Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 23, 1841, Image 4

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n' latte r and gOndioil
PlillatleViiti work; all of
he soli,. at• very rottac'etl litgeeti, at tho
The at
2!) PI C:L 7 ,,111E0 rirlfeKiN - G‘ , jug
recetyed New Store Shirrioburg,•, and for
salol4 ' - ,.ARNOLD & ABRAMS..
, May16.8.41› , .. • •
MAW '80:01-0.:g4
Just : received at the: Ste 2:C gi
A - fresh supply of seasonable GOODS, corisiStin
In. part of, Blue,, Black Brown, Olive Orem, and
AdellidP )
CY 24 0 T
Blitei;TßO, th.Z6wl figumf end sniped Consinteres;
'Mixed .fignyed tool striped Gamhroons for pallet-
White„Striped and Figilred - Limo, -
Pennsylvania wa r e •
cords; Cbqop _at moil
American Nankeens and cabled Aluslins; Burlaps
French and Irish Linens; black, I,lne, gawp, *Alm' so,
Pink; Blassom,'White, Oil and barred
Silks, new stile; Eigoired plain !tarredmil pod
netts; Swiss, CandMick and Mull muslim;
Lawns and Silks, EMbroidereil, Mantati, C
Sattin and barred Riblmils; Lee horn Otts,. Straw,
Braid, Nun and ChiP Bonnets;•Ooloretf, Whitt, Fig
ured Leghorn and,Falinleaf ate; Brown,4 hlvach
thl mushns; Ticks, Checks, Lill
' en end cotton; 4-4 5-•4•Einil 6.4 shemiugs; Table chikh.
linen and enton Oiaper; Linen, Cras , ', silk, Rouge(' ;
and cambrick Hankerchicfs; gloves, flnsiery, Stocks
and ArtifiCial Bowers; Cotton and Gingham Chilli-el
- las; ;Parasols; cotton yarn and carpet clam; together
with an extensive assortment of ,
• Gll`beeri - 64 7- & — irliCC2lWalr •
. . . .
.... . . .
All,of ,_whiCh will • be sold on tin most -- pessonalnl
terms. Person are invited to call nod • C , :an'in6 fo
themselves before purchasiniz•elsealp , re. '
Carlisle, Atwil'24,lB4l:. "4._:.....
Capital $400,000 paidlin.;— . - Chart, p Po? tel .
.NTINUE to imAko insnrn nrc , Per Ma wilt 11'90
CLimited:nu evert
=o"Erlekl;l63-Clab. - sit t strvet. rear 1 , ; 1 111 , rri t.
N. -. 11
• . •Chances \.11. - tsisE - 4;: Mt! i; r F.
ts • yn ,
• TiIIOHAS H. ' --" • ' 14.4,ti M
'TIMM tg 1; Wlll.ll-Tal 61 - 0. W. 111c1fIvii..s.'.
TOaLts - WAosett; - Vennrrti
' • sitAituls G. BA.XeKEIL.,Fievi.vOn..
irrThe subscriber, Azent I m tli , :4;7,%-!rf_lefavai - ify
for the borough of Carlisle
pad viri' r ilc,rrill
pramot 7
ly.a4end to all applications for..l l llriltiel'. h , lll -,7 1'
mafle.peesonally or lir ha t \ er. street,
pearly oppOsite the Car °Rive..
Marbh 31; -1841---1 v
- 72 2 ZE
.. . • -
.1 . . • r"' A : " "
•,,I, -,.
.3-4 A ri Fri
•' _ - A - , i1 . :!,, x
.2.. —• ' . taf ,l / 4 " 1 :..1k.ij
N NT:e . suhscriber; thankthirpr pn-qrovors, rospect. 4'
rd 'nforrnsitis castoniers and Ow pu1,116 it
al, iha he haa''''removed to that Inge anti efinun,di.
11 , 11 e esta liSlittlellt on the NOV(11-ive , ,t elroet• of Ow
Public Square, late the property a Tionons C Litre,
which he has fitted up in a very sopyron• inonner :is a
• ' la' ÜBE IC . El 011 .( - 4' .',' :, _
and where he - is prepared to liumish all aha may
favor him with theme custotn with thin vetys best ac
commodations. . . .
This lintel, fronits eentt•al location, is very con
venient for business men; mid being ta:ft• the stop-
Ting place of the Cars on the Hail . ..road, it will als , .
furnish Travellers with a reatly•plaiat at' reSt :and re
freshment: The it QM IS are la 1 4- ie - anil'a i ry ; the
TABLE will alweta be well supplied 'with the best
the markets 'can affard;. the BA lt. 'w itli the h e st of
Liquors; the charges will be. reasonable, and noth
ing shall be left undone on the part of the subscriber
to merit a SIIIIre of public patronage, t•
.BOARDERS will' be taken by the week, month,
or:yeam • '' , , , . , •
= ttreommotlions Stabling altaehed to the t•stab
lishm.ent‘and an attentive Ostler: al wat s re:itly to at
tend to that department.
• Carlisle; April 7, 1 5.11.--tr
. LOOK . .I:7' THIS.
ARNOLD Ci ABRAMS have just rvceived,.
additional supply of,
. .
.consisting in part of - ' -
Nue, Black, Brown; Idea, Gref , d.'and Tirvlsiblf
Grefa Afixed, and Drab 'CI.3IIIIS "
Blue, Black, Drab, Steel . Mix.'d,Tailey : llix'd, Drab
Ribbed and Tweed Capilasrce - ; ••
Caesinetts,.at all prices;
Velvet Coeds; Beaverteens; Lion Cloth'Kers - cy; and
all kinds of Pantaloon stuff;, •
Vestings of all descriptions and at all pekes ;
Summer Cloth of various colours and prices 3
Figured Pon/t' de Sae Gvo de ,S'zoixsl
Bich 4.4 Black wal"Blue • Black Grri
do- Rhine,-Colored and Black Gro de
• •
Mai*, Lace and Gauze Veils; -,. •
Silk dress Shawls, Hatfilkerchie and Scarfs , of the
latest style;
Black, Blue Black, and changeable Bombazines'; '
Mouslin de Lains of carious patterns and prices ;
A generalassortment ofeap and Bonnet BON,F, ;
A fine nsdortrnent Of English Sz..l):3l»est it! I'l2 [NTS;
Thread Lace,- thread Video Pin antiXouon Edgings,
Quilling , nod Lace of all kinds;
Thud, White, Black, Plain and Figured ; •
Together-wish-a-large n.ssortnicht:of •
Queensware, Hardware - , -O roc(
ries, QederalLare, &c. &c.
All of which they are preparet.l46 A0144 , 1)111. ce
cheaper than can be bought in Cumberland count
or elsewhere.
• inr They 'would respectfully invite the public to
rail and examine tliciv stock Barg:this
en—ue• mistake.
. N. B. CounkyProduce ofall kiihis will be take
in exchange for.Cloocis, at Market price. •
. 2.Vfay 12 , 1841: • •
• 500 . i)atindRCARP gT
received at the :New • Store in Shippensburg, and fin
flak by .AItiVOLL) & 'AISRAMS;
May 1841. • - • - . •
The C'ause. of liiseAse
Nearly all classes,Of tlistqfsbrotte' caused by some
obstructions in the system, uln prevent the rep
jar, and wholesoine -operation /of the anitaal time
done. ,This state of the system, .is disease, which' is
rannirested in a' variety of forms, more or leis ina
iglistit r io-their-Lebuructee._;_ ,. "To eesiore the system
.to a state of health,then, it is only necessary to remove
the cause of disease, and the end is
Tfie,cause is'nbstriiction 'somewhere. This can be
removed by mutation, which only means that
_slincaltbeyesorted to, because, sueteged hyreason,
and by' nature.- Dr. ilarliiiloo7Stiiiiigtlietang - iiffil
. German Aperient l'ills,are all Owed by the thoudands
• wtto have us2dthein, to be the best
oine existence.' , Because, ther not only. remove
• all obstructions and; purge the system
of: it's impuri
. this; but:because; and which-is extremely.intPortant, ,
'strengthen and glyeproper tone to the stomach., and 'healthy action of all the parts. Besides,
-they,aiiseo mild and gentle in their operation, as to.
-:.iendei them at all times wilerfeedy aafe y and.deglo.
uleremedy., The afflicted would:Aß. wellilfl6a l , to
Lox or two of, tide invaluable Metheme
and, give it a fair trial, instead of desitroving' their
. irjratemslviilt oil -repeate d doeessofealoinel'jmd,otli.
~igr.dOug!, AO ihjiwirnis to'humanlife and happiness.
,1.9 Xoro:tiglith Strclt
• . ' .•
• ~ V pr- 410 by IDr,7'J. J. Myer ,
Ped;shioperiabpig; •
' -
te4k:Sllo6i. ,
nchte'd to liis rcirmet' extensive
o,f,- v....4P-
ct•.nttcr: Br.:E'l'EAI
. -
,•ont eighty to .ninety eitiltiairrecortreil-treekly-r-of
.his number, one half die ti . ,:om'the effects of Teeth
ing% Will mothers any,longer soffer their dear off
sprinvo be so suddenly snatched from them when n
certain remedy is so 'learnt haml,tylticli is Bit. PAW.'
'is'SooTtitsio SYRUP ran CiTlMlttiviliffffgoTtkili: -
Hundreds of mothers end nurses are,there that bless
the day . they first became acquainted with the virtue
of this invaluable medicine., This Syrup 811
ways be kept in the-nursery; where there at
children, whereby :sweet repose will, be: pt
itricl,.to the enjoyment of parentiObeir: deal
spring restored to' them again:
' , ,` - '11EllelEMIlE1?, none is genuine, unl
sit, ature of Dr. Paris Is impressed in. the
And thelabels.coutaiti.!An,entry
of Congress.'. --Beware; there is a. spurious it
In the market, put , up itt plaid bottles, Mid th
of Rwisapelled different.,
•• Principal Office, _Ne., 19 N OJT .H RIG
S'llRPlETicittly'vlace Plitladelphiii - wht
'Medicine catt:be obtained.- pt.:043150 cents;,,
".For Sale bY Dr; I J.-Myer/0k Co:; Carlisle ; sift!
Win:reale Sl4ppensbuq, .•.; • •
. , '~:
,George :
o r
"RE: i 76; MDT VW INi spcizzivfas,,
voiod igti,rait Iris friends anal the• public, thatlut
has taken the M MASON N0.,A0 North
Seennir street; Philattelphia. and Solicits .a continu
ance of the o:nel:eine so liberally - - ktehtlell . .to;that
establishnient. . ' • •
Bcaniywine Swings will he opened lop trip peepr
tint) of Gonilianv on the I Oth'el tune; persalls.ivish
hukt- Lel engage.liooins, will please to call at-the Minn
suunouse, Philadel • •
G.' FEIZITEE,. PrOpel'etop. •
April 7, I S.'
.3.-toluc,„ MERCHANTS,
i c•lfyElt their : services to the Millers, Distillers ,
aid !)micro, as CommiSsimi AgentS for the,
sole of flour, Groin and other kings of Prodttee,,......
From their advisaingeotts location and experience iu
the Inv:loess, they flatter themselves they will be a
ble ti render all who limy fitvor
them wi II eonsigionents. They will he pre . p a redtit
all times to make the - etishunnr.rtolyattees on -goods
committed to themeharg:e. • • •
'rimy have-vet:el veil the Agetioy of the Stistpielthn-
Hs Trtinsportntion Lore,. (vin. Water Canal,)
and aro prepsrmf to rreeivt , and forward Metithan
dizc a every deserlption for the'kuniAto, Donther- -
land sod Stismiehiltmo 'Eke - Line will ho .
composed •of new lt , eked Catoil Boats, sod will he
towed by steam betWeico this:eils ` "aiid lisvre de
Grace, awl proeeed op the without trooship. ,
tromts. They will nod day tool e;t:,llt, and goodswill•
he deli viiiirfn the shortest possible time, • -•
•• Apply to . • . ,•
No. 74 Smith WhorveS, l'hilad.
• WEA ST.32:Sc 1311,t,FM,
• • • I larrisburT.
Philad. , A 1,61
1 0 47x _ tt cva:ILIAT,
Porre.ardwg and. PrOdllC ' e ',COMDZISSIOII
at tlw old statal-in I3patt(l above Race street, Mina
e• • •
":02'C!Sh liios
wei --- 41,'" —
~,,.?„ ----,--- - 4 1i - . 4, ,,
' •-• VA5 , ,...• — 7: -- -' - ' ----- ,-. 4-4, - ,, , 44 14,.
- -------,-• ' l'il,;„ 1 •••. i ' -;--------
.- -,: - ;:•r_..-.......L' v.i...`i ' ' A.r - -, c: -. ::,,.. 2- ,N,,,,
•••• 4 , •',.. ~,,,,, ~ .1. _ , r• - ' -,.;
' , -*,..:',,-.<..- --:-. '` -, '''':-.--I`•r--4';,,-,-;1
~f,, - , 1 1'i .- f .. 4 - e• ~ ,— ;T E 'zr-_, , g.!...%'• •Zi 7 :-'7 , 1 -,, I' l ' l '
-'-,., - ,:::,p,,," 1, ••:.;}, ~,,.. :3 i' -- ~:l , •••,;„" • i •:... '.,
' s '''.'•‘-, •• •.'.:`,'''. ''.•—•••••1: , :' ' ,••—••• J q,Es'" 111 , 11'h
, 1
4 ...:,iffe - 5? - -,..%''.1 7 :-.'3. - 4,f -..•••t:,-, ~:0,, , ..). 'I . -...... 2 _ ~:.!>
•.,..,1,...... - ..!: . P. ;.,....? - .,..r.i.... - -_ - - - _ - .
4z , , , ,
,I ` - '"f- ,. ,'• "'"Z ., - , "..^.- - ',:-.;:v..':-.. --..-71-,"'"'-'-e''rt
;:', 4: :: ' . ..[NI .. ; 4 . ri 44: 17.3 7 g f.. 1.*. A V' 5 •":;%1.,:.: i ';: t, ": ' '4 1.5t '',2::'124.':
"., ;', ' ' ':% .3 :.V.:' ,j ..,,,t. L e- t.t• , 4 t /r. '4,',.v,:e11f- ii.. _,,, , ,
_ -
The finbceriber has recently receii•ed Inyge adili
innul snitidiewhi
,inscri .li i , Spfs. Turnenlinl?, Copal
Varnish, Painters' , Varnish
Denshes, Hair fin fierecli. oi/,
(cermline) Sperm. C ps in r,Tcal
variety, Wass Lath, and :Letter
Paper, fruit, Spices, Pcilamerg, is. - e.t.c.
which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants
and others, WHOLESALE fir:by nETAH., at
the lowest rates, having purchased entirely
Or casl I; he w1:1 offer bargains .to. those
yho wish to pmehase at wholesale.
Alareh 21, 1841
(4001105. •
.Vist received frotn• Philadelphia nn 'assortment. off`
SPritiZ ,
style And Cisbions.; spleOdid china
Silks all(l.ll.ibands„ Motteline (le Laines, CldnizeS,
(;loves,, Prenc;ll worked . Collars, ye, A.Lso, a large
ns4ortment of •
Cloths, Cassqlocres, - Vestings i —,Ticki)tgs;.
Checks, c. ,S. e. ' .
of which kill be sold very low by the Subscriber
at the old stand opposite S. NVlnoll'd•lieb's 114)./ A 1.•i .
.31nrcll 10, IS4I. • -
Glazing . and Paper Ilangin.
,The subscriber respectfully inform s . tlie citizens
of Carlisle adid the vicinity; that he has commenced
the above liminess in nil its various hrativlies. II is
shop is in the square immediately. in 11.0 r of the
Market House, two damn east&c.. Richards store.
He. hopes by attention to litisiess moderate
charges, to receive a share of patronage.
Car Feb. 17, 1841.---tf
F. Bo to
Z.M.Y.11M 1 41(.0 VC.OTAZO . •
The subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Car
lisle, and pie Maine. generally', that he has taken the opposite the Jail, 0 hero he Will be pre
pared to order, on the most reasona
ble Wrath, pay article in his line or business,stich as
• . :* AXfS, •
lie will
also attend to Steeling and Grinding‘Ases.
fie solicits a share of public patrottage c ,
JOHg* 'HAMM. :*
• ' •
11 we behold the "Bills of Mortrdit
•,...,.. - r.,'..,-,:.:..:'::, ~,,-;',-,-;,•:' s .:•,,.•;;-.'l. ~:
S. .11.1.10"1".g
fffstr6,2var.a, rocery,:so
• E r A; TO AZE.,• A •
• •
7'4lE subscriher• has jest returned from
"a- the Oilics of New York, and
timnre, and is now Olielljlig at his store rumn S. E.
Corny:. of 'lbirket Square ain . l%:...llain Streets ( for
mierty occupied by ., Coo. IV. liituer,) a general as—
sartment, of
• ; Brit/villa Ware, .Groceries,
•'' Paints, rarnishes, Glass, Brush,
es, 1 - rhips,, -canes, La»ips for • •
luirning eth»phine
and a great variety of articles. usef u l and necessary
fu furnisbing and keeping a house. Ito basalso,and
will constantly keep Oil hand. • . .
Callanel hie Oil, •
a , c h ea p an d ere ' ant substitute cor..spvtin nil, and
imiing hem: appointed the agent :if Messrs. hackers
and if rpther or Newark • N. :T., for the safe of Jane's
Patent' I Aimplrin this . miunty, he is prepared to for-,
Wish Lamps:ind a very. reasonable. all
wIM may wish to use thiBAeyjmiLmonntiiicallight.
Having selected his goods him self, nd made his,
purchases for cask, he is able, and is determined to
sell' ow.
Those having the cash= tolay out will find it t 9, their
advantage to. gi vOilin a call.
Carlisle, 8, '
. .
Brandrellas Vegetable Uativei•-
, sal
Arc held by the following agents iti their respec
tive counties. As numerous counterfeits of, these
pills ale attempted to. be palmed npon-the • communi
ty-olte propriety of pureltaking only from - the - recog,
timed agents, will be apparent. ' 4
Cumber/and County—George 'W. HiMer,Carlisle;
A. RiM , : - Ot,' - "Atechttniesburg; Gilmore •;.k*. Alcninney,.
..Nowvillel—S.Ct/lbertson; - Shipoensbnrg; Doke &
Brenneman, New Cumberland; -Isaac Barton-,
burn; M. G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L:Iliegel8;! Co.
Perry 'Coutnly—Ale . xamter Mogee,
J. Sc S. A. Coyle,Landisburg.
August ,20,1840
The subscribere.-will sell their stool: of Cloths,
Cassitneres and other Woolen- Goods; very lew -for
" t e find
•Petei.Parley is of the very best
,as got by ." Osear"—lns dam .
by the celebrated "Sri ArOhie"
grandam by
g grandam by "Lamplighter"
Sams!," Wildnir." By refeti.- 1
;Iter,jt Will he seen that
rpi'by ' , Ciseiir't"kridicietta' byp
Isom e Chirion' by. iMOninoutia
d m! e.are amon4 thi most: one—
On, the, turf,latlng p 9 th gipped
And • :"` . . • . •
Nether Ouilotilin .
g!: 4 l , :c'HifPoio:4: 3. :Si•*. -, ;*ii`i.:*ii*".:'*:* -, ,.,.;(, -,.- -. , :i's:it - ;0')riI:0-':o,:t.*.,9:v : :-4
. ••
ytto"• Relicts eg' •
Licy?l..paiaq4,•.fg . ."..
r -
C.016111418510N FO RAVARIO
- 111E11C!-I ANTS, '• • 1 ';
liare removed to die:'.caitaidotts AVinadiouse recently'
occupied by 1). Leech & Co. at the northeatcorner
of-Clierry titid - Broad street,
• •Froiti the faCititiCh"which the ideation and iniCiMal
m•cangernent: of this dejiot'nfrord, 80 to 40 lltirtlien
Cara can be accommodated to unload and load :it . the
crime time tidthaullicieid room tOafore eO,OOO harrids
of Floor, and 400 to 600 ton of Grain Ui:clusice of the
• forgarilinviejnirt,inciit.' . ; •.;
Prailtiee, of: ev_nry description trill, he 're . ceivcd as
111111111111 l •
- t
•eceipt Of required tiutil sales eye efrectol. •' , •
. . ' •, • CHAIG,AILLLAS St. Co.:
r • North-west_cortwr.tlGlierry
.... - .,1.1i.0ntl Rt..
. , • yliiladelphia
. , . •., •
. .
1 . _
• : REFPX.E.Ver,S.
S. Co . loito ' 'Crts bier: ;, ; • -
I..!eldbrson Parker, cd r i„„ , ,
Snonilerson Si liossermiTi
jeenli S%yoyer,,N'evrrville.
Rivid Nevin, Sldppensburg.
. Logon SmiW, gsq. chamber:Attu.
I'vgter "Ilutz Sr. Co, •• SS
Hobert '
Catherwiind 1 phaadephi„.
\Vm. ILThomiksan & Co.
\Vliitall lZi owct;
13 -A 11 G Al
Sipitlzeimer, ($ l. Lindarter,
At their Yew Store in Centreville;'lnkvejust
ceived Awl 81'0'110 w opening a-veer large awl spleadid,
.aswirtment of Burrisii, FRENCIA and DOMES
rani , Goon',
E•wfiielt have been selected with much care in the chic s
-o1:-.NEW-Y-01t1C.antl..L'IlL1.3.1/1.3.1,1 1 .1.11.,koilul which
tility, respectfully invite-the citizens of Centreville . ,
and vicinity to call and exainfiii , , ;tit they will be ena
bled to null sell - ilevidetily eliCatier than any
.other- estahlislinient in the county. They will lie.
happy :1[ 11116 i -ties to see custoiners wir are desirous
of having . _
N - eva -- Ch2:sl).--B,cs(l--.1;1-39(1-4;1 1 0
ikmopg stoc k will he Thiltid 13111 e,
Brown. Green, 01 i re f eadet , Molhorry;, - Ilahlitt Cit -
t'on, -Milt I.kaboitul a variety of low indeed
(1) IL ( i ) Q. L ll 4 Ll 0
Snpr•rinr striped and plain London and 13/tek -- skin
Clumimeres, premium and law prleeti Saul/wits; su
perior Yak/wife, C.))riled, Sir/ p
jrlain Marseilles and Passimere.
.IV()stlygs. ...mieralaS . s6).6l) - ent'a and!
uplors_of, • • .
snit/14).11m nentienien's wear: - Super's/.
I.Mtesfrings, I)e..:S W:l3,
GrOS 1,11: S WISH apt' C11:117CC;CI11 - 111-
Pilli II and' Pi,
Swiss, and Wink "
f land kerOliqs, &e.
fi m r 4
priyeci Calinoes, I 6 ; 911, Tab), Towelling, and Table. •
Diaper,. Gras!( '.l.llslins, Ticking's, ,ClieekS . , Cords,
Ik': y iricpus. Zee. A gmwrs I a SSOI.) pieta for
and Straw Illmowts; Umbrellas, Parasols, &e.' Also,
an:extensive assortment of
:tifocvries and (I,Reens - ware,N \
r)rtlir! , t w,st. tipprnva
itivi . tril to cull and judge foe themselves os
thi , v ore dot rrniiiied to sell t heap for cosh or-country
TANTA:N respriufully
ori:ited to enll ntnl. eko mho! their stock of , Liquors
purrhosifig elsewlivre.. _ --
-- Crinvv; - illeZOitrareo:Tfietolul• 14;1840,--
Variety glore, &e.
PrITM soliscriber.thnokrol for pactfadms,.rcapcct-
I II the still comittlics
'to "Foote/ forth" hi - Chovelt Allcy,
1E411," hnn now onliand n Inrwo
Oi . WiliO/M.rnuai;tin in pzirf , oldie Collov,ing: Brood,
Cokes, CheeSe, IfOe(111, • Ilarns,
tivicQs. Fruits, Swe:•11»:•;114, , and nth:2r levet:Ss:tries
e Notatedli for this :11er:ill:tn.
, N. I'Llit; ds6 coirthiticsta kt cp Etiting Ifousn ?
whoye gentlemen eau Ie with Tripe,
Pigs Feet, tlit• ~ tinrti, F .l tiro ice.
.Cheoli Cloths, •`•c.
March 17,1841
„ .
A fresh supply just re,eppiell nt the store of
March' 17, (841. ~ f. •
Just received, (depot Mous. de taines rit 20;15,
87 50 nod 75 ets. lier yard.
Mdrels • I 5, 1841
The thorough bred Hem,
['Engirt PAiltit,EY,7j'
Will stand the ensuing season
Carlisle, - nn the terms set forth
the hand bills.
• • roc nee wi ie receive( at t oar are inuse . ir
ion Meehanieshurgond • forwarded to either Phila.-
ilelphia,or Baltimpreoceoriling to the direction of
the owrier,
The I
and .Flour.
. .
.Plastee of Paris and Salt .alWayskept on
hand, and (01' Sale at the' lowest prices . .. •
July 20, 18UL—rip, .
. .
The Subscribers, II) lons of.rCiltici lig their stock
of Nferchaatlize s off;!!• it at reduced prices for Cash.
'Elicit.. cot i of
Cassimerbs, Satiheus, .11ferindess,),Elan
nelq; 4'.c, 4.e, • •
will he sold at a very small advance, Soth persons
as are desirous of obtainii4 gothl hargainXwill please
call at the store of •
N. B. The entire' stock .I.Terchandizel wilt; bd
Int 5i11!..93, beinzitle i
Dee. 9, IS4(1. . . •
Slack. - Ntalnut lank:
11 E Subscriber ishes "'tn Ant rchas.e.
ity that may be offered; for which Forty Dollars
cash perthOusand feet plank mensnre will be gion.
Said Piro& to be of good quality; two inches and
one-eighth in thickness and fourteen feetlnur
in length. To be delivered nt the Canal in Dorris
litirgy omit anylmint on the Cinnlierhpici titley Kati
I:oaticand immediate infOrmation fomcardcd to the
subscriber.• •
luknlhvrinfrarealinni fai(11)11Rill(!'IS
ciur i>c I(:l(l:on....Applitnlifin t():- ..11obert frig/an:an ;
Carlisle; sir liv la1 1 114 : 4.1111; llic s(0)gt:t:1!)el , (post..0,1/D_
TE11074:111'i.4 - ;,.
...riff : Mgr:ll7s inivr.oVed
gorse Poivei';
_. •
TlM..grent 'Ucticouragement' -heretofore received
from the sale of ills macltittes,induces him to tf
ler to the public it new nod inipros IlOvse PiMer,
which can he shifted ill gear or oilt of gear by keys,
:out shift the band to giceJt lice iliirevetit revolutions/.
And he IleS.llo IleSitleinil in assuring the ricrIlle11,01:1t
lie is now able to furnish thew with an article far S-it
t those - ma nufit -Itevctolbee.•,.
and clean threshing-mid case to the horses ; lie
heves his Machines to lie - doeintalleil. • •• . ,
. Itis twice is 3 I.lti, , secenti [jnllt n to be paid cash,
and the balance in six nioitais,Tor IVlticti a mite will
be required with interest. ' Any person poreltusios n
nr ; liTintsed,
retttim it. lie will at all times he, ready to Tiontisli
thenvim the shortest notice; orders limo a (1181:11lee
will be pusct[iillly`nt[i•iufed V v 1 e kill :Use replie
machines on the shortest
1111.1,1.1 M. Li 'AIILLIGAZsI":
.Tuly art, 1810.-=-11:
Ethetine r: I isont ! ' NZ 9t14111112:1 1 INNan.
—Highly peconimeinital awl n flatly ellitilieionq :T
-illie:aim, far Mullin:llkm, lintihe , ,'Sln.ains, 51111 . -
nes,:inil AVeakiies4 . of the Limbs and .Ini)as, Pain
alying the Ilnek Ships tt- . .hel itiTusp, the Loi ns .
. . 41:: , (." .1100./1'... V . /411,70 1 S'. ' • .
Extract of a lettekfroto Dr. .lOlinioti, dated •
, - -- Pliilatielphia Mar 7th:18:39.
The IllieumaticAMiimem atilt Blond Pills have
beiM 'employed 14nofsell lad finding 'them eflica
elm's, I liti‘:e situ..recominentled them to many,
that have lwe em telly cured or Rheumatic pains.
lumbago, siithiescu of the joints, numbness of the
moseles i limbs, kn. - '
Extract or a letter from nr. Jennison, dated
, '''."."•, ' llaltimoi:e, Nlity 19,1841.
Your 421limmatii. Liniment possesses propt•rti es
which I Itavemett• found in 'any Li i niment I have
•Iteretothre employed. - •
~..,:o -t" . -•-,,,. . .
EXtract of a later ft oM"Dr. C. IT. Goo:MIA), da
ted. „ ~..• • . Pittsburg, June-elst, 18:1r
Of numerous LitiimOnts and Medicines lieretnfore
eintiloyed l'r Rheumatic all'erlions, mine have been
so sitcres , ,fu6ts.-the-Litihaeitt atid Blood. Pills man....
ufactured by you. '1 her have in this place won the
golden opinion.of all 0 lin have used them. To • my j
own kuowledgO tlivi.liiire'ettred several that were
by my wrliii)ul other men primoimeed incurable. •
It may ant be amiss to remark ohm both theLini -
meat and Blood Pills are prepared by Dr. N. B. ,
Leidy, himself; a re;...nlar - l)ruggist and 'Physician,
attested by Drs, Phy sick, Chaftmau, Jackson, nor..
tier, Dewees„lanies, (libson, Cone-, Yee. of Philadel- i
pltia. • ,
This Littiinent is prtmared
,only ; and for sale, I
wholt•sale aad retail at Dr. N.4l.l.Ell)l''S 1I EA1:1•II
P,MPORIUM;No. 191 North Second Street, - (sign
of the CtoldetillitAle and-Serpellsll) , Kilatlelphia. .
N. 11.--The•ketatt 011
itte is ReC11):111f9H4 1- the writ
ten signature of Dr. N. B. Leidy on the label.
Price 37-i Cents'a bottle ' or three bottles for $l.
Alsp,-for sale be 1-iTEVENSON IR -- lIINKLI.I',
Druggists, Carlisle ' " Pa..
May 19,1841.8 in.. ,
rrcit OINTMENT is daily becoming more
popular. Daily do numerous huiividuals stop and
intorm the proprietor - Of its great success in remov
! Mg and curing the Tetter and Itch,. ._s
Numeronestimonials 'might - be ptiblished of its
efficacy, but for the deb-piny felt by individuals har
ing, their-namoS-published in connection with So
loathsome -and . tlisa,greealee.tions.
It May be used with perfect safety by young and
old, even upon infants, containing mercury or,
other mineral substances, Dr. N. B. Leidy prepares
himselt and knowingits.ptupusition, most cblifi
dentially recommends tt as superior to any othbv
remedy for the Tetter and Itch. Prepared and sold
at Dr. Death Emporium, (sign of the Golden
angle t i Serpents,) No. 191'.North Second street,
below: Vine. ' `
Alio, for sale. by STEVENSON & DINKLE
Druggists, Carlisle, Pa.
The above'preparations are sold by all wholesale
Druggists in Philadelphia, nail by all respectable
ferclutnts and Druggists throughout the United
Ilny 19, 1941,--9m
DR; LFBDY'S' ~• • '
sarsaparilla; or BloOtl• Pills.
" The Life, of theTlesh is in the Blood." . .
Lavirxcvs, C. xrur. xi.
THE mfest, .tfescand most efficacious Pills now
existenceowe Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills, a
component part of
less here •to'imma the good qualities, or - commend
upon the medical virtues of thcse Pills, as the, public
/we fullraware of them. Suffice it to say, they are
1111 - eflimtual4urtfier . Hol-tha-Gloodand:tenovittor—of
the system. •
PA; adelphixtretty,Bs. •
[L.'s.] '.Personally appeared hafore me, one of :the
Aldermen 'of the city of Philtillelphlii; Dr.' N B.
Lehly;'Who, on his solemn oath: (loth' declare :and•
swear, that in the composition ef..the Sarsaparilla
Blood Pills;manutlictured by him only, there, is n9t
contained Mercury or the. Minerals, 0r.394 Drug
whateyer, unfriendly; dangerous, 'or deleterious to
tho human system. . • ..• .. "
. • s.•;' C. DHAZER, Alderman.
'o•* - Price . .9s bents a 110 a .! - :• •
Thy o are prepared and soldOrholesele'and:retail;
at Dr.'Leidy'S Health:. pnpOrnitn,No. 191 North
SeCond street,lmloWlrine street.
11 - AS: - 064 - 111I :
Also, foi• sale, by STEVENSON' Fie DINKLg,
'Druggipte, Carlisle, Pa.`",,• . ' •
Mail 9 , 1941.---6 m- •
i ,
F i tf '
R. 14- ndr''.. 213
. -
15 filiveeti - aieckiiniihbertg; t(nd
, , • • t ,
. .
T, ribers - grateful . for past favoy,
' ' ll li.6 E g• ialalib6P' scribers intim;i'icillor - friciiiisaatl the pubile.
generidtv, that they 'still continue to run: a line of
Imeille";Cail , regnhilirbetween ,Meeliiiiiieskorg brill Philadelphia or Ilalthaare: by which godilaantl pito ,
ilitee'of allflesCriptioas will be for‘Cardect NViih ease
and dvspatilli at the lowest.liti , ifol fr6ight. ,I , 0 •
__— _
tiglicnt pt icc will be giceo`fot -
Ba,rgains, Bargains.
'Clierip Goods for cash.
[131703.A D BLOTEIS3
04100:!"•1400 . • '
forfeited by 1)r. N. B. LLID' for pre lif
lation.of S'i•stiporilla - equ:ll)o'his'• .1
AIM icated Extract of . aparillac
The.etilleary orSnrsuparilla is well known itOero
fula or King's Kvil..l , ,rysipelas, DiSenses of thii'LiY,
er; Affret ions of the !Bch' and .Bones, Uleers:of the
Nose, Throat anti Body, as well as. an Antidote, to
Aferettry and the Allinerals;. Constantine:ll Diseases
and a general' Purifier • of the,. Blood and "Animal.
' ' '
--Dr.-Leitiv-w-ottlitroferto.the most respeetahle4thc.,
slcians l'hiladelphia, as well asthyouF,ltoitt the.l.l.
States for tI.S diameter of his preparation: 1m well.
also fe tlie numerous certificates from physiciatiSatal .
others; that have been fronttilrie to time. pithlisheil,
now deemed tninecevary aS'the character (Allis pre
paration is,firinly established: Throttglioutlite_b:ott,
Iliero.Statesitl's'itsed stitogether„atal throughout the
North takes the precedence over nil olliers,iit7tien
larly among physicians, who, fpl• tho benefit of their
patients, always rv6oinweiltkit.
Tice reader is rdlerred to the directions accompa;
nying bottle,•ffir recommendations,. Crrtilicates,
and further particulars. , . •
lteatemher, nfie Bet tle,(half a pint,) is 'equal. to
flints of syrup, and is equally . ..pleasant to take. — l-,
,Price Onq . Dollap .Motile. •
For stele in:Carl isle by ,STP TT eV SO IV
~1) IN KLE -Dry uffists
~... , . .....
. .
• Ile ve purified, iti yOur.llCobtl,
. .- ---- Ana — Health - nil hnttonq vou. • —
- • - ""Prie:/,/ft - ,( ! f the - Meth,i/le Blood" ' '
- ' ' --- I;FviTicrl C. XVII: V.-XL .
, 5._ - Low, TitE 111.:001) '1 . 011r.: PURIFIED !
r, I 1 yhons a nqs i.anAnswee this tineStion who know
1 lirdiii !1(::11101 ex tioPleitce that ' .
, :I) It ,L1.11.1)1"S II L 0 0 D-PI LE S ,
S.l /MI t R/e1L41.•
Are the safest, best, nog most effectual Pills known,
'as • •
Npriffg oil. 1/. 1 8 . 11 'Purifier.
ThaIIS;IWIIS, Who have for several years past used
[Ahem durin; , . the Spring and Fall (as weillls at other
tunes) miff' 111)1TV use any others: I Itmdrials :are
already daily procuring Ahem, who litiv6 heretofore
~..entployed them. The ()Wind of this advertisement
is to inform the thousands.n Ito know not yet of them,
where they itatfl'orneure diem ilint they
inny hey thtrm> hieing litlly salidied that having. tried
thenc,ll4tey will never he persuaded to use any other
for several reasons.
- QUACK, being prepared by Dr. N. 11. Leidy
liiinsell, a regular Druggist, as well as Physician,
latteqted low Drs. Phy'siek, James I oilier, Dewees,
Jacksnit,• •
Secutal--DIL LEIDY'S BLOOD PI I, ft, S - A E
• ' A N'T 1-. NI ItCUID 1., being an Antidote ogainst
Mercury and the Minerals, so deleteriousabil (Tan
i gerouSt and noon the effects of Which Quacks de
• fiend, lint " killing or curing," and therefore mix
. hem with their nostrums.
FEU. THAN ANY OTIIE ItS,as in using them,
I (11(1y:require no restraint:from riving or ocouptf ,
flan, and may be taken by the most delicate and
feeldepold Mid anng , male andfeMale at all times
I and um I 111 eireiiiriqauces.
A NY OTll' . ,ltS";itlieti .usedaeciirding to the di
do not require to be taken in large
gmiatitics fis V(41114'611 of' 11114011 S other
eines, making. a Drug Shop of the Stomach; de
.pritin7 it of its necustomed nourishmt;iit, destroy
itslinetions, and thereby causing a rapid do-'
"eiiiiiiOftlie - lintraut system.
In all i::1803 where a purgation. may be necessm,
these Pills will he found boll! effectual and easy in
their operation, producing no nausea, or sieknessthf
the' stomach, griping or tiny other unpleasant sensa
Further comment is 'deemed unnecess,gry—the
omncrmts certificates published from time to time
from Physiciimh and other individuals must have
convinced the incredulous, and for the further hi
forination of all others, Dr. Leidy refers them to the
s which nceoMpany•each box . .
TheyMre prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,
North Second street, below , Vine street, (sign of
the Golden Eagle and Serpents.)
nice 85 cents a Box.
Also, for, sale by STEVENSON & MIME,
Draggisti; Carlisle, Pa. . •. .
• LAGRATITUDE,. : ._ •
is'the basest- crime - in nihn:
We are not aniong . that class of Hinters who for a
few dollarsivill, (at the expense of truth and limits
ty ) "crack Up" air article and bring it into rapid sale;
neitker aro we willing to "remain silent ; fter having
tested thetaility ALBH,i,Roproyerrie4t or discovery in
science or-art. Our readers, will recollect we told
them we were unwell with a sore . throat and violent
cold some.few weeks'ago. Well, we purchased two
HOUND and so sudden was the %re, that Ave forgot
we' ver had a cold. Those who are a ffictekmay
try it upon our yecommendationvistaten Tele
For sale by "' •
• S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle,
A. J. NORTH, Newville; .
Also,byDruggistikenerally throughoullhecoun
try. Price' 50 eents per bottle.
Oct. es, 1840.•
. - -
More. Proofs
Of the - efficacy of Dr. Srongne'a Compound Sjrup
of Prunue, Virwiniana or Wild 'Cherry.
Mrs. Brown, corner of Second street, and the
forks of 'tlie Germantown road, effeettiallY'Cured.--
Her symptoms were general debility; attended with :
a 001111111 a Cough, pain in the side, breast rind back,
with other symptoms inilicatiVo of Pulinmiary Dis
ease, not essential to Intiinatm . After itg the se ,
(mod bottle of this invaluable ntediChie, ier Coi!gh
entirely .disappeared, and her strength increasing
fast, and by the time she' used two bottles Rini've, she
fOund herselffreed from rill•pain and other unpleas-.
- tintsyinptoms -- which - rittended -her- disease. - — B4lB
now enjoying perfect health, and willing to give any
information eevecting r her cure; likewise recom
mends this Syrup to all afflicted with a Cough or, a
slisraie-oftlie-Lunga.: • ' '
Pi iuoipal Office, No. 19 North.pighth strect;Phi
•• • ,
TA .....,0v uSCßltipi respek,. ..sly, •• tep...._
ratefal acicnowledgynents to theirntblie • for the
'ger:y . ll4lll' share
,' cifpatronage' he has received dor;
ink , the past year, and Wofild • still continue tO..otlet
them his professional services in their. variou i brats.
alms at his residence, N0..7, Harper's Row. Ilefilesi
cleanses, and 'Ong& teeth, and inserts incorruptibletarrei, metal ie artificial teeth in •the -Inest approved
.manger.., Charges, alvv,tos moderate., , - :,.• .
r- '" '' - - ' . '-- ••-' -• , .J.. C. NEVF,,IIrX: . D.!
Carlielei hfaro4 g5',184,Q.!;•. - - tr ' .: , „. ~ ~.,
...0 - ?...•COUCIIS & -COLDS.--411 com mon coughs
and colds, that pre, ail so.-emensively throughout the
_winter,lt Will be found much more effectual than oily,
remedy in use, add when enlirciettle upon - the - longs;
causing nn inflamniai inn with pains in the Itreast,dif
..ficitlty or shortness of breathing, &c., tlitr"lise of this
Balsam Will suppress such •s\rinptonis. ipilneiliately,
i and at the stone titne prevent:the - lungs- (Imo \ beeom
hig more seriously diseased.' • •
-tliese-compiaints, s common-to-young children,-this
Balsain will be foiliiil much superior to- the Parcgo
._kic_Eli7iir Syi•gp of SiMilli, "nod the various cough
Mistimes in common use, as it i's , entirely free from
i -airy thing-the least itijurioirs, and may at all !tines. be
1 given - to children with perfect safety,aud with the cer
taiiity arils Wlllwifiniftliem speedy relief. "': ,
u j••• AS' A FAMILY MEDICIND foe Many Mb
, er complaints, this Balsam will also tic - found partic
ularly isseftil. Besides having; proved au, invaluable,
remedy in all Pulmonary atrections r lickerts a pow
erfulinfriesice over many diseases tlepoillin l g •on -a
Otipraved coaditio of.the system, and those who have
-sulfereil from the milisJriiiiinate use of 'lDercury, or
other deleterious ili•tigs, that - are often compounded
in difibrent quack nostrums, will fart it a remedy of
reat.volue, possessing the power of strengthening
mid ills igorating the whole system more effectually
than any other medicine: we possess. • .
icine ha stili•eady acquired great ettlebrii..tliere may
probably lie" some attemptt•lo imitate it, and deceive
the public With a spurious mixture, to prevent which
'I would - wish all pitrelinsers to.ohsetive the followilig,
marks of the genuine Balsam.' It is put up in bottles
of two sizes each, having the words WISTAn's
-I'ff( A , blown in the glass, and a billet (MAIM front
with the signstni•e of I - WNItY•WISTAIt, Al. D.
without which -none is genuine.
-Prepared tbr OM proprietor by WILLIAMS &
CO., Cheibislq, No.. '22 Commerce street, Philadel
phia,-and sold be the most respectable Druggists and
other -appointed agents in all the pt•itieipal towns'
-t • 4,ithimit the United States. - - - - - .
. tcp. the,' Genuine Balsam sold in Car,
lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT,. appAi c
ed. Agent.
Brays Lzinntent.
This extraordinary chemical, composition, the re
sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med
ical man, the introduction of which to the publi c
w;is invested With the solemnity of tv death-bed be
quest, has since gained a reputntion unparalleled,
fully sustaining the correctness of the lamented-Dr•
vidlley's lost confession, that "he claredlnot die
without giving tq posterity the benefit of his knowl
edgp•on this subject," and
L he
.therefore betitrenthed
to his friend and attendant, Solomon Hays,the secret
of his discovery. •
• It is now use:it in the principal, hospitals, and the
private practice in our country, first.and most cer
tainly for the cure of the PILES; and Also extensive=
ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless yvhere
its effects are \stressed. Externally m the follow
or PropsyrCreating extraordinary absorption
at once.
.Swellings---Reducing them in a few yours.
Illteumatisni---Acute or chronic, giving quick
ease. ' \ ' ~ . -
Sore Throatf.--ily cancers. ulcers, or colds.
Croup and, rWhoooing-Cough----Externally. and
over the ches',.„ -',- 4. • _ . ,
All Braise . s; Sprains, and Burris—Cured in a few
hours., .
. .
[May 19,.1841.--6m
sores and Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand
ing, and fever sores. . - •
. .
Its operation upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight
ness-of the chest by relaxation orthe parts, has been
surprising beyond conception. The common re
mark of those lAD have used it in the Piles, " it
acts liken charm." ." :
THE PILES.---The price,,Sl, is refunded to nny
perSnn who will use aliottle of Hays' LiniMent for
the. Piles; end retiirn the empty, bottle without being
cured. These'are the positive orders of th proprie
tor to the agents,and out of many thousands Id, net
• one has been unsuccessful.
We might insert certificates •to any length, ut
prefer that those who sell the •article, exhibit
the original to purchasers.
76"Phyaiciaiz and "Patiots:..
. . The Blind I'fles; said to be ineurable'by external
applicatiMis,-r-Solomon Hays warrants the contrary.
His Liniment will cute Blind Piles.. Fuels are more
stubborn thatiltheories; - He solicits all respectable
physicians to try it trpon'their patients. It will do
them no harm, and it is kiiown that ,every physician
who has had the honesty to make the trial, has can
didly admitted that it has succeeded
. iti . every ease
they have known. Then why not us' it? It: s the
-recipe oftme - of - theirrimst respPetableMcmherti i ; now
deceased, Why refuse , to use it r Beeituselt isiold.
as a proprietary medicine ?• Is this a sufficient ex =
ease for' suffering their lieneet Pittienti,to tinier. in
distre'ss ? • We thitdc not. , .Physicianaoiltall ,he eon=
vinced that there hi no htinibug, or` tputikery about
this article.- 1 4Vhy then not alleviate lingual suffer=
ing ?, • If they, wOn't,try it before, let _theint4tfter nil 1
:other Presoriptionti fail. rhysicians,arerespeetful :.
requested hi - do theraselves and patients thejustiee
use thiSarticle: . It shall bp taken 'from the bott es
atid iliinq Op . iii theii-PreicriPtien if thertlesire.v-' - -.
: - ~.+.: , SOLOMON HAYS.',...
"Sold by Cornitock & Co.' Wholetiale Druggists;
No. 2Mletcher istreet,New York; .-. '!..)•. + -,: L 4 : f y •
For:, elite ) 1140, by . STEVENSON`' 4
DINK,LE; g r arliik.; PR.
• • 07 , 014YEY
Officein High street :.a: few doors
west,of the Pokt Office.
Carlisle, April 28,1 ' •
some verY'Alle rAnt
Store or A. Mel ALMS.
Alnyl2, 1841.
i . : ... DILL.:7O7,7S:TAIEV I S:: , .
~1 . .,':.'11451110. Of:WILD-CURRY
- XTUMI;ROUS remedies have been offered and
L pulled into notice' for 'diseases of .the
some of which llftki 11M10111htClily 1)12C1110Ulid very Use
ful,butlif all that bave hitherto been known; it must
be universally acknowledged there is none that has
ever proved as successful :18 the '" BALSOI.II OF
Such indeed are the a,stonisking restorative and
healing propertiesiif this "IlalSamt7that even in the
worst forms of Consumption, when the. patient has
suffered .with the most distressin;,+ . cough„,floient
pains in the chest, difficulty of breallong,Mght sweath,
bleeding of thn lungs, Etc; and when the mosl-esteem
ed remedies of our. Pharimicopiati had failed Maffortl .
mnymeliefontLekenivitonDouude, flonimpatble, and
numerans otherremedies,lMiFlieen 7 tiscil `foie many.
monthsin. Vain, this invaloable remedy bas checked
every syMptormandheee productive of the most Ils
t01).1)illit,g (AMC In the early stageS'' of the disease,
_proceeding from neglected colds, termed Catarrhal
Consumption, it has been used with Undeviating suc
cess, mid in many instonces, when this disease seem
ed ttrhave marked it victim for an early . grave; the.
use of this medicine has arrested every symptom, anti
restored the lungs*, .a - state of Perfect health.
r in thatform of Consiunplitin„suprevaleni amongst_
delicate younm ' females, commonly termtirkilit!„or
"going. into a cleclinZ'," a complaint with which tiioit
sands are I ingering, it has also been used-whit surpri-.
Sing success, and not only possesses. the power of
checking thelMogress of thisalarming disease,but
at the same time strengthens and invigorates the
system m ore _elrec Wally - than, any. remedy we .
TiliVeturee possessed.
(Cr LIVEit COMPLAINT.—In diseases of the
Liver, particularly u heti :tilt...lllicit with a Coug,h, 'indi
gestion or wandering pains hi the side,ti o has also pro
ved verfelliCacions, and cured many cases of thiS
kind'after the most pMverful fomedie's hail failed.
this complaint it has also !MeV)
used in tut eicromi instances.with the most. pingulne
seceesst It.nperthe chel!toviiiferitigt the _breathing
iterfectl3:- free,:nt•re its the cough, and will vltiOnt litil
to.give: permanent relief. : • ::„'
Ivor 1 7 3.177 AV
ucss cough or sore itithe throat, it'w ill also beloiiiid
vory effectual remedy, nod wilt mostly ;Afford iin
nuuliate.rtlief if used at the comtuencetbent -or its
'attack: - , .
cline, ---1 a battle.
iFinffloto 7 s 'Balsam- of
• oirer , Aink:
n'unparalleled remedy for common Colds,Cougks i
4sthnin,lnfluenza, Whooping' Congli,,proticlittiti,
and all-diseases of the Breast and Lunge,leading
to ConstimPtion; composed of the- Concentrated
virtues of Horehound,Boneset, Blood Root, Lay..
erttOrt and several 'otter vegetable substanceti—
Prepared'only by-J. M.. WINSLOW, Rochester,.
The innocence and universally admitted pectoral .
virtues, cif the Herb's from which the BALSAM Oh
HOREHOUND is. made, are too g e nerally known
- to require recommendation, it is therefore' only ne
cessary to - observe that . . this medecine contains -the
whole of their medical properties,highlyconcentrat
ed, and so happily combined with several other
getable substances, as to render it die most speedy,
mild.and certain remedy, now in usejor the- Com
plaints above mentioned. - • '-
For Children, thiii Bidenm is of inestimable taluo
It is a speedy remetly-fdr lbw Whooping. Cavil and
Cron!), and tdrordheertanVeliefin Bowel Coinplaintß %
Moho, Teething.,&c. It is pleasant to the taste, and
mar be safely given to the tenderest infind and should
be kept nt tunes in every family, as it is muelv
better for the complaints incident to. Children, thap
Pnreit•oriciOndfreys Cordial, or the Cordials so condi.-
monii-Used, as'hundreds in this City have testified...
Rend the, followin#,-.21, hereby certify' that early.
in the spring of 1835,1-contracted rt Severe COLD,
whirl] settled upon my lungs ; and threatened - a hasty.
Consumption. iuheal several prescriptions, but oh- -
famed little or no relief t , was much alarmed.—
Happening to be in Rochester, I w as advi se d by my
friend, Mr. WinslinC. to,try'h- bottle of. his FIAT.SATr
or Hmtruouxu: I ilid so, and :to,.mrstirpritteLoh- •
mined relief at once—and by the use•of 'that - single
battle -ions perfectly restored to health. ToAhose
afflicted with Colds or - Coughs, at this •incfement 4
season r l say ‘-‘go and
Ttittsford, Nfonroe co., Nov. 9, 1838.
Mr..Tohn M. Winslow, Druggist,
Dear Sir: I have been for 11, Serl CH of yearnfflict- -
cal witb - an affection of the :Limp, and a hard - coligli - ,
awl have many times arose in the. morning as com
pletely exhausted by excessive 'coughing, during the
night as a person would he by - a - hard day's labor.
have tried most oftheimpnlar reinedies of 'the day 3 , -
but never Mind relief' LAU I met with your. Balsam
of Horehound. - All the other-remedies or palatines;
that I have used; leave the 'bowels. in a eongested,
state; while yours leaves them soluble 'am! free. Thiti
I.consider a great dolderatum. On Inking . n dose of
slum Bat ra when going to bed, I rest tpuetly-thro'
the night, and my sleep is refreshing. I take great
Itleastire in recommending your Balsam of Dore
hound to 'all-those afflictedwith pulmonw „Com
plaints or any disease appertaining- to the
I take this opportunity to thank you, for the great re 7
iiefand bentiatThave experienced 00110 your_in- •
•strumentality.. Yours, with much restttet. • ,
-,• Foris t de • . •
•• • A.. 1 Noiern,tiewville.
.- Also, by Dguggists generally throughout the • -Nice 50 eems p_er-kottle,
April 15,1846.-Iy. •
%7E 2 .OIIIX'S
There is.iot one ease of Fever in a:thousand, but
may he effectually broken up and removed by the
use of this Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion,
bilious matter wed . ecnigipli(ifiir - frobirthe stomach
'and hoWels:...•lt operates - gebtly and effectually on
the bowels, and powerfully on the liidnit'ys and skin. •
remoi - es all onyleasant leelingiiifter a hearty
and•promotes a-goon app — elite. It needs only a trial
to give perfect satisfactinn„. It leis become a general
practice with many - to use, this article in all eases of
colds, pains in the bones, or heavy disagreeable feel- ,
tendi:rii44;•:to headache er•chillineSs. For Iniarsc- -
ness, if taken through the day, it completely restores ,"
the, voice- without'miim-in"- sickness; -Whooping .•
Cling)), and - all canglis of children are cured by-M
The Stomach-is kept in perfect - order by it, slid it is
quite impoksible that any disease - should continence
while a person is using this Syrup. - •••4
It taken - daily it produces a rody, healthy, and
Toting appearance, by (Hying off all the humors of •
the system. Sold genuine at 9, Fletcher; street, one :
door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co.,
and by all respectable Druggists.
.For sale al's° by :STEVENSON & DIN—
KL , Carlisle, Pa.
. _
of, Columbia.
British Cimsul's Offlre,•
S •
'OW ALL PERSONS to_styboin these Ares-•
ents shall come, that I, Gnitrier ROBrwrsoN, ,
Esq.. his Britanie Majesty's' Consul for day' City . of
Philadelphia, do hereby certify - , That RobertWhar-.
ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is
Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; and that \l it-, •
thew Randall, Esq.,is.prothonotary of
,the Court of •.
Ctinfluon Pleas for, the city and-conntor-Plitladel
pliiit, to both whose signitmes, with the Seals ol thefr
resptetoe offices, full faith and credit is due.
fuklier certify, that I am personally aequapited,
tyjth JoSeph L. Inglis,one of the signers of the certi,.-
ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy
of the Balm of Columbia, and that be ,is a meson o f
grcatvesPeetAility, and worthy.of tiiith and cre- •
dit; Mid that I have heard him express his nnqualifi- .
ed approbation of the effects of: the said Battu of CO
lumbia, in eestoring his hair.
Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city .
of Philadelphia, in the State or Pennsylvania, the
United States of America.
ROBERT NVIIARTO I I4 I . late Mayor of
Philadelp w
hia;haeertified, may be seen belowito
the high character ofthe follbwing.gentlemem
The undersigned do
.ficrebv certify, that we have
used tbe . Balm of ColuMbia discovered - by Old
ridge; and have found it highly serviceable 'not only
ins w preventive against the falling off of hair,but also
a certain restorative.
'Methodist Minister in. St. George charge
''No. 86 North Fifth st.
JOHN P. INGLIS, 331. Arch st.
JOHN I). THOMAS, ,M. 1). 163 Race st.
JOHN S: FUREY, 101 Spruce st. •,
HUGH McCIJROY,g43 South 7th
JOHN YARD, jr., 13 Arch st,
The.aged-, and those who persist in wearing wiga,
may not always:- experience its restoratiA qualities,
yet it will certainly raise its virtues in -the estimation
of the public, when it is knoWn that tierce of the a
base signers are more than 50. years' uge,and the
others not less than 30.
(From the Ofayorl
• V,„
OIUDIONIVEAITH or Pismartrstp4,3
• C'ty.of Philadelphia.
I, ROBERT WHATON, Mayor of said city Of
Philadelphia, do beret)), certify that I um well ac
quainted with Messrs. J. a, John S,. Furey,
and thigh McCurdy,whose names are Signed to Rio
abol'e Certificate, that they are gehtleiaien of.charac
ter and reapeitability, amid es such full , credit should
be given to the said certificate. KI• .
. In Witnese whereol,,l havehereunto set
r and caused the seal of. the city tome affixed,
'"! the sixth day' of em
of 7 ' 7
O •
Tau AlR.—lts positive fol-
For cur ant's keeping the head freefrom scurf
and reusing a Insurinnt•growth of lhair.
2d, For ladies after child-birth, restoring the' skin •
to its usual strength and firmness, and preventing the
Gthittg ont ofthe hair. - - ;
. • (I.—'•Fer-any-persen-reenvering-front,any:flehilitp_..
the same ' produced., . • . : •
4th. If need in infancy till goad gro*lh la start
it maybe ureseryed, by, attention to the latesqeriml
of life.- • •
3th.. I! frees the lientt. front titindroff airellgdwns•
the roots, imparts health anilliigor to, the circulationand .prevents the hair from changing.. eelintr:or, get.:
th, It enuiesitlie - hair earl . dhen
t o e:up,irtt3k Over night. •,. „
pj No shotilit ever ye-made wit/it:int it.;•
• ' 7th: •Children raiGlilt,v‘hyittny meanit 'contracted
vermin in the hea4, are immediately and ',.••kigrfetgy
eureititif them by Mr utie; • ' /ft
For , sales at the drug store'of Comstock. fa
Fletcher street near Pear), and in Carlisle . ' . by,;Ste•i•
yenson & Dinkle. • . ' • • [1:10.16;1840,i.....1*t.,