Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 08, 1841, Image 4
• Splendid Lidieriei: prizes 'of $25,000 amounting to $lOO,O OO ' FOR 25TH SiOTEMBER; ANI) $50,1100-430,000-425, 000,. FOR. 25n obroiwat.' • • • . ,Uoioii Lottiiry: Claes 8. -To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, lati Sat •.• urilay, Sept. 25; 1341. BRILLIAN'f FOUR PRIZESt;OF.,. 25,000 Dollars • • 9 • , • 1 prize of • woo p 011... 1 do 2 • • , • ar,00,0 do , I do • 6,000 do I do • 0 1 5,15:3 do :P.:prizes of 4,000 do. 4 do . ' • 2,000 do • 50 do • ' • • 1,000 do . 50 do 5OO do 50 Jo , 250 do too :do 200, &c. • .• • . 14 drawn numbers ont.of Tickets sls—Halves $7 50—Quarters $3 75 . Eighths $1 87. Certificate.of packages of .26 whole tickets, $2OO •do . • do '26 half .do 100 . do do j . 25 gnarter do 50 do , do- 20-eighth do '25 T-1 rand- Cla . ss 9 To - be drawn at Alexandria, D. C.;itSat urdayi Oct. 23, 184,1% -, 16 drawn ballots. • . • ' MAGNIFICENT -SCDEME. I Capital prize of. . 50,000 Doll. lid prize of .• • 50,000 do do • ' 25,000 do do , . 10;000 do 8,000 do 7,000 do 5,000 do 5.000 ,do 4,00 d do - -.2,5461'. do • 2,511 ilo . 2,000 d 0 1,750 do, ' 1,500 do 1,250 fln 1,000 dd 500 ,do .• 400 do.. 500 do 2:,0' do '2OO • do 1 do 1 do 1 do 4 do 5 .do 10 do 10 do SO, do 50 do 50 do 100 do 100 do 170 do . . , I G dra w monberß ou I-of-78. . Ticket42o; 1 bees $10;. Cloartt•rs $5; ElO its $'2:YO - . ~.,,,:416efikvAte§viii!oils....meli or ‘26 Ai Iliac tick. (As I 410 do t , • `j-t.wcters' or v tiCKCiff :111t1 shares Of pnekairs In the above - Heltemes will t•r Iseivethn most 'prompt attention; !tad the drawing of — e fielciotteiy,iiill . ll6:sent - intmediately_altizelit_is.ove:r , to all who order from as., - , • -• QltEGOllYs c i CO...:llanagers.. ' • . ,Washington, 1); C;._. • . ST-. WAR-T.,-E Th , o,msoniari Botanic; Practitioner • _ ofMedicine and Obstetrics, No. ~2 Alexander's ]low, near the - RailAnad Hotel .• • • WSPFICTFULI Y informs his friends awl the public generally, that (through solicitation) he has retnoved from Shiremanstown to Cartkle, where -he may be found at all times,unless professionally engaged. The afflicted shall at at all times be treat ed with purely Vegetably :I,ediciiies,•iNo.Polsons," and hi strict accordance with, the, principles laid down by - that great reformer iu medical science, Dr. Samuel Thomson. • Chronic cases, such as Consutnptions, Liver Com- Ithemnatisms, and Cancers, are more particularly informed that the Nets' System is admirably adapted to Weir cases. . Invalids from a distance can be accommodated with ,Boarding• while under medical treatment,: on reasonable terms. Carlisle, July 14, 1841.---tf. Proposed Ahtendmeat to the Constitution. • "Resolution relative to the .thnendment of the. State Constitution, .• "11ESCiLVED by . the Senate and I louse of Re presentatives in General Assembly met, That the Constitution of this.Conmionwealth be amended in the third section of the second article, so that it :shall read as follows: "That the Governor.shall hold his office during three years, fiom the third Tuesday of January,. nest ensuing his election, and shall .not be capable' of holding it longer than a single term of three !pare, in any term of nine years." • • WM. A. CRAM', Sneaker of the Mouse of ItpresentatiVoB. . . .IN. It. EWING . , Speaker of the Senate. Pennsylvania, as.. . SECILEICAUY'S OFFICE. ' T. ill; ly certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution proposing an amendment of the Constitution, which was agreed to at the last session of the . Legislature, by a majurity of the ,members elected to each house, the original of which remains filed in this office; and in compliance with the tenth article of the Constitu tion of ,the Commonwealth, I do hereby cause the Same to be' published, as di reeled by the said article. IN TESTIMONY whereof, 1 have :Cer hereunto set my hand and seal of said o t office, at Harrisburg, tliis 44th day of / Jung 1841. 'sFRS. R. SHONE, ' •-•'` - Secretary -of the Connnonwealth. June 30, - DEJV'TI TR DR. I. C, LOOAIIS, Denttst, I s permanently located in Carlisle, and wildperform all operations that arc required in Dental Surgery, such as Filing, Plugging and Ex tracting. Teeth, find inserting At•tificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a whole set. Hu will also attend to all diseases of the mouth, gtinis, &0., and direct and regulate the first and second dentition so as to render the teeth of cltildi•en and young persons regtilar and beautiful. • Dr. LOOMIS may at alltimes be found at his of fice, on High street, opposite Maefarlane'S Hotel. Carlisle, June •13, BONNETS. '. Just received at the Net, Store, a large and splen did assortment of English Straiv and Florence Bon nets; offered for sale at low prices by - ARNOLD Sr. ABRAMS. March M, 1841. NEW STORE. The Subscriber !mitit — opened a new and hand some assortment of •' SPRING GOODSi. f. suited to the season, in North- II nover .stved, be tween the*Bank and Cornnian's I otel,ionsistinr, in pail,' of qloths. Qassimeres, 'S. Itinetts, Vestings, COeds, Stripes, Skirtings,. She:eth „s", Catnbries„lll - Mousse de Lainei, Ste.lte,, . ..„--,-,------ . • ALSO, 1 • • .Qaeensware and Groceries, spiets,..cowv.sw,' Zo'c. ,Egc. Also, .110JVWETS,LEGHOWV" AND PA L.lll LEAF MTh', together with a.great variety.of other broods whicli he will sell low upon accommodating terms. Please give' him a call.. . May 19,184f.-=ly. MOUSLIN PE LAIRS pr , now style fVom 25 to flri"cents per yard, just received and fIY sale ARNOLD 8r ABRAMS: . Marclip 31;1 84i.> rerijue r t-rt,te";ve. , l ., n,nll anew au pp y ie CC . for sate cheap at the store of ahslua .1811 MI -• • Jacob . Dundore, Respectiolly informs the citizens. of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he has commenced the Saddler yand [farness Making, • , . .. . 1311SIIIICSS, . .. hi all, its various branches, in Main street, one door - east rol:the store of 0 Anderstin, and a few doors west of Mr. Witniterlich'S tavern, where he will keep constantly on hand; and mnnufacture to order at the shortestmoticeand on thelnosi reasona ble terms, ,- . • • . . . , • . , Ile hopes by strict :Mention to business, and an mix ions desire to pi ease, to merit atul rebel ye a liberal share nfpubl in patrng,age: rinsing the best of wonk. Men employed, hip customers may expect. their work to be (lone in the neatest and most substantial man ner. . Carlisle, Alm • 10;1 81y. • W B IK N 0 X • •.,IT TO N AT LS CARLISLE, PENNA.. • Office a few doors West of the Post-Qilice. 111:0. 19; i fi4:1..-1.e.. •• i~ . • _ • .. SlIAMIE;11 GODS3 v • . • , .lust received•froM PhihuleliMitt at grettilv reduced prices from those'purchased carly'in the season; per-. 'soits.wishing lo supply themselies with • CHEAP CLOTHS, . • Sum triO,i7 GAssimeres, Cash maretts,. Linelinings, Bearerteens, Cords, VeVtinglcAlus lins. becks, 'Pickings, Calicoes, Dawns , MouSlitie de.htns, ttibbands . , 'Worked Collars, Stockings, Gloi•es, Gingliams, Silk and. Cotton. I landkerchiefs, Stocks, ,Muslin de Angletines, Fillet. SOarfi, Veils 'and flandkerelOfs,. Parasols ' Barred Worstedli for citildrens' wear, Nankeens, Cotton:l(l6s, Pittsburg, Cords, fie. &.c. f. e., will do well to call, on the sub scriber and secure gteat bargains. and Coail!, &c. a q dft•v(•6 , torge ~jlk of • _ _ • • • _ I liclu'sllnle ,A hove. cly.lip_gooLls.inity al sk:tS•iiraMitrlT.• . ' • • 0G11:111(.. .Ttiui: . . l.1111t:CS leave to inform the citizens of Carlisle aiitl ) -its -its vicitrity, that lie 11:13 comtnetieeil nititinfac ', w i n oJ.l,i,, gli : the latest fashions, and of the very ==== - Russ4l,:_llrie:sh, Beaver, Ntitrio,•an(l all kinds.of:FUß ; .• • • . . or which a general ossortment-will always be kept on hand, pr made to snit aecnrdiug to - order; which, he will sell .on the most neemninodatiiig - terms' ror cash or Countrij Prot/rite: Ills shop will he found iu•Londier street, in the house formerly kept by Lindsey Spotswood as a !latices' Shop. -- -- • _ Carlisle; May Qr); 8,11.---fim. • • VANE FUR & RUSSI.k.,HATS , most fashionable shapes and hest ginility„pgst received from Philadelphia. Also, In priced Leg horn and Chip Hats, at the store of • • ' CHAS. OGILIIY. Bar Iron , Glass,*c. Just received rittlis.New Store, of the subscribers, 4 Tons BAR of first rate quality, and for sale very low for tr4s 1, per consignment, JO half Boxes 8 40 and Mlialf Boxes 111 by 12 • Western Glass, in good order, for sale to Merchants at Pittsburg prices, and Buncannon best NAILS, BRADS .A7kD SPIKES, at Manufacturers prices, also, on hand Wilherow's Celebrated patent P LOCO I IS, X-SEED OIL, by the gallon, or Barrel,, OIL MEAL, Wetherill Bro's: Pure winTE, LEAH, MAHOGANY VANEERS, &e. ts:c. BOSSERMAN & HUTTON, BY. FIRE. TIIE FRANKLIN FIRE 'INSURANCE' COM PAN Y, OF p4tN,ADEL,NnA, - • • a Mai viomoo.pail iii:'—haii.r Perpltu al, Ci ONTIN UPI to make Insurance, Permanent arid s ) lit ) Undte •on ert , i'V description or Property, in TOWN AN I COUNTRY, out the usual favorable terms. OFFICE 1(131 Chemml street, near Fifth street. CHARLES N. 11 ANCKEIt, President. 'DIRECTORS. llc''rThe subscriber, Agent for the above Company for the borough of Carlisle and vicinity,will prOmpt ly attend to all applications for Insfirance, whether made personally nr by letter. Residence Main street nearly opposite the Car Office. 'WM. D. SEYNIOUR. Marell Just received at the Store of 4 , ANDREW RICHARDS, A fresh supply of sii,asonable, GOODS, consistin, in h:u•tpf Blue, Pluck . Browii, Olive Green, am ' . . .at• Black,Blue; Brown figural and striped Cassimevesl Mixed figured and Striped Gambroons for- panta loons. Brown, White, Striped tout Figured Linen Kentuckey,,. Pennsylvania and Delaware Jan* Pittsburg . curds;, Cotton stripes ;and drills; -American Nankeens and coloi.ed Muslins; Burlaps Frellell and Irish Linens; black, blue, Fawn, Mouse, Pink, Blossom, White, rigurdti,sthped and barred neW stile; Figured plain barred striped Jacki netts; Swiss, Cambrick and Alull muslins; Bonnets; Lawns and Silks, Embroidered; Mantnu, Glossees .Sattin and hatted Ribbonsr' Leg horn " flats, Straw, Braid;Nunimd - Chip Bonnets; Colored, White, Fig ured Leghorn and-PAM - leaf lliasr Brown & bleach muslins; Ticks, Checks, Crash, and Diapers; Lin tn cotton; 4-4 5-4 and 11-4 sheeting,s; Tablecloth, linen and-cotoii-Diaper) Linen, Gross.,:silk, pongee and cainbrick Hankerclnels; glove's,. Hosiery, Stocks and Arti f icial . flOivers; Cotton and Goighalp Hmbrel lap Parasols; cotton yarn Mid carpet chain; together with an 'extensive assortment Of,. - • Groceries sk..queensware. All of which will' be sold on the most reasonable terms. Person are invited,to call and examine for themseli7es before purchasing. elsewhere. • . ' . ANDREW RICHARDS. Carlisle, April !24, 11344.• . • FILET olf‘• SATIV.S . V Lgjust receive an o ere& tor, sale t ew Store in Shippensburg, by • •'„ . . . . ' ARNOLD Si ABRAMS. S. M. HAIM'S AlRtic IVIOSS IVIATIVItASSS , -loe.deu le ancl awgle ec 11, ter sale 4 le stovev . -*.ellAS. CHAS. OGILBY. LOOK Saddles, Bridles, CO'tars, H ar ness, Trunks; &c. ANOTHER.LATWE ANI) FRESH_ SUPPLY OF Alsl, a Vinod stock . of fresh ertrkiltrirVirelip • NEW AIANUF, 7 I67OIt. 0 Hats! - Hats!! Hats!! June 2; ISlt Carlisle, May 5,.1 S4 l . INDEc_NI AGAINST LOSS C11.4111.ES 'N. BA:NCKER, S \ 3111 EL GRANT, .1 AMTS SCHOTT, FRT.:DE:RICK BROWN, TIIONAS II A RT, ' .IACOII It. Si ITU, TIMAIAti I. WILAII.TON, GEO. \V. IticnARIIS, ...1. 4 a0LA5 WAGNr.R„ Al onny.t:Ai I). limn ClIAR1.1.1S — (1:11 - A - NCKE112,, Secretary alaWrOice --0) e eH--- June 2,1841. ~ , ,-li. . i''':. ' . .: . 4. : .* . 1.f:44 : ,.* ;:.,RIV,* A . 1.111: a ttp.:' . *V . --#. o'Lti ii -t 0 ~. .4. PM 4, 1 •4 , ZILIFY , r4fa- • COM*ISSICVN - - St. PO RWA:RD. (lave removed to the cap:Li:MIAS :Warehouse recently occupied by D.' Leech & Co. at the norlh-westcorner of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia: • Prom the facilities which the location and internal : arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 40 Ihmthen Cal's can be accommodated to mama' and load at the same time with sufficient room to store eO,OOO barrels or Flour, and 400 to 600 ton of Grain exclusive (tithe forwarding departnient. Produce of every description will be received as usual on consignments; and libei til hdvances made on receipt ' •r / mt)-until sales areeffeeted. • • CRXIG,•BELLAS. & Co.' • orth-west corner of Cherry Philadelphia. REFERENChS I _,/ , W. S. Colman ' Cashier. lleaderson & Parker, . Caries m. 11enry Rhomls, Saunderson & Bo'sserman, :Teen]) Bwnyer, Neurville. • David Nevi a, Shipped:Marg. 1. LOgan Smitli,Efig. Cashier ?. Chambersonu, Eyster, Hum & Co, Robert Fleming, • •. • . CatherwoMl.B4:Craig, Philadelphta. ' Win: R. Thompson - &•05. • Whitall - 84.• Brown, j . • • . . . ~....._ The subseribee i•ecently iTeeivea Nita ii iiiiiiii tional supplies of - - Nitedicases,,.C.9lors, - DyC7Sittils, Linserct _ 1.7 y rpfotinc,, .041, t' '' , ottiept.olggatizziiiiam:aapAP.Xgr:ol .tariet 11, Mass Lamps, t,i'ap miTT'etter yhysicitms, Mere:lnuits ituirltit„' at the..lowest rates, having pnrchusetlen a tirely for cash-;, he Will offer bargains to those purchase at wholesale.• - -S.—ELLIOTT 1- .7llllmAt 24, 1-811. . Varjety tore, &e. • /PM: suhseriber,thankful for past favors, respect.- .. A ['Huy-informs th(% - ptihrie that h.c., still continues 'to "hold fordo" in. Church Allev, near ‘!Edifeation Ilall,'' he lets now on hanti-a large assortment olnotjons, emnitsting in port, of the follow i ngt - 41 tread, Cakes, Cheese, Bacon, 'Hams, Flour, Soap, Cider, Spices, Fruits, Sweermeats, and other necessaries -o-ilindated PM this mereilian. . N. B. Lle also continues to Imp an Eating Boost., where gentlemen can be accomModated with , Tripe, Pigs Feet; Pickled Oysters, ko. Cat tOßhe shortest notice. JA Agent.. Sept. o,lB4o:—Lyear. Atie Hardware, Orocery r 46' relitzETy i s..TORAC, %in E subscriber IMS just rctunteil.from the Chie4,of New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore,'aMl is now opening at his store room S. E. Corner of Market- Sit u ate and Main Streets.' (for merly occupied by Gen- - W. Llitiler,) a general-as sortment of Hiirdware, tone . Trare; Cetlar Mire, Brittania. Wive, .Groceries, •Oils, Paints, Farniiites,Class,.Brusk es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for . burning Caniphine Oil, and a great 'variety of articles useful and necessary for furnishing ntid keeping a house.• Ile will constantly keep 011 hand • Camphinc - 'Oil, cheap elegant substitute for sperm oil, and having been appointed the agent of Messrs. Hackers and Icrother of Newark .N. 3., for the sale of Jone's Patent Lamps in Aids county, he is prepared to fur nish Lamps and Oil, at a very reasonallie rate to all whommy wish to ifse this now and economical light. Having selected his goods Mansell, and made his pwchases foe cash, he is able, and is determined to sellt ow. Those having the ensh to layout will find it to their advantage to give him a call. HENRY DUFFIELD. . J uly' 8, 1 849.--tf. Bi•andrelles Ifitigclable Univei • - sal Pills, • • Are held by the following agents in their respec tive counties. As numerous 'counterfeits . of these ping are attempted to be palmed upon the communi ty, the propriety of pnrchasing only front the recog nized agents, will be apparent. Cumberland County—George W. Ili titer, Carlisle; Mechanicsluirg; Girmore & McliinnCy, Neyville; S. (Albertson, ShipPensltrg; Bake & Brenneman, New Cumberland ;, Isaac BartonLis burn; M. G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Iliegellsr. Co. C.hurchtown., Yetry Cnupty—Alevander Magee, ,Bloomfiel J. & S.A. Coyle,Landisburg. "Attguk 2fi, tB4O The subscribers will sell their stock of Cloths Cassimeres awl other :woolen Goods, v'ery lew fot cash. lIITNER. .5z MULVANY. ' AfnrA 17,1841 MOUSELINE DE LAINES. Just received, elegant Mous. de Laines at 20, 25 31, 37,00 and 75 ets. per yard.;' CHAS. OGMBY. .March IS, 1811. • EDGE '1(0 4 ,1 1 (011140 -- . -- The subseriber hereby-informs the citizens of Ca- , lisle, and the public generally, that be has taken the shop nearly opposite the Jail, where he will' be. pre ppnred to to order, on the most reasons bleterms, any article in his.line of Imsincss,suelt as Axos, Picks• 9 &c- • • • He Twill also attend to- Steeking•-nnd Grinding-Axes. 'He solicits a Afire of pnblio patronage. "- JOHN-HARRIS. - Carlisle, Nov. • . 500 1)0111 , 4 P CARET 01-11AIN,in rec e ived at the New Store in Shippensburg, and lot &ale by 1841 t. notrsp A ND PAINTING, 6.laZipg, - . anil: . P*p — ei. - 11:4 - 4giO - gr The subscriber respectfully inforri:is the eitizens of Carlisle untl the vicinity, that he. has commenced the above business in all' its varionabriinchel: 'abet) ie in, the ,iiinsre - immediately ,in rear of the Market,lioutic, two doors cast of A...itiChartle store. lie bow by attention to ; business .and , : itiodertite receive a share of pationtige.,r • Carlisle 'Fbb ISM .4=-0 • • • fratg,ll fliers .S' Co. ME=E=I resh Iffedichicts CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY FOR Tu I; SALE OF Chfapi Cloths,. .%•e. ARNOLD & AURAMS Mechanicsburg Line' • Between Mechanicsburg an#, Philadelphia„ or Waltinfore. f [BY RA ROAD OR C.4.11 , 111.L] . , FICHE subscriberS gra t e f ul for past favors, Jg- beg leave to Wolin. their friends and the public 'generally, that they still run a line of hurthen Oars regularly bet Ween Mechanicsburg and. Philadelphia Or Bultimoae; by which goodk and pro duce. of all deadriptions• will be forwarded with care and despatch at the loWest rates of freight: Produce will be received "at' their Ware , Bowes in Mechanicsburg, and forwarded to either Phila delphitt or Baltimore, according to the direction of the owner. • "•-• The highest price will 'be giver! for Wheat and Flour. • • DRESBACH METLY. N.B. Plaster'of Paris and Salt " alwayi 'kept on band', and liar sale at the hAvest prices.' • • July 29, 1840,--ly. . • . iIItiMATITUDE is, the baAest - crime'in man:, • . We tire net 'among that class of Editors who for a few, dollars will, (at the expense of truth and hones= ty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither are we willing to remain silent;after having tested the utility of an improvement or discovery in - stienee m nit:—Our-readera - will - recollect—im.tolib them we were unwell with a sore 'throat and violent , coldlotnefew weeks. ago.' Well, wmpurcliimed two ' bottles of WINSLOW"S - BALSAM OF HORE HOUND antbsb sudden was theeere,that we forgot we ever had a 'cold. These who arc afileted, may. try it upon our recomenendation.—hran 71 iOW• Tele, 4. gra For sale by • • • . S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle; • A. J. NORTH, Newville. _Alan, by DruggiSts generally throlighouithe Conn try:Priceso cents pet: bottle. • Oct. 28, 1.840. Deittal„Stirgery. •, HE SUBSCRIBEII. respeetlully tendcra his .. grateful acknowledgments to the pnlilie for the • liberal share of pah•onagC he has received thir- Am the past-year,...atal.3vonld. still crintinne to offer tin a his Professional services in .their Vllll otii braii= •esidence, No: 7, Harpers Row. Ike files, ..clAviNi, an plugs teeth, and inserts incprruptlble tai rer• met: is artificial teeth in the most 'approved inatmer. .Larks :away s;,moderate: :,.., Carlisle, knrcli4s,lBlo.-4 1 . 1. . - , .. .- . OgITRUPProI7. 7A- 1 4f f•N l:' !'t!'.' : , - ___l,_-' - iv . . Trent — AI "l. 7E7W:I iiiiio-4401r.1;'' Patent . , 'THE. gr 9 eat calcourageorent heretofore' received . • • from the sale orhis machine's s juditces re'r M *ow - fa - Ire a ii - Av and tingroreill orse — roweri be slated in gear or out or ketirby keys, and shirt the band -to, five iliirerent rmointions.. Awl-he has no-hesitation in 1183111111 P; the nuaner.that be is, nail , : A ble to ritroi , ll them with an article Gtr pqrror timbose-manoracturcillieretothre. Forrspeiiil . be horses lie he (111(111101V11. His price is $l-10, -;seventy dollars to ho pall cash, and Om balance in six Mond's, for' which a note will be remilretl\l'ith interest. A ny.person purchasing a machine nod upon a rair trial., not being pleased, call. return it. Ile will at all times Lit ready to furnish them on the shortest notice; orders.trom to distance will bn ponetually attemlod to. also repair machines on the hhoictest notice. - WILLIAM B MILLMAN ,- Newville, July '29, I 840.---tr. - SATIN SHAWLS. • A new style of Figured Damask Satin Shawls fast received at 1.1/6 new Store and for sale by ARNOLD 9t A.BRAMS. March :it. Dal. • • '• Carpetbags & Mailings. Imported Ingrain Carpets, ITeniii and Cottiai do.; also White and Colored Maltings; all 'widths; just received mid for sale cheap, by - '' - , • CHAS: Ogll.llY. June 2, 1811. Consumption! Consuiiiption ! ! 7hr-DisnratoB E.rperforant lleinedti, is an ihralli ble remedy for arresting Plumonary Complaints, Colds, CoughS,Spitting of Blood, dillienitymf breath ing., Bronchitis, Soreness of the Threat and ditlicull Expectoration, Weakness, IAVVI• Cont plaind, and all other alfections of n comsumptive na ture. Thii Medicine has imlecideillidiantage over, most preparations of the kind, as it regulates the bowels, and strengthens the constitution; and does not bind up the system and encourage ititemperance as most of 'the medicines do, by .the - fatal opiates al-' cohol combined in them. Such Medicines have a• groat tendency to bring misery and distress, and meMileath upon able citizens. We find by the weekly records of the bills of morialiiy, that three fourths of the lumuM souls who so !mama v departed from their dearest friends and relations, have been swept off by that fa tal .and fell destroyer,• Consumption, when many could have been saved if they hatlomed a proper medicine. Fellow beings who Mi4well with us, and are atilicted till); due premonetirg symptoms of this disease, procure immediately ; Dr. - .Dunytui's Ex ; pectorant Remedy before it be ton late;'' led to believe that such soon pass off Without the use of priver medicine; by such negli.; game you may soon be led to know your folly. One bottle may atthe first attack, be suffillent. Phamph lets giving a full treatise, always accompany the me I i PriJtl'ST per bottle. ' Kr Principle 011 ice, N 0.19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. For sale at the Drug Store of J. J. MYers Carlisle, and Wm. Peal, Slaippeniliurg. aug. 25. liralitlreihls A supply of the above Pills just reeeivedi having been obtained directlyfrom Dr. Ilrawireth's Office; they are 1 RAVTE D • GEXULME. . • S. ELLIOTT.' Joy '2l, 1841. - ..111 laetunnatisna. DR. LEIDI"S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. --Highly recommended and u truly •etficacious ap plication f6r Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Stitt ness, and Weakness of . the Limbs and Joints, Pain along the hack , Sides and across the Loins. 111;b0,11.11E.N.D.ITIOA S. Extract of (littler from Dr. Johnson, dated Philadelphia, May. 7th 1839, the Rheumatic Liniment ano_Blood 1'i11.4 have been employed by myself, and finding them effica cious, I have since recommended them to many, that have been entirely cured of Rheumatic pains, lumbago, 'stiffneSs of the joints, numbness of the muscles, limbs, &c. Extract of n ietter from Dr. Jennison, dated Baltimore, May 19, 1841. Your Rheumatic LiniMent possesses properties which I have never found in any Liniment I have herctotbre employed., Extract of a letter 'ft tim . Dr. C., IL Gootlrich - . da ted \-„,. • Pittsbiteg, June 21st, 1.839, Of nitmerousliniments and Medicines heretofiire employed for Ithenmatioaffections, none have been so successful as the LiniineM anti Blood Pills man ufactured by you. 'll hey have in this place won the golden opinion of all who have,used them.. To my own knowledge they have,cured, several that were by - myself and other men pronounced incurable..-_,_ It may not be amiss to remark, that-both theLini .meat mi . d Blood Pills are, prepared by Dr. N. B. Leidy, himself; a regular Druggist and Physician, attested by Drs. Physick, Chapman, Jackson; Hor ner, Dewees, James Gibson, Coxe, Bce, of Philadel-' phia.' This Liniment prepared only; and' for sale,. wholesale anti retai at.Dr.N.I3:LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM, No, 191 North'Second Street, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) Philadelphia. _ P. 7 -The genuine is accompanied by the writ -ten signatitie:OfDr,7N. 8.-Leidy on the:label:: Price 37 cents a bottle ' .or threeliottles for $l. . Also, for 'sale 'by STEYENSON 13INKLE, _Druggists,Carlisle,Pa';' , ''' , o May' 19 • • ' • IC T i itiSt recetym at tie ov,bitore, ppeas Hug, to I We sale by . ' ARNOLD & ABRAMS.. • Diseases of the 1E);e. , z - , 1111 , 5 \s, .... DR. ROSTOCK'S' Celebrated_ Eye ater, For the'eure of Keith, Watcry, , o Blood Shot Eyes, Ulcers, ilitaouri,andAllaina ion Vase Eye-lids, .Dimneds of Sight, &c. Persons sabjeci to, any of time unpleainnt dersovill find this'the most effectuat remedy in use, as it seldom fails to remove any, of . these affections by. a fed appli cation s, wi theta the least inconvenience or pain. Those who are troubled with a HININESS OF SIGHT will also find it a valuable remedy for streagthehing the eyes, improving the sight, and pre venting the.dimness that arises from straining them: It will also be found particularly useful as a wash for the eyes of young children, to remove inflamation, and subdue the humours to which they are so liable. Price 50 Cents .a Bottle with full' direc tions for using. 'Sold' in C . arlisle by •. SAMUEL. ELLIOTT. • • 'April.2R', 1841. r -:y • • • $lOO • . -Will-beforfeitetl-lyr-D-I. • ID-V- r foin-preps , *ration of Sarsnot•illat equal to . his • Medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla.. The.efficacy of Sarsaparilla is weaknown in Scro fulac or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the-Liv er, Affections of the Skin and Bones, Ulcers of the Nose, Throat and Body, as well as an AntidOtt. to Mercury.add the Mtuerals, • Conslitntieoal Diseases and a,general Purifier'• of the Blood and; Aninial Fluids. " • Dr. Leidy .Would referlo the most respectable phy- sicians in Philadelphia, as well as throughout-the-U.. States for dos character of his preparation, as well also tc the numerous Certificates.from physicians and others, that have been from time to time published, dow deemed unbecessary as the character of his pre paration is firmly establillied. Throughotit 11172 Sou thern States it is used altogetherond throughout the North takes the precedence over all others, particu larly among physicians, who, for the benefit of their patients, always - recommend it: reader is.rdlerred to the directions accompa nying- each bottle, for recommendations, certificates, - rind further particulars. • .. • - . Remember, one bottle, (half a pint,) is equal to six . pints of syrup, and iv equally pleasant to take. t Price ' 01w Millar fe; Bowe; • , • 11"; r: so la-in'eat'll§le bikcSTE VE NSON ' • . ttnaiterj, BLOOD ! ! . . ;...._,... , • ~,, • • "THE 'Zi.VIIING TIME OF r-Mcll IS COAIIN . G. ' , 9 ____ • • ' el . , . :- 'Be yiiirifi - Eilliqutu • Blood, . . ' ' , • , And.lleiilrli will alleuil you. : . . 7 ' s ' ricrilit: V.the Fle•9lriN in.lhe -11loodp . • • •• • • • LEVIT'ICII.9 t*, XVII . . i': Sr. SION' IS 'I'ItI BLOOD TO 111 . 1 PURIFIED ! 11 Thong:m(ls can nifswenttik (ptep,tion \Ow kiii) froni actual expiTieliee that • .. • lin: T. F. It I) Y'S II 1:0,0 ti 1'117175 ----- .•A COMPO.NI;NT PART OP WHICII_IS - . •5'.1115..1.1+., 1 1.1e 11.1,A. Arc the sareSt, best, and most -effectual l'illi,knowm • as a • Spring . or. Fall who have. for several' years.past usect them during- the Spring and Fall (as well as at other times) will never 115 e any others...llmplreds are procuring them, who have heretothre .employed them. The 'object of this ady(;rtisement is to inform the thousands who know not yet of them, where they may procure them genuine, that they may try thenit being fully-satisfied that tried diem, they will. never be persuaded to-use any other for several reasons. First—Dß. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS ARP' ANTI QUACK", being prepared by De. N. 11. Leidy himself, a regular Druggist, as well as Physician, attested by Drs. Phi - sick, ;lames, Horner,Dewees, .(lackson, Gibson, Corce, £cu. &c. Second--DR. LEIDY'S BLOOD .PIL L-S ARE A NTI-MERCORIAL, - beiljg an Antidote against :\ Lawry and the .Minerals, so deleterious and (lan ' germs; and uprdi the effects of which Quacks (le mma, f o r " killing or curing," and therefore mix ? ahem with their nostrums. Third—alt. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILT.S ARE SA- / VEIL TIIAN ANY OTIIE RS, as in using them, they,immtire no restraint from living or occupy-' tint:, and may be• taken by the most ,delicate 111111 letade r ola and riling, male and female at all times and unaerall circumstanees. Fourth—Dß. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILL'S ARE BETTER AND. MORE EFFECTUAL ANY OTIIERS, when used assorting to the di rettions—and do not require to be taken iii largo quantities as is required of various other Medi cines, malting it Drug Shop. of the Stomach,,le ")n tying it of its accustomed - nourishment, destroy • nig its mctions,and thereby causing a rapid de . cline of the liumtut system:" in all cases where n purgation may be necessary, -these Pills will be, fount' - both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or sickness of the stomacb,triping or any other unpleasant stnisa thins. • . Further comment is deemed- unne s ccssary—the numerous certificates published from tithe to titan frimi Physicians find other individuals must have convinced the incredulous, and for the further in formation offal others, Dr. Leidy refers diem to the directions which accompany each box. They arepreparea and sold, wholesale and retail, I at Dr. LEIDY'S ImAvrti EMPORIUM, No. lot North SeCond street, below Vine street ,. (sig n of • I the Golden Eagle and Serpents.) Price 25 - cents a Box. - ' Also, for sale by STEVENSON t DINKLE, Druggists, Carlisle, ....[May 19 . 184.1.—Gin. DII. Sarsaparilla, or Blood Pills: "The Life of the Flesh is hi the Blood." LXVITICUS, C. XVII. V. XL Milt safest, best and most efficacious Pills now 1 in existence, are Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills, a component part of which is Sarsaparipq. It is use less here to name the good qualities„or commend upon the medical virtues of these Pills,as the pnblio are fully aware of them. • Sullied it to, say, they are air effectual purifier of the blood and: renovator of the system. • PhPaUelphia City,rss: . s ,) p ersona lly appeared bef're me, one of the Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr. N B. Leidy, who, on his solemn onthrdoth declare and swear, that in the composition of the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, manufactured by him only, there is not contained Mercury or the Minerals, or any Drug I whatever; unfriendly, dangerous, or deleterious to the human system.' BRAZER, Alderman; o:7*Priee 9.5 cents a BOK. They are prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy 's Health' Emporium, No. 191 North Seennd street, below Vine street. _ . _ for sale by STEVENSON. DINKLE; Druggists, Ca Pa. May ..1.20841..—,Gin. • . • Teller! , Itch !! . • a . . In k IL LEIDY'S OELERRAT ED 'PETTED AND _Ur ITCIFOINTAIENT is daily becoming" more popular. Daily numerous individuals stop:and -inform thepraprieior:of Its great success in remov ing and curing the 'fetter aifillteh...2. • _ - - Numerous testimonials might he published TiP its efficacy, but for the delicacy felt by individulds hay • ing their names' published in connection, witl so loathsome and di agreeablealllictiens - : . It • may be need yith perfect young and old, even upon infants, .containing no ,mercury. or other mineral substances. ,Dr. N. B. Leidy prepares it himself -and knowing its" composition, mast confi dentially recommends it as superior, to any other remedy : Tor the Teller and Itch. ~Prepared and sold at Dr. Leilly's Health Emporium _ g sign Of the Golden Eagle and .Serpents,) 191 North Second street, heletii Vine. 7 "ATeo, roi• Sae by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Druggista,Carlisle, Pa. r":""vt-„ TU . above preparations are sold, byvall wholesale Druggists. in Philadelphia ' and by all respebtable Merchants' and Druggists throughout the United States.. . .I%Layl9;lB4l.—Gin. - . CHARLES' AiI'CLURE, A.TTO.P.N.E.,I' ✓IT .1..41n . Offie n e in High, street a! few doors west of the Post Office. c m .jisli3, April 28,1841. -- -11 . II CST RECEIVED. some, very line rAD• el HERRINGS & - ..CHEE, E,at• the Store of . A. RICI ARDS. . May 12, 1841. , • • ' . Dn. wisrrAws BILSIII FWILD-CHEHEII DISEASE_ OF THE LUNGS, N UMEROUS remedies. havo been offered and pull'ed into notice for. diseases of the Lungs, some of which has undoubtedly been found very use fithbut of all that have hitherto been known, it, enust he universally, acknowledged 'there is none that has e ver proved as successful as the " BALSOM OF WILD CM:RAY." ' • Such indeed are the aStonithing restorative and healing Properties of this "Balsam;"that even in the wort. forms 'of Consumption,. When the patient has suffered with the most distressing cough, violent pains in thechest,difficidty olbeeatriingoughtsweats, blending of the lungs, &c. and when the most esteern tlour'Plinrinaeopiashad failed to afford , ven.wheli Botanic, lionntepathic, and remedi , Inntircetraweirforman • • , this invaluable remedy has checkeil et 4 ery symptoM, and been productive of, the most as toidithing relief. In the early st a ges of the dise6e, proceeding from neglected colds, ternted Catarrhal Consumption, it has been used with undeviating sac= eras, and in many. i nstancesovben thisdisease• seem • ed to have marked Hit victim for an early grave, the use of this medicine has arrested CNC mptom i tind restored the Ifings'to a state Of perfect health. Tn that form of Consumption, so prevalent armAgst delicate young females, commonly termed debilith,or 'doing into a Aceline,"m complaint with which-thou sands arc iingering,it has also been nsed avid) surpri sing success, nut' not only possesses the' poWer of checking the progress of this stunning discase,but; nt the dame time strengthens and invigorates The whole system more effectually - than any remedy we have ever possessed : • _ - .rny LI V Int tOAIPLAINT.-- 7 1n diseases of the Liver,prirtieuhudy_whenattentred_wilitorem!gii,ioA gestion or wandering pains in the sidc,•it has also pro ved very efileni.d on 5, and mired many cases of , this kind after,themioSt powerful remedies hail . . . . • ASTI IVA this complaint it has also becin used in numerous with the nuisl singular - .4-opens the'elw;:t; rendering the breathing uel`feetly4ecs urrtstii the cough; seldom fail - ':"?.sotWego: 4 .i4FAWOt#P i i* -4 T ., 5* s''orTtith'ilittri-ttWirtiii-virlinaoi•ie •ne N. ss,coUgh or slire.htthe.throat, it will also belattUrl y effectUal remedy, tint will nunitly a flinal im mediate relief ir used at the. commencement of its Uttailc, fiCYUG mid colds;that,prevail so extensively throughout the , winter', it will beToinid nmeli more elllictOal than any• remedy. in Ilse; and whep colds settle upon eausinwati milli pains in the breast,dif -lielilty:oc olmeathing, Ce. , the use of ?this Balsam will suppress such am 1r e . ne-prcymit-the-liings-froin hecom- Mg More 'seriously diseased. , 0,171 CROUP AND WIIDO PING COUGII.—In these complaints., so common to young children, this llalsainw ill he cound.ouirli superior to the l'arego rib. Elixir .Syrup of Squills, and tlie'varietis cough niixtiires in common use, entirely lice from any thing the'least injurious, inurmay at all limes he giyen to children with perfect s:tlety,and with the 'mi.- ~ tainty them speedy relief. ..AS A FANIILY MEDICINE for many oth er complaints, this Balsam will also be found partic ularl,y useful. Besides haying proved an invaltlable remedy Mall - Pulmonary affections, it exerts a pow ! . mild influence over many diseases depending on a depraved conditio of the syston,and those With have suffered from to Indiscriminate use of Mercury, or other deleterious drugs, that are often compounded in different quack oostrums, will find it. a remedy of great value, possessing the power of strengthening and invigorating the whole system more effectually than any other medicine we possess. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS.—As this met]; ichw has already acquired great celebrity. ilteiit ,may - probably be.sonte-attempts to imitate it, tonl deVeive the public with a spurious mixture, to prtkotivhich . I w ould wish all he to observe the followin g marks of the genuine flat sail'. It is put up in bottles• of. two sizes each, having the words VISTAWS BALSAM OF' mu) unEnnx, P1111,411.11,- ;MBA, blown in the glass, and a label on the frotit with the signature • of . nENity wisTAR, M. D. without which none is genuine. • • - Prepared for OW proprietor by WILLIAMS 2,7, C O Chemists, No. 22 Commerce street, Philadel phia, and sold by the most respectable 'Druggists and other appointed agents In nil the principal towns throughout the United States. • tr --- 7. The Genuine. Balsam sold in Car appoiat-- ed Agent. Price $1:00 a bollk. December 16, 1 84.0----1 y Hays' Liniment. NO FICTIOX 'his extraordinary chemical composition, the re sult of science mid the invention of a celelotted'inted ical mile, tli . 6 introduction of. which to the public was invested with the solemnity of a death-bed be quest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr. Gridlicy's last confession, - that "lie flared not die without giving to-posterity the benefit of his knowl edge on this subject,". and he therefore bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Solomon Ihys,the secret of Ids disebvery. It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the private practice in our country, first and most cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive ly and effectuallycts to baffle criAttlity, unless where its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow ing complaints: For Dropsy---Creating extraordinary absorption at once. - Swellings—Rafting them' in a few hours. Ithettmatism----Acute or chronic, 'giving quick -ease. • Sore Throat-44Irt s sicers. ulcers, or colds. Croup and Whoopulg-Cough--Externally - and over the chest. All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns-Cured in a few hours. • Sores and Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand ing, and fever sores. Its operation upon adults and children in reducing rheumatic swellings, and looSening,coughsand tight ness of the chest by relaxation of, has been surpriWing beyondconception. The common re mark oftliose who have used it in the Pile,s,is "It' acts like a 'charm." THE PILES.--The pricg, $l, is refunded to any person who will use a bottle of- Hays'. Liniment for the Piles, and return the empty bottle without being cured. 'flies° are the positive orders of the proprie tor to the agents, and out of many thousands sold, not one has been unsuccessful. We might insert certificates to any length, but prefer that those who. sell the Article,_shoUld exhibit the original' to purchasers. - • o Physicians and Patients. The Blind Piles, said to be incurable by external _applications.—Solomen Hays warrants the contrary. His Liniment will curirßlind Piles. Facts are more stubborWthan theories. Ile soliCits all respectable, physicians to' try it upon their patients.. It will do them no harm, and it is known that every physician who_basimil the honestyy . tomake the trial, has Can didly admitted that it has succeeded in every case they have known. Then - why not .use it ?It is the recipe of one of thei most respectable members, now -deceased,--Why refuse.to_use it.? ."IlecituseJt is sohd as a proprietary medicine .Is this'lt. Sufficient ex cuse for suffering their honest patients to linger in distress ? think not: • Physicians shall be con , vineed that there is-no' humbug • or quackery about this article.-_=lVby then not alleviate hurrinn suffer,- ' ing ?' If they *on't try it before;let them after. WI other prescriptions fail.. Physicuins arc respectfully . requested to do themselves and patients the Justice to use this article. It shall be taken from:the bottles and done up as their preiicription if they'desire: ,SOLOMOX HAYS. Sold by,comstook , & Co; Wholesale DruggistS, No. '2, Pletcher street,New "York. • • . For sale :also •I)3r:STEVENSON. , . & K DINLE; Weini-Oer Iringozo's Balsam, of • • • HOREHOUND..; An unphralleled rclnerly for common Colds,Cotighs, Asthmaanfluenza, Whooping Cciugli,Bronclutia, and nil diseases of the Breast and f„ungs,leading to Consumption; composed of the concentrated. virtues of Horchoun.d,Poneset,lll.ood Root, Liv. , erwort. and `seeral other vegetable substances.— Prerfd only by J. M. WiIsTLOVV, nocliesto.e N.• • , The innocence and universally admitted •peetortil virtues', of the Herbs from which the BALSAM OF'. HOREHOUND is made, arc too - generally known. to require rcco end net ion; it .is therefore only ne .... cessary to °bee' ve that this 'medecine contains the Wholeof their edieal properties, highly concentrat- • ' ea, aial:so happily combined with several other ve.. --, getable substances;aa to. render it the most speedy, ...,_ mild and certain remedy, now in lisp, for the Com- , - plaints above mentioned. . , - • .• For Children,this Balsam is of inestimable value. •__ 11, i s a speedy remedy for the ll'hiioning Cnitgh mid' Croat, and affords certain reliefin Rowel-Complairac f .. Chohc,Tet;thiv,&.c. It is pleasantto the taste, and ma y he safely given to the tenderest infant and should' be kept at all times in every flimily, as it is much' - better for the complaints incident to Children, than; ' Paregoric,Godfreys Cerlial,or the Cordiale so OM- , monly used, as this City have testified. Read the foltateink.—T hereby certify that earff . Mille spring of 1838, I eontracted a severe COLD',- which settlml)mon my lungs, and threatened a flAS,rj , COOSIOTIption; I, used 9eVeelll prescriptions, ' hut oh- • 'tinned little or no relief; I was much alarnied.— ' Happening to t be in Rochester. I was' a d v i se d b y m y. • friend, Mr. inslow, to try a bottle 'of his_B_Axiwit HcW - liiiiitiliTTilid - iio, atat to my surprise ob- ' '. ' tainedrelief at once- 7 tfild by the use or tlint single - 'bottle was perfectly vestored to health.' • To those, afflicted with Colds or Coughs, at this indenient season, r say "go and do likewise." • Pittsford, Nfonroe en., Nov. 9, 1838: •-. Mr:.Tolin M. Winslow, Druggist, • Dear-Sir: I have been for a series of years afflict- • • et] With im affection of the Imngs,and a hard cough, • filkfi haye many times arose in the-morning-as corn- ' -pfetely exhausted by excessive coughing during the night as a person would be by a hard days labor.. I have tried most of the popular reniedies of the day,. bit never found relief until I met with your Balsam • of florehound. • All the other remedies or prlatives.; that I have used, leaye the bowels in a congested state, whiJe yours Mayes theni soluble,and free. This I consider a grcat•desiderntim. @oinking a . iloc.ol -v.:our-Balsam-when gning - t - WW,T - cestmuietly thro' the night; a n d my *sleep is refreshing. I. take great: Pleasure. in reitmmencling your Balsam of llore 7 _ hound to . all •those a ffl icted with y Coin pland s or nor -disease appertaining to the lungs, and I lake this opportunity to thank you for the greatre lief and benefit 'dive experienced through your in-_ • strumOntality: - Yours, With lunch respect. • • .7.",• • • • Mary ts' OBToi . A,rekrine... • Also,lty•Deuggists rxiiiv4df): the • try . . Price SO rents per htttlel • ' • • April 15,1840.771 y; siidcays HEALTH ELIXIR. • There is not one case of Fever inn thOtiSatid, hut Addy•be edited - fiddly biliken pp and - removo -- by-the • naves-alfmcidityintlige_stiodi,,_ bilioPs mattel• . nail consiipalion ti•om the. stomach - and bowels.—lt - operates 'gently and eifectually on the bowels, and-powerfully on the kidneys and skin.' It removes all unpleasant feelin,,o•saftr a heartr meal, . and promotes a good appetite. - It ;reeds only a trial to give perfect satisfaction. • has ba - ome a general practice with 1011114 to llSCthis article in all eases'Of colds, pains in the hones; or heavy •disag,reesdolo.eel ipg, tendering to headache o - r. Chilliness. For hoarse ness, if taken through the day, it completely restores the voice Without producing sickness. WhOoping cough, and all coughs of children are:cured The stonmelris kept in perfect arder by it, and it is quite impossible that any disease should commence while a person is using this Syrup. - It taken daily it produces a riuly, healthy, and young appearance, by driving off all the humors of the system. Sold genuine at 2: Fletcher -street, one door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co., and by all respctable Prtiggists. For sale also by STEVENSON & DIN KLE, Carlisle, Pa.,.•• • Balm of Volumbia. British Consurs Philadelphia. 3 . K NOW AT .L PERSONS to whom these pros- Cuts shall come, thatl, Glummer RoBERTSOIST, • • his liritanic nlieStV'S Consul for the City of. -Pliilailelpliia, (lo }berth} certify;TlquitohertWhar ton, Esq., It ho attests to the foregoing Certificates; is Mayor of the Pity of Philadelphia ; and that Mat thew Randall, Esq.,.is Prothonotary of the.Courf Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadel jibia, to both whose signitorrs,ivith lhe Seals of their respective offices, full faftkand credit is due. I Cooler certify, that am personally acquainted with Joseph L. Inglis,one Of the-signers of the certi- ..--- firates hereunto affixed, which expressra the efficacy of the 1310 m of Columbia, aid that lie is it person o f great resplibibility, soil worthy of full fbith and cre dit; and thall I have heard him express his unqualifi ed approbation of the, effeels of thesaid Balm of Co lumbia, in restoring his hair.-- Given underhand and:seal et:office, nt the city OrPhiladeliddil, in the State of Pennsylvania, the United States of America. faLBERT ROBERTSON. Read the' following. . , ROBERT WHARTON, Esq., late Mayor of Philadelphia, has certified, as may be Seen belor, , to - the 144 character of the following "kentlemen. • . The undersigned do hereby certify that we have" used. the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Old ridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only as a preventiveagainst the falling Mr of hair,but also a certain'restorative. AVM. THATCHER, senior, Methodist Minister in St. George elinrge, • " .No: 86 North rifth st. JOHN P..INGLIS; 331 Areh'st. JOHN D. THOMAS" M. I). 163 Race st, JOHN. S. FUREY, 101 Siiriicp st. lIUGfI McCURDY, 243 Smith 7th st. JOHN YARD,jr., 123 Arch st. • The aged, and thoselyho persist'in wearing Wigs, may not Always experience its restorative qualities, yetlit will cwt - sinly raise its virtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three of the a bove ingpmis..are more than 50years_orage,ittnd the others nbt less than SO. • COIIIIIIO2 , IWEALTII OF PEICNSTLTANIAI City of Philadelphia. I, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor-of said city o( Philadelphia; do , hereby_ certify that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. J. P.. big] is, John S. Purer, and Ilugh'McCurdy, whose names arc signed to the above certificate, that they are gentlemen of charac ter and respectability, and as such full er.diLshbuld be given to the said certificate. •In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my.had, . EL. S. , and caused the seal of the city to be affixed, 1 the sixtlVday of December, is - ROBERT W BARTON, Afayor. ChLDRIOCES BALM OF COLUMBIA FOR tIIE , HAIR.—Its positive qualities ore as fol- Iowa: . Ist. For infant's keeping the head free from scur and causing a luxuriant growth of hair. • ' For Indies after child,bilik_restoring the skin to its usual strength and firmness, and pre - leight - the Falling out of the hair. For any person recovering from ;any debility i -the same effect is produced._.-__ • - • 4th, If used in infancy till a good grairth is started, it may be preserved by attention tp the lateat period , Sth. It frees the head from dandruff, strengthens trig roots, trriparts health and vigor,to the circulation and preVents the hair from changing colour or get ting gray. .• . • 6th. ,It causes, the hair: to curl banutifully done up in it over night. ' ' • - 'CO - ! No Iriatereteilct chonld ever be made Without ft. • C , ho hive by any menus contracted varnatn in the Lend, are immediately and perlbetly Cured of them by its use. It is k`nr Snleatrthc drag. store of .Conistock' & Co.;. 'Fleteher'st.reetnear Tear4antl'in Carlisteliy Stero venson & Dinkle.: ME MEM=I BEM [From the Mayor.]