Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 28, 1841, Image 4
Call at 41"ennedy' -Sll9p , . . • i ' •:4 . - ... , . .. . . ' '',' , d , diili. VP.. • , ~.., . . . . . :S4' . 4t '-' 2 -- :41 . % Y - 3 -- -) :::- -2 -:-*: 'ld —' / , I . ' --,-- 1 1A ~,-..,...,-,..,—..r.,--..-....,1. • -.-.-%...-3.-,. , ,Carriages.. , •' TIME Anbacviber has On hand apd is tkiveeil andlip Carriages, of Afferent pm cds and patterns; such as • . COACT - LEES., Top.- ffinirotaches",. Standing top Family Carriages, Tilbaries . and .13nggies•of every variety. . . ,Both Carriages and Ti'buries will be sold eltoper 'then ever offered in this country before, prices ;;Ill,oto $4OO for Ca4r or good Raper. liaYing a very ,heavy stock on hand,"the Subscriber wig be undneed to sell 'Very low, and hopes that persons wishing to purchase Carriages will give him a call before going elsewhere„ . , ~ .. . . • • Also, a large - assortment of . - . - , • .'' Silver; Brass -Japan • d : MOUNTED - HARNESS ' , ---- .1144 - 11160.b1e and Shagie. - T :'The above Work is made by first rate Workmen, and of the choicest - materials. , ~ CO - Repairing done as usual at the anhser:her's Shops, situated on Pitt street, immediately in rear Ofi• the Methodist - . Church; and .near- the .114i/road, _ DqPcitt., , • A; li:FiNNFiin" Carlisle, March 3; 1 341..---3 in: • Cheap. Cloths, The ',,sobstribers will soli_ their stnok of Cloths, Citssilll6VUS tltlll ()lbw. AV °oleo Good 4, yory dew. for (*Mi. • Atireli 17, 1341 CERTIFICATES OF-AGENCY. • • FOR TIM HALE OF Bralattreths Tii*ei-erable 1732111C1*. . . • • Siti ein..B) - 7. - - : • Are held by OK-following; agents in- Illicit' resper tire conotiesT , panwroos vonot,o+.lls - , - of - t tow 'pills - qtemptc-(1to be palmell:nym ty,, tbe propOety of pureli;i4ing only rronl theseepg ' razed afTents, will be appnretit, Curni)erland Connty—Peorg, W. 1 iM,rell_Afeelmnivbb!trg . ;2( ki)ln 211' -_,){ TY, - - S. - Culbert , pm„Sliiplipwshin , 4; -- p 01711)e Op 11 , 1 saae rt 1 .. 13 ".=:Clinrebro_trit:- ^ !"-. ,, 7 O VASIEPOZ' J. - It S. X -- ; - • , i 84.0 _ - : • , L 0 0 K .1 T Tll I S „1 - 4 - FRESH SPRIN-Q-GOODS. Aitxoia) ABRA,Nts JioTi , ut rvv.k .l %'ed a - 6 iituEst.. tic* Vore,*a. Ity . ,;Clool spiv wild s.ortniya of , .L....EA,WI.(C)NA ItE SPRING G 001)S. convicting in pnrtef - Blue, Black, Jirown,.idrrtia, Greon and In . z. , l•s•ib.'e Green, Steel ...Visor!, and Drab Cl2o'lliV - Blue, Black, Drab, Steel Hix'd, Fancy x'd, Bath • Ribbed mill Tweed CaNSiIaVICS . ; Cassliput . .7, at all prices.; • _/ - - 'Velvet COrds;lfeaverteens; 'Lion Cloth I.i . ersey; and nil kinds of Pantaloon stun t. . • • • • Veatings of all deseriptions'andnt-ell pri'c'es ; • • Sommer Cloth, of anions colourttand prices ;• Fizureel Vault ,1 Sgh• Geo (I! Rich 6-4 'Mack and ' D.'ac kat: Geo 1-811,.& - S.' lk Rhine, Colored and Black . Gho de). l ;rides, Black, Lace and Gauze •Veils; Silk dress Shawls, Handkerchief's and Scat fs of the latest style; • Black, lilac Black, and changeable Bombazines; • iltfouslin,de Lains of various patterns and prices';" • A general assortment ofCap and llonnetilIBBOls:lii A tine assortment of,Pinglish*Doefestic.Pl2lXTS Thread'Lace, thread Vlifencia and Cotton Edgings ; Rnilling Ind Lare_of all 'kinds; - • V Timid, White;Black, , Plain . Together vv dh a llrge assortment of Queens ware, Hardware, Groce ries, Ceder Ware, &c. &c. All of whiCh this' are mewed to sell 2n per rent cheaper than can be bought in Cumberland county, or elsewhere. ;:'} - Thep would respectfully invite the pablic, to, • call and examine their stock illat'gains will bWgiv en-iio mistake. _ N. 11. Counter, Prodwe ofall kinds will he taken in exchange for (-loot's, at market price. . March SL 1•741: - - . BONNET SILKS. - _ A layge assortment of Bonnet Silksjost received at the New Store in Shippenslowg, and Mfered for sale by ARNOLD ,&; ABRAMS. March 31, 1311,1 • BONNETS. Just received at the Nev Store, a lame and splen did assortment of English Straw and Florence Bon nets; offered for sale at low prices by ARNOLD & ABRAIIS. March 31,.1841 MOUSELINE DE LAMES- Just received, elegant Alous. de Laines at 20, 25, 31.57 k , 50 and 75 eta, per yard. . • (MIAS. OGILBY. •March 15, 1841. ZlClte:CelOirateil.lllors.e. W AK EF I EjAD "Will stand for service —durinT,Alterseairhi — elinf-T . menanq "on the ' Ast of April and entling.on the follows=, ms.l:S' - „ tsz AlL'=LIN ...... 'Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of. each week,,.Middlesex, l II R. ~.10SCX, RIO Friday and' Sat tirdayrtitlhe stable of Andrewitnherts, in Carlisle. 1 lie te'cios lire $t fur the season, and $lO fOr iusur allee 6( 11,4`v Any-Peroon parting with an Inanrgd More before site 19 kooww to he with lbal, will be held liablelor "lie Are . Groat 'care will be' taken, but no accountability for accident - 3. • . ' - JOHN THOMPSON . . The thorough bred Horse, ~ 4.IPETER •PAPH Y,37 • ' , Will 'stand the ensuing season at Ca the rlis hand le; o Lillen the terms set forth . ' "in . . ' - Peter Parreiis of the very best racing: blood. 'Re was • got " Oscar"—his dam • "Betsy Wilkes" washy the celebrated "Sir Archie" —his grandam g grandam by "Dare pevirhis.g g grandam by"Lampligliter"-- Itis'g g's•-grainlain by Sums' W-iltlair." By refer= once to the 'Cud 46 - pister, it will be seen that "Olite-' ga' by 'Thiicileon,' dart by 'Oscari! lAndrewetta' by 'Anilreiv„' .gOscar,t"Clarion' by '..l}loinnoutli , .Belipse,' dam by now •,' are among the most sue cessfttl. h9ries now 'on the tt , 4, having both speed and bottorti. •t , „ tienlars see liaailbips. • LOOK HE°ItE Sri t • • CIEMMIIIgite (1511 A- 3 4 8 • • „ Tito - Subscribers offer their present Stock olitir.r-; reduceirpricest, and eontinqe at such .is , - large: portion - of. - their Stook hi Offered at Cost. ' • HITNE 12 84 MULV.4.I%IY: . • ' C4o l 4caloo. 30, 1840. • . . . , .. . . . , .. Th Suliseri beri hmie on Nina. a large ilesortment Dr Oaslitoere;.Tliibet, Morino; Mocha, Chenille and either kiklii,ol Slinwls w4loh'illey will, sell itt a 0 11 4 1 !44va14r0e Cad: ~ - , - : HIT-VER ce atuLvax.r. . , EITNE a &.... AI LILI",1. .Y '--WHOLESALE -& RETAIL Copper, Sheet Ikon 'and Tin • Waft, • , /DIM: SCr3iCaltll'll2, that Mal for pitst favors, 1 oill,l,itirtrat the ii.thlic, that he c ottinties to rofortfacture at his. old staatlio North Ilanoyor street, Carlisle, typo till' . 1 larttroati'a hotel, every article in the' line of his littsitteß, such as. . 63Wallia0) 9 • Wash Kettles, Dye Keith's, lhater.,Ket-. Nk Spolding; and every variety of 3*l', )runts,, ..S7ove nrippiAg Pans,.%T . 10-atso offers-for-sale—. Oookiug, Parlour, Chaint!cr and Office for wood oreii.:-11.;:ofiiiErla , ic itrtl imitcro—all of whith , he will dit,pos&: of on ihe most tc ` ttsonehle EMI 3 Afioll FRIDLEY. , . N.. 11, Tle also fins for sale the improved R o t a ry Conlii;.; Staves, which foki—sopei:hir to •aoy ()l eered is this plaro, , Carlisl:, Feb. :3,„1Pi1t.---:iro_ - - - • B A It it ,Vootiteinwr I;indatte'ii, .At their New Stnre in- Centreville, hare just rc ceiceil and :weir nidiniing a vtnn- snloniti;l itssoilineiit lIRITISIL,FIMNeII•wid DOMV,S T , • . . . - tcltieh have Fh•leetvdni7iiii"niiii.lit , :ire in the cities or NI , AN7 Y( /RN. and I I, ,:1)!•;1,1'111.k, and whii•li they t•es;a•etially avito the eu izeam- pc• :ta,l vici,iih to call itnd en ;12111 . 1W, :0:4 they n ill lie etia -4i5E51,19:1)14.,-43a..„..:titalliz,11;.1.1eeititall%;11,•911,1;, thaa. 4iiiiv.r . ntalinsllimna in- the ,eottaty. . W,y he j tinPT . Ilrowa, Drab, 'mil a vat'it'•l:j . . 91 16ti pi iced-. CO lh (f).4 Tqf,t ;..7..1 c, (;;1 , ;,i01,1•0'.., 111'011141M :I'll . priced. Sntlinri I.; Vel s tr i p _ 11, , P1W1Ta.:11:1 1 PI 1 ‘I ;I/ . a (DI ( . tis..iinc.l.o Vt•stings. : - osratlv-a !if ail color:; of r:;?ci E,l ()oaf; soil: Llr r:)1. Gotitlenion's 'wear. Mick Italian I oitestvings.. Grocr Nnpy, f'o De Swn3, Gro.4 lie Swi,l,l4;tl S , ll,lvt.xl;illks,C.ll.tll(,)'4, I.lll)liitwit, f zureil 11111!:. VVIk. iiirol6llS;"&e eNet.llont azisrwirnt•nt - (11-•fion nn(IL Table. Dfalivr, Crash lienvertecils,Er'e. A :ksvwtmolit of I ,egh -11 1 . 1 (11 . 111 liTtll4.ol, 1:111111 , 1!.15, l'at;:ts9ll, &c. I nit extembire assortment or >, • • (;rocilries and qn6ensware of the tuna( approved The tuthlio • re re spectfully im'ipt,l I i.esll :rut u l;e fur the,uselves as they are (h•teriniuell - t.) Sell i'lle:41) pfollncc. '1 \ Kt.:RP-V.4S art• • respectfully incited to call and eNartihte their stock of Lfiptors befOre purehasing:elsewhertp • Centroville, Cum. Co., October 1 I, 15 ill• - 11 - U-ST--11-rlf4M-V111)_ at the -New Store in Ship-: petiNborq, a Irdtkonit:nssorinieot of Scarfs and Worked Collars, for sale by ARNOLD 84 , , A 1311.1.115. . . Nlarch 31,1841 Fortk...)al e. The two Story Stolle I louse,necup . ied Lt' the sub scriber on 'East stre'et t Carlisle, multi - the Lot of rt,ct f m ot. 0» sAiii st r ert,,,o.eNtemoi g 250 feet back, to eke Letort spring, Mitii• is'a - Sto)te - Stable, n Carrine Home; and a well of water on the premiers;--'Fite whale prod ertyl substantial stone Ivan. For further particulars-apply_ to • P. C. HAM.... Carlisle Nov 4 LIBIGE 1 - 1 1 q 1, . 1 3 70 7, 42.4Y - flUo The subscriber hereby informs the tAitize n s of Car lisle, and the imbue g enerally, that he has. taken life shop nearly opposite the where be will be Tye pared to matatlitettire to order, on the most reasona ble terms, ai r y article ,in his line of business, such as lie will also attend to Steelin g and Grindin g -Axes. soliieits a share of public patronage. 3011 N 11A1111.19. Carlisle, Nov. 5, 18.10. • Variety Store, &e. TWIBE subscriber, thankful fbr-past_favors,respect- I fully infbems the public that he still continues 'to "hold forth" in ,Church Allry, nest' "Education wlierehe has now on hand a large assortment of notions. cousisßirgib towi Cakes, Cheese, Bacon, !lanes, 'Hour. Soap, Cider, Spices; Fruits, Sweetmeats, and other necessaries -elleulated'for _this mereclianc N. B.He also continueg to lcuep nwEating Mona:, where gentlemen can he accommodated with Tripe, Pigs Feet, Pickled Oysters,&c. at the Shortesturrace. JACOB SlP4ti Sept. 9, 1840:-1 yeti -n i AltAsx & rrimzsreu BLANKET SHAWLS of At new style, foe FIII,C at - the New St eye in Slikitietisktruhr-RN-01,1)--&-4-111? A M • Oren , ffirarfftvare, Grocery, 4* 111,41R1ET T 0 R .17 • T"gsubscriber has just returned from tli n"Cities of New York, Pidladdpliia and Hal ,tiinore, and IS 110 W opening at his store 1 . 00111 S. )'l. CarllCl • oG lifark;t - Squai.c. and Main Streets (For merly-occupied by. Geo. W. ilitner,) .i q . gcaeiWitps , P sortment O - • • • llartlwaa, Slime lirare, Cerlyi• ;rare, Brittania Ware, Groceries,' Oils ; Paints, Varnishes, Glass,-11,11154- es, Maps, Canes, I,ennpqor • burning , Oamphine Oil, . . and a great variety of artietti useful and necessary for furnishing and keeping a house. .lie hasalso, and witiconstataly-keep on hand . • • . •.'. Ciamphine a • cheap and elegant intlstitute for'tipurin _oil; and having been appointed the iwedt of Messrs: Hackers atidprother of NeWavk ,N, J., for the sideol Jone's, Patent Lamps in thili enmity, lie is prepared to•fur iiish Lamps mid Oil,at a - very reasonable rate to all mho may Wish to use this' oew and economical light: travitrg selected his goods himself, mid Made his purehases he is able,anit is deteriiiined to _sell! Air.' • • • ' Those having the cash to lay out wilffiiitl advantage to give him, a •eall,qe • • • ; • 11.ENRIV:DUPFIELD . • - , • , ~„.. . : • ' Lace :Voottki., ~,..,-..‹..„; . . ~ „. ': A large assortment of I.ThrOad :Lice and Edgings Carnlnao.and Swiss Edgings and Iniertinge,for sale at rOducdd.prioos at the store of ' . , • , , , , .• I.IITXER En` .. 7 11U1.7.,9NT. : og 'l4 r VAIIV tit t 9:41r1) • • • e r , -- • , _ ~,=~, :,tom; ±l4 ; .r& E.Agi fit -,1 ,;. tr4trrn LAIN AND FIGURED MOUSELIN - DE L.UNS, oll'errd rep sale by • •- . - ARNOLD & ARRA NIS.•. Bargains,..33thiga,in§. Cheap-Goods for Cult. . . . The Subscribers, desirous of maiming their stork obleatelettulitte, lifter it at reduced, prices fur Cash. Their entire stock of • • B-11-4140 - -Bi-BVIS • Ctasimeresi SatincUs,, illerin.oes, Ran - nets, 4.c. (S•c: -• • will be Acid at'a vtlry squill advance. Such persons as aye desirons of tibial clog gopd bargains will please call at the store of N -& . •-•M Uj . N. li. The oldie? stock, of .)Icrehmulize will be sold a.bargain to tiny one wishing th engage in the business, if application be 'wide immediately. . , _ - - -- , --Or.:-T Z . .I. `./. . • KAZii...737;-1' . I . ....• ; - ~.. , . 7,--- flack liValnatt, Pla,nk:- rrti E Subscriber •to purchase ale ,, lf:;) 1 1...1'UT ity .th a t may be °freed; frit: r_orty Dollars thonsand feet blank meastire will be given.. ISILTU gocid' finality; two inches and one-eiglitlein thickness and fourteen feet lour inches Jo be delivered :lithe Canal in tiir'GtioitierliiCilYallcy hail itowl,ol,(l.inonediato -information. for wataldlitojlie. is9lakeeit?ee, • . . .„ , , - 1 Mil - ini — 4 .;Tfi 14=1 ...ttoNFir rifcl7. 7 , - (Viiyiiila - ac4 - 4 - i g residing in - • • • 5 -- DXVID FREED, :fit. .! . , • TIIFI great enenttragmeqt, luUTtofore - received idSVieicifities, induces - bin - 0o OP recto the public a new and improved Horse Power, ii Idyll rewire shifted in gear- or-mtt .01 gear by-keys,-, .and shift the band to give tt flye ditrcrent rovoltitions. And lie hat iTo . liesitation in assuring the he is now ttlildto furnish them milli an-article far su perb-W-4o . Por•speed -awl elven threshing .ainh case to the horses,lfe be lieves his machines to lii tl , ll.llllllled. - • Ills price is sllth--seNetity, dollars to be paid cash, :eel the halaure hi six iiinnilisjoi• which a note 'tilt lie re.ptired ith. interest.. Any person pilrehasing mid:ll - wand plum :Muir trial, net. hcifig-pl eased, can :Thorn it. Ile will at all 0111(1 Ise readyto furnish' them on the shortest notice; orders from rt,distance. will be plitiNnally attended also repair machines on the shortest notice. • NVIELI.VNL Newville July '2n 18 _LI, COLOURS OP CARITT CIIAIN•jey salt. at. the New Si ore iti"Shippen,slwg, by ARNOLD ttc...AIIRMUS: • alm of Columbia. :British Consant ()Ace • Philadelphia. K N eT1 1 :011 ‘ ill i c;)1 1 -1:( 1 . 'Al t1 S in? N I S fl o tti ‘ t v l i : l t o r ni Il t o h l e t s c e w l ;s r o c ‘ s - - . , Esq. his !Litwin.: Majesty's Coltsul for the City of Philadelphia, do hereby certify:Plait Robert-Whar ton, Esq., uho atfests to the foregoindeertiticateS; is -Nlaynr-ol ,the City - of Philadelphia ;Ml that Mat, thew Randall ; Emu., is Prothonqtary of till? Collk of 01111111 On Pleas for.the city and county 'of Philadel phia, to twill' sr Bose gignitimes, with the Seals of their respective offices, full faith and credit is due.' • fitilher certify, that.' am liersonally acquatntcd with doSeph L. Inglis,one of the signers of the certi ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy abbe Balm of Columbia, and that lie is a person of great respectability, and worthy of fall fliith.and ere (lit; and that I lIRVO heard him express, his unqualifi ed approbation of the 'effects of the said Balm or Co lumbia, ill restoring his hair., Civen under my linnd and scal.of of ice, at the city of Phil a delphia, in the 'Stott: 4 a PeonSylvailia; - the United States of America. 3111,BERT ROBERTSON. . Reorl the following. ROBERT 'WHARTON, Esq., late Mayor of Philadelfiliiii, has, certified, as may he seen below, to" the high character of the following gentlemen.- _ Ihe undersigned do hereby. certil „that wo have used the Rahn of Columbia discm'ered , by J. Old ,ridgeriand haVefound it highly' serviceable not, Only as a preventive against the falling off ofhair,but als a certain restorative. ---.IVM, - --THA - TCHEW,',-senior,--- Methodist Minister in St.'Heorge charge, No. 8t North 'Fifth st. JOUN P. INGLIS, 331 Arch st. ' • JOHN THOMAS, .111.41. 163' - ace st, JOHN S. FUItEV, 101-Spruce st. HUM! McCURDY, :NS South 7th st. JOHN YARD, jr., 123'Arch st. ' The aged, and those who persist in Wearing wigs, may not always experience. its restorative qualities, yeeit will certainly raiseits Nvirtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three. of-th6-a— hove signers are more than 50 'years of age, and the theg-s-not-lessht [Prow this .31iiporj ' • IffOMLIONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVAiOI9 City of Philadelphia... .• • I, ROBERT WILkR,ToN; Mayor - of said city Of Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I urn 'Well 'ac quainted wits Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Furey, amfllugh slV,Eurly. whose names are signed to the • above certificate, that they arc i ontlemen of chavac tmand respectability, and as such full credit should te'•AtitLeertifiente, Li witnein. Whereof, IMve hereunto . set my hand, L r and.caused the seal of the city to be affixed, the sixth tiara 'ewmber, &o. • • ROVER 'WHARTON, Mayor: • LDRIDGES I/FU OF): 'COLUMBIA FOR. 'TIE eS.R3JIfiVe qualities arelts o uts ti• • •. „ , ' Ist. For ittfasits keepitiglthe. head free front scurf 'and Caniinga luxuriant growth of . • 9.d. rot' Indict uftUe child-birth, restoring the skin to its usual strength and firmness, and,preventing the falling out Odle - Indy. -. 1 •' - For any persintreenveriterorit any debility, the stUne effect is'ProdueOd. 4th. • If used in infauck till agoofi growth is started, it may be preseried by attention to the latest period sth. It freeis the.head from dandruff; strengthcp s the roofs, imparta healtivand vigor to the circulation' imilpreventsthe. hair, from. changing. coldee'or 'get ting gray'. It coliceli the !Mir Curl.beautifuily When done tip in it over night... • ' ~ • et , No ladies' toilet'shoUld ever r lm 'made without it. : 77th, Children who have by: any. meetisrminpFaeted Vermin ip th e ,heath are itpinecliatell'.4l4 ilurf44/r cured ofthettibytlts,ule:; • It ii infallible For' itle at themit' "'store of Ccinieteitk, .15c•Cd40'• iletcherstreet neatw,Vl'eael;aild•in AifSte, - vensoriBallifitle.' (Dee: 16,1840, 7 4 y . . • , . Ale di adi o'sb.iir Line .„ . e • .N ~ . . ' ,Ektzveco Mechanicsburg-rail& Philadaphio •[.IIY IMIL 110 AD 0J CAMIL] -1 11111 E sotAcriberatiateftil for rin'st favorg i beg leave to inform their friends mathe'ptildic generally, that they continue to' run 'a line,of, Intrthen Cars regularly hid teem' Mechaniesburg. and, Philadelphia ovAiltimore, by which goods and of all descriptions will Lie forwarded with' earn' aid iletniatelt - ilf - thTl.. - Ititireir,inta --- Of • Produai will be received at their ',Ware 'llousys. in Meclumicsbneg; and . forwsirded_m_either delphimor - Baltimore, according •th the direction of ihe, owner. • . . • ` - '•Clie highest price will be given for Vbeat and Flour. IMESBACII MEILY, N. B. Plaster of Paris and SalLontways kept on' hand i er»d for:Side at the lowgst 'pAccs. _ July - 20,1810.-Iy. „: Dvve.mber 30; mo.' ItirITINES i»fproved El'ai_zyrt -11.92• Ne Co., rI gr:VA COMMISSION . Sz FORWARD-' ING. MERCHANTS, Have removed - to the capacious Warehouse recently odebUted by D. Leech &'Co. at theitorth-westcOrner of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia, Front the theilities which' the location and internal arrangement of this depot afford,-80 to 40iBurthen Cars can be tlevtutnochitcid tO unload and load at 'the same eine with imlTicientroom to store2.o,ooo barrels of Plour, and 4.00 to 600 ton of Grain exebtaive °rale forwarding departineut. • —Produce-0 f-revery-datei p ou vvil Lim—received as usual on consignments, and liberal advances made on receipt (if required) until sales are effected.. ....11,11G, HELLAS & ' North-west corner of Cherry & Itroad'st. ' . Philadelphia. . ' Ilf.P ETtENCE . : - AV. S. Colican ' Cashier. . ~ Henderson & - Parker, c ar i tsfe . - _ - nenry illioadsr, ' ' ' .. ,•.. - ~• - - Satoniersoo &r... linsgermar, lcimli S woyer, ,Venaiille. . ~ . David Nevin Shippenibars. .1. lzwto Snii . tli, rAq. Cashier? chanthermus . Eyster, - MHz' k:Co, ' ' 5 Rolic!ig. Flem ink, Catlierwond kci•aig., phip„.delphza. „ Wm.ll.lliompsoil i:L. Co. 1; • . - Wilitall Se Broivo, - "DIST RECEIVE!) at, the Btore. shlppimshnn. l , t;erinan and French .11FAZINTQES, rind tak hd - A 11.:01,1) k-':S.IIIIAMS. RECEIVE') and 'noir oflereil for sale at 05 ilia New' Shire" sa and splendid nssortmentof Plain., \V kite and Broiti eyed Afernio Shawls. AUNOLD & ABRANIS THIk SINAtil : O).E . UM-- TtMES3I; A CHUONICLI; . The Tail, rield Sii(irts,. eiatztre - and jhe Stage: . • E.nfrinwsutp'xyrni SPLENDID'STELL ENGRAVINGS WILLIAM T. I'ORTER, EDITOR vol.umr, FOR 1841 The 'Firm. Nuinher:Of a New Volume .of "The Spirit-el the Times" Will -be issued 0tt11te....6th..0f Marelt, I£l4l. the course. of the yeae, tt - ieriesof NIAGNIFICENT STEEL ExctANINGB; . form' with the embelliAtmeols el . the.precetlitig vol unit; will he pi e'seiiteil to the. sabseribers.. A l'oe tyuit 1n 'l'tiore; will tomititetute the series; mid he hutteeed 19.41TtlioWtif7ottrertlistiogoislrethhorges .otir;o-i• .:''''*tftf '6l±:7 .o l' l 4l . l 4o. - V - 4 311- *SWNVII -01 4. 8 P‘Sttif . of Ihree,'ijile or two, - J tiid ohe of one -mile tables . - the witover oreeery rare ol• the hist . year, his ago, color,, tedigToO, nod ow twr, the. prize - WOO, the earn eil, the time the- tUid the dateltifirot - tht.l-neeraud-a.refere j oee. to the page of the'preeetling, vointue 'where theixace--vas Tliesti tithles Alte ,, eoiniii wills infinite-care ainizlabor, !ld et great expense; 11,try arc tainstant practical use, anti increase in value.O.ery tear. . 4 list of V.llsri ;IASI! AV-INNING I MUSES firrtlie,sant yea;', 'also he published in the volume arrnngcd the....lietflish forte: - . A. Table nt(lie A %IFII ICAN WINNIN(: . . . - -TING I MRS ES, MWI the - age, cold.; owner, time Trilade; - weighi - carried,-liorses-beaten,&e;- - -&e,, will_ Lb? imblished in this velinne; and in addition, then,. l• will In! an allNlrditt-ff-014.” , y te Milt TC0M71 . 7 - Pelf.lN niant id aiOricri, tor sevcral Ve:irs '(ink, with spe- I coal reference '0 the time'maili.. This abstract has .been compiled from, several authindic sources, and will he 'citreinely inferesting so the only COM- , PLETE RECOIC DOI' AM Eli ICAN TROTTING ever attempted. Ali Alphabetical List of STALLIONS, for 19.41,' in the usual form, will also :ppenr in an earlyintni- I ; lice of-the volume, and Ni'ill be" nuid convenient to i breeders for designating the age, color, pedigree,• ow ner„place.and _twice ;it' standing, of nearly_every I distinguished Stallion in America. In addition to the various subjects enumerated a- } bove; the present volume will contain a faithful and land copifhis record of all mroirrATloNs AND ; SALES Ole ill OOl) sTocE,sw,epstakEs, loping . . 1 and T,: o tti,„,....m a td,, ~,,,i0 - miong - Appoint ;- ynentsl .Essay's on firebding and ['raining, Pedigrees, and ; Performances of Distinguished Domes, with all tine; ' Current News and Ott Dits in Sporting Circles ; both' lat home and abroad. And to complete the Sporting Department, full, detaßs, original and selected, will • be given upon all manly pastimes, as Minting, Shoot- - Fig, Fishing, Yachting and Boating, Pedestrian and other Athletic-and Alunly Sports. Another part of the design of the paper will em brace A BREEDING AND. AGRlcuuruitAL DprAUTMENT, designed to promote the interests ,and Minister to tlidi inStrUctien of from fine cattleotheeP, &xi, Selections from the most appro i-vetlArneriean_andEur,dislt_writers on,thesc import ant subjects' will be constantly . found in its columns. The SPOUTING, GALLERY will also' 1)0 in , creased by the addition of the. Portraits of several of the must distinguished horses in the Union, en. , graved ihn siyle, of siperior finish and beauty.. The next prominent department is the TfIEA-, TRICAL PAGE, constantly devoted to original .criticisms of the drama . , and notices ol the New York' theatresrG men Room Intelligence, derived from an • exteniive theatricaC correspondence maintained with every, city in the ~Union, and by which the pa- ; per is already fa - yin:ably known and widely circulated ' in theatrical circles. . ' I Again; selections will be constantly — made from the periodicals: of thiS _country and Ingland, nod thus be formed a lively and elegant LITERARY DEPARTMENT, occupying several pages. I. ,For all these varied Departments, ample room is secured by the immense size of the present sheet, which for beauty of typographical execution and go- ; _neralsilegance, of arrangeineut, is second to-none in . ; _ the Union. - No local agents being ernployed by the proptie ' tors, gentle nfeicwi sbing the - paper can order It - through number-oP; 'fila from the,commencement or the - volume, will be '! Preserved for new sabsellbers: - This course in adopt- I ed, as t h e valuable Statistical Tables of .tbe paper nearly all appear in the_ early part of the. year. Terms of Subarriptioifantl.4ilarlising. • For One Year's Subscription, 'sl,o hi advance.— For Six Month's Subscription, $5 in advance. For Advertising One Square of 9.2 lines, first in sertion, s—Each subsequent insertion, $l. Kr-F,xtra copies of the IARGE'ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL may be obtained at. Publication Of ficrAt One .Dollnt. each. They will be sent to any section of the, Union so enveletActi,as to secure them . , ------ bit.; 'l4l6ollNGA here is not one case of Feveriti a thousand,but may be effeetuallyfirokmt ,up .and reinoved.. by the use of this Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion, Gilious •matter antf,constipation from the stomaith and bowels. It, operates gently• and effectually on lime bowels, and powerfully on the kidneys and *i ll . -Ir retuovera I runplaiiiiiMethigliiiffeWiearty meal, and promotes a good appetitol - It tideds_only it trial to give perfect satistitction. lt has - becoMe a general practice with aunty to use-this article ity all cases of colds; pains in•the",bottes or heavy disagreeable feel ing, tendering to heittlaclie oichilliness. For hoarse ness, iftake i n. through the day, it completely restores the -voice without_prothleing - tickness. Whooping coughotqfilli coughs of children are cured by m— ile kept in perfect order by it, it quite impossible that any - disease !should commence while's person irt sing this Syrup. " r ry It taken daily • liduces a rutty, healthy, and Young appearance, by driving off all the humors of the system. Sold genuine-at 2 Fletcher street, one door below'Pearl 'street, N; V. by Comstock & Co., and by' all respectable,Denggists.' .. • • •• ° Fot sale else . , by STEVENSON &DlN catlisie,- Va. • , • - • , ' WORMS! .WORMSIVTVORMII! Toi , emove these troublesoine'and dangerous inhabitant's of the' stomach and bowels, - which soellen impair the health and, clestroyi , the lima of children, use J ayne 'reale Vermifuge, a certain and • safe pre paration s fOrt6o removal ofth**louskindsof worms, tlyspeptia, sour stomach, want of appetite, Infantile 'fever and ago; and (Milky *Alta stomfah and how, .1 els, and °pans of digestion:lT° be. 1,0(1'0 No. 20 TouthiThird streoPhilailulaia: ' ' AlsO to be had of Siimuetplllott and Stevenson eCarlisle Pa ' • 24may 13 1840 rwina D d R. vnSTAnis BALSAM OF RD-CHERRY- TIIE CrLEBRAT.!.:ID R'EM'EDY FOIL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. N- UMEROUS remedica.have' been- offered and puffed into notice for !diseaspi of the' Lungs; a me of which has uudbubtcdly -been fotnid very use-' ful,but of all that haVe hitherto beetanown;it must 'be univergally acknowledged 'there is -none that ,has ever proved as socees,sful as the " BALSOM -OF WILD CUEIRRY." ' Such : indeed areathe astonishing restaratife and healing properties of tld s " Ibilsameithat even in the worst forms of Consumption, when the. - patient.ha 8 Ski iier . Clt - the' most diStressing'4ugh,, violent pains in the chest;diffteliltY ofbreathitiodghtsweati, bleeding of thelungs, Bz.z. and when the most esteem ed remedies ofoer Phiu had failed to arckil any relief; and even wheti Xiotatnie; Ilotncepathievtuld 'numerous other remediesiltad been used' for,tnatty monthsin vain, this in'valtiable rernady has cliecked everysypptom, and beett prodtidiVe : of tife most tonishing relief. In the early . stages of the disease, proceeding from - neglected colds, termed CM:wild Consumption, it has-been used with undeviating cess; and in many instant:its, when this disease seem; oil to have marked its victim' for attearly grave, the use of this medicine has attested every symptom'', and restored the lungs to a state of In thabform.of OonsuMption,stiprectilent artio9st delleate young femaletqcommonly termed de r bitith,or "going Ma) a decline," a complaint with Which thou sands are lingeting; it hiss tilsobeen Mika] with surpi•k: sing suecesS, and not only possesses:the power of cited:lug the progress of this' alarming .11 i sea se; lmt at die same time strengthens and, invigorates th e whole systetp more efreethally than ,any remedy we latveleLee,ptissess ' dj• LIVER C,O3IPLAINT.---Inses Orthe Liver, particularly Avlien ultendcul ith 11 cough; indi 7 gestion or wandering:pains in the side, it has also prO ved very efficacious, and cured many cases of this kind after the most powerful remedies had failed. , Kr, AsTrimA.-,4”. thi,s complaint it mild ih Ittirnecon,4 . inF,nntrei ivith the Jmoat singular success, It opens the chest, rendering the, bre:tilting perfectly free, arrests the conshootil will geldom fail to give permanent relief . . . - mirmtoNciirrts.---As remedy in nil brilni child affections of the_throacattended with a hoarse ness;comtlior sore intim throat, it WidriiTao 2 liefaund a-very effectual renie4lr, and will mostly afford iin rdediate relief if used at the commencement be its attack. - 13" COUGI IS & -COLDS.-;--In-conunomyoughs 'and t:olds, that. prevail so (*en : shyly throughout the. winter, it will be found much more effectual than any remedy in use, and yheircolds settle upon the lungs, causing an-infiammatiotrwithiminsiothe-breast,dif „ficWity.,orAtortuessAl.i.reathilig,fse.,,lbr.ttse.A.Abi S : 8a1f4.19 suppresS,such . sytirptiims iminediatel),-- autWiiesaitle time pFevent.thelungs front lccom, =-,-.(01.Q10 ,AN I) VIIDOPWO3% 6 tNit 2-44' rthese complaibts; so common to young children; tliis W mucli So - lmier to ilia: PinTgo, vie 'Elixir Syrup'of Squills , Mid the Nariotpi .cough mixtures in common lise, Ifs it is entirelfiliie - febiti - Amyililagibe least iujorioui,3„ and may at all times be i ! given to children ii ith Perfect siiii;ty,ind with - die cer taEtrof 'it kiln rd ingi immilisailly_relle co7 . ;:itfi.jc.F.ol I,I7:.MEDICINI.I;foi-many nth.- a i r complaints, this-lb - 4mm will alto belound partic i Molly useful. , Ilesides having'proxed an. inValuabie remedy iniql Pulmonary- aGetions,itexerts a pow-- 'error iiiilliencenver judos diseases depending oil - a. defiraed condit Von of-the-system, awl those_who have ! from the indiscriminate - use ef- MervinQT, or other deleterious drugs, that, are_ linen coriMoimiled iiiedilfereid. (plank nostratms, will:111MR _remedy.Pl groat value i -rpossessing the. dowel of more whole system. mory -effectually than Aviv other medicine we posqess. _CA_CTION . TO PURCIIASEItS.-,,- ! As this mob % icine has already acquired great celebrity:thereinny probable Imsoiue attempts toimitate it, and deceive -the politic with a spurious mixture, to preventii bleb I would. wish all purchasers to observe-the lilllowiog marks oftlic genuine Balsam. 'lt, is put up in bottles of two sizes tad:, lug the wmds WiSTAWS BA ISA NI - OP WILD CHERRY, PHILADEL PHIA, blown in the glass, a n d a label on the frobr with the signature' oiIIENRY AVISTAII, :St '1). without which none is genuine.. Prepared for the proprietor by WILLIAMS ,Sz. CO., Chemists, No. '23 Commerce street, Philadel- Phia, and sold hy the most respectable Druggists and 'other appointed agents_inajl the principal towns throughout the:United States- - ' pr, - 3=. The Genitineßalsam in Cnr lisle, SA.MUE ELLIOTT, appoint ed Apia. • Price $1:00 a 11011 e , bcccinbrr 16,1840.-1 y Dentistry. • • DR.J. C.LOOM IRri ... _ 71 - As rout ned to.Carliile, and : 'trill, as heretofore 11 . attend to the practice of Dentistry. Ile may -bel-found- - Persons-re questing it , will he waited upon at their residedce. - „ r ' to •Tht. GEORGE 1). FOULIcE •"` e ' er On. Devil' • Carlisle, March 11, 1840. Hays' Liniment. NO .1 0 10270. N: • This extraordinary cheMical composition, the re- Riled science and the invention of a celebrated Med ical man, the introductimo of which to the public was Invested with the solemnity of a death-bed be quest, ha .. 4 since gained a reputation • unparalleled,. fully sustmning the correctness of thO lamented' 1)1.. Gridlley'Aast confession; that !!-h6 dared . not die without„giving to posterity the benefit of his knoll= edge on this subject," and he 'therefore bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Solomon Hays, the secret of his discovery. • It ' •.ed is now timid ill the-71 --- ICtelpaHtarcifilTs7Tll7l — the private pritetice our countryilirst .and most-Cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive ly and effectually, as to baffle credulity, Onless where - ' - its effects - fire - it , ittiegied. 'Extern - at/If - le - Oa _FolloiV.';' ••••; . • • or„ Dropsy ---Creating extraordinary absorption at onee.• Swelliugs—Reducing them inn few hours. Rheumatisi*--4cute or chronic; giving quick ease. • - •Sore Throat-41y cancers. ulcers, or colds, C'roup and' W4oooing-Cough---,Externally and rover the chest. All Brnise6; Sprains, and Burns—tnred in a few hours. Sores and Ulcers---'Whether fresh orloni, stand ing, and fever sores. • Its operation upon adults and children in reducing. rheumatic swellings, andloasening coughs and tight pess-01-thOchest axutlon he parts, has been 'surprising heyomf Tieecninon re_ mark of those who have used it hi the Piles, is " It nets like a charm." THE . PILES.--The price, ,st, is refunded to any person who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for the Pilei, and return the empty bottle without being. cured. These are the positive orders of the proprie tor to the agents, and out of many thousands sold, not .nelnis-bben unsuccessful. • ~_ •., We. might insert certificates to any length, but preferthat those'who sell the article, should exhibit the original to purchasers. _ _ Physitians and Patients. `.The Blind piles, said to be incurable by external applications.--Sol onion- Hays marriintsthe contrary. liis Lininaeut will cure Blind• Piles. Facts are more stubborn than theories. - Be - sonata all respectable physkcianito try it up on their patients. It will do i them no• harm, and it s known that every physician wholes had the honesty to make the trial, has Can ,' didlyminaitted that it has succeeded' in every . OM* they hays , known. •Then'why not use it ? la the recipe' of One•of theirmost respectable members, now deceased. :.'Why refitseite use# ? Because it is sold •nia a proprietary, ,thedicine ? It this a sufficient ex cuse for suffering their - hi:meat patients to linger in distress ?•. We s think not; Phy . sicians .shall be•con vineed that there is no =Humbug or .quackery about this article.—_Wlty.then not alleviate inpnin •suffer-; ing ? If they won't try it befere, let,,,therit niter ,nll Other prescriptions fah- I'llYsitianktitrirespectfully requested to do themselveti and patients the Justice to, use this article. - -It shall-he taken, from the hottlei and done •up:as their prescription , if they deiire. " •• • • ' ' • ' - SOLOMON HAYS: Sold .11. Cornstoeic Be-Co. Wholesale Druggists; No. %Pletcher !trod, New,York. • „ . For eala tilsti•. . STEVENSON' & Carlisle; • '.• • Dece.mber.23, . . . . I move pain or distressof every kind from the the body, but if used occasionally, so as to keep the body free i from those humor whichare the mist: of every male ! tly under heaven, they will most ,assuredly promote . such a just and equal circulation of the blood, that , those who lead a sedentary lifeovill be enabled to enjoy sound health, and disease of any kind will be abSOlutelPlllP,Q4Akks: ) For sale by - ,- - CHARLES OG1'1111'; Agent; ' Carlisle; Pa. - JACOB G. LAUALAN, ' Duisburg, York co. Pa. ~. (t." Office nukGeneral Depot, N 0.169 ftaie street b iiiindaphi ,„ \ • - • [May 20, 18 , 10.—1 y ' • „WAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.----This gip: inedichie has already proved itself to be all that it has been recinituiended; by these 'who. have given it a filirtest in this country, and the demand for it in ',creases daily. We have just heard of itn important 'cure of Asthma; Which has lieenCifected by the use of I it in a' eigliboringtown--the ease was that of; a' fo rattle who - had fora long time beau under the care of a;phvsibian,butliattreceived no relief, and her case was beginning to bSGoonsidared hopeless.. As alast resort slie Purchased,a . btittle;of Dr. Jayne'S Ex p eito rant; which CaUsed iietictexpentortite-freelyigradual • ly eased lier.cough, 481"il is rapidly. .restoring health.. ;11 . 7 . have ilo,hesitation in Saying this preen yistion of Dr.; Jayne,.f or titelopre - of coughs, bolds, in .ilnenza;; Asthma , goroutapt ion, &c. is the.mbist vitlutiv hle medibibe oictoirered. to the.Amerieakpublio.-;,-. There , is' no quipitterY .is tine 0 Wle most sk Mitt ,practi syng physicians )11 ,FetinsYllla- . hill i anti bit'preparatieini thor oughly tested e isloolted-upoititia•geeitt &bile ben s efactoro..-(Somerset (Me.) Journal:„ , , •;; • For sale by Samuel Elliott and Steveluida •kle, Carlisle;Pa.. • . - 's.; 1140 . 110 10 1 0113'0.1serini - 0 In ItElnrOU ND • An unparalleled remedy foe conintonColds,Coughs,' Asthrnit, Influenza, Whooping Zough, Bronchitis, and all diseascs.of ,Ithe Breast . and Lungs, leading . to . COnsitraPtionV'eUinpOsed Of...the concentrated virtues' of lior6hothid;.naiieset;lllOod Bootiv-- erwort., and seyeral other vegelahl& subStanceso— Prepared 6nly by J. ikf. WlNSLOW;B:ochester• OM The innoeenoo andrnolvertially admitted pectoral virtues ,of. the Herb II Herbs from Which the ALSAAI ITORERDNEI is made, are too. generally knipYn to require recommendation; it is therefore only•mi r cessarY to -observe that tliis medeeinti CootaTna 'the' whole Oftheirmediearpropertiestlfikhlyernicentrat.: ed, and SO happily6,timbinect with several .nth i•' 'Vet getablesitbStances, isle render it file Most - ;spectly - , wild and certain remedy, now. in use; (Or the • Com plsints above mentioned., • Tor Children r this Ilalqami3.of inestimable value. It is a speedy' remedy for the Whooping Covkand • Croupoind of certaiiireliefi n Itoutel - Chotte;.Teethink,ke, It is pleasant to the taste*d May be safely given tealte,tenderest infant and slimild be keptat all -times in every family, as it -is innelt better bier the incident to Children; than Piiregoric,Codfreys Cordial. or the Cordials so com monly used, as hundreds in this City have testified. ,Read the following.-4 herelty.certify that early. in-the spring of. 1838;1 a severe COLD ;which settled upon my lungs. aniltfireatened'a hasty Consumption. f used several prescriptions, but oli tinned.little or uo relief.; I'-was T inuich-aliirmetli-;- Ilappeningbe.ln Rochester. I was adviied by. my (*Fiend; Mr. Wioslew, to . try "a bottle of TIATBAn. dr IlionitiouNtzt diCso, and to my , surprise ob tained relief at once—and liy du- use of, that single bottle Tcrfeilly restored to health.- .To those afflicted with or .coughtt, at this inclement season, Fay "go and do likewise:" . LE ANDER CTITPITIAN.' • ' • • Pins Nionron co:, Nov. .9; - •1858:' Mr...Talin M. Winslow, Druggist ! , , . Dear Sir: L have been for a series of years afflict ed with an affection of the Lungs, and a bard cough; 'nd have many times arose in.the 110441111 g as'com ploely-exhausted - by excessive- cougliiiig-during dm: night-as a person,would be by.n hard ,days labor, I have tried most of the pcipnlae remedies of the. day, lint never fonnd relief until f met with. your Bals:un of Horehound. 'All the other remedies or palatives, that I haVe Used, leave The luiWels in - a... Congested 'state,' while youtrs leaves them solulde and free. This I.consbler n great desideratum. Oil taking a. drp of voce liaitsam4heli going to bed, I rest quietly tiro' the. night, and my sleep is refreshing. take great pleasure - ' in-r6cominending...y our, llaltam.of .Lturq, bound to all' those afflicted. with pulviumary cone plaints or Amy qiicitse. appertaining to (bp' lungs; and I take thisopportnnity - to thank you for the - great re lief:lnd benefit I have experienced through your in= strumentality.. Notpsoyikbinneli.rrsnert, WAT: CO( 511,711: F!'o - i r : . : . 1 . 1 -- 0 - .1,N; !• •. . . S. 11 kir . . A•42.ii-01:14,44N.t.,1yiL1e....: try: P14eq.50 tetjf. pet. bottle; -• • •, April • - • - 'The . lit - dial' 11/ egetable Arn a pit rgslice-inedicint;sit- natara l_to,tltc_htt man conStitution, and withal - sit mild; Mal pleasant in their optftlllinMtlutt'uot - the-msliglite,st,-oreall-oLpairoc•sicl:, oess,need be. apprehended ..10,11L their _ - use, eve'. by Ilse most delicate: at the saine.tinie, if used-in such a manner:. ai• tt, operlite freely by:Vie:bowels ; those morbid linutors,_(Vvitich flt posited blunt the vrions pelts of the body al'C the' - Cause of ect iy: nein! . of jlaiii we stiffer) i6ll - most- assuredly-;.lll.4l- 110 C only n ill pain, or distrass of.every d escription dri- Yen from-the bdtlyi but tliscl6e in any furm be i ITl possible. • , . For the - tatite:reason, when, from the sodden chang es of atmosphere, than} Miff:Teat:NM the perspiration. is checked, and titoseltuntors which should passolf by OM skin, are thrown in wardly,causing headache, mut stint, and sickness, pains in the bones; watery -at fLeiflamed eyes ; sot.e tkroat, hoarseness., cough s,constunp tion, rheumatic pains in vari MIS parts ()Hie bodband many other sYmptomsnltatelting eels', the Indian, yeg, etabf e_Pil Is will invariably give immediate Three or tour pills, token t night on gull:gm bethand repeated a few times, Will remove all the ribose pleasant symptoms,Und resmre tine body to esett Soun der health Man before: The intlitio Vegetable i'urgative)at:e natoral., and therefore a.certaittettre for .fostiveness: because they cleanse the itontachitiul bowels of those bilious humours, which not only paralyze, and weaken the digestive organs, but are the haitse of headache, aniseed and ,sicknesf4palpitation of the !court, tit ing p:iins in various parts of, the body, titfl • many other disagreeable .complaints, The same may be said of difficulty of br,elithing, or astliton t. the lvdiatiVegetti hie Pills will loosetiand carry MY by the stomachund bowels, those tough pleghmy !minims which stop up all air cells of the lungs, and are the cause of the above dreadful complaint. In all disnedered motions of the blood, called-inter- mittent,remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid FEVERS, Abe ludianNegetable Pills . will be found . At ebrtain..remetly; .berause they eleatte_thn stomach and howela of nil bilious mntter,and purify the blood; consequently,as they remove the tnmse of every kiwi of disease ; they- are-absointely-certain-to cure every kind of Fe'ver. . . So also when morbid humors sue deposited upon the membrane and musides, causing those pains, in flammations and swellings called Mien ma tism. Gout, fszc.; the Italian Vegetable . Pills• may he relied on as always certain to give. relief, and if perseVereteiiith; will most assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect cure of the above painful maladies. From three to six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken everj; night on going to bed, will, in a short time, completely rid the hods. of all morbid and corrupt humors; and Rhetnallicm, Gout atUrpain ofevery ! description, will disappearns if by noigli: - : • • It sho Id be remembered that the Ind tan Wgetable Pills a certain tO remove pain, in the side, oppres sion tenusen and siek,ness,iosa of appetite, costive. nessot yellow tinge of _the: skin and eyes, and every other symptom of Liver Complaint; because they purge from the body these corrupt and stagnant moss which, when deposited upon the Liver, are the cause,of the above dangerous complaint. They are also a certain preventive efiiii'olexy and Sudden den* Because they carry off those limpoursyltielt t ohstritc. Iting-the circulation owe thiicauso-Of n-rush',--on-deter mitiatiowof blatid_to_the head—giddiness especially; on turning suddenly .round—blindness—drowainess -.-loss of memory-- - -inflammation of the bruin--in sanity, and every other disorder of the mind. • ONE WORD TO THE SEDENTARY. —Those who from-habit ortiectipatioo, are kejtt.muclL within doors, should remember dint theyifretmently breathe an atmosphere which is wholly unfit for the proper'eipmikion of the longs and nt the same time, ()Wing to want of exercise:the lungs, are not sufficient ly evacunted--;-the blood becomes impure, and head ache, indigestion; palpitation of the heart, and' many etberdisagrepable symptoms, are sure to follow. THE INDIA - N`'VEGETABLE PILLS, Being n'cleanier of the stomach and bowekaed a di rectpurifier of tbcJelootl,jn'c cc lain not onl to re- liental . .Surgety a!' HE SUBSCRlBEl l .:.iespectfully ,tendeirt 'his . igraterul acknowledgments to the publinjor the • very literal share of:patronage !whits received dur ing thepait'year, .and would. still •eontiu4fto Mkt% thenhisprofeisional - seriiceiln theii; - iarions bran- . ches at his residence, No. '7, Harper's. 'He files, cleanses, and pings teeth, and inserts incorruptible • tarker metalin,artificiai teeth. in rnoseapproved • Manner. Charges always moderate... • C. .1,4T.P.#41. Carlisle March .2t 1840.---tf . ' ,:,.• .10.11 Inge Prepared-only by Dr: D. Jayne — Jiro - 4 la', • and sole proprietor; No. South .Third • 'street. - , -- Philadelphlit, and may . belitid - or •S. EV;LtC7 : 7', andalset_of_STE SONA , DINAtLE, Druggiite,.. Car. a. lisle, Pa.. - • • 'These medicines are reeonimended find extensive • Used by the most intelligent perstins in the United States,. by numerous Professorseand Pre,sidents of CollegeS,rhysieinns of the 'Army and Navy, and of , Hospitals and,Almshouses,and by snore Than three' hundred Clergymen olvitritins denominations. • They are'ex pre'ssly prepared, for family use, and have acquired an unprecedented popularity through, .011 t the United States; and i'as they are so admirably, calculated to,preterve itErwrir and cure DISEASE, no -fa mili-should- ever- be withouttliem; ----- The7proprie - , :tor of these valtiable preparntion's rUcived his edu •ciit inn at one of the beit Medijal Colleges in the• Un ited States, and has had' fifty:my:ears experience in an extensive nitil diverSified practice ,ny tril4:ll he hashad ample oupertimities ornegnoring.a pratotical edge of diseaSes, and of tne remedies best calculated to rewire them. • „ • j These Preparetions consist of JAYNE'S EXPEtiTOßANy,iii , alinible renledy forconsumpti6n, asthma,. spitting - Of -- blodd, croup, booping cough, prooCliitis,plcurisy and inflammation ofthe lungs or thvoat, difficulty of lmp. • thing, and all Aseascs of pulmonary, organa.=Pricg.:__ one dollnr. AlsolyVY-NE'S -HAIR TONICi for -the •preserva-----, lion, growth :did beauty rif the ltate,'lttdl Ada will positively bring in- new bait: on bald beads.---Pttl9e . ono dollar. • • • Also .IAYII.7.'S TONIC - V.FAMI . EUGI:4 w - cci., rl . ll - fr p santremetlo'oe stiovms,tlyspepsittypijoa? nail maws- Wier iliseases.-- . -Price 50 cents. • . -_Also JAYNE'S CAIIMINITIE BALSAM, a cure for bov:•el ruin summer complaints, (liar,. Ouse; tlySentary ci:atima, Sick beatlliChei-p.sour _stomach, cholera morbus,anil. all clerangemems_of_thg stomach and bowels, nervous affections,Sic.---Pricc 50 cents. Al so .1A lE 'N'S SANATINT fOr'Female diseues, liver 'emiiplitims, ensilvemii;feviirs. inflam- • maimis. glandular, cAst Vitetirms,se: , Lsc.s. of:the skin alternt ive••or intt~liciii'r'fs 3 840.---1 , .-• .71 • For the the gron'th, presenntion• anti restorationof-tic This is .uieel lent article;-lint-has, in dn.! tnerotts instances, prothweslA, rule growth of bait onthe heads ofpditons who hall been bahlfor years LAE/lEs ath - ,Gl: • tert.rmrs,---bo you Wish elegant , luxuriant and beautiful hair? I know,you will answer ye - s7Tfear, for ote'llitiinetit,'ilie”ctaeTtlitiliik;'4l4 -- 7 it titetts gray, rusty..autleistrsJi.harsh and_ in its appear:owe, 81(11 flitallyTal s off;:: a root ill the skin, oral is itself hollow tithe/throng!, , wltich there i s-tt 'constant ‘i 4x:illation .of-tine blood.-- liy_this circulation the hair is nourished and Veit fist, its glossy colour is given and preservdd, and it it covered with the finest oil. Now - any thing which , • fares 11/c skin, of the, load,-or lnverts or takes anon; the blood from ill pre/Cent or impede the circula: Sion through the tubes of the hair, stiqi its ,groivth aird cause it• to full arm. Writ gray, or both. Flenet it is that any eattse that obstructs or weakens the err ciliation of blood through the skill, Or that diverts tht blood to other part r of the 9 steal, will take away tin lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair, ar• rest its p.m/ tit, turn it gray hoollol` or later, and it housanda airistances cause premature baldness. Par sale lip ' ' S. ELLIOTT, and ,' • ' • - ST.EVEVSON &_DLNKLE,- ~"111ay Hair Tonir.---11 - I the attention - of 'those nt flictedwith.premature baldness. toilil 7- excellent frac Took: prepared by Dr. Jayne of this city. • Havilil nscd it Ourselves; we ran speak of its virtues by exile rienc6, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it an insalu able remedy to prevent the. (idling off of the hair,am to restorelt from a dead, to a fine, healthy appear mire. We can also speak from personal knowledF of the cases of two or three friends a ho were preMs poseq 'to baldness, who by the Use of Jayne's Hat Tonic, have now luxuriant hair. We haye no dispo sition to puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedir for all diseases whiel flesh is belt to,.but -when w • have testid the virtue of an article, we are free to sa it is gootl.---dttMdaylAxming fox!. Jaync's hair Toni c.---Wc have, her - Mohave, nun . tiered ourselves among those who believed that th Vlair Tonic, prepared liv De. - Jayne, tvas - one - of Ur - - - many quack nostrums whose virtues are neier sec beyond the - thlsome puffs of {licit. nnlhors. We 'Cr willing, at length, to Make public acknowledgment error of our belief. An intimate fricnihsome or'tlirec months since, all the top of whose crania wit§ as bald as a piece of polished thimble, maugre a our-jesting and ridicule 'of the idea .of attemptin to cultivate so lairren a spot purchased a bottle c two. of the lair Tonic from Dr..layne,and accordin 'to his directions applied it. During the presentivec the same friend ushered himself into our pVesence,an ' uncovering his hitherto naked heail,astenished tis wit • . lahin,though luxuriant growth of hair, from one h . 11 . - two inches in length---upon the very premises we NI helieied as unyielding to cultivation as . the tracklet -- sand that skirt§ the Atlantic.. This-is no puff, but ' religiously truc,and to thosewhin doubt,thc gentlema can be pointed out. What is more in favoe of th - "Tonic," the'cjise here cited was not one of tempor: - ' re baldness—no sudden loss of the hair--lint was of of years' though the the gentleman is hi forty-five years of age.—Pfdladelphia. Spirit of t) Times. • WAR !..WAR! WAR I_---The Wigmakers-Iral v declared hostilities'againstour neighhor - Dr: - Jayri -- ' -- - on account of his Hair Tonic, Nvhich is knocking a • their business into a "cocked hat." Ladies and kci tleme,n-=old and' young are flocking to:the Doctor standar-Aleadsiong divested of even The firstxud.. ments of hair, after, using his Hair tonic soon appei With new and flowing locks, which Absalom hams( •, might have envied. Beardless boys are seen wi • large and bushy 'lvhiskers; and 'lndies smile age through their own raven ringlets more beautiful m bewitching than ever. Bald heads are doffing the wigs and throwing them to the "molt s and the bats . while the Wig makers stand:agbast as They beim the demolition of their business. What will be the consemience of This war ;ire tic - notathenvirTies-treimtrageris, and - the - Doctorr-- minus firm, and declares that !'some things can done as well as othcrs,"and that bald heads may well wear their own-hair as that of others.---[Wee ' ly Messeng • • • . Jayne's - Hair Ida —We meet 'at almOst eve corner, when per Thulatingthestreets,pen weari, long and glossy hair, Which they seem to be pro • °timid others who have raised. in a feW weeks, acre of black moustaches, that would vie with the glossie, bruin that ever. walked the forest. It has puiiled to know - the secret of .all those wondrous crops hair; but Messrs. SANDS, 79 and 160 are sire, have get the remedy, where all who are curious well matters may learn a valuable secret..--Xt Yorf 117,ir. - Sold in hiladelphia at 20 South Third Street . . INGRAVITUD' E • .28 the .basist .eriine ~ tnan. 1 We nre not amdng tlent class of Editors who for • few-dollars will, (at. the expense of trutirsmd hone! ty) ‘ferack.Up" an article nod lfring it into rapidisal, neither are .we willing to remain salent;ufter haiir tested the utility of, an ; improvement or diseon'ihr-V .o,lesist,er.nrt—Qui..rendernwill =solicit .we - them we were, unwell ivijWn sore. tliroatand .4 violei. cold some few...,i'eeki Well, we _purchased to bottlis••of 'WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF IMRE HOUND and, so sinsine' Wa's, the cure , that we fora; we ever ha Ea' cold. "These who are afilited, ms • try it uponour.recomsnendation.—Litufstatria;Thl For stale by '• '• . • . . , S. ELLIOTT, Cakliale;; , . . , A. J. NORTH Neivville • 'AlecSby Druggists generally throughout the Cow try. - Prit. 50 befits per bottle. • Oct. '2B, 184 u. II Cai•li . sle, Pa