===l .. ~ ' ' '7 - /1 r" - §ol6 , ,rouknet; et me I lads: ••Master'aSafear'l to send•ine ' !'o'. tile E.4li gra 0 1 1 le 7 out 4 r ~. . 4„., ~..4, ..i with -a" message to . hap,- of , his patients, I 64. , ,i , rijimE';;1;: - .--;t:liao . e:no,l3e.iii2l4tig n list I should amid 'em by'griuning in . . like .c;it i :y•,:o4,longinough•to;'bOtiie th'ittOi, their faces; he's lectured me hover and liik.!,• y a n i g . , psralpis; and - patticularlY - yOOlO-111= 1 ver again about it, but it's , ..o o' no _use, dieS, are taught to • do any thing useful: . I larf I must; the more I tries to be soros have three_ sons 'three. daughters, the. the 'more: , -L-g-rin - s•;••so•last •Minilav week -1,, eldest abou t fourteen.: .My 'object, in id; did for•inyself :hotit'and bout, anti got the &mina you, , ,,is to-ask ,soimtailvich as ,to; isak."' • - • i their etucatian:' 1 long been a eon "Ai how?" says I, a pitying on hi m ." ,lstaoreader of your: paper; -and feelalmost "Ity - ;" . iiayglie,' looking serui and lading las much acquainted with yen', - as with. any', .halternately. '. 4 a genlemiOn .a werry• bad, other person in the eity, and more disposed •ai o' cons= tion;--voil °Lille gover- • , • :• ' . 1 • nor'fAitationts. vot -ma'am!. t -sistant . at . .,.IMoltailiTO - r7GraveilddTsome time a - ford- 7 • eita . ,6o: us, and: van ts see!Old . Pilf-bOx ' (that's our, far the gov.nor)• .werry p --I .4 444-9 , • , , s- not at , ome, Sir,'.says • bitingmY;lips .. to kiep Myself serial; :for I knOwed where he' war gone . ; antl i the . drought it . rnade me'ready to bust. ,'Where are he . ?' says the genlemn.. sir,' says - . •h, a hairtmering 'at the' mortar to keep" his reYea•hoff me; ' .‘Wherel" says' the gen lank,' Who was rather hard o' hearing.— 'Cku bitSiness,' 'says I; a blowing' my nose, anil . sitiffing my handkerchief iirtity - mouth to'pdrtVent.an exptuSipti. 'What busineas?'. eMys: he. • ‘Perfessernal business,' says • ,bursting right out in a roari . for I couldn't ,rmtain myself 'no longer;'. 4 lt . e's gone . to n r. The getilenin got into a violent aticl complained to master, - and that's' l •hots rye made a waeaney for you ; and if . • yod:yrants to Stay, I'd advise you to coin even . you' sees and -hears, to keep . Yon! ! coubterianco_as_l\immoveable ..as. Al-marble . catty, or a homier. venthey're a hissing f l - ' -. • - _ yon,''. says 1, " ,take 'your int,-fortes-vorth-atteniling:lo„----------:- And . tio•it way thof kno*ndll - warn% sick a fule as he; I seed that it War a bad • thing . to •trille , With One's buSides's, and get into:a silly habit nt-larfing and joiting hunt ••. ik• place and season. • • • • . That. hevenitig.theolci . i'eraer• vent ayay, 4ind- the next morning seed - me in ray pel):- per 'and' salt •vescat arid black sleeves,. a. ,honettinethe slinp,,as_reglar .hestabliSied :life. .• • ...Thor - I- ho_ time for -, • idleness, socni fo'nod the. vorlt'w...arn't near_sn_ltartLua.. •tnylarling friend:tit:6 hevseyarerhad_tried tonalce me believe. a thing, by the . wot constantly arkno in all , Sftevalions of • life—the - chop won' going .hout magnifie3.his .vork and hardships. to the ihetp carolscomic}' 1 never could find hoot hang good rca-, sotrvy he should do so, but . hOwSointlever, • -he- altval s - does• - .• • ..• .IVry• va . gos vo — s - eighteenpenee: a veek, and • - l l ou st, ncl o n . l. ' ll - e niy wittles . r• Now, thof eighteen pence'a week may _ ,seen a iirerryridictilous smaTl — sinn to them as'thrOws al/ay Polmds in . fullish extraya ... gance, it war alittle fortun to. me, and..vhen I touched it on- the Orst Sattirday, I feeled •' us'proud 'and independent as a genlerun clerk vot has five hundred a year, andcoals; and candles, and lodgings, for the slavery of writing his . name and reading the news . papers. lIME /21=:1;;ZEi=;Iiii , • . Female beauty, in the limited sense of the word, is.that'eutniardfortaand propor tion,. which corresponds with the theories / of poets 'and the rules otartists—of which --ityery nation has examples, and * of which,. ~every woman has 4. share. But beauty, by more, a ; ,ore, natural definition. of the word, is that indescribable charm, that.tot ion of, many qualitiki of person and mind and heart,, whiekinSures to Mad the greatest portion • orli'appiness. . , • . ,1 7 1herever there is most bosom tranquil •,t most domestic happiness, there beanty, reigns In all' its strength. Look at that 'i n lirt r ,„lio'Vel on one of the wild - hills of Ire land'; em nke,, is streaming from the. door • and wind° a woman to-six • healthy • • children' and a' 'happf'husband, is portion . big out a sim and scanty meal. She is gn ad• mothe i r and an affectionate wife; _ an d & h ough „tin \ get! by •smoke and touched by 5he ,,,,f,, I warmly beloved : she is . lovely in her hu."''sband's,eyes; and is there fore . beautiful. ,)Gro into yon Seottish 'cot l agn ,., t h ere, is • a ; clean floor, a bright fire, merry and a • • hi , ts• ch jAreti,a-thrist y r ' ” .a an ivlio is,•unrsing the youngest Ciott: .I,making,a whistle for the-eldest. The — woman .is • lovely and. beautiful,' and the image of thrifty and.good housewifery, be yond•arty painter's creation; ihdr husband bellev,eB her .beatitiful, too, and, whilst' instrument of melody to. • pleaSie,bin'obild ; he thinks. of the rivals from, whOrri, lie Won .her, , and how, fair' she is conipared to ;all her early companions. ; — • • 'Or here is-a - bonse at hand, hommedround with fruit trees andiliciwertrovhile the blos smiting, tassels7of honeystickleperfurne• us as:mre ! paSelii'at ,Eater ; anti .be • hold-that„English %woman, MO, of heepiog With all the rules of -aoe.demie..beattty, full; apt). , simple in. her, ',Cheeks : ; glowing, with quiet happiness, heF i ,ehildreo swarming like eitratner,bees,..her:house shining like tk new -.clock; and' her Movements as regular -as , onit• ~of ~Murray's chronometers... There . sits lier, - busband,,a sleet:, contented man,. wellifetLcleatrlodgeff,.and Softly handled,. 14'9 3 00ins iii the good looks and sagacity, ollus,,.wite,•and• eyes. her affeetionatel,y,, es. )ItOlds-',.tho shining, tanir:uni to his lips , . artti,a•ips yrith piotracted delight the :healthy. bererage ..which she haa..=breweiL •NOw. this is a beautiful wornan. 77 .artd why is AO': beautiful t She 'is .beautifel; ; because the, thrOti linniehold • halo rtinnil • her• nerSit6;.'ailioing . ' heir 66. honeysuckle' adetiii!ait.o4444.,iree,' , utUr ini , pressiug her mintirintagn . .tin '•Oili•• Militia," Such 'is' bentliy,l6 :for. isig44i4OutiOil Otil . tqoti:.4ell66'6iat.to Olin; • anti .1 infinitely oreTON e .e..treo to 'llootrp*,l,fiait . ,thOe'Shaph'i tt acte aeegrd art y 'Whinfrpl emit) : ine*oB4eilei4eyeci,(lehicle`dretiOteni,fasci, nate xlll bar telo# o,oll' the', - eye and.' 4;4, \ Pfle••eederstaqa haw- a,. asKaPaPer ab°l44l;6?:,,a?a!lq.atPd;). ta " "aa , o9aia matt- : est iltdWt.talit•tYlvalagver,.anagad ,PaPar• in theii ayes...l'lloE 4wierstfuld. 4baut • - ,•,:••, • - " • :-- ______4l-Li-aehmitMni--to-'ni.sniifeettire4iii lv,hich business f am engaged) they will: be thenglit l'infit tnesSoeiete with their present school-fellows,.as•l - observe:.none of..them• ;have any employmentoluring the intervals I of sohool,•or are likely, to. choose tiny, as I they and their, elder sisters speak of ell le iber with,.e'nuteiiipt. , If 1 stiffeoho,,!•ike their assobiateii; to , growOp in ' idleix..-ijs, I fear they, will'.- becipipe undulifufhoysi.': for' 11-haVe noticed Mueli,MOre - ingratitiide to' I pitrents'froM 'children "Who:4o/o'46n r'iiised: I idly, than from thoie who linVe been (eight industrionspirstilts. , Or they May become extravagant , to a degree,Which-tnY T trieansz will not sustain; and "I,;haVe , known boys • of good faMilies . 4eal,;Whose failterS ; enuld .not, or %wouldnot; supply . their Oki:ravage:lit , ; .dernenda. : "; ' ... r. - , ,I have read, V.thipki in . § inith''s Wealth: of Nations, 'that in' • a 'leominnnity where there .Were as many :fireducerfi as consuntr. ersTifirireally - sWiliintriTe - s - WilfirdliFFe - s7y; lhut that in ever).'comMunity. in Which there was e large proportion W 1 1 . 9 1.441 not' prol-;. Aluce,_the_times,wonld-be hirdt-aiid-Lthink this doctrine is true; for boys who do kith-, nig:often spend more: than those •who are e'ngeged in smiie — US - 4d pursuit. They - will - eat and wearout or the 'general "stodk; and,as they throw nothinginto this . general stock, they Must;Oßiurse, mike it worse . for those who have to supply Now, 'as an honest roan an'd a .patriot, I de not think' •inyltovs, have a right,to go to thisleneral stock s hot only once in a while; bpt con-, thmaNy; and teke friiin it Their Meat, rind , :theii...brenjb!thtir....conts.;'and . 2 ... .theis Jiatits,.,,J 4.rieir'iliTtds,;:iiiikrliki - 150 - 4Witlinitt...soMe - f-I] dines putting . .spmethinginto it. : ' Pray adi vise inc. And if you thiiilttheybave such .rip,l - 0 - cifitieTvliet rreTilfey-Iflio.eontriliiite to this general Stock,•ought not to . have-the best bread, totd_the.:Anost-dn'eat_and _Witten, and the Choice-Of the . clothing? - ..1 make thialeat inquiry, because one 'OrMy boys, who is least willing.„to....4._any little jobs 1.. ask of him, is most particular bed' inliii eating and clothing. .1 .I:_have.notieed; some young gentlemen. - Who - cinuribtile-nothing7trr - this - stock - , - i& stead of looking_ with griititude to_ those, by whose industry they are fed and . . clothed, Speak lightly of them. Is it 'necessary; to; -inculeato-this-on-,my-sons-1-or-will---they 'take itupTtlieinselves ? or- may they not be able to ineke their 'way in. the 'world tvith= out such accomplishments? 1 call it ‘.•ac-, ceinplishment," because I have seen none of it among the workies, nor _among' plain i • unpretending people of fortune ; but only among such as are very accomplished, such as can speak; with composure . of none but ; the Wealthy. or the fiiti . orlable .. 1 . oacning:niy, boys to work. If I had , no daughters, I would Certainly de so. ,"But if.,l should teach the' any:industrious pursuit, by which they may earn . their, meat and their bread, they will.irvitably be dieppdd by their present elegantend worthy associates, and my daughters, never 'seeing .any of ihein,-willlose all chance 'of ever procur ng; for a husband, one of these elegant and, , accomplished young gentlemen, who,. hay-, ing no ernployMent, would•certainly make the'most kind and provident husbandsi , and then it would.add so . much to mAstanding to have a 60n-in-law; whOse.iclothes.Were never soiled, anil w_h.OSe wit was _never. •thdled ,by any attention to any sort of busi ness. What shall file ? Tray advigearie.l and if I like - the advice you.give me, as to. my sons, the•next I,ereve will relate to my daughters.- . lam very respectfully, . —__ Tribute to the 'memos of the kite • •F - Rew George G. Cooknzan.H The following •preamble ,and resolutions were :unanimously adopted't,at the second [Quarterly : MeetingConference on the Wes ley :..;!. or thy , . present' year, held on the.7th (lay' of dune, 164 . Whereas it has been.ascertained thbt beloved brother,: GEOllO2l' G. Coomunni,- - who' so lately dabored'aMong 'Us as a' thin-' ister 'in . holy things, and :wild; we :must, hasitere• many seals -to"his Ministry,' left' ' ibis CoOntry on the 'llth ky'orMarclrliit; in the. steamship :President,: to pay k.fillat visit to his native country; that since his Aeparture . .nothing definite 'has been heard either from him or the ship • he' sailed, and -..that.' : lit is highly prObabld she' with' all on board Jibs, the dispensitio r n. of Providedce, been .loistv.iherefore, ' 1. ResOlired, That in all probability our beloved - brother,' G. Gr; Uookman has been Itaken:from us by itivallivise though . i table' Providence, -we 'bow humble' I submission to HA who :giVetli life and taketh it away, and whoee tiOy name 'We feel bound to ruse and; adore,, though.iva at.,the shine time deeply lanleut that"one aci - useful,a6 vigorous, ao eloquent in the wilier,' of; God, should •be' among us ' ,no more to call to "zonie Oplei'the help of the 'Lord, .tO .be the help'of i..Ve Lord, against the might*"' ,. and though liis body sleeps' beneath the surfae&of the'oeeati, we trust his epirit ti now redeetried, regenerated', atuf with hie Saviour, in 'Whose, cause he so. aealOnsly`laberede:' „ ges ' UllTd4ll l .o!Wiq. es.a,bodyiend as , our, beloved brother_ and the ardent affection. he Ottlit*Pil,,f9r., his ,fs deeply; and bincerely sympathize with ; that family theii litffiction and, the irreparable, hi sii they have in ell probability,. sustained. , Reselyirtl, 'PIO affSr,cour Most af t t featismate. cotldelence;,torklio, femily _and. frieuds of'ourl ate bet o ‘ y s ed pastor, and, pray fervently"that,,,t4p. Grßeg •9r, , Oad , may, be ; sufficient to sustain themmuler this: deeply, afflictive dispeilsation4 thisE 411 V' w9T l t. ,together for kti?ir tiltimate , good, and, k at a. ' lo 6irileeting ttlaybe• in tiessrvatiMiloi, MBE . - ME A. PARENT. _ . • , , .'.,.. -, 1,^ 4 ,`.• , .' , 1 , " , :.' , .. - .•- r ,, ,-3,,,, , i.0.t,-,... , ,tr.,t. ~,,,, —,, ,,,, ,r , .. , 1 , ;, ,, ,rt, ,,, ,F •,.. , ^e. ,, ,,y,.,.1.!: . 1 ,,- ;74) ',.,,1m::•, ,, 1 ..,,,AVre ~ ,A, . :.: ''.]... ,nV:"47.'r-ii7i,,egir1.44..44,!.tAr1Y..",..,..7.:1.,V, . ...,;f4Zl` .., ~ ,_ .:.,, ..,. , ..ao.. ~.. ', .. . , ..•.. . . 1 . v. Iti2o It ItiOrir Aiar A n V Ilav rim , fee . 4 . .e. b in _ _ Mi l 4 1460 1 499 11 nit i* 1 r 4. . . r.. , . . Nr.,f , '--- \ AC'." . l' ' .. . • ' .4,%; # . / - M " • V.i.' ' .. , . ,•,‘ . * - _ _ ._ _ . • . them ! T A ng onvo fever ‘ asting bliss;:( That, We . will beartqstitriony i toAlie: faithful 1111011; 114,14 . Ida he direharged iiis9duty as a' pastotvhile.he labored among its, and to the ernest,and eloquent appeals be made to the 4o: co ' ,51 Resnitced, . That, in jestinkouy.,of ,our Seneeriiy iii :"Whit, We' liaoe Sed,,,wo earnestly . .and_aillietionately-..linvite a co =operation of his tirethren and •friends, else where,in. raking-provision fdr fife. pril er care and nuruire•of his afflicted. fainil - 0. Res°hied; 'Phi a Orly ~the ._above preamble and resolutions.be ,forwarded to sister Cookman and to his father; arid 'that ,the same be,publishettip the papers of this, city, and in the ,Christian, 4.dvocate,,and, Journal of new York: „ :EDNIUNI) . DbßSg ' r, JOHN P. 't • B. K. MonsiLr o Secretary -Mraihitiatiin; Ante, t 9; 1941. • FR6Ai.,T SA 61 dYVId ,ISVA.N DS, . . brig ,at Mazatlan, ,hrimght files of the:Polynesian; 'published at If olio. : ,to., of Thercontain, no importontnos, The night of the 1,1,th of, Jane - ary .wAs >the:mildest on. Tecord, the : - ihermotrieter 'in, ,the.morning stood : at 55 AlegreeS. , ; The United States ship, Vincennes, was expected at: bah.Aink t , from Hilo, the :!'sth ,of Peb..,; A singtiler_circhinstancl,,lMsr_o_ver;, e . anie'•At o )servatory, erected at Hilo, it was discdvered that the pendidunri would not operate regularly, and that-the-observations-were entirely useless: AnOther site was selected and lite results were the same, and : still another site had to 'Tiee ected,. ,l'he. phenomenon has f been noticed be fore, and %•as supposed:it) be owing to a trembling of the 'earth occasion- . etl by subterrane.in fire. • The officers and crew of the•Vincqnnei represented to be-iri .excellent 'health and . • • • C'apt. Wilkes 11:i.e.-been entirely success'4' fullu ascending-Vow boa,.in• January, with tat 4w - it egess# l t . • It, wds a great iask,_and",reiluired the sewtiies fee ye al:hiindred men to,trans.port the• instruments, small' framed heildinge; ,_Cwltich are so constrected that .tlisleati be_ takenapartpe9ogether in. a few .niin ,ates;)• storesr i cc,7. But, the_ energy and..persev . erahee dlthe commander and his officers overcanie : every-difliculty, and that-they were re:warded . by . iinding a', field of_evenitkoreinterest than_theyanticiPated, • - and - also - by - eticcessfel (y -- ac - compl ohjectrof the' expedition.. -The-whole active . volcanic_ region of. that. portion of Hawaii has been thoroughly explored, and - the - trucheiglits_and'positions - of - the - inoun= tains °ascertained. - . The - party weee'sixteen. days. from file to the summit, ‘v.li - e - re they encamped - for about three weeks, building', high walls of stone around 'their tents. to protea,,them from the strong blasts .which swept across the mountain. These will remain 'as monuments , of ,their visit, and fer,the benefit, of future explorers... After . . 1 - 14 • a . war 1 . y fa" • .. own ; t .t ter ammeter stood commonly at from 25 to '3O degrees , E. though -it occasionally sunk as:low as , f3 degresS. • Still the party were so well provided that they suffered but lit tle from the , cold. The natives, however, were not able: of stand- it, and were sent . 41.iifiy. The ,ocean and the high peaks of MountLoa can be distinctly seen from the summit, notwithstanding its great area.— Steam still issues ftotn • the immense crater discovered by Mr. ,Croodricli, - though . 'no fire:is:now - to be - seen: The volcano of Kilauea was•in a 'very active - etate. port has reached Hilo that a new eruption' had commended near the see antkno.t_far from the recent stremp.—N. Y.. Jour. Coin.. ROBBERY ,OF, THE FEEDER ICI( COUNTY. EdilYK,--Recovery of a portion of the Money.—,The money, that was stOlenfroin this bank has been recov ered, with the exception of about twenty eight thoUsand dellars. We understand that the circumstances which led to this re- Stilt were as follows: Some. time ago, the directors of the bank received a communi cation from.a person in New Wiley, Who repre mrsriiiins e lf as ,a.laW- Yer ,lll l:7 l '.,tgitid dint ; proftssipnally igaine'aequainted .with such flets,as, would enable him to secure the restitution-,of,the sColes , property non certain terms. - Wrn. Bradley Tyler, one of„tite ,direetors of the Vrederick COunty Bank, 'and ,W . m.. M. Beall,,E ! sq, the cashier of-the Fariners' and. Mechanic'sPank offretidriek,connty,. repaired to New York; ,anck . after •.a, good . deal of negotiation, succeeded.in recovering the whole. arnonlit,,,with the ,exception oC the 'stint above , s,tat#:. •We understand tligt.the gold and.tlikinctes of 'banks other , than ; ,the issues ,Of: the ,robbed ,institution, were oretaiOid; and that 'the lawyer who was the agent in . compounding the felony, charged a commission some, ten" thous and ddllars,for his services.. No; information Waa.'giten that. conk! lead to the,detection, of . the robbery, although 'Mr. Wiley upon, ing9nestioned upon that point by Dr. Ty: ler; Said' that 'he" (the Doctor) had , peen: the pritiaple•of the nt:sii ' during_had , ,. ila •"ViSit. to . Neikt' York; ' ' •• , • artgem6ni t - utterly indefensible:'' ,Seniedi:himselk a 'lawyer,'44 -- . shobld 'it • once; denounced by 1114' i V6tiooiteki:4o, ditjriiis ed ' fire bar There r ..4P : firofesiienal ,pristefidoir Lo act, wHic,b'cali jqstify o'l6 aoi= rapt pact 1 4 4446 1 116 Played. trust that, the bank will put, the p ublic 'lit ossession.'4fali-liteaflieteikatir'etitheirtic Nape; •WhNet,"we re,joite' I hat' the' rnoneY i)* been , reioverediliAVlibiliq`thit IWO:61011' .anY"ihinettic ' by; the'' bank, rtifc , iaterkre''Willkhthii'eatite of •public*EtildePi .• • •-•;-; r, ft!f: 3fi trOok"'', .111 sioriPo'la' l / 4 vOrni)Oiao, arrested in the tiiwO of. St:'lllaithisiilte iliy . F . `a - gOk n oo a chiiie ;of ''OraCtfr''to a,: littlC aboti,t,,io years Vor eoi tri(hvg,,fah!t wret , ed:' Wit tiii,9ttifi,3rtiitsoe,,titfilit?t**iti,t'•i . " , wery ; :ttnetcl , rolie, '4iving her . upwardp of On the bare back . . 'i-Aho s '4 hen -I(ed 1141'ieitie — diciund eith :a .lisign;iiticki': ivoiinding' soil' bidising ihe iUrant ' tli most horrible manner; after which she bound her_ vtetim _and thiust her _under the flooe.till' next morning,. when the Oil . formuate)y *disnovered• reselnd": :the cangsnt "her toline'ntor. roc woman was -arrested:and : admitted to-bail in -the sum. of slooo—an' , amount, we should thible:fnlitfrely in() The"' Child' e • . langertmtgonditioft,--- .„. Wonderful Cu" ire.: We' •heard - ilieloi-. lowing - particulars, stew days.since, of almost ritiraettlouS vansition' from disease n ,in ti einitylo t igo r`,, iti the petson of Mr: Is r ati.t . Newnian,.of SOmeriet . county, Marylant. .r . , Mr. N. fur se_yeral yeartchait.teen'eciifinea' tor ;his hOtWe, - by severe aillictiori which.; isabled hint. Treln walkit►g, cud frorri' the? free use;oPhis orals' anti neck, • On..SatYttlay• night laot he, ivas eipectedjoidie,.but in; a.few hours becaine bettll- and o'n .IVionday.eyeningitluring'the . Ithutidef sleep, ,and tghis inter astOnishnoint found, When he:awolto; that,bell4.! the entire use of all dins limbs: ~He ,arose crook his bed, ifiessed, Itituself, ; and walltad about :the ho ,M.ri:Newmart rentombers 'to. have. eic'perienoed, Peculiar! sensation , in..: his Witqle.systeiu durii Inns sleep and twat all. the ciretunstr -ceslio rather colll.lll-F' _ can be irrivotl . at, but tliat tht.agent: of,tbis woeoerful eute'.was electricity . , It, at least furnishes'a sebject. fair much spientjfic.ex i)lanatiol..7-Egstort•(4ld.),Gazelle. . FOREIGN NEWS. 'of the t . Eight Jays later'from England-,-.linpor ',ant Aews. " : 1.3y the arrival at Boston, on Saturday ampraing, of Alie swear packet Britannia, : ikiaggFifiijliiii4 - 7 1 144lf,kkAftli .tyleuietfroin - LiVerpool,.‘ve-haVe;mniclon; piiiie,rs.to,tlie 18ili, Liierimel to the 19th,., , and Continental. .news-,with—tWee- r epries—' ponoing., . 0 ", :- _ _The . most important. political news, hat Ave bave, the : . passage, .by-,a one; of Sir Robert- Peel's motion of want of - eOnsdence in, the - Miniiisfry._ The most interesting intelligence brought by the . Britannia, relates to the British Par liament, in %Odell - Miniskrjr have sus tained severaldefeats, - amb ha ve .determined upon i a -dissolution - that-body; and the trial of it new. election. • Sir Robert 'Pears; widow:fora censure Of the - Ministry wash brought forward in the Ilouse of Commons. on the sth °finite, and passed by a majority. of one. .13y this sow, the House have declared that . .the sent Ministers of the Crown do not possess the confidence of Farhutment, and ihat their continuance 'in . office is at variance with the spirit of the ‘Constiititio*2.lNce an nouticement.of this vote excited, of course, berS.,-, Lord' Julia' Russell, the - ministerial leaden', then rose, and stated that he should deliberate till. Monday following, ,this was on Sattirday evening,) as to what course he would pursue fur the vindication of the Ministry. .- • . On Monday he announced. to. the Noose his intention of advising the Queen to dis solve .Parliarittnt. Sir Robert Peel, • who was • preparedup his . attack by opposing the,state4 that• in. con sequence of this,measure, he should .defer his, a i ttempt. StibsecientlY, the strength of parties was tried agaiit , On the Criminal Law question, and the Ministry. were . beaten by a- rnaj . ority.ef , ' . Active . ptcparations were in. progress4dk the election. • Lord John Russell was 'to stand .for thi. city of. London. Parliament continued tf 'sit,:but was to be dissolved in 1 alew..day 'by commission. The Minis try. were.c ildent of .adding.much to•their strength at.• e neiv election. The exc ement bit the subiect:fe;L: Leod had Trlpjacli v -Aii Away ; all par- : ties,7P.X9 - 4,:i ling at h0me.!!....------ . - - orothingi-of course, heard ,of the Presi-' ent. . - ...". • 4P '. , " " • '•' .. . .Sir ,Robert Wilkie, the great..•painter; died suddenly . at Gibralter; . -.--. i . . Astley's'llheatro . in London : was burnt i ? down .on t .80 .of _June }. One woman wasl?urnt : t death.. The loss . .of_ property was estirnat .at X35,000-sterling. • ...• i • ,There ,li e. beenL.seAreral—inore—deatfis arpolig the )obility,.zamely, the Earl .01. Fortescue, : nd : Lady -.Emily Cloncurry. Ceratnande Janies.Duncan; N . . N: is also dead: - • - ' . 100 JO Lady,Fann: month. : ,:Her. MaJ and, held a 17th. . . . 4tuasell is;, to ~he !married fte Eljiot . ..at..;the :close of, this. ;y, j heti. gi ti9n a . Court Bal 1."-- Yranti Drawing-Room on the The Lealthp~ the alarm Wa:4-felq9c.4ll Active rnoveneit Eng . co - 40: next flqqtions:;,,Ou In Syria ,rnorq; n• and some turkisb baqi moon ,-, „.i t 1 We ~are given:to .etruelione ,, giveri77ta om proceeding as. (;) to • sopercede , Capt against' the .Chores 1;--London Coto ieli; From Fraticev moment. ..,Marshal \L flinisiry , of , relating to • thO•rpciiiil come back again, have his way. ' 1. The Turkish Suit 01 . 4 ire, ,i n the BE Porlicu4r ill!eree,t; ‘,l I.lft,Froodh K aye 4 Pttar i . n Algi e rs,, 111 ? Et , ', 3rouP 'pa I oiling,, in ! tO t : ,w4on you AA' how poor .hO ibooomfai =OM BOSiOII. ENGLAN D. .. . ... • ~ I' 4/neon was bad„ Some At sequenee...- .. , ~ il,!ers , making. alb over ndArorand, for, the 1 n .. excitement prevailed, bles have broken out, , rs,had .beori driven. sets:: .. ' 7 ...' GI Ai• , ' • . ',l-1 ceive payment; or to give , atlyr receipt fell the payment of , any taxes that hive not been' duly assessed, and returns , of said. as sessment made according to law, norshall any ; . such treasurer, commissiouer, ..Ccp misereners br colleseti,ii,or:c i ther, pet:Bo, en This or' their, hehair,', receii , e . pay or.give any receipt . for the -payment or an y; ',4*11; from- i dle , ,.payment ., o w party , „ seseed beeireidlierite'd himself ` appear ' i,it,;hi own ,Pt4PC;tilitoile and tenuer paYoe,Olpf ihe.tel'eacre;m:.wnieli .he toe Veen e i Xelier4H. be la iv fay for :a9 co mix= ` eic‘heie'4l:lllly , 'm . )011; 'fop: ether' naiiie' or asiteileorfdr'e'didatent eieeesors o 1 PPY,!(*PI4' mlifp‘r• Wailt 'dr; district ' and ifierpoch'irea T serer; oi their be half, shall violate anylaf'theirdilshiiiie'de .this section, he shaltOtriStrelinvietion there of. befbre , aiiy court ioMpefent.lliv risdiction„ pay 13' fine , of-ine , hiihdred dolk lars 'for the imeof the ConinanWealth, ;end ahallmoredVer fiirth.wittr'reihoved :froth ' ofice..and•tlil, r vadanoy , therebyoceitisionedi In.'; either, of said,' offices',', • shall: be • ' ott , derstand that:the in. ir Henry Poitinger; miasioner to'Canton !were warlike ,ao:extreme,degree. is little news . .of Milt relired fifonyith'e )osetl misasurs. pg t of ..soldisiii , ,buf eing.- told he . triight declining in health.: 'resent .nOthing ;of oti , 'tt,the to wn at MPS= forg(ying. it., tvlto Is lai yog.; a. Itundred nesti of, it, end :see. .at ES :RilalingifqTreag-; the - el ct o of uil tS'nt ;._., ;x , urgrir. andtiriot~ier purposes. 'Sectioki 1..11 it the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealt,h.4. of Pennsylvania in 'General Asseinbly• met, and . it is-hereby enacted by tile ati 'Sof: thb' earliciiMiii se= eond , Tuesday in bctober next, and - on,the same 'day• eiiery•ftWo' years tlierea(ler; if ,ehall•;,be voters• in the - seVeral'OeMiities - orihis`CleihMoniiealth, twouitabluirersou-10-6erveras-ounty ' 'treasurer; who eater upon flia'diaies . Of.hiii",efficabii:the first Monday in January next after his election, and perform all the Auttes:enjoi A ed by la* . on - the' se*eral coun ty tredatireis ' otrthi4 Cemnionirealtli, until. iin Ilan - 606r 'axi• , Years next after , hie' indention into' office 'as' aforesaidt.•!':;!••• • ' ' . . 0 5ee. , 21 The , :election- shall • - lie 11.1d;••and returns, of election made, in the notinner .prescribed . 4iy layi in , ilie"taiw'or county commissioners, and the validity of the elec tion. orjretiirli 'be subject' to' like trial and examitiationlii - east:of contest. ' i• • . . ' 'BeC.'3; - .Nii'indge; Clerk; Or, frollion6- , , tary of; any iCatirt, - :FieOter" of , Wigs Or Recorder of Deeds, Con iitY'C'ertint isSiciner, - . or County Anditor;. shall be .'elligible to eleetithi as Conn iy . T reaSO re i ' during 'their. continuance iii office, nor shall"aiii - County Commissioner:or COkinti Auditor - be 'eligt _b.leptittiLtli:eLexpir'.atithi.-'or tinii4earl.-__neitt. slier the - terin for which 'they 'shallhe elec ted, tier' shall any county l'reaSuree'serVe in such' offiCe more., thawtwo..years-iwjeny terni of four' years. ' ' • , ~ Sec: 4. Each person elected: a' County Treasurer- shall,before-.enteripg-into--the,i duties. of his office; give bonds with_seen- 1 rity in, the Manner 'and on the conditions prescribed ~in ' the thirty 7 third and thirtv.:- ,-feurtli sections of. aWaet, entitled "An 'Act • relating to counties, and county and town- Ship -Officers," paised the 15th day,of..A pril, 1834 ; and it shall be _the duty.of 'the [.County. Commissioner; after the bonds and ,emety,,,are given and approVed,...to give, the itiSbiejfir,*4 - '4•Vg #16 . 0 4:te' .7 34 4 i-Cb O ir. peinilitenl, - iiiTilfeTorrii • and; manner .prsv , Licribed bythe 31st-section of :the 'last act L aftiresaid, - and TortAaird4 . -- c - e - itift - caW- - -thereot. to the Auditor General in the manner therein prescribed, and such certificate shagbe.re- 7 corded as in sal act.directed. •:., - . • - ec..: 5.. Inrny- - persorr - so'elected: County Treasnr . "shall: be del . :bred ineli gible, refuse to-give bonds according to law, die, resign;,remove from- the county; or to 'be removed-from office ow account of. any _tieliiiquencY or_inisdemeanor, it shaiL be lawful for tike_Courty Commissioners_to appoint's sal/fable person to 'fill said 'office until ,the expiration of the term for whibli such_ - _,(.1.0.u.nty 7reas - urer • shallThityebeen_; elected, and the, person so appointed shall conform and, he subject to the .laws of this -Commonwealth 'in relation to County. Treasurers, and ,be subject to like .removal: Provided,_ no - person shall be , appointed declared by law ineligible to election._ 5ec...6. If the Commissioners of any, county shall believe the County Treasurer / In a igeng - iri eTibiic - moneys cOnTin r itte r ti...tt his charge, or that from the insufficiency of his Security the public interests 'are like ly to suffer, i shall be lawful for said Coin missioners topetition - the 'Court of Quarter ilSessions of •t R-proper county, setting forth the facts comphiined of, and if said Court. shall believe said' complaint well founded; it shall make such order -for the removal of such' Treasurer, or require additional secu rity, as to said shall appear just and proper in the 'premises., . . , -. Sec. 7. If;any.ConntyTreasurer, elected' Or appointed under the' provisions of this act; after taking on himself ; the duties of the office, shall neglect -orrefese to. perform. any duty required of him ~by law, he shall -on conviction be fined in any r aunt not ex ceeding three hundred dollars, andbe forth with removed from office. r -- ,_ • • Sec. 8. Every, County Treasurer here tofore elected or appointed, and- now of •ing his office under the provisions, of .the ..92cisling laws, 0f —. 4 . 1 tW ,- .ll.".Pl e f t i`l 4 • l II" , hall .. be, and hereby is, continued in office until •the first Monday in •Sanuarytieiffunleas sootier removed according to the provisions' of this act:. :Provided Said treasurer shall give bond the to 'the terqs•and 'pro visions of the lavv.'unde . r : which ,he was ;elected or appointed, conditioned . fora the faithful performance of his duty until,, the. time . aforesaid: -Proeided,. That on re newing, his bonds for the - faitliful.perfor 7 •ins.nce,othiS. r duties,:sis ,-proyided- by-exist 7: ing laws,, the 'present - county treasurer of . the county of, Philadelphia, shall , continue' in offiCe iintirtliegiird Tuesdayin.October . ' next; WheWhiiSuecessor shall be qualified; and at the said general election the present county treasurer shall nin•be eligible to said office;: and •it shall :not be-lawful' fer. anY , .cou n ty,• % treasu rer, coculy. commissioner or' commissioners; or any collector-of taxes in any township; warifor - dititriet,'nor for any 'other person on 'his Or their...behalf, -to re. __. suppli94lw.in other cases of vacancies in such once.' ' , . ••". 'SecAd - All spiicialacts , anthotiiint.thit elebtiori Of county treasureri, and "all other laws of this commonwealth which are al tered or supplied by the provisions of this Aci, be and the same are hereby repealed: Provided;.ll6* - 6:v6r,, that in.ilie counties df Lycoming and,Clinton; the election under 'this law*.'shall be heldori - the - seCond 'rue& ii6y in Ocloberi , lB43, and the term of the present treasurers of said counties * is here v eitehdedontil - the first Monday in Jan- Et uark; -- 184 Sec. 10.. It shall not be lawful for. any guardian, of the poor, inspector of the pri, 7 , son controller of public sehoola,"morriber of thelhoard:of"healtVnar for any' person - employed,in the •sherifs office Of trOsur er'g,office,,countY cojilmissioner's offiOe or treasurer of any county, to hold,the othce or perfora : the?tlqtiegef surdv eauttty• and, if any:'eptinty.treaSurer'eleettid'or,appoint; ed underthe provisions, of this," - act, after taking upon himself the 'dtitieibf 'MO Of fide' 'shall embezzle, misuse or, waste the public" rncineys committed to, his charge, he shalli.ori•'conviction; be fined in • a sum not less thatrOnolulndred dollarS, and not more. than two thousand beimpris one'd for a time not less than_three months, nor Mora than two,. years, the, antoont of paid term, of impriselknent to be at thedis cretictn,of Ahe court. • 1,-4c.,:relatingkultherpurpases.. Approved; 2.7th•May, 1841. Temperance Department. • PLEDGE.OF TIIE CUMBERLA 7 ND COUNTY 'MAUI:RANCE SOCIE.TY.- WEI THE UNDERSIGNED, DO - AGREE, THAT WE WILL NOT USE. ANT INTOXICATING LIQUORS:NOR TRAFFIC . IN THEM AS A BEVERAGE;' THAT WE WILL NOT FROTH:IE THEM AS Ali' .ARTICLE OF ENTERTAINMENT,. OR FOR PERSONS IN OUITMPLOYMENT; AND9WIAT,,.IN "ALL SUITABLE WAYS, WE WILL DISCOHNTE/NANCE THEIR. USE THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITY. 4, • . . AN TO FARMEBS:' . . The following is cud frOth the last kernirt of. the .E x. Cum. of ,the,AM I Tn R 4„ 10. 2.. 0 ... ; iiiLaiiinirierriliralie;*ons 4 deriticii-4r the farmers of otincountry: ... " :Drunkenness Tcannot:-:--iontr-bireori tinted-in our world:withorit'the aid.of `so-, `ber men. Sober men must Make the. laws wilich-license ; the traffic.. Sober-men must be _the - Jendors.;,sober_ men., inust_he _The. importers and distillers, and sober .men must furnish the capital'for importation and -.the materials for distillation. The earmers of . our country stand, at. the 'fountain head _of .tli is tremendous-evil, and-te-theni r stand-- ing there., the' committee_ woad - ;make a sofemn appeal.- .. -.__.. _ 1 , FARMERS, next to the ,great Author of allgood,-You stand as the...almoners of the world: - You • •bring food uut=of "the earth. As you ;pour it forth : from . y,our .granaries, .the eye bleases''you. "The - ox` knoweth his owner; the ass fria master's crib.;" the ' widow's heart, as she receives sustenance for herself and her babes, sings for joy.-.--- Fora momentary gain, you can become a • curse and riot a blessing. You can convert fAthe .i.train 'and t . tr• ..rr e ir..whintine ' dar . ,corat pours into your• tap, into a poison which shall turn. the husband and father into ' a brute' and 4end, - beggar families, excite reien to the commission of ferocious crime and ruie_sonls.. But Will you do it? . You can feed the, distilleries with your surplus prodded - Mrs ;- ybu can - keep up, those fires which burn up the body and burn.the Soul, ~ and plei'd,that,,as.you throw, your•produc tions in the public market, you are not re sponsible for • any of these •effects. But ' will this satisfy conscience.? Will this' satisfy the Searcher of all hearts, when he . ' shall make inquisition for blood? To those of you, who look simply at loss and gain( -we would put a question- 7 Will. not every. - drunkard you make, hold a mortgage on ' your farm for his support? Will not every criminal, excited, by you to acts of violence, lay upon..you :for his trial, imprisonment and punishment a heavy assessment? .Dies nor e'very , poor • house, jail - and hospital. bring sweat from the brow of every_indus . '.,•;,,,,,!! ferffier and ! mechanic, in the land?— Ai ..... ..r.--•-• !And. have, - you a right, for personal gain thus, heavill to tax your ',renew citizens? May there' not be aifasSessment.of an other character Which you may not be wil ling to . bear?: If.you maparacture.a - poitiOn or furnish the material for,this manufacturee 'may Mt a riAirteoui God .visitYoU in, jiid6 met t by. calling . you 'to follow; a An to a, r drun t" d's 'grate, orveihrips 'cause you to fall into a pit which you yourselves have jigged '_ i __Would. it. not„_bri _better, that : Ood, 'should send the Mildew to : bliist your crops, the insect to destroy - your. wheat, 'theAgat. to blight your corn, the caterpillar to. waste - your leek better,' far better that God should stretch, you 41) e,: . 40,11; Of; sickness, and that your farm should lay waste, yOur frUit . rot in the' tifild; and, yinir ehildren become pen ,sio.ners on the bounty of ',others?" f :But-what shall farmers do with their surplus prodircti;„When the distilleries are !cios,ed?.! , ; We answer, they can supply our , Markets . with good pork, instead of .the 1 wretched - article now furnished. by the ihs-, -tilleri;': ; aird r Can , fatten beer ler, our . home' _and, for i the.!.eity, market. 'A farmer near Mechanicaburg, thus appropriated' hie stir-,., plus corn and grainiest yeari . anti at 'a pub lie Ternperanee.,meeting'statett: this.;.aa.. the itisuli., .7-? . . 4. 7 1 ha4tile,eding Aelf,,,iind pork 'inked& iffeeiting'4l-;:dietilleiiii he had , :ofgaipaCct,the.nleans t ;ql, greatly' enriching 'his-!ri larni,' . .and . inl . cingo year: hatturde 'it tiet;*irtio(l#4. 4e.t.iimeriDellAti,s."-- Welrepeit.,leatit'alhttedied, faraierq:'e:ill t f pp a t : rtjig - qcparitnent- the preient year. • • - ' -- - 4 4 N,Iii , - 11. 6 l itdig " 441,pcipons baving,booke out :4are,rop)este4 toR ati'Wedpeeosiy,iir, I . l,rilOy. !hie,,week. • ,„. . . I."POTiS - Lib. JPHN . POIIII2T, Lib. U. T#E ~..y6Topp,Nvho.cborioumd 'a' 110E 1 ' 1 „MIA :mA XTQCki:fkitn'thesubscriber, is.polite;• ly regioSatOd:to•retorn.,tlio same immediately,; pro 'Med he has - ntifOriker' us,e,for thein: *Word to tthe'v4to,3l& o ll !,.• oo.} L, • ' ' TA IVIES -119FFT12..' ;Cor,ll,ll7l,Juvb '1! ME Iplendid Lotteries: ..111onotigalia Lottery Class G. for. 1841. . To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, the _ . 10th July, 1841. . ". GRAND CAPITALS. 25,000 Dollars ! slO,OOO--45,000---iO,OOO-spoo--4,000•-3poti. 528-2;500,- • • • .• 59 Prizes of i;000 . Dollars, • • 28 of $250-200- of $2OO, &c. - ---75-Number -Lottery—l3.--Draam--Ballots , — 7"Titkets - sl . o—Halves_.ss, uarterS $2,50. Certificates of Packages of 25 ho e icktutsl-30--- Do.. .. . do •25 Half do 65 • DO. ' do' ;25 Quarter do ,32 50' . Vii giur . . oug:10 na - .Lottery. Claw' 11; for '1841.--To driiivn - at . Va., on Saturdily,'l7th July, 1841. • iditiprrhcarrritia., I:" ..'+ . -130,000 .D6lla . I of SLO,OOO, 1 of 5,000, ) of 3,500;1 of 3,090, $2,500--1,995-z-2.0f 1 0 500-30 of ,1,000 • '56 of 250.--75 of 200, 6m.lcc. • -76 Number Lottery-14 Drawn Dallots: Tickets only, sl.o • Halves $5 Quarters $2,50' , Certificates'of Packages of 25 "Whole Tickets sl3o' D 0.., . do • , 25 Half • do ~ 65. Do.. • '•.25 Quarter d 6. 50. 7 . Virginia ~Leetilbprx -149titery. Class for 841.--To be dradvfat Alexandri r si- • Sa s tnediti; 1 . 81„; f:' ' • ~GRAND Od 5 Amoantiaeto • 40,000 Dollars-! $5,000 :7 3,500-;- . 3p70- 7 .1,0007-2,500- . - , 40--rize4- 0 41400,- • 51.1_ of -250- 7 60 of 200, Ste.. &c. - • - 75-Number Lottery--12 Drawn itallOts.. • .Tickets sto—Dalvesss.—.Quarters t 2 50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $l3O , Do. - f'• do • •25 Half do 65 DO. do Quarter do 52 50 • Vii crinia )(4eoburg Lidtery. . Class L for 1841.4irdtie - dj-awn at Alexandria, D. C. mi Saturdaylclib.tht of July, 1841: - :s3 oQ~?- sT0;0fo 6.000_ Doll.pys. • 0;000 4,000 • do. do. 1,717. do.-- . 1,000 do. • 600 do. - .300- do. 200 do.&c. 75 Ntinder Lotteryf--14, Dralyn Ballots. Tickets $l 0---Halyes.ss---Quarters $2 507 Certificates of Packageiof '25 Whole Tickets 050 Do. do • 25-Half . do • 65 MT -- do '2ssauartir - tkN —3250, _ I'-prize of . 1 110. 1 do. 1 do. .1 ; do. 25 prizes of, 25 . do. , 28 .do. 200 do. : • For Tickets anti Shares or;:Vertificates of Pack- \ ages in the above Snlendni Lotteries ,— address J.. G. GREGORY & CO. Managers, • Washington City, 1). C. Drawings sent immediate* alter they are over ,to all - who order as above. Vr,ARRAITTEZ) FRENCEI.BURR Mill' _Stones, Of Vie best inaterial imported into ,this Country, -- For Stild . httlie-.Stifiscrib,er4, • . • In Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, and Chain- ; bertiburg t " , Pa.; where they purpose manufacturing • and keeping on hand the best article of different it- . zes, to suit any wlm may give them is call. • . , Chambersburg, pa? June SO, Shiremanstown,' •I N •rem nn . w Pin in vis 'll . D I. . en ts , R"'l 'C LOOM IS permanently located in Carlisle, and will perform all operations Writ are required in Dental Surgety, anal* as Filing, Plug.ging. and-Ex tracting Teeth, and inserting. Artificial , Teeth, from a Biagio:teeth to u. whole set. He will also attend to all'diseases of the' risouth, gurus, &c.; and direct 'and regulate:the first andsecondtlentitionso_ls to 'reader the teeth of children-and youngpersons regular and. beautiful:, • . Dr;:LOOMIS may at all times be found at his of. .fice,-on High street;opposite Madfarlaate's Hotel. • ' Carlisle,Aune : ••• : `; , BONNETS. Jag reeellied at the New Store, a large , and 'mien didassortment of English Straw and Florence Bon-. nets; offered for sale at low prices by ' •, • i •• r' ARNOLD*. TADRABOZ- MaiTh at;' l g 4l ., • - , . - • Damask Silk Shawls: Received" this day ' front . ' Philidelphia,st lot o to oily sbaw•ls,. ,iVew -• •• • ••• •'• • • • biii5..450,u1t,.-, carlisic,Juac'.l j I'B4l. Prince's Imperial Polisfr.- A superior article for cleansing F.iiiver & Brifsinnitr. Ware, also Brass, and Copper Ware, just received by the subscribers. . - 111T;%R' Ik'AITILVANV, Nisi); 7 19,11141. 1 S, r Of all kinds warranted : of :the best materials and; ivorknumship, can be ,purolkased on xeriaccommo,t. I doing terms, at.' the. mafiuGtetory of the attlosarlbrEii I No. 12 Lexington street near Liberty,Baltionore... , I . 3. T.4)llCilicIC T carp intelligeneerMid Keystenei Barrisbum pug; lislt the above to the amount of ono dollar each, and, nd bill to the)Subscriber.' • . FEReETB AL . INSURANCE ,_ ..}.,.,:::0F.:1-,, , z.1i0r A r oriA.•:•dmericatri , Ins urance Company .; , - 1, :-- ~P hiladelphia:' ' l . ''''' ' 1,0 CAPITA'''. •$600,V00« , , This.Cornpany, in connection with•thelictistill'hu;•• Blouse; will taken ;• ••,• •, 1,, •'t• :.. '-? •,• •• ~ .' lii e. ,4.lPerpeturalrltilsibio', en ihe most reAsonable tertudieriiing "Mi'staiiiii 6r "' brick blilidlOgrabbutl2so emerythoueatql.riollsls. luisured., -Any pet.sos , ,iusuxcaiDaXi.after. three- 40 0 ', ' 1 demand, reclaim their, irreraikal,. coney, subject to a •deduction oro4flor for ilium; , primiri,cl3 . .4R tetkiA. u,s . Att. - the AoffeP!bitail , ltit' t 'l. 1 . 1 : 4 T1 1 1,7491frA t rV31141 .lesrer or perroAct,,,r, i I'l - '1 r - 4 , ''*,l 9 , l P . lNl f e rfl S r . f , g- g Carii4f 4110,6;1tt :r—Pb ''" ' ''", ' ' ' - ' n r/. 7 :1 MIME BE GI