Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 01, 1841, Image 4

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prizes of W,OOO amounting to $lOO,OOO
TOR 2,5•rn
$50,000"4399060"425,000, ' •
....„ FOR .23p.ourongn.
. - . ... ILiiiimi. LOtery. - , . .
Class g. ' ti:, lie' , drawnnt • Alexandeia; ILC, on •Sat
~• • • tirdni, Sept..2s, 1841. '.
•_, :;.,; ;. • 1311.11.L1A.NT SCHILMI.I. ,
. . .... ,4 •,
--.." 25;0 00 . Dollkirs, j _..' „.
I prize of) 10,000 Doll.
, ) ,1: do' )') : • . :, ;
.800 do .
1 do . ' 6,000 do ,:.
• ' 1' do , :. . . 5,153 do
'• ' ,2 prizes of. . ' . ~ . '4,000- do.
4 do , 2,000 'do
`, '3O do. . • °. 1,000 do
-50, do ' - , 500 do
.. .
'5O .'do ' v .
'-- '• . • • '..
~250 do
• 100 'do '': v v • ' 300, tv.o.. - •
. •• •14 drown numbers out of 76. 10
' Tickets $l5-11alves $750--Quarters.s 3 75
, • Eighths $1 87. ,
Certificate of packages of 26 whole tickets, $2OO
.do --- do .. 26 half -do 100
do . do 26'quarter do .0
:.' do - do' 26 eighth. do, ' 0 25
The Grand , Union Lottery;
Class 9. To be drawn at Alexandria; D. 0., on Sat;
..' urday, Oct. 23, 1841. ,
• • 16 th•awil ballots.
1 Grand
.Capital prize of 50,0041 - Doll.
• . 1 Splendid peize of • 30,000 do . .
, 1 4lO 410 •" - 25,000 dot
' ..• 1 ' (To -; do ' .. •" - "10000 do --" -
1 prizeof . , 8,000 do •
1 do . , - 7,000 do •
1 do • . -46,000 do
• - 1 do • ", •
s ' .5,000 do
1 do - '
1' {lo _, • . . • - 2 500 • (10
1 do - ... - 2,311' do. •.
-4 tlo . 2,000 do -,
.5 do 2 . • - , ' - .1,750 do ,-
, • 'lO do ; • .. 1,500 do'
10 do . _ • .. •• 1,250. do
50" . do. 1,000 -do •
.50 t.lo :',., . ' - sir"do
,50 do .•• • 400 - do .
100 ilo , - • 3111) •do
• . 'lOO do — . • ' •-' -. - 2.0 410
. ..170, do • -
.' •. 200 -do ..
• .' - - • 'l6 411'4411 'waiters out Of • 78.
- l'icketss2o;• Ilalves $10; Qoartersss; Eiglits $250.,
..„.,Peitificatei of
„packages of 26 mimic tickets s'26o,'
- . do: -- -: . do • ' 23-half ilo - . -, 130
.-.L.7?" - -264,111t0stgirtl0.7_?,_
-'' ,- - do- ,7 ',''''''' 7 lrci --7 ' . '""261 - ..iiltili m ,tio - ,
. .
- „
- - • ..
.tr+OpleeS for tiekets• and slinees aitd. Certificate's
• t.. of t iatkages in tile:above splendid , s'elienies will re
ceive the most promptalteittioui and dui dram - log of
each lottery will be 'scut 4111;10 lately after it is over,
'''' - toltil-tvlio-order-from_tis—...Nildwis - - ,
. - - . .J.G. 0 REG OltY. FS .CO. Nrit - aieli:.7 ---
I,\Valliugtria, 1) CT:
DR,.IS,:k.„ . STgYVIART;
Thothsonian Botanic Practitioner
of- Medicine and Obstetrics, No.
-L 2" Alexander's Row, near the
Rail ,
Road Hotel ;
• .
. .
. -
ESPECTFULI , Y informs •liis friends and the
illpublic generally;that (through solicitation' lie
ins remoecitfrotn ShiremanstowntuCairlislei where
he may be found at all times;unless profeasionally
engaged. The afflicted shall at tit all times be treat
ed with purely Vegetable, NledicineA,"No Poisons . ,"
and -in strict accordance with the:principles laid
down by that great reformer in - medical science, Cr.
Samuel-Thomson. , - • ..
• Chronic cases, such as Consumptions, Liver Com
phints,'Dropsies, Rheumatisins, and Cancers, are
more particularly iffliirmed that the .74ew System is
admirably adapted to their cases.
, Invalids from n distance can be accommodated
with Boarding while under medical treatment,.on
reasonable terms. '
Carlisle, July 14,1841.---tf.,
Proposed Amendment to Ake -
"Resolution relative to the Anendment
of the State Constitution.,
"in k noLv En by the Senate and House of
presentatives in General Assembly met, That
the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended
iu the third section of the scepnd article, so that it .
shall read as follow's:
_ 'That. - 7the Goveraor.sball bold his office during
three years, from the third Tuastray. of Jaintriry,..
next entitling his election, and shall not be capable
of Wilding it lager than a single term of three yeari,
In auY term of. nine years."
- .Speaker_Oflhe Muse of. Representatives.
Speaker. of le Senate.
Pennsylvania, 83..
SECRETARY'S OFFICE, do-14'01y certify
that the foregoing is a true copy of
proposing all amendment of the Constitution. which
was-agreed to at the last session of the Legislature,
by a majority of the members elected to each house,
the original of which remains filed in this office; and
in compliance with...the tenth article of the Constitu
tion of 'the Commonwealth, I do .hereby cause the
same to be published, as directed by the
.said article.
Sx •' IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have
liereunto set my hand. and seal of said
at,'Harrisburgl this 14th .day of
j( t, .Jtinei S4l.
4.4 14 ' , Secretary of the-Commonwealth. •
June SO, 18.11.--3 m. •
• .
• DR. I. C. LOOMIS, Dental, •
IS permanentlylocated in Carlisle, and'
will perform all operations that are required in
'Dental Surgery, such as Filing, Plugging and 'Cx
'tracting Teeth; and inserting Artificial Teeth, from
a single tooth ton whole set. - Ho will also attend to
all diseases of the mouth, gums, &c. ; and direct and
regulate the first and second dentition so as to render
the teeth of children and young persons regular and
Dr. LOOMIS may at all times befound at his of
fice; on High street, oppoiite Macfarlane's Hotel.
Carlisle, June 23,1841.—y.
~, J ust received at the,New store, a large and spleen
iititistssarttnent'ef, English straw and Florence Bon.
„slots; eliered_ for sale at low prices by
• Abrell 31,1841.
. .
. .
..Thp.Subseriber .has just opened a new and ham
iome assortment of . , ,
• •• •'.GOODS
• suited- to the season, in North Hanoimr street, be'-
tween the Bank and Cornmin's . Hotel, consisting in
• part ,• of Cloths. Cassimeres, Sattinetts, V estings,
Cords, Stripes; Shirtings, Sheetings, Cambries,Ja
conets, Edgings, Lawns, Mouse de Laines; &e.
.ALSO,• •
• Queensware .and Groceries,
"SPICES, 'CIIEESE;:fIc. ;. • r
H.9TS,logether with a great variety of other goods
which he will soll'loty upop 'accommodating terms.
Rle:ase give hini,a • ' •
. .
May 19;1841. -*y.
"SokiEIL DE Sof new style frona 25 to
. 1141 - ' •
.81* oqnts per;lardjust ieceived and for sale
y.. , - ARNOLD & ABRAMS.
Matcli . 31'1341. ' . •
Bonnets! Bonnets t!
Elorenee; Braid, Straw, and Rutland BONNETS
nOw suliply of the newest ihnie, just receivedaad
fo'r' at the' store of - • ,
aline '2.IRAt
••••• '''LOOK TI 1S!
.Jacob Thlndore
Reimectlidly informs the citizens of. Caitlisle.n ud
'ifs vicinity, that he has Commenced the
SPl4lllll6l' and 1111Arness
• - . Beiginess •
its various branches, in Main street ; one' door
dast or the store of Messrs:AN - any ;FS Anderson, and
a' few doors west of Mr. Wunderlich'slavern, where
-he will keep constantly on hand, and manutitenr
!order. at the shortest notite mid on the most reasona
'ble terms, •
Saddles, Widles,'Collars,
• Har
i Thmks,.&c. &c. • '
Ile hopes by strici attention to business, and-an aux;
ions please, to merit and receive a liberal
share ofpublic'patrogOge. Iluving the best
men emphiyed,Lis custnniers may expect their work
to lid' done in the neatest and most substantial man
Carlisle, May 19; 1841. -
• * W B KNOX •
TTORNEY .11T Ls - w,.
Office a flew doors West-of. the
3 051.-office. - .• .
. Mai 19,184.1...:—, . ' ' •
4) . lllepiper Cheape r !
ANOTIE:R LARGE Arl/ rnisit 80.1 , PL1 OF
SUMNER 610053 •
Just received front Philadelphia at grently r (Meet]
prices from those tinrchased early in the season; per
sons wishing to supply themselves . witli
. .
Fiummer Cassimeres, Cashmaretts,
Linen Driltings,,Beaverteens, Cords, Vestings,
Check's, Tickings, Calicoes; Lawns, Monsline
de I .sins,• MlA:mils, Worked Collars; Stockings,
Gloves, flinghams, Silk and Cotton, Handkerchiefs,
Stocks, Nionslin. de ,clVTetines, Fillet Scarfs, Veils
and Handkerchiefs, Parasols,
Barred Worsteds.for
cliildrens' wear, N a nke - e I Cottonades, Pittsburn , 's
Cords, &c. tyill do . well to call cgt the sub
scriber. and Secure great bargains.
a good stock afresh • ,• .
V VVrrile,2s4 .
a:pd .Todirep, &c
incht.yery brge stock,of • • :
7, 15 , 1 1,Ptwill:P.1tifi - ofitmitlitfirlftfit iuler
floivl;ifie7T - eireop gooifs ma,
4.11A5. OGILBY.
1r ~11 41 . TP 0 T
lif S lea vel'o:i:nrot•m tie 'citizens of Carlisle anti
11). that lie has commenced manufac
'Wring. (Las, of Alm latest ftslvions, and of the very
hest - r •
Russia,sh, Beaver, Nutria, and all
hinds of FUR 114 .
of 'which a generid n'ssorunent will alwhys he kept
on hand, or made to suit according to order; whiel ,
he will' sell on the most accommodating terms for
emie or Opoutry..Produce: - •
'; His Shop will be tbund iu Louther street, in the
house formerly kept by Lindsey Spotswood as it
Hatters' Shop.
Carlisle,-May 9.6,131 L---firm • •
I.lfaS t . • Hats!! Ilats!!• -
II! most F
ashioable shapes and 'est quality, ,Ins
received from Plitladelplua.-- - Alsn,low prieeikbeg
horn, and Chip Hats, at'ihe store bf -
,Ttwe ,ISU
Bar Iron, Glass &c.
,Ittst received :Atha New Stove of Ow : subscribers.
1- Tuns BAR IBON, of first rate quality, and
for sale very low for cis i, per coasightnent, 00 half
Boxes 8 by .10 and 1.0 half Boxes 10 bAI2.
Wettlern Glass, •
in good order, for sale to :Merchants at 'Pittsburg
pricea•and Dukannou beg. , •
at Manufacturers prices, also. on hand Witherow's
Celebrated tattent mouGns,yLAIK-sEED
by the gallon, or Harrel, .OIL MEAL, -Wethevill
5 Broia'. rare' WHITE LEAD, MAHOGANY
'VAN EEIIS; Etc. lee.
Parr le, May 5, 1841. •
• •
a pits! $lOO,OOO paid in.. - --Garter Perpeta al,
CONTINUE to make Insurance, Permanent and
:united, on every description of Property, in
TowN AND COIN TRY, on the usual favorable
. OFFICE, I ti 3 Chesnut street, neer Fifth street: —
CHARLES. N. HAMMER, 'Prenident.
o:trThe subscriber, Abut fir the above Company
for the borough of Carlisle and vicinity,will prompt
ly attend . to all applications for Insurance, whetlip
made personally or by letter. Residence Main street,
nearly opposite the Car. Office.
. •
March 31,
.• - •
m.A . w
.:001 opa6
A fresh supply of seasonable GOODS, consisting
in part of Blue, Black Brown, Olive Green, and
Black,Blue, Brown figtired and striped CassimereB;
Miied figured and striped thimbroons. for panta
loons. Brown, White, Striped and Figured bitten
KentuckeY, Pennsylvania and Delaware
Jaitestburl; rcortley Cotton stripes and drills;
A:Merman Nankeens and Colored 'Mastitis; Burlaps
French and IriskLinens; black, blue, Fawn, Mouse,
Pink, Blossom, White, Figured, Stripetiand barred
Sas. new stile; Fivred plain barred striped Jaeki
netts; Swiss, Cambrick and muslins; Bonnets,
Lawns and Sillte.,,Erabroidered, Manta% Glossae
Sattin and barred flibbonti; Leg horn flats, Straw,
Braid, Nun and Clup•Bonnets; Colored, White; Fig.=
ured Leghorn and Palm leaf Rids; Brown St bleach
ed musims; Ticks, Cheeks, Crash, and Diapers; Lin- .
en and cotton; 445-4 and 6;4 sheetings; Tablecloth,
linen and cotolL Diaper; Linen, Grass, silk, pongee
and cambrick llankerchiefs; gloves, Hosiery, Stocks
and Artificial flowers; Cotton and Gingham UMbrel- .
las; Parasols cottonyarn and carpet chain; trigelhe'r
With art extensive assortment of - • -
~ GrOceries & queesitrivare.s.:.
Alf of wide!' • Will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. Person are invited to call and examinefor
themselies before purchasing:elsewhere. ."
Carlisle' April 24,1841..
setnitiVie4itiWlew jtSom'iniant
receive( an o erp(
Shippensturg, by — ABNOI6 ABRAMS.
„ .
. .
tor dou e an single s, or . sat e at the
1-IAIRIf .ATss i ' ltTßlt B S B
store of .
June 2;1841
Just received at the Store of
- to.11:%'11;*,:: Wrv:4X, - tt, , au p' 14 . 'Tev..:0.0.4 . i.0 r,:*
~. • . .
' r,raig, AgetifaS S' Co.. ' •
"7 ,,0 g•-• . 4. cke i i,.% • - :-P .• , • •
. . . -
Have retnoVed to the capacious Witrehottnyeecutly
•occupied by D.• Leech & Co. at the northwestcerner
of Cherry and Broad street, Pfiitlagelpfiia. ' •
From the facilities which the location and internal
arrangement of ,this depot ti . rd, 30 toilb - Burthen
a i t 3
Cars'ean be accommodated t Mead and - load-tit the
-same time With sufficient ro o store-20 - ,000 - Intrvela
of FlOnr, and 400 to 600.t0n,0f _Grain exclusive of the
forwardinglepartment. ,• -. '• .: '
Produce of every description tyill..lic received as
'a:Martin consignments, and liberiil advances 111111(1C on
-receipt (if required) until sales are (greeted. , •
. CItAIG,BELLAS - • & Co.
`North-west corner of Ch'erry & Ilro:4st.-
. Philadelphia.
. .
. •
. .
'. - 'REFERENCES. -•. . . •
W. S. Cobean ' Cashier. •
HenderSon Sc• Parker, Carlsate.
Henryilthoads, ' - .
SMinderson tic Bosserman, -. _ , .
- Jecob Swoyer, Neinville. : . ~
. ..
David Nevin, Shippenamt7,, , .
J. Logan Smith,tisq. Cashier? eh On l b CM' '& ll.Pg.
Dyster, - DAM & Co,
Robert Fleming, . ••
. .
CtitherwoMl Craig, . • yild'hi e whhi a .
- • W 6c.
Wm. R. Thompson -C0...1
8:: •
. ~ • •
• Whitall & Brown, ' J - - ---
Tresh VlCedicines.
.. ~ .
The subscriberbiis recently received large midi
tiTial supplies.a . .
1711-cdicilies,.Collors., .I)ye-Stitifs,
Linsied , Oil , Spt s . , i'l'arPentine,' Copal
_Varnislr, -: Painters' , Brushes; :Varnish'
zarttsulte4lititr: 711 t dab:a - J . .lAm' lw . o - ti . :. 9 1 141-
1... ' ,:^,lAierlii?c4,4-fites..,.sof,p,.9 f.ig.,recq,
//Tidy; '.'Gkiss.. Lamps COT' wife Lettor
crier; 'Fruit, Spices, Per Amery; ..c.% 4.c.
which he will sOl. Idl'hysiaians,•MerChants
and pthe'rS f. Wll,ol.uALT: or by niriniL, at
the lowest rates, haying - piirchased'entirely
for mile; , he will — Offer-lrargains-,4o—those.
Who wish to .purchase..'at.wholesale: • ,
.. ••'• • ._ '•.' .
S. ELmorr:
• :--Marchrs - -24 1841 - 1• . '. '
Variety Store; &c.
rPIIE subscriber, thankful foi• - •Plist favorg, respect
" fully infdrms the public that-1 e still continues
to "bold foiqh" in . Church Alley, near,"Education
Ilan," where he has now ott-bantl a large assortment
oluotions. consisting in part, or die following: Bread - ,
Cakes, Cheese, - Bacon,. Horns, Flour, Soap, Cider,
SpiceS, Fruits, Sweetmeats, and , other necessaries
c denlaliul for this ni - erediati... - ' ... • ' ' '
N. B. Ile also continues tolcep an Eating House,
where gentlenien catibe accommodated with Pipe,
Pig's Feel, Pickled Ovstevs,ke. at the shortest:Mlle°.
ii.::'. JACOB SWG, Agent..
. .
Sept. 0, 1.840:-- , I ybar.
Atm Hardware, Grocery, a'•
R 1 ETV ,TORE: f •
rIPHE subscriber has-just returned from
the Cities of New York, Philadelphia -and Hal
tituore, and is now' opening at his. store room S. E.
Corner of Market Square and Main Streets (for- .
merly occupied by Geo. W. Ilitner,) a general as
sortment of
Hardware, tone Ware, Cerlar . Ware,.
13)4W:ilia lVare, Groceries, Oils•,
faints, 'Varnishes, -Brush- •
ts,' Whips, Canes, Lamps for •
- • burning Camphine
aud a great variety of articles useful and necessary
for furnishing acid keeping a house. Ile hasalso, and
will constantly keep on hand
Camphine Oil,
a cheap and elegant substitute, for sperm oil, and
-haviw , been-appointed the agent of Messrs. Bankers_
and 11;other of Newark N. J., for the sale of Jone's
Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur
idsh Lamps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate to all
who may wish to use this now and economical light.
Having selected his, goods himself, and made his
purchases for cash, he 19 able, and is determined to
sell) ow: • •
Those having the cash to lay out will find itto their
advantage to give him a call.
Carl July 8, 1 S•ID:
Bra,uircil►s titp,•etable Univer
sal Pills,
. .
Are held. by the following agehts in their resped- .
tive •counties. As numerous counterfeits of these
pills arc attempted to be palmed upon the communi
ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the' Pecog
m zed agents,.will-be.apparcut. ,
'Cumberliiiid.Gounty7±G.eorge W. Ilitner,Carlisle;
A. Riegel, Mechanicsburg; Gilmore & 111cKinney,
Ncwville;. S. Culbertson, Shippenshurni Hoke &
Brennemans .New :Cumberland ; Isaac Barton ~ Lis
burn; .1;1. G. 'Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Rill Br. Co.
Perry. County—AleNander MaF, , ec, Bloomfiel
J. & S.A. Cpyle,Landisburg.
• Augtist 26,1840 . .. ,
Cheap Cloths;
The sUbscribers vill sell their stock of Cloths,
Cassimeres and other Woolen Coods-, very lew for
cash.. , ' • .
March 17,1841.
• -
Jnst reueived, eleg ant Mous. de Wines at 2Q, 25,
31,374,50 and 75 cta. per yard.
March .1.-s,l_BJl_,L___
. .
Ei)GE TOOL • .
,The SUbrarire'r hereby informs the citizens of Car
lisle, and the pUblic generally, that he has taken the
shop nearly oppositirtife Jail, where heivill be
pared,to manulactUre to -order, on the most reasona
ble terms, any article in his line of business, such as
Aacs, hill. Picks, :&e,
He Will Oa? attend to Steeling. and Grinding, Axes.
He solioits*shamof public patroanage:
'earliste . . •
500 pounds- cAReET CHAIN/lust
received at the New , mtore on Sinppensburg, and for
sale by • • . ARNOLD .Br, ABRAMSt
May 1,1841. • • •
Glating and "Paper Hanging:
The subscriber , respectfully informe the citizens
of Carlisle'tind the vicimt7, that he has.ccinitnenced
,he above , business in all its various branches. His
shop, is in the square • immediately in tear of the
Market House,lw,o doors east of A. Richards store.
He .;hopes by attention to business and moderate
Charges', to , receive a share of patronage.' • • •
k'cb: 17,18. .4L,tt
Mechanicsburg- Line
te • :
. • .
Between . .11' lechanicsbarg. an d
l'hiladeljdtia or Baltimore:-
JHE subscribers grateful for past favors,
beg leave to inform their friends and the public
generally, that they still continue to .run n' line of
burthea Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg null
Philadelphia or Baltimore,ly•ivlach goods and,pro
duce of all descriptions-.will be forwarded with care
and despatch at the loWest rates of freight.
Produce will be received at their Ware' 'Houses
in Mechanicslnirg, and forwarded to either Phila
delphia Or lialtimore,ticcording to the direction of
C owner.
finr highest price Nvill be given for . Wherit
. •
N. B. PL•isler of Paris and Salt always, kept on
nd.,and for Sale at the lowett prices.
July '29, 1840.--ty., •
. ,
20 PIECES Duo !nem - NG-j ust
received at the New Store.ut Stupptinsbuqt, tyttlll*
sale by ARNOLD & ABRAMS.
May 1, 1841.
• —,. .
is the base:4 crime in -wan.
- - .
We are not among titatAilass of 'Editors who for a
few dot tat s wilLlatthe expense of truth and hones=
ty) ,, erack itr - mi article and bring it into rapid sale;
neitker :ire we willing to remain silent,alter hosing
tested the utility of an improvement or discovery in
scienee or art. Our readers will recollect, we told
them we were unwell with a sore throat mid violent
cold snore feiv.wceks ago. NVelloV'e purchased two
HOUND ands stuhlen was tlmcure, that we forgot
we-ever had a cold. Those who are arcia, may
try it :Mon our recomtnendation.—Levristorn
graph.. . • . ,
For sale by. . • . •
' S. ELLiort, Cnt•lisle •
A. .1: NOllll,l,Neville. _
Also, by Druggists guoevrlly tlit:ougliouttlie coon
try. Price 50 - teeilts per bottle.
Oct. 9,11, 1840. • •• • • .• .
. '
• -
Dental Surq ery •
T v — SUBSCRIBER respectfully- tenders his
grateful nelkitowietliratitts to the' public - for the iotal.share or patronage lietiaa received diu•-
iitgtheliastjePr, lid . would still condone to offer
them his professional services'in Owlr various bran
eqnses, am • p tigs Lecllt, ilml . loser s intort plilrlc
ivorfelf:rnettllic milk:int teeth in the most approved
_mariner. 7Clitirgesaltv . ay moderate. '
- J. C. NEFF, M.. D.
- Clirlislo;"Marelf 25,1810.:;-11 •
..inipt•Oved .
Patel's, liorse- Potver. .
greueetictittragethent heretofore receiyeil
-"-:.froin the 5.41 e ()Chia machineS induces bi in to or ,
ler to the ptiblictt new and,inpeoveillinese
%%bleb eau he Shilleilin gear or out or gearliykeys,
and shift the baud to give it five different revolations.
And helms no liesitation in-asstiring the FartnerStliat
he is noir dile to foraish.them with an article
perioi' to those i»anufactured.heretofore.• For speed
and clean threshing and - case-to the horses, he be
lieves his machines to be unequalled.
Ilk price is-$l-10---scylenty dollars to be paid cash,
and the balance in six months, for which a note will
be required With interest., Any.person purchasing a
machine aril upon a lair trial, not -being pleased, earl
tel Ile M all times_ Ito retitly to' famish
them on the .sh S'U
ortenotice; orers front a distance
will hopinictiudly attenddl - to. Ile will also repair
machines on the shortest notice.
Newville, July 9.9,18.10. --if.
A new style of Figured Damask'Satin Shawlsjus
•cccieed at the new store and for sale by
Afarch SLAW..
• Carpetings &
Imported Im,-rain Carpets; [Temp and Cotton d 0..;
also White and Colored Alattings, all widths, just
ceecived twit for silo cheap, by
• CILc..S. ObILBY.
;lone , 1 811. •
Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy;
Is performing some of the most wonderful cures
on record. Mr. ‘Vin. Pearsonof Delaware county,
Pennsylvania, was taken in the fall of 1840 with a
distressing cough, which daily increased until he
became so much reduced in flesh Olathe was obliged,
to he helped in and out'of bed. . His Physicians at
length gave up all hopes and pronounced his lungs
fhtully arccted and incurable. In this hopeless
situation he was for ten weeks; when a friend of his
called to. see him, and discovering his awful con
dition, he immediately procured three bottles of.
Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy, (having witness
ed the effects in a •shnilar case, induceti.him to pro
pure the medicine,) and give it according to direc
tions, and to the astonishment of all his friends, the
patient began to feel betterbefore using the medicine
.one week. Alter u s ing ,it strictly six weeks, the
patient was rendered able to resume his daily occu
pation. How many thousands of valuable friends
have been taken. away from us for the, want of proper
treatment. The very many who are yet among us,
and laboring under alarming symptoms, to such I
,beg to-say,.procure immediately Dr. Duncan's Ex
pectorant Remedy, and if it be not too late, you .may'
be restore dto perfect health. In the last stages there
is n consolation found in this medicine, by Its sooth
ing and pal hal ye, of
n`"PRINCIPL OFFICE,No. 19 North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia,' where testimonials may be
seen: '
For sale by John J. Myers & Co., Carlisle; ant
Win. Peal, Shippettsburg,,Ptt...
Ltraitdrelles .
A supply of the above Pills just received; having
hcen obtained-arirecthdbans Dr. Bran(freth's
. o.ffire;
they pre 11 1 .11tRAVTDD
• •
July 21, 1841
,ftheninatism: itheumatisna.
—Highly recommended and a truly efficacious ap
plication for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff
ness, and Weakness of the Limbs and Joints, Pain
along the Back, Sides and across the Loins.
REV O.7IIME.N.DA T.10..14 S.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Johnson, dated
". Philadelphia, May 7th - , 1839.
The Rheumatic Liniment ann Blood Pills have
been employed- by myself, and finding them effica
cious,4 have since recommended them to litany,
that have been ei , lely.„ - cured of Bleuinatio pains,
lumbago, stiffnes of the • joints, numbness of the
muscles, limbs, Btc..
Extract of a letter from Dr. Jennison, dated
Baltimore, May 19,4841.
Your Rheumatic • Liniment posseises properties
which I have never found in any Liniment I have'
heretofore employed. . " • • •• .
Extract of a letter f0rn:Dr..C,..14. Goodrich, da
ted-. PittSburg, June 21st,
Of numerous Liniinents and Medicines heretofore
employed for Rheumatic affections, none have been.
so successful as the Liniment nnd Blood Pills man
' ufactured by . you: • They !laic Tn this plamwon the'
golden opinion of all who have: used4liem.ATo-,rriy,
own knowledge they have cured several I th4t were
by myself and other men pronounced incurable.
. It may not be emits to remark, that both the Lin
iment and Blood Pills are prepared bY Dr: N.• B.
Leidy, himself; a regnlar Druggist ;anil Physician,
attested by Drs. Physich; Chapmen,Vackson; nor
tier, Dances, James, c; ibson, Come, Bta. of Philadel
This Liniment is ,prepared only; and for sale,
wholesaleand retail at Dr.N.B.tEIDY'S HEALTPI
EMPORIUM, No. 491 North Second, Stresign
of the Golden and Serpentii4Philiidg ,
N. 11..-1-The genuinels , rienonrpaniedl+t e writ
ten signature of Dr. N. B. Leidy on the label...
Price 37,1 cents it bottle, or throb bottles for $l.
Also,foi salO by.STEPENSON .DINIC,I4I,
Drukg l stb;CONlialei , • , •
May 19,1811:—Gm: , • ••• ~ • •
Diseases 'of- the . Eye. • -
44 7 ,...„.„...„
. .. •
. .
. .
. ,
. .. . •,,4, - i( , ,,..-f, ' 'T . - -
• v ..... - ).... ~ - • .
............... .
. • .
. . .
~• , •
--420 R. BOSTOCK'S
- . Celehrate,di 114..e___Water l , ,
.170 r the cure of Weak, 'Watery, or Mood Shot Eyes,
Ulcers, Humours, and Inilamatfon of the h' le-lids,
Dimness - of S.ght,'&c.-- — • ..,. ..---- —• ; ... .-•— '
Persons subject to any of these unpleasant disor
ders, will find this the most effectual remedy in use,
as it seldom faifs to remove any ,of them atfeclions
by a few application's, without thelcast inconvenience
or-pain. .t liosc who are troubled with a - DIMNESS
OF SIGHT will also find it it valuable remedy for
strengthening the eyes, improving the . sight, and pre
venting the dimness that arises from strammithem:
It will also belotind particularly useful as a' wash for
the eyes of young children, to remove inflatnatimi,
rmil subdue the humours to which they are so liable,
Price 50 Cents a Bottleft„vithfull dim ,
lions for using. • . • ' .
- Sold .in Carlisle by • -
401 '2B, 184.1.--:.y.. . .
be forfeited by Dr.-. 14: 8.-LEIDY fOr a prepa
ration of SA [KO) la equal to bit; • '.
Med icated Extract orSarsaparilla.
-The efficacy of Sarsaparilla is well known in Sera:-
fula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Liv
er, Allections of the Skin-and. Bones, Ulcers of the
Nose, Throat and. Body, as well as en Antidott. to
Mercury and the Minerals, Coliblieitional piseases
Mel a general Purifier of tbe...Blood and Animal
Fluids. .
Dr. Leidy would refer to the most respectable phy
siciari's Philadelphia, as well as throughout the U.
Sete:4 for the charaCter of • his preparation, as well
also to the numerous eertifiCates from ph!'sicinitti and,
others, that have been front time to time' polilish6l;,
Ili - iv deemed unnecessary as the character of his pre
paration is firmly established. - • Throughont the Sou
thern States it is used altogetherond throughout the
North takes the_precedencover'all others, particu
larly among physicians, who, for the benefit of their
patients, al way s recoM mend it: - . •
The render is rdlerreil to the direetiOns accompa
.nying earli bottle, for recontmendations, certificates,
and further particulars. . . .
Itemeniber, one bottle, (half a pint4isequal to, sis
pints of syrup, anti is eipially.plensant to bike. .
tr,-..• Price One Volkip per Pottle. :1 -
, -•- •• -
• •
131.00110 -
• ••••,._. •
• _ • Be ye purifier( ih yotir Blood, .
• • And Health will attenil,yott. •
Tit o.,Life_Y the , I•Yeslp in'the Mood."
- Env rricos ci - xxcr , xr.
`-triUghon'atutils can answer-this question whit know
front actual experience: that. •
8.1118:1P.M.17, - •
Ace tht safest; best, mitt most effectual Pills known,
{lB' a
Spring ori Fa 1 i.. Purifier.
•TlMusands who have for several years past use„
them during thel Spring and Fall (as well as at other
times) will [litter - use any others. Hundreds are
already daily procuring them, who have heretofore
employed them. The object of this advertisement
is to inform thethoosands who know net yet.ol.
where they may procure them genuine, that they
may try therM being fully . satislied that having tried
them - , they will never be persuaded to use any other
for several reasons.
QUACK, bring prepared' by Dr. N. 11. Leidy
himself, it regularr Drug..,vist, as well as Physician,
'attested by IlTs. Plivsick, James, Horner, Dewees,
Jackson, Gibson, Corce, &c.
ANTI-AIERCU RI AL, being an Antidote against
_Mercury and the Mineral s, so deleterious and dan
gerous; and u p on the effects of which Quacks de
pend, for " killing or curing," and therefore mix
them with their nostrums.
JEER THAN ANY OTHERS, as in using them,
they require no restraint from living or occupa
tion, and May be taken, sy, the most delicate and
feeble, old ;tnd
. Toting, male and female at all times
and muter all circumstances..
ANY OTHERS, when used nee - wan - 0e the di
rettions—and do not require to be taken' iii large
~,quantities as is' required of various other Medi-
eines, trinkli"er a Drug Shop of the Stomach, de
riving it ofits accustomed nonrishment,destroy
- trig its functioni,arid thereby cousinra rapid de
cline of the human system s •
In all cases where a purgation may be necessary,
these Pills will be found both effectual and easy in
their operation, producing no nausea, or sickness of
the stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensa
„Portlier comment is deemed unnecessary—the
numerous certificates publislfed front time to time
from . ' Physicians - and other individuals must have
convinced the incredulous, and for the further in
formation of all others, Dr. Leidy refers thet&to the
directions which accompany each box. -
Theyltre prepared and sold', wholesale and retail,
North - T'Second street, below Vine street, (sign of
the Goldthi,tagle and Serpents.) . _ ,
Price IS- cents a-Box;
Also, for sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE, - I
Druggists; Carlisle, Pa. t •
. .[May 19, 101.—Gm.
Sarsaparilla, or Blood Pills..
"The Lire of the Flesh is in the Blood."
TIIE safest, best and most efficacious Pills now
in existence, are Dr, Leidy's Blood Pills, a
component part of which is Sarsaparilla.' It is use
less here to name the good qualities, or commend
upon the medical viritielf of these Pills, as the public'l
are fully aivare of them. SuffiCe it to say, they are
an effectual purifier of the blood and renovator Of!
the system.
Phi adelphia City, ss.
(L. a.] Personally appeared before me, one of the
Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr..N
Leitly;i'vho, on his. solemn oath (loth declare and
swear, that in . the composition of the Sarsaparilla
Blood ems;manuractured by him only, there is 'Mit
contained Mercury or the. Mineralsow any Drug
' whatever, unfriendly, dangerous, or deleter i toUs to
the human system.
• •C, BRAZER, Alderman.
cr:YPrice 25 cents a Box. •
They are prepared and sold, wholeiale and retail,
at Dr, Leidy's Health Emporium, No t k 1.91 - North
Second street, below Vine.street.' •
Also, for sale -by. STEVENSON' & DINICLE,
Druggists;Carlisle; Pa. :
May 19, 18.0,-61n. .•-••• •
Teller:- Itch It
ITCH OINTMENT is daily becoming more
popular. Daily do numerous individuals stop and
inform the proprietor of its great success in remov
ing._sind curing the Tetter and'ltch:
Numerous testimonials might be published of its
efficacy, but for the delicacy felt by individuals hav
ing• their names published in connection with so
loathsome and disagreeable affections.
It may be used with 'perfect safety byyoung and
old, even upon infants, containing no mercury or
other mineral substances. Dr.,N; B. Leidy prepares
it himselt and knoiving its 'composition; most confi,
dentially, recommends it as superior 'to any other
remedy for the Tetterand Itch.__Prepared and sold.
at W. Leidy's Health Emporium,(sign of the Golden
Eagle and Serpents,) N 0.191, North Second street,
below Vine. "
Also, for sale by .STEVENSON DINKLE,
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa. . •
The above preparations are.sold by';all wholesale
Druggists in Philadelphia, and - by all. respectable
Merchants and Druggists throughobt the United
States. • ,
May 19, • • • , • • • '
.4m).11,v/4," AT LA
Office in High street .a few. doors
• west of-the'Pos4, Office..
Carlisle, April 28, 1841.--tf
• -
J DST RECEIVED some very fine rfAlQN
Store Dl' - .A. •111 C
May 12, 1841:
NUME,ROUS remedies lia3ie peen offered. and
. puffild into notice for diseases of the -Ltings,
some of which has undoubtedly been found very use
ful, fivit,of all that I4ve 'hitherto leen known, it must
be universally acknowledged there is none that has
ever proved as successful as the '"BALSOM OF
' Such indeed are,the. astonishing restorative and
healing properties of this " Balsam;"that even in the
worst: forms'of Consuniption, When the patient has.
- suffered-with- the-most_distreSsing cough,- violent
painsin theehest,diffieultyofbreathing;nightsweatS,
bleeding of the lungs, &c. and wheirthembst esteem
ed remedies of our Pharmacopias had failed toafford
any; ielief,and even-when BOtanic, Itomcepathic, and
numerous other remeifies;hnd. been used for many
months in v. in, invaluable remedy has checked
every symp om.itild been productive of the most as:
tonishing r lief. -In the early stages. of the disease,
proceeding , from neglected colds,lernied - Catarrhal
Consumption, it has been used with undeviating suc
cess, and in many instances, when thiadisease seem •
ed to have marked its victim for an early grave, the
use' of this medicine has arrested every symptom, and
restored the-lungs to a slate of perfect health. ,
, In that form of Consumption, soprevalent amongst
delicate young females, commonly termed debilith, or
"going into a decline," a complaint with which thou
sands are lingering, it !waist, been used with surpri
sing success, and not only. pos'sesse's the Power of
checking the progress of this alarming disease,but
at the. sante time strengthens and .invigorates the
Wi& System more' effectually than -any remedy we
have ever possessed. , .
VT LIVER COMPLAINT: --In diseases brtlie
Liver, falai cularlir when attended witli a cough, indi
gestion or wanderingpains in the side, it has also pro
ved very 'efficacious, and cured ninny 'cases of this
kind after the most powerful remedies had failed.
..26" . •ASTilM4.-411 ti is complaint it liticralsci-linen
useiLin numerous instances' with the thost singular
success: ..Ikopens the etwst, rendering thethreathing
f 6 :1 19 .
olAitilnlleci louts of the throat; attended with a: hoarse
fleas, cough or sore hitire; throiit; - it will also he found
.a very effect - mil remedy; and will . Mostly nflin'd imA
mediate.relief if 'used ae We- .nommencement !of RS
attack. • -
• C& COUG ti &•; - .COLDS.---4ir common coughs
rind colds,Thal prei ail so estensiyely throldiout the
ester, it will be found much more effectual than any
remedy in nie,fiTlK
causing ah inflammation with pains in the breastAif
ficnlty on-shortness of breathing', &c., the use of this
Balsam will suppress - such . symptoms immediately,
.antlat the' Same time prevent the lungs from becom
ing more seriously diseased.
these complaints ' so common to young children, this
Balsam will be fo und much superior to the Parego
ric. Elixir Syrup of Squills, and the various -cough
mixtures in commons se, as it is entirely free feom
Limy thing the least injurious, and may at all times be
.. , iven to children with perfect safety,and with the cer
4ainty of its affording them speedy relief.
AS A FAMILY,-MEDICINE for many oth
' er cotoplaints, this Balsam will also be fliund pantie-
Thlitnly - useful. besides having proved'lM invaluable
• remedy in all Pulmonary affections, it exerts a pow
' mini influence over litany diseases depending on a
depraved couditio - nf the system,and those who have
suffered fromthe mdiscriniimite use of Mercury, or
other deleterious drugs, that - are often compounded
in different quacklaostrums, will find it a remedy of
great wine, possessing the power of strengthening
and_ invigorating the whole system more effectually
than any other medicitmwe possess.
icine hasalready acquired grenqelebrity. there may
probably be somenttempts to imitate it, and deceive
the public with a spurious Mixture, to prevent which
Iwould wish all purchasers to observe the following,
marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put n'p in bottles
of two 'sizes each, liming the words WISTAR'S
PIIIA; blown in 'the and a label on tire front
with the signature of HENRY, wisTAlt o M. D.
without which none is genuine. .
- 'Prepared for the' prokietor by".WILLIAMS
CO., Chemists, No. '22 Commerce street, Phlfadel-
Tibia, and sold by the most respectable-Druggists and
other appointed agents in all the • principal towns
throughout the-United States.
The_Benuine-Balsam sold in Car
by SAMUEL ELLIOTT;: appoint;
ed Agent.
Price 51:00 a Mile.
December 16,1840.-1 y •
Hays' Liniment.
This extraordinary chemical composition; the re
sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med
ical man, the introduction 'of which to the public
was invested with the solemnity of a death-bed be
qqest, has since gained a reputation' unparalleled,
fully sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr.
Griillley's last confessinn, that.'"lte dared not die
without giving to posterity the benefit of .his knowl
edge on this subject,"alut therefore bequeathed •
to his friend and attendaqt; Solomon Hays, the secret
of his discocry.
It is now Used in thelirincipal hospitals,' and the
private practice in our country, first and most cer
taitlrfor the cure of the PILES, and also extensive
ly and effeelUally as to Wile credulity, unless where
its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow=
ing complaints:
For Dropsy---Creating extraordinary absorption
at once. .
Swellings---Reducing them in a few hours.
Rheumatism----Acute or chronic; giving quick
Sore Threat—My cancers. ttlecrs, or colds. •
Croup and Whooping-Cough--6Externally and
over the chest.
All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns--Cured in a few
hours. •
Sores and Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand
ing, and fever sores.
Its operation upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughsand tight
ness of the chest by relaxation of the parts, has been
surprising beyond conception. The common re
mark of those - who have used it in the Piles, is "It
acts like a charm.'? • ' • . .
THE PILES.--The price, $1; is refunded to any
per Son who will use
. a bottle of Hays' Liniment for
the, iles; and return the empty bottle ivithout being
cured.. • These are the positive orders of the proprie
tor to the agents,andaut of many thousands sold, not
one has linen unsuccessful.
We might insert nertificatei to any length, but
prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit
the original to purchasers.
- 7o' Phiisicia ns' and Patients.
The Blind . Piles, Said to be - incurable by external
applications,—Solomon Hays warrants the contrary.
His Liniment will cure Blind Piles. Pacts are more
srabborn than theories. He solicits all respectable
physiciaai to try It upon their patients. It, will do
m no harm, and it is known that every physician
Who has had the honesty to make the trial, has can
didly admitted that it' has succeeded in every case
'they have known. -Then why not use la It is the
recipe of one of theirmostrespeetable members, now
deceased. Why refuse to use it ? Because it is, sold
proprietary medicine?; Is this 'a sufficient ex-
Cum for•suffering their. honest 'patients to linger ,in
distress? We think not.. • Physicians - Shall be
vinced that there is no 'humbug or Miackeryabnut
this article.- 7 -IVhythen not alleviate huntym suffer
ing?, If they won't try it before; let them, after all
other. prescriptions fail: ~PliysicianSare respectfully
requested to do themselves and patients thejustice to
use this article: It-shall be taken froni the, bottles
'and done up as their prescription if they deSire.
Sold 'by Comstock Co; Wholokde DruAgistp,
No. 2,Fle.teller itr eqt, Nevi YoA, •
. For' i3tile - also by - STrSENSON
DINKLE,- Carlisle; Pa. 11"
- pcoeinber 29, 1840,--Ir •
' .
• ,
... .
Winslow's .flalkant of ;. ' - ,
An unparalleled remedy for commoti Colds,"Couglks, , •
Asthnon,lnfluenia, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis,
and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,.leading
to Consumption; composed of the concentrated .
virtues orllorehound, Boneset,BloOd Rack - , Lir ,. -----..:
erwort and several other vegetable substanees.—
Prepared only by J. M. WINSLOW, Rochesteri .
N. Y.' : - .
The innocence and universally 'admitted pectoral
'virtues,of the herbs frtim — which the BALSAM OF •
HOREOUND is made, are :too generally kaolin
to require recommendation; it is therefore only
Vessary to observe that this medecine contains Vie
whole of their medical properties, highly Concentrat- •
ed, and so happily combined with severabtlier ye.
Oaf& substances, as to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in.use, for the Cora
plaints above mentioned.
ror Children; this Balsam is of inestimable value.
It is a speedy remedy for the Whooping Cough and
Croup, and affords certain reliefin flood Complaints. ,•
Chbhc, Teethin",&c. It is pleasant to the taste, and •
may be safely givento the tenderest infant and should
be kept at all times . in every'family, as it is much
better for the toniplaintsincident to• Children, than
Paregoric,Goilfreys Cordial,or the CordiabiSo com
usedos hundreds inthis City have testified. --
Read -thafolloiving:— . l hereby certify that early : - • '
in the spring of 1838, 1 contracted n severe COLD,
whielt Settled upon my longs, and threatened a hasty,
'tamed little or no relief; I was. much' alarmed.— • .
'Happening to be in Rochester, I was advised by my
friend, Mr. Winslow, to try a bottle of his %MATZ
of HOREHOUND: I did so; and to- my surprise• oh- .
tained reliefat once—and by the Ilse of that tingle
bottle was pci•feetly restored to health. To those
afflicted with ,Colds or Coughs, at this' inclement
.season, I say."go and do likewise." •
• ittsfbrd, Monroe co. , N mi.-9, 1838.
Mr. John Di. Vinslow, Druggist,
' Dear Sir: I have been for a series of years afflict- •
ed with an affection Of the Lungs, and a hard cough,,
and have many times arose in the ,morning as com
pletely exhausted, by excessive coughing during the :-
night as a person - would be by a hard ilays.labor. I •
have tried most of the popular remedies of the day,
but never found relief until 1 met with your Balsam
of Horehound. All theother remedies or. palatives,
that I have - uSedi - leuve • the boWelS in a congested -4 '
state, While yours leaves them soluble and free. •This .
I consider a great desideratum. On lakingd dbse of •
your Balsam :when .going to lied, r rest quietly thro'
the night, and my sleep is refreshing. I take•great
pleasure in recommending your Balsam of Here- •
libund to all -those afflicted with pulmonary com
plaints or any disease appertaining to the hings,mul •
Itake this
,opportimity for the great re- -
Wand benefit I have experienced thrn:lgh.youriii-.
StriirlientalitiWitilbq, With riiiichlrieij&c.t . ',,! .
1 , -.
, • ... •, • 11
. „
•• •••'.
. Druggists generally throughout the
, couil
try. Price3o emits per kettle..
:APrit•15,1340.--4y. , • '
DR. %P01111'%7-
• ,
There is not one case FeVer in ,is
thousand, but
may bestffectuallybroken ujt and Temoveff : by:the
use Otitis Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion,
bilious matter and 'constipation from the
and'howels. It operates gently and effectual:iv' on
the bowels, and powerfully on the kidney s niid skin.
It removes all unpleasant feelingsaftera heartymeal,
and promotes a good appetite. D. needs only. , a trial _
to give perfect satisfaction. "IthaStecome a general
practice with many to use this article in all eases of
colds, pains in the bones, or heave disagreeable feel
ing, temlering toltetolache br-chillines.9.- For hoarse
ness, ifiaken through the 11:1V, it completely restores
-the voice without produch; sicknestt; Whooping
cough, itiol all coughs of children are cured by
The 'stomach is kept in perfect order Lett, and it is
quite impossible that any disease - should commence
while a person is using this Sy'rup.
taken daily it prpluces a rudy, healthy, and
young appearance, by driving , oil' all the humors .of
the system. Sold genuine at 2 .Fletcher street, one.
door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co.,
'and by all respectable Druggists.
For sale also by STEVENSON & DIN
KLE, Carlisle, Pa.
Balm of Columbia.
British Gvisttl'ir Office, •
KNOW ALL PERSONS to .whom these prcs
,,ents shall conic, that 1, GILBERT ROBERTSCIN,
Esq. his Britanic Majesty's Consul for the City of
Phdadelphirti - do hereby certify;ThatAtgbertWhar
ton, Esq., Who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is
Mayon of the City Of -Philadelphia ; mid that-Mat
thew Riindall,Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court o
Common Pleas for the-city and comity of Philadel
phia, to both whose signitures,"with the Seals of their
respective offices, full faith and 'Credit is due.
I further certify, that I am personallyacquamted.
with Joseph. L. Inglis,one of the signers of the certi
ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy
of the Balm of Columbia, and that lie is a person of
great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre
dit; and that I have heard him express his unqualifi..•
ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co
lumbia, in restoring his hair.
Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city .
of Philadelphia, 'in the State of Pennsylvania, the
United States of AmeriCa.
Read the following:
ROBERT WHARTON, Esq., late Mayor of
Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen below, to .
the high character °fake following gentlemen.
The undersigffed do hereby certify that we have
used the Balm of ColOmbia discovered, by J. Old
ridge, and'have found It highlyserviceable not only
as a prevcptive against the (idling off of hair,but also
a certain restorative...,
WM. THATCHER, senior,
Methodist Minister in St. George charge,
. No. 86 North Fifth st
JOHN P. INGLIS, 3,51 Arch st.
JOHN D. THOMAS, M.D. 161 Race st
JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st.
• . HUSH McCURDY, 2.43' South 7th at..
JOHN YARD, jr., Ip - Arch at... •
The ngetl, and those.wlio persist in eearin g
may not always experiench its restorative gnalittes,.
Alt will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
- of the public, when it is known dint three of the a—
' hove signers are more than4l44years of age,antl the"
others notless than 30.
[Prop,ihe Mayor.]
City of Philadelphia. :
Iti ROBElitt WHARTON, Mayor of said city of
Philadelphia, do lierebncertify that I am well ac
quainted witkMeStrb. J. - P:lnglis, John S.'-Furey,
and Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the
above certificate, that they are gentlemen of charac
ter and respectability; and as such full credit should
be given to the said certificate.
• In witness whereof; I have hereunto set my hand,
[L, •
. Q 1 and caused the seal-of the city to be affixed;
-I the sixth day ofDecember, &c. •
• THE lIAIR.—Its positive qualities are as fol
• Ist, For infant's keeping the head free from , sect
and causing a lutturiant growth of hair.
9.d.. For ladies after child-birth, Fe : storing the skirt'
to its usual strength andfirmness, and Preyenting the-
falling out of hair. '•• , •
3d. For any person recoverinkfroni any debility •
the same effect is produced, ..
If used in infancy till a good'grotvtit is started,
it may be preserved by attention' to' the:latest period •
of life. • ,
sth: It frees the head &Om. 'dandruff,: 'strengthens:
,the toots,-im parts health and vigor . to the circulation
Und•prevents the' hair fro,Mchanging colour' et% get
„ •
. . .
Xi causes the hair to eurl beautifully, when
done up' •
flair broladiv;s l ,,toi let should ever be made without it.
the any Means entitractcd beathare izamediatel,y2anil
cured ef . them hy,its . tise. It . ;
struli of Comstock' tr. Co.,
tletchert staect nerkr 'Stow
carmen be. Dh t ie.. - . Like.