Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 21, 1841, Image 2

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• sCyler, .rresideni: of the
United - States...
JIA,l;oy the Providence of God; Mr. Ty
ler is now elevated to the highest political
honor within the'reach of an American citi
sen,his life, history, and character, have be
come, highly interesting sUbjects of inquiry.
For the . satisfaction .of our readers we
will attempt to furnish' h general outline of
Freeitlent Tyle i r'S history, which must ne'_im,perfeet, from • our want of:
,Idates and 'particulare . .
Mr. 'Tyler watt born in Virginia, - Abbut
. : . t,he year 1786 •or 1787. lie is therefore
near 54 or 55 .years pf age: - His father
. was an. Aritericatt - patriot of the Revolution,
'serving as 'an 'Officer in , the cause of his
country, dining the whole period of the
war.. -He-Was then judge of: the sup3rior
courts of lr.irginia, and afterwards Guyer;
nor of that 'State about thd:year 1808.. ile
itis§ rernarkable for his honesty and inde
pirndcnoe,-and fur the purity' of his Charic-.
ter. •He 681i:4401.o theold- Republican
eantily•of-that State. .
• Joint Tyler (nostFreSident) 'was
,lated, with boner at Wihlirm and :Vtary Col
lege, in 'Virginia. .Sentrafter lie reached
the age of.-gl he.. Was chosen.a Delegate
. •thej.eginlantre of the State. After having
served seierAt•years iti thar; : body,•he was
-..iileeteit . a representative. in •Congress. :_Af-
-ter a service, we think, of lent—years-An
• the House Of .Representatives, he became.
; again a merinher. of !`the Legisla-. I
,cure, - and-was soon:chosen Go.vernor of the
State. ,
. . While Governor, General Lafayette was
'• on his. visit 'to this country, and (ov. Ty-
ler. welcomed him to the Old pominion, l
in. one of •the most - classic 'and eloquent ;
all tresses, delivered
.on similar • occasions,
in the _Union.. .;
At . th' expiration , of' his constitutional
term as 'Governor, Tyfer was elected
•to the United . States citate, to serve from
Alta Ath_of_illatch, 18:27, in place of the late
-John :llindolph, of :Itoanolte, whom ha
hi 1828, he mit - mooted the election of. Oen.
Jackson to -the Presititincr, con for 'some
: ' me AI te rafter Altai _as up porta of is: ad,-
ministration: . -
H:ivingservedit his tertnin the'Senatp.
of the lThited.States,_.be4as re-elected to
that elevated -station "in the "winter of '32,
7::!33 Tand7continuell--thei•euntil hie (eceived
instrucitions from the Virginia Legislature,
'which he could not obey, and lie then re , ;.
signed ititt seat. 'l'~lis .ended his Seuatu
vial _career. h the Senate, lie was
---chnsen, in the absence of the •Vice Presi
:dent,-nn-moro than - occaiiio n; if - me
mistake'tftit.. " . Prbsident of the Senate."
Aa Chairman ,uf the•--ComMittee on the
District, the citizens there have found him
a kind and firm friend.,
He was afterwatils agilin . - elected, we
believe; a member of the Vi7ginia Legisia.
lure,- where he served two seasons.
He was. unanimously nominated by the
'National Convention*at Harrisimig, - (Dcc;
1839) a candidate for the Vice Presidency
of the United States, on the ticket with
,Gen. Harrison, and was elected to than high
ales by an overwhelming vote.
MresTyler has.alwaYs.been urbane and
.courteous in his manners—moderate and
`Self controllable in his passions—and Os
seous an amiable and benevolent heart.—
'To purity of intention, he also unites that,
spirit of independence, which distinguish
ed his father.
• R, the STATESMAN honest and true,'
ig a line familiar to those who have been
-paaustonted to hear the Tippecanoe songs
; of the country. Iu political faith, ho is a
Jeffersonian, Madisonian Republican, and
— has always' preferred moderation. rather
than 'partaken of ultraisni. •To his Atands
are the " powers and duties" of the office
-of Chief Magistrate of this mighty .nation,
llow. committed. That - ho. will exercise
l ind discharge them with honor to-himself,
and' glory to the country is our fereOt
and confident His knoivn
- lionasty-and .faitlifultiess is a
-that, if public affairs are not administered
n. a manners to receive popular applause
• :and - support, 4_oll not, he
: his fault.—
. jilgdisonian.••• - .
. . _
'f:lte cii.euru . stancesoniler whicig Gover
tmr Tyler has been called upon to assume
~-3 , the office of President of the United States
—without the opportunity of preparation
oi:execute its ;duties, wide!), is -secured to
one who succeeds to that office byAinme
. diatb•election—has subjected him to' some t ,
sdvantageiender - which - no - formei - Pre• -
. . enthas ever labored. The suddenness
ith 'which the dutiea of Chief Executive,
Magistrate are devolved upon him, in con
.' twain.. with the magnitude and importance
iafthime,tlarties, is of itself a circumstance
- 4a iv:k t„tte.stiongth •of mind of .any man ;
, itn,tl , telteitiaps etill greater disadvantage
, 4 104er : ichiott, oixt new •President caorre'inhi'
' ce was , t• e want o time an t3O occa-
Aion ; enjoyed by all his , predecessors; for
.an ionncing to his fellow-citittens, after due
Aeliheration ; the principles upon which it
is hitt intention' to administer the public af
• him ootentined to 'his charge. 'rho last
of thaseAlitliculties the' President has, with,
proMptnesii and directness, taken the alto*
st way. to , overcome, by the Address to
the People of the United States, published
&o our last, in whieh he has made a frank
end most satisfactory exposition of the
Apiatoos..and 'purposes with which he en,
• Ors ttp,on the important and highly respon.
r lOlc - duties of President of the . , United
1, 1 ;, This Address by the president to-his fel
chizen9 islro concise and expacit that
any Oftempf of ours to elucidate if wbulit
• rather 'serve to confuse than to,,malte - elear
• She reader's perceptionzof its prominent
Points. X#ol, if suffice , to say that it ena
bracits•nioatof ;the:leading articles: of the
'Whkotried„ whilit it , repudiates no one of
$6 111 1 2 ;VitilliO4% tteimg as diffuse or argu=.
tnenStlre Inaugural, Mdress of our
r. late lamented President, it knoludos all. the
leedigg features of that , popu , 4ar exposition
t , f roljt Trinniplen, presettkiN nom - , of
, . . . .
'them brevet; Stronger - elie f than we .find
Shinn there. Thus w garn front the Ad
ofPresident Ty er,,as in the,abletide :
of any such Address we shOuld have infer
red fromnur confidence in his known .pa
and Republican:principles,- that it
is his determination to cherish in our For
eign Relations, peace and friendship - With.
all nations haiing corresFaindent -dfSposi
donS; to.extedd and Strengthen, the nation- .
al defences; to effect in entire separation
bet Ween the 'sword . and the purse by, re- -
storing the m3nagement - of the revenue to
the cotiititutional. agents;. to promote the .
reduction of the patronage of the Exectir
five; .to respect and cause to be respected
the• freedom of opinion end-the: right -- of
suffrage, so far as the Executive power is
liable , to_be brought in conflict with either;
to promote economy, in the public expen
,to abstain from temporizing' e'xiie
dieitts to supply the defect of 'revenue; to
encourage, as far es possible; epeditic ap
propriations of the public money; to hold
all collecting and disbursing. officers to the
strictest accountability; to gis4i his tinhesi
tningsanction to Lally -constitutional' Inca .
sure7nriginating_ . .. in -=-Contrress:-.[wiiether
recommended or inn• by the gxe,cutivE]
which shalt have for its object - the restora
tion of a sound circulating medium; io ab
stain Irom the exercise of any powers not
granteAl b ? - the Constitution' of the UnitcA
State,; and, in case of doubt upon his
mind in regard to the adoption cif, s 4
measure to the end _proposed, or to its
cohformity to the Constitution, .to resort
to the eFatliers of the Republican School
fur advice and instruction. ' "
In this condensed statement of prin
• .
laid thiwn to the,. PresidenVa—A•ti
dress, we have as near an apPrOach as is
i _riossible . ..toi.the_principles - which Character
' ized the Administiation of President MAD
! ISON, than whom President • TYLER could
not have set before-hint a more noble ex
'• ample of Republican practice. ' Whoever
will take the trouble to turn . to the volume
containing the Inaugural Address _of Mr.'
..M.sinstiN,, delivered thirty-tea ~years— a g6,
wilrfind in .the sentiments and .intentions
therein aVowed by him a'reinarkabliden.
'. --7 4±W4 3- 4 -11 - 1 413 - 10:4 1 &4i. 1 .4.4
tiel'oTeiff"t - 46,4 Vies ~ expressed by
President TYLER. -the.' particular in'
tho.,AddressLof Alm'. lotto. will :Am
most •eloSely scrtitinized, - it most. nearly
coincides wits the 1114u:tie or. Mr. MADI4
SON., who, ieferring . to the relations okthe
Union to 'the .States• anti the People, ex
the union of the,,States as the basis of their
peace and happiness; •to titippoil . the Can!.
atitution,-which -is-the-content of the U.nion;
as well iii its limitations as in ip'authority;
to respect the rights of 'the audioride - 3 re
served to the States and to the' people, as
equally .incorporated and essential tb
the, success of the geneial system." .
• This, the redderswill perceive, is the doc
trine, and substantially, the 'language .of
Presittent TYLER. • Most sincerely do we
'wish' that, following through the example
of .the illustrious MADISON, he may 'so ad
minister the - Government as to entitlo him
to'sharc - the imperishable fame-of that great
nian.:-...1+4tr. mot.
That 'President Tyler fully appreciates
the peculiarity and great responsibility of
his new position, " understands .: , true
'principles of the government," an' '
.'competent• to ."carry them out,"
is 'very Manifest from the prompt and sea
sonable• appearance and just.. conceptions
Of his Address to the People_ of the United
States. Reared in theTchool Jeffersy
and Madison, his political sympathi s es havh.
- alit.ays - beingiven - tothose - principles - which - 1
were developed' in the Declaration of
the:- frame
work of our excellent constitution, 'Look
ing to - the independence and union of these
states, and to thosl.: - blessings of civil and.
religious liberty 'Which, followed in their.
train, as immediate consequences of the
triumph of those principles which animated
the -revolution, he has studied-and cherish
ed With sacred regard that instrument by_ .
which these blessings. were secured and
perpetuated for us and- our posterity.—
' Through a long experience in public
' he has watched its practical workings, s end
observed.the uses 'and
which have
arisen'under it. • The ...iminediate descen
dant of .i.revolutionary - sires he feels the
Spirit of independence in his blood-, and'
derives the enthusiasm of, a patriot from
every 'association most endearing to
fections. Well known to the convention
of 1839, and to ais, who gave unqualified
and • active-support to their nominations,
we. were strong in the confidence• of his
capacity-to-Lineet-any-emergeneflikelyto- .
arise, and of his councils so farias his in—
fluence might extend in the administration
of. public affairs... The spirit-isf his -Ad
dress to the people, on his accession to the
Presidency, justifies the confidence were
posed in him. e.
The President's Address, though writ
ten under•eircuinetances of great ttik.and__
difficulty, is a conscise and .explicit expo
sition of hicopinions mid , purposes. They
are 'republican and ilatisfactory. places
his reliande in r the intelligence and patriot
ism of - the people. He proposes -to' culti
vate peace and amity with foreign-nations,
so .fer as they ore' inclined' to'reciprocate
them; to extend and strengthen our mili
tary .defences, and to promote the efficien
cy of the Army and Navy; -to separate the
purse and the, sword; to repeal the Sub-
Treasury; to reduce Executive patronage;
'to respect and'-cause to be respected, the
freedom of opinion and the right of-sdf
frage tinier aikiiecutive power is liable - to
brought iii , conflict with either;- to 'resort to
.in, the public expenditures;
to avoid a public.' debt ; to, abstain from
temporizing expedients to .supply a defect
of revenue, preferring, nib doubt,an equa
lization of the tariff tolheissiie .Trea
sury mites to "abolisk sineenresl to'. en
courage. specific appropriations; Co hold
the. ,agents of. the government:to' n.striet
responsibility; to stop. the War the Govern
. anent hal made upon currency;;'to"sanc
tion aprennstitutional: rnea s urn Originating'
in 'Congress, hiving fOr object . the res.;,
Oration. of a'. sound .circulating medium,
g.ttH:ft .4*.,14„.0:f -..r ~. :.:7A,),:.e,*,..44'„ : - ,*- - ...f iltiT* -iii :0' ii 7 4-* . i _i'.•
and'id . decidint upon the, adoption of any
such measu r e to the end proposed, as well
as its conformity .to*the constitution; to
resort tb the' fathers of the great Republi- I
can school for
. advice and instruction; to
- abstain - from - the - exercise - of - any powere
not expressly granted, and thus . cherish
the Union and its blessings, and avoid a
central and consolidated eysteha. • ,
These prinCiples_ will- find- favor in the
heart of every true Republican and pUtriot.
Rigidly adhered to and practised'upon; they
will carry any 'administration through in
triumph.-41a . clisonian, , .' •
From the lialtbion; Patriot
. • -
.With the -Albany Eiening Jeurnal, we
may say, what in substance was said in
This paper, previous to the issue of his re
cent highly satisfactory address to' the pee-,
ple of the United . States, that " we never
for a moment entertained a doubt," in re- 1
gard to the course which President Tyler ,
would the administration of . the'
Government. .the
. case.of JolirTyler,
of Virginia,- as-in that. of William Henry,:
.Harrison, of Ohio, the confidence . which
was felt in his soundness of tirinciPle,,ho l
'testy of. purPose, and. integrity of charac
ter, was- founded upon the. incidents and
'developments of his past career. To those .
who Inked with- any attention to the course
of either of these "favorites of the people s "
there was in fact no•reein for doubt.' As
take his - eourse and bearing in the -United
Stites Senate, when'instructed by the Le
gislature of Virginia .`to vote foi 'the Ex
penging_Resolutioni:--- Though -at a- period
of life most accessible, perhaps, to the love
of power . and high station, and, knowing
that the -popularity of the then President
was of a-strength to . ..carry every thing be
fore it, and to beat •dowp all who should
attempt -to -stem, the torrent yet,' feeling
that the act required of him was wrong,
John Tyler did not hesitate, a moment in
hiscotirse,,kut yesigtied his high office v as
Senator, and restored the trust to the row
er, which- he could not and would not obey;
_ :The _follawing,. which is the.clOsiogla
don to the Legislature of Virginia, on that-,
_occasion, bespeaks the-high principled-man
-midi:fearless statesman., And, bearing-in
mind "the circumstances anti- temper of the
_timesi it is of .itself :enough to
_OO4 the!
most-implicit con fidenee in its" author. Ad
dt'essingthis JacksouLlegislature i - the -Virg,
ia-Serw toy-sA
.‘" I dare not- touch- the Journal - of-the
Senate. The . Constitution- forbids it. In
'the *chit of all the agitation of party, I
have -heretofere stood- by that. sacred- in
.strument.----It is the ohly:post of honor-and
;of safety. . Parties. 'are. continually chang; ,
Ing. The= men 'of to-day give place-to the
men of to=morrow; and the idols which one
set worship_the_,ne:4 destroy. . The only
object of my political worship shall be the
constitution of rhy,country. I will not-be
the instrument to overthrow it... A seat in
the . Sehate is sufficiently elevated to ;fill
the. measure of any man's ambition; and,
as an evidence of the stritertty or-my.con
.victions that your resolUtions cannot ,be
executed without violating my oath, I re
sign into your ha!ids three unexpired years
of my.tera.- I shall carry with me into
retirement the principles which. I' brought,
with Me into public life; 'and by the eur-'
render of the hie,station to Which I was
called by the voice of the people of Vir
ginia, I shall set an example to my chil
dren, which shall teach them to regard as
nothing, place and office, when either' is
attained or held by the sacrifice of honor.
I am, gentlemen, your fellow-citizen,
ro_lhe People (011ie U.'Slates.
When a Christian People feel them
selves to .be overtakeri by a great.public
calamity, it becomes them to humble them
selves under the dispensation of Divine
Providence, to recognize His righteous go
vernment over the, children of men, to cc
knowedge His goodness in times past, as
well as theirown unworthiness, and to sup
plicate His merciful pretection,for the fu
tore. .--
4 The death of WM. 'HEN RY HARRI
SON, late President of the United States,
so soon after `his elevation to that high of
fice, is a bereavement peculiarly calculated
to be regardedts a heavy•afiliction, and to
impress all minds with a sense of the (in
certainty of human things, and of
,the de-.
pendence of Nations, as well as ,of ,indi
video's, upon our Heavenly Parent: '
I have thought, therefore, that I should
be.acting• in conformity whit, the general
_ex peetation_andifeelings_or thicommunity,
in recommending, as I now do, to the peo
ple of the United States, of every religious
denomination, that; according to their 80.,
veral modes and forms 'of worship, they
observe a (lay of Fasting and Prayer, • by
such religious 'services as may be suitable
on the occasion; and I recommend Friday,
the fourteenth da of. Ma next,fo_r_th:
purpose; to the end• that, on that day,: we
may all, with one accord, join •in humble
and reverential approach to Him, in, whose
hands we are,,invoking him . . to , inspire us
with a proper spirit , and temper of heart
and mind under these frowns of His, Pro-
vidence,:and- still-to .bestow His gracious . '
benedictions upon our govornmeut and our
country. JOHN TYLER.
trashiogton, Sprit 13, 1841.
Our renders may be curious to ,see in
what terms the editor of
.the Riehmo9l
Entitiirer, who treated General j.arrisdn
with cruel.injustice while living, speaks of
him now -chat he is dead :7-111adiaonian.
;„, From the Enquirer of Tuesday.
Of the Pres(dent of the, United .States.
A new and extraordinary event has come
to darkerillie'annals of the country.' ; -The
struggle is titer, and , lVilliam Henry Har ,
rison, in the Beth, yearlif his age,, sleeps .
with his fathers! Althoughqhis venerable
man. the Presidebt Of the. United States, by
a` great majority, was not our choke, yet
We respect Itim for his military services- 7
we respect birn for,bis love of country—
we esteem him for his kind , heart and so..
•„ ~. _
cialqualitiee: , Hissudden . ss'emn . e . S upon
•the.nStion as Mi:event; f of iegret, lull
of pr. themes : for , nralizhig 'Upon
the Ins bilkty of all - htl l an - fortunes, and.
theWorbleseness of thnobjects:of human
timbition'.,. AS so often Opted - from - Burke, -
it shows 111.`,tarhat-', :we are, and
what• sliilAyYa we pirsue.' .. 'But twelve
months ago,'supposett, had been predicted
amidst the contests of an excited:campaign,
'this man;,will be ,elected__to:one of the
highest it ces in -the world, `and in one :',
short,m . oph afteribis..lnauguration, he . will•l
be gathere Anito'his fathers,',--what heart
.would not lave shrunk within itself,' at the
idea of 'pa in,g so ,rapidly' from a private
life, to the . , esidential chair, and from that .
' eminent . sta'on :to the silent tomb ? ' ,In
honor - of. th Chief Magistrate of our ecim
s mo6 countr thus elevated by 'the voice
Of- the' . peof;l.and thus suddenly - struck
,down •in• the, midst of his sympathizing
eountrymen„ . .,,tve have shrouded
.our' co
lumps. i 6 tnetruing.... ,
.It is' indeei .a , sudden, mosrunexpe,cted t
and exteaorditary , event,- The cenfederat-,
ed_reptiblic,o the-taited States-: has lion ,
been. in ope tion for .52 years—during
-which time it dtcs seen nine Presidents
erected' in - suces,ssion . --most.Cf• them old
men:---;five of .: them ,nerving' eight years
each—and yet not sue of them hnsAiedin
his Presidency,- ex Ot the last. • He- bas
-6en in office but: ne. short month, from.
the 4th of Mardi i the 4th of — A - pril,. when
he breathed hii la*, amid . his prayers for .
the true principled of the - rmristitution.---
. four.Virginif Presidents who 'were
living in Viiginia (all serving out their 8
,years)- SUrvive&till -the., end of- their terms,-
bot . now . :are ..all so' More. Three of the
others are Still living. -. • •
. It is more wonderful, indeed, that more
Of them have, not.'Verished in, offi ce, than
that General Harrison ;should be•lie, first
to • die. The. regret at his .death comes,
perhaps, with a. more awful force, on .- cc- .
count. of its singularity... . .
VViio - does not recollect the noble, high , -
minded and patriotk — cduct of Jolir(Ty'='
-ler- - when instructed by the Locofocos.
lulion.? Tyler - was . the - -Colleagoe; of
Mi._ Benjamin AVatkins: Leigh .in the Sen=
ate: =\Vhe i=th refultrtioi was called 'up,-
Mr. Tyler rose in place', admitted, as
the ,old Republicans all do.-in Virginia,, the.
light of the Legislature to instruct him, and
then-fesigned-his scat-with - indignation.—
Presrdettt Tyler is fifty-one years . ()Inge.
n- ou r dast:poper-ewe :marked—his .three_
orfour years too high', Ho is therefore.
younger than. the late Presitlent Van!Buren,:
and indeed the yotingest Piesident we
dialitor' General Esiv.--The Editor of
the Erie Gazette, to sustain a charge pre- .
viously made; furnishes in the last number
of. that paper incontrovertable7evidence of
Dr. George - R. Espy's fraudulent conduct
when treasurer of ye cango county, and ,of
his ng. &e ••••••wrin• -
The Gazette's statement, Which is a • per
fect demonstration, we should present to
our readers entire but for its length. It
consists of the return made in 1835 by Dr.
Espy, then treasurer of . Venango county,
to the Anditer General, and of attested
copies of reeeiptn for monies paid to him
by five retailers of foreign merchandize and
liquors, whose names are not mentioned in
his report! • The amount thud received by
him was of course entirely, appropriated to
his own use. Such are the persons chosen
by David R. Porter,to co-operate with him
in_the::administration-of- the government-1,
Doubtless it will be discovered on the ac
cession of. homest John Banks to the offibe
now so - unworthily - filled, - that - this-fellow
Espy haS carried his peculiar system of
peculation into the more extended field of
action which ho now occupies.. • .
./1 Lessonfor Pennsylrania.—We learn
from the Cincinnati Gazette tliat• the Fund
Commissioners of Ohio applied to the
Banks of Cincinnati to borrow money for
the Use of the . Public WorkS and that the
banks have been compelled to--decline . any'
negotiation of the kind, in consequence of
their inability to issuo-potes. under the ex
' iitingpenaltiee. llad the penalty to which
they are liable during the suspension . of
specie payments been repealed, or had the
.banks been relieved from its operation until
'they can safely resume, they could have
loaned to the state.a million and a half of
dollars, at six per cent. interest, and Would
have cheerfully done so;' the valuable pub
lic works of Ohio would have been prose
cuted to an early completion, and the pub-
lie benefitted by the hi - Creasing - amount - of
Money throin into cireulation. • The Penn
sylvania Legislature bitishown itself will
ing to.rilietre the Unlike- and the people
•frotri.the chief burthen whieh atthis time
oppresses them;. but the judicious bill that
was passed was vetoelliy. Governor Por
ter because it did net comportwith his per-
State„should.'ha need . a few hun
dred thousand dol a I,le,pay interest on the
public debt. or for Otheriturposes, it will
like Ohio have to go abroad and pay an eX
orbitant interestio foreigners for that which
our own banks' - would-be able to - furnish,
were - they allowed to notes,
and, ..the ;suspension of payments
liiilized.'—'-Weekty Standard. • •
- Colonel nichaid M. Johnston, late Vice
President of - the
.I.Thited , States, in 'sending
his name appended to: the Temperance de
claratiini; ttr Mr. - Televatt, writes have'
lung been Satisfied thstintoxicating drinks
Itching' p,roperly to the inoieria'medica: of
what, use they may be as medicines; I leaye•
for.physicians to determine, but as - cornmo'n
beverages' they are always useless, and
generally, , dangerous.. For- myself, I am
Commonly well enough without them, and
for the last thirty years of my life(l have
not. either for medicine or otherwise, drank
as many gills of ardent . But it has
been my lot' to see enough of it to sicken
the heart. In behaltof hut:02110, I thank
you for your exertions in.t . his cause. May
your success equal the merits of the under
taking:" • '
. . ,
From the Baltimor4Buil,..',L
conftasiOn4.lll9Estraordinary Ipeuscita‘
tion.--John White, convicted' of ' the murder of
Messrs. Gwatkin and Glenn, on board a flat boat, on
fhe.Bth list., a little after, six o'clock in the morning.
The Judge in 'sentencing him :adjudged his execution
to take place, at any time between the hours of 6,4,
M. dud 3' P.'M., and the Sheriff, without making the
'fact notorious, chose the earliest moment, so
.as to
prevedt the immense crowd which would have been .
in attendance from Witnessing it. But few persons
were therefore . preeent. , He dled' hard---the rope
not , plityinewell, occasioning the knoCto slip up
over his chin" instead of ;being Ade' his 'ear. His
neck was-not- broken by the fall.. Previous to lila .
deatlihe wrotea letter to his flUlter, in which he
stated that he was present When the unfortunate men
• .
were murdered, that lie did not participate in the
act; but-was compelled taltegids.o.wp life from two
men who mordered them: He, names the men as
Charles Short and Jerry --7 , -, surname not given .
lie 'was q.t down: after hanging, abOut twenty 7 live
minutes, and his bAy given over to s thp Doetor , for
purpeses of experiment'..
.. The' I l edislfire Ga-
Zette gives- this annexed - annexed
attending Rut experiment with the galvanic battery. _
White's Beanseitatitin, or Wonders of Mapietisin,
is generallyrjousidered that White's execution
yesterday, was not in the most approved style, for
the mcre pleasure 'of the operation. • The' knpt hy
some inanteuvec instead' of being , fled by his 'ear,
Where it would have facilitated the breaking pf
neck, happened to come in his fitee, by, Which means
the-citoking Was of the most imperfect sort. He,
hung squirminFaitil kicking, a long time, before he
surrendered, and occasionally gave forth bluSts from
his mouth and nostrils.
After hanging abottf twenty-two minutes,. lie was
.cut down and conveyed away, to' be experimented
upon by Philosophers and Anatomists. He was an
.excellent subject for experimenting upon, as the ex-
Cution was _swill ; thaino disorganizatioir had-taken
place. The face of the corpse 4 did not look half so
bad. as they generally. do, and in' faurhe - was consid.;
eretl_nut:Much tiifTerent from a man twenty minutes
The poles of a paiverful Galvanic pile, which had
been :prepareil- fur'thc :questslim; *.ere'
apPliihil to him, and to the unutterable joy of all pre
,Cwitlr'tiCe'raosetfeetirteetii7 %ffY lißlLtigstV;
ltai ,
pfleattim--Oyttie-stuid-to !us ottylrotne was yet-warm
sand -tretribling, .a
universal - tremor. seemed to pass
Over-hia frame; and fancy, - if fancy-you cau,.the anrj
prise, the-astpitisinnent of-all, when of- a sudden he
arose upon his.bench to a slain•posture; acid -with.
great eagerness and impatience raised his hands to
his neck, tryingito grasp the: scarin-his-fingers-and
tear it from his throat! fly first snatched at it with
great rashness, US thouok the rope was yet around
his ifirentr
Iris new hen cont. _ :s - picking
at the seam with his fingers; as though it was some--
Ain-that adhcredlei-his-throat,gi . ving_him_great_un T _
easiness. But this symptom was .soon forgotten, for
almost the:nritTaritireent, he - arose upoo - his feet; rais- ,
ed his arms level with his breast, and opening
blood shot eyes, gave,forth frotii his niottch e .most
terrific screech, utter chest worked as if
in respiration, iu a . very violent manner. Every one
at this. minute weans mute as death; ,every breelt
was for - a moment suspended, when 'Dr. D. ,
ed,"by heavens, he's alive !"IToe 'great was the'ex
eiteinent,toi; intense and absorbing was the interest
and Woailer,,eajnyed end felt by alp allow time or
attenfiiii or I rEtiTyTtilli - efeiiiiirk Every eye was
livened upon the agitated and shaking corpse. The
operator continued to let upon it a full quantum of
the - galvanic fluid, tarot,: action upon its net yes be-
coming so poiverful that it made a tremendous bound,
r leaping by a soft ofau imperfect plunge, into a coy
ner of the room, disengaging itself entirely from .the
.wires which communicated the galvanism.
All immediately. drew 'around the body. For a
momert after its WI, it seemed perfecOy.motionless
and dead. Dr. 13. approached, and taking hold of
his arm, announced that he thought he felt a slight,
though single beat of the pulse. The galvanic ope
rator was just. going to
.:nrrang,e hise_machinc to give
him another charge, when Dr.D. again exclaimed,
"he is---hens alive !.he sighs! he breathes!" And,
true enough, he did sigh.; , lie gave a long' gasp, at
he same time raising and gently waving his right
hand. His sighs continued for a,coupleqf minutes,
when theyceati'ed entirely. His whole frame scowl
ed to be somewhat agitated; his chest heaved ; his
legs trembled, and he occasionally raised his
arm. 'These etreAs were supposed to be caused by
the powerful influence of the galvanic fluid upon the
nerves. None of these movements were yet suppos
ed to the netion of life; It was consider
ed that the animating principle of nature had left his
frame and coda never be again restored. Why not?
Are not people who have been longer deprived of
life than he had been, often times restored? ,Then
why may he not be resuscitated? were questioni that
seemed to engage the minds of all. In the very
Eat of anxiety and suspense, Dr. D. announced
that he-could feel feeble pulsations. A pieCe of bra.
ten loukintilmis was immediately held before his
nostrils, qich Was instantly covered with a cloud.,
"He breatys !" was the unanimous Amid. All was
the mostintense anxiety for some seconds, when die
motion dtbli chest , as in the act of respiration, be
came visible. "His pulse," said Pr. D: "Does now
randy beat ; lo !" lie at the same instant exchiimr
ed," 4 he opens his eyes !"
And horrible, indeed, were those. eyes to look up 7
on ! Ile rolled them wildly in their sockets, occa
sionally closing them, and giving mostterrifioscowls.
In about five minutes histreathing became tolerably .
frequent—probably he would give one breath Wheri
a healthy man would give four. His breathings, how-
• elTrapidly—increased,..lo (review:l
Dr. D. began to speak to him, but lie gave ,no indica
timisNtliat he heard a word. He looked upon rho
scene arounit,hlm, with the , most deathly •indiffer.
Mice, seemingly alive to nothing. A pin was tried
upon hia loot. He . movedliis foot, though not very
suddenly, and resented the act with -a horrible frown,
but a &min containing Something of sadness. His ac
tion soon begiuttci take 'on'a More energetic charac
ter. He began again to feel ofbis iiiiik,and work his
body, as though in the severest agony. Yoting - L, a
medical student of Dr. S., approached him, and tak•
'lng hold of his arm and iiiMulder, , White rose upon
Ida feet, took two steps, being , thus supported, and
seated himself in an armelutir. On seating himself
he gave a slight . groan, his muscles seemed to relax,
and he'appeat:ed somewhat overcome with the'exer
tion he had made." A Mitilit of bartshoto was imme
diately applied to his nose, which revived hint mucky
but his life seemed to be that of a aunt mush intoxi
cated. He seemed, !won Muscatel/talon, to, try to gee
utterance to 'some feeling, but, Worn an unknOwn
cause ad. liopediment, probably „by an • acouinulation
in the throat occasioned by the ettetattiOn, he wtts un
able to giro utterance to a vioio. We it.; satisfied
that he made an effort dill land, for immediately
on the exertion, he tar a sorrowful shake of the
head, which , signified; if we rightly' understood the
language, that he meant something coulOnot
HissysteniNvas . critically examined, and though he
was pronounced to be perfectly alive, it Was annouttc 7
ed by Dr. D. that 'he Could live but a few minutes,
for congestion of the brain, which had not .yet hap
pened, was rapidly taking place. Every tnethod.was
adopted td equalize the circulation - of the bl
save the patient from the' terrible consequence of..sso
sad a entastrophe, but in
. vain. • -The . blOod-vessels of
the head were enormously distended', 'and his eyes
appeared to be ball's of clotted blood. His system
was mediatelpthrown into,direful spasms, and he
died in a few minutesin the most' excruciating ago
nies. •
Other experiments were tried 'upon him, Which,
together with_themtel have heie imperfectly sketcli-.
ed, will be put before the public in a few days in a
More minute form. I have here suppressed • the
names of the operators, fearing I should not do'the
oPeratoii that justice, that will be done it by. the pro
per. reporter,.. whose repoit .will .not . be 'ready for
- me time.
.FRom MEXICO.-I"he'New Orleans BOP
letin'of the Ist.'` instant Contains
telligence from Tampico, Campeachy, and
brought by. arrivals- at that port.
:The news is not important. A revolt
gainst'the government is apprehended in
Tanipico, and the military are kept con
tinually..underarms, With:ordnanee planted
as to bear on eVery, point of,, the ; city.
The Blitish.paci(et Shelldrake sailed from
Tampico on, the 7th of March, with $694,-
~01:10 ,specie—and on 'the same day, he
"British brig of war Victor, with $301,000
r for—Fahnouth :r via_Jamaica.____ln_Yucatan,,, goverittnent was going.orismooth
ly—Lthe. army had heed: disbanded. , The
mew „Qungress_was..installed_on.. the -4 th--of.
, March... Senor Don Adins Marra de . .Leon
was chosen President, and Senor Don .
.Alpnche, -- Viee President, for
the term of one year,: in Tabasco a rept
lar has been-organized; and
the .Coneress opened its - session on the
let - of-February: - --The opening: speech-of
the . President, Zavalla, suggests; as-pro
per to be incorporated_ into the fundamen-,
tal articles, of the' government, the entire .
Treed - MR of reliiimii.4and opinions:.
and the free election by citizens' or emi
o -.-indus try,
.'Fnom TExAs.—llates from Texas'be the.
2d — inst.'have . - been received - at - .N - r:W. - . Or
teans,• From the papers before us, we clip
the following paragraphal—
ivae-re-sorted-in •Texlit, - anii believed,
that about 8000 Mexicans, with 20 -pieces -
A' artillery, 'were at - Mier:ainl — qamargoi
-were-making_isreparations - for.a
paigp agaiptv. -the Qamanclie7lii - Oitimantl
being cut from Mier to
Laredu. These .accounts are further con .
-fit:tred by a Mexican: trader, who came into,
..San Antonio, and stated that aftei
robbed by the troops, he-had.joined them
and .had
. desertell. He asserts that the
road spoken of lips been corn! leted. Both
.chestpeions, afivell as tnost.of the citi
zens - itf San ,Alitonio, believed that the
Mexican troops intend a descent upon that .
'The. Ilritiah brie Frances, Joseph W..
Fox, sixty days from London, with an as
sorted cargo- of merclrandize .to Frankland
& ; Co., and thirty-five passengers, was
towed into Galveston by the_ steam ship
Savannah. • The F had lost her rudder.
_ The expedition '.under• Captain .Lewis
was to leave in ,pursuit of the Indians.-, 7
They.are determined to find them, and will
probably be•absent abotit 6 or eight weeks.
Texas money bas‘ selling at Galveston .
at P2l cents on the dollar.
The Galveston Herald hoiBtb the names
Of Sam Houston .Cor President, and Gene
ral Memucan'llunt for ViceYresident, at
the t next-election in the new Republic.
The-Houston- Morning Star states that a
gentleman who had 'planted sixty acres of
- cotton near the eoast i -has -contracted-for- the
whide of the coming, crop at 22 cents per
pound.. -
The following official list of the
passengers who, vrivedi at Galveston; in
the first quarter,_ending on the Hist of
March, 1841-- . -White adults, 500 ; white
children, 15; slaves, 109;_, total, 629.
./Iltered,Barik Notes.—Druand .&-
, of New York; have patented a desideratum - 1
in bank not eengraving, to wite a means' of
preventing alterations from a low to; a
higher denamination: In their ptocess the
amount of the note is printed in largc, , yzd
letters across the body. of the note,:so as
to cover the spaoe for the signitures; and
the' red ink or. Pigment, is of such a' nature,
that it cannot be effaced by chemical
pliances Without also effacing the sitrhitures • I
and otherwise so disfiguring the notes as
to ensure. detection: Skilful chemists Cer
tify to the efficacy of the contrivance. •
Profitable Railroad.— The most profita
ble Railroad in the United States is that
from Utica to Schenectady,. the capital
stock paid in. of which is $1,5000,000.-
on this ibapital, the intprett•parned has been
13 Ir 2 per. cent. per year. This road is
severity-eikht-mileS 'long, and 'cost less pet'
mile than-any 'other road in .t he country.
It has lighclia ii and is reatricted ,by
law from carrying freight, as t WO I
interfere with the profits of the Erie canal,
()Wiled* the State. V 1 A
nn i tomeralor.thaliberatpatronage_they_reeeived *Oak
.Mirdidi, - lheforger, was last seen , them the past year, and would inform them and thB=
board a steamer going down the Ohio, public generally,that they have again rented the a
bound Texas- ward. 0 Mr. Bowyer of the
bove Factory near Papertown. 8 mtles'soith of Car-
New York olice,. was in hot ursuit.,
Mr. Bele; where they intend Mabbfacturing from the , p
Bowyer was on board a flat p
boat, just one fleece -7 . 4 ' . '
hundred miles astern, and in strong hopes ' CL.OPr H s - --, .
of over hauling, the fugitive. Should Mit. i Sattinetts, Flannels, Blanket
chell take New Orleans in his course to
the land of - refuge,,it is more than probable ing, Stocking ilk Carpet Yarn •
that Bowyer-willbe able to lay hands upon- . ' • A L L sO, , , '
him , - i ' • ' Carding,. Weavi n o n., Fulli nw," Dye - •
dirplncident in the life of.a Christian. i ~to':
and Dressing of all kinds; . .
the very best, manner and at
—We learn Shot in the course of a sermon 1 1 .1, 11 2: ill b: don e in
delivered on 'Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. I Work.rll betaken In at the following places s d.
'Brainard, he stated . that about' two , years returned as directed, viz.: Wm. 'Browestavern a , n 3
miles from Carlisle; Peter Ahl'a stcire,chorchtowag
ago', a.friend of his, who was preaching in
the, bread valley of the West; requested. vi . 1
4 c ! Ir a i t; :7t t o ol a t
6 .
Po t a vern,n
. Paula l ) 1I i t 'e ll. l a I I s vn a l I ll ar .
those present who desired to receive the on tne turnpike; Hurley'is t a vern on the-Battirmaliree
prayers of "the congregation, to stand up. turnpilie, and at Beetem's Hotel, Carlisle. .t -
General William Henry Hernia:o4°er late April 14 184 i .4-6 • 31" SM 4 M( T R E- ..
Chief Magistrate; wad the AMA* respond ' . ' ' -t
to the call, and from that tithe commenced Wood, Corn and Oats will be received for •
his religious careci/V—Phila. liiipirer. ' -L----- -- - Subs cr ipti on at this Office
4 . iinperinice Departeni.
For the Herald Ed Expositor:
Mn EtcrroaiThe following cut from
ourMastern - paper, it will be perceived,' is
from a source .which, places its statements
above all` suspicion., And if these, state
ments are correct, they present a subject
of s'erious reflection to . - all yotir readers,--
but especially to those who are in any way
engaged in the manufacture and 'sale, of
What ardent . spiiits has done, in ten '
• • . yts,, , in the United States.
..1.• It has cost the nation a direct expense
of six hundred millions of dollars. _ . •
2. It, has cost an indirect expense of six
hundred millions of, dollars. • .
• 8. It has destroyed . three liundred
sand , lives.' .
4, It h,a - s• sent one hundred thoakand
children to - the poor-house. •
•= 5. It has consigned at•leasi one hundred
and- fifty-thousand persons-to the bils-and
:State Prisens.•• • „.•
0. It has made at least one -thotisand
• • -7. It has instigated to the commission
of one thousand.five hundred murders.
- -It has caused two thotisand persons
to commit suicide. , • . :
0, It his burrit or otherwise dristroyed
property to-the amount of at least five mil
lions of dollars.
• 10. •It has made
.notiess. Man two 'tun
tired thousand widows.
it. It has made .at least one million Or
i:l46i -.
• - " -4. •
12. It has endangered the Vheritance'
left-ius-btotrrathersand. ,- -fixelfilovul blot
'For these and other considerations,. it is
thiltevety-ri'atriot and eyery friend of man
sfrouti - fe - ei:Ltiimseif-: bound -to - --take- arms , -
against the,ComMom enemy - , and expel hint -
•from,.our borders.—Gov. .41verett:,
7o- my •Crcditors. . • .
Take i notice that 1 have applied to the Judges of
the. Court of Comment Picas of Cuniberland county,
for the benefit of the, Insolvent Lnws'of this.COmmon-
Weld th,a,Ml they have appointed Tuesday the 11th day
of r Alayr - tie:rt; for'thc - bearing of me' and my
creditors, at the Court Hottie r itrthe borough of Car- -
litle,*lien and-Where you-may attend, if you.think
proper: • -
April 21; 1...841..---dt
cv - c • 4-f
pExxsrivAmm, SS: •
tH name and by, the authority
of, the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvama: • •• •
Governor of- the said Commonwealth,
To PAWL .IORTIN, Sheriff of the
County of Cumberland; Esquire; Swine
v HEREAS a vacancy has happened in the rep
• resentation of this State in the House of Rey
,reseatatires.of the ;United States, in.conscquence of
-the- death-of-William-6, -Ramsey; --- Etsq: -- eleifeda
member of the twenty-seventh Congress from the
thirteenth Congressional District. • Now, therefore,
in pursuaece of the provisions in-such caswaside by
the constitution of the United .States, end by the act
of the.GeneradAssembly,:passed the 24 day of
A. D. - 1899, I, DAVID R. PORTER, being vested
with the executive authority of the State, of Pennsyl
vania; have issued this writ, hereby commanding you
the said Pail Martin to hold an election in the said
county of Cumbeeland, on Tuesday the
.4th of May
for choosing a representative of this Commonwealth,
in the House of Representatives of the United States,
to fill the vacancy abich In s happened as aforesaid,
and you are beraby required and enjoined to hold,
and conduct the said election and make`-a return
thereof in the manner and form as by la'w is directed
and required.
Given under my band 'and the great seal of the State
at Hidtrisburg this 30th day-of b•larch, in the year
-of odr Lord one thousand eighttundred and forty-.
one, and of the Commonwealth the - sixty-fifth:
11. PETRIKEN, Deputy Secretary,
of the Commonwealth.
. .
. . .
in purseince of the above writ, 1 PAUL IVIA I ,IOI
TIN, High Sheriff of Cumberland county, do hereby
give public notice that an election-will be hbld in said
count. , on ,
4th, of
t i
Ttiesday the May, •. , ,
for' representative in Congress, occasioned by the .
death of the Hon William S. Ramsey. " -
And the several Judges and Inspectors, (with the'
elerks - appointed - by - them;) - who - were elected on'-the
19th of March, are required to attend ,and. perform
at the said election the several duties'enjoined son '.
them by . law.. • ,
And the return judges o f the, several eleetion'triw..
tricts of Cumberland county, are Iter4ltiTreqnirpal to.
meet at the Court HousO,.in the tif Csirlisle i r`
on Priday next after the said electiOni at lA. ceclook,;',..
A. M., with certificates of ' the election in'their dio=.'
tries. .
Given muter my hand at Carlisle, this lst day i' A..
pril t A. D. 1841, and the aixty-fdthlear of Amerl."
. .
can tndependenee
PAUL 'MARTIN, falteriß
• ,
The SUbsoribera return their thanks to their ens.