El Presh Medicines. ~~ MI .. • ~.. ."5570,•• ---"" ...,....---4 ~p} »©~ i 4 ):::;, " .. '4l.` , isl l , 3T., 4 , -, ' 4 k• 11 tl ,4 i 01 , -inb., ~ . 1 - A..•'4-__g*••=•!!...•!,, '4'• )=i.,1P31,,, _....5745,..::- .—,-.--1 ",1 4 (31 ili l Y . Fl-'loir#36l?'4ll4iv'':;: , f l'j' 4V, Nil.' Svitiiir.'ltitAizi-..;,---.,,, -,4,1,4.,:11.„.c.,w',b # ..„,, ~„,,1,..e.4,,,,.10,2_,,., ,5,.., •••3-...:,,,,.-4...- • .> -1 A,a,rizev -- ,- Ar,,,, v , 7. ,.., -mil:,„z, .-- g', ...••• - - ~. .... ~, ~._... t ---,__—..,„:.- .. , i c : k.t, .. fie 1 ~. \ oL. -- ” 0 Q "...._L • • The subseiiber Imi - recently reoelved:large addi tional supplies of lßfletDciraacs, Dye-Sflifirs; Linsee'd Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal ' Varnish; Painters' Brushes, Varnish, Brushes, flair Brushes, Spermaceti (verdi fine) 'Sperm Candles, Soaps in ;'real ,variety,.. Glass . Lamps, Cap and Letter Paper, Fruit, • Spices, : Perfumery, iS•e. ‘S.e. • which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants and: others, .W.VOLESALE or ,by ii.E;TAIL,' at tho lowest rates„having . -puithaseilentirely, for cash; Jie will offer barg4ins to those. who•wish-tii-purOhasOLat wholesale. S. Mardh '24, 1841. . New. 81irisaz Just received-from Philadelphia an essovtinent oC '.• • SIII , IIIZ lg1:10 - 00, - of dio'newilibt l•••ba and' fashions ; „splendid Oliiita . -'Silks and !Ulm ls„ . Monselinc dell.aines, Chintzes, GlovcS, Frenel - Owpeked Collars, fee. Also, of large nssortonhit of ' .- • • Cloths,' Cassinzeres, Chdcks, (S.c. •. All of wltreh will.hc sold very low 1.3: i ple ,.. S f u l l , s t i; . l l l_bei Ittilie old stand opposite S. IVloolet , o . . I v • CIIAItLES 9(.1 . . Airayoi : jp, 15 11 • ITOVISE Mil) SIGN:PAINTING,. Gla:Zitio'•intl Pa per - flanwiti , - . •••• The stibset:ibth• ,e 9 hrtnwpixaii. irc r _ i 1T31 . _ ' - '/VriffketlitYllSP; —llll- )1011n b3.gt(l'l3tloll to 111151111755. 1110114.1 . :110 . . i argeN,' to - VTC 6ye lt Fa tr‘l • '••• • . JOLEN' Carlisle, Feb,. 17, 841., T tirS . l9 LTA— A fresh s•tppty-just veceive.,(l—at the store or Ma MI" t7 - 7Call at Kt:1111W a . .s:hop if you 112aiit - : \ '6; - 74.r.E..:4 MEIN MEE MEIN Cheap Carriages. THE subserilierhaif :my on hand and is , nishintr,, between 50 and rd.) Carriages, of difrerent pci ces and patterns; such as CO A.CIIE.ES, • Falling Top atcriniches, Standing top. Family Carfiages, Tilburies and_ Buircrie`.4;,of every 'variety.., • -both Carrbees'anil ITilbbries... will he 'sol.sl cheaper , than ever offered in this country before, prices SIOO to• $4:00 for Cash or good Paper. Having a very heavy Stick 011 11:11111, t h e sabseribta' will be induced to sell vi t try Inwolial hopes that persons wishing. to purbliase Carriage's will give him a call before going elsewhere. Also, a large assortment of Silver, 13rAs8:and . Japan'd :MOUNTED HARNESS" I : oth Double 47kati gita,4le. !Theh above Work is made by firs Crate Workmen, and of Ow choicest materials. ' ir-Y7 Repairing done_ as usual at_ the. stbseeibor's Slicips, situated pu Pitt street, immediately in rear of the MCtliodist Church, and near the Railroad Depot. . . - • F. A. KENtsZED'a`• Carlisle, March 3,1344.---3 m. Ckett.i.4, Cloths, •Vc. The subscribers will their stock of Cloths, Casshneres owl other 11,7o(gtt - Goods, q very lew for 111',JLVANY., 17;.1&1l CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY SALE OP ;$ iffirantirellis li e i?„111able sal Arc held by the following agents In' their counties,, As •ntimerous countrireits - or these: phis ave attempted to be palmed upon the communi, ty, the propriety or purchasing only from the recog nized pgen6, will be apparent: ' • •Cnritherland County—George IV- llitner,Carlisle; A. Riegel, Mechanicsburg; Gilinore F+; .MuKinnev, cwiiille; S. Celbertsmi, Shippensburg; 'Poke Brelinellll6, New Cumberland; Isaac Barton Lis born; ,M. G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Riege*Co. Perry Comity—Alexamb:r Ala,gee, .111comfiel 3.—& Coyly, Lantl4l)nrg,. August sf,, ih 10 MoUSELIENE iit LAME& 3aq - received, elegaat. Moes. (le Laines at 20, 25, SI. 37k, sD'aud 75 cts. per yard. CIIAS. OG UAW. March 15, 1841. ..: The Celebrated fillorse - WAKE F LIE D ,‘, „, -- -., Will stand for service r' 3 " : 7 1. A !luring the season, leant ,0•414:101 , •;) ' meiTing on the Istlif • .., :yRWI , I , •, . pettand..entling on the "' al 1 4, 1 stpfduly,. as folio ws— lii gonday, Tuesday and V ednesday of - each . week, at Middlesex; iiiiil Thursday, Friday and Sat-, urday, at the stable of Andrew Roberts, in Carlisle. The terms are $0 fok the season, and $lO for insur ance. . . • 'Any person parting with nu Insured Marc before she is known to be with foal, will be held liable }tr• the insurance. • • • , ' Great care- will to taken, but- no accountability for accidents. - JOHN THOMPSON Carlisle, 401 Z, 1841:--3m - . thorbugA-pred Horse, priTE .PAift **. •;, t : • * Wi l l stnnd,the ensuing se - ascii; tt, the•terms set forth. • • • thy - lirtnd bills: . 4 • Peter Parley ;sof the very best ,racing . 00 was.'got by "Oscar"—his, dam _.....ttnetstlVilkesl'AVAS' by, thecelebrated At,,Sir-Avotde'). • I usandam. by "13edforii"..,his 'g grandam by "DavP.Asevje'r - his grandamby hisg' g gr . /111(1RM by.Synns' By refer.. , %. epee to, the Titrf lien aster, it will b3_seen.thnt "'Onte gavtiy,'Titroleon,t dam,by."l2lsottr A'Andren'ettas bY kosetireTl ',ari e bi"mqiitriotith'i Ecliose,?'Aiiiltew by'tChiciat 'are'amcing.tne ocisful •ItitesMi snow on, t he, turf, - havntibbth:ttriend '.lOO o fo ~. r •nlI CHAS. OtaLBY (*cap . The Stilteribere have on.hand a largeaseinettnent !Of Cashinere,Thibet, Merin9,,Broelia, Chenille anti 'other Weds of ISlinwls, which they; will 'seal at . a smell.advance for Cash... • . , ' .• . • .7.II7'JPER JUULVAVY 1) Airiasic sz - pnEvqll qf,a Herretyle,.l:ef f, titlheASTew MBE . .„ . I.have, just,' received from D. L i andreth, my spring ,s,upplY. of. Garden Seeds. 11.11,A.INFED • "'RESIT.. • • • • .S.. ELLI.OI.I"; . ', Pob '24, 1941. - • . ' LIFIESTL Copperi .. .. l §l4,ect !Iran anal Till 1,1114 gßiazurafint to ry, SIJI)3Cil.1.111•Ilt, thankful foC• past favors, I would inform S public, that he continues to manufacture at his.old stand i it,,Notalt If:mover street, Carlisli:!,o3urtite •Cornalan'6 evthy artiek. iu the line otitis turineSs, such as Ira,* lielifes,Wye Keyles, Ilatters' 11e3,..110tt3c . Spoutiqg t. ay.l every variety of Vie- 1 , 3 'are .." s • . -,.., . ~-,..---.. • Di'etal,- Stove - Pipe, 4 hripping PaiiB.,•,3•,c. . .1. - ',..-•:--•:.„,,........--- ; :i . . fv . He also- o irer•s -1 or sale: . ";*IIM3I ' ' If- O• • C,VcilatV, - ,Parlii ier, , - s i l ii i.::lva-..a. . 0 3 ,,, - Chamber* mid -Office' ' i .:- .. zt -. "''7 t0 ..-' - • ... 1 • : ..,% 1[ Citg 'i,", iY , ...,-- 7.-_,_ - ____=::::__ . ---- W:7----- - "--"-- : ivanil'or_doal, or eiTry ‘itieaai pidterii--‘all of wiii , ll he" will dispose or ota the nio.st reasonable terms. • ' • 1. Alsc).lins (n• sale t h e improved flotnei I:n . 9l:leg Si" , )tcis, ‘rltiell;tre suverlor to eiiy cave el- fi.T;4l it; this 1.811...:-7:191 13= il_ it €4 :A :,I IJ,S eeoitivn:llll3,ll.tie-j.int ye- eck - vil anti ma! aim anct.ia , ..,• a vt , t.v larici! and apleaTrii narwtiliaat.ol'.4ll.l.T.S:7;ll.,•:Pli I , INGI-1.: atl-DO--)II'.IS TIC- ^ • . . . • G 0 0 'ITS, • which linvo rare in -the Eitirk !I 111 Plitt i.'‘k 41iich lkvy respect Fully :1111i'Vklillly if/ ea!: :511(1 examipe, bled I r ploase, I *tlueiPleills than afiy flitet't!ilH 1 111:111I11 , ”tt. ill -Ow I:ottilty.- - -Tliry-ti 11.11)py at all-Ailpen who are lesientis or Navin ;; •- e C e 314. 1409 a +TA oods. stn,•!;'tvill be round flute,. Black, Bran. Cdtleil, Olive;Catlet, Altilherry, cit rott;Claret,..Alixt Deal), and a variety of low priced . 1 3Lct) " 4 ..t° IT - 1 53 0 Sonority striptol and .plain I.Ontlon 'and Buckskin Cassinivists, premium and low piticoid Stittittetfs; porky Silk, Satin, Velvet, Valencia (:cried, Strip f!,!, lAigtitt,l.Ol and • Plaiit SlarseilKs and Cassinfore Nrcstitigs. .gtotoOal assortment of all finalities and. colors of • Irainfer Goods. sititablcs, for Gentlemett's Superior Black Italian I.ntestrings, Gros De Naps, l'o De S was, 'Gro's De Swiss, and Sctislusw eltisst zes,JaceArts, Cainbries, liobbincfts,Plaiii Mill yi gured'Swiss, null nook Musling; Shawls, Urcss Ilailllkerelliees, Scarfs, Veils, Ribbons, Ste. A 'large and 'excellent assortment of fine 'and. low prieed Calieoss, Irish, Table, Tow - 01111g and Table Dialies'y 'Crash 'Msislins, Tiekings, Cheeks, Cords, Beaverteens, &c. A general assortment of Leghorn and Straw Boosses.s, Unslwell.ts, Parasols, Also, an extensive assortment of • Groceries. and Qpeensware, of the most Rtitiroveil Qoalities The public nrc.re spet•trully invited to call and ,imlge for themselves Is. they it'e determined to sell cheap for eash.oe country pi'mluett. "rAv ERN :Ire • eespeetfolly invited to call a n d ex . ainine their stork of Liquors elsttAkere. • Centreville; Com. Co., October. 11,1.840, EDVE TOOL al a. TS lir U 1. 1 ,1111 .0 11):f The subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Car lisle, and the public generally', that Ike has •taken the shop nearly opposite the Jail, where he will be pre pared to matinlacture to order, on the not reasona ble terms; any :ii•ticle in his line of husiness, such as • . • Axes, rick.; eke. lie will alminitend tn - Streling and Grinding Axes lie solicits a share of public patronage. ' . d. JOHN HARRIS. Carlisle, Nov. 5,1940 Variety Store, &c, VIE, subscriber, thankful for past fa6rs, respect fully informs the public that•hd - still comemes to "hold forth" in Church Alley, near "Education 11:01,!' where he has now on hand a large asiOrtment "ernotions,coeSisting in i:0, efAl le following: Bread; `Cakes, Cheqso Bation, .1 lams; Flour.. Seep, Cider, Spices, Fruits, Sweetmeats, 'mr other necessaries cileplatEiffer this meredian. N. Mlle-also continues te.k.Lep.an 11:ding Ilouse;', where gentlemen can be - accommodated with Tripe, Pigs Feet, Pickled Oysters, &c. at the shortestuotice. - • JACOB SIEG: Sept. 8•10:-1 year. • attv .17ffardwitre r Grocery, A• Mit Tr • sTORE. - • Fp LIE subscriber has just returned from the Cities of New 'York', Philadelphia and Bal timore, and is now opening at Ids store room S. E. Corner of Market Square and - Alain Streets (for. merly occupied Ly Guo. W. llitncr,)•a general as sortment of . Hardware, : tone Ware, Cedar • Ware, Britidiria 1T are, Groceries, Oils, Paints, Varnishes; Gldss, Brush . es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for Lumina. Camphine Oil, . . null a great variety of a ticles useful and necessary for furnishing . and keeping a house. He hasalsO,nuil will constantly keep onland.. , . . Camphine Oil , . • • 'a cheap and elegant substitute for' sperm oil, and having been appointed .the agent of Messrs. Backers andßrother of Newark N. 4.,•f0r the sale of Jone's Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared, to fur nish Lamps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate to all .who may wish to use this new and economical light. Having seleete4hie , goods himself, and made his purchases for cash, he is ableiand is determined to Those hulag the cash.to fay out will find it to their advantage twgive him a call. • HENRY DUFFIELD Carlitile, July 'B, 1840,-tf, -Lace Goods. large assortment of Thread Lace - rind Cambric an 4 Swiss Edgings tout Tiissertingii,f(ir sale at reduced prices at the store of , • - • UffErIN=MI ,• - • • , • . 4-tttu . - Mit*tutiltio•*• le - ehan ics Ltu rg Line • „ . Between .111echaniesbarg. onf , ' . .Pltilaolelphia or Baltimore.. - (14.1' RAIL .#0.11.) .OR CAAVILI • THE sOscribers trateful far past ravpfs,. bet; leave to inform their friends and the public. g'enerallf,Ttlfat eonthate to -- run . a hue - of imrthen Cars,regnliu•ly bet Ween Meelmideslierg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and pro duce of all deseriptiks will be forwarded with care and despateh*the lowest rates of freighti.. PrMime will be redeived et- their ?Warp Houses. in Mechanicsburg, tmd forwarded to either ,Phila delphia or Baltimore, according to the dlruction pf 'the owner. . The highest price will he gir for .Whcat and Flour. . ' "' DRESBACII & WILY. N. B. Plaster of Ptiris and Salt 'alwayi - kept on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. July 1840. 7 -Iy. ' • LAM ANM FIGURED MOUSELIN pE EtEt SLAIN LAINS, offdred for sale by • • . ARNOLD Sz Ba,rga,ints, ',Bargains. • " Cheap Goods for Cash. • • • The STthscribers, desirous of vet:Men; their stock of Nterelnunlize, plFer - it at reduced prices for Cris/r.' •Tri6ii;i4itiltock Of • - 3 1 202 - 010713, Cassiuzeres, Saline/Is, Illerinocs; Flan . nets, 4.c, y e. • will be sold at-a very small. ildvinice. ._Such.perions _as are desirtius of obtaining . good bargains Will please call at the store of • . • 11,IT NEU : Sz.IIII.7I.VANY. - - IC4l3.'Tlie entire stock of jlerehruirgiTe will be sold a bargain to any cue wishing to -engage :the business, ifXnplication be made immediately. Dec. IQ 840. . . • Bla,ok'Vralnut flank ?I - IHE. Subscriber , wishes to: _purchase /tl. I_CE any quail ity that may be offered; for lcilich Forty Do)lars eatilvver thouSaltd"ft:et plank_rneasure3yilltie Said i'ku/V. to Ite .of good quality; two iiiches Ina ....one,:eiitbkliiii.llllgli , P.P.ss li ..:., Ogi:t(Mil...W 11. -0.rj 1 10 1, 4.! 3 Iti4itt, maiiinnuiliatajv for nt 1011 - foßi 7 lii•deil to the 1 • _ . oilier inform :Ilion-relativeto 81111 i 1/11)11111!SS ())111 1)1! TIM on appliciition rlisle;.or by addressilig. t h e subscriber (Gast paid) residing iu Philailelpliia. - - - - DAVID rI~DLD; fir. .1,t0071 Fitint,EY BIM December 30,1 - 00,---G ini).l! IF7th - - - alilligajets . —improved' l'ettent horse Ppiver.. THE great encouragement,. hereMfore received from the salemflasmachines,imluces him to cif fee to the public a new :mil improved Horse Power, which can be shifted in gear or out .of kear by keys, and shift the band t 8 give 'it 11%:e different revolutions. And he hiss tui hesitation in aSstiiiingtlM Furmersthat he is now Bile to furnish them with an articlefar su,. 'atriar to those manufactured heretofore— For speed and clean dirk:Shim; and ease to the horses, Lc be his Machines to be unequalled. His prick) is $l40 --seventy drams to be paid cash, and the balance in six - mintilis, for which a- note wilt be relpired with intru st. At) - person purchasing a machine and upon a filir hid, not being pleased, can return it. Ire will at all times be ready to furnish them on the shortest notice; orders tram a distance will be punctually attended to. Ile will also repair machines on theshOrtest 'notice: WILLIAM :MILLIGAN. Ncwville, July 29, 1810.- 7 01 . LL COLOURS OF CARPET thAIN, for 11 sale at the New Store io Shippensburg, by • ARNOLD R ABRAMS. Bal»i of Coynetbia. • Consul's Vico, ? Philadelphia. S ENOW ALL 'PERSONS to whom these pres i eats shall come, that I, G inn ERTSOXT, BV1 . 1.4116: Majesty's Consul _for,,,the_City.of Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Hobert Wimp .ton, Esq., nho attests to the for; oing Certificates, is Mayor of the City of Philadelphia.; mid that Mat thew Bandall,Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court of "Common - Pleas for the - citrand - ennOtrual;Philadel phia, to both whose signitures, with tlieSeals of their respective offices, full faith and credit is due. ll:further certi }j, thst . T am personally acquainted with - Joseph Inglis,one of the signe.rs of the certi ficates hereunto affixed; which expresse,s the efficacy of the Balm of Columbia, and that lie is a person of great respectability, and worthy of full faitivand cre dit; and that I have heard hint etpress his unqualifi ed approbation ( - tithe eflects - of the said Balm of Bonilla, in itestorit r e , t his hair. Civet' under myinind'and seal or office, at the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the United-States-of-_ rneriCa; ROBERT WHARTON, Esq,_ late Mayor' Of a Philadelphi, lllts.certi fit:a, as may Im'seen below, to the high character of the following gentlemen. usedundersigned do-hereby certify that have used the Balm of ,Columbia . diseovered by , J. Old ridge,av and he found it highly serviceable not Only as a imeventive against the falling oil ofhair;but aho a =On restorative, WM: THATCHEOOenior, • Methodist Minister in St. Geoilte diarge No. BG North Fifth st. JOHN P. INGLIS,33I - Arch sf. TiIONIAS,III. D. 163 Race st. S. FUREY, tot Spruce st. HUGH. McCURDY, 243 South 7th st. JOHN VAR),), jr., 12.3 Arch st. „ The aged, and - those 'who persist in Wearing wigs, May not always experience its restorative qualities, yct!it will certainlyTaise its virtues in the, estimation of the public, when it is known that thiee of 'the a-, Bove signers are more than SO years of age, and the' others not less than SO. •• •• • - • COMIONWEAIITH OF vENDI9YLVANIAI . . •City of Philadelphia. I, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor'of said City of Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I atn well> ac quainted with Messrs. J. - . P. Inglis, John S. Furey, and litigh McCurdy, whose names are signed' to the atboye.certificate, that they arc, gentletneitof charac ter and respectability, and as , suclatlll credit should •be given to the eiiid certificate. Iu witnesP whereof, I have hereunto set myltud, r r and caused the seal of the city to be affixed, the sixth day of llewmber, • • ~ • ROBERT WITAATON, Mayor. OLDRIDGES.BALM OP. COLUMBIA For/ THE HAHL—ltspositive qualities are as fol Ist.-For infant's keeping theiheatlfree froni.scurf and causing a luxuriant growth Of hair. . .1. • 2d: For ladies after child-birth, restorinP, the, skin to its usual strerigth and firmness, and preVedtingthn falling out of the hair.'-, •• • .. • • Atl. For any person recovering from any debility, thn - same effect iftproduded. • 4th. If used in infancy tiltn mind growth is started, it Marrhe preserved braftention.to OM latest period ' sth. It frees the, head from dandruff, , strengthens the roots, itnparts-health..ambligor_ta•thecirnulation• ;and 'prevents the hair from changing . colour or, get Ming gray. • , . • . • • . • . , fith. It causes the hair to 'curl itsautirolly when ,0 done up in itosier night: ' - '•• • Dom' L 41. K Q Pao ladies toilet should ever be made without it. r,, , (1.4421114 . 7th. Childreivwlio have byony'meani, contracted •'ThiSuitstiriberiinffer their present Stock of 11' vermin in the head, are iminediately. Mid perfeetli - ?,•• chandion at reduce4l priceo,. and' will continue at eh cured o f them by- . its i*litfallible,•-: n 'Oita Moil' all' is void... A, large portion - Of . eh , :'•For ale'q the drug' • store 'of - Comstodk-lk,•cmig'i %talk InOffernd 3 0.05 t. •••.' • , • • Fleinlier, greet Ottarc-'l"adriittad nrri.44; venoii k:DII01510,•••' k; f •• !, • f „ • ---- • • . . . MIEN 41-1 tiE 4 1-9 N . G 1 MACHINES .GILI3ERT IZOISEILTSON.- Read' the fogowing. [From (lie tlfiryoiA Cral '''' Deltas h• • r,, . . COMMISSION & . FORWARD. ' ' 1111 INGMERCHANTS, - 1 Have ECM6VCIIO to, capacious Warehouse recently occupied by D..l.6ech Sr. Co. at the north-westearner of Cherry and 'Broad street; Philadelphia: I. l'rona the !Wales. Which the location and internal arrangement td . this „depot afford; 30 to 40 Burthen - Cars can - be - accommodated to unload and Matt at:the same time with, sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels or Flora., and 400 to 600,t0n of Grain exclusive of the ... forwarding departmeot, . .. .Prodnce;of every description will be received as usual on cintsigpments, and liberal advances made on receipt (if requirtl)until sales are effected.. -GRA IG,JICLLAS Sr, Co. • North-west corner of Cherry k Broad st. . . . . - - . , . • . ' Philadelphia, , . - • REFF,RENCES. , . W.„ S. Cobenn ' .Cashier. .- .. : . - Uenclerson • & Parker, - c ar h stc , Henry li.limn's, . .'• - 1 Saiinderson Lv..llossermati, J ,h,•, 0 1, Swnyer, Newvige. ''• •• ' I.)avitl Nevin; Shlppensburg'• . .1. i.x4an_Sjnitb,l3sq..Ctoliier Chamber Ours• i Lister,, Hinz & Car' Itobert Fleming, .. ;.. . Catikerwond S.: , Craig, •phit a mphi a . „Wm.li.,'•Flioryipson & Co. 1 Whitall & 11rawn, ~ . IKE ShIAT Q)! TKE TIC Ell A CHRONICLE OF aif,_,Field,Sports, Literature alu the' ,S:tagd WITII SPLENDID STEEL ET:II,II.IICGS . . WILLIAM T. PORTEIV;LDITOR NEW VOLUME FOR 13.11. - The 'First Number- of.a.New Volume of Tilt; Spirit -of the Times" will be issued on the Gth. (SI March, In the - course of the:year, n series-of MAGNIFICENT STEEL ENG WINGS, uni form with the embellishments of the preceding, vol umecwilrbe- presented-to the subscribers., A Por trait of MONMOUTH E'CLIPSE,from 31 painting by Tuoritovill commence the seriesond bessucceed ed by those of other'distinguislied horses during - the A List of AMERICAN WINNING HORSE'S of the . preceding year will lie publishedorranged.in four distinct I''ontr.s 7 -one of four mile winners, one of three, one of two, and one of tme•mile:winiters.- ' _These . tables' sh•Jw• at a glance the winner of every race ..or 6 - 6 lii - t - 5i. , •:,1-,IAS --- Agerctilor, - pcdigree, - and ,o.witer:rtlte, ttiiottsv,,di r tlie.i.r.tp;igltt-siteriesloke-ii tinN2i4.thWfototo4,24. l ",.T.Ktilt.44**l VtillTilto-4114h1TAMWIto•rae.t7tierLitilMMT:191.1W ori,,,•••inallY. published. Tlie - se fables are , compiled with intinitepare and labor, mid great• expense; they are dr-_wimiciwilmetioivoseOußtincrease"hr • value eteryyear. A list of I;N( ;USD WINNING' HORSES for the same . yeae will also be published 'Aullie---volutii arranged in_thri__English form. --A Table of the AMERICAN WINNING TROT TING-1101ISES,-witlrthe-uge-colin.,--ondier,litno .made,_iveight .carried,.borses_Ccaten, .6i.c . .1&c., will lie publislatil in ilas volume; and:ln addition, there uilLbe abstrnct rrve.V.gmat Trottipg trance in: Aneri Ca , for several years lick,..witt, site chi) refixence ioJlre time made. This abstract has been compiled liimt ;it-relit) authentic sources, and will -be extremely 'interesting 311 i ttit, eddy METE RECORD OF AMERICAN TiuirriNG ever attempted. • • An Alphabetical List of STALIONS.cor• I 8 U; in the usual will also_appear_in an earlynum her of the volumeodul :will he found, convenient, to breeders . for. designating this age, coor, edigree,. ownerodriee and price of standuig,of nearly every distinguished Stallion in America.. - lit additi - oir to the various subjects enumerated - a. - hove, the present volume will contain R faithful and and copious record of sill IMPORTATIONS AND SALES OF BLOOD -STOCK, Sweepstakes,•Racing and. Trotting .IM:itches, and Racing Appointments; Essays. on Breeding 'and Training, Pedigrees and Performances of Distinguished Horsesovith all the Current News and On MIS in Sporting Circles, both at home and abroad. And : to complete the Sporting Department, full detalls,OrigThal -and_ selected i ;aill be given upon all manly pastimes, as linnting,Shont ing, Fishing, Yachting and,Boating, Petlestilott and other Athletie, and handy Sports. - Another part of tile design of the paper will em brace : 1 A • BREEDING AND AGRICULTURAL I/EPA wrmENT, designed to promote the interests nail Minister to the instruction of breeders of 'fine cattle, sheep, Zxe. Selections from the most approt ved American and English writers on these import ant Subjects will be constantly found in its columns. The SPORTING GALLERY will also be in creased by the addition of the „Portraits of several •of the most distingdished Horses in - the Union, en graved in us style of superior finish and beauty. • The - nekt - prominentdepartmetir is the-THES TRICAL PAGE, constantly devoted, to driginal critici sins of the drama , notices oftlie New York theatt•es; Green Room Intelligence, derived from an extensive • theatrical correspondence maintained with every city in the Union, and by which the pa yer-is already favorably known and widely circulated in theatrical circles.' Again, . Again, selections will .be constantly made front the periodicals of this conntry and V.ngland, and thus be fitemed a lively and elegant LITERARY DEPARTMENT, occupying several pages. ' • For all theSe varied Departments, ample room is secured-by-tlte -immense-inze.of the:prestud-sltect,- which for beauty of typographical execution and ge neral elegance of arrang•ement, is second to none in the Union. No local agents being empleyed by the proprie -tors;getitkinfortri slang tlMpapt , r-ean order.it through 'gr post. Minsters, or remit by mail. A 'lumber of files from the commencement of the volume, will be preserved for new subscribers. This COlll'Sm in adopt -61; as -the valuable Statistical Tables of the paper nearly:di appear in the early , part of the year. . Ternis of Subscription anti .11thiertising. For Mc Year's Suliseription, V) iu advanee.-- For Six Month's•Subseription, $5 in advnnee. For Advertising One Square,of 22, lines, first •in serti on, S . —Each subsequent insertion, ktil. K • r*Ex'tra topic's of the LARGE ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL may be obtained at the PublicattiM Of fice at One Dollar each. They will be sent to Amy . section of the Onion so enveloped us to secure them from injury. • - mu sr On:WS HEALTH ELIXIR. There.is not one case ofPeier.in a thousand, but may be effectually broken up and. removed 'bY the use of this Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion, bilious matter add constipation from the stomachs nod bowels It operates gently and effectually on the bowels, and powerfully on the kiffiiZys and skin. It removes all unpleasant lbelings after a hearty Meal, and promotes a good appetite. It needs only a trial to gave Perfect satisfaction. Him become a general -practice with many to use this article-in all cases of colds, pains in the bones,or heavy:disagreetible feel ing, tendering to headac he or chilliness. For hoarse ness; if taken through the day; it completely restores the voice" Without — prialucinOirokness. Whoqing cough, and all coughs of children are cured by st.— The_stomach is kept in perfect ortler`by it, and' it is quite impossible that any disease should coinusence while a. person is iSSitig' this Syrup. y.lt takendaity it produces a rudy, healthy, and young appearance, by driving off all :the humors of the system: Sold.genuine at 2, Fletcher street, one door below_ Pearl street, N. Y. by eomstock & Co., and by all respectable Druggists. • For sale also by STEVENSON & KU), Carlisle, Va. • WORMS ! - WORMS!! --• WORNM To reiniied these troublesome find dangerous • inhabitantii of the. stomach and bowels, which so often impair the health and destroys *the lives of children, useJayne'e Tonic"Verniifuge, a certain and safe.pre paration forthe renaoval Of theviiriouskinds of worms, dyspepsia, lone, stomach, want 'of appetite,' infantile ,feverand ague, and dibilityoftlte stomach land-bear ela, and oFgaps'of . iligeation.' Te . be had•at. No,•QO South Third street Philadelphia, • . ' Also to be had of Samuel Elliott and Stevenson & OintleCarlisle,Par 10Q DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM-1F WILD-CIIERRY THE CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE ,LUNGS, , . IIJA6I ROCS remedies have been - offered and '-puffed into notic'e , for diSeases• of the Lungs, some of which_ has undoubtedly been found very use ful, but of :dl that have hitherto been knoWn; it 'Mist be universally- acknowledged th6re is . none that has ever proved as successful as the " BALSOM OF wiLD cnERRY.". are the. astonishing restorative-and, heuliiigpr'opertiesof tlds."llalsami"tbat even in the worst forioirof Consumption, when - Abe patient ins _suffered .with the most distressing cough, violent pains i n 'the cliest,ilidictdty of breathi fig, mghtsweats, bleeding of the longs, &e. and when the most esteem ed remedies ofour Pharmacopias had failed to afford any relieGand eVcit,wlien Ifotanic,.notriteriathie; and numerous other remedies, had been used for many, niOntlisin vain, this invaluable remedy has clieeked' every symptom,and been productive of the most as tonishing relict: • In the early stages of the disease, proceeding from neglected colds,- termed Catarrbal Consumption, it has been used With undeviatingspe cess, and in many distances, whet this disease seem • ed to have marked its -victim for - a,, early graVe, the use of this medicine-has arrested every symptotn,and restored the lungsAb a sten:4.4o.feet health. In that form of Consumption, sa_peevaletit amongst, delicate yowl.- fetriales,Oomnaolify t6ined "going into ailecline," n conifilaintwith, which thou sands are lingering; it has also been used with surpri .sing SUCCCSH, tend not only possesses ntlie, power of di ec kimme_progress_of_this alarming di seas.e,ltut at. the same time' strengthens and invigorates the whole system more effectually than .any remedy we .have'eveu possessed. • Vf.. LIWVlat COMPLAINT.--,ln 'disc:ties of tht; Liver, particularly when attended with a cough, indi gestion or wandering pains in the siole, it has also pl•o -ved very - efileaciotts;-amt-eured many-cases of-th is kied-afte]r the most:powerful remedies hail failed, Dit - *ASI'IINI . X.-7-Iyi this complaint it . .ks also been used in nunierous 'instances with the most singular success. It opens the,chest, rendering_the -breathing perfectly-free, arrests the-caught, and will seldom lhil to give permanent relief. • n"'"13110NCI11f axamily iir all'llroni- ; claial affeCtions.of the tlirtittlottfended with a lioarse ness, cough or soreip the throat, also lir found a very -elfectual remedy, and will mostly afford irn mrdiate relief if 'used conmenectuent of , lta attack. • COUGIIS COLDS:-.-..Th 'common coughs and cold. that inlaidl w,i-extynsk'ely throughout tlic [ ,, Kititei , ;l . t-lilthOnrull-tnirett-tUtV-IllkocAl, * 1 icial.y..:oc-shoculess Iff_lirt ; tilliitig,ke., the use =ol• -this Balsam u.ill suppress such symptoms immediately, - audar the same time lircrcnt tl , loo%§_rculnbcconi 7 ing more ser[6(6lY'iliscaied: (0 - " - r ...,f;ROUP AND WHOOPING4WHIL—In these - n complaints, so-coniino . otit hildren, this Satetvitill - lielimm n elf stip - N.IM. t - the • Parego tic Elixii• Syrup of Squills, and the various, cough miXtureS iii tqnonfeti UsecaSlCfeentirely free frOnt ally thing the least iiikirioUS; end - may at alitinie - s - be given to childr'en with perfect safety-oml with the cer taintynf its affording them speedy relief.' • 0 . : 1 "-AS A FAMILY MEDICINE for niany oth er wield:aids, this Balsam will also be 11/111111 partic :Wanly useful: Besides' hating proved an iny:llmible remedy in all - Polmonary affections, Lulu:fiat a pow- - erfal influence over many diseases depeudin, ,, on 0 depraved condition of the system, end those wlio have stacred.from the indiscriminatefise of Alercdry; or other deleterious drugs, that are often compounded in different quack nostruns,.will. find it a.remedy.of great Value, possessing the power of strengthening And invigorating the' whole system - more effectually - than.any other medicine we possess. • - CAUTION TO PURCHASERS.—As this med icine has already acquired great celebrity t may probably be some attempts to imitate it, atRI , -tleceive the puldie, with a spurions mixture, to preveld which I would wish all purchasers to observe the following marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put up in bottles of two sizes each, haviWthe words WISTAR'S BALSAM. OF WILD' CHERRY, PHILADEL PHIA, hlmrn in the glass, and a label s on the front with the signature of HENRY WISTAR, M. I). without which none is,genuine. • -Prepfired - for the proprietor by WILLIA MS & CO., Chemists, No. '22 Commerce street, Philadel phia, and sold by theinost respectable Druggists and other appointed agents in all. the principal towns thrdughout the United States. vp . The Genuine Balsam sold. in Car lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint cil Agent. 'Price . 1:00 a bottle December 16, 1 . 8.10.---ly • • Behtistry.. • DR. I. C. LOOMIS,. TgAs_rotuvned to Carlisle, and will, as heretofore Up attend to the practice of Dentistry.. Be may be . found at 'Colonel Ferree's Hotel: Persona re questing it, will lie waited upon at their residedee. y Refer to C cotton 1): Forma:, ct . Da. PAvin N. ,111..tuost. Carlisle, March 11; 1810.• _ . lays' Liniment. -- NO FICTIOX This extraordinary chemical composition, the re sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med icarman, the-introduttion-of-which-to- the-public was invested with-the solemnity of a death-bed be; quest, has since gained ,1 reputation , unparalleled, fully-mist:tilling the correctness of the lamented De. Gridlley's last confession, that "he dared • not -die without giving to posterity the benefit of his know!" . edge . on this subject,.' and -he- therefore bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Solomon Hays, the secret . aids discovery. It.is now used in the principal hospital's, and the private practice in our country, first and most cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive ly and effectually as to bAle credulity, unless where its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow ing CoMplaints: -r-Por'llropsy,=-Creating—extraordinary at one( . Swelliligsteducing` thetlyin tfcw hours. • Itheurcuttisra---AiSlito or chronic, giving quick GM Sore Throat---By cancers. ulceri, or colds. Croup and WitoooingXougli—'-Externally and over the chest. All 'Bruises, Sprains, and Burns---Cured in a few hours. ' Stires and thcers---Whether , fresh or long stand jug, and fever sores. • Its operation upon adults and children in reducing t. kli umatic.swellings, and loosening eoughs mut tight nes of the chest by relaxation of the parts, has been Or wising beyond conception. The common,re mat4k of those who have used it in the Piles, is "It acts liken Charm." KLES.—Theprice, $l, is refunded to any person - who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for the tiles; and return the empty bottle witboutbeing cured. Theso•aro the positive order's Of the priwrie;. tor to the agents, and out of many thousands sord,not one has . been unsuccessful. • We might insert certificates to any length, - but prefer that those who sell the article, should 'exhibit the original to purchasers. • • , 1: Physicians . and. Patients: - . • The Blind Piles, said to he incurable by external applications.---Solomon Heys warrants the contrary. His Liniment will cure Blind Piles. Footsore more stubborn than theorieS.* Ile solicits all respectable physicians to try it upon ,their patients. it. will, / do_ them uo borm, - and it is known that every physicia n who has-had the honest to make the 111111,11 AS ;can didly admitted that it :hoc succeeded' in every.ciose they have known. .:Then Why not .useit ? • It is the minim of one of theirmostrespeatoblemembeus;nOW tecensed.' Why refuse , to, tise it ?Bemuse it is sold aura Proprietary medicine? Is'thiii a sufficient ex..' cusp foe suffering thcir - .honeitmitientsto - .linger_ In : tlistrea. ?.. We think not. Physician's shall be oon- vinced that there is •no 'humbug "or . ipuickery.abOut this article.—AVlly.then not alleviate human suffer— ing ?• ' If they won't-tmlt• before,let ufter;nll, nther'presceiptionii fail :, 'PhYsicians are respectfully, requested 'do theimielves and patients the justice to Ilse this article. It shall be token from, the bottles and done their. prescriptions Willey desire.. • 'SOLOMON HAY ' • 'Sold ilSr Conistook 8r: Co. 'Wholesale Deli hitt ; No. 2,Fletcherstreet,New York.. ; --; • ; ',Tot paale . E NIE4 I)INKLE4 . Carlisb, Pa:' ' inslotiVs's-Bitisant-or ----- : nOu• , ND . • 'An imptn;alleled mine:ollw ominnioli Colds, Ciiiigln3,• Asthma ; InfluonZll, .Oppgli,Brotkehitii3; and all diseases of the ,Breast and, Lungs; leading • tf)': Consumption ; ecAppOsed of the concentrated' . :virtutta,of Horehound, Hone§efinlood Hoot, erwOlk" and seivral Other vegkAable - suliStaners.--7 J. 111. , WINSLOW, Rochester," The itMocence and universally admitted 'pectoral viifiti~ of the, KerliS franrwhich-the-132,1LSAW0p tipitynouND,,iti'made, are too generally known to require recommendation; . it is thercfbre only fie cessary,to,,obserVe that.this medecine contains the, *hole of their medical properties, highly coneentrat d, and So Imp:idly combined with-several other ve getable substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain lentedy, now, in use, for'''the Com pinion; above mentioned,. ; • • For Chi/ firm, this Balsam is of inestimable value. kis a speedi , remedy for the ll(hooping Cough and • Croup,anc};tlfordscertain reliefiU Bowel Cpniplaints, Chalk, Teething;kc. It iihilikasant to the taste, nail may be safelpgiven to the tenderest infant and should, be kept nt alLtimes in every funnily, as it is much better 11)1 , the complaints incident to Chihli-Cr), than ParegOrie,Godn'eys Cord 4d, Or the Cordial s 130.00171- lfseq,sas hundreds to this City have testified.• Read the fi)/lowing:.--I.liereby certify that early in the.sprini of 1438,..1 contracted It severe COLD, *high Roth:Allmon pylungs, ;111(1 threatened n hasty ConsuMPtion. lOiled several prescriptions, but oh.- ta tried little or no relief was much alarmed.— Happening to' bit in Rochester, I was advised Ity my friend, Mr. AYinslow, to try n_bottle or his IlAtsAnt OF 1401RIO/Tpin did so, and to my surprise ob tained relief at ofice---and by the use of that single bottle was perfectly restored ,to health. To those afflicted, with Colds or Coughs, at this•inclement season I say "() and do likewise." ...LEANDER' PittsfOrd,,Motirdeeos:,'Xtv. 9, 18•38.- Me. John M. Winslow, Druggist, Dear Sir: I have been for a series of years afflict ed with aii tiffectidn'of the" Lungsottal a tided cotigh - , - . and Inn many times arose in_the morning as com pletely exhausted : by excessiVe 7 Cotigliiiig•during the night as sl' person would be by a hard days lither: have tried most Of the popular eemedies. cif the day, - but never found relief until t Met with your Balsam of Horehound. All the other remedies or - Li:datives, that 1 have, used, leave the ili a _ congested state,'while yours leaves.theni soluble and free. This consider a great desideratum. On taking it dose of I your ltalsam when going to lied, I test quietly the night, and my-sleep is,refreshing,'„, I 'Mks! great pleasure . -In--recmiuneuding_,yottr_ jbjsam_pfalfrgre 7. hound to arthose inieted with- ptilmonney coin plainta br itny'dis'ease appertaining, tollie lungs, nail ir l-takviia•o-gpiftettioartiFthatoti-folvike.Teiwri, , -. OFfoolt 1 7 1 ;wak ; ;Pg , "I'V5 1 .1atc.A.A-a t'rr47l' BPtiifiiTt tri - Vcalfc iv it Int - Melt - Melt . • „__,AV-Mjf . O.QSWELL, For sold by - Also, by Drtiggists generally throughout the nom _try.- Price 56 cents per bottle• • • . , • Irkeltudian - Ve -IPril • Area purgative medicine, so natural to the.lntraau mild; and pleasant in their operation ,dint not the slightest dread of pain or sick . ;teas, need lie apprehended from their use, even - by the most 'delicate: at the same dine if used 111 such a manner_ ns.to -operate freely by the bowels; those jnorliiil hunters, (which dc posited ;lain the various parts of the body are the cause of every ache or pain we suffer) Will most assuredly be removed; and not only will pain, or distress ()revery description be dri ven from the bodrcbut diiease in any form will be im possible:- •• •, • For the same reason, when; from the sudderfebang es_of at mospliere;or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, andthose humors which should pass off by the skin are thrown inwardly, causing headache,nau seau,aml sickness, pains in thebones, watery and in flamed eyes , sore throachoarseness,coughs,consump tiOnoilieumatic pains ill various parts of the body,'and 'many other symptoms ofcatehing culd,the Indian•vei etable l'ills will invariably give immediate relief-- Three or four pills, taken at night on going to bed,and repented a few tithesortHremove all the aboie un-• pleasant syniptoms,and restore the body to even soun der health thau labre. - The Indian Dlretable Pills, (Indian Purgative) are a natural, and therefore a certain cure for Costiveness: because they cleanse the stomach and bowels of those bilious humours, which not only paralyze,and weaken the ligestive organs, but are the cause f Headache; nausea; mph sickness, palpitation of thebeartOlying ;mina in various parts of the body; and many. other disagreeable complaints. • The same inay be said of difficidty of breathing, or asthma ;the bulbul Vegeta ble Pills will loosen and carry off by the stomach and bowels, those tough pleglimy hum ors which stop-up all air cells of the lungs,and are the cause of the above dreadful complaint. ••,-- In all disordered motions of the blookerdletHnter mittent, remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found ficertain remeily;• because they chemise the stomach and bowels of all bilious matter,andjawify tharool ; - . consequently, as they remove the cause of every kind of disease, they are absolidely certain to cure every kind of Fever. So also when morbid humors are deposited unon the medibrane and muscles, causing those pains, in flammations and swellings called Rheumatism, Gout, Etc.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as always certain to give relief, and If persevered with . , iniikit iv perfeia cure of the above painful maladies. From three to fifeolsaid Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night on going to bed, will; i n It short time, completely Lad the..-liotlY_ of - jai:slloodd Jtud-coarupt-Inunors-r- and - Rheumatism, Gent and pain of every description, will disappear as if by magic. It should be remembered tliiit - the Indian Vegetable - Pills are certain to remove pain:in the side, oppres sion, neausea and sickness, loss of appetite, costive- ness,a yellow tinge ef the skinlied eyes, atut.e.very other symptom. of Livil complabd ; - because they purge from the 6th: these corrupt - and stagnant hu mors wide'', when deposited upon the Liver, arc the cake of the above dangerous com Plaint. - They are also a certain preventive of apnlexy and suddeil death; Because they carry off thoSe humotirs which, obstrue ti rig the circulation, are the cause of a rush, or deter mination of blood to the head---giddiness especially on-turning-suddenly - rOund—iblindness*drowsiness --loss of memory.inflammation of the sanity, and every other disorder of the-mind. . • ONE WORD To. TILE SEDENTARY. • Those whofrom habit or onpation,arekept much within doors; should remember. that they frdmently breathe an -atmosphere. wide'"i is wholly. unfit few the proper expansion of (hi lufigs ' and at the same time, owing . to want of exereise,the b owels are not sufficient ly- evacuated--the blood becomes impure, and head acheindigestion, palpitation of the heart, and many other disagreeable symptoms, arc sure to follow. THE INDIAN VEGETABLE . PILLS, Being a cleanser of the stomach and bowels,and a di met purifier of the blood, arc certain uot-only to re move pain orllistressof every kind from the the body, .but if used occasionally, so as to keep the body free from thosehuraors whieltare the cause of every male dy under heaven, they will most assuredly promote such a just, and ,eipial eireulation.of the blood, hat those who lead n sedentary life, will be enabled-to enjoy sound health, and disease of any: kind will be absolutely impossible. • • ' For sale by • CHARLES. OGILBY, Agent, , ' • . ' .T.A.C.GB•-G..LAUMAN, „-Dillsburg, York . Co. Pa. ' • I , Offitie and General Depot, No. 1,69 Mae street ,• • • play 20,1840.-1 y .:EAYNE'S EXPEC'FORANT.---This we—medicine has alreadrpreveditself to - be all that it has been recommended, by those who have given it a fair test in this country, and the demand for at in 'ere:lees daily: We liave,'just heard.of an important cure_ofAstlimaovhich has been of beted by the used it in neighboringtoWm:--the case was that of re:. .:Baie•wlfoliatt for, long time been under the care of ' physician; fait hatl received *to relief, and her case ',was beginning tote considered hopeless. AS a last resort she purelmeed a - bottle orik. ,Tityne•Sitiecto-: 'rapt, Which caused lie'r to expectorate freely . , g,rintual , ly cased' her cough, and , rapidly restornig her to ltealth. We haVe no hesitation in saying this prepa rationef Jayne; tor thh cure of coughs, eolda, fluetin,":lllllimaiflonsemption, &e, is the most valua Me medicine ever offeitill'to quaCkery about 47-I[ l o,:'34pczts one p. quo most skilful ;practising_physiciaiii in ,Pennaylva nini and wherevet , hliptdeparatioki . Ifavi teen thor iitighlitestml, htillkoked.uptni its a, efinitoe.F..(ornerSetpit9 - ,fournal. .fgr,kk - by,i8,4001:01110064 , . Ptiifkinpon & Itiu 7 ;- V:t? RFIM S. ELLIOTT, Owlish - % Noirri ..Denial - Surgery. - . j . . nI IIIE SUBSCRIBER . respectfully ',ticklers ' tits, :1: grateful acknowledgments•to the public - for the, very liberal share of patronage he has received dur ing thy past year,`und would still continue to °fret them his professional services in their various firm).- ithes.at his resideneO, N0'..7, Harper's Row. lie files,- cleanses, and plugs teeth, and: inserts incorruptible Luria -mantic artificial teeth . in 'the most •approved • manner. Charges always moderate. ~ . J. C. NEW, M. H. Carlisle March 25 1840 --tf • . • 7.4.36E1LY. •nr10111ES * : Prepared only by Dr.,71. Jayne, Inventori and sole proprietor, No.• S'outh..Third_' . street, Philadelphia, and ?nay be had of • S. ELLIOTT, itnd also of STEPEIV. , SON .DINKLE Druggfsls, Cdr= 'lisle, Pa. • • • . Theoe'medicines are recommended and extensive ly used by the most intelligent persons halite United States, by numerous Professors wind PreSidents of Colleges, Colleges, Physicians of the Army and Naiy . ,and of - hospitals and.Almsbonses, and by more' thanitlitee' hundred Clergymen of various denominationS. They arcexpressly prepAred 'for. faMily use, and' hint acquircid an.unprecedetited - riopidarity through-L -out tIM United States; and 4is they are so admirably Calenlated to preserVe ILEA LT/1•1110 cure DISEASE, ilO , tinnily should ever. be without them. The proprie tor of these valuable preparations received Ins eduM. cation at one ofthe best Medical Colleges in led State.s, and has had fifteen - years experienee in an extensivr'and diversified practicem vikieb 110415 had ample opperfunities. of aegnirmg u , practical knostl edge of dlseases r and of tne remedies best calculated to remove them. . • These Prep:wait - fits consist of JAYNE'S EX PECTORA NT, a yalun file remedy for cough, colds, consumption, sedans, spitting of blood, croup, Looping cough, bronchitis, pleurisy nod inflammation ofthe lungs:or throat, difficulty of bren- . thittg i •nn(l allAlisesses of pulmonary organs.—Price one' •• " • ' - • - 7 - AIsoIAYNE'S - 11Allt TONIC, for tlio preserva tion,growth 811(1 beanty:of.the hair, and which will positively-bring iir.new hair on bald heads.—Price one dollar. • . Also JAYNE"S TONIC VERMIFUGE,. a cer 'taltratal pleasant remedy for worms; dyspepsia,piles,, and many other di seaSes,---Pri ee cbuts. Also JAYNE'S CARNIINVIIVE 'BALSAM, a certain cure for bowel and summer complaints, (liar, rittuolvsentiry cholic,•tramps; sick headache, t0tt.;.....: stop - melt, cholera morbus,apd all derangements : 49Le. • 011irettutts - ,Siv.z.zrrice'.. 4 cents. • • I,„"." 4 3 ,AArr.fa Attar-v tiliatrtietiona, diseases of the skin, all eamliere an' al terati or-purgittivt tOdicini , required.—;-Price 25 , centsybox. .May , • • • •-;• Awe's Hair Tonic,• Fot , the grdwili;mservation and restoration This is ail excellent article, and hns, in nu- inerous . protlyeed a line - °lithe licadvic persons ItholadLlieen for xcajtta . ',AWES .ANn. CrNTLEInEs,---othyou wislrelegafit., luxuriant and - beautiful hair? I know you will answer yea:: llcar, lot one moment, the cause of its loss; why it tprus gray, - tasty and: coarse, harsh and impleasali in its appearance, and finally falls oft. Each hair has a root-in the skin, and is itsellaliollow'lmbe, through which thercis a constant circulation of . tine blood.— Hy this 9 - initiation the hair. is_ nottrishedAndlieldi - i• fast, its glossy( admit. is given and preserved, alai it is covered Nvith the finest oil. New any Airing which in- , jures_the skin. At the head, or diverts or takes away the blood from it, will prevent or impede the circula tion through the tube!, of the hair, stop ,its growth, and cause. it to NH offor turn gray, or both.. lichee it is that any cause that obstructs or.weakctis the cir culation of blood - through the skin, or that diverts the bkiod to other parts of the system, will take away the, lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair, ar rest its growth, turn ii gray sooner or later, and in thousands of instances' cause premature baldnesti:- -- For sale by . • -S. ELLIOTT, and STEVENSON & DINKLE, Carlisle, Ps,. Iffly Hair .Tonic.--We call the Ant - 9010h of ithose af flicted with prematm'e bahluess:fo thopscellent Hair 'runic prepared by•Dr: Jayne of this city. Having used it ourselves, we can speak of its virtues by . eipe circler, andswe unhesitatingly pronounce it an MUM able remedy to prevent the falling off of the hairomd to restore it from a dead, to ft line, 'healthy appear ance. We can also speak from 'personal knowledge of the cases of two or three friends who were predis- Posed to baldness, who by the use of Jayne 's Hair Teak, bare now luxurient hair. We have no dispo sition to puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies foe nll•diseases whirll_flesh is heir to, but when we have testkil the virtue of nn we've free to say it is good.—Sattnylto Evening Post, • Jayne's Hair Tonic.---We have, Iteraofore;npim - breed ourselves among those' , who believed - that ;the: i lair Tonic, prepared by Dr. Jayne, was, one of the' many quack. nostrums whose virtues are -:even seen • beyond the fulsome pull's of their auth,ors. We are willing, at length, to make public acknowledgment of the error of our belief. An inanate'friend,sometwo or three months since, all the top of whose cranitim -was-aabald-asa-pieeu of-polished-niarbleontmr,Te all-- Our jesting and ridicule of the idea of attetlyting„ to cultivate so, barren a spot purchased a bottle or two of the lisle Tonic from Dr..layne,and acCording to ills directions appliettit—During the-present-week-- the same friend ushered himself into our presence,and uncovering his hitherto naked head; astonished us with a dtin,though luxuriant-growth of hair, from one to two inches in length—upon the re6;;Premises we had believ6ll as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless mad that skirts the Atlantic. This is no puff, but is religiously true,and to those who dould,the gentleman can be pointed out.' What is umre. iivfavor.of..this.• "Tonic," the Case here cited was not one of tempera es baldness , - , -no sudden loss of the hair--but was one of years' rUmiling, though the the gentleman is hut. forty Aye years of age.--rbiladelphia..Spirit of the - WA It !,WAR_!_ WAR !---The Wigniakerslave—,± declared hostilities against our neighbor De... Jayne; ) ; on account of his ilair Tonic, Avhidi is knocking_alli.".._ their businesS into a "cocked hat." "Ladies and Len tlemen--old and voting arc flocking to the Doctor's' standard. Rends Tong divested of even the first rudi ments of liah.iitter using bis Hair tonic soon appear with new and .flowing locks which 'Absalom himself might haVe envied. Beardless boys are seen with large and tipsily whiskers; and ladies smile again through their own raven ringlets more beautifuland bewitching than ever. • Bald heads are doffing their • wigs and throwing them to the "molts and the 'nits," while the Wig makers stand aghast as they hehold - the demolition of their business. • , , What will be the consequence of tills war we brow not; as the 'wiggiesare outrageous, and the Doctor ie mites firm, and declares .that "some things can be done as well as others,"antl that bald heads may as well wearAheir own hair as Uaat of others.--4 Wee kly Messenger. Jayne's Hair 7'onic.—We meet at alMoet every' • corner, when perambulating the streets, men Wearing long and glossy IP5lr, Which' they seem to be proud ' of, and others who have raised, in a few tveelat;ia crop of black mouitacties,""that would vie withl4'e ilossiest Bruin that4iNaraliced the forest. • it liasln!ziled us' to know the secret-of all 'those wondrous:crops of hair;:but Messrs. SANDS, 79 and NO Fulton street, • haVe got the remedy, where all who are curious: in: — welt matters may, learn a valuable secret.---. Nero York Whig: Sold in Philadelphia at 20 South Third Street.,,' GRATIICODE • • is . the:badest crime . We are not among that chute Of Editors wive for, n few dollars will; (at.the expellee of truth anti htmett ty) "crack ttp'' an article, and.bring it into rapid sale; neittrerlire we willing. to reinain silent; after having ` tested the utility of, an.improvement or.discoveiy in 9 'eciene,e, or art. Our' readers will reeoileet. we` told themwe were unwell /with a sore , throatand violent cold some few. weeks keo. Well, we purchased two.. bottlee-.of 'WINSLOW , S BALSAM. or HOUND and so.sudden. was-the,cure,.that, we forget) 'we ever had a cold. ' Those who arc may i, 'try, it upon our recommendation.L-4Levristoirea for, aale.by . 'S. Fi LIOTT, Alto; geeentily,tbroegliout the vow Price 50,eep'pei , bottle: Eg,'AW';'lWir;47,4t7t-': 13 I ._.,;;.._ ~_.w