Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 18, 1841, Image 4

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    1e.,.i. , —.-
`.'l' R
North Hanover street, Carlisle, yenn'a
T.homso.nian Botanic Practitionor
of Medicine and Obitotrics, No.
2 Alexander's Row, near the
R it RoadillotiVl,
. . . .
• ill O.SPEC'I 4 FULI Y. informs Lis friends and the'.
111, - public generally,thati (through-solicitation) he
.has removed from Shiremanstown to Carl lade, where
•--119--may--be'.l.litind_atittl tinicsoniless_proressimially
. ,eligaged..: 'The Mlliettal shallafFitjill ttiii - iisliii - fiTal..
oil with purely Vegetable Aleilicinett,"No Poisons:" . .
and An strict accordance with the principles laid
down by.tliat great reformer in medical science, Ik.
Samuel 'filiomson. •, . .
Chronic eases, such as Consumptions,i , ivei• Com-
Oaints,'llropsies„ itheumatisms; and Cancth's', are-
MoCe partienhirly'informed that the New System is'
admirably adapted to their cases. • :
invalids from a iliStance can be' accommodated
With Boarding while under medical trcatpeut„ on
reasonable terms. '
. . .
' ,Carlisle, July t-1, 1.81.1,---tf. • ..
..Propogcal Alivae2al/airi l eEai to..tEav
-"Re6.olution relative to the themlnient
• of tke Stale:amstitatiari. • .
" Es by the Se , ate and House .1i1: , 110- ,
kg, 'presentative's in General Assembly int.t, 'l'hat
'the Constitution Sr thts•coniiii,,,,,..ith
In :uw•ir!cJ
the third section of the second article, s') that it
shall read as follows:
"" ' 1 . 11 . r . •.1
- t...ovelmor o ove tiring
thrt:e years, front thj third Tuesday a ,hitotars.
ne'xt - manioc his election, mid shall n ot be ,eb'inibie
a'.'sin :de term op/wee !"•are,
in any ' t ine years.".'
-- AVNI. A. CH %Ml',
)S,' , 9coker of au: ihru:.• of It
• .IX. 11. 1:11'1\(l, ,
Sp, • of'
S"1•• • • ? • • . •
S (144 -Ito•olLy•
that t ha c al a:2,-bing is a CiTy
proposing nit nitletaliticaf 4(-hich.
was an.reed to-al the last s;n,sion nl th..- 1.1 , kl.kittre
by a majority of th, ,21,(.(ed
the origjartl or whio. rrniaius lilyd iu thi, .41
~c ~,ront
io,h-of the COIIIIIIMIt.:1`:11111,..41 da h ! •;a.,••
*v,inie to lie publi-ht,l. at•wh...
1x114.1N. TESTI %lO' wlsorool, I ltv.•
bert.;lllio srt we imird seal a
11th 'ti u;l
thay 60'
• 7 ..5i- 11 }4 frig •
, FRS. = •
- 44111.. . ' VerLtary
3111le ' 3.0, 1 S ' •
\ \. ~.
• .
' I
• \ Thy ,„
n .1 - • g A
rtql a a r:4 tO 7. I 12 . :: -• • •
• Ofthe best•material iini)ortc(l - bite this_.
• Cortn[ry, •
For Sale by -tbo.,c_itibscriber - s.
Lt Sliiivniattstowii,,i
-berslitteg, 111C.V.1,111),,'“
m:uuil'nrUu is
e :Intl keeping on lewd host nrtivlo or .si
zes, to suit any who may give them
J. & G. SIII)01'.
S Pa June ISII.---2m.*
EP ,E .71' 'IP f b 'IP ;!.; ll°.
Dll. I. C. 1,(j02..V1T5, - .7):'.91/xl,
permanently lodated In Ca :1;1;1
e ill pernirai an operatinnsin
• Dental Stirget.y, such as Filing, 11. nail
traeting Teeth, and illsooti..g ..rfillt4l !teeth, rent.:
" a single tooth to atc hale set. Ile vt ilt also attend to
- ttll-tlisOttsott of the and
regulate the first and seeond
the teeth 0r.,e1.11.1N.. sod' young poestnisi ' 4 4.11*. 1
beautiful. • , t
Dv. 1.00)1IS may at :ill time , hr fott
Ike, on .street • opposite Mael'ai•land4s.Xitotel:
Carlisle,.lnne 23, I 111 I .—y.
13' , ONNETt , ?:.
. -
Jusireeeietittt. the Now Store; a lIrrc•to1 , 1-1.1 , 1 , -
did assortinvot of En g l . .o, straw
nets ; ofilIC:(1 for sale'tkt low priers
A11N01,1) tc ,1 . 1111.1.:11:1.
. Marcll 51,1511. .• - •
The Subscribe-hits just opuned a ilea' aid hand
sgmc assortinimt of • •
!wiled to the se:emu. in North I (:worry steeet, be
tween the Ilank and
pfti.t or Cloth; . . Ciisimeres, Sttithir.:Tis, estiti,
Cords, Stripes, Shirthqs. filiec•tings,
conets, :Units...! tic I.aict 5, &e, &e,
Viirepaßvare ais 61rflevricR . ,
Sr ICES, CIII,:ES T., &c. &c. Also; ' •
IO.MA'EI'S.I.Ef(.IIO77,V .1:1"/)
11. 1 17'.5 . , together with a gren't variety of other g ):l;
which he will ,1(.11 low area auvont:. - aotlating term , .
Please give hint a call
Atay I'S, 184 .-1 y
'Jacob Duiulorc,
nespectfully informs tho citizens. of Carlisle and
its vicinity, that he has cornmencet: the
Saiddiery plod Unnitess 101afigillg
in all its N . :10011s 1)11111010011 Main street,totre door
east of the store of Messrs. Angtev & Anderson, and
a few doors west of Mr. Wunderlich's tavern, where
he Will keep constantly on hand, and manufactuel• to
'order at the attest notice and on the most reasona
ble terms, • .
Saddles, Bridles, C o llars,
ness, Trunks,
,ste. - tvc.
He hopes by strict attention* to busineSs, and en aux . -
- ions desire to please, to merit and I'c:delve a liberal
share of public patrogege. 'haying die best of work
men emploved,his customers may exPect their work
to•be done, in the neatest and most,
• •
Carlisle, May 19;1841. •
N i t for llou e and qingle 'Ueda, for side nt the . ,
.Bthre of.
June 2,184 t
VioUSLINDE LUNS'of neW stvle Porn in to
87A cents per yard, jest reeeiveil and for sale
.March SI 1841
A neli.atyle of Figured Damask Satin Sliaiitla,joßt.
received at the pew,store and fiir sale by • • -
,Airareh ' •
illarpetitnigs & liintlitags.,,
Imported'lngrain Carpets, IJenip ,and,;
also. White , and Colored Mattings, all widths, just
, .
rec6Vii.d and for sale cheap, by ,
'CHAS: 001L8Y....
* '.'c , . , :',Zy,t2e.24,1 844,
• . K h'sl O'X ; • '
./ 2- o ATEY .dT rr;
Ofilis.e a few aoor - s \Vest of the
May 19, 1841.....Li.c. • •
'Clio subserillers•bm - i!‘just recei red ti supply
ih 1 7.11.
:1 \:--
w.lkich...t.l)!,..y_gi,ti tut moderate imitits tint cash,
nmwitg \Odell will he Mawr super ?.lousc'di. lair
Chnili•ys, C111111Z('S, iWIIIIO and Dres
Sommer liontbttittes, Striped ii id
Also, .11olatir .Sliawls mid Veils; I%l;M:dr
and Twisted Silk - super Bice Gloves; a good
trisorf,atititi istand Side CoMbs;,,,:iii(c-dniiis;-,'Oilia variety
of (idler articles obi emmittrated.
.Ality IP, I'ill
(. 4 1: Cte:ip,peri.:
A NOT 1f 1 I•.; U. AS it S"rrt. T or
. , • . ' •
.110 t•pceirod from Phil.i(o,l)llin nt to.,..:(tfy minced ,
ctirlt'jn tla, Fl'llsoni per: ,
tt ••.';
Cf.cll 4 :Av. 2 '
Sununcr is.
Cords, Vt.,,tinr;s,
(1,. I sits. t11 . !C ,. (1 C;11i:11'N,
('11"`I ha ms,
5t.,t•1t.,,, Ail, It Ftlkt Veils
;t . ti IV. ti
, will .1., will to call on (hi.
•, .
),`, 11* •
a I;,r,
. . .
11(!.111r CI li:1' 01,i .-t.111.1,:61,p,:,111• : Si1 . 111:1 . WM/aCr
iil•ll . n I i.i1k100.1..1 ,. ,4 lie—.lp , :,J, , 11 , I ,".•:t! . . , 0' ,. 1.. 11:1 , 1
CI I AS. 061/,11Y..
I . ! , ,'';' , N.' ' - ii.Vl' :s,'l,.\ :';,U.F.A.),II)UrY•
. . - - 4 "..1 ..".' :. • . - f i . .ip. '',?-.:-((.,,, 11- 1 1 1. :.- ..
?.r . , . 1 .. , ,,,
~... ,
'..;; -Ac . -4....", • , ~. ~,..
_1 , i c 01.,,„ Ili,. e .. 1!;.-.; , r,l, () . 1:1 1 ri5 , b i .. t : ., 1:,.. , } ,
1 ; . :*.it f I : ''''' T'; ''
1 ' 1,,, li%'_ini , ..:ll''ir ol. ( l . l s V•!'...‘.,.
I"%; • '-',-'--, ' :' - ': ' ! : , - .% -' 1,..;Ui1 :', : - : , , ,, ,, ,,, far4 . ;:1y. , ;, 4!y 2 7,-;.r ~
..'s2.c*,nttV'kilt9-.L.,:t:7c-',-,-4•!-tli Tja.VIT:
i .---." • ' ' . " .--7 /.1, .1-;•- 1(:).,• 1) . la, . ;
‘,.). , art, ...r) .... .
kink Gf . l7;ti l ../...%'? Y VI . , s . -• • ,
91 . '.‘11:11.
\l - 111 nitvnys be ii . ./1)
fmrll - :.—t - 1 - 11111 — ave . ' , 1*J 11 "V.: 1 , fu " - "" 1 ";7" .1 ' / ! -1 .
c(;,', .
' 1 . I, , indivr !overt, in Ilit
hy Linds e y' Spc:As \\ owl ns :
j•il , :t 1, ILA, and 1 . 0111.•
• \ddch Mill I:r puro,,ql
sc. II ;roil is tti iltl 1:::11 CV:1111111U
C:,rii,l ~r ut(S ,
11,1 just
ir•ini priced
Chip I lot, :.t the !,te:re of
- CHAS.- ()(;11.,11Y.
Tr C r• ,Q—je4
•• • : , 1 1.4 9
tor,(• nt . the
9 I ;‘,', -LW C i'A.lllOOlll, 11:11I
hy.l.o"nlltl hy 12
. -
' • ".A";;
in !.‘;oorl coy to at
priu.o,;, and 11,:q •
P ll _;'..'2,7) Sr ) !
cd.•!,r,t pLov , (;:v, x-sEEI)
Pnvecl, 1,, 1\
Byt: , ;:l*.'ll7Nl 11C 7 1"1 . 0 - X.
,Jty 5,
• .
, I N 1)1.: A.! NITVA I N'S'F - I - OSS -
V,117 T. •
T:IF: N Pl•Ir•i • INS I:11
Y Oh' - -
plim't:',iot,ottol.tii,/ia.—lairtcr I' wp , e,,t • al,.
Ut to iti:t%e Iteur,otee, Permanent nod
I;ntiterl. oo el • , t r •I.•,..elption of I , ropvi•ty, iu
'l':)\\N AN!) COL ' . NT RV, 4 .)11 the - usual hivorahle
term , .
Ctr•Fout street. neat . street.
CII.11:1 I•iS N. I% \ Pt•esident. •
1)11:1 . iCTMIS.
Chi Atp.r.sN.
.1 .\ , IES SCHOTT, - FIVDI'.III6:
Tawt.ts , I .1 %I'M 11. : - ht
Tlt i"I.IS I. WIIIV.TON, cit.atins;
'Toot MI/11MT D. LIiWIS.
I .k Seurctitry.
stlltsto . lbev, Anent for the above ConipatiV
for.the lew.ttr:lt c:irliov Viemilvovill prompt
ly ;wood to all applit.,,tiotts roe I tisorattee, itltother
made Kr - yin:oly or hi' leper. Resiquove litio sweet.,
nent•ly opposite the ear thrive:
\V\I. D. SE Y.\101 . /1•1.
Attu•elt ,IS
tc\`":l.7 (n) , (1) ;
AN DR EW • 111CHAll DS,
fr:shsnpplv'ols: , aiionarile GOODS, consistipe;
lu part of Din?, Mack Ileum', Olive Green ; and
Black:Blue, llroem figured and striped Cass/mem;
Mixed' figured and "striped Ca inbroons loe panta
loons. Brown, White, titriped and Figured Linen
Kenttirkey, Petinsyb:ania and Delimiatre
Janes; Pittsburg curds; Cotton stripes 'and drills;
American Nankeen's and colored :Misfit's; Barlaps
-French and Irish" iinens; Week' Mire, Fawn, Mouse,.
Pink, Blossom, White, Figure), Striped and barred
Silks. new stile; I.l.4iired plain harm! striped .lacki
mettii; Swiss, Cambrick and Mull masli us; Dolmas,
Liurus and Silks, Einhraidered, Mantau, Glassee,
Sattin and linrrcd ftibl)lllF4 1,e001 . 0 IJat s, Stray,
Braid, Nun and Chip Bonnets. Colored, White, Fig-
Mimi Leghorn and Palm leaf bias; Brown & bleaeh
ed muslins; Ticks, Checks, Crash, and Diapers; Lin
eh and cotton; 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 shretings; Tablecloth,
linen and cUton Diaper; Li non, Grass, silk ) pungett
and cambrick.llankerchicfs; gloves, hosiery, Stocks
and Artificial flowers; CottOn and Gingham Umbrel-
las.. Parasols; cotton. yarn and 'carpet chain; together '
with nu extensive assortment of
Griweries Qmensvikire.
All of which • will be: sold.on the most reasonable
Orals. ,Person are invited to call. and
.epoiue for
themselves before . putansing•eliewhe - ill;' '
• Carlisle, Sprit 24,1841.' •
,re, and , ollertd Or Sale, the-New. Sire in
'Sbippensburg, by -
Max 1,A141.
print!' Goods.
11 - 11.1,1_01 1.710N.1
Hats! 1! al! , !! Hats!!
—.., a O c..,..-.
Just ;waved at, thc SiOTC of
.71 0 '.1. 1 E.
- AltNol,.ll •&-ABIZA:MS,
...1.315 -e Ar,v410',4
Craig; ,LP , - Co.
- • •
Ej s . SP- t ,171
ETT-7,-TVA rT 4 ;- - +1 1 ;1_ ..0 ( ‘•
CO 1':311 SION Se FOR
LNG •NE2.1(.1 if AD;
(:t -eremoved ttithe capacious Nltarehoutt(' Cectlittly
occupied liy 1). Leech & Cu. at the north-west corner
of Cherry and‘Brotitl street, Philadelphia.'
From the facilities which the loezition and internal
arrangement of this. depot, anvil, 30 to 40 Iltorthiin
tsars eau be artorantorlated to unload arid load itl:.the
same tionill'ith so:Relent roonfto otore2.o,oo4barrels
of Flom., and 400 to littO tit of Grain exclusive of the
forwarding departinent.
• Prodoce of. every. "ileiieription he t'eceireil
onscotrigninents,iairil liberal tirthraYes made on
- cectript (ifirtrquire(l) rtitti,lisales-aceofßietirtl.
, North-westcorner of Cherry & Woad at.
•' • ',‘
K. • cobiion .„ •
eii(Terso ear h s „ .
. .
B:tunaersoti llRssermon, j..'
fcuoh Swoyer, own
David Nvvioi.VhiPPen6borg . . . •
.1. Logoofitnith.l.lll.. " bi
Ca Chmptierstairg
Erfiter, Holz Ik.' •Co,
'NVro.l2.Tholopson & Co. ( '
,I\ 7 l;itall 4S:'111'0W11, j
r;rh 0, s
-.' . ' -- -- ` , T , :t., - .. 4 ... \.:••• • - .. - I L', l -'• - j..•`* l ,t2'':': 4 •4' . ' l";';'v;'. - •i: • ' 1
..,,,.,..:-.;,:•,t.,-,.•-• -•::-:::::;!7•:':, -•/ - - .. r . . ~. •
, _ ''z.•,,f-; . ;:.::::-:::: :: .. (....,:, ~), 6.1._::111:-::-..- . - •
,-, I =.•-.,---- , .', - i
.. ..,
.. _ . ~ .
'''''.',..."'' • '' ' ' '('' • ' 1 • ' •
~ ~.. • .
' - '• - ' --. • " • ' '
. .
• r t- - • • • •
suip•vriber has TeS ....11) rei;clleil larn•
811,rpliv"s ci
. ....
i'i'af:'..Cir,lir,:.:.:.•,'C_:i:;,!,.:()';-.:-5,, I:Dyc,-,':f.i1if.',.":41
• -
Li nsortl Ttltysti ati")ttl_
trti': • 1), ti:dray., tth
13 ' rif !.?) z t! , 'l.EY:t•lit'iccr. , f.
watt • I,etter'
1' ,r- fee:: Ire rjr ,
.s.'';'ffi ( lTll : ',4,il,l'2 2 t : ii 443 ' , in ,
f:ll.ln.s. entjrcly
fui sit ; Ito barirahts 16' those
. w-ho-w-ish_lo. put oltae' at wholesale.. •
• •. - '•
!2••1-; --- 1S - 1 - 1 - 1 "
•- - •
_ t: ( l ,r: . •
73111', 1 . , I. peal I',o:so.:•spt•ct
i!, fully ir still cmititittes
tn . ` ;,,,id 1'11." iu (11;11....11 tic:is
I lall."‘,ll4've wo.t•ct". Imt:(1 zi 1.11%,;t•
(1111.,;ir,h" t,,i,C,1 , 11.;:, 1,51•1,0! • 00.1 , 1 10,1 n . ;:
t h.,llsted this I.
N.:. I:, i c..,;,111,11vs 1,, sit
where vs's 1, :11,,II1111)(11.1Sttql
111 ,
c• Cl' r
subsrrilio• Las just rutiiructl fvoni
'Nov; York, 11„1-
tilort.,;;lA 011,,kilig :It tHI ! , 1 Wl' 1,1(911 S. E.
Et11 . 11( . 1 . of N1:11.10.1. :111,1 i 1 11, 001'-
111( . 11y 1/1 . 0111 . 1C . 31 Ily •(;,!0. \V. Ili,ucl,) cl fts
,nrlllit'lit .
Aar:la:are, lone Ware, Cedar Ware,
.Brillania /heir, Gram:les, pits,
Pai,lts, Varnishes; Glass, Brush
' ea, Whips, Canes, Lainjis for.
Lrtrttin Camphint
. •••
and a ;:real art!elt•s ti , t. Col awl .
, Il l y littsals,!,:iiul
e(.)iistttla! 1,...,1) 1,11 .
• 5
:11:41 ..print oil, rmd
irtv.ill , 4 b •ik , i :qv 1:10 11:y2itt
th, !:.1,
Ihrsc'qulty, Lr I, prell•lrca lu Cur_ (Jii. :tt :,:‘ll ri 1, I I
1:1111 may a 1••11 in o••• • this 1:,.W • 11:111
j,g t:•1 . 1 .sT_lO3 •y
Inn rh:r,r , for :WIL.,:111(1 is tleturruhieik to
11 it..
'l'll.lw 11a‘i , v, ,, 1111. call to lay out will find itto their
Id vantage to glee him a ' , • •
C'.71 : 1:1 .- i 4 shr , rtily ii, ).6.4!).-1.-t
l'Olt TI OF .
P3Pc'e.!::l3.ershn -V-12
Are held hy Ili • fol lu a hip; :.;:;ruffs hi their restive
tile e , :untie
s ti. wii-fo•roivi eimeiterfejUi ,of tlic.o
pills itre :ittelitiii:•ll to 11.• 'twill the
ty, the prpiii.kty of tr.tet-1i..1,1i1f. , only froilithe revel.,;-
titze.l u. eetu Ni ill
Coliiiiv—(4Trge W. I Moir, earli!ile;
A. AL , ' 11'1 ,7 " . * 15111 7; ( ; 111110 re
: , :,..w.111,•; S. enlln•rt , on, Shiupo.nsinutt , -1101:1 , 7.,
flrchnvninn, 7slew Cumhorkunt; Isaac. 113rtnu., Lis
burn; (:.IZupp,Shir!manstown; Itiegcl;,:. Co.
Churrhtolcn.. • . • •
Perry rotitit l4 . - Alexiiiil . er
.1. S.: S. A. le, -
Chef! p CBoela,n,'Nfr:
The .s , .ll)seribor's stool; or Cloths,
Caysitocrea and ollie L. \V (mien Goods, very low foe
Alarch 17, 18.11
;lust p,ecired, elegant Alods. de Calkins •at !2p, 45,
:31' ) , 50 and 75,nts. per yard.
March 15, 1841.
• 1E ED 1 - 4. U. TO tr.
Thesuhscriber hereby informs the citizens of Car
lisle, and the public generally, that he has taken the
shop nearly opposite,the ;I:6h-where, he be pre
pared to inanuracture to order, do the most reasona
ble terms, iny id•tiele in his line . business, such as
1713011 „Picks &c.'
He will allwattend to Steeling and Grinding Axes
Ile solicits a share of public patronage. .
• - . JOHN umuns,.•
• Carlisle, Nov. 5,1540.
sjo , potin6 eArtp" cllAiNdi.t
received at the New store in bhippellshurgoind for .
sale by., • ARNOLD & -ABRAMS.
May 1; 1841. ,
Glazing and Paper: ilaiigio b o•
suhscriber relpiectfußy informa the citizens
of Carlisle hnti the'viemity, that he .has commenced
the above business in ull its various branches. Ills
shop 'is' in the ,square imuiediatelv in rear or. the
Market House, two doors east'of 11. Richards store.
Il hopes • likattention to husiilets, and moderate
‘Charges, to receive - O. share of Vatronnfe. JO
CBrlisle,,Felki:. 17, 1841.;--tf - •
Pii/ecalti tlt nV E4rvioziter•
mechanicsburg Line
- 1 - 71, •
014:1E1Vekt aletheeholcs,EoOrg qua
or faiciamore..
ROAD OR C.11...1.1)
"VIM subscribers t,riateful for pas't favors,
be,- leave to inl'orin their friends and the public
generally; that- they :1011 continue to run a line or
hrtheiC . C.reglilarly between Aleehailiushltrg . and
Philadelphia or italthnore„by which goods :aid pro
do co' or all descriptions- will he for'wardcd with care
and tlespatel!.at the lOwcst rates or freight.
. ~. .
- Pro(luvo will he rei;,:i'vea at ti , wir \\rare linnses
itr-Nteelynnitslntrr,.;--and4)rwarded-to..titlivi ,-- Plaila -.
dapliin or thiltilapreoceording to the direetion or
the ()WIWI% '',
0.1: - Crice - Idgliest price will be' gi.vcai , for . IVlipitt
. .
and Flour '
N. 1L Plaster ways kept -or
leindoeld lin• gale at the lowest prices. • ,
. . ,
.!.):. , P P.E.EC T.Y4 BE r) TIC _EU Irc• CI • .i . " t
"e o, vcd at tlit; NUAV SWIT in Shipin•nsburt4, tuld r
. m.
' , :tlo by• . , • ARNOLD k AIDLAMS:••
Mo . 1,1841. . •
E_:c C 4 EL! r E ‘ li'E U.;E;;EiI
to,i - •erl , n in an. • .
Ay ItOt !hat 'lass \t : 110 I . oi . :I
(101 . !iti : Ii . 0 hi. 'el tho,c‘peTlFQ typo,
) briny, it illio i'npitl
u; iilrer lii Nviliing lo vcoonico4l(4,j,:lll,l . IIUVI:
.I/?:,t,•4lth. ini l n;ovenivr.l iir di,ec,v,4lll
svit.•:lee ‘1 ill revoll,cl ve x told
v.obrio xy, , vt. s, r e
(.),111 row v M.ll, u',• plircliv,ied two
Iwttlef; or \VINSI.ta'S OP
'rho , ' who - nre
Ivy it ttpnu ot,tn- vs.' q inile:l(l:ktiiltt..l..c.:.:, , li , /1:•/) Tott
-- .1%.1* by
V. - ill h.,1"nl :i itrtl by lb.. N. ll. 1...1.111V, foe :i Ittielt-:'
Vali ,N., , f.,4:,,
~,..p.rilt,, . 0 1.1 u., hk- - .. -. .
Niediczttecl. 1 , 7,x t rlict of . .isarsaparilla. i
'rho (.111,:,,,, ~ , r i'artTorill3 'ft ‘t1.111:-Ii(11%, ti in Se:NJ-.
1 . 11111 I,l' F..1;0,..•:,. 1....% i1.1'.,' H . :twin , . 1 - I;st ast.4 or the 1 .iv
ee, A il i ri itnis.til i the :•iitiii :mil, Bones, tileers of the
is:ose,l i hre:lt :toil .11oilv, as qui! its en .I.iithleh to
'fileretiri ehil' the ....,liiit:riii.s, Conslib4i , iiii . l Dist ases
~iiiitl...alkij:i4 l'thiller ul - ijile. 1;lootl aitil .liiiiiial
Hilids. .7
1/1.. 1.1.1,1 itetilil l'i r..-1.0, ti., , ,,,,, ~,pi.,1:,1,1, ph,-
~i,.::,,,,, ii, I,fhil-ti .Ipliia. as e ell as thi,tiglurie the ,t , , I
Stiit, ri• 11 e .liar..i.tit el 10i - jlllp:itA , ii. as I+,ll i
oh,o h• the ipeiieeme. eertilientes pin ,icial.s iiial
otheys, tiii,l . ll:l% - • 11,11'111'1'11M iill.t. 11l (hilt.' 1.111:lisliet1..
trOw fleento'il unnecessary :IS thi• eliaraeler . or his pre- 1
I,:mitieti i, livtilly (.. , staliii.lie;l. "Ilireti r ,lioilt lle• holl
11.erti Slate.; it i. , . its...! alt,.:eilier. tool titri.q.choot th,
N , ii ill takes the iii) etletiee over :01 others. fhirticit.
h . ely itlwieg' phi sivi.tte , , till°, for !lie beils•tit of their
pitti.•l,l-. :II tt ~ st.11•••1111.11.1 , 11 it. • • .
Tlit••i-t•;10.t•i• i:;1•...fcri.....i . 1., the tlirt•ctions tiveiluipit- . 1
,31 - ..; .•:ivi. holliv. Ow l'ett1.111i10.11(10.ti (lilt, e;.`l't.iricatt , S, i
:110a I\ll.lh , l'lMllit , rl:ll . i.;. . • . - • 1.
• lteni...iidii.i . , one iwit tle.(lialr a pit t.) is equal to iii 1
iiinr.s lA' svrity, :Intl is eiriall% pteasaht to tal.e'r
[. LY. --- .1';.'1....• o..ifi /1/,','el' P,';' ./111:11e. • .' .. -
11» . .431 i: i , ) C.llrlis.ichq, A i',E f :41; SO.N .
ft. •
%.c . .• RINK LE- Dr tt, , s;:q.i . t . s. • •. - - -.
~ 1ii,1t,1.2l P 1 f .-,411).' , . ..:: • - •
3: , .'.,1 .- %i:.'Y' ..-' . - ArPtro , 7o,i', -,-.- . ,
~..Z.%;. :-.4;=-.'. , . ...,....,...11,M4"1
'•`:.'i s . I 11.:-': . 4;iii.N ti....114-1117;-01 . "4 - - - li - ftlir - .1'. 4-. C; - .11IN•{11 -2- :
' , '.lll ye rtw,11...,1 . tw i• - iitit• Illint(1, - -'•• *- - -
t:''i,i';'?,-.:•-.:;-,...:4',7,71...;.,''..•:,•011; 1.:„ , •;i1; 1 4'ip rz a , '. - - - ,N,,,;1"1 . 1.....1kh Al ill .;i1:11.'1,11 Olt, . . •
l'.:E: i.3 Et. 73 ..i . ,'N' r ji".l3 CV ,1'.',? . • . , " . ..I'll.' /.1 . /.'"t , ./ . CP. 1.7c...,1 i.: 1:I tjt.. 1,1'1145 - •1: . ' -. 7
r il l _i!!'. greati t-ile:iiii•a:.;Otierit lii . ;I:;lioce.'..ret:lieT -11-111INV-IT'l,:,':-t
V - H Y1:/tirt:',I . ) !
_.„..,_, 1 . : .,„ iA .„:•,.,1,. 0 . hi, 111:1.1 •10,,,,.1; 1 11it,.,., hi t ,; ti,,,i' 4% '1
. Tlllivgi.d. , 06,1 nikwi:r this iktiestiotLitlio kihrw
l'er fo the iitthl it. a tit•,‘ •ar..l I..upro \ t.,1 . 1(, 7 `1.-I`. l'e M C I % 11.111-trelitill t ''.:l-,i.r . .V . i.".t.- _ t h a t., , .
,__ - ~
N11111:11.1':Iil 1, d'ill'lC , l . 1,1 ..,:j:IP (....(1;111. a .'. iii. lit 1,1 , , 1)1i. 1, , .. - ;:j:liy , ;;,11:',1.) 1)1i I! 11, 1.:5.; .
. . .
41,1.1,1).1i .0.1,. 1,,,i1 I , i , iii: it rr-nli:li:i%effi t -il , “ii , iti.i'l , :;. . ' A et,...1,' r:..> r 0 i l'i. oi , -Wit.ell. is .
A-11-d-ii,-11-,:,--.1.,-41--,'1v.1;:.....-•11,..,,,.iriwith..;.E:..v.v...,,,F_41..1 • ___S.../E ,n ;: /I'. L'..1.1.:1.: 1.,. • .
'i s , n o, v , ...Ill,' 1., 1 . (11., , i'11, ili.'l,l Ni Ni l :el Ott-itl- Flt. , it- I .1.1, , Ile. ...ales..., le sl. i.eo won! t•lli..,tilat - 1 5 .1ThA:iiiiv -
,Ileri:e• to iii i-e. r ,;::,:i'.., ettireil l i elytei:-. --- i'cirsilet - i; i as :1
arel . cl - ,•ati
,ilie_ shiii:.! t oi,l_,..;ist-tii the lotrt•:• , ,, lit• be-_l
li,Al-, lii, i. it . t•lC..-. , i I. • IP:C(1:1,01i 11. -- '" --,
1 -
Ilk pew- . it -• l in•-•-, • ~ii, 0 I 1:••
u• h.,: paides , ll. l
- nT,11.. ti,‘ h'or.ri..• in i i , ..'h ~ ,tll-,:11. - .-W hit It a .tette_si ill !.
'l s i',111i1......1 li :lit ilg t .thy lii•i...ti 1 . 111 , 4•1,,,,,;,.. A .T, .
1:1',,!ii..: :lilii 111 1 1:1 0 C. 0.1. trial, -- te.t I,cia;i , tilea ,, ed, ese ',.
i:i tovii il. I ii . • ~- i lr:ki all tilers he result to 1'01'1,1 , -6 '
1111111 n n the I Ivivies! notice; - orders !roe a distal...
will lie tilieete.oll . .:.tiei.ited ti.. lie ii ill itli,opeintir
ini,1ti,,,•7..(4.T . ir.t..i1i• , •. I, , I , :,tiro.
' • .\\. I i . A . .1.‘. \1 11 '111.1.1f1.V . .c.
'illy '2l , 1 li-ill.---tr.
•--. • . - -
' '''..
( All 111111(!r. 13‘t)61i, SZ . S . llOl S,
S. I;l,l,l'iTT.C . .orlisb.,
.4v. J:NOlrrlb, Ni•wsilli:: ••
..-Ib , ii, b' 11... , 1 , 2;....1' i!,:., .4 , ^nilly tlirottglplittliuruitti
Iry. I'vje, '.1.1e,,,t , - p,..r liolile, , • •
. .
• 77 t,
; 0 1, ' l llll7, SI.:111S1'11 1 .1 . ;r111. ri ,t),,ll,Ah' .1 oncle•iy;
• pnl,lli.: 1 . 01.1 lit.
11601.:t1 :,:u'': u 1 p.Lto , litig.,.
t•ar, 011!j1 TO - ollE!
7, 11:114(.1.•, 11t• 1114. g;
,-114p1vs,.:11111 ill,ertn
:11)p1 , 0%
; 1 •
Tiht•i• his I'urnu•r
v ill 1„ r" you pricos, :it (lie
store of
1 , 1
.111'..\ LT 11.--Alnny Of our venders, no dottht, art.
iiit intnortant blessin2,4,
rt•lizii . if inonieninv reg,ird and' care
he paid 1, iln..,nisvi‘es, tlint %Ilioncrr they 11,1 the.
isst Air..cnre 1 rair.2v_t,dieinein
“,1,,L.,;.,,..4.1.-11nt,u1L1.1r2.ronle:IQ, we find ti""is , ("ds
ii 11 pr.,. S,ll,llS;i ti uOvarly. , \Volid
thoen ro-ost 10 lily Illt,VIVitIC Mist hiss chlltil
r;•ll,ti tl. , rlt iu 1.119 , 14t6 , 1!:
and 6 " , """ APeei .
tart Pills. r,o vr,...Loniountlyyreoninonoled f;)v
i t 's invidvot l'alf1•, they \votila hi, re.
!:::1:01;rto ut blebsing,"-Aelliell.
\ VC. spea% from nee , jlat• proar,ktirm log in iortoy
bure cures live be,-o pert wined by the.
te.emedlsbar; -a-ith-ou- 4 0:,-(1-sueet.! ,, la-varbuts_
,teeplajo.a, Snell 1.)!,!-Ireie , !a, I .I%et• Compl.kints,
II al :aisle, Pala iu the I tyeast..Side and Beek,
Ce,tiv(lll,S, Nt`VVllllh \Vc: 1,21..! . ,5, (icor
er.,l ke% medicine cons4ts of
t o Till;Ge1 . 1111111 A
Stretigtlwiting Toole fills, the for
oier to remove bile mill ttll exeremeotitiom% It
leom thy hotly, thus,oleansing and porifc ng the sys.
alien whi,k tllr http , r used to strength,
V . 1:01 . 1.0 (110 WC111: :toil debilitated or , ...,ntis, restore
lite list appetite, :out produce rest um!
s wu•l ri•!lose. approve of llii, lioetor's
theory of troming- ilivoasws, vcrtaiiily• iv safe
eirectital, n‘lvie to give his toe
:ttair nitity
011lue,,S;0.1!./ North 'street,
s:tle Ililt Dritg Store or 3. J. Alyovs
Cturlislootitl in. ['cal, Shippensburg.- july 28.
. , . ,
A ticiiply 01' ilieclnive Pills just received; !lving
'wt.!' (AA:tilled &recap (rain Dr. Bpan(Lreth's 0
. o,e ;
they : . l re 11;111.1?..1.A".17•3) (;E.VUITVE.
S. El r ,Llo'l"l'.
• JO) '2l, Mil
P, ErivaDer,apth . 4E§a I rahezu6Di:ttiga.
LEmy7s. ItIIEUMAT4{44,mm . ENT.
recommended and u truly etlicaciouq ap
plication far lthcumntism, Braises, sprains, Stilr
ness, and :Weakness of the. Limbs,and Joints, Pain'
tdong the Back, Sides and across the Loins.
Ektr4ct of a letter from Dr. Johnson, dated'
Philadelphia, May 7th.18:39.
The ltheintmitie. Lintmebt 10111 Blood Pills have
been employed by myself, and finding them effica
cious, I have skive recommended them to many,
that have been entirely cured of. Ithetunatte pains)
lumbago, stillitess: of the joints, numbness of the
mpseles, limbs, 1-tc.
Extract of a letter from 1)e. Jennison, (Wed
. - Baltimore, Mify 19, JAIL
Yobr Rheumatic Linithent possesses prop(rties
,I have never found ill any Liniment 1 have
heretofore employed. ,
Extraet of t lette'r'ffoin Dr. C. 11. Com'adell. da
ted Pittsburg, dune:ill sr, 1859.'
Of Minierous Liniments :mil iNlediaines heretofore
employed foritheumatic affections, none have been
so suc;:ensftil as the Liniment and Blood Pills-man
tifactured by on. '1 hey, have in this place won the
golden opinion of all who have. used them. To my.
own knowledge they have cured several that were
• by mykelt and other Men pronounced incurable,.
• 'lt may not be amiss to remind:, that both theLini
me»t and Blood Pills me prepared by Dr. N. B.
Leidy;himself; a regular Druggist marl Physician,
attestor by DVS. Phy sick, Chapman, Jackson, 1101.!.
nor, pewees, James, Gmbson;.CoSe, tie. of Philadel
• This - Liniment is prepared only; and • for sale,
wholesale and retaii itt Dr. r!T.,P.LEIDY'S HEALTH .
EMPOIIIOI,'No. 191 North Second Street, (sign
of the Chltien Eagle and Serpents,)
N. 8. - =#The - aecoMpanied by the writ
ten-signature 01 Dr. N.-B. Leidy on the label,; •
Price,37•A cents a bottle, or three hottlekfor $l-;.
A 1131); for side -by STEVENSON >a DINKLE,
Druggists, Carlisle, 'Pa.
• Mar 19 7 1841.—Gm .
For the cure, of, Vettb, Il'otery; or Blood Shot If:yes
Ulcers, 'llittnNwlt, and Ittynnuitioty of the
Dinine.v.:: L f Slght, &c. , .
. -
Persons subject to tiny 'or•thene thi ) pleaSont
rs,lw I I fi nl Ibis,th -lnhst.ellisetnal_reutcdv imitse,
as - it seldom fails to- remove itov 'of these Milattimls
by a few applicationg,wilbout the least inconvettienee
or limn. Those who are troubled with mDIAINESS
SHIIiT will also find it, a valuable t•iiincely,lbr
strengthenittri the eyes,,improving the sight, and pre
ventimolumli nines:mhat arises iroin ; straioi lig them.
It will also he found particularly useful as a wash for
the oyes of young. chilthaat, to remove
and subtitle the humours, to which limy are so liable.
Price 50 Cents a. Bottle with full dir
lions for ?rib? q. • •
• Sold Clivlisle by ,
• 'SAMUEL ./4'1F,T.,-forirr.
%Lir/11111C, 611 . 1 . 01%.1
111...111d111'1:r., F.III :1 , -.:1,11101 ., •1 .
1j111,,,1 v ill, 11,t1,1 . 00101 . 5. rlitirt : ll, :Wt.
:11; 11),•111,
141,-117- trf till, :td%crti,Lotwr.l
is to ho 1:11011.• [ t ot .t•t
it lr PrPr111'•%111'•%111.1s pr,..--tn.• ~
- try I . illy tliot I,:tt
ikon tl.ot tv•:• , -,tati.ol to :111 . irh,
,c , ‘,•,:,1
BLO(11) N.ll
prpt)::,•.•tl by Dr: N. D.
Ph% sicieu,
ail, I cil , ir!„ .1 ani,s,
Scvond--;--1)12. 1,...11)V'S 1;1,001) I'M L. S n
\\ i
11" . 411a.tlit• (111 . 0 S(biac , .,
:tut! wiz
))i) 1.'11,1,S 11:1'. S.\
111 \ :\NV-(11'1111:Sos
Ib-nn hr
awl may 110 I:0:1211 bt tln 111 , 1 q at•liVIItt•:111.1
you-. 1%;., malt. woll,:nr.kle at all time,:
egto-laiwcs•_ •
l'oorth-1)1Z. LEW Y'S iti.(1:)11 pll.l. A 111 7 .
DETTEIt -- ANI) )144;41'. 111'1.1•IGYIVi o "111.,\
`ANY OTII - wht-a ipa•thievortlitht; to
rviti , n,—awl do oat to tic t;t1;vo iii lar.
(i SS is other . \lrdi
a I).,1:2 Sh p of tho to::: tch,
or ' l t, at:eira.-awil "notailkafek'tt:lpsiray.
1112: it,.fnui•ti. , l,s end thprobv causing a rapid , do-
- elide rf the-him - lan syhtent.
10 all eases tiler, a piirotion may be neee.sary,
Pills will he Cruet Irali elf..etual and cast i i opi...ation, producinn tot min•ca, nr sitoinet.s of
t6aslota:iclr,-I;ts{iiug-ttr..tt_r)_uther mipleasaiit sett,ta
Further , continent is deemed unnecessary—the
numerous eortirteates puhlisbed from time to tint,
from Plirsiciatis - and other intli‘itinalq lutist have
con vi ll eeti l i f e rlilutoti9, will for the further -in
formation of all others', 1)1.. I,vidy• refers them to the
directions 1 , -Itielt tireinmemy each : box - ,
'H w y are pronaretl mitl soh!, li-holes.le anti retail,
at 1)1.. No. 101
'North. Second street. below Vine street, (sign Of
dr. noltIMI Eagle and Serpents.) .
• •
Prim. '25 evnt,f a Box.
Alsn. for sale. be STIWENSCN
Druggibts,Cprlisk, Ps
14:11r,”412rp9'ilfi:l..tioa• Blood Pais.
.• " The 'Life of the Flesh is• in the Blond."
• I.l.virtrus, r. 'Cvit. v. xt.
r VHF, safest, Lest and most 4.llicactons
. 11 hi existence, are. Dr. Leidy's Mond Pills, 0
component pm:t. NViliC4 iti Karsoparilla: : It is use
less twee to 111t1111: the g0(111 qualities, or commettil
upon the medical virtues of these Pills,:ts the puhlieq
sue I'Mly aware or them. . Suffice it to soy, they are
elfectual fillyifier of the b:ootl and renotator
the simtetn.
adelphia City, as.
S.] Personally appeared before me, 0110 of the
:A -Mermen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr. N 11.
Leidy, wtO,"on his soleinti oath doth declare and
mvottv, that in the compitsition of the . Sarsaparilla
11100(1Tills, minittfiichmed by him only, there is hot
aim:licit:4 :Mercury or the Minerals, or' any Doug
whaterer, unfriendly, dangernus, or ,deleteriotts to
the human system..
C. BRAZED, Alderman.
p:rPoic..o '25 cents a Box. . •
Tltey are prephred and sold, .oliolestile and retail,
at Dr. Ceitly's I Icalth Emporinm, No. 191 North
Second street, below Vine street.
Also, foe sale •by ST•DVENSON
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa.
May 19,181C-6m. • • .
Toner!. Itch!! - •
de ITCH OINTMENT is daily becoming' more
popular. Dairy do mumerouiludividuals stop mud
Infiniti 'the proprietor of its great 'Success in remov
ittg.and miring the 'Fetter and Itch.
Numerous testimonials' might bhe 'published of its
efficacy, hut for the• individuals Env
ing-Yheie'muiMs publisheirin connection with so
loathsthue and di sagreettble.affections, '
It may he used with pihfect safety by.young and
old, evOu upon. ,infnuts, contaihing no -mercury or
other mhierail substances. Dr. N. 11. Leidy prepares
it hinaselt nod knowing its composition„toost confi
dentially recommends it as superior to any other
remedy for the Tatter and Itch._ Prepared, sold
ntvDr:Leidy's !kabob, Emporium', (sign of the Golden
Eagle and_Scrpents,),No. I.K . North Second street,
below Vine. . •
Also, fOr sale. by' STEVENSON & DINKLE,
Druggists,Ciirlisli..l 'Pa. . .
The 'above preparations are all wholesale
~,Druggists :Philadelehia, and by all respectable
Merchants and;;Druggists throughout the United
States. • : •
DlNeases lig' the Mly;t.
ii,< , l'r,-_
i i,/. 7 .;...,, ,,-- ---, 4 -,,, •
sN ,
(:".- ", •-:!:t.'4i.. \.,,,,
~ , .•,, . , . .-., . 41)))) , 5) , .
. \\';,),-. ----- ' 'Li'.
Celebrated Eye Water,
y' lw!l. Isu(i~' ?iw ~
.v Y
{May 19, 18.11.—Gm
. •
r - QHARLES • VI i ' CLURE I .
,f/TO.R.A . EI':37' I.:1Ir. ..
Office in High street . a'. J ;few doors
west of the- Yost Office. ' -
Carlisle,- April 28, 1 311 .-'—tr ,
usTet - ;5• - fi sarAn„
Stklre A. ItICILAitIIS.
May 1841. - , •
7117' 1V75 1 ',17. SP 23
. . .
10. 1. )1 7 1/ OP I.I.IOIFERRY
'' . - TIIE craxBRATED RI M 1 FOR
••0 • •
77.!,JTJ'Ail';I:OCTS reinedii•s linve liee,n.,ofrered.and
pitlli•d into entice fm (iiseaseS of the LtHigs;
some of whirl! Ilan with:obi wily been foniirl Veil - use- -
fel:lint of :ill that hare hitherto lwen , knowii, it ning
lie univerNdly acknowledged there is nom: that has
hilecessfal as die " ItAL140:11 OF
1\11,1) Ol I Eitity. , ? •
indeed :•t• thy lo;tonishing restnrAti ve ;Ind
j,ropertiN; of this ".11:11sittn;"11rtt, c•ct n in the
11"(101.t farms Of rtnisnnipiion, when tin:. ig.tient has
5.101•1.(1 ;(11,i1.1.!-'1111;?: 06110:11, uilllt;III
Irtho; the chesk.difilrully orbret.thing,n . i , ,lht swrat I
blocilhoz of thy hirgs.:•;:c.. th( , lll , ,ht 'esteem- `,
rd l'hArnnier:pho. had failoil itfrord
nny'ra:lief„nlol oven pointlie, I 'minor:olllr. mot
for rortiy
nvolt,h , in rewvtly hits rheelcell
. eii•S`' !AV Illptnlll.lllt , i 1-1..1•1,1 r(,•011-eliN
F. In thy vorly abort s iA" the
prorep(ro; Iron) . rted enlils, it rniecl.Cot:irthrl
been 115 ., ..•11 a jilt
ce•!, , . , 101 in I11:7 , 1V 1 , 1r1:111i•P'9. 1 1"11(•11 SVC . III
rtl in 11;0 e n:•1:011 iii Ili tint for nu 'grave, thy ;
th..iF modivh;,. npre!tocl every ~ yroptonLond
• f relyn-r-r!ft.T.r..-I+o-o--- ,, A.44 , 4 , 4 , ..iArt0.0.r , r4 , 1 4 .1.4 , -.7%
hoh a t I, : r l yi or() nonn.plionlerlpre \Aent
i‘.lll, , i,:looril 1 ori.led
. .
ith !-tt;pvi
-1,01 .11v pr)F.,! ,, =i-s thy pnrt'rr of
Ilit; 01 - 110.;; -
time i;;;' , 11;;.11tolls :mut itivi , ,! orlitt.;;llit;
Nv i w I.•!rcctlitilly thaf; any . miniellyol'l.
I:lVr.ti.• 411',,eases tht. ,
w: ! !::',..,:ll..(.;paittn in t silo, tl Las also pro
-4.lll‘.:tvilms• eitt't•{l in:tttv enws '‘,l" tl:is
' it:4l ali;!1. rettivtlics fr..1(1 •
I I NI this entl)plaiitt it I,;is nisr, licell
w:11. - • titt• Ittr),t .
ofww . , I), 0,!....i:i . 011i1e1 . 1114 1110 bl'ealfill..l;
pt i 1 .0 th,• I, 1 11(1 a ill b , kiffin iitii
•u, , _ - ; ,
s•: rt ,
u- , t;11,% - ..4+1& it 11:--Bi!CiAki
il.;1 i t••I I. ,i
ttt-t , k(•••4,-,‘ k•i< (tra'•'ll•A•-l'S."- ,
1"11 id,jll . I I
•i - t`:i.: , fr. 'Ai • :Tv
• ,
- • ,
111 C
, 11 a ill 1‘,.4.'11 . : . 411:01111 - 111 7 V 4 l7t 7 1(trirtinl . ir:1 11-1
1.,,,...,.., 1.1.,..1111 'Mott ti!t .
4.:1,1,11.,!:,';"11,1i 'Oh 1 , 14 . 1 . 04.0 h
Lt trch --- .yrctrat t-aitt I
:tt tilt. t:ttnt•
I• . . ... , .
ki_o.: ‘! ,,, i ,' '. ~v,i ~i.-1., ~,,,..d. f •
_0L__' , „1...:....L1VP (in I 'i_N( : CI( )1 . ..1 I 1.1.-1 ,
t!,,•!. , ,01,p , ..,i, ,, .i , ~.,:.';:,, ,. )- 1 . v01..11 , , childv, n. 011,
li:11`•:0 , 1 11111 IW :',Ip:1111‘ilr':1 '111. : C1 0 1 . 10 fi' . P:lrt•”,i
-i. rit . _Tti \ 11 . : - 1 r r ilil (•f ;-',111111 , .. :old the %:..I.i . iiii.; em 1.411
• . -- cri i-x-tr i r,-.,.."11, u..,..,,.1.0 tt.,,,,,,, it 1.4_ out 'rely fi ~, 17 ,- lill •
1 :;nY 1111:1; II!, 1 ', ... V. 1..1 . 1t I . ;11 : , :111 , 1 itli,-;i1-4.1-1-tili,,, lw
~i;,•,,-10 dy:1.:1%;,...,t '.llOl '.. •I'l; v,I , :111 . 1 ..11111.11101ille CPI'-
. I:.ift:. ail.: ..11M.:11 . ., , ...11tt`tti - , 14•;•kl I• 1 .11,1. ' .
I • .---",• AA .1 : I'.l 7. I '.1.1* . 11 i'.DICINI . ; 1 . . n. many otil-
r.,t!1111 'R.l ' Oll,lll
- It.••j.:C;. , ha% Itlg.itrat t:,l - int:1110,1v
roti,th iu NI! Yti!motit•t:lll: utiotth, it exerts'n pow
11. i• tyl•
1. Hrimy, that viv,4t,i7
it a ~,ti•itv of
mod . -
:n•yrkrod (,•11•IO . 11.
lo'1 , 1111•
,11111 . 1 , 11 ti . 111Xl111 . 1:,10
I I 1.1 o davrty ,11, colkm
; , : i.llllillo lil( 110 in b *,, ttb
of tun ent h. linNing thy. w„,10
'IIAI,SA \ I (IF \VIM) .I'llll,A !)1'.1.-
TI II \, tliv a 11.111 rm tim front
with lim •ictintitry of HEN UN: AVISTAI I. I).
hich 11.110
:Ili•ortr,,l for, OW - by IVILIAA MS
by Ow nvv . ,l:.,• , illt.l.ll' . ipe
”liit nppnil3l,ll in all the * principal
thrmi—limit thy Sictm+.
Tiro Octmine 11:ds:on sold in' Cnr
*lisle, by EM,1071',.-appoint
ed A,Tynis;
P f:41 . :(107:bo!Ile
I),..eent'wr 111, it).---Iy
ol "
\ 0 FJ C -
Phis extruorditinry Awnlicul composition, the re
sult of seirove nod t h e hi% eution
ical o f :11 1, the -ioteodtit lion of which to t he public
' W:I4 ItiVt•stell with thin soletonitrof :t
que,t, has since gained'. a .relituntiot II Ii
fully sie,tuillii . the enereetness of the amenied 1)e,
eonfession, that "he -thirol' not
without in:: to wisteritv thelienellt of his knowl
etle ILI, ,tihjeet," soul - 1w therefore bequeathed
to his friend :uiti auk:plaid, Solomon 'I lays, the secret
of his tli-revery.
It is, nine m,cd in the principal hospitals, and the
pri‘ate prUctio.• in our willowy, liet and most eel.-
tahat for the cure oldie l'l,LES,:indnilso extensive
ly ninl us to indlle erwlitlity ;unless where
its elVeets witnessed. Extol:1111y in the, 'bij o u.-
lug emitolnii.ts:' , .
For I)ropsy---Creating eNtraorditiary absorption
at nitce. 11• •
Swellitilz,rs--rlZethiehitt - them in afew hours.' . ute or chronic, giving,. "quick
case. •
.. .
Sore Throat---11p cancers. ulcers, or `eohlti.: ...
Crimp ;11 . 1(1 . ‘ l'ftoodiog-Cough----Externally and
over the elwbt. -. . ,
.All llCuises, Sprains, and Iturns‘--Cured iu a lew
("ceitttitt — liTiin . 6---AVltetlier „resh oy'lgng stand
ing., and feigir alines. i ,
Its operation upon itthilts and children ht reducing;
rheumatic - swellint;s, and coughs and tight
ness ottlie chest b*lehts.atind of the parts, bas Ireen
s u r prising- beyond - conception. Tile
mark o rtbos e \yin) havb used it itt the triim, is "It
acts liken oh:lt:tn." •
TI lli PH ,ES..--The price, 51, iS refunded to any
person, who wOl use a bottle ot Littiment Ihr
the Piles, and r'eturn the empty bottle withput being
• These 'are the poslth iforders of the pi%prie
tor to the agentsond out of tunny thousands sold, not
one has been unsuccessful.
We'thight insert.certificates to an); length; but
prefer that th ose who sell the article, should exhibit
the original to purchasers, •
70 Physicians and Patients.
The said to be incurable hr external
*-O - PRlcations.---solomen IlaYs warrants the centrary. '
Ifis Liniment will enred3litid Piles. Facts nye inure
stubborn than theories. Ile, solicits all respectable"
physicians to try it upon their patients. It Neel do
them no harm, and it is knpw ! , that every physteian
who.has had the honesty to make thl- trill, has can
didly :ultnitfed that. it has suocceded in every 'ease
'they have known.; Then why not- use, it ?• It, is the
recipe of one of theirmost respectable members, new
ileeeased. IVItY refuse to use it ,? 11i...einem it is sold
as a proprietary medicine? a sufficient ex
cuse for staling their honest patientS to linger in
distress? We think not. Physician's shall be eon-_
vineed that there is. no humbug or (pi:wholly about
this article.--W by flip) lint alleviate himian suffer
' ing ? IC they won't try it beinve, let them after all
other prescriptions fill. Physichins are respectfully
retpiested to do themselves and patients.the Justice to
tiSethis - artiele: dt Wall be - taken from the bottles
and done tiwas.,their prescription if they desire. '• •
• Sold by Comstock - Wholesale
. Druggdsts, -
,NO.:‘2,PletChet: street, New-Wide. ' • • '
For . sitle also :by STEVENSON A,
DIN KIN; Obrlisle, Pa. ' •
1)ooentl?6. 23,4840.---ty
y r . ~`'`~,....,
• Ettritesl ',Flotsam of
' •11 Va t •
An unparallelatPreMedy for confintin eqlthr,Coughs,
Asthma, influenza, Whooping Cough ; Bronchitisi
and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading,
to Consumption; compOsed of the concentrated
virtues of ito!ellound, Bovesee, Blood Boot,
erwort, and seyeral other vegetable substances.—
Prepared unly by J. M. WINSLOW, ROchester,
. .
' The innocence and universally admitted imitotal
virtue's, of the 'Herbs from w i 's'h the BALSAM '. -
1101tEllOPND is nindeore too generally knovil
to require redominemlation; it is therefore only ne..
cessary to' observe that this cdecine contains Mc '
whole of their medical properties, highly concentrat• '
oil, and so haptily - combined with several' other ye•
gemble,-sithst: ces; - as - to'rentl er it ihe Most. 'speedy
m ild and ee ain w in use, for. the Corn-
plaiiit's :du e mentioned,. ' . .
- ,
fiat Ch (riven, thig Balsam' Is of inestimable value
It is a spt city. reinedyfor the Illioapinp' Coivit am .
pronp,n , (I: ! rn , rasee k lain i•clivf in .11txtvet coniplairgn ~
Cliolti•i".l eethin,T; Si e. It is pleaßllia tri the taste, gin ..
mar he safely.given to the tenderest iiifant and'shoilli,
lie lttint at all times in ,every thru4;as it is much '
bowl' lint the vont plaints ita.jdent to Children, tliv. '.
Putt ettnric.Codireys c; the Cordialsso corn- '
moldy used. as liiirldreds inthis City have testified.:,• J
- Kernellb' fo7lr;vintr.---1 hereby certify that etul X '
in the spring': 0f1813.8, I contracted , a severe COLT)
which settled upon my lungs. and threatened a has
Consuiuminm I used veverill pres'criptions,hut ob
mined little:or 'tio..relief ; I tray much alartned. . •
Ilaiiiteidic,' In le in llcieliesteC.
.I.v•tis 'advised by rn .
rvici , (l, 11r. \\•110.4.,%-: toy' a hothi of his 111AT.5.431
ar IL, ' " rlyel7Nl) :" I tit ;S . ll, 91,(1 to my surprise 0b... 1
mined relict' at once—and by the use of (lint thi - gle , ..
1,,,t11, wzi Si, meetly iretilorva lei health. '7'n those . .
i;pb . , 0 ,..,1- , \r id, (;olds int emit-hs,' at: ttiii itiletnent .
season, I toy "go and do liketvi s ,.iti ••,
1 . .
l'itisforfl Ninnrop co., Nov. 9, 1938.
Ml.. J0hn , 3 . 1.11 - ips.Drugist i
-- 117 7 iTi 7 S17r Nit' vi. hei.TrFor a series of years afflict-
rib -wif it an'afroetion of t h e laintr,,:ind a hard cough,
and-have titan firjSe — itt - the - 'mulling as:corm.l-
'timely exit:nu-Jed by evecssive coughing Miring the
night as a .pcf.son would, be by altartiwlay's labor. ' I
ha ve.tried tor ti•t (4:l,he ,piiiitrini. romodios of the flay,
huf ncvor fouild relief 1 , 911 - il I met 'Avithyour. Balsam
of I I ereliettMl. MI tlw 4 mlnx remoilien or milatives,.
tlti:l have tised. leavg the bowels in a congested
vlate.witile.yourshll'i..s them soluble and free. This
1 e,nti , ider a great desideratum. On taking a dose of
Nom'. Ilnlyani when going to bed..l. restonietly thro'
the tilglii, and my sleet" is I'l'll ' l4llll4r. I tnke great '
pleasure. in iii ornmending vent 'Balsam of Bore-.
limpid to all those „ alllicted with pulmonary corn.;
nluinf s,ormuf fliseasq.nnpfyfaining to theltings. and
I take Ibis owtornmity to thank von for thie'greatrye
-lierand benefit thave experienced Ilmough - your in-.
I st rinneutality. .Vours . ,lvith mind' rest-rod.
'l' 31'....3f.....C0.L15.WELL, .._
. _. _ .
. .
1 - :'T) - i*....5,:ii( - l'l,
-,. " - """. S.l'l a 3 ()I'l% kl:wfi sir
:A ~tti, N .),11',E17,,, - ,c,, ,, i ,,, iiie.
- 74A) 4 !;11, - 0 , T* , ..4 . 4,0t:itY 4 i5):. - vi , ..4lZ.vf.illif . qriGlltls - iilli . i. ,- o l iii: ''''
1 FC; I ' rit, e- i ) ! , _,•?,IP , pd. 1)0t1h; 2. . - -
.11,1•1,115, <O.--Iv.
• -
p RN'S
-r -2 A 7 1.. r1 V-. 7 -ELZZIR.
Tiorro i, oot. one ,:iso of Fever ist:a thous:m(l,lnd
10, of (his It'rcllioves acidity indigestion, . .
bil tans tw:4l,..r'aini cm:stip:diet: from the stomach
:la - I:qw.els. and p: - :st :1 1 11111 . 1 on'the kitlnupi and skin:
It renr:ves all um:le:l,am feeling salter:: heartfineal,
;In d pr. - matte:. a appetite. It needs only a trial -
plartice-a itli nein" tieuse . this article itoall'i.aSes of
enfil!'••Vtim , in 1 he i':::be,.or_lteavv dism4reeable feel
ten:le:in:- to In.:oh:elle or chihine;s. Earls:arse-,
011 . 01114 . 1)ike day,itymnpletelv restores
the voice. without producing sickness.- Nl'llonping•.
and all cottp;ll - s of Children are cured by it.—
The :12:thich is kept in potreci order by it, and if is
quite impossible that any disease should commence
%%bile a Iter,Oli is mai.: this Syrup.
cr . :;:' If taken dai it pr:alitces:t rutty, healtby, and
the system.. tinld , „..,..nnine -2 Fletcher street, .one
door below Pearl stet-0, N. V. by Comstock Sz. Co.,
and by .11l rospectable
• For sale also by STEVENSON & DIN
KLE, Carlisle, Pa.
11-)celn of olumbia.-
British Constil'A. (Vice,
\V ALL PEIZSC)Nri to whom .thesepres-
AShan . l'flllll . . G11.111:11T 110111.1lTSON,
111'11:11,1l . CIII:N111 for the City of
lier; by certify:That Robert:Wl - tar-.
tti the foregoing; Certificates, is
the -City or Philadelphia ; and tit:o.'3llla
thou .Prothonildary of the Court
C..lnutou Pleas for the city and .eoltuty of . Philadel
id:l, toi;oth sktlitures.m ith the Seals of their
Ve.,peelive Once,. full faith mid credit is due. •
I further certify. that 1. am .personally.acquatoted
‘vith of lho siguers of thi• certi
ficates hereunto :..111Ned. whielt - expresses . the efficacy
of the 11a1111 of:Columbia. and , that itt. is 31 1111'60110f
gru , t respeeto and worthy or full faith and err -
dill and tha. Poise heard biro exttress his uttqualifi
-ril-n-ppi.obat ion - of the efleeti - orthe - said - Balnyof -Co.-
lundlia, iu reAoriug his .1111ir.
(11V1 . 11 Wider 111 N h .
ataNntil seal of office, at the city
of Philadelphia, in the State of l'ennulvania, the
United States of Aim-e'en:- • .
.71tad the foltQwhiz; • '
• 11011EI1T Wll.-SSZTOY, Esq., late Mayor of
.I.thilatielpliia. lots certified, as May be seen below, to
the high elotractvr ()idle follriwing gentlemen.
- The undersigned do hereby certify that 'tie have
used the of Colmaia discovered by .1. Old
ri'dge, and ha% e found it highlf-semiecuble not only
as a pre , entire spa ilist the falling oil' of hair, but also,
a certain restorative— ... • , •
AV([. TIIATCHER, senior, '
Methodist Ministcrin St,,George charge,
' North Fifth st.,
JOHN P. IN GI 350Areh st,
301 IN 1). THOMAS, .M.l). 163 Race st;
JOAN S. FUEIFX,I(I.Sp ru c t , st.
• 1 lUG I 11 c,: URlly. '2.13 South fth . st,
JOIIN NAM), jr., 1:23 Arch,st.
The aged, anti t.loose who persist in wearing. NT ige,.
may not always experience its restovative
yet will certainly raise, its virtoeS in the estimatio ,
of the public, m hen it is 'mown that three of
hove signers are more than 50 years of age, and '
others not less than 50.
- • • [Prom the AWOIT
Cit} • of Philadelphia. •
Philadrlphia, do hereby certify that I a• •
(painted with Messrsr.l. P. Joh'
and IWO McCurdy. whose names are
above certificate, that they are gentlenn
ter and respectability, aud as such full
be given to the said certificate.
. In wiinac whereof,l tare la::reunto Set my .
, and canard the seal of the cit• [olio affix
f 1 h sixth day of Dres•milber. ile . •
-THE 11A11L—ItEi positive (politics are as I'9l
"ISt. For Mind's keeping the head free from scut
and causing a luxuriant growth of hair,
' For ladies Mier child-birth, restoring the skin
to, its usual strength andlirmuess, and preventing the
falling‘out oldie hair. .
Sd. For any person recovering from any debility
the same effect is produced, . •
4th. If used in infancy till a good grou'llt is skirted.
it may be preserved by attention to thelatestperlod
afire. . . •
sth. It frees the head from'dandruff, strengthenn
the ronts,imptirts health and vigor to the circulation:
and pre:vents the hair front changing • colour or get.:
tint "
11th. It causei the intir4o_curt,beautgolly vvhcr
done up in it ever night, . ~ •' ' ' •'
ca. No ladiealtoilet sliould,eierlmrande.riithoitt it;
Childr6u who have hyany means eontractei.i
:Veriniti in the'lteatl arc .imrnediatery : and Porfue ll 3'
mired of them by its : taaN It is infallible;
For sale at the drug istok Bt., Co.,
rlrtaber sued near. t'4hr and in Carlisla' s by
reason & Maio. . Web.
! E I