IM El ',,, DR. ,S. L. STEWART . 1 'Thoniscinian Botanic - Practitioner ; of:Medicine and Olitetrics, o. :' No. RQW, near the ''' li.ait Road Hotel, . , in o4PPICTPULL Y. .informs d lsis friends and the Public. generally, that (through solicitation) he has removed from Shiremanstown to Carlisle, where .. 1 heinay, be found at all times,buleas profcasionally. ' engageC :rite, afflicted - shall at M all times be treat •. ed,6,pgrely_Vegetable Medicines,: . ‘ge Poisons," .su illi Aii said accordance' with the principles laid down'by that great reformer. in medical science, Dr. Sareuel : ThOmson:. '.• • .: '' • lb fironie cases, such as Conagnptions, Liver Com ---i)laitifa,TlroPsies, Itheumatismsomd -Cancersoire ' more petit:Marty informed that the New. System is adniirebly.adatittedp their cases. . . '. Invalids (royale distahbe can be .:accommodated withlbsarding while under Medical - treatment, - on reasonable . terms. . • . . -- Car - list 6;10y 2 14.0 84L---tf. . . Propo:sed - Atneltlimelett to tile Constitution.. • "Resolution relative to the 3 inembi zent ,• 'of the State . COnstitittion: "n ESCiLV Ell by . the Sanate . and House of Ike- It presentatives in GeneralwAsseinbly met, Thal --thelionstitutionrof-this'Gommonwcaltirbe-amendell , inthe third section of the SeCond article so Shall read as follows: "That.the Governor shall hold his office during three years, ,from the third Tuesday of 111111111 i; next ensuing hi election, mNsd shall' not be capable of holding it lon, er than a single term of thred rani, in any term of nit • years." W3l; A. C1LA1313,,,. -Speaker.o -the-Muse Of-Repregmentives.. 3N. H. FM! N , •• Speaker of the Senate, Pd . nnsylvania R. 1.. . . • . -- " — ST2. qtrimnrtrOyrrcr..7 - 4 ---- 4 - do - lterct+•-cemtif. , , . that the fo l regolng is a true copy of a Resolution 'prooaing an amentlment•of the Constitution. which was agreed i toiittlic . last session of the Legishiture,. by•a rmuority of the members alected to each house, the original of which remains filed in this office; and in compliance with the tenth article of the Ctmstite- 1 'tiott of the Coromonwealth„l do hereby cause the same to he published, as directed ,by.the,said article: "IN TESTIMONY whercolil hare s. i.o 4, h ereunto j lis l g . l. my - . olltl seal of said ~. ipi.. ... (Alice, at Ilarrisburg;, this 14th day of 4 .. June 30,-1341.---3m. FRS. IL SfIUNK.,: • --,S 4 e'cMai7j 'of the Cao •.. . , . - ---i w . ti, p t ,p,,,..4.11 4 •TE - _ • • ,-- - " -,- . ---- K-r,nevv4tt - ...ckm,-, -.. ,:. 4:-!,,,..tTe.:,,t.i..4:..-,';'",'''-' :- - —....:-.? -: ...c.; , ,,..__*,-_, -,- - - -.. • \ . /11.i7 , , 5 +, i \ '‘ \\\ ‘, 1 '' 'Ol • : :',/ \ - - ' • ' • ~. \ ../ --, IVIH-1=5t0n46,4 - • • Of the best material imported into this Country, • For-Sale by thi Subscribers, • . In Sliii•emnnstoivu, Cumberland Coutiti', tuba ham bersburg, pa.; where they purpose manuracturing and keeping on habil the best-M.6O(S or 'different si zes, to suit any who may givc them a call. J. S.: G. SHOOP. ChamhersburAxsira., June SO-,- - 1841.-2m." Shiremanstown, D E IS r. DR. I. C. LOOMIS, Do??//st,' S permanently located in Carlyle, and I will perform all 'operations that are required -in Dental Surgery, such as Filing, Plugging and Ex tracting Teeth, and inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a whole set. lie will also attendio all diseases of the month, gams, Fice.., and direct 'and regulate the first and second dentition so as to render the teeth of children and you4persons regular and beautiful. Dr. LOOMIS may at all times he timid Atlis Of flee on High street, opposite Macfarlane's ' j,„ earlisle, June 23, 1841.—y. 14 •.. • • BONNETS. • • • • Just received at the New Store, a large and. spleqif,i Aid assortment. of English Straw and Floreneel nets; offered for sale at IoW prices by ARNOLD be ABRANIV-t, Afartll 31,1841 NEW STORE. The Subscriber has just opened knew and hand some assortment of SPRING GOODS, suited to the season,.in North Hanover street., be tween.the Bank and Cornman's Hotel, part of 'Cloths. Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Vestings; Cords, Stripes, Shirtings, Shemings, Cambries.Ja collets, Edgings, Lawns, Mouse de •Laines,-.&c. &o. ALSO,: • Queensavare fetid Groceries., SPICES, CIIBESE, &c. Also, BONNETS, bEGHOBN.IND P.AL. , 11 LEAF BATS, together with a great variety of other goods which he will sell low upon accommodating terms. Please give hijn a call May 19, 1841.-1 y LOOK AT THIS! Jacob Dundore, Respectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that lie has commenced the . • Saddlery and Harness nafiing nosiness, in all its various branches, in Main street, one-door east of the store of Messrs: & Anderson, and a few doors west of Mr:Wunderliall's tavern, where he will keep constantly on hand, and mannfacture to order at the shortest notice-and on the most reasona bleterans, , • Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Har- ness, Trnnks, o &c:„ &c. He hopes by strict attention to .business t and an anx ious desire to„ . please, to merit and receive a liberal share orinblie patrogage. Having the heed work men employed, his. customers may.expect their work to be done in the neatest and most substantial man rca lisle, ner. May 19,1831,- AIR:4 MOSS IVIATTRASSES store In d*. dou b e and !angle eB, tor. Ril e. et the . . . 'June 2;1841. .. , .. . . • 10U$LTI,kI.DE LAIN§ s of ne‘ v . style from 25 to I, 87•4 cents per yardonst received and-for - sale h - • : • -. . • ARNOLD & ARRAMS. ' : . 11 : farel; 3.1,184 L,„ , , .. • . , 11,pots,- ShOpsi- sktbseriber has added - to his former.extensive -Sek 9 r poots and Shoes a very lark* and general assortment of tasternatukihiladelphia work; all of which' will' be sold `at `very reducedprices,4. thei, Carlisle 31:Me 1 141.. Bonnets! RolinelLq Florence, Braid, Straw, and RutIand.BONNETS a new supply of the•neweet shalie,jdat received and for ogle cheap at the store of ' • • June 2.lRat Ealii S.. M. HARRIS ~ , _CI~S._ OGILBY 11AS,0 r:m . 13 .K . N 0 X .12 TTOR :It r W, ' • . AftLICF.,P.ENNA. Office"a: aoors ' of. the Post 7 Office: . gay 19, i 841.-4 4. ... . - • . Spring Good. the *p]thscribers linfd just received it fresh supply of seasonable - • . • . . • ,Dvg, truHtfo l t Which they Will sell at mo crate prices for cash; hmongwhich will be found s perMauSeide-Laines, Challem Lawns, Chintzes, Bonnet and Dktis Silks, SuMmer BombazinCs, Striped anihPlain Muslitke.. Also, Black Molthir Shawls and Veils; Mohair *and 'Misted Silk Gloves; siiperltice (Bores; a - good assortment of T ortoise 'SliellTvist arkd Side Combs; linfililoe Twist and Dressing Combs; with p Variety of other articles not-enumerated. . . • lIITNPI MULVANY. May 19,1841. - • • ...461teraper,_&::Chriper: 'ANOTIII:R • LAItGE, AND_. Sial,MEt Just reeeived from Philadelphia at gi:catlyyrdneed prices from those porthased early in the season; per, .sons wishit4icriupply themseli•es with- , • , . CHEAr CLOTHS, • . Summor Oassimci'es, Cashmare(ts, Linen Drillings, Benverteens, Cords, Vesting;;, NlRs ms Cheeks:Fit:kings, Calicoes. Lawns, Mousline - de -Lai ns-,-Ri lthrunis T -Worked -Gollars,-Stackings, Gloves, (Thigh:lms, Silk and Cotton handkerchiefs. Stocks, Mouslin de Aitgletines,Pillet Scarfs, Veils and Ilantlkerchiefs Parasols, Barred Worsteds for Lai , 14tunkeerts•reutttmudes - r-Pittshitel, - Cords, &c. £ec. &c., will do well to call on the sub scriber And secure great bargains. . :• Also, a good stock of fresh eirovvrivo • Teas, . Nnitat., and cogße, &c. and a very large stock of -17ats,_Boots_41!_Slaocs._ llecol lent die old stand, opposite Simon Wunder i'ici's Hotel; viers cheep goods-m4-always bethad • . • • . • IHAS, OGILBY. June 2, 1841 NEW ut!AcTligY: • infoite the el tizen 11 - ilk.' t•;,,tbitt fie: leas corotnetieed toped:le , ' toeing flats, of the. Inte.stl' fitsliides r ittidof the vcr Russia, Brush,: kiiids