Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 10, 1841, Image 2
FroTuthe Natiorat,lnttlligence: --Extra. Inaugural Address -• • OF PRESIDENT. HARRISON'. ' .TiitfosuAx, - March 4, 1841, • .; i .,Called•frimn - a:retirement which I had supposed was, to continue for the, residue of my life; hrf'li tire - EThicF•Eiceu't' truce of 'this great'and • free nation, I 'appear be- . fore you, fellow'citiZens, to take the.eathd • . which. the constitution prescribes, as a tie- ' cessary qualification for the performance of its „A nd .in ebedienc.e3n custom.. coe Val • W o'ut GO re r innen t, t 'iv lint • • helieve to he your expectations, PprOc'eed . ;, in - Present to yon a summary of the. prinei- Pies - Willed% will goiern inecin the diScharge of the. duties whiettl shall lict" . ttalled I Upott to perform. • the remark of a Roman Consul, _idan burly period:Of tbat belchritted ,Repub= . lie, that. a most •strikine, contrast was ob.; : :•Scrvable in' the conduct „of candidates for offices, of -power and trust, before and . after „obtaining them—they seldom carrying out in the,latter case the pledges and promises.: • rita'de•in the. former.• • However : much . the:. • world may have i mproved',, in_ many re-.I - Spects,in thelapse of upwards of two thou :sand yeard;Since the 'remark was made by • the virtuous. and ithlignant Roman,, I fear thata/striet examination of the annals •ef. ; sonic of the modern.electivddoverornents,. - TWould developer similar_instanees of violat- - •ed contide l nee. .Although the fiat "of the people forth,' proclaiminoMe the Chief Magistrate this.,glorious Idol) „moth i nig „it pen their part remaining to-be aonn,'it may- lie thought. that:a:motive may exist to keep up the dr lusion under whichahey may be supposed • to•have acted in relation to' my principles and opinions; and perhaps there may he Sorne•in this assembly Who have, come here . either prepared to. conderrnk those I. s h a ll_ now deliver, sir, approving: them, 10 . doubt _ the sincerity with which they are uttered. But the lapse of a few-mouths will 'confirm • or; dispel; their fears. "che ontline 'Of prin . ciples•logovern, and measnres tobe adopt . ed, by' an . Administration not yet, bevsn, - be-exchanged for lim . yistablo his-. tor}': and I shall stand, either •exonerated• • :by My cauntryrnen,,or clas.r,red- whit- the •those promised-tit-at-, they , : • might deceive an d :clattered With 'the inten tion -to betray, However stronginny be my present puT : pose to realize. the expectans ()fa magna-: & nimous -and _confiding people, I too well • 'understand the infirmities of Introan nature, • and the dangeroustemptations to which 1 . •Shall he exposed front the magnittula of the power which it' has been the pleasure of he pool:10;10 commit to my hands,: not to • place my chief contidll-( 2T , (11/01), the . , aid of that Almighty. Power which has hitherto . • • • .protected tile r :lnd enabled Mato briog to • favorable islTnes other int - portant, hut still ' inforior,tr'usts, heretofore confided to tilt' by tiny country. The broad foundation upon which our constitution rests, being the pcople-,--a breath of theirs •having made; as a breath can unmake, - Change, or modify - it-=it - ran , be assigned to_none of tt,e. great divisions or Government but to that or Democracy. .If such is its. theory; those who are called, upon its 'administer it must recognise, as 'its ' leading principle, the duty of shaping their measures so as to ,produce the greatest • good to the greatest number.' •But,• with theseAroad admissions, if.we could com pare the sovereignty acknowledged to ex ist in the mass of . Our people, with the 'power 'claimed by.other sovereignties, even --by- those-iv - hieii - have b4n cotAdered MO - st . purely- democratic, we shall' find- a :most • essential (Wren:lle:o. All others - TaP-elaim Ao„.power..litnited .only by: their-,oWn will. . • The majority of our *citizens, on . the con . trary, possess a sovereignty with an amount .of power•precieelyequal to That which has ;been granted to theth by the parties to the national compact, and nothing beyond.— We admit of .no Government by Divine tight—believing that„,pso far as power is enncerned,thebencfirient Creator. has, made no distinction amongiA men, 'that all are upon an equality. and .that the onlylegiti • mate right to govern is an express grant of .power from the governed: The constitu tioti the United. States is the instrument containing o this grattrof power to the seve ral departments • 'corn posing_ . the ;Govern ment. On an examination of that instru ment, it will be l'eund to contain declarations `;"of pawer granted, and of 'power withheld. • The latter is' also, susceptible of division, ...into -power whielt the majority had the riff o ht•to.grant, but which they dad. not think proper to - intrust to their agents; and, that , theycould not l have granted, not ' being possessed by. themselves. In other.' words there are certain rights possessed by each_indiVidual..American_citizen, which, ' in compact with 'the others, he has ne , .ver stirrendire4. - - Some of 'them, indeed, ..• is , nnable to surrender, being, in the. language.of our system, unalie.nable. • • - The bobsted, ',privilege of , a Itomatrciti . zen.was a .shield only against, a Tett) , proviriaial ruler„ Mitcrat,otz-Athens-mittlet. 'self under a.sentence of death, for 'a supposed ; violation of the national. faith, •which no 'one understood, and which at times was the :,anbject - of. the mockery of all, or of banishment from his home,, and __Ns Country, with or without an alleged ; that it was. the act, notof a single 'tyrant, or hdted ariatecracy,'but of .hisits sembied emmtrymen.• Far (Kermit is the power of our'scivereigitly. - It can interfere 1) one's 'faith, prescribe forms of worship one's obseryauce, inflict no :punishment but after _well ascertained guilt, ' ;the:result ofittvestigation under' rules pre • ocribetlby,the 'coustitution ThAsai' premetts.privi privil eges, and thoeie..soarcel • important ; `of giving• Otpression to his ' thottghts ;and; opinions, either by Writing or ' spbakiagoinrestrained but tt.slthet liability 'for injury to:others, and 'that of 'a - full• par- • ' ticip6tion In:all the adr.aniages Which cloud ,• from the •Governmenl,Alic,sektioWledged. property of all, the. Ameridati citizen fie. o inves , frqs . no" charter granted:by his fed-•' low.tnana •He'claims'them'beasutte he .ittr •Itirtfeello Man, - 'fishioned by 'the Same Al ..tnightyhantl,-as the: rest .of hiSspeeles,• . .l AM" petitled , to a fultshare date bleseingdi ;~. „ ~~, . ' NotWithstandipg the jonited.sovereigtity ; Poriseisetl4)y. the people of the U. States,. and rieted grant of pOwer the - Go- .Vernment Which- they ..have adopted, e-. nough has been given to acconiplisli ., all the, objects .for which it-was - created,,;-, At-has:. been found owerful in war, mi t t, hit Justree.bas..beeenthninistered,:a`re..iiitima . tri cation -effected, domebtie .trafiquility pre- . served, and - personal 'see - tired to the citizen. Its was to he expected, however, from the defect-of language, and the.neces , ._. . . ,siteily - i sententioos•manner in, which the it grants,"iarmvesteil in the Congress of the constitution is written, disputes have arisen United 4ates.' ItwoUld be a solecism in 'i as to,the aniOnnt of power which was ae- , language to say-that,inty portion-of theie is tnally granted, or-. was intended to . grant- not included iethe whole... ••. •• • ' 'Phifs'ig:nitire paii . ‘olativ• the, - case in vela=' It- may Said,' indeed, tbetithe eerl - 8 11 - ; • r. . - tion to that 'part of • the instrument Which tution . ' has given the [ executive the Power i treats' . of the LegiSlaiive branch. .And not id 'annul the. acts of the Legislative body,- only- as regards. , the exercise ofcpowersi by reliving to them- his-assent. -So.a M- I Claitned tinder it -general ; clause, , giVing ., to •.milar power has 'necesiarily resulted from that briilythernittherity to .paSs••;rill laws - to ' that instritinentlo lhe'Jtidiciaryr and•:Yt e I earry ;into. effect the' specified powers; but . the Judiciary forms no part of the Legisla- in relation to ' flee latter also. :- • : ''.• • 1 ture. iThere is, it is true, this difference I Itis,-howeVer, consolatory trireflet that between these &mita of. power: the Eke.:, Most lof: the - instances of alleged departure . , , cuttve can Put.his negative upon the acts oft front tntt•• letter or the spirit of the consii i the Legislature brother cause thin; that nf . ' union, have ultimately 'receiVed therianC-want of' - conformity - Jo thtri .- onstitution lion of; l a-majerity of the people. And the while the Judiciary can only declare: void fact that many. ofottr_statesmen,. most_ dis-: I , those Which violate that instrument.' ;BMA : - tinguished fin' talents and plitriotism, httve .: the,decisionef the Judiciary final in such been, at oust sue or other of their patient :mease, whereas, in 'every instance where Icareer, on - •both•sides,of each of the most ' the veto of the:Exceutive is applied it may I warinlyAlispiited efiteStiebs• Ilitees.upon its'h - (F . 6 - I , 'iir - eo• - •fitiby ' - ii - o - le ofte : thirds of.both the inference that the error, if errors there ! , ,Ilouiegof Congress: •The negative upon Werii,, are attributahle•te 'the intrinsic tdif- 'the acts of the Legislative., by the-Ex-eau ic tulty,• in many instances, of ascertaining ' the:hien-111111 , 4-o f the.-fraM;ers_ol7.l.l.con“.l•!-- indi v idual„ : would , see m .to„.bnani ricongru tutien, rather-than• to the influence - of any ! ity In our system'. :Like some others of a Isidistur 'or unpatriotic motive.- I shnilarehara,cter, howover, it appears to be But the great danger' by our institutions I highly, expedient; and if used Only With the does not appear tometo be in a usurpation ! , forbearance, and in the spirit which was in by the :government; of power not grantedi,tended by its authors; it may ,be productive by the-people, , butby.The_aftetimulation, in 1 of great geed, and be foetid one of the best one of the Departments --- oftier whielrwasi paregnards - to the _Union. : - At - the -- p - el iod - of, - assigned to others. Limited as. are • tl!e 'the r formationof the constitution, the prin.- idoWers which haycilteen granted, slilLeiple does:- not-appear - __to 'have...enjoyed_ enough hi.vo ben . granted to constitute al notch favor in the State Governments:._ It despotism, if concentrated in one of the De-• existed but in twO,•and in one of .these there Figments. The 'danger is - greatly height- was a plural Ekeentive:. : • • . flied, as it luis been, al ways . observable.that ! . If We woUld Searclifer the motives which. men are jealus of .encroachments of!, operatedup p on sembly which f the ;puiely atriotic and Mt one department upon another than open I lightened asramed the con- I their ow reserved rights. • ''• ! stitution, for the adeption .. of a provision r\lh ill:-e -th ed-nsii tu tion- of-4 ho- - -Vriited - :: so- apparently- repugnant_to: the_leading deL - , I c.,7n tatc.s- li`r.St."..ctinie - T froin the loinds of the I momatic principle,that the majdrity. should ovention Which framed it, nary of the i goern, we , must reject the idea that they sternest lepublicans of the.tfay were alarm- !antioipated,from-it-atty -benefit,•-to:the-ordi--;, ed at the extei tof _ the_pOwer Which had:l:nary .course of legislation. They . -knew been grantedito the. Federal Goveintrent, ! too well .the: high degree - of intelligence' and moreparticularlyofthat portion -Which which existed among- the people,. and the had:ltem) assigned•to the Executiv'6hranch. enlightened character ol the State . Legisla- There were in it feature's Which' appeared ; tore, not to have the fullest confidence that not to be-in harmony with theirideas of a 'the tWO.bodies - elected by them would' be simrtle representative Democracy, or Re- I, worthy reP - resentatives 01 such constituents, rptiblic.___AntLArowing. tho_tenancy• of and, of course, that they would:requirono • power to increase itself, partictilarly when aidin conceiving and maturing the measures AZ:tic reised byipingle individual, predictions which the circumstances . of . the country were _made that; at'nrivery remote period; might require: . And it' preposterous to the,Government would terminate in virtual suppose that-a thought could for a moment' monarchy. It _would not-tmeonte me_ have beelf:entertained,Jhat the. President,. say that . the fears-tip these patCt.its . .have placed at_the capital, in..the centre of the been already realized. But, as I sincerely country; could better understand 'the wants believe that 'the tendency of measures, and and wishes of the people than their own - of - me - es-opinions, for sorne.____years_past,_ immediate •tepre.sentatives, who spend a has beeniti that direction., it is, I conceive, part of everyyear amongfifem, living with strictly proper that I should take this, OCT 'them, often laboring with them, and bound cm:ionic; repeat the assuranees.l.have here... to them by: the triple tic of interest, duty torero given, of 'my determination - to arrest - and affection: 2 • - • . therm,, ,the progress of that tendency, ditreally ex- ' 'l'o assist or control ;Congress, in ists, mul restore ...he g o vernme•nt 'to its its enlinaryJegislation, could .not, I con-. pristine health and vigor; as far as this can ceiee ; have been the motive for „conferring be effected ,by any legitimate exercise of, the veto power on the President : .ThiS ar the power placed in :lily hands. • gument acquires additional force from the I proceed to state, - in as summary' a man, fact of its never4iming-beenthus_Jmed-hy. ner as I 'eau, my opiniotiof the•sources•of , the first six Pregidents—and tWo of theta 11 ' .66;144 m 1.1611- lifave "beeii 7 . 4o.- extensiverY were metiibefe ofthe•entiVelitiett; - Mte - pre; complained of. and the correctives which siding over its deliberatibns, and the. other may be applied. 'Some of the fernier are having a larger share in eonstin - mating the unquestionably- to -be found in thedefeets• labors of - that angtist- body than-any:other • of the constitution; ntliers,,,in rimy judg-; person. But if WIN were never returned meat, are attrituable to a misconstruction to Congress by either of trio Presidents of i some of its.previsions. . Of the former above referred to, upon the ground of their is the eli g ibility of 'the same individual to being inexpedient, or not as well adapted a _second term of the' 'Presidency. The as they might be to the wants of the people, sagacious mind of Mr. Jefferson 'early saw the veto was applied upon-thitt of want of and lamented. this erioromd attempts have .conformity to. the - Constitution, or because been .made, made, hitherto without success, 'to errors had been committed from a too hasty apply the aniendatory .power of the states enactnimit. m . . to its •creetie ' . Then. .. re is'another ground for the adoption . . As, however. one • mode cif 'correction is in the power of every Presidem, and conse 7 i quently i I Mine,. it woulkPe useless, and ; perhaps ii %idiot's, to• enum4rate the . evili Of whiel,kivtie ,opinion of -many of _ottr, felfOw cluieti'S,ltifis error of •the Sages who framed thb-conStitution may have•been the source, and the bitter fruits which we - are .. ;still to-gather from it,•tf -it continues to dis-. fi g ure our systm. It may be observed, Ihowever, as a general remark, Ahat.repub ' lies can leomMit• no greater' error than to . I adopt or cOntinuo:Any features. in. their Ay-s -tem of government which may be Calculat-. ed to create or increase the love of power, '-iii the bosoms . of those to whom necessity ''obliges them. to commit the management of their affairs. And, surely; ; nothing is more i likely to produce . such a state of mind than i , the lona continuance of. an officer of high • .: trust. Nothing can be more, corrupting, nothing* more destructive of all thosehoble Jeding , ti,Which,_belong to the character-of n devoted republican patriot. ,•'. . . j . When this'corrupting*sion once takes possession of the burden mind,. like 'the love of gold it _becomes insatiable. 'lt is the ne ver-dying Worm . in - his bosom; grows with his growth, and strengthens with the do-. dining years of.its victim. . If this is true,' it is the , part of wisdom for a republic to limit the service of 'that officer, atleast,,t,O. whom she has entrusted the - management 61 her foreign relations; the, 'execution of her laws, and the 'command-or-her armies and' navies, to A period so short, as to pre vent hie forgetting that he is the accountable agent; not the. principal-the, servant, not. the master..:. IT,ntil an aifiednient of 'the 4 . . .. 'constitution can be effected, public opinion : may secure'the desired object. I give my i.aid to it, by renewing the pledge heretofore „given, that r .under no Arc instances,. will I Consent to serves 'sedondter.• \ m 1 . ,- ,:l3ht if - there - is - tlanp, , er-to - public; - liberty from the acknoWledged defects of the con stitution in-the- want 'of limit to the Continn onto of , the Executive power* the same tends, .there , :ieJAPprehend . , net:MUch leis froth •a, misiOtietruction4d . .that,:instrumeni;' as it ieistdellin . ,pnwni - acitially given. :- I. nannnt:enneeitie.llietibrs faireorteltOtioki.,, lity4n- -.e Wier. i,of ite,..piotisiotWsiOulOW • , i. ~.-,'"'', ---,'-' _ . ME ME MEI a..; . ,t , bU',.?,.:',%.2,,t, , , , : - .--li t , ~ *'(4 . Ir 4 f(.01 , Jr - niJiH r i :• •• , p . (it( nll. .moo _W v i .0 . 20 . . 1 i wc_+ (bumf to . ebn.ltitute the '1 resident a part ;of ; the 4t6gtatative power, cannot be Claim- . itlfronftlie\-,poWer, 'recommend,' bAtCe, although enjoined aa a. ditty .Upon „him, Ms - pil - vilege which he , holds in common with eve ry.:l)t h e Le it Oti gli Neve tnts=—, the Vropriety.ofthe Trictiatife's reconinientled in the 'one case thartiit'tligother, iti the:ob-, ligation& Ot ultiinate - ileCiaion there, Can ho no.,differetice,, ;1 11111,0e language, oldie :eop stitution, 3 ail the jegislative poviere.ivliio of the Veto principle, which had probably More:influence• in tecolDmending it to the convention than,artr'other. I refer to the' security which .it gives to the justand eqn itable_action _of_the_Legislatureport.all_ paki - olthe Union: , • . • . It could not but have occurred to the con vention that, •in -a country so extensive, embracing 'so great a variety 'of soil . and climate,.and consequently, of products, and which, from, the same causes, must ever exhibit_a_great_ditference in _the arrzent_o.f the population of its various sections, cal ling fora, great diversity in the employ ment'of the people, that the legislation of the'riajority might not, always justly re gard the rights and interests of the minority. And r thWacts of this character might be Passed, 'under an 'express grant by the words of the constitution,, and, therefore, not within the coinpeteney..Of the Judiciary to declare void. That however enlightened . and — patriotic - -they' might.:-suppese-,--frem past experience' the members:6f Congress •,tnight be, and_bsowever largely partaking in the.general, of the liberal feeling of the,peo ple, it was itnposslble to expect that bodies so constituted should not sometimes be Controlled bylocal interests and sectional feelings::- It was properoherefore, to, pro vide some 'umpire, from whose 'situation and Mode of appointment more iridepen dence and Treed= from such influence's ' might be expected. Such a, one was . af forded:by the Executive ' ' Department, con stituted by the constitution." A 'person 1 1 elected to a - high . ' office, itayitig his con- . stituents in everection, state, and 4plidf vision 'nf the Must consider hiil elf', bound by the .incitif tiolenin sanctions; to' guard, prote'et and 'defend the .rights of all, and of every portiOn, greet Or 'small; from 1 the injustice and oppresidon'olthe rest:, ' . I consider the-veto poWer, therefore,' • given by. the - Ithe Executive of. the'United. States, solely es - weonserva live power. .used only, first,. to ,protect iheC,cionstitution • from „ViolaOn'i itecondly,the'people• from the , elfeeffi 'of' bmly* h ire . their will. hail:loop probably-;.disregarded,'or not well under 14414;;Oid•iiti.trt117....,to_pre_rett.:_ttick.e6cts] :'oPcoolllio - ati olio', violative OVUM lights: 4 .6f . • I= minorities. •• In reference to thie seConitof these objects, I may observe that 1 ConsiiMr it the right and _privilege of PeOple:to decide disputed points .of the constitution, arising frciro the general grant of power to- COugresis to-carry- into; ;effect the •po . wers Aladisoiii•-•‘.that 'repeated 4recognitiens nif tier .ya . r . jesl.ciretiiiistanCei,'ln acts of tlip le gislative, executive, and judicial .brandies irf the goverruperit-,, accorn peeled by indica .tions irilliffcrent..iundes of the concurrence . of the general wilt of. the nation-, as afferd.; ing to the President : sufficient authoiltY for his . considering. such .dispulod. points .as settled." . „ • Upwards of half. e'century lei elapsed' since - the adoption of our present form of government.. 'lt Would lie an object more highly desirable than the gratification of the, curiosity of .speculative statesmen, if its precise situation could be - aSeertained, - .a, fairexiiihit niadeof the-::operations-of-each of its Departments; of the power's which , they respectively claim and 'exercisf, of the collisions'Whicli have occurred between them, or between the whole government i -and:those-of-the states, -- or eitheroLthernd We - could then com Pare our actual condi-1 floe, after fifty years trial of our system; with what it was in the commencement of, its operations,.and ascertain whether the predictions-of the patriots whb opposed its adoptibn; 'or the 'confident( hopes of its advocates have been realized. The - great d tea (1-=i) f-ther-fertn et-seems-0-h ve , --be en,- that the reserved powers of the St.tes _woublibe_absorbed hy.those_ofthe r _Federal G,overinnent, and a consolidated power es tablished, living to the-states the shadow, i only, of that independent action - for which they haktio .zealously contended, and 'oh the preservation of which they relied a;-., the last Inipe_ . olliberiy. _ .' . . . -- - - -With - Out denying that the result tohic they looked. withso much the_ result i apprehension is in..the...way..of being....realized,it. is 'obviOuS that they did not clearly see thel.mode• of its aceornplishment..Thie 'General Govern ment has seized upon Mine of the reserved rights of- the Stales. 'As 'far as, any. open. Warfare-may have .gone,4llo...statevintihori ties have amply Maintained their rights - ;- - - - ' l'otir, casbal observer,our .System presents no_appearanep of 'discord betweeit the dif ferentoembers.which . compose'tt.. Eve the addition of troity'new. ones has -pro -duce& no jarring:- _Fhey-mova=-in=their-re spective orbits in perfect harmony with the central_ headiantl , with each .other: But - theie - is Still an under current - at work.; lay' which,' if - not seasonably' checked, the worst 'apprehensions .of our anti-federal patriots will" be realized. And net only will the state authorities be overshadowed -by-the'greatincroase-olpower-iii-the-litx ecutive- Departnient ,of the General Go vernment, but the character of that govern ment, if not-its designation, be essentially and radically-ohinged, : .--------L--, 'This state state of things has been in part ef fected by causes inherent in the constitu tion, and in part by the never-failing ten dency of political: power - to increase itself; . By making tne ?resident the sole distrib. utor of all the ?attonage of the Govern- Illellt,• the fratiors of the-constitution do not appearto Wye pticipated at how shoit a period it wotd.R" . enome a formidable in control thefree operations, of the State Govirnments. 'Of trifling im portance at first, it had, 'early in Mr. Jef ferion's'administiation, become so power ful as to create goat alartu'in the- mind of .that-patriot,---frotMtlie-.Lpotent.influence7,it might exert in ontrolling the freedom of - the elective ftenctise. - -- If such - could have then been the eines of its influence, how much greater mist be-the. &toiler at thii" time; quadrupled in amount, asit'certainly is, and more completely under the control of the Executive will, than theit‘construc tion of their potters allowed; or the for bearing charattei of all the early Presk dents permitted them to make ? But it is not by the 'extent of its patronage alone that the Executive Department has become dangerous, bUT by the use _which .it ap pears may be mailei of the-appointing-pow er, to bring under its control the wlible revenueOf the coentry; ' :.. '. -- ----- '. The 'constitutiaqhas declared it to be the ' d i tty of the President to . see, that the laws are executed, and it maken• - him the Com -mander4n-Cltief-s$ the-Arnay' and -Navy. of. the United:States:4V they opinion of the most approved.-01hrs upon that speciesof mixed governmentiwhichi . in modern Eu rope, is termed ‘! donarchy." in contra distinction to, - "*spotism," is ,correct, there was , wa nting,, other addition to the _pnwers_o.our.Cltif_Magistrate to - stamp. a, monarchical claracter 'on our Govern ment, but the control of the public finances. And to me it ambers strange, indeed; that' say one should &obi - Mat - the - entire - con= trol which the irosident possesses over the officers who .gave the custody of the public money; tl , the power of removal with or tVithout. - -ethe, does, for all mis chiivous purposestt least, virtually' sub ject the treastireshl oto bis-disposal. The first -- 12miairEm i ceranlirbis' - `Mtettrpritr seize the.sacred reasure, silenced the op petition of the o icir to whose charge it had been commitfe4 by-a significant allu sion to his. swordt ' I ' '' . .... . By a selection o political instruments i ) for the .care of t ' übliU money, a refer , ,would be theirao "' scions by a President,l t onld be qUite a e' actual an argument as that of Cteser to e ?omen Knight.' :,I inn not insensible .(i the great difficulty that exists in devisin 'i proper 'plan for the tale-keeping and -in ursement of the* pub . Ito revenues; and 1 -now - the, importance, yhich has ben to lied hymen:of great, Vhilities'and patii i ' tothe.dlyoree, as it . is called...of :Me l '. .r - Bury from the hank ! . ing institutions - I not the divorce which . s complainedol of, . the UnhallOwedunion of the -, Treisurv- . ..' i 'the Eirecutive,De-. ,partMent,whieh'h pled suett extensive alarm. --- To.thisAdn rto our Republican institutions, and, that mated . by the 'filth!". ence given, to - that, . ecutive through the -instrumentality iof:t federtit - -Officers, - I : propose to - apply ell he remedied which *may he at ,Itny comi ty d - ,-;._,'-it'ciFai.ceitOnly . *treat error in thn f . Mere of the' consti tuilon, nOt to hail 0 e 'the O ffi cer nt.lhe lieadOtliii_ - _TteistirY aparttnentLeratitali 1 iridePendent 'titthtiE eutive:l/2'.1-leidiould 161 MEI • . .. , ... at leastliave been , :remoVable only upon•the demand; of the-potinlar branch, of the IA ; g h ishithr.,e. ~,,,,:. ';. ' • ' -..-''''.' ..•,. • 1 I hairedelerinined. never to remove a -tSecretary of the Trea'siiry without cornntn -, nicating all 'The - 'eirciimitances attending .-Lime.h . _rernoxil_to_batb litoises-Of-Lo' rigres • ~. The influence 'of :the ExecutiVe in -co& trolling the freedom ,of, the ele.Ctiv.e Iran ;raise • threugh the . medium •of •the public I`o llicers can' be - '6trectually cheeked.. by re -1 Hewing . , the prohibition'published by Mr.- Jefferson; forbidding their interference in elections further ~-than giving their own 'votes; and their own independence secured ! by an assurance. of phi-feet immunity, in exercising' this sacred friVilege of freemen under the dictates of: their own unhiaSsed. 'judgments. Never, with my consent,shall an officer' of thelieople, compensated. for his services'out- ortheir pockets, become, . . i the. pliant instrument of 'Executive will. '. . 1----.There-is: - ith - part of - the - means-placed-in , the hands , of the 'Executive Which . ' might 'be used with greater effect, for,unhallowed, i purposes, than the control of: the public. I press.. The maxim which our ancestors derived from, the-.mother country, that "the freetihni of . the press is the great bulwark. of civil and religious liberty:" is . cine of the, most precious 'legacies which they „have left us. We have learned, too, froth our own as ,:well: as the . .experience of other 1 countries, that golden shackles; by whom soever-or by whatever' pretence imposed, nre'ts-fatal-to - it-as'flte-iron - bothls , s of - Des= ficitism: ' .'The . .. presses- in the 'necessary -employment -of- ; the--Government,,-should never be tised "to clear the guilty, or to - 6 varnish erimes.'? A-decent and manly ex amination of the acts of the Government should be not only toleratettbut eneohraged. • Upon oter occasions I . have given my' opinions, at some length,. upon the .im- propriety offExeCutive interference in the legislation of Congress: That the article In-41e-constitution. making it 'the-duty:of. the President to communicate incarnation, and authorizing ,him to. recommend mea -sure-ay:was not intended Or inakb - hind the source .of legislation,. and, in particular, that-he --photild- never --bosiloskod—to -far -, '..1f - 6 ,--7 .' Tf - Id schemes of ;finance: 'lt would be: `very strange, indeed, that the-constitution should strictly forbidden one branch of -the Legiilittire iiit6elliting-iti - the - originm: tion - of . sii:-.11 bills, and that it should be - tottiidered'pro p tha raii . al tote th er - differ - 7 ent 'department. of the_Government should 'be permitted to do . so.• Some of our best political maxims and opinions have :been 'drawn froM our parent Isle. There are others,--,however, which cannot be-intro duced into our system without singular in congruity; and the production .of much, , mischiefr-7Andthis-I—oonceive- to be:one, No Matter in, vhich.of tbeAiousea of Par liament a bill.may . oviginate,.nor introduced, a. minister, or a member nf the -opposition,-by-the fiction- of law, or rather of constitutionaLprinciple, the sovereign is supposed to have prepared it agreeably to his will, and then submitteffit in Parlia ment for their advice and consent. Now, the very reverse is the case here, not only with regard to the principle, but - the forms prescribed by the . constitution'. The principle certainly assigns to the only body constituted' by . the• constitution (the • legislative body) the power to make.laws, and the forms even direct that the enact- 1 ment • should be ascribed 'to them. 'rho Senate, in relation to revenue bills,. have., the - right to propose ninentlinenteLandsci, has - thnExeentilreJrYthe - pewer given him to return them to the House of Represen -tatire-S; with - hie objestions; Alf NS power, also, to 'propose amendments in the existing revenue laws, sugerested. by his observations upon their: defective orinju rious operation. But the delicate duty of devising schemes of revenue should be left where the constitution has placed it-with the immediate representatives of the people.. For similar reasons.the mode of keeping the public ireasure should, be- prescribed by them; and the farther removed it may be from the control of.the Executive, the more wholesome the arrangement, and the more: in accordance with Republidan principle. I Connected with this subject is the char acter of the currency: , The idea of making it , delusively metallic, hoWeyer well in ' tended, appears to me to be fraught With more. fatal, consequences than any other. scheme,having no relation to the personal right's of the citizen, that has ever been de vised. If any single scheme could pro , . duce, the effect of, arresting, at once, .the mutation of condition, by which' thousands of our' most indigent feltoW citizens, by --their-.industry-and-enterpriseforeq.aiseilito the poSsesSion of wealth, that -Is the one. If there is one measure. better calculated -- than another to produce,that state of things so much deprecated - by all true' republicans, - by which the rich are daily adding : to their hoards, and the poor - sinking deeper-into penury, if is an exclusive metallic currency. Or if there is, a process by which / the char acter-of the country :for genernsity and no bleness of feeling marbeilistroyed by the ' - grent - inerease'and- necesiaty-toloration-Of usury, it is an exclusjukmetallic currency, • Amongst the Oth(r duties 'of a. delicate charadter, winch . the President' 'is called upon to .:perix'itm, is the Supervision 'of the government Of the territories of th.e. United States. /hose of them which arellestined to becOmponelnbers of, our great political family are. compensat6d by their rapid pro-. gress from infancy to manhood,. for the partial and- 'temporary deprivation of. their political rights.. It is'in this District, only where. American citizens are to be found, who, ruder a eettlediy.stem of policy, are depriyed Of many important:pOlitinal privi leges without any. inSpiring hope ,as to:the future.. - Their only :consolation, ,under Circumstances of such .deprivation, is Air ()Nits devotedexterior guards ofo .camp •-•* thst,theirsufferings Secure tranquility: m(l' Safety .withai... Are . there any of their countrymen 'who Would _subject- them to greater sacrifices, to any other humiliations than those essentially necessary to the se- , curity of , the object ,for, which ..thby thus, pepardted from-. their : fellow ',dazing - I Are their rights . . alone . iiiat,,,to be guaranteed tiy° the application..Of ,thoio,giecit principles upon alLoni.constitutions are found ••We-_are,'toltlib..,the.greatest of *Welt. Orators,' and;-Statesmen at the riteneeinent of the war of :the Revolution, , the most. sturtid.then: in England :spite of "their • Aliterican ',subjeCts." Are ,. there, indeed, citizens of any of our States, who have dreamed of their subjects in the , Dis trict of Colombia :SuCli . dirtains.ian never c-realize The peciple 'of die . District of Columbia, are': not the. subjects. of the pe_ople.of. the Stales, but. free American citizens. Being the latter. condition when the Constitu tion was formed; no words used in that in strument Could have' been intended to ~de= prive th'em•of that character. If theie is any thing in‘the great principles of-tnaliena.; ble L rights, so empliatiCally insisted :upon: in our. •Declaration of Independence;- they could neither make, nor the United States accept, a surrender, of their •liberties, and become the subjedo of their Soitner felloW Citizens,: If. this. be trueond it _will scarce; • ly be denied by any one who has a - correct . rdea-ofliiwown rights_as.anAnaerican_citi -zen,..thergreat br.Congreis Of exelusive jurisdiction: in - -;lll64l,istrict of -COltiinhia, can be interpreted, So far es..respects the aggregate people of the United States, as meaning nothing more thanto allow Con greie power-necessary: - to afford a free and safe exercise of thefunc tions. assigned to the General Government by the.CoNitution. In all other respects the legislatioN of Cohgressihould be adapt ed to their peculiar position and. wants and be comfortable with ,their deliberate opin ions-of-their- own-interests. I have spoken of the necessity of beeping. the respective Departments-of the-Govern-. ment, as well - as all the other authorities of our country, within their 'respective or bits. This is a matter of difficulty in. some cases; as the ',ewers which 'they respec tively.claim are - often not defined by 'very distinct..lines. Mischevious, hoWever, in theirlCndencics, collisionYPlTthis - kind may be, those tvhicla arise bettireen the • respeCtive, conimunities, - which.for certain purposes compose .one .nation, are much • more so; for Eo such nation can long exist without,the carefuicultiire of-those feelings of confidence-and.affection which are„ the . , effective-bonds:of -union - betweenfree .and 'confederated- States.. Strong as -isk the tie l i of•interest, it has been oftenn - found ineffee• teal. -Men, blinded by their passions, have been: knowtrto-.adopt-measures...for_theirl country in direct opposition- to. all the sug gestions of policy.. The alteinative tiren, is,ito..tlestrOy..or keep down - a bad passion by creating and fostering a good one; and this seenas to be ,the .corner stone upon Which our American f'politieal architects• have-reared tine fabricof our Government. • The cement which was to bind it, and per , Petnate its existence . , was the affectionate -attachment-between-alEits-inembersr-- , ----- , - .a o insure.the continuance of this feel ing, produced at - first by a' 'community of 'dangers, of sufferings and of interests, the advantages.of each were made accessible to all. No participation in any good, pos sessed by atiy' member - of an extensive .confederacy, except in domestic govern ment, was withheld from the Citizeolof any other member; By a proeessattend 7 ed with no difficulty, no delay, no expense but that of removal, the citizen of one might become the.citizen of. any other, and. sue, cesmively of the whole. - The liness, too,. separating powers- to, be exercised by-the• citizen of one State from those of another kern 'to be so distinctly drawn, as to leave no - room fol. misunderstanding. . The cid zensLof-each:-State--ritiite in- their person's ell the privileges which that' character confers, and all that they may claim as citizens-of the United States.; may_ in ito case can the same person at the same time, act as ,the citizens of - taro separate States, and lie - is therefore positively - precluded from any interference- with the reserved -powers of any State but that of which he. is, for the time beingo citizen. He nifty indeed offer to -the citizen of other States, his advice as to their management, and the form in which it is tendered is left to, his own discretion and sense of propriety. . • It may be observed, hoWever, that or`; ganized associations: of .citizens, requiring compliance with their , wishes too .niuch resemble the recommendations of Athens 'to her allies—supported by an armed and poweiful fleet. It was indeed,'to the am bition of the lea - dint - State 'of Greece to control the domestic concerns of the oth 7 ers i -that'the destruction of that confederacy and subsequently of all. its members is mainly' to be attributed. . And it is owing to/the" absence of that sPirit that the Holvetie confederacy :has for so. many years been ,preserved... Never ,has there - been seen - in the institutions of thP l separate members - of any confederacy - more-1 iro(nants-oifjiseord. Idthe principles and fermi of governmentand - Teligion, as well' as in the 'circumstances of the several can tons, so marked a discrepance Was,obser -vable as to promise anything but harmony. in theirintercourse or permanency in their alliance. --And yet, for ages, neither has been interrupted. Contents with the pOsi titre benefits which their union produced, Wit tr - tireir - Itt rinir ef7i:: eign _aggression which -it secured,. these sagacious people respezted the institutions of each Other however Yepugnant to their own principles an*iirejudiees. .• • Our Confederacy, felhati T eitizens,..can only be preserved by the same forbearance. Our citizens must ,be , cOnten‘. With - the • ex ercise Of' the powers with which the Con stitution clothes them. The attempt of those of - one Stoic) control the diameStic institutions of • another, can only ,result in feelings of distkust and jealousyi•the certain harbingers of disunion; 'violence, civil war, ' and the ultimate destruction of our free in stitutions. Our Confederacy is 'perfectly illnetraterl by the terms end .principleti - gov, - erninginon co-partnership. •There a fund .OV poweris to be exercised under the direction,of thejoint councils of mendierii - brit that,which has been re- - served by the individual members is.intan gible by,this eommen, government or the individual. .members - :•coniposing P.- To attempt It,-.finda nu, support• in the pritici ples .o.r.ourConstitutior. It should be Mir constant and earnest endeavor mutually, to' cultivate a spiiit.or concord and...jtarmony among - the yarinini:parts - olour-;Confedera- RY-EXPeriePoo - 41AUnditnttaught - Ps that; the' agitation by Oithienfolone.cpat( , - 1- the Union of a subject not confided to the General Government i . but exclusively un der the guardianship of., the local authori ties, is productive of no other consequences than bitteiness, alienation, discord,, and in furrie - the very cause which Is' Intended to le a vanceo... all - the-great _ interests which , aPpertain to our country f that of Union, cordial,' confiding, fraternal . is bylar the most important, is the only true and Sure .guaranty of all :the WI , ers. . , In consequence of the. embSrraised state of business and the currency, some of the States may meet with difficulty in their financial'. concerns. However - .deeply- we' may :regret any thing . iniprUdent'or exces sive 'in the engagements into Which States have entered for purposes of their own, it does to .disparage. the .State Governments, nor to discOurage:them'from .making proper efforts for their , own-relief ; mi"the_contrary,'lt is . ourAluty_te,mia9Urage them, to, the extent of our constitutional authority, to applyk. their . best - means,. and 'cheerfully to make all necessary sacrifices, and submit to all necessary burdens to ful fil their engngetnehts and maintain their credit; foi .charaCter -- ..and - credit - of -. the several . States form part of the character of the ,The ,re sources of the •counity are,almOdant, the enterprize and activity of our people pro verbial; and we may well hope that wise legislation: and „ 14. prpdent administration, the - respective - "Governments,—each-acti n, _ withifiits own sp I I!II!TtPI prosperity: . — Unpleasant' and -even dangerpus as col- . lisions may sometimes" be, between the constituted authorities or the citizens of our coentry, in relatiori to the lines which Se - -prate, their respective jurisdictions, the re stilt can be Of no vital injury to our insti -lulio-ne;11, thavarderit - patriotisin; that de iiktLattachment -to liberty, ifiat, spirit of moderation and forbearance for- winch our- - countrymen were 'opce distinguished,.eon-.. tinue to be cherished. .If this continues to bed the ruling: passion -of, eur. souls, - the I weaker feelings of the mistaken enthusiast will be corrected,„the Eutopiaa dreams of thejeheming politician dissipated, and the complicated intrigues- of the 'demagogue rendered harmless.- The spirit of liberty lithe sovereign lialmfor eyery injury which our institutions may receive. On the eiiii;7 4 irary„. o core- thatFaiibe used iffille''eeti: straction of -Situ { Government;-no division of powers',-no distributiOli_of checks in its several departmehts„WillProve effectually to keep us airee People, if this'spieit ~is suffered to decay ; and decay it will with= • out constants - nurture. f To the neglect of this duty, the best historians agree - in at- . -tributing-the-ruin-atall-theyepublies-with whose existence and - fall their writings. have . mede us. acquainted. The same causes will ever produce_ the same effects; and as long es, the love of power•is a domi nant passion of the human bosom, and- as long -as the understandings of men can be • warped and their affections. changed by operations upon their passions and pr,eju- : dices,-so long will the -liberty Of a people depend :on their own constant attention to its preservation. . The danger to all 'Well-established and --. free governments .erises from . the unwil-/ lingness of the people to lielieveAn its ex istence -- or from the influence .of - designing men,, diverting 'their attention' ' frojn the ' quarter whence can approaches- F -63)1" source Tferm which-itcan never come: This is the old trick of those who would usurpthe , government of their country. In-the name of Democracy they speak, - Warning - the -- .people against the influence of wealth and the danger of aristocracy. History, ancient and niudern, is full 'of such examples:- . . Ccesar became, , the master of the- Roman people and the . .-Senate . under the pretence of supporting the democratic claims of the • former against the aristocracy of , the latter; Cromwell, in the character of protector of ' the/liberties of the People, beeame.•the, dictator of England; Mid Bolivar possessed 'himself of unlim;fe - dpower, with-the title of his dountrY's'Liberator.t There is, on' the contrary; 'ho' single instance_ on iecortl.; of an'eicielisive, and well-.established„repub- • • lie 'being Changed into an aristocracy.-;-- The tendencies of all such governments in . their decline is, to monarchy; .and the , ati .tagonist .. ' principle to liberty there •the spirit'of faction—a.spirit whicl 'assumes the character, and, in times of great excite ment, imposes: itself upon the People as : the geifuine,spirit of 'freedom, and like the false Christs Ay hose 'coming was , foretold. by the•aviour, seeks to, and werelt - pos.,: sible --- Would; -- inipose - upon - the true .and faithful disciples of liberty. •• ' ':- • • ~ ' ---- it - 1111n-perieds. like this that it. behoves.. - the - People to-be most watchful of Those to whom they have entrusted power; And although there is at times much difficulty in - distinguishing the false from the true . spirit, a calnk-entl2dtspesSionate•investiga-. Ltion will detect , fille counterfeit as_ ell by the character of its operations, as 001021 , - sults that are prciduced. ' The true spirit of Wily. attfioligli—d-evotederseveririgs bold and uneompromising in prindiple, that , .. secured, ji mild and tolerant add scrupulous es to • 'the, menus i'employ.a.;: Whpit,the" spirit of party, ii , sspielog.te,be 'that df lib-. - , erty, is harsh. filidictive had' intolerant,... and totally reckless - isle the character . 01 ' the allies which it brings to the aid of its' . - cause. When the genuine spirit'of liberty animates,the bady . of a people to - alhOroptk amination of their . affairs, it leads' to, the xexcision of every ,excresence which : . may .have 'fastened•itsell upon any of the ..Der ' partments . of the Government, and restores the system to its pristine health and beauty. - But thwreign of an intolerant spirit Of party .amoniita'free . .peopld,'iteldom fails to, re-- - iiitr, in'tkVao_gerous accession io,theE3F,°6-• Jive power ' intraoml4and , established' amidst unusual 'profesiions of :.tleVciqb# P. •• democracy, , ' - ' - . 7 ' ' , •',.. i.” • • . The foregoing-remarks relate almost exclusivelit - to mittera. connected with "our domestic , et:Mem-Mc It may. he proper, however, hnt I , akauld give 'some • , 'indications , to..sny, fellow-citizehi o 1 my pi o0Ose& course; of conduct in 'the Management of dor foreign o _, relations - . ' .1 assure them, therefore, that it is my in-- tendon Mose every tneata in my licnVer to preserve t the friendly - intercourse whichi,pod so happlikstilb!. silts with every foreign. nation and' that;alth nglf, tr.., courseoloilvvil informed is-to the state, of,,nn "peto--. ing n°0190014 with' any ,of thens,l• see'lh , StAtIP-0 . , t.r. -soma &limiter of: the:Sovereigtio, as wellstahi. the mutual Wit-cal-of our own and of thc.clocernme4Al ,-.., la restore ere, wi =