Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 25, 1841, Image 3

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OF fiWiIKS •
-,-*anding Com . tniflee , Meetihig: -
'At a meeting of the (Democratic Whig
St 'elf iiig CO niniitteibrCumberland
ty, convened at Macfarlane's Hotel, in Car
,tsle, on' Monday the 9th instant:. •
" - NICHOLAS URICH. was called to .the
tbair; and JOHN M.' MARTIN anti WILLIAM
M. Parana appointed„Sectetaries. •
„On . triotionEit7tvas
~,, . Pesolvect, That it be recommended to the
lie.rnocratie Whig citizeUs of Ctnnberland
'cOunty;Ad meet their respective .town
. 'hips, on Scalerilay the .28t/i'dity of Sit,
guSt . inskint,A 2 6'elocks IVUand civet
7 VVO'bE LEGA TF.SI6 - fefrigenctlieTri .
in-the County:ConventiOn, to-,be held in
the County Hall, at. Carlisle; on `Wednes-'
day the' Ist day of September next; at
o'clock, P. M. ,
— "lrcistved, Tliatiliellefeyareklieffistruetz
nd to put in nomination suitable candidates
for the offices to be voted for at the-next
election. •. . • ,
" • NICHOLAS UtLICH, Chairman.
JOHN ivr. MARTIN,- • _ .
^ Sec r etar i es.
The County - Convention. ,
Our friends will bear in..inind; that on
• . SAT,URDAY. - NEXT -delegates ire to be
elected to meet in. County. Convention on
Y,Yednesday tile Ist of_§epteniber;
.-,..hope:t.that,„every prOper:exertiort N'vilf .
fg1046404k-44 7, t4.*: 1 444 7 047.410.N!0ga
meg as vrill'eoneentrate:tfte•entire vole =of
the party. et.the'•;delegaleS'eonae to the
- : - eontrentiorrdivested - zof, all sectional feeling
01 partiaiitY for particular men,. and
.theY:tyilllue :able • to nominate a ticket bat
cannot be defeated.
objeet_should_te to splect.keit
••able candidates for the Legislaturemen
whose interests. are so Obsely identified
With the interests,Of their constituents, that
they will: represent the whOle people, in
stead .of a faeiiOn. Wewant no more
dorlgers'!_from_iliis_munity4: we have
scores of men who hatie the ability to.sus
tain the best interests of dis,conattiOnWealth,
and the moral courage to .carry out the
wishes of. the - people. • be borllQ'in mind also, that a
Countyneigtrer is to be elected this fall,.
.P4cr asAt is an office of groat responsibility,
,care shoul4be taken 'to. select a man pos
sessed of every qualification, necessary to
that important office.
' We wish also to have a representative in
the Board of Commissioners. as ivell as a
Director of the' Poor. The Whigs have a
right - to' know hOW our county affairs are
-' managed, equally with the, locofocos, and
they have also a right to some share of the
patronage.. Much, herefore, depends upon
the action of the convention ; if they pre:
. sent us with a good ticket", we have the abi
lity to elect it. •• The triumph 'last fall has
given us .confidence in
,our strength; with
proper activity the:result cannot be.doubt
ful, fOr a party
, that . able to poll': 2700
- votes, need' never fear an opposition in this
TENNESSEE Every thing IMS gone
right in this State; the Virhig Governor , is
elected by a.,.latge majority ; and we have a
majority in the Legislature, which secures
two Whig'aiinithe Senate of, the United
States. •
• INDIANA: --The Whigs have's majority
in the Senate;. in the House, the locofocos
..._ have .6._mapirity—. This result -has been
brought about by-the unwise conduct of the
Whigs, splitting their tickets in several
- of the counties and ribining tWo candidates:
• Artzeiitn.:. - -ttider a late act of , the
. Legislature, the citizens of.this Slate, vote
by general ticket; consequently the loco
focos.have it all their own way. . • "
:—Stuart (whig)•and Reynolds
(loco.) are re-elected to Congress, the re
!alt in the second district is not-innwn.--= .
• ttks soon - as Mr, SieWart 'ascertained' his
election, he started post haste for' Wash
ington, where he arrived on last:Wednes- .
day,. at 11 o'elock, : and before 12; he had
taken his seat, and given his vote. on 'the'
passagefinal of the Bankrupt Bill. Some
of the Locos cried out where is old Rey-_
noldsl yliere itr . old - Reynolds r. but "old
''.Reynidde . was. N. • , ,
gip" Great excitement is said to prevail
in the British Province of New Brunswick,
in-consequence- of-the-operations _of. the
American Party of Exploration, who are
nOigri,running the Boundary Line between
that Province
. and :the State 'cif , Maine.—
Toe British, eomplaih .ttiat .several _fa.rms
'tind parte Of farms have b'een sliced of the
Province and included. within Maine, and
thet . an idea is_ held out that their owners
American. subjects. As, how
, otiet;' the ',acts of .
, m the wloring , party are not
binding, we that , , prevu the ,excitement
4 4° 114 $ : eq. wilVfmon.subside.'
The veto on the Bank bill will be found
in our paper of to-day, and we think no One
can read it, without, coming to the concha
sion that'Jolin . Tyler; is an banes& Mk*.
It is evident, from the tone of the Message,
that the President regretted the position')
which the'' . p . assage of the bill placed him,
ivherihe found that the, duty he owed to
the constitutiOn pre,ventedhim from giving
his 'sanction . to .it. - been _a-mere
4Mlitician; eveigstraw to buoy
hirnselfnp on the'waves of- party ; had 'he
been aniioits s only to court 'popularity and
strengthen his own; power, here was a
,rions opportunity. • But the stern integrity
of the man, triumphed over ever:) , minor
consideration, and regardless of personal
coniegnences, .he_..gallantly threw __himself
into 'the breach.
• r •
_.il7.ho_leeofotot loped _ that the effect to
the Vele *mild shiver the .Whig pally
to_ atoms; that 'Congeal would indeed
_ -
"break up in a. row.,'. as some of their
leaders had predicted; that nothing would
be done to settle the currency question, but
_to throw_us bash on. the act of i 789. Con.
sequenity; fror - thol o c o fo co
head.. quarters, processieits were iformed,
bonfires flamed and shouts were heard-that
"John Tyler had become a locofoco." 7 - -
&it alas! they seemed to have forgotten,.
that the President had approved every other.
.whig .measure 'passed by .Congress,,, and
.that the pen, was hardlyyet.dry, which had
been used to sign-the bill, repealing' their
&ling Sub Treasury.
IVe have' no- reason to
IAL -despond - at . the
failure-of - this - bill. -Congress and-the-Pre
geireVr:aTrn ed
rPiarril .
• •
4t new ; bill has'been already. reported by
. mr. SERGEANT, of
. Pennsylmania,
is thought; will meet all the cilijectipns• of
tile President. '•
This bill proposes that'an Institution, to
be called the Cor,PorationOT'ibil.T..
States: shall'be established, With - a caPital .
-- of- -- t - wenty - -tmu; i on s-.7of—dollar-to7be
used' for the purpose of receiving and dis
-.the-'public money, and haVing
power to'deal in foreign and domestic bills
of - exchange: •
The - exchange busineks of this country
amounts to more than tivo hundred and
fifty millions of dollars annually,.which is
far more than sufficient to employ the ca
pital of this institution; the bills issim — rby
the Fiscal Corporation will pass current in
every part of the United States or Europe,
and while all discounts aro. confined to
cal banks, the , operation will be such on ex
changes, as to prevenkany bank from doing
business, unless in 4 solvent condition..'
Should this bill become a law—as we
hope and believe it will—we think it will
answer alkhe purposes proposed by the for
mer bill,..and • perhaps: - Confer' more real
benefits on the people. L.
• .1110'The President has signed the Bank
rup_olll. Its provisions will go into e
feet on the Ist of February neit.'
frequently see the_above motto con
spicuously 'clisplayef.l in the columns 'of
some .of our Locofoco exchanges, and to
this sentiment we beg leave to respond
a hearty \amen, "Pennsylvania must:be
redeemed !" Aye, but from what? Why,
from the misrule of the present Locofoco
Administration. The people appear deter
mined upon effecting. this redemption.—
Thez , have suffered- . severely from the
blighting - policy—the wicked extravagance,
and the corrupt systern'offavoritig t m which
have characterizedllie course of those who
administer 'the government of the stale.—
"The ittort of Governor Porter," if not a
splendid reign, has certainly been, to the
people,a very
, dear and oppressive one, and
the sooner the sceptre is taken from his
hand the better.
From henceforward, then, let our motto
be, (and "keep it before thc,people,") that
" Pennsylvania must be redeemed !"
Some tine since, the "St e Capitol Ga
zette;44 a locoloco paper, printed. Har
risburg, and edited by, the clerks on The
hill, boldly asserted that thesitm of $ll,-
174 had been paid to the CUmberland Vo
lunteers for their services at. Harrisburg-in-
December, 1ti,135. , We at once'-gait, the
lie direct to this assertion, and shovied con
clusively that they had not received the
sum of $600;• we also called on the
Gazette, to retract the chaige, or, show what
had, become or the money. The Galette,
however t np to this time, evinces ne-dis
position tb pursue the seject farther, as it
has neither reiterated. the charge orapelo
gized having,' perhaps ,unintentionally,
given currency, tea baselalsehood. .
, ,We now, 'again, call lion its editors for
en sxplanation. ' They said, ,they .had
prepared the statement at the expense of
much' time and tronble, and; having access,
to the books in the :Auditor. General's
tice„ they could, not certainly have made .a
e-A:'.ii‘ . ":l.ol( - *7.- ,- ‘:,o7*- : _v...4 . ii.5p : . .4 . :.5...ti:- . :.'1p:' , *:T1p,0.:0.::. 4 :5..,5e , .: .. .c. +
mistake. Spealt•out; gentlemen; airan act
of, sheer justice, to..the,„p.arlisle yoluntpers,
let us know who pnelteteififin teniAonsand
fiveltuntlied - dollari. : !:: -- The people- ave-i
right to knot?. to What purposes tl
ney ' is applied, 'and perhaps
. 11 Auditor
General, who, is somewhat M — Ons asi`
financier, might be 'able to • throw dome
light upon this' matter. Explaiu,•gentle
men; explain •
.1 ; The Washington correspondent of tho
Baltimoye , Patriot, unaer date of Monday
the46th,-writes.thns :--t
The Veto Message was deliveied to-day.
The indications, for several, daYs previous,
all , pointed that way, and 'On Sunday eve
ning it i'vaS stated, _as, from' the President,
.that-.the Veto would be sent in on, Monday.
- No one - was, then,-, taken- by-surprise;-and
though 'every Senator was .id his place, and
- the g'allerics and lobbies were crowded to
excese by members olTongress aTlTother
spectators, the feeling among them. was .
nterestAecf ascertain:the=
particular views of the President. The
Whigs heard the Mes Sage read with calm
ness, and °restrained. every expression of
feeling.' Some of the. Locofoco Senators
were-disposed--to-rejoice,but-others,-it wee
k" into:llm'
message, to catch its drift and object. You
'will - see the reportof; Mr: - Cley'S remarks,.
on his motion to defer the consideration of
the Mesenge to twelve o'clock to-morrow.
The tone and manner in which he deliver
ed his speech were
,partipulally happy,
and impressed . the Senate,' and spectators
with the momentousness of the occasion.
When he rose to speak, I -thought I could
see in the conntenance of the Opposition
'Senators tbel wish ;that, he would manifest
temper,if not violence, They mistook the
Kentucky genator.., lie was -calm ancle'ol'
.aml he did not allatillimse Eto
Senate;_and that in the performinee.of that,
duty,,every - respectful . consideiation should
be . the •deciSion• of the President
A few remarks-followed from .other Sena
tore and the motion' of Mr. Clay. was a
greed to.. •'• :
_ ----10----
' ° • _O F._2llllE -
Pratitaft - O f (ed — S - (ate§,
• is, 18:11.; - .7
To the Senate of the U. Slates:
- The bill, entitled "An act to incorporate
the subscribers to the' Fiscal Bank-of -the
United States," which originated in the
Senate, has been considered by me, with a
sincere desire to confirm my action in re
gard to it, to that of the two Houses of Cone
gress. By the constitution, it ismade my
duty, either to approve the bill by. signing
it, or to return it with my objections to the
house in which it originated. I cannot con
seientiously give it my approval, apd "pro
ceed to discharge the duty required of me
by the •constitution—to give my reasons
for disapproving.
The power'of Congress to create a Na
tional Bank to ; operate per se over the Un
ion, has been a question of dispute from
-the 'origin of. our government. Men most
justly and deservedly esteemed for their
high intellectual endowments, their virtue,
and their patriotism, have, in regard to it,
entertained tkifferent and - conatingepin ,
ions: Obngresse's have differed.• . The
approVal of one,President has been follow
ed by the disapproval of another. The
people-at-different -times have acquiesced
in decisions both for and . against. The
country has been and still is deeply agitated
b.y this - unsettled question. It will suffice
for me to say,, that my own opinion has
been uniformly proclaimed to be against
the exercise of any such power by this go
vi3rnment. On all suitable occasions, dur
ing a period of twenty-five years, the opin
ions thus entertained have been, unreser
`vedly expressed. I declared it 4n the Le
gislature of my own native state. In the
'House of Representatives -of the United'
States it has been openly vindicated . by me:.
In the Senate Chamber, in the presence
and hearing of many who are at tat' time
members of that body, it has been affirme
and re-affirmed, in speeches and reports
there . made, and by votes there - recorded.
In popular assemblies I have unhesitatingly
announced it; and the last public declara
tion which I made,
and that hut a short
time before the late Presidential election,' I
refer to my previously expressed -opinions
as being those then entertained by me ;
with a full knowledge of the opinions_ thus
entertained, and never concealed, I was
elected by. the. people Vice President of
the United States. By the occurrence of
a contingency provided' for • by the consti
tution, and arising under an impreesive dis
pensation of Providence, I sucseeded to the
.presidential office.' - f' .
Before entering upon the duties of that
office, I took an .oath that, would " pre
serve;protect, and defend the constitution
of the United States."-: • Entertaining the.
opinions alluded : to, and having takenthis
oath,-the - Senate and the -- country.. will see
that I could not give my sanction to a
measure of the character '
. deseribed, with
out surrendering all the respect of
Honorable "
men—all. confidence; on the part .
of the priaPle-=;-all:.self-iespeet—all regard
for aorel 'AO leligibes tithout
an OhtierVance of . svhich, geierrimenttaif
be prosperous, and no iiieeple calv be happy.
It'would be to commit a'. crinte...'which
Would': not', ;wilfully ; commit. to gaie' . any,
baitiily 7 reiVer44:atid;_"whieh . 'iveuhlitistly
'sebject.ritetothe ridicule Score of all
VirtueuetneM . „ ' •'''' .• •
• em it :entirely : ' unnecessary lhis
time'te. enter ujibn the reasons which have
brought pitnind to the :cettvictiOUS - I feel
end .enteriaW. au;this subject: They have
been :over ea :over again repeated.:"
'mite or those who -have . preceded
. .
this' high office, have entertained and'avow , -
ed different onivions, I yield all confidence
that their convictions were sincere*. I claim
only to.have,the same measure. Meted out
tojnyself.---::Without:gpingluither into the
argument; I:-will say -that,. in looking to the
pOwers of -this government to collect, safely
leap, and,disbarse the publiclevenue, ancl
incidentally to regulate the Commerce - and
exchanges, I have not been, able
. to satisfy
myself that 'the eStablishment, by this: go ,
Verriliteet,, of . a . bank Of discount; , in tfte
Ordinary acceptation of that termovao fre
il Ea
i rve essary_ ns,or :one demandedl;y_kos
priety,,,o xecute thone.peworm ~,
• What O n the local dim:ll34oTM° hat*
havo to t with ,thc, idolleetingiipfe,keep7
ing and
,d sbursing of the 'rover* ?.. Saar
rim - the - 41 ere -diseountitig-of- paperjs- con-.
Cerde'd; i' 10 quite 11100'0161 to This gees
tion'N'illd her the disconnt• is obtained at a
State Bank or a United Statea,:Bank:--.
Tliey 'arc both .equally localboth begin
ning and both eliding in a kicareccommo 7
datioi:-. --- VirliatTinfluence --- have - locat - di --
counts, granted 1 . ),57 any form ofbank; in the
I ,l\l
, regulating of the currency the ex len
gese - liiiVi
I Let thry of - tlie7late — Un ted
States. Bank in answering ---
this _ i
ifftitry; -
" For several years after the establishment
of that institution,_ it dealt :limit exclu
sively in local discounts, and during that
period, the country was, ferthe most part,
disappointed-in the censeqmenCes - anticipat,-
Cirfrowits - incorpOrat •
A uniform currency was not provided,
exchanges . virpreAot regulated, and.little or
nothing was added to the general eircula
tion; and: in 1820, its embarraisments had
become sogreat, that the directors.petition-
ed to Congress to repeal that article of the
charter whiqh 'Made its notes , ' receivable
every 'where in payment , of public dpes,
up to that period, dealt To — b - tit'T
very small extent, in exchangei, either for"-
eign or domestic; and as late as 1823, its
operations in that line amounted to a little
mord than $7,000,000
. p'er.annum;__O very
_soon after occurred,,_
Ralittiamw - Etior f megmxtbilr
eluding din s'aleti4.?f-its own* drafts 3. . and all
these .inymense transactions .were -.effected
..without the employment' of extraordinary
means. 6.
The currency of the country became
soundand the negotiations in the.ekeharrr
gee ere • carried on: at The lowest-possible
•• .9. ° • The circulation , was increased to
more t 1522,006,006, - end the notes - Of
the . bank N e're Tegarded as--specie all over
_Thus. showing, almost conclu
sivelY; ifffi it. vas the capacity to -deal-sn
exchanges, and not in local discounts;
Which furnished these facilities and advan
tages. It may be remarked; too, that' net
withstanding The- immense-transacti.ons _of
.the, bank in the purchase of exchange, the
losses sustained were -merely nominal ;
'while in the line of discounts, tins SuSpend
ed-debwas enormous, and proved most
disastrous to the bank and the country. Its
power of local discount has, in fact, proved
to be a fruitful source of favoritism and
corruption, alike. destruct:co to '64c public
morals-and the•gOneral weal. .•
The capital invested in banks of dis
count in the United States, created by the
states, at this time exceeds $350,006,000;
and if the dis Counting oflocal paper could
have produced any beneficial effects, the
United States.ougbt to possess the sound
est currency in the world, but the reverse
.is lamentably The fact.
• Is the measure now under consideration
of the-objectionable character---to wllieli I
have alluded ? It is clearly so,-unless.by_
the 16th fundamental article of the .11th
sectionit is made otherwise.. That article
is in the following words : • -
----mMe_tlirectors of the said corporation
shall establish one competent office of dis
count and deposit in any state in 'which
two thousand shares shall have been sub
scribed, or maybe held, whenever, upon
application of 'the legielature of Such state; fl
Congress may by. law require the same.—
And the said directors may also establish
one or more competent offices of discount
and deposit in any Territory . or District of
the United States, and in any state, with
the assent of such state; antl when • estab
lished, the said office or offices shall be
only withdrawn or removed by the said
directors prior to the expiration .of• this
charter, without • the previous assent .of
.Congress': 'Provided, in respect to any,
state which shall not, at the first session
of the legislature thereof held after the pas,,
sage of this act, • by resolution,- or other
•nsualiegislative proCeeding, unconditional
ly assent or dissent to the establishment of
such office or offices within it,such assent
of the said state shall be thereafter presum
ed : • And provided nevertheless,• .That
whenever it shall becoine necessary and
'proper for carrying into execution any of
'the powers 'granted by the umtitution, to
establish an office. or ellicesjn any of the
states whatever, :end the establishment
thereof shall be directed by law, it, shall be
the duty of the said' directors, to; establish
Such office or offices accordingV,," ,
It will he seen that by this clause the
directors are invested ,with the' fullest pow
er to establish a branch-in any state which
has yielded its assent; and,•having once
established such • branch; it shall-not after
wards be . withdritwri .except by order of
Congress. .Such assent' is` to bet iniplied;
and to have the force :and sanction of. an
actually expreiSed assent "provided in're•T
spectlo any state which shall , not, at the
first session :Of.the legislature,thereof held
•after the passage of this act,, by resolution
or other unusual legislative proceeding;
uneoriditi'enally.assent or dissent to • the
.establishment of such office or capes with*
in iti.such assent of sfaid,state. shalt, be
• Aliereafreteisr,esented.'' The assent or dis
sent is: to. be . , expreseed unconditionally . at ,
~, the first. session of the LegislaturOby.soine
, fornial, legislative ad f:aud; if not -se .eX
prelaid;itio assent' is' to: be: Pqi,ieil; ;:ancd,
,the directors arc thereupon inyestek,with
. p'oV . terAt:stiehlthneihereafter.ap]theyipay .
please, 'Act .; eatabliSh:hianChert, ~/tv
not' hieh':ea
no aterwards : , be withdraUTA, . except:_ by
reSolVe of Congress._,'
• No attei . ,'what:bay; be. the.catige : , whic h
in in
ay i L , OPerater';'‘iith' the:. Legislature,. which,
either prevents ,it, :front, sOakinkoF 'ad-
dresses- itself : to its wisdom, to . ,induce_ de,
lay, its assent This-iron
is to give way to no:circumstancesH . it is
Unbending . antl.-inflekible. „It is lan
guaga, of ,thoinOstei the': vassal—an, tin-
conditional answer is 'claimed forthwith ;
and - delay, postponement, or iticapecitY to
ansivet', prOduees,an
iS eV - 0 - 'after Irrevdeabld: Many : of- -the
state •electionS, have• already taken place,
without any ittioWledgeon the -Pert Of the
peoplei• that such a question Was ,to bottle
ThelePre'Sentativa 'May hake a sub-
Mission - orthe questinit'to - tlieiceonstittP•
'eats prellaratory to final action upon it, but
this high privilege is ,denied; :W hace ve r may .
be the motil(es -and views entertained by
_TheArepresentatives = „of nduce
delay, their aseenfis' to 'be prcsu med, end
is ever
,afters ards binding; unless their
dissent shall be . unconditionally expressed
at ..their first session after , the • passage 'of
this bill into• a law.----They may by formal
resolution. declare-the- qu,es Lion .of assent or
dissent. to be undecided.,..and postponed;
and yet, in opposition to their express dec.
laratilm - To - tlfe - 6.MtrafyTtlieir assent is. to
he implied. ' , Cases' innumerable might be_
Hetdte ,- td - Imanifeet •the irrationality or Such
• an inference.. • •
Let one or two in addition suffice. - - ' The,
popular branch bf the legislature may ex
'pre'ss,. its dissent by 'an unanimous" vote,
and, its resolution may be defeated by a tie
irete•-in _the_Se ntite4. e...ass en Cis. to.
lid' implied. • Both branches- of -the :Legis
lature": • may-eanc ir in- a- resolution. of- de=-
cided dissent, a" yet the Governor' may
exert the veto p w,erconferred' on him by,
the state conStitu ioo,•_and their legislative
action be defeated; add - yet - the assent-of
the legislative diriliority is -implied, and The.
directors of this contemplated institution
are -- autherizeilr to'- - eitahlih a branch- or
branches in stidli States, ‘Vlienever they-may
find 'it - conducive to - the interests - of the
stockholders_to do se:,.. and having - once - es•
tablislied it,-- - they can, under—no--aircutn--;
- stances, Willtdramit, excepchy net of. Con-.
11‘..4 F -04 7 41,T.Liii4a011Y - t 4 Wrireb'
,•;ftto6,4t.V: 4,116:•.+0.F#.7 , if . ;,:i ' -"
1 ' - iitliiii ty - li' gone:
~ • : : • ~ . -
:' - Iva, assent is iiiiiilied hfitS.faiiiirTiar7iii6.: -
' . bility to act at its first session,' andits_voice_
can never afterwards be heard, --- To infereri‘
pes So.violent, and. as they seem tome, ir
rational,:, I cannot yield' my consent,. No
court .of justice _would- er could Sanction
:theiri, without reversing all that is establish
'Odin- jiidiefal proceeding,' by—Ttitioitie
•presumptions at variance ,with fact, and in-,
ferences at the expense,of reason. A-State
lifa - enifilitio . — n - of -dirre-siri-voul-d-be-p-restinred
to speak,'as an.individual, manacled and in
prison, might be presumed to he in the en
joymenkef freedom. , Far better to-say-to
:the _States boldly and_frankly,,-.Gongress
wills, and submission is demanded. .
_ It may benaid that the directors may not
establish branches under some circumstan
ces; . but thig ,- ts- - -li- - cideStiliti7of_power, and:
this bill investeAthem with full power- te7
do so. ' If the Tiegislature of N. York, or
• " ennsylvania, or any other State, should be
found to be in such a condition 'as I have
supposed, could , there be nny security fur
nished against such a step on the part of the
'directors? Nay, is it not fairly to be presumed
that this, proviso tvasintroduced for the sole
purpose of
.meeting the' contingency refer
red to. Why 'else should it-have been in
troduced ? And I submit to the Senate
whether it can be believed that any State
would be likely to . sit quietly dotvn under
such.a state -of things ? - .
_,_ln_a_greatineasureof publiejtiterest :their,
. patriotism sqccessfully appealed to,
but to infer, their assent from circumstances
at war with 'such inference,,l cannot-but re
gard as calculated'to excite a feeling at fatal
,entnity with the peace , and harmony of the
Country. - I mustL•therefort, 'regard - this
clause as asserting die power to be in Con
gress to establish. offices of discount .in a .
State, not only without its assent, but against
its dissent; and so regarding it I cannot sane
tion it. On general principles, the power
'and control, deprives the transaction of all
pretence to compact between them, and ter
minates, as we have seen, in the total abro
gation of freedom of action on the part of
the States..
. .
But further: the State may express after
the most solemn form 'of legislation, its dis
ient,'which may from time to time thereaf
ter be repeated, in full view of its own in
terest, which can never be:separated. from
the wise and beneficent operation of this
.Government; and yet Congress may, by . vir
tue 'of the last proviso, overrule its law, and
upon grounds 'which, to such State; will'ap
pear to rest on a constructive necessity and
propriety, and nothing.more.
I regard the bill as asserting for Congress
the right to ineorpOrate a United States
Bank, with, power and right to establish
offices of discount and deposit - in the seve
ral States of this Union, with or without
their consent, a principle_tO which I have
always heretofore been opposed, and which
can never obtain my sanction. And waiv
ing'all other considerations growing out of
its other provisions,.l return to - the flotise
in which it
_originated; with thesemy ob
jections to its approval. ' • • „
WAsumrros,./2ugust 16, 1841.
These Pills , which I very much doubt can ever be
equalled, mid I ain sure it is iitierly. impossible to
surpass theni in their extraordinarry, curative proper
ties, arc made on such unerring principles that they
are udtailly the proper,.tint the only medicine which .
'ought to 'be -used-rroin-talancy-40-ihe most remote
extension or Indium' life.
The public piaynot lib atvare' l"ave MA! t h is
valuable medicine , nearly sixteen }ears, and I tel
happY, in being able . to state, that dui:M . p, t,4e. whole
of that ppripd, it has than give
. the-greatest possible satisfaction:, No coMplaintlias
ever been made—on the enntrarf, &cry one who,
has been so tbrtunate as 10 become arnuoited with,
them, has havarinblygonsidered it ti ditty. c toxerom ,
.mend-Lthem to 'all their. itainaintances. „Whoever
opertthiii inediciite,inny expect-s healthful .
and vigorbui old age .• • • •. • • '
Sold' iii Philadelphia at Any Wain - airy, 8 North
Elghtli,street,. • . . .
""" . trattriaMit;
,lgr' For sale in - Carliale by:GEO. W. HIT isi Eli
and in Cusnberlaiiil ,County,
.11 Agents published in'
anotlierpat.t Of thia paper.
. „ .
• .. ,
C,onsumption! - Consumptionl.!
nr. , Thincan'a Erpectorsiot
hie fdir 'Orresting..Olunitilutry
Col*, Ootiviliii,:spittiiig of Blood : ilitTietaty iirenth
jug, Brotivltiti a, Stwentisu of, ‘llc, Pavat apit
, 44A- ; • • • ,
Expectoration, Mreaknessr lini . ty!, 6iii
iiliiitkittid-aplotberiiffections of n - comsttOptli , e,aa
tore. • This medicine has a decided adiamage over
moat ittepamtiens of thE - kind, its it regulates the
boivels, antl . strengt.hepl the constitution; and. dOes
not bind lAe tiystem'and encourre.i.ote!pperance
Ms Meet of -theiliedfcide's do, by v.:fatal opiates al
cohol combined in them.,
;. Such medicines. have a great 'tendeney to bring
misery and distress, and even .denth upon many vela-.
able eltizenA, We find by the weekly records of
the bills'of mortality, that three fourths of the human
souls who to suddenly departed from their dearest
friends and relations, have been swept off by thatla
, tal .and - fell "destroyer, Consumption, when many
could have been saved if they had used a proper
medicine. „Yellow. beings who yet dwell with IM,
and'are afflicted with the premonetary syinplems of
this disease, procure immediately, Dr. Duncate's Ex
pectorant Iteentily before - if lie — teelate; mad , notte
' led to believe that such symptoms will soon pass off
Wilhoutthe.use of ,proper medicine.; by such negli.."
gene yoti maYmodebeleit'to know_yourfally, 011eT
bottle may add: firstattack, be sufficient.: Pliainpli
lets gi ving . a full treatise; always accompany the
niali CI ne. •
-Price $1 per bottle.
0:5" Principle Office, N 9.19 North El:J.lth street,
Philadelphia. - .
, Foriale-at the Drug Store of J. J. Myers Si Co.,
tparllsle, and Wm. Peal, Shippensburg.‘ . 5ug.,25. Tank property and out Lots
•. .Ida' Plf RIG I C S IL I
The subscrilier, acting executor of Dr. John Ged
dis deceased, will offer at public sale on the premi
ses, on .11 mrsilay the 21 st of October ne*littt 10 o'clock
real - estate of said deceased, to wit i—
, Ist The House ttod Lot
4 6, t in,; N owalle occupied by said deceits
ed, during his life time,With the brick
1 . 7 1,:c:. .dwelling and half lot adjoining—the
iotrtare.2o.loel_oo.,Maitt.strt;vt -CMCPII.
feet on Cnvc alley. The improvements, in addition
to the dwellingstire, a double log barn with a thresh
ing floor, stabling, wagon :shed and• corn crib; also,
a cistern, wash and wood houses. This Property
will be sold together, or Mivided into two lots as
may best suit purchasers.
2. A Ilops, and :Lot on. High
sfreetiln—Newyille; rimy . ocelpied by .lobn -Chita%
The above lots are ,41 free orgrouna rent.
• •
- • •3. -S ' eventy---Acres , of. land -4(1 - ,
joining the borough of Newville, and extending north
to . the Conondogninet creek; the State. road: from .
4ille to Dublin Cap runs through the land—it is
divided into 'ekven lots of different sizes, emitainiug
from liqtr to twelve acres, and will he sold as divided.
or•altogellitir, as may birotoat adiaiiiageolli - to The
kgi o rtik - RMATJAVnt• 14•4 ,
iieLne re tram\ ;..I:ll:Pelliii,*4 itY '44MM
a.rOilc..fromilm-horough-OCNtlivyllle:On,ilic-road to
Xliree;Square Hollow.
,‘ •
.Four of the above lots are meadow ground, four
are in clover, one-Will-besown-in-wheat thistill and
two in rye. A*plot of the lots, with the quantity in
eaclomn be seen by cal bog on• Col. Wm.
wh6 will Ahow•all the property to'
-Ittly personwishing to -view it.
- The above described property•nr- any pak of it,
can belmreh6sed at Liril,:aiq sale,nreyiinis
- oTlitiWic"sale . , on application to the acting executor.
Perfect titles will be made to the purehaSers of. the'
property, clear of inettrabrances., •
TERMS OF SAy.r..--ror stuns tli;iler VW, one half
in - tbelst - ofr - Aprikuexti the-otherlialfon-the-lst-of-
April 1843.. On purchases of $3OO or •above one
half on the Ist of 'April next, and-the•other half in
two equal annual payments, without interest ;•pay
meats to•be secured by a hen oh the land Bold..
Acting-Excer. of-Dr4olui-teddis-deeth—
.. New v ille, Aug. ta,
riAll persons indebted to the estate of D. John
Cedilla deceased ,by note given at the sale, of his
personal property; or dining his lifetime; are notifirai
to make payment. No indulgence will im
,gi Vet) after
the 21st of October nex t.
ROBERT, LAIRD, Acting ex!r.
Valuable Tau-Yard Property at
• 011117411.1 8.111. E.
. w be sold at public sale, on Wednesday the 10i
of November ti s-t, at 10 o'clock, A; I11:1 on the pre
mises, in the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland coun
ty, that large and commodious
situate on the north-east corner of ',outlier and East
streets, hounded on the east by the lAttrt spring,
and on the north by lot of R. C. Ilan, Esq., contain
ing two hundred and sixty feet in front,and one hun
dred and - twenty In-depthomore-or-less f belonging
to the estate of David S. Forney, deed., having
thereon erected a large . • '
TWO STORY STONE :),.. ::.:,
. ••. -,,
Divelling . House ;;;;) 0.. ,:,
a Two Story Stone Finishing Shop, large TwO
Story Brick Beam - (louse, a large Frame Dark and
Mill House:with . a Hark Mill in it. There are
forty-fimr hiy-awnys and one pool in the yard, five
handlers, three limes and one batein the beam house,
and a good well of water at the kitchen door. The
property is in good order, and in a very desirable
situation. for a Tannery, or a private dwelliug.—
Terms will be made 'known on the day of sale;
and any inffirmation will be given about the prop
erty before the day of sale .by . •
• , • CF.O. \V. SIIEAFI:R.
Carlisle, Aug. 841.--rttis.
kJ' Lancaster Herald, Chambersliurg 'Whig, and
Ilanover I lerahl, will publish the above till Ist Nev.
and send ffills to this office for collection. .
AM VA HI ILE EN F. lir 4
Coppersmith, Start Iron and
Tin.iptaie vroorker,
Respectfully ii2fin tits 016 public- generally that he
still coot ones his business at the Old S:and, North
Hanover street, Host dour to the Cabinet Shop of
William C. Gibson, where he has- now on hand, and
is still' manufacturing, every article-in the line of
his trade ; consisting of -
Hallos% Fullers' and trash
Tea Kettles, • Tin-ware of every
Description, Stove Pipe, Drip
ping Pans, Drams; &C.:
He has also lint sale the best assortment of Com
mon, Cooking and Parlour' .
ever ol£ red,iu this Place. His common woOil steiles.
and cooking stows , are of every suie anti, varieey;
and his parlour stoves (fur wood or teal yore ors the
newest patterns. lie has in. addition .the Rotary
emiking stoves, the Radiator stoves and Radiator
drums for parlours, which are muturintssed for com
fort mid econoftty in the lige of fuel,
°All Of which he olfees on the lowest terms for
: Carlisle, Aug. t 8; I ' • '
N. H. Old Lead, Pevsfer,Coptperinml Leather ta
ken in exellaugefor.stovasi tin oPeOpper ware..
st •d • •
OW II an S 9 ()lou ale:
persttnoe.4. a decree of the Orphatis l ' Court of
,Cinitherhutdcounty, the subscriber will expose to
sale, by Public - Yendue, on Wednesday the 15th ;lay
ofSeptcriiber eel, at 2 o'clock, P.. Ott the pre
;macs, viz„ • • _
_ _
• - ,•.•Aftthose•two continvous Town
,cht f ol, Ouc, , uestowtt, tn. said - enmity, containing 104
feet front, told about 130 feet , depth; honteled on
lltd,80411(‘: anti nor th by
and, op the cast. by. lot No; ,3, being lots ,Nes,
Pfitn of tart - 1,04n.
Sold lots will be geld separately, "or:' (*thee, to
suit, purcinisers ; they are, handsomely : situated for
btlittlittg, and ,the title iSEgvod, ; Posseisiint: he
given Ina tuctliatelY, Oneltallthe 'purchase ,:muney
to be paid in hund,,and the residue tn. one. year,--to
be scoured ' ' • '
4 i ~dnJr, of Paniel Flvezci.;deett
• , . •
• - DISSOLUTION. •4' •
ThepartnershiplieretofOre calking inidenthe tem
oC'Jqi:op Sener San, vias,dissolired on Aiaday lty
• mfittalosonsent ; the books are in the hands of .Atteob
Setter, who is'duly authorbied to collect the same.
The-business .will atilt be , continued as. usual •:.1;1_
Jaeob,Bbner at the. • Old , Stand, were' he oilers 0
sale n very large assortment of HA If•DWAß4.ebrit'
_than ever.offercd before in this plate forum. —
• ' JACOB -fignit, •
Carlisle, Aug. i 2 , 10 1841.--13 t
• .
A l i F w weekly palter willbe isStmi in Othibthitgfir, '
-early to August, under ply suPerlidepileoce,i,. - -, , ,
Its political positien krill be tlelined in.,the. first '
number' published.. In the ;neon Aline, it ITV, be, .
welrenouo lo - atiltedilitrirwill :be - Juititelyinde. , T -- 7
pendent of the control 'of tot old Party leaders_i_un.
_trammeled -14, , nny , con motion - .With:their inter ests,
and free_to_taike_any..course_iii_rehillon , to. _ en and
measures now before th e . public 917; 11.1 4t iii)ly I:ervi . t,ef
be brought forward., 11 Illell the real Awe st,i of ha
tr., '
people may seenito rrmiire. • - ----.- ~ •
In a literary point of %iew, I in old that the new
paper shall lose nothing by comparison with its elder
brethren.- It shall always contain iviintever general_
and' local OCWS As current.. The: timiliet prices!,
• Sheriff'S sale 9, trial null jury flits shall he eorreitly
nod regulafrly published. ii.__ . - - .• . 7• • • •
• - Teams: '-;-- - Tlie prite tx - tfievd;er vio ii. -- invo 7
1)OLIAIIS per tear, line-half pay:dile hi Advance.
Subscriptions at the home rate will be taten for three'
_or_slx_monthr,in_clillerlosr.payeldelin_rgtOnFo.l4, . .
- : , • ' 411:10: tir. :CRAM,:
--- Ciirllslo - , - .luly 40, IS-ll.—tf; - . •
..Cre:lLL•Bak .
The stiliset;ibes, interpling.tti wind up piqii!,
ness (A•r their stork of likintl,Cloitts,_OistiMerefti
Cvssitietts, Mop de LiiiniA Merinoes;Chintgeft Ana
Calicoes at
.ilitsT cost. • • .• _
Persons, lesirons of -securing — kiTill'hifftiiliiijit'd
requested-to tall as_carly..as4tosa.ibie,AtlftglMP/iL.
depend upoei getting all the articles above .enttmcr:,
atetl at the actual cost in the city. The terms arb
Ails- li, 1841": , - •
•N. IL The entire stock ;ill De,sold a;..
to Any one who wishes to engage iu the boat
ness, willi'tho privilege of the room until the'lst of
liril.• .
'• - NOTICE. - _
To the a .
hews and le,greprese
•tatives of Sapid' tAtillig, littc ofikllen
TAEE NOTICE? th9t I wit! 110i0-91W-9q1114t1014a1)9-9,
writ of Partition or yalualton on tinalirepiises Tate •
of Sarah Lettrnr. Priility the .9.7lii_Aay_pf
Angik at 46 . -o'elork, all_intei•estett
• , .
'- Ntig: 5_ • ''' .• •
- • SP+oll.l3 4 lrlOrifi?
The en.pnri iti berelol4te r tiNistittg het itrbtli-
Ctrirles ISai itz :0111'4011a l'efferlati heuri
ccd. by due niutioal ronsiiilt 01 • the'parturrs. The
hooks are in ilielianos of C.ll:trilitzat'llie old stautl,"
who isauiliorizeil to settlelliem. Persons ullo have,
artiouuts Standing., rive, requested. to tlipetiarge theta,
au-it is di..siralile lu liavothe business of lit
- • _'
Carlisle, August 10, 1541.-3 t.
• '
- 7 - V - EfhTtY.6leFarinliii - S
- The subscriber offers nt private sale, n farro - sittt-.
uteri in West J'ennsboro' township, Cumin:Wl;rt 1 .
county; on the- turnpike lending to Cnanifiergbilrg,
. 4l • .. fickeg ,
of I imestone lanil,loo Peres of whack are.-cleared
and the residue well timbered; the Xarm is bo led
hr, lands of John Punk, Ex-Coviirpor Ritrier and
- others. The improvements area two story logliOuse
kftehen and a never failing ivyll.of nutter* thc.
dont', a log fawn and other out-haildhigs; tiVo'thbiCti
orelmiu6 of fruit, s -
Fax terms the stilistriber Irving at Mid
Mese , : mina, 5 mites east of Carlisle on the turnpike
leading to Ilarrislatm . • .
Agent of Jonas Fishlitirm
August 11, 1841.--It.
N. 11. A tionibeirol ollterrarans and prop.
erties for sale.
Lebanon Courier, Reading Eagle, Uneasier Ex
aminer, York Republican, and Harrisburg Wein
geneer, insert 3 Awes and send-bills to this office.
Virst Halt 'Farm For Saki
. .
Jte exposed to public side. no the preinixeS,
nosbotoegfi toWnsidp,
• ay 019 Will day of geptembet. next,
.7 First Bali! Far M.;
Dat•Vitnestone and pint slide tied, late the estate of
"Set tffinn Bowers, dec'd.,situaie on the Conodoguhr ,
'.. i etWoli - , about, 10 miles •Wesl of Carlisle, and,„l ).
Ar , of Newville, bounded by . lands of David.Shel
' , ' et', E. Bear; Nffin W 5/
an Woods anti others,
-'' Containing 1/1 - 3 Acres;
more or less, about tit; acres Of which are vvell-tim
bered,.and the residue in a high state of cultivation.
The improvements 'ire a
~/towri. . , 2 - SiCry - ii/00 - i:iotEgf;
Ilia' A Ihnibie, Stoue . - itain,' ,
5'9,4- ..,
-, , ".-:- .1 --!- Wagon Sheds, a Stone Spring House,
mid other necessary mit houses, with a well of never
failing water at the door., There is also on said
farm, a Log Ttniant Iloure, - a 'Stable and a Stone
Spring 11.11150, with a well- of excellent water near:
the door. There is tiko an ORCHARD of vomit
and choice fruit of varionj, kinds near each of tiaid
houses. There is about 15 acres tit' excellent email:, '
ow out the saute--and the whole abO(Thils with Locust
timber. . . ,
Also,. a small of Grotifillj.
the TiprofenientS of which are a LOG DOUSE and
a DC/CHIA'. FRAME IIgHN, adjoining the.ahove;;
:Mil .on (lie bank Of the Conodogionei creek% .Sahel„
to commence at I'2 o'clock, M..ol..siiid day whpli
terms of sale will be made known and an indisplifa-:.
Me title given by .
• IK'r•The above described properties will be dispos
ed of either.s.parately or together, as may beslsauit-'
purchasers. • •
. DAVID I lOWEl2S,}Extei l s;
. SAM L. BOWElfe',' '
- August 4, I8lo1.;.--6t. . •
•„' pear's Cermau paper, Lancaster, will Illger .
the ((hove 5 times, 'mirk price, and charge this office.
• Val 11 re or
The subscriber intending to rdt4itinle Co tile Westi.
offers for sale the farm on which he ,now resides,
uated }he line between Cumberland and Franktitti
counties, Pa., 2 miles north west,:cif NewbutVand
Riff - AA 7 mitbli rroin Shiprienstinrg,.` • '
Coutailfing 1'75
of first rate slate land, flick pritiqpriX pint of ailitelt is
:cleared.find in high state of cultivation. the lin
lirmienients are, ,
11. • I dfil""C • r)
if ; 1 LOG .110USFI -:
6 - IL .
• , ;.,
• pith a well o(w ater at diet irm.; ant a,
liitF,v`sir . .ll4l4s'stetiam of water, with a pukirif in;it in
Alii:Jiiis.4ittititY a large BANK BAIN; a stone
bonie and other necessary outlinihfings, and an'
eeiliiiit.Oru'iard of 011oice fruit. 'There 'are alio'n.
comfortable TI ANT 110USEtuld,.Stable,on an.
other. part-of said tarns, t tensiVe r tler,..lllll.l,
SIA NERI ibr BalVillgi;dittvtg,tec t with' yzahi . M.ltiv.:
411 LE WATill.
a/ • •
• ./E, '"
A. - ti;i6t of land ili
milirof 'be flirm'above described, .
. - . . .
t 52 Cres;
:tbont' , 26•tid'ies — are'cle.scpt.4; otivereti l
witlythi•ivitt 000 , 3' The isiiiii'bv,cinents aro"' •
1,41 , 60 2'Wei :cod'
. . •
• ..I.IOUSE, A LOa.Bl%Ap'
raid a ' never foiljn well of
•euted, and deal. 01 all iso:stmlOstogei.
The: farms. will lie sold- itip t ithily.vr - Age 4 o' l7 )afk
'two? Whit. suit : to view
Abe' 1)Oot eito do , so, owl 6_4:0;4 Otttot-itifOrrno-.
the- sObseribo, residing nts
• 3.AC011