Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 28, 1841, Image 1

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    \YiMflaltuaace—V,(L)Q. Etlf
, .
The Subscribers return t hei re thanks to their cus
tomers for, the
patronage they. received from
them the. ast yenr, and would inform them and the
public generally, that they hare again rented the a
bove Factory. adae Pap' ertOwn; 6 miles south of Car
lisle, where they intend. AJanufticturing from the
. .
11 . S • •
9 •
. . , •
ALSO,.' , • ' 4.
. .
Carding", WeAving,..Fullin,w;Dy„e
ing and liht . ssing'Of:all kinds; .
• which will be done iti 1.1 . 111;' very best mannerand'at
the shortest notice.
Woi•k will be taken in nt the following-places and
returned as -directed, viz: -Wm. llrown's tavern, 3
milesirom Carlisle; 'Peter Ahl's stove, Cliurebtown;
Clarli's store and 'tavern; Simniel Har
ris, Mount Rock; John Paid, 5 miles above Cinlisle
On the: turnpike; llarler's taverir-otr"the. Haiti more
turnPike, and at Beetem's lidtel, Carlisle. .
MATsoN & moottE...
Apri1.14,1841.. , --Gt* '
6 Cents and aeltew,of,' ohaeco Reward.
from the stibseriber
k t , •
S it!.:
"^ premMe to"th m•t aMI mystery or
Clalng,-.1- )00 - 8- 0
named • . ,
le al 1 1.-117 41 , :. WO.:V. •
An persons are .liereby cautioned a;.atinq harboring
/- ATS'r T I ILVA9I>SON:'. -
April 1 - 4,
.18.14. - --- - 31: •
../1 'fi! . 7l.l';i..:,l"lPErc.P - .1. 11
. .
You arc ordered to pat ade. - utilie. ArmorvtOn
Aloud:ly tllO Alay o'clock in tl
lint -
s=noon,:ll4' nr 1110-sane,iinot , - atul—pliun ou4k7.o4ltivs.
day the 12th of ituiropti.,.o:ll arms'
aiul stecoUt.ituwolsio.goyd order for iusputiou. i.
By ,011167-efr-the Captain; _. ,
• April 1-1 t 1841. --
• B Y
Capital:s4oo,oo(l paid in.—Charter J'e! pettrul,
ONTINTUE to make' InsurioSee, l'envient and
Lithited, on eveiv deset:iption of Pr perry,
TOWN AND COUNTRY, oL the usual Invortilile
terms. •
• OFFICE, 164 , Chcsuui tt rel, near Fifth street.
. • • ;CHARLES N. 11ANCRER, ('resident.
• -DI RE . CTORS. .
TROMAS ILI. UT,- ACOR It. S m Tril, •
Tnom Is I. WH wroN, • 'CI no.W. It I CNA RI'S,
l* — T)te subscrilnw, Agent for the:above Company.,
for the borough of Carlisle told vicinity, will prompt . -
'Tattoo(' to all applicatious fur lostkrapt., wia,tlwit
nnolepersonally or by litter. ljervlearo Nlain
nearly opposite 'fie Cau.olllre. _
31areh . 31,
The ',alio is resiivetriilly iuQn umd, thst
the extensive riioin lately occupied by•Antiomi*S.:. Co.
• North I tallowy „street, nil _opposite the Carlisle
Bunk; where every N , :trinty their line is, usual,
••••••••-- offered ois the mosCpleasing , terros..
• - Marelr Sl , I R.ll.
A. new style of Figured Damask Satin Shawls, just
• received at the new store and kir gale by
March 31;1;141.
Rich, l'arating meet Chesitait
Persons 'wisltiiig to perthase lancls of the shove
description; niretely gum eyetl, in lots of from ten to
one hundred acres, part of the Mount dolly Estate,
within a short distance of dl lime an op-.
portnnity'afforded tluctn *CM liberal terms of payment,
by calling (le the sebsepiher, at • Mr. 31:teriirlate•hk
Hotel, in - Carlisle, on the I i2th., 13th, 19th, atid%2oth
days of April next.
Agent of, trio Farmers and Mleelian Bapk
Alan:ll'24, 1811. .
George Ferree,
..w.aumildvxmiliAlritusi •:` • ,e
liiiiiiik,Thiiiiii - mA - DrsoN7IIOIJS F., No. 39 North
Second-street, ililladelphia, and solicits a coutiou
'wee of thepittronage so liberally extended to that
estaWishment. • , . •
Brandywine opened for the reeep
tibn of Cotnpany on tini - 10 - 11i of .1110 c; 'persons wish
ing to engage Booms, will please to call at the Matli-
Philndelphia. •
d , j p • ,
The'stibseriber,,thank fill tor past favors, respect
fUlly inform' his customers and the puhtle in geuer
al, he has removed to that huge and ,comniodi
dus estahlishreent on the North-west COVllet . Of „the
Public Square, lute the property of. rhomas C - Lan
which he has titled up in a very superior manner :Is
is •
land, 'ere he prepareil to furnish all \OM may
favoi: him Arithtlu2it:Yeustem with the very beSt Re
ammiidatimis. . • ,
Thlti"lintel; from its central location, is very' con
wenient for busittess,mettrand being - .near the stop=
ping:place of the Cars on the, Rail-road, it will also
.----ftirmeha:ravellOs With a'retly plane of rest and re
freshment. . 'rho Rooms. n 1.11: Itit",te' and airyl,:the
TABLF4 will always he'well supplied with the' best
the,moiltets. can, afford ;. the 1.141 t lwith the: best of
Llquotai the tiltargeawill be reasonable; andmoth.-
• ing shalqe-left undone motto part Of the 'subscriber.
to merit a share of pubbeinttronage.
I,39ARDERf.i.. will - be taken by the week, month,.
or year.
' ourr .Commoilioatt Stabling, attached to the,estab
lialtraent,,aad an atteative,pstler"allyays ready td,ti,t
tFid tdilttit tlepayttAait. •i - .
;"- • - , • GEOW,M. BEETIOI. -
Carlisle April 7 . 1841 :-- -tf . • •
. .
04 RI P ALIVG. •
VOUR YOUNG-MEN can the meant.
moilated with gaol 13oardin , and convenient
rooms, In tt'plezieatirptirt of the - boropgh...Pcir fur
tlier particulura'inquire - nt,,this office:-
Carliile, April 7; 1:341.:
- ,
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C. FEI2.ItEE, propt•ikot
Ca'siner, Christian Carrara,
e Oef;' r "Ig f " •
" IT; mgcm,
ArIFFER their services to We Millers, Distillers
Njr and Dealet-4, as Commission Agents for the
side of Flour, Grnin and other kinds. of • Produce.—
From theiradvantagCous location and. experietice is
.die business, they flatter themselves they will be a
ble to render entire satisfaction to all who may fit Tor
them with consignments. They will be prepared at.
utFtitsterto - makethe - eustojnary adVanees on gOnds
committed to their charge.
They have received theAcenc•V a the Susquehan
na Transportation Line, (via Tide Water Cabstl,)'
and are prepared to reeeiVe and forward Merchan
dlze of every deseriPtion for llic Juniata, Cumber
land•inid 'Susquellanaa Valleys: The -Line
composed', of new' decked -Canal _floats„ and Will he
tdwed by steam between thii city and Havre de I
Grace, and proCeed nii• the Canal without tranship
ments. .They will run day and•night, awl goods will I
be delivered in theshortest possible time. - •
PO. to •
CA'S : 2M
No. 76 South 'Wharves, Philad.
Phi!mit - Aprif7,
O). C'l.
porzearding and: Produce Voinmiesion
Broad abyt , e--Ittice- street,—Phan-
.April 7, .184.1..--3 m. ; • -
.• '
. „
fresh leclicines.
r ------ Arn
1--- -, ,--_-;---_,
....,,7 2 .....,..
7t. , , ( /... . ,- Ivn,_-,
~,,,:„...!, ''' s , _— • iil . , t;',... , ti i . 11 ,
(, -1•4% ` , 4%, , g , ' ' , i-''''... - 4 ,1 4'.,;-•4:, •t• 3 ,r '.. 1 " ,;• t , ,•; , .1, ,', „, ,
t , •'' - - - A- -';''' ''",?J,," '.. ------; ~' ;- t ' , , l'i'•;' i i,' 4, k 1 1 "1
1 7,.1.;_,
..f.,;.0-.....___ Q... z.7 .2 . I't • • 2 , . - s."_-" ,
rr - -14' 1--, :• - , -- -- —' t-t'42?- -- , 4- V •
'-'t.fri44 ,?44 . 0 i ; A:4 5 e,,:pt.;-1.4.14;.• , ;', 4 4 i1,,,4ti, r 4 1, , t t, .'
j The subscriber lias reepatly received, large addi
' timed suppliesmf ' _
JViledicumes, Collors,lDye-Siciffs,
Linseed Oil, %Is. Taqientine,. Copal
Painters' IJrusltes, rathish
Brushes, Hair Brushes, Sperhiaceti Oil,
(veT fine). Sperm, Candles, Soups. in great
Glass Lamps, Cap and Letter
Paper,,Pruit, Spices, Perfumery, ,S.c, iS•c.
which he Will sell to physicians, Merchants
and others, .witot,E'sALE .or by RETAIL, at
the lowest rates, having purchased entirely
for cash ; he will offet bargains to those
who wish to purchase at wholesale. •
March 2.4, 101.
GI dzipg -and- Paper, 11 au:ging
'llte subscriber rettiectfully informs the citizens
of Carlisle 1.11(1 the viciuity, that lie has continenell
above business in all its braliebt . S. 11ie
shop is di - e square iniiiirdintelCill rear oh'. die
Market "louse, two tiours.enst iir j e licharils store.
110 hypes by attention to business and moderate
charges, to receive a share of 11:111'011hp: V.
Clirlisle, Feb. 17, 18.11.---tf
I have just received from' D.
Landreth, Of Philadelphia,, my
splint; supply' of Garden Seeds.
WA - I,IRANTED yuEsl-1.
• • . •s. ELLIOTT.'
I•'eb."24, 1941.
. P_Ri; T it . V. 11 CA
Office miposite the Carlisle Tim&
Carlishl, March 21, 1811.-3 me.
I DVl.Q i jail . •
LL "peesoas,indebtefltolllTNEß-Ft-AIULNA--
A, NY arc . re( nested M make )fi m
Orel m sr( ay - nt - Apeil next, nlTt'a• theii ,-
Booka will he placed in (Alien bands Ibl...collection.
Carlssle,.lllarelf 17, 1841.
Estate qr.laines Giulia, deed.
14 of James Civin, late of South Middleton town
ship, Cumberland county, deceased, having issue,
to the saseriNere in .due form: NoTteE is beecb.
given. to all persons indebted to. the estate of sr
'zfecettrnt to limited:ate payment, and-tl
having.elaims to present them forsettlement.
—•- VIN,
11013 P., Wl' ( . ;1 V I N,} Executoiv,
- •
.11.1.ar0 10, 1841
RoinW, for r Rent:
Xrooms above the store of Ilitney rent. • Apply to
111 arch 17, 1841. . ,
from -5 to
31?SY:lell•IliiYerel'i. 1 ;4:ttritilli°sti . rne9clovis.8eir . I ° in:l%y - sale
by ~• -AIINOLD
•' 31, 1811•
, , . , •
NeW 'SPritllg7 . •
Just reeeiVell from Philadelphia an assortment of
spicing e'ootra, •
of the newest style
,:Ind fashions; splendid china
Silks and ftihntls„ . Monselihe de, Lames, Chintzes,
Gloves, French worked Collet% &e. Also, a large
assertment o f • , ,
• -
~ ,
ClOth, Cassinzeree ,Ves - lings, .Tickings,
Checks,. 4 . e.
All of which Will'he sold-very SttbseObei.,
at the Wtintlerlichisi flof4l.
s-' • ' ••CLLARCCS 0611-41 Y,
, 'Mart...lllo; . lB4t. • ' •
. • ,
.A (*Nell juit . t'eceked at the gamut.
March 17,.1841.
The'buyerd as, they pass, stop,--gaze
While, demand the shopman's price, offer
their own; and inarch,off . to the next. -Ere
they have got. Many:paces, the ,shownari,
calls:,them back, and makes 'an abatement
In. the,. origipah demand.; Which,. :being
deemed - ihnuffizient; - 13: - tojeeted ; anti' the
buyer starts off-afresh, but is ( immediately
Summoned-baek_with- an - initiouncement of
another reduction, and after hearing , Some•
of the ihOpmah's,,eulogieS, the latter, nth
- vances . a Witte upon his•first offer, and thus
the parties gradually-approach eaeh'other,
till the
.bargain, after much- debate, is
either given up or completed. , ; - There
great deal tif apparent warmth in all this,
bit nothing that leaves the. bitterness of'.
anger behind, it- being frilly understood
highest:lll46e possible for his goods,and
the buyer's to obtain them at the letist cost
he Alable. It i 3 aniltsingto see lion, little'
,girls who come to spend -a few cash for
some Stifle; enter into ; the .spirit..of this
practice. As 4, sitting in 'the
same. shop; one Or thestilittleThuaitlefiS;
with child 'slung- at 'her' back, asked, the
price of some scarlet- cord; which-exceedz'
:.4281 1 "-;°- ) CP - 4 6 /04i411 . ...-4 10 :4 1 40 1 ---iCdo-2Y4 1 - 4 / 4 :
a gretil passion,._and
'for solo e'time ie a surfeit muse. I 'spoke
kindly - to het, but wad 'answered - :with - a
frown., 4t leugth , a playmate came by,„
nitd - was =instantly — ru es - tied - by - the: gry
„ • ITwho was too .pliktsed - With -L tire - rintice
of : aJoreigner to - resist -the: temptation of
telling ,her joy to another. I have more
than• mice intimated in . these Tapers, that.
whatever affectation limy assume in China
young --and - ricytind poor, mate - a d
feniale, are 'alike
sort of enchantment, the Moment find
themselveS the' ohjects of the stranger's'
notice or ciunplacency... Another- of the - se,
experienced buyers •eithie . -for three cki
worth;-nhout one-third of a penny,„of, blue
dye; the shoptnan_gave - bet -three 'spoon
fuls for her money, when, after standing a
moment •in breathless astonishment, she . ,
demanded, with a shout, whether that was!
all he meant to give her? To appeaseher
he added another spoonful, and otr slier
,vthit to congratulate herself upon the • h or
gain she had made. 'lt is nanght;naught,
saith the buyert but then he is gone away
he boasteth.',
'AND TI113•
extract the folio wingTrom tin article in-the
St. Augustine News:
contest has not been barren of
incidents of personal daring and,courage,
which - reflects high' credit op the actoi.s.-,
'rhe pursuit and,destruetion of ehaltika in.
-the - Evergfades, by, priTale 1 frip.„of the
2d Dragoons, to which we• befOrealluded.„
onglit.not torbii - hirgniten.. Hut even this
achiev,ement is surpassed by a 'deed of
.daring ,performed by an .Irish Sergeant in
the 2d Artillery, at the late captures of the I
M :
Indians under
ajor How
lover. We received the , particulars froni ,
an authentic source. When •the Indians
were surprised in their fishing operations
by the troops, those who escaped, imtne..
iliato capture - or - death; made off-in-yarious
directions •in their boats. Most of them
‘Vere taken in the pursuit of the troops.—
One yawl. boat containing - three warriors,
four squaws; and two children, was
chased by li e utenant Tatfor, two pri - -
vates, and the Sergeant. W hen they had
gp . t within rifle shot of the Indians . ; their
boat got aground. They , ll •juruPed Out,
to the boat into deep water, and in
doing ssa, tot: so suddenly beyond their
depth, that they were completely immersed
—arms and all ! The Sergeant was the
onl vOne-- who-escaped The'
Indians now fired upon them from_ their
boat but
.1011 N BOTH
urnet --rt, ant one of the warriors-was
setrn to fall back in the boat. He then '
,threw, down •his rifle, and, armed with a
Bowie Knife, he started alone in pursuit
of the Indian boat! Ile ran, end swam,
and waded; as cirenmstances demanded,
till he got his hand's on the enenrys boat.
A &spent° struggle tipw.ensued between
the Indian and the Irishman. J'hey were'
•both - powerful , Then; ail •werc . not inter••
rrtrpte - d - Iff7th - dFgue/, for one of the other
- two ‘Varribrsjumped out of , the' boat and
made his.ostrape as...soon 'as. the Sergeant'
approached, and the othet*ap.toOlpdly
wounded to fight. *The squaws . .remained
passive spectators of .the • battle.: It', was
short and decisive. The Indiaa had ,no
weapon but his rifle, and that was a- no
use at -short quarte. HiS objeet at . first
was,to heat out his dversakies brains, but
finding, that impricticable, his - neat! aim
mos.. to prevent...the_ enemy-from - , bOariling
itim, in which he succeedeVfot a:, short;
time:, 13irt ' as•soon as the, trlriter man got '
a foeting in' the boat, his Bowie Knife soon
ended•the struggle. It.paSsed three 'times
in rapid soccessionr•into the . 'breast of the,
savage.: - The:brave'Sergeant, Itavia'g now
scalpekillielndian, called on(to the•effi.
eat' at•the top . •of his vOial—"Liftinant;' -
wil4 ..tsalp-the rise .of (him?" meaning
the warrior and the squaws. •On receiving
a .negative• answer, 4 . 'paddled tip : to 'his'
admiring comrades' Withlhi , 4lirizei
• • .. • .
‘. 'Aurora Bay :has loiti . veto'culebratedfOr
its beautiful ecener . y and extensive; fishe
ries. ' - '1 t - - is ' also justly. eetebfitetl., Mi.- its;
artful 'and'ltelentifie. fishorthan--,-ttephen
Xdiled itad Published 'for the .1"7•
W . Z.OII'aZDAZ ",,tI)4I\TWAS B ATUIIIIII , 90 0 aada.
From the .Auburn Jovnali
• ' "2
Gifford? Wli has not Beard of Stephen
Gifford, aroarriif,dear to fishermenl and
s'ilio will not r*ember • hoW.their risible.
p•ropensites became excited to downright'
laughter spited themselves the moment
'they met vtth the r • good nattired„-phiz of
Our AO) 'fisltervtan? Being Self-taught;
Of the Miracles Of 'Our SaiiiCiar
and.grach fly rising to ! the'highest grade
.of his pr ession, he has - become an adept
in the art kperfe - (tt.miintnitent'of patience,
the lion 01 ; the- agp - . - If', the . lamented •••• • - '"'• '— • -.' - ' --- .
"fle - liath done a; tihingswell.":
Cr - oek - etterin:fadulty.of grinning down - -
coons fr -• ,ie top •of the lofty- trees,. of , ".A. true confesSion and' aPplause:' God,
our.,westen• Crest,. the faculty of Steile') %Oen he created. all things, saw that every
is tiot lessee arkable in grinning up trout, thing in particular, and all things, in gene
from the bt_ -o f lak - 0 - .1 - : -
ceding ood____Gad the word,.
the featheieltribe were not wholly secure in the miracles which he wrought, - (now
when the) dime in contact withhis grin- every miracle is a new creation, and not,
ning powtrsf, •..
. - A day or iso •suite the hero • of our story nothing which.breathed not towards men
in:-the ofrin . vornbr
was emploYe . bay,. faypr_and - botinty. Moses wrotight mira-..
;weltering hi set lines. well baited on the Iles, and scourged the Egyptians with
bottom of CI ga lake, at the depth of 150 -- mt!ny
plagues. Elias wrought 'miracles,
-reet:water---1 -then-praved-zto-the-nibon_nod..shitt-up-heaven,-s'o-that-no-rain-should
and stars, as !Mennen elver do; "that he fall•npoir the earth; and. again, brought
Might have od luck to-night," trusting down the fire of God tipcin
.the Captains•
to•kind •fortt. for a happy result. 'And and their bands. Eliazer-wrought
. also,-
the result pr d. indeed. most happy—for and called bears out of the'desert to devour'
-ill- taking up - line, - as he pulled iii fathom i
yOting children. - Peter .struck Ananias,
Utter fathom kind fortune dealing :most.
deatli - ;•*and Pa
the sacrilegious . hypodrite, with present ,
.piefuselY, tr tarter trout made their ap-. nl-, Elimas the sercerer, with
karanee as ch sueeessk;e hook came. in hlinthieSs; butt.no_sueLthlng dill-. Jesus;
sight, .untie icy 'numbered . seven. • and the spirit - sit God - deseended - down.npon
.4Y,..-PAY-r..;---.4...-_:-....-_=•-••=z--,..-..m..v:gf..:-.:-...,"---;-; • 0,--ia-theilb.4:l9 4 , 4 7 :07 11 4;010tatfi
-- Tlirs -- war,the height of silecess. 'l3llt, 17"1*(314• •ifin'hOW'rif-Nlanpiritycm-trare:
jtidge,his trprise; when
. presently -there The Spirit - ei`J - ds - risis the - Spitit - Of - iftiosie',
tro - v - O iii - sigaa fiSh•of many colors anti of Those servatits --- itirGOil 7-Were----5-illi-C-6-.ldif
-pi)enliar sliat. 'The old .fish-eithan`stood of -God, treading out the c'orn, and tramp- •
abashud--:--liChought, he iliscoVefell• f i cath il T ing the•ftraw=down - nntler their feet; ,but-'
'er4 --- a - w - dyi - airsootli - ,Th - fillf4ildirfelitherslijesus.s the Lamb-orGoil,:withont,-wrath
_This.._.per_pioid. i i i„,._ ; _m iLlie _ . .. was . self !,; 1 or . Judgm -- ent. ,-Ajl his' miraeles ,were eon,
taught: 111)k: idea occurred. ,It tnighthe •snmated about man"s•Aminly, as his doctrine .
.n,...-"ea-serpe ..• An-.important.-crisis crisis:had I respected the . soul 'of man. The body_of
now arrived nmethingpmst•he done, and I.'ll' needeth these•thing§, sustenance, de
that quickly Ife stood for atoomenthes-lfence from outward wrengs; arid metlicinc;
litoting betweil rearm! resolve.. At length 1.-! t was , -li. t t
that - drew a. multitude! of :fishes
cone deSperatEiffort, and over the.sideS iml- mto the nets, that he might give unto men
: more liberal provision. lie turned -water,
tlue boat caut(tumbling - the Monster. A
r shudder canidivor hint:, his eyes_ becarnel,„6 lesS worthy"eourishment of man's body,
glassy; and . ,,a wds ' dark. thit, in a ma _ l'into-wine, a more ivoxthy, that glads - the
1161, - Sentenced the:fig tree
meat he.watt,imsellagaim•and'M Itis•Sur- : I t eart.of - °fall '
'prise, lie . heti that •instead. of a sea )(dr..' to wittier, for not. doing that diity•wheree
unto it was food. , Ile 111 ulti p I led She sear
pent, it was an-ge Loon, weighing tWilve
pounds( whO ad dove doWn to the extra- Fit'Y of a few loaves :14 fishes : to a so&
°Millar). - distam of 150 feet in -- quest Of ciency to victual nu host, of: people. • He
prey, and not 4nising that a • barbed honk rebuked the / windslhat-threatened destine
lay concealed v bin the bait, seized it, timi to the' sea faring men. Ile restored
an d w h. i .„ ~, , i •,, ! -,.„,,,j
.he , Lad caught
.a 1 motion to . the lame, light to the blind,) l.
tartunt! The o fisherman for the :first !speech to' the dumb, health to the sick,
we' believ turned a little pale; but
time, \
t'as soon as he reached those'
to the leprous, a Tight mind to
'tis whispered t f
those' that-,arc posscssed, - and. life to • the,
the shore, the sipriSe of the;inhalritants, dead. No miracle of 'his, is to be found
and the more th diminution praises heaped to have-beep Of judgment or revenge ; hut
upon the old Ineritian,,Sortii ()Mused. Min all of goodness And mercy, and...respecting
to resume his onted dolor and's body; for as - touching riches, he - :did
still farther his !florin. grin, it. , not vouchsafe to do anir miracles, save one
only, that the tribute •Might be given into
Cresar." ,
pfa6e when Ow
common to met
in evory case
brotwht into tlri
chemical union
the: properties
cal attraction acts, is not
but -in a general result-I
iere different 'bodies -.are
state of combination or
Frequently.we hod
each body are 164i11y
. .
changed; and., substances, from being
energetic and % lent in their., nature, be
comes - inert ant 'armless,. and vice versa.
For . instance, at 4seful and agreeable
subscanc4, Mtlinfy 'salt, which is not only!
lim*less, lint - "i olesonie - ,••••and' - absolutely
necessary to tp • well-being of, man,_ is
composed of tP formidable ingredients,
either of .whicl taken, into
. the stomach
prove fatal to lii, One* Of . htlies.e is a metal
and the other ainir—,the for Mer is called
sodium, the lafr chlorine. %V hetf:pre
stinted to each slier, the. violence of their
nature is manifiteq by their immediately
burstingont-int`,llam4 and instantly they
are both depriq of their virulence. • Ilan
any thing be rule striking than the change
of prqperties i tis ease? .and.who would
have supposed tat culinary salt ir
posed of.
,a "et united, to an ai•
medieino'—mile Glalqrff - . - i itk:Zt
It i composed of tv
poisons of dill ent kinds; one called oil
of vitro'. and th othe - r barrilla or soda.—
There ate als• wo substanbes 'known. to
chemists,. whi • are disgustingly—bitter
liquids: :one Is ailed nitrate of silver, and
the other ivy' sulphaw of. soda ; when
mixed they fw l a compound Of consider
hie' sweetness •Out the atniosphere which
„ye Areathelate'enost'extraordinary- Ed!
instahcesv it i ist be' surpriAing to . hose
ciiwho are una minted' with the 10, that
atmospheric ; „ indispensable ;le' it - is to
life, is compos I of the-same ingredients
as that most vi cut •and destructiveliquid
Called . aqua. f, is, or nictric acid. ;This
ilowerful acid
, Whig made to act upon su-•
gar, the swee tof all , things, produces a
substance int isely • bitter to the _niste.
' is, ( all knoWn substances, the
'most difficult t on - vett it:toy:4lor, so much
soi - indeek - ika the - Conversion. hak - 'never
. 34, been 'dee etlly:,,effe,cted; it ,is also a
very solitliiub nee, and diamonAlwitich
is nothing but trystalized charcoal, is one
of the flakiest died in: nature. ulphtir,
in the 'solid 1 e, is also'a?hatd snhotance,
and to .hold "; vapor Oquirak 6.. high tem--
peropre. , t whenthese"tivb substanceS,
•catbon,and a Ipliiikaro• ninde:'to Combine
chemically, o• as-Jo-form' the . stibstanee
callcd bisu ) ntet of 'Carbon, their. Preper-,
ties nre.str 1 . "1gly changed. "Instead, of
the . cOmpo , beifig.hard; it ik a thin li
quid( awl., t limn nip freeize,oeflohdifv
at, ariY:4l4o e of eOld.that min .4 produced.,
Instead of , fi Compopntl, being, difficult ;fa ,
vaporize, i,. of ell liquids, one 0f,t49190
viiporable. Charcoal ia
,the . lilackesfatili
stance Avid 'whieh- wo- are 'acquainted- 7 •
sulphur is 1.4 I keel y, lelloiv-hue;- -but We-
compound is as Colorless'as water,. A new
Ettnell mid taste
,are acquired, and, in . a
,word,-there is not' one porit of resemblance
- with 'the component.. . These facts are
strihittly, illustrative 'pi' the . change of
pkopertiCii which follow oh the exertion of
chemical,attraction .between the,„,tdtiniate
particles ofliodies.—Doitovan's chemistry.
t tibjoined 'pinch' from
pa per..full_ of snuff,. M. Leigh.. Hunt's
.‘Counnoaplaces Refreshed,' will lizivi-thp
effect to prevent modern loverk, front her
conning snuff takers: . .
"Turtle doves don't take snuff. A kiss
. sfiridy a thing . not to be sneezed
Fancy two lovers in the time of Queen
Atinp or Louis the Fifteenth, each with
snuff box in , hand, who have - 16st conic to
an explanation, and' who in the hurry of
their.,_spirits_ have unthinkingly taken a
pinch, just at the instant whet the gently man is g an t , o salute the Ifps. of InsAfis
.t. e do !s so, -- finds his honesFliive
As franldy returned, and is itOlie:act of
.bringing out the words, ‘p.Kirtning crea
ture,' when a:sneeze ova-takes,him!
• • Clia-Cha-t.-f.:Witning creature!' .
" What a situ: on ! A sneeze Q Ve
nus, where is .. ifich thingin thy list!
"lliel4(dy, on her' side, is under the
like malapropos influence, and is obliged
to one of the sweetest of all bashful
• loving speeches, witll the shtick of the
-- sspondent :
Illeharth4-81 - to-S - ho-S-ho*Arritrld
ill of me fo - r - thisl' •
- Talking of sneezing, reminds Os of ahtew
anecdote of the celehrated..llrumniell, with
which we may venture to close this notice.
He was sitting at a table in tr London club
house, reading the morning journal, when
a stont. Englishman standing rear (tufo
vent to a violent..snecze. Brununell lifted
his .ey:e.s languidly -from his, -paper, and
Lsu rveyed—tfie—perpetrator—withla—look-61-
CQOt contempt. , A second report_ soon
lowed .with .increased effect: The refined
exquisite uttered a half, suppressed groan
of horror, and began with a dignified leis
ure 'ehtmge- itis position,. w hen tf third:
shock-of' sonorous tmd , ' 'Misty sternutation
brought him to his feetV `god bless me!'
he explaiMed, 'hen ! Waitaa caan't
endure this! BEING M 1 AN extnetuti,A!-LL
hitickerba cher.
:CoLLocw.y.-800nafttx theitevolutiona;
ry war; Capt....P., 4 biave 'Yankee officer
was e St. Petersburg, in ltusaia, and while
there 'accepted'an invitation to dine—there
'was a large number-at The table and, among
the. Test an English . , lady I . tho wished to
appe‘ar. ono of the, knowing ones. Thiq.
"lady; 0 Understanding that an American
was, one.of
,the.guests, expressed to one , of
her friends.ailetertnivation to quiz
Sho fastenek_on him like a tigress; makink
mapy,fgqiiirki.respectihg' our habits,%ciis
tontsidress,inannerq'andmodg of lifts, oil-_
imationland 'ro all or
the :inquiripti,..,Qapt.',.P. gave , an .'answer
thutiatisfied i alLthe, company, except:the
lady.; .She waS , determined not to be'sati4;.
tied and tile,. falletWing . 4ortilialogue. took
place: , • • ' p - bopkin -your-
country carriages? for Isuppose • thOre are
some that call, themselies rich.
. . .
,Capt.- P.—My residence is in a small
town upon an Island, where there are' tint
feW carriages kept; but, in. the, large towns
and cities upon the main latid, there a num
ber are kept in.a style suited tv. republican ..
Lady—l can't think where' they Anil
diivers....—fur I should not,think the Amen--
cans-knew 'how to drive
.n coach.
.'Capt. P.- We find no difficulty:on that
account =dant ; we' can have plenty of
drivers, by sending to England•for thew. •
Lady—(speaking very quickly,)•l think
- the - Afrnericans - ought - to drive the Engliih,
instead - of the English driving the - Ameri- -
Capt. P.—We did madam. in. the late
biit since peace, we permit the Eug
lish to drive us!
The lady half choked with anger, stood
-mute a minute, and , then' left the 'room.
whispering . to - her friend . ---t le an tees are
too mocji .for Us in the cabinet as well as
in the field.-
. .
saw a preacher trying to. to teaah.the chi];
drew 'that the. - soul watrld liue . while they
all were dead. They listened but evident 7
ry_ - ditl - notTundersiantl-11,- .He 'Was-too -ab—
" A wateltnsir-al:-‘!,a.-little-e145e4i-,-7--sayst
"Do you 511 see itt"
' "Yes,
'°W3w — ( Ittow'it is' a tv,alell."
- "It ticks, sir.". • . • " •
"Wry - ean . any of von hear it tick?
All listen= now.".' — After .a Rause- 7 ," Yes
-sir i , -we hear - it." Ile - then took off. the
ease, and -1161-the case in one, hand, and
the Watch in the other. • •
"Now, ctiildren, wifich is the' watch?---
you sWi i ;,are Iwo which look like
Watches ?"
"The ymir• right har,
"VerY well, luzain ; now I will Iny the
case aside, put It away down -tlielc-in . iy
hat. NoW let us see if you can hear' the
watch tick."
"Yes sir, we hear it," 'exclaimed sever
Voievs. . • _
" Well, Coe
. uatell can tick, . and go, and
keen. time, you
.see, wheirthe'ease is taken
off and put in my hat.' The watelLgoes
just as well. Sn it is with you; children.
Your nal - Pin - a . but 'the ease ;'
the soul is inside. - The case--the hotly- 7 ,
may be taken or- and buried
. tip in the
0 1 156M1, and the soul will live
.and think,
just as well as_ the watch will . go', as you
see when the ease .is-off.."
... . ... .
.Solit ifying Carbonic actl Go.—The
Boston tvening . Jourual states,„the
lecture of the ' Lowell - Institute ; 'tr' vered.
by Professor Sillimah on 'Mon& evening,
he introduced apparatus
. 11). ufactured 'hy
AlesSrs. N. .13. & D. py, nherlain of that
city, for the
.sillidify-ig . ,of ,carbonic acid
gas. It had be • previously charged to
1, ,,r(
I the astonishit r extent of seventy-five At
mosphere<Or nearly 1,125 petunia to the
' squat. 'itch:
, _
.- - .
re whole interior surface of the receiv
r, which 'was, made of
,a inch iron, was
subject to 'a pressure .of nearly 270.000
pounds: The ProceS's of charging., 'was
not .gone through in the presence of the
udience. The Professor stated that the
anger - attending the experiment Would
not warrant the risk of life and limb in any
futther operatren of the, apparatus • than
was ,necessary to exhibit in its' so
id state, and the eiTeet produced-by- its
•xtreme low temperature. -- A large - .gran - -
ity of mercury was frozen, and the solid
as passed to the audience. 'Professor S.
tilted this apparatus had -been - much im=
# o , o 1 # _ # ' _ ,_ i _ ' • --
arch," a Magazine just established; offers
the following recipe for the selection of a
wife. 'We feai however, that by its pub
lication it dill beconie valueless. From
this• day,•ngt an unn►arried woman in the
twenty-six states will be
,caught stepping
place for every thing and every thing
in. its ,place," said the patriarch •to his
• daughter. " wife, my son s who
will never step over a hroomstick. .The
son . ---waf; okedient to the lesson. .Now;
said he, .pleasantly, on a May-day, to one
lar his companions, I
. appoint this hroom
stick •to cheese me a wife. The young
lady;who will not step over, it, shall .have
Abe offer of My:tdied.. They passed from
the splendid Saloonto the grove.; sonic
tumbled ''ever the_ broomstick; and others
jumped over it. . At lehath a 'vont* lady
stooped. and .put it in its place. The pro
mise was fulfilled. She-- ecaine the , wite
of; an educated and. wealth) . young mLit4
and. he the lteshed of prudeinfirhrstri
oils, and loyely„wife. ,Ele brought a for
tune for, her, and, she knew how
.to . save
one.', hie not easy to decide which was
under the greatest ohligatiens.: ...•Bokb, were
rich,, and each enriched the other
U Wtiy;" said a . dOnktry.clergyman Rio
min of his fiock, "dpi ynif always snOre in
your:pew . , 'sviien"l an) in the puli)it,.sybile
you: are. .all attention` to every strangerj.
• , ,
" Beeause,"air, when yott pieuch I am
sure Oils right; but I can't trust a wan
-ger without keeping'a good-look;
, _
— 111111713/2111411104 4 :761 - 4 130-0*(Elc) 91;kb
.Contous.Likar CASE.-A case
. was „
recently'at New Orleans. as,ive learn from
the Annerican, involving , the question-of dm.
ownership of six geese: ' So contradictory .
was the evidence, that the judge, in order
to settle the question, ordered the geese. to
be turned out in. the street, and appointed
two officers of the Court to watch their
movements. •If the geese went to the house
6f the plaintiff, he woe .to, be considered
the owner; if-A° die .defendent, then
I ca s e was to be• decided i n defendant' s fa-:-
vor. (Ye
The tis&, on being let out, made
• I,
their ivay to a . neighboring • mu&puddle,
where they .reoled themselves - all day, and
the latest intelligence was, that they had
not yet reached the domicile of either par.' .
ty. .
Wnstror-ALL.-- 7 The origin of - this term - is _
. said - to - be-the following. - Some of the no- •-
bility of ,England, by the tenure of their
;.estates, were forbidden fellinm'any_oLth. •
trees in the forests upon them—the timber • .
'.being reserved for tho L use . of •the royal . na
vy. Such trees. as fell Without . cutting,
were the property of the occupant.- A.
tornad , i was therefore, a. perfect GOdsend; • -
in every sense of the terrn,•to those who
had occupancy •of extensivo forests and
the windfall, was sometimes . of •yery.great
i , ahte. _Some. years -.Since, it•is said, :
..,o!rotir •-r•
beg„ when- poileefins...flie_tielleiLoL:
flowers, vMliell"caastiiiites the 'bee bread
net-er passes limo one - kind - ot.flatier_ to - -
another, as has been supposed.—H__it first
ligh-t.npon a honey-suckle, it. continuos 'to
.collect_from . tbis flower until has loaded _
its thighs, with as,, much as it - call carry
alway. - - The bee is. governed in this by an'
instinct that makeS it a co-laborer in- the'
ordinary work of re-productiveness. Thu •
pollen, 'lruetifying dust, is carried from_
Rower. to flower Of the same - species, and • .
thus the - bee aids the' operation of nature
by disCritmting the pollen, necessary- . to
the fruitfulness of plants:',_ If the bee.were
co pass from a clover blossom; - with - the •
pollen.adhering body,'Mid light upon
a honey-suckle, it would produce a hybrid,
fry mougvelspeeics of flower. How won-
derful are •the Operations of nature, an. •
certainly- among the most wonderful is is
peculiar instinct of the honey bee.
Tnr: - NEwsrAP- --- --VV t a, pleasant
Idling is a newpaper'?_/What an agreea-----
l'ble association its I): ce efills up. Fraught
with all the into *,,ence of,the day, it greets, .
us at our br , , (fast meal, or at our- even
hig's re , t;and we con over, at a glance,
the -lit e-..p and . pains, the Impes_.
ainr - feamilte7arthisem en tq and follies .of ,
dile gay and the idle world. -Ilere, Rio, -
we_ trace. the_ambition, Abe contending: pas--
skins of men in and out of power; here we
mark the restless anxiety of Ate
gait-the manoeuvres of thousands tremake-,
money, and the thousand lures held 'out
to spend it. The politician . reads the de
bates: in Congress; the merchant the last
prices of the market; the broker the rise
and fall of the stocks; the
.newsmonger the •
gossip of the day; and last, not least, the •
ladies—bless 'euelyreatlettsay - we—they
:look at the poet's corner, the -marriages
land deaths, and where the latest fashions
lard found. _ And -the editor,'what is he do- •
1 ing the while ?
.Why, he still goes 'on .
'concocting, and' is racking his brain to
supply this common feast of reading, stu
dying to suit all tastes 'and all palales.--- ,
With his professional-elipping'machine in .
hand, he cuts froth the: immense stock of
his • materials,ltouring. in - npori him from .
all - Cfuarters, and gives in a. short column
or-two the sum and
.substance of what's
going. on in the_world, ~,W hat a benefactor
is :in editor! What a treasure is a news
- to - repeat yis verses
To this all renders turn, Ind they ran look
Pleased on a Paper, who abhor a honk;
ThoSe who ne'er designed their Bible toperuso;
Would think it hard to-be denied their news;
Sinners, and saints, the wisest and the weak, •
Here mingle [lmes, and one amusement seek ;
This, like the public inn, provides a treat,
: '.Where each promisc u ous guest sits down tff eat ;
'And Audi this mental food, as we may call,
Something to all men, and to sane men all.
Onions yield, much better When sown
for many years, successively on . the same .
Tround.. We - know not The reasOn'at thiq.
But potatoes will not Yield 'so • Well..whnti‘
he same•plant is planted COI' se,ietirYeatit( .
n sticcossion. The tops 'arktpltieh more
iabic io'rust.--dithivator. „.-
1 11 1'000 1 '
Of the gffluicy of .1)r. Paris' Soothing Syrup. •
Mau ,is with pleasure,. that•Aiiend..Yots
I ese few lines informing. y ou. of , the -astonishing. eG
frets yinir SyriqP:prtaineed suffering infant,—
W lien, at the age of seven month's, the gums began to
swell, which produced severe pains with Sudden I
of"erying, spa snis,. Eli). A physieitin: , was.eoe424- - •
who lanced the gums, and prescribed..-intedictne- •
which increased the pain) but to no 'effect. •After'
all , atterapts to relieve the 11 little sufferer,'" proved - 74 ,4 0, ,
in vain, a friend of mine pointed to mean advertise:
ment in one of 'the, public prints,,of 'Your invaluable •
Soo`lting' Syrup for .. , •citiltiven • Cutting ., Teeth.”.:4.'
Being.' so highly recommemled,l was induced M send 3'
to •• Pli dclphta, for a tiottig:fo ; 'lttist it 4 ,
On receiving.the me'dicittel.Ltmidediately applied
aceerdipg,te direction On the hettle...ii , ?hich am h*V • ;
to' inform you that the Odd etreefivtia_irtirtient. •--
ately perceived; the . Chil d -rested Weil"all In
the moraing the pain resumed, Wiliqi(l: . iMbtlited.,te.„'.
the frequent' use of the Svrttp:;,4'.',Usell:PP*Ottle
l an d sent for. the. seCond, , ' Binoe• t6t. time, my child' -
Chas recovered: I fee) fully • aasui ell 'lust the Syrup,
iv w.valunbj6 medienae, chlitirent. When
teethi•and recommended every- folpiirt». p011t14,11, • 1'
where there tirq'youiig . ~ •
' •'' ,
' For sale by J,..NYers Cartiiles and
Wm: - ret4ShippentibuiVrty. ---- -::: — . •
• . *a.