Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 28, 1841, Image 3

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IP 0 k,
..d.O V E bT 0 It,
.iiioioolt.—.4e owe our , brother of the
Vi'merican Spntinel an apology.: We last
week published in our columns an excellent
article relative to . a National Bank, to which
credit Ares attached.—'lt-should-have
been- credited to:, the American Sentinel.
----Tlie--neglect to do-so ivas_owing entirely
. to an• oversight on our "Part, and not from
la disposition to filch from the editor of that
paper the *credit of. its authorihip.
Sentinel, alit - tong!' found in the ranks of
the locus, is nevertheless an impartial, *ell
. conducted, and independent sheet, and its
editor has on more than one occasion re
-. buked - some - of - his Van-Buren-brethren-for
their ultra-radical doctrines.
PCPrt is...gaid that, Mrs. Harrison had
reached Cincinnati . , coiher'way
*ugton,_on . -the_ntoraing_on_Aviiich theiritel,
ligeoce of her bereavemen't arrived at that
city. She bore the affliction
,nilich better:
ihallf,::*as -- suppo - acdl3ll 0' 7. - - vvutilt,t - be-able
- . .
HARRISON'S 11" IliONV:-We ." "Oeilibe
;„unfeigneil pleashyo, : says the - A ( - aerie a ett
lifiel,ThatMen of all parties are givihg their
- .
approbation to the' proposed appropriatioiT
to Mrs.litirrison of a part of her venerated
huspand's salary..- At Charleston,- South
. i - , tiz e town meeting-as=-
- 'sembledi have resoFied that an appropria,
'ion by — thingrese for this• purpose would
be ; pot only liberal ha' jtist . , and would
meet withlhe hearty approbation of a gen
. Brous people. The Southern Patrint,(. - Tep
iticald3= opposed — lo General_ - Thirrispres
_ election) ix pressei_thi hope ".that'.-Coo=
tress will make si - tie - provision-foe the fa.
- wily of the General; whose pecuniary
eurnstances cannot bear theiteavy expenses
2. 'Which' must: have been incurred by .a re.
nova] to Washington." The Boston Post,
m earnest Van Buren papei, and most ably
"conducted, warmly, seconds the apprOpri- .
akin. • •
1:::r W, are pleased to see that our new
digit .Constable, Mr. JOHN. :WALKER, is
terror - Ming- the duties of his -office with
such zeal and ability, and already the
treets of the borough present an improved
ppearance. We trust that Mr. AY. will
.ersevere in. his exertions. Ile must; how . -
ver,.entleavorAo_disperse• , the groups
lotions and misehievous boys- . which is
-amble upon-Our streets and Oldie Squares . ,
ndangering the. safety of the passers-by,
y hurling stones and other missiles.. Just
y it.
ricrWe perceivir by the Gettysburg pa
ers,that our quondani friend and tutor, Dr.
lium, is delighting.the good periple of
tat place by his amusing lectures on the
;ience' of Physiognomy. The Doctor is
ei•tainly a man of fine talents and Morons!)
lueation; and we believe"him'th be, what
e represents himself, a
,veritable Italian
VIIiiTiIitYterVENTICiN.!...—A. State Mill
.-rjr Convention is to assemble in Harris-
tk on the fourth Monday of June next,
le lib orthat niontlCTo — tbe - purrose — of
• r
business -- left - undone - by - their.
dienflond January last. • The Reporter
ys that " - the Members' are , .to be clothed
full -•Unifortn:" It will certainly" be a
ranee Shoe "to behold the assembled;
• dialry of this ancient commonwealth de -
iereting upon ilieMementuotta. concerns
the "grand Army." Every man who
boast a Sport an epaulet 'should
.- t tliaf day - be in attendance, at Harrisburg,
order that' the-demonstration may be as
Tosing as possible. We firmly believe
aY ttten the proceedings of these 'braves'
ialy be made public,-they will , strike
• .14itb . thebtieulti.,of the liege . - subjects of
ietnria,ianfl at' once that ontipoitir
• and wind' its bee n for . 'some time law
, i n g:upon oti :colintiy.• ••• ±,
li:7•Soune exciiinVetit preyails in Sliip
,nsburg cOnSeqd'ence of tite disappear
• led ti`yonainikp. It appears that the
' •
sing gentlemiti *as sr stpdent Of the Col
..;ge at °WY-84111'g. and left that place on
iit . stonte , time during .the past winter, to
cliaige-or a school in - . Shippensburg.
al.lie lies' not been heard of since; that
tin;it• is 'suppose& that he periahed in
severe !mow -storms we cape. ,
nced last win ter; an&-the fact ota hnn
, 0,• said to belong to him,, having been
prid' Itt the' South'
strengthen this supposition. Several men
are now among .the mountains searching
for the , body." His parents are tesidents
of York county.-,.,
11Cr",Someof our exchanges are filled
with the trial, confession, &c., of Peter
Robinson, convicted and executed recently
in New Brunswichi:(N..l.)toi•the murder
b r. Suydam . It strikes us .that. this is
.. • .
in ad taste., It can certainly. do no good;
and.inay possibly do much harm. Dying
confessions, instead of .proving a warning
to' the. young and thoughtless, have
s often
a:directly. contrary. effect. They tend lo•
vitiate the. mind, and - Make, men familiar
with guilt. They are read .with., avidity,
And the criminal is often Riblied 'upon as .a
`martYr-.-alvirays as a herb:, Public bxetu
lione,•too,.are decidedly.'wrong,ahil should
be immediately nhOlisimi...Bltutiling a Man
Out of the
. world with all frl,the . pomp and
- circumstance of • war," • is
, probatily very
pleasing to the vulgar ` throng Which is
usually assembled on - 860- occasions; but
it looks more • iike the exit 'of. a hero, than
a condemned • nial erector. Froth all' that
we have beenTible to gather, Robinson Wad'
only anxious to depart with ec/ot, and leave
behind him a name renowned tor' some
thing. There are nriore Peter Robinson's
in the world. • •
IG'MITCHELL; the forger, has pomplete
suctieeded in baffiing.hiii purstierS.. In
stead or having gone to Teitis, it, is' now
Onerally believed that he has taken. pas- .
sane to •et; no
occasiffli for the services of either of his
"two contingent . fyientls." He will prob•
! -- pects - to - Mr: - Swartwoot; •
e c ever rogue w o suce
.eded in
swindling the Lafayette-13ank:of.Cincin-
nati - of to 4een. thousand dollars:, by. tneans
ota forgetgeertifioate = oldepOsite, has also
". done'? the: dunk, of Kentucky, at-Louis
ville, of the• same amount, and by the same
_means; - •::llo„passes7by: the names - of
M. Parker . and: Robert. Dawson:; and the'
,probability is that he has at least attempted,
if not.succeetretl, in swindling other insti
tutions. The general impression is that
he iii,an`L'iTgliahman, and ,the same 16116 - ITv
- whom tho -- pdice - of - Lontion — cautioned - the•
Bostonians to he on tholoOlt;odilef."7lVe
Ito* have-the pleasure
. in our next num
ber-of announcing the apprehension - DN his
"Artful Dodger." . • -.
eirrival of the Great Western.
Four days later from Europe.
The Great Western arrived at New York
on Saturday last, after a passage of 16 days.
The news alie;brings isi)olyimportant, so
far as showing.a dispition oti.the.part of
the British Government to preserve the
present amicable intercourse bet Ween the
two countries.
Nothing hag yerbten heard of the Steam
Shin• 4-
bhin President, she left New York on the
filth of March; some fears were - entettain- .
.cd for hei safety. • •
Detgami, who Kguied in the trial' of
The state of the crops in England, pro
wipe's—most ibtindant harvest.
.?The Locofocos_appeafia_Be very
anxious that JOHN BANKti should . resign his
situation as President Judge of the' Berks
county . courts. We are pretty 'Well con
vinced that the Judge will tYot gratify theth
in this matter. .He has.nade an.excellent .
and popular .jOdget . and' the people of diet
district are not willing that hid . place should
he filled by suet' melt as Burnside and Fox.
Mr. Banks wid e we ficope, have the
sure ofitominating his own successor..
• 111:7•In case Judge Banks shouldiesign,
we have scarcely a doubt but that his Ex
-a-Oren-ay wouldiinpriiie -the - OPporitiiiity
Of providing` for . " btOlker - .hulas." ' As
the Ex-Judge's chances,of pocketing any
more. thousand dollar fees are rather slim,
we think he cnuldlkiv prevailed upon again
to ascend the bench. This would be a
very pretty Emily arrangement ; • but, as
the good people.ef old Berks have already
had one of the flintily, ad their judge, we
fear that might object to it,
rjr•Fourteen of the members of the Bar
of Northampton county (being part of
Judge Bank's District,) have addressed "a
letter to,that gen Omen. in which they re- .
quest.hiin not to resign his. Jndgeship.,-
Egcri-iHiretib - 0 Signed this 'letter but James
Madison Porter! , , • .
No sooner did' Fritee defalcation be
conic known, than lie was .promptly RE
.MOVED. and every possible , step , taken
to recovef his , deficiencies. ' Wlmt more
ciiuld have posSibly.been done 'by
any ad
ministration nom' . .
- Nothing,more, except to give him a Hut !
,ter 4 Confine pardon. There is time
enough yet for that,"rntilielmit will not be
tried until'lday.
~196 .1 4 1 :e'etliiore of the Intelligence's. and
Clirhnielikliarrisburg;have slut thanks for
their kindness' in rot Or( Ostheir re
spective pipers, 4eply, 'thiringlhe session
of the' Legislature.' . •
..WH.-.4..,:itt.....:44 . 1tt1t . - 151.ev"Ji.e-10 . 14..'ip t <,
The Nomtdation.
The Locofoco Conferees met tit. Bloom:
field, on-the-Math instant, and-noniinated
Jima Gustine, of Juniata county, as the
candidate to' till the vacancy in Congress.
Vire.cannot conceive what p,osSible right
Juniata 'had to OW nomination; for jt:will
be, recollected that this election is to. sup
ply a vacancy, occasioneg by the death of
Mr. Ramsey, who Was nominated from
this courtly and elected last fall: and as
Juniata had waived her claims, in favor o of
Cumberland, she had.. Certainly,no right to
present them now. • Of= this .the conferees
must have been aware when.theY madejhe
nomination,- and-as a salvo they published
the following resolution : • -
" Reitolued, That this convention has
undiiicinisiicd eanfiderme in the lion. Chas.
McC•ure, their late. representative in..Con
,grets, and that it is only in justice to the
clainis of
. Juniata, and in conformity to
the usages. and ',system of the democratic
party - of - this :district-that the present-nomi
nation for the 27th tonkretti i 8 notv made."
- Now this resolution, carries a lie omits
faCe. The nomination of Gustine Was not
oracle "iti juttiee_to-the claims of Juniata,"
for it is 'notorious that "the claims of Ju-:
fiats" have been. disregarded as often as'
they bait been Urged, 'since she was first
placed in this Congressional District.--
Conteinptuously-styled , by Locofocos
of' Allis • county as "little Jiin l iatai" - -:-hte
piginy voice was inidthered in every con;
I . rention, nn;her' candidate's 'crked off,
until grownsestive under continued eialif:
-atom-she-minced-a-disposition:to-jinnp .
through fear.of disunion; are forced td sub-.
mit • to the dictation • of " little. Juniata,"
whenilfe heti rieteVen'th e . shadow of-a-right
repee .scr_vpd tlie_party,
-faithfully in - the r- .Legiolatura and in Con
gress, He has been 'active:and zealous in
-advocating their principles, and . although
he missed, the he has received
the unanimous 'declaration ol,their
nuntshed confidence:! " . - •
• . The, strength of this ;"confidence" may
be inferred from the fact that Col; McClure
was rejected, to favor the:pretensions of
Amos Gustine, Esq.; a malt-who was lie
ver-heard-of-more-than once in everftivo:
yeart, and teho ackiituiledge* him Self
competent 10 discharge the, duties of a
nzenther of Congress.
Arnim Ccusthae.
•We extract the following from 'the let
ter of .4mos Gmline, to the'Juniata con
ferees... Speaking of his nnrriination, he
says :-- - • ,
"I unhesitating y say, this is to me .un
'solicited and unexpeeted,,aUd however
deep my sense of gratitude for :this.. evi
dence of public confidence ,reposed to me,
I cannot .forbearc'saying, that I feel, that
shriuld .you carry out the measure; you
will assign to me duliie Which I am not
corn . pelf»! properly to pelforin. I . will at
present only add, that ehoutd your effortS
terminate successfully, you have my pledge
to carry out, to hie fullest of-my.feeble
ahiliiies, the principles set rim!) in the
.embraced in your.' : letter.
They are principles that I have religibusly
believed in, and which I have ever openly
advocated."' .
Now he "nnhetiitatingly" says what lie
and hitt fiiendii know untrue: 'So far
(rum the nomination being "unsolicited,"
he has_for some years' been unceasing in
his efforts to effect it. HoWeyer, he will
suit the - party, as he - has
, pletleed himself
to carry out principles which he admits he
does not comprehend. ••
Peniasylwanisi Legislaline. -
'in Me Senate,. Tuesday A pill. 20,.Peti-.
tions.were presented by Messrs. Case firid
Miller. Mr: Pearson, from the comotittee
to whom *as referred the bill to repeal
and_Trentim _raillioad,conipany,-reported:
the same with amendments. The bill for
the relief of contractors was taken up on
third reading and 1 assed„yeap 14, nays 13.
The bill to repeal certain acts in relation
to' the Philadelphia and Trehton rail road
company, was taken < UP, anti after being
amended, was passed by a vote of 21 .to 9.
On Wednesday, 21st, the senate proceeded
to the coniideration of the 11e.yenue Bill;
several amendment's were offered, which
were negatived; and The first, section was
passed . by a vote be 23 to- n ,Thurs
day, April 12, a. petition was preented
from Messrs. key, di Brother, asking for
authority to publiatf.the .14 nomi
nation of William Smi , th - and Samuel, U.
Wilson as Associate -Judges of Centre co.,
'was confirmed. .;The Senate resumed the
consideration of the revenue_ bull' Oita that
body adjourned: On FridaY, Aprll'26; Mr.
peason repotted, a, bill, autlieriiirig the
courts to grant . divorces in all cases tif:ha-'
drunkenness. The relief Was
taken up and disCutisetWittil : the
. time of
In the flouts of Representatio', April
20. tin ,bill ,to incorporate the Lancaster'
Countf Tlanlt.. was rejected, yeas pa, nEys
41. incorporate thil 7 Mistrict of
Penn teWniiliip, te anniil.tter ro4rtage mo
wn!, of4iiren and Falizaboh hie
wife, land to 2 incorporate the Alexandria.
Delaware Bridge Cpippany
_Were passed.
The bill- to-establiSh,-, a-board of—lniernal
Improvement was iheil .taken up and the
section naming the hoaid iaised. on
Wednesday, April 1, the iretb of iho bov
erpor on the bill . providiiig fee the re-pay
ment of money loaned to repair the Hunt
iniflon breach, was taken up, the vote.was
yeas 51, nays 39, so the bill tiailmit, not
having two-thirds. Mr *right presented
-the minority: report Of; the -Investigating,
Committee. The bill providing for a board
of Internal Improve Meet, came up on third
reading, and was prised by a vote of 52
to 42. The vote on the `bill, to incorporate
the... Lancaster county bank, was-re-consid
ered, and the bill passed: The bill author
izing the Governor to bring , suits against
Holbrook, Henlock & Bretton, and Hotter
& Bigler, late printers of theigHouse Jour
nals, was passed. On Thursdar, A pril 22,
the-resolution-fixing-on-the-27th-instant as
the tirne - for adjournment,-'wes rescinded,
yeas bO, nays -40'._ho
the canal commissioners to lease the pc,.
hirribia rail road, . *as passed. The !es();
hitions instructing our sen'atois in Congress
to vote for the repeal of the Snb Treasury
passed. 44 to 34. Oa Friday; April 23d,
an act to regulate the future printing of the
House, pai3s'ed final reading.
• WHEREAS, It has pleased the Sovereign
-Ruler-otearth-Ityrernove , brtleath -the -Pre
-sident of - the - United States; and iolterelf;: -
the elnirelrbf the,Lottl Jesus Chriit,
rightly free in our nation from .all entani:
ling-alliances with tite thew, yet . feels it to
lie liFfdttty'enir endeatior;
spiritual prosperity of our beloved
juicing and mourn with her in her sorrow:
'Therefore" • _
...Be it 'Reiolred by the. treat). ytery of
Harrisburg,- 1.. That in this:eolenin ,rljs '
pensation of Providence in taking away - the
[lead: of the.. Nation, we, recognise_ _the .
Mighty of the King of Kings. and
.Lord of Lords; and that we feel- that we
and the Christian People under bur care,
in common. - with. our brethren,aiel fellow
countrymen-should be deeply - hUmbled that
national sin should require rational judg
' 2;' That this. Ilispetisation speaks - to us
iri awful tones of_ the vanity - of all earthly
of the uriceetaiiity- of that. life
which passed) . :mar as a sliado.w, and of
the instability of all hurean. thinga.c:= - And
that it -teaches us • in - a peculiarly . solemn
manner the importance . of preparation for
death by being perpetually ready to give
an account of our steivardship . by contin
ually renewed acts of trust in our Lord
Jesus Christ, - of taking- bat a-light grasp
of the things of this world, and of looking
continually by the eye of faith tipon those
things Which are not seen, and which are
3. 'Plug Presbytery are very much gra
fiett to observe the recommendation o
the Vice President of the United States,
notti beCoine by this sad bereavement, the
President of the tJnidri, setting' apart
day the fourteenth of May next as a Clay
of Fasting and Prayer in viewof this
m =
leti ilispensatimi of Divine Providence:
That_we_ claim_this_paperAo_be .worthy
the National Head of a Christian people,
and that we will . co 7 opeiate Vevery i meanA
in our power ‘ to secure a, proper oliseri;g
tion of this day.
4. That these resolutrons be read frmii
all thefpulpits of churches under the care
of Presbytery, and that they be published
at the discretion of the . Stated Clerk.
T. SliktOLE, Slated Clerk.
From the Baltimore Patriot.. .
"ye Plus Illfra.' 7
The subjoined details of an' ad' of . ex pert
iillany;recelitly played MT in that: quarter,
are giien in the Cincinnati Gazette tof
Friday last: In the perusal, one is ready
to exclaim, what next?
1 aoinc_ctur_ron
few days of the last of March, the Cashier
- Ortliti - Litfayettallank of Cincifitiaii reeeiv !
ed by Mail, a letter purporting to be from
the Commercial Bauk of New Orleans, of
which the folloWing is a - copy... .
• " COMMereicit Bank of New Odiansa
' lltarch 17, 1841. S
"%V. G. W. Gano, Esq. Cashier.
• Lafayette Bank, Cincinnati.,. • •
1/EAR ceufdrfnity . with the,
of %V. M. Perkily:Esq. of London,
I hand you enclosed half my certificate of
deposite in hitt favor, No. 390 pr $13,000
specie, which please .deliver to him on pre.
sentatiOn.of the first half.
Mr. Paricer,id unacquainted in- your ci
ty, and liar' adopted this course for safety
and identity.--t- r . • •
tiecommend him to your favor.
Yours respectfully,
• - -GEO. 0. HALL, Craftier.
On' the 3041 i; March, Mr. G'ano — in'a
' fir to Mt. Halton - other buaiheas", entitled
t tne . atloVe letter as fullOwi:. •
" Mi. Parker has. net yet • appeared ;
when he does i shall hand him the half
certifieare . dent fOr hie use."
• Oh The
. ?4 April Mr.. Parker made. . his .
appearance and received from the Cashier
of the LefaYette.tfhek,. the half certificate,s
having. produced ihe,othee Was'
earful t earripared and found ; Aro corres
pohil,,and sold the sante t 0146 Comtnet.
dial Bank. iti .
•city, receiving
,the' one,
two arid' three ruites'of.%that.-Brink;
WhiCh'he slated,*iiitesulail to use in the
()utilises of liouelin.the•MuSkingum. \Not
the sfighteet:auspiCiOn..*as 'excited, ,until
to-day: Aril *hen Mr.; oanOireeeiiiid
the followtoir lette-'frOm •
-- .--'
•"Commercial Bank of New 'Orleans,
New. Orleans; April‘7, 1841.
W. bancs;. Esq,Cithier,L__
POir - Siit-zllieve this received
yonr letter of, the 36th,ult, referring to e .
letter from the of • the 17th instant; in rola
tion to a ceitiheate Of deposite. As I haie
no ktiiiii , lbdgo any such letter, and •hav
ing also received: one, of - similar' purport
from Mr. Gwathmey ,of the Bank of Ken
tucky; I fear aotiie imposition baCbeen at
teinpted, and Hagen fluid letter off to put
you on your guard. " •
• "Yours respectfully,
:GEO. 'O. HALL, Cashier..
The - body - of the forged letter from Mr.
Hall, is . written in. blue 'ink, of precisely
the tint of that -used in • the . Commercial
Bank' 'of N. Orleans, and is. in the hand
writing ofthe clerk of that bank, who'filla
up letters for the.signature of the cashier,
except the words, "I recommend him to•
ur•favor," 'which, together With the
name of . . the•pashier, are in black ink; and
on• comparing it with a number of letters
from the same bank, of late date, not the
slightest difP
,ence can. be digeovcred,
ther in the pa cei,•ink, or, hand writing.- 7
The paper ,4-„t iall3kbears the same-water
reark,mid ' l '. to be from the smile ream.
-The-piibli -are-requested'ito_be on the
alert: I'lm 'person-, who represents Mr.
Tarker, is a' small man, with brown or RI!
burn hair, rather broad forehead, and keen
expression of countenance.
A liberal reward will doubtless - be - oirer- -
ed, and any one who shall dptect this rogue - Well paid.
_ Itispossibla-that-he-maY-have dispotied
of:the notes for checla on - 751 - inie of the At
lantie cities; in which case it is very'desi,
rable_ that any broker or bank whomay.
have made the
. exchange,.should write at
once to - -their correspondents, to stop the
Election. •
.e-have by.the - Baltimore'44. taioAK.,9he-2-444e01,4;':retetila.s‘,:44:,*(-,
Virginia Election.
i -r et tfriuON:444 - al 11 vi - 'e
have atithetitio accounts - from - : • • :
The following are elected:.
07110. - • 'I.6CM
12; R. Barton. : „ •
One Whig gain.-'.
Whig's _O—Locofocos,l. Oni Whig
Robber of a. Bank ebnvicied:—W itliain
-I. Grisirold,.the -.young man, who robbed
the Bank of Western Now York Of. $5OO,
ago, was_ tried by The'Cireuit
Court On-Wednesday, Convicted and sen
tenced to the Auburn . : prisonfor 4 years.
It has been remarked, - and most truly, that the
three ordinary.secrets of Ilealtkare early rising, cx
ercise, and personal cleanliness. Personal cleanli
ness all have in their power to observe:. but to twiny,
early riling is inconvenient, and exercise impossible,
in consequence of the nature of their worldly avoca
tions. To those the use of Hiandreth's Vegetable,
'Universal Pills would prove of great value in the
preservation of that-invalinible blessing—health.
Tlie peculiar auction of these Pills is orist surpria
ingi their operation being more or less powerful, ac
cording to flue pureness of the circulating fluid. On
a person in a fair state of health, who is only costive
or slightly bilious, they will be scarcely lels; on the
coati ary, if the complamt-be-chronic i and the-consti-,
tutiOn be much deranged, the effect generally at first
is most powerful, until the system lie freed from some
- ofits must vitiated andttirptithumors. Thi4 accom
plished, doses sufficient to. cause two or three copious
evaeuationsolaily, sill spop remove the disease, and
the constitution will be restored to a state of health
and rene7ed vigor. •
• D4r For sale in Carliere HITNER
and ip Cumberland County by Agents publibhed ii
anuther part of this paper. •
THE l'UlitAW -
Are directed to 1)r. Darlich's Celebrated Medi
cines, which tire recommended by thousands as a
preventive and cure for diseases, of the Stoinsch•and
Nervous System., The Aperient arid German Pills,
are a direct purifier of the blood, and certaM to re
move bile from the stomach, which is the great cause
of bilious and-other diatressingmaladies,regulatethe
bowels, hic. The 'Strengthening Tonic Pills', give
tope and vigor to the organs of digestion, restore the
lost appetite, quiet the nerves of the debilitated, and
produce Sweet- repose ta-theAwstless. _The'. shove
inedieines are fast superseding the drastic mineral
pivot-Ai - tins which soine - physierans have heretofore --
teen in the practice of administering to their patients.
Since the introduction of Dr. Elarlich's preparations
into tub United States, many have abandoned such
Mg the shove medicines whenever the .symptoms in
dicatetheir itse. , •
N. 11. Physicians and others, who order the above
rnedicinesovill please direct their orders in future
to the Principal Office, No. 19 North Eighth street,
Philadelphia,(instead of ordering throngliother
Am) which williensure'them to obtain. the medicine
which they expect to rWeelVe: — '4.l. ' • •
For sale by Dr. J. J. Myers St Co., Carlislerstnil
Wm. Peal; Sbippensburk, Pa.
Di. Se slytt'es Compound •rppid CherryCherry "`" •of . yr l
an invaluable remedyfor all diseases indicative of
Fultimpartaffer,tionr; such aerostat chronic coughs,
boareenese r iolipoping cough; wheezing and di ffi culty
of btoithing,cOup; and spitting of blood, Sta. How
many Sufferers do we daily behold approaching to an
untimely grave; wrested in the bloom of youth from
their dear-crelatiies and friesids, afflicted with that
common and destructive ravager; called consumption,
Odell soon wastes the miserable sufferer, until he be
comes beyond the power of Warden skill; if such suf
'ferers would only make trill, offtir. Swayne's invalu
able inedicine, they vceuld stooabd,themselveishen..
efitted, the% by puipihia ehe varirms, ineffehtire cer
tain retttedies of which our news. listillailyaboitudd
This immediately heainaja: •althe. ulc:bratol
lungs, stopping profuse night sweati, %itigating the
distressing cough, at tbe same time indulging a heal.:
thy and swivel expeefflration ; also relied'ing• the
shortness of breath and pain 'in' the chest, which. bar
rasa thg sufferer on the slightest exercise and,finallY
the hectic fl ush in the pallid 'and emaciated , chetk,
will soon hegiiito viu.ish`,.intl, the sufferer will het c
perceive himself snatched from` si premature grave,
into the injoyinent,igain of comfortable •
fibserv - e-'--The IVintsipal Office for the,sale. of this .
Medicine is at No. 19 North Eighth 'street, Phila.
Also, For gale by . John J. Mitre is Co., Carlisle'
and Wtn. Peal, ,by John
Deaths !
. . .„
You who are blessed with littlo!childr.ON and have .
the camp( them, ghauld not forget 'that, these “little
ones," Sooner or later, will be afflicted with the evil
effects 'of,teethingt, which ...Artier: off shoopinds *mu.
wily. -licnewhall wo prevent this Adel rwiiger ? is
_kilted lip inwriy. .The answer is; proeiire immediate
ty Dr. Paris' Soothing Syrup for Children Cutting
Teeth, which giies instant relief tothe little sufferer.
This fact hive tested various times, and alwaYS'with
.the-same-beneficial - results: - Undvite — everrfamily
-who bring up little children to have the Syrup with
them, , thatwhen the child wakes up with pin from
',L eeth i ng it may be immediately relieved to the eu
joyment of those who.ilesire sweet repose. •
N. B. By calling at the office of the Ledger the
address of the above will- be shown, which will sails
fy thole who may feel somewhat doubtful of the won
' derftil effectiffifthe above medicine.
-Remember, pone i a genuine Mdess the siguatnre of
Ik. Paris is, impressed on tile phials ; alsO be Tare=
ful and purchase only at the medical office; 14 - .. 19
- North Eighth street, and advertised Agents.: Be
ware, there are-several persons imposing a deleteri. !
ous article on the Public for .the above, put up .in
plain bottles, witkthe IMMO of Pat is spelt; difterent.
NVlten you purchase see dist the name of Paris spelt
asypu see it in this nonce, anal unless the phials are
impreised with "Dr. Paris' Soothing Syrup.." touch
it nal • •
For Sale by john J. Myers,lk to., Carlisle; and
Wm'., Peal, Slit ppeusburg, Pa.
idn the 13th inst. bY . the,Rev..l.
/On the 22d, inst., by ,the• same,
AB„RAHANI KILLIN;• of. Newville, to
Mies SUSANNA ZIGLER, - Of Mifflin.
_-• • . .
•,IfOrt -the ' same aay, hy. .the satite":. Mr.
NiV,HERR, ail,of Allen township: - •
IfOn the But
LA WSON; all of-Carlisle. . • .
OP On Thursday last, by the same, Mr.
RETT.: all of Carlisle:
. .
Philadeirthia, on the Mb inat.-b5 , the
Rev.-- Mr. Brainerd, Mr. .andrew Culver,.
•{PrintT). formerly of this borough;-to Miss
Sarah, rnighter "of. Mr, David White, of
that city. • •
. . .
if :' DI E p,. .• • .4, 1 ,
. .. On,' idondly,February Ist„ . 1841, at Rio
-Oran& ; ,_iiiiits,iaf_Stnall_POx,-M.r.s:-GEO-1
KERR, youngest son of Mr. Andreui Kerr;
of this borough, aged about 27 years.
On the 4th of January, 184.1, in Madrid;
((Spain) the Marchioness SARAH - MARIA
11E -- CASA --- YRIMO, iido . vi Ot - We Mar . ='
.- - IC.oB.lkatFageisg4arat.o.47:r i iistinisteit: r.;; I
tfikUnita:Stales. .TliThlare notiesT _was. I
a daughter of..Governer McKenn, - cf_Peim-1
iyrvinii - . - -I - -- ' - . _- i
. _
_ •T April 2.8, 1841
FLOEII.-44 — per blil. Wniiin *ice 0:50 to
• WIIEAT-05'to 100 cis. ' •
' RYE-50 to 55 eta.' " •
-- CORN-45 to 50 eta.
OATS-25 to 23 cts. • .•
;'FLOUR--;67 via - Per - barrel: .
GRAIN--20 ets
Baltimore, .9pril 22, 1841:
FLOUR.--We find the rciarket.this morning very
inactive for Howard street Flour, slid quote the store
-price as uniform at $4.50. A sale of IUU barrels,
choice hrand,wasmade at $4 561. I lie receipt price
continues at 4.31. There is nothing doing is City
Mills Flour;
holders, however, demand $4.621. The
stock of thissdei - cription is at present very li o ht, ow l
ing to the entail quantity of wheat that hasior some'
time past reached the market. The Tide Water
Canal'heing in navigable order, abundant supplies
may be soon expected, which:ail - I enable millers to
continence grinding. Susquehanna Flour; in consid
erable parcels, has been sold this eleck. at $1.50 to
GI(AIN.--We quote Mar, land white Wheats at
400 to 115" cents, and reds at 95 to 100 cents. - Sales
of Pennsylvania reds at 95 t 0.101.1 cents.-. Last sales
of Maryland Hie were made at 50 cents,and Penn:
sylvania, tato:ue extent, at 53 to 55 cents. \Vegetate
Marylatutsellow Corn at 59 cents, and white at 96
to 48 cents. Outs arc. in demand, and we quote
Maryland at 35 cents, nod Virginia at 31 to 33 cents.
Cleverseed, from stores, retieils at:" . s4 to $4,95 for
strictly prime, and $3,50 fur fair. Timothy seed
has declined and retail 'sales are making at $2,75 fur
prime quality. -
. NV HISK E held at 20 cent s, rind bids
at '2 620. cents. The wagon price of bbis. is 17
cents, exclusive of the barrel.. -
A Court of -General Quarter
Sessions attic Pane, began on Monday the 12th day
of *kprili 1841, and - held at Caßiede for Cumberland
before the Alen. Sninuel Hepburn, President, and
John !stook and JOhu Lefever, Esqrs. - assoeiatejuilg-,
es of the same Court, &e., assigned, &c„ the follolv.-
ing proceedings were-had, to wit:
To the Hon.orable Court v .
_General Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace for_eumber ,
land County, Pa.
• Apatx,, 10, 1841..
.We,sialtOrs of -the - Poor-houseESMblisliminit of
said county, appointed by said Court, ask leave to
- make - the - following repcut; viz:
That we have, during the List two ytars,frequently
visited and inspected said Instinition, generally with
out the Steward having knoniedge of our intention;
soinetimes-whenliewnivpresentibiit - rnorfrequentij
when•he was not—that we have enquired very par.
-ticularly-nt-all our , visits:into-the affairs of the-Insti
tution and thoroughly examined the whole; that we
have always found evey thing in the best condition
and order; the different apartments with their con
tents all clean and welllkept; not a single complaint
from.any one of tne• paupers, nor any thing that we
could-find fault with e so tar as the late Steward and
Matron were concerned; we always . foundthem
- dy - and willingiwan - the greatest cheerfulness - to - 6w, -
duct-us through the establishment and give us all the
information we could wish tor;' in short, we think we
do but justice to the late Mutt excellent Stewarld,,llfr.
I.Vtichnel Pistibuin, when we say that fie bale r mitt
faithfully done his duty and fulfilled his engagement;
and that the resignation of his Stewardship as without
doubt a. misfortune to this country. .
Cumber/and County, as: •
1 . , • , ,I,W..F_'oullt „Clerk.. of the. Court of
f(i..i 3, 2 o u ve te re r4 e ce s, ll o4, :hl n t o , for
h 7 . o . 4t u is n.t i;
~,; -N::: a true Copy of the original' on fliu fu said
' `•-••• . Clerk's Office.
. ,
' Witness my hand and,seal of said
Court at Carlisle, the gist April, N. D.. 1841. .. •
• i - W. EOULIti Ca.' Qr.- Sm.
T' • BS6RfliEli has noc4 . 4a'a hanil
. gciod assortment of itplendid Collars. Heins,
Chains, and-coolety'of other Saddlery, !Vein will,
-he disposed oflonefor cash. . . • .
• .
-April 21, 1841...—5 t
... •
. • . Npttee:
. ,
ALi, *persons , itidebtea to , the esliii . e of IVrn;•13: (
. 14filligin;`eithirh Mite or ilea, neeount;tiiix
ri.luested to eunke..iwyntenk,to his TeUstees,.owot.
'before theist ofJune 'text, is' no further, indulgence
can - or will. be given. Suite' Will be• instituted, miter 1
that iliy without respect tdperson t s. ' . . ~'
, • AUX. ALlCEttil; i f_
,• -
• • JACOB-MYFR . 'Tlittiflot:
• SCOTT ouyt,E, .
Newville, April '4B, 1841...«.5t.1.' ' • '
Wood,' Corn 0;4 Oats. eailibii.rAce
. 40 for
' . S'ubscription ' tit; thli' Office.' •
'Office in I igi ,street a few don
west of the Bist Office:
Carlisle, April 28, 1841.—•tt
• 'NOTICE. •
IHF busineescf Charles Itarnitz & Co. ivjlJ, lieree
0 after be conducted in the name of Bandit Si
Reginiental Orders. .
, First Batalion .13i1 Regiment-P. X, will piiade it
Mountitack bn Thursday the 13th day of May nest,
iindild Butalion same Reg iment, on Friday the 14th
-at Newburg., . . .
.1 • .
By order of
Col; Qom. 23e. Reg. P. 24.
firtar B. thavoc,
April o,Bi ,
Mieases of the lEyea
. )1
1 0
Ceiebrated nye Water,
•For_the cure of Weak Iratfiry, or Blood ,Shot Ey% .
Ilifinnzws, and ft fiumation of the,.. -
Dinutpa of bight,
Persons subjectto any of these unpleasant dinar. •
derv, will find this the most effectual remedy intse;,-
as it seldom fails to remove any of these alfeetious •
by few.applieations, without tbe least inennve , dente
or atri. . those.Wllo are troubled with a DINI3IISS
91. Slfaltwill iilso'fin'd it a valuable remedy
strengthenirig tip eyes, improving the sight, anifpre
ventinztlic dirt i ness that arises from straining them.
It wIU also.lielpmapartieulartyxsefulas...a_Avast....._
the'eyes of young children, to remove iaffaniation,
and subdue the 'tumours to which they are so liable. '
Price 50 Cents a Bottle Oitit full Otto.
tions for using. •
Sold. in Carlisle by •... :
SA.MUEL.4II:4I:IOT T T.: 7 .. -
Api•112i3:,1134E;-:i • s..
. -i.• , ,
. -
. .
• • "
E,S u bseri ber, : th n cul. for past fdvdrasi
••••• respectful li.inforini 07! citizens of thfs county,
that. lie has removed M the well-knownTayern Stand,
North-We# Corner of South Hanover and
Pomfret streets,recently occupied by George. Beetem,
Esq.; where he is prepared v to acconmadate, iirfirst, all those who may favor him witlV their
custom. , .
The HOUSE is large and ' commodious, and it
fitted up and furnished in a stile' of elegance and
comfort unsurpassed , linuseiii•thn
Aa it- is-situated iu a•central sitid pheasantprirt of the
town,, it is very' convenient for business Mee and
Hie TABLE- will constantly lie .suppried with the
best the market can afford--J4l his
BAR with the very best of liquors. . •
DROVERS will find it 'their interest to stop with
him, as his STABLE- is ample, and a careful and
experienced Ostler.wilt always be found in atien
grBOARDERS will be taken the week,
month, or year.. - •
Carlisle. April 7, I S4t.--tf:
: PAEI‘W.-8.00-D§ir4---'-
Jtistreceived at the Store of
. A fresh supply of seasoniible GOODS, consistinff
in part of Blue, Black ifrovin, Olive Green, and
_ .
- • L 0 t_ll S •
Black,Blue, Brown figured and btriped.Cartsimeresi
Mixed figured and striped Cambrnons for pants
loons. Brown;Wlite, ;Striped and Figured "Linen
Drifting. KentlickeY, Pennsylvania and Delaware
Janes; Pittsburg cords; Cotton stilpes and drills';
American Nankeens told colored Muslins; Burlaps
French and Irish Linens; bla,ck, blue, Fawn, Mouse,
Pink, Blossom, White, Figured, Striped and timed
Silks, new stile; Figured plain barred striped Jackl
'wag Swiss, Cambrick and Mull ratislinii; Bohnets,
Lawns and Silks. Embroidered;. Mautau, Glom's,
Sattiii and barred Ribbons; Les horn ,Straw,
Braid, Nun and Chip Illinois; Colored, White, Fig
ured Leghorn and Palm leaf Hats; Brownli bleach..
ed muslin% Ticks, Checks, Crash, and Diapers; Lin
en and cOtton; 4.4 5-land fi-Asheetings; Tablecloth,
linen and cntrm biaper; Linen, Crass, silk; ponges
and camhriek limikerchiefs; gloves, Hosiery, Stocks
and Artificiitl flowers; Cotton and Gingluito Urrriner.
las- Parasols; cotton %turn and carpet chain; together
with an extensive assortment-of--
. •
Groceries & Queenlvra re..
AU of which will be sol d on the 'most reasonable
terms.:-Person are-invited fa call and-examine for
thernselies-before purchasing. chit-alive. ,• .• •
'•'ANDREW - IttCHARDS.`: -
Carlisle, April 44,1841.. .
at public sale, on Saturday the
`of May nest, at P
o clock, ~11T, of saufday, oii the
the following described Real Estate, situ.
ate in the hor,ough,of.Nctipifile, vie: • .
AU the interest of .lohn G. Davidson, deo'tl.'', (it
being (fa; ono undivided fifth part) in two Lots of
Ground hi the liorntmh of Newville• ' bounded by a
Lot of the heirs of !told. Steel, on t he }West, ( *NG:
Mum Street on the W,.uth, containing each 60 feet
breadth on . Main Street, and 120 feet in depth, hay.. ,
lug thereon
,erected a 'Pao Stoll/ Stone Ilona a.
• Two Stori.rcue Bouse, a Tau Jard,TualloUse. . .•
Bark House and othcrimprovernenta. -
The tertits of sale are—the purchase money to
paid on the confirmation of the sallly. the Court:'
. By order, of the Orphans Court,.
Adna'r. ofJohn G:'Davidsoititle4M,'
April 41, 1841.--3 t.
••ebe partnership heretofore cast i ng under ..4111.
firrsi:of Shrnm St McKim, was dissolved by mutual . . "
,content On the fourih of February last. All those:
indebted to said firm..will ,pfesse make . immediata;.
payment. and those having claims are requested
lireseut them for. settlement.
- A: COB $1.11?(Itit; "
WILSON mang.
April 21.1841.-3t.1 ,„
N. H. The business *ill In futureU conducted
by McKim: • , . ;,- • ;
..•,. . , _ .
gßhe account of William Nloore,assignet of,lansee
Moore, in trust, for'lllargaret, wife of the raid James„
and the ohildritet ; ....the said 'James: and: btargaree
Moore, has thrs 44 been presented 'to the Court or.
PI eie, gain , court:lies apliolnted : ,7 l / 4 1l;:
:day ibitftle.orMeiy :lei.: fir its coidirmsitiets,to
alloviatiee; of 'which all eifioeraed!Will take, notion.' .
• .Cntlisle; Afol tOI ' /1•34: - .'4,4t.: • • ' ••• • •
• • 14.•:,,ff,,',,,r:F!.
• ? Gt4diall
Bit; Siirokc, 4”(1,
rd .1 1 ' pliratle
AtTm o ula u v P ' t t re h a .94 t oi et maz
Alpo aiNeeri,lle, Sattis3l . 4y, wig
'find luspection. ' 11.„S• _
SA,3 I Air: cL1LL0! . .1,6 13 , :evii
April ft. tB4l, _ •