WILLIAM. tuvron HERALD & tXPOSITOR. eartiote. WEDNESDAY,'SEPTEMBER 8, 1841 FOE GOVERNOR, OF - 4NiiS, OF BER.p COUNTY., • Deirneratic--giriqg ASSEIVIBLY:• Major Sa ivin, inuel G -t! ,. Christopher Au. COMNIISSIONER, James Holier. . TREASURER, Jacob Zug. DIRE[ TOR OF THE POOR,_ 9 -- CA. — J .- Win lirktilioop. iAUDITOR. - hoinas B. Bryson. === CORONER, ----- - William Culbertson. Setrenitt qieles prepared .for this paper have been crowded out by a'press 'of new advertisements: • pc - 7 . 3. Jonathan Peal has - been' appointed by the P. M. General; to be Post Master Shippen§hurg,liicelohn Wonderlich re- prMr. WISE made wballooti ascension . in Harrisburg on last Monday.. At is said • • to - ItaVe been very successful, and was wit. . —messed by many. thousand . speetatvirs. Mr. • ...Wise, we learn, landed somewhere in the vicinity of Cleyektown; in this County._ "riiirRE7IO7I.O4VAN-iif;• .• first ,number •of thS.is paper, published: eOrge.W. Crabli:hai j.ust made its ap pearance, and teas excited a good deal . 'of au - ea - floc - 4 . on account ,of: the strange ar k -o utby - th The Ostensible . -object - of Mr. Crabb, opposition "ThaddenS Stevens and dis tinctive Anti-Masonry," and while he pco fesses to advocate the leading measures of . .the . whig party, he seems inclined to Op _ ...pose,...cierly 7 -whig—nominee,-who—will- f not - ilel(ire independant of influence ! The_project of forming a- third party in this county,•to hold the '- - balance of poWer, is also broached ;'but • the7editorpf this " independant political ..—paper -- ," has had experience enough ill the politics of this county, to know that such an idea is not to he entertained for a mo ment. More than two parties, never can • exist here—if Mr. Crabb has no desire to support the whigs„ he must as a natural . consequence, fall into the embraces of loco focoism S. BANic.-IVe iearn that the Direc Mrs of the U.S. Bank, on last Saturday, made an assignment-or most - 01 . '6e assets of -thai institution to five ,gentlemen, in trust tor the payinent of liabilities. About $200,000 are appropriated to the payment .of judg nents againSt the Bank ,- . where bail bad _be I entered, and-the-balance to-be applied for t e benefit of the general creditors, de posit rs,i'Uote holders, &c. \\\ The locofocns in their desire, we presume, to sustain the•interests of the working-clas ses, 6ve not placed a single mecluinic on their tic'ketl• We-think the mechanics have , a right to, at least one representative on the ticket, tint it seems, their claims have been disregarded, to further the views of some, 'who are mere drones, in society, producing _ nothing. - If the mechanics wish.to;support a man of their own, let them rally around our friend Hoffer, and elect him by a ,tri;• umphant vote. „. . Although the combined powers . of fopoism have teen put in motion, to dog the measures ,of the present adthinistration, yet Congress hns..triumphed: . oyer every ohStacle,'atid suciess,has crowned the hopes ''of the friends of reform. The Whig members of Congress de save well of their country—they merit the gratitude and confidence of the people. .In fluenced alone by feelings of pa,irio . tism, ;they, have made their' actions correspond :with their professions. They have passed ' 'the Bankrupt. Mil; Which Will give. relief :to thousands of tinfortunata men who. had formerly•failed, and were unable again to ,get into business. This law offers new in (lucementa. for increased exertion, by re moving all the ~obstacles to futOrc . nese,;anct: freeing :the”. insolvent from the load of fortner•debfs.. • • . • • Anptlier important nAenSure is the Distri- 'bution Bill which,. (thanks to The Sub-,Teeasury _ has , been repealed.— Means - have- beenztaken-to , pay the-debts of the government, which were left Ampaid by. the', late adthinistration: * APprOpriations have been made to ;put our Navy in.proper conditinn. • The Revenue bill is now un der consideration, and lasi, though not least; a system wilt yet bematured, which, tieing- , dear of constituticmid i• e .s • store, a sepad,ienriettey, and prOvide.fortho collection of the public money, without op pressing. the people. iTnder•the.•suspices of.the, present administration, the great lead ing principles of Whig reform will, be safe ly ca'rried out, and the people will find that the yictory,of 1840 has, not been achieved in vain. The , Ticket—the whole Ticket r • Lidnd Noticing but the Ticket :— j file . :Denioeiatic Whig Ticket:, ,plit nomination-WY the late -County-Convention, is one Of the hest 'ever'ofTered to the people, 'of this county, and the prospect 'of electing our men is very flattering. The candidates are "honest; capable and in every respect • ma j or SAMUEL GIVIN, is a man of excel= lent mind, •of great .ente'rprize, and very zpopular•—wherever,lieis-linown—having ,been extensively engaged in busineis for many years, he is Well•aCquainted with the wants of the Mannfacturing cOmmunity,.and is • the —warmadvocate—of su eh—a-tariff-on foreign. goods, as will protect . thelahoi of • our own mechanics. . . . • Major Au, is a plain, honest; farmer, ainl .very favorably known to the peOPle of this County; he man of sterling integrity-- of active buSiness habits, and - the friend of every measure calculated to benefit the people. NO - nian is more worthy of public . confidence., Our candidate for the .Treasurer's ofilee, JACOB Zuo, As known probably to Every business: man in the 'county ; he was a Commissioner for three . j,/ears; and gave: universal satishietion: j He possesses every requisite for, the office:of Treasurer, and twill ho elected, by a handeOme : majpritY,_ , ~,,,,,t I : 4 IIF* ;I I9• RPRAOILWIPP:O4. g Ia,:r?-001t this borengli; tliereis no.mati 1p the.eouqty bCtier qttalifieff for that office, and certainly none moto -deserving. . , The public inter: esis; will nevel , iuffe'r.in his hands, -He is niniiiiOrgOodiii!lgment, and . will manage' bur p financial — affairs With: a due regiird to economy:. • • ' ' Colonel - WYNKOo . r. will make an Ckeel lent Director of . the Poor. No r better - Si lectiOn could have been ..madC, and his no -ininationiis--acceptable-:to all =parties:_ We 'corn to r thc; gallant Whigs of West Pennsbm'ough... They, will take care of him: • • Wisp: tIrkSoN and ChIIdIERTSON, the candidates for Auditor and, Coronei, • are men of unimpeOchable character; and will neglect .no duty that may be entrusted to them. We bespeak for the whole ticket, there fore, the coidial -support of the people of Qtimberland county. It presents an array of men who will do bonor,to any situation. NeVer ask if they are popular? ,or how they , will run?. but examine their quatilic - a- - tiCoisi-and if you find them to be good, then' vote . the ticket; the whole ticket, and noth -ingliiktlicticker:': Men of South 11tiddleton.! On you devolves the duty of taking care of yotir candidate for the.l.:egislature—Ma jor-SAMUEL GlVlN—see that you give a good account of him on the 2d Tuesday of. October. You were never known to desert a • I‘f.itufa';' let his vote therefore he unanimous. . • " ticrThe Locdfocos, for the purpose of getting up,an excitement against our ticket, are circulating a report 'that both of our candidates are distillers, and should, there fore, be opposed on temperance principles. The accusation is false in every particular. Vlajor G -;iet has been .ivin - never - has been engaged in the business, and Mr. Au, alihough•formerly a distiller; relinquished it about, a year ago; convinced probably that it was wrong, and ace an honest man,..gave up a. business which he could no longer reconcile. with his conscience. Correspondence of the Repaid & Expositor. ' WASIIINOTON, 3d Sept.lB4l: Since my last, two weeks since, several bills have been passed . in Congress: The Land Bill, which was carried in the House -t• some two tnonths..age,.. passed the Senate on the 26ili of August'; by a vote of 28„ •to 23, one Whig (Preston • of. S. C . .) and all the lecdocos, veting, in the neg_ative. It is now before the President, andN , ill - °sign ed in a day or two. „An .impnrtant mend metit was tacked to it in therenatc i Pro viding that when the tariff shall W I raised to above '2O-.per cent; on the value'of any goods imported, the- distribution of ills pi* eeedS of the sele's of the public landS shall ,cease.. Thia was fastened uPon the bill by, the treachery of the. Pennsylvania Senators; had they. determined . upon obeying. their. instrtctions, alnd consulting the interests of i their constituents, the bill could haiftliben ' carried- Vi theut thin ern end ni en t:as‘i f;Was, - , after they had declared their'intention . Of' voting. against. it; 'the 'Northern Whigs - were 'obliged "to., make this ooncessiOn .to the. Smithern Anti-Tariff. Senatore,,to procUre , :a-sufficient nuni t ier of votes .for the pas sage.:' By 'this 'rnie ,•: Messrs.; eSsrs.: - Borrien;- . . Hendepon4ivs;-arttl4-reltert: ,opposed to the bill, in ilie%ebppe in which ,„.. f:.10 - :Je -- 1 -- t:4::T.T.'1'''.4. - ,t-'.-: M.::**:4 - *' l .l;4le-,ti:' 1.112 . r-40 1 0.0 It 0:v. + it came.from the thine,- were induced to vote for it. However, this can . be .reme died hereafter; if, the people of the North= ern States, and especially of Pennsylvania, become sufficier.tly alive to their interests, to elect the proper kind of Representatives in Congress; andm . emberi of thefegisla 7 , turn who choose Senators caringl,nuire :jot. their staterand, less for the mandS : of their party leadere. When we regulate the tariff, if it is . necessary for protection, to raise n3:T'duty to more than twenty - per cent. this seetion.can be repealed.. Asyou no doubt expected, upon the. final . passage of-the .Land 111fesg,rs.'.Ruchanan and - Sturgeon voted against giving to Pennsyb: vania a sum of money which will vary from three to eight hundred thousand dob lars yearly. So much for thcir_care . ..for- I • • ie interests of their 'State. On Wednesday, th'e Is instant; the Bank Bill was taken up, and has been under cliB - `since tliaLtime.:4lleLLprikipal provisions, as it came, from' the I : louseoure as folloiv : The Corporation is to exist until Ist of June, 1862- . ---Directors are nine in number; three to. be appointed by the President, •and six to .be • elected by the Stockholders. The bank is not allowed to deal in any thing except foreign bills o exchange,; including bills 'and.drafts thawn in one state and payable .in another. vidends limited,to . 7 Per cent.; the'stirPlus Profits: to go -into the .Tre,kury of the U: States; and in case, in at y, year the tfitti dend is . less-than , 7 per cent. the fieficiency is . to•be paid out of the treasury 'of ,the U.' States ; provided . - a. .s 6 flicient; amount has he•en•pai,d,over.to.riialte up. till's - deficiency. Agencies niaxbelsktititisitFttwitilTTlV.4,s t agents. No noteg less .gipri five dollars to. be issped,No Aiscounts ,allowed." The _times, of the.bank -are made receivable in paSrninni'ofilablreq trie Governin,ent ; exr cepting when ina.state,of suspension: • , .The bill passed' to-day abeul 2 o'clock, by-a - majority. of 5-; all.-the Whigs voting in the aflirnative, excepting 11. fr. Rives, of Virginia. At will' Co - to:the, President to-. Ji3orrow...;..and!.be. ieturned.--withr-his veto next Week. It is greatly to be la - mented that Congress and the President cannOt a gree upon this .subject; it was hoped and generally believed,. when this bill was in troduced into the House, that it would mee Le. views -of Mr. Tyler; but it now ap pears that he cannot give it his Sanction: Members of Congress will now have an opportunity of retiring to their homes, and afu.4 consulting their constituents,-can.•re turn next winter, better acquainted with the opinions and wishes of the people on this important 'subject. ' Among several unimportant bills, which have passed both branches; there is one appropriating a sum of money for the pay ment-of-m:HI contract Ors, to whom the Go= . vermnent is greatly - in. arrears. This•mea sure of justice is'anotherof the fruits of a Whig Congress. . the flopse tif liepresentative, the new BMik Bill .passed on . the 23d instant, by a vote of 125 to 9.1, precisely the same ma jority as that by which the first bill was carried. The three Virginia abstiactiothsts, together with W. W. Irwin, of Pennsylva nia, and FestW,of Georgia, voting in the negative; II whigs am) 8 locofocoa absent. 'On the ,iiiiestion of concurring with the Senate's amendment to the Land Bill (men tioned • above) over Whig member from . 'Pennsylvania (excepting Sergeant of phil atleitiliia, and Black of Somerset) voted , ill' the negative; it was, however, agreed. For some time past the Douse has had no husincs4 hand ;. it could have ad: jimmied ri - ore than a week ,ugo,,..h.itt the Senate been ready. Owin g to thcdeter ruination with which the locofocos com- rneAccil the extra - seoien,.business has been so em.baii.as — sed-and :delayed by the Sena tors of that party, that the affairs are much behind those of the other branch; however, as they appear desirous of returning home, it is . probable,that their behaviour may now be more worthy. of the stations they occu py. As proof of this, we need only state the fact, that during the time the Land Bill was in. the Senate, - the. yeas and nays were called abouteighty times, on amendments of- . fered by tke, opposition, a large proptirtion of which were evidently intended' to slog tle bill, waste time, and,.if possible, weary out the patience of the friends of the mea, sure., • • Congress .will 'probabbi adjourn abdtit the lait - titnext week. ::::.Never before haq so much important business been transact:: ed a .regular this,'ealled• Congress' of three months dnration: 'lf the President signs,the Land: Silt (and no doubt he will) more will 'luxe - been done for the -: benefit'of the people of the Iletted States,,than .during.,the whole.,administra thins of Jackson acid . Van Buren. . , I have just learned verbally that t 2 he Pre , sident has signed the Land:Bill., Thi is of:merit 'imporiatice and will be of giea enusy bank% -G OLD- EN-BALL HOTEL -• - WEST HIGH ST., CARLISLE: • The suhscriber, thankful for past favors, hereby notifies the public generally. that he still continues 'at the old stand, nearly opposite•the College Campus; a here he will at all times be found returp.alid wil , ling lei accommodate the best possible manlier, those who may favor him .with a call. The House is located Mlle most business part of the town, and is near the stopping place of the Cars. on the Rail Road. The ROOMS arir hirge and airy ---the TA BLE will be supplied with thievery best the markets can furnish—and the BAR•with the choicest Liquors: His charges are reasonable, au.t lie will endeavor to merit by assiduity and attention a continuance of pub lic patronage. . BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year. DROVERS and TRAVELERS find it tn their interest to Stop with him, as he has plenty of stabling, and a careful OSTLER alwa) s nt ANDREW ROBERTS. • Carlisle, Sept. 8, 1.841.-..-tf The• Annual Election for Officers and Managers - of the Cumberland'Valley Rail Road Company, will be hold at'the . Public House of Clements Macfarlane, the bo 7 rough of Callisle, betivebn rthe hours of 2 and 6 P. M. of Monday the sth day of OctObernext • .•E. M. •RIDDLE,. Secretary. 10'E .The,Subseriber having removed . to the west, here by notifies all persons; that he ha's , appointed Capt. Abm. Laniberton hie agent to adjust unsettled as counts. - Those intlebtett wiWtherefpre make pay meat to him and persons having:chops will present them for settlement. I , • - . • ' , ROSS I.A.MBERTON. EstilblitAhment • FOR .8.11,1). • The " Herald &' E"*positor" le: offered for sale. It is the only Whig paper in tins county, has a large subtieriptionlist,"a fair amounyof advehising and job custom, t4ith ample iind,good materials for. publishing :a Letters (post paid)additimdd to Ilr:gdi ,or, will ln'eet with prompt attention. MO lan a ozen Ba r Itimaki Waskilfigiii:n T ilkSbeigly: The following le4ter konilhe Secretary of the' above-named2s a -Mety, to certain gen'• tlemeniii 'Q t arliste, be - read. with inter est by thelAends.,ifif, temp.eranee'V. , ' • BALTOOrta,- Ang. 10, .1841.„ Gentlemen—lrouritter of the 9th inst. has been. received and in, reply, l'am Much pleased to learn that the honest and'the imv telligent 'of Carlisle • appreciate ',find: valve the services of "our' reformed'fipeakers,' missionaries sent out! from the Washington Temperance. Society of Baltimore, being the parent' society in this modern reforma tion. We never have acknowledged. scien tific lecturers, nor do we anew suoli speak ers to address our society under any other circumstances than to confine . themselves4o facts, -and to - ' - giveiin : their'ovn 'experience in the use of 'alcohol... We-prohibit all lee ; turera from fiddres.4ing odr society, unless they,have moral honesty - to rerate-a_ frill de _tailcd--histobv:.Of-theirowil-experierine--find', misfortunes.: We'piolibit all political or theological speakers, andconfine our meet ings, to experience ineetinga: The .effect of this course is fslt ancl is visible t0.,a11. Why 'I BeeauSe we have Sometimes comic]. that political and • scientific speakers . , were deficient 'of - moral :honesty in their mica:- sions of the teetotal or abstinenee pledge. They therefore could not produce any' con fidence.- You may form smite- idea of the.: difference between our experience meetings. and your old faShiimeil lectpres, from the pea' t moral: - ieformation_ going oft .at this time in evert; section of 'our Beloved coun try, by the exertions of the missionary gems Sent mit by the...W,aklfington 'Vedipe -71710,74§altraiT.-4.1,4744,40:, o"! itinilerateed and properiy.apprecia tr, tter, iiiiieniand ate '' Yon can make: Yoneseltes entirely faMiliar with • those'prin - -. - tiples. In the mean . tinieove are much . pleased to hear - that .thelemparance.eause le prospering in your town: With - senti ments of the highest-:regard fOr each indi vidual inemberef your .society - ,-,and friends of the - temperance cause, you -have my humble . preyers„ and my' cordial 'good wishes for your future success. And I have the,.-pleasure , of remaining with-high consideration, your esteemed ;friend, JAMESAVNN, Pec: _,S , .Cor.'' Sec. - of the W. T: S. Society . if 4 l3iillimore. To Messrs. Henry palm, William Crop, and others, Carlisle, Pa, - , .: : ItEa'. EST4TE FOR SALE. The Silbseriber offers for sales splembd LIME STONE FARM; it coutachsithout • .16 5 ACRE S is close to the edge of the borough of Carlisle, in the heart of the Valley—that inagnilicent expanse than m Meta the suit in heaven shineili not. on its superior.' The title i n disputable and the land talented. mprovenicnis and Local .Idvahlagcs.. G OD AVE LARG E • • LO HOUSE, 'A' • New Eta at IL ita ru, (first rate,) a well of never rdling pure water—prox itnity to gushing spring water—an Orchard of about 110 rn""'" 1 -PPle_. trees, _About s'o acres of- the land carries a crop of thither worth a h u ge sum of money gooll portion is well set in clover and timothy grass—reneing good. The limestone is the slab or shelving-, misily procured, takes less fuel to mob: lime, mid is the most valuable; the north or slaal land-side or 'the %alley will give a constant denland for this stone former. It is close to Ole great Cumberland Valley Itail-road. if nor'sold before Friday the 15th of October, it will on that day be exposed to Public Sale, oil ;lie. preNses, at 10 o'clock,'A. For terms apply to - . • A. APDOW MAC. Scpt. 8, 18-11.---ls* •li,sle, 071 . ' Lebanon Couricy _insert 3t and scud bill to this office. for collection. • ELEcTioN. September 5, • . . . Election.' Proclamatio, WHEREAS in and by a'n.nntnt the Gen. , • eral Arisen-Ark , of the Commonwealth' of Penn , sylvania, entitled "An act relating Co. the elections of this Ce_mmonWealtif," pasied the 2d day ofJuly Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and thirty- nine,, it is • made the duty of the , Sheriff of every county' within this Commonwealth, to . , give public notice of the General Elections end in' sach notice to enumerate. 1: The officers to be elected. • 2. Designate the place at which the election b to be held:. I Paul Martin,High Sheriff of the County of Cam berland, do hereby maketnnw,n,rtial give this Public Notice: . . • •to.the ideCtoriof the county pf Cumberland, that on the icerondTuesylni) of October next (being the 12th 'day of the month,) a General Election will be held at the saeral Clectibn districts established by law in said crunty;sa which time they wlll vote by ballot for the, several officers hereinatier "named, viz:. ONE PERSON • for Governor of the State of Pennsylvania TWO PERSONS • to represent the counties of Cumberland, Franklin and Aciatna in the State'S.enate,l - • • • TWO PERSONS t&-represent the county of Curl - Merl:lntl in the (louse of Representatives, of Pennsylro,in-c>*'' , 7 .. - • ONE QOAIMISSIONER - • for the county of CuMborland. • . . OIE DRIECTOIi•, "• . • _Mlthe_Eoor_and-of-dre-lloirseof-Ettiployment-of-saill county. ' . "-• , ONE TREASUlt i litt for the county of Climberland. . ONE IUDITOR . . • td settle thu public accounts of the eminty Commis sioners tke. • • - ' . • ONE CORONER • for the county of Cumberland. ,••• ' ' . Tile paid election will be held thrOughotittlie couu ty as follows: . ... • The election in the election district composed o the borough 'of Carlisle, and townships of , North 'Middleton; South, Middleton,,LoWer Dickinson Lower Frankford,'und LoWer lrestpennsboro' will be held at the Court House, in the borouls of Car lisle; • The eleCtion•ie the district composed of Silver Spring township, will be held at the public House of .I!bst.plt Grier, in Hogestown, in said township. Tim election. in the district composed of East-- peunsborough township,..Al be held at the public house of Andrew Kreitzer, in said town Ship... _ • The election leybe district compose of New.etim , .berlaud and e•part.s)f,Allen: township, will be held at, the.public house 'John Sourbeck eiNeiv_Guni r . berland. • . . , . .., . .. . e . • ._ .. _ .` • I ,..dep,Welfort:44 l 4lM.Jih.flictzecunvortrivflitlNM 4iii•AllifiaiiiiiiitiljiWillaidai_o I • 1c iontreikPeter • MCCitdirifiiitilltuili. -" •;- - . 2 . - : ' :7 ---- fiviieli - leiiiitiltii . he district composed of that part; of Allen tsiwnshiP;nod ihelmle din the Cum-1 beldam! ,Ind Lisburn electiOu'distrietiOvill:•_belleld 1 ' at the public house Of , llayiel Sheidleron liepherds towdridi •said township ". .- ' • •''' ' • ' . The.elecliott in the distlietentitposed. of the-bdir -ough—of Mechaicsburg, will be.-hell-at-the-public !douse of John Iliogiver, in said borough. • • The election in the district composed of Monroe town,khipov ill be held it the public house., or Wid ow Vail an Chui.chtoun-in saddlownshiV ---- 7 - The election in ,the ;Astrid composed of Upper Dickinson • township, will be held at Weakley's School House, in sandttrwnship. Thii election iii the district composed! of the' 'bort ongh of Newville;and townships of Mifflin, Upper Frankfort!, Upper West pennsboro', and that 'part of, Newton - toWnsliiKnOf iiielnitiOl in'tho Leesburg elec tion district herein after mentioucd, will be held -at 1 the Brick SchooLllouse, in the borough orNewville. • The election in the district composed of the town-' ship of Hopewell, will- be held at the school-house in Newberg in said township., ... _.... , . llie election in the district composed of die bor ough of Shippensburg,Shippensburgstownship, and That part of Southartipton township, not included in the Leesburg election distrio,_w_ilt he - field IA the Connell House, in the borough of Shippensburg. And in and by all act ad' the General Assembly of this coanmonwealth, passed die 9(1 July 18a9, it is thus provided, "That the qualified electors of parts of Newton and Southampton townships in the comity of Cumberland, bounded by the Ibllowing lines and distance's, viz:--11eginning at the Adfams county line, thence along the line dividhig the townships or Dick- . ~ inson and - Newton to the turnpike road, thence along said turnpike to die Centre school-house, on said turnpike, ill Soinhampton township, thence to a point 'n the Wahmt Bottom road at Beybuck's, including Reybuck's farm, thence a straight direction to the saw-milt belonging to 'the heirs or George Clever, thioice)aludig. Kryshir's rim to the Adams “aunty line, thence along the line of Adams COOOtY to tlit: Pl.ed• of beginning, lie and is hereby declared a new elec tion district, the election to be' held at the public ImMte_ol_Williait Max we.II, hi- Leestui.g i S utt thump- . ton township. ... - Given under my band•a£ Carlisle; 31st day of August, A. D. 1341 PAUL MARTI N , Sheriff. • At a stated Orphque:Court lie -gin) - nnil - held - on - Tuesday the 31st day of August, 1811, at Carlisle, in and thr Cumberland eounty,"be fore the Hon. Samuel Hepburn, President, mid John Stu:Mt and John lA:fever, Amsnriate Judgr of the same court, tisigned &e., the lotion big pro; ceedings were had, to wit:— In the case of the writ of. Partition on the real estate of Sarah Leulig, dec'd, the same is confirmed. Now to wit, Blst August 1811: Rule on the heirs, to Wit. William Leidig,Jacob Leidig, David Leidig, Elizabeth intermarried with Jacob Burkholder, Sa rah Cross, late Sarah • Leidig, Mary intermarried with Jacob Leitzel, and the issue of two children, dee'd, to Nt it—Michael Joan,Ja cob Lcidig, Catherine, Sarah, Elizabeth', Mary Ann, Jo seph and Margaret Leidig, children of John Leidig, -the- stud Catharine, Sarah, Elizabeth ' Mary Ann and Margaret are minors, and have .Ilicltel JioseiL for.tl tei r Guardia J ose ph a m .John Harmon fur his guardian; and Sarah Leung, Jacob, John, David, I lannah, Michael and Mary Ann Leidig, who are all minor's and children of 'Michael dec'd., to appear on the sth.Oetober next, at the Orphans' Court, and accept or refuse to accept, 'of said estate at the valution. Notice* to be served personally on the heirs living, in the county, and by' advertisement three times in one paper;,printed Carlisle, for those living out of the county. • , o By the Court. Cumberland County, 88. 1 W. Fottaerk Orphans' Court, latqle, •do certify t foregoing is a true 444 1 1 - 5. cop r y, 'Mess my hand and seal of said ..,lAL•ky..47 Court at Carlisle, 4th September, 1511. 1 48 $l. For IV. FOULK, Clk. 0. C. • • . liolFnpple. • TA IX MARTIN, Siterift Carilisle, Sept. 3, 1341. 3t. rvoTicE,.. . Estate of Sdarn s Nimmon, [:TIERS OF ADMINISTRATION due 14 form of law upon the' estate of Adams Nim moo, tlee'd,.., lately of Ski ppensburg, have heetomm etl to john Skinner nod Jades - Walker ; all itersOns having claims against the estate will pretient them for: settlement, a n d thine indebted wait makeitayment to them. -' ' • • - • . .. The athninistrators-will attend at, the late resi dence of the decelitted on Friday an Saturday the .17th and . 18th of Sep tember to attend to business of the estate.. • -.- JOHN SICINNIATZ* ' - .1 AMES AVALKEII,, m /8 _Sept. 8.1841.-6 e Big n- Stibig Adamantin6 (xuards: An - election for Captain for said cordpanrwill 'take place in Newyldlo,ou.Saturday the - 1801 September,: between the hours of - 10 and 6 o'clock ; at the: honk , ' of Wrn. , U. WoOdburn. -. ' . • .. ,- • " ' - . Ts) ,all Claimants . and :. Persons , . '-• interested. • - 100. PILE is hereby given 'that , a svrit of She ,r4l V 4 .1111118, No. 11, liovember Term; 1841, and to me directed,' has' been isiated but of the 'Conk • of . common Pleas.of CuMberland enunty,bn the follefivr- - • Mpg Nlechnnie's Lien," entered and recorded in The Contrunf Camraon•Pless aforesaid, viz t . , George U. Buelier , vs Cas per Sheriels. :00 L• 'PAULS - IARTIN, Shp' iU Sheiilf 'a °Moe, ? • ~, Cat-pale, Sept.B,lB4,L : _ . co oily fy. - The'respectfully informi his Wend: and the public generally ,' that ' lie 'has just rettfraet fromthe city andlanow opening a large and spice ',did assortment of . 7 i M irg - Qtr., tutlijlip • alaugaitaizo,. Chiria, (Wags SZ' Queensware. All of which he will sell very cheap for Cash ; the public are invited to call and examine his stock,next door' to McClelland's. Hotel. • • • JOHN A. PEFFER: Carlisle, Sept. 8, 841..---St • Public Sate of • • R BAG' ESTATE w a L i L i be soldthe r o 'u r b ii 'i m o n S s P.P.Bc,`,lutebeero - and county, on Friday the 15th day of October next, in 10 o'clock,'A. M. of 'said day, the following de scribed real estate, late the property of "Jacob High, deed.; to wit i • , • • No. 1..' Tiact. Of 'LAND, situate in Mifflin township, .Cumbb - rland, county; bounded by lands of Isaac •Uhristleib, Geo. North's heirs; John High, and land of the heirs of said dece dent herein after described as No, 2, containing 2 27. AcreS 9. .• • • • , . nn . 81 :perches neat menaure,haying theheon erected a Two Story Lon. . . 6 • i gr i i li t : HO .0 S E " i. latehen, Double Loo'c.Barn • Wu gon%Slithl, Corn-Crib; and Cider-Press, a well of 'never thiling water convenient ,to the 't 4 a. house, and an'excellent , .B.PPLE ORCIMRD. About 70 acres of the above farm ate first rate timberdatul f and the (Tibiae in a good 'state of cultivation, of which about '3O acres are good mea dow, the giter part of Which is suitable for tillage., . • -No. 2. A Tract- of Lanikad jokning the above described lunm and land of Henry Miller, Alm). Whialer„ Moses Whisler, Daniel Me, Laughlin, Jacob- Kitner, George Boon and others, containing 184 Acres :amid 11,3 Perches / neat measure, having diet:eaa erected a • -Tiro Story .Log o • M- 4 • • • , - , !4!k• Kitchen, Pouble Log Barn„ Wagiin-Shed arid Corn- Crib ; an Apple Orchard. and a never Idling. well 'of water near the door about 50 acres of the above farm are flrit'rate 'timber landoiad the .residue in it good state ofeultivatioa, Of which Atom 20 acres are good- meadow,• The above Tracts will -be' sold .separately or to gether, to-snit purchasers, oil the following (elitist= the costs of sale to lie paid by the purchaser or pur chasers (maw confirmation of the sale by the Court, at which time he er they will be requitbd .to enter into recognizance in the Orphans' Court with ap proved security,to secure the residue of - the purchase money, to be paid aifollows—one third to verimin in the hands of the 'purchaser dunih g. the, life -of the widow of taid - decedent, the interest-to he paid her annually; commencing on thrlst,of April next , at her death thelirincipal to he paid to the heirs.of said decedent, one other third to lie paid on the Ist of April next, a hen possession will be - given and a 'deed made to the purchaser„the maining third to be aid in two ever annual pay ments thereafter wit hout interest. - - The landlords share of, the grain growing at the. time of sale will pass to the purchasers.. Any per .on wishing to view said Burnes before the day oh,sale ire requested to call on David High residing on the subscriber . a hi) lives one mile vest of Newville. • JACOB HIGH, , Meer. ofJaeob High, Sr. (leti't . , Sept. 8, 1341.--till. • - • . • irf Lancaster Ohl C'earil publish the above t( the amount of $5 atitl charge this olliee. ._. learn and -.Hotise for. Sale. The undersigned offers for sale the FARM o which he resides, two miles west of Shippensbur 6 being iu S nUlnunpton township, Franklin county, t'a containing . 106 'Acros • of 11Ni - rain:Limestone. Land, , 'not ii%frrior to any in the neighborhood; 'the YinprOve - mums are a thtelling EGUSaI '-.. 7.8 .;.: ; . ..F k 1 1 1 14 Barn, Tenant 'House and : ..,;,..,•. , ,t ; g.,,..t " welt other buildings as are lieeessary to carry ea lartuing; : aLio a good Orchard and-welt of water.- • • Also,`a. two s:ory Brick House, .Ith a lot and a half.ol ground-thereto attached, in' the borough ot'Shippcusburg, cianberland county— this pror erty is in goll repair, abd is situated in the business part or the town; the improvements are a, STONE STABLE fronting two alleys, smoke 'house and other. necessary out buildings. The undersigned deems it unnecessary to give a minute description or the above' property, as persons wishing jki i purchise can view the ppembies h call- 1 ing on Al.v. I'. S. - Arm, :,:hippensburgonv on ' • • JOHN E'BERLEY, • . living on the fiww. Shippensburg, Sept-8401.--GL . . ........ s ~0. - Lancaster 41d (limed publish GI and charge this office. Orplignsl Court Sale. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Coml. of Cumberland eounty,'Will be sold by Public Vendue, on the premises, onTriday the Sth of Octobtr next, at clock; M. of that due, the following . real es tate, late the. property of 11,00 Wow, o f Mouroo township iu said county, deed:, to wit: AU that rimetatiota and TILLOT Z 4.11,7)., situate its Monroe township aforesaid, hounded by 15cds of Mil:lntel U. lleitzhoovec, widow Gross„lohn Bricker, Samuel 11a 4 ickee, Samuel lloffee and the Yellowilreeches creek, containing 99 acres and 34 l'erches strict niensUre. This-land is.limestone land; in ex cellent cultivation and under first rate fences: The itnproutments.are a • • • • • Two Storystone 7, Alt •U SE • 1 4 7 ` ;'? A LARGE BANK .BARN; wagon-shed und'othei-out buildings; 21160 a never tiiiGng spring &water close to the house; ti good 'Orchard of well selected l'relt is on the premises, and also n late quantity of locust timber. The whole of this tractis cleared land. • • AlgO,' a. Tract of WOodland, situate in the said township of, Monrcie, , bnunded by ohn Bricker, Melchoir Brenneman; lg. Ego's heirs, J..Leidig's hews and others, and containing 9.1 'acres' and 30 perchei strict. tneasure. This piece of land iirwellYenvered with ellesuut antionknimber. TIM conditiona will IM made known at • the time and place of sale by GEORGE BRINDLE, Adiu'r. of I)avid Wolf, deo'd Sept. 8,1841.-4ds, S. tnnesster Old Gunrd.pubNeli 3t and, send bit . . , • rwo•riteE. . , . "All persons wishing to be supplied..witli die earli est eity.,.newa, May feel ;themselves mueli , gratified by ealling'on the subscriber, where they' CM bare eseleation of the following daily mid 'weekly, tutpers, .daily,•Chroniele;* Ledger • and Sprit of the' Times ; New...York' Heralrd.daily 'and weekly; New World, Brother JosadtMis noitotiNo i : unkee Natiorkhlktgazines,&e. Ric„ , Atiy per. • n-wishingr-l*. Eseetmie-subisriberrforratryany ' aboid workaolactallthe popular works` of eltarlee .14:far bound, in boards, %e a, pleaseclati'wttit . . • JOHN-Gat Sp4ndief:lfolte . . . • . . . . .. .. _ . . virginia.LecOairg Lottfry. Class N, fin.' . 1 841..:. --To be drawn at Alpicandria, Va. qn Satuiglay - ;Septen!bnrlllth 1841. ' • -. -1 evmen , cArrrAts'.: - .. 35,294 dall.—nej IL prize , of $11,764 I or 6,001 , • ' lof 2;500,1;of 2,361, 1-ekets SIO--Ilalress Certificate's of t i o cringes of 2 Do. Do • • • • . Virginia IVVelisbnirg, LOttery. :Ctaqalit, for .1841.---To be - dranui at Alexandria, Va. on Saturday', September 18,.1844. • 4 GRAND- SCHEME. •' - 30'000 DOHai 9 $lO,OOO, $B,OOO, $5,000, $4,000, $3;120 30 prizes of $1,500, 50 of $500,, 50 of $4OO, &c. Tickets $10..-Halves $5 - ---Quarters $2 50. Certificates oleackagesof '26 Whole Tickets $l3O . ' 26 Half do. 6$ .. Do. . 126 Quarter der - S 2 SO, . • . . Uni on. Lottory. ' Ulass No. B.—To lie-drawn . in Alex:m(l,loK C. on, Saturday,September 25 1844.5 • GRAND CAPITALS, prizes d f $25,000 mafciag 100'000 Dollars f 1 prize of , 10,000 dollars. .. , 1. do. . .8,000 du. 1 . do. • 6;000 . do. - '-1 ' flo. ' 5,153. . do.. • .., . • 2 p,rizes of-1 - ,000 -- -. ...--do.' • -4.. .do. • 2,000 do,' • ~ ' 50 d(i. • - 'l,OOO do, 50 ' do. , • • ' ' - •500 d0"...te.• , 14 drawn !lumbers out of 73. • Tiiikets sls—Dalves $7 50--Quarter9 $9,75 Eighths $1 'B7. Certificates of Pitthages . of f2t; WlioN 'rickets $2013* r Do do . 9.9 ti a 1 ( ' do. 100' • Do ' • ilo ' . •26 Quitl•telitlo - . so- ...Do .• !" • do ,29 Eighth do . 25 . - • • • . . ' Por 7'icketo and Shares or C'ertifietaeo-Of Pack- ...j_.. sages in the•above Spleialtil Lotteries,-address , ,' ---• J. - G ,CiIIEGOILY &.... CO. Managers , ' .. • ' - . • ' . • :Washington Clil t 111, .;.: L .. - : ,-- A?ralv.iirzsivitrtir i iffililtaii" - ,4004.17:jti7fi1v r . c,D.m.r - ji? , h „;;;;:: A - mvsz.--7-4:34r.1.„z......P.".. :- . :...ems -. ~., :... ~,,,,,,; it _. , ;-, , ,,.. 4-. a,.. •,....,,v.m.,..*irWrta.ti1e.1&13r...:;.,-,,.-4.;..,,,,,,... - , . NOTICE. • Estate of Sa.ol I. S turrebn.. , 1. • ETTEIIS OP- ADMINISTRATION. on "thn • • gstate . of Samuel borouglk of 56ijpjiTiisl u 7 g; ilec d.,, have been issued in . . due thrrn, of law to the subscriber: . NOTICX is hereby 'given to all persons having elaiinsagainst said estate ; • to present them duly authenticated for settlement; • and all persoml indebted to said estate;arji.erestetf--- to .nuilie payment Nvtix.rAlr PEAL, . September 1, 4 . 11;-tliv: • • Valuable l'own property 'and out Loto surr - puozitc.S.6lL-E y - - - IN-.NEWVILLE% The subscriber , acting executor of Dr. John Cietc dis deceased; will ofrer at public sale on the itrelnie _ ses ' ott Thursday the ‘.2 Ist of Octobernext,at 10 o'clock • A. ,NI., all the real estate of said.deceased, to wit:- Ist TheAlimse and Lot •.. ,I gm : in Newville Occupied by said deceas- • , tt IP I: ' & eil during biklifc time, withthe brick ~..., ~• dwelling stud %all lot adjoining—th e . lots are 90 feet on Main "strvet, and extend baek liBo. feet on Cave alley. :The int provemOnts, OP addition to the dwellings are, 8 Aoribie log barn with thresh- . ing floor, stabling, wagon sited and eorit crib; Rigo r it cistern, wash and wood houses. 'Phis property will he sold togrliwF, tie divided into two Tots at may Bost suit purchasers. t t . and Lot House and Lot on High ,ti x ,t, in Newville, now occupied by John Givler. The a bos'e•lnts•are all free of ground rent,. • • 3. Seventy seven Acres of land adjoining the borough of Newvine, and extending northlo the Conondoguincl creek; the State toad from Newville to Dublin Cap rims through the land—it is 't Ii tided into el vete luta of differmit sizes, containing. from fitur to twelye set 0, and trill be sold'its divided Or altogether, a 5 may be mast advantageous to the estate. • . . 4. A Lot of , ground, containing nine acres and 49 perches, lying Atom n quarter containing si mile from the borough of . Newville nit the.road to Tlirite Smartt !fellow: ' -Tom- at ibe - above lots are meadow ground, four are in.cluver, one will be 5954.11 in wheat this fall and two in•ry,„ . A pint of the lots, witlithe quantity in each, can be seen !iv - calling on Col..lVm. Wood burn in Newville, who - will show all the property to any person wishing to Clew it. The.above described property or any part -of it; can be purl:based at private sale, previous tattle day of public sale, Mrapplieation to the acting executor.' Perfect tides will be made to the purchasers of thtr property, clear of incumbrances. , Tuasts or SALt.--hum sums under 55300, one, hair on thelst of April next, the other half on the tat of - ' - April 1843. Ott purchases of $3OO or above, one half on the Ist of A 1)01 next, and the other haf in two equal annual paynients; without .interest; pay- , ' ments to be'secured by a hen on the land srild.l,. ' ---, 12 0 H ERl' —Acting - Facer of Dr :folio tiettilirdeo'tf: Nowville, Aug. 24, 1541.-rcow,ts. persons indebted tMthe estate of Dr. John. GeMlisolecCast.d, by note given at, the sale of bin personal property, or (luring his Broil -he, are notified to make payment: •No hnlolgedce-w ill lie givela atlkr the 2,lst of October nest: 'ROBERT LAIRD, Acting ex`r., ASSIGNRESHf P ACCOUNT ]n, tf),e Court of Oro - lump ,Pleas of Cumberland chunts2,l;:lth August, 1841, ,lolinitupp, sAksignee of , .Incoh Slider, presented fill pecount or the execution . olifita trust, and Tuesday the sth day of October finxt appointed for the confirmation of the ;time, or ~w. whirl) all versthis interested are hereby notified. fly the Court. • • tiEO. SANDERSQ* Proth i l, Sept. 1, 1.141.;-3t. . Valuable • Properly for Safe. In pursti.u. a the last will and testament of • JaMies Graham, late of Allen township, Cumberland county, I will sock Public , Sale, on the premises, on 7'inmsday the 48th day of. October next, at 10 'clock,' A.. M. the following described, valuable prop erty, to wit: • • .100 Acres of Prime Limestone, Land, • . bounded hy.. rands- Darineek, Daniel ~ Mohler and others, on the. public .road, about .one, mile south of "11 1 eolpinieshurg...-abent one.half.cTear ed, tinder good knee:mil in a high state of ; fiat), the residue covered with thriving 'youngTits bee. There is no, buildings on the land; Aalent 'aud-iudisputiblo title-wail-be giros; and: • terms made known on the day of sale.. • • Persons:wishing,to premises prnclooks to - the day of sale, - ean call'at the late reSidenen of .11to. ' Gralutini adjoining the ratonior on the inliSorlheL • It: G.',YOUNG; miecUttir. Sept`t, . . ar e r er X • • r yi. • --- . Pavade at the Armory on Saturday. al 2 o'clock,E,M.,in annamer inlifornt, By ortley afgaie Captaini' • • t,IOI4.ZsT , Kt:UNAY, Ist Sorgt.'t CarliO'o tat, }841..' , ; ' • . ' •• •-• AOTICE.. . - . . . ,. Those concerned will take notice thellia: velnfue nekea of the subscriber : have.been left, in the liantla•of -Jinni.. L'll;utt;.l.: N .; fur. uellrotioit. .I'sayinetit ;nun , biiinitle tii the Ist. of Otitobet', or snits will In, itlti. , 4 • • - - JAc0n,,y,4414, U -30,000 doll. , 1 of 5,000; 1 0f3,000, aof 1,000, tr.c..' • .--Attarters fa 50. WhOleticketsslBo Halt 'do. ' 'f.s 0 Quarter do 52 so.