Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 14, 1841, Image 4

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    -K 1 S._ ...DC
• - , •
ARNOW ABIUMS hae jus t received from.
the latest arrivals, and Are. now opening at their
apactstore,a large and Splendid assortment of "
consisting in part of •
Bfite, Black, Brown; Mafia, Green and Invisible
Green, Seed :41ixed, and Drab CLOTHS; •
Blue; Black, Drab, Steel .Mix'd, Fancy Mix!ti, Drab
Ribbed and Tweed CaesiiriePes; •
Caesinette, at all prices; • •
Velvet Cords; Bencerteeinn Lion Cloth Kersey; and
all kinds' of Pantaloon 'stuff; • • • ' •
Vestings of all doscrintions and at all prices ;
Summer Cloth of various colours and prices;
.Flikured Pont de. Soie, Gre'de Stoics, .
Rich 4-4 Black and Blue Black Gro MKS.
de Rhine,..Colored and Black Gro de
Black, Lace-and Gauze Veils; • „ • -
Silk dress Shawls, Handkerchief's and Scarfs of- the
• :latest style;
' Black, Bide Black, and changeld)l.e. Bombazines; •
Mouslin de Lains ofcarious patterns and prices;
Ngeneral assortment of Cap and Bonnet RIBBONS;
A fine assOrtment-of English S.: Domestic PRINTS ;
Thread-bace T tliread-Valenciainid—Cottoa-Eilgingai
Lnee of till kinds; yt. ;
Thtiel,AVliite, - Black; Plain and-Figured ;
- • - - Together With a Itirgeassortment of
—Qtteensware,_Hat'dware, Grace - -
ries,, Ceder Ware, &Q. &c.
-All of which -they are prepare!' to sell 90 per .edit
cheaper than eau be beuzlit 6,anberlankcouety,
or elsewhere:
. . .
Jr They would respectfully invite tile. public. to
eall and examine their stock • ilargni iis will be giv
en—no mistake:.
N. B. Country Produce of all kinds will be taken
in exchange for Goods, at market price.
March 31,1741. •
. _ .
. A Inrge assortment of Bonnet Silks, just , received
at tito,NEw - Store ifi - Sliffifftvgburg, - nnil -- ottl.ied'for
aale by ARWOLD &.. ABRANIS. 1
Mardi 3t 0841. -
, .
' ,
Just received rit Ilie:lNfew Store, a large and B'o6l
- assnetment.or English Straw and Florto4.l3On-,
Ciets;, onred:for gale ; iit , low: prices by
. -- ARNOLD 4,.. ''.-11311',, , ..N18,
March 31;1841, . • ' •,, . .. , '
11101USELINE .DE N ES, _ - -
• . Just received, elegant Alous.'ilr.l,,aines
50 al!-(175
11'are1i 15;'11411.
• ' •
. .
,ne thorough- bred Horse, - •
Will atnnd tlii__Lasuing season
. at an the terms set forth
- - -
„,Feter PatdeY is-of the very best ,
- acing wal of by "Ostia”—his dant
'!Betsy Wilkes" WAS by-the i efebrated "Sir Archie"
Jrhis grandam by " Bitdford"---his-g- grandam by
"Thtre-Devil" , -. g g grundant by "I.antplighter"7-.-
- =bis-gg•g-grandttm by . Sy ins' - "Mita:lir." fly refer- •
enee to the TurfßeOter, it will be-iren that "CM - te-.
ga' by 'Tiinoleon,' dam. by 'Oscar A tidreweita' bt
'Andrew,' dam by 'Oscar ;"ClariOn' be .31ntoputul,
dam' by 'Oscar, nee amonz the. mott &AV
cessful, horses no on the turf, having both siteed
and bottom. •
_ . „
For furthert pm Oculars set: handbills.
TUST 12FICEIVED nt the - New Sliip
pensherg, n handsome assortment of, Scarfs and
Worked Collars, for sale by •
March 31,1831
Copper, Sheet 'lron and. Tin
. - :6 4 ,k--olltittLajr*pr-g
1111:1E SUI33CII.II3FiIt, thankful for past,lavors,
wctnld infirm the piblic, that' he dainties to
in antwara at his old stand in North Hanover street,
Carlisle, ()Nosily Cotaman's hotel, every,artiele jai
the lilt: of his business, sal as
cga yprza 0va 1 T 2 , 0 ,.
Wash Kettles, Dye Kettles, Hatters' KC 1
lies, House Spooling, ever•' •
Drams, Stove, Pipe;
Dripping Pans, t•c,
He also offers for sale
Cooking, Parlour,
Chamber and . Office
• Stoingr, • • -
for wood' ottenal,ofevery variety and pattern—all nf
which he will' dispose of on the most reasonable
N. B. lie also has for sale the improved aal
Cooking—Stoves i -whielk-are-einperior to-any ever o
fared in this - plitne
Carlisle; Feb. 3,1841.---3 m •
B, I ' GA.I NS!
Sontheimer.B; Lindauer,
, At their. New Store in. Centreville, have just re.
nee ved and are now opening a very large and splendid
ats.orttuent of Barris'', YRENCIL and DOMES
which have been selected with mpch care in the cities
of RW, YORK and PHILADGLPHI A; and, which
they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreville
and vicinity to call and'examinc, as they will be ena
bled to please, and sell decidedly cheaper than any
other establishment in the county. They will be
happy at all times to ace customers who, are desirous
of having
New. Cheap and Good Good:
Amtmg: their :'stook will 'he — found, Blue,Blue::
ilrown,OrceniOlivo, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahia,. Cit
von, Claret, Mrit-DrabiantVa variety of low pricir
azzi.te Ea
Superior . striped and. plain London and-Buckskin,
Cassimerea, premium and low priced Sattinetta; au
perinr Silk; Satin, Velvet, Valencia, Coided, Strip
ed, Figured and Plain Marseilles and Cassimere
Vesting& A general assortinent . otall qualities and
!?lors; of
Fall and 'flatter Goods. ,
imitable -Mr - Gentlemen's ..wear: SuperlOt.„Black
Italian Lutestrings, Gros Do Naps, Po , De
Getw,Dt•Swiss, and &Tolle W Silks, Challeya; ChinG.
tea, Jaeoonets,,CamtWies, llobliinetts, Plain and Fi
gured SWrisand - IlookShawle Dress
PPancikercitinficSiiirisi Wits - , Ribbons, kn.
A large mid 'excellent ussortnzentAf. fine and low
priced Calicoes, Irish, Table, 'rowelling and Table
Diaper, Crash Cheeks.: Cords,
Beaverteeni,W., Agency/II assortment OP Leghorn
and - StinsiOonnets,l.llithreHos,Purasols, 8z&
an dx - , 6o,i l r f ..aviortmOrtt , • .
Groceries and Cbieerraware
. , •
,o rtho most, approyed qualities • The public_ am ie—
spentfully.,invited to call and judge for , themielves se
t4e.l art determined to ; sell chenp'fOr cash:or-country'
Pivauee• KEEPERS ; are respectfully
invitedlb,call;,iii'M theW4bo - "oe'Lig,uore
before purchasing 'elsearht-re. - •
Centreville ~.CurM CO;,_Ontatief-141 . 1NV !,
• • •
-- • • - -
• :0 1 414111.11T0 Lcgran •
The Sobsoribare ofrerVieir I)i.esent Stook of Mor
ohanilize at reduced prices, will continue et such
priceavatil all ih 'A' large' of their
Sfoiikisoffe're(Dat'Cost. • - •• ••,
Carlinle Dec 50i 1 . 840 ' OP '
, . .
ec'hatiie , ' sb - iii*-Line ,
... ... .
. ~-, .... .
, wi t -. wam'eA.a. lila •,
Beltimen '.7litechanicsbarg and
Philadelphia or Mali/wore.
- 1 1 CIE aubseribers grateful for past favors,
• -AL. beg leave to inform their friends and thetiublic
gclwrairv , that they still continue to run a line of
burthen Cars regularly between. Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or Baltimore,' be which goods anti. pre-
Mice of all deseriptiona . will be forwarded with .care
and despatch at the lowest rates of freight. ..• • .
Prodnce will be received at their Wan: . Tionse
in Mechaniesburg,:and forwarded to either Phila
delphia or grilfileording - to - the - direction -- of
the owner. . , . . ..
. -- fT . nr , . , " to g li c .M...pyle F '. win - be' gieett for Wheat.
and our. ••' . . r . . ' - ',- ' --' :'"-
- • ' : MIESBA oil at ICTEILY.
— V. B; Plaster'of' Paris,and.Salt_alwaya kept 'on .
Its and for 'sale at the lowest prices: •
. : Tidy , 0., 1840.---ly. ,
For Sale.
The two Story Stone I louse, neenpied br the sub ,
seeilwr on Cait — strek Carlisle - , -- with 'the -Lot -- o
t'round feet front on said street, and extending
‘2slPfeet back, to the Letart spring: Thene is it Stone
Stable, a Carriage House, and a well of water on .
the - premises. 'the whole property is eßelosed by a
substantial stone wall. Fur further partie ulars apply
tO • R. C. HALL •
Carlisle, Noy.4T. 1440_ .
.FistjAriy (C r .. - ,ln l / 4 0FT•t . c - ,1
Tlic subscriber lu l s just *returned from the city
and opening some very ''''''''''''''''''''
11901)% — eoosisfilir,—iirMart — of — invisibte —( ;reen ,
13rown. 'Minion'', Pilot, Beaver,, Black Wool died,
Cndct and Olive
• 0 . 1.1 .0 T
VV.cil•ilyetl Black, •Blue; and figured ;Vasvimeres
Sattingto-of-all.ilescrivitintisLCuOs.arid IL•averteenat
'ricks and CheAs; imitortvd Stair •and .figured
peon ; SaxclaY, Pri'nPe and Niottse tle Lantea;Born
hazioca,:\ feidnoes,ldoc lihtek,black, Mantua, Fawn,
firowo,. Figured and Pi it Silks: Figured hod
Phi lo Swigs•and jacoart 3/rElins: Creep Baize'and
Flannels of dill'erenveMouis; Gloves anti Hosiery;
(}loth and For Caps; Itroshe and Merino n Stuunts •
Mackinaw, !Os; and. Point"l3lanketat Leghorn anti
Straw llonliefs; together with an assortntent of
Groceries quiceilsware.
. . ,
Albof .whittli: will be sold nii , the most reasonable
terms. Personitre - invited to cal ninl,examine_fot_'
tilelll9elyes4eforepurebahinzelsewbere: •
Carlisle, Dee-2 ,
31840. ; . .•
. orE I 0 OL
. •
AV1V1T011.0 4 24)1117.,C0 ,
The sults - eriber he'reby inforinit the citizens of Car
lisle, and tht publiczenerally, that he has laktan' the .
shoVnearlyrbpposite the :fail, where" he will he pre
pared to manulaetare - to order, on the most reasotia
tif artiele - iiihtsline — of - business, such as
Axes Mill Picks - ,
lie a ill also attend to Steeling and Grinding •Axes.
lie solicits a share of plablie patronage, •
Carlisle, Nor. 5, 1840.
Variety .Stare, &c.
subscriber i .thankful for past facors,respect-
I fully informs the public that ~he still continues
to Not& forth" in Church Alley, near "-Education
Halt " where he. has now on hand n late - inticifta*it
if notions. consisting in part, of thefollowmg: Bread, ,
Cakes, Cheese, Bncon, - Hams, Flour., Soap, Cider,
Spires, Fruits, Sweetmeats, and other necessaries
client:tied for this meredian.
• N. Mlle also continues to keep an Eating House,
where gentlemen can be accommodated with Tripe,
Pigs Feet, Pickled Oysters, Scc. at the shortest notice.
Sept. 9,1840:-1 'year.
Produce \Vnted Itnnedia:tely,
CASH will be•pabl for rlyr., THOUSAND bile
rels of Flour; TEN THOU.SAND bushelspf NVheat;
TEN- 1 1 , 110USAND --bushels of *ltve;- and---TEN
'I'IIOUSANI) - bushels- of Corn, M• the subscriber,
who can at all times he found at his Wane-house on
the-canal between Walnut and State streets.
_ .
Harrisburg, April , "
Cheap Shawls.
The Subscribers have on hand a large assortment
of Cashinere, 'rhibet, Merino, Ilrocha, Chenille and
other kinds of Shawls, which they will sell at n
small advancofor Cash.
• • .11Effir.11.W.
LAINS, ofrered for sale by
of a new style, for sale at the New Store in
Shippensbnrg, by ARNOLD Sc. ABRAINIS.
Mete- fffardware;,,,Vrocerm:
. • 11011111 E T 81'0 R lE.
rfillE subseriber has, jest returned from
-"- the Cities of New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore, and is now opening at his store room, S.
Corner, of Market Stare and Main Streets (for
merly peettpied by Geo. WAlitoW,) a general as
sortment of , • . • •
„Stou4friire, Cedar Ware,
Brill ania Ware, Groceries, .Oils,
Paints, •Farnishes; Britsk.
es, Whips, Canes;'
.bigning Camphine , Oil,
and a great variety of articles useful and necessary
for furntshing and keeping , a house. Ile hasalso,and
will consuudly keep on hand
Campiiine 1111, •
a cheap and elegant substitute • for sperm oil, and
ha l ving been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers
and Brother of Newark N. J., for the sale of Jone's
Patent !Amps hi. this enmity; he is prepared to fur ! ,
Melt Letups and, Oil, at a very 'reasonable rate to all
who may wish to use this new and economical light.
Having selected his
. gooils; himself,•and made his
purchases for cash , he ts. tihle, and is determined to
Belli ow: • ~ • .; . . °
These havin g the lay out will aid it to their
advantage tp give him ii '
carlisle, July - -• •
Lrcct Goods:,
A.large assortment of Thread Lace and it tigings;
Cambric lnd Swiss Edgings and • Insert' ngs, for sale
at reduced prices at the store . of •
• 1117WEJt. .71,1ULV4XY.
1111 - UST "RECEIVED" et - the• New Store
in 6hippensburg, English, German and Frnnch,
MERINOES, and for - sale by, ••
UST RECETtrk.D, and mow - offered for sale at
or the New Store in Shippensbum, a handsOme
and splendid assortment of 1•V bite and Aroid
ered ltferinb Shawls. -.•- • ••, • • , .
OR MS r . WORIII6II.1 7 VORM!!!'
To remove these troublesetne and dangerous
inhabitants of the 'stomach and boviels, which so Often
impair the health and de'stroys the lives orisitilarsn;
' nathlayne's.Towle Veriniftige, a certain and saft, -pre
paration for the rernovatoftlr; various kinds of worms,
'dyspepsia, sour stomach,' want' of appetite,. infantile
feyerand ague,Und dibility of the Stomach and bow.
els, and organs of digestion.. --To be. lad at No. 2,0
South Third street•Philadalphia. • -
Also to be 1011 of Satnatil Elliott and Stevenson it.
.1)in" , .
_,[atay IS LBO
~ ! :- T 4:l- , W-t. 1 .r....t0- I* - 4 'iiiil tr?:,..7d)".,t , .,V:::4 - 4'E'...V-k - ' - ';':(4* . W.'o;Hilra , t;':':.)g . ' itiai 'i'.: l 24: .0 v---4:;
4.1',01 . ew ILitie-Oekretiliir
)21.a=la trAZ
subseriber,grateitl for past fovore;resP6etful
ly =Wain's his friends and the public, ilint he hint put
into operation .on the Ilarrisborg,' Laneaster' hi.. Co.
. •-•• • .
a line of pew, DOUBLE COS, .Which
Italy between Harrisharg and'Philadclphia;hy ,which
Goods and Produce Of all descriptions wily>e forivar.'
difd ,with care; and despatch; at the ,lowest' rates •of
freight.' . '
Goods will received at the Warenouse (4 THOS.
J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Broad 'and Vine
I streets, Philadelphia, and .forwarded to 'Harrisburg,
Carlisle, Chanibersburg, and intermediate places,
by the subscriber.,;' OWEN M'CABE.
Harrisburg, re. 5,.t839. ,
.._.a:_EISIL'SALT_AN_I) PIASTER, ethistantiv on
hand; Cash .paid for almost all kinds of country pro
, duce. ' . . . .
Ba,rga,ins; Earga,ins.
Cheap Goods for: Cash.
. . . .
. • _
. The Subscribers, desirous of reducing their stock
of Nicrchanclize, offer it at reduced price.s for Cash.
Their entire stock of •
Cassither cs:, Satinets, Mier. rocs, Flan
• ;leis, 4.c. c.
will he sold At 11 very aman advance. Such licesons
its - uce - tiesiccurs - uf oluniniug-6:uocl-hurghins-will please the
N. 13, The .entiP•ek—ftock qf dlercliandize will he
sold a borgaiii'to any. one wishing to engage the
businpss, ilatmlicationle..made immediately,
I.)ee. 9, 1840. • , t r i*.,
• .
Black. Walnut Pla,,nlt:
H E Subscriber • wishes to : purchase
IiL.RCA 11'.11.NUT nun (Man,
-ity that may, be offered; for - which Forty bolla7o
eash per thou's:tad feet plank.mensure.will'.be_gisen ,
Said PliVik . to be gf good Mrality; two 'inches and
one-eighth Inthiekness anti fourteen feet lour inches
be delivered at the Canal in flarrisv
Itr,;•;orat any point:on the Cumherland Valley'Ritil
.Road,.abll immediate information forwiirded to the
subscriber. •
erAny.otlier information relative to•said business
iati lie -had 1111 upplication . to Robert_ frightnm,
Carlisle; or by addressing the subscriber (poet /mid)
residingln-Philattelphia.; - - -
Deelember 30; I 840.--6-tho:"
211111E.41INGLICI. A C E S
if-aliqi:44:lo.g improved
• _ Patent - Ilorse . -Power.
_ .
TIM great encouragement heretofore received
front the sale - of his machines, induces !dui to of
fer to the publica new and improved. Horse Power,
wltielt Call be shiftetLitt ,, gtoir or ma of gear by keys,
and shift the band to give it live different revolutions.
40 he lets no hesitation in assuring the Fitrtnersthat
now able to furnish them with an article far su
perior to those manuf:Mtured heretofore. For speed
and clean threshing_and ease to the horses, he be-:
lieves his machines to be unequalled.
ills price is $l90 ---seventy dollars to be paid cash,
and the btilance in six inOntits, for which a cote will
be required with interest. Any person purchasing a
machine end upon a fair trial, not being pleased, can
return it. He will at all times be ready to furnish
them bn the shortest notice; orders from a distimcc
will he punctually attended tb. Be will also repair
machines on - the shortest notice.
NewtilleTid •y 29,
sale at the New Store in Shippensburg, by
Balm of Columbia.
• Briti.e, Consurs Offue, ?
. .
'9ji ' . • • . .. ,
NOW ALL PERSONS to Whom these pres-
eats Shall come, that 1, GILD ERT ROBERTSON,
. his Britanie Majesty's Consul tort the City of.
Philadelphia, do laereby. certify, That'Rohert Whar 7
ton, - Esq., who attests to - the - foregoing Certificates, is
Mayor of the .City of Philadelphia; and that Mat
thew Randall, Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court of
Common Pleas for the city and 'county
,pf Philadel
phia, to both,Whose signitttres, with the Seals of their
respective offices, full faith and credit is doe. .
I further certify, that I am personally acquapited'.
with J oseph L. Inglis,one of the signerstuf the certi
ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy
of the Balm of Columbia, and that tie is a person of
great respectabAity r and worthy of full faith-and ere
dir; and thallium heard him express his unqualifi
ed approbation of the'effects of the said Balm of Co
lumbia, in restoring his hair. .. ,
Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city
of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the
Unitpd Slates of America. ' ' ..-- .
Read the .following
- ROREIIT- WHARTON.,--g.sq. -late--Mavar._of
Philadelphia, has certified, as may tie seen below, to
the high character of the following gentlemen. , •
The undersigned do hereby certify that we have
used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Old
ridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only
as a preventive against the falling off of hair,but also
- - -- 7 WM.-THATCHER,-seniori •
Methotlist Minister in St. George charge ,
No; ; 86 North st.
JOHN P. INGLIS, 331 Arch at.
JOHN D. 'THOMAS, .M. D.-163 Race st.
JOHN S. FUREY,IOI. Spruce at.
HUGH MeCURDY, 243 South 7th st.
JOHN -YARD, jr:, 123 Arch st.
The ag ed, and those who persist in wearing wigs,
may. not always experience its restorative qualities,
yeti will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
of the pablic,' is known that thnee of the a
bove signers are more•thatt 50 rears °tinge, and the
others.not less than 30.
. .
• , 7• " t.Protil the Ofagor.l ,• • .
• City of Philadelphia. •
, . .
I, ROBERT WIJARTON, Mayog of said city of
Philadelphia, do hereby certify thati am well ac
quainted vith Messrs. J._l. Inglis, John S. Furey,
and Hugh McCurdy. whose names are signed to tho
above eertificate,That they. are gentlemen of charac
ter and respectability; sindas gueldhlircretlit ahina
.he given to the said certificate. • , •
In witness Where-Of, I have, hei•eunto set ray hand;
a and caCtsed.the'seal of the city to betatfixed,
CL a nd
sixth day of Decs`nnber, Ste. • - •••
UV TUB HAUL—Its &midst:, quilities,are as fol-
Iowa: -
ist..ror infant's keePitig.the head free frotisSaMrf
and ranging a luxuriant growth of bair. . •
2d. 'Forladies after child-birth., restoring the akin
to its usualatrengdfaud firmness, and preventingthe
falling out of the hair: • . • . •-•
3d. , gor any person recniering from any debility,
the same effect is produced.. • • . - .• •
4th. If used in infansy till aped groWth is Started;
it may be preserrid by , attention to the•lntest period
' frees the head from dandriff, strengthens
the roots, imparts health and vigor to the circulation
and prevents the bah! frOmSchangitig 'toleur or get 7
dog gra. 2 • '__
_T ,
' -. 6th. It y causes theAttii , ,toturi beentifully whet'
dime up hilt over night.' 1 - .... . L---- ,• . :
(0* No ladies' toilet should cre..r 'be made without it.
11h.' Children who: have by an means contracted
vermin In the bead, are 'taunted tely, and : perfectly
_cured of them by its use. It is i fallible:,. , ,
For' ale at the drug store - of. Comstodele C0.,k2
Fletcher street near flarl t and in 'Carlisle by Ste
- venom bt Dinkle.
Critig,-Jfiettris .4%*
•4.10 e 4 .;%4 , "•..•
. 2 z
trAte‘ Ane , ,b
• •
!lave removed to capacious Warehouse.recontlY ,
oectitiied•by li. - LeColt St CO: ufthe unillt-wilsteerner'
of Cherry atitlßroad'street,Thilailelphia: . '
From the facilities the lloostioomnd.isternal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 4.0 13ortlien
Cars can be accommodatedi.O.untoad-and load at the
same time with iitiffiCient room to store '20,000 barrels
of lifourotpd'3ooio 609 ton of Piaitf exclusive of.tlie
:Produce of . every description' will.he._ received as
initial on colislgnmentsi and liberal sdiiiinees':made on
receipt (if required),until sales are effected. •
• . „ ' CB.AIG; B,r. Co. . •
North-west corner of CherrY & Broad st.
' '
... . .
W. S. Cobeno, Clishier.' - . .
. .
. .
I igoderson & l'atlter, . . c ar b s tc.
Henry Rhonda,- ~_ ..
.. .
. .
satjoderson'& Bouerman, J .. .
Jecolk:Swoyer, Neu:milk. : . , .. .
DaVid Nevin, Stiffip'ensbtirr. '. .
- E -110 ' , P ,11- STlnitil> l %9 7- Cathieri Chamter.tOur g .
Eyster, ut% & Co, . - - .. • .
' Robert Floriing, . r. _
.. _
- (Ni t fi'd - iiiriil tc. Ci'aig,
~. tihiffidelishut.
' Wm.l2.Thotrip4on beCo. '. . ,
. .. • ,-, ..
'Whitall &' Drown ; , ' _ • , . _ -
- '
. .
Hbwd' . .gs Impioved ,Water Wheel:
riling Subscriber having purchased of the original
•• Patentee Ihe right of the above Water IVheel
for tbe. state of Pennsylvania, will dispose of indi yid,
ual right's or counties on advantageous terms. Tlds .
water Wheel has been fully tested and proved to be so
far superior to anritilid ill its poster of. propelling
machinery, having a ,greater torso than any other
- wheel s-i npropot lion totlie quantity el terappll ied.-
Itlt -is,-calCulatrd to be-more- rticultilly.,nsefuLta
mills, having ferntrtwo to eight a feet liend , und
and to great ly'obviate . the inconveniences experienc
ed from back water. It is considered by those hay
.them in use as ono of the most important improve
ments that:hos leVer been inthidneed for its simplici
tilt:eligth,stoadhloser of motion and ilutability 7 It
is el:mistral:tett altogether of iron and not so expensive
to make as an undershot, and operating with about
half kite water and not liable to he obstructedliy ice
in theroter. The-subscriber will devote-his
tar; to'cal Is for,. thcse_wheels at such places, as
be required,.
MICHAEL . M'MATII, Harrisburg. .
• tOUrY.] • • •
'This is to ceCtify, flint I huve infrin one otllowft's
Patent 'Cast Iron Direct Action Water Wheels, iih
&ace of a Reaction Wheel , that, the DircctWheel
does not flood the tail rte. as mtich by three inches
Its thereaction did, and that I call grind SeNTIT bush
els with the direct action wheel an hour,and drive
two run of stones , where I could not grinfour WO),
els in The same time with theireacti.m and drive one
r um of bones. , veTER FAIINESTOCK..
' Ettphrata, Lam co x Oct. 838.•
This may certify; thatTliave — heeirenvgedlii - putz
tint in S. B. Howl's cast iron . direct action water
wheel, both hi tlieState-of Nitirltork - andju
grin, and can giik it as niy decided opinion thaCwith
8 feet bend.orvinder, rigidly put in, it will do tnore
business with the One water:thtin ally !other_ water•
wheel which I have \•et had any experience in,-and in,
reference to back water, is second best to-iione.that
have yet:tried.. in reference to guardin4againit
there can . he no better operation, and it is very easy
to be kept in repair.' .• •
STEIIEN AUX'S, ✓2iii6wiigll.
• • Alloway, Sept. 3, 1838.
• This may certify that I hays had in my Mill one of
Mr. Howl's direct ivatee Wheels for.the spaC6 of one
year.' It is a five feet, wheel, and I have had a re
action in the sameplace-4 have also had - Wheeler's
Union Wheel, yet I think Ms'. Howl's will do more
business with less water than'any other I have tried.
It does well in back water. I have had from sto 6
feet head. I think we could do as much work with
half the-water as_we_used to do_with_the_undershont
wheel, which has also been in operation in my mill.
Lyons, Sept. 3, 1838.
This may certify, that we have used one•of S.
Howd's `patent water Wheels since December last,by'
the side of a re-action wheel, and we think that
Ilowd's will do double the _business With the same
water that the re-action will do, , or very near. We
never have but three feet head, and can grind with
that eight bushel per hour. 'We are subject to back-
Water.. This wheel will .do as good business under
back-watet as there-action, and' we recommend it to
the attention and pationage of the kthlic.
WM. NV. BERGSTRESSER, mill-wright, is
agent for the above mentioned water wheel in , the
counties of Dauphin, Cumberland' an d York,and will
at all times be ready to attend to their sale and ' eree
tion, 'at the shortest notice, by addressing him at
Shepherdatown, Cumberland county, Pa.
April /1,1840. ' ly
There is not one case of Fever in a thousand, but
-may be effectually broken up and removed by the
use of thiapixie. It removes all acidity indigestion,
bilious matter and constipation from the stomach
and bowels„ r _lt 'operates
. gentiv and effectually on
the bowels, and powerfully 011 the kidneys and skin.
It removes all unpleasant feelingsafter a hearty meal,
and promotes a good appetite. It needs only a trial
to give perfect-satisfaction. 'ft has become a general
practice with many to use this article - in all eases of
colds; painain - thc - boaesor heavy disagreeable feel
ing,,tendering to headache:or chilliness. For hoarse
ness, if taken through the day, it completely restores 1
the voice without producing sickness. Whooping I
cough, and all coughs of' children are cured by
The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, and it is
quite, impossible that any disease should, commence
while a person is using this Syrup. • 4
If taken ,lialy it produces a nub', healthy, and"
young appearance, by driving or all the humors of
the system. Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street, one •
door .below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co., .I
and by all respectable Druggists.
For sale also by 4TEVENSON'tt
•KLE,. Carlisle; Pa: , • '
is the basest crime. in man.
We are not among that class of Editors who for. a
few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and hones
ty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale;
neither arc we Willing to remain silent, after having
tested the utility of an improvement or discovery in
science or art. Our readers will recollect we told
them we were unwell with a sore throat and violent
cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two
HOUND arid so sudden was thecure, that we forgot
.we ever bathe Cold. 'lbrise w,ho are ;Acted, may
try- it upon-eur
For sale by • -
• • r Si-ELLIOTT, Carlisle,
, A. 3. NORTH, Newvillc.
-Also, by Druggists generally throughout the coun
try. Price 50 cents per bottle. ,
Oct. ' . 6- •
Corciternctersort. r7 SEEK HEALTH AND EN
JOY LIFE.—It' you wish to retain the richest bles
sing, attend, early tp , 'yourself, whenever you find
that Ayour appetite beconzes impaired, your • bowels
costive or bile on the stomabh. Remember--Dr.
Procure them immediately,and usethem according.
toAirections,.they will immediately 'remove these
primary symptoms :from 'the 'system. But if you,
,neglect yourself they will form n host Of maladies,
such as dyspepsia, liver complaints,jaundiee,pain'
in the -side, billions , allliations; fevers, Ste. which.
are. ore ofistsnate to cure, besides attend ed , with
paint and much distress.. ''Dr: He rl i cies medicines&
will certainly 'cure all forms'or thiebavewiention
ed diseases.. The patient must however not'conceive
in the latter - 'stages ammo Caw be' perfbrma in 0,
1 feiv'disys or a week." If thi medicine hitlibeen'used
?at the very first attack, *be: disease pould . ' have been
- A
eradicated in-much 'shorter time. • The ' Tedleine
. therefore he -used' strictly for a' riQght_be-.
fore much decided benefitwill - be' • 0 „ • zed. -
- !.'" ',. •••
1 . ~ A Reitz • e &Imam.. , .
. Philadelphisi, Sept.. d, :18'4O.: ' ..
-For sale by,Dr. J. J. Myers &t Co., Carliffies and
Wm. Pcal,Shippensburg,-Pa. • ' .
_.• _ ;
.1, , _.'._!)1,p : p, , !) . F.y0f., , , , tu..N : q.. , , , ,,
I\TLIMEROCS • reniedies- litivele en Le Were& And
. 01! puffed into notice for. disetples:.of the I . ..,upgiti
some of which has . undoubtedly been found very use
is v s e o tliAt, % F s
ful;lnit of alltthat hare: hitherttibeenknowsi, it mint
evere u
~ r r e o t i i se a d l li t , cskuneoci.evsl e
sful n d i t t ir
;-• • '
Stich iittleed are the astonishingrpstorotive and
healing properties of this ".Balsam;" thateVen itrthe
.worst forms of...Conssimption, ivhen die, patient has
suffered with the Most 'distressing. &Ugh, violent'
pains:in thechest,tlifficulty of breatliing,inght sweattli
bleeding of the lungs, &c. andwhenthe most esteem
, ed remedies of our Pliormicopinahad failed to afford
any rellef,and even when Botanic, lloantepathic,.and
4 iiumermis other reMedies,liad , been used for ninny,
motitlisin invaluable remedy has checked
every symptoik and been prodttive' of the most as
tonishing teller. -In the early toges, of the disease,
proceeding from neglected. cplds, termed Catarrhal
Consumption, it has been used with undeviating stir=
cess, and in many . instances, when this disease seem.-
, edto.liove.poorked its victim for an early
use atlas mediciii - ebai - iiireited every symptain, akar
restored the lungs to-n-state-ofperfeethealth: .
In that forma Consumption, so prevalent amongit
"going into a decline," a complaint with which thou,
sands nrelhig,ering,it has also been-:used with surpri ,
:sing.successomil not 'only-poSnesseS the power .of
checking the progress of this alarming disense,hut
ot the same time strengthens - hail" invigorates the'
whole system more effectually than, any remedy we
have ever possessed. . . • •
cry LIVEIt COMPLAINI'.---In diseases of the
Liver, partieularly when attended with a cough, indi
gestion or wandering pains in the side, it has also pro
veil very efficacious, And . cured many cases of this
khul after the most powerful remedies hail failed.
ASTHNIA..---Itt this complaint it has also been
• use - d-ni:notnermittinStaiieeS'Witit the - most. singular
success. .It opens the chest, rendering"the breathing
perfectly free, arrests the cough, and will seldom fad
to give-permanent relief. _ •
a:remedy in alt-Browl.
afflictions oldie thrdat, attended with a hoarse-
COttll'Or sore italic timid, it will also be foutid
•_a very - 01.01ml remedy, and will mostly affordsim.
Mediate relief if used at the comm *merit of its
Mtack. -
• . .
Swellings..--Reducing them in a few hours. - - ONG WORD TO THE SEDENTARY: -' •
Rheumatism----Acute or chronic, giving quick Those who from habit or occupation are kept much
Case. • '
s ti r . . ,• within doors, should - remember that ' hey frequently
. • Sore Throat- -- By
Cancer:ulcers, or colds. ' breathe an at mosphere which,is_ wholly unfit for the
Croup and Whooiling-Cough----Externally, and proper expansian of the lungs ,and at the same time,
over the chest. , owing to want of exercise,the owels are not sufficient=
All Bruises, Sprains; and Burns—Cured in a few ly evacuated—the blood becomes impure, and head
hours. • . , • !, ache, indigestion, palpitation of the
,heart, and many
Sores and Ulcers=—Whether fredi or long stank - Li otherdisagreeable symptoms, are sure to follow. •
ins, and fever ores. • .., • ' • •
Its operation upon adults iinilehildrisp in reducing
, . -- • • • _ ,
rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight- „ Being a cleanser of the stomach and bewels,and a di
nest of the chest by relaxation of the parts, has been reetpurffietef the Mood, arc certain not only -to re
surprising beyond conception: . • The common re- : move pain ordistressof everrkind from the the body;
mark of those who have used it .in the Piles, is " It but if used occasionally, so , as ioiceenibe body free
stets like a dbarm." - . - - ' ' , ~. I from thosehumors which are the cause orevery. male-
THE PILES.-.-The price, t,l ,is refunded to any ~.tly under heaven, therwill most assuredly promote
personWhoWill use a bottle 0 Hays'^ Liniment fot ' Stich a just and equal circulation of the blOod; that
the Pilo, and retuat the empty bottle without being ' thesis who lead a' sedentary. 144, milt be enabled to
cured. These lire die positive orders of the proprie- enjoy sound health, and 'disease /of any kind will be
tor to the-sigents, and out of many thousands sold, not absolutely, impossible. ; , ... _;,
.. i •• •, • .
- one - has been unsuccessful. „ •,.• . I For sale by .
I We might insert •ceitificates to' any
,lerigth, but, . • - . •• • CHAR.L.MS OOILBY, Agent,•:
prefer that those who sell . the article, shotild exhibit 1, • - . , .. . : . .Cor li ele, Pa ,
the original to purchasers . - . I " • i, ' . JACOB G' LAUNLAN,
' • ' To Phpsicunie and Patients.
.1' t.- - rOin'''ee . and General Depot, 0.'169 RaCe street
The' Blind - P ies, to be iricurribleby,external ' phi a do p hi s .•_ . • • .•• . • .[May 20,100. : :.-ly
applications.—Solomon Hays warrants the contrary. ,I —_ , _
His Liniment Wilrcnre Blind-Piles. Facts are Mere INT
stubborn than theories. He. solicitir all respectable - • , To thoie who bring up Children.
'physicians to try it upon their 'patients. •It will do I • Da. Psavi—tiearßir'--4 take thisisres'ent oppor;
them no harm; andit is known, - that every physiciari tunity'ef . informing you. of the ' Wonderful .effects of
who has had the honesty to make 'the -Arial, has' can- ' :your invalunble Soortiorit S YAW' FO4 Cumnrixit
dilly admitted 014' it has ' sucieeded . iii every case I 'Fzerniiva. • My child was first. taken 'with fits ,of
they, have,, known:: Then why not, use it ?. • It is the - screaming. and 'crying, zattended with 'a . dreadful
recipe of one oftheirmostrespeitabla menhers, now I bowel complaint. I' sent fora physician; he came
decease4L . ..Why-refriseto,use it.? Because . . it issidd, T antLbolti me bar/mild do. nOthing.for•it, but"to lance '
'as it proprietary medicine?' -Is thli'a inflicleat di- , the gum." This I would not submit to, he then re
'cute for arifferang Iheik. honest • patients to; Boger- in.! commended • your ; iiivalOable' "Serithing , Syrn I
'distress.? , Av e th u ds n ot ; •,, ui
phy*ions ,shall, he cop..; which I /procured. at: ,yonr,:oillee, No. t 9 NORTH
'vinced that there is 'no humbug oc qtiatike4 about i EIGHTH STREET. ' As, ii,Ma4is 1. obtained •the
-this article.-Vbv:then'not allevitite human , suffer Medicine; I iuted it Reseeding. to'the directions. The ,
fiii , l 4 ,lf they.wonit try it before ; let' :them=aflim .. all.l effect was astonishing; the qthiltl went: to sleep, end
other prescription* fail:,; Physichint are respectfully -rested well all 'night: Tile next Morning I used it
reqiiistekte dothemietveti.and patient" the justice to , againiand.continued It to*;severalrdayi. , The child
iisegifdiarticle:. - It shitll be- taken' from tlte'lixittles retovered'iminediately, and .is • hearty to. this •ilay.
and done iipilekelr preimiption irtlitiy desire. i'. ~ rfaligy4Ould,lt bi both for , pareatsitud little old,:
- .;:8101.01110N. HAYS. _- dren, if they:could -haye access to a l . stuallitortion or
, f „. ?Sold . by Comstoc k 8c . Wholesale Druggists; your . edicine. I snit iurethit Mciney'irould . be . tin'
No . : 2,Fietcher street,'New 'York: ;. - ..' . •-•?". .. object it,iiemparison with human! suffering. -...., , • ;•.,,•
' Foy; - Bile also' by: STEVENSON' & ',"' . i MRS. IL IIiOLAIES';'
•DlNKLE,'Carlisle, Pa. ;-. '' ..'' ' .' : Sept .o. 9, ' 194 t 0 . , ' r, . ' .--, ~ .•- i : Spruce Sireet.,'
. , ,tt '
•.l i slso. For - sale -by John „I: lifyers - & - CoCarlidei
Deceraber 2,9,180.--ly •• '. ' - :!•h ..,•
/. and Wm . ,. Pee, shippensburgi Pa.' •
Q :7. COUGHS Sr. COWS.---in 'common coughs
and-colds r that prevaid_so ektensivelvihroughout the
winter, , it Will be found more elfeetual tluni tiny
remedy in use, and .whewcoldrsettlelupon the lungs;
canilug an infhlmmtdiou with p ainsin . the breast, dif
ficulty or shortness .of breathing, &c., the, use' of this
nalSam will suppress, such _fty.ruptontS•immcdiately,
and at the scone time, prevent the bungs from becom
ing-More seriously diseased t • • .
. to - -' I .;ROUP AND WHOOPING COUGH.---liv
Aral" complaintii,so conimorr to young children, this
Balsam will be' found muclr superior tothe Parego—
ric Elixir _Syrup of Squills ;- and the various - cough
-mixtures in-Commoiv use, ns it is entirely ,free from
any thing the- leastlidtirious, and_marat all nips lie
_given to children-with perfect safety,aiitl with the cer
_Mbar Otits.nffordiiieeu i
hdrrelMf, - ,
'co'. AS — A FAMILY AIEDICINE for many oth
er-complaints; this Balavmvill also be found "juii tie
Marty oseful. Ilesides having proved an invaluable
remedy inttll Puluvouary affectionsOt exerts a 1)018 . ••
i;ifhien&Tover mnii diseases. depending on n
'depraved condition of the - systeimand those who have
suffered from the indiscriminate use .of Mercury, or
other' deleterious - drugs, that ' often compounded
in'illiferent quack nostrums, v ill find it a 'remedy of
great value, possessing, the power of strengthening
and invigorating the wIMIe systemmore eflectually
than any other Medicine we possesS.
icine has already acquired great celebrity. there may
probably be some attempts to imitate it, and_ deceive
the public with a spurious mixture, to prevent which
twould wish all purchasers to observe the following
marks of the genuine Balsam.. It is put up in bottles
of two sizes each, baying the words- WISTAR'S
PHIA, blown in theglass, and a label` an the front
the_signature., of HENRY WISTAR, M: D.
without which none is genuine. '
Prepared for the -proprietor by,WILLIA MS &
CO., Chemists, No. 22 Commerce street, Philadel
phia, mid sold by the most respectable Druggists and
-other appointed agents in all .the principal towns
throughout the--United States. • : ' •
.1(7 The Genuine - Bals'am sold-in Car
lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint
ed Agent
Price $1:00. a bottle.
December 16, 1 640.,--1y
• . Dentistry.,
DR. I. C.: - L00M15,...
HA.S retained to Carlisle;ind will, as heretofore
attend to the practice - of Dentistry. lie may
be found at Colonel
,Ferree's Hotel. - Persons re
questing it, will be waited upon at their residedae.
Refer, to
Dn. GEORGE D. Foiur.xs, -
• Carlisle, March 11,1840.
- Hays Lantment.
-This extraordinary chemical composition, the re
sult of science and the invention-ore celebrated med
ical man, the introduction of which to the- public
was inveated with the solemnity of a death-bed
quest, has since gained- a reputation- unparalleled,
fullv.sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr.
Gridlley's last confession, that "he dared not die
without giving to posterity the benefit of his know)= l
-edge-on-this-subject i kk and -he—therefore -bequeathed
to his friend and attendant, Solomon - Hays, the secret
•of his discovery.
It is now used in the principal • tinspitals, and the
private practice in, our country, first and most cer
tainly for the cure of the' PILES, and also-extensive
ly and effectually as to bathe credulity, unless where
its effects are witnessed. Externally in the follow
ing complaints:
• For Dropsy---Creating extraoraivary absorption
at once. • • •
••' • • •
All : Olii/ittil/lelti(hinlai
Asthma, Influenza; Wliociping . Cough, Bronchitisi.
and all diseases of 'the BreaSt and Lungs; leading'
to ,Doiisuniption .crinitposiad pf the, concentrated;
vietnes.of Hui ebound,,Bonpset, Blood Root,Liv
, 'several' other vegetable
• ; Prepared mily,byJ. , M.. WINSLOW 'Rochester '
innocence and :tiniveeinllv4idnaitted 'Pecteral
. virtoear, (Alba Ilerhsfnom whicli the poaattAt.:OF
'FTOIREHODND:is madU; are too , generalliknoWn'
to require recommendation; it is therefore only ne.;'
Cespary, to: chseeveriliat thisemedecinc contains the
whole of Welt'. Medical properties, highly concentrit
'ed, and, so happily combined : wi th several
,other See- ,
getable.substances,ustikretider it the most speedy,
mild and certainremedvi'now in use, for the Com
plaints nbovd mentioned, .
Tor' Chitdrenithis 11_41Rahi is.einestimiltle value.
It is a speeily.remedy'f*tbe. Whooping Cough and
. Crsup,and affords Certain reliefin Baled complaiiga,.
Chola`, Teething,ittc. It is pleasant to the taste, and
may be safely given to the tendereit infant and should
be kept at all times in every faniily, na it is much
better for 'the complaints incident to Children, than
Paregoric,Gedfl•eys Cordial, or the Cordialsao comma
Mindy tiSeil, fiiindredifin thiaCity have testified.
'.Read the followitV.- 7 1'Itereby certify that early
in the spring of 18:38, I contracted it severe COLD,
which settled-upon my 11Olg8,31114111reSt011eti a hasty
,C.onstunplion± i used several prescriptions, : but ob
tainedlittleThr no relief; I Was much alarmed.- be in.llochester,. I was advised by'my
-friend i -Mr.--Winslow,ici_tr,y a - bottle, of• his BALSAM
or Honirmotrn dill SO, and AO •my siiise
tained relief at once-and by the use of that single
brittle was perfectly restored to. health To' those
afflicted with- Colds .or COOgl!S, nt this :inclement
season, I say "go and do ,likewise.”
• Pittsford, Minn:cie co., Nov. 9, 1838.
Mr..JOhn M. Winslqw, Druggist,
Dear Sir : , 1 have Wen for a series of years o fillet
ed with oh affection of the Lungs, mid a fiord cough,
and hove Many times arose_inibe_morning.,
pletely exhausted by excessive coughing
.ifuring the
night as irtierson would be by a- hard -days-labor. I
have tried-most of the .p opular remedies . of, the day,
lint never found relief •until I-met with your, Balsam
of llorehound. All the other remedies or pulatives,
that I have used, leave the bowels in -a congested
state, while yours leaves them soluble and free. This
I consider a great desideratem.
.0n takin g . dose of
your Balsam when' going to bed,l rest quietly thro'
the night, and my. sleep is refreshing. -I take great
pleasure in recommending' your Balsam. of Hore
hound to -all those afflicted with pulmonory corn
aor any disease appertaining to the-lungs, and
take-this opportunity to duinkyou for.tba, greattre,
lief and benefit I have experienced through 'yourin
strumentality. yours, with much respect,
. ,
~Tor suli: by ' . •
. . .
5.V.1.1..MTT, Carlisle. .
. - . ... A. J NORTH, Neivyill(;. •
. Also, by.llrtiggistszenerrilly throukliouttlie emit
,try. Price ¢0 centsper bottle• • .
Aprill.lB4o,_---11y." • _ - .
. _ • ._
. The %Indian Vegetable Pills.
_,_Are a_ pnrgative,medicine, so natural to the human
constitution, and withal so Mildcandliteaaantin,flceir
_operlitiOn;that notifiCslightiii - eilreail:or_Pain or sick
ness, need be apprehended eon\ them use, even by
the Most' deliCatei" atibe - sameti me, iritsed . in sueli
manner - as to operate freely. by the bowels ; those
morbidliutnors, (which deposited .upon the various
parts of the body are the cause of every ache or pain
we sufrer)will most assuredly be removed; and not .
only will_pain, or distress of every description. tie dri
ven froin the body; btu disease in auyform will be im
- For the Same reason, when, from the sudden chang
es of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration
is checked, aratliese humors which should paasoff by
the skin, are thrown inwardly, causing headache, mm-
Seen, and sickness, pains in tlie bones, watery and in
flamed eyes, sore throat, hoar,seness,coughs,consump
tion,rhetunittic pains in-various parts of the body,and
many other symptoms ofcatching cold, the Indian veg
etable Pills will invariably give immediate relief.—
Three or four pills, taken at night bn going, to bed,and
PCpenttal ft few times, will remove all the above un
-ithlaant symptoms,and restore the body to eveh,run
derbealth than before. •
Thelndian Vegetable Pills; (Indian Purgative)are
a natural, and therefore a certain cure for Costiveness:
-because they cleanse the stomach mid bowels of .those
bilious humours, which not only ptiralyze, and weaken
the digestive organs, but are ihe cause of headache,
nauseau . and eicknesS, palpitation of the heart; fl yitig
pains in larious parts of the body, spa many other
disagreeable complaints.. The same may lie said of
difficillti of breathing, or asthma;. the Indian Vegeta
ble Pills will loosen and carry off by the stomach and
bowels,. those tough pleglimy litimihs which stop up
all air cells of the lungs, and arethecause of theabove
dreadful complaint.
In all disordered motions of the , blood, ciillalitter
mittent,Temittent, IIerVOIIS,
;FEVERS;-.the-Indiau-Vegetable Bills willbe found
a certain:remedy; because. they cleanse -the stomach
and bowels of all bilious tnatter;and purify the blood;
consequently, as they remove the cause of every kind
of disease, they are absolutely certain to cure every
kind of Fever. ,
So also when morbid humors are deposited upon
the membrane and muscles, causing those pains, n
flanimationsand swellings called Rheumatism; Gout,
&O.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as
always certain to give reliefond if persevered with;
will most assuredly, and without fail, a p`erfect
cure of 'the above painful maladies. From three to
sic of_said Indian Vegetable -Pills, taken every night
on goingto bed„ will; in a short time, completelyrid
the body of all morbid and corrupt humors;-and
Rheumatism, Gout and pain of every description, will
disappear - Mr if by - magic.
It should be remembered that the Indian Vegetable'
Pills are certain to remove pain. in the:side, opprila
sion, nausea and sickness, loss of appetite, costive
nesso yellew tinge of the skin and eyes, and every
..other.symptom_oT _Liver-Complaint ;-because -they
purge-from the body these .corrupt . :and - ibtagnantlitt=
mors which , when deposited upon the Liver, are the
cause of the above dangerous complaint, 'They arc
also a certain preventive of apnlexy and sudden death;
Because they carry off thOse humours which, obstruc
ting the circulation, arethe cause of a rush, or deter
mination of blood to the head--giddiness especially
-on turning--suddenly -round--blindness--drowsiness
--loss of of the brain--in
sanity, and every other disorder of the mind.
Denta — l Surg
e r a y
H E'!lJ BsfalZ R resietT g r.tfiuerogmentL public [or the
-verilibefallibare-ofpatiodage he has received dur
ing tlietitnityear;',and,ivould still continuelO oiler
them his professionfil.strideesin . their various bran
ches at his resideticeENo..7iHarper's Row: He files,
cicsnses, and phi&lA teeth, and inserti incorruptible
Aarrell' metalit, artificial teeth in the most approved
Manner,' Chaigesalvrayi. moderate. _• • .
. . •- ^ . T. C. NEFF, M. D.
Carlisle, Maupli 25,1840.---tf .. .
7.4.1411VZ 11:11,101.1115. „
Prepared ant!) . by Dr. 1); jaYne; Iniientor,
and sole proprietor, No., South Thii'd
• 'street; Philadelphia, and:may be had of
.ELLIOTT, and also of .STE YEN
.':SPN. Druggists,' cap;
• . ,
lisle zr. • - -
,ThestiMedicines arc recommended and extensive
ly used b"tlie most intelligent persons in the United
States, by numerous Professors and Presidents Oil
Colleges, PhySicians of the, Army and Islavy,antl.of
Hospitals and AlmshonSes, and by More than three
hundred'Cler . gymen of various denominatiensi
They tire expressly prepared forlarnity_rtseostid'—.
have aciptired'aininpreadata poftilarity through
out tbe United States; and ae they are so mimirahly
calculated to preserve arrAtzu and care no •
family -should ever be without them. Tbe - preprie-:
for of:theSe valuable preparations received' liia edu
cation at one ofthe best Medical Colleges in tIM
tech Stites, and IMs leadlifteeMvears - experiencein an-_--
extensive and diversifieirpractice,ny which he bashful
ample oppertunitiea• of aegutring _ 7
edge of diseases, and of tne remedies beat calculated •
to remove Meat; • .
'nese Prepareti ons consist of
I JAYNEZS EXPECTOI2 ANT, a v1111101(4 remedy
for cough, colds, consumption, astlimq,. spitting of
blood, croup, liOriping - cough .;,brmichit i s,pleurisy and
inflammation of the lungs or throat, difficulty of bresi
thing, and all diacascs of pulmonary-organs.—Price
one dollar,
. .
• Also JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, tor ihe'preserva-'
lion, growth and beauty of the hair, and which will
positively Ind lei 4 - new, hair on 'bald' heads.-I!rice
one dollar.
tain and pleasant remedy for worms,dyspepsia,piles,
and many other diseases.--Price 50 cents.
certain cure for bowel and summer-complaints:diar
rhea, dysentary cholla, cramps, sick headache, sour
stomach; cholera Morbus,and all derangements of the
St - bin:teh . and bowels, nervous affections,&c.--Price
-50-centi. • •
_..AIsciJAYNE'S_ SANATIVE_ ;RILLS, for teimtPg
diseases, liver complaints, costiveness,tevers.inflarn
, matiotts, glandular, obstructions, diseases of the skin,
&c. and in all - cases lihere an alterative or plirgittive
medicine is regtiired.r-4'rice '25 cents a•box.
iMay 13;1 f140:--ly • ' . •
•i ___ ;
.Jaynes Hair Tonic, • •
For the growth, preseryation_atni: restoration of Abe,
hair. This is an excellent article, and has, in nu—
incrous:histfinces; preal4tce(la' fine growth : of hair
on the heads of personswhohaa been bald for years-
LADIES AFa GMVTLEstthr,---Do you wish elegant,
luxuriant andhair? H.-know-you:will answer--
ves,-Tlear,ltar - One moineth, the canse_ifflitlJOKS;wlty7.
it 'turns gray, rusty and coarse; harsh and - unpleasatf , '
i Oita appearance, and filially NIS off: `Each - hair has , -
a root in the skin, and is itselfa hollow' tube, through
which there is Acoubtantcireuhuion of fine blood.--
lly this -circulation the hair is nourished 'and held
fast;lts glossy colouris'given and preserved,and it is
covered - with the Itheit oil. Now any thing whicliin
jut:es the skin of the head, or diverts or takes away_
the blood froth it, will prevent or impede the &venia
-1 tion through the tubes of the hair, stop it; growth,_-
and cause -It-to - fall off or turn gray, or both. Hence
it is that any cause that obstruitts or weakens the cit...
culation of blood through the sltin - , - oettat diverts the
blood to other party (Lithe system, will take away the
lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair, ar
rest its growth, turn it gray soonor or later, and its
thousands ofinstances cause premature baldness.
• •
For sale by . .
S. ELLIOTT; and •
, .
May 13,1840.---ly -
Hair Tonic.---We call' the attention of those at
flicted with premature baldness. to the excellent flair
Tonic prepared by Dr. Jayne of this cites Having
used it ourselves, we 'Call speak of its virtues by expe- ,
rienee, and we unhesitatingly pronounce' it an invalu=
able remedy to prevent the falling off of the hair,and
to. restore it from a dead, to a fine, wealthy appear-.
once:We can also speak from personal knowledge
of the Cases of two or three friends who were predis
posed to baldness, who by the use of Jayncie Hair
'Conic, have now.luxuriant hair.. We have no dispo
sition to puff, indiscriminately ull kinds of remedies
for all diseases which flesh is heir to, but when we .
have tested the artielc,.we fi r e free to say_
it is good,, , ,Sotarday_Erening.Post.
jayne's Pair Tonie.---WehavOilWtofore, num*
beret! otirselves-among those who believed that the
Ilan ToniC, prepared by Dr. Jayne, was one of the
many quack nostrums whose virtues are never seen
beyond the fulsoMe puffs of their authors. We are
willing, at length, to make public acknow !alga of
the errorof our belief. An intimate friend,s two
or three months since; all the top of whose cranium
was as 'bald as a piece of polished marble, maugre all'
our jesting And* ridicule 'of the idea of attempting
to cultivate - so [aven a spot purchased a bottle or
two of the Hair Tonic from Dr..layne,and accordint
M his directions applied it. During the present week
the same" friend ushered himself i nto our presence,and
uncovering his hitherto naked head. astonished us with
a thip,though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to
twb inehesiulettgth---upoti the very premises we had
helieved as' ntywitting to cultivation as the tritek)ess,
sand that skirts the Atlantic.- Thisls no puff,
religieuslyttle,ao to those who doubt,the gentleman
Catrbe.pointedMM_What ismorein..favcmotthia.
"Tonic," the case here cited was notone of tempora
ry baldness---no sudden loss of the hair--burwas one
Of years' standing, though the the gentleman is but
forty-five yenta of age.--Philadelphia spirit of the ,
.' WAR ! WAR ! WAM--The Wig makers have
declarethhostilities agaimit ournelg.hbor Dr. Jayne,.
on account of his hair Tonic,
which is knocking all!
their business into a "cocked hat."' Ladies and gen-.
tlerrien , '--old and 3:Oung are flocking to the Doctor's.
standard. Heads long' divested of even the first rudi
ments of hair,
after mug his Hair tonic soon appear
with new and flowing locks, which AWalom himself -
might have .envied. Beardless' boys are seen with:
large and - bushy whiskers; and li'dies smile again
through their own raven ringlets more . beautiful and
bewitching' than ever.„ : , Bald heads are doffing their
.wigs and throwing them to the "moles and the bats,"'
while the: Wig makers. ehtml aghast as they behold'
the demolition of their business.
. _
What will be the consequence of this wdr we know
not, as the wiggles aro outrageous, arcdttlie Doctorre
mains firm, and declares, that "some things can be
done as well Rs others," and that . bald heads may as.
well wear their Own „ hair as, that of citlkers.---EWnek."-
ly Messenger.., - , • „
, .
. Jayne's flair Tonic.,—We meet at almost •everyv
corner; when peranibulating the streets, men Wearing:
long and glossy hair, which :they seem to _ be prou d
of, and others who have a few•weeks, a crop,'
of black 'Modstaches, that would vie With the.glossiests
bruin that ever walked the forest. -It has puzzled us.
to know the—secret of all those wondrous crops .of'
hair; but Messrs. SANDS, 79, and 160Tulton street,. ,
have got. the remedy, where all who are. curious in.
such matters may learn a valuable. secret.—Jrespe
York •• • • 'I. , •
. Sold. in l'hiladelphie at 20. SOuth Third' Street • • .
medicine has already'proved itself to be all thief
it h a s been recommended,. by those who have given
it a fair test in this zitu
otrz, and the demand for ft in
creases daily, We'have just'heard of on importidt•
Whieli•has been effecteil by the use of.'
It in.a neighboring town--the ease was- fe+++ ••-
male who hadfor a long!ime been under the, care of '
a physiciaii,but had received no relief, and her calm •
was beginning to be considerell bivalent.. As' a' last+ - 5....
resort she purchased a
~,bottle of Dr. Jayne's Etipectro.
rant, which caused•ber td expectorate treely!flisidlitil- •
ly eased' her cough; indlir rapidly restorii%i . ber to.
health:. • We have no hesitation in saying this preps
rational'. Dri Jaynitilor the'eure or coughs, Cobh,
fluenza, Asthma, Consumption, &c, lathe 'most talus!".
bre inediehie-ever ofered to the isitteiliaki Piatili•-"-
Theielsiwimickerfabout it--1)r; dayne Is obeli.,
tper,mortzkilflit pratitishig Physiclapzin Penotrylva..
nia and whireter, Ado.,preparations• have beeq,thOr
ougbly tested, he Wooled upon al greidptiblic YeT:r .
efactor,--[Somerset (Me.) Journal. • " .
For sale by Samuel Elliott and Stevenson. Din-
Lle„Darlisle, Pa. • . [may 13,1840