Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 12, 1841, Image 2

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ight hundred and . forty, the sum. of two
hundred 'sixty-eight-.thousand and .three
o apzi.!
To, orphan asylnat aid lion's° of refuge,
ise'vetr•ttionsand dollarS.
To asylutia , for blind; deaf and dumb;
• rixteen thousand four hmidreddollari..
TO pay guaruntee of interest to".the hol
ders of stools Eagle and Spring
fvreeltcompany-r-teri :thousand
dollars. •
pay.the•gtiaraittee of interest to loan
holders of the Danville • and Pottsville rail.
road-emu pang. fifteen. thoniantl:tl6ll4rs:
• To the Monongahela navigation compa
ny; seventy tlionsarid,:dollars; being- the
unpaid balance of the last year's appropri
ation. , • .
To State Library five hundred andtwen4
ty-nine dollars andforty-two cents, to pay
debts' due at the commencement of the
present year. ,
•To damage fund thirty thousand dollars.•
prentiumii-tin silk and cocoons, six
• timusand dollars . . .0 '
TO militia :expenses, twenty thousand
dblrars: - • - ._ • _, • • ...
To expOnses of goverilOaent, three. lion
• d_und:tift !_:_thßosand 'dollars.. . 1661 t keepers, collectors, we:4W
masters,.and . cither persons necessarily cm
. • Oloyed. on the public-works,-sixty. thousand
dollars. •
To pay balance of - temporary loan au-'
thorized by, act of April - 1461;1838, the
sum of fifteen thousand dollars. • •
To p'ay commissioners and defray epn-,
-tingent expenses of--Nicholson .board_..or
. aommissioners - i - fifteen -hundred--dollars, tit
~. be repaid out ofaiy-moneys received from
the NiCholson estate eftei: April 16; .1840 i;
and from and•after the'pltssage of this act,
it shall . be-unlawful•for the commisSionprs
_ _
••• or any of them; orany . of -the racers or
clerks of the -"Nicholson - court of plea,"
to , be directly or-indirectly interested, in
• the sale, : transfer, compromise or ,settle
ment of any-part or portiim' of the estate
6fl - ohn' Nieholsonv_er_ the „estate of fetes
- 11aynton, or in any of thj
• : receive znyingher
_compen_sation than thi - it
116th of A ril, 1840; and if any of the other
Clerks,- commissioneys--or usher .
persons connected withAlm aforesaid . court,
violate the . pv6visionS of thie.seetion,l
they shall on conviction be fined iii a sum
one—tiMusaml._dollars, and
imprigoned Tor a• period not exceeding: one
• _
• - ye - u; -- at. -- ther - diseretioti7of—tlie—priaiper_cou.xL
-before whin Saiir.conVietion may be- had;
* and all contracts made eontrary to this ifet
- bhall be null and void.- Provided,
nothipg herein; contame h lEptetent the
estate to the office of commissioner.
T,'n fay debts due on doiltracts for work
-done until . the, first of May, 18.11', on the
unfinishedLpOrtion . .of the,Shenango line of
the Erie division of canal, two hundred
and fifty thousand and eleven dollars and
eighty-three cents. And upon the Con
neaut line of said division, two hundred
and sixty2 r enti thousand three hundred and
eighty-six dollars and five cents.
. llo,pay debts due on contracts for work
done, tftitif the first - of .May, 1-841, on the
• . unfinished portion' f the ?Forth Ilranchcex
tension, the suM.-of fiv6" hundred and thin:
. teen thon - s - and seven' hundred and fourteen
dollars and ninety-two cents, of which the
sum of one hundred and twenty-seven
thousand four hundred - dollar's and seven
teen: cents: ts.. the 'balance
.tmpaid ,of last
year's appropriation.
.To pay. debts due, on c ontracts for work
done until the first ot 464'18.11, on the
Wisconisco canal- ninety-four .thoiftsand
eight hultdred,and thirty-detien dollars and
- -twenty-eight tents. .
'ho , - pay debts due to contractors for
, . grading the road to avoid the'inclined plane
• . at Colurithia, the sum of six thousand six
-hundred and sixty dollars.
T,O pay debts due Until Ist. May, 18-11,
on contracts for work done on the reservoir
• at llollidaysburg7and the reservoir near
Johnstown, the sum efc4ive thousand dol
l:kis. , ,
For the payment of ropes used upon the
Portage rail road, purchased in pursuance
OS, a contract dated 9th May, - 184001 re
sam of seventeen thousand eight hundred
and fifty-four dollars.
To lay the superintendant and foi the
deeepingin repair of the Public Grounds,
six hundred dollars.. • ..
' . To pay debts due•on Shine=honing ex
"p tension lie - WestßranchlliVisioni-Penn--
sylvania — canal, 'the' surn - ,of one—thousand
. two hundred and six dollars. - _
't pay for repairs-of
. the ' , Delaware di- I
vision of the Pennsylvania canal, -sixty
'thousand dollars.
To pay to the firm of Pennel, Lenher &
• 'Reines, manufacturers - of locomotive en
' • gines at the city Of Lancaster, seven thou
sand five hundred - dollars, being the amount
flue. to,,,said . firm for• a loConiotive engine
pureiraied •by-the• canal commissioners, and
now in use on the Columbia'and Philadel
phia rail - road; and the resolution passed
on the 26th day of March, 1841„entitled
a "Resolution :for. the relief of .Pennel,
.Itenher.&. Humes - , manufacturers Of loco
mOtiveengines," shall-:be and is- hereby'
Apealed- • •.' •
new-marks • oti• finished -lines, pay
of canal. commissioners, appraisers and -en
gineers not .connected with.•-extensions, . onsantrilellariLy. :. : •
- •
That the aura of'ten thousatithwo-htr—n
:,dred.dollars shallihe, , antl‘the same is h
;by appropriated for the coinpletionr'
• ~geological and mineralogical 'surve;
• ',applied
. as., folloivs: twa...thccuiand,
fetr f .tlie . paytnent Of • one_ years salary
7 •Astete geologist r 'six,thOusand.dollars to..the_
,payment4iff;onc2ryears salarY•of asars
- tants, including - the •chemist, at the'rate of
One thousand each, and the remaining sum'
of two Thousand . two" hundred ,dollars' to. be,
•,. entl.applied., by the. said : geologis t,
• •to:tl#l:itayrneOpf - the,,incidental expenses
sitt - rfeAliithitlink - tlinTreparatiot
' ..Ofthree . .,6oinplete.colloetions or cabinets of,
g9Ologicel andmineraidgicalspecitnens toe
the,state, Cud for the
and 'preparing, for •puhlication the final re
. relation to said survey; together
niaps . alytdrAyings to'accempany
the Same; which e6i,tl 0:0 shall liei deemed
and' taken compensation - tlierettir*:
logical and mineralogical specimens afore
stiaid, shall.; be deposited, one. at'.:Philadel
phia,-one-at Ifarriaburg, and one at Pitts
berg!), tinder the direction orthe secretdrf
of, the commonwealth, or in such manner
its thelegiSlatUre Shall hereafter provide;',
kind so much of any fofiner act as requires
the state geologist to furnish specimens of
the geology and minerology. of each :coun
ty in - the.statc to the commissioners of said
County, shall lie and the swine,. iS 'hereby
payidebts • due, and flit 'comPleting
the re-laying of the north track of the.oo
lumbia and Philadelphia rail road; from the
twenty-second mile stone. to Whitehall, the
sum of . fifty-two t h ousand one hundred and
thirty dollars:
is further provided., That after
the payment of the above specific appro
priations, the residue of said loan shall he
appllvd to the fund for the payment of in,
teres,r•on the public debt. Provided, That
.the sum, appropriated to the: payment"of
damages by thin - section, shall be paid as,'
speedily -as possible in the order as to time
.in which 'the, said clainis-for damages have
been awarded,. assessed, and confirmed,
and the 'canal commissioners are hereby
I expressly prohibited. from entering into any
new cataract, for any work upon the mit.
; finished lines of the public improrements,
whether for•abandoned sections or other
wise, thiringthe ensuing year, or'until this
prohibition is repealed by act of assembly.
That hereafter' the
,Whole amount of -uni
ney to be paid to -the corps of engineers oil
tire whole of the suite improvements, shall.
not exceed. the Sum of twenty thousand
! dollars annually, and that hereafter, there
! mideyed but one superintendant
the• Erie, and one on the North Branch
' extensions.
§.15. That where moneys have been or
shall be 'specifically . approiniated to •the
i internal ! iiptiroveinent• fund or any other.
'ohj eet :.Ity :at) it of ! -- 0 f s e nib I the -saa e.
',((,k).Y-_-ipli_9tlice,r.of. this
I tia e en :
;'SciSpecilicAly! - awropriat4tli anti if attir,of
• ticer 4s:iiforestii(i Offen-d
-alp.inst any of the provi§inns of this. sec
tion, it shall be•decined a inistlenieanor . , in
office; ;60 such ollicei,So..offending shall
on conviction' in any cont . -L.4 eonipetent
jurisdiction,-be subject - to a line of not less
than live it mid red - -1i0n:164- and. -not , mote.
thaiLt:wo - tlibusand dollars at the sliscretion,.
• :
_" •
§ LG. That the notes'antherized to be
issued by this acithay have an uniformity
in phraseology; the - Governor' is hereby
authorized and required to prescribe.:the
'form in which the same shall-be-issued.
- • § 1.7.- That to . cnable the banks of this
commonwealth to comply - with the pro
visions of this:act and to relieve the: coin
munity,.it is further enacted, that no bank
ing institution in this state shall be subject
by way of penalty or otherwise, to 'any
greater' rate of interest thait 6
per cent.•per
-annum,_anything_iit any act of Assemldy
to . the - contrary notwithstandi g; and the
-resolutions entitled "resoluti ns providing
for the-restimplion.of speeie_payments by
the bankg . ; and , for other purposes,".passed
. t3d of April, It 3-10, be rid the same arc
hereby repaled; and that all provisions of
any other act, of Assembly heretofore pass
ed, or of any aet of incorporation providing
for the, forfeiturd,iof any charter, other than
that of the 11"ank of the United States;for
or by reason of the non-payment of any of
its liabilities on demand, be and the same
are hereby suspended until further legisla
tivt'artiow;:and until Abe- Legisiature shill
provide for the repayment of the loan . au
thorized by the first . section Df this act;
and so tritiell orany bet -of assembly'as
prohibits the banks of this- commonwealth
frorn.making. loans and
. diScounts, issuing
theit• own notes,. or declaring
during the suspension 'of specie payments,
. *and the same is hereby suspended as
aforesaid. But no bank during such sus
pension shanAduelare dividends to an a
mount exceeding five
m per cent= per an
no: Provided, that before the Bank. of
the United States shall be. entitled to the
benefits of this section, Alm stockholders of
said bank shall, by a resolution adopted at
any regular or adjourned meeting held in
pursuance of the charter of said bank, duly
Made and cartified to the CovernOr under
their corporate seal, consent to. be subject
to any general laws to bb hereafter passed
for--the=regulation of the banks.Latthis_com-1
monweald. - •
§ 18. That if the stockholders of the
Bank' of the United' States, at an adjourned
- general-meeting in, be. held-attheir-bariking
house, on the 4th day of May, 1841, or
on any other day to which said meeting
shall be adjourned, or at any other general
meeting held. in pursuance of their charter,
shallifeelile bra majority of-the-votes then
and there present; or represented' accord
ing to the scale of votes allowed at elec
tions oldirectors, that it is expedient for.
the Bank of
. the United States to make a
'general l assignment of the real aml_perscinal
estate, goods, chattels t rights and Credits,
whatsoever, and Wheresoever, of the said
corporation to trustees for the .payment or
securing the.payment of the debts br the
same, and .shall; moreover, .the,
alike vote
elect five or more persons as trustees for
that purpose, then and in such :case it shall
be the doty , of,the directors of the said brnk
iii the eerporatername , and- under the cor- - ..
porate seal of the president ; directors and
' company-of the - bank of the United Statesi
forthwith:to make-,and execute Such an as
signment, and. to do all such. acts as shall
Ite-neeessary,to give full possession of th—e
.. signed estate and effects to trustees
So'seleeted upon the trusts• di* Eaid'aiii,
• signMent :. Provided; however,' that . the,
.80tritockliehlers.thay, at the gencralineet,.
mg at which' such assignment may,be au
„thorized„ require an : inventory of,*';ilib..iiro. 3 .
lPercy assigned, and if 'they deem it expe
• dient -- tertlo'rseTsecttrity - in—iimituitiet-ne
they may-deem it expedient,,froinAhe titis=
tees aforesaid; for the failliful..perferniance
:Cetheir 'duty - ' '
§ 19.,,T'hat the said assignment so tiffidi,.
ae - aforisaid, shall be deerneknnd:takeitle
voitlinmediately in the' said trustees and:
. .
~ .'- , ,161.,,,e. Hg.r . 4 . • : .i .. 1t k,:10:4F.: . ..740:rv 4:4•! 4 u i:',,,9412:.*:10...ti.4
liteiriiiiceeStiors, all tbO'eatate, -Teal- and.
parse Igoods,, chattels ; .rights
and credits,
whaernever; antrwheraspever in like man
ner, iiinf-to - the same axteut as tliay were
previously vested in..the said corporation;
but upon the trusts of the said assignment;
antl-thai se — mUclf . ef any: I'l4 :or"laws. of
pfrnis commonwealth; as requires security
from trustees or assignee's, Wan inventory
or appraisement:of ; the property n assigeod.
or conveyed, in trust, be'eudsthe'sared
•hereby:dispedsed with, in the
aisignmentor deed - of 'trust, or other con
veyance which - may - be made by Abel presi
dent, directors and company of the bank
of the United' States; for"securing-the-pay-,
went of-any portion of its liabilities;"
§ 20. It , shall 'the' , said
stockholders at such meeting, such
Yete' es iifififeiaid,.l6 - tiVe to - the — saietrus - - -
tees such powers over -the' assigned estate
land effects as they may deem expedient,
not inconsistent with the said trust for the
the payment of the debts of the corporation
in manner aforesaid, and also, to. impose
such regulations upon Them in regard, to,
the :rrianner of executing the said - trusts;
keeping.and.reederingaceoutits of the Same;
and:Making dividends among the creditor's;
- -- Macs of the
and in regard , ,to the responsibiJ
said trustees, and their compensation or
allowance, and also idiegard to the eipen
-ties of the trust las - they.. may deent . right,
alt which powers, regulations-and proVi
sleds, shall be introduced into the said 'as-
sigrimebt. Provided, that the said trus
tees, or any trustees or assignees appointed
for the:payment, pr securing the payment
"gall or any -of the debts of-the
-said bank; -shall; -feeeive:-iff-- payment of
debts due to the said, bank, or to:111 - Eri at
par, the notes or other evidences of debt
issued or cleated by said ban*: • •
.§,21. That thd trustees so elected shall
hold thttir appointment until •the first Mon
day in - January next; and until' -other trus
tees shall be elected - .in - their place, and 'it
;shall be lawfid for the said - stockholders'
offthe•said day, by-alike vote, to choose
rtlie:satatt_dr.'_ ether- lersons-td- act--asArns-.
toes aforesaid, for another year, and until
- se 'outlrbm-!'yeattf&yliititt astnifo
trust shall continue, .and. r iffiliLit.." he coin__
pletely Xecirted,-the said stockholders on
the Ist Monday in January-in each year,
"shall be authorized in . manner aforesaid, to
.choose new trustees in thdplace . of-any-. or
all the existing trustees, as it shall be the
duty' of' the trustees Whose . plaee shall be
:supplied---in—the„.truSt,:_teddther_ 4 with doy ,
trustee cootitioing jo the satoe,,,to exemite
such instrunictit, as sball' vest trott es
.. • .
- tate and effeelS in all - the trustees who are
to act with trust fur the ensuing. year.
§ 22 - . - - - 111 - attlfe - 7 -- corporate - "powers-of-ther
said.corporation shall after thm-said- assign-
Anent shall -be. made and - executi:d .as..afore
said, cease-and determine,-except so far iv
the same may be neCessary,for the follow-.
lug purposes, that is to say:
First: For tlic 1 Fji i iae'ofisuing anal
ing sued,'and for cOntinuing alf snits' and
proceedings at law or in erirrity, now pend
ing for or against said corporation.
Beconl . For• the purpose of making
such assurances, conveyances, and trues.:
fors, and doing all such acts,-matters, and
things__as may be necessary or
to make the said' assignment or the • trust
thereof, effectual.
• .
Third: For the plll'pose of citing the
said trustees• to account, and compelling
them to execute the said trusts:
Fourth : For.' the choosing- of directors
for the purpose of receiving and distribut
ing unong the stockholders of the said
bank, such surplus as• shalt remain ate(
diSCharging'the debts of the said corpora.
§ 23... That the courts of this common
wealth shall ittwe
,jurisdiction of the said
trust mut el the affairs thereof, m like man
lier. 'as if the Same were created under any.
general law. of the state, and it shall more
over be lawful for the Legislature;. and the
power is hereby expressly reserved at any
time or times,. with the consent of the said
stockholders, at a general meeting for that
purpose convened according tolhe charter,
to change mid alter the provisions of this,
act, in such.mannei: as to the Legislature
may seem expedient: - . .
§ - 24; That from-andsafter such general
assignMent,it shall net he lawfUl for 'die
said corporation to exercise the banking
privileges - of loaning money, and issuing
notes- or bills, but it shall be confined to
the exercise of its other corporate pdivers
and privileges, 'for the purpose of, the final
'settlement --- of- its-nffairs r tind-for-the:lsale.
and - dispOsition of its - estate, real, personal
„ • .
and mixed. •
§ 25. No. proxies to vote at any election
ordirectOrs of this bank; - or atany-meeting
of the stoolth.olders thereof, shall be valid,
unless dated and ekeented • within sixty
days , before' the day of each .election or
§ any cif
.the banks of this
state, which . pay a tax upon theirpyidends,
refuse to comply with the requisitions of
this act in taking their due proportion of
the stock by the first section authorized in
such case, all said banks so . refusing shall
remain subject . to the'provisiens of the
laws,mm' in force, and are hereby_ excepted
fro* the benefits of the provisions of the
llth section of this act: And the omission
or refUsal of any subli- bank .as aforesaid,
shall not affect the; rights Or: priiileges
hereby conferred on the banks complying
-with .tbe Setae, but. the amount of said' loan
net . taken may be'.distributed amongst the
other banks of the commonwealth, accord=
ing to the'proportions designated
,in the
seventh section of this act: • '
§ 27. Should any, of the bankri - iii, the
commonwealth, authorized by the, twelfth
Section of this, act,lo issue notes on a de
j polite of state stock, fail or refuse to'depo
si(e at least five' per cent: on their' capital
actually paid in, then and in such case the
bank so failing or, tefiliing,•sharrentain
j-ekubject..tii,the provisiims , orthe ezieting
bi - ww,- and:are-hereby: : exedistedLi'roin_Atie
, benefit, of the prrivistons or the seventeenth
j 'section of this act. • , '
§ l 2B. ;The 'several banks , desirous to
avail-,thengelves of the - provisions of this
net, shill notify' the governor. 41'writing of
'their willingtiees to neeept and comply, with.,
:the Omp,.withiii rimy days ,•aftei;the•pas
- Sage . : „ of this act: ..••.,. • •, • -
.. ..
. § 6 '29.That'the•secretary_pf.the-compion-:
wealth — Si - MIL - as soon as may be after. - the
passage .of.this. act; notify, the several banhs :
of this state of the - iatne. ' •,.
AA A the ISrliatataia,
• Front 11th ilotste atlas: .
'ENGLAND. • • •
The ste.amer_Britannia .arrived at Bos
ton; at V. o'cloclr,on Thursday morning.
She arrived at. Halifax on Tuesday morn
ing, mid Made Her iiassage in thirty-eight
hours to - Hoston.• . • • •
The. Columbia, which sailed from-Bos
ton on tfiefirst,ornved at Halifax on. Mo
nday at. 10 o'clock, making the passage in
forty-one hours.
The' had not arrived
at :Liverpool on the .20th: ult. All hopes
of her arrivaLVvetoat an end, and..weleatn
that insurance not, be effected...ander
The President S'lcamship.—Every
title - oj - intelligence -connected: with this
long missing vessel now ~becomes of the
deepest interest.' The following letter ap
pears in . the London Times of April IGth:
To the Editor of the •
`Sir—Anxious to relieve the public mind,
I beg to advise you that from- letters. this
(14 received from my son,` of the 16th
Regiment,. stationed at Bermuda, - dated the
15th ult., amongst-other interesting matter
is P - Ce - folloAing.statement :
"IVO have. had terrific weather here
lately, and I hear that it is likely to.con
unite until the month- is out. Ships are
continually coming in damaged, and all of
them on approaching the island - are obliged.
to strike topmasts - fOr safety. ,Once in, all
is snug,•and"
As this account of the state of the.wea
-Ibex .ael!ords_with what has been stated by
vessels - that have eneounte,red_ these _gales
1041:.0i.iV . *AWATili"g - tß,icirldtlitigagfe this'utotnent Is of suchiittelse in=`
terest-to-niany-in.whose kgener 7
ous nation so.-warmly. syrupathises,--may
up.der divine - protek'filiti - ; - -ftave found a safe
-haven-at Bermutla,..whence_there ate still
,hopes to encourage favbrable expectations
of her safety:- • - • • •
-•- • • '
The inericati neivg . 'tiike . n. 'to-England
.the . Caledonia, appears to .have, given
general satisfaction.'_.__. _ -
Ti' s p
e. Pariape,rs contain' no yery•mo
mentortS news. M. Guizot had announc
ed in the Chamber-of Deputies, that nego
tiations between Great. Britain and France
promised -a' satisfactory-conclusion : of the
difference bet Ween ,the- two countries;, but
he Would not give further. explanation ;
which was demanded.
[From the London • Sun, April 19.)
The Austriaw -- Observer, of the 19th
in s t., which we have just received, contains
the following important anno . uncement :
" News received by dxpre,s,--.from.Con
stantinople, dated' the 29th nit.,. announces
that, the piesent. Minister-for Foreign Af
fairs, Res hi
fronilhis post by the S'ultan, and replaced.
by Rifaat .Bey, - fOrmerly Ambassador of
the Sublime Porte at the Court of Vienna,
who has been named Pacha and Minister
for Foreign • Affairs. The Minister 'of
Commerce, Fethi Achmed Pacha ; is also
replaced by the present .Capitan•
Said Puha, brOtlier-ln-taiv — of tltc - Sultan;
Tahir Pacha is, appointed Capitan.Pacha,
tireat Admiral.".
China--Tronzikd' Peace with. the Ce
lestials.—We have at length the pleasure
- to announce the probable adjustment of
our long-pending dispute with the Chinese.
Onr advices from Chitia'extendlo the 28th
of January last, when a treaty was con
cluded between Capt. Elliot and the:Chi
nese ple,nipotentiaries, to the effect that an
indemnity be yielded by them, amounting
to_six millions of .dollars (or about
lion,and_a quarter in British coinage) pay
able in six years by annual instalments of
a million of dollars—that the island 'of
Hong tong (situated in lat. 22 15N., and
lon. 1 . 14' 15 E.) be ceded • to us, that the
trade of Canton be. opened Within ten days
afte:r_the_ChineSe _new year; and that the,
official relations between the two ""govern=
melds he hereafter established upon a foot
ing of invariable equality.
----The :-Bntish squadron - hatl_:_restu cod_ two
of their forts, and were carrying on hostili
ties with . .great activity when the Chinese
authorities proposeda-cessation. We give.
below •tlte particulars'ntthe over-land mail
from-the ',Miami Allas:OrthelOth, which
gives a Minute and full account of the whole.
The., tea market had been very_ much de
pressed;• and the London merchants had
remonstrated to Lord Palmerston against_
the treaty of Admiral- Elliot... Cinfon re
maine.d about the same.:' Flour dull. The
money market:was . vvriable. Stocks had
rather improved. •
. Prom Texas,.-41fe 'Houstonian of the
9th instant'Saisi.i - A - keritlethanirtivithin
town ',day :before yesterday, from San An-.
toaio, on - his .:way . to New Orleans, hring
ing abbot -$20,000 ht specie - fof the
chase of goods for the Mexican "market:
This speaks well for' the' Welt: :• The ru
mor of an. invasion :Cf:TeXaF,: , oii - the part
of the: Mexicans, .although; created' some
excitement in ether --parts• of the •countryt
. not; appeargain much credence in
San Antonio. hear nothing said of
late-Indian depradation's. inAliat" "quarter.' `
ralug of filarrie4 Men. —."A little more
animatioiw my dear,"'. Whispered Lady D.
to gentle__Susan, =who- , was - walking
I languidly through a quadrille. "Dii leave
Me: to manage my own htiiiness,'manima,"
replied the , provident 'nymph; "Vahan not
&lief; my ringlets out; of curl for Married
I man." "Of sours° not,"' my love . ; 'but 1.•
was not owgro Who you r partner Was."'
USE ; rnnoucipoir, THE COMMUNITY.
, .
. The P4ilptle!phia°Mellicidist Conference,
I recently. in I:ession, passed thefollowing
'resolutions •
Redolve - d,, -- That We - regard-the teM
perance.cause with increasinginterest; and,
greatly•rejoice:inits triumphs.both'in our
orbn country lands, during
'.the past . year.
011„intoxicating liquors,. as a• beverage,.is
the'tOtilycourse that can be depended oh,
!either for the prevention or cure of drunk
`lnentiess, and that we earnestly recommend
this-course to all our people.,
1 . • 3. Resolved,That we consider the,traflic
in hitexicatingliquors inconsistent with
pure Christiann Morality, and that we enjoin
upon our preacherri more strenuous . ..efforts
-- rridu& all our members' to Tabandon this.
to iiidt
- 4. Resobied . , — That - es - ouf.rdlesforbid the
use of ;spirituous liquors, as a beverage, ex
cept in cases of necessity; and as it is now
fully established that there is no .necessity
for - their use by men in health;. it is
dience to the order: and discipline of the
Church for our members to use them. '
The Shoemaker and theWinellferekant..
— A poor iheemaleer tooksa sliorm- the
beide-yards Of- Paris. As he was indnstri
. 6;14 expeditious and punctual', his custom
ers iapidlyincreased. After the lapse of
a few months, - a ;Niue • merchant 'opened a
Nbop next to- the shoemaker's; and
. tlie tat
ter, to be ongeoll terms,'stepped' in, from
time to time, to take a drink of wine.' Soon
he perceived a dangerotis - habit was form-:
ing,.and immediately discontinued to. visit
the Ti .Vinter!sLfor some. days. •
,in and-drink. '
. - :The - shoemaker. acc.c.redthe invitation,
tilt so considerable a bill was run,'lltat his
best clothes 'Nliere pawne.d for'payment. A
the tinter to lend him his clothes for, that
Clay; and was .refused. Much chagrined,
the shoemaker cast.abotit for some plan of
revmtge. IThe wine ,morchntic
with a fine brood of chickens,.-which used
• _ ~ ,
.. .
. ,
. .
. . .
or the Financial Condition . of the Borough of .C.m.liae, shoUring the fimonntof small notes un
_- - redeemed as per report of fOilner Council; also;the - existing-debts-dnelliehorough, • _ .
. • . Aril 9 th, 184,1.. • • .
. .
DR. .
o Balance of small notes outstanding and unredeem
ed, as per statement of former' Connell, S79G ,82
. . . ..
The account
.of Thomas Trimble, Treasurer of the-Borough of Carlisle, exhibiting an account
• .of his receipts and dishursementSifrou - trie I ith day ofApril 1840,, the time of his •
. ~
• • • . . . appointment. • - - • - -.._ , .
~. .
Am't of taxes authoriied r to be collected for 1840, $ 1716 37
Cash from Jacob Squier, Esq. former treasurer, 306 554
Cash from D.-Bailey, J. Spahr, G. Deitz, J. Seig,
S. Bolender, E. Leyburn, J. Sitters, I. Worm
ley,lor license for Proviston Stores and Oyster
• and Eating Houses, 23 Oft
Cash from. sundry persons for license 'to exhibit, . 32 00
C,asli from' butchers - for stall rent, 154 871
Cash from John Peters collector for 1839, 835 00
Cash from CartiAle Bank small note balance in favor
of Borough, " • 2.6 84
Cash from Peter Gilmore balance in full of lot sold
to him,- . • SO 00
, Cash from Wm. Miller . fine collected, . 400
[ Cash from M. Mathas for chains sold, " _ 30 60
[ Cash from M. Dipple proceeds of hay scales, &c. '
,Borough, including-light bUtter and bal.
ance due from last Year, _ 150 18i
hCash from M. Mathews street commissioner for stone •
sold, • 7 174
_...,.7 ,
~. Q
. . -• . • .
?4• -.4 " •
-_ .
~ s~~
—1- JACOB ZUG:. •
' • Committei orAccounts.
to venture near the,dbor of the shoemaker's
shoir. •Age procUred some bread . , scattering
it open thb floor;enticed the hen.,:vvith her
chickensio enter; then catching thetn„he„
stripped,off all their •feathers, and*.firrned
them loose to go to their owner. Enieftil
at .the enorninug — aireilrf, — ;thl — nierchant,
makes, complaint and seeks redress. _
"!Friend," said the shoemaker, "you
have no occasion for complaint. have,
only done that to Sour fowls which yOu
did :Von enticed me . into !yonr•
shop; you stripped me of my_ clothes and
left me destitute. Ott the charge of cruel-.
ty we are. equal, though :the habits which
• , e3tsed• are. different.",
Di) to. others .as you • would. they •shonld
,do. to you, is a maxim . which if always re
meinbered,and observed, - ,wouldlirevent
Ilifelinif - tlieliZar - 144rtiings — anTe - onplutionEr
*tong Temp. Heral(l,,,
Friends of man and foes to madness, .
Let your voices loudly sound,
Speak ! and let a nations sadaestit
. See you not the foe around ?
Lift on high the Temperance banner,
Feet:Men! freemen ! to your post; .
Hea'r . the victims how they stammer!
Hasten—save,hem, or they 're losr?
- Look! e'en now a drunken father,
Reels along yon noisy 11;ity ;
From their• home the wretched mother . •
Leads her tremilling babes away. •
Father, rouse thee ! see yon treasure;
--Youder_thoughtless, • _
Madly quaffs, and is undone. - - •
Sisters.! snatch thy wretched brother
. From the spoiler's cruel grasp;
Ere "another year7-yel. aNiber
° Victim to their arm's thpY clasp!
,Wife!—Vitit heart almost to breaking,
.Halt thou not a work to say ? •
Can'st thou thus lie slumber tatting; 7----
.. While thy husband is their :prey ?
- .-Husband !.watch around her vathivay—
,-„Say.e, titylo eirgrAt -1* 8 "4"
husb-dha-roll beware! - -
• •
Oli! let not thy children curse thee, • .
As the authors of thcirnvoc .
Fathers, it - others, rouse thee--rouse thee, '
Break the fatal - chain and go! • •
nitriots, Christiakeriends of ereedona
. . The cry is loud—can nought be done
_ •
Nought . to break - this-cruel ti
Falter not! we are Undone!
A -7 .. - iGenetaal-e-.Exhib,it
JAc,'OB ZUG, •
Committee of Accounts.
From the Bulletin
By deposite' in 'Saving Fund,
Balance due from the estate of A. Ramsey, dec'd. late
Treasurer of the Borough, low in suit, .together
- with - interest on the same from 13th April.lB3B,
Balance-due .from the' estate of J. Reighter deed. late
. collector now in 'suit, .with interest' on• same from
. 14th'of April 1838,. , - . ' V 7 16
Outstandina-on sale- , of old_marketito_u_se, 5.773
Balance due by John Peters Collector for 1839,______ 9-3—ff
Balance due by John Wyncoop for stall rent, 12 21
}Balance due by John Peters Collector for 1840, 543 41
Balance in the hands of Thomas Trimble Borough
Treasurer, $49 of which is'uncurrent paper,
• $1563 62
— Examined and -passed by Council,:9th Of April 1841.
JACOB WEAVER., Neat. Pro, Tem.
Test—Tnomas TRJAIBLE, Clerk.
tSince paid $9O.
Cash paid B. Kende( for winding clock, &c.
Do. Win. Miller high. constable expenses of Borough
Election for 1840, . - . • '
Do. M. Mathewslstreet commissioner for repairs on
streets, &c. and for .cleaning-Letart Spring,.
Do. Wm., qould his bill for candles,
• •
Do. Dr: G. D.,Foulk-appropriationlo Comb. Fire:
---- Company-tivo-ears,-----,---..____......._____.
Do. Committee of Accounts to pay note in bank, •
Do. T. Craighead Recorder, fees for recording mort-;
gage of Moore & Biddle,.
Do. John Hamwood tor cleaning public square, '
Do. Geo. W. Crabb for printing, - ,
-Do: -W-m. '. • -
Do. Sanderson & eorninan foil printing, .
Do. V. Thomas & 'D. Tuiner for cleaning away snow,
Do. James Hoffer stall rent refunded, , •
Do. Geo. Keller appropriation to Union Fire Comp'y.
twoyeiirl, • „ .
Do. Wm. Alexiiider for stone hauled,' -- , ••
DO. James Loudon•for books and stationaq, , .• ..
Do. A. Hecker for repairing ? lock, ' . ' '
Do. Pear Gutshall for. repairs at hay, scales and 'grave
yard wall, "
Do: J. J. Myers for oil for market lamps; - . '. . -
Ho.-Exhoherations allowed John Veters collector for
1840, •
Do: Commissimi 'allowed J. Peters c ollector for 1141):.
Do. M. MatheWs street commissioner salary, ' -., 52
INC .- Do..- excess expended; beyond appropriation ; ---= 6
Do. Balance not collected oii - the'HuplirAtte.for.l,s4(l, 54$
Dii. Wmv•Mdler high cmjstable-salaryiind bill for . ' ' ' '
candles, - - -' --,• . ' . ' • ' , ,•F-: • , (-7--- . '... i ',
• 2
Do. M'. Dipple li salary and Cleaning snow filom market
'house,. . ' ' -- . .
~ ~.
Do: T. Trimble clerk to, Council' salarfind niaking
. .
duplicate, ,
~- • '.: ••: •-• •..-
Ito. AlloWinee; to:clerk for 'itiilet to 'tniiiiithSltnil'for
recording ordinances respecting 'nuiSatices 'and ig
ghlating.ofar.kets,. ' .. .- •-•.- •..., -• •• -
.Do. ; Comm ission' allowed. treasiiro;
iinlance in hands of Treasinvet,!
Examined and passed by Council, ihe 9th ' of April 1141,
JACO.I3:OEAVER, Presd't. Pro: TeMsi,
Attest-;4"nomas TnnWiLt“,'Cierk; ' • •
xlikW - ..5.0c0WN,4
Just reeeiOeil at:the- Store of
A' fresh supply or misonable GOODS, consisting
in part of Blue, Black Drawn, Olive Green, and
Adclade, ' -
• .0 'Zit 5,
Black, Blue, Brown figured and striped Cassimeres;
Mixed _figured -and striped Gambroont for panta
loons. Brown, White, Striped and Figured Linen
Kentuckey, Pennsylvania and Dela Wag
' Janes; • Pittsburg cords;
'Cotton Stripes - and„..drillv
Aiterican. Nankeens and colored Mullins; BuTrlaplf
French and Irish Linens; black, blue, Fawn, Mouge; .
Pink,.Blossom, White,- Figured, Striped and barred,stile; Fignred-plain,barred striped AAP
netts; Swiss, Cambrick and MOB- musliiis; Bonnets,
-Lawns mut Silks, Einbroidered, -Montan,. Glossee,.
Sattin and barred Ribbons; Leghorn flats, ' Straw,
Braid, Nun-and Chip Bonnets; Colored, White, Fig
ured Leghorn and Palm leaf Hats; Brown & bleach-
ed muslina; Ticks; Checks, Crash, and Diapers; Lint:
en and 'cotton; 4=4 5-4 and 6-4 sheetitigs; Tablecloth;?
linen • and , coton Diaper; Linen, Grass, silk, pongee
and candfrick Hatikerchtefs;• gloves, Hosiery, Stocks
and Artificial flowers; Cotton and Gingham Umbrel
las; Parasols;- cotton yarn and, carpet chain; together
with aa.extensive assortment Of
Groceries . & Quee'nsttare.
All of which • will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. Person are invited to call and examine for
themselves :before. purchasing elsewhere.
Curlisle,April 24; 1841.
„. .
Alisearse of the Eyc,.
(0 111 ,..„„) )
Celebrafed '.Ese Witite.r,
For the cure of Weak, hater y, or - Mood Mat Eyes,
UlCers, trinnours; and bulamation of the .km-lids,
_Dimness of. Sight, fie.
Persons subject to nny of these unpleasant di 110 ,
_Jets, Most effectual remedy in use,
as it seldom tails to remove, my Of..these atrectiOns
by, - a few applications, without the least inconvenience
or pain. Those who are troubled with a DIMNESS
OF SO: lIT will also find it a• - Valuable remedy for
strengthening the eyea,- improving the sight, and pre
venting-the dimness that arises from straining them.
It will also belbund particularly useful as a mash for -
the eyes ofyoung
_Chi ldren ; to -remove inflinintion, • -•
r rotid siihdoe - dnOmmiiiiralto_whichlhey.are. so
lion's for'usnng.
- • •
S6ltl in' Carlisle by ' -
April 28, 1841.--y •
..L.SANLUEL - F7M101 1 1% -- •
.. • _
. • • -
• BONNETS. ' '.
• Just reeeivoAt the Netv.tore, a large and side&
did- assortnient of_English Straw and Elloreitee Bon
nets; offered for sale at low-prices by '
" - ARNOLD - 8i ABRAMS.: :
I,brch 31; 1841.
$ 59' 38
115 9.5
256 724
$l3 00
18 00
175 00
1 73a
. 69 00
1030 91
2 50
21 00
10 00
25 50
7, 00
68 OW )
12 02‘
O. 50 ,1
50 '
60 00
S 5 • • 47
44 77
258 661-