FOREIGX XE Ws. • .. LATEST FROM ENOLAND. • • . The Columbia steamer, of Cunard's line, - .• arrived at_Roston on Monday evening 'froth Liveipoot whence she sailed on the 4th instant. Files of London attd Liverpool , • papers to the 3d are Eeceivet •• • T.herer seems tO . be a general. quiet iii Londod 4 atitut A merican affairs—iscleast .• situcll less is said about them e . . .I'llol3rit - aidtia steamer 'Arrived out on -4------41te,11 • of•Alarch; in • fourteen days :from _ ' Boston; • The Piesident .steanterliail-not• • arrived .oft the 3d, ..havinvbeen• out twenty-four . days, while the packet -• ship Orpheus, Which 'sailed front - -VOW York the same 'day, arrived on the first, and the Patrick Henry' arrived in fifteen:days., , We ,fittd the following pantgrapli unite melancholy for our Ne.w York friends--- the good old Western s too • -- Yhe Great Western—Ttii§ 'steamer-ad vertised to leave England. on. the 2d, for New York, -but'could get no -passengers; •.she then put up for Halifax on, the 3d, but met with no .better success'.". Jlfsi7 before the'Colnnibia left, :she! had .ailvertised to leave on the Bth. , Her ill luck will prob.- ably continue, - as the Britannia wasm.leare Liverpool for Boston on the 10th, and Cllll - boats are rapidly driving ail others .out of th - e - field. • ;United Statis.LL•The Times states. that • government received despatches from. Mr. - . -Fot - by the Britannia steamer, and:that these despatches leave no atilbt'oraii ME ) cable anti immediate Settletnent . between the Upited State r s-and Great Britain, as fur as.regards the question.of . MeLeMl. Mr. Fox had received - a communication to that effect from the American ... government, couched in the most conciiiatory_languaw- We think (adds the Times) that the 'pub .. lie mind 'may 'be- at rest en this . point.,. The Liverpool Mail of April 3d; says --- -- • -- -- 1 ;•- --one-uneasy feeling existi ii• :illative .to Our relations with the United States has -,-----been-a-good 2 deal diminished-by = the -arrival • "::of-the Britannia. , Nti idea of -the posSi ::-Tiffliifi*-e-m-s7r+f*43l7--Vii-re-1-75i170,W.- u"-::• ' -- - A - mericai nor are. there' - -tire -- 'smallest signs . -of- any preparations-to-. - 'meet- it. It jai:A -. mitted_ that theltates are .defenceless.,•-that. .. • there is ayery:appearaneetliat Mr, Fox is : Cond mg his_ - very delicate -mission. in. ._ , .. - . 8 1 a way as to - obtain satisfaction, not 7 y injurious threats; but'-•by friendly and • respectful negotiation. •- _....;-: -,..., Parliament was - still in session.- -Mr. flune, On the first 'instant, - postpofied his motion, calling for the correspondence re - • lating to the Caroline, until 'the arrival of: 1 - further news froin Atrierica: - . ••• A house in Rockwell- Was broken into by a band of ruffian's, and one of` the. vil-_ laths -was--arrested solely tii - r0,,,i, the in:- - strementality of the -Marquis of Waterford, - •of well known memory. '_ .. --- t is said that Don Miguel had consented ' .to etionnee- his claims to the throne of ...../> ortugal, on condition-that his•Jitles and estates :should be-restored to, hi ni. FRANCE.-;--:The`Paris Journals. of April Ist, are mostly occupied with-the de . • ' bate in. the_Cllaniber.of Peers on the For . tification Bill; add, with comments upon • the rejection of the amendment Of M. . . Meunier. This vote was considered-_by all as decisive in favor of the ' passing of - --- the bill as framed by.-M. Thieri,.and lid / , opted by the Chamber of Deputies. ... • . • An amendmentof General Exceinms, - . who proposed to reduce the number of out forts, and •to construct in masonry work , nothing but the bastions on the enceinte continuee, not being supported by the re --- - quired number-of- members ; was -not-even ". "" put to the ,vote. Two"other amendments , rernained to be disrutised. . 'file one, mov •--- -ed by General D'Ambrugeac,.:was of the ' following tenor—" The "works 'will -com prise first, a. surrounding wall, loop-holed, • . anti the entire of the suburbs-of Paris,. with bastions and fosses, if ,the lat ter be deemed . necessary." The second ' • amendment was thatof General Castellgoe, havingfor its object to expunge from the third artiele the word simultaneous, which ' -' was applied to the construction of the, forts and the ramparts, so that the Government' might be at liberty to execute the' one to ' the exclusion of the other. . I ' 'The commerce states that a petition had bepn presented to.the Chamber of Peers, demanding that the national represeutatim shOuld meet unit-of - Paris -when the-capital' • should be_sur_r_o_un.delLwith fortifications; being impossible for the Legislature to'de liberate with becoming freedom under die artillery of the ramparts. - . • • The, French fonds rose on the letoiot - tivith - standirticision_of.-the- Chamber of Peers . on the prececiing day. Not a • ' week sin the mere' anticipatiomof such 'a result would-have produced quite a con . trary effect;. but, on reflection it was now . -considered by the habitues of Bourse as greatly calculated 'to',Strengthen, the go : vernment. . -_ The Chamber of Peers closed OnThurs - day the discitssion on the..articles of 'the -- - Fortification - Bilh - , - Gen - eral -D'Ambrugeac withdreW his aniendment; and contented hinatiejf -with:Offering-a few observations ritairist*Otatem of defence proposed by .. • the gov,iarinnent.'., . , . • ... . ' - . The wo first' rticles were then put to the vote; and : Carried: General Castellane . • :then developed his amendment, wide'', af ter some -explanations frothy Marshat,'Sbult „and M. Vierinet, Was rejected; and the 3d article adopted. .. ~.,. . . . . - -. •• Ile . 101(46 - bill • was put" to the' voe, ' ''lvhen theie appeased 'in its favor; 147; a.' gainst-itillbiE unajnillY for the hill, 62. ' •., The, Courier'ile la Drome announces dis turbances-at -Valence . - on lire evening of - _ the I.7th.'' Large bands traversed the streets '.. • ,singing the.Marselloisnand the Parisienne. i'• ' Thirty people were arrested; but or those y'• ,. ,';:lhirteertwere - set at liberty next day. ~ . .. ~ Spain.--The opening'of the Cortes took Place,•:ein the 1 9th. ultimo. EsPerteio•wbe . :• no o : Sesept. at .lt.- Madrid .remains per- 1 • .' -ket!'y. : traitquil; ,triers is. no further intelli4- genceotiatereit:fretn Spain. • • '. : ; .. • ' Fr 044' qf 1 tak ;,--Ei ght ;English ships . ' ''''''attitelittele ... eeived orders at Malta to pro eted-70, ihraltrr. where they will receive =I . . . . . .. , .. ructliet. orders.' • It is.said - Thatthese orders berf • He stated that the contract was eon,- - arsin Consequence olthe disp ute bet Ween. etitutional and legal,, and if, not fulfilled' by England.and Anierieii. . ', • .'. .:• I IVle.tico,.he should not be surprised to hear ,Oreece..--We learn from .Athcns.,that the. that English.,xesselsPwere_ blockading, the Chevalier' Prokerk Von Osten, Austrian ports, with a demand of repiration of the Minister. at that Court, hasgivedieferariCe wane done the Merchants. For his lan-. to the Greek Government-that-the-.cabinet _ guage . he w,115-loutlly calletl•lo order. , :.._Fer._ Of Vienna will use its good offices in . en!. titions were from the neighbor-! kiimoring to settle the, differences • which ing States, praying the dismiss Greeceexist , between and Turkey, as soon from•the public service both . AlmOnte Mid as the . 'Eastern Question is finally resolved: 1 Arista: Sivilzerlaitd.—The . affair 'of the con- i .- A. crisis in -the affair's Of , That miserably vefitS 2 does-mit - appear - to L have - been dell- L, misgoverned - cinintry is - alpmaching i which niiively. settled, , It is said . that ' the diffi- ' a short lapse vt-time. will probably devel . .'-• . • culty . cis likely to • lead to an armed ittler- op& -.ntion, Pola~td.---Asc~untn that the Ruseidn forces Concentrated in that country did not exceed' 00,000 men, 000 of whom were stationed irr and about Kalisch, and the rest were- distributed throughout theihrgdom. Between 60,000 and 80,000 ,more-were quartered. beyond the Bug, so that in 'a very short 'time 'an alloy of 1‘20,660`.men could be easily as sembled. r Austria' had ordered 'lB,OOO re 'bruits to be levied in Gailicia, which was . three limes :OM : nun:o)er raised in. ordinary. Holland.—The 'accounts from:Holland speak of . a great: ferinentationi which, as they-stale, manifes:ts itself amonethe -Pro- Jestant population of all.chmes, in conse quence:of the resolution announced by the king to carry into effect the concordat con cluded in . 1138 with the. court of Rcme. . Ifelgium.—Advices from •llrtissels notmee.that all the Ministers have submit ted to his Majesty, • the alternative. of the accepting- their-resignations : - or - dissolving the Senate. 7' • ;AFFAIRS OF 'TUE EAST. . . Turkey.--The intelligence from Con stantinople is to the llth.ult..to_the 6th tilt.,'deitiittelia - ifirivedtheii from Alex andria,..referring . to csAtain modi4Cations which Mehemet Ali WM to be introduced in the flatti-Seheriff oflinvestiture.,.lm mpliately'after the _receipt of theie de.S 7 •patches,lthe Mihisiers and lfigli function 7 ;flies of She - Pride;:held cpp 7 . •parties to the treaty oflhe'l6th July, be fore:-they adopterany - decision.: • • The •Augsburgi - tazette - of the - 28th - ult.- publiShes a private coirespoinfetice froth Ciovstmithimle, • which states that the French Ambassador. mere_, earnestly. sup,: `ported the represeotations made - bY• Mehe met Ali, relative to •the firnian issued by the Sultan inveiting him With the goVern men.t_of__Egypt, and even' threatened that France would adopt coercive measures un less the.hereditary•government was grant ed to - the Viceroy.•• Lord Ponsonby; it was said, had.declared that game!. Ali was a rebel, and deserved no . consideration.—. The IZiiissian Charge d'Affiirs kept-aloof,' although he appearfid to coincide with Lord Ponsimby.. The Prussian and Austrian Smbastadors wished to induce the Porte to adopt moderate measures. The Divan' wined, to teiiiporiZe, and to - take - . advan tage of the course' of events. . . .Pi•ance, England, Anktria, and Prussia, 'have signed at London 4Plreaty, Whereby all ships of war not belonging to, the Sul tan are interdicted from entering the Dar danelles or the Bosphorus. The 'Russian Envoy Extra Ordinary declarehhat he could not sign the 'treaty without- fresh instruc tions from his court. his believed that those which he will receive. will not be-at variance, with the pacific views of ~the a bove four Powers. • • It is said that Lord Ponsonby will not continue long in the post of Ambassador. • Advices from Constantinople to the 11th iiTt — annolifiee'the .receiprof hentetiA I i's ItAter.of remonstrance to the Grand - Vizier. The ni-inisters and .high functionaries Of the Porte immediately assembled in extra ordinary council, and the representatives of the European courts were consulted.; The result of the conference hi' not stated; but it is understood that the Porte would await kreference to the Four Powers.; Lord Ponsonby is said to have adMitted, that the conditions demanded of Mehemet Ali were more stringent than Great Britain: expected they would- be. Egypt and Syria.—Advices from Alex andria to the 7th state that nothing material have occurred ,in the absence of Mehemet Ali, who, after having despatch ed his letter of- remonstrance . tO the Sultan, was-sojouruing-st - Gairo-witlr his- 'son. Lb . The French werez , very attentive .to the progress of the revolution in . . Three fast Sailing GriTelt vessels Were em-- ployed. in conveying intelligence on; heir r ancoont—to—S_yria,Athensi.antlAlonstanti napte. - Rumors of fresh disturbances in Kavniatiia had also arrived in Egypt. The plagife was making great progress in and around Alexandria. Letters from - Beyrout mention that the re-building of• that city was proceeding 'with great activity, and that the EUropeau, residents had received 40 or 50. per cent. indemnity for their losses. The British _sappers-and-miners-hda-receivcd-mrorders to evacuate Beyrout. The south of Syria was still unsettled, but Lebanon was.tran quil, and all the caravan roads• were as se cure as before the war. The • plague was • raging at St. Jean d'Acre, and in The nit lages along the coast: . • FROM, MEXICO. • .Pipera from ;Mexico to the 6th inst., and from. Tampico to the lath have been re ceived ; at New Orleans. . • The contract made by Arista with .cer tain. forage' merchants, to allow .the ad- Missimf.of contraband ,goods was • becom ming more and ntore unpopular with the .111exiconi. generally: • AristA has been loud lydeneunced in Congress" For his part ill the Matter 7 , and. Almoete, who it Was be lieved fevered the transaction, had not . es caped the: same-nsago:in open debste.- Almonte explained to the chamber,, that whatever he had done in the'mattekbe had conscientiously believed Was for. the ptiblic . geod, and ltelneli occasion 'tp .rt tenre 'the deputies that the ills which the eastern departments w,ere suffering, would not be remedied; by mere declamation in that chara.. c iu Itp The British packet Shelhlra ke.' front—Tanii . c6 on. the 7th 'March, with Zl72= = $694 . ,000 in specie; :an on..dre — same day . the British brig of war Victor with's3ol,- 000, for Falmouth, via Jamaica: . LATE FROM AFRICA.- = By the arrival of the Hamilton, at Salem ; on Sunday even ing last; from the West Coast of Africa; we "have received, letters from our •cerreapon 'dent under the 'date oriliesau,..t ebruary 22;'; The trade in the Rio*Nunez Itaabeen in. a critical state (or some Ificintlis, in min- . sequence of the' War, between the King oft that, place and a tribe in.the interior. In a battle fought between them in January,l there were:SO:killed - and , l2o taken priso- d ncri. No vessels.'ate. at present - allow,ed 1 to .enter -the: river.. The American brig .otrantief.New York, was there in No-1 veraber, when she wislohbed by the King, - ,d 1 1 goods to the amount of $ 800; and the supercargo was treated with great tyl . 'the •U. S. schooner Grampus and . brig Doi ph itc - ort - hearing •tif - the - robbery, - 1 proceeded -11i-rectly.te the, river and - wentl up seventy-five miles, and both- vessels anchored in front of the.-royal their guns shotted, l With the intention of: - demolishing tlte•aine. But the king de sired Peace,,,and not having .seflicieet funds iri the treasury to pay the great arid_ tinex-1 pected-Aemand made on him, the coin !minder-agreed to accept a - bond or obliga'-i •tion from,: his majesty, endorsed, by two -respectable -merchants,---in -the 41ac3-- - payablei in two years. .. ..•. --• oper . ience 'on:the. --W . -est:Coast, -complains -iiery-much•-of-tifi'courie-fakeni- considering - it a.threct eneouragementfor these lawless Kirgs to conimit their depredations on Alrl merican vessels, inaSinueit as they may. - expect. - a - delarol-two)Tars--to pay- for the; This - 4s --- the-samP-King,-he--says,l l ' who plundered the ship• Transit- inAB3B,-; of about $3OOO. He adds, - thatthe , rayall Palace, threatened bv..destrection two b y American 'ships of war, is a mud house, 201 by SO feet, one .story high. and coveted with grass. The ftrrniture 'of this kingly residence' consists_of six wooden 'stools and one pine table !,--.l3oston Daily dd... r. • IMPORTANT FROM CHINA-NINE VEE'N' DAYS LATER. •_ " The 'Panama, Captain Benjamin, has arrived at piew 'York from China. She sailed- from Whampoa on the 6th January. She came out by special "passport from Admiral Bremer. • _ , The English merchants were very in dignant in conseqUence. They waited up on the Admiral, mid. represented the injus tice of permitting a foreign vessel to depart whilst the coast was under blockade., Ad- Miral Elliot - has such a very. high respect for the.-American flag, that he - would not listen •to them. . to - flowing is a copy of the decree pet- . milting the Panama to pass: Mr A: A. Ritchie, a citizen of.the Unj ted-_S of --A incrica,.- and-merchant ire. ding at Canton, having made oath, on .31st. day of December, 1840, before his Excel lency, Charles - I:Molt; Chief Superintend= ant of Trade of British subjects in China, -that.-to - 'his certain knowledge -the whole cargo now biwne on the ship Panama, of New York, in the said United States, whereof I). P. Benjamin is master, is the. property of Messrs. N. L. & G. Griswold. and other Merchants of New York,' and _the ma_s_ter_a_thit saiti_shipl . Panama. - These are therefore to , certify that, un der. the special circumstances which attach 'to the said ship Panama, I have thought fit to permit her to depart from the port and. river of Canton, in the prosecution of her intended Voyage to New._ York aforesaid, and the respective Captaine,-Ceininodoree, -and Commanding :officers of - her Britailic Majesty's ships and vessels,• are to take notice thereof accordingly;_ and to permit the Said ship Panama to -proceed on her intended voyage, without obstruction or Molestation. • iven-um er-my- ar. .onflmard H 13. ship Wellealy, off Chicupee, 2d Janu ary, 1841. (Signed) GORDON:BRiAIER. • Commodore of the First Class Aud of H. H. ttia jesty's Naval Forces in the East Indies. 7 We learn, verbally, that the Bogneforts were to have . been bombarded on the 7th -of January—the next after the Panama - sailek --- avery thing %rap in board the . ,Britialt squadron. . The trade is not to be co•eperated..- The. PanaMa and the .Kosciusko w were the only ships allowed -to depart with cargoes . . teas. Ships Lema,anfl Lictin had not arrived. We have received full files of the "Can ton Press" to the 2.d January. The English commander was becoming distriirtful of the intentions of the Celes tialai the British fleet had been got ready for ~action, .and an attack on ..the Bogue Forts was to have taken place on the 28th of. December, Oii the 27th, however. 11 - .. Chop arrived and- negotiations -- Were' resu med.. !- . , 0 Twelve men of war and four Wafflers lay just out of gunshot of the Bogue, all cleared 'for action, and it is certain that heifilities have been on the. very:eve. of commencing. For more: , than a. -month the Chinese have been 'making great .rep arations for defence. ,The 'finiti fi cati slit the *Bogue have ,been.mbeh increased, and the garrison strefigthened;, , Many :large, junks' laden with etene,• are placed in the . narrowest part . of-Ahe rivent ready to tip' the e_a . r/iti•lf Xerevall adineas on , . , . ~ • • I , channel., and every thing I le.. s r .as if. the was elose,at hand. The, opitim ships lie,at Ton kno and the trade is'Alourishing,, the- sin ilerp-- have , b become very nnmerons, and• t the. men et' . a government boat. yestirdaY, darins at .complete defiance.i - They treiz within sight of the ',ships and aftes binding the crew; six in number; set . thiboat on fire No Ameriee'n or otherehr and. raeastpd (hem alive. : 1. -,• : . Wliampon: ~ L • ' ...• ''' . ere now at -- The troops. at Chutian \ha been reduced by deSth and removal o(i alids,:nearly one-third in four months an a half, - They had. • received a full supply' f* visions,t which had ..dope much t 'erd /relieving. theirdistresses.. .The iva was pparantly, through the diplomacy of. the" hinese, as far from a termination as 1. , ei 1 ., • PIRACY. • `About a year si,ifee, the: pape teemed .With.accounte of the etentric iyoments of a very beautiful brie,frequ , tly been along the southern coast. imes she would •fire'.a gun, at others if' , ~ b oaided , vessels, but seemed to ha4tbe coast tany definite objeek . ,She -was•be the - Malek we believe, Sailed frot IsfiWLYork, ond,lf we recollect- correct y, Ite owners of the brig felt callejl on ' p t is •disa vow any knowledge of her niavUnents, or the intentions_ Of her compri4er. The Baltimore fimericatiof yestedaohus-inen lions her arrival at that por,---U. Getz. -•• The brig 'Motel(' Adhel Vrived at this port- yesterday _from Rio le, .laneiro; . in charge of 'Lieutenant NO, of the U. S. Navy. Nine o(the crew viz : the Ist and ,2il mates, 6 sailois anla •Portituese boy, were sent home in hen the charge of piracy. ,They were yeierday evellitut takeif—before :the =UnitedOtates Circuit Court, 'and after .sonte preln,inary foyms, were. committed for 'trial biehiel Justice Taney. , Z. Collins-Lee, Beti. , is engaged as counsel for the. accused.- \, .._ . , . . - We find in-the--..toti . doli—Tiites-thejol AO4 - 344:!*" 0,140461 0 7 tAtiOliefili-.".t - T. Mi.it4iiliiilei, thelMerifinConeul- Of ....__..... ..__.. .__._ .. :_th.e...port;oftlierpouLleft_tlii4Ontry_-__an. 'Friday last_ in the steamshilAcadia fiom that , port: "whelher the sueelf: ileparture 1 of the consul (who. has oUlibeen appoint few mmithf) . has aiiit liOg in it-cop -1 I nected with' our - relations ut .Americalt ialutit.ltoo .; - hut - certain-ill heibooked., I himself...and _sailed in_ .an ;IS Med .name, which is not usual io person .olding the high .Ofiice,whia in its salty, perquisites; &e., is said to he second Oy in.value to that orthe President.". . . . - - . . Mr. flaiighton, whose Odell, death . we announced last week, wawntrnated. with despatches, which" Jiad jiii been hrought from Washington, by Mr. i. F. Wcbstef; to he conveyed. to the,Aniican Minister in London. The •despatcls were subse quently entrusted to S. F•noledge, who i had token passage in the • adjs.' • .lin Incident. — ln the fueral procession. at . New York, a woman ho must have I been nearly ninety years ' age r and bent double, leaning, on..a sts • folloWed the procession through the en Fe route. 'he appeared deeply directed, d 'intreply to a gentleman who made , inquiry, she said. that she had known. I nursed Gen. Harrison whyn he was an ifant and never thought to it've lived to wi ess his funeral. —Phila. Daily Chronic! • .12n Incident.—The Ci innati Repub. licart-mcations-that.:asi.a Mambo:it was about leaving Wheeling,iroWded. with passengers, a heartless maktbserved, that •hbyegardEd•the PreSident'tleatlistis a pub; lie blessing. The remarkatartled those whp . heard - itr - and for a lid, deep silence was the only-answer whictivas made. At length a . tnan venerable inpearance and years, in a- voice stifled Ith grief, said that such wanton levity- wajnot_consistent with a true American, andthat he would. not travel with - any one iho could so speak. All the passengerleoncurred in this opinion, and the hear* wretch was ordered on shore as beinginfit to asso ciate with men. r SUGAR.—By a docunti concerning the cultivation pf sugar, tralmitted by the a t Legislature - of Louisiana, Congress it appears there are 525 saga states in that State, employing 40,000 h sand 10,002 horses, and that the avers: crop is equal to 10,000 hhds. of 1000 lbs.r 70,000,000 lbs—sugiir,---and=3so-;000-ga.ns—molass6., the average value of sugar lb., and molasses 20 center GEN. JACKSON.--A story the rounds stating that Ge become an -insolvent. 'hi tradicted, has been reetee caster Intelligencer says it nity of again contradictinit ty; ' a letter from the Gel written in reTerenceto this a nuances it false in every part • TRIAL OF AN TND1AN.......=, 0 trial of an Indian, named Wapantuck, ,to take place in a feW days hefore.the t4it d States Cir. cuit Court, in Missouri. lis rather a novel case; being the trial ot - Indian,, — the son of a Kickapoo•Cldef,,fti he crime of Murder, committed upmt a . hitt ntan: - by the it,arpf--Androw Potter bfacksmith,. who resided. in the Kieica,:o ~ th the 3ndian country west of t= Misseu —Tux Moot,---An Englis 'paper 'gives the result of Dr, Robineonl i cbsert4itionf n on the appearance of the ' i 4 n, as seen through Lord Oxmantown's i , ease tele scope. 090 of , its monntai is nearly r . 17.000 feet above the, plain fr which it rises, however, hoever, t y ale abo ' 5,000 feet. • ' 1->--- ,- . . another Name.—,The kiti al wags of New YOrkliave bestowed up Mr. Mor rie; the. newly elected chief m: istrate cif that city, another. name .einee h election. They now oall:him the 4.Ni g h Mayor." a#ti . .,Virolopi : ltiv. TeOsperance Deloa*tiaent. • PLEDGE OF' THE OUMBERLAND-COUNT-Y -TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. • • I, • • WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO AGNEE;TRAT WE WILL NOT USE INTOXICATING LIQUORS 'NOR TRAFFIC IN THEM AS A .DEVERAGE; ThAT WE WILL NOT PROVIDE THEM AS AN ARTICLE OP ENTERTAINMENT, OR TOR PERSONS IN OUR EMPLOYMENT; AND:In/IT, IN ALL SUITABLE WAYS, WE WILL DISCOUNTENANCE THEIR USE THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITY: • The Ex. Corn.. of the Cum.. Co. Temp. Society; have an engagement to aid in the formation of a.Temperanee Segiety, at the " Brick• Meeting House," near ChUrch town, oil the evening of Thursday, May 6th. Aritil 28, 1841. • • . ._..TREADING THE WINEPRESS. :- A letter from .f.,Tappan, Esq. of Roi ton, who has recently travelled in Europe, gives the, following description of 'the pro cess of treading grapes. Pastidietis ivine drinkers will not fancy the fact. " We . passed . through • the finest., wine countries in Europe, in vintage time. f aml li'aviiig witnessed the "treading out of 'the gr4pes,' . ' it .may interest you to. know the process._ Owen appointed habitants- of'a - hamlet assemble early. in the. ,inorning, and with:carts containing baskets, tubi and casks, proceed to gather all the grapes; sound, and in every stage , ..cay,in_large,tubs,_resemwlingin size and cleanliness,.Ahe tubs in which hogs are scalded in America, , When the tub is suf ficiently fi lled with grapes, spiders, spiders' webs :and into • it; end drawing up kis pantaloons to his middle, commences; sometimes with hare feet, and at others_with his barnyard :shoes, to jump upon the grapes, and force the juice through holes- in the centre. of . the bottom of the tub into a large tunnel, which .is inserted in a cask.. When the cask IS filled , it is rolled swayand carted: to the village, from Aviience -it goes , to - the -- wine merchant; and isinanufacturedv - whicii 2 means , ildilltera - tett,- 'and' - sebt._to market. Nothing can - be more 0.14Y , 4P4-1 1 4.°MtiP144•WAW.,--ikrYki lM i4S;G`'iiray~tvirt s' . in ail C,'inf, the-water beek of Albeny, iif which _Me. Ddlavifir- - provetrthey maile - i - trang Could wine drinkers, who so much extol the cock-reachilavor of : their wine, in our. country, once realize that it probably is the::spider s -diivor,..tiley•would - Iciatlie%'whot they call 'the pure juice of the grape.' It is a . well:knewir fact, that - no -pure wine is . expOrtedliont- wine- Countries,•:and whrit should be helieved - that - there .is,•when it so noloriouslrotherwise that even the deal ers tliemselves mph •seeret_or-their mix tures, passes my oomprehenaion :"-.q ni.. - Tem. Union. - • WHO.SHOULD DUNK. ARDENT 'Not the rich, not. need it for -refreshment, and as a Medicine it is - of no service: Not the poofvfer it iujpres their - purse, their credit, their health, their Mor als, and their families. Not the idle man, for he islazy enough without it. Nut the industrious man, fur it will render'him idle and improvident. Not the 'merchant, for it' will probably render him a bankrupt.— Not the mechanic, , for it will cause 'him to make promises 'which he cannot keep, and so, he will Thee hie' 'customers... Not the farmer, for it 'will make his cattle lean, his sheep hide bmind, his barn. empty, and fill the windows of his 'house .with old hats' and old rags. Parents do not :reedit; chil dren do not need it; servants do not need it. Who dues? Nobody. Why, then, does anyone drink it? Because his appetit6 - governs him.—Hera Id of Temperance. ,1 Temperance in Lexington, 4.--We saw a notice of , the _western _ papers some time - sinee -- stating - that a Temperance meeting would be held in Lexington, Ky.,. and that a Berson would appear at the meet ing who would undertake toshowthat the TeMperance cause was a m one y making scheme, and an abolition System. On 'reading this, we wondered-who, in that in telligent conimaity, would thus dare to bring_contemptop_the good cause of Tem-. penance. It appears from the Western Temperance, Journal that . -the meeting-was held, and every body went to hear what Was to be said, and w h o would - "sayritT when whO should appear, but the Rev. Mr. Broaddus, pastor of the Baptist church in that _city__,_ He canie to .redeem;the pledge : thaflfa - d - bieifiiven; and lie did redeem it, for lie proved by_ unanswerable 'arguments, that thousands uponqhousands- of- dollars were-every the Temperance cause, anti that itaobject_matt_to_alteLish : . ntemperance_from_the_earth. Bo satilac torily did he establish - these ,points thAt na one-dared to oppose him. . six cents per gallon. as been going 'Jackson had though con , •The Lam an opportu- . tiy authori ral himself. tement, pko cult- 1 Old Pennsylvania Getting Right. TA VERN• LICENCES. In Pennsylvania, tavern . licences, which 'bring ,it few dollars of tatceach.,into the State treasury, are" granted on application by petition to fife I :culty Courts. It is an easy matter, as every one khows, to obtain a few _names for any reasonable purpose; and it is, asAye hear, a rare thing, in that State, for these applications for li cense to 'keep a .house of public entertain ment,' to be rejected by the courts. The facility with which pe tions„to that end have been signed, an , the prayer,oLtlie _ petitioner, in due co rse . granted , by` the court, has resulted i a great and serious evil, by a multiplication of "taverns" to a number far be, and that requiied by the public convenience or necessity. • 'During the present session- of the legit ' lature of , that State, a bill has beeti -report ed,‘ in obedience to - public i opinion, the ob ject of which is to nterpoke some obstacle to this facility of obtaining licet.ces, and as a consequenee, some , barrier to the' evils thence arising: This bill, we observe, has had rather .a hard struggle' through the ouse of Representatives—being the body .freshest from the people;:and has lOsilsome of its more efficient provisions in the pre cess. ' But it has finally passed hoth Hous es' and if not vetoed by Qty. Porter, will undoubtedly accomplish something in the nature of remedial action„for the evil Com plained of. One of ,the p rovisi onsof the -.. NOTICE. bill requires that - public notice 'shall be be given in the newspaperii; of the proper. county or•district..of all interuled applies- _ tiolie for tavern licegies, aiid that itself will :ccomplish much in the way of reform.— This • measure •is besides clearly just.— lionses of " public entertainment," are. matters of public cnhOern ;. and..therefore thepublicshould,be advised of the prelim- inary amps in . regard io them; and should become acquainted with the individuals who ask the important privilege of opening such ,housesi fOr the "pdblic,convenience..!' The -Bible, the -Ronk You Will be anxiousi , ai a matter of course, to guard your children against ' the blandishments of intemperance; . and 'how, can yoU so effec ually enfOrcc your exhor tations, as by appealing to t h e word of God? Turn forexainple to tile 23d chapter of Proverbs," and read, while they listen:- . "Who bath contentions? Who bath bah- „Mine ?, Who bath wounds Without cause? Who bath redness of eyes t . They that tarry long at the w iheythat go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou _upon, the wine when. is red, and , whenit giyith its color, in- the cup. tyhen-il-mnyeth-itself-er right. At the last: it biteth like . a serpent, and winged) . like an adder.". Other pas sages will readily Occur to youi in which the guilt and awful &Min of the intempe 'rate are portrayed, in the most . appalling language. How can, you spend ap occa. 'Biotin! half hour more profitably than in reading-and commenting upon such pas sages?. There , is nothing alike. Thus saith the Lord, to im.preit the niiede_ of the young_ wliere they . have been rightly train ed, and •to keep Allem 'hack from presump tuous sins.'—flymphrey.' Splendid _Lotteries. $25,-000-$15;0. MONON:GILIA LOTTERY. Chum-Fr for- 1841.—T0-berawn- at -Alexandria Saturday. the . Bth *of . Msti" . , 180, • 10,000 Volli.t . ; I . 4,000_ Dollars, 5;000 - D 6116 - 6 - $2,528,..4 0 .a0,, i .u.50 Prizes of *sl,ooo - 28 of V250,-200 of 200, tic: 75 Number Lottery ---13 Drawn Ballots. • Ticktts only slo—Halves $5--Qußrters---$2,50 Certificates of Packagcs 0125 W hole•Titicets $l3O • . Do.- do 25 _ do . 69 _Do. - do • - 25 Quarter dd - w• 3250 ' Union Loltery. Class 3, fUr 1841.--To be drawn in Alexandria, D • __. . C., on Saturday, May 15,4841.. GRAND CAPITA;A. . $50,000520,000. • - $lO,OOO---5,000-2,477 50 or Sl,OOO-51) of 900-50 of 250-65 of WO, &c - 13 drawn numbers Tickets slo—Halves-$5---Quarters $2 50. Certificates oWaekagesof_26 holeTickeis $l4O . Do. do 26 Dalt' do 70. Do. do 26 Quarter do SS Virginiai Leesburg Lottery. Class G for 1841.—T0 be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, the 22nd of May, I GRAND CAPITALS.• - 35,295 Dollars ! -• 10;00S1 Dollars I 4;000,Do ll ars • • s,ooo"Didlars I 3;soo.Dollars • 40 Prizes of 1,500 Dollars, &c. • Tickets $lO , --Halves ss—Quarters $2,50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $l3O Dr,. do - 25 Half do 65 Do. do . ' 2.5 Quarter ,. do 9 . 250 • 1911.,11 . 4611 , .Class- 4, iti‘ , ; 841.—:i0-be. drawn -at - Alexandria, • --), C., on Saturday, May 29, 1841. T1;1 3 Prizes of $25,000! 1 of $5,000 - •••1. or $2,800, $l,OOO. 100 Prizes of 10 of $5OO-20 of 300--85 of 200, kc. &c. llic. ' 75 No. Lbttery-.-12 Drawn Ballots. Tickets slo—Halsesss—Quarirrs $2 50. Certificates of Packages of '26 Whole Tickets $l3O • Do. •do 26 Half. do 65 DO. • do ' 26 Quarter do 42 50 For Tickets and Shares or Certijicatei of Pack ages in the above Splendid lanteries,—address-- - D. S.,GREGORY & CO. Manaseca, Washingtonveity-C. Drawings sent immediately, alter they are over to all who-order as above. Sickness. There are many persons that we daily behold whose countenance and frail trembling limbs denote 'affliction, which we find has principally originated from .neglect of proper remedies at the commence mentiof sickness, • At first the" patient complains of 'bile on the stomach attended with Sickness Costive- tiessEd . Che - neglectivtrilnocitre - prOner medicine; at -le.igth he complains of pain in the-side and - stomach with sour acrid eructations; his appetite becomes impaired, his rest troublesome, his mind harrsissed, and all things around hint appear not in their proper station: He still neglects himself, when In all prob ability the disease may at length he so fast seated, that no Medical aid will replace blip again. At the the first attack of sickness : there should he no time lost in - procuring De. Harl ich's ClimPOUrlit STRENGTH ENING AND GERMAN ATEBH:NT Pima, which inime ffiately remove' bile from the Stomach, obviate cos tiveness; remove disorders in- the head, invigorate .the mind, strengthenthe-body, improve - the - mem:in:7 and enliven the imagination; thus restoring the hotly again to its proper functions. Principal Office, No 19 North Eighth Street,Phil adelphia. . For sate by Dr. J. 3. Myers lie' Co.;Carlisle ; 'and .Wm. Peal, Shippenabueg, Pa. . ... ~ • • • ,----- ' SCI-100 TAX MEETING:. A general meeting - of the taxable inhabitants of the Borough of Carlisle, will be held at' the Court He ine; agree 9 bly to A resolution of die s -Board of School Directors, on the first Tuesday, BELIVY; THE 4TH 'Dar OF :414Y NEXT; at one o'clock P. M., Which meeting shall be duly organized and decide by ballot how much, and what additional sum shall be raised for . school purptries for the ensuing y , ene, agreeably to the provisions of the several acts establishing,Comninn Schools. Dv order of the Board, ANDIIEW SLAM, President. I JsmEs HAMILTON, See'y. April 17,1841. Notict. , The ereditrra o ' olmAloCandlish, and all co& oerned in the asiige m ein of his knperty to Thomas Craighead,jr., for he benefit of his' Cikeditors„ will take, notice that:the Mid Thnminf, the assignee ofthe said John:his applied. tb „thik editrt ..r Cominon Pleas of cumberlaml Crion*; to he disehirgedfrom the said trust;'amrthe sithiVeurt has granted,; rule' to show cause at the argument wlv'the said Thomas should not be diieluirgedlimnit the said trust agree"' = bly to the prayer of Fut petiPon. 47„•,.. • -. . GEO. SANDERSON; Proth'y. April 21,1841;;.:31 . ... . . Interesting Cure, Performed by Dr. .Snyzyl o 's Eompound Syrup of Prunus Virginicuia, or Wilt! Cherry.. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my family; which entirely cured. triv 'child. The. svmp.,, toms were wheezing and checking of flegm ditfieul = , ty of breathing,atiended with constant e:ougll..spaints, convulsions; Ike. of which I had given np all hopestor its' recovery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the wonderful. effects it hatrupon my child, and conch/1(14M make 'the same trial upon myself, which entirely relleveg • Me of a cough that f. was afflicted with for many Any persons wishing to see me can at my - house in Beach street, above the market,Rensingten. J. ILCOX., This medicine is noWle general use in - nearlilll--- the respectable families' in the Union. • Children take it readily. Thereis not' the least doubt but it Mss saved,the lives of Thousands. A letter from ihe Rev. Mr. Jackson may be, seen at N0..41, St. Clair St. Pittsburgh, near the Allegheny Bridge. . • For sale by Dr. J: J. Myers & Co. , Carlisle; and -Wm. peal;Siiippensburg, Pa. . . PROCLARATION. In ,In thn name,Und by the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn-. : DAVID R. PORTER,- Governor of the said Commonwealth, To AWL' .111.11RTIN, 'Sheri" of the County of Cumber;and, Esquire, SENDS GREETING: • • liiIREAS a vacancy has happened in the rep. V resentation of this State in the Flouse,of Rep resentatives of • the United ' States, in cthisequence of the death'. of' -William. S. -Ramsey, Esq.- elected- a member of the twenty-seventh Congress from the thirteenth :ongressional District. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions_iu such case made by the constitution of the United States, and by the act-' of the General Assernlo, passed the 2d day of,july,- A. D. 1839.1, 'DAVI!) R. PAiRTEIt, being vested With the executive authority of the'State of Peninkyl- . %anis; have issued this writ, hereby commanding jots -the-said-Paist-Martitrio-hOld-acrelectionrirr-the-said county of Cumberland, on Tuesday of-May. I•or'choosiug H .rt• pre se tati ve of this Commonwealth, in the. House of Representatives of the United States, to fill the vacancy which has.liappened as aforesaid, and you.are.hereby_xequired_and enjoined:to: hold, aniromiliict the. Bil ekell - Ott ;Mid - make a return thereof- i c!, nilemiWorto. as _by. as; p isres . test • ... . - 0 Given Under my hand and the great seal . of 'the State nt,,Harßishurg this 30th day. of -March; in . e, th year one, and.Of the Cominonwellth the sixty-filth. By Tar. GovEntann. .11. PETRIIC.EN, Deputy Seeretaryi. ' orthe Commonwealth. itypursuince of the-above - writ, i MAR TIN; High Shoplift& Cumberland county; do hereby, - give public notice tbit an election ,will be held-iusaid county, on • • • . Tuesday. the 4th of Mat,, • fora representative in tongress f occasioned by the death' of the Hon William S. Ramsey. . • And the several Judges and Inspectors, (with the, clerks appointed by them ,)- who were elected - on the -19th• of-Al arch aresrequil.ed-:_to -attend and- perform-'• at the said election the nevrrril duties enjoined on. them by law.- -. . • And the return judges of the several election disc tricts of Cumberland county; are hereby required to meet at the Court (louse, borough nf on Friday next after the said_ election, at 11 o'clock, A. M., with certificates of the election in their dia. tricts. ~. • • Given muter my hand, at Carlisle. this Ist day of A. ' pril, A. R. 1841, andxlie sixty-fifth year of Ameri- MI independence Register's Notice. Regiiter's Office , ' - Carlisle, April 10, 1841. c 4 at. N riez is lierelir given to all Leiatees,. Creditors and ther persons concerned, that the follnwing'ac co its have been filed in this Office, for examination, by the Accountants therein named, and will be pre sented to the OrplumeCourt of Cumberland county, for cOnfil mation and alloiAance on Tuesday tbeiltlf day of May, A. D., Int. viz: Them:count of David Rutz, administratorcif Chris tian Crotzer, lute of North Middleton township, de ceased. - • The account of William Highlands, Jr. adminis: trator.of Marguret Highlands, late, cifSuutliamptott: township, deceased. . The account of Daniel Cayman,. administrator of Margaret Gayman t lute of Frankfurt township, dtp ! ceased. The account of George M. Graham, administrator dednuris nonwith,the will annexed, of Mathew Wil son, late of Frankfort! township, deceased. The account OfJohn Cooler, Executor of Martin Keller, late of East Pentishortmeh township, The account of Frederick IVonderlich„atin.inist= trator of Nathaniel' Whisler, late_of_ the_ borough o f __ MeclianicSbiarg, deceased. . The account of John and David Williams, admin istrators of Dr. Jacob Williams, late of North Mid dleton township, deceased. • ' • The account of Adam Longsdnrff, one of the' Ex ecuttcrsof Margaret Lonw b adm If , late of Silver Spring _township, deceased. - • The account of llenry Shenk and David Shenk, administrators of Henry Shenk, sen. late of Ditkiu: sou township, deceased. The account ofJ °lin Proctor, William !rvine,Esq.• and Andrew Moir, Executors of Jane Logue, late Of the.bornugh of Carlisle, deceased. '- The account of Michael Longsdorff,One of theEx.;_ ecutors of Margaret Longstlortf, late of Silver Spring township, deceased. The account of John -Line, athitinfitrator .of Geo. Line, late of Silver Spring township, deceased. The account Of James Lindsey, administrator of Wdhats: Lindsey, late of_West Pennaborongh_towv sr • deceased, . --The-acconnt-- of--Ann Bredin administrator- 0f . .- .lames Bredin, late of the borou g h of Carlisle, de.' ceased. The account of David Myers, one of the Executors of Henry Myers, lkte of Monroe township, deceased. The supplements). - nee:mint .of 'Jacob Gross, ad.: Iniaistrator of Elizabeth Barnhart, late of Silver Spring township, decesuied. . The account of Levi M rkle,administrator of MI: chael Long, late of Allen township, deceased. The account of Adam Mountz, administrator de bolds non, of Daniel hlousitt, late of Frankford lownshipi - deceased. The account of Daniel Shireman, administrator of Samuel Sibhets, late of Allen township, deceased. The Recount of John Brown, Guardian over the person and estate of Wihiatn, McDannel, minbr son of DanierMcDannel,demassed. Tke account of ..lohe Brown, - . , Guardian over the person and estate of Margaretta McDannel, Minor slaughter of Daniel McDannel, deceased. x" - 11 The account of Frederick Bowermaster, Guardian: 'of.. Onlssithus D.' Weaver, minor son of Michael' Werrier, deceased. • The account of Jacob Merkle, Guardian of ,lonaa Rupp, minor'son of David Rupp, deceased; Thaaccount ofßeidamin McKeehan, Guardiirn At minor children of Andrew Mitchell. deceased. ISAAC, ANGNEY, Register. • . . , lo my Creditors. - Take notice , that 1 have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas ot.Cutaberland county,' for the benefit of the Inanlvaie Laws of this - Corn:non. wealth,and they have appointedlWsday I/m . llth day` f May,, foe the hearing of me and my .. creditors; at'the Ceurflinuse, halm borough . of Car. lisle, when and where you may attend, if you think' . proper. :."1 • , ALEXANDER' KLINK."' "April 21,1841, 7 3 t • Rest Reg' t. - ,euiherkind Volunteeit.• Yee 'ere °Melted •to parade M. the Borougts o Newvillw, on Saturday the 13th of May, tioat,at,lo! ,o'clock, A. 31. Preeiselj, completely equlpt for drill:. and Inspection. " - • Commanders of companies hiving music attached' thereto, will immediately make known the quantity and kind to the Col. Commandant. , : • . •, • --•-• JOHN IKELSO,- Adjt." , April gi; . • ME PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff: 01