1 0 HERALD &: EXPOSITOR. N. „ON:V . et . 1 7357 4 674 11 IS tll 2 - 011111,.. a t \At ti~ ettVtiott. WEDNESDAY, NAY 26, 1841. G'd.V.EII.NOR, JOHN .13 A3VIK-S_; OF 'BERK'S OOUJrIT, Dow, Ju's. • unmoNS.- , - 7 The: editorS o the N. Y ,:'Sundayr Mercury, are publish irig:the sermons Of Dow Jr. iii .parnplilet *Om': Any persott forwarding one. dollar, will receive the whole, front the boinmertea nient until they are 'completed. BOST6I...ATLAs.--!Willian) Hayden and '-Thos. M. B eM,ver, Esqrs._,bave 'become the Editors and Proprietors of the Boston dtlas. • " pc7 , _Tlie„‘Baltitoore Sun"-has Wen-en larged and otherwise inaprOiet,L in appear ance,-. 'lt is, Sr vahrable jo,pcnpj, and ive r- ifre pleased to circulation keeps pace with-its merits... 61-Trie Eliiladclpliia "United-States . ", is a.paper of the mammoth 'size,.elegaotly printed; and filled wrth \ much that is'useful. and antg~csting.. Amp,: dollars a...kear. _Slepli.e),l_,qcsagP 1 . ?931z.C.4 ~cvci.Wx.EV,:l,7,lo:4l,o2olly'nuKriof;"-f;F;Dvreos: 118 Nteitaty.7-29,-One. 131,1_41 oldest ministers ofl'Kc 13 ii{imore~uiiial -"" • • Confeyence ,of the Methodist Episcopal churcli,-departed this life in Leesburg, Va. :on - Friday the 14th - instant,: in -the - 72nd . . year-of „ . Wo"ol,' . of the United St.tes At my, is now on a tour of inspection of. the -fortifications'Ortlit- United-States.- • rThe - trial of Dr. Bradee,.the grey mail,. robber, was to have taken place' ii . . Pittsbuizh . last Week. •If is said that. At torney General Crittenden -would attend of the part of the prosecution. . -Jacob-K. ,Gillin was lately convicted at Dover, Delaware, of kidnapping, and sett ' teneed.to four year's imprisonment, a fine • of 1500 dollars, and lashes on the •• bare back!- • • Delaware is certamly.fai;)ieliindlier"sis-ter staips-in-point of eivilizaitim. • C9rpo realpunishmeitt-is-a vestige of barhallsm, and always has the effect of driving the Victim deeper into guilt. ..A man who ha' been publicly. l .Scourged is lowered in his .own estimation and in. that of his-fellows —he• is putout of the pale of society—all hope of repentance and reformation is cut and-be.,becomm-desperate-and-fit-for any crime: Delaware should at 'once get rid of this foul blot upon her otherwise . -- stainleis'esCuteheeth '" • - A "Tike." - Courrry.—When this (Cum berland) county' was erected, in 1750, it .conhraced all the lands, west of the Susque 7 balm: river, " TO, THE SETTING :OF THE -- suri,'" (the language .of - th - o - ir etTatleed of Anirehase from the Five Nations. to the. --- Penns;) and ",exteutling-froth'the-mouth of the said river northward as fin. as the • . • :.Tay. l. inientasachta - Hills," (Bine - :l1loun ( • lain )-. It was beonded on, the . . south by 0,.... - , Ife Soutlll Mountain. The territory of •Cunaberlan k tl, Wasafterwards curtailed by the erection of Bedford, in 1771, of Iyortli: . umberlanilin'l772, of Franklin in 1784,. • 'a f Mifflin in 1789, and of 'Perry in 1820. Frottleotneoi- these many' other counties, lave heen - -:forntetr. -- Altbougirtembracing svitliinits limits so great a belly of laud, it eoptained, in 1750, only_ 807 taxable in . habitat*. Iti 18.10,:just ninciy years af- tor.,tbefornaation of the county, twilit as it lias Caen of its fair 'proportions, Ct;tlllier- . • land had a pollination of, over thirty saint souls; and the territory which origi-, nally belonged to it (within the state) has 0 . 6:)4* a Million and a half-more. How are betivelm 'Old Fort Pitt and .:j , t/46 - Iteitiog of sail,"_ we have not yet ascertained. Well may this county be called "•Old. Mother Cumberland," for I*.ity,sheis - the mother of counties: : • 41.ltYLAND ELECTION: !the retinif of. the Maryland election fur • nreMbera of Poigrese, has been.. most cheer tti the .Whigs, hiamtiCh. es •it guarap: l toes ,the. ,supremacy of'. the, .party-.in Opt' et.ate.',.' The delegation in the last Congress • . Whigs"' to 5 ' loeofoeet(1-, new ,they stand ft` ',whigilo 2 locos i mg a whig gain' . of 3. ....! - - . . •Ncoirni CARQUNS., returns of the election in. North Carolina, as as heard from, show a whig gain. of 6Member's there addle proseeet!of:gaiiihig t,Wo there. O:7.We will be able tio, give i i ouititiii „ . , ihe complete returns ken „ ozoVe aro pleased to learn that JOSEPH C. Mars, Esq., Editur of the 'f:Crawford (Pa.)'Statesnian;" and formerly of this rough, has been appeinted.bY Mr. 9ranger Pos Lasater. at Meadville. lishis-is,an ex cellent appointment.. Mr..H.,,f .roan_ef_strict_intogrity, industrious, habits, and 'during the faet. : four 'years has done battle for the great Whig cause with much .ability_and:zeal. Mi. Hays,- on assuming thedtities of, his new office, has, we think with much .propriety, retired (rem theedi tonal ranks. Volunteer has failed in its pure pose of exciting sympathy for the fate o is favorite, Sterrett Ramsey. The Loco foco journals tacitly admit that his-dismis sal was .right and proper, .upon Alfa - Presidant to tlismip also . Captain -Stock- ton, of the.Naiy, (a Whig) upon th.'ci same. grounds,' Of Stockton, we know nothing, - and therefore' cannot speak but wo do know,tbat a more noisy; brawling, and of pOt-116iise—pcilitician—than—Sturrett Ramsey participated tibt 'in the late cain paigar -As-tlie Major, professes tii.be a de-. niocrat, be 'Must admit the. correctness of the doctrine raid down by Mi. Jefferson - it telittien - to the inteifironce of governmen office-holdeisin the 'elections of the peo - • If he - AocWite - Wlll - bow in-quietaub mission,and . acknowledge the justice - o his- unishmen TIE EXTRA SES9IOk OF .0014GRESs . will assemble at; W'ashingtoti on• - .Monday ihn instant. Many:AA - the venibers are already .in that city,..ind others . arriving dail { j~_.._Wa.lnticil n ,,,ate.from President, Ty-. 17113 7 - 0 bie r patriotic-liess ge - , 11 i "s'aid''Fie - Avill - give'vr . ttre - propre his - views' as to what should -take the ' , place of the . Sub Treasury. Our- own -impressioniS, . - that he,will at once.and without any !lasi -, satiOn - , - , -- recommend the ,passage of a bill chartering qt_A r ationtii - Bak,-as the only measure -which.tan rescue the cOuntryfroni its present embarrassments., As the tne.s• Sake will beiookedfor we will lay it before . our reatlers - airth earliest moment posSible, and. also• keep - them advised of everything of iritportbnce. which may occur. during:: the sitting _of. Congress, , • . • Tun Spiummusnw.-=—The . 'tanks of se r veral . distinihished gentlemen have,already been mentioned . in connection with the Speakership, and among them „those of Joseph Lawrence and John Sergeant, of our own state. Itlappears, however; to be pretty geiteriely conceded , that ,New tlng land is entitled to . that honor; -and she has accordingly piesented the names ,of,Cush ing, Briggs, and some others of her many distinguished suns; either of whom Would till the Speaker's chair with -ability and honor. While we are unable to tell who" .!.) e Speaker, We' . are convinced that it wi u the .'nerveless''' Speaker of the lasl,-Congress. 11737.. We give_in.to,day!s_papti_the_able letter of William 11. Reed, Esq., of the State Senate, in relation to the credit.of the State. Al few more. such men as Mr. R. in our halls of legislatimi, and. Pennsylva nia would have i►o fear that heeciedit would MEM )6 - injure( :ter at home or abroad. 'Be is talented, independentl'and honCst, three great-oharacteristkcsla- the-com position : Of a trite statesman. Ile understands, too, the resources and interests of - the state as well as any other. man in it. We will endeavor to make room in our next number ftir the second letter of Mr. Heed. Prom the Bosu) Atlas. . THE NEXT CONGRESS The result of the election of the members l ot Congress in nineteen States, :renderS. it - not - Only - eer ta thatn' . the - friends - nt the-Ad ministration will have a neljority , ip the neat.-Congtess,-but-that_the majoray_Avill be later than that ever before had by any party. • One half of the 1-louse of Repre sentatives is 121. The, :Whigs have ready chosen nearly that number, and in the States not heard from:, or yet to •choose, witl.eleet nearly thirty more. :The fallow ing is the result,to far as a - seertained, coin pared with.the_elections two years since: . • NEW CONGIIF.9B. pea CON6I4E6S. Don. Locos. ,IV. Locos. Maine, • - 5 - 3 2 • 6 N. Hampshire, 5.- 5 •0 5 • Vermont, 5 '0 3 . . Massachuset4s, 11. 1 10 2 conheefieut, • • 0 • 0 0, 0 Rhode IslOnd, 2 2 - , 0 New York, . 19 • 21 . 21 19 Ni w Jeisey, ' 6. 0 • ..' 1 , 5 PeOnsylvania, 13.. - 15. ,17 Michigan, 1 . • . 0 ..1 Ohio, 1 , 12 7 • 8- ll Missouri, ' ' 0 2 0, -- 2 Kentucky, .11 -• . - 2-11 ' 52 Arkansas, • 0 1. 0 l' Virginia, 11 10 •8 - .13 Georgia, , ,0c ' b 6 '".3, South,Parolina, . 1 . • 8 1 , • 8 Louisiaai, Delaware, Deni.,majority in Ne4•'Congrese : 3l)" Loco Foco •in the . Old, ~6 - Net DethoerAtie gain, 44 'Tito foilovillg jwillo' probable. result in the, Siejee noc-- heard ',frouri,Vii compared with the' elbel two. years . since the first place. by the money obtained.froth -the --Ba tths-u nder---the -Re venue--la w-- of-- the last ,session iindeetheproviSiens of the original bpi:L.:charters. ..,.:AVelmve, seek-it stated in several of r thepublieprints; - that the laiv ollast session increased the-public debt, io the amount of three millions of dollars, and that no jneans had . beett pro vided fcir its payment. — This is-obviously a Mistake. The...whole amount proposed to be raised by that, laW ; or. neatly so; is specifically ;appropriated to the. payment of debtsraliendrineared by the state: So that the public -debt. is not thereby. increased and it' is also expressly provided, bit no - further progress shalt be tmade ikthe. con struetion of the p i ublic Works; -- uptil directed by future -With .regard to - the -revenue provided by the law, it is the opin ion of gentlemen who have fully examined the subject, that it will probably reach two millions of dollars, a . sum more than suffi cient to pay the' interest on- all the state . debt; and it inty be proper here to remark,, that the revenue part of the LW Will go into operation, whether the banks . acceptor re jeet the - . provisions relating-;16 - theinSeliii.ST and that the sums' specifically appropriated for the payment Of the interest oil - the state debt will be kept in the treasury and applied to that erect exclusively, independent of the action of the banks. - • • Whatever defects or hardships there may be in the detailS of the law, so far as the .bauks are- coitccruCti, or whatever ty thore may be in the talcs proposed to be raised, on different classes of our citi zens, we think there caunot,be-a-doubt—as to the sufliciencieS. theanmunt sto meet all the Outten& on the Commonwealth. These defectS acid inequalities, will soon be discovered, in the' practical operation of the law, and can be readilyNrrceted by hiturc legislation. It rgiiiiiiiirfald,"that. the fact should be ktiown„both here baud abroad tlf !lave been provided punt: 7 ivally to pay . the. interrst on the public debt tokk : to meet all the liabilities of - the (.orn mmilvcalth. .%. •. • . G ENEMA L EAR .1" 'WARR!- , SUN, . The foregiing is coppo — sed — finfii — iliT letters found - in the lowing extraordinary word§,: which were the last ever titteeed by late Chief .111agistrate. "l'is no more sing.ular . than,true. ' • "Sir—l wish you to understand the true principles of the Cnvernincot—l Wish then► carried out—l ask nothing mora:" 7 —North-, amplon' courier. Appointments by the. President. William C. Lord,-VullectOr,_:=Wilming-! 'vice Lewis 11.• Marsteller. • Abrahain Inskeep, Appraiser, New 'Or leans, vice Sheldon S. Clark. • • . POSTMASTERS. • JaMeS•ll. Turner, at NeW London; Celt neeticut. • • • :John Wall, at Wineliesteri =Ay llic PosNaster Goicra ' William Giratins, to 'be Postmaster, at. Beilefone,.Centre.eo.,,Pa— 'William P. glliott,at Lewistnnrn,‘Mitgin •• • • county, E . . • • James V. Hentlerkini 'at Mount JoY r Latienster'eonitky, Corse of .1111:Leoil,FOrithe , prOsent-Oiti case dispos,OdAlf.' . :"Tho fctilowing : is -11!e, , order of die §tilirtiinetOOrt. ' 1 3. 0` , 0 : In Sta . it Court, Aray 9.0111, 184.1. The Pe Ali3xander defend .:who statute charged by Welt 'intirder,• having. beeir,brottighrliito COurf by,:thn Shcri(l;• of Wei Cinitity 'orllliagaro, byOf:a. writ of lialieas,corpui, antl:a /notion having been wade for ilia di4eliarge, bejog TA.. -ZO.rt,':'-::".'A'V-Itki:.,t.'.-T,lj);*-t.,:",:ittr.if,-V,:::.ttt'it':O_.:;l'igie..*:o.-64.*..p* PROM RLE RESULT. OLD OOkIIIESS Whig. Loco. Whig. Loco Maryland, 5 3 3 , 5 Tennoisee, • 8 5 '.7 7 N. Carolina, 8 5 •• 5 „ 8 AlabagiS , , , 0 5..2 3 Indiana, 6 .1 2 5 Illinois, , 2 1 ; 2 1 Missigtippi,. 2 • 0, 0 ,2 Including this with the above, tho vex House will stand Deinocrats,' Loco, Focos, Democratic majority, 60 From the American Sentinel. The Revenue Law. --- it-is-currentlyrep.orted, that • several of the city,,haults will not aCcepttlie of the Revenue 'and. Relief .bill,. recently -passed. -- by the Pennsylvania Legislature, and that others are hesitating on the SO- much in.angwer to those:who have as serted that the law in question was passed ,at the instigation, and through the corrupt-, - ing influence of the •hanks. The directors of those institutions will take into their con sideration not only: the immediate interests of - ,.theft: cOnstitnehts,lbut the influence Which their reception or rejection of it may have upon the business cointriunit . V. and the stockholders whom they represent, as a part of that-Community,tand will doubt-' less examine, -before they decide, whether -the - provilimis Of the -law:lii, - Mteition-- are correctly utlerstood, or have been : fairly repreSentedt4 . , the s ipublic •In the event of ,the reOhnritTr, - (iFrlny. part of • . • . aecepi:the law, We presume the Governor . • will .Ee under the necessity of . calling upon those who .refuse, for a loan Amounting to live per cent. of their capital, under their charter, 'which' will enable, the commonwealth to Meet all its engagements nti l• the. revenue • part-of-the la w•• shall -- ; be ., _ • •:' • • •rtiqri: is not'a .doubt :in.our mind, that k494,Ya.M.L.arkilie...pithlic.llo4tavateitqw 41;11)Y-Ipaid:::faiid-that elLthe other lialiilities of-the-state' •willbe-tnet -in-due' tithe—in- 'itTbiilefit - nitesr,- 11 _ Died at WaThington• City, ." • April the Fourth, In the Year. of Our Lord, - One Thousand Eight Hundred • rind Forty One. _ _ probable, that the court will lie able to rein derits judgment .in the premisei,'at the *Sent terni; itis,thereepotteNciered that the defendant be committed to , thetustOdy of the Sheriff cif Alm city and county of thei.York, until the further order of the court. When the transfer has been made; the Sheriff of ';Niagara will be no longer chargeable with the custody of 'the defen dant; • . : (A copy) W. HALLET, 146 ' 96 ' For die lien* & Eapositer. MAJ. .G.•ToCtimAN's LECTURES • ON POLAND. At the elode - af the course of lectures on -Poland, 101ivered by Major Gaspar Toclt mmi, formerly of the Polish - army, in the .Methodist Episcopal 'church in Carlisle, and . terntinat - nre - on - the -night-orthe_22ll_of - May,.1841, the assembly was organized into a' meeting:felt the purpose of giving, an. expression of opinion :in regard to tile,in terest,and importance of Major Tochtuan'a lectures, with reference to' the present op pressed condition of Poland: Rev s HENRY SLICER was called to the chair, and , ./bhii ltreClinlock appinnte'd Secretary.. • The following. resolutions • were : then presented,to-theAnecting_by_the-Seerelary;l viz • • /68 . olutd; l :Tliatrthe thanks of this.meet ng.are due to Iktajor Tod . manjoy his highly interesting and instructive lectures upon --the: character-and-hiStOry- of-the-l'o-- lish people, and the events of their last struggle_for•liberty. ' '• Resolved, - That: wo , symfmthizo.with the inhabitants of Poland their - oppression, and belie‘w"that the cause of 'liberty nithat country is Identified with -the genera Vi n of freedOtn-throughont the worlil. Resolved, .as Major . Tochniait's . object is to diffusemprrectinformation;and to refute, misrepresentations which have, circulated in the United States, iii regard to his native_ country, for : whiCh task .lie :both by in Tier late Revolution, wecrecomirienil hint to the.fayorable often - 061) 7 6f - die American people. . -. ,These -- resolutions . were • sustained by Professor alt3:i ,iii aniappropriate ad dress; lidfOwing is a report : " Mn. rntannnNT—Ttlo not 'rise at this late boOr of th ,evening to make` a - speech: resOlutim,s, jusioffereds-by my friend 'Heed - no. ad gate.. I presume, Ro . voice will be h , ea d against their. lam wilting, , however, t express more fully-than teould' by my, vote alone,.how cordially I approvefi the'sentiments w h ich they contain.., I eau . ' witty say, midj..presume• every individual wholms listened to the gsPant--exile-from;: Poland, ean . say the saute, that I have been both interested and instructed by th.eiie,lee tures; tthavl have better knowledge of the history' and character of thi.Polisir nation than 1 had - Wore; and that I feel a stronger intlignation for the - wrongs, a higher adad ration for the achieveimids, and a - more profound. sympathy Vor the sufrerings of that brave and magnanimous, - hut unthrrtt nate people,-than; I ever - did befori'., • -- - Had- Major Ylicionatt arpeared'ainow. - MS to:preach crusade agaipst. ling on our people to.tak - e up arms and fol low him to revenge his vountry, we might haVe;:regardcd him as we would another Peter the Hermit, earticd away by time tor rent of his own fanaticism, and onivortby' the m.tice of a sober and reflecting peo'ple. had he come among us doling out tickets ul'adtflissiou.at-filiyvents apiece;- to might I:tve suspected that. tho' flame oil_his pat riotism hall been lighted at the altar •of avarice, and that lie. eared more II)r. him- sill. than for his counuy.. Iltit he came to -tell-us-the- story of his country-'s , wrong s . Ile asks mit for men, nor arms ; nor money. l'hat instinctive delicacy, which is always 0 true mark of a "geutlemai►, does not Permit Itin 'to demand even the paynient of his own personal expenses. He cattle to - vindicate the -- eliaracter'itif -- ,ltis -ebilnity= .ten ; and to. excite the sympathies of the freest people on earth, for-the most op-. pressed. Ile pointS to the monument of lieseiuseo, - that looks - tchfir'upon one of titir 'rivers', and to the . grave of Pulaslii that 4" hallows our soil, and asks us nut to forget the ,_ .1C nation which giiVii - hirth to the heroes who assisted our fathers in. their struggle for freedom. lie came to assure us that " Poland is not dead,' Ind sleeps;" that her soes, wanderilig in wile in every land, have not forgotten thesoil that contains the ashes of their 'fathers and the blood of their brother. 4. slain in . its defence; but that they are ready, wheuever new combinations in EuropetuLaffairs sliall;;iiive Alieni_KeruiSe ol success, to rallgain with the tvateli _word," pen.AND:FoitWit I" and • again to argue with theiroppresSprs, as on the plains of Cracow they aygutal. lie-came to con- Vinee:us by telting..tis...the things. which lie has seen , and-knowsond in ‘vinali he him solcitirtekno mean part, that,so far its the fa'te of ii:Scouetrx depended,on the efforts efilitir patriotic sobs, - ,'`,Bartnatin fell with . 4. eut a crime;" . and he s aslts us that she may mit !laic fallen "unwept." ___Butit_tuay_lie_miguireilovhat..possible benefit these expressions of our syi thy can he vi . Poland.? Mr. Preside; ,' t lure r t is ' a a principle in the human breas . , Which . makes us revolt at injustice ; arid in the present - condition 'of .the.„World. no . nation can long resist the eniteinents rebuke of the rest of mankind.. - The World-is now. 'go; vtirned, more by moral - than by physical power ; and if the .peopic of nil nations . : would speak out. and Say ? We cannot (*- Sider any•natkon safe, so loeg as the, set,' jugatien and pirtition of Poland shall stand as a: precedent ottilke;ree4 . ds of . hiStory,, andthree despotic poWerS, , that.iiiive:pat'ved., severed her,..up . aniotig themselves, Would.,fcel too uneasy, and, tee'itosale,,lotig iii clutch. the spailkiif their robbery.-, --Iliey Woulebe Obliged: to-i . iciat to, the..kentoe.';- Straneeit:Of mitlittligeteit, l ,WMOttedPti..., : land might be ..agilinßitstered i.itriliat. [dice atne . ng t4.natiyns,:o.. Which her services to penkltid;:and:the'liittriotioo,ef,lier'lwo7 . iFei plc 'riehlrettitle.tet;..,.,. -- . • ..',! .:..1.-.,.. : •,' ' I. ~Ott•aoaro 'Mt.: , Presidenl'i.,.that!iiten iiroli,reititittli'egtiteekOAhe't4olo.'t;(iiiitiek; . as -.thew Of . lediVeltials..f by die ioi,t4 0.4f1i,t their 4idt . ioo . ; j . (sp4iiiisif4ossi.o4o*4 , 0: , 7 . , • rapoy:.),tolpoil4.4.:Jiw.4 : :, 0000 , :ifi - pottpi . . _ ~ .. .. . tien .uribtieceSsfid resistance is branded as wieked Or foolish.rebeliton. . Let us not be•blinded hy . that tathe philosophy which :tells us, that title, defeated :patty is • always in 'the wrong—always, the party which ought . have boob deeated,. • What else is this than telling: us that "tnight makes right t°' . and that the world has gone qnite . back to . • • " The good old the simple plan, Tkitt he• may take who hail the•poit+er, • And he may 'keep who tlan.'•'. This . Mr. President, is doubtless - moie agreeable -- to ihe - robber thairtti -the robbed. Yet this rule, in all its -naked de , fernity, .is ,precisely the principle which has been practically milled in regard to Poland;—a principle that would .shelter aggression •the most flagrant, and injustice the most atrocious, under the specious mune of-humeteprogress. Lhesitate not.to say, that I believe ';no people ever made .more genermiS sacrifices for liberty, or 'fought against, fearful odds with more determined bravery„to secure it, than *the, Poles, and that no .nation was. ever-. more worthy success. ,Yet' Poland has fallen. Her ' wrongs, unredreSs . ed, call 06,1 to Heaven for. vengeance.. B 'soil, whitened, with theibones or s auglitered - heroes, sends up the r.et •us give her, at least the tribute contained in the reSolu • - . . • P . • . The resolutions were then unanimously ailoßteAtogether-xiith.- : tlefelloivingt:7 -- - Reebtvcd, , - That the proceedings of this meeting-be-puhlishedin the papers of .this Borough. • After 'which the meeting' adjourned. •• HENRY - SLICER; President. JunN McCusTocic, Secretc&y". - • ", • FyiEnt 7'exas...l3y,the' packet ship New York, Aviticit arrived yesterday . . we-have"received - Galveston. pipers to the oth received by Texiptilltiverntuerit of the 5 11 4.464*11egq0.0.1,9.0fatt,t10, 1 4):L:,:._ . ; :,p. ""; Col, NV in4-{4,-Cn01444u1---E—Unricson, tint!. Osrs: Antonio #ergi:o 'and C, 'Van. Ness,havi: been appointed to represent the - Texiaii•Governnidift to people.of Santa' :Ttlre—sqi pedi shortly to start for tha,ti.place.. _ M. Saligny,.the ,Freneh Minister, and Mr. Flood, Charge of , the United States, have arrivCd it Calvestonoit Which, place if is, said they. intend - to. pass_ tho.summer. The Civilian expresses its decided be : .lief" that. the Texian CongreSs , _:_wilVnot charter a National Hank; A steainbo - at, built on the Trassos, was to have been launched - On the 6th instant. Tho itouston Tehigraph of theJith ifiSt says—The cultivation - of:this grain (wheat iit Travis county, has lately been touter tak - en by Mr. Sioith,.and with a prosper of great success. . • At the last session of the county of Bra zoria, one of the most impolons in the re- Ph tyke, grand jury could not find cause for indicting. a single person:—New Or kans . poptilarreotolits of flit'. Widteht day are which clowase alid pu- Air tho awl \lllll . ll arc k111)111 to hr innocent 111 tlo:ir ronctlios as Ale; orv,,Aii thootty, Zior, aril ihr recourse to. Jilootliog in ilia t.::: Os, arc t.wv dot of fasitioti - i4OI 1 ercilible • iO - 0 icopilln” iticdicillt• how. L'ilindreih's ie:;vtai:b ., i l - lliveiwat P.'llo ii' .used and appreciated. Thi.y aro Isomt o to ztet on (.1(1.;. part of' Ow hotly; !wimp: ninon op by ohs thry pass ititg the t 1 hicit Ahr)_ -Pod rit.--sho.ltil 'NT retopoth, r,41 that day whores out% thosh parts Iron) the blood 11;tlt iattso oi.indatootatitut. Nothiog is ot l t'd t't ritltlittg the liiintors si i tit 7I legeul- Llrowthrioc of •this which eighty-lour yi..ars list vo-provittl-oet er-to-do-ittjurriott-tt,ira3-s-gionf. ry.f.i . - V91..5.1.1.• in Cm•lioic by Cl'ili. W. lll.TfiElt and 111 - I ' l7/71//:l4(2int - CUltitir - 1.1)' - " Aijel I t9 - pablislie,l it ..- ituivilscr part of ill * V..; VI II VV. . . 'The Cause of:Disease. N,,01y itil class.; or disease, are caused by some iilistrttaiont,iiillia.ls)-steta,-m, bleb-prevent- the -myt h& iwil W holesome.operatiot •of Use :lions Oohs. This id:dept . the syst, .0, is disease, whirls is mailirested iu a viiriCty'of fumy, tuovfcce less ma= , iu their To restore the system AP a statecrfitAtli,theti,itis culy. necessary _lc yeinme 'the cause ufdis.:lSC,:lllll - the end is avuomplisl• The cause i 5 obsti colic! somewhere. This can he rriiioved iiy plow. ti,ow, whirls is the mempUliat. • 0- , :zvii_ , 4l-4orbrctrust.W!si. t3I by 1 . 4:115011, and by nature. 1)r. Ilarlhilt's St -.-iigthettie7 and German ..I.perictit ll'illsotre allowed bythe 011mPa:toils who have toted 'them, to be the-best purgative•!nedi eine in existence. ' Ilecau they not only remade all obstrtictiews and ptirfie the system or its ito pori tics, hitt because,ettat•wfitelt extrenwly intportant, strengthen and „nice proper toner-to the stomach, :Ind pi•odneei a healthy: itql hitt „I : all the parts. lie.iotle%•e, they are so Heidi and „elide:in - their operation, as to render them at all times a perfectly sale and ilesira lilereniedy. Tbe afflicted WOlllll do veil, then, to mirchase liox or two of this itivalteiblei' and giVe it a lair trial, instead of tlestro3•lng Omir sry - i;Finicicitle - Tifi=repratril - doses-tirtnilennelyand-olli er things, : nlitittrions.to luittlait life and happiness. • Principal thlice -- No 1 t/North - Eightle - Strect - ,:l'liir- -- ailelphia. . •_ , For sale be Alcers & Co., Carlisle; and Wm. Peal, l S!!ippeaSbtirg, • ` More Proofs try' the ifficarll'of Comparityl o:f Prunus Virgiliiitna or frild - 1\13'4. IDroon, torner •of Second - strek, and the forks of the Germaiitimii road, elreetually iipivititioi were . .g_t_tutral ilebil;ty; attended with ai t . oll4falltCalitil, 01111 ut (TIT - !:sitlii, breast and back, ith other symptom's belie:dive-of 1'01mm:1r - 7'1E6w ease, nut essential to intimate. '''Aftee ;Isla); tits se ' einal bottle of titi medieine,-ber Cough entirely disappeared ; and lice strength inereasing lust; mid by the-lisle o.le tisvil two bottles mote,she fotiud liet.selt4teil liana all pain Mid .other tiiiiietts 'aiit Symptoms , . whieli:atteetleil bee diseaSe. 6lic is pow eluving iierlis.tt Width, mid willing to give (lily respvetlikg ,her cure ; recant.' meads thin Syrup to all :knelled with gle or 'a disease:of the Lungs. .- Prinuipal : 0111'etk; No, fl'Nortlil:iglai . ,treet, • :.7;01 silly byNtyel sq 4:. 'arliSlei.,and Win. l'eal.Blkippetisluirg, lin. • ' - -• Children Teething- 11 , heik We hetiolil "Ilill4of Sftirtality!' we tutu tom recoMett weekly this ilinnber, mie half the fu the elreel" L inotherssa!iy loner : starer . their Clear susteheti-front:tinia hell it 'eerittitt reptetly is; b 4) lep W I is Da..Psy..! i5 ' ..504 1 4 11 1 110 a pljki IF, TEETH. or 4ilotlier.:, will nurse's, (tie there that bless the.thty:Aev first .lieetttrie itetittaiuti;tl„w the,yletties ref thislttiiiosWo This Sy p:!alkop111.41- .iiiirEiery; , :vi . liere• there are 'yo.ung eliChirei), , ylKrelpy . sweet,`mpens6 will he Pkmeere t 4l , awl (.110, enjoyment: oh pareli44 their • deuveat . .s . prtkig,rgiAtiretFt9. , tlieln • . ' ;3,z,(11111t14,, iuul of couttilit !Atli with act, of Congress.' Beware, thi;fe 1s n 'spurious imitation in the niarket, put up in Orin bottles; lud the-uttme of Paris spelled di root. . Prineipal Office, No. 19 NORTH EI HT STREET, only place in , PhillttlelPhia where , the medicine eau be obtained, Price 50 . cents: . For sole by 1) r. J. J. Myers & Co., Carlisle %Vin. Veal, SliipPensburg, MARKETS. . .• Ealtithore,- Nay 2, 1841, CATTLE.-4he small 'number of Heel cattle which made tilt* appearance at market for the lust Ty Weeks has entitled an advance in price, although t e Stook Clawing during thepresent week, has been large. 01-350 Italfre bee# ,tilrev_ed Sinop this day week, 215 ‘ , ',44;• readily taken by the hutch era at $8 to $8,50 per 100 . , 1b5. The supply of Live Hogs has been littge,iinflaales - lave been made at $4,75 per 100 lbs. n hicli shows a decline. The market is now heavily stocked awl very dull.. .-' • FLOUR.--In the early part of the week thepriee of Howard street Flour of goodstmdard brands ru led from stores at $4,6'23, and sales to .gothe extent -were made at that price.. The receipts . tale' defy. •light and but little oflerik for sale, which has an advance within a day or two, and sales have been made at $4,75, which we quote as the price this morning. We gaol.: the Wagon pricein'Pritak•-; lin street rt - $4.62‘,. GHAIN.. -, --1174 - !•ol—we have to note a material improvement in' prices. .At the beginning of) the week, sales of good Pennsylvania reds were made at 100a101 ceeis; yesterday sales of that same:were. nauleat Waned 103 cents; and to-day sales of prime. Pennsylyania reds, have - been . made at 105 and 806 ets. Ibr shiPment. The supplies are not egual.to • the - de m) nd - . -- tualpa reel s - are . readily • told on' arrival ;1 'There are - )iti.Supplies of Maryland Wheats iu any 4. quantity. • Corn.—We itote sales to-day of Md. white 56 cent's., and of yellow at 56a58 cents. ttyc.--Pennsylvania of, good quality is worth . GO cents. We - ipicite MIL at-54a37-tents. oalB.-1101 Afavylandand Oats are very 'scarce 'flit minted. We quote Mil. at 38;140 eta, With sales it both prices. • The last salesilf were early in the week at .34 cents. They would now coinniand a higher price.. WHISKEY..—The market is t entirely bare of, Wight - Sales of tibia. in the early pailt of the week at 2) and to day at 22 eta.' The wagon price of bbls. is now - 18 cents, exclusive of the barrel. The insPections_ of the week comprise. 100 barrels :Mir 12 hhds. Of-which 12 blulsrand 414 barrels Were re caved by the Baltimore and Sttsquehanua,Rail Romi. Ind 802 harcelsly tlie , Tide,Water Canal and Ildialllia 111Vei% . -- • . . MINIS IRA 110 r I.lhtt_.estatte..itc_gt;mbetit,ree g 6ohoitt ero r west Pelmsboeou g h towuyLi l i , CuMberlainl coma, have this day been grantt l . to the tinker; ber, residing in wild township; NoTICE is he'relty "a 4 ? given to et•son - s lasing claims •tigainst the estate of said d neased;tp - presentiinifirfOr sty(lettrept;-mnr thoselakiklittaLto make payment. MATTI IPAV' 11.1111.)SON;Atlm'r." May '24, 1841.- .6t** ,:i.to-ihe heirs r." natives of (limey Shenk, lute of Newton town:Alit) .'l4lto notice filial ‘oll.ltoitl - nn •oti Writ of Partition or rttloatipat nil Jiti . prentisett, bate of Henry Shenk, tlett'tl,, on. Alontlay the 7th day of intte, 1811, Al 11 te a efottk, AI. *vitt:re:di ititere:;t col way - attend. • - • • - ,• . • rAul,.m.kirrix, SlierilY, Sheriff' Office Cailiste Na} S . , • . .• • To the heirs and legal riptesenta7 orJoku shaArer, .lev7d: i late of Cast Penns . . _borough touTAldp. Take notice' that I' Will hold au Inquisition on 9 NVrit of Partition ur ‘altetihin on the Ovoid:AN late of John Shaeffer, tlec'd., tin Friday 'Ow I nth any of June, A. D. 18.11, at II o'clock, A. M., shoe all intet•csted cony attend.. PAUL 'MARTIN, Sht•rifi. Shcrill . ()Mee, • ' Carlisle May 81 , IS•11,-3t - • To all clainairnii : Coid persons littereslut Notice is' het.c.by given that a writ.o(Seive Facias to August 'retail, OM, hati:been is sued tint or tint Cowl of Continint I'teas land - entnitt., on the folio win... ":11ealiiittErs Lien," entered anti Teetnated in the Conit of COIOIIIOII PIC:IS viz: John VV: 1 , 3:1,11 Weak ley. Sei. Fa. htlr. 1IC1.11:111i0S Lien, NO: 13, August Term, iSil. PAC!, M Sherifr • Carlisle, May '29, 1841.-3 r. $ • . • • • Sinn; ma ri at. WellsAworg Lottery. class 1 , , fin: 1811.—T6 The (Ira% , t at Alcx;iiiile:a, Va ,ou S'atuvilly, Slh , ,fuut•, 1841. . GRAND SCiIEME 30 , 000 Dollar s . • .--„F s l m ou o -or-5-por r - 3,000, °UAW, , 1011,017. • • , . . ' • -400 Prizes of 51 ,000, &c. "Ti . ckets only $lO-11iitces$5—Qoarlers—V2,50 ~ Celli licatesul Package§or'2s Whole Tic kets $l3O • ::::Dims - - T ----- - (la . ' -- . - '2511:11r--1 -110-- _-:115-:= Do. . ' do • tr; (biarler do 3'2-50 .• ;lass Nu. 5, fin' '.11,1.---To Le tlniwn'Ut. A leNandria, un Saturday, I°2tli June, GRAND csrirrAi H. •3a 9 95 DoHats' ! • Ago ' 1,10 ,000- 7 -4,000,--3,100---3;29•2 40 Prizes or 2,000 r. Doltars, fie." • Tieliets . slo-1 !al 6.fli#SAttort.4•4•s Certificates of Packages 01 . '25 Whole Tiv1.4.,48 $l3O Do. - 414 • 65 Do. do a quarter do 50 i rgi WM owing ga Int - Lofilerv;: C 10.: rim. 1811.-I'o 60,th-int% at Alex:olth* Yzt. SattiMay, the Nth ur,ltte, - Is4l. GRAND, 'C t 1 $30,000-$10,900. $6,000-75000.=-4,c00-4:,500--2,000,--1.,747:. 25 prized of $l,OOOl • , 28 prizes of $3OO 25 du 500 1.200. '2OO. V... , 50. iietliflvates of Paukogetiof W lig it: 'MU! s $l3O Do.. do 8511:11f do G s _ Do: do ‘2s'Qiisiler do lUnimi • Loptcry. 3 Prizes of $25,900! A•MOUNTINC TO' WO Doil,la• I. " • • "75,1. • • • • Class No 6 ftw 1811.-=-To be drawn Alexttniltia' D. C. 011 Satimbiy,tbe 4 26llt• I'B4 C. • (I.,MAND, VAIITALS. ' 3 Priicp, of - 1.925,000* Doßats'. 1 do. 10,000 do: • 1 .• ...,00f) ,:I‘,ooo do. , 61) jiiri.es of 60 ,do. '.!,. 300 '5O do. *5O do. 05 •r do: - ' -•-• - dok, $lO--111 . 1d1e5'55.-Qualtiers !ft: evviineatt3 Uel'aeliugetior '.5" ‘l7 hoje Th1 . 011143' 0 , 1)6-, du; '25 11.101: 6 4, '. A:4 • '6,V+V Foe !rickets'/nut .511034 .4 fH.lIertificati', , v9f Pin A.. /Aid ii t, u vy , udfF trolh:rics;= Etc' CO. •Miningin% ' AVnt3liinctmalty, 1):' , OP.: • pier: they airy intr. An • it ikolt3 • NE W LIAT MA NUFACTORY. • , . . '.l l tr.M , 11,,TROUT ) '''. .. BEGS leave to Worm the citizens . Of Carlisle mid its vicinity, that he has, commenced manufac turing fiats, of the latest fashions, and of the• very bat materials--comprising , . , ~ • - • hussia, Braslf,' Beaver; Nutria,..and.: all kinds of R IdTS; .'.' - ....- . : .-', • -FU % I • of ' tilliclia general , nsiortnkat will always -be kept on Ilioul, or made. to suit according . le. order;. which he will sell on the most 4conintodating terms for cashOC.Colaary PrOthtee. - , . ~ - ... , ~ _llis,sllo.ov.ilkije fodtal In Loather-street, in the house formerly "kept .by Lindsey Siiotswood as a Flatters' Shop. • ' Carlisle; May 26; 1.84.1,4,91 n. :- ' ; ~ . W..'B..KNOX, dTTORN,EY ✓IT .1, - .9" 7 ,. ~• CARLISLE, • Office a -few doors West of the i l ost 7 ;office.: -• May 0,1841.—tf. NEW STORE. has. just opeliptl at new aqtl hand= some - iisiortinetit of . . • - • SPRING .GOODS• • * suited to the season, in No th . Hanover street, be. the B a nk mul Cornimmls - part of Cloths. Cassimeres,• Sattinettri;_Vestitiwi; CPIIIS, Stripes, Skirtings, 'Sheet ings; Ca inliyies..la collets, Edgings, Lawns, Alouse'de &e. .•-- • • - . .A.tho - , • • - • , Queens'vare. n ad oc Greries- • . spießs, 6 111313S'E, arc. &v.' Also, , --/10,147/11W, L.EOl(.9#.l . Y.R.Afin PALM LE::4F , 11.31'8, togetlwr with a great variety °rotifer goods ' Which lie will sell low upon aCeoninfedatiog terretk , ,—. Prease gie. him a'eall " - • May It, 18-lic—iy. • NV ill be soul, at, Public Salo, oO ,tic' • 2:1(1 of Rue' tiekt, at 'Z o;olock, 31., on . , A Farm of 1 - 47 ai.cfos of? Slato - arid Liniestorit - Land • .9 in Notth D9ithikelrnt towilshiji a! l ;itialitri:Ti ' ;iii,ilololHUi.t4994l4: .gnod _ Ot7 l, vs • LOll lifeacse • : • _ - tm - ile.t pal t eti)iitj "u ill fair siql4es, ii itb , hitticatid ftimf isa griltAry.with X Cellar- - finder; , • . • 4 ?`• - • • 011,011ARD, -- ( • • - together with other improventent4. Arnim. lOU acres 3111 . 0 cleared, ttatier_good fence and inn high:Vial; of - ell Ili val inn, the remainder is eoveri•il with good tint- her, a part or n !aids is -Locust; springs in trearly all il.e fields. The Cmiitilogiiiitt't Creek rattemis this fatin on one side , 352 afford n , - location for water works. Any person Wishiti„.• to' purchase a fa:yin:Of . 11As ifeSti•iption win - do Well to it, its l - ain detertnitied to , L Application.cati lie made to . Valentine Ilse litt•iti or to the sitlaferilier lit Carlisle. • (LOSS' LASIBEItI'ON. • - May ID, 1841. . . * * The Village Itecottd, NVest Chester, Exami nee, r. - * Lancaster .? and Eagid, Iteallhag„ Pa., will publish the: above 4 times, mark price, and thaiv this ollk.e. _BONN 'l'S. lie4t reCei veil at the New Store, of la?ge mileti,. did assortini ; tit Engt-isli Straw 'and Morena Don , . nets; olretsal for sale at low.iirieen by ,tIINOLD & - Alardi "31, 1811 ITOTIOE. • •- • - Estate, of .tames '!..larke; det s 'il. • FITTIRS OF ADMINISTRATION on (lie 14 estate of .hates Clarke, late of - Soothanipton township; Cutobialund votintv; have 'been granted to the subscriber, residing in I lopewell ship, eonnty aforesaid: NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having elaint4 against the e4nte of said de- . eeased,in_prestad 111110 for settlement; and Wow in debted to make' itinaliate' payment; • • ' DA VII)'S. RUNSIIAW, • .//fker„ op Jantre CVarkei-viecU. • Public Sae. Ily virtue of a ilveree of the .Orplums' Court of Cumberland county, the subset . :iber will sell by pub , lie venthie, at the Court Ilthise, in Carlisle, on Nth day ofJ tine ni•xt, at '2 o'...Nek, I'. 111 t — The one Outfit bled. hUll of a Lot - of eieotnitl, in litatittiril on tbe by Poiniket 6itci 1 , on the \Vest* by a 1. 0 . 0r,3011, Derainiey's heirs mit .! the North and East by amitiMi• kert or the same 104.. coo:timing abimt turfy lima oit &mil skeet, and kilts,. feci in depth; hat i tig thereon 6rreled .• .. • A - sloii mitt a half Brick commonly known by , *te mune of the .9fricali" Church: . I • •3011 N .641risT, Alay,l9 rB-4 • N..13'. Ceol•ge joist iu sued lc olthe (Aver hall of said property. • • . " Superior 6lroeerics.i), 'rite subscribers tire just receiving:.New Store iu fpuioier street, very•liiii, assortment ! or CROCEllifES,.Oo6Hikiiig iu Ilan of Su- - and 'a variekr.of Comlinicuts forYuble-ue. ITN - JT,AIVERS Fres!' Driigk, Milks.,.,e•-a:7"gi6.i if loifilry: ••. . , Oar assoi:linen( tit :I)lags, finokS; Simian:try and s ..ancy Articles is now IL:011)111dr ; which ',wte st { ll' sell for rush tower than tlir} • have ever liediedlß+o in Carlisle: , 1 . . ._ . 'JOHN J. l'ityliits &., OtY:* . • . Sprit "006"1.: . • ~.tliestilraittidi.s IMEM • _ • • .Dry 001:(0;'•:: whicL they: will hell at' rtiotletial¢,ju'ities roe among Which will he thitiat 31, ease Oialleys; Bitaluet avid-Dress Silich,!' S it.4l. s laha •Alho, Mark. Mullah. Shawl) :not Nro'ius% - Atoloar ona Twitted' Glehia4.4oo4 - , IISS1.1;11114:11t I)l:TOrtOiMi TwkaialSitle Combhj,. 13.1111:i toe and Decaying' (Jambi; with a variety or whet' articles not chattier:4rd. • .r.. "-- 11).TNElt 131::!:11%;LIVANV.. May 19, 1941, 1 1.1;314111S 10-••14. lONOI6 •nou Avitts. 4l3 . i siiiii!exed 'won lilt CbilOtt. N4IIVV . ' 004'111W 4)l.'Aeujinkijobuist,..dcol„ii,avh t p; ; . ~ 'is.strs.4.4olllq comity r. perions'ilidubled, rk.,4lljestedriiimillarigiyor.i4 - ,44,(llAttoo4ix ; trs - iii - cl{titur~,ujntinsl ; tend 048 w, to !pr .e,Olful.' 1-41 V ma) l )t;.:4 duty outlwodiVAl.l:for . ,•, • • ',! ' • JOUNAL ,Aliltirridl• uta • • - n 1 - 7tr e .lßT6l.- nt tho mew ~..; Mity tit. •':: 1,!,••• M!!MUI M.. HARRIS. '`U:===