Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 17, 1841, Image 4

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Copper, Sheet mid Tin
'are •
rIII I IHI SUBSCRIBE t , thankful for pnit - flifore,
! would inform the public, thnt, ,he continues to
manta:whim at his old stand in North Hanover strert,
'Carlisle, opposite Communes hotel, evert article in
the line of his business,:imeh as
alva)zEttlA artiaaAao,
-Wash-Kettles, Dye-Kettles,.Ratters!-Ket-!
Res, House Spouting, id ever.
Dripping Puns, 4-e,.•
He also oferifor sale
Cooking, Parlour,
Chamber and Nice
to 3:
for wood.Of• coal, of every, variety anti pattern— , -all of
whigh. he will dispose of on the most reasonable.
. • ' JACOM•FiIIIAMY . ;, -- .
N. 13. - 1-lealso•bsS for halo the iknin*P l '.ei.l noturY
Cooking,Strives, , ,rhia arc siperiof_to,:stny ever•of;
fered in this place.
Cbrlisk, Peb:•3, 1841.--9 m ' . • '
Meal WieciaM,t,
The e"hBcriber hay inst.-rdlucned from the city
and la - nowopening' , iifitneiin'y delirable — sCaion - atile
GOODS, consistinG in • pat•t• of Itaibible: Green,
Broicn, I..liamond; Pilot, Beavei.,lllack. Wool dyed,
Blue, Adilade, Cadet and Olive
Wall dyed tillneJc,..Blue,and figPred Ca.ezimeree ;
sattinetts or all descriluions• (*de and Beaverterne;
Milks and Clweks;-importeti Stair, and figured Car,
peting; S.lsony,,Prinee and Manse de' Lopes; era
_lazt a as, Mead :loci, Illneldaele,blaelt;-Mantun, Fawn.
11r.-IWa; Figured And Plain Sitio, Floret! and-•
. Plain Swiss and jaeonet..limelins; Creep Mize and
• •
Flannels of different colours . ; Glore , S - alid" IlnxierYj
C.l3tli and Far Caps; Brasile and Merid. Shawls ;
nt-nlankete; Leghorn crud
•t-raw . Ilannets; together. with an assortment of .
Gi'oceries • Attteenswa re. .
it Of 'wilL .Ixt:sold.on the : 'unlit Vvasoitqhle
teral3. Pees•ni Ill'C invited to call and exanditie for
di &rise Iresbefore IHlPellAslohelsewlarmB..
• zs: D a Env R Q...11.5.,1.1.DA
;Air: —23 b •
'aunt_ Le' aaral
._Asa ..Shippewburgy - •
• ik
Are rioviopaing at their Stare — a - large and: Meet
. splendid assortment of
Fall and. Winter • .
ta el ES ,W e i b
which they will.scll at "inch prices as cannot fall to
suit purchasers, being deterpipted to sell cheaper
than can be found elk:where in the state. Their
stook part_of the followingartisles, vim
• Black' Blue, Brown, Olive Green, Invieible Green,
MitLierrzb_S'eet-nzired, Cadet_mired ..
, . • 'Broad Cloths t
Black, Blue, Striped, and Drab Cas3inseree;' Bine
Green, Drab. and Steel-mixed ' Cateineeet Prussian
Blanket and Morino Shawls,
Handkerchiefs, &L
Also a larcre astortment of
• DoUlleSllC Gootts 3
queensware, Hardware, Grace-
Liquors,--&c: •-•::
. •We would invite the 'public to call and examine
our new Mid elicap goods, and if good goods, low
prices and exertion to please. will have any effect, we
feel confident that they will not_ go away_without.
leavi s a little of the Ready Rine.
13. 11. Ceitntry Protlace,rif all kinds will IM taken
- 1 , 1 exchange for Goods, at-market price. . .
• P.: S.' A report has been circulated that we do not
intend to .continue here longer than the .ensuing
spring, we therefore would acquaint the public that
we Mire leased the store-house, which we now octw.
py,f.n. the term of four piers:" May this check the
slanderous tongue of those who seem to devote all
their attention to such base mid degraded acts.
Dec. 9, 1840., )
4_Bo n th^ettrier-BC—Lin &utter — ,
At their New Stare in C;entreyille, hare just re
eei veil and are now opening a very-large and splendid
assartpient of lIRITISII,TRENcH and DOME*
DRli" G 0 (DDS,
which haveheen selected with much amain the cities
of NEW YORK and PIIIII.A.OELPHIA, and which
they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreville
and vionj,ity to call and examine, as they will be ena
bled to please, and sell decidedly cheaper than any
other establishment in the county. They will^lie
happy at all times to see customersmlto re desirous
of havin
Nein' Cheap•and.Good Goods. their stock willfte found Elite, Black,
Green; Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, llahlia, Cit
rout. Claret, Mixt.prab, and n variety of low priced
. ,
(t) 1111 5 0
Superior striped And plain London .and Buckskin
.Cassimeres, premium and low priced Sattinetts; su
perior Silk, Satin; Velvet, Valencia,'Cdrded, Strip
ed, Figured and
• Plain Marseilles and Cassimere
Vestings.• A general assortment of all_ quid hie* and
colors of
Fall and J 1 enter` Goods.
— suitable for Centlemen'Aw, ear. Superior Black
Italian Littestrings, Gros - Tfe Nape, Po De Styes,
Gros De Swiss, and Senshawli . lks, Cballeys, Chin&
- zvps, -- JattorieticCatibridicliredibtrtetts, Plain aid Pt.
gibed Swiss, and Book Moline, Shawls, Dreaa
Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Veils, Ribbons, drc.
A large • and excellent assortment of fine. and low
priced Cancans ' Irish, Table, Towelling - and Tablu
Diuper, Crash Muslim, Tickings,:cheaki, Cords,
neltierteens. Zeo• A - guntral , assontment ofßnltora
anti - straw ttunnets, UngiFelini,Parasols, to; -Also,
an extenbire assortment of
" ceriei and Queensware,
of the mast approved .Qualities • The public are re•
speetfellv invited to call and judge for themselves as
they aeiletermined 0441 cheap for cash or country
• produce,. TAVERN. ICEMPERS are respectfully
" invittetto call and examine their Stock of Lignors •
before purchasing elsewhere.
Centreville,'Corn. Co., October 14,1840.
Cheap Shawls.
, The - Subscribers have on hand a large assortment
of Citalunere, Thibet, Marina, Ilrecha,Clienillonnd
.other. kinds a Shawls,' which. they' will sell at
mall advance. for Cash.
":`cair n aAti.o4v.viiti
, Far di, eloth
A good oisortment - ofPur'sdlCloth , trpelitpl*
sold olicap.ot the atm.() of ,+
- arrxciiE. 4 ornra.*i
IftEre itATFI QuidArrovißEATEß
.". •04 1 ICIAM k ABRlrms-
The two Story. Stone I louse, ocenpied . by the sub
seri,bc.r 'on Ea stet Carlisle, with the Lot of
Grnowl 90.E'u
c'et front on said street, and extending
i(). 6,et back, to the Letart:spring. is'a Stone
Stable, A Cart-laze House, and x well of, Water on
the prouist-B.' The Aslinle property i 'euelnied by
substantial atone wall. • For further particulars apply
, It. C. HALL. •
Nov. 4, 18445, '
. .
• „ St.
Variety , ore,. &e. - •
rkilto; suhseriher, thankful for past fevers; respect
-6111 v..-i iifOrms the-iinhlie thitt-he-still-continites
to "An/W/odt" in'. Church , Aller,,,near."Education
• I laci," w here lie has now on hush a large assortment
of ioanna. eansibting in part, of the follon mg: Bread,
Csilf,ea*, -Cliat'sl,--Bacon,-Ilams,--Flour, Soap, Cider,
_Fruits, Sweetmeats, and other nec•maries
0 11:Uilated for this meredian. •' .
, .
• N. ll,lle allasiotitinue•to lettp_au.Eatilig r nolue,
• •where-gentlenitn'-ean-hr,eetommntlatcd - with - 7Tripe . ; -
PiZ/l Feet, Pickled Oysters,ik.c. it the shortest notice.
'.."."Selit.' 9. tihtrii--1 yert - rt ' : • ' • - •
- • -
CASH Will be paid for PIVE THOUSAND hair
rein of Flour; TF.N.THOUSAND bilithels of Wheat;
TEN THOUSAND bushels of Rvne, and TEN
TriotrsANn of Ciirn,by the:subscriber,
wlia -ban at all times he found at his Ware-house on
the canal between Walnut and State streets. •
Harrisburg, April I, I Ititt.-..-tf •
11: LAINS, - offered for sale by
and a- great-variety-of-articles useful - and: necessary
for furnishing and keeping a house. lie luisalso; and
still-constantly keep on hand
Camphisie Oa ;
a cheap and elegant 'substitute for sperm oil, and
haring been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers
and Brother of Newark N, J., fur the sale of line's
Patent Lamps in this count); lie is prepared' to fur
nish Lumps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate to all
who may. wish to use this new and ceonomidalaight.
Baying selected his goods himself; and made his
purchases for cash, he is able, and is- determined to
5611 on.
• Because they:neder destroy the coatsofthe stomach'
and bowels, as all strong ptuvatices do. , • ^
-Because_ science and experience . teach us thaino
mere, purgative alone will cure the disease of the Stew
Mach and Nerves. Weakness is the primary cense of
a host of diseases s and, by otmtinuly resorting to Drat
sic purgatives, you make, the disease" much worse,
instead of getter. . . • • ,
Demme Dr. Harlich's Medicines are put up Upon te
common sense prineiple, to "cleanse and atrengthen,".
which is the oniy course to pursue to e ff ect a
Lastly, •
• -.Dciause these Medicines really do cure the dime
for tablt" they are recommended. Principal Office for
theDnitedStatea,at N 0.19 North Eighth street, Phil.
adelphia. : , . .
for sale by S. 3: Mienle C0.,-C arlisle; and
Wm. Peal, ablikpenabargi:Pi. pan. 15,1841.--3 t
• -
T 9 rentavp these troublesome and dangerous
inhabitahts of the Wunsch and bowels which so often
Impair the ficalth'and dr,stroys the lives' of children,
use JtqratetTaAttlrarnitisitei weertaia avid mire rm,
;p3kration fiirthe femoral of thryttri ous kinds of worms,
dyspeptic, aoir i stomaoh, *at or optioOte, infantile
Cater and Agae, and dibility dale Mamas!' and bow,
elaratul argans of dig:et:don. zit /it! had at No. 'IV,
South Third atiMet•
- Alpto bi had 'to(Faaattii; ElAattcand•Otettenitai
iii kT4 ; carliale,!*a r, ' 18 11,10,,
................ - 1; 1 :
• . „
0.0 K E R E.l-.611 •
. The Subserilierioffxr their present Stock of - Mrir
chandizie at feduiedpriees, and will continue nt such
prices until ° ill is sold. A" large .portion of • their'
Stock is offered at Cost... •
CarliAe, Dec., 9U,1.94(i. '
Mechanicsburg •Licrie
Tazte , ff m i, „ iv
netaveen frliethanicsburg and
ehilaffelphia Ralf
• .(ar "Mt", 140,9 D ' •
THE sulrserikers 'grateful fur past favors,
beg leave to inform their friendeand the puldie
,generally, that they. still continue to: run a line of
burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg and
Philadelphia or Balthnore, by which goods and pro
duce of all descriptions will be forviartled.with_care
and despatch at the lowest rates of freight..
Produce will be reeeired at their 'Ware_ Dousesin Mechanicsburg, and, forwarded toeithir
delphia or Baltimore, according to the direction of
the owner. "
-The .highest price' :will _be. &co ifor _Wheat
and flour. • '
Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept on
hand, and far sale at the lowest prices.
'July 1840.---7 y. • .. .
For Sale.
'__W,anaLioalKKDT.ErML. -
• The subscriber hereby informs the eitizetis of Car
lisle, and the publio 'generally, that be has taken the
shop. nearly evpasitc the Jail, where he will4e..prc,-
met! to manuthri tire 1. - • order, on the most. reasona
ble terms, any article in his line of business, snob as
_ Ave . ,,•lSill ric4s, &c..... •
. ..
lie y , ;11 AJal Attend to .Steeling awl Griticling Axes
ile. sllicits a share of piiblio pati•ollage. • - , •
1 awiime,_Nov._s,-is4,o,- , - 7
of a new style 3 for rale at the New Store in
Shippcnsburg, by. • ARNOLD & ABRAMS. •
:Vete Iliardivare; procOm A'
- vuonETTr-STOigE..
FrHE. subscriber bas just returned from
the Cities,oftiew York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore, and is now opening at his store room S. E.
Corner of Market Square and Main Strdets (for
merly occupied by Geo. W. Itituer,) a general as
sortment of ,•• •
Hardware.. • Stone. Ware, 'Cedar Ware,
Paints,.Farnishes, Glass, BruSh
. , es,. Whips, Canes, Lamps for
burning Camphine Oil, • "
Those having theca to lay otttwill find it-to thei
atlyantsgo to give, him a call.
:Earlislo, my 8, .
Lace Goods.
A ii - rge Edgings;
Cambria and Swiss Edgings and Insertings, for sale
at reduced prices at the store of
.IfUST RECEIVED at the New Stpre
elin Shippensburg, English, German and French
MEILENTOES, and far imle by
UST RECEIVED . and now offered for stile at
the New Store in Shippensbnm. 'a hnndsome
and splendid assortment of Plain, White and Braid
ered Merino Shawls. -
Why Dr. lIARLICH'S Compoinal Strengthening
. and German Aperient Pills..are used bran-classes of
people, in preferene to other Mediidaes, because they
are prepared from a pure extract of herbs, a whole
some medicine, mild - in its operation Ind pleasant in
its effect—the most•certain preserver of health, a safe
aniFeffeetnal cure of Dystiepsia or Indigestion; and'
all. Stomach Comp!aints, a preserver and purifier of
the whole system.
-- Because thetioothe nerves of sensibili!y and for
tify the nerves of motion. impartir3!o their most sub
tile fluid its, pristine tone. 111116 stung strength and
clearness of mind.
g,t - io:::**,:** - ',o.:,*.*''',':** - ,i 4'4 - 0 :.:.!4'*i,'':‘::.:**.,i;•*.f-,P:.PA-:.*19..t!..''..
, ,
erar Line offrel fh t: Carr
I •
, . -•.. • . • -,-- , ,,,v1 , 1: 5 -•.;:„.„...
~. 4 6 1 / 4 ,4 i4 y....,.•.r.. , .--.•••;.;... t.... , 11,....
. - • 1 ~. - ..,: 44+v— . - .--.!-•:. •, 4
• • . _ ...• _ ..,. . •
' . • • • ' .17t - ltr , -1,1t17,- ,• • ~ .:
•. • • •• ' ~, - - .) ;:ite,.-..,:,-.A _ ,:',.r..---. .. •
Utii(OVlTZaralatnaglatnla ,
• tiO:PijiitADIMPHIAi:
L , . , •
. • THE subscriber, gFiteful for pitkrovers,iespect,ful
ly heir:tints his friends' and the publiti, that he has put
.into operation' on the Harrisburg, Lancaster'St Co
. . . lumbia . '-' • -
, ' - "- . .... • , .
,_-- -
.R line of new DOUBLE CABS, which will run regu
' larly between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, by. which
Goode and Produce of all descriptions will be forwar
ded with care and despatch; at .the - lowest 'rates of
t'rcight. .
I. • f oods will be received at the Wardnouse of TIIOS.
J. DIAXWELL, N. E. corner of Broad _and Vine
I streets Philadelphia, and forwarded to Harrisburg,
Carlisle, Chambersburg, and . intermediate places,
by the subscriber. ' ' OWP.i . .. M'CABE. -
Harrisburg, Feb. 5;1839.. • ' . . . • • •
DCTFISH; SALT. AND PLASTP.ll,eonstantly.on
hand. Cash paid for almost all kinds olcoutitry pro
duce-: - '
BargainS,. 'Bargains..
eke's . p Goods for Cash.'
The SuhlerlberSolesirous of re4ncing their stock
of it at reduced prices for Pas&
Their entire stock of ,
1321)11 4 9 CLOTHED
Cassimeres,--Satinetts, IL7erinoes, -Flat:
- eels, - IST •
1711 Ibe sold at a -very small advance. Such persons
as are deslrons of obtaining goad bargains will please
sail at the store of • •—•
urrlta & 2111.71.VANY.
N. 11...T1re eatirs stock of allefJchantlize will "be
sold a•bargaiii to-any one wishing-to - engage in the
business, if application be made immediately.
Dec. 9, 1849.
Black Walnut . Vlank:
frillE. Subscriber wishes to purchase
B C K IVA 141rUT • PLANK hi any (inan
ity. that may - he - offered; for whielr 'Forty •Dollars
cash per thousand feet plank.rheasure willhe given.
Said Plank ,to be of good quality; two. inches and
One-eighth to thielMess and fOurteen feet
in length. To be delivered at the Canal in Harris
burg, swat any point on.the CupaherlandNalley.ltail
"{omit and' immediate information forwarded to the_
subscriber. .
-re - A - 66 Othii , in forma t i - eneliffiye to said husiliess
can PlOellipn to - Robert Ifightnin;
Carlisle; or by ad dressilig the subseriber (post paid)
residing in Philadelphia.
FREED" - .Tit: .
December SO 1140.—S me, •- •
, • - •_ .
Wilk -- afigifiganls4 . ) Hisproved
. - ratent Horst meek. -
THE great ,enconragement -heretofore received
- from the sale of his machines, induces him to of
fer to the public a nekii mid improve') Horse Pouter,
which can he-shifted in gem or out or g eur I"j• keys,'
and shift the band to give it II %V different revolutions.
A1)1(.4..11114 no InaitatiminAssuring tlitaartuers that
he is now. ble to furnish them . with an article far.sit
periorto those maitufactured heretofore. For speed
and clean threshing and ease to - the horses,lie be.
,:eves. his machines to be unequalled.
l; His price is sl4o—seventy dollars to be paid cash;
nd the balance in six months, far which n note wilt
be requirett7With ititerest: — Any person purchaing a
machine and upon a filly_ trial, not tiding pleased, can
return it.lle will All times be ready to furnish
them on he shortest notice; orders tram a distance
will be punctually' attended to. lie will also repair
machines on the shortest notice, .
sale at the New Store in Shippensbarg, by
Balm of Columbia.
.British Consul's Office, ?,
'Philadelphia.S •
T .
NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pres
ents shall come, that I, - Gan CDT ItiIIIT:RTSON('
Eel. his Britanic Majesty's Consul for %the Pity of
Philadelphia, do herateentify, That Itollert'Whar-,,
ton, Esq., who attests to theroregoing Certificates, is
Mayor of the City of Philadelphia ; and that Mat ,
thew - Randall; Esq - 4 itc - Protlionotarr - of - the COUITot
COMMA Pleas for the city and county of Philadel
phia, tO both whoie signitures, with the Seals of their !
respective offices, full faith and credit is due.
I further certify,-that lam personally acquapited
with Joseph L. Inglis,one of the signers of the certi
ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy
faith(' Balm of Columbia, and that he is a :person of
great respectability, and worthy of full litith and cre
dit; tutiLtbat I have heard him express his unqualifi
etlitilpitthittion of the effects of the said Ham ciflCo
luaihnic in t rexturing .
Given.undri My, hand:antl, seal of office, at the city .
of Philadelphia'," id' the ; O .P ennsylvania,
United States of America. ' . ,
'Dead the following,
certified, as may, be seen befog,
the high , character of the following gentlemen.
The nudersigned,dO hereby certify that we have
used the Balm of Columbia discovered, by Ohl.
ridge, and, hare found it highly serviceable nit only
as a preventive agnialt the falling off of hair,but also
a certain restorative. ' •
WM. THATCHER, senior, • . .
Methodist-Nlinistr, in St. George charge,
NO. 86 - Neirtit - Tifthlt:
• JOHN P. INGLIS, 331 Arch at.
JOHN 1.), THOMAS, M. H. 103
Race at.
JOHN S. FUItEY, tot Spruce at.
JIUGH 2413 South 7th at. •
JOHN YAltll,,jr., 123 Arch at:
The aged, and:those who persist in wearing wigs,
may not always experience its, restorative qualities,'
yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation
of the public, when it is known that three. of the a.
hove signers are more than 50 years of age, and the
others not less than 30.
• . (15.0nt the Arayor.l. °
• • • ,
vommolcumatau or Fstuissr.vattia,i
City ef Philadelphia.
ROBERT, WHARTON, Mayor of said City of
Philadelphitt, , do hereby' certify that I am welLaa !
quainted with Messrs. J. P. Inilis,4ohn-S.;•Furey,
and Hugh McCurdy. whose names are signed to the
above certificate; that they are gentlemen of charce
ter and respectability, and as such full. eredirshould
be given to the said certificate. •
. In witness whereof, I have hereunto - seCmy hand,
r , : al and caused the seal of the city to be, afilictlC
k!" ""• 1 ' 010 sisth,day olDecanber,
,vir - THE , H AIR.-sits positive qualities are as lois , CONSUMPTION AND ITS FATAL
lows: • • • _
Ist: For infant's keeping the head free from scurf It le mimic knownto us from the , `bills of metality,!
and Ciusingaluxiiriant growth of hair.' • t h at twe . t hi c d a ()film h uman r a wly die annually from
d. For holies after child-birth, restoring:the 'skin that fatal Oestroyer "Conant - 411On I" - Would patienta
to its usual andArinnestr, and preventing the in k y more regard to their healthiand procure •?roper
falling out of the hair. • • •-;• •. remediesat the first. attack.n*uyvalitablelives would
3d: For any irrsOn recovering from any debllity, anted to the enjoy men t eythele degreat friend. and
the lame effect is prOduceil. • • -' • relative.. kir a well hump Net s'llr.,SWaYne's
W t. , If used iivinfeney itgotUl growth ;eidetic'', • Coitipound Syeep Wild • Cherry" Will. erica the:
it may, be preserved by attentiop to, the latest period dangerous disease. , This , Medisine., has pftived its
of life. ,• efficacy:in thousand. of case... The ‘..rerytnany.cer-:
stll. lfrees
t h e ha " • ' 11 " .iii lnuruniltrehgt!'o l lificates-reielied; rind 'thes,:reconl'mendationtr
the roots; imparts, healthund vigia . r, to the circulation counOlnagents, who' will this lnedlelnethroughouttbe
st a too s truly astanitillifig-rthcy speak' &mu
and prevents the , hair front chang i ng. colour or
Ong grai:f. • ,• • •••' • • •• • ocular praori . witneislitg thetiMres lir their ottiti
6 t l " . - °a t tic' t h e ""s k-7 : 1 ' 1 ,; - 'r,./. 1 . 4 ./.1414trui.b(: 11 50. 11 y. certalitly, is sUlfielent esidence to convince'
done up in it over . to
Convincethe moat skeptical, , y, the wonderfuleill.,
,11.11er. No ladieuptallee should ever , hti made wlthoufit; `boy erthialorepahl e - mecum". patlentOlMY
• rdi, an/ means-contracted longer , . .duoed by" inetilerienied 'tornipositith, re- -
vermin in the head, arc. immediatelylind'lterfectlY 'commended by. , Ignorant ,:pretenders as "earessilli t ts
eared cf. l !),to:brioi#7,lt they well bun* is , bath yttliteus•t u , the health
tOr storitlef-Catiitswils:liti.4 , B;‘,Stud
Fktebei street *ler , by or attic lid
J. Myers
lewd' 14.1 ,44*••.- ~:" '1 0. 4 0 54 15 4 1-f V4;Tf*'g4 * -Awf#4 llM g.,l!ii‘'
A •
. .
'47l'ilit, :Deltas 1•'CO.
.., : cznks : • •tk We...o* '' . .
' xx - ka , 'rr ,„ v• : Qta,' .
Collll4.l[[OY Si., FORWARD..
. ', ...I[NaMERCItAIOrS,...' , '
Hare rernoved: talk& capaciouV'AVai•elteuse recently
occupied by D. 'Leech & Co. it the northwest corner
ofCitertrand - Broad - street;'Phibidelplibiirir
. From the facilities whicirthe location find internal
arrangement of this depot afford,
.30 to 40 Burthen -
J..:ars can be accommodated to unload and load* 4hc
genie time withrsufficieot room to store 215,000liairels
of Flour, and 400 to 600 ton of Grain,exclusive"of the
forwarding department. . . .• . .
Produce of • every deieription will be received as
usual on consignments, and liberal advances ntadebn
receipt (if requtred) until sales are effected. • . - •
• . ' CRAIG, BELLAS & Co. • '
' ' • ' •
North=west corner of Cherry & Broad at..
. ' Philadelphia.
. ..
REFER:ENG/B. . . .
1 11 1e '. iiirs
Sic,.Cnotiltet Parker,,,Ccuier .
cart "
541,. . ... . ..
Henry Rhoads,
Saunderson & Bosserrnan, - ' •
aTecob Swoyer, Armco/Ms. ' , • ' '
Davill'l•revin, Shi Ppentfrurg:
'r, T ...L°Ptil Smith, E t ." l ' Calhkr t Chambers burg.
' , —y.ster; i1utr.A . ...,0,. _' - • • • ''--
Robert Fletaing, • . • •
• Catherwond 4 Craig.,
In",",'2iii.. .
. Wm.R.ThoinpsonwCo. ' '
\Vliitall & Drown, -
. ..
.. ,
llowd'siniproved Watoi . Wheet.
T 111 ; Subscriber having.purchased of the original
Patentee the right.ot _the.above Water Wheel
for the state of Pennsylvania, will Otiose of individ
ualrights or counties on advantageous terms. This
water wheel has been fully lesteitand proved to lies°
far superior to allV kind in itspower of propelling
machinery, Inv:MI; a greater force than any- other
wheels in propm tion to the quantity of water applied.
It is calculated to be more particularly useful, at
m I m
ills,aving fro two to - eight feet head and fall,
alUl_ta gteatlrubviate the inconveniences experienc
ed/ from back 'water. It is ' Considereirby those liar I
ing them iousens one °RIM most imporiant improv -
tricots that has ever been introduced for its simpli -
ty, strength, steadiness - of - motion and durability. It
is constructed altogether of iron and not so expel . ire
to make as an underibot, and operating with about
half the waterniuluotliable to lie obstructed by ice,
iii.the Winter. : The sidiscriber_will devote ltisatten--
tiooto calls for •thcse wheel's at such places as may
be required.
. , -AIICHAEL-M I MATHc Ilarrisburg; -- -
•• [Cory.)
This is tireertiry, thatl have lint in - one , of Howl's
Patent Cast Iron Direct -Action Water - Wheels; 40.
the -lliNct,Wheel
Ijoes.pofflood the tWil race as rain:lllff thrde inches
as the reaction did, and that I can grind SOledbitSli
els with the direct action wheel air hour ' and drive
tiro stones, where I could not grind four bush
els in the same; time with the and drii:e one.
run of-stono::___ . PETER IfAillsl ESTOCK
• AlioWaY, May 5, 1538.
This mar certify, ihnt - 1 have been engaged in put-_
tine; in S.:B. I lowd's cast- iron direct action water
wheel, both in'the Stitte. of New York and' Michi:
gan, and min give it as *decided opinion that with
8 feet bead or under, rightly put in, if r wihPdo more
business with the sonic water than any- other .water
wheel which I have yet had any experience in, and in
reference to 'nick water, is second best to none that
have. yet-tried,----Att-referenee to guarding itgai WWI 06,
there can be no better operation, and it is Very easy
to he kept in repair. , ••
ST EH YIN JULBS al.fillwrist
Alloway, Sept. 3, 1638.
Alas may_certifyilmtlhave bad iitmy - -Milltirie of
llowd's direct water wheels for the space of one
year. It is a five feet %theel, and I. have had a re
action in the same place 34-A have also had Wheeler's
Union Wheel, yet 1 think Mr. Howl's will do more
business with less water than any other I have tried.
It does well'in ,back water. I have had from sto 6
feet head. I Mink we could do as mud( work with
half the water as we used to do with the undershoot
wheel, which has also been in operation in rtiv
•• • - • - - LAWRENCE
Dons, 5ept.13,183/1.
This may that we fiave - used, one of S.
Howd's patent water Wheels since December last,by
the side of a re-action. 'wheel, and we' think dint
Howd's will do double the business .w ith the same
water that the re-action will do or very pear. We
never have but three feet :lan, i nil can g.rind with
tbnt eight bushel per lulu . We are solject to back
, water.- This wheel will do as good husiness 'under,
back-watet as the re-action, nail we recommend it to
' the attention and patrona g e of the public.
I . , . . 'SIMON BURTT, .
"WM. W. - BERtSTRESSER, mill-wright; it
agent for the above Mentioned watdr.wheel m the
! counties of Dauphin, Cumberland and York,and will
i at all times lie ready to attend to their saleand cree
-1 thin, at the shortest notice, by addressing hint at
I cteplierdstown, , eumberland county, Ps. . .
• April 8,1840. ' . .
.. 'lly
Thereismot.nne case oC Fever in a thousand, but
,pay be effectually
,bi , oken up, and renioVed by the
use, of thisElisir;-- lt removes all acidity indigestion,
_bilious matter and constipation from the stomach
-and boVels. lt , operates gentiv-and-etreetually-on
tbe bowels; and powerfully on ate kidneys and skin.
It removes all unpleasant feelings after a hearty meal;
and promotes good appetite. ft heeds only a trial
to give perfect luta become ageneral
practice Witlfimity - to - usetieratticle - ni - tilreaseifiif
colds, pains in the bones, or heavy disagreeable feel
ing, tendering to headache or chilliness. For hoarse
ness, if taken through the day, it completely restores
Abe .17oice without' producing Bicknell's. Whooping
cough, and all coughs of children are cured by it.—
The stomach is kept in perfect order by it; add it is
'quite impossible that any disease should. commence
whiledv person is using this Syrup.
If taken daily it produces arutty, healthy, and .
young appearance, by driving off all the humors of
the system. Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street, one
door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co.,
and by all respectable Druggists. .
nyor of,
below, to
For sale also by STEVENSON & DIN
KLE, Carlisle, Pa. •
is aS
.Lasest crime in Man..
We arc not among that class of Editors who for a
few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and hones
ty)"crack up" an . article and bring it into rapid sale;
neither arc we willing to remiiiij stlent,e(ter having ,
tested the utility of an improvement or discovery in
science Or art, - Our readers will recollect we tolll
,them we were unwell-with a - soreihroat and viidect
told some few.weeits ago. Well, we purchased two
battles of WtNSLOW'S , lIALSAM IMRE , .
'HOUND and so sudden was the cure, tluOve forgot
we ever had a eold. , Those who are 'a fficied, may
try it upon our recommeildatione;=•Lercisiowm T4k,
For sale by
8. ELLIOTT, Carlisle,
• A. J. NORTH, Newsllle.
Also, by Druggi,sti generally throughout the noun.
try. Price SO aenti per bottleo.
00t..28, 1840: • • • ' • •
, •
•, . ,
• . , , ~. ,
117•DMEROUS reinieWieiLliaveAiett , -Offerethaid - '
IN puffed into ticalee for diseases. of the Lungs,
.sonoe of 'Uliefilms undoubtedly" been found very use
.ful, but;of,all that haic ,hitherto been known, it must
belt u iversally aeknowledgetl-therela none that has.
evee' iiroved as 'meta - aid "its 'The "DALSOM OF
witaa.cHEßity4,. • . . •
~... • . .:, :
Such Mail arc the' astonishing 'restorative and
healing properties Of this '" Baliam;" that even in the
'worst forms of Consumption, when the pntient has
antlered. with the most distrestang . cough. violent
pains, intim d ifficulty brenthang,tugbt sweats,
bleeding of the lungs. Ice. and when tbe most esteem=
ed remedies ()four Pharmacopinshadfailed to afford I
antrellefond even when t3otnnie, Honuetutthic, and
numerous other remedies; lind been' used for many
monthsin vain, this invaluable remedy haft checked'
every.syraptom, and been productive of the most as.;
tonishing teller. In the early stages of tile Ili sense
proceeding from neglected colds, termed ,Cntnrrhal.
Consumption, it has been used with undeviating sue
cessvandin-many instances, when:this disease Seem,- have marked its victim for nn early. grave, the
use of this medicine has nrrested every Symptom, and
restored the lungs to a state of perfect health.-
In that form 'of CooSumfai on. ho previa eld nurnigst
.delicate young females; comnionly termed debititbioi•
into a decline," a complaint with which thou
sands cue lingering, it has also been used with surpri
ning'inccess„ and 'not only possesses:3E - 0 power ,of
checking the prngle*s of this nlarMing disease, lint
at' the some time strengthens and invigorates the
Whole system more effectually than any remedy We
have ever possessed.
- (ILI" LIVER COMPLAINT.---In diseases of the.
Liver, particularly When attended with a cough,
gestiOn or wandering pal twin the side, it has also pro
'red verl - Pflienciotts, and cured may 'cases of this
kind afterlhe most powerful remedies lind.:4li3lo.
ASTH this entoplaint it has Also been
used in numerous instattee's: . with the? most sisikultir
success. It opens the chest, rendering The breathing
pirfeetly - free., - arre. statlie - coughinitil leldonylidi
to give permuneot •
crf lIIIONCHITIS.77Ai a remedy in nll Broni
chml affections of the throat, attended with a hoailie
ness, cougli-or-sere' i n the throat, it, will al sd be loom)
a very effectual remedy, and will mostly of oral im
.mcdiate relief if., used at the comniencemenvof its,l
OL6§ ;IV common coughs
and colds, that ()mail so extensively throughout the
-winter;-it-will be-found meth more eflimtual than - any
rapaetly. in use, null when colds settle upon the lungs,
causing an inflammation with pains in the hreast,dif
ficulty or shortness of breathing.,-&c.,.the use of -this
, 'Balsam' will simptTls;pUell, 11111)111.tilka(eiY; . •
and at me _prevent_ from-bi:com
•l%. more seri6uSiv
tham complaints, /19 C0111111)011 to yoling ehildreil, this
Balsam will be found mulch' superior to the-l'arego-,
ric laixir Syrup of Squills,. milt the VariOUS rough
mixtures in common use, ns is entirely free from
Any-thing - the - leastinjurim is; art
nd - ut at
given to'childrewwitli perfectsafety,ad with the cer
tainty of its affording them speedy relief.
(0 .- - - AS . A • FAMILY MEINCINII for Mnny off
er cumplainls, this Balsam 'fill also be found partic
-ularlytisellil.,--lle'sides having proved no invaluable
remedy in all Pdhoonary affeetions;lLevrts a pow
erful influence over many 'disc:mei§ 'ft - 6mM* on
depraved condition-of the systemiand those who ( uive
sulTeredifront the indiscriminate use of Mercury, or
other, deletelliflus drugs,thaLare_ollen .conmptintled
in different quack nostrums, will find it a remedy of
great value, possessing the power of strengthening
and imigorating-the whole-system more eflectually
- than atm other medicine we possess.CADTION TO PURCHASERS.—As this med.
icine has flimsily acquired great celebrity. acre may
probably-be-some-attempts-to imitateit; and_ deceise,
the public with a spurious Mixture, to prevent whieli
Wallill wish all purchasers to observe the following
marks of the genuine Ilithumi. It is put tip twin - tales
of two sizes each.; having the, words WISTAR'S
FIIIA, blow', in the - ginstOintl; a. label on the front
with the signature of IMMIX WIStAR, M. 1).
without which - none is genuine.
Prepared for the _,proprietor -WILLIAMS A.
co., Chemists, Nn. 22 Commerce street, Philadel
phia, and sold by the most resuzetable Druggists and
other 'appointed' agents in all 'the principal towns
throughout the United States.
Kr . The Genuine Balsam sold in Car
lisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, filipoit?t ,
ed Agent
Prtce SI:00 a bottle.
Deceriiber 16, y ,
DR. LO 41 s
HAS yam ned to Carlisle, and will, as heretofore
'attend to the practice of Dentistry. He may
he found at Colonel! ,Ferree's Hotel, Persons re
tittesting.i t, wilLbe waited upon at their residedee.
• 11t!ILI to DSAstAh.
Carlisle,ll,larch 11, 1840. •••" •
Hays' Liniment.
This extraordinarrchemical
.composition, the re
suit of science's nd the invention of a celebrated med
ical man, the introduction. of, which to the Public
was invested with the solemnity of a. death-bed be
quest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled;
fully sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr.
Gridiley's last confession, that '"lie dared not die
without giving to posterity the benefit. of his know,-
- eilgOmn-thisrsubject,'"=dndAeTtherefo - mbequeatlied
to hie friend and attendant, Solomon Hays, the-secret
or his discovery.
It is now used; in the principal hospitals, and the
private practice in our country, first andrinOst cer
tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive
!rand effectually as to baffle credulity, unless 'where
its effects arelvitnesse Externfdly in the follow
ing complainti:^-
—For -Dropsy-.-Creatorxtraordinary - atittirptiiiii
at once.-
- •
Swellings—Reducing them in a few hours.
Rheurnatism---Acute or chronic,_ giving quick,
ease. •
Sore Throat---Bygancers. ulcers, or colds"- •
Croiip and Whea t ling-Cough—Externally and
over the chest.
All Bruises, Sprains, and Burris,--Cured•th a few
Sores and Ulcers-,-Whether freili.or longstand
ing, and fever sores. • •
• Its operation upon adults and children in reducing
rheumatic swellings, and loosening couglisand tight
ness ofthe chest by t retaxition 'the parts, has been
surprising beyond conception. The common re
mark of those who have used it in.the Piles, is It
acts like a cluirm.r • • •
THE, PILES.»-The price, $l, is , refunded toany
Person who will use a bottle of Hays' LiniMent for .
She Pitcairn!! teterri She empty, bottle - without being
cured: Theie are the pesitive orders date proprie
tor to, the agents, and out of many thou Sends sold; nq '
one has been unsucemisful; - • „ , ~..„
We Might Insert certifleates to any length; !Mt
prifer that those:who - sell the article, should exhibit
the original to purchasers.
s • • . an d 4r 3 .• •
4-0 _ln i - nyincians attents.
The Blind Piles; saidztirbe iccurable by external
' ications.--Solomon Hays warrants the contrary.
' His Liniment dill cure Blind Piles. Facts are more
itublOin tlian ; illeories.,. He solicits all.respectuble
physielani to r try it upon their patients. It milt do
'Mem harin,luid it is known that - et ery phySician
who has had the honesty to make the trial; hat can
didly admitted.that it lies sueceeded - hi every case,
thel barn known. Then 'why nnt use it? It is the'
recipe, ef one of theirinost respectable meinbers,noW
decemeed. '.Why.refuse to use it ?..Because it isaeld
ms a liroprltility medicine'?: Is Bois 'a 'sufficient - C. 4 i.:
ems°, for stitl'ering tbeir honest pitients to linger' in'
distress? We think not. Physicians shill be cop- .
XinCeintiat there is, tio - or quackery about
thileartiale.'-..WhY then notilleviatefiurean
ins,gP (joy . befdre,lcf .thent - iifter , alt
other pMscriptions fail: • Fitysiyisris arkfrespettfulli
? requested to tlothernselxerndlisifents t he justice to
ose this artielei from' tbe bottles
and tlope,up:Sitbeir prescriptlegi if they Alegre.
' . ..• ;
Bald Coinsitick • k Cti > Wholesale Pruggisliso
. , .
-. ~ , -. , . , -- ,
~,,,:: i'. - . 1-: , : , : . : ,. . ',---,1,rz,F.,,
„ . ,,fillaslow 7 s.,Balsam. of
An unparalleled reme4 for common COlds,,cOnglis;
Astimi*ltiflueaiti,;NVltdoping' tough, Bronclutbs,
/and all diseases ot ~thevre4,st.ittitl Lunge , leading
to Conitiniptiotti composed Of the concentrated
virtues of Horehound, Boneact, Bloottititot;Lii.
t;rWort.and_seierill other vegetable substances:—
PretunllLltyl.-111-W-1-14517,0W - Tlto - tillester
. The Innocence and universallyadinitted•.Pectoral
'virtues, of the Herbs li•om which the BALSA NI OF
HOREHOUI4D is made, are too. giMerally known
to require recommendation; it ; ia-therefore only. ne
cesiary to Observe that this medcehm contains the
whole of their, metliestiproperties, highly concentrat
ed; it'iitt so Itilpidly combined with several• other re*,
getable substances, as to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in rise,-for- the Cotn 7
plaints above mentioned. • .. •
.Isor qildren,this Balsam is of inestimable value.
It is n Speedy remedy for the IFlgooping Cough and
,Croupond t;illbrdscertain eel iefin Bowel Complaints.
Chase, Teething,4e:'
,It is pleasant ' to the taste, and
rear be safely given to the tenderest infant and should
be kept et all times in, every family; as it is 'much
better fOr the'coMpliiints incident M Children, than'
Paregorie.Ontlfreys Cordial. r the Cordials so corn?
monly used, as hundreds mild§ City -have testified:
Read the following:-1 hereby certify that .early
in the . spriitg of t 838, I contracted it severe COLD,
. stq and upon my lungs. nd threatened a hasty
ConsumptiOn.• I used .rveral prescriptions, hut
hitned little ottin .10 Her; I was 'much 'alarmed.—
,flappening to lie in lft;cliester. Cy his advised by my
frieml,,Mr..Wlnalnw. to try ii.liottle . of his Ils.t.s:tx
or unnrinnotn: I ; did so, and: to my Movie° ob
tained relief nt onci,—on(; by' the use of that single
bottle was tit:Erectly restored tl• health. To those
alicted with Colds mr Coughs, at this inclement
season, I say:"go,and do likewise.”
.Pittsfrerd,Mnuroeto„.tiov. 9, 18382.:',.k - .
Mr. 3olin M. Winslow, I)ruggi
Dear Sir: 1 have been for a series of years afflict
ed with an affection of the Lungs, anal nharli cough,
null haie many times arose in the morning its Com
pletely exhausted by excessive coughing during the
night ns a person would he by a hard- days hilmr. I
have tried most of the popular remedies of tin tiny,
lint:neverfoltml rvlirl tuittl l onet Ivith- your - 11:11Fatu
ni I loreltnund. - All the..6tlter -remedies or palatines.
.dint I have used. leave the bowels in a conf., , eytett
'state, while yiptior lenvcs them soluble This
I consider a great desideratum. On hiking a dose of
yonribilsam When' going to bed, I rest quietly aim'
tlie:..4ttiglitointl my sleep is refreshing. .1. tnke great
-plettiiire recommending. your 13alsum of Hore
hound to :nll those- ttftlieted with intliiionay—coiti
id:tints or nny disease ntipertstining tit the lungs, and
1 take this opportunity to thank you Poetic greet re., ,
licfaiul benefit 1 hate etperietfeed through your in
strumentality. Yours, with much respect. '
• •
... Fo . i. map !Gy,
_,; - . -.
- - . --',.- . -..''. -• S. - ELLIOTT. - Citi•fisle. -
. .. - ---- .:,
____,A,..l._ NOWl'll.New.Nille.-_—__
-- _A 1 gn:._by:l)ruggist fkgenersil Iv throughoutttie r otin
trv:-__T'rice.3o,ccolt.s" Ocv hottfe• ' -
:Apri11.5,1840.—.4y , . .
. ,
_ __ __. .. • -
Presh Medicines•;
. . .
The subscriber has recetitly received forge addi
tional supplies of
Medicines, Colors, Dye-Sitars,
Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Pain
ters' Brushes; Varhibla I lrushes, Usual Brushes, Sper
maceti Oil; (lien. tine). Spin to CitUilliii; Siiiipicitt'
great riiriety, Class .Lanips, Cop and Letter Paper,
Pt uit,Spiees, Verfttsuery, Ete. , br..e., V.lllOl ilt• will sell
to Pily teituis, Merchants and others, WILOLIZALU or.
'by nrrAtt., ot the lowest mit es, having purchased en
tire's for cash; he will oiler bargains to °those" who
Wiil; to purchase at wholesale
1 - :- • A ugtist 5, 18;10. "., .
• The .liatialt.Vegetable. Pills.
• Area pprgative medicine. so natural to the human
constitutioil-in, id withal sn mild, soil tileasant in their
operation, that 116 t tile slightest dread ofpain or sick
ness, need be apprehended from their. use, even by
the most delicate:- at the same time, if used in such a
manlier ns 'o. operate freely by the bowels; those
morbid humors,' ( which deposited upon the various
parts rf the body ere 'the cause - of every :mile ei• pain
we sulfa) will most assuretllY he removed; and not
:only will pain, or distreiii of every desceiption lie dri
ven from the body, but disease in tiny. form will be im
possible. ' - • ; •
for O esame reason, a hew, front tlinsu ilden chang
es of atmosphere, or any other catise,,the'peespiration .
is checked, nod those humoris 'which should passe" by
tile skin are thrown inwardly,causing beallacheoianz
sent; and sickness. pains in the bones, watery and in
flamed eyes, soi•etlircutt; linakeitees,couglis,consump
tion,elietimatic pains in various parts of the body,and
maxis. other symptemsofesteliing cold, the Indian veg
etable Pills will invariably give I lIIIIISAIate . relief :—..
Three Or foto• pills, takeout - night On going to beil,and
repeated a few times, will remove all the above un
pleasanesymptoms, muirestorethe bodyWif.Voll WWI
- than liefore„ •,-., -
Thelpilian Vegetable Pills. (Indian Purgative)are
a natural. and, therefore n certain cure for Costiveness:
bOause theY cleanse the stomach and bowels of those
bilious humours, which not on'y pliptlyze and weaken'
the digestive organs, but 111 . 1:' II e efillile ofi headache,
nauseam and sicknest r oalpitation of the heart, flying
'pains in various parts of the. body - , •tnol. Maitk•ollier
'disagreeable. compinints. :-- TIT. 6,ftele-11111V- be -‘'hkri , ,f - ' of"
- -dimeartioilif6iiilliii g , or asthma 1 . the Indian Vegeta
ble Pills will loch:en:out entry MY by the stomach and
bowels, those tough pleghmy.,litimors which stop tip
all, air cells of the lungs, and are thecause of the above
dreadful complaint. ' ' % •' , • •'.
In all disordered motions of the blood; called inter- • , . .
mittentrernittent, nirvetui,•inflamtnatory and putrid , wAR f, AVAII! WAIL ! - ---The Wig makers hate
.FEyEttS,;`- We Indian Vegetable Pills willhe found deelai4ddiostilities against our neighbor. Dr. ,ityne,,,_,_
a certain_remetlyt_bectMse-they cicalae- the stomach 'on account - of Itia - Hairl'itiiio; -- iiiiiifilf knocking all,
and bowels of all bilious matterondpurift• the blood; their Wiliness into a
~'cecked hat." Ladles and ben - -
*eeiesegtielillv, as they remove the cause Re every kind tlemn---old and young are flocking to the Doctor's
.of disease, they we absolutely certain to cure every. standard. Heads long - divested of even the first rudi
kind of Fever. . molts of hair ' shirr using his Hair tonic soon . appear ..
. - So also when morbid humors are deposited upon
,I With new and flowing leeks, Which Abealinn himself
theinenibratie and museles; . cau t ing those pains, 111- . might have envied. Beartilera boys are seen 'with
flammations sWellings called Rheumatism, large and bushy uldskers ; and ladies smile again .
&o.; the Indian . Vegetable Pills mar be relied on as through their own raven ringlets-more beautiful' and'
always cdHaiii to , give relief, and if persevered with, bewitching than ever. Bald heads are doffing their:
will most assuredly, and without fail, make 'a perfect wigs and throwing them to the "moltslind the bats."
cure of the above painf u l =lndict. From three to while the Wig makers attend.. aghast as they &hold
, . .
six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night the demolition : of. theie buiineitt; ' • • ;- 1
on goingto bed, will, in ieshort time, completely rid .What will be the consequence of this warire knew
the body of all Morbid and. -. 2Corrtipt humors; and not; as the wiggiesaremerageous, and the Doctorret.'
Blietimaism, Omit and pain of every description, willmains- firm; lend declares• that usome•tbings can be'
! disal'Pe" as if by Iliaglc. • L---- -- ' - ' ---- :' - ' : done as well as cithers,"and that bald kends may as
i• ,
It remembered that the Indian Vegetable well wear their 0111 hair as that of otherii.-'--(Week•••-'
rPilli - ai•e, certain to reniave pain in the side, optima.. ly Meesenger. - • , .
_ .
'don / neausea and
-sickness, toss - Of appetite; costive . ., . • , , .
nese, a ye l low tinge of - the skin stud eyes, mid every 0
other syleptom•ol"Liver' Ceinplaint ; - because they
I purge from the. body,these corrupt and !stsigniiiithu..
more which, when deposited upon the Liner, are the.
ICense of the- above' ilaitgemus - coinPlaint. LThei -are
also a certain preventive of apolexy and sudden sleuth; ,
Because theV curry off those humoues Which, olistruc-j
iling the cireidation, lire the cause of a rush, or deter
nimation of blood to the licittl--,giddiness especially
I on turning suddenly rotind,—.blintlnets- r .drowtipess
7 . 7 1 08 . 4 br.Wieraory.. , :4liflatimnitioii of .the brain—in
' sanity, and every other disorder ofthe miod. • :', • '
I. i Those thOfrern habit or occupation.are kept:muck
Within doors, should remember that they, frequently
breathe an atmosphere 'Which it wholly unfit for the
) roper expansion of the lungs; and at the same time,.
owing to want of exerclie,tlie bowels ate not sufliCien6.'.
Vivactintedm.-4lie blood_ becomes impare, and head,
acluOndigeetion. palpittion of theliemi; livid' many
ethertlisagreitable . svalpmetsi are'sure to follow., ,„ ,
•,... '
'Being a cleanser of the tiptoed' .andbowelsond a'ill
feat purifier of the 140; are certain not only to re
trcivepaiii. 0 r distress ofevery kind from the the body,.
hilt if used occasionally, so, keep the body free
from thoteltuntorts abichnre the cease of every'mpie ti
suchfindirlielven, they'aill ' mbar 'aiiiiredlv promote
such a Jost and equal. circulation of the: blond;
those whia lead's sedentary life; will be enabled, to
'enjoy felitill. health . , and dilease,- of tanY kind wil l be,
abstilutels,inipto4 • ::',. .; ..% '!;, ~• '," ',;',-,'-
- .Forewile Ily t'T:" : 1-, `" • , •' ' ' - --
'.,, • :. ~7 ,4 ,;:. - . ..CHAR1.*68, 0611tRY'Aiiiit.'''
~,. • 1 V 'fate ,P
LSOr!Offiee WWI Getteitil bipeit, : sti':/69Riele Strpet
r'-'!!!4 ,3 0 11 *".•: . ": , ','... .';',.' ITAki'..llo4s4l
i~:;~~:~y~ i,:
~~ i( rt
; M ~ei;~!;" ~r
Dental, urgery.r,
ritFIE SUBSCRIBER 'resoCittilk
gratefullickiitindederiiiits fiiihe Valle' for the
very liberal share of patronage he has.receiVed dur
ing,thepaskyear, and would stilUeorititine, to Offer.
them - h is profeisional serviecifin their various bran!
hes int hisreidilence - iNO4,; .. Harper's ROW. ,He
sleanses r aniqlugaleitk - liM inser e , incorrupti e
tarVer metalic.artificial teeth in the most. approved
manner. Charges always modertite.. •
• J. C. NEFF, M. D.
Carlisle. March 25; • • '
Prfpanedanly'hy Dr. D. Jayneantintor,
and. soti proprietor, Aro. South Third
• . .
• .
streel, Philadelphia, and may be..had.of
ELLIOT7',.and alai) of STEVEN-
SDN t¢ DINKLE; Driiggists,Ear;
hap, Pa. . - )}!' -
These medicines are recommended and •extensive • ,
lyused•by . the timatintelligent persons in the United'
States . ; by numerous Professors and Presidents of .
Callers, Physicians of - dm Artily end Navy, find of
Hospitals and Ahnshouses, and , by 'more than Atte
hundred Llergynien of various4enominntions.
• -They are expressly pyepared for family use, and
have acquired an unprecedented popularity through- ,
out the United States; and as they arc so admirably
'calculated to preserve uriturit.and cure mac.ssr, no • •
fitinilv should ever be without them. . The pyoprie-
mr . ofthese valuable preparations received his edu-n
cation at one of the best Med kill Colleges iwthc Uni- ,
ted States, and Lea had fifteen years experience in an
extensive and diversified pract ice,ny ultiehltehashad
templcnppri•tunities negthring praclical'lmowl
edgenf digenses, and of the remedies best calculated
lOTTettiove them,
These.Preparetioni consist of . • .
I •
'.IyI.YNE'S PECTOR A NT,n valuable remedy •
f ••colds; -consumption, 'astlim% - spitting - of
tlned,croO,lonoping cough. broachitis,pleurisy arid
inflammation ofthe lungs or throat, difficulty of hoes
-thing, and till diseases of pulmonary organs.—Price
one dollar.. -
AIsoJAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, Tor the preserva- • .
tinn. growth and beauty of The Tiftiri 'and . which will • '
positivelv,bring• in pew hair on bald heads,-Price .
taittatill pleasant remedy toe wormsolYspeptia,piles, '
and mane ather - diseaser---Price sit cents. .
certain cure for boivel and summer complaints, diar
rhce, dvseutarr (Audio, cramps. cick headache, sour
stomnas;clioh..rn niorbua,nud alldlorougothents of the______L
stomach and bowels; nervous alrections,Ste,--=Price
... Alto 3AYNEIS _SANATIVE.-PlLlS i .for Female
diseases, liver complaints, costiveness, feverit, inilnm
gbitulular, !As, ruetions, diseases of the skin,
84e. and in al Leased Milere- an lilt erative or' . purgntive,
•medicineis required.— : Price cents a box: - • •
...May' .
rmine:T . lloe 7 ' 7 -
Fon the growth; preservation . and restoration of the ,
hair. This is an extellent article, and has, in nu
merous instances,- produeed : 4.fine growth of hair
onthe heads of persons wholdul been bald fonyears.
Gr.trrttsivi,---Oo you wish elegant, -. 7 7
luxuriant and beautiful hair.? tknow you will answer .
yea Hear ; for one Moment, die cause of its loss,why
it turitsgrrry, riltty and coarse,lardi and - unpleasan. "
in its appeartince„ . '.and finally fills oft Encli hair has - •
a root in die skin, itself a hollow tube, through
which there - is neonstant ,irculation of b100d...*
lay this chCciiliition the hail• is . nourished and. held .
fast, its glossy colour is given and preserved, and it Is. - -
covered - with the - flock oil "Now any thing wide:kin; .
jures the skiit.ofilte_head,...or diverts or takes : . -
tile lii00({f11111 it, will prevent or impede 'h&c-iron's
don through the tubes of the hair, stop it.;
and cause it to fall offor turn- gray, or 1)0111. .Hence
it is that any cause that Obstructs or weakens the cir- -
milatioil of blood through the-skin, or that diverts the
blond to Other miry. of die system, will take away the' -
lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair ar
rest its gi•oWth, turn it gray.soonor or later, arid in
tlinusaii& of instances cause premature baldness..
. For sale by
. . S. ELLIOTT, and - • •
". Nay 13, . • .
- - Hair Touie.-We 'call 'the attention of- those - af
flic'ted with premature baldness. to the excellent Hair
Tonle prepared by Dr. Jayne of this' city: Having
used it ourselics, we can speak of its virtues by extie.
rience,and we unhesitatingly pronounce it an invalu
able remedy to prevent the *falling off of the haitcand
to restore it from a dead, to a fine, healthy appear-.
once: We can also speak from personal knowledge.
of the eases of two or three friends nho were tired's
posed to' baldness. who by the use of Jayne's Ham
TOnie, have now luxuriant_ hair. We have no dispo puff,,indiscriminatelr all kinds of,remedies
for all diseases which flesh is heir to, hut when we
have tested the virtue of anurticle, we are free to say
it is good.—Saturitay .4vetting Post.
• ..lizyne's flair Tonic.--,-We have, heretofore, num
tiered ourselves among those who believed 'that the
ilair Tonic, prepared by Dr. Jayne, was one of the
many quack nostrums whose virtues are' never seen.
beyond the fulsome puffs of their authors. We are
willing, at length, to make public acknowledgment of
the error of our belief. An intimate friend,sometwo
or three months since, all the top of whose cranium
was twang a piece of polished marble, inaugre all
our jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempting • .
to cuttrente so barren a spot purchased a, bottle. or
two of the Hair Tonic from Dr. Jaytie,and according
to his directions applied it During the present week
the same friend usberedhimself into our presencOand
tmcoverirg his hitherto naked head, , astonialted us with -,
thin, though luxUriant growth of hair,from . one• to
two inches in length—upon the very premises we had •
believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless
sand that skirts the-Atlantic. This is no' puff, but'is
Eel igion sly time,and to those' who donbt,the gentlemin-•
can be pointed - nut: — What is more in favor of this
"Tonie,,' the case here cited was not one of tempora
ry baldness—no sudden loss of the hair--but was one
of years' standing ! though theatre gentleman is but
forty-titre years' of oge.'---Philaderphia 'Spirit of the
'Time*. • . . ,
Jayne' every'
corner, when pernmhubsting the streets, men wearing . ;
long a n d glossy hair, Which , they seem to. , ,bakproud ,
ot,.und others , who lusie•raised. its ts few weelca;a crop•-
' / of black moustacitesif thatwould vie with the glossiest"'
brUin'that ever walked the forest. It hal puzzled us , -.
1 talcums , the. secret of all those worklieus orePi
hairt hut Messrs. SANDS; 79 end 160.Falton
have gut the family., - where - all wheare curious; "ht
such • matters may- learn; a valuable.'seeret.r4Vhco
Ysk Mfr.
''Soiti in Vhiladelpliia at:WlSaudi Third Street ' '
R. medicine has aireiiify twined itself to . be all *eV'
it hits been recommended, by,'those who bade giien
it a fair test in this country, and the demand.for it in.-.
creaseadaily. hare Juit heardsof titi important
cure of Asthma, which has been effected by thegleof
it in a neighboringtown—the ease Was that of A fe
male who . bid I'r a long!ime been. under tksoisirii of
a pliveician,but had 'received no relief, and her case •
was Luginning to be considered hoPelese: ' , As '*:list': • •
resort she purchased a bottle of Dr,..layne'spipee,tm,
rani, *hi ch emitted beet° expectithitelreely, ardour;
ly eased lieecough, and is F ‘ apidly,.restoring her, to •
;health. .':We hare no liesitaiion in saying this rr l ps,-_,,
ration Of Draaysie; for 'the cit
e curebf'c.e is; colds; In- j :''
fltienza, A sthma,Connon*lon, te. lathe oioAt ToIoA TA ,
hle medibine ever:L.ood to the Ainerican •
There Irmo, nusekervitbontlo+Dr.,Jnyne li "One* 30
the - oth heklllid *veining 1)5.0011ns )p
*lnstirter his ***wedelns• hate.heletilhOW'
tetted, , i ooked upon
efieter.4.lBentiertet (Me) Journal. • •
For Wetly Samuel' Elliott and StevensoillitElhi.a; .
• • inlay l 3 1840 -; •
" -