Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 28, 1841, Image 4

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    45 ,yC.--.7..1t . r.=1.... 7 ,--6-....M. , ,m-nr"-?e.2.2=i.a. 1....'" , 5C'1: , ....,. -....,.....-2E"......-su ~.cET.7=II:7-^", -- .."*".....1*-
I: ' '.'
• ~ '
. . ..
.•. . .
. .
. .
. . " • ' . •
recetved,-frem Dr. , Elder • the following
• • Artnaperance - Department. '1 tt ••' I • 1
e er,leac it anG wept over it, for it is
.1, , 7 4 — l, our own clear
an( brother, who 'has for fifteen
PLEDGE OF..THE CUMBERLAND, cIOU XTY years been a drunkard lost, lost,'l
--, ,- EPIiIIANCE.I SOCIEITY; hope he is found and, in his right mind. '
"13a wrimonn, Jumr. 21, 1841.
Dr. Elder4--Dear Sir—l received it". let.:
T/iEDI AS•AN ittricer. OF ENTENTAINSIF.ST, O.P. Foh ter this moridiag from our Mis4ionarieS,
'SUITABLE WAYS, WE WILL DISCOUNTENANCE THEIR Messrs Makers& Simill,rand was pleased
. . lISE TtilltOttOiiotlT Tar. COAISIthUTIt. • • •
.. 1 . 0 'ltem '. of their' success': please, to inform
. them that James .Jackson !Idris' joins our
~ ' • Good ;Vier:* from rOlsburg, society. this night: lie is with me now at
• Mr,--Editor:---- • - with interest, a ,My lionse,waiting for the hour to,go . down.
few Weeks since,, a - Call from the ,friends.of..
h., tyr - .--:filtis-gelatlettra-n, Is - front
-- —temperanceln-Pittsbarg„o tr_the._W_
~ashing,, and has relations Hying...there - .
who will be 'pleased to hear of his reforma-'
- ton Temperance
. Society of Baltimore,. for
. some agents from the class of Re/In:mei/ ti 1)"• He requests
in this.
what pleasureLit_to be read publicly..
,•Drunkards; and are happy to furnish from, Yon cannot imagine I
1 gave me this morning to 'liver of the sue
. • the Pittsburg . papers, evidence of the triutn
phant.suceess of - the Temperance-cause hileess of our• Missionaries:, They. have the
ardent wish of every nientiber e . the
• ' their hands.. Soule- of your readers may i• lll( 's.i.
.. -
feelioas , society for their success..
• perhaps be able to enter into the• .
with which. Harris - of the Intelligence,- has . God speed thy bless•:d shepherd M . 1!• '
. •
recorded -the refine ation , .and the return •to ,' , .Tiii, Christ, thy holy work be done: - . •
society of his long ost brother: ' . - ''` W. K. Al rroliELL,
, • • . _. GLEANER..
• • Pecs. ' 1 7 :is hi n at:o n 'l'. S'. (if Baltimore, -
. _ . . .
• • ... . I
. •
. • The Baltirnbre TeMperanee:Reforthers ' -
_ -,W re to have held a meeting last night:lo,l 'T HE VENDBI.C.S PLEDGE...
• • the 4th 'Presbyterian' Church in: the' sth i . 4 ..e:- .
~... soMETItINQ NEW. E . 7 , I, '
• We 44bit so great a crowd colleeting; they i' I -
We' the -- subsVribers; trier:
adjourhe'd to the large 'Methodist Chtich,..( 2 ) l l ts t fe. lift r t . s" . : l lll E d — veliders of spiritimui liquors
"Liberty • sti—When-ve-reached thdre,---
, have long been sensible sof die great evil of
-8 o'clock, we found the hOuse full, atid all I . inteniperanee—therethre have .„ determined
the avenues to
- it' blocked up.
The ' in "'" oi stop' the sale of all intoxicating liquors,
are doing their work. It was no•idleproph=
______ 4l:os,,:ot _. vio ,. ts ..lioiii....a . c_me_44/.l..4,44,_ e .t xcep_t as pelicine....„,_ 11 , ... , ' . e .1)1 agree unless
leTTl 77 cit union 111 - 1.11 IS . . 111111,1.R . r1 I. W 0 UrIT
Over you . ."l'lley pre breakin.7 down -all (here l'
--=- Galore them,- The political „I'eit„.ifie„t . (n't t . )° . a"ended wi th . "
g°°(l effect, for if °li6
i 111 inoi• - e iyi , eto 'continee t 6 . 8 -611 it "would
. last .year `w=as great, ..but_ ; the_ Tent perhnce
Reform, and the spirit which a Ppears to Inr 11 " 11) Y lilt ' -"" it ' i '"" r" " -
We therefore It((relay enter into'a solemn
- infused intecits leaders, ietiO.wifys behind it.
pledge thal.from and after_ the first day of
The men feel themselVes the,pioneers and
July next, or so sciowas we shall have dis
. - apostles of.ti - g.reat. and gloritius cause, .1)t)(1 -
posed of thestoele 'noiv on liand,-we will'
are fired with all thezeill ofsliCeesSltil labor-'l wil4,_be
wiev,.: tiot purelyase, offer or' keep for ale any 'in
'ors; • We-need not siiy they
' . r.ious. They are alreadj'on the ti,l e •of I 1"1""tril g liC i ll°l. . ex "p t "s:" l 'mv°' ' 11 ° 66 " ;
oppos.itim, 1 tal—:md it is to' be ~distinctly - unde4stood
~- triniiipli . ,, and 'are S*weeping •
(that ii either-of tric•partieS sliMild.altertlieir ,
from hefol't , 'them, like a • torren,t 'from a
Inainds upoiathe subject it fron t
-..- me un tai n.-I?ittsbOgle' .r432.?0r. . '
tlll-111;)11re pledge all;
• • - - . • - 1
Givetrinider our liatids'ittad s e,ells: . thislotl;
Tlif3".t.P al P Oira nee - Calls il lis adV,t1&1110. in - 1.., ~,.. r: i., c . ,. . .
~ : :,1.1,;4.....4.. 'O, - .1 , V.."F , T7 , 0.:•0!,11.r. , ".2 ,,,,, M.V.V-eikr, •• ,, r^ , 0V,,,451,e/ q , a0,,4 - 0.4 L;: - ....: ,- : •'• ~'', ~..-' : .. ~ .1. _.- ..-
rnAtieg4B/611Kief , 444..:414(1.:;*444}kkiiT1V , ://11.W . 44 '—'
' f4'; : C . •4 1-- i'b . it''''''''' '... " :41''- ' 7 ' '' ' ''.
- 7 7 '71 -- ' 7--- "•' - , - ------ , -* , --...- , =, , a' , ..t- ,- ..... , ..-- , ..• •.- 1 ,..;:„„... 4 ,:,Mtgirik.k1t4n114 .d.4ll7=4;;Yet - litge4L -. 2.....:
. iappy success. It .16. (lithe .3.1.1111--Ifie right.l
,ThJ . ,,,,,..,.c . -p uv ,,,,,_ ..f . ,-, li i i. x .. -,,m 3 - 111, , 1A ,_
ee in , r.. lose mho luting and those who t , i , ..'•wl:D e c:,„,.„ ey, Wi ll. p r i ce. ' .
-- :died-riot,. sake-. - crone toward, linirtake tit; -•1... A i,...c oknillit, .
.i. .. .'' , '
pledge., Those who ' drank, 'to . (kink. lIIi ' • .
'flits Movement is-on the Eastern Shore
• 'more; tilos - 6 W 6 .0 drank net.. give ir'soleinti- .
wili...,_ This i. , s,
it 6. ii. 'of Marslatel; and among these signers' are .
_ _assnranee.that ther' ;lever
one, •--- - mile-ot. the ohic'st,..anLl),t,,me-.
should be, all mingling toffether as , Iwo: ' ' '
_. .elenits - in that p'irt ()I' the
- ple,_ and. moving in. (1:113 column, arrayed - -- '---'-' "- ' - '. country. -.-
Referring-to this, a Writer-In-the, Aineri
againsi the eneiny. - -Itis - . `distinlyt,.` - too '
v:,,i T,,,,i,,,rance-lieraid-says: -.. • _
• : fit by itself, nnentinected with any
In all
,the to to public places
• : sect of "relioion -Or indeed,' any, religious
• . in t
- III)111 - _E-11131.11 - 11 - to Church-Hill,: the Merehants
exciternent'at rlf. -- 1 it is a' Oat anneal Move=
11 - i.ia . w ill 1)(1,4
slibserv., - - die 'with one solitary exception, have pledged
themselves - r.ot
_tca sell intoxicating drinks
cause of true religion, NV 11 . 09 e 0111 V. 101111dilli( )11 - afto_Ctlwir present stock cult off: The
. - canhe on soberness, tett - tin:ranee, sad truth,
dissenting tel has not much eustein,
----..- 7 --[-Ittsburg_: - Fisitor. _ ._- , - . '.
An:l is sailing, under the iianieerattoilier
. . . _
. - ,
.__ • , man, his licenselaivinglmen stopped—his
. F're.lli itorris ,,, , ..7i; mein hoidioril 'however ILas determined' to re-.
. . - -The Glorious -Temperance Calls' s nave him at the-end of the ,year. With
this pon, and Wi the pti as ,
This heavenly cause goes on gloriously,
of anothex ceerti very limited th
retailer, exce also on
sell l n o ig
triumphantly. In almost liallliVentury itt
tinder the name Of another, ' there is not a
' Pittsburgh' we have never seen such a 'coin
grog shop' in Talbot or Queen Anne's
1---jalete„rnotal revolution, such' tritiMpliant
Counties, from the above...named places, a
marches in the great temperance ranks.—
space of thirty miles; jachnling Centre.ville,
All'elasses, all . a(ree i mll-ranks, - all - detio'nii-,
county town.
nations, and, both sexes pr, every night our . .
to . our overflowing churches, and jetn their. ' We. slndl have an 01 1
portnnity tO see
counsels, their wisdom and Christian sym- what Poway in Pearnsylvatiia will . firgt fol
. pathies and-union to lead the drunkard, thin ,law so noble au example; for a year or two.
ripler, or the temperate' drinker, •to the feet will doubtless prove that-it will be followed.
of Jesus in tlteirrigitt mind:' Every eh u reit - ~,,,,,- -..,-........,,..,,,-........... : .
-where they have held =minas has been fill, --
and they have sometinieS lia7l two meetings ' NEW . SIGIFI , E El •
at extreme pcfltits on the vine - Right', Oit - Ti;eStalis'erilier has just opened a new and hand-
Thursday :night there was a very' large some assortment or ' • -
. • eiOwd "at Dr.' Ilerron's . churali and many'. - + .-- .'
joined.- On Friday and . Saturday • night 1
suited to the season, in Nord' IN:lnver street, be
there' was an overflowingmeeting ato 11 ,1 4. liveiiii the Batik and Comma's Hotel, consibtion- in
ley Chapel, stlt Ward, and malty. an ne xed .nart. or Chttri. Cassimeres, sat linetts, V esthlgs;
Cords i -Strim , s;-Stiirtings,—Sliceting,s,-Canilmics i da--
--- their - s; Ifird - s - o - itie few at tile last. Min
ute came in 'rags and wretchedness,' asham- """s' Edgings , L "" . " 8 ' Moll " de Lnines' &e. &e,
- ALSO, ,
eil to be seen in,the light, to join the Wash- • '
. ington Temperance, Society. On Monday Q terensßivntre.:thiel Groceries . ;
night a very large meeting was held in the SPICES' CI 1 EIESFI ' Ur. 6).44 Also,
L' I C , I.V:yETS. I,EG 11 . 011 N .I.VD P. 4 L.-11 L E.-2F
- Second Associate Reformed Church Fourth
wh i i r li S li , ,, to , gAt i ll s 7 wadi a great variety of other goods
street. On• Tuesday night at die Third it i v. upon accommodating tcrins.
Presbyterian church, where about 100 join- Please give I") it call. • .
ed, also at - Dr. Lacy's, Laceyville; here the -IJ-,, ill , iiii . ! 1 , 7
small church was crowded and about 70 • - ''': ' --.--.''' ' -...
. joined ofter John D. Mahoa, Esq. Mr. Small ' LOON. AT !ruts t -
-of Baltimore, and. others . addressed the - , —° acob Du
, •
J . adore
. meeting, and one poor but intelligent man, - •
whoTkept .a small. groggery, joined:, gave Refspetntitity informs thy citizens . of Carliile and
its vicinity, that lie has •conmienced the ' •
lip his business, and the humane joineid and
, bought,hint out and Made a frolic in de- • - i'ichllerrai'd l/ffarnessAltakilig
stroying his stock of liquors.."l)ll Wed-. • ' , . RD"lnes'A; -. .. .
nestlay .night - a Incoming wieshch
in all-its various branches, itt_Maiii street, one door
rriah lie
t 0.2. t a ii.. t . 0 , I:
i t o li o u r a s t ‘ o v t e •e st of o ; • Nktis i st: l s v .-Aug.icy Es' Anderson, and
ltev. Joseph Kerr's church; Olt sire et, 4 th(3' ;., on i.,, t , (i , rt a i i e i( i it ' i s n t a it L ei r : t o e i tl v ir it , e . r to e
- Rev A. M. Bryan presided, and. Mr. Smell he will keep constant!
, and others addressed the meeting and about Order at the shortest notices:lnd on the most reasona
. 130. joined. On the same night an over-t ble terms, - •
' flowingmeeting was held in the Rev. Dr:' Saddles, Bridles,•CollarS, liar `
. ness, Trunks,. &c. &c.
:ile hopes by strict attention to business, and •an anx
ious desire to please; to merit and re - eeive a-fiber:it
: share of public patrogOge. !laving the best of work
' men employed, his customers may expect, their work
to be done in the neatest and most substantial man
- nee.
..liaylisle, May 19,1841:0 . ~ .
H. tt: SlR touble I nd !ilia Beds, i. i tlcr Sah. S . 1 e
store of
~ ._
Junc 2 I°' t
. . .
Swift's church, Allegheny .) ciey; where
.Elder ancl...,Mi Vickers •spoke,.and
• about 350 'joined.. Qn Thursday eveting
.another. meeting .equally as large was held
in the Bev. Dr. Presley's 'church, Alleghe
ny, and about 300 joined, and many email'
• not be reached for, the crowd. Upwards
of 2000 leave-joined the Washington Tem
perance Society of. Pittsburgh and Alleghe
ny since Messrs Small, Vickers and Will
iams, The Missionaries froM . Baltimore,
• ‘ bailebeen . .with us tool' theirsimple story
and., the horrors of drunkenness, and. the
Catholic Temperance. Simiety nuinbers
upwards of 2000—making 4000,
,and: dm.
work - seeniconly,,beginning. iklonday.,
night elthe bittee,tale .Of a . woman's sor
rows"- from a drunken •husband was read,
and filled a iast number of both sexes With
deep anguish-and sorrow, and yet They, like
theldir r atithor -who wrote her Own-suffer
ings; liced.torejoice in the glorious refor
'mation.' Wt , heard.-Of a 'nice, - noble little
boy; about or 8 years of age, who•atten-,:
dell the temperance eting . fit- Dr. 'Swift's;
heili,eard the itivitatimi for, classes-and
ages to join; . he'rese to sign ,his•nante, then
.060,4 believinrit to be his.:solemo.duty consult and ask :his mother; -he
• went Koine and told all. abOut tit& tales-of
oi , aritages and
bleaSings : of.:-temperance, and then said,
MiitherAitiYl join."..-She ran and kissel
boyond said,- '..!ir . eti,-iny-.stmor , u
go:-WitIf:you,": :and' she. wept with sjoY,.
***ire not'aihatemltto confess that we
f _
7111„-ri OUSLIN DE LAINS:iif , new 'btyle from 25 to
874 ceida per yartljost received and for sale
! Marelt St ;1841.
-A new, style of,-Figured Damask Satin Shawls, just
received at the new swirl: and for sale by '
.March 31.1841.. ••
, .
' FILET itr. S ATI N SIJA.WLS:just'
rcuetved, nod offered for mule at the' New Store - in
.86iiipetisb.urg i by • •'_ •_ .._ • ..
Mriy 1; 1811
' llarpelig)t,rs &
Imported Ingrain Carpete, Hemp and Cotton do.;
also White and Colored Mattitiks, all. widths, just
received and for sale cheap, by . • '
, • . - CHAS. OGILTIY.
• June .1 I 1841. • •
, not .
.. .
• .Bonnetsl • inets :::: '-- • •
• • . ,1
.-- riorence, Ihitid, Stvaw, rind Riittiuld 'BONNETS,
et - toppfrof -- tho - newest - shopeAusrreckliftitaf
forßale:eheup"at the gore of -.• , • '' • , -
June 2.1A11
44.W:45,1c,:#10.4.1 . 4.4t;4
Office a few doors :West of the
'l 4 Ost7Ciffice. • •
May 19, 1,841.74 f.
GOOdS. " ••
Tlad subacribers barajust recciived a li•esksupply
t — ar—mutlerate—prietat—Rtr—easir,-
among which' will be found supeeMmise de Laines,
Lawns, ChnitzesTllennet anirneess - Silks,
Stu inter Boinbazine4, Striped tutu Plain Aluslins.
Also, Black Moliate`'Sltawls and Veils; Mohair
and T,wisted Silk Gloves; super Mice Gloves- '
a sond
assortment of Tortoise Shell Twist and,Side Combs;
Ildll'alue Twist and Dresslnit• Combs; with a'variely
of oilier :trades not enumerated.:'
May 19, 'Olt:
Jusnr6i7tivtil - fPoitieivikitielphhvitt:grptiy--, - dtreed- 1
priers from those port:hosed early in the tiCilSoll; per
sons wishing cc) supply tltemsclt_es.with' • , •
Linen Drilting's, Be:Iv:I:dee:A, Cords, VestingS, INlns •
duns, Checks, 'Vicki:lgs, Colicoe,s ; -Lawns, Mot:slim!
de Lains, UM:lnds, Worked • enlhirs, Spicking-s.
Gloves, Ginglinms,,Silk and Cotton • I landkerchicrs:
Stocks, Ntouslin do AnLtletines.Yillet Se;uG Veils
and Ilandkcriddcfs, l'nrasols, Barred
_NVorqeds fin
ch:Wrens' "%Veal Coltonades P.:ash:n.7
well to call on the sub
cribee anti secare great hargain - s:
a•go - oll.stod: of ti:(All •
' , ..lgtorrvaxo 3 , •
Teats, Sugar, alga .Coinr, ace.
andsa very largYli stock iif - •
llotekorlieve cheap goods null: al 3tys he had.
. _
• iatf• 111 - 0•11. 'UT - 7
- 10:1 - 117C - TrOlilUntifirVil I ras eallThleiler,lrailiatrir- -
ri lig- lal t;tl/ Aat-e-A--fasltionsi awl:o-411 .1--.L'l4.ty
best materials—conwrising • • -•. •
11).1;sh,,Brial..Ctr, Nutria, and all
kinds of FUJI ILITS,
of whi'eli a.g,eniTal asSortn.teat Will always be kept
on Land,,tir wade to suit according to order;
ite•-WillLsAl--on- the rnoq.aceoninkalating-ternks..tly
cash at _Country Produce.
- II is shot; :1(n- Lowlier street, lit 'the
house formerly Lindsey Spotswood. as a
falters' Shop. _
Carlisle, May - c:'6, I 341.-
• - •
To Millers. and NI i
fhe'subserilierlui% just receiveda Inc inn' coin - -
plete . :twrtment, ofAlie - vcry besf yr lily, of _
Aeitcl9 i)3taecp Cloths.
a6icb will IBC V:111'1111teli and
ers will find it to tlie . ;i• call and examine
Carlisle, June '2, 1541.---Bw.
-, F IIN - E FUR. RUS'SIA 1-lArrF,,
• must. r;ishimitible hest ,insiity,' just
re - ec i ve il from l'hilatlelphin. Also, low priced Leg
horn find Chip Lluts, at the store of
Jun: '2,1311
Bar !Nip , CI a • * t -
V c.O •
.Inst•received at the New Store a the subscribers.
Tol,s A R of rate quality, and
sale very low for consignment, 00 half
Boxes 8 by 10 and 10 halt - Boxes-10 by V. 3
. . WeNtern
in good order, For sale to Aterchanis ut Pittsburg
prices, and DtArannon best •
at ,Nlauulacturcrs prices. also, on Imnd Widierow's
Celebrated patent X-SEED ()IL,
by the gallon, or Barrel, _OIL MEAL., WAheri'l
S: Tiro's. - Pure 1 1 /11ri'll LEAD, - 111A:1 - 106ANY
Carlisle, May 5, I'B.ll.
a pital $lOO,OOO paid in.—l u irter 1 1 .:,•p:If6
CIOrEI NUE to make Insurance, Permanent and
J Limited. on every description of Property, in
TOWN AND COUNTRY, on the usual favorable
terms." •
OFFICE, 133 i Chesnut street. near Fifth street.
1)1 RECTORS. ~
•Ctt ARLES N. BANtan, S vaunt. GRANT,
CI I ARLES •113..13A NCKER, SeciTtary.
Vr The subscriber, Atrent for the above Company
for the borough of Carlisle aml vicinity,will prompt
ly attend ta all applications for Insurance, whether
mink personally or by letter. Residence Main street,
nearly oppoSite the Car omen.
Maro 31, 1841.---1 y
vwxw ..a-isa'pae:
A fresh supply of seasonable GOODS,, consisting"
in part of Blue, Black Broini, Olive Green, anti'
0 Z OTt35 ,
Black,Blue, Brown figured and striped 'Cassimeres ;
Mixed figured and .striped Gambroons for panta
loons. Brown, White, Striped and Figured Linen
Drilling. Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Delaware ,
Janes; Pittsburg cords; Cotton stripes and drills;
American Nankeens and colored Muslins; Burlaps
French and Irish Linens; black, blue, Fawn, Mouse,
Pink, Blossom,'White, Figured, Striped and barred'
Silks;new 'stile; Figured plain barred striped Sack's
netii; SwiSs; Cambrick - and Mull muslins; Bonnets,
Lawns aid Silks, Embrifidere4 Mantnu, Glossed
Satin •and barred Ribbons; Lephonn flats, SfraW,
Braid, Nun and Chip Bonnpts; Colorer!, White, Fig-
Cured Leghorn 'and ,Palin leaf Ilaki lilroWn & blench-.
ed muilius; Tickii, Checks, Crash, and Diapers; Lin,
en and cotton; 4,4 5-4 and 6-4 sheelings; Tablecloth,.
linen and coton Diaper) Linen, Grass, silk, pongee
and cnmbrick Ilankerchtels; kloves,'llosiery,Stocks
and Artificial flowers;cotton and Gingham Umbrel
la's; ,Parasoln. cotton yarn and carpet chain;logether
Witlean extensivassortmeat •
GrOceries Queei.4llltee.'
Xll of which Will be' sold on the most' reasonable
terms, • PeI,ISOn atleinVited to call and examine for
themselves hefore•paroliasing elsewhere.
• Citrlisle, April 24,1841. , • .
A fresicaupply jgat received at the store of
March 0, • • CHAS. OGILIIY.
• .
OrMI:•G - oArto;
Cheaper & Chea peal
sammEß, nom
hllisfk; Boots Shoes.
Hats!.! Hats!!
Just.received at the StoreV
~Y•il,a~,,Relicts IP Co.
-E If-7" JRW
_(Hate removed .to'the capacious Irill'elICILISC recently.
oecupitid by 1). Leech & Co. at the north-westcorncr
of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia'.
Prom the'fficilities which thc,ffication and internal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 40 Borthen
Cars can be accommodated to unload and load at the
same thee . with sufficient room td'spoi;i: 20,000 barrels
of nolo', id 100 to 600 ton of Crain Offilusives.if the
forwarding department. ' ' . .
Produce of every description will he received as
, b• iignmenu, mid ibei oHttlyiinees nen C II
receipt (ii required) until sales ere effixted.
'- . ' CRAI,G; ?- BCCLAS & Co. --
• • North-west corner :of Cherry &
. . .
. .
S: Colman; Cashier.•
& Parker,
Henry Rhoads; . •
Esz - lhissermati, •
Real, Swayer, Newel/ie.
David Nevin, Sliippembitr,g:.
J. Logan Smith, Esii. Cashier? .
Eyster, Co,
I tobyrt
Catlierworakk Craig, • phit a ddph ra
Wm. IL Thompson' & Co. I -
Whit:di. - Drown; --j . -••-
rresh rgedicino.s.
~,„: '
„.--q‘t.',',.-...,.,.: r''''''''''''
. ,
, -y tt s ,
r - l'''=---=' ' l - ,
,-'7>, ,I 1: I N"A.. il---,,,1.51 :' 'I 1"
4,4-tt ,1, ';,,',',. "7,., - 47' 0 , L,,v 41 . . 1
~,i41,1,, ,?, ,11 1
\ '' 1 ir.: '':
.. rm i A fi4 4. ' .'4"; fi
\I-44:,/,4'1, Si';* . , ; ‘ , ' 2:31.
__,A.y...,,,r,_,..;__:_.: • " ''' ' -
1 ,-.. ••-'... --- - - ...:Kr'
11 '-
--ri tem, ru
uzzr, , , t .
-, ----44 e ..d.:Z a
. g ..., ,, A,
The subEc;ilO'has recently hirge. addi
!limal. ' • .
Linseed . Oil, • Sp! s. Turpenline,, Colrcrl
Varnish,' Pithy e);e' • Hahes, 'Furnish
"14 Oil
~ViAttEL+Vexykceladlq- 1 4..dIPAAgEr.<4 1 .
„whieh,he will sell to Pkysielans, - -Alereliants..
aatl others, .wII6I.I , ,SALE tir ti .
the lowest rates; li - ving purchased entirel
for cash ; . .ho will oiler bargains .10 Those
who wish to. pui chase 'at wholeszile. • •
March'24, 18.11.1 '• - • • - . •
Vai le(.y. Store, '&e. .
/Ili thaidairl .flaq ctivors;respect
lt fdlly informs the public that he still coniiiiiies
to "hob/ PA./1i" 'lei . , near "Education
• I lal I et where lie liasiiow on hand a large assortnient
ofnotion:r. consisting in part, of the ion., ing: • Bread,
Cakes, Cheese, 11a17,11, fauns, Flour. Sdaii,-eider,
Priiits, Sweetmeats, and ptlier necessaries
c livid:de(' for this iii-eIYIIIIIII.
N. IL III; also - contintiva to keep an P.:1611 , 4 House
aluvre gentlenu•n ran 0 actinninyntaletl it ith_ Tripe
Pills Futi Pickled liyaters. &Lt. at the shortest notice
sio:L- reni•.
'Oren' . • filerratrare, Giocery,
P.1 . 172ET3' STORE.
sobsoribo'r has just returned from
the Citi •s of c,N.: York, •Philadelphia and Hal
timare, and i t now opening at his store room S. E.
Corner of NI:ill:et Square and 1:1111 Streets (for
merly occupied by Geo. IV. Ilitner,).:l general as
sortment of
Hardware, tone flare, Cedar 'frare,
,11 - arei Groceries, Oils,
Painis,•Varnishes, Glass, Brash-
C 3,• lf7iips, Canes,'. Lamps for •
burning, Camphine Oil, • '
RIO a great variety of articles useful and necessary
for furnishing-mid keeping a house. • lie }instils°, and
will constantly. keep _on hand
.. _
Car:whine Oil,
a cheap - and elegant substititte for . sperin oil, ant)
been appointed the agent of-Messrs. Hackers
and li'rother of Newark N. J., co, tire sale of clones
Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur
nish Lampsand Oil,at a very reasonable ratty to all
who may-wish to 1151. this new aq economictl light.
Ilavitig,seleeted his goods hinisellood um de his
purchases for cash, he is able, and is deterru; ned to
sell on;..
Those having the cash to lay out, will find it t
athwitage to give him a call.
Carlisle, July 8, 1840.---0
anrrinem ES IMF AGENCY
' .FOR rn F. SALE OF
r anqi•elhs 'Vegetable Univer-
Are held by the followinr, agents in their respec
tive counties. AR" numerous counterfeits of these
pills re attempted to he palmed upon the communi
t, the propriety' of purchasing ouly.froin the' recog
nized amMts, will be -apparent.
CumGerland . Comity—George . W. 111 tiler, Carl isle;
A. laezei; Nrceltsmicshurg; McKinnev,
.S. Culbertson, Slyippensburg; Buke.
Brenneman, New Cumberlntol ; Isaac Barton Lis,
NI. G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Riegel:R.:Co.
Chum:Mown: :•
. .
- Pervf County—Alexamjer - Mitee;" llloomficl
J. &S. A. Covle,Landisburg, • . ~
-..kuipast 4 26,,i.. -- . --- -`- - - - - --..
•, . . ..---
. •
Cl►e!e 2 l cloths, A.r.
The inbseribers will aell 'their stock Of Cloth;
Cagsimeres and other Woolen Goods, very lew- for
March 17, 1841
Just received, elegant • Luines at 20,25,
31,57 k, 50 and 75 cts. per yard.
March id, 1841. •
i' ..-
. .
• ...
. laitalrgai l aCqU l COUnCo ,
'The subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Car
lisle, and the public generally, that he has !OEM) the
shop nearly opposite the Jail, where he will be pre
pared to manutactureaci order, on the most reasona
ble terms, any article in his lige .of business, welt as
.Ates, .itiiii . Picks, & -c.
. ,
He will also attend to Steelin g . and Grinding Axes.
He sulk:its a share of public patronage.
. .
Carlisle; Nov. 5,184 p. ... .. ' - • . ' •
. .
500 pounds • thItMET . CHAiNjost
received at the New Store no Shippenshurgond for
sale by ARNOLD & ABRAMS.
Glazing and:, Paper Hanging. •
The sub - seriber reitieldfully infer:rib the citizens
of Carlisle imdt.lie'Vicinitf;that lie hai commenced
the ahova . Lasinesa , hu nil ats , various branches:;' '
shop' i s-itv she ,stiitari-jrntrieilintelY-in-rear:Oftlie
-Market-Housei-twMtliiors-esistur A. Richards store.
He hopes 1),,V attention to business' and ' Moderate
charges, to receive a share of patronage... ,
cartiae,Fpb. 17, 1841.---tf
cal Pills,
Meehaniesinirg . Line
... _
....... _ . .. ._
Between alWiechanicSburg and
. •11"hiladelphite or .I.Ntatinsgre.
• [III' .11..1.11.)10:.dD OR C.1.1,1V111.]
THE.SubseriberS• grateful for past favors,
be g 'Faye' to inform their friends and the tubite
generally, that they still continue. to run it line of
'hul'theitears regularly between .Meehaniesburg and
Philadelphia ortlaltimpre, by whish.goods'and peo
duce (wall deseriptions•• will-be forwarded ;with care
and despatnh at the lowest rates of freight. ' ' % '
.Produce will,he reepived at their
,NVore 'Hottscs
iii Alechattiesliurg, and forwarded to either . Philo
delphia or Baltimore;stecording•to tv„oilpil of
the owner. .• •
n"Tlict highest price will be given for AVheat
and Flour. •
N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept ou
httail,lttl tin• sale at flit: lowest prices: . •
July 89, •
received at die Nets Stove in Shippeashavg, and ler
May 1, 1841: • •
is ..1.110.-,4aSeSt, crline in Mart:,
.We are not among that class of Edktors who fora
ft:Widollays will, (at the expense of troth and hones
ty) "crack up" no article anerbring it into rliod sale;
neitl:er 4re we willing to remain silent; after. having
tested the ntility of an improvement or diseovery iu
science or :wt. Our readers will recollect we told
them we were unwell with n sore throat and violent
cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two
-110UND and so sodden-wasthe ci n - arc for,i'nt
- .
We ever had a cold. Thom. \5 110 am illle.te4. may
. .
fry it upon our recornmebtlation.—Lezeistozeq . Tele,
s-ropA. - . - . .'. • ;___ .
.. • _
For sale by
S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle,
A. .I. Ni.oll'r 11, New t. i I
Also, by Druggists generally tbroughouttlte.oollll
- Prlee 50 eeittg per bottle.
Oct. '2B, 1840.*
,•-• 'Dental Surgeriii..:
sunkinitgit t.ll6:ps his
griltefnllicknowledgnleutslnli public lbr the
very liberal sine of patNitige' lie has
ing the pa4t ytiar, and would still contimie tto
them his . proimgional lees in. !heir yarious bran 7 .! at la% residence, 7„ Hal per'sHow. lie Illes,
.elemrses, alio) -plugs teethopul. inserts -iue s orrup ihle
Aunxt• ocodH
tfilft tlaraill3:74.l:W4Atirf?'!!'''t .• •
Patent Morse Power.
TI great eue4Oragetnent IteretofOre, receivial
— fratirthe - sahrolliismachineSiinduces him-to-of
fer to the public a !ww tund improved liorse l'oNcer;
hick czni be shifted Ili geat ..or out or gear by keys,
and shift the Inuid-to give it the diferent revolutions.
And he has 110. IleSiltiti9llll! assining theParoters that
he is now able-tii hi t sit thent:with !ill artielt.'i far su.-.
perior to those nuomfaCtured. heretofore. For speed
and - clean threshing and- ease to the - horses, lie be
lieves his machines to be uncgiutllal. . . '
I l_is price is't; I .10---sevent v.tlollars - to be paid cash,
111(1 the balance in six months, for
. which a note will
machine and upon a lair trial, not _being pleased, can
•etukil it. Ile ‘llll-at.allqinkes• be ready to furnish
'hew on the shortest notice; Orders Irma a-distance
will be punctually tatended b.). Ile will arso repair
nachines on'the shortest notice - .
Norville, July 119,18 , 10.---tf. •
tcr. L 0 K T THIS. ..1 - 1
mccoLD L,..ABRAMS hare just recTeiltut an
achlitioual supply of
Ine, Black, 11rOTU11, Idalia,
,Green and Invisible
•Gretn, Sterl_.-111..reflrand - 11PalitTUT7IY.C. --
BlacillTi.l: - ; Drat), Sic'el Drab
Ribbed and wend Cassimercs;
_ .
Cassinetts, st all prices;
Velvet Cords; Bea vertemis; Lion Cloth Kersey; had
all kinds of Pantaloon stuff . ;
Vestiiigs of all descriptions mid at all prices;
Summer Cloth of variouS colours add prices;
.Eignred Pordt- de Geo de Swiss; • - •
'Rich 4-4 Black and Bate Black Gen SILKS.
• de. Rhine, Colored and Black Oro de
' -
Illack,La& and _Gauze. Veils ;
dress Shan di; Ilandkerchiers and Scarfs of .the
latest sty lei •
Black, Blue Black, and changeable Bombazines
Monslin de Lains of various patterns :mil prices; l.
A genersl assortment ofewp and Bonnk RIBBONS;
A fine assortment of English & Domestic PRINTS ; j
Thread Lace, thread Valencia and Cotton Edgings,
Quillin g and Lace of all kinds; .
Thuef,White,-Black, Plain and figured;
rogether : with a large asvrimeat of
- QueenAware., Hardware, Greet
Fie's, Ceder Ware, &c.
All of which they are prepared to sell 20 per cent
cheaper than can, be bought in Cumb,crland county,
or elsewhere.
IKi' They would respectfully incite• the public to
call and examine their• stout: bargains will be giv
en—no mistake.
N. B. Country Produce of all kinds ndll be taken
in exchange for Cioodsi at market price. ,
May .12,1841.
• • •
. Su in m - Bootsy e& S hoes. *
• Th'iNubscober has added tO'his former extensive
ock of Boots and Shoes, a very large and gent;ral
assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work; all of
which will he sold I: , ery reduced prices, ht the
store of • .
' CHAS. OCIt.i3Y
Carlisle June 1;1.841.
rein:mm:lHW and a truly efficacious. IT.
plication for Rheumatism, Bruises, SprainsrStilf
ncss, and Weakness of the 'Limbs and Joints, Pain
along the Back, Sides and across the 'Loins. •
Extract of a letter from Dr. Johnson, dated
. , • . Philadelphia, May 7tii, 1839.
The Rheumatic Liniment arm Blood Pills haVe
been employed by myself, and finding them eflica
cioustvi have since recommended Ahem to many,
that have been entirely cured of Rheitmatic‘pains,
luntbagb, stithess of the joints, numbness of the
muscles, limbs; Btc. -
-Extract of a letter from pr. Jr/Mikan', dated
13altintore" giay 19 1841. .
:.Your Rheumatic Liniment. possesses properties
%Odell I have never- found in any:Liniment I have
heretofore einployed„.
Extract of a letter from Dr. C. 1-1. Goo:Melt. da
ted • .• • Pittsburg-, June 21st, 1839.
Of numerous Liniments and Medicines heretbfare
employed for Rheumatic affections, none have been
'so successful as the Linimentand Bldoll Pills man-:
uthetured by . you. They have this-place wcin.the '
golden'apitimn ORB' wholtave used them. To my
own knowledge they have cared several -that were
by myselland other men pronounced incurable.
It may 'not beamisslo remark, that both theLini.
ment and .Blood Pills. are prepared bc..Dr.N. 13.
Leidy, himself; a regular- Driaggist anti' Physician,
attested by Drs. Physick, Cliapkt9n, Jackson, Hor
ner, Dewees, James, Gibson; Coxe,lic.iof Philadel
',This Liniment is ,pyepared onlvi and for :sale
wholesale and retailatlDr. N...B. , LEIbYiS HEALTH '
EMPORIUM; No: 191' North Second 'Street, (sign
. of the Golden Eaglo and Sernento philadelphia.•
k• I - ezubitiss-accompaniedthe writ=
twisignattiref r. N. B. Leidy on' he label.
Pelee 371 - cents a bottle, or three !toilful for $l.
• Also, for STEVENSON & %MIME,'
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa. • '
May , 19,1841.-6m'..
gir.m. , . ‘3o -
A 2 / . - 11 4 :-
. ie f • : '' ''')' 'l e-' — '2
' 2 . 7 . - 2 ----- . ,
. ,
ti (
, ... i r ' ' ''':: e... "'
__ • . . ,
• { ir((iirtOt ,
• ~ l 0 - "- , 7-
. 'A, 'i` : kk'i.,*.:37.4 )1 1 '- • .
• .
DR. BC*TOCK'S ..' ' `. .
• - C . ebrated .Eye 'Water, .
Per the ear .'(if freak, Triderii, or ; Mewl !Viol ,Eyes,
Uliwrs ; Ilinnoursolticl JP,flumation of the tle-lids,
• _Divines's 6 f Siwlit Egc. -, '-
Persrine su vet to any o • tese t npl*ant - Olsoi
ders;_Wilk find-this the most effectual -reinedvin Use,
nsit seldom Mils to remove any of these . all'ections
by a few appliCatious; without the least inconvenience
or pain. Those who ate troubled with a DIMNESS
OP. SIGHT will alstilind-it. a valuable reintulyTor
strengthening the e . yes,improxing the sight, and pre
ventinh the dimness that arises from straining them.
It will also be found particularly useful as a wasliTor
the - eyes.of young children, to reinov'il - inflamation,
and subdue the ha inotirs- to which they are, so liable:
Pric . c. 50 Cents a Bottle with full direc
tions for•zoing.,
Sold in Carlisle by..
pril'M 1141.--y_ • ,
$100:.—$1.00: • • •
Will be forfeited by Dr. N. B. LBIDY, for a prelitl
ration of Sarsaparilla equal lo his ,
Med if,atklExtract of Sarsaparilla.
The eilieaey of Sarsaparillais well known in Scro
fula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Liv
er, Alfect ions of the Skin and Bones, Ulcers the
hose, Throat mid- Body - , as well as an . Antidote, to
Mercury and the Minerals, Codslindional Diseases
and n general Purifity_of the- Blood and •Aninial
Eluids. •
lb.. Leidy w'otthl refer to the most respectable phy:-
'siciatis is Philadelphittois well ns-thefitigliotit. the U.
States for t 1.6 character of. his pl'eparatiiiii, as 'well
also to the ittimer9tis certificates front physicians tind
others, that. have been from tinie.t.o .time published,
now deemed, tinneces,ary as the character ()flits pre-.
paratioti is firmly established„ Throughout, the-Son
therm States it is used altogether, and thronglima the
North takes the precedence over all others, particm
larly. among physicians, W lib, for the benefit of limit.
patients, always recommend it.
- The reglei - is - rilferreil tip tlicrilireCiions aceotifiet7.•
nying each bottle, for reconnuendations; certificates;
and fortlier, partied:fps. :• -
llemeoMer, one boltle,(lialf pints) -is equal to sir
piiits of syrup, and,' s equally piensaid to take.
' /..'rii•e-tind pfdlar per lkiftle: - '7 7-s -
For .sqe inr*.Ca I e by- . B.7`E Tr.E.N'S
BLOOD :- o::.!
`,`TitE - SPRING YEAR IS, C0311NG.."
• lie yeliuri fled in your •
• .• Ilealtlr will ;Attend ymi.
Life of the Flesh is hit's,:
. • 1,6 - tricosc. xr,u 1. V. xi.
TN -
O\V IS Tug "[moon To 13E ELJ13.111l.11)!
Arts this ytestiffir who know
trout actual cx perieoee that
DR. 1, r.ll/1" !S., PILLS,•
/... ,
Are the, salLst, best, and most . Agtial Pills ki i owii,
as - - • .
Spe•inag on.- Vail Purifier;
Thonsalillq wItD 1
have 01:1;i , vvral ye:lrs past 11BCII
01 emAlunitigilie_Sjittir!g antLEall (us-Well_tssl otlet
tunes) will never use any olliers....llundrols are
already chilly procuring thentosdio have heretofore
i'ruploved dent.. The object or this adVertiseinent
is to itifortn the thousands who know out yet rd them,'
where they_ way procure thorn genuine, that this
.nuiy try them; being fully Sal ei I diet hung; tried
'llienolley will never lie persuaded to use any other si
for several reasons.
QUACK., being prelii u •ed by Ur. N. R. Leidy
himself, :t Drag ,, kl, as wel Vas Physicist:,
attested by 'lces. llnence, ljewees,
Jackson, i;ihson ' (force, &c. k,.
A NTI-nnitcuinAL, !ming an Antidote against
Mercury and the :11;inerals, so deleterious anif dan-
Igerm's; and tiiiiinthe elreets of tt !deli Quacks ire
. vend, for t.' killing or curing," and therefore mix .
thip.with Limit. nostrums.' - . '
j - Thiril—Dll, LEIDY'S 111,0011 PILLS ARE SA
FER TIIAN ANY OTI MIS, as in using them,
they require no restraint from living' or °realm
,, lion, and may he taken by.the most delicate and
treble, old and young, nale and female at'all tittles
and unih , r all circumstances.
Fourth—Dß. LEI arti 13,1,001) PI I: LS. Alt E
•A NY OTIP'.I2S, ‘ . ;hen muTdraccurdim , to the di
morons—and do not require to be tat:7m in large
gu intities as is regnired of "%among other Medi
cines, making a Drug Shop or the Stomach, de-
Triving it of its accustomed notrisluncia,tlntray,
.ing its functions, and. thereby causing a rapid de
cline a the human system.
In all cases where a • ptu:gation nitty be oecessa
these Pills will be: foinnl both effectual nod easy in.
their operation, producing no nausea, or sickness of
the stomach; griping or any other unpleasaht sensal
) Further comment is deemed unn e cessary—the
numerous c'ertilicates published front time to time
from Physicians and other individuals must have
convinced the incredulous, and 11)r the further in
formation of all others, Dr. Leidy refers them to the
directi ons 'which accompany eat:l . l.l)ox.
They are prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,
North Second street, .below Vine street, (sign of
the Golden Eagle and Serpents.) - •
, Price es cents a Box.
Also, for sale by STEVENSON Ex.. DINKLE,
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa.
.or .11lood
"The Life of dui Flesh is in the Blood."
rffIRE safest, best and most efficacious Pills how
' in existence, are Dr: Leidy's .Blood Pills, a
component part of which is Sarsaparilla. It is use
less -here to name the good qualities, or commend
upon the medical virtues of these
are. fully aware of them., .Sulliee it,Acisay, they' are
an effectual provfier of the 14;;;V1tatul :renovator, of
the systen .
Phi ajelphia City, SS. •
N. is.] Personally appeared before mei one of the
itifferinen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr. N B.
Leidy, who, on his solemn oath doll, declare and
'swear, that in the coppositimi of the Sarsaparilla
Blood Pills, manufactured by him only; there is not
contained Mercury or the Minerals, or any Drug
whatever, unfriendly, dangerous, or Aleleterions-- to
the human system.
C. BRAZER, Alderman;
13 - P rice 25 cents n Box. •
They are prepared . and sold, wholesale and retail,
at Dr. Leidy's Health EMporium, No. 19t North
Second street, below Vine street. , "
Also, foi• sale by-STEVENSON . i Sc DINKLE;
Driiggtste, Ciirliile, Pa. — . ' . ~ ... .. . .
May 'l9; 1.8.14.—Gin. . .
~ . . . .
Fetter : Itch !!
_Ur ITCH OINTAIENT is daily becoming more
poptdar. Daily do numerous indiyiduals stop' and
inforiii the proprietor of its great success in ,remov
ing and curing:the 'reser and hell. , •
Numerous testimonials might lie published of. its
. efficacy l but-for the delicacy felt - by individuals-hay
ing 'their names published in connection With so
loathsoMe and disagreeable affections. • •
• • It maybe. used with; perfect safety by young and
even-upon infiints, containing no mercury or,
other mineral substances. • 1)r. N. 11. I r eidy prepares
it himselt and knowing. its coinpositimi, most confi
dentially recommends it as superior to any other
remedy for theretter and Itch. prepared and Sold
nt Drt.tehly's MOM Eirrifierium,(sign of the Golden
"Eagle and Serpents ,) No, 191 North 'Second' street,
below Vine. • `' • •
Also,. for, sale:hy_ STEVENSON.. '.... • i • :-
W istr, - tnelisle, Fa; , . - . '
bore preparations areaohl. hy•alt_srlfolesale
Drum in Philadelphia, and by, all respectable
'Merchants antf,Drigotsta throughout' the 'Valtett
. May 19, 841.6m.' , - -. • . . - :7 .- -
[May 19, 1841.—Gin
.42'7'URNEY L./.IIV. • -
Office in High street aJew_donrs-
. • west of the Post Office.
CarliAC, April
1 UST ItECEIVED sonic sery fine ciFi E, at the AD.
I '.
Store of . A. 111(31A111/S.
Moy 12, 1841. _ •
mt. vurzsTalivs
-k--c-upzuwk.TEJ:ufEDlEDy FOR=
XTUMF,I2O_US remedies have' been offered' and •
LI puffed into ac 'ce lor - Aliseases. of the Lungs, .
some 'of which ha's um übtedly - been found very Use
ful, but of all that have hitherto becii known, it must
he univergalty acknowledged there is none that has.
ever proved as. successful as the "-BALSOM OF
c Such indeed are the 'astonishing restorative and'•
healing properties of thifr" Balsam;."that evelt in the
'worst fornfs of Consumption, when the . patient has-
suffered with the most distressing cough, violent.
paint; in they.ehestoliflictilty of breathing,tught iwents r -
-bleedingoriti,A.,g,Sat-and_witent lutmnst esteem.,
oil remedies of mir Pharinficopias had failed toldford - •
.atty relief, and even when Botanic, Flonuepathic, and'
numerous other remedies, had been used for Many
months in vain, this invaluable remedy has checked' -
every symptom.and been productive of the most.Bs
- elief.' In the early stages, of the disease,
proceeding from neglected colds, termed Catarrhal
Consumption, it has been usc,d with undeviating sue--
cess. and in many instances, when this disease seem , '
ed to have Marked its victim for an early grave, the
use of this medicine has arrested cverYsymptom,and
I restored the lungs to a statifTiC - Flect bealfh.
In that form of Consuniptiun, soprevalent amongst
del i c . itte.yonng feniales,commonlytermed debilith
"going into a decline," a complaint with *Mel! (hot*,
sands are lingering, it has also been used with anrpri-
Suecess, and not nay
,possesses the • power of. .
ecking'the progress_ of. this - alarming - diseasc;htit.
at the - same time - strengtheifs and invigorates the
Nch•cle system more eflbettnilly than any remedy We •
have ever possessed.
LIVER COMPLAINT.---Tit diseases of the _
'l iver,particularlv . when attended with a couLrh;
Ills 111 the sige,.rtlnas also pro- -
.yeil very ellicacions, apd cured many rases of this •
lindallet••the most powerful remedies had failed. .
. .
ASTI! NI A.---In this complaint it has also Lecti"
used in numerous- itMances'with the'.most: singular'
It ripens threhest, rendering-thelfreatiling—
peefectly free,atert slv t he.cMigh, 'wilt seldom fail
• '
''iAtti saritiiiiTiTri lii7ai7oat; telided•mitli a ImOrse
hesi;.catteli-oms.ore.M.ll.4a,44iiOTAT.,it-Willralso hefoudd
ve - ry . elii•ct usl reniedy, :nal will 'mostly idiomd im
mediate relicl.if used at the - commencement of its --
.attack.. - -
CO. COUGHS common etttiglis
null roll's, that pr'es ail, se extensively throtighoM the
Winter, it will lie founamtieli inore.effectual than any,:
.remedy in use, aiiiksylicii colds settle upon the lungs,
eaiLsiogatv the
sliortness - of,iirealliiiike:- - ,Alie use of this
.1 tals.mi will suppress such symptoms immediately,
and :it the same time prevent.the lump from heeom
.lug more seriously diseased.
-(r.2 A - N1):WI I OWING C0U1 . 111.-In .
these complaints, SO connnOti to- young children, this
Balsam - wilkbc found much superior to the Parego
ric Elixir Syrup, or.SimilTs, and the various cough
ini.xtures in common use, as it. is eutirely live from
any - thing the least Mini-inns, and may at all times be
giveirto children svith perlectstilety - , - . - uulwith,the - eer- -
Wilily of its:till:riling them speedy relief.'
fn - • AS A FA.NIILY.MEDICINE for many
er imiiiplaints, this
useful. Besides haying pros - ill an 1111111131)1C
IT nivity in all Pulmonary all,l;etions, it exerts a 110 W-•,
erfnl ilifluence over diseases dependinn.- on at
depraveircomlitio of the system,and those who have .
suffered 11.01111 the milisiiriminate use of Alercury, or
Otllor deleterious drugs, that are 011011 compounded
hi different quack nostrums, will find it it remedy of
great Value, possessing the p4vee of strengthening
and Invigorating the whole system more elfectually
'Hiatt any other medicine we possess.
icine has already.acquired great celebrity. there may
pi.obably he spine attemptt in imitate it, and deceise
the public with appurions mixture, to prevent which
I would whit all purchasers to observe the folloWihg
marks of the genuine Dais:mi. It is put up in bottles
of two sizes' 'each. leo WISTA II'S
-1•111IN, !down in the glass , and alabel on the front
with the . signature of I I I,IINIIX IVISTAR, M. D.
Ni 11110111 which none is gentibm.
- PreiriredThr tie proprietor by WILMA MS''&
.CO., chemists, Ni,. '2'3 Commerce street, Philattel-•
Oda, and sold'hy The most respectable. Druggists and'
other appointed agents in, all the - principal tOWns
throughont the toned States.
pcir. Tito C-istimine Bnlsam sold • in Car
lisle; by SAtMUI ; L li6LIO ' I"I;
cil Agent.
Pylce $1:00 a bottle.
December DI, 1840.---iy
, Hays Liniment.
NO PICT. I 0.,V.
This Traordinary - chemical crimposition, the re
sult of s mice and the invention of a celebrated med
ical man \ the introthntion - of which to the publi c
was Illy • fed is WI the solemnity of a death-bed be-.
:quest, lots since gained a reputation 'unparalleled,
Gulp sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr.
Gridlley's last confession, that " lie dared not die
without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl
edge on Ills subject," and lie therefore bequeathed
to his friend and attendant, Solomon Ilaysithe secret
of his discovery.. , .•
It is now used in the prineXtilhospitals, and the
private practice In our cotintry;'first and most cer
tainly for the cave of the PILES, and also. extensive-. •-•
ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, sinless w . ,K;"
its effects are witnessed. Ester/fang in, tbzl„, -
lug compktinis: •• ' • .
Dropsy---Cresting cx!„.:llinary absorption
at once. • -
Swellings—Bcd , ..eilrg them in a fess% hours. •
Itheuniatist—e-Acute or chronic, giving quick
~`:.arerbrout---By cancers. ulcers, or colds.
"'Croup and Wh oo oing-Coughr—Externallj as 4
over the chest. !
All Bruises, Sprains, and Burns—Cured in a few
• houri.:
. -
Soresand theers---Whether fresh or long, stand.;
lug, nod fever-sores.
Its operation upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight
nes`a oldie chest by relaxation of the parts, lens been •
Surprising beyond conception. The 'common, re-
mark. of those who have used it in the Piles, is It
nets . . -
price;sl, is refunded to any")'
person .who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for .•
the Piles, and return 'the empty bottle without hein
cured; These are the pOsitive orders'oftlienroprie,
tor to the agents,and out of many thousands thousands sold,not
one has been unsuccessful.' • '-'
We might insert certificates to .any length, hitt •
prefer that those who sell' the article, shoOld exhipit
the original to purchasers.
• • 7o Phqsieians and Patients.
t The Blind - Piles, said to be incurable by external
applinations;---Solomon Bays warrants the 'contrary.
care Liniment will c•e Blind Piles. pacts are more
stubborn than theories. 110 solicits all respectablc, it 'upon. their Patients.' It will do '
them no harm, and it is known that every physician
who has bad the honesty to Make the trial, has can
xlidly.admitted that it bas succeeded in every. Case
.they have', known: Then why not use it ? It is the: ....
recipe-of one of theirmost respectable members, new \
deceased. Why refuse Muse it ?'.Because it is sold,-
as a; proprietary medicine ? Is this a 'sufficient 'ex
hitse for suffering their honest pntients.te ;linger in
distress?'Wethink not. Physicians shall be core T
vineed that there is .no humbug.;ornitackery about
thisthen ,not alleviate IteMin suffer,'
ing ?' they. won't try it before,them after
ot h er . prescriptionsfail..:PhySielansarerespectfully , .
requested'to do themielveikand patienti.thejustice to
Use this iirticle It:shelf be'taken Teoni" the betties:"
a d,done_u s their resori tionlf.theiAesiee. , r
" 6. SDL - 011ADisT HAYS.
Sold' by Cornstecki,&*•Do. Wholesale. Deuggists;
No. 2; F I ep3 e r street, New York.
Vor alio by STEVENSCIN &
TilNKLE;'Carlisle, Pa; ' •
Deceniber 29, 1810.7-1.7