HERALD' St' EXPOSITOR: .. , . • - - - • '• ViAl3. • '~ iX ~,t . WIIDNES.MiIIt,•IIIARCH 17, _ i _8,,41, .}7.01. GOVERNOR, JOHN •B Ak'NKS, or.ntAbrAro., - 11Jecting. At a meeting held at the hole! .of Mr. c : Macfarlane, on Monday evening Ate .15th instant, ~Captain - John_ H. „Weaver called to the chair, anti William Al. Baird . appointed .SeCretaiy. . , • On'motion of Dr. William S. Roland. a .a committee of twti from each ward Was nppdittited by the.eltaii, consisting of,.ftit.the East Ward.. • S. West Ward. . . Dr. W. S. Roland, Robert : A. Noble, Nadia:del faeob-ltretz., N. West Ward. S. East Ward. William - -I: POrter,: Ditnlatp Adnir, Jacob Fridley, John . 'Me committee, after 'consultation, re : ported the Tollonring ticket foe the' support. of the Ha'rison Democrats of the borough. - ,of Carlisle • • • .. Judge-Colonel John MCGinnis. • - InspeCtor—James Wirer. `• r • n pdreiv Con fort. :Chief Burgess-=.lln Ofricer, • .Basisfunt Burgess--•:Natbaniel Hanteh. Town Coynei/-44eorge W. Rheem, Dr.' ' M.alion, 'Charles Fleager, Charles • Thirnitz, Armstro n g NOble,.Freilik. Watts,. John D.- Gtirgas,-Jacob Sener,.-John -H. 'Weaver. . . . . . . .• -, Thum Clerk—Thom:lS Trimble. .. • - ' Conshibles—lnliert IVidiartney, John — Bpahr; -- - - JOlirC - C - Oilmore, :Mat...4w - p. . 'Rodgers. -- • ; • Schogl Directors—Andrew Blair; Lewis 'Marian. • • • • • • --•-- .„....... . • On motion; the 'following premnble. and . resolution were; triiinihnousk adopted: gavetheir suppi - iftio the present Executive .of thetnited States, upon the ground that the affairs of the government were mis managed, by his predecessor, and the offi .cers under his conttol:• TherefOre • Resolved, That it is 'the opinion.of this meeting that the .President will best sub serve -Ahe--in terests- of -.the - country:by - re , --- moviii,g - frord•Oltice all those,-who were ap pointed by the late and preceding Adinin istration. „ • On motion„ adjourned toumeet on Thurs. • day .evening the 18th ink at 7 o'clOck at • this ylace ( Macfarlane's.) , CoimerL...We Jearn .l, that• the 1 . 1 Bin ' nAcxs BAND" intend giving aiiiiihOr con- . Education Hall, Thifisilaror • Friday' evening of next week. The Band have been practising for this concert for some months, and as'it ti ill be Uie last one • of the season, we trust they will have a full, house. ac2t,.The Supreme COtirf, of the United States have decided in favor of discharging the negroes brought to this country. inthe .Atnistatl,. • 11C The Rev. George' Cookman, late chaplain to the United . States Senate, has been appointd a delegate,, by the Board of-Managers ottlic - Anieriali - 13ible - Snifely, to represent tlrem at the next Anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, • to be held at loam' in. May next. Mr.' Cookmait sailed on 'the 10th instant in the Steamship'. President. • . ___tRANIII;II4,RAIL_IZOADII4 IT ES,,--'l,l.l.(tie_ is a largeAuentity of the paper issued by the, Road Company in eircit.. 'ie'tiorfiriTthisiounty.- • 'ln some -instances it 64,4tiieli purchased at 25' per cent. tlis; Count; and our merchants and business men appear tint' to. be very anxious. to re -ceive it. Can any of our contemporaries inChatehershurg- or Hagerstown inform tut whether. the company will eventually 'redeem their t If the pager is really worth . any thing, the People . ehould_know it, iin order that they may, not sacrifice it. ' ryiThe State Treasurer, in isomer to , :a reitilUtion - of the Senate, states, ."That - The ~ - a meutit "lie — ieeelied at the 134'te - Ttelisktiy, applicable to ,the-papntent of interest on The itnilroveinent loans, clue 'its; of 'iugu . 5titext,•i5.5534,987;29." ,• ' , Mee Many. • - hiitie received -Itin first 'number tGis Obt,ttiliciti, containing several Tales. igketehee, 'and etnh6llished With - a portrait'of Peter Hay, Esti: Editor'ortlie Ail!erirar? Sentinel. The Miscellany will be ( iiiiheir tnipinlify;. and is (forded `st the low.pries.o! One Bolter iier. 'year. - • 'Mirror. .• Into 168 i, 'rainitieji. of 411i6.poputur Maga• tide is embellished' by a beautifill Oluiloenpher in Benich'of ihe- the' chief ihe pie . aiiii ; :tinit of . tr. bay 'Who has open the liellowa ._toaee wfiere die 'wind i It ferninds, its felion't.iie once kniti.-wii• • on . ' seeing oae Pat a ia a t ang like - , that once ,- but I open See what waslnitidet,_ the criminalty) the interested blindness o Loeoloco judges to the rights of Whigs claiming to vote,, and, where there possibly might-be some .alight-dou bt - thle -re. quisite'qualifications— We need not refer - to - our electionin :this borough_fn , Oitobei `last; the behaviour - Of the Locofoco officers of the election must, be fresh in the memory of- 'ell:- The-'''Way,--theirp to- - avoid — these in'•future,is turn _out.. the K'lilg . strength and elect judges in as many -die importaiit_to elect. a. Whig. Inspector_ in-every -Astrid.- _Heretofore in' many of thestrong.Locofeco. districte, that party have been in : tbe habit I rof taking _ advatitageji the remiusness o the'Whigs, mid-elected-both thy/ inspectors, -thug-iloing-away--with:the-just-Dmvisionof the law, intended to prevent fraud or in- justice tin =either glide. Let, then,. the 'Whigs atteed . "and- eleet. : an rin - speeter as they are able; if theratteed, in every dis- CB The Assessors' office should also be at tended to. Several instancei_are _knosirn where Lncofoco'Assessors liave shown an indisposition (if not altogether refused) to 'assess Whigs, and attended to assefising Locofocos 'even without an application. _Then let the Whigs of every township turn otit, and strike the first blow in the cause of the people against- extravagance ._ • and corru ption. ed the campaign by electing our ollicers•in many more townships than we ever did before, and endetLit by carrying the coun- ty by a majority of 95. Let us now en- deavov to give Judge Banks a majority of at least 300 in Oetobar next. • Resignation. of:111r Speaker Penrose. 7 —Mr. Penrose, in an eloquenraddress, re signed his post as Speaker of the. Senate nn Ipit gaturilay. On motion. Of, Mr. E. Kingsbury. the thank!;, er the Senate' were unanimously tendered to the Hon. Charks B. Penrose, for 'the :able,'impartial ,and dignified manner Irrwhiclake had discharg ed the duties of Speaker. John H. Ewing of - Washington county; has been elected Speaker; the' - v ote stood, for Ewing 18, William F. Coplan .7, scattering On . Monday, Mr. Penrose left town for Washington. — to --- ssuine the dfities office,.as Solicitor . of the Treasury: ----- JiEbtocakriellAamsoN C r iiivvErrpoN.-" r ' This , body assembled 'at Hartislitirfifn - the 10th instant, to nominate, a candidate -- for theofriCeof-Governoi. • Everyeountyand district in the State was fully represented. The,, greatest harmony prevailed in the convention, every member being actuated by a strong determination Yo commence and carry on the campaign of 1841, with the same brilliant success as that of 1840, un- ill the state is redeemed from the grasp of LocofocoSsm. as well as the nation. - , • . 'ln - the evening. iht Convention was ell) , quebtly addressed' by. Thaddos Stevens, ,Of Mams4.. E. Brown; •oliNnithattiptOn; J. J. Peatenn, of :Mercer; •trib.' J7l ! Heed .and J; Hall Wendt 601 1 1 - 6 city of P i hita~ delphia. Proceedinge,•or tte:,ecirtien tion will be fpund :,in another part of .64 tic7•l46 ilcKtsurtir,4ise reported a bill to the House of ,Representntivegli allowing niilenge Ceirouissioners,l; ad - Audi hire Cumberland county: - , , .. _, ' . gorThe ' Porter min venthitu i lisie -‘sp ppinted iiearlir the 'vidole Locofoco pally a committee , or ,cerreitiMdenleriThere will be, a large amount. oftibEitnie aid roi unwelcome; abaiit the last of October. ,grnci4en lief that perkiooe engaged tha,t bringing anite,?igainat the Ban ks, for the non-payinent of their ape. ,eie, , as iiimnevit is -00 . to-them by - the day ;9f_ writ,: go, the Broken the vide; tii tWiM!MIMM . .5.^%,,. The 'Election on Virialty: We hope no Whit will- neglect-Intend; ing the: township elections,' which are to be held on Friday the 'l9th instant:_ have taken one great step do the march of -Before]: by .electing General..-1-kirOSOti 'to the Presidency; our next Step will bit to hurl fiats) office the "min who now 'dis graces the Gubernatorial chair Of Pennsylt -vania. Next fall the people of this-state till! :decide whether our resources :.are to _be squandered, in: electioneering, and our state debt to be greatlyincreased;. Whether 'criminals are to be - pardoned ':without trial;' whether the.veto power is to. be con stantly. Opposed to the will of the people; 'whether a thousand, other abuses are to be .daily perpetrated' by •David R. Porter; or ..hethet.the democratic one,tertri principle is to - be intrOduCed into . our state,. as well as buritatiOnal governments by electing the honest - and- talented . and popular John. Banks of. Birks county.' • . No. one, then, who 'reflects . for. an in stant; i can esteem t of - light importance to elect :good. honest, democratie-Harrisan men as Judges:of elections in the : different townships. H. - Hundreds of legal Whig votes have hitherto been lost by (we will not say Last spring we commenc- NM= IMMMINIME le,Tii ! lrf,, , ,..itr-.14.,#. : 4: - ,.:, : :*.:v:::0.1t0kt0.1r-. premium -of. Sroi-=6 ' per cent., for : other notes, on whichihrtiguin commence proceedings 'agninet the Banks:'4. dU R to pleelng, at the heatiof our paper, the name of the:lion...loßK - BANKS, .as the Dentocratic 'Whig candidate for the office .-• • • ol:Governor of this Commonweelth, we congritulate our friends throughput t he county, on the auspieiouS commencement of the 'political contest, and-the bright pros pects we hive of a glorious triumph. The nomination of' John' Banks was a simultaneous expression of popular \ feeling iti his favor; and - is the strongest evidence of the compete union of the party—Aiti I • Character and . qualifications ..afford the surest.guarantee that the confidence of the people has, no been rnisplaeidr while _the. simPle conidderation. that:he is opposed to the present incumbeht of the Gubernatorial chair;' gives us the .utmost certainty of success. : • • • . -- '1"o • our 'friends, then, we - Bay, take lU) mediate . measures to * bring the strength o 'the•party to. bear on the' coming fall elec tion.keep.up_ .yaur organizatiori—present the same unbrokert,front; to the enemy that you did during the last campaign; and when the proper time arrives. let the cry resound aloUg the whole . Whig line ; "Up, Guards, and - at them !"•- . PARTY- SPIRIT: Party ,spirit • was. defined, many years ago, by. Mr. Jefferson, to be ‘."The in.ad meSs_nithe:many_forthe benefft.olthe_few.!.!.. The-experience nf..the.,last twelve_ . years shows that`theTdefinitiort ha - sloe - nothing of its , force, and the. deplorable condition in which the country is placid; proireS-thit party spirit. 'has-been:carried- beyond what was . formerly considered its legitimate ject-- . -the benefitof , the:few ., =—the-ollice. • holders. It - nom goes'_ the_ whole_ htig=to deetrsty_seurrencj•=osir_pqhlia institution's. i lt strikes 'at religion, Sabbath, and men in holy olric - O - . - It strikes at trade, commerce, the arts, and all that is . worthEilwishing in'obr social and political relations. It invades the sanctuary of the dead as well as that Of theliviiigt—the,cot: tage of the poor and the mansion Of •the _ rich. - - Party spirit is carried too far —~li regret it, but few have firmness enough to mills' it. The time is not far distant when this ferocious spirit, this madness of the many, yield to• feelings andisso'cia- tions of a different chiracter. Necessity, a sense . of coMmon , danger, will force men together, who have heretofore pulled against each The ultra radicals will be left in a miserable minority. The hmerican party Will be fOr the country=fot measures calculated to heal the wounds inflicted upon upon us by improvidant partizan legisla tion—to dry up the tears of the widow antl the orphan: • •_.._ ' - •Senator Bentiiii, of mint drop ,and metallic currency notoriety, has Made the discoimiy that the salaries of men iii office are entirely 7 too high—altogetitet_beyond reason and justice. He is for cutting them down.tO a fair _equivalent for.- services - reir-v tiered. He has no-idea that Mr. Attorney General-Butler (who. played the 'last card? of the party. so bunglingly as to Pose the odd trick) and the collector of the port of New 'York should enjorfees and emolu .ments' which in a - few years amount to a princely' fortune. Why was not the dis- , •covery made sooper?;His indignation_:_ official extravagance_ extends oven.to_tlie boiee stuck in bow , wintlows by postnias-H tare. He insists tlitit they-should-be-farm,' ed out for the-benefit of the Treasury, and not rented ftir l rivate gain. Why dithi t t he harpoon these boxes sooner--years ago? Hush, lus friends were then in office. Montgomery, of . Vie Hatrrii burg Chronicle; has issued proposals for resuming - the publickion of the "Log Ccr . bin Rifle:" Terms 50 cents per copy. j'\Ve present to our readers this week a letter ',froni Messrs.. Kennedy :and xer kel, our Representative Delegates tp, the State Convention, in . answer to the asser tions Of:Alta HairiabureOligraiilt;'-iiilative tit pOpular , feeling in• thii county, anti - the proceedings . Of our County'; Convection.. 'We , noticed itee,,ariiele, 'OW - lasi but coftiOnied ourself With a simple denial, ad Wadi 4 pot wish to drag navies ,„ of the gentleMen-alfoiled to ,be:OreAhe public. without' their *consent... • rs' 1144titi8puRoi, hfireb 1841. To the ..4Etei , i of the `liatelli'genceri . Gentlemen--4i "sense of justice to our Senator, Charles 11. Penrose, the prestint sakpr„, of .the Senate. of Pennsylvania, compels,; to , inotiee a' thosi a upttack wide on :lan in, an editoiial ar ticle 4:4,U - uniting bitterness, headed ,'Signal gl.ebtike," published in the — Daily. Tele ! ' 1100: of the .4th of.Marth instant, _ edited by: Fenn' and Wallaee,' That portion - Of,the, article irliielilimme di4telk relates to.Alr;:po s prootti.is follows: fin cro,PI being - the home otAt..-Peorose; et' tocootaiwen. tapil-sl,,ev.end[44uencei••• , , ~ the personal , and pin Weak admirers or, dui' latter gentleman have 119/ clnlY,be,flehrien ad delegates; but. Mr. llicKethdonfett befl9 ' . EZIESEESSE „, • elected the eqfportul, yelegate; who as 1 : a -member ofibe 'EleCtoial College; signed a•petition -, urging the ,appointlitent of Mr: Stevens. '. NIA it Oin,Corioinftirt has• been. left - for hie enemies tit : tAi i i- quarter-;-th ey have been every Where iipudiated NY.their. Constituency, and we • repeat - a-former-as-- :sertion, that they - 10[6nd their efro'r when • next they.cerite before the'PeOple, for their suffrages:” .. : . , -..- • .... • . . We are the delegates appointed by' the Convention .of Cumberland county to . the. democratic State Convention, which . as-. sembled at Harrisburg -=this-day,-and mie : of us was a member of the countY-ConVen -tion by which we were appointed,, It is strongly stated in the article in question that our appointment was a signal' rebuke to Mt.' Penrose,'and that it is'tvidence that he has been "repudiated" by his "consti tuency." We,.do Unheeitatingly, declare. such a statement to be 'wholly. destitute : of foundation:. - • .. i.:4 . : We are the personal antl.politial friends. of Mr. Penrose, andTreferred'hislappoint- • meat to a place in .the cabinet of .General nutrition to that Otany other indiVidual iti this state. ..:- '':. ' . • ' : • . • The Cumberland county ctnivolitio# nn initnouslyinsiructed*,the conferees appoint ed- to - fix.the'iienatorial• delegatee for the district to siipPert-tlie' appointment of F. Wattai,Esq.,, who was well known: as On personal and political , friend of Mr..Pen rose; and to liaye taken,a very - active•part in Urgitie the appointment of ,that -gentle man to Gen. Harrison ' scabinet. • . - • It is- due to, propriety to correct cite statement of the, Telegraph, the-falsity of which is apparent from what we -have al 7 reaily siiil u anitwo do 'it`as an-ace ofitia:' tice-and-w i thout.- the-least-desire twengage in - controversy -or- promote-the--views- of persons • if any such there be, who seek to 'create "die impression that thei:e is diseoril in .the Harrison' Democratic_ party in this statevW hich-7-Was = never-more - united - than -- at piesent. Yours respectfully, LEVI JAS. KENNEDY.; - ... Nnfi.--Mr. McKeehan was not chosen senaloriat_:l.l.elegateiat: Talli!'_bitt_ was._ ap pointetLa ennfo . 'ec to' . 'isuivork.Mr..Watts ae senatorial delegate. ' • A:contraotOi — oillthOp - obliO iverks of _ II linois has patented a new - drill for excavat ing-- and. drill into. solid rock, in one day, to the depih of forty-nine feet. They_ have _ one, dawn East, which.is used for drilling•militia'companies, as well ._ • as rocks. r.or(be ffirakl 4st_ Zrpositor,_ • .ilit::.Editor:.-•4n this intelligent and en fighteried7community,—every -thing—which tends to prevent the diffusion . of moral religious information among every class of our population, must be looked,iipon by all good citizens with disapprobstion._ Of this nature evidently is the singular omis sion tin the part of those who have the di rection of our Poor House to provide a Chaplain or. regular instructor fur those who Awe kepk-away-,- -britarions-reasonsi 'from attendance upon the services of are sanctuary., Here •is certainly . a . fine field for doing good—the poor, the afflicted, the ignorant from the whole county are here brought within reach of simnd instruction in the truth, and yet it is witlihniden froth ..thein, so far as any provision is Officially made .for Children are growing up there, and nd. Sabbatli••llny instructor im parts, wholestime , . advice and counsel to 'them.' We have chaplains for our ,ships, asylums and other' public situations ; but here to one place of public appOintment where nothing of the kind is directly pro vided. The poor there complain of this; 'ouch good fright he done by listening to theirreqUest. • Will 'not the Directors take this matter into consideration ? . FrOmthe Pennsylrania Intelligencer: The Currency Trotibles. THE DISEASE. : Every body agrees that cannot haYe an,etclusitipa r ecie'euriency. lye must - theri - Itaye - a - nnxed - oneniart specie; - and part paper convertible into specie. 'Phis convertibility of the, paper part can only 'be poMitia/,-tiot-actual.--- - every paper had a epeeici dollar soineWhere, which it represented, we might as well have the Specieltselt. 'We dare not, therefore, run ourbanks-for-specie,-bitt-if-we-tvalkthere,- we can always turn . our pocket-money into change. - Nines serve all the purposes of busitiess,.. - except* for small amounts; and ivlten the banks have tltmpe4dO„,:tve don't want - it, lint we only want43vltettAey have not got it. Coofidenit,'.'ilkiecorec'is essential to the -circitiatina iif a nosed cur xency,,and. that want of confidence is the sole, cause,of thcc , present-disease ' of the currency. • •WHEMCE I'COOMES.. ' Look into our publje journslo, o l-a-,04- tain- class, 41)0 tlik.tmituY,Pflptire : to the G avern Men ergs ti , s . there , . y_ M jug -there - like confidence in thir'moneyed, inr atitti dens? ,1:11e.111Mk Of England burrow ' .to'.enabliOet‘• Maintain specie' payments; but thTEnglielt press .sounded no. alarei And •eausedt - no, run up_onihe Bank:: The Tad:slaps grumbled a little•about itirrorn ibeirnatiOnal to the .English: but the latter Were, harm)... thrice!) patriotic., and- true 00 : lbem ael yes. %V hen dtk.,Philadetpinie Banks, finitated the example bf the . English' Bank s did an- out Petineybtania pressee e even,' eland bv' theiii,or were Me '!dogs . of war" let . loose;:a.were• the , bale enidneipated,vie- . tims !Iseiied and 000 npon; their': IV; feral;, pyre ? " Perish eredie , —.. perish • • , ree"....-" perish' confitfenee"4llJetie niannted;freirn these die. fiendish:ea: ! - Ik# 43 , who professed 16- hb,....t:: .49 . 11 r f i1, 818 . 11' tol "aizetteers . qt RepOiters of, the 'GovernMent •Ponitsyitianin I These thints have Phased: ji lt" hi PsirYi and iliq. ingo(liary:or eenik 4nionell fame tlifir ' 'wile* every patriot tkuly.dpoi t ti of re-establiihiiig- - our mixed' tiltren !he toil° qt that . part of q tho' mai ohaotredt , . . • True, in private, some of these editors talk like sensible.dien; they sacri fiee their. iiihitiiPles to the dosiimed distiny which CoMPeis belie their better futirrrienT. -- Viliiiiitilitit hie!' the body politic has received is siill chafes: by the . me instrument_ which praduces_it.__Niit a whisper,eseapes the organs of destruction' of a repentant course. Notu relenting sign is vouchsafed . by; the genius that animates them. . ,- _" Cruel he looks, but cairn, and strong, ~,,- • ' "Like one who does, net sutlers wrong." 'Wedded to his errors, like the : " Salt-water pilot" on the. inland sea, who figures in 'Cooper's "Path-finder," not a look of hope for those:abnut, escapes his obduracy,,When the ship . of. State: is already'. among the .hreakers, and the ,arew'are putting up their lasiprayer: ' Change the' tone of the press and all will yet be well.. . \ If the English were.on our fronti slivith a hostile army of 10,000 strong, the e would be lesi distress in the: communit —less . alarm,less fear for the future,. There Would . be. unio n -con'c'ert---action; and these questions ot.domestic policy EVolfhl 'soon be lettled hi die iiiii3 , way : they can be settled. Families that now writhe in secret anguish, douhtitig 'of their. mo'rrow's - bread—their heads too old to work, too proud to beg— wthild , feel 'that Abell' Toe was wit/soul:-4.- They. would not feel, as .the subjects of Turkey, : that their worst ettemyis,theirosvh. Government, They would be 'resPited from perpetual goading for the sin for which they are -- punisheil—the_-crime - of having been industrious, of having saved something for old age, of leaving a provision for the Avidow._and _bread,_for. .the----orphan :.--tlie crime of havingtrusted_their pittance to . in!..": Stiititimiti created by, the Commonwealth, trtisted by the Comrtwealth, - weakened by her, and now to he destroyed? Shame, on-the tone of exulting derision with which some presses speak, Of the, misfortunes - pf thOUsands,.or the hylme'riticiti cant of others, affecting pity Tor ealamities_which 'they have.' helped : to : protlop.,, 'The warring savage is more merciful -when he destroys the.mother c and murders_the_orphana.whom, he has made, • than they who ., reb - thew - of the - support:of - life; 'and foretrthern in their helplessness-to exclaini. , Vhy have • we sense to know the curse upon usc" PCP We have.been . reluetantl.keeinpelled to omit tlie Departnfent this week. In ditr next we will attend to it. MARKETS: -,BALTIMORE MARKETS. • -•-• Raltilizore, March 15, 1841- - CATTLE—S6:SO to $7:75. • sstts_peCloo 7 l4s, FLOUR--$4:25 to $4:34 WHEAT-85 to 90 cents per buShtd. . CORN-38 to 40 cents per do. RYE-46 to 48 cents. OATS-2S to 2S cents per 'do. CLOVERSEED —ss. WHISKEY-1 - 111(1s. 21, Ws. 23. tircr,on ISriEe 19 cents exclusive of the MARRIED, OH the llth .inst,, by the Rev. John Ulri D ch, Mr. JOHN COWLY, to Miss CATHARINE UEY, all of South Middleton township. On the same day, by the same, Mr. JOHN 51.ENTZER.nf Frankfort! township, to Miss ELIZ ABETH SUZ, of North Middleton township. /On the same day, by the same, Mr. JAMES C. SMITH, to Miss SUSAN RAN KUNE, all of &Mai:Middleton-township. „"On the same' day, by the same, Mr. HENRY CROFT, to Miss MARY '44NE CHAMBERLIN, all of Carlisle. "On the same day, by the.same,-Mr. FREDERICK ELFLEY,Io . -Miss.-MARGARET—GOULD ; all or Carlisle. • • . • DIED, • -lOn t'ie 4th instant, at the residence of his father, iii.. North Middleton township, HENRY, only ion,of, llayid Katz, in the 19th year of his age. -:..• At MerCershergohe Rev. F. A: RAUCH, , D.D,., President of Marshall College. MEI Of the Cumberland•county Bible So6iety will 1:1(*, held on Tuesday' evening the , .28d Mat., at 7 o'clock, at the house of W. Seymour; Esq., In, A fun, attendante of the Managers is earnestly de sired;as business of importance will he Oresented for the action or the Society. The. township Com mittees are"respectfully- mines - tett- to- transmit- to the' meeting ,the result of their operations and the donations collected by them—also the names of per sons desiring to become members of the society. ROLIT—C. HALL, Cot.; Sc.c) - March 17,1941. N. 11. The depot for Bibles is atthe store of Mr. Richards, in Carlisle, where a, variety, both In En glitl and Gerinan, can be had at extremely • low prices, or gratnitqusli on an order from a manager, by - those unableto buy. Rooins for Rent. The rooms above the store of Miner ISt 11fulvany are for rent. Apply to March 17, 1841 Cheap Cloths, iS•c The subscribers will .sell ttieir stock- or Cloths .c.:assiinerea soil other Woolen Goode, very lew .fos cash. • • lIITNER, Er. MULVANY March 17, 1841. , . • • NoticE., • ~,T A VERIst LICENCE granted at the last...Coert are now ready for tleltiery, Etc, . /tOI3E4T SNODGIiASS, • , 1 • , , 7 recter. ,Cfhtt. Co. Tren - snier'n 0111 - co; Carlisle, March, 17, 1841.—.5t5 ~ ,• To , cill Claimants and ,persons interested: , Notice' i therehyliven,that wrirof Sidra Facia'. to April Term 1841, to me directed, lies hiten issued out of dm Court of ,Common Pleas, of Conbellood• County, following Y . Alechltnic'q Lien,nAn.: tered amt recolded the Court of C ommon Pleas aforesaid, yiz , - • - Jacob Money, vs.'Dayid Nelscin, contractor, and the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Chulch In the hot , ough of t, . -. • • . Se. hi', Stir. Michanlii Lien, No. 18, April Term, 1841: ; ' . , . , , , Collins Stephenson poll Daniel Dinkle b •tratling tinder ',the top of, .Stevenson Et. Dinkle, roe. David Neliop;iirailroctor, find,. Mrs. Catharine Creighton, Me n ohituieetiep, No, 33 AAit Term, IiAI2II.N, Sheriff: -1'4184i-43C • ' , ' , , . . e„ . : , - - BRANDRET.HVft • - Sc ..,,.. kfi 4 l . :. .,upp,l 7 ,jus ! .. F .,e! ): ,,g,,,t, t he.sidi4:ar, .:, - , , .1 -. -,.* i •:•:.., . •.•-• •,..-. „,•!--. ...,,,.!,,,'....:,:..--.,, 'CP,i.,PG II !; II I I7 ..'; ,;.-74,'""'CI:ii.it'i,i4,!:-:,-.•; ' - •.• n. r . AIOUSEI.I , Iiit — DE; • 41N., Z . kitilt*Otviglgirlegatit ,111,ouc 25. 1110 . 4% AR al 4 1 14, cli• PPrl.'4 ll/ ' • • „.• CHAS. 0 ' 1143 4:4, ilft- • At • . '14441.'fir,: =NM Bah. Pai ar GEO. W. lIITNER MEll IMIEI To the iiiiiectors of the Chmihott Schools in Cumbefittiid cOunty., \ - GENTLEMEN:—.TIfe following . stiientent is, made a accordancewith the, school law, phased in. 18313. I inn youm.respectfullv, . • •'• • FIRS. U. SHUNS, 4, • Supt.ComrSchools. ILarrisburg, February 23, 1841; - TIM amount of tax every district must levy.to title itself to Its share of State appropriation, is a min Fqual-tolit least GO cents for every taxable inhabitant in the district, according to the last triennial enumer titian itfildein llte spring of 1839. A list of taiables in each disirict is hereunto appended. Districts abut have Already accepted bonimon _School SyStera, and recelved-then- , :iliare-of-thelip!: proprilition for former years, will on levying the proper amount of tax, be entitled under existinglawd to receive for the school year ; 3842, which commen ces oWthe first Monday of next.dune, one dollar for every taxable.' Districts which have not received any part of the appropsjationOffermer years, but which accept the aysteni_for the first time, at _the annual election in March next, and levy* the proper amount of tax,. will under existing laws receive $4 40 for everymx , able in the district in 1835, and $3 00 foimvery tax able irt.1839; 'according to the annexed list. Them sumsi by a resolutiOn passeu April 13th, .1840, will remain in the-StnteTreasury-for-the.use of noitkle cepting districtd, until the first - of Novetriber, 18'4i and no, longer. • • • • • Number of taxable inliaiatantsfajhe several. School Dihricti clithe,countij, aciordiig. to.' the'enunie , radon (11835 and 15.59. • . . • . " 1835. 1639. • Allen,. • -.. •. ' 423-• : 493 Carlisle,.. , . - : - 783 , . 844 • , -Dickinson, • ._ . )508 • ' 623: ' Frankrord, , ' 2.91 ' 239 Hopewell, : . 204 206 • MechattiesbUrg, . 125 153 • -.Mifflin,- : 296 •-----318 - - • .ro Middleton, . .355 -.. 394 SnutliMitldfeton, . 4 62 423 • Monroe, ". . , .303 • 369 • Newton,. . • : 291 336 Newville ' . ' ~ . 152 149. East Pennshorough • 453 503 • :West Pentisborougit, • 397: __. 453 . .. ~ - ShippenslitMginarongh;. - - - 207 • ---- 821 - Slimpensbure -township, e 28' 50 '• • Silver Spring, • , : 969 ~.,-... 480,,, ' Southampton, =_ . - • 305: - 315- I! ---- -. ' : By 'order of the Commissioners. ' -,....1 .„'..:. Test:--JOHN IRWIN, tJerk. ..... , ..,: . ' . . tommissioners' Offlee, Carlisle,. - --- ,Marckll,lB4l. • • S - • . • Country Seat at Publie Sale,, :- 4 - :COMFORTABLE - FeliihMlsi;, sienated .newt Petersburg, mid Within /CM ile and a half of the York Sulphur Springs on - the - Carlisle and Ihilltmors- Turipike road , comprising a neat, .m ell built and mutt:Meat layge • ' •-- ft -.1, =-wl . . .. Two Stor y . Brick. . fru, - -.-:„. : .. - . - H ouse , , and 'back_bnilding, in thorough good reptile, with7a good Stable. stild Uft•riage7fluile in, the_rearbn,si lot-ofabont 100 feet frunt_by..lso...lbebdeep,-weßvi closell - wittr - ttew - pslini, ,- feneet — l'ltere - lii:a - watet right to a spring of goad - Nimter,.co!krenielit to - the house - on an adjoining lot. To a .persosi '%'i lib' would is ish a lite:want 'summer ietresst, and to be yelirest frolo _the busy_ scenes of life, bic. O t is, allbrd;.3 a desi rable opportunity. -r -. The above • will be exposed to Public Sale, o Saturday the '27th day of Minh, inst., sit i': o'c lock n P. M., —together with none horse carriage and liar lieSS (isearly - hew)tisillse - liousishold efiects - general- Iy. of the pre.seut occupantewhess- ternrs:wilbbe made known by '. . J. C. BRIDGES, Ag't. Teteribtirb-York. Spring, _2 March 10,1841. . S • aqi)vawah. • ALL persons indebted to lIITN MULVA NY are requested to make payment on on be lore theist day of April next, after which time theit ilboks will ; be placed in oilier hands for collection. lIITNEii &...I%IFLNANY. Carlisle, March' IT; 184 L NOTICE CONTRA CTORK TRe undersigned 'will receive. proposals 'tit the Old Church, on Saturday the Sd day of • April; from 12 till 2 o'clock, for the building of a new Church on Longsdorl's' Church-ground, in Silver Spring township, of the following dimensions to wit:-61/ feet long by 45 wide, to lie built of limestoni: and brick; the foundation to be raised of, iinestime to shout the hffiglit of 4 feet fritm the bottom, then to commence with good and sufficient brick a 1,4 inch wall t the height of 18 feet, to. be built after the plan of the German Reformed Church in Carlisle, in a good and workinanlike. Mailer, the iiintritBtor to, purchase all the. materials but the undersigned wilt bare all the hauling done. JACOB - KAST, ---- - 'ADAM ILONSHOHF, • MICHAEL KOST, March 17, 1841. • DISSOLUTION. •'. .The partnership existing beta 7 un the snbscribers, *as:dissolved by mutual consent mi=ihe first of last lYeeiernbet4..the hooks haVe been left in the hands of I.<l.'Snitth, Esq. fur collection, where • all those indebted td the firm•are requested to call and make . paypsOut.on or btifore tl i q let et . April next. • • •,. JOHN DIOOItL, • IARD ANDERSON. Carlisle, March 17, 1841. at .• N. B. Vie btisitwss is now coniffrcted by Richard Anderson, nt the. old stand, North Hanover street, wheru blacksmith work doll kinds attended to with despatch. SIIERIff)S D Y Virtue of a writ of Yen. Exponas to me rected,lasued out of the Court orCominOn . Pleas of Cumberland county, Wilr be exposed to Public Sale, at the lionrt House in the borough of Carlisle, 'on Friday the. 9th day of April, Vat, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described Ilea : lis • . ate, viz:— • All the - Interest - of - William - Davidson inztnici - lots of ground (being the muliiided oue-fitlh part) sittude in the borbugh of Newville, Cumberland county, enutaining each 60 fe t in breadth and 19.0 feet iu depth, more or Jess, having thereowereete,d i a_ TWO STORY'STONE HOUSE, n tiVO STORY FR_ . ME ROUSE; n. Tan house TAN YARD AND BARK HOUSE,IuId other improve ments, udjoining lots of the heirs oh' Robert Steel on the west, Cave.alley on the morth, Big Spring on the east, and Main street on 'the south.—Seized and ta ken,in eidentiOn as the prOperty , of William Da vidson. .:And to be srild by nu!, r 7. RACL MAJRTIN, Sheriff: Sheriff's Ofaee,. Carlisle; March 11, 184.—k ;• " ~ , - • 70.'0Yr - • _Take notice that ivt; flare applied to the Judges of 'the Court of Common Pleas,uf_ Cumberland county, for the benefit of the Insolvetit;taws of this Com men- Ilealth,and they have . apuointeit.illind4,the Oar/oil of :/peril; nett; for the hearing 'of our creditora v at the'Conrt House, in the borough of Car lisle, when and ivhere•you lnaY ati(Mtli if you think proper: ..• . •. • - • ' 'JAMES , .weCtititiN , WACTMA.I9 . , [5:. D. .114 'CHRISTIAN ItE - EIATAN; . . 'DANIEL 1:3010.rt, -. ' • , IV I CILIA I.IIGLEir, w. a.] JACOB WOOD;' ••• , ISAAC. 'JOHN STANTON; ....,.. • ,siIEDRICK. JOAN. notrEz, , : : , [w. CON.RAD JON • ' DAVIIVNEA.S.OII; . .ritEnEnicx-,pcitiLto.. ...• ME • • : IC , ~'Eatiite qt Acicidr - ,t'EI i TER§IICESTAtIVOTFARY -41!0:k5iIIN lA:jimob.SlMlfibittigiii into 11001:11Iiiicilemo. timeosisip; qiiiiitlo l lhipl"OtiukiiOseitsed; iiirtifig, - IMO Ate -the .I,slthic'rillie , Ncrsts,,s, is herebyot ilkystipiit, -- and i thosehating tiiipiOsent Chum for, setticiiiiiiiAl • ..111ICEI-AELTVISHBUIVIsTiViSIitte, 1 - 0; 1 ' 1 prize of ' '/' . .09,009 ifbilsrs. 1 do • , Z .. 40,uthi 1 do • 15,000 .. • . 1 do . • • /Q, OOO " ''...' zz z' - 1 do - . :, - 1 do 7,000 . , . 1•' do - , . 6 (KO . . 1 do -.- 4,00(1 . . • . 1 (10 . • . • 2,500 . 1 do• . . .•- 2;:irl, • , • ' 4 prizes of .- .. , 2,000 .. • • " 5- do . : .. . .1,750 .. 10 - . do • • ',• ' ' ~ • - 1,50) .- • _ 10 do . / • '• • ' : - .1,250 , 5Q do -1,00 i) "- ' • ' • 5Q ,'do . - : 500 50 do, 400 - ' .100. (16 - 300 . , 100 do - - - - - . 250 170 dd . " -- 124 do, ~.- - . 150 . 1'24 do .16 - &O. , • id biinv ii xyposx,7 oiti R f 7€3 . i'ickets $2 , .)--llailvei . slo—.Quort.ss--F l igl.dtil $2,50 . Cimii $ cotes of l'itekagLs of:16 t - % lioleTic4els e 2,40., Do. • ' do . VI Mill d 01.1,1 Do: do - 9.6 Qua: ter do '45 . ' Do. , do . Ski Eighth • (13 • 52 53 • • .' s Orders for Tickets atal Shares and Certificates of Packages trift be jairmidl)'l - alteaded awl as sopa as Ike s - vill• be larivarded toallsyhd - ordiff• from us- Address S. Ott:G . OllY •&.CO. 31anagers, . AVashirigton_(;dy, I). C. ET - TER.STF.STA - lIEN TAM' •oo the e.4tate • _EA of hoe of Sooli Ifidellotoo t iwtl• •Sliii),4...:unibuilintl_coulitv_qcalLsctl; vilig•_igsbed _ to Ilteitlist;rilicre in du o : ; NoTitt IS lior.fliy gi-Fen.tn all pet-Fonv k..ii; ;; te" or mid, decedent, to . make iirim; 414;te t, 41.11 those LatiiuD erAtil ‘ sto' live:4( 4 ;o t,lrm 1 . . 1% n.• 11 . - 1 • JCPJLI:M . I . 1 1-.l::x,;oth-rs.. .I.Acoa err Nztt march: 10, 1841. . • • UT2SUANT . tailfirovisioaa - rfilie'rid i trionwetiltbi entitlet4.9 An net to ' , swinish 11 general .. aysteni - of Cruntnsin Sdliools," passed the -day - of April, 1934,1 licrebV give notice to All the citi- Lens in the sm:erat a'ai . ool districts 1 - n the county of -Cumberlatith.to meet in-their 11!SiRTILFV1.1 townships and boroughs, at the Tlactis_where_tlicyjniolil eleetionshor &Teri isqrs ; Town Council, -and ' - stables, 011 the Tined 'Friday and 19th day cf Niarelt instant, them and there elect Two Cilizens_of each School District, fn serve-throe years as ',School Di_ reetors.or 'said° IXStritits l'espretively ;- Which elec a .' dons arc to be conducted and held in tilik.Srinie man lier as elections for Supervisors and ConstOlea are by-law-ir..-1,1-attl-calalact New Spilmag Gotias.' • Just received from Philadelphia on adiorttneid cf. . 1 36pritteevoUti, • of the newest style and ; .sfdenditl aqua . Silks'aad lliliands,;•Nftameljiru4 Gimes, Freopli worked Collars, &ie. Also, a large assortment of, Cloths, Cassimeres, , Vestings, Tickings, A . Checks, 4-c. C. All of which will be 61.1 very. Jow by the Subscriber • hf the old stand opposite S. 11'nuderlich's Hotel. CHARLES OCALBY: March 10, 1841 WITERE.I.S, tile I SAMUEL .. • PVC.: sident Jip,lge of the Cow t of Cotrariou Pleas in the OW Instriot,composeitnfthe c , •11, CeR of cum, berind, • Perry_ and 11.10n..-Istas.-- Stuart and JoI;z Li:krre, Judges of the said Conk•or Common Pleas of the catinty of Ctiniberlitudi have issued their precept, bearing date the 01h egv cf ' January, 1841; ,and to die dir,.cteil, for linkli - vg Cofirt of (leer. and 'remind. and 'General Jill De liveryontd.Gencral Quarter Sessioi.s cf at Carlisle, on the Second Monday of ,aprili .1841; '• (being the 12. th e. 4) at ten it'..clc , :k in the fergnoon : NoTtcE is hereby . &yeti to the Cermer,".lttsr,rei ri the Peace, and CoeStableS alhe raid ectuay of Cum berland, that they he Wen and there in their proprr persons, with their recoras t inyui itirun , eXrrriii,R tintis and Other rementhranceF to do those things which to their Milks respectfully appertain. 'And those who are bound by recogiatance to pro' Setbied .against the prisoners that are,.or then May lie in the doll ottumberland comity, to he then mid lie, in to Troscenii: liffiist-ihern its Le..PM.. Dated at Cprlisle; the • 4th day of March; . Nid the sixtysistliyearof American Indencaderce: • PAUL. MARTIN, Shetift; • ~ ... , , The Co-Parfnership hesytnfore exituieg between JAMES 130,11 tie IlliNklY 11 11ENEMAN-.- - Trailing under the name or" Beek and Ilrem itetit -.6,. was, by - mutual enbsent, - Dissolveil on the <6M. of February, 1841. All thMfe indebted to the Nee firm ;are respectfully requested' to :make ptt'lnett'V'on or b'efurc the first day of April .mxt: to Ileiwy 111.ene man, at the old stand, in New Cumberland, whia . itt duly authorized to receive the vune, %there also 41 :Clailns ageitst said firm ivill'be paid. • .1/ENlri 1111ENEMAN I . • .''., • . - t , - . 3 A:StES' DOAK, • • 24m:idk to, I I:4l.—sto . . . . . -.- N. ll: Tim. Subscriber continues die Dual:leis at the old gami c :Md . respretfoltreolleits a' share (CAM publio patronage ' 4LO'. ARAJtif#olo,llt . The, Tinet*lililp - ,iievelovo..exi ti kiv rig the • .Subseigherte -the litni ofF. ,11A.R11,, - 8e CO. is itisSolved by the tritlitirmi:iil JIIIIIOP , . :I)rt:ter..., The (Maki, Nett 3 &e. 'Rye in die of . S. DUNLAP. wjto , Will settle the busineas Of tli: late firm.' • , ' ° • • • '• 8.1.1111, • -' • . • • • • • VA .N lEL S. nuNLAP. ,NcWAillopWarall I's4ll—S( The.B t ore war fai - roatMuett by: 11:e Sittscri .lter, who -will he pleased to tieedmillnii, the e:elsto veers of tile old film, and thqufilia genrr . Ally: " " • HARR. Estate .of deceased: y ETTEPS, NIKNT AHY on, the% Ware of Intry f AlciebutliesLufg, =vied ,bartng isined to the sidiceribei• in clue &era .• K!wereeis hereby given to cal .I u ifich Lied .to • the estate of saiil.tleuesumilila make immediate pap. ' meat, and fltbie Luring 4lriihs3 to iireseettitern for' 6941etinent. • - . • "' •,• - • , • • • .Ton.). 7 •,COOVER. • • Esecutor of Altie±.l;npv, &Ott.— fit-184 " C4I'U • s• • - ; • - • -•- crrict iihbAfirirych,Vott unito?ii•intf i ttg; thaltor f itiooit pittpl, Calle, or any.,oeteei tliang; on or trorn!titit - Mount mpautl,nrity.,in 9 / 1 1111 = h6 l'"Wen"'" 631 p 1111q,1111li 41Wpt.raollit -- 'll,p'e,_c 3 fliti °nod 81;1401...plying tvhts,extielit to" mittelt, , , 7. , or to. my tv!itteit action as llama is amagCsit:iiiittibt Iztr by me to act in- these- touttertipot it* appoint t anyt•- , .-!: 1 / 2 , - , • IVNIL. . . Atiorstrynr %hp FarratTs'lic ItAccltstlici.olo4ll,l" riatAllittrz --• ME BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1,60'000 ! ,1530,080 $15,;000 • AND SIXTEEN DRAW? lINIA;DTS " _MAW° MORE PRIZES THAN BLANItg:' 'lntacorst Ltivaitearaz - Ctnita 140.1, fop 1841. To b 6 drawn at AleXOhdria, ' • April 17th 1841. CRANtIi NOTICE., • .. Estate of James'_Givin, deed. - PAUL tuentres Orrien, Carlisle, March 4,1841. S PROCLAMATION. DESSOLtTioN. HENRY TIENE.iIAN in ME II D lIIM