I=3=Ml P 01.1L'r IC AL . Democratic Comeistion.' . This. body met in the Court Iloutee on yesterday at -1„I o'clock, when • .• On motion of Joseph - Buffington, Esq. of A rmstrong county, • WATTS. Bsq. of Erie,_was. appointed - Chairman -- and - JosErn - Btirptvo ' TOM of Armstrong, and DIATIIANIEL CLAPP of Bradford, Secretaries; . ' The list of dele,gates, was then called . aver, when the following gentlemen an . -swerediu their names: ;- dilatits.—Peter Dielil, Col-B-SnYderi Thaddeus Stevens. , , . _ . I ock 000; .rie, Jas. Robinson; ihniel M'Curdie and William Young. . .thgnstrong,.—Joseph . Buffington, and David Leech. , •. ' .. d . ..1% Benue... 7 4Am jokey, EA., and Thos: Henry.. • . . . - k.. . .. ' Pedfard.--fßieliar Bard; Geo. Mullen, and Joseph ()Ringer. , • . ... Perks:-4riiii(lT: Gordon, 'Chas. Trox ell, Samuel Beard, 'EL F. M. Mester, and • Charles J. Faber. . . '• . Brarlford.—Natlianiel Clapp and. John C.• Adams.• • : • .Hazlett and ;Isaac S. Pearson. • E.'l': Ai'Dowell, B. (.Foulke. G. 13rniviland . B.3hoinpson. ' • " • Centra.-4aines T. Hale and John Blan chard. . Wo rral I, Win . .. i 3 akar, : Nathaniel" Brooke, Jesse C. -Dickey, A Barrett ; :-and- J..Fu they. Cumberland,--James Kquileily acid Le ! vi Morkle. • . _ • Crawfurel.--.-Noritian_Callende.Land_lo , . seri!' flays. Culuinbitt,—Joslitia AV. Coady.. Datiphin.Martin Kenilig and Jameb. Freeland. • . ti • Jthids B rook ,an Wm. Eyre T. 141 - • • - - In; At' Waits, %Vni. C. Kelso, And A. W. Drowsier. rwiklin.---Jasper E. Brady, - o ars9 c'..5... 1 Y.11 • Alleye.---boorge Dawson; Sico.. Craft_ and .1Q . 51/11agli.bampbell. • Greene--U.-I: flamer: - • --; 1-/uiitiagdon.—John Morrison' and Jos. , . • - _ _ • • In!lidna.—Jolin.:C mmin 5. Esq. and-.&Z. ERE - - Laticayler;—T h bs. IL Blirrowes, - Geo. - Ford, jr., Nathaniel. Ellinaker, &moil S. Patterson,_ Ge0...v.141)km, Jonathan Owen; SJ(111.• W. Groff and David Hartman. ./41aigit.—Heory - King, and G. A. Snge. Ly6nziag, . Clinttpz and clearfictd.—• Thaoras Wr Lloyd an(!, Robyn As C 1 ci~ln~s)s, ot3as d • L:tzerne.--Wth. L. HOwnann, John L. Ilutler.-nod Win. li. 'Alpxandor. • 3ltifiitz- a:1:1 Juniata.----Isaac Fisher, William Levi, and Thomas Whiteside. Eastburn. 1:.1:111, Robert freiletl; Jusvph Iluntsiclier,. and Jus. Kirk ncr. CLArli,',-lolin J.-Pear s/in qtt.,l :Vorthanzploii,#-A.- E. -Brown, Henry 1).. Maxwell, and James J. Homier. . IYorlhumberland;—rilenry Frick, and John 11. Pardy. Phibulelphia City.—William B. Re'etlp l John Price Wetherill, William F. Roone, Joseph G. Clarkson, J. Hall Wendy, Thos. S. Smith, Wm. 'Reynolds, Thos. Hayes' -and IL- S:Spziek in in. Philadelphia cogitty.--Thomas flielsl,-jr.,-Dr.41,1t,--MearOmmes - Titdd - ,' Bela-Badger, Samuel H. Tyson, Win; F. Huithes, Robert Edgar, John D. Nittestead, John Leotz, Daniel Fitter, and J. J. \Vat- . son. •-John Boden, henry H. Etter, and Joseph Casey. I Sehtrylkill.--aolin Franklin and' George Medlar! i- Sopiersot.—F- Kirarnel, Joshua F., Cox and David Gaston. Susquehanna.—C. L. Ward. rOgil and Polter.—.William M'PougM, Caleb N. Atwater, Union.—Dr. Taeob IYagenseller, -Na than Mitchell. Venihrko — awd - C , fritshingion.—John IL . Ewing, Aaron Kerr, Jonathan Lemiterman, and Samuel Livingston. • Westmorelancf.--Ll. Lippincott, James 'Moorehead, and Robert .Graham. York.--Jacob Kirk, Esq., W. R. Mor rie,. Esq.,, Samuel L. .Kauffelt, and Jacob - Latimaii.. • 11r, Maxwell, of liorthatirpron, moved . the appointment.of a committee of one from eaeli Senatorial district, to nominate officers' for the permanent organization of the Con i!Ctitiim, When the following persons. were .elipointed• said committee: Distrietlet. John Price Waled!, • 'Thomas S. Smith, 2. Robert Edgar, • " 'John D. Nineatead, William Eyre, - • 64 - .}I. G. Worrell, , 4. B. D.,Foulke, 5. " F., A. 111; . fliestes; 6. Jacob G.,Laurnan* S. S. Patterson; 'l'. H. Burrowes, • J.,it. Weidman,' John Boden..' - ThOmis Whiteside.. Joshua W;Cornly, `A- E. Brown, • • itiesandev, John Blanchard:: John.° 4iinms,-. Jasper Et Brady, T. Stevens, , , • F. M. Kimmel!, Rottert-Gra,harn ir Aaron Kerr, , Hugh- danipbell, 21m.Villook * , 0 1 6.1 - 101e14.; WM. F. Clarke, ' Norman.fikElepder, C. A.; AlOander, ,Tosph 10. 11. 12. 13. "'l4. 15. /6.. 18. 19. 20. 21. - 22. 23 ME 10112 am'l. `Viienn arion ---: The conyentitm then adjoutned to , meet at 3 o'Clocklo the 'plternooty APTEODON;.SESION.. The Convention met at ihree o'clock. ~ •117 r. Kerr, from the committee appointed,' , for the'purpose of selectinrofficere - for the permanent organization of the Con vention . . - madethe Tollow I tig-Rzroter -: --,-- _ , .. • InttSll)gNl': 301-IN 'MIMING, of Waallingtoo VICE PRESIDENTS. E. T. M'Doivell,:Bucks county', Bela Badger; Philadelphia,,:_.—• _Thoutai.A.:arson,_Franklin, Mak `john 6Villock, Allegheny, Tnotnas_Denry, Beaver, -• Henry King, Lehigh, Chester,. • Jacob. Kirk. York, • • David F. Gordon, Burks, George Medley, SchuPkill, . John L. Butler; Luzerne, Joseph Lippincott, 'lVestnnoreland, . George. Mullen, Bedford, ' • Isaac: Fisher, Mifflin, • . :.• ; • David Leech, Artnitioug, • Joseph .Huntsicker, Montgomery.•• . David Ilaptinan, Lancaster,' :C. L. Ward,,Pusquelianna: SECRETA.RIES. . • lietry Maxwell. Northampton; • Joseph Bays, CraWford, Nathaniel El!make, Lancaster, J. llall Bready, Philadelphia. • The' .- report - ivits — unanimotisly atipted, . whereupon the person - a appointed to fill the - various posts, mokiheir.seats, Mr. Ewing then. rose and mede , an' able address to the C.onventieit, thanking : them for the, honor conferred upon. him, and re viewing briefly th - Cihuses iif the adminis• tration now in power, and the : necessity : for a-change einien and measures, if the.peo-, ple desire the interests, and lionocof the Conirmin wealth to he•sustained: **Plie . idirress ivas received with rapturous arpliiirsc. .. , • - , ..._ , • L Onli'fillenionpf. , .Nir. Ste r ile - its, the Convett-. Lion ',Lhe.n . piOtielleil *lb the noiniiiiition--•of perSolii as eatididates for - Givernor.._-____, .311r1 - ; - eeeli --- iiiiiiiiiiiite - d - Jolin*lftinVs, ' • Varsie _, 4, ildrmer Dean}:, __ _ ,4-L- x--, - --- - - - "'- - i - ll'irktei -.. ! _ . •-i A . .. . Alexander " - .:Cliester. - Butler, ". Mitchell,'._ • " . ' N.- Middleswarilli " Theynames-of-Mcisare: Markle. - warthi - Ogle-and - BiiireT-Were Tlio_vote.lwas_then laken-piva-vacciench member voting for the candidate — of hia clioice...w hen the following was-the-result. - Jowl BANES received 129 veteV HARMER DENNY - ' 6 147 Every Member, with the exception of the - - Allegheny_ County Pel:egation, .who were-instructed . to- vote'for Mr: Denny, and Mr.'Graham of Westmoreland, voted for Mr. Banks. Mr.. Darsie on behalf of those, who voted for Mr. Denny, rose -.immediately on the announcement of the vote; and moved that the. nomination of John Banks ur.-TthANl mous, which was carried by acclamation. .On motion of mr.Ard, the following persons were appointed- a committee 'to draft :reSolutions expressive brtlie -- :senSe: Messis. Reed, Brodhead. Cox,.Stevens, J. J. • Pearson, Dickey, Patterion, -Camp bell, and Hester. The co l t - 11014mo appointed in the Morn-. to report officers, were further 'in structed to report the names• of suitable persons to act as a State Committee fer the three ensuing years Several' adetirable speeches were ilea made, when the convention titok a - recess iratil _7 oclock. . ENENING SESSION. The e Convention met at 7 o'clock, and was, called Warder by the President. THE STATE CONIMMITE. .Mr. 'Kerr, from the committee on 'the: Subject, reported the .collowing•persons as Members of ttte State Committee for the ensuing year: • • Henry_Montgomery, of parrispurg, — • • Thoth - Us S. Smith, of Pl:l'l:delpshia, George Ford, jr., of Lancaster. Ilarmer , Denny, of Pittsburg. Win. 'M. Watts,:of grie, • john•G:. Miles ; a[Huntinodon; `. :LAT' •'N .olinTuggart, of . 4orthOmber) Charles.Troxel, ofTeadipg, Jacob AVeygantli, of Easton, William 'F. Hughes, of Philadelphia county. • • . -The report was adopted-and the commit tee discharged. i • . P - Mr. Reed,. fromt the committeoAtppoint ed to prepare resolutions expressive of the sense of - ; the convention, reported the fol lowing, which were' tenaniwtisly adopted: • Resolved, That this convention repre 7 lenting.the great Democratic party, which, on the. 30th . of October last, achieved a glorious victory in the dee:tido of Gen. WM. H: HARRISON, the time-honored .soldier of the North-western, war appeal: to their constituents, a majority of the 'rime pie Of .this common wealth,:entlitiveke-a fair and cordial support to his adininistra don, thus tar characterized by solicitude for the public good.! ',. •That.the ap peel thus made is justified by the past career of.a veteran pa., whit. against 'word of just re• prOaah hue ever been, interedi_antl.who the . , 4th of, Meich. 1841, swearing . to sup port the Conaiittnion and the Laws.` - iti the. face.,;of.„day.,nad before:cassembled thons• ends - of glad and grateracptintrymen:• . o.- Muncie& the principles, whiali should guide his edditnistratiOn s end proclaimed the pure principles --of democracy which he,. had learned' in youth mid ,which: in age he has not,finritten.: ' Resolved, . That to render that support. effectual. and ,to. accomplish the permanent deliVeranee pf, this State from the thraldom by wide!) it hattleen so long .operessed, it is necessary that the State Administration should be shanged? an& the same principle of wholeiome'reform which is now p pplied to abuse, at Washington be applied' to abtf4 ailltirrisburg. . ,i4sOlved, That. in the opinion' of , thitf - Vonientlon, a large ,majority of ihk people EEO • ,- 4 - I).t - ".w.i4:.t..44 - O.T. of- this' dominion wealth, 'have • Withdrawn their confidence froOthe . present State'EX eeut.i.rei;-Who, by the Ouse , of the '.;power ' entrusted ',:to ' hue . alienate d the 'geed) feeling of those tvhe once'eanfided in' him, I has misapplied the patronage which thei, .constitution .confers .by' bestowing honor and office on. individuals.,*confessedly_int iiiinithy,"and;foreing-the:-Poople -painfully - to ',realize that the !motions the law *Meer.: - on them are hi hire no alleviation in the honesty. and ability ofpublic agents.. That the expenses of the State Government;and especially of the - admin-'„ istration of the public works,:yvhich are exclusively under the c harge of the Execte. , live, have increased, ,are. Increasing, Might 'tre - birditninislied—having reached that point- w here Lenihrrance -ceasesi- and where, the people wilt be forced to decide, vides§ immediate and thorough Reform be instituted, whether a favoriW,policy:shall be abandoned or new Contriblitiens be made by an impoverished people to its support. Resolved, That the number of agents ou the public, works ,ought, in the ,opinion •of this convention, at, once to he.reduced, and' the useiesS• army of office-Holders on the canals and railroads be. disbanded, so 'that 'revenue may meet expenditure and the pu,b-. lic purse be relieved from the'dear suppoll of those who receive wages - without' doing work' to earn them, and the rules Of econo my which regulate each hardworking man's private family be applied to the household of the State. lEEE ResOlied, That this convention' knows no mode-of effecting these•refertne, anti this retrenclimeritotputronage-and expenso,lMt btr a change of. the Executive, as the pet) . - ple andthe Legislature have been made to realize that the . 4kresent Gilvernur semi I je7ctions iif.all.tneasures which have aten 7. tlenty, to IReform7a if is 'pledged by. his past acts and tidscrtipulons use of the veto . power to - resist all attempts to reduce his' patronage, such as the peopleilernanti, anil the People's Repre§entatives have_apptitiV;.! ed, Resolved, 'That by _ the acts 010 M .tx-. 1 -evutive ilie'peuple are - tatiglit to (1004 , the eilietmv-ttf-titelaws aridille_c_eettainty_witik Which punishment otiglit_to foltowndmitted erinr..antLitave [witnessed- tlis --degrading - , p . rostittiTion of merciful prerogative to - afford immunity al -slander—the vitilition-of - Julieial ruiesby a [maim beforetrial,inid a general warrant to a-licentious - pi•ess to defame as:Much — as . ] it pleases, - So loud as tt . l secure - ii Ixe,u.. - Resolved.n,That it is the' popular voice which now calls.to deserved promotion, an honored son of Pennsylvania, a man whom the Pecrpfn.has trusted atuiwho never, has deceived them, a man unsullied integrity and cOmmanding . talents; pledged to. the, cause of: his - country, of Supremaey„of the'Laws, by a life of public service' and endeared to'. the "affections: of various"' portions of 'the. State Who know and respect him. Our candidate—the Harrison Candidate--the eandidat6 pledged to..economy- and. Reform-the Candidate' the convention now presents to the people .10H N BANKS of Berks county. - Kesolved,_ That the true interests • of. Pennsylvania -require - 'that 1)6 :occasion ....... U . uU irtie Pennsylvania doctrine, that Domestic in dustry should be • protected by an adequate tariff of duties on foreign merchandize, by which .employment will be furni4hed to Ame:ican industry, and perManent pros perity be secured by preventing the expor-. tation of the precious metals to, purchase foreign fabrics which can be better _and. more CheaPty manufactured at hoitttr,iiold ingr ont• the fostering hand of protection -1111-ourinineral-wealdr-he--fully-doleinffd and-obr industry -meet. iti2due-reward: Resolved, That Pennsylvania in corn-, mon with, her sisters of the Confederacy, claims to have, slid possess, her just and equal share of the public domain acquired by the blood and treasure of our ancestors, andohat,-thv present condition of our.Fi •nances, as. well-as the principles of Justice,- require, that an early distribution .of the sales, of the. Public Lands should be made tornaitnain the credit of the commonwealth, and relieve her citizens from taxation. Resolved,' That this.. convention, - new about to separbte, pledges those whom it re wesents to Kealous_and_resolufe-cooperh- tied/in the spirit of the contest of 'lB4O, from this day forth till the electi oty shall be decided, aril - imploring the blessings of Providence- on its 'labors, confidentlylrust under Providence to the efficacy of that harmonious aCtion, had - stayed the Natiorr, and will save the State. Resolved, That it be reVetrimendesl_ to Alieltlemorratie Morrison party of,theseve7 rul. counties of tide commonwealth, to meet forthwith in their respective counties and • organize by:appointing county committees and committees of vigilance ',re spective Wards; townships and districts. . The thanks Of 'the - convention were, on motion" of -111 1 r. feed, voted to the `members of the late State Committee for their active exertions during . the late eampajga. : ,..• On motion of Mi. Ford,l„vottfof-titatikv . .wa give nto tOTPresident - -*ndtother ,offi verb ofthe.,,Convention, ter the. Ola_and. impartial maner : which they had, per formed their. dutiey: • • . ' • Vhe.conimissinntirs of ,the-county were also retambered .I:9*i..their kindness tegiv,. inetbe, use 'el - the Court room to the dale , , gates. On niodue of Mr. Worrall, the proceed , :lugs of the-convention ` were ordered`lo be signed by the officsrs,,and ,published in ail the Democratic papers Of -the ,common .Wcalth. .* • After a number of 'able speeeliesfrom .differentmemberh.theconvgatioa : adjourn:- ed this die. . Rotation in Of upon the rotary principle," in polities,. she Philadelphia American' saya:---"The ne w locofbco M ayor Baltimore ' has sw ept Pir :every. - Whig from ' the .reeordi of that city.. Every man who is a Herndon man, or ia even euspeeted,of having sung a Tip• pecanoe,tiong,,hria been made , to 'walk the plank.k Plot one ie left, not even 'enough te, , eatie thi city, if _it should ever become ' Sod Tins• " corrupt. 111111C1Ont OM.; /1 pow ' • MOMali ME .00,:ii• -- rftl.'! . . . A !ti . :iti 0 i01, :. 4 xi. i .' . t.,.,: iglic.c.ita)n—Jili.'ackt . .peOli r 1 . 41h* i of fi c e' If hi; the I.lo4tTipe Or. the party enforced:l . ‘'• ' l' k ci• The i t the Legisla -- :and -.the Ranks,: . We a lay 'Or two:_ago adverted , to. the zstiffiirinedieditied-tiroureotetniinitYi;and #l!, kleCeroity of imMediate ictioo,.on the ,Part ii4r.Legistedie. We • !Peer to the to Pic,crom a _conviction' that ---it . is the :ab sorbinh one; and: that' we cannot better subsets' -.the !interests •-of out fellow;eiti zees, thobyrgingin. the most! earneSt itnaitner,•\rompt ara'definite-actieti. '..,State is qiite_as deenly• concerned in the result of ifie - Corrienr 4 'ititY-atlarie-,----Slieria - tfidebted - to - the - ex. I ! tent of $44000,600 (forty millkons ;) and 'unless SPettly Melilla in the. way' of remedy be . detertneed upon, she will. prove .re creant to hdior and integrity ier July next,. ' an :inflict ipoe :her own .binionr another deep anti dangeroui- Wound.. She is there , fore- boim&;itlirough liar ollicial authorities. !eVen•shotd& the people and their int ests [and . suffetingi 130 ., Iotally:tlisregar etl, to take proinji means' ul Vindiaite h r ()We', character, aid to; rescue a name an ulaith already tartisheil f from further injury and disgrace. ' We repeal. that hitt two mea sures can 'be adopted at the: present eto ment i oalcufated to assist the general' inter 7 eats ; and reLinspire . some degree of public confidence. small notes, so hitch has been said in fa vor of the Measuie, 'and so little of an atf: 'verse. character ciculated• to 'have any of-- feet, that ii appears to us Unnecessary to' re-argue the ,ttip. The community are foreett. by_the necessities_ of _the_Oase,_to. Make use of tht small notesof other states, and it onlkeemains fur,the ( things to decide, whether this condition of he continued, and thus our citizens - cotePelled,"tiot only AO . violate an existing law, but to do so at a pecuniary sacrifice, when both : these evils might be aynitled by the. prptept repeal of the pr 9-. hibitory tsw -with regard - to small - notes. the interesti: of 61.110'st:ties to those of - our iitte - , -- atididelaii [tie-injurtof - the - corn inanity ? iii felaiititi• to the . sespinsion; _there cannot be .two opinions-among - Iva , . sortable arid -unprejudiced....,men,". who are net wedded to - Wild an&,,im_prieticable. no= ' lions witlii.egard teit._specie currency; - iltr. Tilietittlifiii-legal w ithrintlitay; -- au - d - rthe _Banks be truide 'responsible fortheiroontlact to some future Legislature. . Give them ample time to put themselves in" bider.for a -permanentresumptioni.and also for a're vival of business, confidence, And trade generally. 'They were forced . to-resume prematurely,—tber -did-their utmost and in gotidlettli;.atid- 'all committees of exami nation appointed hy,tholiLegislature, are calculated only for delaya - nil danger to the oommunity. crisis is one.of'no com mon character. Qin:trade languishes, our manufacturers 'will seen be compelled to elos6. their ,establishments, and our condi tion generally is. rendered more disastrous With miry day that is permitted to pals by, unaccompanied with remedial : mea- Sures. • Again; thea.iwe adioxe, tug u km, peeu rallU IV I ill uue elect... Let them discharge their dtity, and the Go vernor will not, we venture to predict,. shrink from his to Pennsylvania an&to the people.. Give us small notes, legalize, the suspensioh, and thr prospect will speedily improve. But delay these measures , from - day to day,'frotri week to . week; and the _people, already. - opprestied and 'suffering . ; will he' still more vitally and fatally in;. jured..=-Philattelp/tia Inquirer. New York•Collector.-71Rhe New York Star of Friday evening . sayst--:There have been whispers, in Wall street for some days past of a ,defaleatton in the Custom House. Whether. the circumstance • warrant the use of the word defalcation, we cannot say ; but certain it is that Mr. Hoyt, The Collec tor, retains in his hands a, large amount of, money, the produce of seizures and of fees, which he refuses to place to the credit of . , the governinent. A correspondence is said to have taken place between the Collector and the President, the.. result of which is understood to be a' determination on,the • part of The rumor is that his resignation will be tendered -to day. : ' I The ground s upon which Mr. Hoyt re serves the money in question, are varionsly ~.stated; we believe„howeier,lat he claims a portion of it for extra services,.and. as ,lees properly accruing to the collector; un, 'der ttnrepealed' portions of the revenue law of 1790, and another portion as - a fund to protect himself. againtitioss in case certain 'seizures made on.behelf of the government, should be decided to . he illegal: . The sum total retained by Mi. Hoyt amounts, if we are correcilyinfortned, to _about two hun dred thousand dollar - 5:.,,8a4: . Patriot., • . lr tcrty it. cans dine; , -6The stAni mitract - ofaater letter to the Lancaster (Paj Intelkigencer. a Locofoco paper,, thrOwi some light upon the mode adopted during the twenty days resnikiption, to floor the monstei. The :New York writer says : • 6 , The Banks of ,this . place and' Boston completely outwitted,thoie of Philadelphia, in that loan businesi. The way they did it,wo fallovisi" The bonds giveti , by the Phitadelphii, Banks to those of, the. East, un d er the id ea that , they . Would be k,ept by th em ontird oe , wore forced into the Phila. delphia market, and sold 4at ,s! r discount to the brokers, who paid, for them by drafts on. the , city hanks, for which sppeie was immediately demanded by the