Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 28, 1841, Image 1

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    'l.oiTv. - DaTa :? - tmaiaace--ao.)Q. dal
glory-and ..ablivieri. • 'But. oh, my.:.friOnds
and feller citizen - sodgers—l fully Jepre 7
.clate the sympioniiing. feelings or-your
„hearts; I need but remind you of yOar duty
.to your.suflering and. distreSsful and, con
flicted brethren, w,hose woes and sufferings
-crimalotuLfor redresg,,and.are heard, even .
now, perhaps, in the retiracy of )ur fire=
Sides and chimley-corners. •
• Behold; they lay over night...wtir ruby
lips and bloosning cheeks, and in tiemorn
irlg they wake up and find therriseles, dead.
my friends and feller •citzen sod
1, • ...
gers: -.teannot dwell upon thiS Ileart-;•
straining; hOrrifylifg and .trd•mefilous sub
ject;.whenitorrurs,rise foment
tien, I may, say the soul, withotil(stranger,
01 trouble, yali for-a gourd of tver, with
a little of the critter in ii—just,rsprinkle,Y
:w i thou GLl.say,ecling.--atf-umttouchable
&Ex, thiret'for(a . little.there the cutter,
• the ha,,.. please --stranger„ that! vvengetnee which
'ci es , 1 alltlre - GRTS - TirilrifF, - Pliftb - ITd - Willa - fr, -
f can claim as their high and exclusive pre=
rogative; but which, friends, a - Teller cir
izen..sodgers,. I Would showc beams of
unextitig,uiShable wrath upon the de vOted ;
, heads of•the invinceb,le and exommtmleat
,ed salVages, who .roams ;abut liy clay,'
.seeking, a chance .to, rob us:Jf ourflear-•
bodglit pledges of defections, fid 6y 'night
Our down on_ our corn i fielisiand tater
'patchei. •
.. ••
Sir .
• now' .
afe rale grit,.!iller • sodgcfs'
• .
Lain_instrueled:b.v.itd friends. LI, myself; air a paiiieelztr
caution. Now •prepare youselvcs
- qrders„ . are_, : gone:lto . . _ j4ajoy=4.:io
•A friend has, recently. placed in.. our
hands a ntiinher of letters and other papers,
relative, to_--therearly:serdement of
- the Pro
- vince of Pennsylvania,_and ry.
• oliiiiii - Orirfailli - e - Wfeire9 - 6rilre --- Iron
• from which'we purpose making oci4stonal
.extracts: We this week .prcsent our rea 7
'dors - with an' original letter rrnm Horatio
• Gates to Colonel
. james Burd. ` Colonel
Burt], at-that time; commanded the 2.4" Bat- .
talioit of the Pennsylvarica.:TinviticiaUge. ,
•g' iment.- General Gates, as is well known,
beqa:r9e celebrated after Wards in the war of
the Revelution, as' . 'the conque,rok of.. Bur;
• ED.'l-lERAr...n &EXPOSITOR:
The letter is.. eiidersed,' in • the hand
writing of loriel l3urd, "Horatio Gates,'
• - answered-25 May; 1760,! 1 . and is directed
as follows :
"For M *stye Service,
• - Colo,rißLOurd,,
i'ennsylMia Regiment, at
Iliiladelphia, 22d: May; 1760._
r , ..).2 .l Mtr e gt'SVFAViarMilitenAf-Voel
:L. 7 ;---as-=ere-wantett tt-Arin--Tifer . :EffeeliVerof -1
the .ttvci Battalions of the Pennsylvania Re
gime!) t,--nevi- under ~ t r'ourconimand_at Lan
- caster, for %Ale - Ition willgiVl a ITeceipt.i
I ant - farther eeminanded hy the-General
. to aequaintyou, it is his Orders, you march
with that part of the Pennsylvania. Regi,
meat no twat-Lancaster, on' tile '3d.of Jane
Carliile, where - the" .S:forekeeper
a the-Artillery, wilt'deliver to your tirder,. ,
as many Tents, as are there necessary for
the llaffeclives of the ,lattalionjtader your
commatitLArpon your arrivalat
. .Carlisle:
:The General wouldliave you encamp your
'Battalichi until further' orders, and, 1
- • ev. - erarins ac6utreincnts -are wanting_
for. the rest of the: Pennsylvania Regiment,
will .he provided at Carlisle. - .The General
desires you 'will order. all Recruiting, and
out'partys, and all _officers, and men, who
`=-- - are absent from your Battalion (those upon
duty at the Posts -on the Communication
only excepted) to he at Carlisle on the 10th
of June next. Mr, Peters will send these
• orders to all your Recruiting Party?, _on
'this side,the"Province:
• Major J =meson is also ordered to march
from York to Carlisle oil the 3d of June. •
I am, sir, your most obedient and most
hninble servant.
The follol lug, we believe, was intended for blank
verse, but s it makes much better prose, we have
concluded to publish it as such:
• FOr the Herald & Expositor• -
Lines to
Fah' as 11. e flower that blooms on yoh hill, or, the
rose, that from its'elivelope just bursts to spread its
fine fragrance around, is sbe, to whoa these simple
lines tell the breathings of limey—sweet
Think not, like the deep-crimsoned .flower!-thy
beauty is fated to wither ; at, least hope, that evei•
pre'seut goddess, has wreathed. lot• theia a rich .gar r
hind of the rose and the icy ; fair emblems
ens' chastity and rightful love, to dce:: thy fiiir brow.i
at that moment of joy, -.olen , the longlgiven cow
shall halhhilWq-::. Ilymen4s puce altar. May for
tune's silvery:path lead .thee onward, to. the goal of
--the blest and the free, where innocence basks in the
sunshine of truth, reflected from virtue's great mk
t ; then will honors immortal, create altalo of glo
ry around thy snow-white brow, so envied and yet
so admired.' Go on in the road that will direct to
the highest, lowest, and holiest good ; but,bc careful
in Making, your choice, that -some- idle, oft-fancied,
mat &Utile brain, just heated by.hturtorous'jest,
does not veil the true gond and true bliss. 'Ti4 vir
tue, the hand-maid or truth,' wattd•have thee putt
sue and make it, thy gain; for it is the great central
point around which all other virtues cluster• and
Car lisle, July, 1841.
For the Herald& Expositor.
Reminiscences of a Campaign the
fall of 1836.
A Militia General's - Rally to
has Troolis. •.
Friends and feller citizen sodoeri:—Ve
. . .
are . met for the purpose ofexcussing the
subject of hospitalities 'lately concocted
against our peaceful and blooming frontier
by the. condapious, red' shins. I say . , we
are met here foi the purpose of ins . tiginingi
.whether We Shall- set -still itv our shanties
'• aricl see the spoiler, ,what, his deadly mid
myfrderiferous knife against .the.,innocent
bosotits,blMir friends and feller . squatters.
-.. • • ..f . heat -''.'ere. - iticeesifill and' infegatible
'imferttelvlic have ventured out to the con
..finesofcivilizaticip,)iniid the relenting and
:Ateinitless - 'savages-2of • the far west, with .
strong arificand bold hearts, to dig the
Alitclits and - drain - the'swamps, and
. whom
,' we must - look --ii par. : att. - emphatically ,and
reVerentially'Abe fries ds..of , a •neiv world.
I ily,„.nillihnr we,"Shalt :,sit.litill .and see
• their*orn.'fieldi iirpSacked and. their Wives
and,littleTratt nig ra su,sed.up in the most
howifacious ;Atli iiirbordeicius Atianuer,;:,iii:
' tvhether.we.shalt gather'. p• gliir , 'eh Ooti ng.
irOns,itiiireli - to ; the scene .of 'depredations,
''.. Mill'iliy'the 'Untimely in rference v 0f...0ur
formidable •bantl,,drive.., the ' from ..a ; .stste:
' ' of, hil:iitaiiiiiiiita • a e-,fi l i f ,. 'Si; , I ,i ,OX tin
r'--, guisli 'ourselves in - Ann:finiiiiiii- of ••tartial
. • • • . . •
• -
. .
L AI „ , •
• •-• • .
.•..g •••
: .
. .
_ .
, . .. ,
ieV i,k4 v gp -, :rPY- - -7 1. 91,17 - 4i2,.--,'. 7.4 1 ,:k
.4gekkeVlltrAtiiggiVierPlPPiffibt - '
tlik ,‘ , 014/60,,,,,W0. must -hu,wl:d'4lt .thenk—:
Come on, 'ell" , Lead : , yint
..w4e . a' small_
chance of a,.figh - t' is certain 'to 'llehit against. ,
l'll - flitiV.yinfirito, -- a --- sole — intr lomti-,-and -
receding .by a .ielrogode since, we'll _
away to the fields of glory aid lestruetion.
Yes, feller sodgers,:we'll. bgil tipon them
in' their own digg,ins, and the way we'll . ".
use them uh will -be a'sin 1 Crockett: ...
THE FARMER'S time is not
-far-disitint,'in our lnunbi opinioir, when
the. farmer's will. belle ;than . among
the well :educated of 16'6 ''Already has
the spirit gone abroad. l'he fee"tings cal'
all are becoming to be ,listed deeply in
this honorable cause. •N longer is this
profeSsion Viewed,
.by. Mks- lit only for•
the'poor and
,ivoi:anti bnis beginning to
claim the rank' to Which its so - justly en,
titled.. Men of learning ad talents have
turned their attention to ire nveStigation,
without the least compunctio [conscience
for having acted below their ( They
have learned that-the occur,' on of a far
mer, humble as it may la been con-
sidercd, can calf 'into eau
powers of the niind, - and, -- wn
the amount of his knowled:e
can be brought to bear ell'
indirectly ; hence, the "erred
that farmers need not be eat
passing away, and 'ere long!
'meta will consign it to its lefi
the shades of oblivion. Not
better calculated to call . forth
of the man of science than tin
mer, and' none, in which he
with more honor, or to which
should be attached. We bel
I time, instead of - having the'fibo :iihd /Awe
; rant to till the profession of rming,l we
!shall see young mentiirning - fr n pr
' deal
institutions of learning, o that o the thigh
' !Candle, fired with a •Eitidal)les rit tt gain
I honor and amass wealtOon- •cu
pation. - When such a stote Inge shall I ,
take place, agriculturelvillas'
!another of'`qhe learned profes6 dd'con
sulered as honorable as /any of tem, and
will prove as profitable. 4:1ills 11i4.} are now
barren and neglected witeta;willii brought.
.into active and profitable cultivaion, wav
ins with beautiful harvests, or set with- the
heavy eared corn--4hdo gladOniftgsmiles
'of plenty ql cheer our dornestii circles,
and bloatiid-purse,s till our--po4eti.
. .
PLUM .PUDDING. — If you w ish
a realty_nice,sofreustard—like' p
ding, pound six crackers, or driel
of light bread, fine; and. soak
nig,ht, in milk enough. to cover tl ,m, put
them in. about three.pMts of milk, eat up
six eggs, .put in lein*.brandy, • whole
nutmeg, and shout threequarters bf a pound.
of raisins which have beeirrnbbe4 in flour,
Bake it tW - o hours, or perhaps a lltle short
of that. It is easy to judge fro th the av
, -
pearanceWbether itle done. It
The .surest way of making a light,
plum pudding; is to spread slices of
light bread plentifully with butter; or
side of the slices spread abundantly IT
or .currants, nicely prepared ;. when
are all heaped in a dish; covert them
milk, eggs, sugar, and spice, well. boa
and prepared.just as you do custards
it bake about an hour. - - -
One sauce answers for
-commie') use for
all sans of. - puddings. . Flour and writer
stirred into boiling water, sweetened \to
your' taste with molasses ot sugar, ace° d-'
ing to - tour ideas of 'economy';'a gr at
spoonful-of-rose water, if you - have it;
. 1.) . t;
ter half as big as a hen's 'egg...'y you Want
to make it ,verrniee, pat in a glass of wine,
and.grate a nutmeg on thartop.: - .
When you wish better .sauce then.eetn
man take a quarter of t.pound .of butter
'and the same of sugar, mould them tegetler
liith , your . hand, add little ')N s rne .4V .yed
chOse. Make,it into a lump, set it away
to emil,jand . giaie : nOpf!g.6vo it: '' ." : .'
. . . . „ .. .. .
Whn - we see: a...felrow , Cheat, all the
week and preach . en Sunday; We....geess- hp
has a contract to - • serve thee z loril .one, (ay
in'the' Week, - and - lhe- tlevih-the' other six.
Erliteit'autt Published, for the Proprietor by Williaimialt Porter, Carlisle, Culizbei4an:d „Pei.
T h - e o it Ha r .
Solonion Swallow was a bachelor, and somewhat
rusty too ; but isevertheleks he had made up his mind
to one thing—that he'was the only man living who
had acquired any knowledge of the' sublime Mt of
taking care of a wife. 'All the married Men were
doltS,'was Solomon's constant asseveration. 'There ;
for hist:mite,. is my neighboi. Tons Tangible; his
with makes a sort of ,a three legged stool - of him ;
she shoves him in one -Corner -and then in another,
'and sits on him, and Walks on ham, and in short treats
him like nobotly while he, poor man,
takes-It is-easy the
_most niitutiil
thing in the world. Now, were I only Tom Tangi
ble, I'd first write tuserigs of matrimonial rules; and'
'grs. T:didlifilbi'derby them, Pasubmit her to the
wholesome discipline of bread and water-and it pad
lock; and tilayliaps brighten. her ideas, touching her
eoajdgal . dUties, by the application of a good cow,.
hide-and 'tlieke'agaia me tverard Easy -•-and Dick
Snooks---and 'a host more, o'f them, in the same cOn
dition;---but I'm the boy that Will•set them all tight_
lithey'll,only, follow my cxamplo; after ..I bare-eon:,
• endow some tiprtulutte ii;Male with the
legal' claim to the title of Mrs:;Sivallow.' • •
'Well, Solomon,' said a neighbor to him one ;nor ning,as youare :always liasting - or your skill in'
managing your. wife,, how comes it thatiott are not
marriell ?' • . • • • . • • • t - •
making uny preptiratkm, arid bciice• Mrs. Ever clack
ttiiakes what she tikes ef'ybu ! go to - work
:..I began,by studying:the. erudite works of
hold her tougue.' I then tread severaf treatises 'On
the effect of Bread and Water.disciplinit
good Shaltspeare's`Xamini of 'tip)
SlireW' furnished me with a feie eicelleet practical
lessons. And,l am noiy generalizing all their sysz
tens info one which - shall carry-•the sway iii till
ture generiaions,and convert the - plague of matrimo
ny into a blessin. In the course of a year or so,'
added Splomon,!inffiiles for the ritulation of wo
men.; (I ihtend to publish it) will be:coMpleted;a — nd
then 1 shall take unto me a
And Solomon was as good tis his word, foe - at the
age of thirty-five, (feeling himself prepared to give
battletaliny woman in or out of the land of the Am ;
azons,) lie got married.. : 7 ,1l this important period,
SolomoW Was a puffy, comfortable lookilig little fel
low as cou'd mret ii, a ale,s•'a fir • • fr..• t
erOWtt,OI his htad never stood full five feet two from
the heels of hie boots; he' had, a .corporation that
Would have done honor to an aldernian,orevena lord
mayor; and his gait (especially whenwalking with
any thing in the likeness of a woman,):was its pom
pous as a Sultan's ; while at suchlimes, his comae
' mince al whyS asliuneil an expression of female fa
miliarity. •
most .of the
cycir may be
if useful, it
directly or
ms opinion
aIc(l, is fast
polar senti
,cu pation is
ibe learning
of the far
!an engage
tore honor
Eve that; in
The lady idiom Solomon bad chosen for his won
are half, was apparently a modest, lamb like crea
ture, so that the chances were very fair that she would
not only be a : tractable w,ife but:that 'Mr. Swallow
would need no help from his system to Make her so.
Now Solomon had the forbearance not to interfere
with the lady's.sayings and doings on him wedding
day, nor is it recorded that lie assumed any special
authority on the first night either; but about six o'-
clock the next morning he softly insinuated 'to his
sleeping'partner that it was time to get up. " And
when breakfast Is ready call me, but be sure you
don't burn the toast."
glycol:fast and toast,' said Mrs. Swallow,.‘ally
what>do you mean •
'lVbr• my dear---1 mean, madam---that 1 have be-
gun' toy system.' ,
'And won't you get up too ?'
'Yes, when breakfast is ready, .and my stockings
aired !' - '
Mrs. Swallow wits about to reply but she checked
herself, as she . was ashamed. to say 'Much to him on
sb Ana ito acquaintance ;.but though in the present
instance she did precisely as she was bid;llie resolv
ed in her heart that it was the last time she would
get up at six in the morning and prepare breakfast.
•At 8 o'clock, every thing being ready, Mrs. S.
culled to Me.
'Breakfitst is ready, W. Swallow:'.
'ls the toast made P
'Yes.' • •
'And not burned? , -
'No.' •
• 'Are my stockings aired?'
o make
m pud
.11 over
'You'll do,!. gitoth Mr. Swallow, and to breakfast
Ike went, having. first received the sarvic'es of the.
blushing Mrs. Swallow to help him into his inex
pressibles,l..7 ,
The breakfast however, did not turn out to be'the
thing-it was cracked up to be. The toast was done
a little too mnehand the tea was'nt done quite enough;
the sfoit bowl wa's at the.wrong end of the tray, and
there were several crumbs on the carpet.
'These thins call for improvement,' observed Mr
S .
fhellervant .hasn't been here lids morning,' an
-1 .
'swered his wire. • • ,
• .'Servant discharged Win yes
terday; You don't suppose that I can afford to keep
a sir , ant and aypife'tobP , '
Tho,lady was again posed, and said nothing, but
the day had worn to. , a close Wei() she could bring
herself to believe that Mr. S. had actually made use
of the words 'servant' and "wife' in the siune.sen-
. • . -
Tjte'nest morning at six 'o'clock Mr; Swallow a 7
giiin informed his ; wife that was time to gct
conpling:hlsremarkaiwith . the atigg,estion:thatlitdat;
tore she must sate, him thot‘roultle , ofreminding her
. 61 so Oecessary,a duty.
. „ .
Mrs. Swallow, boWelier,.benelittql nothing'bytliis
soft insinuation; oi• nt ihut. moment-, lie
or be fast locked- hi' the arms of
'Dant you beai, quoth
• But alas !''a slightly conscious saareivas theottly
audible respOuso youchsaced by Mrs. 'Swallow.
Now. this was a lickliskii&bal With Solonon, but
ite wasAirritared (Or says7tny .syStietia oq
wzpllwoupaz woAttatures (Etl3/.W2 sao
“ Rale a wife,aad . have a'wife.”
Ilds.bead_.?!_said„he_taitimielCmusinglye 'lt says
Unit a lazy Wife who laYs'abed in the morning, may
be very profitably reminded pf her 'duty by thojudf-.
cious apllliuilioa ore needle.! AtathismsignificeUt
Ace scarcely.crossed the threahhold of his brain pan,
than he inserted Alm point braiicedle Into his drow
sy helpmate's propria persona. As maybe eipeeted
the intended effect instantly follow'ed.the . cause; for
the astonished Mrs. Swallo.q sprang from the bed as
though .she had beed - tha;owd frotn , itiby an earth
qUake ?• hiit alas, her agility was even Aeo,:strikingly
manifested, for she not only all but annihilated poor
Mr. Solomon in rolling overAdai.,b,tit Bhe dashed
his patent: lever, fromna i• wh anspended it to
the wall, and broke the dial Fate-a thousand pieces
• . a dreiUlful dream,' ejaculated Mrs. Swat
lon,, pressing her hand on her wounded proportions.
'Mbat a dreadful reality,' shouted Mr. Swallow,
contemplating the fragile mass Of h t s broken •time-
'Now, Mrs. Swallow,' said Solomon, seeing that
I can't always be awake to call yon , up in the morn
ingToirwarlitrirdtWa—diiiik-Fdiv &c., it is
time that. I should begioo in§ti:uct you in your du
. .
'And what arc they P,
'Fie silent 'madam, if you please. -- Not to talk,lut
to listen, is one•of the. most important of theta.
'Proceed, sir.e:
Aiid Mr, Swallow, looking daggers at'llis beloved
for this second interruptionie'Proceeded 114 follOWs- ., -:
'From six to eight you twerp get up, dress quietly;
•so as to create no disturbance-=-light firc--=airsla4s
soil stockings---sweep room . , prepare breakfast: aid
Innoutiee the iierfection thet;dor. Eight till ten - , wash
--disheS,Lntketeds, rah-furniture and-9lCan tvin6ws
.ICwaai - ult4Lo4QlMgi:;;rAiitii7;g4;lAi
•.•.• • • . .
tiv and rubbing -furniture,--Two-till-7sirirspinnirrg-;„
mending shirts -and thiining Stocking. ;Sei-en tea.
Prom that till nine a second course of mending and
darning-,-and-then to-beds- And--tliWAtily=COrWS - e,'
madam, with a 'strictobsorvanee of the rules ofcieili
ty, frugality, dee6ru in,- and obedience, may enable;
you to do honor to the choice of Mr. Solmrion Swal
low.' .
- Mrs : Swallow liSteiled quietly to the'cod iind then
mildly enquired, "And do ybtf really wiped: this of,
Ine, Mr. Swallow?"
'To lm siire 1 do,',,rgsPontied.het' spouse.
'Then you'll he sadly disappoinhA, for . du
T oo
such - • -
Tye :t - Avay muke-yuu.l
'Spoon and cowhide.'„
',Ur. Swallow.' •
'IN hat!' -
And Mrs. Swallow threw Itfsei back and !mike(
desperate. t
Nowf'this" was a climax.
a brute at his own fireside, sal
which was the Worst of all. lie
the celebrated founder of a syst,
Observations called a brute by?,
Mrs. SwallOw. 'At first he was
open manifestations of rebelllq
that he could only ldok,aghast;
himself, lie saw that - something
or the field was lost forever..
'You called Me a brute Mrs;
'1 diil Jlr. Swallow.' ,
'A brute?'
‘A brute!'
go Mad and break title
'As you like, Mr.. Swallow
And*MC,Swallov did go n
iu ltis_niudness;forfte_seizesi
dell that seas mi the table, (at
in it) slid dashed it into a Mt
bearthots if he was in a terri
'How do yoti like that Mrs.
'N'ttstly Swall9wtry
Mud again he didtry 'it, Is
rate, and demolished the ere:,
No tv,'"said the lady, 'WI
up she sent the slop bowl
two unfultunitte 'tea table c
This of course was too' m
ped asunder the only yenta
reason he had kit, anti he sh
use the word in its most,po
cheek, but scarcely had the
into silence, ere the indlgm
tea-pot and shil•ered it haul
-head of the devoted Solomo
as lac'was reeling heids ores,
that awfUlcollision,she plie
of the tea--traps, until then
And 'saucers, and rounds of
i• 'Unable to carry the war
Solomon gathered himself I
and vowing all sorts of veal
his itiouth, his hands m his
a clutirin the centre of the
on it and coMmenced whist
old cow died of; loOking tit
a piece out "of a grithll,9;o;
'ilia good lady, too, bein;
example ocher lord and in
sides Alelf breaking, place
back midi Solomon's, sac
with a novel, sat herself d
if there were no suer tW
stockings to mend in-all'Cl
Here this .affeetionate
hourS, each bent upon sift
r494nating the •white'upon
!Mire positions. but it mt
§‘, , a;low. had the best of thel
of Solomon'S Mangled head
shoulders; he mad th
crockery must be:replaced
tht first chapter 'of : thii volum
must he attended with an of
dollars.'Phis, eing the case
,for. a .sheep as a lam); tl!oup
rose from the chair--stote sot
turned the key' opim the gent
. The turni4Of the iteY.rim
tenthni when she ruiliedto
tkior this inilao
'NJt until, I have kert
bread-nnd- wateri'-returued - the• - victorious - Solomon;,
and he went on his way rejeicing„
But, alas! how evanescent is human greatnessin
' about half .an hour• he retUrried to see 'how matters .
Went onAiut find scarcelyput"his_ eye to the_key hole•
flambe - began roaring like a bull. for Mrs. Swallow
had torn every one of his fitie linennahirts--(that on
his back excepted),.--into pieces ; to make a rope to
let herself down from the Wintlowi . nor was this all,
for upon further examination, he discovers that she
had also thrown a variety of chair cushions—bed
linen, 4e:., into the dirt yard -to •make her- descent
safe-and comfortable. ' "• . .. .. ; . •
. • -ThdArchives•of the- Ss alloWS are .silent as,to the'
remaining occurrences bf this eventful dan—but on
the very next morning about seven • o'clock, Me.
SWallow popp'd' his head from under the blankets
and said to Mrs. Swallow, in the most soothing and
imploring tones possible, •Mrs, Swallow, dent „isn't
iftiMe to get no' 7
'Yes,' t7ett timed the Itidj, 6 firid you trinY call tug - when
you have lit up the fire and puton tire kettle.' .•''
Poor Solomon! !There was no alternative, so he
even set about his work with an alaeritYlwhielk show,
ed that lie had the terror of broken heads and demol
ished, body linen running in his memory. In short
Solomon was a coniptered"mittf. -- That day. he had to
prepare breakfiist, sweep the room, &e. The'nent, -
his assistance was required in therubbing of furniture
no.r.naki ng of beds; and before the week was-out he
was 'initiated, into the mystery of washing coarse•
Degenerate Solomon Swallow !- :Tay, in after
tin es, w hen i dle little S .•,,hrgan . , to gather
bout him, it is whispered that liis better half! (She
- was now hiabetter-talll n -
usto-employ-ItitA as-yeti
trust with the children :7 . . • .:. • L •
, About five ;Oars after the eelOrntiou :Of
You mint go with nie to the theatre, Swallow,'
said the friend. • ..
said Mrs. Swapoty.' •
But he must,' returned the friena,!npd ,so must
. • .
-• I may, but he ettn't,' replied the danw,
must stay mind ihd'ehildrea.'-
and Solomon
And Mrs.Swalloyi did go totlu enl
Swalli4u," stopped at boTt ,
l.g.his three
hi children.
in e thentioiale Is, that baehtdor's
childrendire . always exbelhad
wives, t out as bad as call be hi practice-,7and_that
hi it - ' h
managedwiferia worse than uu ile ttfall. ,Ilad
Solomon onlYtreated his better haiiily in the
beginnitlg, thing's miglit have gone on smoothly to
the end ; but -as it wait, he compelled her to be it
Tartar in her own defenet, and. to .take the conse
quence. .
vallow was cane(
41y his own wife
•,olonion Swallow
y of Alatvimonial
i ess a person than
astoinuleil at such
Ito his royal will
I when lie Caine to
I st be done at °lice
, ~ DEATn.—Stern Death! pale monarch' of
, the sightlesS dead, whence art thou? Whai
I (lost thou iii our pleasant )tomes, haunting
, the mirthful fireside, gazing upon itlie fair
. and beautiful, till mingling thy unhallowed
breath with the . ‘ ‘ wholesunic current" of
their blood, like the deadly air of the des
troying Upas, it.. dries up their life founts,
and sinks them in the arms of pale yet sure
decay:. . • . .
Aliglity and mysterious visitant! in the
lone midnight, when patient tVatchers, ho
ver around the loved one's couch, thou
contest, thine icy seal is placed_upon. the
sleeper's brow, and the restless 'spirit leaps
into eternity ; whilst they, the hoping
• warchers-aro,und-the-silent-conchi-deem not
that deep and' is brooding there.
Pippo spot of nations ! weeks, months,
years; and cycles,' mere vap - ory nothing
in the chronicles of hoary Time, have at
sed since men first heard of thee. , i f the
.ries, 0101. are but, mists floatik n each
'ocean of eternity,. have •rolltie w ithin the
other's destiny!, ages have.rl
4 1.. .:r , . oat 1 •
tomb ".• ageg! - ourispi . qu_ o f ear thquakes!
trembled to
its centre with theirig,The unchanged, and
yet here art thou
the unchatiginf' prisent,
r. oti fear attends, • one
robe enshri•-'s t hee; 'the past, the
ALL, know thee as the dread, Unpitying,
griping PIPe ten der t ,,sm; Death!
From t h e chi ld of play amid the
d harsh winds
sunny flowers, to the hardy peas pt, whose.
ticsinfa was cradle _.•unid the
of the bearded Alps, all are a ltt
Thou spakest, and thrones;' crowns, and
thou t u st bu t
' lotted • ' ,blade full from
' whisper, and the flashing .
the conqueror's nervelessat
sprang up within our summer.
glance tell on her, and Weljrse,litelli;,
li . e tt ii . m b r r e e d w. t : t Vi a g l i t t i t t
was laid' belie" the W
are alike.
scattered leaVes of autumn. . .1 I :
tis thee; kings, conquerors, and
all s leep ivarriors, statesmen, and
empirepe o r
lividlin the shadowy viewless
8. Swallow.'
i ilstit lie had a method
cheapest3irticle _or
II plate with a crack
piecesid upon the
, nission.
void become despe.
turn,' and jumpiic
reinapany with its.
Solomon, it snap_
chord of the little
term—on ttev'right
of the blow melted ,
we had seized , the
against the devoted
)r was this ail - , fOi ,
ft•om the efrects of
with the remainder
' s scarcely a hone hi
ell loudt
longer for that day,
'a well as' lie could,
,cc, Vick 103 pipe ik
el; and then 'citing .
, he planked hiniself
a jig to the take the
iile u,s if he oouhl bite
ut setting tkuttlt
. .
S ! Queer Tee-totaler.7,--To be sure . I
am no advocate !for drinking.---unless when
a man is dry;- but' the case is alteod when
a man has a constitutional tooth' ache, he.:
reditary in the family, which•nofttr
tunate case. Ifrou had the heart of a gun
flint; -you wool( pity me; to see a - fellow
I creature, with: atsj_ old; stocking wrapped.
round his chops, and a short pipe Stuck in
i his jaw, and a bottle of whiskey,logether:
with a . ottopf beer upon the table. • Surely ,
never , w as a poor rascal so completely pre-'
I destined,. to insobriety. The tooth ache
' i ntalt . e.i'Me sinoke; the stholte' mattes me
sivill'at thelilferliiid as beer never agreed,
e ,
-wall niei(-I ant fi 4 , 414: itt'- spite: :of yather
Mathew;ni*alify the stout.witlr'J he' sari
in shortoo. MI?: a tumbler. Asj was ial•
ways .of an active, t lisposilionilinl.,ean't.
bear to`-be idle'il keep smoking:While lem
mixing the ..mitte'rials.. ''ily'•thiti NMI: the ,
More I i.lriitli.,',ihe drier 1. tini; au& the drier
I: rn, the Mot* Idritik,• %And dolon know,
Such a scurvy world we live itl,.fiitititPtit . ;
ing Vad i notivei`ivhet.ri;'therijei - no'O eiaidon,
that 1 heUr •reports are abroad thai,.t , im a,
ermined to follow the
• it other matters
tother chair bail, to
ler• • ng- herself
ovtt t
and began•rcading as
as beds to make, or
(Indom.- - •
le sat for six Omani
the,. other down and
pleasures of their• re-
be 'confessed that .1\ 1r5.,1
rgain, for independent'
ad parbolled neck- and
the wadi diet: and
.the'yedneing of d
•US system to practice
iv of ut 10 - st—tvietiiY,
tuUy: us well by hung
he, and W iimt be
out of the room, and:
Mrs. SWaltoW.
her aware:of ,hie
e door; but it 'was: too
Mr: Swallow:
ufor io ,
-en upon
sad iltniikerilellolv, asif any man ealaelfil
constitutional tooth,aehe, hereditary iv•the
mother's side! • -
--From - the Nntiomil Intelligencer
The Late Rev. Cookman.
It was a beautiful Sabbath, to%yard the
close of February 'last, when; With many
others, I repaired to •the Hall of
to listen to the Farewell Sermon of
the •eloquen COOK MAN,. All who .were'
preSerit will recollect his last impressive
words=--"erhaps,7 he said, ".it is the last
,time r ,m r ' beloved .hearers,- that rebel' ever
address 0u,.0r that we 'shall , ever' meet
again upon, earth'. Igo to my_native lain%
to receive .the blessings of au aged father,
and to drcip a tear upon the_grave of a saint : ,
- eil'itiolTi6:... ) 7Thefe was something pro
phetic, solemn,-arid deeply affecting in the
tones and manner of the preacher. Small
Ike the image of St. Paid before Felix..L
mr who 'hail *known - him; or who had Often.]
listened with rapt attention to the eloquence
which , gushed . :from his lips, touched_ as
with liVin g: coal• frotif the altar, were
moved :to tears, and scented to libel as if
they Worelaking, in reality, a last farewell
of one Who had 'given new - order to their
piety, .au.d thrown 'an additional interest
WO the services' of the sadmitary.
whole. scene. was: in no ordinary degree,.
grand, imposing, and affecting. The inag,..
nificent Flail, -a fit temple for the' wOrship .
: OF , OO I,I Ia i: PA- ; 4 4444 1: 4 14'Wi1ii
- -MiOister4wltoso---eloqUence,-the,y:so-triti'eb
athilired, with :their eyes:
countenance 'glowing Witll. ,
ike le ssons of p i ety, 1,, ineuleated:- the no
ble-head of Ex-P- , 4sident Adams just beloy
hi m; ihe: : .'..eitide.of the preaCher, and
. the .
so i ev .,.. and prophetic farewell he :uttered,
ti conspired to-exeitefeeliegs of-the:'derip
.est solemnity, of the iuoSt intense interest.
Vet Who of all that crowd of admiring au
"(Mors believed for a moment that in a few
short weeks he Who then stiniffbefore them,
in the impressive . dignity of an apostle, and
with the appearance of one inspired of
one.inspired . of Ileaven; would be buried
in one of_thel''.dark v anifathorned caves ; .' of
the ocean, there to repese till the lastirtm-
pet shall calf him before the throne of that
great Being whose cause he loved, and to
whose service he had'lnog devoted all flul
energies of a superior intellect?. It would .
'seem most strange, but the miys Of Provi
dence are Often mysteriouS and inscrutable.
Why, it may be asked, should • this be ?
why should he, so pious, so devoted, so
eloquent and talented, be thus suddenly cut
off in the midst of his usefulness, and whil
successfully occupied in extending the Om,
Of his . Maker, and adding to then happioesr,
of his fellow-men? I answer, becausi
was the will of God, and God is unatiCti,' v
wise and just, .“Ile," says the filieetes
vey, “that marshals all; the s*liariars,
so accurately arranges the y a yip-
of herbS,IIE orders all( e ,' w ith a good
all the changes of. her. R e st satisfied,
!alive that niithinq s by t h e appointment,
wl' -,:
ness that endu; " is - 1 , - ,
then, that
of Heave- can av oi d tast-melnting over . the
---saw-melancholy evil- iii,one so pious,
°ar tful, and so highly gifted - N
qttr. Cookman was one of the most elo
quent pulpit orators in the country? Many .
were, perhaps, his superiors in. polish and.
elegance of-style, extent of acquirements ,
and depth of research, but now surpassed
hint in . the
_power which belongs to the or
ator of rousing the feelings and passionS of
the_ hearer, .in the felicity and _appropriate
. at illustration, the splendor. -of -his
rhetorical figures, and the occasional bursts
of impassioned eloquence. .
4 Cookinan felt deeply, and endeavor
ed to :cite a correspondent feelitigLiu,dhe
hearts ota— 's hearers, and but seldom faded
to succe le was sincere and ardent in
his devotion,-lo inr,,, the cause of his INT
deemer - and . the happiness of-his fellow
beings, which he telt could only be success,,
fully prOmoted by infusing
,and begetting
in them that undying love of God by which
11e-Atimsell poWerfully governed
and _directed..,,,He ..was _ imaginative ,In a
,high degree, and Could call up. images of
great beauty, when it suited his purpose tri
captivate the attention: Feeling himielf,
he knew how to excite feelings in others—
how to- touch' thdresponsive chord r iind to
throw a, magic c harm around the apPorent
austerities ot.f.religian. The effect of- hIS
01:.t.oryimmas often draatic; the seen° wa s
wrouglrNp - iwitli grout skill, built -in nom- '
tier-and yoke; and, at ' , the proper moment,'
the whole Was- nettle \to but et upon the
mind with almost magical power. "Ile 'wasr
however, unequaled. If the subject clioSeit'
did not suit his taste, or hisleculiar train..
of thought, he was, but au 'ordinary:Man in
the pulpit, and those who have been led-by'
his- reputation to -attend hispreaching, have
sometimes come.away . tlisappoi.Otstd ; h.tll
- on' those necasionSlbe,orattir,was of,,
ten lippnrent. In:the midst of theeOlit SOtt
didactic process of -reasoniug,,While all was
- Ohl,. philosophichl.antlttime, an:unexpect
ed buri , t was -hea4loirhicTiOike a sudden
peal of thunder, startled iind electr:Ped the
hearer; at -- ilther - timesr - when — the ---sOb j e n t.
Suited hiM,.'it - Was - a suceession of peals.
and (lathes—the. mind was: kept nit to the
•thighest degree of tension, and seldom -pti - -7
mined to fiag; his voice Would ,soirctioies
grow in power, image Wduld follOvit'imSge;
figure npon-figure,iinbeatttiftit succession,
'till the whole prOdneed upon Oe,tini6o,ari.
effect-the. most; thrilling ind,s6hlime. -: - I
ha7fe . never heard_ the 4tippleaio pedis tife*
,ilM\4l.g),UlLtMooVOl,cb'eo-14,cpce X 3 ice
with greater suecess than by Mr,' COO titan.
'To him it seemed to be natural, and Vas
always 'employed at theTproper
Ills ordinary tones_ were low; but distinct; _
- it was only when the 'feeling or sentiment
required it that he. became vehement and
bond, and rolled on in a voice of thunder.
As a preacher, he %vim very popular wher
ever he 'was stationed; and, like Chalmers
and jelling,. always drew after him large
.congregations; and those whom he did.not
convert, he never failed to chard), delight,
and, edgy., - 11 e was 'beloved and admired
bran whO knew hjm, bath in the- pulpit .
and the social circle... His manner•wati- '
-bland, unassuming, and attractive, ant! his ,
Piety free from that austerity end ascetic-' .
ism- which characterize some whe_make._
•div knirrilfelf pro 6illo - "d: • 81101 WS3R
lamented dOokman as a minister of - God'
and pulpit orator. 'He, sleeps the long sleep
_of-death-in---qdietude-•and--peace, amid tilt!
deep thirk, waves of the bottomless ocean--
no longer. longed.. to-Mourn - over - the vices,' or - ta
weep for the miseries of mankind. Nu
'man could have been better prepared to
take the sudden an - d awful plunge into eter- .
nitythat_,he..did; to him it was but a - trans.
•itien from a world of sin :and woe- to one
of eternal purity'and happiness. He rests
on the bosom of his Saviour,_but
his wi
.d her- helpless-offspring, are
left to, weep in anguish over i their irrepara- .
• •
hle loss. '
Il lether•rOt- weep; 'ter Joss has beery
• - - •
weep 1:7CAll Gring , the dead 'btiek . •
WO shall--go to 'them, but not
return t ' • ""'' • W
, . . . .
At the:eommeuetiment of Methodism, they
were elm'sen by . Mr. Vcsl,ey on dceounl of
their knowledge of the 'scriptures, antl.pow
, erlia, though .not•ofien cultivated minds.—.::
Samuel Bradbura, (a man . .whoselife, pub-
fished, would be one of' the,mostioteresV
ing and even amusing. books,) Watt temp'.
kabfe' for his strong init'a: and univeo/
kiwi.. In Ai!it and hurtior, few nt/
celled hint; and,theearlY ann i
als o ).
disco ai,..e brightened-by the spark)
i.. 7
facetiousness. "See (said hotVea't—
casion to one of the first ehosiideased .
see the .good-that Meth64s l , pointing
"Yes (was the reply) il,-f why, yes; .
devil for us;" amnetJ6 a tinker, and,
Bradhurn, for be iwic len ;
.but brother
to a Mr. Marsst l linan before." ‘`Yon,
p y ou
siti ;1
: :e I t : ,
, a .„O - a l e 7 t i
tn - e
a .
Marsde/th cobler•(sail
.question ;) it- would have'
..(cit'il to have said a boot and shoe
L I,. '‘ Yes, (added Bradburn,) but I
J'not Call myself a tinplate worker, but
,ply a tinker." Such' were the 'men
ilia Wesley made his . first itinerant
)reachers. Tbc writer of this has seem
ind conversed with -many of them; amongst
thers, with the.three of Whom the' above ..
story is tAI; and it must be acknowledged
that they were a class of 'great Mental pow- .
er—rough sonktines, and fterhapti a little
uncouth, hitt energetic,. self-denying; in
&imitable. They were often, too, men of
great personal -strength, and there' is cur
-rent-an-_aneedote_of one who' was much an.; •
noyed n one- occasion, by. the .profanity,
and impertinence of a gigantic butcher.—
For some time he hose patiently with the
man's ribaldry; but at last his feelings were
outraged, and walking up to the fellow, he ,
took him by the collar, and the waistbanth -
of his breeches, us though he hed been a
little child, and hung him up by the latter
to one of thb mot hooks in his own shop,
where' fie-remained dangling till the exhor
tation was eoneluded.—=Church rf England
Review, . .
LocusTs.--4u ;addition to the human To
rusts permanently covering Spain, that on-• has this year been visited
by iininense columns of the insect locust,
to such an extent, us to threaten 4.lie entire
destruction of the eropS., is.sullicient,"
say the accounts, "if theSeterrilile column*
stop half an hOur on any-spot, for every,
growing , on- it—vincs,. olive-trees„
Tam) corn, to •be entirely. consumed.'" In
the piiiivince of. Ouidad Real .70 and 80 1
sacks per day have been - , collected.
Personal' .fippearmeg.--" You look;" .
said . a Germatiquilitleti and imaginative
friend to pale. haggard smoker, . You
look as it, yotf liad'got not - of your' grave to.
light your cigar. anti t•OulArnt your
way back . agaial" • •
gentleman in Baltimore has raised
TiMis of ten children; and never 'whipped
:Or Alpo an unkind word to any once' of
diem: •They acre said to lie a good and
p ing . .
The grili,iesT feat ct;e:i - inve :her rd of late
ly,. is perfOrirteChy , the circus rifer . out
own eyes anti.couies
out tlit his ikorst; t 6 eurs,-',.. • •
"'IAN Mr,Engin6 man, can't pi-stop
yinir ilemitbloatn -- minup , . or two r4 l
- . 4 7 111-
1,1) 6044,,!vhat fort"::'`.! Nl'y •w fe %vs - e to-,
look at tho biter, olio's alrahl of its _burst-
Extraordinary Cat.--Kcat. of extraorA.
ditilly,intelligenoe,soypia• Writer in-Bp;nt
16y, wee seen fcetheil It.l:itten with stab
to wake it staitiltiojglat •