Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 12, 1841, Image 3

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WEDIVE Spa 1121,1 r 12, I Sll.O
• . . 2 , -- --
RI'LIWOUS NOTICE.—There will be pub
lie service in the Methodist Episcopal Churth, in
• this borough, On Friday next at It o'clock,
i rresillent Venom will deliver a discourse upon
' . ~ the occasion. The citizens generally are invited to
'ltattend.. -- - . .. .
71WIPERANCE .N'OT'ICE,. ---Rev. Mr. Sli
"cer will (by Divine permission) deliver a Temper
since Address,.at the Market House, on Sitbbatl
next; at 4 o'clock. He will, also distribute Englisl
and German Tracts.
The friends' and foes of the Temperance. Reform
are.urged to attend.. -.
. .
IIM) signaturea solicited:', - -' - - ---- --- - -- =';:.--' -
• Our
_readers will bear, in roind; that
• FRIDAY next,,is, set apart as a day of
ri National humiliation and prayer. ,
It is to be -*pad that it: will be closely
• observed by our• citizens ; that the_ stores
and shops will .be: closed and bUSiness of
• all kind suspended. The-people may ex
poet religious exercises - In all the churches
": of the IMrougli.' • .*- . • :
- • EP ISCOPAL CoNveNTioN.--The Annual
~ •
Convention of _the Protestant :pi: - scopal
. , i
Church, fOr-tlie Diocese of- P r
eniiSylvania ;
will assenible - at SC. Stephens! churehir,in
1• 1 3 . td.o..h.ilN,i-alwat,P.Oli-YA-bizi.4B3li:74ilitiniti:
JOUN sZimmEnniAN,
man, contrary to all expectation,adtually
~ • .
. , "dodged the question""yhen - rho' Revenue
was --- finallr - passed----;-By-tbis-L-proce-.
_ dure, however; he has not` . shoiin himself
a very "Artfrd Podger,".'and.hispolitical
-friends are not quite so .gyeen as to be
posed-_u,potn• in this-. waY, They
`ideJge" him at the
,next election,-
• Dr
,The llehmeratic Members of the
have published en able, address
to the_peopte.W. : Pepfisylvania ; ,it - places
the Governor in his proper- position'; and
shows that his desire for the public good;
was swallowed up in the fear of losing
votes. We shall publish it . next week.
. is no wonder that Governor Per?
ter seen so many evils in the Revenue Bill;
the glasses used by him, although notnag 7
itifi,e - rsisortetintes.make a man see double.
Pc:r The .Philadelphia
,Times," a violent little ultra-radical paper,
appears in all the habiliments of ivoe, on
account of 'thepassage of the Revenue Bill
by the constitutional majority. It is very
severe upon the traitors, as it terms the
-locofocos -who -aided-in effecting , the : pas
sage of the bill, and parades' their names
'before its readers in a very. conspieuous
Manner. •Mr. John Zimrderman, of this
'county, is classed among the " recreants
who dodged the queition." The Tj i mes
calls upon the country locofocos to, mark
. and punish the traitors. • .
We publish to-days paper, the Rey
• enue which is - ncitr77tlfe-law_. of_:the
land. - Our readers `willrecollect that / this
bill was reported to both Houses, bia Om,
mittee of :conference; that it pissed by a
strict party vote, and was ,fferwards • ve
toed by the Governor; tpt Legislature 'af
terwards pasSeil the 14 by the constitu
• tional.majority, and)t e therefore becomes a
law without the overt oes signature. •
„lhe_followi9 -voteln- the-House,
on the final piseage of the bill;
,the names
of bocolo . ds, . who voted for. the bill are in
e "
IL 7 / 1 AS—Messrs. Apdrews,.Banks, Bard,
B:611, -Brunner, Church,
ark,.Correy, Cortright, Cox, Cummins,
Darsie, Dilw'Ortli, Douglas, Dunlap, Eyre,.
Foreman, Funk, Ftithey, Gamble,
Gilli ' Hinchman,
lioleman f ßorton, Johnston, A . „Konnedy,
Kerr, Kieffer; Law Letherman,. Livings=
ton,' Liisk, May; M'biOre, M'Curdy, Mid
' dlesttirarth,. 4 Miles, Montgomery, Musser,
~ Skinner . ; Sinith;SinYser,Snively, Snyder,
Sprott; §t4re,',Titue, :Von . Neida; 'T , Peavei,
.", Wright, Crabb,.Speaker:- , -62.--
pI4YS 2 -1 lessrs. Anderson, Apple, Barr,
Bean,' Beniall; Brodhead, N., Croueillat,
..Felton, . - Flannery,
Flick, Fogel; GarreisOn; Haas,' Hahn, Hill,
.1611149t0n, W.. Kuti",, : . Leidy;
M'Kinni y, ; Moore,• . Painter,
'rho' name . of Mr. Zimmerman is not:to
be found• ainOngihe yeas or yeas. it is ru
mored that he sneaiced out from the reach.
Orthq, GuyertiOt i 's lalfiVlinde•dodged the
question::- - —
Fears lets entertairiect, for , a' iirhe,'Oat
ar"PlLVDoiirldiott' lost, bht:the ye.
turns now render it 'certain . that all is well.
The , Whigs -haVe: gained*oineinberi-of
Congress, and have a' majority' both
branches of the Legislature. .•
In the Senate; May 4', 18 I, the nomi
nation of Charles Shale+ as Judge of, the
District . CoMI 'of Allegheny county; was
confirmed--='eas 26 na s 4.•
The immination of Join. K. Firidlajr,.to
'be .Recorder of theflayors Court 'of Lan
caster, was . iipatporiect until the 7th of Jan
uary next; several local bills were .acted
on. The'Clork of the House being intro
duced, announced that that both had' -pas.,
'tied' the Relief. Bill by the constitutional
majority of two-thirds.
Mr. Kingsbury offered the following
resolution •
Resolved, That the thanks , of the Sedate
be presented •to 'John H. Ewing, for ;the
- able and impartial manner in which he has
_the "'duties of Speaker of. the
Which: . was - agreed to, and the Senate
adjourned sine
In the House of liepresentatives, May
4, the'Relief Bill :was_ taliefil _up _liy.:a .mo p
tion to 'reconsider, oti the question, shall
the bill pais„ the vote stood, yeas 50, nays
amendmentAn from the Senate to-a bill
directing suits to be brought for the rectiv- •
'ery of illegal fees paid. ky. C 4 ov;Porter, to
James M. Miler, and 'Ovid F . .• Johnson,
i was taken up and paned. 'A motion was
lade by Mr. Holeman, seconded. by Mr.
Gamble, (both . Loefocos). to -reconsider
the vote on, the - Revenue .Bill,
tiMn was agreed to.; Several ` 4 whipalile'
ocbi, then stated the reasons which would
thluence' them in 'voting tor Alio.bill, and
yeas 62, nays 28, so. the bill passed.
_A. nuniber of other bills were taken AT
and -- passed, after ivhiolt the Rouse adjourn
ed sine flie.
RE4IIO rag 11, 6'.
Locofoco Party, during theirtkVelve•
years reign, Were.unceasing in their efforts
to - secure - power and place in theliaridS of
their :oWn partizans; , and proscribe" every
man who refused to bow the knee to their
Idols. At the time when 'General Tackson
was elevated— , to -the Presidency ? : his ' fol=
lowers first broached the doctrine that "to
the_. : victors„belong the, spoils." "Lean,
lank forms . fromfen . Mid forest," besieged
he white lionse, -- clan'ilirous for a share' of
e Treasury Pap. • General Jackson let
a 'Wilting ear Ao_ ., their• petitions, and sent
forth "bloody `,ii ructions." . It was hi
vain to talk of eminent publie•serviceSOf
character and. qualifications—of - families
. to starvation by the sudden and/
unexpected remov'ali; the principle )I(as
established, that hereafterafficewas 1675 - 6%
the reward of political ashonesty nd ,our
lamented. Harrison was amon the• first
victims•sacrificed to this unit y spirit.
Under the administratiop ofJahn'Quincy
Adams,--few removals haii•bnen made - , — and
not one on.. account sd_political. opinions-;
but : a_year of.Jacks6 . n7s. first -term had--notexpired, when
, Jr, had removed 15 :Wag
tars Plenipotefftiary,Charge d'Affaires, and,
secretaries f • Legation. .
'Nine arshalld and fifteen District At
. . .
• Arty-Eight Collectors and Principal
)t y
evenua Officers. •,. . .
1 Nine Indian and Navy Agents.
-Twenty-six Receivers and - Regiaters of
~ ..
Land Offices.
Twenty-orie consuls for foreign ports.
Pour hundred and ninety-one Postmas
ters; besides, hundredsof subordinates, who
had been removed by their principals. -Let
the Government organ of that period-show
the spirit , with which the Jackson party
went into power.
From the U. S. Telegraph,_ of Narch_3o,
"If the work of reform .may se* to go
slowly on, the people , may reilleatisfied
that. it will surely progress. The Presi
dent has given his pledge to the public for
the faithful performance of his duty, and
all - who - ktiow-litn-must_be_convineettikat
he never gave 4,,pleAge which he, did no{
. ._
. .
redeem' . .
.” We would hint for the:benefit of those
of our party who aro uow-styled• leading
Inen„that - ,every attempt to sustain in office
by their, influence those who should be
removed, whether the feeling Kook9d i lsojn
misguided symPathy,- or, fbm-a - WI& to
propitiate, it must prove alike injurious,
because it will necessarily have a tendency .
to lessen the regard - '6( - "the RePublican'
'party of the - nation,
and ultimately sever
those ties which bind the. gred majdrity",to
their political hiterests.",• • , •
:Nor Was the adniinistration of Mr. Van-
Bt ren Charadtetized . by any greater for-,
,boarance that? that of peneral Jackson; .. .the
following extracts from the Globe' show
that in this - particular,' at least. lie'rotlecm •
red hisidedge of "following in thefootstepS
of his illustrious predecessor:"
. .
Front the Olobe of Oct, 2, Isys.
""Vinit' dh irion'ol AVaihington that 'to
effilAdy in MO ofikees inen opposed:to the
Goyernmept, 3 politicitl suicide,' Is Era',
DIENTLY JtisT. , ', An - which
practices' this prilaidipid` firids:
,wOrKint hestile''ca nip) . are
tble. i . .4-(arti-O.X*l , V.t**44;f:',4*
. to carryiniWts-ineasitres, throw every
stecle . in,the - Way of their execit don. Nay
more; they - arec ever in. confidential 'com
munication with the 'eneiny, to whom they
reveal its .porposetviri advance, and whom
they,;ftirnieh.,distorted misrepresentatiOns,
instead . of correct infOrmation,, to. be used
against those by whom they are employed,
They„turn- the facilities and 'advantages of
official position into' nstinments.against the
Government which,°they should sustain.
Cordial and eneretic, not grudging,'
disabarge of their official duties;"&e.
• From the Globe offune 13, 1840.
'E'er the sake of. the country:at large;
we hope-to see a new infusion; of - energy
into all the public employments at .Wash
ington where business has been .suffered. to
Stagnate the same hands for the.. tenth
part of a century. :This can im
parted bybringing from the country a fresh
Itodyof intelligent,. industrious, and ZEA
LOUS DEMOCRATS t * VyhO, hairriltbeen reared
in the healthy woOds,, will bring. to the
discharge of public.trusts minds rand bodies
unimpaired by th,e
,infectiOns of city life.
This will indeed be reforin.'! •
Eveiytocofoco Paper in the country
lowed•in the wake of the:Globe, and the
editor of the anterican Volunteer was be
itind..none of his brethren in .ur. in ! this_
fieiv - InfilitonTore ne -- _rgyinto-all-the pub,
lie enipinyments," declaring that Mr. Van
.BUterielionl&remove - every-man-stespected
orfavoringthe claims of 'General - Harrison,
and thus prevent "political suicide."
.. ."
But : the. position _of the honofo'co, party
is changed: , -• The - chalice -Is'returned , to
theiriown-lips—they are to have a taste of
their own medicine, and though, as yet, it'
has been administered in very small 'closes,
they are making horrible grimaces. Like
thninventor, of the Guillotine, they are to.
.. ,
be' decapitated on their own principal; and
now howl like whipped
. Spattiels:over this
! 4 _,mons.ttous_.proacription.l?- -They: have
forgotten. that it. is necessary to " infuse
new..,_energy„lpti.k_ : ajt...tli4..-linlilic i =o :43 t
'me it [sly - lin n ging front country Th - afresh
body of, intelligent,. industrious, and - •zeS; ,
lons' democrats.'.' fhey
. have forgotten_
the famouiletter of Van.Buren, In 1820 re
quiring the removal of certain 'f Rascally
Post masters. l2 --Intolerant_whenitf_po_w_e4
diey . .laid
_down the: rule...lL:lh at-Lto,the!-v3e
tors belong:l,llv spoils," and . havingjo§t
.pewer, r they_ now, .with . -the - mi)st-des
'cable': meanness, - whine - nut "/Proscrip
tio," when about to be •trieVunder their .
otvn rule...-...The -- Washitigton, Globe, with
its usual:recklessness, 11 slandering_ the
, •
character ,of every ofljeer of 'the new 'Ad,
ministration, while) to describes' those who
have been reinov c..d •(some of whom are
defaulters) as/poor, honest, persecuted
men,, who l ave been proscribedfor opi
nion's sal: ." If a singal removal i 3 made,
we. 'see 't gravely announccd in the Loco' -
loco inns, that "The Guillotine streams .
u / • lth, blood," while the' editor of.. the Voi2l
weer comes:in at the 'heels oflhe hug
last week, and after rubbing his-eyes open,
very-serimisly„that "tire Federal
Guillotine is still at work, and whole heca ,
tombs of , victims are daily 'offered up at
the shrine 'of party. Never before' in. the
history of our government has such a sys
tem of.hmtlessproscriptienfor_opinions'.
sake been carried out by any ad
ministration;" although less- tlian„a_
year since he thought that to keep a_man
in'oflice who was opposed to the govern-
ment was political suicide. In the same
spirit of active malignity, the Lancaster
Intelligencer informs us that
" The revolu . tionag cart is kept busy.
Every day; every hour, ititoPe•ai the door
of some poor office-holder, and nolens
lens, lie forced intnit, and_carried
.to the
-Pleriee-de-greve. His head being taken off,
nothing more is heard of the unfortunate
victim, for the Executive organ at - Wash. ,
ington announces not the - political deaths,
which. it considers to be of too common
occurrence for notation." . - .
And yet the editor of the Intelligencer,
in his furious - opposition to the Whigs; was
a willing volunteer in driving "the reyolu-
denary cart" tinder the administration o
If there is any fault in the administration,
it is to be found in the filet that.the,remo
yids habe been too few. Under the ad
ministration of Mr,Yan lluren the govern
ment became-rotten andcorrulit; the office
ioldera,_instetuLofbeiM7 the servants, as - -
stmed to be ,the masters of, the ,- people- r .
they wore charged 'with embezzling the
public money--many of them,were known
to be defaulters, who were straihittir their
official influence to .secure the: election of
theil chief,' so that Or might,esCape de.;
tection. A system of favoritism hadaprung '
up, during this ' , reign of torter,":by`Which Were. given to those;Who,
could brawl the loudest; without;ieferehce
to character or competency. ; fle ,people
had lost :eonfidence in. their rulers;. and to
correct these evils; Wont in for .st'change - i
and having prochred 'it,' they- now expect
the full fruition:of their :1'
We say, then, :let the "revolutionary
eartr , roll on—let the. traitors' rdeelve the
re'vvril, of filcir treason mi the bhk—let
the fallen Spirit of - Loco - foe - 61Pb be "editlell
to the'Phri - e'de grain," andihere learn thal:
,df - itiot lift itself against the, liliprtis of
,peoplo.with impunity.;
We ,Iviint heti Ihkadniihisit : ;itioefirst,
prove troth of the .oltl...tlagO, that4z,,.?
new bthoarisvveeps 61earl,", by_sweepini
every Loofeco . frpni office, and . then, as
vacancies .afteriraidii occui, fetAti'em be
filled by . meti who are lioi list Snit 'espabie,
without refM.enee to roolitiat OPinionet • In
this way will the "spoils systenn".be de
strged, and the governinetit'ai the same
time be enabled te T reform existing.abuses.
This, ivjbelieire, ought the policy
_or_The Administration, and
T wilit this_only,
will the :democracy of
. the sa 7
• THE . SPEAKERSHIP.:=4IteNation ,
al intelligence': thus 'arranges,ilphabetical 7
ly, the names of the individuals, Who have
been suggested' by the press, .in. various
quarters, in reference to the Speakership Of
the nekt_liouse — . 6 - r ReprOsentatiies. Our
only remark' at present: on` - the 'iiiiibject,Js
that•the House must be hard to Please,
deed,:if, it cannot find material for a-good
speaker, within this list: . •
,George N. Briggs, of Massaahnietts.
John M.,Botts, of Virginia. '
Caleb-Cushing,- of Massachusetts.
)7Vm.'o. Dawsop,.ot Georgia.. •
Millard, Fillmore,,of Nev York.. . .
Thom aii_W—Gilm_er,__of_V-irginia —=.
Johnson, 'of Maryland.
Joseph--Lawrence,- of Pennsylvania.
John White, of -Kentucky.
•-:::liedry_A.._Wise . ,,,of Virginia..
- Balt. Patna& •
If there was any chance for a Locoroco
_Speaker •in the next _Congress, we 'Avoid('
recommend - -- Smos • .Gustine - , -- newly
.elected member from this district. He is
very fresh 'from the the people,'
and woad no doubt be qualified to. aet as
Speaker, as he says he is," not competent
to perform the duties of. a memher." •
• Mr, D. S....Tt?nes or
by tbat
.name_ aud'is
.passing_ himself,...o(f
for the.. Editor:,- of ihoi4,lltroniele,and•.l4og:
to •I;khiterWelitiWietT.t%i4Orrireffigiilgeis
the - 'latter pdper, is requested to niake .
ititiiicdlate.teiiioii=o]doings= at : thi s
,or lie mays be dealt with in •ti Way that
will . not . outeh suit his (rob notion6.--4.lar-,
eltroni*: .
We •are.inforkned that Mr. Jones is tray
a".loo,kout for um.? ._• . . •
Ainount.rif Treasury notes issued under
the• provision of the acts. of Congress of
1837 1838,1830; 1840, $26,681,337 53.
Redeemed of those - issues; 22,070,040 07
- Leaving nutstanding,• 04,611,297' 46
. issued undor not of Feb Ili 41, .' ..
.Prior to March 4, . 673,681 3'2 ."
Since SUVA 4, 1,6'25,468 96 .
Redtiemed of that insue, 47,456 90
Aggreple oulslnading , .. $6,86'2,990 84
&Tn.!lary of the Trens!iry
. .. ..
Governor Porter.—lii — looking' to the
course of the executive of Pennsylvania,
one is really tempted to .hazard - the con-
jecture that his very,frequent resort to the
veto power, so anti-republican in its prin
ciple 'and.tendencies, is designed to "bring
its use into disgrace with the people, and
'thus, bring about. its. abrogation. TEN
times, : during- the present session-of-the
gislature, has Governor Porler.nuailified the
action of the two houses, by the veto of as
many - different — laws. And be it remem
bered.that not ona of these laws has been
vetoed on account of constitutional princi,
ple or scruples. They rest altogether on
Governor Porter's individpal opinions, as
to wisdom, justice or •expediency.. But
when the veto power is thus frequently ex
ercised, on all sorts of • subjects—when
ten limes, in a single session, the ; action
of the legislative body, is arrested, check=
mated,'-nullified,rby the of one-indi- :
vidual, - it is impossible to doubt that the
power is not only - liable to great abuse, but
.that it has been greatly abused. And whe-
ther or not so intended. by Governor Por
ter, the needless frequency of. 'his interfe
rence ,with the will and acts of the-iepre
' sentatives id* the people, 'b3 the exercise
of the "one man power," can hardlpfail
of -bringing that 'power into disgrace. 7 :—
When 'an individual of so exceedingly Mo
derate capacity as Govern'. Porter, has
-resorted , to this-startling-power-ten-difrer
ent4imes, in a single session, one cannot
but conclude, it is high time that the.power
itself ,was vetoed: When intemperance
reaches to subit'a 'howl, cure and safety can
prohAly 'be found r ,Orly in total abstinence!
—Baltimore Patriot.
.By the schr. Stephen . - Prishcis, Capt.
Magee, arrived yesterday, wo'veceived the
St: 'Augustine News of . the .2'3d instant,
fiont Which we make the extracts which
. .
STi AtratiSTlNH, April 23, •
: , Thelndian- war not enaeil::::-Nhe — AIL
_ .
l owing extract of letter, from an authentic
sonroe v iutintates that. therelis; as yet, no
prciSpeet of a torminatiotior our Indian
'di ffieuTtia: -----;'7 ' . •
"TAMPA liAt;.(E. F.) April 12.- -Coosa
Tualetzuggee has just started Out • attar
:Haleek'7'ustehuggee6 He say's if he.tan
.not bring. hiin*in,.the - gaine is up. ; The.
last of .this
.nrionth will test it. • Coa-coo
she° is also io report progress about the
same tints'. N . .he baslrs ,dut,,a' new . ope-
ration will'eornalmjec.•.,,Po
.stands•oo af
fa i rtie and no' 'person - . ItytfgO uT:tll the
tine:orkives; --- rlonitbOttiVe thingewliOit
I see 'tliem t ."..: ' • '
Pro 3`fle) . stsi4r49 — i W 64.
Gaston, .Captain • arriyvAt ,:on
Wednesday last; 'froin':SOutlierii'7 : l 3 6Eitsi.
Airtigiiig-.Goinfarly-K, .
the ,
aftLqr twqpeetleil'ifittre Niirtt.c.:R4yffe,:7Ttiey'
McLeod arrived. here„last tight or thid
morning from LoCkport; in custody of the
Sheriff of Niagara .cOunty": . • He has been
brought here on a wrii._9l4talistas,carptis T
tidiFEY T- the — .Siffireirce on rt,`.; w ic h cdm
menced its term in this' city this'inorning.
-- W - e - understand - that-nothi4
-bet-done -in...the-'-ease-utnil.--Thursday ifekt,
when an made to the
court to'discharge- McLeod from 'custody.
Mr. Joshua A. Spender, 'Attorney - for the
Unhed.S.iates; Northern District, and' - Me,
:Gardner, of are . - eAgaged as
sel for McLeOd; and„Mr. Hall, the Attor
ney General of this state,_and Mr. Wood,
District Attopiey at Lockport, will. act .as
counsel on the part of the' peopl.o. " •
.0n the authority.of private advides.from,
Washington the New York. Commercial
Advertiser thuS.speaks . :.
If ive . are rightly informed, it lids:been
agreed between Mr. FoX.aVid the GoVern:
ment of the.United . Siates, that,. ku.i
opposhion.Shall - be made'by the former to
tie - frial 'OrMcLeod..,to„go
Aili'AttiragiOttifi*li*Ool4o . 4ZikeWkV
Without interferencq
• If acquitted, as is most probable, McLeod,
-will be discharketrof course, tinti, the mi
ter titus.Tbe disposed
.of. yirieouctcd,•the•
National Government will then take, the
neosWary_stepi . to afford him that tnea4urfi
- of:0 prOteetion_ w h ich_: cir
etimstanc4 of the-case may require.
_As to the 'boundary, Avelearn4hat.a-con
mention,"-has -been -Signed-on the --part- o
Graaf Britain and The-United States, whici
provides' for the appointment of six' com
missioners, three for each party to the dis :
pate. • •
These six, if they can - iigree, - give
a final -decision on the question; If they
cannot-agree, tikey are to. appoint .three
others, and a.-decision by- the majority of
the nine is -, to be cOnclosive.---.New Fork
.10urricti of COMM CITC. , • stated in the New York Express
of Saturday, that the Great Western passed
large quaMitieS of ice. '-The packet ship
South America, just .in , from Liverpool,
also reports on the 18th uli. froin, lat. 44
30, long. 49,on—the eastern..ctlgoLol the
'Banks, to lat. 4s, miles, hav
ing sailedi along a solid. body of ice; saw
about 100 icebergs; some were about 209'
feet high, and aground sailed 45 miles
south to gel clear of it, and was then ()Bilg
ed to go through thick broken ice„for ,half
a mile, which took Iwo hours, with a six
knot breeze. •
-,-,-- 2,e5 1 i 693 38
INESENT shoal(' he remelt bored
at this season.of the -ear, that our...bodies are more
liable. become diseased than at any other period:
because the sudden - elthhgeSel the weather; by acting
os.they do upon the Constitution and quality of the
Blood, produce'a foul state of Blood, and Other Rill&
whitit generate corruption, and not unfrequently
death. It is an established truth, that 110 pain or
sickness can be experienced 'except from the presence
of depraved litiMurs, which, if not pOsiti rely corrupt,
soon become •so if not speedily removed- front'the
'body. On t 10; first feeling of pain or ste,kness,"the
body nut4t. have 0 vegetable cleansinl; in order to
prevent tidal results.,taking place.• For it is at-all
times easier to• prevertr than rare disease ; because
by taking a preventive course we (if) ttot debilitate
the uatural_tunctiens °fine bode,butrather_streugth,_
r iai - aintakSiStthein BrandretlN Vegetable Univer
sal Pills are all that is required... l'hey Cleanse the'
Blued from all impurities, remove every cause of
pain or wealintss, and preserve the constitution ill
such it state of health mid vigor net casual changes
cannot eff cf.
irr For sale in Car•liale by-GEO. NV. iirrNER
andlii Cunrber•land County by''Agcuts•published ir
anuihci•.purt of this impel.,
Are directed to .Dr. liar Celebrated' Medi
cines, which- are , recommended .by thousands as a
preventive and cure for diseases of the Stomach and
_Nervoits,System.- _ The-Aperient and German -Pills,-
are a direct purifier of the blood, and certain to re
moire bile from the stomach, which is the great dame
of bilious and other distressing maladies, regulide the
bowels, &c . The Strengthening Tonic Pills, give
tone and vigor to the organs of digestion, restore the
lost appetite, quiet the nerves of the debilitated, and
produce sweet repose to the restless. The above
.medicines Are fast superceding the drastic mineral
preparations which some physicians have heretofore
beeniin.thepractice of Wm inistering totheirpat lents.
Since - the - introdUetiorroFDrAlarlich'sifrefifiriaiifili'
into the United States, many have abandoned such
vile deleterious drugs, and commenced adiuinister;
ing the above medicines whenever the 7 '
dicate their use.
For sale by lir.. J. J. Myer s Sr. Co., Carlisle; am
Win. Peal, Shippeasburg, Pa.
• . Dr.'SWayie's CoMpotind Syrup of Wild Cherry
=lnvaluable remedy for all diseaies indicative 'Ol
Pulmonary affitctions, such as rment chronic coughs,
hoarseness, whooping cough; Wheeilug and difficulty
of hreathing,'Croup,tuur spilling of blond, Ettik Hew
,sufferers do slnlly bebold,apprgachtng . to an
untimely grave, wrested' in 'the bloom tf•youth from
their (fear relativeA and friends, elided 'with that
common and destructive.ravager,calledcensumptlon,
which soon wastes the miserable'sulferer, until he
comes beyond the powerof human skill ; if such auf
ferera Would only,make trial of Dr. S wayneieinvalu
able meilicine,.they, would soon find themselsies ben
efitted, than by r galphing the Vtlejolla 'ineffebtiVe cer
min remedies or which our newspapers daily abound.
This sy rev immediatety.begins to_ heal the ulcerated
lungs; stopping profuse night sweats, 'mitigating the
'distressing 'cou„idti at the%aame lime , inducing:it
thy and WOO exPectoratioli ; •also relieving the:
ahocumaa &breath and pain the chest, which bar-
russ the fthlrever on'thealightest exercise,
the hectic flush in the Mil id-W.Minutiated cheek,
Will soon ittilimet;..will here.
.pertatl4ltint self:snatched* m on.t.'o , 6lnattird.,griye,
into the enjoyment again of in Mertable health. • •
thriserve:—The' Principal 0 me far the'sale'nftlds
Me:ditilite'is'at ffiNottli•Eightli.strebt,'Phila
A att,ror salti..by4olllll'.lfi t erSfle Co.,`,Cttt lisle
Peal;Shippelisliu4A'a. " ' •
kt'.44 - le.#o 0.i.,-t;o:t4,
are intended 10 the es'tablishi'ng ofd a Poet
•abiitte eiklifeeit Nortl of "this eitSr."
Four negroes, captured some time since
by Majoie Childs, were brought up. in this
We learn, by this arrival, that numerous
Indian fireiwere die - covered alongthe coast.
• Mal. M'ClintoCk, Limits. Fields and,
Rankin,,.3d. Artillery, also cane passengers
in the Gaston. 'We regret to say that the
he4lth of *Lieut. Raiikin, who so noblqq.
distinguished' himself til.,tho.late_eXP,ndt,
tiorra into the:Everglailes s .is very feeble,-
'lndian Signs.W e 1t arn . by, ; a pgssen
ger in - the Gaston, from -the South, that
though: tlie - Indians have yet shown no
hostiledemonstrations, they are still in the
country, and prepared for mischief if
__ Theirfiresivere seen at variouS
points and-under circumstanceswhich leave
no. doubt that-they were kindled with the
view of menacing the 'whites.
We are gratified to learn;that Lient. Ar
nold who was lately seriously injured at
Pilatka, is' much better..
McLEOI) IN . . NEW-Y011.K.:
Death's Deaths . I
• • ; You who .are 'blessed with litili - children, tindhave
the bate of them, should notforgetlliat thesei"litile
ones," sooner or later, will be. afillctalWith thg evil
,effects of teething, Which Carries off thousands annu,
ally. :BOW • shill!' we ,prevent this fatal ravager ?
asked by many. •. The answer is, procure immediate- -
ly DK , Paris' ScipthilSyr up, for. Children. Cutting
Tecch, which gives ins nt to the little sufferer.
Thiafitot I have testedvarious times, amlalwsys with
the same beneficial, results: 4., adidSe'. every family
who bring bp little children to have the Syrup with
tliem4hat when the child wakes up with. pain from
Teething it may be qmiatliatett relieved to the .en- -
joyment.ciftliose_who desire-sweet-repose.
N. 8.. By calling at, , the difice - of the Ledger the
address of the above willjhe‘shoum, w i hich• will satis
fy those who may' ed somewhat donbtftil of the Won..
tlerfureffeets,of theitbove
Remember, none is genuine unless the signature of
Dr. PariS is impressed, on the phials ; slab be' care
ful and pitrchase only t the medical office, NO. 1 . 9
North Eighth street s and ;Advertised 'A'gents. Be
ware,,thereere, SeveraLpeitonsinriposhignAcleteri,
oils article on the public for the above, put , up in
Win bottles, with. the name qf is spelt different.
hen you purchase see that the'nrint ,
of Paris spelt
asyou see it in this notice, and unless. the phials are.
impressed with o.Dr. Pais' Soothing Syrup" touch
it not: .
For sale by John J. Myer!. & Co., Carlisle; an
Wm.Teali . Shippensburg, Pa. • .
-WHEAT-95 to 100 Os. - '•
RYE-50 to 55 ets.. • • •
CORN-45 to 50 eta., tQ
OATS-25 to 28 ots. , _'.-
FLOUR-47 ets per barrel.
GRAN:--20 ets - per bushel.
Wrom•the ISaltimore Sun.]
Baltimore, Mali 0, 1841
. .
13e.Er CATTLE..—There have been ft
nlv a very few
Cattle disposed or this week, not eieeeding 50, at 0
to $8 per 100 lbs. Hogs have rather itnprovUd, and
sold tit $5.. .
. .
—Howard street is offered from store at
$4.50 per bbl. without finding bnvers—such at fires=
eat is the- apathy pi , evailing. The receipt price is
$4.311: City Mills is held itt• - $4.624,.with.a light
stock ; and Susnuehanna can be bad at '54.50 for,
, . ..
- Gl2 ATN - .llll3d'ernte pien of Alitryilintl - Wltrtitilt.
10. to 90 - cents for milling ;".flocl Jarge vales of:
yCoact,‘ . ., , +
Coviiltatr-AplcHit-46 10 - 47 etits - riiial - pralow
at 50 to 53; luktllitildairivii . iNs.liave.splo at.:37
far Arttryltint . l; and - " ftit' Telin aiti afi list (190!e(1, '2O 1.0 4l cent's
(or.11!)41s. and 1,1)19.;1111(1,17 cents per g:illcm O•otu
• • • •
" 3 011 - - ult., by_ tholZev.
Alexander. Sharp, 'AI r. Tlilliam Ibinshaw,
of • 11 - opeu'e I fownsinp, ,to - Miss
Kyle, - Of Diekinso - n township. _
the Ist instant, in,Sonthaniptbp town
ship-, it the .residence.ef his brother-in-law,
Moses- Hemphill, Esq.,.Mr. James Clarke,
of a protracted ilhiefis, which lie endured
with Cliiistian fortitude Ad resignation.—
The deceased was a young man highly es
teemed for the many good proper * iies he was
pressed of.
. ,
On -the 6th iinst., at the regidence of
William Culbertson, - Miss NANCY. lII
LANDS, is the 36th year of her age.
.“1311,0WN STOUT."
Just reeritrek" 1 6 2 - • do 'Atm' 143row`'11
410111 in pint and quart Bottles, and for
sale by
. • • 1 1 MI•YERS
May 1131,1.-3 t. •
66 Challmpedg . ,ll OVine.”
Jdst reedved, and for sale at the lowest city ',Hens
10 Baskets Elephant Brand,
10- • do. in pint Bottles, do. •.„ •
10 •• •superiur"Anehor" Bratid.:
Also an assortment of "
Sidily,.Teneriire and Port, ver.
superior, for sale by • • •
May 12 , 1811.-3 t. • "
ALI, persons .wishing to supplied with the car-
Best city news, may ti.wl themselves'much grati
fied by rolling. at the subscribers, where they ean
have a selection of thejol lowing daily and weekly
papers, viz Philadelphia • Daily Chronicle,
Ledger, and Spirit of the Times; New York Daily
Herald, Weekly Herald, Drother. Jonathan, New
World, Yankee Notion, Boston Notion, Magazines,
Sze. &c. to be had at the st ore of
• JOHN GRAY, Ag't.
Carlisle, Mar 12,
1 UST RECEnTA) some very fine SHAD.
0 E INGS. CHE 4E •et the
Store of • A. RIUt ARDS.
May 12,•184.1. . .
500 - Pothids CALUPET CIA iNi.1 ,141
received at the New Stare. in Shippensintrg and for
sale by • ARNOLD & ABRAMS:
May 1,1841.
.reeeivett the New:Sture..iti-Shippeasburizotall tot
sale by 'ARNOLD Elr. 41.111,AM5.
May 1, 1841.
.10Q pieces TILEAC KM) .011(JS
L NS, Just . received at the New Store in Shzp
petisbarg, and for' sale by '!!
May 1, 141
40 - 6 — A 9 Oies of li(* - ) - c — al. hnul ,si atm in Mifflin town
ship ; CurnbOrlnntl County, will is 1114/Obeli 111 C at
accommodating terms., i'or pa eticulars apply to
P. F. -1:1G1:, -- •
' ' • A ttorn4 for the owner..
. .. .
."CarliAlo, May l2 f 1941. '
Will be i;repa
ration of Sarsaperilleopiel to . - _..-..--
Medicated Ex iract of Sarsaparkla.
The efficacy of Sarsaparilla iS wegkilown in Scro
fula or Kinges,hlvil,Erysipclas, Pißeqses.ol: the 1.4-
-er,,Affections of the Skin and BoMs, Uleens Of the
Nose, Theont and Body, as well d,s pn Antidatiito
Mercury ;and the %Minerals, , Conilitiitiinial Diseases
and .R general Purifier of the .Blood and Aidina
Dr:Lehlr Would the most respectable plii
sicians in Pigladelphia, as welt as theoughout the U.
States for the chin-Hofer of his prepitratimi,,as well
al sole Ihe numerous certificates font. physicians and
others, that have been Iktm ti me' tet, time published,
slow (teemed unnecessary al the character ofhis peo.
liandion is firmly eidahlished e Throughout the Son
!been States it is used altoketlier; and throog,linot the
1.4 - ortliAlikes theid.coedence oe¢t ait others, partieu
hely amo'n'g physicians, who, for the benefit of their
patients; al ways irecommetni it. ,
The . iTatler is rtiferred to the directions necompa•
dying char...bottle, for reconunciltlations; crrti fi cates,
and fur th er particulars.- -' . • 1.. •
Re - rat:mbar, one bottle, (half a pint;) is equal to six
Piids qf syrup, and is cqually...pleasaut to take.
fgr—Price , thic lloilarper
liir!;vare in r Oailisi,e4 . , , STElTA74oll 7
. TA 74071 T
.1),1 Drx l • • „ •
. • .
Ealate of :James Olarl e,
,tißats OF ADMINISTRA . T' .t4 II)N. on -tli
estati.of :lames clarke, late ot ‘ Soump,on ,
tow iiship e Cumberland count ; ' have been
granted to the subscriber, residing in HbpewF~l town-.
ship,Aouiltytifi'esaid: Isio•r*er. is hereby glie i iptorri .
. 141
persona -having claims against iheyestate,of
ceased, to present them Tor:settlement; and tbose in
debted to make immediate payment, . • •
• • . 1)41 7 1D S. RUNSHAW,,
'..;. ..• •.911ta'r; if fennel' Clarke,
Afily 12/ 1/141::-.4t*
Tall. Notice:
A perepOliving,.olaio against the auhecribei t
Vtgrikkirid,..W 11 please • keseattliqa . fof settle - M - 4k,
and ilOrtanS: , ,thA know themselves indebted; will,
Please; make payriient, oe at least borne an&Settle ,
their daounts. -Persons neglecting to comply with
this notice will find theiraccounts placed in the hands;
of au carcerfor - collection; .-----
. •
Carlisle, Dray 12, 1180:
tutr. .; 0 ail,T P .
, Aditii •
ARNOLD RAMS linve' jint , etl . tin
additional friupply-,of . . T; • •••,
consisting parl'of •.
Blue;. Black, Brown, ,Alahik,lrOten'
Green, Steel
111nreT131ME1 - I)FidcSie - Pl - .NT.O.l;'Faney,
—Ribbed and Tweed Ca.yeiineres; '• :
• Caseinelle, acid] ; prices; • .
VelAiet Cords; Beaverteens• Lion Cloth Kel•ney; and
all kinds of Pantaloon - stuff';
-VA:stings Ofmlbileseriptions - and - ai.-all-prices-;
Surinam. Cloth - of various eolours tiffilyekles; . •
FiG used Ponit de Sole, Gro de swies,} • • •
Rich 4-4 //tack null Blue" aro'
de . Rhine Colored mut:Black
~Grci,ila • •
• •
]l lack, Lace and Cia4c, Veils ;
Silk dress Shawls, llalulkerchiePs and Scarfs of the
; . • ' ' -" •
Illackrßfue Black; - and changeable Iliemlbazi.celAi - ,
notislin de 'Lai us of cations patterns and prim:is; •
A general wisortnient of Cap surd - BonullßllONS ;_ _
Aline agsortment of Engli sh NI Domestic PRWTS
Thread Lace, thread Valencia
,ml 4. Cotton Edgings ;.
quilling, awl Lace oral! kinds; • •
Thuel, White, Black, Plain-and Figured-; r • .
' Together with a large assortment:of .„ .
(tileellSlVa . re, Hardware, Groce-..
, •4Wc •
All of which "(Ile) are , pl - epat:eitto sell ;30, per cen't
cliVaper *than can 'tElkougiitiii- Cumberland county,
. ,
• 0 : -- ; - !" -
try- 8,. pi -all-kin* will be tOrett
in e'RClialige tlioods;at. market pric6. • - -
May 12', ISL.
May 10
- TOWN 'Lot Pirb(l,4 ~
. Will be sold by, imMie outcry, (14) , Sttttti•day tha
sth 10 o'clock,-A.:111.
'- 'Lot Cti•OuitiF, •
ennutinhig - 140 - Met - 944:4re; satiated a short distanae
north-west the German Reformed Church, 0.11 the
snittli - rivesi corner '6r North and -Pitt streets. The
said let is Verritifratitageotes,liiv 'bitiltl44;
is elevated, woull lie n delightful situation for elate
who wish to liie-retired.,..Terms 'node known
al dey orsale
Mav 5.1811
Bair Iron, Class , &c:
Jost rreciv_o(l at the New Store of the subscribers.
VTons 131, gt 1 RoN, of first rate qualiihuntl..:
for sale very low li n • essh, per vonsigioptao,llo half
Boxes 8 by 10 and 10 half lloxtis .1 . 0 by ltt
• Testerti Glass,'
in gond order, fur; eale to Nfereltant.4 at 11'itts'burg•
pikes, and Duncannon best .
soolanorootoror g poo,s, also. oil 'mod WWll:row?*
Celeheated lintciit PLOUGHS, FLAX-SEED .01E 4
by the. galton, or !Sarre!, OIL MEAL, Wobekili
- VAN EEHS, &e. •
Carlisle, :Hay 5,4-841...
Public Sale.
Wit) be sold, at public; sale, on Saturday' the 22nd
of:May next, at o'clock, PMt of said day, on the
prevnises, the following described Real Estute, situ
ate in the borough of Newville,
j .Alf the interest- of John Y. Davidson, dee'd
1)444,, the one undivided filth part) in two Lots of
Ground in the liorom,dl of Newville, bounded by a
Lot of the ladrs of Hold. Steel on the West, Cave
Alley' On the orth; IbeSpring th - e- Mast, and..
Main Street on the South, t•ontaining etiCit''6o feet in
breadth on %laiu Street,•and "It2O feet in depth, hay.'
big' thereon erected a 'Fum ,Story Stove 11r.artzei-a .
Two Story Frame llouse,a Thu Ytirii, Tan House,
Bark House and other improvements. .. •
The terms of sale are—the purchase money to be .
paid muthe confirmation of the sale In' the Court.
..IV order of the Orphans Court,
ofJohn Y. Darldsoir, deeM.
S aril •1841.--lt..
•.• • .
DASSOIAIiiOIIII of. Ph riticrsikip.
The partnership heretofore under the
firm" of Shront dissoleyd by mutual
conseidou ' the fenrili of February last. Al) dime,
lath... Wed ho said :6071 will pi ease make
payment, and are requested to
m•esent them far settlemant. .•
April 21, 18.11..-3 t , .
N... 11. The business will ftatire be 'combacted
by Wilson McKim. • .
. ..
Li. persona indebted to' the' estate of Wtu, 11.
' lll,,,..lJilligan, - citlicr by nag or I.look - acnount, sire
requested' tirsualte littyment,,to hiti,
:crUstees„pn or.
before theist ofJune nest; as no !littler, itittulgtince.
can or will he . giyCii.
~ ' Svits will be instituted tiftei ,
that clay without respect to perWttS. • .1
A.F.X. M. KEYtI, • •}. ...4 ...,,..
„JACOB .111yEtvz, . nitateei:
• • sum' COYLE, . '
Neivville, April '.,?.5. - ', 7' •
-- .
/rlllll.lnouness of Charle.7. .1 Imre."'
.. o rter be conducted in the • main! of BuTilitz
. .
Tito pecou a of William.Moore,nssigtice ofJamei:
Nloorkyin trust l'or Alorpert, wife of ilia saithlaines,f4
and. the phild.teoi oh the.-mtill,,imove And ~/110• r 6aretL.
'Moore, !instills day been presented to the Court of
conunon Plras, and sniu court has appriinted ruer f ,•:.
dag ate Jttls of .31a.y next for 'Os eoufirmiltion antl•
alio watt 0 I: all 'con ee rovf‘ri)l l ,lnke.tvitieg.
• PA). SAN ntIISUN, Peotley.
Carlisle, April 0, 1841.—Si • • ;
'Cupiberland Volunt.ters.
You nre ordered to miracle in • the , BOrookir
New vine, int Saturday'Saturday'theisth of May. t tiOrt, at • Id ~
o'clock, M. preriseli;emitpletely eqmpf fordrill
and inspection.' • • •••• :
Commanders of companies having mnsid attached
thrrer, wArinintediately Make known the Onutity
and kinath the Col;COmmantlant. .•
• •,,.• !i • JOHN - KEI4O, At*,
April 21,1841; • •• ;
rirbt itroAfient 11?.Nr.,, w 4 mra de n t
ipttlitittlek onzi'lloysqlay.ibe 13th day 'next' •
Batalicia Itegi lock oa 14dt
BY ()Her. of
• *Si
I)Erin.x. 11. -II tuiTeK,
mitt l L 5, I SO.
G. inn.'
Cal. echo. 23:1 liek:T.lS,f,'; • '