0 ri WILLIAM. N. PORTIM, 'MDITOh gr RAD & EXPOSITOR. *eartiote. ,VVgDNESDAY: JULY 28, 1841 FOR GOVERNOR, J .H. B A NIBS; . .0/O"BE:RKS;,COUNTi".. Confinittec. -Dentocratia..Whig;standing corn ofOtimberland county. are reqUested to meet on Monday the 9th . day of August next,ltt Macfarlane's. Hotel, at . 2 o'clock, f; M:, tai make a . rrangentents for the meet ing'of the county"Conv.ention. k is important . thatsevery , tnetnber of the" ouimittee should be in attendance. • The. following persons compose the committee. . . Nicholas Uricli, Dr. Lame Lener;.Al - I Carlisle; James Weakley, WM. Gilleland, • •Diekinson;. Simon Oyster,' Jacob Rupp; .• - East Peonsboroogir Daniel Lecky, David .Rloser, Frankford;, IVnt. - W. - Boyd, sJacob John Brandt,-Mourpe; -Samuel J. MeCor , .jaeob .Robert . Wilson, George - Singizer,jr., Mechanics . burg ; Henry Bredemari,•• Lewis. Ydung, ' •• New Cumberland; John Dditfee, Joseph IVleparniOnd;Newville;, Thomas D. !hie, . • Jacob Hershey . , Nhrth •Middleton ; Isaac Koontz, Charles Brewster, Newton; David sen., Riabert•Stuart; Shippensburg • ' borough; John .Raann ; Elias Hough, Ship pensburg,township ; Robert S. McCutre,• IliditterZietler ; Southampton; "Peter Glaughlin, Isaac Cauffman, South 'M •:ton ; Christiarr' Ctioffibad, John - .Martin; Silver Spring.; Lewis . H..• Copt: atNt*yr.blortn,lpttiltatyttekxite4kmiistasTMlTF:; , .. • . , • 16; Persons indebted to the' Elerahi & • Expoptior 4 olliceior sitbseription, vet tiS 7 liiret - job work"; are., regttested . to mill acid !settle their accounts as soon as PosSible: . We haie several pressing demands' against us, which ; rrlost, be met immediately. . . The August Court will_afrord many of —our frimids an , opporturiity of remittnig; at leabt,4 portion of What is due. • TO CORRESPONDENTS ~..APickinsion.L4-111—annear-iteict-: w eult.=l "Gr" is under consideration. itc7"Our readers,are Teminded that the general exhibition of the pupils of the High Schools and Secondary Pepariruerit will tak'e•place at "Education.gall" on Thurs day afternoon,•and also at 8 o'clock in the •evening ; on which occasion , the Barracks ~,B and - will 1.4 in attendance. ,!KrOur readers will find the "Tempe ranee Department" on our 4th page. .:_____i o:7.lVie have received' the first number , orthe " Temperane .advocate and Lite rary I?epasitory," published in Philadel r:,,phia, by Lewis"' C. Leviii. It is neatly ; ,piitited in quarto iiirm,suitablefor binding. 'Term's, $2 per annum. It is,well worthy the attention of the friends of temperance,. We have carefully examined a series of ..!copy - books, entitled "Rind's Introduction •to Penmanship," and Ifeard - the author ex= plAituthe principles of his system and mode •of tuition, 'and have no hesi6tion in, , ing that in point of method, and facilit n ac quiring an elegant and easy style , , of itis far .superior to any other system , -before the public. . : 'The,'lntroduction' is .embraced in eight z9.9y1:200k5, and is used altogether in ihe, sehools, 7 or — niladelphia city and . county,' New York, Baltifiwre and other place S.--r In addition to the introdui3Wry, part, there are the " Piece Book," " Ornan'a:!ital 'Co a- -now-edition-of--tift "American Penman," by the . saine author; this latter work is the largest and most perfect of the kind everliiihushed in this country, and will be a great acquisition to teachers. • • Mr. Rand is.now in town, and has taken rooms at Macfarlane's, • where he will be happy to see dame who may wish to ex- amine bia books.. He will alio, in con- Au:action with a friend. and pupil, • give a ailis i diirlelions:if a class should bo forth-, . • .td'in this place. He has been . a.teaelter of writing in , Philadelphia for, more .than 25 y:ears, and comes, highly : recommended. • MELluscuovit AcciumiT.—On Thu ractay erring last, Mr. Joshua llfartin, eldest son of Pattl' Mtirtin;tEig., Sheriff of , this county, went but of town with a friend, to • test, the "relative speed of their, horses. Put . - ing ~the progress of the race, the horses came infeo)lision, and, the: one ridden by Mr.. Mardi) :fell : with him,thrbwing, him glen:his ,Thee young. mut was,;ta, ken up insensible, acid conveyed to Cul% Moudy'e 'next day! iie was ''reinnved - to :hin.•,fither's residence, - where he ingered in great until Saturday *Witt 1 2 o'clock, when ,he :died. —Mr.' ii Martin was a young man of Much proMise, and his death is' deeply regretted .4 hid family and Mende. A CAUTION.—On Sunday.last, a child of Mr. GEORGE' ZINN, of. Mount Rock, died (iota the effects produced •by swallower percussion caps: A correspondent. of. Baltimore Pet rip t,_frem-jeffer.son--cotin t-y, V.a,states-tha the volOnteercompanies of Baltimore; York, Lancaster, FrederickiJ—Carlisle,: Ilagers mWn,Shepardstown, Martinsburg, Charles tovvi,iWhichester, Washington City and ',GeOfgetOWn, (and he might haire added, Chambersburg, flarriaburg and Philadelphia) are among the finest troops 'in the Union. He prOpOses, (as there is a prospect of war) that the olunteers.:from those places, and, other towns in : Maryland and Pennsylyania„ hold .an encampment for improement in - military discipline, at October. ti more Su n jecting to the time 'anct—place, names the point, and the •fourth of July next as the time. • • By ordel In ,this,, as - in other 'cases, we7think . . "there is nothing like leather;" we there -fore-name—Carlisle--as -the-point. --There are several hundred volunteers in this coun ty; the town may he' reached by -rail road from theeast,°Weet and south, and besides, :there.are, a large number of United-States Dragoons at the Carlisle- - llarracks, under the command of Captain &Miner, who 'wouldYbe pleased, we., have no doithl,.-to uhite.with the volunteers on that oe'caskin,.• lon ..RigggF4-4,9Riielyp4,,:orker,..ihulo.: -. •notttlr-ivir , 1134 ithy .. o-:: ; o.`ilthgoit;A iey:•.(frplicr, time ybu -ivbld.reseue‘ .from • the. Aueofoco is in; aprpoaching Av.hen_thai. . pledge is to beredeeme)d; and svA...call upon you to:organize forthe contest:. The second Tuesdayiof'.october . next will kiffortl:you an opportunity of correcting the abuses of. the -tate Government, by removing, from poiver—an inlministratior; witich e like the deadly tipits,has destroyed every moral principle brought within the_ reach (-)r - iti . deleterious =influence. It is - tittielor yin Prefer - tile public good to privnte: interest, to interpose "' f aitr vela,. against an army of office-lrolders,,reinarlea= ble only 'for their abuse pr power— In every county of our state, the Whigs are moving in favor of John o ßanks—theY recognize in him a man whOse talentq and integrity eminently qualify him {Or the station to which-he :will_ be, called; whos e_ Honesty iq .nit even suspected ; who dc-, sires to serve the people, instead of a fac tion; whose• educatiqn, principle and feel ings are all Pennsylvanian, and who limits the tenure of the office to one term.. Opposed to him, you have R, Porter: Whqacthas.he done as Governor of Penn sylvama„, to,win your confidence when- he. interposed a pardon before' trial to screen his favorites from merited pun ishment? Was it by vetoing every mea sure poised by the'late-iegislaturei-to-re lieve the wants of the community or sustain the sinking credit of the commonwealth? Was it by re fusing to sign a bill giving the erection of canal commissioners to the pea ple ?: Or wasit7b7bieo — it, the slavebf a paltry faction, and devoting his whole . attention to intrigue anti artifice. to secure Attine-election if you' approve of such 'acts; j!ou may vote -for David R. Porter but, if not, you incur a heavy responsibi lity if you do nOt votnagainst•him • We call upon you,. then, to perfect your organization. This is the--last of July; the Standing Committee meets on the. 9th • of August to make arrangements for the DOC -gate Elections. Suffer no member Of:that: committee to. i iemain at home. _ : A.ppoint_vi,_ - g - ilance — committees throughtiutthe 'county; turn out at tite• itminship elections and send "gnod-men and trut'" lu the'CounlyCon vention. With a good tiekei, and proper efforts on the part of our friends, we can carry the county, bytl greater majority than that which we gave to " TIPS No. 1." • Do not neglect to read the addres l of the "Tips No. 1," to the people of; pennsyl r.vania..,....ltis an admirable productiOn. It is well ltnewn' that previous to the Preef dential election, a large number of the chi, zene of Harrisburg, Oro_ ha aided .in the . eleCtion of Davint Porter, ca'nie out for General .Harrison, and organiZed a club of ".s . traight6itti,". undo: : the name of "Tips No. 1.".. They dune battle nobly' for the cause, they had cep'ousetl E and when the victory was won, .rejoiced . with. the - Whigs; iii - the utter prostration of the Van. Boren party. • • Three inelnbers of tltie'elul>, having since 'rettirned, tol the support Of Paiter, the Incofficue . of - .Harrisburg instent, ly formed an "/rOn Grai Club," 'placed . these''three men at .the 'head of it, and sent foith-aerinidress,-asserting club had , gone,oVer. I:Theaddreee ed• in' our paPer however,'. ahOwn MILITARY. ENCAMPIVIENT. W.IIIGS - OF, CUMBERLAND, Et g: . :_4!?; 0 - *X ti:6 . 4 : .t ..- 11), irA•:al 0:.:.4. - ' - tt'tc - 1,21e* 0 ol, : i 0" - T #,.--„- that the n " Tips, No. 1," have enlisted dur ing the "1.46"," anil. do not intend to "groOnd arms" 'until the:cohorts of locnfocoism, are swept to the four witii)s, and the state re deemed from the blighting influence' of the, present . edministratioo. g c • jicrWe learn by the Baltimore - Patriot, that on Saturday last the, vote was tUlten'in the Sen Ute, to the final passage of the Bankrupt Bill - , and carried in the,a,ffirma lye. • " MORE PROSCRIPTION varicaster, late locofocb' Postmaster at Car=_ rolton, 111. Was recently tried in Springfield, and sentenced .to ten years. imprisonment in the Penitentiary, for purloining letters. As this appears to be a, cane' of peculiar, hardship, ive advise the locos to run up the guillotine. and give a -howifor the fate .of their unfortunate brother. • The 7th chapter of the)La . mentations of the Lo,cofoco Blate•Central Corinmittee.has: made its appearance. This eddresi is de -16-eie-Obinithe Governor for.the nu in'erous PARDONS .and 'PREVIOUS PARDONS given by him to screen offenders from .punishment. In making at cempnrisoit of ..pardons-granted-by4lte-Late-adminiitrations, with the • number granted by GOvernor Porter, they state as follows. Gov. IhTNER.—The whole number of par , dons .granted during his -administration;as near as • • • • we can ascertain from the records, We're between one • and two huared, a large. - number - or• which were • • • 'granted during, the last; 3 - . • • months of •his ; attministra- . • : _ Goy. PORTER. --.Tikentire munberof par . • ' . • dons . gpmte6 . T .flicfitrir6 half yeat•Sin"fi . iiiiteif•TTS . ',Uni hundred andihirty,eight: • . • , • • all 'told !• being, infinitely. '• • ' .. -- PL'AV - Elt - 111 - 11titob - et • Were granted by any ad-: . •• anin4trationthathas ever . . • been in power in the stateP What admirablelogicians• are committee They tell us thve-Governor -Ritner's pardons 'were "betipeen one-and. two hundred (they were afraid to 'mentimi the eiaetr . state of betweerlity,) in three years," 'and then , say,_.tbt " the entire numlier of pardons granted by 'G0v..1 3 0r.: ter, in two-years and a half,: aro precisely One litin:lred and thirty4eight, being,infi nitelv FEWER in number!"- TfiefhaVe_ also clisCovered, by examin ing the "Executive Minutes," that two or thie . e "previous pardons" were granted by formei• Gevernors, e i .iime forty 'years ago, as if that was sufficient to justify Governor Portei. But the committee have not dared to say so; for' if precedent were sufficieut , to justifyo . i*, every...felod in the country might plead exemption from , punishment. __ru P_U.DLIC__DE:Ri'. In our last paper We . published , a synop sis of the Loan Bill, as it passed the House of - Bepresenta fives. .'That bill has since been passed by. the Senate, - and wants but the approval of the President to become law. TO. show_ the. necessity.' for a loan,- we extract the following statetnent of 'the National Debt, from the National Intelli gencer • . . file amount of treasury Tiptoe unredeemed by settlement of accounts; and therefore outstanding, (debt) on Ist of - J - a - nuary, • 1841, was. • . 84,966,816 The amount of outstanding ap • propritaions (llattittles) on Ist of January, 1841, was 12,306,265 The. actual amount of, debt and -liabilities, 01) Isb of . • January, 'lB4l, was $17,273,081 The amountof appropriations. of all kinds made at the last _. session of the twenty-sixth congress, for the service of the year NV,. was 10,719,095 The actual' amountgf debl4ll - d - , betweet, Ist of . January and' 411 i of March. 1841. was 836,092,176 The amount of 'revenue' re -- between Ist January and 4th March, 1841, in cluding the balance in Oe treasufylon the Ist January, 1841,,,as appears by the treasury report of 2d June. and including an amount re-. ceiveit from the - BaulCoT the United States, was . . Which, deducted, leaves the: amount of debt and liabili . ties mt 9th Mareh, 1841, $33,084,40 This amount is chargeable up on revenue accruing and'to • - be received after 4ilt.Mareh f .1841; of.. which. it is esti mated there - will be receiv. od between 4th of ~March and Oren(' of the year, (per - treasury report,) . . . tiethyited.leavea the . . • probable amount ortlabt and • liabilities on ,114 of 'Jaittary,.' • ...' 1842, , 118,394;449 ro.tv.hioll,6hoeltl-be added 'for interest on treasury notes reticanied the year, , Making, the sum $l9 - 694 of „4 49 Thie kiln will be iliminitisbed or increased . 'exactly as the • revenue which may ha•ie‘ been received. betweep the 4th of . March and 31st of December, bind! be ,greater or' less than the amount estimated: TACTICS OF THE ENEMY. The Locofoco, State' c'ebtral Committee are sending " private circulars" tb..thelr party 'enders throughout the state, urging the more, effectual organiLtion of their forces. . . One of these "c gentleman of, this place; but he refused to assist in sustaining the spoilers, and boded it over to us, with permission bio, use it. as WA .might think,Jiroper. • We therefore publish it below, for the, double purpose of exposing . the_desperate measures resorted to by the •locofocos, to - sustain a sinking cause, and 'preparing' our friends, 'also, to give a proper ,receptiOn to the inquisitorial committees which are to 'itinerate! through the ,different Counties, cheering the des ponding, and converting the The following is• the document alluded to . . . Plan for the more effectual organi zation of the'Dernocretie Pqrctt of Pennsylvania. . . . minee, ex perience a high degree of. gr,atifi cation in-beiii&ble_toistateitas.theirfirm ednviction, predicated on information de !hied from.everysection of the state, that our -worthy and 'patriotic Goiiernot, DA YID' It.. PORTER, is , destined to he re elected by a very- large majority.- There is, however, much. reason „to app . rehend, that this yery conviction, if i; be gefie'rally efiteriained i may_prereiiit our'.Deoirieratic, friends' from \effeciling 'that complete and. perfect ORGAN IZ4TION . .of our' party forces, _which ta,.always indispensable to success; and 'the want . of which; there.tS w,„eyeiy reison 'to *believe, was . ,,,the.se-. Ata4( 4 4Wol l .4 l 4MFllittOrtiiulint gainst a ssinita - r :disastrous yesult nosk_olit Cent i he. co-operation _of_ the „respective -ciinly' cdthiliitteesrand thni hicupOn'sOme united and - - - Corinereed-sYStem.of orgao rOL out the whole ":state." We,.therefore, after mature deliberation, have agreed upon the , following asthe most qezisible - Mode cif ac= complishingthis mueh desired'object,:and urgently-entreat. the immediate co-opera tioir oldie Democratic Vigilance Commit tee of }roar coil - illy; to carryAfe atails • 6f - the plan into effect. They are - as r follitws: I. Immediately upon the receipt_ofthiS, 'oonvelle yourregular couTity_vigilance coin inittee at as short - a - notice .as-poP.sible, and organize by appointing, an ACTIVE, IN FFLUELNIMAI & INDUSTRIOUp Mem ber as•chairinar.,,and another Such-as,See rctary—beth to reside in the countytown; 2. This same conmiittee; at this their first meeting, to appoint in each borough, ivard or township, comi,Pitees composed .13, 5 or 1 of the most ACTIVI.I Democrats, to act as vigilance committees for their re spective districts. • • 3: As soon as appointed, the ch\airman - and secretary of •the ciiunty" comniittee to convey to each individual member of the township and wad committees, through a collfiaenlial source, notice of their appoint ment, and of the naturo and effect of the guiles that• will be ,required of them seve- 4., The duties of these committee men should be, as early•as possible, to effect a general . EN ROLNIENT.of the voters in such borough, ward or.township, designat, ing them under appropriate heads, as De mocrats, Federalists; and doubtful. This may_be_ effected either-by-living-access-to the assessments, or through the combined personallinnWledge of the'committee Men. '5. After, this general classification iu.all the diitriets has beenyerfeeted, these town ship -or ward committees to report the names to the chairnian of the. county .com. whose - duty - it - shlalkbe-to-report-the aggregate .result to the . 'ehairmati of the State Contrail-, Committee. .7 1 /m.,qou/yfut men should. not only be . tallced to frequent ly, but also supplidd with'apprOpriate doc uments. - To this latter duty, the State Central Committee will attend, if the names. and loeation of the persons be deaignated . as.also w hether. documents are to be sent in English or German. 6,.. It should also be enjoined by urgent circulars, upon all these committee men as an especial duty, shortly before the elec tion, to call upon every ilounTruk or LutiE wmult soter_within—their—respective—dis triets in—person, awl 7,:ege r la-s-latenclance at the path, on the ' day diction.' The Democracy feel satisfied. that they have at this day an overwhelining majority of -the popular vote on their side, if it can be got out. - THIS- MUST BE DONE. , 7. As well the committee men within'the wins, as also- those in Om. townships, should - meet frequently, between this and the election, (say at least once a week,) for the purpoSe of contrasting •the progress of their labours, and also to consultAipon what forther may • be done for the ,promo tion of the good cause. • ,• • 8. In. as many districts as possible, "Pon- Tint CLun•s h should be formed, and by-laws adopted, to which thesignattire4, if.possible; of every democrat in each county; should be obtained. - • 8,927;727 0: Vrevious •to gho election, arrange , ments should be effected in each borough, 'mord, and township, , that oh VI& da . y of election formers and others, 'who . have teams at their disposal, mhy . be- induced to employ them in bringing infirm or distant voters to the polls, which teams Bhouhl be, kept in constant service frowihe_opening. to tize-dosiog of the boxes. 10. Immediate steps ShOtt ‘ hlbe taken,'to' client. a general and widsitapread circulation of Governor Pinvrttn's Von 'Message upon the ‘revenne bill.", :.1 1 0:Altii; end, the Democratic Printers jic.o,liiiy.e'.agreed to 14,670,000 sen(l.,q,NT,P I`.OOUSAN:OI.(3OP,IES: .in • Engliiih,-or-Germani-to"anyTrequired demi nation, for every ion dollars, enelesed:(ie advance) to lito' Chairmen' 'of tito'cle,ntral Committee. • • • 300,000 reulars" (PRIVATE CIRCULAR.] The Central' Committee have. forborne calling mass con ventiotis,'neither will they call any.such:during the campaign, unless unforseen_contingencies should render., it expedient. They "believe that if ' one half of the means •employed upon these mass gatherings were appropriately employed in the respective counties, .the result would be far more beneficial to the party. In conclusion, we again entree• you, one and all, to'spare no labour or painsio carry the details Ofnthis plan into practical effect,. and also to communicate fteely, and fre ,ntly with the Si l — queßtly with tht ;tate uent - aqimmittee upon all enhjeets, that may have a tendency to, REDEEM Pennsylvania* from - the STIGMA of Federa'Him, and With it, as we verily believe, THE: ENTIRE, 'U NION. • kJ . ..BUEHLER, ,Chairman JACOB SEILER, Secretary. •' THE GULLET-INE AT WORK." , The editor of the. United States Gazette, durit4f , a recent visit to Cape May, actually swallowed a cobbler. We advise- friend. Chandler - .not to make a similar attempt on the kit—he might stall at the laps one, and thus male an end of himself: The follow::: irig extract of a letter from the editor to his "Arm Chair," •will throw - more ligift on this-matter . • •• ',Cape May; July.2o; 1841. -, • " The' Company of this island is highly respeetable i -and--the-order--and decorum observed, are 'such as belong to respectable persons. I confess, however,'that -after 1 arrived; I was rather apprehensive that scer tain associations had been' -commenced; which-would- detract from the character which I - have already said the place is en titled, from the worth of its summer visi- Mrs. It seems that there have receiitly got in among' the cOrripany,•colbpOsed of mer , chants, mechanics, shipmasters; profeSsion •al Men, and gentlemen-'-(if --leisure, a class 'il . niindegeripts—a sort Of• patched. gentry 4--call ed. - cob I4e kfuSai received, and Mayib,e cdnsidered favorites. NoW,.Captain Marryat has recently 'written :a 7 novel,-whielt :turns : .on -the success-of -a 'poacier'• and a • 'tinker,' lwo,kiiuM•of per :sons-not-found in this- country. ;land --I thought, perhaps; that the 'old enti - ntry' was sending hither, by Way of adventurectob 7 liters, to snake fortunes and ensure success. •Thecobblers-are ,not . early-yrisers. I hear nothing of theAt until after the bathing hour, and theo_they, are in general request. [mot every gentleman inquires _ler ills. cobbler,and lakes oysters with ; him.— trange familiarity ! And truth to say, the ladies have been seen .torsi - iii6 upon these new corners, though I-am not apprised that any further favors have been shoWn, or faa miiaruaes allowed: of these cobblers found' his wily, - up'intOMy . .nwechamber a few (jays since. I ' turned iiiro down' 1 assure you, very quick=he was not seen there long. • • , A highly respectable-clergyman of our city spoke to a friend about these strange visiters. "Why," says he, "what do they do with so many co - hiders ?" • "Cobblers;" said the geiitleinan, "mend shoes, and thus assist the understanding."' "I have heard.," said the clergyman "that linkers Make two holes in a kettle fti every one they Mend. And I suspect .tha these cobblers, though they may give fresh ness to the. upper leather, ultimately nth Correspondence of the Berald & Expositor. WAsursoToN,-23d July, 1841.: z Since my last letter to you, the Loan Bill has been discussed' in, the Senate, and passed-23 ayes to 20 noes-ti strictly party-ilote:- 6 - WhigsOnost of them' detain- ed by indisposition, and 2 Locofocos, being absent. The bank bill has occupied much of the remainder of the time, the opposi tion, as usual, endeavoring by means of ridi culous, trifling amendments, long speeches,, &c., to delay the vote, and• if possible to -prevent-The-passage-or_the :bill._ In this way they hope to render Abe extra session odious:to the people. Unless the physical strength of this factious, minority" gives way, or , the previous questioa be adopted, it is impossible to say-how long .the .ses sion will continue. To convince you that the opposition Wive not the good of the Cinintry at heart, but are guided solely by the wish of injuring the administration, I need only call to ,your remerebrance the fact, that, when the vote was taken upon Mr. Rives' amendment, 'requiring the. as sent. of the states to the establis " hmentof -branches - within 0161, eberyloCipco •squu.• we except two voted against it, and yet the main argument of 'these men against a batik is, that it inte,rferes with the rights of the states !! INSferday, the.bankrupt bill was taken . up and discussed. *" The House of. Representatives continues unwearied "in well doing," and.are work-: ink like faithful of of the people..— The latter part of last week, and the first two days of this, was taken up 'with the, discussion of the bill Making appropriations for repairing and-finishing the fortifications of our coast and harbois. It was paSsed on Tuesdarby the vote_of 148 to 66.=- Eleven whigs (from the southern 'states 'principally); voted against the bill, and '3l opposition members (plainly hem the Northern .Atlantic States) voted in the af firmative.% TWelve administration, and ten oftpuition Members absent.. ,_Un Vetlnes day.the bill appropriating a sum for the erection and maintenance Of a hoole i5(1 64 (17 ran was taken up.' This provides for "tive frigates, two sloops, two . small tieseels, and. two 'stearners,'',4o . defend our .coast: It was 'passed imallron the same day by a nearly: unanimoUs_vote4.4B_to S._ UL.the, eight who mastered resoluthef enough to vole igainSt loOpfuens. (MAIM surnO,dny several bills ,wore report. ed by theapprepritliecomMittees.. A bank rupt bill by the judicial 'committee. The bill_ passed by the Senate, fur the repeal ~of the Sub -treasury, WasTsiPO&il.AViih amend of 1806. A bill for :Ilier . biention of Bank' nf„the:Ußitedstates," , very , similar to :that - noW n'iler discission in the :Senate.- was ilk) 'tiorted - by the judiciary committee.je •Ye . erday, ti , resolution proposing to ap point d•ciinimittee Of nine members, Whose duty ':it should tie to sit during the recess of Congress, far the' ptirpoSe of . takinir, evi dence-IA tit the opeintion fit the existing tarift "and information useful irfany.rev•i4 sign of the revenue laws" atl , thii next ses shin, gave rise to much debate;nccomjiati: ied with a great deal of •warnithqUite tiff: necessary at this season. • The vote-on it will be . taken, if is supposed, to-day. Quite . a': ci — imm. rred '. between Wise - (th - e L prime mover of all the disturbance in the ilouse)-`and - Nisbet, of , . Georgia, -it very quiet, excellent aim • Mr. Wise, however, found that if he was not his equal in noisy, denunciation, he still possessed the . courage and ability to defend himself. . Virginia abstractioniSat •is fast losing ground: Wise ;Ind . , Mallory. will in all 1 probability be driven overto the locofoces; Gilmer is improving very much. Out of Virginia there is little or.' none of it. Ar nold, of Tennessee, made an excellent speech a few-dais Since, 'showing the - evil of abstraction in a strung point' of view.— Wise, the most.trpublesome of this school ; H hevertheless professeS to be a warm friend of President Tyler; and asupporter of his adMinistidtiOn. Ile cerfainly has ashigu lir way ofmaniteSting his"..attachment, op posing ae:he has -every- measure excepting the home squadron bill, which was report ed by-him as chairman of the Naval Com 7 inittee. • - . , Ed‘Vard Everett has' been nominated to• . the Sena_le_as Minister_ to Englond = Daniel leniter •to Austria—and Colonel Todd to Russia. 4suppose, however, you hive heard .of:these appUintments. They .are excellent, as wellas that of Middy Thomp son to Mexico. .;Everett was formerly fir many years Governor' of-Massaehuset . ts, and next to the Lion. John Quincy Adams; is said to be the most learna" - rilan in t.IO .o_nited_States; . -Colonel Todd, tis.you-are no doubt aWore,:was the: .- pOrtietflar tripod and aid during the war, of the• lanapiited Jenifer ‘Vavfor many years member of Congress from Maryland; - and. aline" tin die . lOSF. ongreSti; : in the'delo - 5-7 tion of henii , lited' nut,: Carolina:- Th e wcathe . • :ere has -been' extrFtnet3r hot for severld . days c 31 . 1;1 the Whele'atinosr 'plferc is loaded . ivithast. President Tr ler continues' to -give groat. satisfaiiiiiin to the crowds of his fellow citizens daily throng the white house, .1)3 his;affability of manner_anirreptibliean - . L.hade just learned that the whir=s of the Senate Int-ye-agreed upon a plan b 1 a bank, .by which the ecmstitutional scruples of all can- be satisfied.. Messrs. Rives,. ,Preston and, Merrick have signified their iatentien t 6 Vote roe a hill upon. thelilan proposed.' Mr. Clay will introduce the, amendment to'-inorroW,.ond the bill:Will, it is generally. suppostal,pOSs finally on thus saute As soon as this is done, there will be a prospect of the speedy _ ailjntirnme - ntr Congress. 'I could give you the outline of the amendmznt, but you no doubt will see it in the paper's as soon as this 'letter can reach you. I must conclude ap,the mail will soon close. By the way, what has Lecome of the bill giving the election of the 'canal com missioners to tire. people ? Surely your democratic Governer cannot inten d to be lie the principtes of the party which elect ed him? If ,he does intend to keep the bill in his pocket until after the 'election, how can-the-demoefat le-pa rty-voie-lor-h im In answer to our correspondent we•liave to say, IliaL.the Governor MA yet signed , the. bill-giving - -the -election of the canal commissioners to the people, and his . friends-say he does not intend to do, so; and yet his party will support. him tiotwit standing. It is a way . the. Locofocos have of showing. their democracy, to oppose any measure calculated to take power from the oflice r holders,and ,give . it to the people. D F. In this borough, on Saturday night last, MR. JOSEPH HAYS, in the 77th year of Ills ago Vin this borough, on Monday the-;6lh . SKILe.S, Senior, in the 81st year of his age. hy-Mr. Skiles_ was a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and faithfully served his country in the war •of thu Revolution, He alleiWerds removed to this county, where he has resided for many years, es teemed by those Who knew.him as . a useful Oil-Z - 6 - 1 - 61nd good title. 'el) this, borough, on Tuesday the 27th instant, . Mrs.. MARTHA' ANDERSON, ‘tife . of Mr. Henry Anderstin (Merchant,) :Ind daughter of Lewis Harlan, Esq.—abed about 19 years. . - • , • • .71coll claimants and persons interested. Notice is hereby given that a writ of Scirc Fatima, to August 'Fern; 1641, to me . directed, has 4t..:en is sued, out of the Court of Commtit'lleas of (Mother land 'county, on the following. "Meillianic's Lien," entered and recorded in the Court of Common I.':eas aforesaid viz: lutimel Leibkteher• mid Kerr; vs. cssiit..r,Slierk. ,Sci. Fa. sum Mechanic's Lieu, No. 56 Aug9st Turtn,4s4l. •. • , . • PAUL M.%J Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, • . Carlisle Ju1y.2,7,1341.5 . • Tishia.e Tackle. The Subicritier !aka JIM received a tine astortinent of TACKLE: cooiktit l of—S and 4 joint Walking Stick ItODS;;/ and 4 joint solid Hazel Retie, 3, 4 and 3 joint Hickory trout, perch. anti rockyods.— Superior Fly Ruds • Brass Multiply Reels and Reel Lines, 90 0.1.09 , y:1r:1s long ; Gudgeon, Perch, Trout, and 1q4444§010,18, Mt sizes; Artiliehil Flies of all ticseptPlootisVjatlian Cr/11,6;in I Silk Lines, for Gud geoir,;:lodeciii,,er 'Rook F;diltig ; Quilt and Coe... floats;; . O( r all' sizes; liirhy _and Super Lin - U.lloc Hooks, assorted Tackle Rooks; &c. Ste.. Apply to' DUKE' C 0. ,, 10 . 1 i lialtitnore kit Dalllteure. 28th 7th tnotitli, 1841.•- 3 i• • • PriailitagiEstab!iNhiskaut 'TOR N. • .- • • !l'lte . ',"lleraltl & Expositor ;is ofrorerl for sale..; It is the only Whig pnper in ,this eeunty, - has a , large subseriptiottlit.fa'fair amount. of atlve. rtising,.ontt joh euetiiini With iti,tiiltitsterittls . fot•Onblis.iljog , 'Weekly . papor..: • -, '-• •'!-- Letterelpooi paid) tt4tlreattetl to' the ludic tor, will meat with prompf .attentiory. NEW .WEEKLY PAPER. A new Weekly paper will be issued in this hototig esidy iir August, under my superintendenee:„ Its political position will be defined in the ,fral 'taunter published: In the mean tinie it may be well tinii . :l;lt to state tbat.it will be entirely tilde: pendent of the Control of till old . party leaders tratntnelid-hy, any, connection with their rinterest; and free to take any Course in relation to Men and "mph mites now . before the puldi 6. or that may hereafter be'brought for Ward, Which the real interests of the people may seem to require. , In If literary point of wiew, I intend that the new Papa' shall lose nothing by coniparlson w ith its elder It Shall always Contain, Whatever . general - and local ,ueuir 'ie.iirrent. marke prices, trial ientjury..l . lsts_sintlEbe—correstly.-- and reguldli priee .dy the paper will be T . 114 'JOLLA RS tine-half pavable-in advance.,— Subscriptions at the same rate will taken flit diro or six months, in either. Caseinifable iv advange., GEO. Vlt. CRABD. Carlisle, July 20, 1 /1,41...-•tf. _ . Orphans' ConrE tr le , • By order of the Orphans' Comet of -dUmhet:lnntl.. coitnty, the following real estate late the .Property of Michael Swami, late of SilVer. Spring . tn#uship, said county, will he . sold by public „outcry, onthe Rremises, on Saturday the 128th of August next, at II o'clock A. M., the 101 l ' wopertv viz': All that certain plantation situa n Silver Spring township, bounded by lands of Georgt. fyers, Wil• . liam A II; Bucher and otl 'l5, contain. ing about oae hundred and six acres', of ,grtivel.. and Lituestone - Patented Laud, having thereon elected 21.'110111W- Two tiito.ry . 0 HOt.ISE . Wr ; D 0 ÜBLE:TH.L.III: and sundry outfiililihgs. The land is in gond Julti.: vation and under fetal; n'hont eighty acres or which .are cleared; and the residue fine thriving timber land. There is a good'well of water at the door,und run ning stftatn oil Vie premises, als.) a small' Apple OrefrardlitstilstlierltiartirJet"--- . •At the same time mai place will he sold lot or g rpuio botinded_by lands of George \lver3, John Esdoll.,.zin, Jacob Eck art and others, containing; five acres mote or le,* having thel•eoa erected a TwO Story Log tioilse a nd a good Log . table, > There is an excellent well of Water at the door, and the premises arc in excellent cultivation and under good - TERMS, OF.SALk--$3OO to be paid oilthe large tract and $5O ow the spoil - iv:tetonll'e confirmation ofthe One half or the residue of (he !gird/mile tnone.)' of the Large tenet on the first of April rieit; when-posLesFloti,will he given,siTid thebalitnee,in two equal imllosl, mstarrswlits .withclut interest.'' residue of tlio purelitisei - noney of the small traetoti illivatjo.tv.to tbc jit hail to !uiihip,_ 7 - .1 - 415 ,-- gs; 1841 Shrift''-_,--- B Yvirtue of a writ of tebtantrn Venditioni Er to.nic direet«l.isiated tint of the Court of Goinnion Pleas otCumberland•c unty,«iil be ex; posed to pitidie sale, at the Court House in the eough 4 cl. Carlisle, on Saturday the 21st tine of Au.' - fist, A. LI ,ut 1.0 o'eloeli, A'. M., the following described real estate - , I it: '' • A T ract, of Land,. situato Dickinson township, coat:1;1,1'1:g about Ten Acres. wiljniah ' r , landtror Cenrge Mickey, Richard Woods, Slreser;And others, hash% thereon erected a_owe_and_a_lnill_stary_Lug_llonsc r antra-tog-Stable.-: Aiso,it Tract of Timber Land,- About-six rods frnni ,tho ahpvc stated h.:too:mania. ing about 11 acres, adjoining lands of William KM' mid others. Seized lituLtak-en in .excentiotf , a"s-tlia—propertr of Sumucl Davidson, . . . ' Aud.ui be gold by me, . • PALL .111.-IRTIN, Slig.V.lft-, Sheriff' 's Office, ?. - - St. Carligle, July '21,184L 5 tplettelfet SAlterits. Vivginia 111107,nonallia Lottery. class 1, for 1841.---To be drawn at Alexandria, Va , on •Saturday, August 7, 1841. BRILLIANT SCIIEME. • • $30,000$10,0.00• • • I prize-of • $5,00111 1 prize of '51,123 .... j__ll _do __Of— 1,500- - 1 do . at`3,000,30 do of 1,000 do of t.',500 I &c. 78 number lottery-4k drawn ballots. Tickets only $lO llelveti $5 Qusyters .. s2,so Certilivites at' Ntektiges of '26 Whole Tickets $l3O Do. _ do - e 6 Half _ illa, . 65 Do. do -06 Quarter do • 9150 . Virginia Leesburg 14.11 try - Class M. for 1941.---To he drawl at Alexauclria. Va. on•Saturdaugast 14th 184 t. CRANITCAPITALS. 30,000 Dollars 1 prize of $10 ; 000, 1 of. 6,5011, 1 of 5,000, I of 3,000; 1 of 2,500,1 of 2425, 25 of 2 U.K) ' • Tickets $lO , ---fialyesss—Quartrrs $2 50. ..-- CePtificatesoll'ackagesof 25 Whole Tickets sl3o' . Do, • do 25 Half do 65 Do. do '2s . Quarter do 52 50 35,295 Dollars ! And FIFTEEN drawn number's edeofiserelity-loco Union Cindery. Class No. 7.—To be drawil at Aloinntiria, Va. ca ••,' .Saturdayi Augase2l, _GRAND ..5C111:11E. or 35,e05. 1 di.; — '10,515 • do. • 1 do. . 5,000 . - do: 1 do. . 4,000 do: 1 do. 3,000 do; 1 do. 2,000 do: • 1 *do.. • 2,000 do. • 1 . do. . ' 1,750 . 50, prizes of 1,000 do: _ • 50. do. . 250 • dd: • sAo do.. 200 do: &c. &a. 4:e. Tickets slo.—flukes 1,45--Quarters $24(41. Certificate% oil'acil9igesof 1.3 Whole:11(1c tm $ . 139 Do. 110 that" Ito CS do CS,Quart , a• d 31 SO For Ticketst and .81aires•or • Cel•ti.,Ccatee of FaCk• area in the above Spkrolol LOtto•itt.,'—addrekS •• J.; G. GUEGO - Its Ist CO. Mataigem . . • - City 4 D. 0. Wowing? sent irototidiatOy ovvr to. all who order 113 ‘ aboye, . • • . . • New, york -, Ciretts. - , it,t.trirLET EILSVA rt" / * ' l ' The proprietors v.:spec:filth . inrorto the Ladles. • " and Gentipmen Carlisle l ift fits •Oeinity;that they ' will open Their Cirens'on• Thursday, July, 4 . 01 ; aut;:'.. , ' uoittiime two days only. - • In Announcing this..extensive estutilishMent, theft- . feele confident. in uSsertint; unit tht.re -- heti+rwasi so'.. • ' much talent combined in ony. one CempallY i n . .0 nited Stutes,'Apget her m ith u stiperier teldnetl.strecY.:. horses:.,, Among the mitnet4 pet router*. be found the following, viz: rilv..l..rri.Xert, eteLlreafesi 'tlir - trxied.i W." 0.'114; the Champion i , oultt;ro.• ho has thrown : sixty sonsen*ls . stt 01 - 4 trial; .. .Ghit,i•ny. Odd 'Joe Swucav autl' Iti 41)11 `Cicitaifi.;, N:rs. XV)..;lll:thret; Misses Wells; WitlV'teatti ethers .w4use,nalues. will unt.ur.iiu , Oa 6114 - adi :- , day.' ••• dmini9o.-110ips 50 centsi I'ltliets: . Perfornutoce to-eon:pence at 8 oN:lnek, P. , 511.; Thtt,Computly.g ill tire W PerforrusKe `:; Oinkl:, P t NI.. tUF,I4e. .oftliase utu'distante:,' • .IS • • • .• • • . . El