOf' - -1.-Pl4att- • El in P toiln • Land,. , • by 'lB ids:of • liarkneis, 1)altiol (e mite spio n ti deny e-dotoder lu;h---btate. of_ e . uti thyrohidw: eovi.ll young 'I:ho ller. Tbere rs uri lotildin , o on the Insol. • A ant, mill be given, and terms nnole knoN% iron the iliac of side. . . .. Persons W idling to % lc w Ow premises pri•%iotts r( lor flay of s;tle,t:oi rail ni the J:tte rehlikliCl. of Jas 4.alinra, adjoining .iln. , Same, ni. MI OS' S&P-N . 11.M% .- . It. G. `i 011,N (;, -I.l.iectitor. , - 8.1111. I n 111,---711,12..-. . - .. . . Shil.e, - Land' -at ra "cede. • Subsrribrr will sell at private sali: '1 . 11111x• TINES, volitNining tiviords at situate:id Hopewell. township, Cumheel:mil eotody, and toirgati towitship,l'eatildin (moldy. The Paring are well improved., and in a high mate of cultivation, together with suitable dwellings and barns, oil caul of them, thereon eiTeted. Auk• person wishing to purchase are t'iliteideil In call on the subscriber and examine,the l'oe themselves.. 'ferns will he made to suit the purchaser. JOHN I.AUGHLIN. Sept. 1, ISII,---fit N. 11. If the above farms :n•c not sol.lo,efrc the t of Duernit,er, they will be rented or lensed 1•m• a 1.111 01 rears. • • 1).1'1; VTIZZI.A.`4I' 1R7111,. (Hilt :„„1 dwcwiiiii in High street:next door to Itev..l. V. 1.1..Th0rn.. . ~ . . . . (;:trliste, August 4, IS41:-,--tr. 12'11131i:1g Estit hi iNhancie it 1491 g N. , .2 ff. E. . Me ." Herald &, - .Expositor" is offered for sale. It is the Oply «' pig paper in this county, has a large subscription list, a pair alllollllt Or3dViNgiSitig :1/1(1 job custom, with ample and good materials for . publishiog a weekly paper. Letters (post poid)nddresseo to the Edi tor, will meet with prompt attention. • GOLDEN - 13A - EL rioTEL • WEST 1.11(.4IIIIST.., CAI-ILP:;LE. 'the subscriber, lhaoLfol Pir past fa \ o rs At r , by nollii(r.S the ptiblicgenerally. that he still einithmes at the old staml,nearly opposite the College Campim, ii hero he krill at all times he fonnd ready and a fil ling to aecommodate in the I:et possible'manner, those who may favor him with' a call. The I I nose is located in the most business part 'wow own, and is near tIM stopping place of the Cuts on the :R u n' Road. The ROOMS are Purge and . airy—the_TA- ' 111.1.1 will he supplied with, the very best the markets I'7 can famish--atol the 11.% It With t I thoieest Ilignors. Ills Vharges are reasonable, and he will endeavor to merit by itsi ‘ littity and attention a cot - Allot:met; of pub- I lie patronage.. .IMARDERS taken by the'wei.k, month, or year.' DROVVIIIS nod TRAVEI,I',ItS will'and it tn:their : interest to Sttlindill hill),:lti helms plenty ofstabliok, l ;Mil it enrefol 05T1.F.11.,,b,,i:,,:ftt hand. , AN ;‘II.FAV 11.011EHTS. Carlisle, Sept. 8, 1.841.-:41 . • - • 41 . .0 wise EJtate of David Bender, nrmits I'ESTANIENTA'ItY an the..esta,t 1 . 4 'of Dayo Itendee, late of Allen township, Qom beldamd comity, deu'il. li ve.t•toi grated ta the sub scrawl• residing in die same toa' llr , lilp: NOTJC F, i 4 hereby given to all persims indebted to the estate to make hmtieditite pa . ) anent, thoie hating Adios against's:lid estate to present them for settlement: • N 'e.- ' Sept. i5,18-11. 7 .--lit . NOT CE. Estate of Saud., Sturi”eou• FiTTIOIS OF ADMINiSTHATION • on, the LA Fiititte of SalllM4Sttirgeon, Into of the borough .of hi"r. Leta issued in due loon of. to .the sitbserilivri 'Some is h ece b:y given ogniiii•Csailestate, to present titeti ditty t i l a n t I ► indebted to•saiii estite,tn•e reivestea to milky pornient to the subsonic'. residing in the tiorough of.Shijipousburg . . • • . • • woaa.l.Nr.virAti, ~I.!lner. -Septembvt• ' : • , . . -E.itato of , john Johnson, deed." . ItY on the estate or John Johnson,' late of New ville ,Cmnher tand county, tleo'Ll.,.have been gi.,a9ted to die snbseri hrvs: NoTme is bevel?) , Oven to.all persoas Indebt ed to thri estate - to make immediate payment; nod those, having ttlAti Ins to Present them for, ..settle-; roes itolTr..l,,mltn; of IRVINE% ilfSewillk, •E'x'rs, of John Johnson, iletl'd Sept ! 15, 184.1.--Gt., • . : VOIA'irTICALIA. .aDDRE'SS . OF 'PILE • Whig PiTeianbers TO THE •PEOPLE FiLLOW-CITIZENS :-Tll6 Extra . Session of Congress has, at length, been brought to a close, The .incidents 'which belong to the.history of : this session, mid ,especially those ,which have marked i'ts TOrmination, are of a nature to make Sot.styong r an im presSiou upon the county), and to excite so much .interest in the future "action and relations of the Whig,Party, that the Whig lkpresentatiVes' in a ' GOth :Houses - of Con gress . have thought it' their du ty;ThefoTe separatiii:g, to . . address — their - constituents with a brief exposition of the circumstances in which they conceive .themselves to be placed :by the events which • have recently transpired . . -- "This:'session of _Congress was called as almost the- first measure of that illtistrions and rarnented citizen whose elocdon to the - Presidency was no less signifi cant . Of the. general ':.!sritiment•of condemnation of the n g — Ad tra t orr,7 th in • it was expressive of a wish for an imme diate-and radical chatige,.in,the pnblic -Tlie impro.v.idence of. thOse :who had ; pelted; fr . i)iit po wCr !tact render hiev,itairki4,,:and the the nliTatifir ..)IJ-Vit -. 11 [4.0 F o t tel of - fiTtgryYtill='rtlmce2 . --74 , ..r11 - siwitis. 1,1, •tlo t-A-tpfin-447Z--4 early alloPtiotil of the p.oliey which kali' liven pronlised.hy the Whig party. That: pilliey /had he'en to-consdclel%ition_Aribo . enuntrY,L .throughout a vmlest, of nearly I'2 years'T duration, inalptalned.whli. unexampled de-; votiOn ; andats• principles Weil) illustrated,l hv. the proceptS and. praelices 7 of the..tmist! eminent .— an f- d - patriotic :O otir-c.iiizen,s„in,T -every fgrin 'by which they wet'eable - ;to ad. 7l- dress themselves to-the,,;-0, of the People____N _ o hue misapprehended., these principles . ; they were idc4ttificd ‘l , the labors of that great party whKe Itpayallel- • led success was liiitlt.the token-and - the-re- . ward of. the-:general jeonfidenee - of the in,ltniigthl reform = Ist. In the restraint of Executive-power and :patronaae;. BM 2d. In the Wtfoleso - mr , vraultdinn or thin darrfinf'v V. In the establishment of an economi cal administration of. the tin:inces; They proposed to accomplish 'the first of these objects by limiting the service of the President to a single term; by forbid ding - all officers of the Goveniment from interfering in clectiens; end by a voluntary self-denial on the : part Of the Chief Magii trate,.in that 'excessive use of the veto pow er which'had recently become so •otiensive to the country as an instrument of party; supremacy. They hoped to achieve their next object by the• establishment of a' National 1.3an1; by an adjustment . of the systphi Of duties upon a moderate and permanent scale. adapted as nearly as practicable, to the in terests,-and conformable-with-the-views-of every ,portion of the Union ; by the estab . lishincut of a uniform system of bankrupt cy ; ' and Itv the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands ainon2st, the states—a measure recommended not only by con* dcrations`oljustiOe to the states theinseives, iq_also-hy-a-sati - experience of the.embar _ rassment produced in the currency result ing from the administration of a fund of sueli variable amount es an 'item in the or dinary revenues of the- Covet =pot. The establishment.of an economical atlininistra tion of the finances,..theY expeeted 'th'attain by cutting down all useless offices; by en forcing a strict necontuability of the public agents: and, more conspietiously,byAnak log exact and adequate provision. for the ascertainment..anti eventful. liquidatim of that public debt whit-di the past administra tion had created by•perinitting their expen diture•to overrun their receipts, and which thq had concealed from public observation by'the casy;.device of repeated issues, of Goyernment notes. 'flies-0 were the proMinent points to - which the ,policy of the Whig Party had been direeted, and which.consOnted the great issues before the country in the 're cent Presidential election. We.are aware ikat:mur adversaries now deny these issues, fonnding their denial chiefly urpon'the fact that no formal manifesto was put forth to declare theterMs upon which. we insisted: „We chose rather mj.,appeal to the 'widely diltused lotowlehe of Tr principles which. had been. impressed, upon . every "man's tmind in . the long struggle Of years gone by; with which one party had been' identified, and of which its very'natne ANaS an expp !hcnt.' It need tint he 'pill Altai, in a representa tion spread . Oyfr a territfier of such extit as that- reMprelientfed by our ijnion,.and pxhibiting interests so diversified, what might be called the characteristic. ples..a the . Whig party., throughout the wide srilige, should he subject:to occasion al modilleations- dependent upon toe.atin -11110th:es; -;lnd That it' Was incumbent, there fore, upon ihe' party to rIIOV,C together lit a' spirit of, mutual emieeSsieti" and acconflim datiou'lif sectiMufl difrerences Ii need -nOt-be.lohljhat,:in tlie:system of measures tvlticlt the haVe enuMeramil,..Con= Meting views might tiatinally ekiSt betUree — ii the'Repr'esentaii . ves of.diStantjoriiiOn4; . of Our , Reptgilic.,' U6ll tli,it .only by'ahe yield= Jug 'of minor interests to . the establishrnent ofthe.treneraLgiiod;. entire ...harmony was 0 to be obtained in the action Of Congress, This was natural, 'and to be expeCted. -But tvelelt a proud consciousness that in. the patriotism of the party 'all such difficulties would vanish, and that the demands of an enlarged welfare would be met and - fulfilled, through AIM virtue of that spirit of corn pro= mise and forbearance, that liberaland 'corn prehensive sentiment 4.4 self-denial and concession, Which rests at the heart of our, .confederacy, / and ,whiehteopstitutes the liv ing principle. of our Union. - Pefore•Me appointed : d ay arrived . . for the meeting of Congress, .and . the expiration of but, one .short-month from the -day of hi 3 inaugura obr heleved"President was - snatched' front us by the graSsii of death; too soon for : the happiness of - his country, Lint soon to awaken in otij hosoyiS a deep and "awful sense -of the irreparable loss Which we have sit Stained in.the Peprivntion °V a great and.good man—Mot eon since us hdw, long and 11 country `doomed to del misfortune. In this our cab to find censolation in the principles of him-whom had, designated to fill the' office of the -pa r ted- ittf,----- 7 4-is. - --trite-,4lnit.-towards-that. individual, even at the Moment of.-his se leetion for •the- Vice: Presidency, it very , earnet public .atTelitiiiirliattbcen . directed; fI and._ it is, equally,truoilial Init,a_vassing . .re 7t l pril.was beSto - ,wed,tipel,t the ; Mir,,rent of his (him Lasime_: t04.0.,..ea.,;.memh en _Or.. Ithns4l-1--,- ti0irr4.16,th.:44.7,4 - , atlL;ro Ad: ft t party .Whose,opinimis and principles'Wero . l deeply engraved in the. inost .compictions acts of. our politic,dl history, and were read, quid understood by.every citizen . in ills. :11 - In this connmiTit, be inmninent, we discerned what we cetvetl,' . and what doubtless lie inCt.lit," ta i be pliTtlge of faithful ,ailherenco to : . 11m ear--, ilinal doctrines lOr 7 tandi •• Qipes:4 f the - con ti tifv. weir, 1 -- linimdiV , . We hoped to font consolation alSo in . the fact that his acces- - the_ Pi:et:Money brought him into communion• and intimate political "fellow-'. ship witict , Ke chosen vangziard of the Whig party-,the first selection made hv.(lenci , :ll Harrison of• a.Cabinet, distinguished for its par:m . lool4 ability, integrity, and fidelity to the glorious cause in %OH' we had con auered—a cabinet emMentiy crowned with trns,ted as in tio.; tiny „ principles of the Tarty to which they be longed; who, were inseparably kssociated . with its glory, and in whose generous and honorabledrelation to the President, - we had the security of wise and .prosperotts coun sels, and he the pledge of a co-operation which should enable him to accomplish all that the Nation 'desired. These hopes were 'still further enlivened by the encoura ging tone in which the President referred, in his lirst address to the Nation, to - the "ever glorious example" afforded` him by the' fathers of the g , reat Republican school, and the declaration of his'determination to walk in the . path in which they pointed out. In the indulgence ,of these hopes, Con gress entered updn its labors. By adopt-. ing : r les for the_despatch of business con formable the entergeney of nn extra ses sion, and t 1-view of th(i great amount of legislation which the times required, we have been mudded to achieve all and even more than a I, that our constituents could have demanded at onr hands. The leading and great measures of this sus ion have hero under discussion, in Congress and out of it, for many years past, and little re mained. to he said beyond a- repetition, of former debates. There was nothing in the circumstances or position Of either party in Congress to _require, or even to justify, protriicted discussions; and the majority, therefore,' felt. tlmtitsclvcs ClititiCit to gilie to the extra session the-character of a Con; gress of action -.and decision; rather than one of debate; and we feel assured that in this effort we haveifime no more than re spond to the just expectations of the people, First, in Urgency,amoo . g the bills pa.4e'd during the session;:anl that . to-which the public . 40111mand most iniperativuly draw the attentinn of Congress, was the repeal of the Sub- Treasury Law. Our next care was the enactment of the. Land Hill. This_ was followed by an act converting the debt whieli 'the ,precedmg. Administration had entailed upon the country, into a loan of twelve millions of dollars, which is limited for- its redemption to a period of three years. Associated with this • measure was the 'Revenue 11111, rendered necessary not only as a provision towards the extinguish ment of the loan, hut also as indispensahle. tor the supply of means to meet the ordi-_ nary and necessary' approprititions of the. year., ; ', The Bankrupt Act, so earuestly.and so long,splicited Itva. large ood meritori ous _class of our Wtrzens, has been passed_ under circumstances which paint:but:4 - e-, lim+t time highest honor niuM time. Represtm t'atives itf manrof,the sections of,the 01111'7 • As_a Tep9ro standing :done, it might perhapsi haVe :been' destined:to• a:further. delay ; : but being. brought, as it was, into that series of measures which Artie sup posed to embrace thcsoheme ofrelief which the nation at large -required, it.met froin a .I'Vlii“)ongreSs that SuppOrtef it'ltich the 'chit!f,arginent;and Ai highest :tine' are de rigid'from:,the respect which . felt to lie dile . to 'a Conipiehensiire.‘policy, hese 'seppe shintid ineluilti:eVery!, interest ,the'nation. It; is ii thelbetztit . of the 'country.; tinCremnains_ be : or iin rci veit, as. !lib pim Idie iv a titS may here after be fUtitul tit require. -The importanc i e, in the. present_ no6iuto of otittqairs.,,'ofort4 • • MIN awn' ommutmoo volac) 409---laTc) 49% tending:to the 'national defences, suggested ' the measure of establishing a Home Sluzi& ron, of repairing 'anti: arming the•Fortifiea.: , tioriS, of Providing for the defence of the Lakes, and of bringing the nation at large • into„a state , of readiness 'against hostile ag; gressionsin regard to. whieltMeasnres, ail great unanimity prevailed in emigres's . , we may safely„ assure ourselves they will meet' the' Undivided- approbation -of„our_.eonsii-; tucuts. throughout the whale Union: . •. . 'Phis rapid review,. felloW eitiiens,, will exhiliit what we hate ~ .dope, , What *6 have failed. to do remains to he told. • It is with refound and poignant regret. that we. find ourselves ;celled upon. to -in.; 'yoke ybor attention to this point. - Upon' alre - grearami - leadimr - , meastirc:- miehtiort, our anxio us endeavors to.resPond. to "'the earnest prayer of the nation have been frustrated ; by an act as unlooked-for hi it is - to be lameirted./: We grieve - fo say iti you that,-by the c,e'retse of that power -id the constitution which has .ever- been .re „larded. with .•stispicien„ and .often with °dint - 11,1)y the people--a noWer which we. had hoped was -never to.„be exhibited, od _- this subject, - by a \Vhig President—iia .defeated in two altemPts to ere; ate a Fiscal Agent, whieh - tle tvants.orifirr— country bad demonstrated to,us, in themosi.” abstain-lc:form of proof, eminently ,ne , : • cesseryl- and proper in the present emelt vice.lfave -we, with`TtlM..-tftmost - :71 WlT€ 7 ft - 4144i140f.:*4":4 7 14Vri - '74i. 11X, 11.111 f, ;11 [744411- .„ . AgfuQyz , ..'of.- rportt ie t,,; 404pisa, trtirie6 , 4as to.ett our-fete fo eouine r the opposition of the PreSidenir" ! through the-application . of the.veni.power. • lTh.e ; eharactertof that veto in each ease,the ciTcu instances in-wit l'and the grounds upon irltieleji has the decided -disapprohation of .yette,friends in - Congress, are..snfliciently apparent in 'the • iltdili,ti:•dot , mmenN:aiid - tliU debates relating - ' - Ltoit.• "This Subjeet has acquirtM a painful • innYresrwitlytn-1,- mill- will doubtless it, witirydu, froin . ;the unhappy deyelop meets 'with -which it is acconiDanied. - We - are constrianed -to say tijat we find -• 1 -groutid to justify usin the conviction that-. : I . the veto of _tho.President-has-been-inter--.._' . Find ,on this question solely iipian con scient ions and• well considered. opinions of, constitutional scruples as to his duty in'tho case presented.. On the contrary, too Many . That tho President has permitted ionise Ito - be beguiled into an opinion .that,'ly, this exhibition of his prerogative, tre,might be able. - Ri divert the policy - of.his 41.1ministra tiop into; a channel which should lead to • . new political combinations, and accotryplish I results which must Overthrow the ph! Sent divisions of . parlyin T tlie country, and final ly produce a state of .things which those who elected him, at feast, have never con templated. ' have seen from an early period of. the, session, that the AVldg party did not enjoy the confidence of the l'resi dent. Mortification we have observed that his'asseciations More sedulously aimed at a free communication . NVith those who have been busy to prostrate 'our purposes rather than thiee 'whose principles seemed to bc most - identified w•ith the p(itvet by which lie was elected. AVe have reason to believe that. he has permitted 'himself to , be approached, counselled, tend influenced ,4 'thos c - cilia 11:1V - C umniksard least interest the st«•CeSS of , s It ig measores. What _were_presented to be his opinions and de signs, have been freely, hind even insolent= - putforth in. certain portions, end those not the most reputable, of the public press, in •a manner that ought to be deemed of fensive to his honor, as it:certainly .was to the feelings of those who were believed' to be his friends. In the earnest endeavor Manifestetl by the members of the IVltig party in Congress to aseertaia specifically 'the President's tiotiontr,in refi:rence to the derails of suelya bill relating to a Fiscal Agent es would he li`kely . to 'meet his sp; probation;tho friqiiient changes of his 'opi- Men, and the singular want•of consistency iia Iris views, have baffled his best' friends, and rendered the hope of adjustment with • lino impoSsible. CM avy pal and . tion . . . Coniirets, early' in the session, called upon t he Secretary of The Treasury for the plan of ar Fiscal Agent; the. result of this . calFvvas it bill which was reported in tle.- . r , tail, with. an arguinciet in its favor, and it •was;:as - we had a right to regird it, receiv ed by all as the bill of the,President. • In' 1 lam ; it was kiiown to certain provisions, in' , reeerence,to• the assentof the states, which corresponded with.the . private •opinion of _no menther of the cabinet. This bill 'the • PreSidunt - had - 'vven informed Wore: than' •. One unlimber of did : House he witild,l4;:.', willing to,signif passed by, Congress; yet it contained provisiOn for tocotdisecronting; in regard to .which his Vet Message•,a(, - . firms his objections to be •altegether.insu-' ; pevable.. • The IVresidea' has s subsegnently declared dial.' this was net hig':nicUstire, and::: that 'w hen he said,,be would •sign; this:bilg, he had • r uot: read. ; it:, ,The 'plait of . an. Ex , ...:•... vhatigen Ilivok, eitch••as was reported after : the first Veto, the:PresidenHe'rtrulerstood• .by niore, than one member of - Congress,• t 0?,:.. -., . '.whoni„lic.-:esP'reSsetlhis,•opinioni to!have. , .:', reg'vded•PP*f#,Orite , •lnessure ,, .• , .lt;;,was.irk , .•:, , •, view.. Of; ddioPiriien,•• suggetfed : gp , it, is • inl. ;• 'his tirst.:.'veli). ) aPdiirwPl l § l . ll ‘v. l3 Yrr . 3 7 ,llr9Pfe ;•• effert ; tri 6Seeriaiii his : „Preeise,-,views upon it, that the`iiintUitfee,.ofcAre:HfitiSe, ;of 116-I,' presentati'v fi'Telikted,lheir.sicorid.blll. 4:.. - (t s, minis 'll it. - #i $ ions.•fotit,)?.SUL . ,.witlo.4(thri":-:'•.• pri\;ilege ' Of. .`fri . e. f- I .. diSeVinnlii4, ; .::,'intitl.: mai '„•:;::: adopted; as closely as Possible, ktiiglAlT:lU'.Ef;• . ; ot ! rnefeatiMe ,OperatiOns , ,,:witiCiliti•f•Ofo:. ,:: ~ , .„., ~,., 11•11