HER:ALD & EXPOSITOR. WEDNESDAY, ittlin. 1411841 FOR • G O V:RR•NO R Hlifi OF BERICS COUX7'I".. BANKS , On Tuesday last, on motion of Wni. M. iliddle ‘ 'Esq., Samuel R.. Hamill "wasad !.olirdelice. La iv in, the several courts of Cuiiriberland county. On motion 6r Wm: M. Porter Esq., Edgar B. Wakeman Was admi tted toprac lice L a w in the.SeVeral Courts ,saf Cumber land county.. • • - On motion-of-P—F—Ege,_Esq,iWilliam M.', Hull-was admitted to•practice 'Law in -the several - ral - Courts'of ;Cumberland county: - On motion of S. - o. Adair, Esq. William H..tamberton. was admitted to practice Law in the several pourts of. Cumberland County. ' PICTORIAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE WORLD. —By S. .G.. Goodrich.—This ,work.con tains upwards of one thousand pages, illus 7 trateil by 1000 engraiiitgs, descriptive of the manners, customs, curiosities, ruins; ediacesi-Ac-.-&e: of eVery- country, Mr. known as the Peter Par/ey.of the schools; but this work assumes a higher range, anti Will no doubt:be - sought for with avidity.. . Asa Geography, it is more comprehensive 'than any Other yet published, embracing on-ample-vie=w- of T - every--thing- : connected ,with the,,subject..: IL.is got OP. - in‘,a,style . l of greateleiance; -- and has been - so highly 'recoMmetided, that it cannot faiLto become a - standard Wok. :• . Pictorial Illustrations the - 'Bible. v - .;::::-Thikb - eaLitiful volume !Fat.- ju-st-beetrpub.: ItnH lEa It contains 200 - illustrations of the Bible and views in .the Holy Land, - witli well 'written descriptions; embracing much use ful From -an examination, we believe the work - will become-very popu lific:—llis-iffiffdediplie low price of TWo •. . . INsunonorrimnoN.,A story of BaltiOzore: .—This witrk, by 7 die author of “The Sub ,ordinate;''' beautifully printed ! in One vol., wife, is one that nannot fail 'to 'be read ivith instruction and interest. It is 'a story of every day life, in which the author has contrived to throw some ''highly amusing scenes, and ;'conveying a Useful moral lesson in-a . Very attractive •'' • • The Book is for sale at Mr. Laudon's, price 75 cents.' , In accordance with a resolution ie citizens :of this borough, passed in-a tow meeting, held on Wednesday the 7th Inst., Milita .y.and.Civic honors ..wereyaitl tht.; memory of WI Hzetirt 'moil, late President of the United States, on last 'SvitUrday. It was a day of general gloom, every one Iteerned'toieel, as if he had lost a near relative. •The "heavens were hung in black;r while die sound of the hittilium gun,'—the tolling of the bells—the sol emn procession, and the funeral dirge, made the day one whiett * will never be forgotten. • ' The - Procesilint was formed In the' College Cam -4'lo o'clock, under the command a.Capt E. V. Sumner of the Ist U. S. Deagotms, Chief Marshall; assisted by Dr. John J. Myers and A. G. Ege, in the folloiving order: S. . , The U. S. Dragoons, Mounted, under the 'command of Lieut. West. This body consisted of about 80 men, and maile.a tnoSt brilliant appearance. Major General Alexander and Staff: Brigadier General Edward ArmeratuLataff..... `Cu omo(tore Elliott oldie Navy. • A ButfaliOn of Volunteers under the command of .Foulke;composed-of-the-Dou • phfit Guards, Capt. Roberts—,Vorinmfe/d -Light Infantry, Capt. Hood—,,lrewtalle artillery—Capt. , • Bricker— Carlisle artillery,.etipt.. Porter— Wash '. tviiriartillery, Capt. Crop, and .oer/isle Ity'ant - Cuptltelirar. 'Officers and Soltli6re of the lite war. • . U. S.-Dragoon Band. -=--. • artial ftfliSle.. 3 _ • - •Ga it. Gee. tge, 'Committee of arrangennerit. kliirgeeses and Town Council of last yetir, and this • _ year elect.. • . . Clergy . ' 'Judges' of the Court. 'Officers of the Coilit. Menibers of the Bar. • , IViediesl Profession.' Dr. G Fdidke, Marshal. • rhstees and Vacuity of Di ekinion • ,„ Aatw.Sehool. . • " ' ' Studedtii of Dieleiaiin College.'" ' ' Robt. : - ' Principal and_TntOra Of the : Pupils of the Gi4nitnalir, School. H. Weal*, Marshal. „, School-Directors.. • ... . Publit•Male Behinds under the direction' of their, • several Teachers. ' • , Mlti , Writ.‘lll.l-lenderson,}. . • • • Copt A. Larblierton, • Marshall. : • !tiz nsondStrangers. .The IYY ddesiion, ttirei; n 1164614 Ot.ougli'seie l rat of The si reefs . , ieturned to 'tfie doilie4e!. 4,44 1 . . brawn up in front of the West Bu ilding, where ar ioUgements.had•been made !opal: The itildresiiUlK— ftir ralifevorVeClintook delivered an . eloquent • tulo., glum on tlweharaeter find liertietii of .thelltniente'd ~ • , '• • , . ' • '• • . : The.people were also addressed, in a vay foirible Mn d: impressive manner, by the Rey.. Henry Slicer; lifid the Wm. T. SiMO utte r `: Which a belie= iliatioq,was pt•anOnneed And the , Ptocessisni touh of . torching Ile Shope eloseil, and continUed so, thridigh: out the 2daj , . Although the iveither file; thel i rk! 6 Asiarf 3 ; e1 ; 9*13e; rEgehtni,'""rly ifie,allala length pi the iowei the ,nnisie oi the ' 4 Liar racks Bead," added very ankh • to the effect, and the " lhe thank* ',of oar ciiiienti Wtheir IFai Mc aid on • PREBIpEI!IT TYLER'S ADDRESI3..-+The a& dress, of John Tyler, acting Priaident, ,to the, People of the United States, will be found in another . column. - It 'is's, docu ment, worthy,.•; •an attentive perusal, and speaks for itself. 'This, together with his Pittsburg letter, mill satisfy our whig friends as to his political -orthodoxy. He declares himself in .favor of all the leading Whig • mfaku • . dlO doubt in his messae to Congrees at•the" extra seseion,ivill roake 'the proper iuggestions. We have no fears of the course which will be pursued during President. Tyler's Adminjstratiim. Even Were he opposed to some of the 'doctrines advocated by thefriends of Harrison before, the eleetion, Jobb Tyler is too high mind ed and honorable a man to oppose them now, knowing as he , does that'he, together with his• predecesscirs, ; . were chosen to carry out these measures.' - VhTO OF- THE BANK Thimi daY lastilm Governor, rettirned • the -Ralik Bill . to:the Legislature t without his signa- . ture. • He his objections in ati ex ceedingly' long and verbose message, which 'we give inTio-tia'y's--pgper,- for:the—benefit 'of thij6e who chtiose to wade through the decuirient. We shall not at this time :ex suiineinto_tbearguments_use&by_:.the_.Go, vernor to sustain his position.. Some of them , areyery difficult, to understand, and some'childish and ridiculous, if was well known to 'him ,thai relief - tolliibankii; and through . them to the country; trii looked .•. fo,r by the PeOple,:.:„ He_Was well aware;_ that the Legislnturc.presented to him.a bill as goßd as that body under' the „circum stances could make it, and that if he re. 'turned this without his -assent, it was likely that ahy measure of relief could be Carried through 'during the preseot.session. . Yet the will a the . .Execntive is put in op position?? the oft expressedwishes_ .. of . a large - majtirityof - the citizerarof Pennsyl; vania;--and-measuresLfor:their-advantage, Ittrovgirlasse - d 2 brthe - TeOreseutatives-of • thepcople are thus negatived : V one nzan. Thus last veto.Of David - R. Porter will most effectually — destroy - all prospect ` ; of his re=• election; no man 50... - regardlees - of the in terests.•and 'wishes • of the community, can obeli Sears expect a majority to sustain him. _lt 'w not be long ere his vetoing days are .over, and_ not until then can we expect perma nent relief. Laws abiplutely necessary for theCOlrrtunity.may be carried . .through the Legislature, bu •wi all be vetoed by this short-sighted itician. His only care is to please • the noisy, brawling por tion of his party, the Small, faction well . named by respetable .Porter men " the Barn bUriiers.'! The welfare of the citi- zens. o Pennsylvania is of no conseqUenee in the eye of their Chief Magistrate., Like Mr. Van Bt ren, he intimates that they have no right to look to the govdOmenefor relief, and recommends patiende under their sufferings . The. Governor has declared (it is stated that in - 116 - ie - vent' wilt he - approve a ill a lowing the banicii 'to issue small notes ! Pctitioni; in-f e or of-such a- measure-have been signed by a large. majority even of his own party; but the voice,of five-sixths of the people of Pennsylvania .'have no weight with our Democratic Governor.— How good bank not t . '3, in which the peo- ple can have confidence, can be more e fectual in "driving. -specie from cit'cula tion," as. the Governor says, than foreign corporation and individual notes, we do not understand. It. is known by every,dhe that there is not. enough Specie iy,-CircUla . tion• to supply change for t,Stnees --tidt "ban it,--nates-; . . legally authorized, we must, in defiance of law, make use' of shinplasters good and bad, froin• other states. Penlisylv,ania - Lcgislature; - In the Senate, on Saturday the 3a. o April,.the bill 'from the House, providing for the suspension of the new license lair, was taken up and amended by inserting until July instead of December, and passed. The naniitiationsolShorge Dare; as Societe Judge for•TOrk county, and of Sas:: Bell and John . lelorehead as Associate' Judges of Westmoreland county, were una- . niineusly, confirmed. , . , On Mondsy, the fithnst. no business was transacted in either branch, owing to their)- , .telligence of .President Harrison's •death. Appropriate resolutions -were--passed both' noises. On Tuesday, Mr. Brown's Bill relative to, the eanal -commissioners' passed final reading by a' vote pf 48 to 7. The thaiti features of tbe bill are as follow: At the - General, Election in October; 1842, I and very ,-.three years - thereafter - , three ,ca= nal coMmissionCm l shall , be•eieeted in the, rol x. iosvini manner. Each quaffed elector to sirote Perimis; and the,three mg the highest , number of vutes to, tip' de= elarid 4 'rlie three elected tot hold their front the, first dui ;of. March, n Let •theft etectiop.: Section 2d provided Patterson. , of Wallington • couink; John Strohm;'of LanCadiet County; atioSych other person as the' igo= e,rncor appoint, shalt be Canal Midi.: _i_s - ..10.11i',i.: -- V0.v41, - ,olt*::Wr't . ilf.:o' aiti:c , 7k**,tiltittitit'4- inissioners.frOm . the. - firo day of' May next, until the` day oi.ifaich, 1843. Sect. 4. If it iteancY ecen'is;;the • ;Governor to appoint for the term for whieh , the person whpsit Place was 'vackid, shall ItSie;110 a ppointed or, elected. , On' Wedneidai, f it being the day of die feneral of Fresidcnt Harrison, "no business was transacted in either House. On Friday the ; , nomination of Gee. D. WeoltliiaidAiesidentim/ge. of the 4th Judicial District, wed confirmedi' J Ihe• House of Rep'resentatives, on Saturday the ad'instatit, 11 , 1r:Sprott offered the following joint resolution, which nnder the• rules lies over for one day : Resolved, by the' Senate and House of Representatives, That the joint.committee appointed to' seleet , the most important bills on, file, to be acted on at the, present see- - Ilion, .be requestedlo inquire into the ex pediency of calling upon His Excellency) the" Governor r -to, ascerta in -what-portion- of said bills will.be likely to receive, his of: ficial satictin'e;lll7aiiied - by bethTbranches of the Legislature, and report without de lay, in order to save time 'that might be spent unritscessdrily, 4 ' - ,On Tuesday, sth of April, the House was occupied in, committee of, the whole, ro vide funds to qteet, ,gagements of. the centmonwealth: On Thurgday, the veto message was "and:sooo_copies. ordered . to . be : printe i cl.- On Friday the revenue.bill,again came up, and the question being taken on the first section, the vote stood 44 t 0.44; so the bill itiasloic. - The adjourument resolution Was taken. up and postponed, until the fol-. iowing-Wednesday:: ZQ".lli has been a source Of great graji fication to the supporters oirthe administra our to vi ,- itnes,6 - the eordial co;operalton of their political _opponents, in• paying • the propetribute of reppect:ln'our deceased President. -During the excitement of •the Prisidential contest - , -- they coittende7d. With -ns-like-inen, and for principlei -which -a large_koportion]tonestly • believe or the _gond_:of_the:_-eountry_;_but-when-deatt_ Moved froth our midst the object of . their . former opposition, party distinctions - were laid aside ; and -as'- citizens . worthy , of this free and - enlightened-republic,.all united•in' the duty of paying due 'honor •to the •me mory of their chief magistrate.- eventis.calculated to.cause dif ferent parties to remember Abet they •are still fellow citizens,-that they possess com mon interests and common feelings. May we not hope that this melancholy occur renc, causing grief both to friend and foe, will have.the effect of softening; the vio lence of our party 91ingstowids-each other, and render our politieirli contests less bitter. • • .What a solemn Spectaele • must it not present to 'citizens of foreign nations. Two . political parties, which a few months be fore were animatedboy the fiercest hostility . towards each other, now unite in their grief, not.as in the rotten monarchies of Europe where the people mourn or rejoice by-lap;-but- sincere,-free, spontaneous, lamentation for the loss of a beloved. ru er. . . A .HOuSE THIEF DETECTEDp. , - - "We lay° just been informed that Ma,j4 Jour HAT FIELD; Of our borough/bas • succeeded in taking, in Frederick',:Maryland, a celebrat ed horsetliief,known as..Johit Rus3c7l. Russell fi:diterly lived. in this county, and.sinpele left it, has been dealing large: ly,it(lmrse flesh. _ It is said, that when he.had i three• horses in his, posse§; supposed to have been .stolen in Union anti Imzerne'counties. When .eom mitted, he gaie his name as ,Aridrett. 111 or • -gan.- e -- , -011-MTi'day -last -he- passed - throuoh this place in custody of an ofncer;thei taki•• - - - Union en,.- Ong him on 0 - Union county, where -he will await his trial; acid if ho as guilty as he appears to be,.great_praise_ Major - Hatfield for his' zeal unit perseve rance in stopping. his depredations on the community. .I[;:r;We learn.by the Liallimore Pablo that family of Ggiteral Harrison,. ae compUnied by Colonels Todd' and Cham hers,. were. to leave ,Washington • on las .14ondey for the West, by the way of Phi! adelphia anti - Pittsburgh. ''Thep. there fore proab . ly. pass through this . .place to 10:7- Fur acme days past, we •lia ,ve hid several delightful Sprit - eshomera, - in':the shape of snow storms. Old Winter Makes - as many 'last a pimaraneee!. ale. a favori actor: Belshoutd ' have deli vered his vale., dietary a montir . ago. , • = '.FROM FLOILITIA: • _•Colonel Harneyi returned to St.' Angus tine on the 21st lure troops; after a c401) . 4 1 0: 44 '. slYrie the ever glailee;l6 health:.. The Herald , says: In elploring'thOtEverghuleo, "Colonel, fteineie'gu'silezionrie ieOgraPhleat discove ries, and litely he hat added' something:tO °WO bteek litte*logi .anithals heretofore • considie_d!rabelode mot* tis;,litalle4. 4 lVlani-ii-tee." Front what I cart liarif;ll is'a olisircut 41 4 coii, sometbingfietween a Nipple(' ind•a Seal, abauf 15 feet,l4.ni with a head like a cow , and twO serial! flippera 7 -neat• weight abont 2500 lbs.-cannot Jeava water-=feeds on the , grass of the 'ticiatgin; and lirofels *self forward by a broad • "Major Qhilds has been'out'on an, itnatic coastal scentt, so:far as 'ioneerns captures, having Merely taken:a child'of 3 years old; whiah,.. in the ,hurrying of crimping, was left at one of thOndian camps.. • (JANA We,acknowledge thet,.remenibeiing the ..Itorm tone of,tlte,previncial'presp ever any little irregillaritics have; occurred at the, elections -in. , the , United :Stites, we havelniXe&Wiiii - eur ,grief some little sa tisfaCtion at the recent extraordinary (Hs, Ordersin Canada: If a man has been, so unfortunateeP *bit of-his claret- f or a windoW has been unwittingly broken by our "fierce dethocracie," during a 'hot,po, litical contest; the circumstance has been chronicled in all .the', gazettes, in British l America, in capital-letters; as. an -illustra tion .of. the influence - or our institutions, sufliciencY. of republicaii . governments. ' The 'beef:United" Canadian' Parliament - , Is :to .aseern hie in Ki_4ot9n r in ',Lily, _and t- Seems that• Lord Sydenham is.determieed at allitazards to secure a majority that will' suppOrt - his policy, The Kingston Herald of March ,23,,,5ays that such .ttu'buletice has .disgraced the. canvass in that part of -the•---United-ProVince, that less than half the qualified electors, have obtained access to the - polls: In the-vicinity of Montreal, even greater . violence is' alleged. lncth 1 county _of three - . Were - murdered in open day, and the Union OrN'ory Can didate carried by brute force. .Bullies Were hired,. to attend the polls' at - Various plaCes, and.enable•the Tories-to prevail by driving oft the Fianco-Canadians:l' At St. Elizabeth,-one was killed; and many; now sick of their wounds, will , not The quarrel was Worthy of. Birmingham •and- the -Chartists, • They . fell Upon' the . Canadians with sticks-taken , frotn a corded wood-pile, and knocked them down - w,itlr, shillalahs of any : hit:MOO they ;Could find. Soldiers ivere: called otit to quell the riots in York. In Beauharnois,' the Liberal can didate was - compelled . by force to retire, and protest 'against the. disgraceful proceedings_. in Vaitdrieul.... These facts 'need_no com mentary; no elucidation 'need be expended . -upbn-thent.: - They ereremple.: proof -.that lhe_English.L.Grovernmer- least,• • notloii= l-- s - crupuious in - -the - means adopted for theFregtilatien of Canada. l , •. l'he disorders seem not - to hav_e been confined to Canada The' House'of- ASserribly - ol•Newfoundlarid'reaently - pass= ed an Address to the LieutenantiGovernor of the Island, - reqiithittng intericia tion -than . had been submitted - to that•hedy, in reference - to riots Which' had occurred at the last election. His - Excellency, in re-: I ply, stated that he had put them in pos session _aLalLthe—information s , which he considered _necessary, find" in conclusibri said, "So convinced am' I of the absolute necessity of the amendment of the Elec tion Law, - that I avail:myself of this op, portunity to state, that should unhappy no Legislative enactment be• made,ditring l this session to seethe the free,xercise of the -Franchise and the 010e / tranquility in future elections - ;- I will 'ho,v undertake the responsibility of issuing / Proclamation or' Writs for the- election'of a new HouSe of Assembly, or maim myself accountable for the serious cjuisequences, the confusion anti blOodshid.so. likelY to ensue- therefrom under the presentsySteml, but referring the Wholezafrair tollie Supreme Government; 12411, - as in duty bound; ithpliatly follow sucli-directiens es - rinay receive •in that 'behalf." After all, :the scenes_ witnessed in Ale Provinces .are ..pot much worse. than every year enactcktin England. Read the description of the contest between Tit inonie and Detainere, in 'Ten Thousand a- Year,' spoken- of by the' English them selves as a west truthful picture, of, a bo rough eldelion, end fudge wlretjter there is cause for the sneers so often .anilliheral ly indulged in by the British anti- Colonial presi_toward our eleetions. We are bad enough; though better than out . ..libellers.— Phi tidetphia Standard. • APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. • Jonathan Roberts, to be Colleetor of the Port of Philadelphia, In this plade of C abin Blythe; - .Wa'sfarigton Tyaolißurve,yor-offinitl pore-in -the plane of George Wi Rider. -. - Bela Badger to be Naval 011icer ut Pbiludelphia z in - the'place - ofJolurtforn. . • -- - - "Joseph Ritner, Of Cumberland county, to be :Trea surer of the Mint, in the pla6e or E'l-GofertiorWil narll Findley. — ext - xsE - xlvn - Puntrr—rtic - Iroine.—T,he, tion of the principle of being allowal to he.one of the greatest utility, in the - cure and preven tion of dist:ases;il ia of 'the greatest consequence to I ascertain what medicine is copal& of producing...the desired effect, in the easiest, and at the same time, tin'!" most effectual Manlier.. Brapqreth'i Vegetable.Untvgrnil remo ve nil noxious ititunitilatithiti, MA. vitrify and invigorate the blood, and their good effects are not counterbak :owed by.any inconvenience; being composed en tirely of vegetlibles theydo not expose those who Use them to . danger ; and their effects are as certain as they nre salutary they are daily and safely ittlinin. ;stem! t 4 infancy, - yolith; manhood and old age ;and.„ to womeirin' the most critical and delicate cirdutnl stances, They da foot - disturb or. shock-the animal functions; lint restore (heir order• and re=establish . . their health: •• • . • • ' • : Mr' For side in Carlisle by CEO. 'WI . 11ITNER; "and in Cumberland County. Agents published in another part of this paper. Of 'the efficacy c;l lP ,D ll l7P ° l4. g ro i4 Soothing--Sy ng-- Syrup, _ DEAR 818.—It i 8 with .pleasure ;that I send, you these few, fines informing you of the Astonishing. ef, recta your Syrup produced on my suffering infirm.—. •When at the. age of seven 'months, the gums•begatf to swell, Niiiiph produced severe pains.with sudden' , fits ef , ArYing, spastns, &o. •••A physician • NVBB ' called in - who lancbd the gums, and • prescrtihed • medicine (which.. increased the pain) bin .1n tin effect. Alto all' .attempts to relieve trio ”little atilreter," proved in vain, a friend, of ,mine, pointed tome an advertise, Went in ono of the public prifits, of your invaluable, Soothing l ytlip for children Cutting. Driug,so Ingitly•recOmmended I was induced tO•send. to Phibidelphia,,forti - bOttle to •l!teat virtites.";4— 9O receiving the taCdicine immediately'applied ;it anttording . to tfirectionFin the bottle, .whieh aro hap. .py to ••,inforto,yotkAlist, tbe good effect•was immedi•i; ately. pcioeitTdl til.ehild.retited - well all , night: • In the mornipg,the paiti..rgSumed, whialk,.l, subdued by, .thO freque4,3Ble..of • the Syrup; I used Onts„. bottle •titt4.tent .the,jeeentkviSitin'd •thnt,thne . ,itiy , child hast"ecove t red,•l I reel. fullY, , ,assureol.finikthe-fitirup' is a • Valitable, for:obildren,whenl•Outtim teeth; and recomnuitnied:,pwary family to',•procureMb , where there are young children,. • , • • ; ; • •• .; • • •4; 3111 1 3.;E: For sale byy'.,lolin Elliyers k Co•,..Catlisfet,.BB4 Wn h PeBl,,blititpcBshurg,rti: ; ;• • ' • • luterefiding Cure , ' Performed by Dr. ..Szvayne's Compound .S.Ordp cf Prunus Viryiniand;ii . Wild Clierrry. .; flaying made nee of: this invalealile Syrup an. my family, whickentirely cured' m s y,chtld. The syrup toms were. wbeezing and choaking llegm, ty of breathinzattended with content cough. Sitearnsi convulsions;&4. of which Iliad wive tip all hopes of its.recovery Until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. - .After Seeing the- wonderful effects it had.upon my child, and concluding to. make the same trial Upon nivself,,whi l ch entirely relieved nte.,..of a - cough that f was afflicted .. .with for. many years. Any persons wishing. to see me' can at" my bowie in Beach street:above the market,Kensington. • . • .I: — WILCOX._ .This medicine is now in:general lose in , nearly slll the respectalde . fainiliel the. Union.' Children take it readily. There is not the least .doubt ~but it ha's saved the liveSof Thouiandrk' A letter from the Rev. Mr. Jackson maybe - seen.at No. '4l, St. Clair St. Pittsburgh, near the Allegheny Bridge. , • For sale by Dr . J. J. Myers Sr. Co., Carlisle; an Wm. Peal;Shappensburg, Pa. , There are Many persons that see •daily behold whose cOuntenande and finil trembling limbs denote affliction,_ which we find. has prindipally originated, from neglect of proper remedies at the commence ment of siokness. At first the' patient eofriplahur of bite.unilie:stomsich.aucniled-witli -SietlYlBBr-COaliVe•- • 71e88 &c. he'neglects to 'procure proper medicine; at length lie.doinpfainti-of-pain in the side and' stornach -with lour acrid `eructations; -his appetite becomei impaired, his rest troublesome, Ills mind aed, and-Ch things-around 11411 appear not prOper station. He atill'neglects himself , when in all prob ability the llisease-may at length be ho &st.. Seated,. that no medical aid- will replace hint again...At the the first 'attack of sickness, there slionKhe no bite. lost in procuring Dr. Harlich's CostrctimSianiform 7 K.Niab AND GERMAN APERIENT PILLS , die ly remove 'bile From the 'stomach, obinate cos tiveness, .i.einove disorders in the head, invigorate the mind, strengthen the body', improve the memory, and enliven the imagination; . thue restoring the body again to its proper functions., Principal Office, No _I if .North_Eightli Street, allelphia. Vorsate.by Dr... 1. J. Myers Sr. Co., Carlisle; and Win. Peal, Shippcnsburg, Pa.. MARRIIED.. *On the 30th ult., by the Rev. William C.-Bennet. M. CHRISTIAN BOWER MASTER, to Miss CATHARINE - MIL LW.; all of New vine: ..• • efOii the 6th 'inst., by thillev. J. Ulrich, Mr. BENJAMIN ECKELS, to - Miss SA - - RAH MILLER; all of'Carlisle. : • 0n 'the Bth instant, in Ilnmslnirg, by the . SClineffer, Mn. THOMAS' ,MURNA NE, (Printer,) of that place, to Miss ELIZABETH. WATERBURY; for ' • • • M A6R K E CARLISLE; - .MARKETS: • • • Apro4, Issl., FLOUR.-$4 per bbl. ',.Wagon price $3,,50 ets. put• ,bushel. - • GAII.FREIGHT FLOUR-67.:ets per barrel.. - WIIISKEY 7 -p , • GRAIN-40 ets pei• bushel. - • , lIALTINIORE MARIETS. [From the Baltimore Patriot:) - 41aItimorf, dpril 1.0,1641 CATTLE—ThiTbupply of Beef cattle his fulleti offnonsiderably this meek, the offerings on Monday and Thursday amounting to only OU head, all of Which were sold. Prices are however without ma terial change, and we quote the extremes at p to $8 per 100 lbs. for fide lo strictly. prime quality._ The market contindes to be well supplied wills Live flogs, and we quote them ut $5,25 to $5,50 per 100 FLOUR.:-.ffe-rard St. Thur.—tight rec - eipts of Howerd St. Flour with a pretty acthe demand Imve -advanced the store price this week to $1,62i for goqd common blends. We are advised of sales to the ex tent of 'about 2000 barrels for shipment at $4,626 within the last few days, and quote the' store price at the same this morning, but with a less active de mand. The wagon price has also advanced and we now'quote at $4.50. GRAIN.— Whet: stirrfines 1;e14611 react? We, market are as yet quite in amount. Sales of goodlo prinleoredslinve ranged from 95 to 103 cts. .A. sale of Pennsylvania xed,..froin_ MOre,-W7lB.ninde. On Wednesday at ,100 els. It is doObtful whether the highest named price will continue to paid When full supplies arrive. • Corh-- , Sales of - Md. White_clurnXi 46a47 cts. and of yellow at 4%149 cts. Weskit* several parcels of Virginia mixed to-day, at 45i cents. . . Rye--A parcel of l'enussivania, in store, has been so'd to-day at 53 cents. We quote Md. at 48100 Cents. Clover ! ,S'eed— r The' transactions are 'confined to very limited retail sales 'at $4,50 for strictly prime quality. Tunothy Seed—We continue to quote the store price for prime lots at $'2,75 to . s3 per Lustful, with but little doltiftkN„, Outs.-XonfintieNarce and , wanted--last sales of Viesinin were at 25 sluts: HlSKEY.—We'eontimie 'to quote Itlidskat 20 .cts. and,libls. at 22 cents. NVagott price of bids. is 18 cis. Supplies are coming to market by the river Susquehanna. The inspections of the we e k comprise QM laid& and 11,87 bill. of which 281 Ithds.and 1024 bids. were received by the Susquehanna River' and 04 bids. by the I k laltintore and Susquelankfia " gail -road. The Subscribers return their thanks tp tlllir ett's tourers for,the nerd patronage (hey receivell,from there' tite.past yeir, and _wdefd tuforrerthem and the .publie_generally, that _ihey._llaVe_aga in _ren te tit lie a bove Factory near Papertown, 6 nines south of Car lisle, where they intend Manufacturing from thti fleece— CLO . T. -S • • Salltinettw, ing,'Slocting & Carpet Yarn. ATA . SO4. • Carding, - Weaving, Fulling, Pyit , higituaßressitYg , of all Bind s;: . which will 6c Mule in' the Vers hest manner and at the shOrost notice. • ' • ' - : ; Work will betaken in at the folldwing ptaces'and returned as directed, vii: .Wun. , Broiru's tavern, 9 'miles from Carlisle; PeterAliPs stortMiurehtiiiiiir 11. -and tavern, Dillsbu* Samuel Bar risi.lttounfliockt John Paul, 5 miles ahove.Carlisle on the turnpikMHurley.'s , tarern . on . the Baltimore turimikemnf at B'eetecres • . • . Iti.rtSON &broom:. • . . , April 14, • : • . • ... • . • cents - an 4 a chew of oba cco . .I.'ereard. 3ANAWAY`rroto'titositbsciibG '• AIL :hi . West Penniborough .town- S ship, on the 27th ult. , ait indented peentlee to 04 tift, aid t , trtystery of • Painidag,'aL boy; abadt , e,yeara,or 7 - 7-1 . age, - named .•". ' •• •• !• •• , outioned , abduathitrbeeing 'or..emp Dying ru pprentieeota theil w.i.will be MATTIIKW,DAVIDPOI4. Apiii 14 : ;141.- ! ..3t ' - • •- - • ' CARLISLE • YOU - . skeet' lo:tiraili it idle' fits ' Mioyllay the .8d of Moy next. at; 9 iNloilr,in the 101..6; • olden,' stUd!=it the surne4inie‘ awijitt.ee;',oo:AVvdtk6s; day ithel l 2ll67OF May"; iu tutiinier. uniftimi, 'Atli arras ittibuyalitontet liobd '-t- B3r,oider - " • 2 • , ..lOHN' II KEIIA.N; 0: S. '. 4141 I 4,4114 i. , . . Sickness.' • gATiN SHAWLS. neiv.styleioffiguretyllonnajcSitlo Aved"-4111"rw•Iti7 tti t tlitt; 4 3 1 '&411 - :31ratrch.11.y1841 . ... . - , ,Register ster's. Notice.. Offiee, • Carlisle, April 10;1&11, . 1 ( • . 14 4.14 iageret , given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persona concerned, OA the following no ! eamila have tieen Sled in this QlEce, for examination, I by: the itepouniaiita ;herein named; and Will be pre sented to Al,ie Oiplians' Court of Cumberland county, for confirmation nail alloWance on Tuesday the 11th day of. Mays ! A. ~i . !„ • ••,, The acco u nt of David Kbriostliiiinistratorof Chria7 tine Crotzer, late of 'North_Middleton township, de.;• ceased. • q'he..lccount-of-Williain Illghlanos,Jr. adniinis• trator of Margaret. Highlands, late of.S oullifimpton township, deceaSed. • The' cCount of Daniel - Cayman, administrator of Margaret Gaymirori t ste of Frankfortl township; de ceased. • The account of George. M. Graham administrator ,de Louis non . ith the will annexed, ofMatliew .son, late of Frankford township, deceased.. , .The accbiint,OfJcilin Coover, Executor of Martin Keller; lite of East Pennsborough township, The account of Frederick Woliderlich, trator of Nathaniel Whisky; lute of the borough of Mechanicsburg, deceased. • The'account of,Johri and. David Williams, admin istrators: of Dr. Jacofi Williams, late of North Mid dleton township; deceased. The account 011Atinftthnisgstlorlf,one_of..the..Ex,. ffcntoas Of Margaret,Longsdorff, late of Silver Spring township, deceased. The account of Henry Slienk s iuni, DaVid administivoll of lleary Shenk, sea. late of Dickin son township, deceased. The account ofJolinsProcttir,Wil ma Irvine, Esq. and Andrew,Blair, Executors of ;lane Logue, lute of the borough of Carlisle, deceased,: • , , The 'account of Michael Longsdorff, ne of the,Ex ecueili ot' Margiii•el Longsdortf, idea Slifer Spring township, deesuSed• ! The account of John: tine, administr . ator of Geo. Line, Ike of Sayer Spring township, deceased. • The account of ,lanies-Lindsey, administrator of William Lindsey, late of West Pennsborough town ship, deceased; The •accomit Aim Bredin, administrator of lute'Janice Brcdili~ uof the borough of Carlisle, de ceased. The account of David Myei.s, ono or the Excbutors of Henry Myers, late of Monroe toWnshi pideceased. - The. supplemental account of Jacob Gi•oss, adr 'ministrator- of - Blizabetli Barnhart; late r- of 'Silver Spring- toWllolip, deceased. - • , • The account of Lcvl..ll...riciciinlministratorof-Mi— chael Long, late of .Alleritownsl4, - decyged:,, Tfit aceount of Adam' Mountz lidnnniSkatba de bonis non, of Daniel • Mount; fate of:Filnkford townbliiKileccascil.. • . - The:account'id Da iiicl Shirernan, administrator of Samuel Sibbets, late of Allen township' deecnikedj ; • The account-of, Join Brown, Guardian oVer the, person and estate of Williani S. McDmmel, Minor son of Daniel MeDanneli de s cen TF%account of- AIM, Brown; 'Guardian' over tlic person and estate of Marr:tretta - McDanncl, Minoi: 'daughter of Daniel McDantiel, dec6sed. • . The account of-Frederick Bowernmst - cr,Guardhin of ibissimus I). Weaver, minor _son of Michael - Weavolettifiteetrai - • Tko Welormi. ofJecoh - Merkto;Gliiiillian of Jonas Rupp, minor son of David Rupp,ifee - eised. : - --The account ofifenjamin McKeehan' Guardian of the-minor-children-of-Andrew -?Mitchell, deceased:L.: _ISAAC . .A.NGNEY;ltegisti,r, PROCLAMATION. . _ • ,;"*"- • f , O . - tok • ;;;1ir b ;,....- . • • PEAWS.ILVJA73, : ... • . . In the name and_ y the authority • ottlie-Coranionwealth of Peim• • - Ayirania. • • • DAVID R. PORTE Governor of the said Commonwealth, To PAUL MARTIN, Sherif of the County of Cumber:and, Esquire, SENDS . GgEETING: • . _ WliEligAS a Yammer 11:15 happened in the rep resent:dim' of this thate . i the - !louse - or resentatites of the United States, in Oonsiampfiee of the death of' Williarp• S. Homey, Esq. elected a member of the twenty-seventh Congress from the thirteenth Congressional District'. Now, therefore, impursuanee ot•the provisions in stick ease-Made by the constitution of the United States, and by the act of the Generiil Asset - 414y, passed the ..2d day of July, A. D. D. 1 539,1, DAVID R. POItTEIt, being vested with the executive authority orate State of Penusyl-. have issued this writ, hereby commanding' you the said Paul Martin to hold an election in the said ea' idy of Ciiteberlimd,on..Titesilsy the 4th•of May - for cluiositig n representativeciptiiiMmtnionWeitO, in the House orltepresentatives dike:Unite7i 'States, to-fill the vacancy which has happened us aforesaid, and you are heruby requirea antLettjoined to hold, and-conduct the said elect:kik and make a - return thereOin the manner Mid form as by law is directed and required. Given under my hand and the great:vat' of the State at Harrisburg this 30th March, in the y'etir of our Lord one thousand-eight hundred and forty ' one, and of the Commonwealth the sixty-fifth.. Br THE GOVElltiOlt: - Ii PKTRIKEN, Deputy Secretory of the CoatrZoo.edltli. intesuance.or di v e alioVe 'Writ; i'AUL MAR TIN', High Sheriff of Cumberlaiid county. do hereby give public buena:That an election will Inslaeld in said comity, Oh Tuesday the 4th of or mrepresentative in Congress, occasioned' by the death of the lion William S. Ramsey. And ire severidr Jinlges and Inspectors, (with the clerks appointed by thetia,) ailio - wpro 'elected on the !IptrOW-March, are-required- to-attend-and - perform: at theJiaid election the several duties enjoined on them 14 law. • -NIA the return iiRW.S.pf the - severar - elecllMFt dis fricts of Cumberland .couniy, are lierebV required to meet- at the court Ilogyc, in. the borough of Carlisle, On lcCt ay rip. ft Ayr the said elegtion. at 1.1.• o'clock, A. ~ with eertiTicateS of the election in their dis tricts.— ' . C 3 veiwit~uler inylauel at Carlisle, this Ist day Of:A. ' 1). 1841, and the sixtyLfilth year of Amei imlepcseleace, l'A UL MARTIN.;Sliriff:- . „ Ac-AfNsT LOSS BY F1RE...0,- Tim FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA; Capital $400,000 paid in.— Charter i'cupouat, , CONTIN td make Insurance, Permanent and J Limited. on m'errtleseription of PronertY; in TOWN AND COUNTRY; on the usual fitsorable terns: OFFICE, 04 Chesniit street; near Fifth street. CHARLES N. - RANCKER,• President.' DIRECTORS. CitAntrs N.1)./..settsit, SAMUEL G 1141.5.1•, 'SCHOTT, • • FREDEIIICK BROWN; • 1 . 11014 . A4, fIAUT A AeOli R. SMITH, "' • THOMAS . •GEO. W. TI .w4opr.n,,, tkviitnEcL CIimaI:sG.'ILANCIiZER Secretary. Ofi - The subseribei,..keent for the above Company for the borintglinf Carlisle and cieiuitp , will prompt. Ix attend In all implications , for Itisttruned, n !tether inade jiersonally or by letter. -Residence Main street, nearlroppoSite the Car Office. • •I -," SEtAIOUIt. March St ;1841.-'--ly •• • • • . , • lEMO VAL . • •••-. .).Ite,publir: is iislicetth ly in twined, that J. .r4l • YEIICO . . ii4vE AREADiED THEIR DAVIT AND. 110 0X 7 §Tallg7-TO the eiatnnfir,Oan latellroecupieit 'ArAu t wor ciy ,D-te-. North - "'fill athnet, nasals tipp i ntio.,thppiriiiiiti etiny.trittistrtn thply, tarred, qn the most pl i esi.l!off6ema, • . .; . • . OC2 ~• • • . . THE Subscriber, thanidul.for,' reapeetfullylnfams the eitiiens of•tlaho colntyq that he luta removed tektite ivejl=known Tavern Stand, on the , North-West collier of Efcidth :Hanover And • Pomfret Streets recently oacupied by GeorgeßeZtem,," Esq.; where he is prepared td accommodate, in first ratevyle, all those who may favor 'him with' their custom. • _ _ •• ejIrOUSR is-large-and-zommeulimm,_andia fitted .np,a4furnislieti. in 'a at3le of elegance and comfort unsurpassed ~ by housein, the borough:•- As it is situated in quit* and .pleastint part of the ., town, it is very confenteftt. for business men 'and, travellera. ( His TABLE Will. Cenatantly he Skitiiied , Witit the beat the market can afford-Inid his . : - WAR with the very bestafliquors. .pßovEits will find ittheir, intercit to atop with STABLE is tge.,. and a - eareful and' yperienb ample, Ostler .will always be found -luauen. o;rI3OARDERS will bc• taken by they/oak. month, or year. WM. S: ALIEN. • . Carlisle, April 7, 184t....tr.- ::11RA NDINIV lIV V- SPRINGS; .Would inform his frietuTs'and the public, that ho had. taken the MADISON .HOUSE, No. ..39 North Second' itueet,- Philadelphia., and solicits a eontinu once of the patronage soliberallrextended to establislnilem. . . Brandv*ine S2rings *ill be opened for the reeett tion oreatiiparq cutthe 10th of June; persons wish- • ing to engage liontua will Meese" 0_ call, at the - - Madi son-Houk!, • • ; • G. I'ERREFI, Proprietor. April 7, • - --____..., ...... .. _ _ ........ _._...__.. 523EM11'E.111 1 .3 lITMla' . • , . . „rig e --- -po. _ .. • .. r .„ .3ti. -..:;4 ~..:.:•, . ..1,• ... ~,..,. ..,.„, ..,_. • r,,...,...„,,• • _ • _s.A.-. , • .....i,• ; ....„..r.„ i . • . 4 ,7 )1 '• nl. '. • . • :4,-,2..,..r.,,d, . I ' , ~.,_.,.., The.subscrilieroliankfitifoi- pli"sl, - ,fliiviwresiteori: folly informs his cu,stumer, itmEtheinifdic al, thatlire has rtittioved to that lae. and corm - cod!. ,ous establishment nitthe North-wYst. -corner of the . Public Square, late thy property of Thornas,C,Liine, • Whjelt.he has fitted up in a very superior mannerist" -- P r. 1711 . 110 USE •• • • and where' he is, prepared- to furnish all wlio.tnay. layor, Lira witlitheir custom with the Very best ac commodatinns,. frtim its central location, is -very..aon venient laisiass men ; , :ind being nenrihe stop - - - ping phice of the Cars on tile llaihroathit will also nlllllOl TraVaiel'S with a ready plaae.pf. eest IV freSliment. - Theltoo.MS'are. ltir a :tour-airy ;.the TAMA: will always be weirsupplied..with.the best the markets can afford; die BA rt witli . beat, Aft ou Lign ; the ehbeges`siill trationsb tig sh ill_be I eft. cottony. Oti.-ilte, Part, uf the subscriber_, to merit a sliiirevif public patronage.. • • - 130 A It DERS 441, liejtikpirty Commodious :Stabling attuelmd to the estab lishment., and an attentive Ostler alwayi ready to at• tend to that department.. _ . - G MIME. BEF,TEIt Curti lr, April'!;l 1 . - • . NOTICE.. .- • . The he't,i BEEF_ in Abe. CAisle Market at. , NOBLE'S' titailsovill-be sold at sis s and one-fourth' . centa'prr pound, cal and mutton in proportion, for cash. . .4peil 7, 1841.---st* . TOUR YqUNG MEN..am,be ,Ceeord, 2 .. . - modated wit % good Hoarding , rtpd,conyenient rooms, in a pleasant part of tliejfporgli. tor: fur the' partitu'ars inquire at thiti offiee. . Carlialr, April 7,1841.- (:ftrie,y, Christmla Curran, - ( 4 0 E0.1.. ' . 7 • • •-• • • ===',Ff • re PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 76 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. OFFER their services to the Millers, DiStilleri awl Dealers, as Commission Agents for Atte sale orklopc, Crain and other kinds of Produce,—" From their a'avantageous lot:ado:tamd experience its the business, they flatter themselves they will be ble to render entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with tionSignments. They will be prepared at ' all-times to mike the-costonatirradVancetionltiods committed to their charge.. They have eect ived the Agency of the Susitiehan na Transbornition - Line, - (via. Tide Water, pat i alj awl arc prepared, to,ree,.ei ye awl for Ward Merchan-: 'laze of every description for the inniatti,cumber r land and Su"lnchalllta Valleys. Thy Line will bb. composed of new decked Canal Boats, and will be towed by steam between this city aid Havre du Grace, and' proceed up the. Canal withont tranship- mews. • They wilt run day and s a nd goods will be delivered In the shortest tiossible time. gpplv td• . • • - CASTN'EIt, CnRISTIANAt ,C VIM N. No. 76 So(rt), :Wharves Philad. WEAVEA. MILLER, Harrisburg. • • 70841.--4 m FOX & CURRAN, ty s , .: 4",i; —WILL—CONTINUE THE litul Prograb Coimiiissiori Pusineas; , at the Ohl stand:li BiTattl above Race street, Fliila• lcJphia." - April 7,1841.---3 in NEW -- HARD` VARE - AIVD - YAM ETY. STORE The sobseritters have opened n general. assort 2 'livid of neW. goods, en. the Room lately occupied Niessrs.,llamiltOn & Grier, 011 the south enst eohlei; of Hanover and Louther streets) COOsia ble . of, • Ilia kd tira toe, GroceiriCB,. 611 S, VARNISHES . . . CLASS; &c. &C. . • ~ , . . Having selected their go'ods with care,, they are prti• tared to, sell low: Those ilesirotts of pun:basing. will. hid it to their ativitotage to giie them s& cam. • - ___ • •. . . BOSSER3IAN & 1111110 N: Carlisle, Nlaielt St,' t841.-3t. - . . . -.-.., ~ Tke Celebr:ltett iiiirse . ' W AliE . r JI-E.l. D e . . .„ . ~, A. : • •' Wip staturror service •:: . ,e"1 . i' ; , ; ,Ittring tbe.season, AGM. flolfttlipßi 1 . ' \ MC11611,... ou the tat of . b.-- -,.,,,, ~, • 'April and endipts ett 014...,, 4011 I 1 , 1 st - o(July,ol(pliows : _ r ~,- ... )1 . , Siontlay„, Tuesday .ant e ,77 • . IVednebkloy . .• or '. , e4ch : -'i sweek., at SI idtlleie; ittAThttesties*ritittY 411,1 4; 111 -,: tirdtiy,l4 . t: s tk#t;lble ni .104cer,llotterts,.loXeCrIntle. , , - '" The tortus are sti for the si:titin,njel Stator lour. :.e Any persOn - parting , nith att.lnsured, 14 are bet"' :leis lutooy main trith -- 11)14;1‘J.11.be - ltelit• liable. fur ~,r; i • {;rtAt rfirg st?p•,64,lkgn,, bpt Get or pocjileots., . r . ' . 4 . TUOAIRSON' " • • • - .C. 41 Vg.r t • • 11\T OTlti bY given iliatany perso; „ re, ,k, 4, ot 4 'obvisig away, ti tuber, hoop potpa„,ratts, r tinhg4 on or fPolllllOll,49Ol4llllll4Ettabdi viitiLput ,thy putliprity oyitilig :shop mute dtrt,PaSSert.llVeMling tg Jaw; Akt" ~1 3 0".,' • pre cautioned against'phyln4rehtta,,exorAist , srlwiiif#riiten ortlell. - qe.(llr-rae•to art 'n in niattert,ai.hor:llc4"it4tld.ll••;;, to - pkotnt'any,r' • . , .• • • ,Ilf,illit,llSHAV' ' 14c litetl4nieti BoOt. b. Ifti • '•••• • • CHANGE OF. POSITION! UNION-110TEL; • CARLISLE, JOUN NOBLE - 8c CO /I 0411 D