• 7.01 It Ana' :Slittilaact—.=as96 • ... • . . Re s zister7s-N(tice. , . s._, Register's Office, ? . " • .. . Carlisle. July :31 -1841, NOTICE is hereby giCam to :ill Legatees, Creditors 'hod other persons'coiiverned, that .the following at:- `counts have be . eli filed iti this Olney, for examitiatiiin, !by. the Accountadts thereih moed, told will be pre-' punted to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland eotiniy, for confirmation told allimatice, on Tuesday the 31st. day of Atnist, A. D. 18-id.---.viz: : • /1 "Thu:iict - F - o - untorlienry - Ittroley, -- 2t - dmrni - s trator7of . David- Creps,delietised. 'Pile acconnt •of ,lithit F. Ifummer i Administrator of Jacob-Ci•otzer, deceased. - . ! •- The 'account of Ephraim Cornman, Adrainistratoi• _ - of Eliza Spiser, deceased. r . .. „. '1 . 1,1g act:lmola. of Jacob bosh,.A)ministratOr of Benjamin SNS artz, deceased. . . Tiiilt, suppieinclital mild litial -account •of Curtis ThompsomAillidi "sti•ator of Jan' AlcVafl,d6ceased. . • . The account of _ ohm Cooter, Executor of Mary . Rupp, deceased. • o ----tche-su-pp-k-meoltt Mitt-fitm-acoonnt-of.LW.illitin Money and-dolui'Co ver, Executors of A ndrow Fet.• row', di•ccased. . -- •7Tlic :teemed tifiliirilr-EUgICI-A-diniiti-sti•atoii-orl , ) • : , Thomas Greer r deccased. : 'EIM occu l t Of Samuel Bricker, Allininistrator of , Peter First,-ileceased. 1 ilte_oceotint-of----.lames 11. night, Executor of Mnrtin Zt•rnian, dreeased. • . • - 'Flue account of (eorge l'atterson and Francis S. IlObley, EVeutnint Of Jtisepli Burd, decelised. . The account at Ahraliam -Bretz, one of the Exceo- I - tors ofJneob Miller ' deceased.. :. • . . , - - The account of Philip tooolz, Aqininistrator of i John Aloud). MOM', deceased. • • The Mamma of Mary Cochran and -Iloberl "Cock rams Ekeetit fits or Patrick Cochran deceased. Tile-ittatoitut-of I/avid- 11105(21;, Exectit-rnt-or-Ileury . . _Moser. deceithed.^ . - -- •.' . • _: ..,:. -Tilt.- . •_it.ilcotint of . Ny . i I Liam II I user and Davidilloiler, ' -7 :•-•4 7 1 , ;-*-4m•ktystese.te , ii(i , inlitcW0 , 4, - ; 11, ...;;;:iii.;ZT , ,.., - cr. - ~ - ,,.. 1 7 ..- -e,W 4 4, 1 15.ii. - at i7 ,7,-.6,•..u,-.:,• 1:1 "C" 1 '.i....'i5k 1i 'i1 , 41.41 11t1 -41;i— r- ' 1 %Vii..g i1i k.,... ,tL1474 :,.. - :-- °. A oerioitoc•yri,o..v.:4-010.010;m. - • .. ' , := - ----' , ...*0.• - n - tremnit,•-nf-Willi;i i trtWetik-kr?Cl it nt.(litio,:of: Bit,s:.iiijahe \\ 1-akloy. ' - --- ,',- l' ' • , ' •Tho :vv.:omit .61' ,16101 - Gilleo,Cont-diaopf Ore AleGorgeo. . , , . .', '' • 011o .. :kci!oifol.of •Gcol-*; - I'ilvisilicli,-i — Attaillinil . 111,6-."nrut I 11•Ill'y,11,115.)ilarg:ti•Vi. KI111011...; • . • Trio account .of.,larob Shrum, (;o:ollitio of IN'n MEE ❑ccnnut orChristopliev..„S‘lilev, AtlmitiistratO Itegibtcy . .. . -:.----7,1111_:.:L . pr414.1 , 2,,r_41,,,e1ph..? ('niirt—of_eunibetian county, the following real estate late the property 0 -.-- .Alieliiiel-Saxtdii, lulu ot - Silver Spring township, ii said county, will be sold by public cutlery, tin di premises, on Saturdav the `i.Blll of August next, a 1:1- o'clock A. Al., the lidlon big priiperiy, N;Z: All that certain plantation_ situatil in `.;..iilver_Spei lir. - township, bounded by litnils of ticorge_Alyers, Wil limn A,lbright, Geo.:ll..lloebor and (Abel s'. contain ing alintit one liiindred :mil six nel.i.s, or greed am Liinestone•Patented Lrintl, having thereoli erected . . . . ...%""71 . %. './A .111)e) E 6 flD9e -4 1 E tV, - (1 , t . ia) ak.-, 'i . . - 1 Vic : l li `i I' t• - ,5 1., 0C; 11 0U S T?„ e r ~„ k, t aV.- 4-/ .. -: .: 4 7 :7 1 .. 1 .110.L711 I, E I , ' 1e.1.11 EB. 1 R.v, and , undry onthildings. The laud is in _rood aniti- N'ation and muls., lbn.c, nbout *tightvlerVti of ttldrh are cleared, and the residue fine thriving timber land. There is a gond. well of water at the daor,and a run ning stream on the premises', :cis , ' a small Apple ' Orchard and other fruit tree's. "At.the Sanke time and place will be sold a lot of -grusnul -sit nut e- thin~ h:LII.IU-1011:11S11111...11/11lLdiji...b lands of Georgo ult cr; , , John darts') Eok art and others, containing acres Mori: or less, innin g own:. (.n.!:ti Two Story_Logjtbuse, and a good Log' Stable; There is :to exeelleto, well or wut,t• of the dom., aiol are itt lent culth:ttion nod under ' gond ft•twe. ' LE--- , ..7.500 to in paid ott the large tract awl $5O on the small traet 011 thh alidirmation of the attle. Our half or tho vosid,R. or Alin tuuSrliatit money Of .the hirge trial 011 till' first, of April of \I, ..:whettpussessino ,t ill be !..,iseti.ntol the bahuice ill 1.%\ etputi atutual instolowitts ttithont intereq. ' 'l'lw residue or the purchwv toutoey of tlik• stottll tract on the first of .Npril 111.01.1%11Pu lw,sessiou %, ill Iv. ell of • it. l'aynomdi to be seettred by judgment bonds. Any information can be received by making up idieution to the subscriber residinz sAI tmcnsliip J..4.g1N S\XTON, July '28,1841 Orphans' Court, Sale. The renewin g real eseite• the property Or 4 1:1( . 1111 'Hire, late of nisi county will be sold on the remises, by virtue of an order of sale of the thlibans' Court of said county, oi: Sail:May the t2litlitlay of.Augiist next, it 10 o'clock, A. M., to wit:- All that certain Plantation or. TULACI.I OF LA.NI), • . situate iirsaid township of East l'ennabtaiongli, and botnidcd lauds of Th.... Wlrarton„lolts Moser, Andrew Ifeck,,lacob Shtoll, John Martin :Lod oth ers, and containing 122 Acre, more el less- 7 -one half of which is elearrd land, in hood cultivation and well fenced, anti the °flat:Judi excellent timber land. The improvements are a IrVIVO Story Stone . • LOG STABLE tind,other buildings, a never failing spring of running water is near the house.. This Property is near the State road from Sterrett's Gap to liarribburg, and is situate aabout six miles ,from the baler place.. The. title to the-hind is good, the same having-been placa ted. Conditions of sale—tone fourtl f the purchase money to bc.!:pnid On the eonfirinati lof sale, and the irnidue on 'The I 14141 nexi,w len possession will be given. t pure . vments to be secur ed by rctio i 4 u nt Ic lan's Court. • JOIIN iiOLTZ,' • Atbn'r. of Jacob Hire', dec'lL July 9.1, ___ "-,. erilf7s. Sale. 13 Y virtue of a writ of Vestatum Vendilioni Es:- i ALIII 'lianas, to me (Bret:tut, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland enmity, will be ex wised to public sale, at the court I louse in .016 bo 'rough of Carlisle, on Saturday the 2tst day.ol Au -08% 4,. , D. 1841, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the..fulloWing .. described real entatiN - viz: • ' . . . i A Tract .of Lauil,. situate in . Dickinson townhip, .c . ontaining ;about Ten Acres,. adjoining Win" of c6or- g e Mickey, Ilirliard Woods, - Sleeser, and others, having thereon. crected, . a one and a half story Logilouse, and a Log Stable. ' ' - Also, a Tract.of flintier Land, . , about ttii roils frtim the above . stated tract, contain- , in - Obi:nit - II - a - Ci'dfcsißjainilig - idailit - uf `VIII intw-Kerr and-others.' Seized and ,taken in execution 'as the property of Henry, Murry. . e , . . ..' And tiilie sold by me, . .. - . to PAUL MARTIN, Slieriiit'') Sheriff's Office, • ,C ? arlisle,luly 21, 1841. S WItC . 4l,llAlt lILITI4T • • ' Office nod dwelling- tdrcet r ticxt door, ,to , ..I lorm. , . CRedilde, August 4,1841.—1 f.• • . . .' . . . . , . . . . . . . , . ~• •... . . . ' ' ' . . . • • . _ . . • .- . . .. ' . I . . -. . . - . . .• . . . : ' . • . . . 11,' ' .. . , ~ . . . . . , . . . • , . ' . . .. , • , • . . . , . - j ON 'l ' '4".. ". .. '' ' • • )., .. - " . . . , . ," • . . . . ' •': ,W, • ' • , , . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. - • . . . . . . . . . o l _ r ... ... ' .. . - . ..". . . , , . ... - " s f , ' ' II. • ' .... - " 1.." . lilk . '.. . ' ,: 42 - , .. . s \‘‘ • ,-% . . . -i''',`..„, •. 9 .• . k . '",•.;.,, , -..- . . (. . ._.. . , . . . . _._ ( ).. . . . . L 1... ...,..:. .;,... . I •,. ...__. . .. vv . . . ~.... . .• ..• • 411-'. . t'S" • . • . . . . . . ..111 . . . . . ,- • • . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . _. . . ~ . . . . . • A-FAMILY-N - EWSPAPERt = DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, LITER.ATURC: • - ARTS AND'SCIENCES, AG F RICULTILTRE; AMITSEIIIEENT, &C. &C. • • - • • • By an order of the Orpharth' Cotirt of Cumber- NMI county, to me directed, I will expOse to Public Soto, on the premises, on Friday the. 27th day of August, Isl, at 10 o'clock, A. AL, the. following 'described real estate, to wit: „ ..g Igrge poubk Two Stow . uuov.ro_at., _ :u - • • .11 . /Wtr tDir G azoturvD . 3 situate in the hol•nnj;h of' Aleehanieshorg, ,Cumber litml county, - titt," Maio street, adjoining tli6; Uoloa Clan•ell lot, and a lot of Valentine sltoelt , twilit; the late Mansion House of 'John Close, deed: -Also, ()tie other Double Two `Story/" . • adta Ur la U.11)1.4' OM 0 L i I 'l:q‘ , AND . _ . - LOT , OF GROUND I - ` , hi.41,0„.n.„41,..,,...0, ; ,ii.u,,,, -rat Abs. A tainl,9lEcal, bounded by •Isatie Kinsey 8 11 (1 William 13igley. Also, 4ut6va 111 Lot of (13rotic eotitattung aluitTP2 - 5 - fe . et front on the rail toad, and SOtooto in . depth, botitaleddiy the tail road, be the first described lot and by VtiTentitte Shock. This lot wilLhe sold togolter. •with_the Mansion House pr' ierty'aboVe desVribed. Bothproperaes are very advantageously situated for my kiltd of busittess.— The terms of sale . itre—ten'per vent. of the pUrebase nioney to he paid on the emdirinatiou of the sale, the residue of the one hall of the pitrebase monert o be paid on thi Ist orA jail, 181'2, wen possession oidAln..othealtalf on-die '1 st of A-prikl S-1,9,*1 with :ipproveilseritrity . ; alter dtsluelha , the witloV's interest, which shall liV paid annually thetiurelat- Rilf;iiiiiAißiiiaiiiit.fii.4...qaaTitirThi..;;; . " • . 7.aCT11.5.:J;121„T,1;„..7-ti • - • tnit s 30,,- I 8.11 . ' , . _ To' all. el atmant s anti .Nritici2/is'llerebv that wt4t ol'Seirtt Vao:ts; to August T,ertu 1.841. to' rat 1)4.-ett is stivir out (ii:.thc.Coort or (2'11111116n Ilia of GuutLrr land co‘lMv, MI till! 1•11:111 . 1eS Rllll IT Corded ill OW of . :111)Vt'f.;i111 . . • rommel I.,cililueliet• ji:c•ri., vs. (3:tsper 511.Atisit4 Term, 1. VI I. PAUL MARTIN, Slit riff sh,rirr. 1705611 s e , July . 'I I)) has jnst reeeivedit fine nssortini•nt 4 joint \VjAki;ig -Stick-I1(1I)S;:3 ;Ind joint nnliil linzcl 1 ? ,,, 15T 3 7 'I :p4l S joint ilickory troill, perch nod Fly Multiply Pals 111111 itt . el I•lllttS,3`4o 100 yarcis long ; Cinlgeon, Pert:l,l'l.oW, 1 and Itnel: tinnoils.:;ll sizes; Artificial nit, of all (100:4 cud nor Mick Eithing; and' Cone flouts, or. all sizes; Kirby and Soper 'Limerick !looks, assorted Tackle llonla , &e. &e. Apply to liT'S & co., Stli 7th item!!(, • Dr. Duncan's .Expectorant lic7necly, --. Is perrolcoliog sonic or tli .N4'01111C1•1111 clues nii rocord. \Vol. l'earmni, of I/claw:me county, Penns:, I.N:oda, was taken in the fall ol 1114 , 1441-1,1•11- notch reduced iu Ile:It that he was obliged' to In- helped in and out of lied. Ills Pin siehms :.t length ga‘e im all hopes, and prowittored his Itinz,-v (led int:lir:Wl,. Iu this hopele:.s situatitm he wad kin. ten weeks; wieu a fritsnd or his culled to see hint, and. disco . verifig his.'a%% Cut Cl,ll - lie illllllelliailly 111'0( . 1111.11 three 1)1% 1)1111e:111 ' SEXI/C,Cil.)%11.1 I tvilictly, (11:1 . ‘ing witnt sa. et! the etleet 1)14e cure the medie . ine,) and give it nueording to curl to Ow ahioni,looent or all his friefids . , tiny patient begat! Is 1. el better helure using the medicine one week. ai.1,.64 . , ,,hing• It strictly' six 0 rel,s, the pat ionl„ . . 3 watt I;ffiitlevett able to ITStillit; his daily: neeu piil?ply_..lll/W tilt:111011k ON:1111:11)1(' 11:1% . 1. 11(1'11 taken :111 ay from its for the %%ant of protter treatment. The (l•I'y 111311" who :11 . t• Yet wfloinr, Its, f.ynilitonvi, to such 1 !leg to say, procure immediately 1);.. Iltenran's Ex pectorant Itemedo.,:aarif it be not•too late, you tuay be restored to perfect health. Iti the last stages there is a e. , nsulatiott found itt•this medicine, by its Booth-' log and initiative etrects. - j":I'IIINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, n here testimonials only he seen. For sale by John J. .11yers Carlisle; nod lVm. Peal, Shippensbnea., Pa. • • Fltiroirv, Braid, Straw,aihd 1211Ilattd BONNE TS o tww sititidy of tIR' twwesd blitiliejust received ansl for stile cheap iit the store of June 2.10 J ( . 1 ,Lott cries. 35„225,D0i11ar5 . And l'llaTArawn UUtobers out or seventy-five EinflonLonialv. 3 Class be drawn ai Va.ou - Saturday, August '2l, 1841. GRAND SCUEDIE. ' - s yl prize of 35,295 Dollars. 1 do 10,515 do. 1 do 5;000 do. 1 do. — 4,000 . do. 1 0.1 • • . 3,000 do. 1 do. 2,500 do, . 1 do. „ 2,000 • do.. 1 do:, • '1,750 do. 50 prizes of 1,000 do. 50 do. 250. do: ' • 50 do. 200 .- . • &e.I 4e. • &c. • • Tickets $lO---HaliTs 'ss---Quarters V 50. Certificates of l'ackag,e so f ‘25 - Whole Tickets $1:10 :Do. 11p 251181 f do •65 1)o. do 3f Quarter do 32 50 00019ollars.. • Virginia Wellsburg Lottery. Class G,',for 18.11:—=To drawn at Alexaadria, • ya. on Sater(iitylAtigusl,o.B,4B4l.,_,... GRAND CAPITALS: 1 prize of $40,000-1 of 15,000-1 05,000-71 of 3,000-1 of 2,500-1 01 . 0 t y.97-50 - of 1,000 • 50 of 500—;.50 of 9.00 &e. • • Tickets $5.•;-..Quarters $2,50. ' Certitleatea'of Packages of 2Ci Whole Tickets 030 • Po po- Quarter:do 32 50' rh For Tickaa and Shares of Cc 9 tii ca;en of:Pack 7 akeq in the above Splendid Lotteries;Haddress . J. G GREGORY - 8.: CO. Managers, . • • '•' 7- Washingtoir City, D..G. llitytpings sent immediately they . are over to all whoorder above. • . IEII BRANDRETH.'S PIMA; A fcusli supply just icceivcnt this store of. Public Sale. reathag '1'67(1,1e. MOM E3ourbers7 CIIAS. OGILBY . .. . , . . , . Ertiteit mind rifblisked•sfor.the ;Propriel or, by : 11.1 1 1 . 11b0n. ait: 70 i, ter .‘ .. . CarUsk, Citnaberlanel Connfy; PO. . . .. ~ Y'o lANPVIC To the Freemen OF. THE. COMMONAVEM.T. 'OF" -TENNSYLVA) , IA. .•_..,ALLowt,OMZILN :—The u dersigned, _composing_slke_State-Central -C iximittee the Democratic Harrison party f Pennsyl vania, feeling it to he a duty. incumbent upon them, in conformity with h custom , long established,. that . they . should addresS yott upon the suliject of the ,next gulierna torial election, present a sunonary•-of the public. affairs of the commonwealth,"so that /. seemg and feeling . , she practical effects .of the present incompetent and profligate ad virrissraticm;yorrritrarlt''ind Heof,- - to-como. up with she.same determination, Which se- Imred mu t. trioniph , in.:favor of are lnmenf- . ed Harrison, at the late. PresidenTalelc tion; and which; when • properly. directed, is sufficient to the reformation of. public abuses ind -the,reg . °iteration of the political affair:4 of the state. They invoke you to .assistthem, in affecting another revolution equally important, and without which, tire moral influence of. thd,foriner will be neti . tralized. They ask 'your patient attention, ' while they'present.to your consideration 0 -few facts, -reflections and fecommentlations i .. i . d . that. calm.and l ieasonable, .spirit AVllie IP I.t . !:#-iiliT ,!i,!'ri,r4',.A.14, , ,t..11{j414 , .. '.. , . - gilyi:y.-Ailf'* - 1),4' . " - -. 4 - tiSikiWtriFo --. ^We r irin'i'364 , 1 4 04Z4,100, 5 020Y. , - , 1-thiligjilie:lllo.so - prt'i Utlie . Pi.7. , - ; '1) , 0 - lbolt-tlt iIhM in, vo kver not :sJiiii. 7 iiiiCis, 7 liiii,l ...as py l blic men. Referring - to - their acts - and I judging of tlfOr future course, by.their.past i career', we min- to, you as.. an •_enlightened I and virtuous people. . We shalfpcitter en 7 Ilarge. 'Amr. Aliscolotir - 1T,7,1,5,-- n or,--i n—anglif Magnify the folly or the . evil.ileeds of our rulers. • :The former is sufficiently known . , and the latter sufliciently,Apparent ;'and in sorrow -rather that 'in amrer do "Ive..Sav the have tended inotve'efruMnally than any' thiniielse to breakdown- the eredit.of the 'eonnon - wealth, and rob Pennsylvania_of I her highest invtiilability.ol herLfaith.. Unhappily for Pennsylvania, :the,_ Exe- 1 "eutive power is now-, and for the last three years has been vested in an individuai, l whose adherence . to his own opinions,...un mindful of the public exigencies, or the wants of the.people, has never been .equal led by the conduct of :Inv former ruler.— •InUil l !::12 , 121.1 Ili ULU y :.••• A at another, submitting himself NOmlly to' the guidance of an unprincipled clique, he has so far compromised the dig - nity of his station, as to . us;e his o ffi cial inductive to 41 3...al Cy_ tis....w o.u..cu pid „..aml" re ward a _se- . lea few with the hard earninas of the farl i met and,meelfanic; drawn - from them in Ic shapc.of direct taxation. his 'Ollll Off grandizemen.t-The enrichment aids friends and the parasites that have gathered 'and grown up around him—the. influence-which blood- relationsh in securing the most profitable contracis.on the public ‘vork:l', at exorbitant and unrea sonable prices—,the open and notorious system of favoritism practised in the allot inetirol-commets 16 - others - , - as a proper-re ward for party services, 'to the exclusion of honest nice and lower bidders, simply he, cause .they Could . not, and would not con 'sent to be used for his purposes—the, en couragement given by him toivards thd promotion of vicious and eOrrupt legisla tion,-.-the vacillating and uncertain course which he • has pursued--at one time The avowed enemy of all banks, and at another, their most devoted friend—again, the de termined advocate of an exclusively tal lie issuing his edicts to the,A t torney General, and through him to all his subbrdinates, to pursue and proseente to the utmost rigor of the law; all. infraction in this particular, and again directly corm - - ‘tenancingthe emission of the-smallest kind of, small notes, under - Irks-own eye, by his immediate friends;, in the very -.borough Atd,lere . he resides, and in direct violation of those laws, which but a short time before he avowed his-determination to see so re ligiously vindicated---independent of all other Objections,, conspire to render him unworthy of your support. - Influenced by an inordinate desire to se -eure-his-re-electionilie-havresorted-to-the,- Most improper practices for effecting it All .the eny.rgics of his adMinistration have been strained to ensure its Success,.and all his ufficiul power and patronage have been -subservient to this darling object of his heart. Patriotism and public opinion, the good of the state and the welfare of the people have' been . alike unheeded in its pursuit. 'Public oiliceh have 'been multi plied on the public works, for the purpose of increasing .his strength. They have come, upon you like the Locusts upon - the gyptianS„ snd -are' now. feeding and fat tening upon the public treasure, without rendering any. services - whutoier,. 'rs an equivalent... The public, debt has been in creased, !end lavish expenditures made, without regard to the Means itsliquida floe, or the ! wishet4f those . upon,tvhoin 'the burthch of raigilig l sopplies iptist ulti inately fall. Let a lotik af-the:Oidence of the reality:- . „ On the .15th tlaY cif ficeeMber,loe), the . whttls of .m . cley ac wally. oqo w mid for payment of tyhich ! the faith of the .state- was pledged, Was-.-ekehisive the-stun bf f.42-,861,514 „7,glltie . .the United StateS on ;account of surplus . revenue; 7 - within ti fraCtiOn 'of $25,D00,000. In ad dition to this,'there was'dhe anti . otYing to. contractors -and others; , trfurther stint. of about ;600,600, and in January '18;16, IE4I Pavitt-TiAlo • • Governor:of tfiii-,icO:01 ~.~.r ~~CU~`.. ~',~`~P ' ~~0 ~~~'r~lgq~ .. ~.. ... WM I -00„01W ID manent stated it wd5524,230,000, er1:007::" itt a statb • they'e "ooo less "than it wainDeceMber,'lB3s.--. tioned.for . 'l6 'beei:'Thiticed,to r .unparalleled distress p , . - • r 1.,. f, From all quarterS pen- IM,the meantime, the public improVements timis came .up-,,_ the. Capitol ; had been vigoroualyprOsectited. l'he'Com- prayers of moo' Schools wore' liberally encouraged, e(intractors.. having P ublic ' . c"(litors, and neglected "" 4 (midated claims, and Colleges and Aademies were reaping with ()fliers who ,had pro ,the advantages of Ipgislative•_manificence; secute their works in anticipat..„ o f pa y_ Without any correstipeding increase of tax- meat by• the state, 'on the recount... , dation_ tition.--All,atound\--was - flourishing amid -- of - the - Executive; thil7lefteFlo - acconioi s h• prosperous.. The credit of the state - was his objects:and the Sinister objects of a 1,,., ,uniMpairpd, and at home .and 'abroad her voted few—wore listened to by the repre-1 boards commanded a prerninA ' At no pe- sentatives of the people. With . a patient ear lied anterior t 6 thst event; hadlic‘ suffered and an eareest"desire to afford immediate. from . the same causes. that inipaifed the . relief. After much., consultation and ank credit of other stateq;im d' Kitt unsullied and ions reflection, 'and after - all others had suspected, her faith wog entitled.to;and re- failed, the only plan which it was supposed. ceived the -highest cenfidence, because it would reconcile conflicting, ..inteeests was' was. never . abused, Initwas always scrtipu- :Molted; that the.o n ommowealth-might be lousl ' autl--honorahl-y-4-bservelh--------------eiml-fled-40-nreet-the-exigeneie&of-41-It4ime - Since, then, however, a .most melancholy and 'sustain her credit. . Ilia - that plan'thus ehawre has come • (Tim- us. -In' the first matured, was. staid in the' Executive chant . "yiiiiATilie. - Portel gb ablillitirra • ~', -. g:!I , a orhirr-the-flist-oe--May;fi t-th ditiorral debt of about $7,000,000 was au- i of the session, was retulgied with the Exe , thorized ,by the Legislature, at his request cutive veto: The members 'of the Legisla and upon his -own reComMendation ; thus ture, harassed he and" further endurance, ':iiialting, •the Slate debt at the end of the by these repeated acts of tyranny on the ye mm , according to his own 'shorting part •of the Governor; groping their way.in iribis'a neat (deslitige to the Legislature of darkness . and uncertainty as regarded the -. 1810 31,141,663 80.. lAt the next- ses; 'ExecutiVe pleasure; and . who' sli'll , .obsti td-on of the .Legishanre, that of 1810--a ninely refused to 'cominunicate his views large majority of :the Members, of .both ;,in conformity with the requisitions of the houses - . made up of his .politieal'friends,.iit '' . ,eorit.tition-he w:l6 sworn. to sapport,tin, I • • his request and upon :his recommendation: able of,thernselves to . .aflr(l relief, Wisely 1attaht;,,;24e0.y.;,:, - s,olNAlioa.4.l.4.*i.4.3,,Ar....4.ol.l:.e.l,ltuaeturtilo;4l.liar;:e,on..gtintt4oiii.ib-,.. },:f3l - 045 . 00,44)1.ft . iil,sa.iiiliiiiiT_Lcgiall,44:iiO4*). itilliniTat'Xll;Wf:itla. [Of :t-Ittstate.,..)tutt.tite opiLresistance (dittos() least had diSchargedtheir fluty ' ::-:_•,:::. wll6 - :we're -- opiiitsifit'.ur ifilatTtaTiti.'i'arir . ritT'f -- ''fhe - fr it WtiSTilftirtliirtluplicity orlitivi& Idle -public-litibilides—agtdm authorizett.a: h. Porter . became apparent.-- Feeling, -the ! fertler'increase of the 'perinane'n state debt. full AR.ight of the. responsibility- will( :he Ito the `amount of •B', - 375 - ,0 - 26. - 'Plias inak - - -- hadinca•• . I resting. I • • Id• . I . . ._ -11-pok, um, _aut _ lea( -. ) ing the state debt at the,,end of the _year • ing the indignation .of an • insulted and in ; , -14.3.10 $3-8 - ,*P27.,289 80;- - Iluethe . G`tivernor; jnred ..pcoplic. he sought to, tit 7 ert.its . viSild: with . ..all these carets. before' hint, .- - Lwith Pe- don upon himeif, by bringing hisloilicial euniary difficulties meeting - 11in1 at . every influeuee to Operate on a:few:of - his poll step, and warned.,--as every -prudent -man jical friends, - and those "mono., the' most. would , have been, that we had reached.that • embittered oppoitentS. Of the bill . on•its fitial point, - ' - iidien a - 5 - 6 , :010as . necessary to exJ- pa i ssa!Te;. i n the fi - tV,e, --, S6` - fl - iii - ,eVilli --. 111611; . "amine our position , with a oritical-eye, and support it iniaht become •a law by.a''Con 7 by exercising the .most rigid economy, en-. stitutitinal majority. What„the argumnents- 1 deavoc to;retrie've our waning fortunes; Mul -.made use fie wiere, we (wither know inl maiutain-:lse__eredit_ne _enjoyed in betttr_are they.-important to thisinqUiry. Stifle ,days, efilittrt'ainid- these adverse and dig- it to Say, they we're stiflicienito induce the astrous ciletunstanees, instead of . sympaili : members to whomithey wae,addressed, to izing with ouradversity—openly encourag- stand between thexeople and the Governor. ()tithe (nest extravagantexpentlitures., in- Of such condom,. on the part of the Latter, capable of properly appreviating„ . either time the cannot sneak With patieoe. It excites wants or the' wishes of , the peOple, coo- a- keling of indignation in - the I;reast of i suiting only the 'll - tterests of his :idloseu every honest man, constraining him to re-1 • • c. .1 • 1 1, ~, ,• •'. • fence - I to curry ....,.‘;;'-' (' . I .. o oses ()I those to wt.:"! II? rd with r"viilll-`,"'nf Pit!' the l''ll'll" guidance he has submitted throwdunit the enc.;Ttidtly. l 6 - 0rn'4::' . 16 1 '.!....ti-1110].0-14 - .i,ll.ittlltt , ; whole coursi iii' hip; adininistration,.he pur- self and•the unvermin sen6mee whir!' the, i l sued the 'same profligate career ; and by public might pass upon that which lie de:, meam) of Ili-s-emld conizoissiotiers", t . t.111 on sired &Mould be excented,e n yt feared to en;;-. a'fter - TIM EX - (I,TIT ()N1 Tor - )1) - 1.)Tn's aittlUrrized - StintiTi wn alc by his - o art . ,- Y - Ft - this is lout, !by ill;‘ different acts ()Cif , lo, was expmuled, ono tunonh a thousand enstatfces of., similar i - ominolly to coinvlrte the 11111,1ic iniprke- departuro front 1111. Laths of ollivial .reeti i anent,, but achwthfy to enrieli his frii•nds,''.lfille. W,t) appeal to yea, know. citizens, . iby wc:rlsing en the I.itli and credit of'the to r'ea'd this conduct o f the magistrate as commonwealth, ),tr.dued as it was to, its yogi would that - of, any_ other man, .and as k a iinost, tension. Fp: tv - licu the Lygi;ik yo iture_fir Jud 42;6(1gment - es. y our in -the Jatter t 1711. Its:5(110)11:cl, erk.‘ditins ponred into `case, so let it be with the officer. . •-• I I its halls from all quarters of the state, flood- -Elated with die possession (4',power, and., big the tables of the srakerS of the respec- • destitute alike of the hirowledgc to guide- i five •houses with, their tnetnorialS, and ask-. him in his .(lecisiiins, Or the wisdom 'rightly itigior, the_payinantolltheldehts_justly_du e; _to_disattninatelletw eve the ssitbjeets calling, and 'which, confidently helicving that no„ for its legitimate exercise, and those in re injustice would be done them, they were lation to which it - was never contemplated ioduced,.PS they alleged, to contract fOr the by the Constitution, he has ',used the veto. benefit of the state. ' • i power to all extent inconsistent with sound • With an exhausted treasury, an impair- : republicanism, heyond, ali Cornier example ed credit, and withotit the means of pay- in the history of this country, and Unequal ing the interest aceruing on thelpublie debt, led . by that afforded by the history of the Legislative actiOn became necessary to pre- kings of Great Britain. In 'consequence vent the coMmonwealth from liceoining oe this extraordinary assumption of power, ..praCtically bankrupt. To do this, arum to his opposifion to the fiction of the Legisla paydebts* actually due and contracted, in tare has been characterized, from the cont the i nanner we have see n, up to the cues- ineneement, by tharked ineonsistencils and mcneement of the present year; a loan to the ino - st absurd contradititions. II is sown, the, amount of $3,100,000 was required, friend's believing him to be sincere, in sus and is indispensable.' ' The, history of the raining his vetoes, have most Unexpectedly passage or the law authorizing this Loan, to theinselv'es, been charged by Itifli'ivilli shall lie considered hereafter. .13y adding hostility to his measures. At another time, this loan, therefore, of 13'3;100,000_whici; -when so sustained_ against his wishes, he it is true is tacit as yet all taken, but Mast • has succeeded, by threats and promises; be eventually, to that of $38,527,280 SO, ' with the, roil of executive power, or the which we have shown was •the perinaneat more sedoetive influeneciof,prothised eivor, debt of 4,te state at the curl of' the_ year in perSnading,them to rap the risk of fneur, IS,IO, we have the suin of $11,627,289 80 ring•that Tes'ponsibility ivhich he dared not as the aggregate•liabilities of the common- : ssmate.. - wealth, and for the faithful reimbursement' 'Upon this subject, we do not speak .tin of which, the farms and homesteads of the ; advisedly. The journal's of the legislature* honest-tillers-oithe.soil--are-actually---mort--,forthe-oth-day- of-January, 1840, present ,.-g",aged I! ' the novel spectacle of eight Exe \ eutive ve . We ask you; feirtAilcitizens, to consider : toes; ma.l4lm journals fist the Same sesOon these thing's., We beseech you to shake ' several others. Again, the journals of the off all unreasonable prejutlicias,and to pen"- ; late 'Legislature (1811) are burtheiuld with der on these facts, for they concern otv-; at least ten more, and with bat a single.ex selves. We aro standing upon the edge of , ception, no other . reasonsq)are advanced alearful precipice.' 'lt-becomes:us to move than those' of local inexpediency' as-the cautiously for the future, and to be no lon- grOnnd of objection. In the exception re ger Misled either by the empty soundings furred to:--:-the first bill providing for • the of.a name or,the'lleceitfal tales of the dem- election of canal .commissioners---..constitti , agogue. •--:-. -• , . '• . . tional objections .were iissumed and taken, • How call this enormous' and increasing it is true.; but these objections-were bailedl debt be arrested) How shall - it' be (Hs , upon -a clause in the constitution of 1790:---: charged ? Are 'we safe' in longer Contin- .whichlia must have known had haat repeal uing,an administration so upwise ,:is that ed by the 'constitution . of 1838: To pre. of David R. - Porter',,, with - the-evidences of sumo. the .coattery;-is-to suppose him igin.-- its imbecility and prodigality, to'call the rant of the constitution :t• inch it is his sworn, ,abuSeal'it has, practiced by no harsher name, duty. 4. OP - port ; and to admit his krw meeting •trie• eyeiat every turn - , 'so 'that-he ledge - of what lie,was doing, is to emtviet , s? . Are' you content WlM„rons . itt , GY read? Shall we fonger beat' him'a :., toilful and.' deliber;ite , attempt to, with, set:ll-recklessnes, Mislead the Legislature .and , deceive the:, to see'our beloved commonwealth Made people; that he . . pligii:t. .oeieby retain the the sport of iiiiandl . if politiCaispeculators; patronage'of the publirrimpravements„and: (IMAM-4 . 0 0IY ql- Viql,l_9l l . l ,er jh'....lbe. 51110.41 t. _Withgt.9. o .ltiOklY ‘Y.e 1 1..40 (3 ... , 'a11Ai„,5:!101i.es which: each' can secure for himself out of otre-ejection wouldfie cleedat'A.'. .. , the wreck .of our prosperity? . These are 'Local hills, one .for insmace' tO remedy qUestienS Witiclkwe submit :to you "in all ~, candour, jinu, :t . l•leave you • as candidly to , an-. ati . orior.COMmittedbY the ProthonotarY_Of Hentingdoii,coUniV, in. negleetinir m make •ivei'• ..; '-:,. . -• • • 1.:'• - ; I ''•-'''. the. proper einrY of a 'deed:barring an es- BO. : we turn from this: . gloomy. picture, to the - cOntemplationTef anOther. . -• • ~, „ . , . tatetail-7-• atiOthei for the: abolitiOn of a•coart in•Alte . eounty Of ;Lancaster,.stikiottedOut ', When the Legislatoremet at Jlarrisbafw be the.. conuty fenti.s l an the passage. of ii, .1 f, , ~ , ~,, la, , ~ . !. _,.. ' , ' ..„ r-Thicivi.S7#aftlefitly-d*K4 by air .1560 . Q n under great pecutilary einbarraisments,.mid• the•citizens : of tliat - count,y .with, an,.tutani ttic pi3F. o aaaac. mitt' triparallelled.:*--another for the.regrda 7 Bon and internal police of the. Chatter county prison, and yet another; fori the pay ment of debts. due by the commonwealth in good faith, to creditors hiding adverse .. political sentiments to those entertained by himself . ; have all been vetoed by him in the arbitrary exercise ofithe most delicate power with whidh the Executive is . armed. But this is not all.: With the 'same obsti- . -.they which has so pre-eminently' marked career,.he still persists not only in entLiavering by. his acts' to . defeat the imPuliir will, but•to . enibarrass and perplex' the people, by withholding his'asserit from laws passed by a large majmity of their re presentatives,in conformity wit's the known and expressed Wishes of their coif s tik wil t s , ..aml—e.sseatiall3 7 .-necessttr.y--for--the.-;x4 h: good. Among these - maybe , enumerated the iaLE Leciion Di , orirt Bill t i . atereq' to the citizens Of.all sections o f the state, because - it7affords - them-greater - facilities for -exercising the elective franchise, by bring- ing the i . polls, nearer to theit - respeetive dwcill4.ng phices. And yet this bill, one of pressing and immediate importance, .pass'ed several days- before 'the final adjournment of die Legislate ee, is still 'unacted upon in the . bands. of - the ENe'entive. . Again, the Bill providiii . g for the. electiOn of•canal cow., iissioners by the People, and dividing the, tiitiit' - (f - .1 - IjyttF4:l::-,Ljeptif_ttl. dist]: r.tli ar.p,rvki tile 1 . 3 n Ira; s tiildy — f iilg ith as be peateab,..,aslted. forhY , ..the'. .p.aople;.and that %vith ',scarcely a*disgenting voice; like the: foriner,•.it is still . unactLl upon hy7tlie Gove,enor. • The tfiule'rsignepJ - dreL not untlirr cio_idee ! lit re 't hat, nitt,y lie !! die plobtible fate . of 'this It is ; truifc: ittprevides thttt certain-gentlemen- :therein named, shall Iconstitute the board of canal Citintnissioners fritin the-Ist:day of June, 1 1 1-, until the - .1 - s - t — non - dtry-uf — FTslrrt rary' . Tcx - tran - d - 1 - 4. t a t -- t h 6... next general electitin of. live ineinbers shall he-duly elected by the peti t !pie m r eonformity with its provisious.:llut a]tll.)tt,glr this-bill- has—not. as yet rendre:l , . • the E..ccentive signature., arid as t hese gen tleme,) arc requir t ;tl, front _and.aft t ,tiLAlK.--1 st I day of Jtllle, past; to assiline the du ties of canal commissioner:3 i . and as the dud:fon - at %Viiitd) candidates are to be N;pted for, is. the next Gener4l Election, to be held on the Soiond Thcsday or I the year one thousand eight hundred and is 1)m t 1 nor, and you • lie called upon "to vote for candidates tharein provided fur. do nut say that this wily be the ease ;•illit free: eleltitel• we. catn i p forbear ; reeonitnending, to the "citizens of the coon= ! tics composing the -.several canal districts; to appoint 'delegates :it their approaching vounty meetings and contentions, :mil -1 cipation, to hold themselves in readiness po meet delegates siMilarly . appointcd.from.tlie. linker c;ouiltieS in th,c ! , city of Philadelphia; for the Second, at ! I the city of Lancaster, in the county ofLan !caster ; for the Third. in the borough of! Willi'ainsporf,' in the county of LycoMing; lo l';!! at the bo rough tit lieitfoiil,.~ ! in' tile county of Itedfer'd; and for the Fifth, ill the city of Pittsburgh ; at such time - as may be designated by themserves, to fiend• nate. a suinele candidate 'f9r the oflit:ti oil (lanai commissioner, to be supported the Democratic Harrison 'party of dis triet, at the gencral...election, in the event of the bill ti - ow before him suddenly, receiving thesignature of the Governor We 'Jo nit %visit., fellow citizens, to be, understood as at all intimating, that there is any present design on the part of the Execktive. to entrap the people, or to over reach them in this particular; but when we see-hinrwithoutany legal-authority, and direct violation of the 22tf Section of the Ist Artiele.of the Constitution, Which. pro videp.,That r " No money shalt be draWn front the Treasury bet iti' . consequence of appropriations made by law," drawing his warrant on the State Treasurer in - favor of hisbrother James M. Porter and Ovid F.- JohnsiM far $2OOO, for alleged legal ser 'vices-7%01mi We see him abusing his con stitutional prerogative, and in direct viola .tion-orthe-very--spirit and - meming of its provisions, setting the alarming and dan genius precedent—of granting 'pardons to political . thverites, charged by tire. Grand Inquest of the commonwealth with the commission of crimes and misdemeanors, before trial and conviction, we are admon ished to take heed, that our rights are not prejudiced by an over cinifidance in him. Fur when once the - fundamental lot of the hind is. openly disregarded by the chief Ma gistrate, it is not likely that your inte'rests vrill be by him More Sacredly regarded. . • FrOm the consideiation of such conduct, calculated astt is . , to' ri deStroy that ieasoable , ,eaudidenco we nu' itt to place at all .iiine'On our public men, we turn, to say•hnt a few words tu support of the man, whom the people.by:n spoiitaneon& movement never before equalled, titid•With a Unanitnity pillg nesticating.the certainty .9f success, have ptatech in nomination as the oppmEing candi date of itaVid • R. Porter; -- That. Mail , John' Ranks of Berl;s con ntY ;*. emPliatioalik Aar man of the peOpte, in tv . htini 'Rai heVeTii:tAiSbilrtlrt.ii. contidonce, nor in . :any ,pobtip 7 or ptiv,ate, station violated,' his trust:' Selected . by the: people thems?.Ncs, , not by the concerted tiOns of an.oxoluSiVeSec•Orintlitjiltialgt.o, e t their ..oo'o bttfto' you as 'inutt,iit'nll things 0.-Iciv'ory.oi)po silti P,rtor. ; ..til' t iomoerat of d'itihuol lie has alWayo held fast to. w fsar :I' J. etTO2IIMo Valiatk Ze—D.l)o,tilaa . .. .. .success of the party. 'Reg' . 'fig- the fu n- r . sot* doctrines and crude n tt ns of false: teachers, he has calmly but rmly purstieit. the even tenor . •of his 'way, honoring the, il.'and 'adornin .t.,r .overy station' to Which. the . partiality 'of his felftiw citizens prornoted • him. ' As a repreSentative of the pe - pte in _thellongress_o(the-United-Statesi- te-wati— i inferior :to. no One . for depth' of t ought; firmness of purpose,. facility of ei . resSion, 'and fervid patriolisin. To him it must be as -it is le .us, matter of pride, to lc,neiv that ; there his name, ‘i'lls always respected, and' that lii voice - always-Colinuanded-attention;L_ As' a Judge, he. possesses the confidence of the people of. his district, and in the . unanimity with, iithicli mei] of ati ,. parties • desifroate• him as - ".1-10NESr, JOHN 13AW.C.5.,1!--we lyt-v.e . -exhihited-tlte-h4Lestin'......:.- mate they put upon . his character. • . Such fellow citizOis, is the character 0f..-,. •Tuiliiiii_te, of the. Demoriatie Harrison: ,Nirty of. Pennsylvania. Pledged by the whole courrs -his-pnblicLatutprisiattrlifei . 7-7- Ito - eat:l-y oin, the great prin . ciples upon which we It ittm plied at the last Presedential tion, we confidently' ask for •hlin yettr_cor- • dial support. Iligh.rninded and - how:01.01e, as a politiviati, industrious and useful as a: leg:ld:lmi, impartial and .decidethrs . a Judge; atiliable'at^al courteous as ,a man, what can he, be.. but .die-Ivery 'reverse of-David -- 11:; :Porter?.. Springiom-from the ranks of: the' • ;01A4r.. Ainerli'an manufzlefor - t:rs . .- - TritlY-PennS.VVr2..- I • ~vanian ,in. feclitors he already. • avtiwed himself in . ,favor of a: distribution a•Meng . the States, of die-proceeds •of tli C we have -seen'in principle and in practice s . . he i 5 like the .venerated ilarrii-oth the open advent() of a ptire - itlovernment and the ONE 'FERN PRINCIPLE. In handl the power c i f the COMmonwealtli wilt be. safd, ! . trd - we - canimtimr - ferid - trs - stfred;sthat he tvilt bYlthe obsers'ance •of a just and pradeni, economy, pre veht. any unnecessary inereaid„ of lir. Siaie-dehi, at thitsailielline, - that - all its interests _and ..the_ interests of all, are .earefulty considered: In his election, fel low_t•itizens, relieved from th'at rain Ivhich wilLSurelv come upolf,,yoo; by conti•uuance of your prkla _corrupt act; 'The time is now rapidly.- approaching( when you will• he called upon to choose he! WC( . .11 David R. „Porter and John I,lAnkii e • ilicit:!.ll'll;ln`l'inJa'OA'irtN"Aii!a'n-s"' or -am IState during , the next three years. We thd . not doubt hi:. a ail instant what the decision will le. It caintot btu, that men, and free men too, trill sit by and witness With cald. indifferem.e, the most flagrant viol:air - MA of. the constitution and an opea^ : invasion of their right's. It. capitol be, that you will [any longer remain unfaithful stewards to ( waste y ' (Mr substance and exhaust • your l-rneans. . Past consciluences and coming Levi - ruts, drAnan:d a change, and that, .chant ",. must be , effected, -if you remain tette to i yourselves. Let your watchword thetefer6 Ihe • " 110 NEST JOHN, BANRS, RE-: I TRENCMIENr. AND REFORM," and the victory you Will achieve at - the com= ! in,, election, Will be the living evidence of your determination and ability to assert your' rights. . . ...-..- tw.on(iE POUT)jv. Lncaster. • lIEN RV MONTI:O\ IP,ItV Ilrislthrg.". Tilit \ I AS S. SNI ITI I. Phif ar a. City. . 'WILLIAM P. HUGHES; Phila. county. • . r . • IL\t M kit DF.XNV, Pittsburg. . • W11.1.1.1A1 M. , \\'A'l" I'S, Elie. • .1011 N 0:. Allt-X.Syllaitting,doa, - - JOII , Z TAW; AIM', goaltuiaterland.' ' .1 A COli \V EVG ANI yr 1 , ,,t0n. , —.-- JOAN S. RICHARDS:Reading. , TIIE RAILWAY NV lIISTLE.—Few soutos , are inure astottildinif thaw this whistlo heard during the still lioues.of the in'g,hi! particularly if you are suffering under a nervous affection. The thrill which vi- prates through your whole frame has scarce- . ly vensed,beforelbere comes a rumbling 114 .of distam Milliner, increasing exery tlsoment ill lotitineskl thu ground 'trembles, and you hear a hissing and a rii - tating_..as- Klettthous- and sorpt , Ul3 were tel fronit:heir sub terrancons-nbite by an earthquake.. 4YQII . . !ook through the ilarkiirss, tg,er figures by a kind of hale'-fire,: - stauding like` slaws on a pedestal, yet shnoting past you with the velovity of the whirlwind. Itr y. the twinkling of an eye they are Isone; the . 1 rumbling:, and the rushing; and, the hiss: lug are heard no inore; ,the burly burly has .sped onwards- as if iMpelled by laid', ima . , knowing. neither step ,nor hindrance. Ca-. reering thus through darkusss and tempest, how. awful appears the situation of the nays 7 ".'; terious voyagers, fur voyagers 1114 - a'76Aliq that fiery aml lar 7 soulding vehicle, rcelr.".".'i Icsly hurrying on as if commissioncd.bythe , .. powers which brave Men quail to mentinti,Hi • • 'to sweep oVer this. Our diM, diurnal sphere,' on a-messago- Of miglityimpfg.li - . or bound dories G RF,N,OIJOH7S ST/STU t . l OF V A I.llN'O'FOlir-f!. The Madisonian says: "The sliip.,sca'; arrived at the Navy Yar*on Friday teepii iug, from Leghorn, bringing orenough'4 fir famed statue of the father of his country. ,' It is,titfil to be a magnificent Work- of , erlj kripaittixt to the subject as meek of graee,: dignity- antiwstthliani ty-tul-Awas.-posklile..4d°,.__;, enoveiVe„ It is destined to take the placC'' of Jefferson's statue ni the Rotunda of thm (lanitel.. It is or soek:a . tothisal ize:tiuf, -p -it. will, probAbfy ifeeomo: u4ediary 1;6;4 ~ move a portion- of.,the wall or 114: 4 t.apikt, to introduce it. , ...Thestatbe of:Jelfersoe.'-, wlfich.Qougress declined Ateipting, will. m reoved,' we 'ontler,stillul; to •^the, yardr , run, e k 1 l'Ujilltllll.i.l'