Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 26, 1841, Image 4

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    • LiqDrs •
Poarsaparillo,. or. Blood
The Life. of the Flesh is In 'the
tiEqoi•St-, best and most effidacimis Pills now
' in existence, atm , - 1 1
Dr. Leilly'n 'Blood Pills
component part of which is Sarsaparilla. It is use
, kus.there,,tomaine the . good qualities; or. commend,
upon the' LO„theal,virtilekortlicse pills, a the public
are fully aware of them. Suffice it to soy, they 411.6
•au eireet.Uo puiVer'of the 1. ood and renovator of
the system. '
City, se. '
[L. B.] Personally appeared before me, one of the.
/Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr. tN' :8.,
Leidy, who, on his solemn ' oath .loth; declare' uud
.swear, that in the composition of the Sursapacilla
Blood. Pills, mantithen red by him only, there Is . not
contained Mercury or the Minerals, or any Drug ,
whatever, unfriendly, dangerous, ar deletertouti to
' the human system.. - I - . j - -
• , , • C. BDAZElt,'AldernUth.
O"Piiice'.l.ffi'tents a 'Box. • '
rare prepared mid sold, wholesale and retill,
at Dr: Lehly's Health Emporium, No. 191 North
Second street, below N ine street.
Also, for saki by STEVENSON DINK LE,
nru gg i st s, Carlisle, Pit.,
May 19, 18.14.—Giii.
. . Teller!
frcii oINTAtENT is beel)11/il%,, 11111%;
popular. Daily do numerous individuals at op`and
thform the proptiettir of its g reat success itt remov
ing and curin g the•Tetter and hell. • •
-Numerous testimonials mi g ht he p ublished. of its
efficacy, but for the' delicacy felt by nttlivhluals,hav
ing their names published in .conoection With no,
--Ibatbsom ri and-disa g reetible.mfiVet ions
'lt may be used with perfect safety by youn g and
old, even ti i ton- infants, containin g no nwrettry or
other, mitiCrial substances. Dr.-Nell. Leidy prepares
it - himsell and Anowitt. g _its composition, most conft
dentially'recoinmends it as superior to •any other
itmedy for the Tettec and Itch. Prepared.undsotil
rit.l.)l.,•Leitly's Health Emporium, (si g n of the
•-Ea g le and Serpents.) Nu. 191 North Second street,
- 13elon' • •
.. . .
Arai), Ibr sale by STE:TT:MON' -'Bi. DlNli.l.r,,
bra,, , T,isis-, E ' 411'111:11(..., PA.' -
The above pydparations are sold by all wholes:ile
,nraggiats • in - Philadelphia, and by all respectable
Merchants and Drazgists throughout tho Limited
, .
States. . . ,
' N1ay . .19 1,8-11.—fim;. . •
1111(1111D:1 1111.SRP11! RE114912185:',1?3iN2€1.
DR:-IXII)V , S . HAIKU 1.1 . "I'IC 1 .1N %LENT.
..-111%111y . reenmeneenleel Mid et trot) ellie•nei , m4
plieaprcijrl Bruises, Sprains, Still . -
Huss, and; Weakness dm* I .todnitt ail
along the Back, Sides and across ilot I .nius.. —• •
~ ?.11. . !!'`Aitft&LIThkillitt'L'irMlitS:50-0- i i, ll4 S- f `4tltirle..""
--„- ••'M .it . •
• , • • . . .•
b:ccit.tinployed by myself, nod - finding. diem
cious, I litre since recontottnoleil Iltdra -to many,
that Inve , Emen entirely cored.of
• .._:_lituthagn,:stiffues.s iminhi Y o . .:.ss_ of
- - •
. 11toact•of I /P. em,
. . Ilzittintore, %lac 19, 1811. .
. • .
I•lllemnatie Liniment iwnpe•rtief
nutlet - 1 have' fumed in am J •Winintent. 1 lutt'e
heretofore employed.
Extract of a lettei: Gont 1)1.. C. 11. Cnerhieh, ehi
ted . . • Pittsftiirg, June st, 8,.39.
- 7 Of nutimnotts Liniments
• • --employed •for-1111inniatir.
so successful as tile Liniment - and Blood Pills maw.,
itfaCtured pill. 'I hey iirthis place won the
• golden iipittion_of all who litre used tlo•m., To my
_ own knowledge they have, cured several 'that Alert.
b'y myself ando.. d
ter Met'
__lt may not bc.amiss to
olt -
tnent.atol Blood Pills are prepared Ity . Dr. N.
I)eirly; himself; a-re.mlar 'Druggist and Physician,
nt.tetetl *by I)rs. Physiek, Chapman.' Atet•lsem:l 1 or
• tier, 1). - ...wees, James, glibsun, CoN,:,-&e. Phi
• Phia•
This Liniment is prepared only, :Md . for .sale,
. wholesale and retail at Dr.N.B.I.EIbI": , I lE.\ 1:11 I
EMPORIUM - , Islo. 19t Nortlt Second Stret•t, (sign
of the Golden Eagle and Sei•pents,) Phihdelphid.
N. 13:-. 7 .Thd - n - ettlii lie is neemnp.tnied I;y the writ
tMu of Dr. N. B. Leidy on the
Price 374' emits a bottle, or three bottles tile 1.
Also, for sale by STEVENSON is DINKLE,
'flroggists, Carlisle, Pa.
May 19,1811.-6 m.
• -
• • Be pi pupifiCil hi your 111011, ,
W And Ilealth will sittpa you.
" The Life of the Mesh is in the Mewl."
I.r.{ITICUS c. .XVII. v. XI.
1 - 10 W IS - TIM 13E:000 'l'o BE l'0110•11.11/!
• 111 Thousands pan ansWep this gnestiini who kiwi.
. from actual exph . rience that
Ditt.44ll'l)l"S!...o OD Pi LI. S , •
kaltuLlJl: -----
• --/V•e tho-sacest best and most effectual Pills Imonn
al a .
- Spring. or- Fall Ftirifier._
. Thousandi,--who !Mils fin. ..several years past used
them 'during the Spring and-Mill (as well as at other
Unica) will never' use any others;
hhladpdail;_ltrncuriug-tlierd - ,Who have heretotlive
cmployeil then, T4e,, object of `this advertisement
lel° inform the thousands who know not yet of them;
whore they may procure them genuine, that -they
Kaig‘try•themOming fully ,satisfied that having tried'
them, they will never_ be persuaded to-use. any other
for seteratrosiiik •
QUACK, being prepared by 1)1.. N. B. Leidy
himself, a regular Druggist; as well as Physfeiaa,
attested by Des.'Plmick, 'James, Mutter, pewees,
Jackson; Gibson, Coro, &e. tke.
-,Second---DIL-LEIDVS-- BLOM); d'IL ITS -A-RE
ANTI-MERCURIAL, being an Antidote ogainst
Mercury apd tI :Nlinerals, so deleterious:mil dan
gerous; and 0011111 C effects of Ivhich Quacks-de,
' 'petal, for " killing or c twiug," and therefore mix
diem with their nostrums.
FER THAN ANY O'l'llE ItS, as in using them,
1-7 they require no restraint from-living or onempa
tion, and may be taken by , the most delicate and
f,„- feeble, old and young, male and female at. all times'
:Una underall-cireurnstances.
OTIIKRS, When . used-according to -theydi:.:
rc..tthlnlit•Natid - do not require - to - . be Eileen hi-large
•, quantities xequired of ra mous other 'll , leilia
mum making a Drug Shop of the Stomach, de
priving it of its accustomed nourishment, destroy
. Jog its functions, and thereby causing a rapid de
' time of the human system.
16 all eases where a purgation may be necessary,
these Pills will be found both tiirectual and easy in
their operation, producing no nausea, or sickness o
the stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sense
. . .
Farth'er ciiirmidnt 'is deemed unnecessary—the
mimeo:Ala_ certificateh_ published from time to. time
limn-Pithduiatis-ond -other-individuals Must have
comAnced the ineredulowi, and for the further in
' formation ern!! 'others, pr. Leidy refers•them to the
.directions twhich accompany "aich box.
•' Thek are prepared and sold, Atholesale'andi:vtail,
Nbith' Sedond 'Street;- bele* Vine street, (sign:of
the. GOldeti Enklennd - Serpents.), ' ' •
. Price g 5 cents a•Dex.
, • Also . , for Sale b:r STEVENSON , : & DE.sllttE
Pittiitsht, cct.lisle, ' ! ' •
• ' [May 841-6 m. •
.. • „
Aito . ditecipd to , ,nr,v•Havlicles Celebrated 'Meth
. .
nines, whleh are .reeorametided by tliwitutticls as A
p_reventive and cure for diavaseS of, the Stomach and
:. /,Thrvott sly stem. 'Me-Aperient - 00 Ger Mart, Pi lia,,
''ave . a direct iiiirifier'of the blood,4lod•cerliliti, to re.,'
ansive.bil6from• the stomach, Whiellas - th - C greaeciuic,
• bdsvelVilttr ?, l'lfe -Strengtiteiang• :Tonic ,Pills, giv e •
....... -tOne andryieketo thi•Organs of , dikestion; restore this
::' tell; itiipetitq quiet the' nerves of the deliii i tatat, mid '
rodueeeweet.-repoke. , •to`the ii:ellesq.-Th& above
'- ..medicines 'are 'fast , staketeilins- the .drivstie, ' , mineral'
: peeptulitimul4hiA•soroe ji:liy . sioians have heretofore
. . been likbevritclice of admnustering, to their patients.
Since theitartniticticiir ol ' Dr: jiarlich's preparations
.2 . Plitwthe'lJnited States; many liave,abandoned, such
q deleterious '097,1 - , and .aommenced• tolmitiister r
they urria*itlicancti Wheneyer,A*.iyinptoiria Int,
;' • 'Pot aile' tii.:::l
by:l. , 4llyeid-Bc,,Co v Carlieles atid
': - IPArtißialiBllllirkpstiurgira' .,. • -•_,: • - , . .
500 pound CA RPET CHAlNjust
received at the New Store in Stoma:l'Bllnm, auelltil
sale by .
May - I, 18.11
. ,Deaths; D 61. • •
, •
YOU %%:110, IlVethlesspd t little children,and have
tint rate of them, shoal t forget that Haw: "little
.ones," sooner or !IMMO • he alllietmlwith the evil
effects.of feet/sing , which carries oR Ihonsands annu
ally. [low shall we prevent Ihis fatal ravager ? is
asked, by Maim. The answer is, !Croon.' immediate
ly 1/e. I'aris' 7 SnothingSyrup.for Children Cutting
Teeth, which gives ihstant relief tothe little snlferer.
This facf I have tested various times,aad always with
the 6:1111e beneficial results. 1 advise every family
who hying tip littl4 children to hare the, Syrup with
threin,Chativinta the child wakes- up,with pain from
Terthing it may be immediately relieved. to the en
joyment of those who desire sweet repose.
N... 4. Hy Oiling. At the office, of the Led, , the
address of the above will shown,•a rsalis- .
fy those who may feel somewhat 'Madill of the won
derful drects - ol'the, above medicine.
Remember, none is genuine unless the signature. of
Dr. Paris is-impressed on the phials; also be care
ful and purchase only :at the medical office, Nu. 19
North .Eighth street, and advertised Agents; Ile-.
.wari., there are,several pyritous kliposiol; a doiotori
dOsartielt• on the public for tire above, pill up in
plain bottles, With the name of Pal is spell different.
-When you 'purchase - . see thatille nai»e or Parbi spoii
as VQII sue tt in this notice, and tutleiis
.1110.0d:11s are
essed with "Dr: Paris' .Soothing Syrup!' touch
it tint.
Poi.; sale by John J. Myvvs & CU', Cai .at(
gliiprinJanw, Pa..
ENens(!s "of the -Eye.
BosTocK , s • •
(;elebratede Water,
Vol. the toiri;.iif Watery, nr biumlSltot Eyes,
Ulcers, Ilittnsurs, :out Inflamation, al the,,
.I)!lnness . of - 84114E2h.. -
• Persons sithieet to any of these unpleasant dior
dvrs, ti ill find this the most cffertina remedy in ese t
ft , t , ii seldom Units to rF.inove tiny. of these *ii . ifeetkons
lir.* fen. appiii•atiliit, 14.:04
;iv pain. Tlicisic who iire ti•miticd a . 1)1.N1 N
Dl' SP:i I N% ti
.Vaillarde rcgicdy :in
hie; ike' &Ida;
iliniors-.111:0 frOnt..striiiiiiiiit than.
fto,itill part icialii4s.lisrreil wnsli for
- - Price 50 etlit.s. - a, - /10///c - ivithtuir
/tons of •
X 0111: _lll= Cnittlitile • kV" - •
• S E KL - 10'1,71 1- ;
-.• . ,
- ricAh ItEbdicines.
% , ...,:-- , !k-c•-• , -- / 4:= -,- - , - -,,- - ,s ) -
V 4%
. ~ ~
I ki k, )*
-i- : ';'-'-' '::I4,L _ . -i 'a'•;!,V 49 , 4
i - cv li'-- 4 -,044,v
„, ld ' 2 '_,,,Z "Viti.ttlN:t • - -4.;.-c.. - Q1,,, , - , —_ „
fc„':::'--"--' 4' & -, .. •-•cktrg."4". -__---,
eA',4 ' ''‘,Pt.7• 4 ..*;, -; ZiTz - T - fiP I- 40 : ~
~ ,, , ,t .t„..,, , qt.fAe...+:4,i..t.1itivq,.„2,-a.. - •
The subscriber has i rienth- retell eil lar g e adili
ti mutt supplies of '
?Medicines CUlors, Dye-Stuffs,
Linseed Dil, ,Silts. ,Twpentlize, Copal
Varni,slr, Painters' Blushes, Varnish
Ortihes Hair ilruslic,s. 'Spermaceti Oil,
(very fine)-,Sperni Candles, Soaps in great
variety, Wass ii 11711,8, Cap and Letter
Paper, Fruit, Spices, lerfamery, (c . ,-c. ,S-c.
whieli lie will sell to Ph) ' 'lens, Merchants
and others, WILOLESALE or, 'ermr., at
the lowest rates, haring purchased entirely
for cosh; he will offer bargains to those
who wish to purchase at wholesale. -
' 1 . MayeltP, 1,,„ 1811. ,
New Spring gioads.
Just received from • Philadelphia an assortimint of
• •-•-- 'Szprin.4 60000,-
ofthe newest: style and fashions;
Silks and Ribs oils„ Mmisel O 0 de Laines;Chintzes,
Gloves, French-worked Collars, Ecc: 'Also, a large
assortment of ' • . • • •
Cloths, 'Cassipzerps, restings, Ticking -8,
Checks, •
• •
All of which will be Sold verv i 'low by the Subscriber
ut the old stand opposite S.. Wunderlich's I -
s • . —•- • ClIA:111.ES OGII.IIY.
narcli 10, 1811.-- • l • •
Glazino—ind Palter 11:timno
of Carlisle ;Aid the vitinity;that lie has commenced
the above business in all its various brandies. llis
shop is in the' square immediately in rear of the
Market !louse, two ,iloori east df A. Richards store.
lle.impes by attentioli, to 'inkiness And moderate
charges, to receive a share of patronage: :
RtliN 110111.
Carlisle, rob. 17, 18,11.--41
frehlsupply - jusrreceivell artliirsuwe of - •
Atarctl t 7; 1841
Just received, elegaut Alott. de Laines at 20, 25,
,11:07:1, 50 sad 75 ets. per yard.
March 150841.. •
• The
'Celebrated Illiorse
11,111 stand for service .
••• . • ,ikirl ~7., during.the season, coin
. ,e1f,741,60 1 1 H c 4 - .. mencing_ on the Ist -of
--- -- lirmrw •" . . April and outline. on the
k . ..- ' IL Ist of.luly, as follows=
1 ' Alonday, Tuesday and
-' - -' • -'7 : :.!.. Wednesday' of ;
weeh;at Middlesex, and Thursday;Friday, and Sat.:
orday;at the stabled* Andrew Itoberts,.in Carlisle.
The terms'are s6,for the, season,und $lO for insult.-
ance. .
Any person parting with an insured Mare before
Ate isknown'to be with foal, will be held liable •for
thejostwance. ' ' •
_,, ,
' - Gr9t care, fill betaken - , but. no accountability
for accidents. .•.' a ' 5 . . . -.' i •- .
4oIIN ituokrscia
• • Carlisle, April 7;1841.z.:41n . :'. - •'., .-
. Tlie tho . rough. bred Ildrge,
• ,
1.1.'111 Bland the etisning ?croon
• 4%. . iiecaoisk, on the terms set forth
, • ; ;;V::1„.7 , lin4he hand hills. . , •
r • • Peter Parley is of the very best
racing : , otn . •
it, • was gqt.
- ` l l3 - etsy - Willteit" we' by the. celebrated Archie"
gdandam• by • 4 .l.ledforil"-hts'
"Mitt 10IeVi “Lainpligliter"4j
hts:g g g gvtpdstnA by Syrtis , ""tlftldair.". By refel'j
`once to the Teri llentstOclt. illite•seen, that "Onte - =.
by.sTrineleon,' dant •by 'Osettr poi - vette' by
'Andrew !dam
.lty. 'Oscar;' 4 ,Clerlott! by f
Bel Ense/ilam liy..,'Osi t ril - ittfe:nniting the • meat • sue
eessfut hones nee , • on •ItheTTilrfilitying .l, lbth spp e d
Furter le 'pettlenlit's ' 4-4
•, • :
- 1. •
Z. Tiv
-I.7 O•APOIMIT .1:"3"2M1)0,:
lowejust .recoi . ved *froni.:p.
.Landreth, of... supply•of Garden--S - oeds:
• •,' IiLLIOTT.
:11.1., 104,1
014'114! 1 4 5 gleet sron, mad 'fig
• Wvire
ft : 'g 44 1 4'
:.SUBSCILII3)!Itt, thankful pi* .p a wl favors,
Avoolil iaforin 11u, pn6liu,that he'
nianillito Lire ut Ilia old • si and ill : Ninult,l limo wer street,
Curtislconposini Covinnun's litltel,nvecx article fu
the lincAithis business, stichus' .• •• ' • ••,
(196 . ylpullpt 63 .4.. 5 au t , , ,,5 A , :„
Thish .11'e1tic's, Dye Kettles, llattery' Ket
tles, House Spouting, and every vziri . ety'of
. . r i l iii-,Crare l
Drums, Stove Pipe, ----77 ---' - '
Dripping Pans, 4S-e: ' . .,:t •
He also pirers km: sale 1:;INNiiiIIII7-1W `/;,
Cooking,. Parlour,. ‘:•-f• - a.•
t Umber' and; Office , -:••••:' ' •
• - CALM . :___.-,-----.—=-:—.==-----._:.------=.
. .eSt
fur ‘vimtioreo:ll,lll l!VI•I'y %;1.1 . 11 . h . 11.11 , 11 11:1i LI! 111,-0 I 01
whiFit he will dispoNe of CM tile m9st. 'reastmablg
terms. • ....___ ,
' 11. I It: ;ilO leas 111 r sa i o _the_improved it o i a ry
Cookitig Stoves, which arc attpei'iui• - tu any ryur4-
11.i.(1 hi this phitti , ., ..• .1: I.':
I 8 V - • • '
4--.:A4414i4in-N4kw. St ore-in-VAati42041.1e.,1n0..444-4.
veil fool nil , him morning:a %ITN' large and
assortment of Burns!!, lotnNult :Lad nm o ES
-- Btu It V° 4r;l4P-69-11)-S
Or NI:: .VORK 1I 1 iII A, iud which
reNiweirully ilivite the citizens
told t;Niutioc ,. .,it , ili , :y t%•iti heeuuL
iir,d 7 to 1 ,1,:t..,:thd chc:t i wr thai,
lutpa:tt all tiuustosecctiitoutcrswitoaredesirous
of hav,... g .
wont; Illeit‘ • :;toelt• win hr found . --Ithie,
I;rown,Greutr, ()lite., Cadet, Mullwrry, Unldia, Cit
ron, (:laret, :11.1,4.1)na1i, :11111 It yarkty of low priced
• - ( - 11 Ili (ID Itp tti G 3
Supokioi. striped awl-piaill London. Buckskin
Hi p.l IciAr priced .Satlinetts; .sli
*rim. Silk, Satin, Velvel, Cordell, St Mil-
Figiired awl Nlarseilles owl Uiishilio-re
Vestisigs. , A general assol•tnu•ilt of all Iptalitks:l
colors ot
Fall (rad Itlsiztler.'Gatiels.
suitable for Gentlemen's wear. Superior Black
Ifaliaq Fmtestrings, i;L.O9 De Naps Po De S was,
C D 11W Silks, VO5 e Swiss,:lll(l Se:11S11 1 I
12.1:10p, Chint
zes,,laeconet s, C:Lnibries,tobbinvit s, Plaiu 'and Fi
gured Swiss, an 4 Book Alirdins, Shawls, Dress
I landlierciiiels, Searrs, Yells, liilsLuus, &e.
A large and t;xcelleni assortment of fine and low
priced Calicoes, Irish:fable, Towelling and Table
-Diaper,Crash Checks,' Cords,
Beaverteetts.&c. A general ass4rtiimut of Leghorn'
and Straw liannets, Umbrellas, l'araspls, Lea Also,
au extensive assortment of
.Groceyies and queensware t
thquary determined to sell elitnm far cask or country
produer - - TAXI:111N Kt:U.:PERS are respectrully
invited to tall and examine their stock or 'A g o...
- •
CMd revi Ile, Com. 14;1 S .
• - .
~ .
EDGE TOOL , . ...
Ta . A.ISIVP - -P,a(igicgarf.,eci '
The ‘ snbscriber liereliyinfories the citizens of Car
lislconothe poblht g it
oer:di n -flint hii-lihs taken-the
shop nearly opposite the Jail, where lie will lie . we
liaretl to tn iti ittlitcttir'e tYi ll o rt ler, on the, most rests net
hie terms, any_article_inliis line. or, husiiti'ss,stp: t as
' . Axes, illiiii Picks,. &e.• .
Il e w ill hl so attend to Steelin g and Crintlin g Axes.
lie solicits a share of public patroph g e. .. ,
--- L--JOII.N. It Anus.
Carlisle, NOV. 5, ISIO„ ' .
1111111 E subkiriber,thankful for past favors,respect
-1 fully informs the pukilic that he still continues
to, "hob/ fortb" Church Alio', near "Eduention
Ilan," where he has now on hinuf a large assortment .
- ofltotionmonsiating Minot of the following - 1, 11
Cakes„ Cheese, Bacon, Hams, Flour - , Soap, Cider,-
Spices, Fruits, Sweetmeats, and 'other mecessaocs,
milodated for this meredian,
N. B.lie also continues to kLep an Ming'
where genthonen can be acconunodated with 'Fri
Piga Peet, Pickled Oystersp&c. at the shortest lattice.
Sept. 9, 1840:-1 yeas
Neil, • Mardware; Grocery, - A•
• , :raRiETP STORE. "
91111 E subscriber has just retu rued from
tiwroitics or New Yorks Philadelphia and Ihd
thnore r andis_maw.opening at his !dare romm.S: * P...
Corner of Market Square and Main - Streets (for
merly occupied by Geo. W. Ilither,) a general as. ,
sortment of • ,c+
Hardrecii c, tone Ware;'" Oda). .If'are,
Brittania 11 ure,' Groceries, Oils,
Paints, Varnishes, Glasi, Brush
. es, While, Canes,. Lanips for
burning Canzphine Oil,' ;
awl 4, great variety urartieles useful and necessary
for fuenishiiigiuulteeping a laiuse: He rasalso, and
will constantly keep on 1000
. .
. • • . ,
.. - Camp Wid - Oil, . , Y •
a cheap and elez,ant ,snlistinite for sperm oil, and
haring heen appointed the agent of Mesirs. Backers
and Brother cif Newark N. J., for the sale of Jime's
TatenfLaiYi . ps in this county, he is prepared to;fur
nisil.Lanil/ and OP ,at a very reasonable rate:to all
who May wish to use this new and economical light.
Haying. selected his
. gooda himself, and . made his
purchases for cash, he is able; and • is determined to
sellt ow. .
. filch
Those having , theensh to lay out will find it to
advantage to give him a call'.
. . .
• .A're , Sgentteiti their_ reSp- ,
live counties. numerous counterfeits' of these
pills nrentteniptedlo he'paliiied upon the..cernrtiuni
ty, the Proptioty.of &dm the - recOg=
nizeitogents;sollbe opparent:t . .
Cut crlSdd CotiOtyz—George W. Iliticer;Catitile;
A:Riegel; Meithanioshiirg; C3il none & lit:Kinney;
CUibertiritt,. - Shippetlahuf•gli:Boke , &
Electitieinio; - New 'Citnibepluntl; Isaac Barton ;,-LiS
barli; ht. G;.fittriP; Shltl9nytiistow L.:ll,iezel bc Co.
Cliorchtown... 7,
, .
Perry. County—rAlexaader , Magee, Bleprafiel'
J. / Ea. - As C0yte,140.0.014.-, - 1, 4:- ---:- -•-. .7
'‘-,.,'`,-,.! !. '...•.'.44 ,-,, ,
' ' • • ,:::-; • r‘J.,;:,:',, ~,7, .,:i-k,lTA ; ';''' , ` 7 ;;r,'l.: - • : ‘'.? A - 2:;".,-,,, • 0 ••.:4-." .
i . ' , ' '',, : ''.•;.:, ~ ;:, : , : )::,'„:- , , , ,, ,, , ; t:, , ;i:,- . , 0 -1,4.0i.,, e ,r3'wl, , =.1- z s...ip,, . L...-- , ...,.,,
es . 9V4l Morf.l4) . M.'t :le
• .
• . .
ee !tam es b ro• Line
marl ae~~~aa Afechaniednerieiiitd
Philadelphia,or lialtipaOro.:
'THE subscribers g'ral6ll7l,Vor..j)ilSt favors
beg leave to inform their friends and the ptildic
getterally, , ,thitt they still . continue to 'run a liha id'
Intrthen Cars rrgitlarly bet Ween. Mechanicsburg and
-I'lliladelphia or Baltimore; by which."iThil - 4 4 Atitl pro
dove of all, descriptions will be lintwarded with care
tottl•despatch at the lowest rates of freight. '
.Produtte will he received at their Ware )louses
hi'Alechattictiburg, and forwarded. to Other - Phila
delphia or Baltimore, i:cording to the direction or
the owner.
r:;::::„%' - -.-§
-- la. : - . - --k . '
' -±-7:
~.q.- ,
i kW
A '%
-t...... '
*peke 'will be 'given for • Whent,
N. IL Plaster of l'arislinil.Salt always kept on
haial.,anil for sale lowest prices.. ' .
• 11_ LArIN.9, olrered for sale, by
. ••
. • Cheap' G owls for C ash.
.• • .
... • .
The subseob,....s,,tesirom of reducing tlieir stock
-of .Nlereltmaliie';•offry it at retloted -prices fie etrarh,
Their'enlire stunk of • .
V' 0 31
- g r ig A
.51 fITY L S •
• .•
will I), sum at. a i;,s'l/shinil adl , anes. Such persons
Its are desirous of obtaining gotAl'hargailis
call at the store of •
111TNER. S. NIIII.N'ANY.*: .
N. 11. 'fits exiirr t.tock qf .Ilerchandize•wi4 bc ,
sold' a bargain In any one wishing- to. cogage in the
business, irapplleation be .made noinediately. •
pct... 11,1840. • •
. .
331acit Walnut Plank:*
rgi II I.; bs.m;il ie r isl ( . 's •to . tiFchtisc
•IL It /.. IGE -) 'OJT Pi,:i/X.K., - iii - arp• - :1111:111-•
ity that ,n:y lie for ultich Forty bollat's
cash pt c thousand rot . % plonk itictostire.will 6c giVCII.
5411.11 Ptah!: to-lie 6111;150'0 .quality; two iiittlies :Intl
one-vightli ii thiekteciis fottelceil reel lour inches
j . g.,1 ;33 4,11.: --c fiareis
hob...nation the
. • .
J.\ C 63 Vlllbj.P.V
• 0 - 1 -- Any . other ioforinoliott rt;lative to 5:141 tOtsittess
can had 'on application lo 11,0 beet
Carlisle, I;y4olilressiitg tile subscribe,. (poa
Docenther $O,
- Ti 211 Na'N . A. CHINES
@Leith • ',./Viiii,trazfes. o ianproecd
lebsver.-, •
Won rat;01101 t .11eretofore..yeeei %
• from the sale oriels niaeltities,induces Rini to of
fer yo the public a new and-impro‘ed 110150 yowt.,
which can let silliftell in gear or out of guar-be keys,
and shill thehand to giNe a 11%e 'U111.1.011. revolutions,
And Ihe-has no liesittition in as!ittring the Farniersthat
he is heir able to furnish tlwm - witlcatt rebate fur sti
!writ)]. to those manufactured heretofore. For speed
and clean 1111%4:Mug' and case to the horses, he be
lieves his machines to he unequalled. .
I lis price is 5:,140---9oenty dollars to he paid cash',
and the balatice in Six months, for which a note wilt
be required with ith interest. A nv - person purchasing a
machine and (1111)11 a fair trial, unl being pleased, can
return it.. - Ilc a ill at all 11 111e5 'be really to furnish
thctit Olt ill,r ,Olortest notice: orders front a distance
will he punctually :mended to. Ilc,,vill also repair
machines 011 Ibc shortest 11111 ice.
Nen %illy, July '29, IS
. & C01,01 , 11S 111 , CATIPM . CHAIN, (*or
sale at the :New Store -in Shippenshwil:Ft hy
• •
Ba C
v ice, ?
NONV Al.l. PCIISONS to 0 limn prjs
rk v 0 4 .511111 I come, that 1, Gitmmeir Itonmersos,
Esti. his Britanie - Majesty's Consul Inv the City Of
Philadelphia, do lereby_certify,Tttut Hobert Whar
ton, Lsll., who attests - to the foregoitk Certificates, is
../layor id the Cili of Philadelphia ; and that Mat
thew Itandall, Esti., is Prothonotary of the Ctiurt of
Common Pleas for the city and comity of Philadel
phia, to both 0 hose signittires, with the Seals of their
respective offices, full faith and credit in dill%
ftrirther certify. 111:11.T :tin personally acquapited
%rid! 3 oseph 1.. Inglisjitie of the signers of the certi
ficates hereunto ani x(.11, whidi expresSeS the efficacy,
()flint Balm o f cotimbia, and that lie is a - person of
great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre
dit; and that I have. heard hien express Ids ungintlifi
ed appeobation of the effects oftltc said Balm of Co-
Itinibitqin restoring Iforittoir. .
.Given tinder nt) hand and seal ofliflliteott the city
of Philadelphia, in the State 'of l'entisylvanja, the
United States of America:- •
Read the . following.
. .
itonErrr WHARTON, Esq., late Mayor of
-14tiladelphiiiyhascertifiedTairtuttypeseen-helowi-to ,
the highichafucter of the folloWing gentlemen. .
The Undersigned do hereby ceitify that we have
used theilalm of Columbia discovered by J. Old
ridge, and have found it highly serviceable itkiLonly.
Hs a preventive int-Must the Whirr off of hair,bt '
a certain restorative. -
WM. THATCHER, senior,'
Methodist Minister hi St. Ceorge,eharge
No. 86 North Fllih st.
JOHN. P. INGLIS, 331 Ari) st.
JOHN D.THOMAS,—M.-8.-163Itace st.
JOHN S. PC REV; 101 Spruce st.
lIUGII Mt:CURDY, 243 South 7th st.
- —JOHN—YARD, jr., 123 Arch st. ,
The ageiLimil wlia*usist-in-weftriiiriv,i
may not always experience its restorative qualities ;
yetlit will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
of the public, wheillt ip known that three of the a
hove signers are more ti t an 50' years of age, and the
others not less than 30.
[From the wilityor.]
City of Philadelphia.'
r,•RoBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city of
Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I am well ac-:
and Hugh McCurdy, whose nrinici are signed to the
tbbove certificate, that they are gentlemen of charge-.
terand respectability, and as such full credit Should
be given toThe said certificate. -
In witiiesp. - whereof, I have hereunto set my hand,
and 'caused the seal of the be affixed,
s lthe sixth day of,Deezimber, &c.
ty. THE HAIR.—Its positive qualities are as fob.
Ist: For infant's keeping ,the head free from seui4f
and causing n Itturittot gilawth of hair. ;
. • !.. , (1. For ladies after.ehild , birth, restoring the skit)
to its uttial strenet mid firmness, and Preventing the
fulling ontOfthe hair: ..
- sd. For any . person recovering:from any debility,
the same effect is produced.
004 . a. infatiey till a pied gyms th is started,
it may"be preserved by attentibmto the latest period
.lOrees'ille head'fr m. dandruff, strengthens
the roMs;.) m parts health'a d vigor to the Circulation
and presents the' hair front changing: colear Or get
ting. gray; . ..,
6t11:-It "causes the hair .to curl beautifully :when
()One up its it over night, • • • ." : .
7No ladleod tei let should eidebe made'without it.
h, Children mho have by any.metum contracted
.vermin in the ,head, are immediately : and 1 perilictlyi
cured of them_bY its pie: It is infallible:
, , „ , . •
Per " A le ' at the drifg : store 'of Comstock & Co., 2
- Fletcher street hear!. Pearl, tedle Carlisle by Ste
vensou rDee.,lo, t846,-e.1T,1„
[ B r R.dit, .110.41; on CAX:Th]
-..:'::•- '.:- - ;',..1:y . .7 - ', - .• ; ':., ,.- : • ' • • . I .'" , 4 :::,!'•••: - - - 1?• - 1 -, : , : '••:, ; - - i
),s;•'::;•',..2i'•t';;,!'ig.6:4 , '•-:• • •:i '.
Relicts Co.
'Have removed •to the capacious \Varela:use recently'
occupied by 1): Leech & Co. at the nortlr4estcorn'ea .
of Citerf". and Broad sti•cet, Philaddlphia. .
.Proin the faCilities which the locatiolt and internal
arrgniiernentcf, this (lewd- aford, to•4o'lltirthen
Carp can lie accommodated to-unit:ad and load at•-tla.:
some time with to sUire 20,000 harrelli
of Flour, and 400 to 600 ton of . Cl;ain exclusive of the
forwarding department.
l'ilaltice of evitry description will be received as
usual on consignments, and liberal advances made on
reeeipt (if requit•ed) until sales :ire effected. , • •
• CRAIG; 1111•11..LAS'ilk Co.
North-wesfeorner . afel!'erry & Broad sU
• • • • Philadelphia.
' 131 7 , PERENCES.
\V.' S. '
Cobean Cashier. . • , - • , ..,
lienilersno tv.. Parker ~C, or/1 4 / 6 . . . • .
1 !miry Rhombi, . , :- • .
Smonlerson k llogserloan, j . .
Jecol.) Swoyer,.7l"e7ori/le. • -
I)avid Nevin, Shippensburlr. •
3. Logan Sinitli,V.sii. Casiiier . ch„„,e icr o ur g
l'lster, Holz t.: . Co, '
itolivil F„leniiiif.;;-. . . , . ..
Cittlirrwood &Craig, .I phitaa - ciphut.,
W isL Co. . •
IV.liitall ikr. Brown., - . J . . . ..
- •
The .7'tuf, Field Sports, Literature , am
• , • the Stage.,
Nif.W VOLUM'. FOR .1841
. .
The First Number of a New Volume of "The
Spirit of-the CM the 6th ul
Nlarelt. 1.811. lu the cimrse of the , year, a se'ries 01
forM witit.the•embetlislinients of, the preceding 'vol
uble, will be presented to the subscribers. .A Por- ,
trait of AXON AIOUTII ECLIPSE, from it painting
by T HOYE, W l commence the-series,and succeed
ed by those of other ilistitinisli6l lases during-the
'.., A .
List of A NiEltie.-Vti- NVINNING I I OIISE,S.of
the preertli;ig year will be..published, arrange() 'iii
roar distinct TA ate..s•—anti of Inue - mile - winlierti; (me
at' three, one'prt %co., and one of one mile .winners.—
Zrlieltu,7bibles shirty at_ a glance the winner oil...very
race rd . the last year; his' age, color,pedigrev, :dal •
owner, tile prize 'wliii ' the viglit internal, the time
matte and theJibrscs Iteateli_lbiftri:l.ortetiter•Witb.
Tire"' ritil7.l7/Paritfiii. , ll:•fifilfe...ilalt r i - ':,• - •:1 ail. a liCfcreiviLlAt4". ,' t..,'
- ptige nritie.,iirecediiiii .Voifitinc..Ziltial„trir":4 - 5 - n.E..rtiTi
-xlgkiyfiliyiriblislieoi ,- -These-Istielaux-cauipilii..
.witlrinlinite tare aril labor, anti at. great expense ;,
.they lll'll a. constant .practical tiseoinil. increase ill
v;thie ea i . try veir A list Of. ENt;LISII. W INN] tit: ,
-I 1 OlISK(
S-01.411e- Sitille--eat- ill alsnhrf-iatirlislied_
„in - Wit vulturre arranged in the Eitglisli [brio.
.A Table ot the AM II; AN ‘VIN NING 'TROT-
Tir4: IjoitsEs, with the, age, color, owner; time
ruaile, Wright-•caeried, ItoesCs bettlm,_btc._&e:,.io 11.
1/1.! 1111111ihilell'illtilifi'l 01111111,!c Mill ill lltkilliC/11; there
will lie ira 11bs1 rlierb f (!very p,rmel 'l'rotiing.reafiv
mance in .Inicrica,•rot• si:veral , c an's back, with spe-
Cial referettce..o4be. time made. This abstract' has
been compiletlfridit several' authentic sinews, ttal
- will. ho....extrcinelv----illt“Vehlillg--11g-11/0. - -- - Olay (X)).1,--
over attempted. . .
.. An Alphabetical last 6f sTij.i.mxs for 181 1;
ill die usual form,will - alsri tit/Veal' iii-an eaelyintia,
her of the volume, and n ill he - found convenient to
breeders for ilesignatio,g the age, color,-petligree,,
; owner, place and price of sta n ding, of nearly et cry
distinguished Stallionin America.
In additlob to the varioits subject s .enumerated a
bove, the presebt volume will contain a litithful.aitil
:mil copious record - of all 1;11 pc)itTATioNs AN))
SALES OF 111.001) STOCK, Sweepstakes, pacing 1
and 'Trotting Alatchesouitr 'being Appointments;
, Essays on Breeding and Training, Pedigrees and
! Performances of-thstinguislied Horses, Willi till the
) Current News and Du I)its in Sporting Circles, both''
at home nllll abroad. And to coMplete the Sporting
Department, full details, original and selected, will
be given upon all nuttily pastimesots Iltinting 7 Shoot ,
lug,. Fishing., Yachting and Boating, Pedestrian and
uthee'Aniletic and :\ lanly Sports. , •
-Another parlor almalesign of. thepapee will em
brace- A , - .1 1 REEDING A-ND AtilltlClJll'UltAl:
IwI'AII.T.NIT.NT, designed to promote the interests
and..atinister to 'the instruction of breeders of fine
cattle, Sheep, t‘te. lielections from the most appro
ved American and English I%Tiiltl'S OH tiII,SCIIIIIiOI . I..
11111 lilllljiCili will be constantly finittil in its 'columns.
The sPoirrING cALLEity Will also be in
creased by•tbe addition of the
.Portraits or several,
t of the most distinguished Horses in. the Union, cmi:
graced in a.tityle of superior fliiish.and beauty.
the next prominent departinent is the TUFA
' TiticAL I'A(IE, Constantly devoted to original
; criticisms of the (llama, and notices of tile. New York
' theatres; Green llonin littelligenee, derived from an
extensive theatrical correspondence maintained
with every city in the Union, and by which the pie
' pee itg already favorably known and widely circulated
I .a.n theatrical_eircles-__. .-
i Again, s(lections*"will he constantly made from
the periodicals of - this country 'and lEitgliill, and
I thus be formed a lively and elegant LtrEitAity
I)El'Alrl'AlENT.,,otalpying set eral pages.
I . For all these varied Deptietincitts, ample rooin is.
I secured liV'tlie intinenze size 01'1110 present sheet,
wllllll - for beauty of typographical exectition and ge
neral elegance of arrangement, is second to none ill
the Union...
. N . ° local age:AS - being employed by the• propels
. tort3,gentlemen \visiting the papv can order itthrough
theie post-inasters, or remit by mail: A number of
files front the commencement of the volume, will he
In eserved for new subscribers. 'This course. is adopt
ed, as the ililuable Statistical Tables of the paper_
nearly all appear in the,early Intl: of the year.
Terris of Sab.yeription and ailveFtioing.
• For One Year's Subscription, $lO in - advance.
Yin. Six Month's Subscription,.s3 in advance.
For AdVertising One Square of '2'2 lines, first in
sertion, s—Each - Subsequent inset Lion, til. • •
I Fatfareetiiita of the LARGE ENGRAVE<OS
OX STEEL may be obtained at the Publication Of
fice at One Dollar cad+. They Will lib" sent to any
section of the Union so enVelord RS to secure them
from injury. • Z• . . .
51P0 !LW%
is not one talk! or Fever in a 'thousand, but
may be effectually broken up and- reinticid by the
use of this Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion,
bilious matter and constipation. from the stomach
and bon-els. It operates gently mid' -effectually on
the boivels, and powerfullpon tub kidneys and:skin,
It removes all unpleasant feetbigs after a - hearty meal,
and promotes a good appetite.' It needs oidym trial
to give perfect.Satisfactieit. It has become a general
practice with.many to use this article in all cases of
colds, pains in the bones or heavy disagreeable feel
ing, tent el ing toyeadadie or chilliness. For hoarse
nessi- if taken through the-day,-it completely - restores --
the voice Without producing sickness.f. Whooping
cough ; and all coughs of children arc cured by it.—
The stomach is kept in perfecthrkr by it; and it is.
quite impossible that any disease sliotiftl commence
while a person is usiiigthis Syrup.
It taken daily it
,produces a rudy, healthy, and
young appearance, by driving off' the !minims of
Ite..._cy stem. Sold -genuine at 2 Fletcher street, tine
doW. - below-Pearl .street,.N.- Y. by Comstock 8i
and by all respectable Druggists.
For sale also by STEVENSON & DIN
KLE, Carlislo, P. • -
-".. nta' ‘, l
rVIIE, SUBSCRIBER respeOtlidly.: tenders -JOB
grateful acknowledgmental.O.llio p u blic for clid'
very•liberill share of patromige lie had re4grveil
inotie : past yeatvand wobld still - contilinq,l6Offer
tliep his professional scrite,ps in •their various bran ,
cheaathlsresia9o6,Noii4l - I . a!per'altiaw;,
91,eansosi and .j lu s. teeth; and, inserts
tuner 'metalit artificial lentil most approved
manlier. Oliargps alanyii mbi ettitc.• ,,
~;,' • .
Ciie, ; (o' : elOths ;',',o*.C.:'
The ',submihertr, will. sell their clock, of : .Cloths,
Casiittieree endother' Woolen WOO' very lew for
_,H1.:11,.410. - EciIVLYANY - , .!.t..
I },
..DEL , ' , WIST.4WS
. .:154.1 - 4Nll9P:',WitiPillgltitY .
Is A§E - 8 - :01:tit LtINGBI'
. •
,XT.U.NEROUS rernedieshmvc been' offered, and
1.1 ' mired into notice•fol.: dliteases of the Lungs,
some 'of whicifluts undoubtedly been„fOund- very use
fill, but of all that have-hitherto been ipitiMm, ih must
be iniTyei.salfy aeknoWledged there is none tluit lips
ever proved , al4 successful as the "JIALSTIVI:
Wild) CIrEIUIY."
Such indeed are the itstoni siting restorati 4e' 'and
healingpronerties of. this " Balsam;"tbat,even in the
worst fornis C.:imams - 1104M; when the PatbMt has
I Stdlitred with .the most distressing cough, violent
nains in the chestoliffieulty ofbreathingouglit sweets,
bleeding of tip lungs, &c. and when the most esteem,-
ed remedies of onr yharmacopias had failed to afford
any relief, and even when Botanic, Ifoinwpathic, and
numerens other remedies ; bad been uSed foe numy ,
months fu vain; this invalttable .remedy has cheCked
evrry symptinu.and Ithen 'productive of die most as
tonishing. relief.. In the early stages of the disease,
proceeding from neglected . eolds,terened Catarrhal
Consumption, it has been iisethwith undeviating sue
cess, and in many instances, when this disetise seem:
ell to have marked it F -victim for -ail early-grave, the
use 'of this Medicine has arrested every Symntom,add
restored the lungteto a, state of iierfeel health.
Tn that, fdrm of Cltsumption, sonrevalent'amongst
- delicate'y own; females, coMmonly termed debilit!
„ or
"0 • in to l • eoni plui ut with whichthlol
-51116-110111.geP1 lg T it-has-alsrbecninNlwith
sing success, and not . only possesses the power 'of
chevking.the progress of this alarming. di sease,ldd
at the same time • strengthens and invigorateA the:
whole system mule effectually than any remedy we
have ever possessed."
tr VCR COMPLAINT.---In .diseases.of the
Liver, prtieularly tt 111:11 attended with a cough, int&
gestidu or, wandering pains in the side, It haft altiO'prO;
ved very.eflicacitais, and cured' many cases of this
kind after the mosupowol'uhreniedieS hail failed.--
•et AsTii this ctduplaint bas'also been
used in ninnerous instances with the• most siogolar
so6.rss. li onens the chest, reni!rritig the breathing
perfectly freeorrests the cough, and will seldnm
,to' give permanentreliell
111 . 10N(A11:115.-41s it reininly. in
chini :Het:lions of thc_thriint, nuclide(' with hoarse
nem, cough or sore tic- hrunt; it iv iI I Asti lie
a very elliTtual remedy, nod will. 'nosily a
rclief--if-usettat- the --conntionecinent of its
attack. •
COI ifilLs COI coughs
firei o extentirvely
ti inter, it *ii'll4e;thiiiiii,rareli more efliiltia I than any
iit Isse i t I uppit:l4o,ltifig,ti
1';' , .% - 5)1,010141 7 fiZet ... 1 1 =^ t'tx 4 :lit'44j.'f44 --
is iqtyy,,(iilaiTLiiMil:l,l‘,447STllFlF • Mriik;i7/74iiiti'
the snnie.liine prevent the lungs front heroin
, llit more seriously •
(..:ItOUi' A Ni).NV 10()PINIR e,11.761 I lii
tlic I cooViia,ailis, so 1 Imipnii fir y00 . 0,,- eliilili iii, flits
!Lamm win lit feitod I 1111 C II: to the Parego
ric Elis.iy Syrup of si l oins,...w.-..0i.43m1i01.5
roixioN.s is iMinnion ilse.,,as it is entirely free from
Male:lst, injnrions,,smil may.sit .01 times be . ,
given to eltildren-with perfect safetymml with the cer
tainty of its affording diem speedy relief. •1. ,
.(3" . :f AS A VA NIIIX' AIt.:PICINI. for Maily oth
er Loinplaints, this Balsam - will also befound
.11esides-having in•oved an, invaluable.
remedy ill all Pulinosiary affections, it e:kerts a povt
erful, inthiciieemer :min) diseases •ilipenilim•- on a
- depraved condition of the thrise
the,inilissriniiiiate use , of Altyciiry,,or
-inher.ileleterions itrugs,ilitit are MIMI conipostMled
in dilfej•ent quack nos trums, will find. it a remedy of
great value, possessing the power Of streligtlivising
and iiiiigorating the whole. system more 'elfectially
than any other inislicitie we possess. , ,
icine MIS - already acquired grail celebrity. thi•re may
probably be some attemptv to imitate i tond -deceive
tho public with a spurious mixture, to 'in . :vent which
would wish all purchasers to observe the following
marks of the genoisse If is put up in bottles
of't wis sizes having the wards wisTAWS
lINL.SANI (11 , IVI LI) Clll'AtltY, Pill ADEL
-I'l Il.k, blown in the glassomil a label oil the remit
witli - IliW . Ognature . or HENRI' NVIS'I'AIt, M. 1).
without which lunar is genuisie.
Prep:we'd for the proprietio... by WILLIAMS &
CO. Chemists No. '22 Commerce street Philldel
eloa, and most respectable I/rut:gists and
other' appointed agents ,iu all the - . principal towns
throughout the v 16(011 States.. "
o_,Tr Tile (leonine Balsam sold in Car
by SAAIUEL L' Ltd?'l"P, appoint
ed Agent.•
l'rtee . sl:oo.a bottle.
I )ecemher 1
- .Dentistry.. • • • , •
. DR.. ti C. L 0 0111 . IS,.
LTA s retpimed to Carlisle, od will, as heretofore
al attend to the imactiee of Dentistry. Ile may
be (maid at colonel 'Perree's Hotel. l'oesomi re
it,--will lie waited-upomaMlieir-resilleilee.-
Cr:lane-D. l'oumzEL, - Hefei. to
DILI/Aran N. MazioN. •
--Carlisle, 'Mardi I (840.
114,41,9.' Liniment.,
*0 C T/OX
This extraorainary chemical coinpositiom-the re
sult of science and Alin invention of a celellrated med
ical man, the introduitiou of which to _the public
-was-invested with-the..aolenthity of:a.,.(leath,bcd b 6.
quest, has !since gained a reputation unparalleled,
fully sustaining the correctness of -the•lan l en,t e d
Cridlley's Ust. 'coacision, that "lie ('.;,red not idiQ
-without-giving to posterity_t!le helielit_of_his..kneWl
edie-on this subject," and he thei•cfore bequeathed
to his friend and attendant, Solomon Hays, tlieTseeret
„• . .
It it; now nsyd in the prinelph A Th
l hospitals, and e
iirlrate practice in our Couittril, fist and most.cer
tinily thv't he aure,of the I'ILIS, anti also.exteiksive
ly- Ina] efrectuailly its to In credulity, unless .where
its elYeet's are witnessed. /::xiernallp 'in the follow
Por"lth;opsv.,7;C:ienthr, 7 e ta~M xt raordivary, absorption
at Once. ' . :'‘ •' ."•
~Swellings—Llteducing them in a feu• hours.
'ltheitiontism,..-Acuto or chronic, giving quick
Sore Yhroat---Ily cancers. ulcers; or colds.
roue-aiiil-Wtraopirig , CoughExtelreiTilly - itnt
over the chest. ,
All Bruises, Sprains,: nd Burns---Ciwed in n,few
SUITS and Uleers-,Whether. frail Or long stand
and fever - sores.
Its operation upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight , .
ness ofthe client by relaxation of the parts, has been
surprising beyond conception. The Common re
mark of those who have used it in tlie • Piles, is It
nets like a charm."
. - THE PILES.--The - price, is refunded to any
ersinrwhe - will anus bottle td flays' Liniment for
the Piles, and return the empty bottle without being
cured. These arc the positive orders of the proprie-,
for to the agents, and out of many thousands sold, not
one has been unsuccessful. •
We "might insert-certificates to any, length, „ho
prefer that those ivho sell the lartiCle, should exhibit'
the' original; to purchasers. -
To Physicians and Patients.
The Blind Piles, said to be incurable by externals)
applications.--. Solomon flays warrants the contrary.
lies Liniment will core Blind Piles. - :nets areMore'
stubborn than theories. He Solicits all respectable
physiqians Miry it - upon their patie`iits. It will- do
them no harm, and it is known that,every.physiciali
'wile has had the hone:Sq• to make the tried lias
'dilly admitted that it has succeeded ;in •erery case;
'the' have known. • Then why not use its 11, is the
recipe of one of tlieirmost respectable members, now
deceased.' Why refirse Oe it.Lnevauseitisseld
n 'sufficient *ex»
curie for sufrering their • honest pptients,te,'llingq•-iw
•di streSs Wei big not. ehyarciai shall be, con,
'vinecti flint thei-e is, no .or•quackery about
this "ripticle.),Nll . :4' II I I eviate human :suflbi,
,jug ? -If they' whir t. My it before, let them after all,:
other,:presertptions fail. ftsicians are respectfully
requested to' do the t*OlVii s and' pat rel t§ tridynticeitii
use this ' 'filial' he' taken . frbm ithe,bottles
;and done 'up as.their plvescriptioulf they. desire., ;
Sold by'Comstock go.",WholpFd.c DruggiOs,
No.f,l,}7kxeller I . 3tre . ei;."l•Tew' York.
For sale 'also s ., revpiq'SON-f'&
'tIiNKTsE. , Garheld, Pa. • • „.'
, . .
Air unparnllel •1 tuc;lyfor common Colds,COughs,k
Asthma, Indu iz I, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis,
' , and all diSease
. ot tho Breast and Lungs, leading: •
'to of the concentrated f
of Horehound, Boneset, Blood Rout, Li v- ,
er'wort and severalp:),ther:vegetable sub(shinces.—
Prepared only by J: M. WINSLOW, Rochester,"
_ The innocence and universally admitted pectoral. ,
virtties, of thollerbs from whick the BALSAM • OP
' IIOIOIOUND is. Made, arc too generally known
to re q uire recommendation; it is therefore only no.e • •
cessary ter observe•that this medecine contains the
whole of tlicir medical propertien,highly concentrat
ed,'and so happily,conibined with several 'other ye-.
getable substances; as to render iK the Most speedy,.
mild mind certahrremedy, now, in site, for the Com- •
plaints above mentioned.:.
For Chibfren,Rds Balsam is of inestimable value.
It is a speedy' remedy for the Whooping .Cough auk
VeoiT,,,,,,lifflbrdscertain reliefin Bolact
-Choke, Weethittg,Sztt. It is pleasant to tire taste, and
mav be safely given to the tenderest infant and should
be kept at all time( in, every fausily,,airAt is milers - .
better for the complaints Incident to" Children, flian .
Paregorio,CodlVeys Cortlial,or-the Cordials so con- -
molly used; :0 hundreds joilds City bade testified.
Strad the Olowittg,= - 4 hereby certify that early
-Inc Mosier:Mt; 4,4BBl,J:contracted a severe. COLD,
which setilektipon my lungs. and threatened a Wily ,
Consumption. !used several prescriptions, but ob-,
tamed little or no relief; I was 'much alarma,— ••
Thippening in be 'in Ildeliester. I was advised by my
friend, 'Mr. Whislow,4 o try a bottle of Ititi"BALSANT
snounl - to - my surprise P i r)=
mined relief ' onee—anti by tlie use of that: single -
bottlit was perfectly restored to health. To -those •
of with Colda or Coughs, at this. increment
season, I say "go and do likewise.”
l'ittsford;Nlshiroe co., Nov. 9' 1838.
Mr, : •
Dear Sir; I Inivc been for a series of yettrinffliqt
ed, with lin affection of the 1 :sings, and a hard cough,
and have' many ti 111t . 8.14 rOSV in the morniag ns corn= •
Widely esti:tasted by excessise, coughingtiring . the
night as a:Pei:son-would he by a hard slays labor. I
'have tried Most of the popular remedies of the day,
Anti never found relief until 1 met with your' Balsam
liorehouod. ,All the other 'remedies or phlatives,
that I have used; leave the hoss - els, hi it- enagested
state, while yours-I(.oes them soluble and free. This
I emisidera great desideratum. On taking ~a dose of
your Ilalsano when going to lied, 1 test quietlythro 7 :
the andmyslevpis - refreshing. :I,take great--
pleasure in ritomm'ending your - Balsam Of Ifore-
liontal,to , all those alllirted with iisilmonstry eitin-••
placids or am dissxise to the lungs, and "
"1 fake this opportunity to H a ile 3•oti, the great ee
i -liefanil-Jmnefit-I hafe e'Xperieistellithrosigh pair. in..
• •A. NOll:lll,New.rille. -•
Alsn„by I haiggists geberally - throtsghottrtheeoun-,: -
try,--Priee-50-etaits per-bottle•'
April f 5, I8•10.---1y. . , _ . .
• Area purgative medicine, so nattirat to the 'Minim
'constitution,and' a hind mild, and pleasant in their
ripe 7 rationiat not die slightest dread of pain orsick
ness, um.. 11 he apprehended limn their use, even by
the most delicate: at the same time, ff eised in such a
operate.freely It}' the howels; those
morbid' humors, (whitdr deposited tipon ;die varidui
parte; till body are ibe mink! atom,' ache or pain
we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not
unit' a ill painor distressof every description
ven froin the hotly, but disease in any finite will be im-" -
-For the sanieyeason, a lien; fronillie stailt.n eking
es of iihnofiphere, or any other mist., the perspiranon
is checked „and those humors whickshould Inman:by
the skin, are thrown inwardly, causing headache, nau
semi, ant) sickneas, plllllB ill the bones, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore throat, boa VSCIICS9,COIIOII4COIIMImp-
Iion, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body,and
units other symptoms ofcatchingcold,the Indian'veg
etabie Pills will invariably give immediate
Three or font pills, taken at night on going to hed,atid
repeated a few times, Will remove an the abode un
pleasant symptdensointlrestore the body to even some
der health than before.
• . TlWlndian Vegetable Pills ; (Indian Purg,ative)are
natural,mul therefore a certain cure foe CostiVeness:
because -they cleanse the stomach:end bowels of those
lellioas humour's, which not only par:kip:Li and Weaken
the digestive organs, bdOire thecause of headache,
nauseam and sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying
pains - in various parts of the body, and many otlier
di Sagreeahle. complaints.' ,The same may be said of •
difficulty of breathing, or asthma; the Indian Vegeta-
Mei Pills t r yillloosen and carry off by the stomach and
bowels, these: tough illeglimy humors which stop up
all air cells of the luanrs and medic cause of the above
dreadful complaint.
.. In alltlisordered motions of the blood, called inter-_
mittent,remittent,iiiawons, inflammatory and putrid
FEVER'S, the Winn . Vegetable Pills will be found
a certain remedv; because they cleanse the stomach
and bowels of'all bilious matter,amtpurify the blood;
consennently,as dwy remove the cause of every kind
oftlisemee, they ore absolutely certain tp cure.cvcry_ -
- So also 'when morbid 111111101'S are deposited upon
the membrane and musch•s, causing those pains, in-
Ilammati ons and swellings called ltbeitmatism, Gout,
tic.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on ns
always cePtain In give, relief, and if 'persevered with,
will most assuredly, and withopt , fail, w a ke a perfect
core .of the Above painful VroM diree to
six of said :bulbul 1 , ev,et•illie Pills, taken every night
on pint.; to bed, will, in a short time, completely rid
ItMly of all .morbid and -corrupt. hUmprs; and
I - lbetunatism - ;Goutnini vain ofevery - deseriptionovill
disappear ns' if by magic. ' - -
lt should.bc remembered that the Indian Vegetable
-Pills are certain to remove pain in the side, oppres
sion, IIetUISC:I and sickness, loss of appetite, costive. ,
ness,a yellow tinge •of
,the skin and eyes, - and every
other symptom of , Li Ter Complaint; because they
- pit rge frbitt dm - body - these corm :inil`stagi u ti itids
robes which, when deposited upon the - Liver, arc the
muse of the above. dangerotes,complaiet. They* are
also A certain preventive of aprtlyxy and smith:wile:dip,
'Because they carry' nil' those humours which, obstruc
ting the circulation; arethe cause of a rush, or deter
mination of blond to the head-tgiddiness - especiAlly
on turning suddenly • round—blindness---drowsiness
memstry,Mtlammiition or the brain---in
sapity, and every other disurder of the mind.
'• "stffik'NVOßD To Toil SIMENTARY.
Those who from habit or occupatiomare kept much
• Ahin-doorsrshould-rememberAhat-they-frequent!y--
breathe an atmosphereorhich is wholly..lmpt I'OlE6
prelim. expansion of thelung - S;'and at the same time,
own% to.want ofexereisc,the bdwols are not suftieient
lyesacuated---the blood becomes impure, and head- ,
ache, indigestion, palpitation of the • heart, and many :-
othertlisagreeable spnptoms, are sure to follow. - •
lying a eleause'r of the stonnich and.bnwels,and a di- .
reet purifier of the blood, are certain: not only to re
move Latin orilistressof every kited from the the body,
loft if -used occasionally, so as - to keep the body free
from those humors 'Odell are the cause olseyery
tly mulct; heaNof, they will •thiist '-aSsuredly,promote •
soak. . just.-apd equal - si reulut ion - of the blond, that ,
those who lead a sedentary life, will be enabled to
enjoy Sound health.,:and disease of any kind'will , be
itbsolidely impossible. , .
'Forsaiti'by • - "
. CHARLES OGILBY., Agetijr,•
Carlisle, Pa.
• • • _G. LAUMAN,
• . ' lillsbur,{t," York Co 4 Pa:
r.r. Office and GepOi‘Al DeM,No.,l69Raee ativet.
. [May 20,1840.,'-4y
• are not among that class of Etlitors'wlmfer.a
few dollars will, (at the emiense of truth and bones'.
'krackur adarticle mitt bring - it ibtr6 rigid sel4
tteitker are , we )villing to,remain silent, eller haying ;
testtid the utility of an iinurovement or discov'ery lu ,
.Seictice or art. .Our readers will recolleel weitold
Ahem we were unwell witit'a sore threat and violent ,
cold soine`few weeks ago. •Well, we VOChitSed
bottles .PP 11ALSAM - 1r pplfE.
• itQUND ancl'so,stulden Was thAt we forgot
erer had a Cold. • Those who are' Officte ma
d, y
try it ttiib:it our vdcoininetidation.4-Lendsteuli 7s/e
';' sale by
' • c S • 1..1.1.0TT, Carlisle, , .
• '
Altio, by .Dvitnists generally tbrougliont.the
tpy . ...:l'l4cd 50 oehts ptribottle‘s-. •
10 0 '4' 4 .;-••• '
HVitthlow's • Balsam , of
The' liadiim
. li.Pegeitiple Pills,
is , tlie , baest..crime in. man::