Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 18, 1841, Image 3

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1' N. r o
J®ll N :It ANKS
ofrlitPA''S C O UXTI
- -
S4anding Committee, Meeting
At Ifm.ectind of the DemoOatic Whig
Standing Committee . of Cntnherland•coun
-.;y,t-durivOrretat-knefars-H-ote-1,-in_C -
lislc,•on Monday. the Oth instant: ' • • -
NICHOLAS umon was called to the
chair, and JOAN M. MARTIN and WILLIAM
Porronappointed,Secretaries. •
• Ortuotioir,it was
I?esolved,. That it;be recommended to the
Democratic Whig citizens of Cumberland
• , eminty, to meet in their respectiye
ships,on Satiirday the 2§tli day, of .11u
.gust instant, at: *2 o'clock, P . ..M.,-and.clect
TWO PELEIGATES, to. represent them .
. in the `County Convention, 'to be held
. in
- the" Countyßall, at Carlisle, on Wednes
day the Ist day of ~septenthei, next; at 1
o'clock, P...M.' . ' • _
I?esolved, That the f) elratdi be - i nitru et ,
ed to put in nomina,tion suitabld candidates
dot llie 61t7di71TGe - votect IoE al fhe next
• election.
IV*. M. PORTER, S. •
.11:nit'Ilre stop the preis to anifolineethat
President Tyler
.senf'his. veto of tlie.nank
bill -Into- the Senste..on Monday: In 'the
• absence of the '6ditor,ivc-forhear, all com
ments„ upon 'the •course the . President has
. .
"; • thtiught'proper,t6 .pttrsne.-• ,
•. • ,
• , j-AI3DRESS tic,
.ST4 in. C93SI3II:TTEE;;•---
, ,
,• will bp_._Pound on ur first,
• pagev- - tav,winch ..we •tnyite:the,,atten.tinil of
our baders. It exposes Ae:misconduct of,
'Porter's administration, and discloses facts,'
which may well . cauSe hones't men to reflect,
bdfore they make up their minds to retain
' • power an administration, which :TAM) wk,
edges no bond of utiion, save. that of plipP
. • . der. . •
`Z'e have a wOrd to:say in regard-to-a eom
.'inunicatiOnwltich -appeared inthe last-Her
•ald, over the signature of Wesley," whieb.
.has been made the subject of remark;• The
article:was - furnished by gentleman of un
inipeachable character, and of strictly tem- ,
iierate.habits; but, who has his own notions,
peculiar though they may be, on the subject
of Temperance. We admitted it into out
•columns, merely to comply with the re
' 'chest of one whom , we esteem very highly;
if we had any other motive, it '.vas, that its
•publication might give rise to a reply, and
• as the cause of temperance never can suffer
-by a discussion, we'thought no great harm
could arise fronfit.:: ,
OUR Towri:—Th9,promised good times
are coming. .Several handsome buildings
are now going -up in town, and arrange
ments are making to build a number more
next summer
SUICIDE.—We leain from the Shippens
burg Star,.that the body of Samuel-Lind
-say (better known as "Lawyer" LiMisay,)
was found a few days ag,6 on the South
Mountain ; having committed suicide by
ng hiS.ihroat;
PETER •MCGLAUGRLIN, sq. has .been
-appointed Postniaster at Kiddertninster,.in
this county, in the room of Wm. B. Mid
AN 01 7 . D PRAYER.7-All Irishman was
brought up in the Police Court last week,
, at Neisr . York, and after being questioned
wasroleased. On finding that he was dis
charged lie, fell on- his kneVa, and express
ed his gratitude to ,the Judge, in the follow
ing words: -"May all the saints in Heaven
pretect your reverence, and may every hair
siour head be a• Now/t/ Candle to light
.glory.. . .•
NNiTLV ANIA. diArthE e have re
• a catatbguo of the Officers and Stu-
Pennsylvania Collegelor 1841.--
'tution is
_represented as being in a
, risking :condition. The
• ens in,the college proper is 72, and
irregulars; in the Preparatory Depart
ment 08,, making d' total of 1.89 connected
with the Institution.
• 10:271Ve learn from . Shippensburg,that
VENUS EDWARD% the colored woman o
whom we Made mentlelfra week otytwo
ago, died. in -.that village on " Tuesday the
flOth instant.-- She was a native of Africa,
and was; upwards of one hundred and
ty-two years of age.. ' •
EG7''The Locofocci , papers are crying out
proscription," :bedause a, few of their
friends Itave been remove,(l from office by
now, adininistratioths
.'We 'should h9sv ma n y
haie* been ',retained in oilleo.tidei
ciiiertior Nter l.‘ $ l
The la . st Volunteer, in alluding to the
locolbco county meeting,. says; "it was
.every thing that could have been desired."
In some respects, it'maY Italie been so, but
certainly not in all. •It may havebeen sat
isfactory to the rank and file, idattendatice
tb know that they..had a meeting—small
and'anathetic though it Wasand , te see the
ordinary business go .off cleveily; but,
'some. occurrences took plaCe at that
ing which were , any Ming,but.satisfaqory
to-the _miSerablee(i4ite„about,the_jiublie..
buildings, who - assume the entire manage-,
meat of the party in this county,. to -the
exelusion of ',lief. country:friends.
.I.‘ or soma
. wee; - S - 111 - 0 - atterrtiorrof-the-lo- .
. .
sophiStry. Rut it isnot likely that he
cofoces has be ttrinedle the selection of
suitable Legislative -candidates, and their will be able to throw•dust in the eyes of
the plain and -patriotic people of,Pennsyl
opinion seems to have settled on John
vania. esterdaY, the Senate,: he at-
Ulendennin, Esq., and Dr. Ira Day, for the
tempted some' such palliation of his or-i
-" lower •end," either' of. whom, would be
duct as this.. Ile stated that' "because this
aceeptable to the :party; the • - little
bill•givesten. percent. - additionalto the new
sotiad of
.dictators in town; Were. not eatis
fied with this arrange eat:
They. knew states, acid mikes the euStomary grant of
that neither Mr. Glen nnin nth. Dr Day
' -tv
five hundred thousand acres to their' for the .
~ u rposes of education, internal - imprOve=
would suit theirpurpose--i-these-geo-demen
ntents,,iiiid., it is not such a distribution-as
have minds of their otiri,and are 'therefore
the people of Pennsylvania desired, and, he
'not. pliant-enongh-Ifori.mouldfag;.conse ‘7 l .
wilLtkerefore vote against the bill !" It is .
quently:the choice* fell on Robert C. Ster
yett,':. one of :present cortniiis — shriere; - SiTifrOtrile - cessarTfo s say any thing in re 7
ply,7as you will at once perceive that this
whose face is considered suflicientlydoughlk
is- an excusetnanufactured for the occasion,
to - receive - any impress, 'from --- theThistic
halids of, those 'unadulterated , focofocos. m mud .a very poor one too; something which
mild seem like a reason forvoting•againet
No sooner was the Meeting called, than
the:drill officers of the squadoook measures 11 a 01., r,man 4;1 Congress, that this bill Mr. Buchanan knows as well as
to` put their ball itintotion - . -- 'l'llo first niiive any othe
could not pass, either branch 'without these
in the gaine was to..throw a - little extra di
pity around DI r. Sterrett; this ‘ias effected .The members from the new
by:making hied cimiirlnln., before one .bird .statek., who naturally go for their own ia
,joined witlpthe•locofocos,who un
-of the . .meetinghad.arrived
Prefer obeying' the 'cOniniands
house. Dating thus exalted' their faVarite;
the second ,ntove, force-the. ; rivals:... r heirl*.k . Y l Cade . rii . . -1 . 4;45t-liiie/Osla - :of
of . -Mr„, 'Sterrett to `cetii mit:political iri,de; co:nstjlaeJit.;,A're*t*o*Oy-niiifcerou's
t(? - ..'defeat *bill,without .sach'-a . pro Vision.:l--
-done by thilling• - theM:
ll ' CC e ZiLsllo:6* UU . ;fl).e.',)» e
. 60 . 1 ; th e ,‘ • / -rerffid- the li t §t--. e n . 7 A.'S tug
•tliat the Cemparison plight tie aiiinvo - falite] Were - obliged:to papit in this shan6-
to.-.these gentle m en as.2pOsSible..l3noitlie they cnuld : get nothin'g--better. In-additiow
trick was too . shallow-time •Wirworkers to this, yeti..will recollect that the act, pass:
and , their satellites were - detected in their ed in 4832, for
- _the - saine purpose, and
despicable manse' uvre, and stottdbcfore:a_x_b_iilL_General-Jaason:prevented-from
cr*tm~tg—a cairYln" t[ otl is fits
pocket, - provided that twelve and half
per cent should be given to the new_ states.
It is leasooable,..then, to suppose. that the
Legfslature of - Pennsylvania. AvaS .looking
to a hill- similar to this, ‘vben the ins - t`ruct
ing resolutions were passed. kis but fair
also, that the people of the , frontier states
should have sonitibingiii additicni as a re
ward for 'settling in the " untried Wilde,
rettriri - tf - tfrurr — oit'n — p - arty, — ferittfme - tilii
their villany: • Neither Dr. Day nor Ale.
G'lentlennin - sutured by the
,attempt thus
made •te/placesthent in ti ridiculous position
b'eliire t h e meeting . ; .tiiiiir remarks,., though
brief, were to the point, :mil (lie - office hold
lug squad "tool: nothing by their uitiou."-,
• .'!'he friend:, of Governor Porter are mov
ing with spirit in the different counties of
the state.— Fob:nicer.
It is said Opt
.the Governor himself is
moved wilh'spith sometimes
Governor Porter is; growing stronge
mverfdar.—Volunteer.. -
our liquor is . confounder
str~rg• • •
Boniface.—Strongl• It must be . strong
or-how_would_those be. strong who drink it
The •Ilarrisburg Telegraph says: " The
assailants of Jedge • llSanks, are at a perfect
loss to find a vulnerable 'point of attack.
Standing-so-immeasurably superior- to-their
'petty assaults, guarded _by his rectitude of
character and defended by troops of friends,
the shaftS of malignity_fall harmless around
hint. Ile has oti an armour which cannot
be penetrated---Lhe is-clothed with the pro
tecting love of the people, and the aegis of
truth is- interposed between him and those
ribald attacks which compose the weapons
of his political adversaries. As John Banks
stands thus proof to the- shock on-his indi
vidual merits, the strangest contortions are
apparent among the locos, to identify him &
his ,principles - with somebody else!—He
has been at times denounced as the tool of
every person against ,whom locofocoism
had a-settled andabiding hatred,,aS no great
amount of capital has been paid by the op,
oration, the political weathercock isnow tur
ned towards a ne,w- point, and Daniel Web
ster and the McLeod case are made argu
ments against the election ofJohn Banks ?
With this new cue, h which to," tune
their disfessful notes," the whole:pack has
opened to the chase ! The cry now is, the
,murderer McLeod, ;he traitor Webster and
their friend John Ban Its.! -And can any one
tell the motive of this movement ? why,has
' this false issue been jollied or what -has it
to witii our state politics Tr IT IS TO
COMMISSIONERS.. It is to raise,a-dust
and smoke, under-the cover of which, the
base transaetions of-the Moreheads, - Packers,
Camerons, Krters,,*e., may be erineeal
ed ! • It is beehuse'diey, are,:;afraid to Rice
the true -issue like men, but sneak and dodge
abnutslik l e the savages amid the haihmoeks
of Florida,
People of Pennsylvania, be noldeceived .
by this manoeuvre ! liceP steadily before
you the real issue of the present'contest—it
is ribt.'w hether . Johir Banks is the friend .tif,
'Daniel Webster, but whether David R. Por-.
ter its.not the enelq of the' Keystone.-nOt
whether'WebSterlgaie wrong adviee to life
Attorney General, but whether Poiter and
his Attorney General are again 'to misrule
the, Keystone;—not whether McLeod is a
inurderer,„but whether we approve of Gov.
Porter .for, opening Jails mid peeitentiarieS
1.0. - overrun..socjqty _with:pardoned-felons.
The . issue is not . With . Mr. Webster, butbe
tweet Davidß.. Porter . and. his plundering
00'31 BOaril„and :the candidate who has
,been 'Chosen' with unprecetlente,d unanimity.
tlio :People, ei their champion in the
cause of Reforo—JOHN PANK.P."- I;,'A
:T . sfji . r. - 1.1,- - 5.T1e...::- . 7.l).c.t'4l::,pt::•:qiiclit - V . „'W.V - 4) 0-04-io-t„..
Correspondence of the Herald & Exptntor.
The Senate has been engaged during the
past week, with the bill. proidding for the
distrilibtion Of the proceeds of the public .
lands_ among the several ' states. The
chances are against its passage. -Owing to
the opposition of some 'of the Southern
) s
NOlAge; the ate of this important<:'rn eaSure:
depends upo tbe'votes of the Pennsylvania
Senators: l'hinted in ‘rtiy . last, Mr.
'Buchanan as , determined •to vote against
the hill,
: and Mr. - Sturgeon will probably
folloW suit. Mr. Buchanan, no doubt, will
attempt , to shuffle off the. just odium na- '
locally attached ._ to _ his _con duct, ,by: .
. some
contemptible evasion—Some of his lawyer-
The additionalsumproposed to be given
to each of -the new states, is necessary to
enable their inhabitants to erect their pub
lic buildings: •
To the other objection, to the grant of
500,000 acres•toeaeh new state,'we hpve
only to say, that this has always been cus
tomary, and the United States receives -a
full equivalent.; By, the words of .the bill
itself, the Money arising from the Sale of
'this land is to' be atililied •to internal im
prurements, the making o'f rail roads,-ca
iialsi---turnpikesi-opening-otrivers, B§c:-,-and
the mail is always to be transported *op
them free ,of expense to the General Go
vernment, acid in time of war the arras,
'munitions, troops, &c., are - to be , carried
over without charge. But it is idle to take
up your columns with answers to such ob
jections. 'Does Mr. Buchanan think that.
the people of Pennsylvania are sesimple,
that because they could not get all they
want, theywill take nothing, Such an
idea is perfectly ridieuluus.• It is to be
feared that Pennsylvania will not have jus
tice done her, until' tneinbers of the Legis
latufe are elected ' I'oo will go for her in
'crests, and who will instruct 'such shuf
fling, triply politicians ' as Mr. Buchanan'
out of their seats as .senators. Why can
not both parties in Cumberland county
come to the determinatioo to'nominate, and
support those candidates alone.who Will go
for Pennsylvania rights and Pennsylvania
interests:—who will make your Senators
vote for this measure,•or , make them give
place to...other and better men
lii-the House of Representatives, the bill
repealing what the loeofocos were pleased
to call the second Declaration of lUdepen
deuce, was passed on Monday the 9th
iost—yeas 134, nays 86. • One Whig,
Sprigg, of Kentucky, voted against the re
peal; aiid l one.locofoco,-Oampbell of South
Carolina; voted in its favor. Six Whigs
and ten' Locofocos-were ahSetit.- Thus is
this odious scheme of Van 13ureu •at length
effectually , pot down; After being, -three.
timee - ;ejeCted' by Oongreis, it, ivae for Ce d.
-- 604 tlib•toutitry by 6epriving New ier::
sey.of ayoice,iti the: House. of Represen=,
tatives. The 'SutierreaSuryi aTtor eSi tili ,
for legs than fourteen months is now
mon - theihings that once were:: . Another
great measure of .reform tht l
'Whigs, 'is thus cafiried, into execution.—.l
The:aniefidments of, the . . Mouse; proviaing
fer, the , rekeol: of
; Pet of
1836, were cetieilire6ln; and tOgether with
the Naq Pension bill; Which - -passed.thp
Senate a fen? 'days since, sent' to the
The engrossing subject,ot conversation
At the present time. is the• veto. The. bill
will probable he sent to Congreason Mon
!day with the:objections of, die. ,President.
CongresS in that event will, it is generally
supposed„ pass - another .bill, on 'the .plan , Of
Mr. Ewing: - , . -; .
• Congress ..wiq .notlye 4n . sesOion .
row. 1. Both 'houses have Adjourned uniil
Monday, for the.Purpos - e of accompanying
the. _President-end, -Heads-of.Departments
on .a visit'to the, United States ship - of the.
line Delaware, now at Annapolis, about 40
miles from Washington. • . •
-77- T efo'l 01` viiig is from the-Charleston
Patriot, a riaries that wits friendly to Mr.
Van Buren's administration:— • .
It .
is truly gratifying to -see.t.hat Mr. Ar
cher of Virginia, one of. the most ultra op
ponents-of •a National bank,,hiferaiSed his
the. Senate .against repeal.' :.It haS .
ced statesman) Congress shotilti have allied
themselves with demagogues in raising such
•a question in the National Councils. 'South
Carolina will never sanction so destructive
a doctrine. - We cannot, in fact, see what.
pOrposeAs . --to- be .'grai nod - should:it .even be
carried in tha \ t - body. The Supreqe Court,
renttre - 6610ilit
sanction' the right, of Congress 'to giant
chartered privileges ondjo resume the grant
at its pleasure, if it were even conceded
that the bank is unconstitutional. It is not
for Congress so to reServe its legislation, it
-having impliedly admitted the constitution
ality by granting a charter. :The restik of
this movement can only be,.therefore,mq.ed
, less agitation fOi party purposes. Stn . we
•are that South Carolina-will hefou_od in her
proper attitude . as•a State, which has-always
regarded . yli e sacrelnes . s of contracts, when-..
.ever .the.. question is-made before her pee : -
pie, and not' foond-to. warrant, assumption':
4:ii!,-is'oiiii3l; 'for the - Sta teST.Celleeti sTe ly, . in
Congest:l, 'whieli The , - ess -words tin` the
Constittkion . have:d.cniedip the-States sep
;irately ; ''Veffiiin, • we: 'nil!, ,rilso, that' tire
:Ice - iiitaler4iql : l4 - 0 - Viti,lW,TftPke - d- 7 wit - ell:
ttof.`,64lMs.yr6;iit'lli". licolteerliiii9Trri IT '
with -their tlativerons - -dectrine....... : i.-.::._:: 1
We have .bec . p.surprised 'that those 'pub
lic officers, who (lave. been removed by the
Executive at Wifshington, do not
any circumstances, it seems to us, Tot• men
possessing., any inanlinessmr spirirwhatev
er, i . ustena of whinhig and beseeching in
ilidgenc.e;*oult:, when removed from office
-take-tip-their line of Marcliexhibiting
some :degree of philosophy - .and resigna-
tion to-their fate. Mut it is particularly
unbecoming -An - tliese persons, ‘vtlett we
consider wfiat has been the practice of fhp
Tate administration, in reference•to the re
mol;al of inetmffients of offices, attached
to the party, and when We recollect
also, thin these very indivkluals . theniselves,
came into . their offices by means of the
very same treatment !Willi"' extended to
others, which,they now complain. of. It is
a common for them to vent
spleen and,mortilied feelings, in communi-
catiOn's published in the locofoco papers,
addressed to thi►se from whom they .have
received•their dismissal. In these produc
tions they invariably contend, that qualifi
cation and-moral - character should alone be
considered, hi inaking.apflointinents to-of
fices, and that pnlitiral bias should have
nothing at all to do with it. These cow-
numications.are, in ouropinMn. in the very
worst taste, because, besides exciting no
_sort of-synipathy-in_belialf-of-the-authors
of them,•it is very manifest, that by poericy
and a want of candor, .are The prineipid
feeling that dictate them. It should be , re
collected by these perdons that. Amos Ken-,
all's favorite motto was " to reform me
sures there must be a change of .men,"
and that Alt.- Barry was 'known to rembVe
IVliitz Post Alasters, and in the very letters
in ivhieli he notified them of it, he corn.
plimented them for their fidelity. in the dis
eharge-of their officialditties.-43a/t. Pat
President TYLEn w in a letter, dated Oct.
' 15, 1840, to a certain gentleman of Ilenci r
co county, Va., in , answer to the enquiry,
"Do you believe the . Coogress of the UM.:
led States to-Ibe . vested with' the power, by
the, Constitution, to incorporate a National
Bank r' says:—" In, reply to the first
branch of. your enquiry, I quote:and adopt
the language of General HARRISON, in hill
t ,
speech at Dayton, Ohio. "l'here-* -not in
. the Constitution any 'express gr. 4 of'
powerfor ) such purpose, and it - ZIA - 0 never
be Constitutional toiexereise• that pewer,
save in the event the. powers . granted to
Congress could not be carried into effect
without resorting to . such an institution:'—
The latter branch of yourenquiry is freely
answered by my .. lailswer 'to the first part.
The Copatitution confe - rs on Congress iu
express terins,,'all powers which are neces
sary and propprl', Carry. kto .effect the
'granted powers:. 14bw if the r Yo w eri g ra n
ed could not be carried into eirect without
incorporating a Bank, then it becomes ne
cessary ittid proper, - and 'Oretuirst, expe
dient. A conclusion; which, I presume,
no one would deny ; whO.desired to see the
existence of the Government
and kept beneficially. in
' bet the Whigs charter : a - Bank and wo
will, lincharter This is every. where' the
cry of the Locofoco leaders. -If ttilty-ltve
theit. own 'Way they Will not only uncharter
'the bank, but break open its vaults and pock 7
et-the money.-I:ouisvilk
. .
Wh'en one .of Mr. Walker's motion - 1r
amend ilia bank bill was under considera
tion in the United States Senate, 1 3 Cttieant
Allen_addrcesing himself to.the wliigs ek
" Vote down this amendnzentand
; . :e will make't he earllquqkeitivlo;'ippl:".
`Noe it dawn .without,:the . alight,
est hesitation, -brit the earth has entiezott-oti,
as quietly as ati ulderniati after, diatier..:
LNi,4ville_Jottr .
:,ye.finiT in the New York .I , ipres3 : •the
tettowing interesting.r.enterks.: •
h Thai:there is ZiouhtT efiii
t conma
tion.6f the' lion. Ethiaid'EYerett,Ave, are.
surprised to - „leatlf! 'Mid on. the grOivad.'d
abolition. '!'here is a'fiiir lirobability'that
the . mihiin'ation will not this iession'be 'act
ed%upbh. • ,-Are , Southern Senators-tied
What, has - EdwarirEveretrs - name to do
: with i abojition'or*anti-abolitioh? Why
gleMpAhis matter With a Ministerto Eng
land, any More than thecoiorof thisthat or
the cut of his coat? Who that knows
EdWard EVerett, doubts that•he - will main
tain the hopor - and - dignitY - of - this7corietry .
and his hole country, no matter' what this .
party, Or ie what part of the. country his
home? We beg the 'Whig Senator to mix
up no such extraneous matters with the dis
mission of Executive nominations:. „leave
-that to - the-firebrand-throWers Who-traffic in
political abolition albothmings of the lUniOn.
Sure, the South can claiM no more•than it.
has of Poreiim . appointments, 'for, it has
about'all. ; No such motive can be at work,
can it? The Minister to AuStria comes.
from a. slave?liolding tate. The Miniiter
for Russia too. ' , Nearly all the new Omer
.ges-alsol----letitsthave-none of this'seclion
el opposition, founded upon'none
,but im
agimay grounds. The Richmond Euqui
reritself, will, in its 'sloeve.Jaugh'at such
infatuated oppoSition. *Who ever heard'
the like before? •*
I .
At a meeting of officers and other members of the
Ist Battalion of Cninberland n itecra, hold, after
: Aniline notice, at the 'lintel - of -- Ali•. — Alcelelland" i n r
Carlisle, on Saturday. the 7th inst., Capt. S. Crop was
called to the chair, and Lieut. J. F. Brown -was op
pointed secretary, which meeting. adjotirned •mult net
igaiti on Wednesday tu ening 1 .e' Iltli inst. at Abe
same plate; when it was unanimbilitli • .
Resolved, That 'the said Baitielion .hold a three
days eileampinelq, viz: oittlie first Thursday, Friday
and'Saturday after the general election in October
iii. , xt, (being the Lith, 14th and 15th days of said
.nimitli) Rutile Carlisle Sulpher Springs; and it was
furthyr -.- •- . ...._t -
..t psolv e d, That Lieut. Col. W. Foolke,.Capt. A.'
Lainberion, Capt. M. NVise, Capt. &Crop Capt. W.
XL Porter, Capt...L -i:ioilt:ear and Capt....l: lit:liver,
be give , ' inVltation , to•others. , to jai,
said encampment.'' ' •.. "; • .
-.. in - coMpluinee with the abbvit; the field and staff
oflic'ers and the Seirrid, evinipanieS composing 'said
Ititialioh, willassembLe :is 1;7I I; Iy. as practientild.on
the saiil.l3th of Oetobertiekt, at the place designated
and will report to the seviior f'illicer of.Saithllattslion
'thepiiiresea;_iliich,will, provide its Own
P!..., 1 ,.. , .I?.*Si'N‘F!'tag.4= l / 4244 .P..VP:.1 6 ‘igWriti;
ornisneteny t ieittair,--------. -=---
, The committee or imitation will- nieet at MeClel-
Innit,li, nu Stipirday tile, 2is inst. w't 8 d'cluck iji the
eremite.. :. .. •
ark - uirless a 611Peltialfirja C
of tilbaaSi..S. !WIC . WC fuel (kW, pain h 1
Ole .Qt•—back, wen.o ou the least ex ertibn,
tts thin tt e' take a doge of these pills. This
altvaysbate to gnoil•elrect; because it is 'impos
sildr• for pain to lie iu,ttic body it idiom thepreseuce
_oll_thosc humors ichich.proiloceltitis ouly by their
ou by purgiog dutt la:alai. can, beq•C
stored. .
It 'S e at all times eaSier to prevent than to curt . ;
disoase, taking. a prekentarise course, we
'do not thbilitate the initural functions of the hotly,
too rither , I:...i.them: Tit, peculiar
:u'6lll of lirandreth's ! Vegetable Universal fill, is
to cleanse the blood front all iinpurities, remove
ever. cause or • pain or. weakness, and iNstirre the con
stitulion to perfect health :int! vigor.
Pot' 5,11 e ill Carlisle by GEO. TV. lirl'NEJ2,
and ell t' C'q . stiity by Agents published in
another part of this paper.
and -I.lfllmeliondriaelsin cured be Dr
Huriich'sletwated JlMicines. - - Mr. Will ins
AlMitison, of Shcluylkifl Sixth street, Philadelphia
was 'afflicted for se vet al years With the above dis
tressii.g disease—sickiiess at, the stomach, headache
palpitation of the heart, impaired appet:te, nevi erne
talons, cOldness and 4 seenksiess of 'the ottremities
emaciation and general debility,. disturbed •rest, 11
pressure and weight at the stomach ii&r eatiOg, se
,vere flying pains tit the baek and sules,costive
ness,a dislike for society or conversation, langor and
lassitude upon the least occasion— Mr. Morris
had applied to the most eminent physicians, who em -
sidered it tieyond "the . power of Milani' skill to re
store him to health; however, as his afflictions hat
reduced him to-;l_deplorahle condition; having been
induced by a Wien(' of lifs to try Di. lig:Wiles JIM/-
Wiles .its !hey - ALA .reemumentled,
which he procured two packages to, atrial ; Before
using the second package he fliund himself greatly
relieved, and by continuing the use of them the dis
ease entirely disappeitred-he is now enjoying all the
blessings of perfect health.
For t sale by join; J. Nlyers Sr, Co., Carlisle; in
Win. Peal, g:hippenslmrg,l'a.
• Ballimore, ,fiugust 13, 1841.
FLOUR,—Sales of Upward street att $5 . 75 fo
stale, and 5 871, to $9 for fresh laspeeted a n d li•esl
1;1)1'11(10nd $l3 I'4 lions new a heat. Tint artiel
waa''i•ather heavy :,:estertlay, and probablPtile lama
priee•is, not now as firmly safitititted. The recoup
mice is $5 75. • ,
GRAlN.—Wheats have declined about 5 cents
per bushel. The suppl i ics in the early port of the
week came in freely,and within the last two or three
thiys saleshave been inadeof Vir g i n i a an d m ar yi an d
reds and a lutes tit-$1 !!.8 to $1 35; and it Cargo of
2,000 bushels Pennsylvania prime old at $l.
Rye is selling at 58 to fa) cents. CUM has declined,
• lid 70 to 73 cents iticlude the raoge Ihreither white
•iir yellow. .Marylami oats have got down • to 40 ids.
PItOVISION.S.-1 lie hist sales of Mess Pork wits
at $1 t SU, aml prime,.at something less than $9
per bbl., in both 'Matinees to a limited extent. Con
siderable sitleX or Bacon have been made this seek,
at .5 to 31 cents for .I.l:adders; 56 cents lbr
dlingi; . 6 to 8 cents for llama; and 5i cents for llog
' -WI israw.—W hiskry has given way, and ran he
had at 9.3 rents for : hils. nod 2.1.. I•or bbls., the wagon
price • still remaining at :2'2 vynts per
gallon, cxcla
sive of the -barrel.
• Plilladetphia,sdergiest 13, 1841:"
FLOUR-anti MEAL.—The receipts are' very
light, and the demand ut the advantareontinuos lim
ited; prices have ruled abouk the same as lakt Week,
viz': Superfine fresh ground Flour at 6 143; old , toek
575 a 6. Western 5 75; Rye Flour 5 23; for fresh
gromid 3 37. i. ;11.4mn'a Corn Meal is held at 23
ier bri, an d 13 50 a 13 75 per Brandywine in
(dads at 16; in brls 50.
GRAD .=There 18 little Wheat in Market but
what is in the stores, prices limited, and little 01
none arriving ; ; it is Milicult to tbrin quotations.—
The-receipts of,Crain generally art.‘-Very, light, ana,
our quotations are readily obtained viz: VVI,IIOII
Wheat ut 1 33 a 1 33; Soiditero at . 1 - $5; Peth i ' a ,
Rye 66936.'Snittliern 64 ; , Bbuthern Yellow Corii,X
White do 70 ets; Wooid -- Yollow4i.routal, , ,72.ets ;
do llat 70 Us"; Pemni WIMM at ets; &MUM/4i Oats
40 ce.i t.. ••1 ' ' . • ,
pLAsTOR.44-%. must note a decline ili itlaWer;
sales :alma, have been made ut 1 75 a I 87i per ton.
_ .
yon ..rhuisday ithe sth instani; in Wash-
titan; P.i., by'the Rev., Dr.
ALFRED , . OREM H, of Uniciptown, Pa.,
(and forrn'erly of Carlisle,) to Miss SA RA 11
J. , 4' daughter of Captain . John CuUlti of
, Witshington, Pa . ;
1-'704 morning last, in limns?
. .
rg, by .14e 'Reit. 141 tickey, Mr. J. D,
GEESAM AN, to .Itit4s . BUBA N KI
thlt.Oace.•• • •
GERJT: 7111C1.1,11PS;'
, •
Lately •rived from Germany,
Respectfully inform the public, that they
now offer for sale, at the room NO. 13,
tans;ion House, Carlisle,"l"a., all kinds of
Of Crown, Pebble, Cr.:vs/al and hint
Glasses, Telescopes, 2Wicroscopes; 1
PersOns wishing tmputchad'e aily 'of the
'above articles', would do well 'to mill,'Ss
they' can now be suprilied
. on very 'reason
able terms.
J.. L. 44 Co. have , now only crCeadittelo
view persons, in .order to be enabled to fit
their sight with glasses, al any required•
distance: .
. .
. .
Persoktv - deiirons . of liaving new Vlasses
fitted toThfil. frames, ean'be suited ivitlvany
eolo'r or form; And • those;perpons having
weak eyfis-; can be supplied with glasses
which will afford them .great benefit in re-.
Hoeing the neri , i), and whieh will not im
pair their:sight:-
- Their •asiortment is principally com
lio-greil—Eff—Siiilliairs—set Sri' {T Silver;
Shell anti Steel Frames, every variety of
taste,-seYle, •
All kinds of instruments of the above de'repaireS Ity the advertisers.
ICT!Thii Spectacles made by the sub
scribers are different from aity.otrier sold
in 'this country.
:N.13.-4adies- and flentletnen indispos- .
ed can be, waited:upon and accommodated
at their private residences, by' giving noti
fication to that effeet:• •
J. J. & will - remain 'in this piace for
Aug,tist_,lB',.lB4l: •
, Ala iglitli*.Vll7ll% VA ; '
Nhect iron (maid
- • .
g- 1 ;44:0 1 9,1,1y.A.411,,g&the.,,pmb1i0-Agenticalli .
Ilonover street, nest door to the Cabinet *hop of
Willi:on C. Gihstni, It here In. h a s now on bitnil , told
.is Mill ninnufactiwii7, iivery article in the line. of
- his trade ." '
• Liook. Cot. Cod,
• Ii E 91 1. . T E S
_'em •Kcifts.,__Tia),:wittel.Q.E.:eXer,
desOption", stove Pipe / Drip-: .
• ping. Pima; Drums, &c.-
lie li:is nis) fol• szire the b est assortment of Cora
inom Uooking mitt Parlour • • • '
cr veered in this place.- Ilt s common wood stoves
and cooking stoves :wit of e%ery size and variet;
and his parlour stoves ( for wood nu coal) are tit - the
newest patterns. Ile ha v as in addition the .Itotary
cooking stoves, the Radiator stoves and Radiator
drums for parlimrs, which are unsurpassed fin• com
fort and economy in the use of fuel.
All or which Ite (Ann on the lowest terms ro
cash. •
Carli lc, Aug,...18, 18.11.--y
N.. 1. 01.1 Leakrewier, Copper and Lea:ll°l.4a
ken in exchange for stoics, tin or copper ware.
Orphans' Court Sale. •
In pursuance of a decree of the Orphans' Court o
Cumberland comity, the subscriber will expose 1.:
sale,:by Public Veodue, on IVednesilny the I:itli ail)
of Si:pteniber next, at '2 o'clock, P. M., on the pre
:Imes, Viz:
All those two_ contiguous Town
no g iiesto T , ; rnCOUllty. coiitpinillg 10!
feet front, and about 130 - feet in depth, bounded on
.the south' by the turnpike, on the west" and north by
alleys, and on the east by lot No. 3, hying -lots Ncs.
I and '2 in the plan of said town.
Sad lots will be sold separately, or together, to
suit pnrehasersi Altey are handsomely situated for
taildliq, and Alm titiv is gotta. Possession will b e
gt -en immediately. One 'half the purchase
to be paid in hand, and the residue in one.year,—to
he secured.
C11.1.12.1.ES FLEECER,
of David Ilecger, (Iced
\11,7. 18, 1841.---.3t.
:Will be held by the Preachers and Mem
bers of the African 'Methodist Episcopal
Church of Carlisle Circuit, commencin,,w:on
the 261 h of Att,tragf inst., on the land of
Mr. John 11ear, in Prankford township, a
bout . 4 miles north west of:Carlisle, and I
mile Nest of flayss Mill. All persons
friendly to such meetings'areinvited to at
tend,. No Huckster will be: permitted to
truffle •in liquors of any kind within the
limits prescribed by law. • .
August 18, 1841, • •
A Camp - Meeting •gill he lield,tindi , r ; the
direction of Ministers of the Mettmdist,E.
'Church; on the lands . of Mr. tn. Brown,
3 miles east of. Carlisle on the Mechanics
.l.lurg road, to commence on Friday the 10th
Of September. •
A Cammeeting will belield by fhe order_of_the
United Brethren in Cheist, on the land of Jonathan
Neidig, miles east or Carlisle, to eminence on the
'2(l of September.
No lluekstees be' permitted-to - einnif - ii'itlitr;
the limits prescribed by law.
July 14, 1841. •
To the heirs awl tegatvepreserf•
tativesof Sarah Lehulg,lateofMinn
TAKE NOTICE that. will Iliad 1411 111Iplitii11011 on a
writ of Partition or Taltiation onAlie premises late
of Sarah Ledk 8; dl day of
August,. at 46. o'clock, ...
,\I, where all interest:sl
may attend
Siteriffie Office,
I,sle, 1844.
Great Ba rgains.
Thelotbsoriberit; intending int' up their
ne.s offers their Meek of Broad Clotlet,-Cu'ssimtTes,
CusOeettsMous tie tallies, itterieoes,Citiutzes and
Culieees At
. . .
riasT cos.r..'.- • .
.. .
Pctsonis tlesirotit,or taturhyg good bargains are
.cqueste .. !l to call nit early as possible, mid thay,nnty
,dep6ntl upon it eating all the articles 'above - enunter.;
flied at:the'actual cost in' the :city.. The terms are,
.....”.1, . t , _ . .
. .
Carlisl,Auqust.ll,.llol. '
. •
• B. The entinkstoekill be iiehl grant hip'
gain; te:any . one who .wishes. engagg in .the - busi
ness, with the iirivilege of 'the redna nutil,.the Ist of
% 1 1 %4
s', Fullers' t o ad flash
. . .
. „
• Printing Estallilighnienit •
;•The • Herald &• Expositor" is offered
for s a le: .at is the only Whig paper in this
eonnty, has a large 'subscription list, a fair
amount of advertising.and.job
ample and gbOil materials for
Weekly. paper, • • • : • •
Letters (post:paid) addressed
tor, will meet with prompt atte
A new weekly paper will 'sine in this 'prune!,
early in. Atigustonder„my.superi teridence..
. Its politiCal position will be defined first
number published. •In :the mean - tine, tit niqy'lm
well enough - tcr - state"tharit - 'will - ,be; - entiruly - tide
pendent, ef'-the' control of all old
,party leMlCrs; un-
trammeled:by tiny connection 'with their Interests '
and free to take any. course in relation to men .and
measmses now before the public or that may hereafter
lie bromiht....forward, which the-real interests of the
People npay'seetn,lo require.
In a literaryluiint of view, I intend' that the new
paper shall lose nothing V.comparison with its Oder •
brethren. , It shall always'contam -whatever general
and• local news is current. The market Airices,.
Sheriff's ,sales, trial and jury lists shallhe - mirresdj' d
amt regularly published..
Timus.,-.The rice-of the paper will be TWO
DOLLARS per year, one-halrpavahle ip itdv!itice:
SubserljAions at the same rate wilrbe taken - for Arid
.or sic months', in either case payable in advance. •^.
' iv...ttfOn. •
. .
The •coMirthership hert:tofore e'filsting bettkefn
Charles 11arnitz and John A. PCllll.llas !feint dissol-
Ned by •the 'mutual 'consent of the partners. The
books are in .theltands,ofc:llarnil 7. at the old stand,
who isauthorized to settle t bent. Persons who have
accounts standi n g, are requested to discharge them
as it is desirable to have the business of the firm set
• .1 NO. A. TEPPER.
- Carlisle, Amp,mst J 0 4.1 841.-3 t: ..•
The.sebseribee offer's al, private sale, a twin
Vest Pennsboro' tnac nship . Cuinberlaint
eniiiity''on the turnpike leading to I.ilnuubersbin4,
161 tile/Ts. , • •
or limestone lantl,loo acres. of which n^e cleared:
and the residue: well timbered; the"'farbt'is bounde'd
by hook 'of joitii Paul, Ex-Governor - Ttitoer and
ot.herti.' the improvements a re a two story lot; house
uud'kiteb^eu; a tmyyr failing well of water at'the
ammo log horn bud other out-holltliaga,.two choi ce
orchards of frail.. - .
.. .
Pt,r tet•otsfiplylo.the .sithserij,tor livh4,:tt Ntitht:
dlest.x milt , 3' Ides lust of eto:h
. steotr the,t9ropiko.
11,ett!liti;,,r( fo, lotistott.4. . • . -•,..: - 1 . ~.... - ••,.
... --- •
..:-.7...-.:-..- '--t-i--,:.'-:-K•Aktlettivr'fi.ilkiViViainFrtr.' ':••-'
v) )
... . • I- ' • At•ott! of •Jouns•Fishbtfro.
Attgoqt 11, IFt-11. 5 -At.' .4 .---- • ..„ .-.
N. It.- .A_Looithry or oilterrartOs 311(1.:11ili r prOp..--
401Liod,h.r..ffit 104..iPaiwo-,.......7. - - - ....-!-: 77...••:. , :-:37 1 .71 7 ::
77 -1;1-T);111 , 11-4;1)11 . 1"Ti'f"Ii i'ifiTl . 4 - E t . l
kit.; i .: Itieniliei• E7C.•
1M1i111.1 . ., furl; ilip'lliiie:lll, .1,119 , ll:o•ristorg roiefiii
gviteer, in s ert 3 thiws, :mil !wad itills - to this ornee. - .
AtlVttltiEr -
Eazitct of Pikrint . P . • de c'd.
n• ~
dn stile estate of I letiry of
clee'd., have been Granted to the stihseriber.
reiiiclina - in Ilopr.well township :
is hervby given to all per'sons mciebted to
said estate to nrn.'a - e itnmetliziteya:,7rnent,
and 'those: liarin %•Inims to present • them
.11 II - R d net
Alit". .
01().(!rt tors.-
Take nol lee that m 0 have applied lo the Judges of
[he Cool t of (;111111i0111 MIS Or Cl11111)VrilInd
(1 . Ot the tusokent Lows of this Common
we:olllomi they have appointed 'l'vesda !l the filst day
of' .laguet next, for the hearing of us and our
creditors. at the Court !louse, in the borough of Car
lisle, when nod where you may attend, if you think
J.\ COll
First. ' •Var:ta For.
Vi ill be enktsed to poh:ie , sale. on the premises;
in West l'enoshoroteth town,hip, Unotherhind eottn 7 _
tt ,onE . t.ithay the loth day of September next,
-111171 , 01 1
p4 . o:ljro e and p:o.t slat( laud lair the usildu! nC
Solia4lo twers, sin cd eou ole
et eireit 'init . 10 miles AN'est or
East of Tctrdillr , bonudid IA limits of ;111 id :•110-
,labergoi., E. Bear, Natlrm Wobils and otlicrs.
Containing; A 43 Ale' es,
RICHT" OricsS;':llmitt - 13.3 ZWI`CS"
beret!, ;Lull the residue inn high hulk. uC ettlfitittitin.
The imprpt.etactith ttre :t
• , • 2Si ory _Log 1470J:se,
fru 41
I; u t ' A Deuble . Stone Barn,
- HT .-t
_ ~%',.44 \Vagon 8111.IIS, 11 Stone , Sining House,'
and otherueerssurr rot 11011 t-t'S, with a ti ell of Hover
failing water at the tinny. The' e is also on said
farm, a • Log Tenant Howe, a Stable. and it Stone
Swing house, with a well Of excellent water near.
the dime. There is,almi an OIiGHA Ifl).olo , thitX,,
awl choice loth of carious Limit, nixie etudi of said'
honseii. There is ahem l 5 acres 14 - exyclku.t inealif
ow on the •sinne--anil the •Wliole-lbottials .tilt I.oellai
timber. ' ~ : - : • . ;
itiso, of Grotma;
the improver:tents ttr p hie!) are a LOC; CLOUSE and.
t OotAtik: FRAME. HAHN, abovti,'
tut! olv the batik of die Guuntini uiuct. ereek.
etwrinetiee gt jaid, heir
cress or sate . v: ill be wade known:and an italisputa
ile title . giv.ta_by
i* - The above ileseribeti iirmerliesvi ill be tlispos.i
tir either s li:irately or tiigether, as may best suit
airehasers. - •
El'll AIM
S. ML. 130‘VEIIS,
AtizitstA, Iql ---6 t.
• '„'"• Bear's eiertnao paper, Lancaster, will insert
the above 5 times, mark price, and clau•ge this office.
. :Valuable ,F4rnis
The Subscriber, intending tQ re , pove to the West,.."
for tic the ratra mS tali 1t he noiy resides ' sit...
tinted on the lice lICLWeeII and Franklin;
eountios, l'a., S miles north west of N'en ham 'anti
about 7 miles froth Shippensburg,
174 Acres,
of first rate slate land, the principal part of which is . -
.cleared imit in a high state of cultivation. The im
provenients are,
Laic TwO 'Story
t 4
- with a well.of water attite door, aid a
never 1 Ming stream of water, with a frointi in it in
the hasetncid; : a large BANK stone'sjairg
house and other necessary outhitiltlings, and, an ex
cellent (Irebard df choice fruit. '_Titere 'are 'alsp 79r
cqmtprukble TENANT 1-1011SE;Mitl '..Stable on imp:.
oilier inlet of said larni, nuil an rktensicelitur and
mAett:a Ens for catbing VERY vmar-,
ABLE WA'r ' ' . • . ' •
SO, . • ,
• - •
• A fillet:lir lau d . In Cumberland county,`withip
mile Bf the farM aliove described;
yConlain tng• llO2
ato9tn.act.o are 'cleared, ainl.thei .
iitte„.” •.; •
With thriving The impro.v . ements are
' TW,9:STORT-LOO'-' ••
HOUSE., - 4. LOG 51`i143 9 1.4pc- A •• •
• •
and'a never '4
01 or 'widen ‘..l',llelead 43 Ot7'
ented, :114i:rear ot, all ikinnlicatipaa.Z. ,
farms wFll he„ sold- sepnrate - nr together, its
may best suit *mintier& 1 - Persona wiship 10 vie
the land can do;sci,:a l ind reeely:e'evet•y:otherinforinti;
tion - hy:calling 9 . 0 the. subscriber, residing wc,ahoire., • ;
' . •' ~ .1.- ' .14C013 HISLEM.
to the:sh-
.., ,