Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 18, 1841, Image 2
I poiAvrtchLit. TUE - REVENUE _BILL: • • Tlie.resolution offered on Tuesday by • 111 r. Fifinnre, fixing 'Friday fi;i• tht • a • ‘ 'l,, eloAe of - the debate on the bill; Was reed The flons-e Irvin vommittee of thewhalo'ou the bill, M . y. CA.:siting in lthe - chairilandlltettilebate .waS'.,restrined - by ME. J. Iriuly, who-said he - was op{ osetl 'to ilte•raiSine, of ~a •revenoe by a taxation . 'upon the poor. --I.le Still he 'was fir arrest= inff the demprcornise act, to Lienetity ifiel tour great interests of tlip.'nountry—tlie . woolen, `the . cottein;rthe' iron, nntrthe coal realm:is: 13,y arrestiiig this,ttirey 'would save $57000,- , 000' pii"antitim. - fie- thou ht the present k'trill . would not have : ihe-effect to increaser. ithe-amouut of revenue, which the (.hair :man of the Coniniittee of Ways anti Means 'imagined. If the tariff . was. Maid, . men . would-- net -import—goods-.----Tliey'would wit :orthe tariff of the next year. The t nner in which-the- compromise act was' onencte4 and exec-mud, as ahoWni, by tik ^enerablemember from Massaelinsetts, 'Mr. AdamYeonviyeed him that, C'iingress ha'd a .right to _relied it. , He asked, what wail home valuation'? Was it any thing I= :more fharohe cost charges and tivenly per 4.ce.rtt duty 'tipo - n an imported artiede ? Ile doubted.mhether,the home v❑luAtion would . • . • 'do what gentlemen seemed' to l'innaine It s.wolia Ire e ---- tneif - lt T r— at -- ji - efirraTaTril 'id . . ''protection, was - taxinz the triaoy" , for 'the • , Genelit of the few.. &telt .a tariff was hen -- eficial- and tvntild •be • beneficial to the .country. Ile,eited °Wit district-as. an. , oxamri,le, where the 'prineiCal,matnitt'eture. was iron. • It had 33 furnaces in operation, which produced per annum tons of 'pig metal, and 24 rolling and's . plitting'lnills, .that produced 254 66 ions' of blooms ;MA . 11)ar, iron, 5iI,3 • (1O per ,ano En. - 'The number of :worlimen with families • • eniplqed. Was 3,0"72,- ,The workmen . eori: : • •sume annuaily, wheat . p.Op;00(i 109.,000: do:; beef; '3,00,000 lbs. ; ye e5 i ,0144, DO t). seeti that thopiconsumeir f the ciraue is7l. i r`n aroceridSjiteltnling to63ceciTrom:` —` the south-;--- • • . • a prkiret,'-i ne4l i cot- :-7-• ••1 ' • 'ton manufactured at•the norti, - --•,-,--:4444 - 11.L.rais.4.a.C:the south; • - BM 'Total amount of consumption $1,9,50,000 . . . . , , . And there were Mules infportod from Keit- ••• - --. Ittqlty; 'mid - eniiilo - •cilliCil rtis.;:i,, 1000.. Did !hot . thi s show th: t manufactories in his. 'country bene fi ttc,d he many"?" A . small V - %Mance only wasleft•to 'be. diviled among I • • ithe capitalists.. lo—fact, or - tile Jast year . , • 'O.r_l_wo:dte receipts have barely,covered the .. . , -dxficlditureS 7 In, the 'state of Peimsylva- 'lda, fir one.. year; the _ statistics showingl • -. 'that'. there werel.2lo fortine: - s, producing • -98,350 tons of- pig -metal and iron-, and - 70,,- ; *OOO tons,. of bar iron, employing. 15 - ,00t) -, woilimen, nod consuming 1,000,000 cords ---- "3.frotooa.--.:a ru4J.,OP/)81nQ-}V , 4nLQ-VSJ.lY,l'Ontr • • 12,000,000 pounds of beef, &c.,.amount lug to ki3,000,000; and..merchandize,'2,- 000,000, and they had a total of $5,000.- 000. And.of coal, 815,000 tons, equal in ! .Value. to iron.. The commercial. statistics 411owed.that, in 1793, the amount exported 'dl Wheat and flour, was 7,000,000 bushels ____ . —in - 1840, 5,000,000 bushels. Thus it ;would be , seemithat the and con , 'sumed all the increase, two millions of . , bushels of the exports _of 1393 _in_lB,l_o„. .The- crop lasf ‘ year was thirteen million Y - 'bushels of wheat, forty million finshelsof t .other grain, making a total of fifty-threl: •millions of bushels of grain, out of which 'fifty thousand operatives consumed forty- • ••eight million of linshels. if this amount .of men became producers, would they. not injure property, both real and per:3(mM, to 'the amount of forty-eight millions of bush ' "els of •gram ? He thought the gentlemen , 61' the west who' hold thti balance of power I -in the House, should keep both North ami . "South :in their place. They should. en -;.courtige 'Pennsylvania -to go.-on with her c.'manufactures, her iron and her coal trade. ' "She would soon consume the surplus pro , • duce of the west. He asked the south if •they made their brethren of the 'Middle • 'States so poor 'that "they 'Could 'not tiny their'cotton,•if it wotild not Sensibly injure 'their market: Reduce the 'manufactures, :and let the Operative, know that it. is .done 'by the people of the south, and the thou ' -sands who now rejoice in prosperity, would -cover her with bitter reproaches. He said direct taxation was not calculated to make :tais,government more economical, "and. he ); to the- taxes in Philadelphia. He 'then read from Professor :Pucker,. of the trriversity-of :"• 7 'irginia. to provelhat what 'be -said eras right. Ele said Pennsylvania badbaen placed in a miserable lighten this She could not get along without I . liegging, and above all; she could not get "along ..w and ...without begging 'from-Virginia 'tenth Carolina. She never would ask any J" ; one to pay her debts. It was true, she had ..:••contracted a heavy debt. .But she was no (;, , spendthrift. It did'his heart good to hear , old Mr. Adams -say,-that if -shebad_erred, • waS.on the •sitle Of -virtue. Be -stood .ihere - to advocate the products, the enter prize; and the -perseverance of Pennsylva nia. Ile asked; who that had"-crossed !mountains 200 Q feet high, could say she ivas not agreat state'L :Would any ,such• AakerbaCk the 430,000,000 spent on, her :fr.,!great work s? .*Some•orthose worksbe &:•tititted tn `have - been-'let--alone,bUtin,l the • airy:they were beneficial. and, exalted' ~ - 13ne gentleman had 'said she :was dis- 1 'Atoneit be- should .haie'recolleeted 'that was under. rurers of • his own' paye r -- • :-This was ,a hard MIL' preferred . 'trust.: - - .011 . 4(i-the rulers of•Pennsylvania, - than. to - 414:gentlearian • from : the B oome and ,initt'distrki New'York. • • ~ALABAMA:- - - The last election. of. Repre si;sentatiyes- lot Congress - in th "State, our are aware, , was made under the tißenetal :Ticket System, a change , froni the is,. system being made by :the last Leg uf. that State, to suit a transitory . rwaitylnypese; From the Mobile; Advert'. I=ll ser . the learn that the operation of the General Ticket System, in three of the late DistrietS in that State gave .Mr. Shield a seat in Congress, when Col. Burke beat him 520:vetes; it 'gave Mr. Lewis a , seat,, when Mr. Hillard beat him '47oVoteS . ; it gave Payne a . seai,•whewGen.-Crabb brat him . 47o.Votes!" •',. • rrorh pie snitimoi•e Patriot. The - 1 .IBla at kr nip t---- Et 'tie the;~iiirjiose - bringing-- the- prinei-: pal provisions of this. bill within a small compass: and,te facilitate. examination Of it, liit; have, with, some labor, prePared the folloWing synopsis of it. This •bill; will he recolleeteil; passed the Senate some time since,,and has not yet been 'acted out .the house: Verbal accounts are• - vorable to its-receiving the attention - 0i the Fatter,brane i of, Congress; at the present= session,..tho 10-these accounts are rebutted. by a vote upon the motion .to lay a resolu -lion from the , committee-7On the 'Judiciary, declaring inexpedient to act upon this - sobj&ct this .session,.Upon ,the table.._ The vote. upon that motion was 11$ allirtnativi! to S.l negative, which- maybe regarded ;1 an evidence of a disposition • in the :PiMse to take action upon this. subject. $ 1, Enacts that' a uniform system of 13iiikruniev be-establit4lo(l . throughout (hp United States-'—and that all persons owing debts, whei•Shall - by•petition - - setting forth a list of his fir their creditors, the amount due, eai t, t~t~et>te`rwitfl an tit vent() ry or their property •of any kind, verified, by oath, apply, to•the proper.court (Or the tacit- yr i t of this act-shall he deemed bankrupts, and be declared" soby •a, 'decree of such (quirt. All Persons beipfr mbrehantsY)r:re tailers of merchandize, all bankers, laftors,, brokers, , ufider(vriters ,or 'mar - ine insuyeis, owlM2- debts 'to the amount'of not leks . than - 14:2;000,.. Shall be liable to become bank= reins; 'and may -iijmn petition,• of one -or more of it eir creditors,, to.wliom they owe not less,titan 8300, bp so dcel:o;etl it tile follo , ovini?,' • eases:;: i\ - 1 (Wit : ..deli - !,(ir he.slate of.whrCh he,iS ,an-,,inhabitant;, with . -- intent:l6 ; defratid 0 - Axertrtiffil;-0 sbritFremineliii;g . - or - Tin - Wail hem, .ti..'provelit-thi;ir - libin!) . iee ,• or make any -fraudulent assign nv.ln t-Lo r--s a hoyi.ever, pny peYsorrso Oeclaied bankrupt We:instance : or a eKeditoi, na t . bypetition to-such court; hhve n: trial jpry to . aSs!ertain•the roptey,, , ifo,ooo 5'50,000 Enacts..AlraL ail' ..fu ture_payments. c.anveyances, &c., Made in contemplation OCbankruptcy, ex for the purpose of giving Hiny . .ereilitor an undue preference, or any such payment Or conveyance to any perion• -not-a-creditor-forlr-valuable - consiileratiori,* without noticeshall be , deemed void, and a .fraud upon this"act,.and the assignee under the bankruptcy, shall he entitled to claim and sue for the same; and; the person mak ing such unlawful preferences shall receive no-dis Charge. And if it shall be made to appear to the court, that, in the case of a e.'„&Y . e= ditor . . over :mother, in •ceimemplation of a passage of a bankrupt law, be shall' not receive a discharge, unless assented to by a majority in interest •of those of his creditors not preferred. NOthing in this act shall in any way impiiir the rights of married we-. men or minors, or any liens,, mortgages, &c.; which may be valid -by the laws of the, states respectively, and not inconsistent ; :w i ttlr the second and filth sections of this property of everyAescription, of every person deducd a haiirrupt., except as is..fiereinafter mentioned, shall be ipso ,facWilivested out of the bankrupt, and the - samehdralFhe ves - ffd in such= assig = nee ns shall be appointed bytote court—suits pend ing by the bankrupt shall be continued by the assignee, and no suit by or against the assignee shall :Mato by death, of said as signee. There shall be excepted fronithe provisions of this section, such. necessary household and kitchen furniture of the bankrupt, as the assignee shall . designate, havingAreference in 'the ,z . unount to- the fa mily and cimilition of the bankrupt,'blit in no case 'to exceed $300,-and-also-the_tvear, ing apparrelt—on exception being - taken to the determination of the assignee,. matter :to be decided by the Court. " .§ 4. Every bankrupt who -shall - comply faithrtilly with the provisions of this act shall - (unless a majority in number and va hie. of_ his creditors who have proved their debt's. shall file their written dissent there to,) be entitled to-:a full discharge from all his debts, and a certificate thereof granted certificate, }forever, not to be granted,until after-ninety day'sfrom the de— cree—of bankruptcy, nor until seventy &lye' notice , is given to all his creditors and. per sons interested, - to..appear .and shOw cause why such certificate should not be granted. Such bankrupt shall at all times be subject to examination oralfY, or upon written in terregatorips, before.isuch-courtren-oathi'in all matters relating to such bankruptcy, which are necessary for the purpose of jus tice. If in any case of bankruptcy, a ma jorityin number and value „ of the creditors who shall have proved their debts,'shall at the-time of hearing the petition.for a dis charge, file their -written dissent to the al lowance of a discharge and certificate, lo such bankrtipt, or if, upon such hearing L a discharq shall not be decreed to him, the may demand a trial by jury, upon a-proper issuerto be directedsby the court, or he may appeal from ti-tat decision to the Circuit Court. upon a full hearing, itshalt be found by the court or the jury, that the bankrupt has things, compliedwith the requisitions of tile act,:-the court shall decree his discharge.., 5• D. 'Creditors coming in and vroving their debts, in the manner.hereinafter pre. scribed, -shall be paid, pro rata, and' no prioritror preference shall be illoived, ex cept for -debts. due in the 'United States, and' raboyere in, .:the :: service- of the bankrupt,, siiiiiythose of thp latter 'shall not exceed $25. All creditors whose claims are not due till 'a future day, shall have their pre cept value ascertained and allowed. diatriot court, in every:,district,. eliall have Jurisdiction in' ;ail' Mateyo; and eriA Witira . . • . ~ , - 7 ---------, ---- ' - `7" - 'J - 7 _,,AL of proceedingsiatising under this net, the Pro-! 111 "t lurebuich°l Y:Ca'anutY'rTh' ira ilicar.. . the steamer Eri e by Piro liiiaL Te r -. - Feedings' to'be summary. and the' court al-i t i e y rd fr a o yl t o h r r, b 'lly' two Iton . drefi L . lmit ' ./t w, , ays to be ,open. The' court to prescribe ) we-receiv i.forms add rule p for the regulation of pro=' led . i ttest,the most. of the • tottil 'eeedings, and to prestribe.a tariff` of fees. i heart-rending intejli/ lc9 • § 7. AR proceedings in 'a case Of ,bank -ruptcy;-shall take ,place 'in the - district in ,deattuction •Ly „4..,9 1 : ,the, sple:Lutid. which the bankrupt resided When his p e -,'steantei. Eviey' L Jaa '‘," 6 - 6 rte , antf l "le •tition .waS :tiled, and all . prMif debts or! Loss Of neaes • 11 P ° hYndred lives, !111(1. creditors obeli. be under l a jarge ar :, int of morchandize., _ _ other claims 'by eatl4TbefOre - Strell'enifil::OF'etim in issioner I .. '4 :Ante*. the - ,Pattichlat'S as receiif appointed thereby, or. before .some disitf=' , e d,, , ,Ats:-,7. - -. -. • ~ • • : terested :state judge, in such form as thei, -•• Gorirpondo;iceof tIl ;;Veri, 104 fferald. ~ courtfinay direct. But'Such prodf of debtel ' -. • - ' • 111 - LitO.A.D OFFICE,' ~. shall•be open to•contestation: . . '"n- - - S • YEACUSE, AXAugustAugustll, 1841. • §B. The -eirenit eouri shall ha , " cOrrentjurisdiction with the Clio •''' ' . .et court, •.• The . 4e, steamer Eriel left Buffalo on of suits brought by' ' the tv ..gnee against'Monday afteh - loon at3'o'cloOk fel' Chi; persons elide - ling an ;dye , interest, or bp! engo. . The precise number on •board '- 'such persons againsi." assignee, toudiing, of her are not known ; but it Is estintat 7 . any property or bankrupt . t rar , en ble• 1 .. g us of .property. I of tie !.eit -hy the captain, from a glance •at the t0,,0r, -vested in,-the ; register 'before leaving the harbor, to asignce; , --';' B "„ th • s"„i!s, .barred . 41 '7 1. " I have exceeded two . kindred souls.-L -years f,..m the oitte of the nankruptcy. I Amongst .the 'numbtir were several, §, a* Al! sales,•transferi, Sr,e,, by the as- t , . ,: , - 0 - with „ , / ' . . shall be t yam tet s, Who their materials Were siotee of the bankrupt's property, Port up the lake made as ordered 'by the: cOurt---all. •aSsets (,)].? their w a y 4° some shall, he paid ni t ,. the court w i t hi n " s i xty . :c for the purpose of •p ‘ ainting a boat'lying A Strong wind and rough sea days' from the time of their receipt, subject; there' , ' •totthe.order of the Court' fur their , di s p os i.Tpikivailing at the titne; * Capt.Titus,hesi- I , - - , lion---‘and bond shall be given hy the 2S - 1 la ted lot' some time to put ont but the ' • •,-S NE., WS FROM FLORIDA - signee for the faithful' disrharge of hie l De Wilt Clinton haying left ahout three" GLORIOUS i ' „. ittliytirmatlN atticn, • 'duties. . . , „:.: hours PretilOns; he was finally induced ' .. .Savannah, August 7, 18.41. " §4 O . The eeilrt shall require the eel- to start on the latt4 voyage. Co-A-COO-curE'S WHOLE: 'BAND IN-, lections of asscts,,to be Made a s spledilv ' At about 8 o'clock the yesacL.4.l.lq wra Ttf flint • I • 1.1 --f----G"'"'l44/F--rL94ItM74V,VG------- af --- FareTiiiVr - e - ii: --- offiTiii --- - Will a fioii:7 - s - ad en i y..._ the U. States steamer; Qen..-!Pthy./9r, ppt. , in, es I orn_ te.t.. ..By mace ever.y burstino• of_ a carboy Of varnish.on the and a •tfistribution °ldiom to he I sik' 'Months, and all proceedingg glnill be boiler• '''' • • • deck, •whilst, so sudden ,was the 'have the Peck; -arriyed-here-yesterday;•. - we the gratifying i»tetligencti from Floi:i dosed•if practicable in•two years. ,•. bustion that the passengers Were at Ida that. the war, for the ninety-ninth time, • § 11. The assignie shall have authority c°lll • •• res • leeei end, discharge ,nn.) - r mort,ralre Once forced overboard, in many install- may now be considered as at an end.-=- to ces without the slighte'St -article to sus-! Wild Cat's whole band, ti2en, women, chit tien, &v., upon an-y property, and to tend er ,..l drop and negroes, 160, in all; have come in a due performanee•of the conditions.ther - e- ta i l' lb6.m. ~ !'' . • . ' • „.i .1, • :, tne.,e ~;'. at clnion Lula 'pt ampa, and 40 more Indians, or another of, and also to eempoinfil debts, undelt the ot•der or - direction of the.conrt—andcredi; put into Dnnkirk,.and diwovering the ' ... r'orttniateisr 1 11 •tx t 1 c '• She baud were on their way, and were expected lift Tampa in two days A gentleman who, tors.sball hat 7 e• notice; and be allowed to tErie.initalltes hastened to her relief. show•-•Yause why such. order or .direction ,pleked up.i r3 vi i ; ;T y_s E vi,-,..s poly' came, on in the Gen: Taylor, says A u lt l ie doe's not think another rifle wilt be fired by should not he'passed. • ... :.: ~ ' of the Whole,. IMlnbCr O•At 'board, •Whilst , ,:, il,l of ‘ ! ..." , ,• ! the enemy •. § 1,..t. Ine' alt,eaScs anent V. ye lIIJNiblil:D ICH ViClilllzi t o kre't - ' a. , _ ~, . .1Yllet) Sp-ttemi-ellee'g fimilly , canto in, bankt•tvccy shall he ' deemed . matter' of . re- ' dim - awing , element; ---. :"" 1- ? l V iem4i€l-- 0 l'•'W 'll'llll - t tf ' i I ' - 1 .- *la - tip •' c ord ,' bet gliiiit- ito-tlAte-,rceoi•ded 'at Je ti g di, Avas :, ~,,: , 1 , -i-? d , ; ,i s. t itc. : 6 -.. l 'i, ere , tr I V . ,(3: -,t • • '• ' 0 ' • 0I '• I- ° '‘' -- ° I l - 1411 `' * l i i g • g . °ill -•::rltilifF4n4iiiiii7erriklial4s.,),--wiitz.iihs--cd-• ••••••:-.7,-;-•••-•,,----,..---,..--;:..,.......,...._,..,-.....:n.i..„;.."-11,.;,...,'.-141.-shath framilbe:samiiiin , :lihere-lie,:* as . con- .1 7, _ •••-...---..-•-• - ..._,.....,..- -• . -:, - • l-: .: -- a(' . " --- ir'' . .l , , eiTi*, , t14.i)5i4.46 ,-- 14;e4,15,-. 7 ••• , 41 , 4 ,,, ,i , ii. , ..r. -- • -i. , • -, -._ -- - • ,- 7 ; . - : - --- • - •. --,- , - . - - - 71 - ., - '. 1 .':•:: 1 . 11 . . 1. -f-Tf• -1 - 1 •L'11f7. ,, . 0 -- 1 •••.' 4., -Vt` , V9:4 . .§,14. Thi s ._, prov id e , , A r or '____i„._ ‘ ' v t,id t. .._ r _l_ . ____ - ` - 7 , _. 1T1 a d i r mr . 46 tt e teill . 7-e 4 rrr = "gfrfritrtir_ st - tratirrtio -- -% - o:fl' ~I tityyrarsivr.fte. - : two lir more 'persons - 4v ho-fit'e '-file' 'if] l'P lTrlelli c't ::11: - 1.Mirgi. - ! .3 's;:' hild - 0:11 I . o7'l,itY'Fiir: fiffitilYfi - e .- i - Youlditiirriartnit - tltunt-to-vcec' "Chicago ge quantityt ,: ot . -- i me , I:cli i :.tudize . (or ; WI lb irons. . Thu . o clone a a ll y _ e „ r i seat .. trade becoine insolvetiOnd direct the es- I•signen - tfrefigt - tilitifitiliCWOceels o/ .proper-• - -..---- -.: i . CA :Co ref him gn ----- fon b'reliilil — 'loni flis4F - lack -- ; . About one hundred find fifty:of,,the Its and-after ,a . warm Ift - I.N - 414r-with his' ..ty, jointor 'septirate; to"ereditors according '' Were--GernianlfilmilY, he dived -With the t- Colonel,:atid then. to eqUitaidc rules-;- t hi all, respects ; exeept Pds-sellget,---We.: . learn; as relates to the:milliner-Of distribution and emegrants;going west to settle.. ...Most 1 returned on board thesehooner. .. As soon lispositig-lif-die-Wyeee' ils-of-4 lielyroPer Cy-of nu=tty,-- 1- 4-their 1,611 - 1 th 6- -jr- 41-11 3: - Itav - (- ',. - b o . , m 4li tls itti •bis • iron's , were 11:placetlIte"ftold•-col, of such : partners, the proceedings against swept front the.face Ql the .earth:. • _themAallite___the c'tme4s_if_h_ad_against-one,- Ti i i 1---t1 61- i i I --O- tf 171 i '......-J,t--sa.c... .-.4a. .-.le--.--a-rii.s.t ... it±,-. ie-....r:e person clone. -- r_ - =: -- . -- • .—. Was not, entirely dry, having but a short § 15. Prescribes .the manner of ben- time„previcnis been, put on, and that structing theileeds, to he given ly the 'as-'flirlien the •fire took. it,-it sprqad - With signpe upon the--sale .of any'lands - of the r rapidity 1 .. sue 1 . 'bankrupt. . § 10. Confers upon the circuit court of the !Jolted States, for the District of Co lumbia,..-atilLtipon the superior. Courts of the terr itories, all the '.jurisdiction, power, &c. vested in the district, court Of the U. States, in cases of bankruptcy. § . 17. Prescribes the time when the act • REPEAL BEHLTIt i DH. - • 'nip Repeal Doetrine rket lyTkoclaim ed in the Senate by Opposition gentlemen, does not meet the approbation of the entire "clemoeracy" of Fauquier county, Va.— Ti l e Warrenton Times' thus allu des to a, mee,ting..of Abe Locofocos held on Monday week : . - • -"The , violation of individual rights,.by G'Overniffelit7is`Toiloctane which we re joice to •tlittl our democrats at least. will never sanction. - The mceting_Was_aJailure in more than mere lack of numbers. They were 'divid -ed- Sentinfeht.. — The "Sink 02' Spline' tnen .carried .the day, it is-irtte, but they IVere . sternly and boldly rebnkeil by voices never before heard. in opposition.. Major Minton; General Wallace and Major Wal lace., east themselves in the breach, and es sayed to save the party from such deep re proach; but Mr. Ritchie and the Globe, .were 00 . strong for them in, that meeting, (consisting of 33, all told) although we ha •e no doubt that in a full meeting the . reslilt would be 'otherwise. The course Oursued by.these three gen tlemen exhibited great independence, and a high . degree of moral courage. We have -rarely. heard bolder,'more just or more elo quent,views than were presented by Major 'Wallace. His strictures upon this novel doctrine of 'repeal' were made in a strain of lofty and indignantjeeling, which did honor to his heart. The party hacks, who manage -in Richmond .an - Washington, 'will find it'up hill work to face .the•ro - pre in oppoSition to these men." •—• 'One' Teim and . Strict .deemztability.— . The ..Loc4ocos., that is, the-leaders, be gin to grow pale and tremulous with alarm at the rapid progress the One Term prin ciple is making in public favor.. And whet alarms•them most is, that the honest, con sistent portion of their own party, go for it quite as-warmly as do the friends of Judge Banks. The rep`resentatives of the party in the Legislature voted for the principle Airiest •unanimously last .session, and. the ,thinking portion of • the liillowers of 'Van Buren, approve the vole . and are willing to see_it.carried out.' They have. no concep tion that men can , consistentlylrote to en graft.a .principle tiprin •the constitution, and the, nett day violate it and give -the lie to theis actions 'by . contradicting it— That portion of the party who 'voted for 'Mt& Fenbergin 18ki, sanctioned, the prinCiple, and they will not•now Show themselves - so vote for a 'man for more than one term .. They know that it is ,. the . only way of securing strict accountability to the people; and the faithful diseharge of duty. Whil a7:ntan Is eligible a second tern'', lie Will vend his ,patrOtiage ontCthe time'of the first to. secure - '-his re-election. This:inducerrietiOlterefore; should be re moved 'from Take away froth the. ExeCtitiVe every 'thing :that . ..Can-interfere, in the aliglite;nt . degree, , With a free",-faith ful,, and independent dieicharge'of his 'Of= ficial amide. . ,• , The>P 4ideet: .has iet ,sign_ the bill abe jiettsuur:.•.. • deck' had noi even time to go•below he:- fore they were enveloped iu tlante. The persotissaved were taketifrom the wheels of the boat, pieces of furniture, chests, and the like. By ast evening's boat, we received the 'following, additional particulars, tiscr of yesterday We have not any flung direct from Buffalo, this morning the awful calamity of Lake Erie, Of which n 'brief notice' appears in another col- Allllll. Passengers from that.'city rep resent every thing relatirig to the sad event .to; be in a 'state of the grcatef., 'confusion. . -"WelntVe the Rochester Democrat of yesterday wonting, which. contains the. folloWing "additional . ftartieulars.. The fire is said to have originated front a dcniijolm 'of ,varnish setting - over the boiler, which . exploded..from_the. hear. The "mat was owned by Charles M: Reed, of Erie Pa-.• . We have dust learnedthe following additional particulars : The Erie took fire.'itbout: . B o'clOck, when she was six miles froni shore, and forty from Buffalo, a very high sea. running at the - time. The steamboat De Witt Clinton reached the boat about eleven o'clock, took oil' twenty-eight passengers, and Waited till morning to pick.up bodies. Aietter from Horatio 'Gates of Buf falo;to the Postmaster in this city, says, in ruferencQ to this sad event Our city has not been so wrappedin gloom since the loss of the ill-fated. Washing ton." . FURTHER PARTICULARS We are: indebted to the NeW .York Sun for an extra;, containing - further particulars relative ;to-, the, fatal occur= rence• en Lake ,Erie. From which we' learn nothing occurred till about eight o'clock, when the boat was off Silver Creek, about 8 miles from shore, and 33 miles from Buffalo,. when a ,slight explosion was heard, and iminediately„ instantaneously alinost, the whole ves-' sel was enveloped in flames. Captain Titus, who was on. the upper deck at the time, rushed to the ladies cabin- to obtain -1110ife preservers, of which there were from 90 to' 100 on hoard; but so .rapid had been•the progrese of the fiames,'he found it. - impossibld to enter the cabin. : • .. MlRAcuLous J..... ECAPE' OF A, LADY.-:- At this period, the spectacle was. appal= ling in. the, extreme, and no . latignage . - cart — deSeribellie\friantic horror of the downed :passengers, The : small. boat was lowered—four-persons, in its .the captain jumped in—and the boat filled with water and.'droppcd :astern. lady floated by:at this life preserver on, she. shrieked for help, the captain threwlerythe only oat in the, boat, she caught it.and. was save 4. this. lady was a •Mrs.:Lyide of Mil waultie, and she was.-:the only female who, was saved frotrithattated.*ssel.- Atone O!clock; A.; .I‘4:.4llWas . over:, Nothing was heard. but the, low, dead' crackling of the expiring, fire. . :Net a• solitary Striiggle for life7C - 6614 be ..seen. ti . . ( 441.-0 :14.y . -0..0,:0i.j._,t9T4 ~ . . on the wide waStdebfwaters. Nb trace *as left on the glassk surface of the deep, of_all that ha.d perished...hthat hour..of agony, except a portien, of the hapless hulk of the ill-fated ERIE.. An ()flint was made to to wthe hull ashore, ! but it sunk in. 11 fathoms water, about 4 miles from the . banks •of the, lake.-- • It was now daylight and the ,Clinton, headed for the shore. • ! • NUMBER ON BOARD:-11• is impoSsi . ble' to give a correct list of all the pas 7 'sengers., • Of thecabinpassengers,Capt, Titus thinks there, were between 30 and 40, of whom 10 or 12 were ladies. 7 --' In the steerage there were • about 140 passengers, nearly all of whom were Swiss and Germaiiimmegrants. These were in families, all of whom found' a' 6mijton grave in that, yaWning deep. The : , heart bleeds, as it reflects on the many tics ,ef endeared relationship which were thus suddenly, rudely ad forever broken.- . Mr. \Valiant 'E. Camp, of the Wash- - ington Hotel; Harrisburg, was on board and lost witli the others. . • • Worthithat he had but one reiinTstmoiel-o thale, and•thlt was, lo allow him amthis people rt . s ()O)i gsjyi ssiblc ! l'A LT: ASSEE, (FLonln4,) - JULY no TIT - F. SICKNESS AT Sr. JosErn, rumor says. -- still - continues --- to - rage - witlr unabated violence and - Mortality. Few-of-the cases, however,. are said to. he the -Yellow Fever. Amfing our own citizenS,.,who went thitlier to spend the summer Montlis,iind who have fallen victinasN,O . disease contracted there, it is with heartfelt regret atilt we chronicle the following deaths : Jr,s Mivli wire or . . lru vat', now ^ absen t from the Territory; Mrs. Ward and Miss Qeorgiana Ward, mother and Sister of Mai. George Ward, now also - absetit; Mrs. ,Sibley, wife of Mr.•S. S. Sibley, formerly °Nile Floridian, and Mr. Fleming - Ilixon. Sentinel. A New Orleans.paper mentions a rumor that Gem Gaines will refuse to. obey, the orders,of Maj. Gen. Scott. - IVe: abine itrthe — nowspapers, - and suppose that there are some grounds for the assertion. 'appall' Scott. is "Gen eral-in-Chief." of the armies,of the United States. If Gen. Gaines refuse to . obby 'any.oriier_that..may.prOperly.ernanate-from. his superior officer, the "alternatiiies are, re sign or be broken. When there is manifested a restivettes9 on the part of a high .otliaer touching the .authorities, of another, it has been thought a good way to send the reeushnt to Europe for a year, with an intimatiott :that if his opinion should not have undergone any change on his , return, his commission would be received by the President without any inquiries. In military matters; the Virginia rule of instruction obtains—" Obey or resign:" THE- TEXAS BOUNDARY LINE We Watt' weived a communication from 11Ir. R. Petes, containing the information that the boundary - line between this country and the United States, has been completed. to Red ' River, it strikes the southern bank. of that streath about fifteen Mike West of the- town. of—Vulton,. Arkansas. We are glad that this long vexed question is at length definately settled. The settlers which have by this 'survey been included in our limits, have been annoyed by the conflicting rumors relatiVe to. their claims to the lands thus changed from the jurisdic tion of the United States to that of Texas. Some believe-they will be compelled to re linquish their land claims or pay for them to this Republic; and others 'believe that they will be permitted to hold them upon the, same conditions as settlers in other sections of the Republic, and that the money, they have paid to the government - of the United States, will,be refunded to this gev ernitent for them: Some.further action of Congress will be necessarfto.adjust. these claims. -It is the general impressiOn, how ever,-that the settlers will'itot be - disturbed. Houston Star. • Morn ".PA.TnxoT"' goatons;—.— . l 4 he Ro chestei.Democrat thinks there is some .mis chief. breWing an the frontier., ' The Hun ter's ;Ledges have held 'frequent meetings. catmen have mysteriouely.disappeared,•and intimations 1 . 01 . some .movement 'had' been' thrown.out in :vatic*quaFters. ,It will be well to . ,be on the'loolc out. ' 'FROM MEXICO later' accounts have been 'received•.at New Orleans. • A Minister from Texas had •arrived at Vera Cruz to negoti-. 'ate• for The recognition of the independence 'of• Texas ,by Mexico. There appears, to tie a Wend prostration of business through= out Mexico. Don Luc s Alarnan had fail .ed for ,more than $1 01 ) , 000. • . . • A 'PAITIO,T 'PRESPIkrEgIA N. •.. -• BY REV., RUIN lit. Ititbitts. _ . . 'trthie ine,while I give you an incident furnished by ',another hand., ‘,‘ When the Declaration of Independence was under de bate in' the Continental. 'Congress, doubts ,c ,4 1 / 411 and forebodings were whispered , tl4 (Th. house nut' that Hall: •The,-ouse liesi tied, wavered, and for a while; the liberty- nd slavery ot the rflition appeared to hang "tt, even scale. It was then an aged patriarch arose.; a venerable and stately .fort'; big headLwaS_white:With the frosts of years. E.very.ey,e went hidtim with. the quickness of thought, and 'reinaingd with the fixed .nesa of the polar star. lie cast' on the as-. sembly a look of thexp sible interest and nuconquerable'd,eterinii it oar while on his visage, the hue of age w• lost in the flush of burning patriotism that reel his, cheek. ' . l',ltere is," . said he, when he sate the house wavering, `'There is.a tide in the'affairS of : , . men,—a nick Of time. • We, perceive it now before us. To, hesitate; is,to - ,consent I 6 our own Slavery.* That noble initru-. ment upon your table, , , Which insures int mortality-tolts*author, should be subserib ed . this very morning by every penin the house. - Ile that-will not 'its ac cents'and strain every nerve to caVri t inip effect its pro Visions, is nnworthy themaine of a freeman. For my own.. part; of pro-. perty'l have some,--of 'reputation. more. r . 7 : That.reputation is. staked., that property is -pledged-on4the-issueTof-this---efintest: -- -7And _although_these_grey hairs must soon de scend-into thesepulehrei I- wotild infinitely i rather they should descend thither by. the I hands of -the public executioner, than de sert, at OA ,crksis.-the sacred cause of my Country."'". Wlm was it that uttered,. this ',memorable Speech,—potentl in torningthe scales of .a nation's - destiny; and %tinnily to . be preserved' in the same imperishable re cordin,.which .is, regiStered the not more .eloquent fiperch ascribed *to John Attains on the same sublime'occashin ? , " It waSJOhn Witherspoon, at that' time the most dis tinguished-Presbyterian :rninister::.:West. of Jim .Nt lan liß;Rcr.: 4 lß ,: , •7 , ,,111(14:it1ii , y - ilf 0 fe.P r-st: IV,kpjiali: d;ti ea in =the:United States:"'r': --- ....-.z.::_-..;-,..:..:„.....:,.:::,;..:,,;::7-_,;.,'..',.7:.:5•!:::*' ' 4 "s l eg i 46 - 0 1 , 118.1114+0 4 . .1;94 htS49444;sl:igigkodiZ says, "this •is no A , itleitee of Appro,ac_blog_ epidemic. — Sporadic cases occur every year. Still iOvonldbe welljor transient residents • and' the unneelitnated to be on their guard. We know not . homr.soon the pestilence may birin.our midst." - - «i: lthii R - 0 FE t-ti ef ago •a- planter of the Stile of Mississippi, who had a heavy mortgage upon his - skives, left the: country, and- took with him Allis -negroes. The - mortgagees *having learned that he had — Mli.en liis rout - fiir 7 i2kas, soon after started in piirsuit. Ile was traced to Nachitoches, the parties procured the assis tance of a sheriff, mid procered as fair-as the U. S. line, but without overtaking him. The gentlemen then left the sheriff and crossed the Sabine into Texas... Dere they, EU rpq,pn.iinq 1110 SI:IVPc. t11)11 found out where they were stalving for the night. As soon as they supposed the fa tigues of the day's travul'had fairly thrown them asleep, the pursuers . stealthily ap proached and secured all the arms ..of the company. They then roused them up and obliued them to make an tmeonditional.sor render—and, with the okeepLion of the swindling owner and his accomplices, the •mortgagees captured and brought into Louisiana _all that' ;had been__ wrongfully_ taken - lion - I'k A detachment of the Unit ed States troops, headed by the sheriff, and. accompanied by the mortgagees, all well armed, brought the slaves to Nachitoches a couple of weeks since; when they were placed-in-prisod u to-be rec vered-by-a - prov er process of.laW. PENNSYLVANIA ImAn.4JtTlrere-s'ecms to 'kmo mistake about the Ic?ad, mine in North umberland county. The Sunbury Ameri can says:-" Seiierat hands have.-116-en gaged during the last three montliS in work ing And exploring the lead mine near this place, which was discovered about a, year since. They have already taken out about twenty-five tons of ore, which will, o an average yield about sixty per cent of pute, metal.' TIM vein now working is about two feet in thickness. There are several other veins which have not vet been opened. U. 5 . Gazelle. In addition to the above; we. find the fol lowing in a Milton paper as an advertise meat: "Lead Pipe of different sizes antrweighl, rolledAays . cut in pound and half pound Weights,' to suit merchants to he had at the steam-mill in the borough of Milton.—Far mers_and_others,_ wishilig to lay water pipei for fountains, &c., will 'find it much cheaper and better in every respeCt to lay lead pipe, as, they will last for.several and then can be taken up and sold for near brras much as .their first cost. The public are invited to 'call' and judge for themselves. If this leadmine should continue to yield as it has begun, it will add immeasurably to the .wealth of Pennsylvania', wkose Min erals are destined to make her not only the first State in 'the Union, but in the world. SACI/iOTY. , —A young lady while crossing . a river in South Carolina, a short time since; be horseback; was by a blunder of the horse, iccidetitally.thrown ofr into the stream. :.She- , was borne. down some distance by the'eUrrent. When the. animal recovered its feet.ned found that its rider had'beert . plaped in so perilous a situ ation, it imniedintely Went in ptirthiil, over - took the fair prize; caught her garments in its teeth . bed carried her triumphantly_ end safely tire shore, thus 'saving alife which otherwisejn all 'probability', would, haVe, been lost in'a watery grave... 'The memo ry faithfid an anitifil should be im mdrtalized witha marble neenument.—Ra leigkfiegider.. . . INDIAN'. Passengers in the steamboat Thames, fromihe-Couneil Bluffs, makes reention,:sayi The ,St. .I..pnis . New Era, of aliatge between :kparty of the Pot= tawatoinies ain'a band of Sacs. The at tick was 'made by ..the Pottawatomies, who are said to have killed Ave of ihe,Saes, and EKE ROBERT M. SEYDEL lost three of their own party. ; The Pottd watomies were expecting a visit from the' Sacs, and were apprehensive of being cdt to pieces, as many of their warriors were ' out on-a hunting excursion. CsIRLISLE JRTILLERT Parade at the Armory-on Salimlay the 21st inse t nt 2 o'clock, iii summer uniform. By order of hue. Capptin, R. KERNAN . . N. 13. A medal will he shot for by le members of the Company on said day. , • .... • . Aoditaii' Nloticc: Che subscriher Iniving-heen appointed A to Marshal the assets in the hands of Daniel •Shir'eman, Administrator n,', Samuel Sibbets, dec'cl,among the creditnrs of Stdd deceased, will attend at the Hdpse or Af.A.lrtlellaud, in the Deroniiii dimearlisleo)n Monday the IfitL AtiguSt next, at 10 9;ploCk A.• M. for that purpose. W. F. LINE,-Anditur. • Carlisle, July 14,1841.--;4t .•- To school , COMMISSIONERS' ()met, • Carlisl ,; July . ; 2, 1841, S• • The several Boards of School Directors of the comity, are Irei'6liyootificd • tlinf' tile packages con taining the seventh anndal report of the Superinten 4nt of Cominon Schools, and: klankihrms for cacti School District, hate bd,en received at this office, and arc ready for delivery to those entitled to receive them IN 'IRWIN, Cl'k. to Comm'rs DISSULUTION. The partpership heretnlbre. extsting between has beeii Perhons havimelaims-ngniiist the firm will present • •m on b'elore the ISt orgiiit - arei 7 nirif Tni 7 Ter=" -- 1111.ECII BILL St.- GRUM. tlemutt August 4,1,841-3 t. 61'epoOts. cemmis, k iei l rais , orrice, Carlisle. July 2'2, 18.11.. , The Journals of the Senate and 'House of Ildpre scriratives, of Peonsy 'rabbi, and the :Reports of the State Treasurer and A Ceneral, for 1811; . have been mad wed' at thisiolliee, and "are ready for., deliv cry to those entitled te,reemve them. • •.101IN 11 . 0 VIN, CIT.. to Corarn3rs: ' CABBNA!',V MAKING.. W 31. C. ff 13. S N Still tan . ititiitei the Cabinet Makin"' in , all its • v,l-- arhis -014- Nortii.4nnovez qt•i;er•lt*O•Wool•S • zakut .9001i..a_ L'eptiai.4 aglly r. he is now;rparinfactorioE, - -innil ffirfIi . FINITAJ 1 : " stiell Dining loot . ..rables,Aleilsteatls, - Nce., of the "most: kintl,nlrhf ~s~ticli lie ilf dispose of o s ii the most reasonahlell.lll4. Ile is also prepa- reil to fill all foe SPRING SCATgO SOFAS_ • Ail FA \C.I CI f warranted to be.of superioc_ quality. _- • • . lie will also'fornish COFFINS at the shortest no ktiee,_autl_h3Siiil.• recently 'maitre(' ii NEW II EAEgE, he is in to Weil( — otter --f.-3,trl kir:At igitst-4 7 -1 8-1-17-13 ZET-M - ZS ZIAO 81 3 9 ATTOR,NI47ir AT LAW BALTimoRE, Office Fayette - strut, second floor South-west - of . St. Paul unTet. REFERENCES. • _ Baltimore, .11d.---Mcssrs:Entimv.fx.St evens; Jas. Sangstom ts: co, and Aximstvang Dania SzCo. r . Pa:---Col. Thomas E. Smiler, Professor of Mathematics and Civil Emrinecrim , Dickinson n , 'August 1841.--4 t. • • To (11l claimants and persons interested. Notice is hereby given that a Nyrit of Scire Facing, to August Term, 184 f, to me directed, has been is-, sued out ofthe Court of Common Pleas of Commoii Plens of CuMberland county, on the following "Ale ehanic's Lien,'' entered Mid recorded in the Court of CoMmon Pleas aforesaid, viz: ; John Sherick vs. Casper Sherick; with notice to .facob Rupp. Sri. Fa. sur. - Mechanics' Lien, No 65, Aligust Tem.:l.oE4l Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, A ilk; - 4 - , 184 - 9- -TAUI7. - AIA }MIN; Shiniffl,—" Splendid 4 prizes of $25,000 amounting to $lOO,OOO - FOR ''2sTh! SEPTEMBER; Awn — 15000"'"$30;001W . '425;000, • *• FOR 23p OCTOBER. Union Lottery Class 8.. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, on Sat— urday, Sept:..s , 1 8 4 1 . BRILLIANT SCIIKAM. • -ar• FOUR PRIZES OP • 25,000 Dollai's 9-1 • •1 prize of . • .1 do 1 do 1 do prizes of 4 .do • 50 .do '5O do 50 do -100 do . 411rtiwn numbers out of 78' Tickets slsl.lalves $7 50—Quarters $3 7.1—. , Eighths $1 S 7 - Certificate of packages of Di whole tickets, sf4oo ilo , do 9.6.•ha1f do • 'ltdk do do ' 2.6'quarter - dor, 50s .do •.. do ' 26 eighth do .25. The Grand Uniott,Lnttery, Class 'To be draivn at Alexandria, al C:,.on Sat. urday, Oct. 5r.1,-1-8 ' 16 drawn. ballots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Grand Capital prized" 50,000 Dolt. I Splendidprize.oo '-, 50,000 do .1 ilo do . "25,000 do 1 . do: do. . . 10,000 do 1 prize of . 8,000 do • 1 do .. 7,000 do ... 1 do 6,000 do . • 1 do ' . . 5,000 do 1 d 04,000 do. , 1 do 2,500 dO ' 1 (10 2,3V1 do _ 4 do .. ... - 2,000 dd S do 1,750 do . 10. do 1,500 do 10 d 01,250 do • ' 50 do • 1,000 do . 50 k. 500, do . .. 50 .do- ---- - - - :400 do — lOO do . ' ' • 3t)o do , 100 do' f 1 - - • • • 2ao • do 170 do I . • " 200 .do . 16 drawn nunilters out of 78. " Tickets $9.0;, ilalvei $10; Qtfartersss;. Eights $2 50.: Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets $260 .do : • do 26 half • -130 410 26 tptarter do 65 . 110 . do .. 26 eighth do 32 50 . gr 0 rders for: tickets and shares and certifiCatei ofipaekages•in the above .splendid, schemes will're-., ecive the most prompt attentions and the drawing of each lottery will be sent immediately after it is 0vt .,...,\ 1..; to all who order from us. Additnis I ~. • J. G. GREGOAY & CO. Managers.. • - : -,• , 4 . I , Vashington;P. qv.. • - New Goods! STILL 'ciritio.spEire. .„ • • ' ARNOIA) .tz ABRAMS have - just re'ceivell greatyariety,of Cloilq;Oasslnieres, Sattinets, &e., w hi c h, t hoy are determined to-bell cheaper thanevet: before offered in: this place•or elsewhere. .• • • The public are invited to call and examine' AV • Shippensbm*, - Angnst, d, 170. ',', ..• • - . MMMMM 10,000 Doll.. 8,000 do G,OOO da 5,153 do 4,000 do 2,000 do 1,000 do , 500 do 250 do 200, Sze.