Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 21, 1841, Image 1
,\TVI.I - 741,1 :Z1,13 - 4 1 .1 1- la ! s 7 -- . 110,1 , c) 904 8 Cents and a chew of Tobacco' Reward. ANAWAY from the subseribei •" 111. in West Pennaborough town ' 40 7 k • • s!pp:oli tbeWth ult., an indented ap • , P . re!ti . ee to the art aiid .mystery of • }art - pang, a boy; about 18 years o ' age, named JER EA 11,111 //71'..N"80,N. All persons - are:hereby cautioned azainst harboring -nr •,ecaployiel,; said apprentice, as the law will' , he 'enforced. • • • • • • • ' IVIATTFIEW DAVIDSON_ Api•il • • TEXT7O.7I/ 1 CARLISLE- • Vol! ,are ordered. to parade at the AhnorY, on Monday the.3d of May next. at 9, o'clock in the fore •noonond at the same time : and .place, on Wednes-i day the 12th of Mdy, in suanner, uniform, with arms and acooutrenientain - goad order fohinspeetion., •By °Mena the Captain, - 3.011 N li. KIiIINAN, 0. S. April 14, 1841 INDEMNITY 'AGAINST LOSS , B _RIME. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CONI . PANY OF PHILADELPHIA, . . CaWeol . WQ,ooo paid. iii.- - Chartelerpetuai ,-- -- fION'FINUE to make Insuranee, Permanent .and • --. 1 1.,..b Limited, on -even' deseriptiou of Property, in . TOWN AND COUNTRY, on the usual favorable •terma: • . . . . OFFICE, 1(33} Chesnut street", near Filth street. ' ' • - CHAKLES N. II ANCKER, President: DIRECTORS. - ''''• •• ---'Ol-10rms N. BANCEM; SA MEET. GRANT, •. .4AMES SCIIOTT, • • EREDGRICK: HROWN, 'THOMAS I lART, ' . • • , 0 ACOI3 R.. SMITH', .. .' . 1 . 110.14.18 I. WrIARTON7 - CEO.w. it ICITA It liS, .. • " Tunuts WAGNER, .., . MORIIEEA I DAJEWIS; • . . , CHARLES - G. DANUKElLlieereiary. . _., . 7,- KrThe suSseriber, Agenaor the :lbow Compipiy for tie•hprough olCall isle and yieinity, - wip prompt ., atund to all applitvitions for Insuran're; w limber ~_'',4l.,lntule persnnallv or Ire 1,11,1.. ll' esill eller Mai nsireet, '''' . - hoar l opposite the Carpi:fine. . ' ' - - WM. D. S!,,ymoult. lial - e1a . 31, 1841,-4 y • .• H-..11"Em1201 .- A L . . •• pub]ie,isi 7 C4,l;cetfolly - info fined, that J. J. : 1111.Y. EZIS .4.t - , . CO. MON' LI It -1/itlifi - -AND-1100N STOILT,;"II7_ - .1116 - eilill,lVC I'oolll M r fy orrupieil by,AuNor.u..kClo. •linnover -- struts , t ita site - th 6 CSn lisle .Bank; - every vat is, as usual, pfferevil on the .most pleasing terms. March 31, 1841. SATIN A fietv style,gl4p,iteo Dant`:isk.Satin.SleiWls, jest —.received at the new stove and tin mle by • - :ARNOLD bt AIIRAMS. 1E OF posarraox: •,:‘4 7P'' .1 4 1 • UNION •40TEL, CAttLiSLE,: PA. FrHE Subserilwe, th:inkful for past favors, respectfully informs thymtizens - of - titis - countr, -- - that he has reinoved to the well-known Tavern Stand; on the North-West corner off,Sindb llanover and Potnimt!•treos,revently occ'upied by Georg&Bectem, Esq.; where he is prepared-to accommodate in first awe style, all those who may favor hint withl their (custom. - The HOUSE is large and commedious, and is fitted up and furnished in n stile of elegance and comfort unsurpassed by any lutist in the borough.—' ----Asitivaituated-in-a-central and - pl s vcantliarrof (he ' town, it very .convenient fin! inlbilleSa._llll2ll_lll/11_._ travellers. His TABLE con , tantlY he supplied witlcthe') •besrthe market can afford—and his • . • BAR with the very best of liquors. . DROVERS:WiII fi n d it their interest to step with him, as his STABLE is ample, mid a carc-ful and ^ experienced Ostler wilt always be fo . und in atten.: - -' • igrßoAnpnits. will'-he - taken by the week, 'month, or year. • • • WM. S. ALLEN. Carlisle, , Apvil 7, 1831.--;111 • - - Fbil•ec r.tD PROPRIETOR OF -THE it A rti TIT ANL 1:4111 INGS. wow inr„vm his friends earl that he has taltpn the MNDISON HOUSE, No. 39 'North - - Second street; Philadelphia, atalstilirits a continu ance. of the patronage - so liberally; extended to that •establishrittait. -•- .Brandywine S;w4igs will be opened for the recap : - ttion•of Company on the I uth of Role; persons Wish ;in. to engage Rooms; will please to call at the Aladi len House, Philadelphia. G. FERIZP.I'.., Proprietoi April 7,0841.--fBm BmmTnM:Z, ZOTZL. kfi . „ t o MI The.subscriber, thankful tor •past favors, respect fully informs his customersand the public in gener al:that be•has removed to that large and commodi ous i.stablislitnent on the' North-west corner of the Public Square, sate the property of Tlionias Lane, bus fitted rip iu tyrry suiwrior manner Ina I. ÜBILIC - 110E7,81F; I tigudiere ho is prepared toliwitisli all who,may Savor their custom With the very best ne ',comma:o4ns. , • • from its central locatiiM, is verrcon- Venietiffor'business men;. and hieing ,11(41ir the stop- Icing place of 11'16'C:era on' he lteil-road, it . Will also furnish•Travellers with'n ready place, of t:esi..aintre- Trgshinent: • The,ROOIIIS are , and airy; the .TABLE will alwaYs he: well supplied will, the best the'markets can.nGrd,; the 13AR...with the.. Lest of Liquors; the charges will be, reasonable,,mrnotit ing shall be left undone on the part of the - subseriber to meiritTltiliare of public patronage.. . BOARDERS, will be taken by the Week, in•mith; or, yepr, • • . . , • , n:jCOmmodiOnti S ng attached to the estab lishment, and tin attentive Ostler always 'ready to nr lend to that:department.- , ' Crr.ORCEABETEM. - Carlisle, A.prtl . 7 : : , • . NOTICE. • The best BEEF in .the Carlisle Market at NOBLES' Stalls, will bo spfd nesix and one fourth cente.pen poinut, _veal:inn] _mutton _in proportion', for cash. . -3 9 11 N. NOBLII ICO.- Apr!! .• • '• • • ' ,:n0d11111911VG: Fmollaluff . • wit .gooPfli l iar44 ( ii c O n (i l "'et e n i :l c en ) :ll; rooms; in plea!itut - . piiit'of the borough. For fur ther particulars inquire at this office, - " • • Carlisle, April 7,1841.• . • • '' . • . . . ...,.. ..,., ~ • • -• . • -••-- - -,_ --•-- - - , linausiimmememessomemmalinEEMEMOßMlONSlMlSTßlNEßMllit*: ~. , ~,\ :. .', ' • , 0 ' • • • , . .. • . . ..... ; , • , . • . . , . ' - , - , - 1 .., .- . • • " „ • ~ • ..1• A.. - ~. .. . - . . ~.._ _-, \ ... • ..:_,_. 'Lt i -r-: , ,kil : . l l .LT t ' , •.' / I ) • i '-‘ • . . , -,'.1 ' '„-.'' :i : i .',,-; ''• l ' '• ?IC ,•,. '.• .. ~ .... '":.: ~.t :: .: 4:•. _.:,• . .,..: .: , . ''._,...,..., , ' :,. •..• - ' . •-i•'t 1 ', ' ..."'''''':.,'-'''' ' ''''''', - , .- .... . . • . . tliii/ ''':''' • '.• ",-, 0" , r,,, . ...., . ... I , • . . • . . , • ''• ~ . . .. , .. . . , . .„ . . . . . • . . . . • I f • . . . . . . . . . .. . . • . • • . , . • . , . ... . . A irAMILY NEWSPAPER: - DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, LITEIiATIYRE, - mk;Ants AND SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, AMUSEMENT, Ar.C. eastee,r, ChristaFloi & Curnoi, EPA) r 'ret • - ; 4 ; = ..... 1" :•1 • PRODUCE • & COMMISSION :MERCHANTS, No. 76 SOUTH WHATL . VEti, PHILADELPHIA. OEFER. their services to. the Millers, llistillera and Healers, as Conniiission. Agents Thr, .The sale of Flour, Grain and other-kinds of Produce.— From Their advantageous. location and experience in the business, they flatter themselves they will be•a hle to render entire satisfaction to all 'Ark. ioay 4Vvor them, with consignments. They he prepared at all times - to• Make thectistomary,advanceS goods committed to their charge.. - ' They_have_received the Agenc.V .. •of the Susquelian= Transportation Line, (via Tide Water Canal,) and are prepared.tareeeive and forward Merehan din a evivy description for • the . - lindata, Cumber lao and Susquehanna Valleys. The Line 'will be composed of new decked Canal Boats, and will be r towed by-stearri- between'This city 'and Havre-de r Grate, and proceed, up the 'Canal without trarithip. .ments. They will VIM day and night, iiiaLgoodswii 'ho deliVered in the shortest posSiblii time. Apply to , CA . STNER, CHRISTIAN CURRAN, N0.'76 South Wharves, -WEAVER-.St. MILLER,. Harrisburg .4161. 70 Si : ,--3 - . . FAX (IMP llaki • Fortourdrn mid Produce --Clommissiol ilusincss, at' the old slatid in' Broad above . Bace street, Philß .delplda. • - • April 7., 18417---rym — Presh - Dredicitiog. „---&--- - alf t . 4 . 4 , 4 ,.,----'---,--;`,.a--' IL . -,:----'_,------ (;`-,.„ ,-----,--;,--?,—.. .0'.,? - -:..--:;::-... , ,,,,-. :', • •,,,,,, (. i",..---, ________ ------ 1 i• .. 4 ;:.t...-,. , '' . ....r . ,....,...,, .. e .... ..... " , ,_ .' •., .‘-',. ,: ,, r .... ,-e'rl 11i ,-___:ii,..l,_:_-' ..,:- - ::: : :: ,' ,'4 , - ' : . :: p• ,'.2,;11' '' ,` 2 , ' -' ' , l :- :,••\4.,•,,--3--' 1:..1-,7'•.1,•-',...:, ';'-1,, Jr' - l .•;•,•'..,',. -----' • .:1'- .........0 , ,- , -•,.. 7,..:4A,T,r.,-,--, ~_•,‘., •,-'—,...--------_ `"'-•;.... -- Z----- , : er,A•r” 0 -3,, 0. 1 6:-At'itrFf PL'i-:-7,',777"-::-t.,`v-iliA11441;gy.4?4, -AkIA lEEE UM The sulHeriig,T.l.uts.. firma' supplies el' •is cdiCpca s, C;o ors Tip 'c-btiefs, Liithea 'Oil, ',Yids. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Painters' B u,the,s.,_Earitish _Brushes, flaie- Brushes', Sperinaceli Oil, (very, fine) ccmtileN, .soaps in ,treat variety, Glass Lamp . , Cap and Letter Paper, Fruit, Spices, Pinfamery, L s.c, t s. c . which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants' and otiters,.,wriorx,simi: or by ItETAI3.,. at the lOw ra est tes, having purchased Antirely for cash;_ he oiler bargainsilto those , who wish to purchase at, wholesale. S. ELLIOTT: March 24, 1811 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Glazing and Paper• Hanging The subscriber regmetftifly inforins the citizens of C:ddislemiel the sic inity,.thatlic has commenced the Mitre(' business in all its ‘arions branches. II is .shovisAm_thc_s(ittare_ immetlizfolc in rem. of- -the .Nlarket II once, too doors, east of A. ItieliardS store. Ile- hopesl)3 - xittentionto - , -- hosiness - and - moderate charges, to receit U. shoe putromige. earlide, Feb. 17, .15,.}.1.---11 • CO PO DM F3.722D' ba N e just reeeived from 1). Landreth, Of Philadelphia, m 3 spring .supply: of, Garden Seeds. WAlt RA N. T ESH. S. ELLIOTT... IP ff.; IrE 5.1 •EP . 11 , 1 G 6 • .17'7:011NEX Office orninsite the Carlisle Carlisle:Nl:welt - 2i, 1841.- 1 -3 , • 171ZY - 4Plieat- Qb . 4 LL persons indebted to lIITNER & MULVB - are reipu•steirto make payment on fore the Ist day - or April ne.Y.I, alivi• which tinie their _Books will be placed in other liands for etilleetion. lI NEIL :11:yell,17-.,181.1.. • NOTICE.. ..E181(qe of, Ames Giuilt, dee' d 1. 4. K r T..ITTERS TESTA NIENTA iIY on , the estate Of Janiesilivin, late of S out 4.lfiddleton to shipi - Ormberland-county-, deeeaseik - having-isstitel- Ito the„subierihere ju due form: NoTirE is hereby given to all persons indebted to-ille estate of said decedent; n make immediate' pay\mem, and those laving claims to present them for settlement. SANIUEL '''llol3l 11:1' GI VIN, Lamcntors, .)AC6I3 nrrNiut, ' Marelt.lo, 18-11 • • Hootits far The monis above the:tore of II 1110yaoy, trO,fol• rent: • Apply to ' - I%tarcli 17, 1841. DF: LAINS of btyli,!'fro'm 25 to ,11 . 187 h cents jest t recoil i'ed :md for mirk AFINQLIIIF:c I by . . .111arcit Thopocbrotomoose, •Vit:AIK E • • - Will stand fer,ser%_,iee • hi i' \ • , . ~ . (luting the si.tason,.d6t t iii A..,,, ;,,,,„.;.;„, ~.,......,, ii....„„ik Olt tile . .Ist of • ••,_P ', . '', '. . April and ending Cm the 1 ` 4 • -' I , I ~- let of:July, as follows-:' i.Monday,. Tuesday. and •'. --i*--‘ Vfo- ' -!--. ' ,ft , •'• \Veduesday of each week, at Sliddleact, mid Thni•sdav,yrulay, and . Sat:- urday; at the stable of - Andreivitiibrifti, in Ciii:lisle:, The terms are Kfer:the'seaScit4and VO'for ',insur-. I fme. . ' • . • . , -Any person patting with an lnstn;ed.. Atere.heferd she is known to he with foal, will be held liable:fel' theinstniutee:. ' ` — GrAit ceecwilt be tnken, n but no Reef JOullta 10.1 - IN 7 THOM SON; Carlisle, April 7, 1.841.--Srn. ' - • ' • .41.• for nooklents. TmE 101I\ ROTH GEO. W. lIITNER efitd fin the ip;roin;ieioi, s eiciAbcrland.Conntyl,rq. , ..... . . IGood • ••.New Sprito4" . 5, , • -• Just received 'from , PhilitdellOrnn asSortment 7 of • of the newest style' and inshions ; • splendid China Silks and hi hands„ Mooed hie dcl- Lainei, Chintzes; Gloves, P . :reach ,worked Collars; Ke. Also, a large assortment of - , . • • . Cas aimeres, restings, Tickingsi checks, (.c. (5.e. 4-c. All of which 'Will 1;e sold very low by the•Suhscriber at the old:stand opposite Wunderlieb's Hotel: . • • . • ••• (IIIARLES,OGILIEIY. . March 10, 141 t IBRANDRET WS PILLS. A.frealt stipplyjoat rocitived at the•store of eIIAS.-OGILItY larch' 170841: • • 4 ' C ' ERTIFICATE S.OF AGENCY • • Braltdreths live4,-,ettible Driver . 'sal Pills, . .Are held by the following agents in their respec tire • counties. "As numerous counterfeits of -these pilfs rt! attempted to be palmed upon the communi ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the recog . rimed agentsovill be apparent, Comberblud Couniy-7Geor,ge IV. Billie'', Carlisle; A. Riegel, Mechanicsburg; Gilmore & Mcßitmey, NewTillec S. Culbertson ; Shippensburg; Boke & Brenneman, New • Ctimberland.; Isatia- ' Bartofi Lis burn; M. 0, Rupp, ShireMatistown; L. Riegel& Co. Chtirchtomm.. • • . - Perri • Comity—Ale.tantier Magee, Blimmlfiel & S.A. Coyle;L:indisbur' , . - Apgust 9.41,4 840. . .-- . ,• . . , •'• NOTICE. ..-, . R.stale:Tf Jacob: Shq,mbategh, dcc'd. ETTERS TES:I'AAIENTAItY_oti_IIIe- estaio. A 71 Jacob Slainnbaugh, - I.late_oL,Notitlii:Midillet.on, il_ to_Eits . iiii,„L'Attdmidatytijini4-44"IniktaiI;,i 7.-s.tiNT-44-''4•Wialrtnintifiiii-7-7:--n,Pight-g -lwreby giv&i . lV:4ll-j;ersoidilidelit:(l ti)•tlie estate of said_ilecedelit , ,An _nialo; :immediate papitt:tit l . and those liiiyile - W , idaln - fict - o - iiroselit tin nt for settlewellt, - - • n -i f' -'- • • ' '- ' - ' - ' - - A 1 ,HALL I.I,SIIIIURN,,Exee tr. Iltiii•dt 10,18 , 14. • ' , • : ' •.. Callat Komori s 'Z'h op if-you leant • _,. -.2 ..Fr,,-,-• l - t'l-.1, - I .I,d -;Tj1• 1-0.--.1- i -1 z :c=t-1 r 1 = - - , , r aye; 4 N j i, p" A tlt . ' .*," 1-- _-- - Z_p :,- _ ,--;-------`---- . - Cheap Carrniges. glut: subscriber has now on hand and is finishing, , bet wean aod GO Carriages, of different pri ces and frittCros; such as . COACITEES, • Ti() 40,tfrotzches, • otaud id Buggies of e-Ailky - Both Carr ages and Tilburies Will be sold cheaper than ever o erect in thiq - cmintry•hefore 'prices $t 00 to SAOO for Ca:h or good Paper. If:lying a very heavy "stock on hand, the subserilwr Will be induced to sell very low, and hopes that persons.tvh.hing to purchase Carriages will give him a rid I helms; going elsewhere: -, Also, a largeitssortnienl Silver, Brass arid JapanNV • M 0 IT isr E D A 11.' NESS, Roth Doable az:d - The above Ivor!: is math• by fir.,l rate Worktnin, and ortho choicest materials. / ce..rnepairih t; done as usual at the subsetiher's Shops,sito.ded of Pla street; immediately in reiti. - iif the Methodist Church, and arty the Nailroad -thpot. •,&_ 'Carli sle; Mare.lo3;rlS•il .*---3iii: ---- -- - r ------- . r . I ... Cheap The stthsetibers trill 801 their stock of Cloths; Cassimeres niiit other Wooleo (toods,very letv cabii. • • Itl'l'\iat is LTLVAXI March lt7, 1511. rich ,reirm g Ches . mit irerso'ns , wishin,, ,, to lotrelnise - lands of the alio‘c di•srriptjpsurvm.eil, in lots of from ten to one ionalrycl'acres, the Mount Roily Estate, witlißt a slihrt distance of Carlif-le,lvill tau: an np pnrtuuitp aaitrdcd them oil liberal termsOr '1):IYML:111, Ity calling on the stqlsvrilwr,:i.t Jlr. Itillt, and '2oth Slays or April nest. . • tatINISIIXW; Agent of the k'tientees awl Afenlionie's Dank March e1,.1841. • • Splendid oil crieg.- $25,-000-$ 15,000. • MARYLAND . at (lass No. 1:3,4'0r 1841.—T0 be dr.ewn tothe cliv of Baftiniore, otl Wednesday, 21st of Ap44l; 1841. MMI • , $25,000---$15,000 • 10,000 .Dollars 1.. 4,000 Dollars . '• • cool) Dollars3,ooo Dollars Vrizes of$1,001) .. • • 4 28-bf V25t.f•••=.4.10 of '2OO, " 75 Nitinber I . ..eatery-13 Diann 11it11O1's; . 'Tickets otili• 0-Iralych Certificates of l'ackng,B Of 2,s _WilOhtjlaCtSs i 30 Do. • , a do „.•25 Ilaif 65 • Do. do :25 quarter do : . 3'2.50 =I EMI 00 . 600 F • 100 - iii•ites' of 1 , 000 honors Viti^roilifff 1 / ocOvit , r• ?.. - tinesk foi 184:1.4.T0 iio rtiitwil at Alexamlvia, ' Vs. out Saturday...llle 2 1 of Atirii; 1841. • • ' .$lO,OOO - P.41.0,900. 5,000 Dolloral 2 ; 500: DiAtar; 3;000101a6 I)ollars 1.00 Prizds 'of :$11;00 • 10 of $300=:::-20 of $9.50--6.1i1f $200.,&e. - Lottery--12 Drawn Pallota. . • .• Tieketa $lO-.-1 - Julvea $5--Quariera $2,50. • ". Certifitateif - of - Paekagee 0f . 25*-liolefriokoti3t,i3o- , do, 25.Nalf ,do ~ 65 1;l0; - do • ' 25 Quarter do, 33 50 , . :Far Tickets :nod Shares or Certificates , of:Pack.: aces in'the ithme'SriteOdid'LoiterioN—adtkes 3 . D. S.' GIWGOItir & CO:•lllnnagers Waahington City . .lCC. • braWlnia sent immetliatelnatter they are over to all , who ()Hee as above. •. . • SIB3I IYMIDI:(I I ,2IODA).'t ZatUßialll:Mad , 4lZPUßli% sa9 Ft TIIE SALE OP Lianas.. EDZIEI miScrI,LAN . - rous. Prom the.Soulhm•n Litqrao Aloosp, ger for .march I. tii ) 4gir • ' 1 IN THE FIFTUNTII bEIITURY The sudden rise of people, - who .have long possessed the elements intellectual and moral, greatness undeveliped, to emi nenee. in. chivalry, literaturl and .refine: is.-a God: has constituted nations fnr.great ends;' and that Their energies Bhinild he. ,'Wasted in gisli inaetivity:is destractive to the.spitit of and the consequent of man. • ne of the' grandest' epochs in the his ary_oif_mci.d ern :Euro pt, of the gigantio . pnwers if Spain in the ',fif teenth century :-the sudden dissipation of the-darkness- which . had for centuries enveloped her.- A long Euccessigil of kings who pOssessed no distiO ; uished traits save savage Imirbarity 6r- cruelty, -had ruled her slavish subjects for . agei; while other -so vereigns, pot..eyen_emlowed with' fearless hidependenec,kmurished in igneble'lpxurY by the hard-earned Wetilth of •dereird - ei4 .vassals,..degenerated into effeminate ease! Then no• brilliam exploits were, recorded; the praises of 116 here sung.. It is true - ,,at times; some greaChero' would arise; - some chivalrous prince worthy'of a better na b b ; would entleavortoh'infuse . p glorious enthu siasm to the-breasts of - his-'sahjrctgr FdiscPtrikiti-7,-NW • 'unite the Castilian Knight witli ragonese • ni in.acoin on strtiC lc with tlie' _discijrle ofll l - althmed - *so - inhabited - tholfhirest pot:ion of SPain.- - ,And,.toprince,'worthy to direct .a..groat . people, was .compelled to - behold retid the tent of the•Moer spiniAlie - Sbird hislathers, and the bright crescent overfris . native_hills... _ln :earlier tinies,if -is - .trite . , - , - tliatlitave ---- INderick dove/fie IVldarg•fro the NortheTir_Rotinthin and m the "gallant. deeds of the"' hero pf the -Cid Were - sungliftlo SpanisliMinstrels. --Happy for Spahr wasAlMj•feYation-of Tetdinand 10 hil,lllrone, th / .7k, whom Leis - tory records - tliv deeds.of,no more gallant prince - . Ferdir :6ne - of those great spirits formed Polite, prndent and . daring, the if, his deeds. still casts a—lustre c nisi history. In • the council he ified-and -persua sive; in the 1 dd collected and Courageous: ; Oln trW)l` , pert and aCeful. For though the enthu siasm o chirafry in Ferdinand's . time no longe , burned in Northern Europe, still in his onrt its arts . were practised. The Saracens for vehtiiries had tilhul-the firxuriant soil of-Southet:p ,Spain. Their mosques and pafaces glittered over her plains; their battlements:and towers frown ed from every • rock and precipice, the or ange tree aini,,the vines bloomed in their gardens; and the - , fountains gushing cool waters adorned their courts. And though their lifXuriant skies melted into etkinicacy the inirthitant . of the city and the plain, the M . oor monitta in _was...hardened : to-die Cliase a n d field. e ra b e rave:4i nil courteous, amFthe tvild ballad of the Moor often recounted their daring in Combats with the Spanish cavalier. lint why should the Mahometlan dwell on the. Christian soil ? Could the Spaniard .tamely sic* his father's . fields yielding rich frnit under their culture? Could lie listen_with apathy , to the orisons of Alla arising :item every hill ? Ah there was a fury sleeping.whii‘h threatened soon to earry devastation over their plains; to blast thew vineyards and their orange.grove4(; to raze their .palaees proudly - Jeared on the mountainsumtniUf. Under Ferdinand, the elements'Of dis cordr—which—had—fornierly-"separated the Spanish warriors,--were- allayed. Feudal Knights, witletheir ItuVred vassals, camel eagerly to. his standard', .11it4er and jealous! feelings which had steeled- and disunited) the hearts of thbse noble "men - were for-1 gotten. And. thus moving in pne'common eath , ..e •against, the foes of their country:, ..what_potvcr-conlil-resist-the-impetubsity-of their arms ? • City after city fell; and even the walledtown ernbosoinvd-antong the rocks, venerable and fortified by years termed no barrier to Oath conquests. The cliffs tver'd scaled:', the sentinels were hurl ' rrorn the ul from the batilements' i tind the Castilian banltors waved front the wa The-hosts,,of A rShs . :sre down - from their mountain's torrents. to dofeud their possessions! , But the bleed. ing phalanx...fled liefo . ru the destructive tide of war which, rolled. on livaritik death in its' (rout. Avliere. slept thy furies tiieni• Aloor east his eyo,4‘to 1 . - Icave,irtty Anvoke, thymitl, but. he • 11‘1714 the splettdor,oc,tity The cloud of darkness' which hung': — over. fated Cycneda' appalled his,yisioe. beautiful possessions of ;:the 'Moor; were swept away, until Greneda alone remained , as :sem ,selitary,,tower w,hielr has felt . un se'athed ,theLthunder of,the.:skles. But her deStipy was fold; eit!l,thatr got...cons •city, glittering.. with .wealth,,'aiid splendor ; was yielded_ to the .sp,aelsii soldier:; ; and. her king, BoabAllt tbe.,sOrrowfUl, Airathed': his gleaniing . scy nieter, and laid : . hiq jewelled,the fpyt ofahe pro,uChsoi , ereign of Thera is something , thrilling: in •the. fate -of 'Sthis--people;, tliere_, is, , touches the : lieart. in , the , reitietanee': with left behind their blooming gar den's their brntia vegas and' favorite 'skies. dillJbylessly a nation, whether Moor of. , hriatian,:dpsert , the soil. which, their fa- hers have tilled;` and ilia' hills upon - which The bones of, their.ancestors .are bleaching. ' And melancholy is the fate of ffie last king of Grerieda! A conquered sovereign, he , left his,prowl, city; 'and • stitioned•lm an eminence be viewed the, beautiful plains at his feet ; where once his knights were led to proficiency in arms, strewn with the dead and, mutilatedcorses of his people, 1 , and thel)hinatian host - ritlinglfistiltingly - 1 over the slain; he saw the'Zenilohat clear { and - placid stream ; flowing -darkly swollen. ! with their blood;-- . tearfully he looked upon , the shining mosques, no' longer-resounding with solemn .vows-and prayers :to. Alla, but whereAke atholic soldier . knelt still 10 the dark habiliments of War, and the bloody' spear resting at his, foot. He turned his, wearied gaze -from the sad 'spectacle and round his Way over the - motntain, .... But is 'Spain? • The - litigi&st. jewel in the monarchical diadem's robbed of its . splemlOr.. Her chivalry and. daring , have departed;- lici• knights are no longer celebrated in the tournament for brilliancy = I , of exploits..-- The-fearless Iterolihis-rdegen . crated into the admirer 9f dark'-eyed dens, and he has forgotten the glory-of/KiS I ancestors. - Well may . the. Englis4l/baril exclaim ••- •'-; ' .. "Awake, ye sons of Strain,nwoke; ark& !, • • Lo . elikalry: your•dieient goddess es, Bat w.iehis'notos ()Cold hterth ty lance, Nor sholuis !lei• crimson plut7.l,ge in the skies!" ' -Z • • 1 ..: • I FORTUNA‘ E --,2fat0.d.:4 - uukilizimancnta—,Slar!,44,4l:--i $ H Rev.. Bulkley, tlie. first ,mtnister •of o 7 as a casujsf_and counsellor. A church' in Ifs yeighli - lia prifoodd fallen ili ntonhapz .py ilWisions and _contentions. which they 1 I:We:tillable to adjust atnotiost theinselves.l They deputed one of 'their - liumlier - to-thel venerable Bullileyfor his advice, With a ri.;(ftiesst that ale would- send-it. to - gitin writing.- The matters were . taken into .s.g.r. ricnis consideration, .and the advice with umeh deliberation c,onimitted to Writing, It sO. lthp_pcned. 44114. ,Mr.. Bulk had firm_ in-an extreme part-of the town, Alpo') which - he entrusted a tenant; and to Whbm lie - ,intiet have been about transmitting a let ter at-.the same .time: In superscribing_ the two letters; the one fur the church tvas: directed to the tenant, and the one- fur the tenant to the church.. 4. The church was. convened to hear the aoviee Witten was. LO..p.ttle—all.. their diS putes. The Moderator read as follows " Y-ou will see' to the repair's of the felleB, that they be built high anal strong; and von AN' t: Ice, care of the old black WI." This mystieal advice_puzzled_the_ church atfirst, but an interfireter among the more discermng ones, was found', • who •sald, "Brethren, this is the ivory adviedwevitiost need, the direction to repair the fences is to admonisli-'us to take good heed in, the , ad m issi on and go we ruin en t of our Members; we must guard the church by our master's laws, and keep out strange cattle front the fold. And 'we must ,in a particular man ner set _i watclrftilgoard over_the Devil, .the_ tdd black.l l mll,=-Av no has- done so mueh net of *1 a te e ." - the-Ilvisdopt: and: fitness of -Mr. Bulkley's advice, anti re,- solVed to be governed by it. The conse quence was, all the animosities sttlE•ided, tmd,harMony Was restored to the long al . - Meted church. What the. subject of the letter sent to the tenant was, Mid %vital goad effect it had on him, ilte story does n'ot tell 0100)18hine and :lido(' 11.---A . select n u tu - Vet. of 10%T-struck,- moon-strue!t, and mu; sic-struek young gets lmnen,'Suplied witli the'neceAsary•quantity of•ltittl's,Jliites, and guitars, took. it 'into their heads on 'rues, day evening, to serenade a yodng 111413 - , or s r:idler an-old house, in. St.. C harkes street, in which they: helieved-n-youn,,,lady-thianTbut in. Which there was no lady, either I young or old; ••:, They tuned their instru •in6nts, attuned their voices, and performed away some thirty or forty minutes, making night hilleotts with..songs and airs breath -1 ing sublimated sentiment, when a megro wench,-With timouth-like- an ivory- keyed accordion; raised the window 'mid addressed the vocal and instruinental athatenrs under neath : "..LOok hen, g,enimen,,taintr no use to be'foolin'2away your time round here, lease dare :tint nobody in, dis" house; 'coin Bes, and Bat's me. " I aint, no 'jection to -your:-playin.!_licu_nfoug:bmy; Cooney in de holler, orany flog dot's fashionaLfeTWl tlem 'Milan 'and •other . foblisk mite's' you's perform' round h6re hin t do acemint..' GO. Away - white folks." 'The serenaders sneatt lied - aWay . fis'if 'their'.presenceia :Mother parC6C'thei.'e,4„ijtiSt ahtint that lime was iMperi4sl3' calked fOr.-- 7 -"" Ar.'.o. - Picajitite . : Weß.ert) if it: , ,-. -411' ii o.ier . 01(1 a aleigk bor a do6-•‘i:hiehlte eCeommended as first 1 , 1. e fin)meoon . lninting, ShortlYafterohe purchaser met his neighliiii-* .• . ... ".I Sa}..,'friend, this 'ere dog'don't kooiv. wcoon'froin a'sheep." ' "You've tiled'hinf, ha?". and' hb idift worth n Curse." • . , 11'e!1;1• ditjn't . kiiotv exactly hoW that was; I,trt-- , as . he • itraeit,(,guiA, for ,Aothing• asp, I thought he rude the - veik'tlevil after : 1 ••• •. ' • : , Judge Norheiy,' , .Of Ire,lend; by 'a . long course 'Of • tirnuitigateVcritelty; to,, the Bantry .of That coinitry,. who hat'the:.;n6 ; fortune ' . to'betried - before de'siiodly rrwon, th'e.'title of the '"Hangini wayi passing the sentence:' Of ?`„ death„ , With:" . apparent coldneßsrit On one of tirebefeectißio•us;:whpe . Ad black roil Was on ttic•Prirsoner!B 114.101 - tid . the JUdge finishe'd the usual closing Words of the last sentence; may Gp4..liaye te, for, the reasons 1 havg,.Atated,r7 mercy on your soul," Pat cocked up his So o of . the English' Papers. Were eye, and. 'addressing tke ., Jiidgc'said, and n , th 6 United States ..Bank to go• into may the Divil take yours, fur the . manNuidation. Money was: easy ,at.'4 : per • pray fohscldotn: lives long. cent, on the loth, and had' been choice "' . seCiirities for sortie time prior.. Of . course,. but. little was done in Anierleary securities. Politically and financially; John Oulldockl' ed to Brother 'Jonathan very muck as child lopki to : a bed of live coals in' whick. he has burped- his - A wag said of a rambling, desultor ker - , - ,that be was like a squirrel, / } . from one liinb_to•anbtliet. :• talo ii•ona iriglOad • Cprresppn(l6ia'ct. of tlte.-INyii olJal ligeneer. • • . • • Yeitic„ April '4.* The. British Qpieri .has•a'rrived at iast, !sailing her.-repfhir day, on the 10th of 1 -March, and 11){1hing passage•ef . 4 days Ann.L . Lootne qrs. The -detention _was in consequee of the most boisterous weath er ever/experienced .by the Queen, or. per haps/my.(if the steamers, and• the storm confirmed for ten days irr the teeth of the 14tteen and crippled her, ii the rise of her (sails and •paddles. • Twenty days - out there was _discovered_ ti_beltiJack_tif -the-Captain. put-into Halifax on the 30th, and left there on the - of . April, arriving at Quarantine' aktwo o'clock this morning. The news..fsem Englaiid is .deeincd im-- ptiftaiit, - and•in reference to American af fairs has created a great-patle.there:...The imprisonment of- McLeod, the suspension of , specie payments, and the appearance r. Pickens'- warlike report`, - Went to. Erfirland in ___quick 'succession The . . ((Jinn theithers,,amt.3lm imprisoninentel=l.ll-c-:- Leod, in the antieipalibil that he would be more, of thin. the -Snipe nsion of specie .pity mentS".-- TIM second'of Alwevents I hay!! named reached London, oil-' Sunday the ~-701, 'of tv — e on tlin - litth - .7 7- Tliflinjiti - rS - tilThlre"Stitlt'ir6 . full.of of ht, and almost every remark in hlrelifaSTtotiching Arileriereffairs secin .• • ed to havU been made under great excite:, [ming. The (Liniments in rthe_paper,ONte Ell MTh were milder a turilrlietter- tem p etc :Mil the neWspapers of the 10th,.leaving Anteri can affairs altogether, are tt'ken up. pretty. much with the Chinn news., illr ,. Pickens. and'hii'associates . .upon the . Comintittee of Foreign Relations who agreed with him 'are spoken of in a manner almost toorrude ly to repeat, and alLtheir representations the capture of the„Carolina.and thelharac, ter of tl—,+ “I;odlovions as deliberately falsifying the truth; The ethmt of the news had been disas trous upon American securities at first.— The fall. had 'Wen general. U. S. Bank sold fur 144 i. They were, however, .61 7 , -a-ljule When the Queen left, mid un-7 der the impression that all difficulties be tween the United 'States and England. would finally be settled by rep:otiation..: „. up The excitement consegnent on tlie first nevi's had snbsided, and wik thinking men. the remarks of ex-President Adams, Mr. Granger; Mr. Fillmore, and Mt, Ev , erett. had the effect of, allaying-the. hellig e-rn nt — fe - el hirtiiitVindly" - eßiffirtcy "itiiiii pearance of the paper_drawn ty . by the ehairman - unfie - Forci! , n Coanifitu,e. . . .._ . ' •ln regard to this noisy report 1 find, upon' yeferebce to the proceedings of the House Of Lords on the•ni!ilit - of the Bth Of Alaich .an enquiry made by Earl Lora MelhourLe in reference to the•anthen ticity of the document of Mr. Pickens.— The reply of Lord Melbourne w:is simply Mot he had no' t!oubt of its authenticity,' but that lie•had no official information of the fact. . The - character of the doiinie n i gave rise' to the doubts in tile mind of the -Earl.- 'lle•76iikkfot conceive; he said, of a pacitin natiim holdiiig sueli menacing. languageo . ,tp -a - friend. American ainil'S . %We also alluded to in the House a Cow -01101/§ Olfilldrifil inst., and a proposition was submitted to remove the troops frobt the disputed territory. ' Nothio was done. 'The only inembers,.:however, who spoke, and among them were Mume,..ol3rien anti Einart„ were attious for - pence. • Per con,. tra to this, however, I see ill the LondOn 'Pities "what the 'either interprets as an or der for Rending, more troops to Canada, in additiOn to tirEr 'squadron . whieli luta, been. engaged. n the Syrian coast. "A squad-, ron,!? says the Times, "of ten sail has'been ordered on the .coast of . America for .tire purpose of enforcing the remonstrance of the British Minister against the murder of 'AleLeo 1 .--- see no - rlitg -- alayrrring---ift---0- ll ' this,, if true, and do not. believe ! the State ment. made., ~It-, however, has hail the cf.; feet to create soinejeeling. hero and • - rottelt .ahroad, ,I' ; le . ave Atnerican affairs' iii;,En glatid'.antl ,gn,to thosis ,of: China. ', . . .. :',-, • ..An:e.Npress to, England from Marseilles had anticipated the overland, mail...'-',l'lle• news froni , Macokii, .the..lE" th of December; btit ,the nets is very unsatis-7 factory:. Admiral Ellitn.'had 'left , Canton _for -England:and given up, his,command. to Comnindore -,Sir J, J.: Pordoit Brenner. The cause Of this was-the serious iiitlispo , .Sitron of . Elliot. Stanton, the Missirmary bed, bee nreleased, ,boolie .other pviseners were . tretained. by . the. 'Chinese. ~ •From Clinian there are . , dates to the 24 tit . of Nti vembtx, but.nothing more slitisfaetery from, this _quarter : than: from Any - , other ; , i , The negotiations. at Canton are ',conducted by Eltesan, cm the part of, the English.; : ; The ~ phinese 7 ,-Wele . doing- Avery Whig in, their,. M y 'er ~..tii protract - , negotiations, , antUhatl: .sileceedetieo . far. :,.1711e r China news iiiErt , ..!. gland, had,,, , cause4 ; great ~sorW ro,anil diaap tioitittnent„tind 'fAtil ..the ,c.ffeet .-nr. &e i_ at' . t,„! Ta t new' deMnnit and •higher pities t;it, toes. „- . : , -_!;-,I .Tii'a,.tiewilroin : F i ran c u l, : Spinn efin— not be considered as impeptant. '. - , . The English triarkeis were in an nutiet- wtmw Emalamoo ,1 , .)1,1 li /-p4a= e went throiticle.' • - Pulclu•um c'st imnefacere reipubligat: edam hene, tlicere nand absurtltt in est: • • • .9ALLver: Grpat military achiciTthentg•and heroic (10(1s:ire:always much celebrated; but the: civil aChie - the-fdrator and "states;_ man are not Without, t tor 'reward. Pas,: sing by the names of those illustrious men of our cotintry, whose deeds in the haVe'won thent lasting fame; if therels any • man Whose civil and. poliiical services -and 'attainMents ,w ill be known and appreciated, hy_._aag_es_as _great, pa tri otic • .and. honorable; none can claim preference - DANIEL• WEnsTEtt. - Ilis patriotiSm;and integrity are . beyond • doubt ; search 'hid • whole life, thus - : far endnot evemany cir; clentstiintial evidence. can bmfouiid-to bear' ' against • them. We do, indeed, find hero Sand. there some attempts to covezhim aspersions, yet they are haritile - ss and fermi: long:Mst would he a.4". - ' useless- :is to Station artiti;d. MC : ll_o_64. - dim: Ak4 ,0 1-07 .1 1 4.WItikfiiis4kRifF44020. -- 4,T2 'Atiit, - TeT o etni - it 'against the attacks of ti 'handful Ondanics. Ilut sines Mr. Webster Itas_,Leii_the r Se.;, nets, that distinguished bOdy oC which , has so,long . been the ornamentand - gloryi: - A inericatis may now with propriety render 'into ltini • the - homage: he' hah. Si; , . i 0114'41y-ea nein - bot7:diTs - thre weight •of . iitjghlieal wthiarehits,iie has 'exerted' elf his :acknowledged Towers _tufd7iatleiniCe for the preservatiom.of_the Federal ConSti-- tiitioit in its oriainorig inal stre6gt strength' and efficacy; :• the maintenance of di bAse frQ6- which"di - stinguish . his- own coumtry,..l:. :Ind _which in him are innate and deeply tiNfed. imdie hour of danger of Con stitution, mtat - a:lithe when the popular : • voice so much favored it, we do not firsl. • this great-man deserting the great object whiCh - he had so - sedulous 5 , kept in view— the-preservation of the-Union -and the Fe- - tlerni t 'o'nutitution—rto WiLbillie Cry . a Ft:110S Rights and States suprentacy. Popularity then weighed not a feather with. him; the Constitution-was in his hands, end to preserve it untarnished called forth' all his energies and zeal. withoutweighing consequences to lI limy we all - rejoice that the, Ct has so noble and fearless; a dam ?,h that double struggle against N ,:- Many and powerful were those, who •suprorted this _ strange:and ominous gyeature, Nullification;' ninny, too, fought for the ebfistitution.4- , :' But Conspicuous above the rest one man ppeared :' • • i'llgraven awl public • he---yielded the weapons --- drawn'trett hii intellectual armory withirresistible. foece; . anti his triumph is, perhaps, unsurpassed in mental wariare.fur truth. . Mr.. Webster advanced , nothing in Oda contest derogatory to the true rights of the - i'States. They tut to he held sacred and invielable'frMo any encroachments bf the -General GOvernment; yet i'n the course of human events,, if one of the -two things .. must happen, NI e• .had ,rather see every . State Constitution torn. to atems . ...and-AratiP.--,-- pled in 'the° dust, than that the Great•char• ter of out American . .UW(lly should be rent- , in twain. , .I'll9Se might be, re-formed, but' A I who could re-construct, once demolished,- - that monument - of wisdom, the -American • Vonstitution? . NOnc; no'not one. • Certainly as an orator, Mr. Webster' will bear.. comparison with any of ancient or modern times. 'llls style' is. his own: . .- it is, original, and nut as some trans-Atkin- • tic writers assert, copied from Burke,-or— 'any othermati." - Burke was a great orator; 7 ' rich' and luxidiom as Milton's garden of , i Eden; he sported and gamboled in a ,bound• less, taried and fertile Parity, .and: richly-' philospphical Mind, burhe never possessed' ' 'the ; straight-forward, - cogent, irresistible argument of Mr... Webster. Burke , spoke ' like one travelling for j)lefistire,-he turned , 9 the-right and le fl, tip and doWn to , at 8 - - . . ornaments from ''eery source, I, stet marches .tnidestically on , as , ent-aimyw; . ;::= not uotioing the fillies and 'roses iitiont; bitn; ,,erilig,huge; reels .and:stenee:to;':-, • Qv . eryelletin ids enemy.' ::'Atteniptsindeed; : are otnetinies,-Ininle to.:lessen Mi.' Web= ' stet's'standing as an oratoi; for want : - cof that. is often the..eltarabtoriii 'tic of. smaller minds, but''We Anhui that it-•is the' nature .of.:greetnees he'irregular,,.and. every lipld;' , thottglit; talus What a squeamish tasta4annotrelish. Bitt - to.eay that.any such defect tlestroytt' Websteesititle ore great Orator, he if we .were to deny that the are - mountains; because they Contain- herd. .therote , depresiion, or, that .they•are:rfet objects of , stiblimityi.because , fhily smoopt46 .I;'6(Wttofudy 'ifiAlttbili :and cl,tijaet and we s hall •ittik,get man ltrug glipg:: cc greater ; titan,. standing ,oc; con liglit4o.iiis?entintry. El,lsTer's second Oerforlifiricerr , tn!. :w t••=' y' .Nr f ,Orleans, !.c;nlt placs on Suntloir:niglillvel/": 1 In till', forn110()I of the , e a ins' 4lay, 4 '; ers were sold fa stiCtion i ma,nir'N't..Allemalt-' • $6, each. • • • , k res),. l o_4.l;‘iiei . Elie